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E20 // Brewing Up a Championship with PvPDavid07! image

E20 // Brewing Up a Championship with PvPDavid07!

S2 E20 · Tap Tap Cast
127 Plays3 months ago

Join us on Tap Tap Cast as we shine the spotlight on PvPDavid07, the 17-year-old sensation who just clinched his first championship in Stuttgart, Germany! (Well, his first REAL championship, as he did 'win' the Senior Division tournament in Lille.) The crew chats about which faction can accumulate the most new team members the fastest, David's toughest competitors, and what’s next for him in the PvP scene.

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Amanda //  
Martijn //
PvPDavid07 //


Introduction and Guest Welcome

Welcome back into Tap Tap Cast, our PVP podcast, and we have quite the guest for you guys coming up. My name is Amanda, also known as Lundberger. And my name is Martin. You may also know me as Inadequance, or the double fourth time regional finalist. But we also have the champion this weekend of StuGard. It is PeePeeDavid. Welcome to PeePeeDavid.
Another grab, you all. How are you doing? Thanks guys, thanks for having me on here. I'm feeling great, a bit tired from the flight, but we are still recovering and I'm doing better now. Yeah, I was saying that you have youth to your advantage here, so you should be able to recover quite quickly from these flights, at least better than us ah old timers over

Journey to Legend Status

here. oh But for those who don't maybe know who you are quite yet, why don't you give a small introduction and also your latest accolade to your name?
Yes. As I said before, I'm PVP David. I really like to play you PVP. That's why I have it on my name. But basically my story begins in Go Battle League. A bit similar to Boom, actually. So I started playing a lot of GBL.
started to like it a bit and then started actually to look at more like YouTube videos and starting learning how to get improved in the game and as I think it was around season four where I started to enjoy it a lot and then on season six I think I reached Legend for the first time. I have a lot of questions here. First off, before season four did you not enjoy PvP?
And what's your name? Also PPP David. So before actually PPP David was like a ah thing. I had a different name before back then because ah yeah so basically my brother and I used to play Pokemon Go when the game came, like when it got released, right? Like everyone started playing it. So my brother downloaded the game and we were so young back then. I was like 12 and he was like,
eight and stuff like that. So we shared the account and and the name was at the beginning was like Stockholm 81. That's the name. There you go. And then when I started doing PvP, I changed the name because my brother stopped playing. So I took the name and changed it to PvP lag as made.
people Ah, you the original, yes. I actually forgot. Yeah, now that you... And then you have to

The Story Behind the Username

change it. Yeah, we'll we'll well we'll get to that. David, I have to admit something. I don't trust people that have PVP in front of them. I don't know if you saw the latest announcement of the Perth Regional Championship ah hosted by PVP Steve. His name is Josh. Do I call you David from here on or is your name also ah Steve or Joshua or something?
No, you you can be safe. My name is David, actually. That would be even funnier if... ah So, pe David tries to change his name to PVP Josh because his real name is Josh, but it's already taken. Yeah, my name is actually David, so you have a lot to worry about that.

Family and Pokémon Passion

And ah your brother doesn't play the game anymore, but I ran into you recently in the airport on the way to, which one was it? I think it was. You were there with your dad and your dad was saying that he actually plays the game. And you told me that he's pretty good and he's actually beaten up on some people at local competitions and everything. So still some PVP-ness in the family. Right. that's That's right. Yeah. My dad usually also like before,
Pokemon was the thing. Usually when he was in my age, he used to like and play video games as well. So he was also like... He could go like pre in-depth into some games and then start becoming really good

First Solo Tournament Win

at it. But in Pokemon specifically, he has a job. He has me and my brother to take care of, so he doesn't have the time really. But I really believe if he wanted to try hard in this game, I think he has a lot of potential.
That reminds me of a part of man also brings his dad and his dad actually competes. Do you think that the next time maybe UIC for example, I believe registration hasn't opened yet, right? Do you think he could make it have him compete as well? I don't know. It's a tough question. I mean, he did it last year actually. He did. He did play last year. Yeah. Wait, what's his username?
yeah I don't think you can't even pronounce it. It's like a bunch of different words. You just, when you try to enter his name, you just put like ah some random words in it and you can't even pronounce it. Is it like Swedish or? well It's not even Swedish. It's just some random words. Okay. So I'll look on the bracket for something with a lot of random words in it. Gotcha.
Yeah, so he did Stockholm and EUIC, but he just played for fun, right? And then went out and just wanted to like look at my matches. Did he watch Stuttgart as well? Yes, he did. yeah So my family was watching at home because I went for the first time traveling alone and the um they were watching like every game. So that was cool.
Do you think that they had any regrets? Because, okay, this is true. You just recently turned 18 years old, so you are able to do all this by yourself, correct? Or you're about to turn 18. Yeah, I turned 18 like right. I deceived you, Amanda. He told me we have a date with David, and I said, I can't go on a date with David. He's not even 18 years old.
But but yeah so your your father or mom has come with you to basically every single event so far. This is the very first event that you went to by yourself. And it's the first event that you took home the

StuGard Event Highlights

championship title. And I bet a little bit of them was like, oh, to be there in person for that.
Yeah, but like the thing was like Stuttgart wasn't even planned at all. It was literally me calling like messaging Colin two weeks before asking if like there was like another spot to join because Maxwell was also apparently staying with Colin and he went by himself as well. So I thought maybe I could sneak in. I thought the flight like last second and Colin was like, yeah, there's a spot. So I was like, hmm, maybe I can go there and then. That's awesome. Yeah.

Future Tournament Plans

It's just kind of a perfect regional to just fly in real quick and leave real quick as well. Yeah, it was like close to the airport. That might sound offending about the city. It's just that the airport, the venue and the hotels are like 30 minutes off by car from the city. and It's just like you fly in, sleep, play, go. Yeah, it was pretty convenient in that sense. But like what like if you wanted to watch the city, it was like a bit more annoying. Yeah, that's true. That's true. Yeah. Where were you, Amanda?
Um, I was here, so my mother is visiting. She just arrived. And I wasn't sure at that point, cause we hadn't booked tickets yet when she was actually coming in. So I didn't want to be like, okay, sorry, you're coming in, but I'm not going to be there. I'm actually in Stuttgart. So I played it safe, but I registered for Birmingham. So I'll be there for that. Are you going to be there, David? Or now that you have your title, you're like, uh, I don't need to compete. We'll see. We'll see. Um, right now I'm a bit busy with, uh, school. So.
I was like, maybe I should take a slight break before... From school, yeah. i mean Yeah, it's not important at this stage. You can be a professional gamer. Yeah, take a slight break and then maybe come back for EYC, like closer to that, start prepping for that.
let's Let's talk about how it started for you.

Unexpected Victory and Worlds Experience

I believe the first tournament you started was a relatively easy one to win. It was Ljub Seniors. And that was a great time to be a senior, right? Because you just showed up. Did you get the full pricing for that? o Yes. That's totally correct. i see I just had to show up. And apparently I didn't really know what to expect, really. I thought there was like going to be some players there.
So when I came up there, they were like, yeah, congrats, you won. And then I got auto invites for Worlds and then also got the prize money. But I did a like manage to get to play in the Master Division. They invited that since I basically wouldn't be able to play in the seniors because I was the only one.
Do you know what's so funny about that ah as well is we were really trying to convince Boom to go because we had heard that this was sort of a thing. And that was the only one that he could have made it to was Leo. Yeah, I mean, we barely missed Leo as well this year. And I was like, you crazy, you gotta go, right? And it was like, I don't know. And then he just wins, right? This guy. But I mean, you're also very good. You've also won. So I mean, this is the real question. When you guys were just wee young tots underage, if you played against each other at that one, who do you think would have gotten the invite? Because I think you guys are actually pretty even scale on skill. I think both of us would have got the in invite because it was like first and second place. Okay, but you're not you're not playing the game the way I want you to play the game. I want you to say if you think you would have beat Boom or P would have beat you back then.
That's a tough question. No diplomatic answers. It would have been like some good games for sure. That's what I would say. That's my answer. I will say though, I would rather get an auto win than just going 0-2 and little.
Did you mean to say anything by that?
That was a ah ah dark tournament for me, yes. I went O2 in Leu. I went there also kind of inconveniently. I had food poisoning for three days long, and it was right before there, um which is a lame excuse because I just misplayed against no collection. I played insane by it against last animation, but I got destroyed by Anyway, um, what was the next tournament you play? Was that a world senior? Yes. So why didn't you win that? Yeah. So as you may know, I got the auto qualification and I went to, yeah, to London were at worlds. And, uh, it was, even though there was like eight players there, it was still kind of stacked with, with our right pocket and then Emmy wheedle.
But like no one really knew about Emmy Weedle at first. So I didn't really know it what to expect. And then Weedle, when I was paired ah up against Weedle, I didn't like know what to expect. I was thinking, like maybe he's not that great. But then he just slaps me with Iraq when with the court break here. And he just outplayed me there. and And then I lost to Waddosh barely at the 1-2 sets. Were you already teammates when you were there?
and Not really because like we we saw when Maxwell got like reached number one at leaderboard at that time. Like no one really knew about Maxwell besides that. So we like invited him to join us, but it wasn't like officially decided if he was going to be in the main team until he won the world. I was like, yeah, he has to be here. Right.
Yeah, I remember I was talking with the Sir Corey, because Sir Corey was on the the main team at that point, and he was just saying, I volunteered my spot even. like I know that this guy is going to be so good. i'll I dropped down to the next one. Yeah, he was going to play on like the Academy team, and we were like, hell no. He just won Worlds. like He's not going to play in Academy, right? And now you guys have Academy and Spice, right? And like three more teams, right? Yeah, just like Legends, Megal, Unai.
i um another one Hi police, right That is true. I mean you guys are ah The the tea and pizza team for the most part is EU based I would say although you guys do have some players like Javier. I think yeah mit mey right yeah and may um Yeah, just asking everyone but I don't know. I just i heard some rumors that you're going to steal one of our players, Martijn, for your team. So I don't know how we feel about that either. Or one of your 800 teams. They ask me. Okay. Oh, you know the guy. That's fine. Yeah. Yeah. So the team pizza team. Yeah. It's mostly based on EU, right? And we have, yeah, we started as a little small, small, cute group. And then, yeah, just,
It popped up right with me, with Colin also joining, like right after me. And then we got Memi, like it's, it's like a crazy team now, Colin, right? One.
three-time regional champion, right? yeah And then Nessa Beef and also recently won as well. Yeah, it's an okay team. And I think you guys might have the most accolades when it comes to... ah I don't know about that. I mean, this season... It might be true. Oh, I mean, this season, TM Pizza has done really well. Like, in the five tournaments, we have already three TM Pizza players, Karim that won, and then Nessa Beef and won as well. And then, yeah. Yeah. And Colin got second in Lille. Yeah, Colin got second. Yeah, I think that's where your success ends.
how but How did you get hooked up with the team actually? Were you brought on by Stan? Yeah, this was like a quite interesting, how it ended all because like I started when I started show six that was I got that was when I got introduced into self, like self was the classic show six, a grassroots format, right? So when I started playing, I played like a seven rounder.
And then in the last round I faced Stan. I didn't know who Stan was at that time. I like ah i just played GBL and then that was like the first tournament I tested, to show the the show 6 format. And after that set, Stan was...
like really impressed, I think. And then just said, like, if you're interested, have you heard about the faction format? And I was like, no. And, but he was like, yeah, if you're interested in joining a team, there is a spot open in Team Pizza. But this was like way before, like every, like when Colin was playing, Memi was playing, this was like just Stan.
and then Sir Corey was there and then also Elliot was there as well. I think I think I can estimate the time a little bit because it's also probably around the time. I feel like I was in the same spot. I came from GBL, joined some show six because like those blabbering on about it i was like, well, let's let's say, yeah, yeah, that was about the time. Apparently factions came out. I had no idea what it is. It didn't come out, come out for another few months. And but it was a fun format. I was like, either that or I was just going to join with the Scandinavian team and snowboard chapters at that point.
But I felt like I wanted to like chill a bit because like TMPs at that point was like have more fun and relaxing while like the Snowboard Tappers were more a bit tryhard.
That's actually really funny to me because when I think of Snover Tap, I mean, obviously they're very good. But I think that they're the team that throws the most shade and are like willing to like, you know, get in some some battles with people outside of ah actually playing in the game. They're they're always like trying to roast people online and everything. I think they were the first team that kind of like engaged in this extra war outside of ah the factions. Oh, we had that war.
Yeah, Snover tappers. Yeah, I mean, yeah, I don't i don't know too much about Snovers to be fair. I only know like the Swedish players like Galax Bolton and Danny. So that's why I kind of didn't want to like go for Snover tappers because I also at that point, I wasn't really familiar with the show Six format. So I was like, I just- And cause you hate them, we get it. Yeah. Cause you hate them. You're like, oh, it was Galax and Danny. Those two, gross. I guess I'll join T and pizza.
Yeah, but um I guess it turned out really well. Yeah, I'll say, yeah. David, do you know what a controversial question is? Oh, gosh. A controversial question is me asking who you think is the best player within TM Pizza. No diplomatic answers you have to put a name.
I would say that in terms of accolades, it would have to be Colin, right? like I mean, Colin hasn't done any worse this season, as the bare minimum was top 16, and then he got 16 LAIC, right? And then, yeah, obviously the three-time regional champion as well, like arguably one of the best players in Europe, for sure. Do you think you can take him on?
I mean, we did face in EYC twice, which was a bit unfortunate because me and Fareed and Colin got into the same group. And so I had to play him twice. ah You beat him twice.
Yeah, but and it was, it was some really close games for sure. and Like arguably one of the toughest games I've played in, played Pokemon for sure. Okay, okay. EUIC, that's... Let me see, that's your first top 8, actually. Well, besides tools, I guess. But EUIC was the first top 8. How did you prepare for that for that tournament?
That's actually funny because like me and Farid and Colin were going to prepare together and like build a team together. But when I came back or when I landed at London, Colin messaged me and said that we are all in the same group. So so like the like the idea of trying to help each other and build a team was no no longer like a like as like a point, right? Was everyone for themselves after that? Yeah, exactly. ah freak for all but Like the funny thing is like me and Colin basically ended up using the same team either way. oh Yeah, there wasn't that much prep in it, to be honest. a I think I stayed up at like to two two two in the morning to trying to find like a good team. and
In the end, I just picked a team there. Your run was insane there. I knew you were top 8, of course, but... Match 1, Pavon... Okay, I don't know them. They had a Goodra, Scrafty, Annihilate. Yeah, it was low-kick, Annihilate, I think.
Okay. but For the extra coverage, yes. ah But then Colin, Galaxka Bolton, you lost to Ventuski. But then you beat Colin again, you know, just because you didn't have enough of him yet. Kochchuck.
Zwylos, EJB, Stone Collection, Stan, I remember that battle very well. I guess that was a brutal game. And then finally it was Doombug. Oh man, oh yeah, I remember Doombug. Yeah, that match was... Yeah, I still think about that match sometimes, yeah. Like, I could have easily tied that game, but like, it was Doombug. Doombug is like one of the best. Were you in the crowd when Thunderdew beat Doombug?
I did see, like, I heard the crowd going crazy when they not lost that game. Everyone was about to pop off for you to beat him, dude. Like, not to to so rub it in. I know as a competitor as well that I always think about my losses, like, last weekend will haunt me for the next five years.
um but it's just so close right? Yeah I mean I was like it was for sure I could have probably beat him and if I was I was also like at that point I had played so many games I was like a bit tired as well and in the end is like losing to Doombug there's no shame in that for sure. Yeah that's I completely agree also I think that So for Europe, I think a lot of Europeans definitely knew who you were despite like that you didn't play in that many tournaments because you know people have had to face you in factions, people had to face you in silk. But I think for some of the North American trainers, like your name was a relatively new name. I remember some people saying like, oh, this David versus Goliath type of even thing, this newcomer to the scene.
And even though it wasn't really like that, I do think that you definitely got some clout as from EUIC on, and then you became kind of an interesting player to watch in ah in a different way. Yeah, that's that's actually true. But to be fair, like responding to the question with the clout, I don't really like I'm a bit like i'm an introverted guy and i like from from my perspective, I only really care about the people, like the my family that supports me, right? So I didn't really care what other really thought about me, like who's this David guy? I just focused on myself and I knew that I could beat anyone on a given day. so
Yeah. And you have this very like stoic expression when you play like even like you you make some amazing catches or like predictions of what someone's going to do and the other person's just responding and you just have like this. Yep. Like obviously this was what I was going to do. Look on your face. It's like really funny to watch, especially in comparison to like Martijn. I don't know. Have you guys ever played on stream? I imagine the faces are very ah different. We are not as far as I can. We have not faced. I think we have only facing gbl and scum formats yeah quite a lot actually in show six but not not to play pokemon no no i'm playing we barely we were we barely faced institute card if martine beat stone if i didn't mess up yeah i know yeah but like i didn't want to face an rps team as ah as always you were in a booktubex what yeah like for sure it would have been very interesting if we were faced
but Looking at his team, did you like I know it's hard to read read because it's a team and not necessarily a player, but did you have a good feeling? Like, oh, if I play against Martajan, I can beat him, especially with this team. I mean, it would have been tough for Cheryl. I didn't really think too much out of it, but I think the drift plane would have been a bit of a problem.
You know what, Jiff Lim is a big balloon of coke. It was my worst Pokemon by far at the tournament. I do think that out of the top four Pokemon, I do think that ah I had probably had the best team against you. um Yeah, um that's for sure. So when Stone won against you, I wasn't really like...
upset of about that. Oh, I know the feeling because I had the same when Fabio Pitinowski, I was rooting for Fabio actually, as if he was my son. like Please win, I don't want to face that team. yeah And then you lifted him up, you were so happy. I was like, thank you. Yeah. Well, that was ah interesting to share about like the speaking of the teams, like the top four or like the teams from the winner's side. Everyone had some like some spice or like some very interesting teams and they all ended up in the top four as well. So that's something that's very interesting about like in the Stuttgart meta.
Yeah. but So it was a really a fun way to end that max out meta because that was the last one that we can do in it. So kind of showcasing some different things. And you said that you were kind of relieved when you saw, cause you knew you could beat stone collections team. You had already beat stone collection once, but how confident were you after that bracket reset? Cause that, I mean, Yeah. after something Yeah. After I got smacked by stone, like Oh three, I laid three. Oh, when he beat me three, Oh, it was, uh,
Not necessarily I didn't feel like upset or like sad that I lost. It was more like I just need to find myself and calm myself down and just try and reflect on what happened there. And then... So why what I did was just ask if I could go to the toilet. And i play rps then just... Just try and find a new strat to play against stone. And also I did face... I have faced stone ah multiple times now, actually. I feel like this was the fourth time I faced him. So I knew it was always going to be like rough for sure. In Play Pokemon, do you mean? Yeah, in Play Pokemon. I faced him in UIC, and then I faced him in Stockholm. And then, yeah, I faced him in Stood Guard three times now. Okay, okay. This one tournament we did mention, which is Worlds. I
Initially thought you wouldn't go if you qualified, but then you decided to go. What what changed your mind? Was it calling sweet eyes again? Yeah, so I actually got a bit of help with from Galax Bolton. He helped me sell some stuff and that I had for EYC.
And then I managed to save up a bit of money and then we decided to go like last minute because people were like, you can't you can't miss Worlds, dude. And I was like, maybe. Oh, she told her to throw. So, yeah, that was a bit of a last minute decision as well. And um i was i was not I didn't know what to expect when I played Worlds and reaching top eight, that was kind of crazy. The Wigglytuff, were you inspired by me?
I was actually inspired by Maxwell's team. I stole this Maxwell's team and then I saw Wiggles looking a bit interesting into the Inialip Likitang core. So I tried to break that core and that's why I thought Wibbi could be a nice...
add into the team because Maxwell had Whimsy called as his six pick. But I didn't like Whimsy. Me either. Such a cool book. Yeah. Tell that to Kareem. Yeah. says say No, come on. You're going to lose one of your team's pizza members. I mean, Kareem, of course, because Kareem only wanted to turn it when he didn't bring it. That's true. all So that's the first person to tell it to. And do you actually I remember you because at the time Wigglytuff was here and there and the tournaments and everything.
But it was normally running ah Disarming Voice and Icy Wind, I believe. And you were one of the few people besides Martijn who was running it with Swift instead. Right. Yeah. There was some specific matchups that's where Swift was better. It was more for the pacing. I think it was like one of the key moves or like key reasons why I had Swift was because of the vigor of ah matchup. I think it reached Swift before then reaching to Body Slam or something like that.
And I just did like the Swift pacing a lot. there's There's no way you didn't take that from me, bro. That's what I all said. Good thinking. that That's exactly what it was. Just because otherwise everything getting to their charge tech concerns just outpaces you. The zeros was like nice to play out sometimes against someone with Swift.
I honestly never played this scenario. I guess I hardly ever led weekly, but yeah, it was definitely useful in that scenario. ah Top 8 of Worlds, I think that definitely marked your stamp as a pretty decent player, I guess. And then you played Cadance. How did you prepare for Cadance? Was that inspired by Farid? I see a Pangoro.
Yeah, so yeah, that was a bit annoying with the Gdansk because like when after Lille, the Lille meta was like everyone tried to like try and counter the top three teams. So like the meta was a bit unstable at that point.
And it was a bit rough for myself personally to find something that I enjoyed and was like, I didn't really know what to play in the in the chaos meta. I think Tonton and Swylus, all those things was a bit crazy. And I feel like I didn't feel that comfortable in that meta. So I just tried to find the like a team that I enjoyed and I asked Farid about some advice and he said I should run Pangoro.
But I didn't really like the team that much. It was kind of weak to dance bars. When you're preparing for a tournament, what is the percentage wise that you would say that you build your own team or you build around like a core or something that you like versus you know that you can pick up a team by another good team builder and you can just run with it because you are that mechanically minded with the team and you can already do it kind of without trying it out. I feel like it depends on the meta.
It really depends on the meta a lot. I would say and usually I have like one certain month that I want to bring into the tournament. And then I try to find, so that's basically what I do. I play stuff that I like in GBL and then I try to make them work in show 60.
So usually I do some scrims with my teammates, and we try to figure out and what else could be paired with that specific mon. And that's what happened in Stuttgart as well. So me and Colin enjoyed playing in Ayleep a lot. But we couldn't figure out and the other pairs with Ayleep. And that's where faji Farid came in and suggested his team. And we thought it was all right and picked it up. So it really depends, I would say, on the meta.
Now that you have made a good amount of money off Stuttgart, how do you feel about one more last-minute decision to go to Stuttgart with us? Stuttgart? Toronto. To defeat the North Americans. ah No, that's that's not going to happen. yeah um For now, I would say I'm going to take a ah small break and focus a bit on school and are are like real-life stuff.
Makes sense. Makes sense. I'm not dissolving at all. Does it, does it though? I mean, I will say Europeans haven't won in NA yet. Yes. Right? I mean, there's, but, so I'm just, I'm just saying we had nighttime clasher, although I kind of consider him like pseudo-European. He's coming to class, he lived over here for a bit. Colin, we will Toronto.
You think Colin will win? I mean, the six thing is sort of like a guarantee, right? Is Colin six? Toronto is known as the six. There's another thing guarantees. If Farid gets far, he will get second. Yeah. We'll get second for his fourth time, I think. And more time we'll go O2 with Wiggles. It's on my list of considerations.
Listen, we we had Marto on and it was like right before the event in Stuttgart. And he had shown Marto a team and we were talking about it and had Giratina on the team. And Marto was trying to convince him. He's like, no, no, you don't want to play Giratina in this meta. And Marto's like, no, no, I can handle it. I can handle everything with this team. He's so confident. And then Marto at the end was like, oh, I didn't realize that this was like going out beforehand, like cut it if you want. I don't want it to be like a thing. and And now, i when I've tuned in, I'm like ready to see how Girutina is going to do in Stu... Not even on the team. Yeah, Girutina is so bad. He's such a liar. What am I even doing here? Listen, I did scrims, Marowak, and Gastrodon just mowed through my team. I wish that for some matchup, especially with all those Charger Bucks around, I don't know why people keep using that.
But it was there and I really wish I geared enough for that. It is what it is, but I had to cover grounds a little bit more. and i'm so I'm sorry, hopefully you forgive me. I said it in the interview too. I hope everyone can find forgiveness in their heart for me. I will not bring it it to Toronto. It looks even worse now with Digsby Big Meta. Right. so yeah Well, speaking of metas, yeah, because it's swapping now. We're in the dual destiny. What are your thoughts initially looking over at David? Is it so drastically different or do you think we're still in the chaos meta a little bit here?
I think it will be some changes for sure, but I wouldn't say there will be some big changes. We definitely, we will definitely see diggers be rise a lot with the fire punch buff, right? And then the new added course a lot. And then I'll run sand slash, right? But I don't think there will be like a huge shift. I think Claude may go down and use this as well, but like I would say the rest will be kind of the same, I would say. Okay.
You agree with that, Martijn? I know that you've kind of been analyzing the meta a little bit. I mean, he wants to use Arcanine, so I'm not sure. Who said that? The only one who said that I wasn't Arcanine, I believe, was Pentu. I think he just scrolled through the article, saw an image where I said Arcanine is a big winner. I didn't say it's going to be good. I said it's more viable, I guess.
It's like clay doll every single time. It's still not good, but it's it's that it's almost best potential. and It's like two or three more updates and it'll be super good. There's season 69 and we will have a good clip.
basically I think Digger's B is going to be maybe not for Toronto or the first few, but it's going to rise to number one. Yeah, Digger's B will for sure be. It is so freaking good. It is good. It was so good for me in Stu's Call already. Like, either matchup is quite nice compared to like the other and ground types. And yeah, it did a lot of work for me.
It's just really difficult to count to like, okay, you have an ice type. Well, either fire, yeah fire, yeah yeah at even against bad superior against some bad superior, it can win. I believe the the zero and the one shoes, which is stupid. Yeah. The whole script is insane as well. Wow.
I mean, and that's also true because with the rise of the fighting type Pokemon, that is, I mean, you you don't want to throw a Rage Fist into a ah Digger's Bee either. So I mean, you're either going to have to debuff yourself or there's going to be some bait calls with Annihilape's or Primeape's. But Primeape doesn't also even want to hit to like a and ah Fire Punch because it's so frail. I actually think you may even consider shifting to Ice Punch just for Digger's Bee. Interesting, okay.
Of course, Close Combat is very good for coverage, but also takes long to get to. And I feel like it's non-attack you use a lot. Like, it's it's a surprise attack, I feel like. If you play into Superior, you can surprise someone with it. um But I don't feel like it utilizes a lot as an item. It's just really good to go straight, degenerate fist, counter down. That's what an item is best at right now. Yeah. It is good in two shields, for sure.
Yeah, yeah we we noticed that with the with you even going through the Claude sire. It's like yeah, especially with the stones Claude sire. I was like, okay, yeah, no worries here. I'll just keep ragefisting. I'll shield near the end here. And then you're just kind of screwed. and That moveset from stone was really interesting. He did actually use that in Gdansk as well. And I told him off that that move is not gonna. What are you doing? I said it was I told him it was crazy for running that moveset.
Well, hey, just right. Yeah. Yeah. And also a crunch on for alligator too. Right. I mean, I guess anticipating the more of the toxic effects. Yeah. He told me that it was just for the toxic effects matchup.
Even though they're almost no longer around. Well, every time I saw Claude signs and Tox specs, I was like, wow. Stone is really good here. And then I realized, wait, it's a freaking moveset. That's not gonna happen. That would be quite a bit, I would say, with the wrong moveset. Made Tox up a bit better into M for sure. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So now that you have won a regional, what is your next goal?
That's a good question. I would say for now, I would say my next goal is just have fun and just keep improving at the game. And we'll see what that leads me to in the future. But for now, I would say I will compete in EYC again and the Stockholm and most likely worlds. I haven't really decided on worlds yet, but most likely I will be there as well.
Yeah. Well, you do have the auto qualification winning and, uh, you probably have a little nice ah chunk of change, like Martine said, from a winning Stuttgart as well. So maybe just go ahead and put that in your piggy bank for now. But, uh, I mean, honestly with the world's top eight, it would be sad to not, uh, see how well you could potentially do in another season. I mean, this could potentially be PVP David final form. You don't, you never know. Yeah, we we'll see. We'll see.
And not before you face me for once. yeah Maybe at Worlds, we'll see. yeah um Honestly, I would just love to see your facial expressions alone. would you would ah Because Marto told us last week that he didn't do it during the matchup, although Lurgen did, but he told Martin to shut up while ah while they were playing. He politely asked me not to talk. He didn't say shut up exactly. But would would you...
Has there ever been an opponent that you've been playing against that have tried to engage with you a little bit while you're playing? Or is it also like you can just completely block it out, even if they're talking to you or anything? I would say there hasn't been an opponent yet that speaks to me. I think the only one I spoke with was Stan a bit in the OIC when we played. So yeah, with the bait situation, he asked me, did you just no shield my aerial A string in the head? They say, yeah, of course.
And then I spoke a bit with Colin when we played as well. So I just mainly speak with the friends I know, but I i don't want to be rude to my opponent as well. Like if they want to try and focus right. So there hasn't been like ah like ah an opponent that I've spoken with that much during the games. So if Martijn speaks to you in the middle of your matches, are you just going to tell him to shut up? I don't know. I don't know. Maybe. maybe Maybe we'll see a new side of you. Maybe you'll be goofing around, joking, winking at the camera when you're beating them 2-0. We'll see, we'll see. There will be a time, as someone does to me, what I do to them. Just eyeing all kinds of stuff. But I think you can handle that too. I mean, I think that there's like, that's part of the charisma of it, right? You give it out, but you can also probably take it.
I don't know if you saw it, but when I played against Stone in game two, I think. Oh, yeah. I think he winked at the camera as well. No, no, no. We stared at each other when he threw a crunch. That's what we did. I was like, is he baiting me? Oh, my God told me. and That was funny to watch. My plan said no. there was That funny as well, yeah.
Yeah, that's ah it's going to be interesting. do you ah Do you have any tips, David? You can also give me some tips, Martine, if you want. But as a first time competitor ah coming up in Birmingham, or if people are just even getting now new into the the scene, what are some things to take into consideration before going to your first ever tournament?
I would say practice, not just finding the team, but just practice, know your counts, know your typings. And I would say that has helped a lot when I've done a lot of like scrims with friends, joined practice tournaments from that guy standing there. But I would say practice. And then also when you lose, just try and learn from your mistakes and try to improve when you,
find some mistakes that you have done before and improving, I would say. And don't be like afraid or scared when you play some good opponents. I would say just focus on yourself and believe in yourself that you can do it. And that that will with with that confidence and self-confidence, I would say you can go really far. Have you played Pokemon games when you were young?
I haven't actually. You haven't? No! No, that's the first! What was your first ever Pokemon game? So actually it was actually Go. Yes!
yeah no i'm just I'm just following the PVP David trajectory, okay? So like before Go, I didn't play that much like that many like video games actually. I played a bit of Mario Party with like my family, but for fun, but I would say I did a lot of sports and I think the sports thing he has helped me into the competitive scene because I like to compete and win. And I think that's where like the goal aspect comes from. What kind of sports are you in? So for now I do martial arts, but before that I played a lot of football.
Let me see. what What type of martial arts did you do? Because I really am on the PVP or maybe you're just on the Amanda trajectory because I took Taekwondo as of growing up. I ah do a bit of Karate at the moment, but I would say like the favorite sport of mine was football for sure. I kind of played it a lot as in school and then I played it with France as well. And I also played in like the highest division in in the youth in Sweden.
So since we are similar that this was your first game and this was your first time probably learning Pokemon typings and what they are and all this stuff, what what are some resources that you think for people who didn't come in as a younger person and all automatically kind of absorbed this information? I would say the that like red the the thing that really helped me was said watching others play.
watching streamers, watching YouTubers. I think at that when I started playing, I learned a lot from FP sticks. So I would say just learn from others and watch for other. are Yeah, I should maybe like go to some tournaments and like cast over some things to get some practice to see like ah what people are running, how people are playing. All right Martijn, any tips for me coming in?
i I don't know. I guess David is the perfect example that you're not a lost cause. you oh I might still be a lost cause to be honest.
it's I guess it is what David says. ah David, you're so relaxed and composed. You need to just fle ah get a little bit loose, dude. Yeah, it is true. you're like a um You're very mature for your age, you know? like ah I don't mean that as a slam against anyone, up but you see a lot of the, the pogo they even joke around about it, you know, being a little bit like silly about being young and, and everything. And then you're sitting here and you're like a, you know, 40 year old and a 17 year old body is like, ah well, what you need to do is come back. That's not actually the first time people have said that before. I've usually heard that many times and I don't know. It's just, I don't know. It might be my personality. I have no idea, but like,
I don't know. I just don't like to be that like silly, goofy guy. I'm just myself, I guess. That, that, that, uh, that counts for something. It's working for you. I'll say that. I will say though, like silly thing is not always good. Yeah. I will say though, like when I'm not on stream.
you You will usually see me a bit more like silly and joking around. I usually do that with my friends, like outside of school, but that's a different story. You got your onstage persona. and yeah yeah Yeah, it might also depend really on like the situation, I would say. Like when I have to be serious and like have to focus like in school or when I play, I would say then ah you ah you won't see me being happy or like we will see me probably very serious. All right. Well, on that note, we we do have a very serious ending question. I have one question before that. Okay. Well, okay. We'll get to that first. Is it a serious question more time? Absolutely not. Absolutely not. why Why don't you guys ever wear the jersey? ah You didn't wear the jersey. This guy also said the same in um with God as well.
But no, in all honesty, I would say for me personally, I forgot the shirt. I'm not sure about it. You didn't even bring it. No. Yeah. Yeah. I forgot it at home. I was like, shit, because I was packing real quick. It was like literally the day before. And I was like, then when I came to the airport, I was like, oh, shit, I forgot. Whoops. You forgot. I'm not sure about Colin. I'm not sure about Colin and Fareed. Yeah. yell guys Yeah, me either about those guys. Yeah.
You're always wearing your jersey, Martijn. Well, I like a jersey, yeah. I like a nice black sweater too. that definite clear But I feel like if I want to... If I'm there with everyone from my team as well and they're wearing a jersey, I like to be... That that is no shade to anyone, but that's just how I like to wear the jersey.
So we actually have this discussion, of but it's it's because we have a couple of Smurfs, although someone's been stealing them, other teams, ah who have been actually doing quite well this season. And so everyone was like, not everyone. Some are like, we should get jerseys. And I was like, well, there's no way.
We can get a jersey with the ah the name Smurfs because it's already like a copyrighted thing so we would need to change the name if we did that and then some of the team is like oh we really want jerseys and half of the team is like I don't like jerseys at all I don't I wouldn't wear it even if we had it so let's not get jerseys so this season it's decided that Whoever gets the most points out of the Smurfs by the end of the season gets to dictate what the thing is for the next season. So they can choose like a name change, theoretically, or if there's a jersey. or So I think it's it's inspiring both ends of the ones who don't want jerseys, don't want any change. Also doing really well, I think in the top 50. And then Kofia also just ah did really well, but he wants jerseys. So now it's a neck and neck here.
I liked it. I liked it. Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes you have to change like because of the rules, right? So when our team wanted to have our shirts or jerseys on stream, we had to change our logo. Oh, yeah. I remember because you had the Pokemon on it, right? the mascot Yeah. Now it's just a pizza, a pizza and a teapot. Okay, Martijn, can we have the serious question now or you have another silly question? I have no silly questions for now. Okay, David.
We end our podcast with the same questions for every everyone. And it's a two-part question. And the first question is, who in the Pokemon PvP community would you consider a crebrawler? And this is someone who is like pretty good at PvP and you think they have the potential to be great, but maybe they're not super recognized at the moment.
And then who in this community is them a champion? And this is someone who's probably already well-known and you think they have a good shot of like winning worlds. And you can't say more time, but no one does. That's not true. Two people have said so far. So the Kruballer, I would say for my Kruballer would have to be Calvin, Colin's brother. So Calvin has like recently picked up the game and started playing and and and enjoying PvP. And I think he has a lot of potential. He has improved a lot as well. I think he may also have played a lot of of your practice tournament more time. Yeah, I think he's played a new test. Yeah, and he has done really well, like recently. So he had a bit of an unfortunate the situation in Stuttgart where he went 0-2, but like his game was like very unfortunate. Like he lost by one HP and he came down to like a tie or something. But I think
If he just keeps improving, keeps practicing, I think we will see Kelvin maybe beating Colin in a grand final. I would love to see that. Is he on one of the 800 Tien pizza teams or? He is actually. is Of course, yes, of course. Martin's going to try to recruit him over just so they can have the sibling rivalry on different sides.
Yeah, so he's playing for, I think it's T and spies that he's playing for, but I believe in Kelph. I will try and help him as well win Birmingham. Okay. You wouldn't help Amanda. Yeah, yeah. i see I see how it is. Fine. All right, David. I mean, you can always, I'm always so open to give inputs if you say that. Okay, okay. I'll hit you up for some scrims. And then for him a champion, it's tough. I have like two in mind. I would say,
it is probably it would have to be either wadash or marto galden i would say wadash he hasn't played that much but like when he came back he was like on retirement for like nine months or something like that almost a year and he comes yeah and then he he comes back and wins the regional yeah no Like, that says enough for me personally. And Marzur Gold is done. Yeah, he came 30 Worlds, one LAIC, and then one ah regional as well. I think it was like a Peru regional or something. Yeah. honestly Yeah. So like those two players at the moment would be my champion, one of those two. All right.
like good I think those are both pretty yeah pretty good choices and hopefully we'll ah see you at Worlds and maybe you be competing against one of them because again, both of them are also qualified. So if they show up, it could be pretty interesting.
Yeah, that's funny with Marto because I believe it took like some invites away from the latter. But if you look at it the other way, um his name is also not on the leaderboards, right? So I mean, people can theoretically climb up through that direction. We'll see. They'll probably just continue stealing from ah North America or potentially Europe. We'll see if it comes down to that. I don't think Europe wants to give away any more positions.
Although this is the event, theoretically. Last year it was Liverpool that Nighttime Clasher came over, the England event in January that ruined it all, that started the the competition. I blame Fareed for that. Yeah, as everyone should. I think EYC is probably the one to defend for Europe right right now. Yeah, I mean, it was it was a bit scary, not gonna lie, when Doombug... in the grand finals, but like, I believe in Maxwell and Maxwell. If he is top if he reaches him or another North American reaches top four now, that means they will take qualification, right? so yeah Oh, that's true. yeah Now they need to be stopped earlier. No more misplaced.
I also know Bockett is going to Birmingham, I believe. Yeah, that's okay. So, Amanda, might be your first round, because you're not suited any easier. Too much trouble, that's true. I have pocket. Easy, easy opponent, right? Yeah, it is it is quite nice to see with the new system, though, with the travel and the travel invites for ICs, because, like, sure, it becomes harder with the tournaments, but, like, seeing other people from around the world is quite cool to see.
yeah Yeah, I completely agree. I think that that's like something that's kind of special ah for this season and hopefully kind of encourages more people to play a little bit. Exactly. yeah Yeah. So like Colin, he wants to get like the LAIC travel award. So he's more more motivated to go to more regionals. I think he's attending like a regional. I would like to see especially more Australians come over. Yeah. yeah and for demo soics so expensive they They took away their international rights, unfortunately.
Well, I mean, it wasn't for Go, but I think it was the first event either in Dortmund or in Lille, but someone from Japan came over for VG oh yeah and and and won it. And since they have a completely different auto-qualification system, he still got auto-qualified for Worlds for winning. So I think that that could be encouraging and could also be cool. Of course, it's a big risk, right? Because I mean, getting first is... Yeah, yeah that's a bit sad with the new system.
or like the current system that we have with double in and elimination, right? Yeah. who Like going 0-2 is... Yeah. even Even going, oh, like Colin did in a snoot guard. I mean, he had an incredible run, but dropping down to the losers bracket round one is is pretty hard to climb down. Yeah, it's a lot of like a hard punishment you get for like traveling, spending a lot of money and then coming and just going 0-2. I think like the swiss ah Swiss format would be much better for Go. Yeah.
Well, I'm not going to experience that because I'll probably, I'll probably be in the winner's finals. I'm going to go ahead and guess Birmingham. So, I mean, I wouldn't know what that will be like. I'm pretty sure I'll go O2. But we'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. I'll be watching here from... Yeah, you'll be watching. You'll be cheering for the opponent because it most likely would be Weedle or someone who's, again, top seeded. You could face me as well, Amanda. Are you playing as well? Oh, yes, of course. It's only a hundred year round trip.
Yeah. Okay. But you'll go easy on me. That's what I've heard. i've i've heard mark ty said that You guys play. Who will win? Well, I mean, if we do have the records to show in a best of five. Exactly. So I have something to get. hold but Wait, hold on a minute. Didn't Amanda beat you like in when you guys played before? like in When we were trying out the phones at the venue, yeah I did see a screenshot from our video. Yeah, that's when we tried out the phones at the venue that I played a freaking Cortana.
very excuse yeah yeah very yeah all All of the games you played a Cortana, all of the games. But the sale of All-Stars, do you remember that one? That's true, that's true. It intentionally denies your books every time. Oh my goodness. I just did that because I was thinking Thos probably in voice with you and I want i just want to hear him mauling. He was. Yeah, I will say that i I've never beat Martijn in a real competition. But when we were playing on the phones, I did win that best of five.
And we were actually playing. You weren't like giving me wins there or anything. We were playing real teams. They were shitty team, but yes, I was not giving you though. I was not going. I've also won games against him when he's been playing on the baby account of neural car, uh, when they're just testing the phones and those have absolutely nothing on it. And I was like, can I pull out some wins? That's funny. But yeah, that's all, uh, that's all in the past. We'll see. We'll see who I match up with. If it's Mark time, you just, I'm going to let him win. Cause I feel like he needs it. They will put us on stream. Yeah. Well, that's for sure. It will be fun to watch your first. morning
But yeah, we'll have to see, we'll have to go see who will be in the next winner because they'll most likely be on Tap Tap Cast if we can get them. Thank you for coming on. I know, like you said, you're a little bit tired. We appreciate you taking the time to just happy hang out with us a little bit. Thanks for having me on, for sure. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks, David. All right. That'll be it ah for this week. Catch us next Thursday when we have another episode, another competitor or caster song.