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E04 // Inadequance: "Next week we will have on the winner of Utrecht..." Uh-oh. image

E04 // Inadequance: "Next week we will have on the winner of Utrecht..." Uh-oh.

S1 E4 · Tap Tap Cast
130 Plays1 year ago

Join us on Tap Tap Cast this week where we, well, uh... this week Lundberger and Inadequance were planning on having on the winner of the 2024 Utrecht Special Event. Turns out, that winner was Inadequance, who went on an incredible Loser's bracket run and didn't lose a single game, going 14-0 to flip the bracket and take home the gold. Instead of Inadequance interviewing himself, we decided to have on all of the casters from the event to recap and to give this host a hard time.


Introduction and Favorite Costumes

You know, my favorite ever costume was the shiny ops again. Okay. Yeah. When that came up on the screen, that was very fun. I think if I didn't point it out though, nobody would have like realized. I don't think anyone was connected to dots. But when I saw it originally, I was like, that is shiny ops again. Yeah. I don't think I would have liked her, but it's such

Special Guest: Barthein's Journey

a good word. Hey, what are you guys doing here? We're about to start a podcast.
guys yeah I was gonna just put in our guests is if you guys want you can come along I guess all right well for this one this episode of the tap tap cast we're bringing in a very special guest you guys may not have heard of him before but he is the 2024 Utrecht special event champion we have inadequate
I'm just joking, of course.

Crowd Influence and Regional Support

Barthein, welcome in, welcome in. Yes, thank you. So many interviewees today. Usually it's only me and Amanda. Now we have the whole Utrecht cast. Good to see you. That is right. It is good to be here. Eric and I reunited. Yeah, I hope people enjoyed what we were cooking up this weekend and
It doesn't end there. We are here on the tap tap cast podcast. So glad to join you guys. Yeah, that's right. We are the new hosts. I'll just, I'll see you guys later. I don't know after Martine's really, really good performance. Maybe he doesn't want to be behind the microphone anymore. Maybe just always wants to be in front of the screen.
No, I will. I am a competitor at heart, but I enjoy casting more when I do it. It's just less nerves on it. Although I must say I do like to play when I win. I mean, even when you're playing, you're entertaining, honestly, the way you work that crowd in Utrecht was just was just incredible.
I think I just it's just something that I felt a little bit like you do have the white noise on the headset but when the crowd gets really loud you do hear it a little bit through it and at times when I notice wow they're actually like really hype like especially when I let my talent flame into the aloe essential I just hear a roar I'm like yes that really pumps it that was cool
That must feel so nice. Like, I don't think I've ever seen someone so supported before on stage. And other than, I guess, the LNDS Raghav when he's got all of the Brazilians, it was almost like that for the first time in Europe. It was so nice. Yeah, the last time was definitely very, very enthusiastic. And I believe it was at the LAIC, right, that we saw that. And at UIC, there will also be a bigger crowd. So maybe we'll also see some more of that.
Only for Europeans when I yeah, yeah, of course Me it's the crowd is literally silent. They're like This time there'll be at least some more Americans like there's at least 10 What else going on
I heard Farid and Eric talking on the way and Eric's like yeah yeah I mean you wouldn't know what this feels like but I know and then Farid was like no you wouldn't know what this feels like because people are actually cheering for him to win. Eric do you reckon if you're winning EUIC that your fellow Americans would be cheering for you? If they weren't I would be a little concerned considering most of the a lot of the Americans coming are my factions team members.
Let's back it up a little bit to Utrecht first because I'm going to put a vlog out about it pretty soon

Caster Fantasy Draft Explained

as well. But we did this new thing. Eric, I'm going to have you explain what the whole idea behind the caster fantasy draft is first. And then we'll kind of go into detail about who we picked and who we left out and why. But yeah, go ahead, Eric.
As many would say, Pokemon Go is a competitive esport and because of that, we have to engage the fans. The best way to do that is to start somewhat of a caster fantasy prediction, giving each caster the opportunity to snake draft a couple of players that they want to represent them in the race for day two or even winning the regional at the end of the day. And it allows us to kind of follow a couple of players throughout the tournament
also encourages, I guess, viewers to select their own couple of players that they would like to follow, like say in the Twitch chat, or just say on Twitter, kind of their similar ideas. And it was really fun, I think, for the first time to follow along. I think when Martain finally sees the video, he's going to have a bit of a laugh. The video? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, when you watch it all back, yeah. I watched some of the vlog back, but I haven't seen like a video of it. No, no, no. We recorded it on my little camera for the vlog that I'm going to put out.
And so we really, we put down the whole thing from the beginning and it was just like set up perfectly because I, I mean, I don't remember whose idea it was. I promise it wasn't mine, but they were like, okay, nobody can pick Martine though. Like that's just.
It was Thomas. It was Thomas. No, no, no. It was definitely Fareed. It was a hell of a joke for Reed. Or maybe Eric. Probably the combination. These two are devious together. It's incredible. The thing is, I think we mentioned it. It actually worked out perfectly. It gave us some
It's our script, by the way. I thought Eric's fantasy suggestion was really good because we've usually had spotlight players or players to watch, but generally for those players, we've opted for people who haven't yet qualified for Worlds.
And so actually we got very lucky that every single player this time that was a player to watch did go and get the points that they needed. I think it was yourself, Dean Oskie and Snowman. But it was also quite nice to give an opportunity to those players that we thought could actually go the whole way.
And yeah, I think we can carry on doing that in future events. Yeah, not only like future events, I hope that the other games like VG or TCG like kind of adopt the style of this. I think it would be fun just to see it across the board. And you want to take all the credits for it? Yeah, of course.
So Martijn, walk us through your team comp idea because there was like the semi update during this

Team Composition Strategies

event. Obviously the World of Wonders started, but because of the way that it was set up, we couldn't use the Pokemon who learned these new movesets until Tuesday, which was after the tournament. But you still had some interesting picks and you were one of two people in the whole tournament to bring a Jeratina.
So first off, Giratina is my favorite legendary Pokemon. Ever? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And this was like the perfect opportunity for it because I did read like from the meta that will be coming that Licky Tongue and Dark Types will be even better. And you know what Giratina sucks against? It's against those Lickies and Dark Types. So I felt like this was the only opportunity to bring it.
Despite Likitung still being top usage in top 12, I mean, that was kind of to be predicted. That was not where I started from, though. I started building my team by refusing to run Wishcache Mantine. I did not like that. It's very meta. I tried to work a little bit around meta. I'm not saying, like, everything spies, but I do tend to go, like, to off-meta picks.
I instead opted to go for my favorite core, Talonflame Cresselia. It has been very, very decent. And I got a new Cresselia from my good friend Captain Jericho. It has all the bulk points. It does lack a little bit of HP, but I just needed the bulk, you know, the bulk points against someone like Stone Collection who always brings that.
sucker Dragonair and that's why I was very happy with that. Giratina wasn't really on my mind at first. I must say that Cresselia Talinflame was where it all started. Giratina, I combined this with Vigorold. This seemed like a pretty solid core for me and then I didn't really figure out what to use with it. I refused to use water types and the reason why is because I want to make a statement against only buffing water types almost for
the next season i would have loved to see fire just being as viable as it would be now and i don't feel like it will be the same way with man team for alligator dark type so being so much better so
That's why I didn't go with water types. I went with Wigglytuff. I did not lose a single tournament where I used Wigglytuff, though can confirm this. And I went for Regisue for even more RPS. It's just such a big party pooper because it blocks Pokemon like Skarmory, Lickitung.
You know, Arceus Aurelius was set two weeks ago on our podcast. Sometimes you just have to shove the Regidum. And yeah, you know, that's why I really like to bring Regidu and Wigglytuff there as well. I didn't really feel like that it was going to be Arceus all the way, even though some of those Pokémon really have polarizing matchups. Just because, you know, you have six different Pokémon. One of the odds they counter every single one of them. So that's where my team came from. And with the composition, I realized, okay, I'm countering Likitung about three times. I'm countering Annihilape about four times.
I feel like Giratina and Vigoroth are as safe as they can be. Yeah, I really like your comp, especially because that Giratina almost forced some players to run Lickitung. And you can punish that so, so hard with the Vigoroth, the Registeal, and the Wigglytuff. So all the players that are relying so, so much on the Lickitung, which has been, honestly, the play in this meta just got so, so punished by your team, which was awesome to see.
I'm just curious, did you get ominous wind boosts at all through the tournament?

Giratina's Role in Tournaments

I have barely used ominous wind, actually. I believe that I used it twice, once to pay... No, I used it three times. That was in my first matchup, I believe, against Nomal Haying, where I let my guerotine into go-bat. I knew that I can get to two ominous winds when he goes for poisonfang plus shadowball, and that way I would just soft lose it. Actually,
I've misplayed that because I do get to another Ominous Wind on 1 HP. Either way, and against the Alolan Sand slash against Pavlondinos in the Grand Finals when I predicted his Alolan Sand just to snipe my gear at Tino. That's the only three times I use Ominous Wind. I always use Shadow Ball only.
And I think you used it once against PablonDNS' Chargerbug. You'd already basically won the day. Oh, you're right. Yeah, yeah, you're right. Four times. And you did it purely, I assume, to try and get a boost, just because it would have been good. No. I just wanted to get the Chargerbug out of the way ASAP, like throw Ominous Wind, no more Charger Tech, so he can't stall the clock in any way. That's why I went for the Ominous Wind there. So do you think Dragonpool was ever to play?
absolutely not. If you run Dragon Pulse, you will get into a fight with me. This is wildly unviable for Giratina, which is not as bulky as everyone says. It is just about as bulky as Sableye. If you played Sableye and you played against like a Talonflame, you know that this is not bulky. It's really not. Two mob bombs put you deep into the red from a wish cache on Giratina. So you want the charge attacks to be cheap as possible. And those are Ominous Wind's Shadow Ball. There are no other options.
Alright, loud and clear. It's interesting, as part of the buffs that we've seen to Empoleon and Gallade, I've seen some people talking about how we might have what was previously an Ultra League letter in the Great League.
But Giratina Registeal, obviously it's altered in the Ultra League, but Giratina Registeal is an Ultra League core. You've used it pretty well in the Great League now. Yes, Giratina Registeal, and you're forgetting one, Grisselia. I'm in Talonflame as well. At Talonflame, I used four Ultra League for gone.
I believe I had another Ultra League Pokemon at first. Do you remember which one though? I ran, I ran like, right? Mandibuzz, yeah, it was Mandibuzz. That was one of my options as well. Yeah, that's, it is a phenomenal core, but obviously because the bulk that Giratina Origin doesn't have, I mean, even in Ultra League, it's Giratina Altered that has the bulk, not Origin really. The core is good, but the core that I really worked with was Giratina and Vigoroth.
While we're on the subject of the Giratina and Martine, you know how much I love controversy. I'm always bringing it up for other people, but now you're going to be on this side of it. What do you think about the accessibility issues with Giratina? Is it fair that you brought it to this tournament? And I mean, maybe no one else had it. And that's why you won.
Is it fair that I brought it? Absolutely. It was available, it was not banned. I brought a Pokemon that was allowed. Is it fair that it's so inaccessible? Absolutely not. That is definitely a thing because anyone who started, you know, two weeks after the Sinnoh tour event or something,
Who knows how long we may have to wait for this. On top of that, if we get another Giratina origin, it will likely be at level 15 again. So you still have to trade it. This is likely a Pokemon like you can run Cresselia with bad IVs. You cannot run Giratina with bad IVs. Well, you can run like a 0, 0, 0, but you cannot run like a 15, 10, 12, right? You have to, you need a specific IV floor on Giratina that you can only get by trading. And that's what I really dislike about that.
Who did you trade it with? Who do we have to thank for your win here? With Tristiano. I think I'm huge for accessibility. I really want everyone to be able to get into the game.
My personal stance is that I don't think it should have been banned for this tournament because there was such recent access to it, but I do think that everyone needs to look at how you've used it and you know whoever it is behind the scenes has to think okay Giratina Origin has play. It might not be top meta or whatever the conversation is but it has play and so we need to ensure that periodically we bring it back but
I suppose you could make a similar argument Amanda and I discussed earlier about Shadow for Alligator. That's not been seen in years, so should that be banned for Vancouver? It's such a tough decision. It's a slippery slope, honestly. Yeah.

Meta Changes and Pokémon Buffs

The thing is, I think... Again, this might seem a little bit... It just sounds silly because I just won a tournament with it, but I think it's a bad Pokémon.
It's straight up bad Pokemon. Like, if it's on Likitung, it's just over. Right? Okay, what about the perspective of, with the rise of Gallade, with the rise of Empoleon and Feraligatr, with the charge of Bergen Lantern have play, and Giratina is extremely strong into those? But with the rise of Likitung, even more perhaps, the bus, Umbreon, Sableye, I don't know, man.
And I think still, dragons are very solid because I hear no one talking about Azumarill. So unless people get on the Wigglytuff train and there are no other fairy types, what's going to stop Giratin besides the normal and the dark types? I know you mentioned about the trading. I don't think I personally, I don't mind that you need to trade to get. I don't, you know, it is a legendary Pokemon. There should be an element of work for it in the same way that you grind excels for Liktung and Medicham. It's a very different type of grinding.
maybe going out and trying to make friends and trying to find those trades is a fine that is fine but it's the fact that we only have one to give away that's maybe the issue and so we do need and my suggestion has been i've spoken about this with with some of you before i would really like to see level 15 legendaries as part of the go battle league pass
where complete 50 battles or 100 battles and you get an option maybe of a pool of legendaries at level 15. I think that that would be a really nice way to improve accessibility of those. Yeah, maybe the season of Inadequence, right? Oh yes, the season of Inadequence. I never made a jacket. Yeah, green jacket, Hulu skirt, the world's backpack, the arms cross pose,
Giratina origin, every set guaranteed from the research award or from the go battle league encounter. I think it'd be great. Well, then no one can complain about the accessibility. Exactly. Also, also let's just drop the IV floor. Why are we getting 10, 10, 10 rewards from GBL? Just get zero attack every single time. We'll be happy. That'd be great.
I mean, I can play devil's advocate here because if you're trying to encourage people who are not playing the go battle league, not invest in PvP to play it, you need to give them the incentive to hunt for hundos that are a little bit more rare outside of the go battle league. True.
true but on the other hand i do think that getting into global league is is such such a steep hill to climb to be honest getting into it getting the good pokeball so i feel like if you start playing it it will be nice to at least get some better pokeball from it right another another thought that suggestion would be have some kind of no iv floor foreshadows in research we had the
that shadow research during the Sinnoh tour I was so excited because I finally managed to get a shadow pit plot that I've been hunting for for ages but then it's like 10 10 10 and I'm like well I can't do anything with this so no IV floor shadow research I think would be really cool. That would be cool.
Now, though, you talked about the hula skirt, and I'm just going to bring that up quickly because if we'd made a joke about it when we were kind of in the caster's lounge about how Martin was going to wear a hula, hula skirt to Hawaii. And then I said, oh, maybe you guys should make a bet of it. So I have to ask is you are all qualified for worlds.
Like, are you all leaderboard pushing? Like, could it be like the lowest of the four of you on the leaderboard is going to wear the hula skirt at First Day of Worlds? I think the only fair way to do it is whoever places lowest in EUIC should wear a hula skirt. At Worlds, or the second day, or sometime, where are they going to wear it?
I don't know Marta and you tell me. But why doesn't Amanda evolve in this bed? Like she can't just get away with this. She'll wear one for free. And the coconut bra. Why don't we just all wear a Hulu skirt? Oh yeah, that's even better, yeah. Oh yeah, of course. You start.
Okay, okay, okay. Sure, hey, I'm not afraid. I'll do it, sure. If I make my travel award, I will wear a Hulu skirt in Hawaii. Okay, we heard this. If film makes the travel award, that wasn't even the event, that's like a moment here.

Tournament Points and Rankings

No, no, I'll just do it. I'll just do it. That'd be epic. Who says no? How about this? I'll buy them all for you guys, if you all will wear them at Worlds. Look, if we're all doing it, then I'm okay with it.
are we all doing it the only thing is i obviously i was joking about it when we were on stream i actually would need to check whether or not it's disrespectful
Yeah, I don't want to be constantly appropriating anyone. We can make a joke. We have a smart person. Thank God we have a lawyer with us. But, I mean, if it's appropriate, I mean, honestly, we should all do it. I'm just excited to see Eric wear one, maybe with the chef's head too. Like, imagine how that'd be drippy, the chef's head, hulu skirt. Imagine Eric. Maybe a bathroom as well. That could go hard. Yes.
Bathrobe for the skirt chef said you're cooking dude. Oh and the legends you died of Jersey. I think These four things go together. Yeah, do you do you mean mega hype legend team? Awesome, bros. Yeah
You're exactly right. I don't even know bros. Yeah, yeah, bros. That sounds good. Bro is just good. Okay, okay. We're cooking, man. Yeah, but about travel awards, I was not pushing for it, but now that I won. Now that I won, yes, I feel like I'm in the race again. I'm top four now, I think, with the points. Well, Stan might surpass me once. I don't know how many points he got now, but I'll just sweep him at Lopez again, so I'll be fine. How many locals do you have left, though, Martijn? Aren't you, like, almost capped?
I can get... Yeah, I'm almost capped on cups, I believe. I can get 35 from cups and 60 from challenges. Yeah. That's actually a lot, though, to be honest. Still 100? Yeah, it's still a lot. It's not bad. Not bad. Just gotta get a good place. Yeah, take the challenge seriously. Yeah, that has been difficult so far, so maybe I should not use Goven's load energy ball. While being 5x weak to Glagar.
You saw Gligar was no problem, man. It was no problem. Where all the Gligar? They got knocked out. They got knocked out. That sucks. What happened? There was a 50% A-slash in the top 8 to be fair. True. And Mantine, if you look at the Mantine Day 1 usage compared to Mantine Day 2 usage. Well, I guess a classic American one. It was not 50% A-slash. It was 56% Mantine. Yeah. It was 50% A-slash in the top 8. 100%.
Top 8, not top 16. Top 8. I think it might have been you that told me this story that at some of the Mantine that were registered in this event
were because the players didn't realize when the cut-off was to take them out. I was talking with 23ejb. Well, that was it. He was at 7.45 in the morning. He was talking apparently with, like, Arceus Aurelius, and he was like, oh, what should my sixth Pokémon be? Because a water pulse update wasn't good enough, I don't think, so I don't want to run the Mantine. And Marcus was like, oh, you maybe should have thought about that, like, 10 minutes ago, because it's pretty much set for this tournament.
So 23JP was like, imagine what I could actually do if I, if I picked my team, my actual team. Still coming in fourth. Did we ever see EJ run the man team? I actually don't recall it. He did. He fucking did it through the waterfalls. Not once. Interesting. He told me backstage that man team was trash. Like he really didn't like it. He said he's never bringing Lickitung or Mantine to an event again. Wow. Lickitung is wild though.
It's just the corporate Wishkesh, Gligar, and what's the other homie? Annihilate. Which is like a big share of the meta, though. I think it has its role there, but everything is neutral. You just lose. I think Jelle said the same thing, but better. No? Hello, Lekitang? What? I think Jelle said it's pretty solid. I don't know, man. I don't know, man. It's the quote of the tournament. I'm back and I'm still silenced.
So here's an interesting thought, and I'll give credit to EJ and to Alkius Aurelius, they were telling me this at dinner. They were thinking that going into this next format, Lickitung is not anywhere near as strong as it used to be. It's actually setting players up for farmedowns and sweeps and Martijn, you had a few of those. Anyone had any thoughts on Lickitung?
for the next medal or for this tournament we have. Just going forwards generally, it seems that things like alignment aren't important. And Liketongue has often been used to, you know, you can swap it in and it helps you maintain alignment when you need it. But actually now, you're happy to soft-lose and farm it down. Depends on how much you need alignment, I guess, right? And there are Pokemon like Chargiburg, I feel like, that are very flexible. They're not overpowered.
You know, they're not like hard walls to even like a Feraligatr or something. And that's what I like so much about it.

Lickitung's Impact on the Meta

The same is with Likitang. And like, what do you say? If it's just to soak damage, it's great. And if you can then farm it down with like a Cresselia, for example, and then you throw a Futureside into Chargebug. Great, right? I think Likitang is a fantastic Pokémon. And I know some people think different that we need like Bodyslam nerf.
or that kind of nonsense but you want to bring a safe pokemon that you can rely on no one goes to a tournament and look and wants to look at their sheet and the opponent sheet and then like so discount is that discount is that discount is that this is total rock paper scissors no one wants that leaky tongue is the one pokemon except if you face mine it usually is counted by only one pokemon or maybe not even if annihilate is the worst
So only Marthine wants that, is what we're saying. I love Lickitung. Not playing it. I hate playing it. I think it's dull. But if I'm looking to just fill in a gap where I don't know what to use, Lickitung has high odds to be on my team because it's just such a safe Pokemon that is so versatile and it's just barely counter. It's like even in some of his worst matchups, like an Ambien or a Mandibuzz, it's not like you lose with the Mandibuzz having 60% HP left.
I agree. I think there have been times where I felt Likitung is maybe a bit boring, but I do think it is healthy. And I would say actually, I think the meta that we've got at the moment, and I'm not sure yet about Feraligated, but the meta we just had, I think it's actually very healthy. There's been so many options for so many varieties of teams, and that was quite nice. Besides Skuld, I liked it a lot. Besides Skuld.
Yep, no, 100% agree with that. And I think in a next meta, because we get Feraligatr, I think a lot of people will try to run Feraligatr. Annihilape's usage may go a little down, which would help Vigoroth out a lot, which is a great Lickitung answer. So perhaps that will keep Lickitung a little more in check as well. And Vigoroth is another one of those, right? Just so safe. It's not an Annihilape, then it's probably good. Well, not against Golbat.
Let's talk a little bit about that as well. Normal high just kind of came out of nowhere again in this tournament. He always says he only plays the ones that are in the Netherlands. He top cut last year as well. Yeah, he had a pretty good team and a really good run. Were you scared to face him? Because the first time when he knocked you down to the loser's bracket, were you expecting to win it and then kind of like scared that you lost?
Yeah, it was, I felt devastated because it was the one matchup that I prepared so much for. I prepared for the Golbat Leads, I played out like 15 different scenarios with any of my Pokémon, with Anoff, with Rice, with ValiantVish, and you know, I felt very comfortable in that. And my strategy worked in the first game against him.
But then I swapped in game two from last seconds, guerotine elite to crocelli elite to go with a safe option. It was not safe. It sucked against Golbat and he destroyed me. I cannot say more than that. I don't think I played bad or anything. Yeah, he just, the Golbat was too much to overcome. And yeah, after I lost, I was like, yeah, now my tournament again. Mom was disappointed again in me. Hopefully, oh, get a four-place medal. So, yeah.
But it didn't turn out that way, quite obviously. Let's walk it through that run. You didn't lose a single game in the loser's bracket.
Yeah, something I definitely did not see coming. Sanjodico was my first opponent after I lost and he played against Scaffo before, I believe on day one. And Scaffo demolished him. Scaffo had a very similar team to mine. He was a little bit desperate Friday evening when he was here at my place.

Team Dynamics and Psychological Strategies

He tried many different things, he kept losing to me. I told him, just take my team, you'll be fine.
And he did, he just went with save lines instead of Giratina because his Giratina was like 1467 CP and he like, met a little bit more. So I kind of had a good idea of what somebody would run. People that want to play safe, play the Chargerbuck, and especially when he was like, okay, Chargerbuck is so safe against Scafo, must be safe against Martijn as well.
And then there's the Giertina, which eats the charger bug, that was great. Again, San Rodrigo, he had a very meta team, and my team just swallowed the meta teams. Not because mine just hard counted them, it made it very, very difficult for them to make a logical team composition. The Cresselia Corbex, Wishkesh, plus Annihilape,
the Giratina core breaks like, you know, it keeps the Chargebug in check and the Annihilape, so you know, you cannot run those two easily together. If there's like a Talonflame, it keeps that in check. The Vigoroth keeps Likitung Ace Slash in check and does pretty decent against Mantine, because we just discussed that's quite a bad Pokémon.
And then I have Town of Flame as well for like Annihilape, it's decent against Lickitung once I use a shield. And then the biggest party pooper of all, for all the players who kept playing ABA, register you. Everyone who play like Mantine Leads and Lickitung in the back, if they face register you,
done right and i feel like that's why i had such a good thing such a good uh such a good time i guess like san judejo's team babon dino's team uh i think yeah yeah danny's team as well so very similar well
So, am I right in saying, you've obviously practiced with your teammates, you've brought a couple of different picks. I think, in my opinion, this tournament mainly shows how Team Pizza and Empress, I thought, and everyone, so that others can't know anything, and then they play stupid shit and win because no one counters it. That's how we won, man. That's how we won.
Yeah, that's a good one. That's a good one. That's what I'll say about it. Eric, you were also scrimming. I remember just before day two, you were helping some players out. So you mentioned that you don't actually like scrimming against Eric. Why is that?
Because he always plays the dumbest stuff, dude. He always plays the dumbest stuff. He would just, like, run, like, up, up, talent flame on my team, and he'll be like, ah, I'll boom a snow lead with, I don't know, maybe register you in the back? That seems like a good squad. And then it's like, I'll eat my talent flame, and the game's just over. Wow, that was fun. Or, or, or I'll play like, or he'll just RPS me, and I'll be like, yeah, this makes no sense. It's like,
Why am I screaming then but that's Eric strategy. He said it in the van right over to the dinner He was like, yeah, sometimes you just pick three random things like yeah, you don't overthink it You're gonna at least win one of those games. That's what he was saying that Pablo should have done against you He said that that he should have just stopped trying to think with reason and just picked three random Pokemon because did then he did and then he let it then he lets a slash in to tell him and
because he had an eye lip in the back. Oh, risky. Yeah. I mean, sometimes you got to make those risky calls. So being unpredictable like that, trying something different can work out. But Pablo in this case, it just really didn't.
Yeah, I felt bad for I mean, he had such an insanely good run throughout the whole tournament. But after you flip the bracket so quickly, and I'm writing the award ceremony stuff, you know, so I have 23 EGBs and normal Heinz written up, but then I'm like trying to make it vague enough between the two that it's like you can start switching things out. But like, I feel bad saying it, but by like,
Game two of the bracket reset I'm like yeah Martine's got this like he's just you had so much hype and energy behind you like Pablo Dina's just you could tell he was just getting more deflated after each round that you were just completely dominating.
I think after the scene, Pete swapped over. He said nice. He looked at me, smiled, said nice. I look at him like, man, I've never seen someone so down in his battles. At the beginning of the battles, I was saying, I locked in pretty quickly, I said I'm ready.
uh ready or ready when you are and i felt like at some point i'm just you know messing with him if i do that i'm putting pressure on him so i should stop doing it like like you know it kind of got to to there did i feel bad that i that i destroyed him absolutely not but it must suck for him that you know it goes so far in n06
I think the mental battle is part of the game, right? And I don't think a lot of people who watch realize that when you're playing for that long, and especially when you have to do a loser's bracket run, like it is mentally draining. If you're not using everything in your arsenal within reason, then you're only putting yourself at a disadvantage. You need to have a little bit of mind games, respectful, but like mind games are super important, especially at that stage of the tour.
Is that why Eric beat you for me? He just like kind of outclassed and outwitted you, got really into your head. Yeah, I think I probably just got quite complacent.
running my teams a little bit too quickly and he just read them really well and and actually I've had some feedback from from someone who was watching and they said yeah the teams that you were running I thought you would run those teams and if I thought you'd run them Eric probably also called them so that was just something for me to take away that even when you're on a winning run to just still compose yourself because there's still a long way to go and I mean Martine did that perfectly so there we go
Yeah, I mean, I think there is a flip side to what you said because because Martijn came from the lower bracket and because so many people that made in the top eight were running the exact same team. Like Martijn had plenty of practice against it as well. And Pablo Dines was also just kind of sitting there because he won so many games that he was just like he didn't have as much practice and momentum behind him in the same sense that I think like Martijn was like locked in by that point. He's like, I know exactly what I want to do against his team. And he locked in his teams really quickly as well.
That is true. Eric, you were the first Skarmory that I faced in Liverpool, and obviously I brought a Venusaur, so that wasn't pretty. I was the one who ran Skarmory in that regional period, but then after that I think people started to catch on.
I think it was more than just Martijn having practice against that team. I think it's the only practice he doesn't have any skill.

Martijn's Influence and EUIC Preparations

I mentioned it, Martijn's presence
was so intimidating and you could see it. You could see it in the interview that it was like you've got so much momentum and everyone just knows that Martijn's in your head and that just makes it worse. It compounds that issue. Martijn casts a great, great shadow over everyone in the PvP community. Just not literally. Only over Thomas. Oh, come on. I am taller after all.
Yeah, I must agree with Farida. You know, when you're playing someone you know has been doing so, so well, you know, has won tournaments before, it is definitely brings a lot of pressure that you have to deal with on top of the pressure that there already is. And it just makes it so much harder to play well.
Yeah, I completely agree. I don't want to rub salt in the wound to anyone here, but besides Eric, because, you know, he's fine. But how sad are you that it just happened two months too late to be calling yourself the first caster out of all of us to win a regional? I am the first caster to win a regional with normal lines. But hold on, hold on. Didn't Eric make his debut this weekend? No, no, because he casted in Charlotte.
No, no, I like the way that Eric phrase it's before on the stream It should not be the Americans that the place should be looking out for it. It's the casters. No the casters are I hope so Oh and I pray go
Yeah, so let's talk a little bit about EUIC because it will be in the new meta. We kind of talked about the metas. Are you guys already looking at different teams that you're thinking about bringing to this? Are you guys trying to also keep it kind of close to the vest because you know that the Americans are coming. There are going to be a lot of good players playing as well. Like what is your game plan for EUIC? I'm just waiting until more time makes me a team.
Fair. Yeah, that's good. How would I do that? I want to win too, dude. Okay, okay, dude. You can let me see your team. We'll be in different groups most likely. For me, it's like I'm happy to prep with all the top seeded players, whether that's in Europe, North America. I'm not going to face these people until day two, or even the top eight most likely, because of how seeding works.
So because it sounds bad, but because all the top players are allowed to have these conversations, what is like a sneaky pick going to UIC, what is something that the meta won't expect, that's actually allowing a lot of these like these top seeded players to dominate through the brackets.
I will keep everything for myself. In my opinion, the problem with these tournaments is... Yeah, exactly. Actually, you know what? Maybe you and for us and TV just should band together. There is some stupid shit. Yeah, there's no risk of me playing against Tomahawk in my group, basically. Or even until very late on in the group. The risk is so little to none. If we share the same ideas, he can dominate his side of the tournament, and I can dominate my side.
Everyone's happy. We make it to day two. That's mostly where you want to be. I like that we have set up this quite nice... I think it's a good, like, healthy rivalry between Europe and NA. I think it will be quite fun when it comes to it. Do you think it's a healthy rivalry between Tea and Pizza and EU Emperors? No, because they have all the same strats and that's why no one else can work. I mean, are you... What did you think of their really clever, new, unique way of, like, passing this plushie from, like, teammate to teammate in the finals?
Yeah, Martyn, you wouldn't have heard it, but when you did that, I went, wow, that's original. But no, I think everyone is super... And actually, Martyn, you winning, because obviously you're such a big name in the community. You winning that event, I think, has given so many people real motivation and excitement for EUIC. Everyone's getting really hyped. I don't think I'd even come off the Out of the Caster Lounge, and I checked my phone, and PVP David had messaged me, like, okay, what are we cooking for EUIC?
I'm like, bro, you can see me on the screen right now. We will cook, but not right this minute. Yeah, I had a tremendous support. I watched a lot of the vault back as well. Yeah, it's it's great. And I hope I hope it will motivate people for the next tournaments. Oh, I'm pumped.
I'm pumped. And honestly, what you said, like at the end, defending you from NA and invading NA at NAIC in the interview was just perfect. All of this rivalry. Martin, because you've watched these back, did you, did you enjoy mine and Eric's casting?

Casting Highlights and Cresselia's Role

We tried to compliment your beard a couple times as well. I hated it.
everything it was great it was great i i watched like especially there was one moment i watched like multiple times because it just synced so well with what i did when i was like when i realized wait i win the final game it's over so i'm hyping up the the crowd and then the final the final uh cmp right the the talent flavors is the wish catch and you go like
The whole voice cracks Eric Eric already died before that his voice already died before that It was so good Yeah, I have never come out of a cast with my voice like destroyed Genuinely like before compared to this I was casting I must have been casting like a chess or a golf tournament. Oh
It's a very quiet tournament. You're like, oh yeah. I think it's good to have the hype in there, right? Yeah, I agree. Obviously, some good battles held with that. We've had your finals last year in Bochen. That was probably not as exciting.
There was RPS load, we were in the trash, we were like ready to do A9. Yeah, swapping in A9, yeah. Right, so I think it also helps, of course. Yeah, it was nice. Eric obviously had a lot of energy, and then we just ended up building on top of each other, and obviously you were playing insane games, so I was like, this could not be an easier debut, you've given me the best battles to showcase here.
Yeah, I'm glad I, uh, I even got that far. Uh, you know, I don't always do that. Speaking of incredible battles that, that loser's final first in the mountain, those first two battles where you lost the lead hard, like, what's that strategy?
Like, hey, did you have it all planned out? Honestly, like, how did you plan for that? It was incredible. My plan was to never lead weak to Golbat, and save switch to Cresselia. The Cresselia was my MVP for this tournament. Like, Cresselia was so good in many of these teams that I could, like, confidently lead Giratina with Cresselia in the back if they have an A slash in the back. I think that happened in one of these games as well, by the way, in the third game against Nomalheim, I believe. I think it was the second.
Also possible. But I let your teenage A-slash? I don't know anymore. Yeah, you're right. I think in one of these games... I let Talon and then Regi into Wisconsin. Anyway...
But because he just didn't really have anything for Cresselia, safe switch. I just built more and more on the Talonflame Cresselia core. And if he was not confident to bring Likitung, which I don't think he brought even once, he didn't bring Poliwratt even once, Giratina pops off, man. Giratina is just lovely to run if someone is not countering it and you get it in the right spot.
Tell us about who do you think was your toughest opponent that you had to play in day two, or maybe in the whole tournament, but I assume obviously it would be day two. I hate this question because I ran through all of them. Literally. I think the one I was most afraid of was EJV because I had no Gligar answer. But man, I don't know what happened. He also had no charm answer, though, really. I mean, he did beat Scaffo without a real charm answer. Yeah, but he just had bulks. He just had bulks.
Wigglytuff was there to set up other Pokemon. It was not there to, you know, Scaffo played a two shield charm strategy. I think he would just outbolt me or play like spammy Wish Cash. It was not having any of that. So that was not my plan. And obviously, one thing that was really tough for Scaffo is he did not have a charger bug answer, a proper one, right? You can swap your town, flame in and farm it down, but you go two shields down if you do that. I had Giratina.
and that really helped me in that scenario and I realized one thing that really really helped the Giratina or the team in general is he had no wiggly answer I had no Gligar answer if I win the lead I just make sure I get like a shield advantage or something you know I don't really need switch against Gligar as long as I don't have anything weak left to Gligar in the back
Do you know what I thought? I've just noticed Martijn. Do you remember? Was it EJ? Did he beat Scaffo? Was that who he beat before? After he beat Scaffo, you'd obviously said, oh, if EJ wins that, I think he goes on and wins the whole tour. And then you go and 2-0 him. And I just thought that was really disrespectful.
No, no, no, no, it was the winner of this battle will be the champion. That's what I said. So it was either him or me. Yeah. And I was, yeah, I was very, uh, I thought that that's, that's when I started feeling very overcome, like super confident after I beat EJB, especially with a battle. I believe there was a second battle where I had a future side and then the grass on the charger. Yeah.
Beautiful. Well, I'm curious if if normal Hein had won the winner's finals and not Pablo DNS into the lower bracket Do you think you were still on the one original maybe?

Winning Strategies and Adaptation

Normal Hein twice. I mean look I'll say if I can lose three leads and still win the battles Why not? You'll be okay
And I wouldn't, it's not because I'm saying I underestimate him or anything. I just felt way more locked in at that point. And I knew way more how to deal with this situation because I just figured out like after game one in the second set, and you know, that's kind of what I already should have noticed earlier. He just shields goal battle only. So yeah. Eric, if you and I in Liverpool had faced before a best of five, before their grand finals, cause I won our first best of five, would you have still won? No, no, sure.
I think I think that would be tough. I think that would be very tough. A lot of things had to go right for me that weekend. Yeah, you'd have had to go play Logan and then lose. I would have lost to Logan a second time around. There was no like scamming like
I think I ran Lickitung, Dugong, and Skarmory in a game. I had no regard for the Regis Steel at all. I was like, Regis Steel, I lose. If it's not Regis Steel, then you place Talonflame. I win. If it's in the lead? Wait, did you just say you're good against Talonflame with that team? Because you're not. Anyway. Oh, no, no. It was all good. It was all good. Yeah, oh, I trust you because you won that. But, like, Dugong into Regis is not the worst, honestly. Yeah, it's okay.
The, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the,
I don't think we're going to have like a great dugong answer either. So honestly, that's, that's not like a totally insensible line. No fighter yet. Cress only. Yeah. That's not that bad. You know.
Proud of you, Eric. Thank you. I do my best. That's great. So we talk about it sometimes already, but since you kind of have the spotlight, Martijn, can you tell everyone about your practice tournaments that you do?

Community Contributions and Rising Stars

And maybe someone just, because I mean, Speedy's Chief, I mean, you're probably getting hammered with different tweets and
direct messages from people like congratulating you on your run. But the Speediest Chief just had a really nice message basically talking about all the things you do for the community, which is 100% true. But I want to give you a chance to actually talk a little bit about it yourself and maybe help people if they're listening to this podcast, want to get connected with trying to learn PVP where they should go. Yes, just too much. It's the post that chief mates that
But it's all true, for real. You're like a pillar in this community. I know. I know what I'm doing. A part of me doesn't want to hear it because I don't know how to respond to it. Because you're Dutch and you're modest. You're a modest boy. I'm definitely not modest. And you shouldn't be. You've accomplished a lot.
Right. But yeah, there's a lot that I do. Here's what I do. I barely play the game, but I invest so much time in everything around it. I am very much focused on the play Pokemon part of it and to get more people, players invested in PvP or to provide any tools to help them with that all over the world.
Preferably obviously my biggest reaches in Europe and North America because I speak English and not much more than that just Dutch some German So yeah, I have a lot of projects I think my weak spot is that I don't always finish them. But yeah GBL teams GBL graphics. I think I just asked
Tomok for a team. Actually that's a show six one, right? Yeah. So I have GBL graphs, right? GBL teams, teams what good players would use in regionals. They would, that will be upcoming. If there's like a cool unique event, like the guillotine origin, I like making graphs to keep people informed on that. Not just for them honestly, also for myself to be aware of some things, because sometimes I'm also like, what are these breaking ball points? Let me just check that, right? I can also look videos, but
I like to do my own investigation as well. I have the practice tournaments. I used to do them for myself a lot. Now I don't do them as much anymore simply because I'm very restricted in time. But I try to host them weekly and I want to make graphs out of that as well so people can
you know they don't have to play if maybe they're you know not very confident to play if they don't have the time if i can make like a graph to give them insight on what the meta currently is what players would use what could be good teams you know anything that could help anyone to feel a little bit more confident for a regional all that kind of stuff is what i work with as well i'm trying to involve other content creators with it too
You know, it's accent goes over the show six graphs gives us input, writes the occasion, makes YouTube videos about the GBL teams and other streamers like Jox, Murphy and Arrow. They also stream my open, greatly practiced tournaments sometimes, even though not lately because you are always molding. You know, I tried to involve many others with it, you know, so.
Wait, Thomas, I thought you're always winning his tournaments. Only the prize one. Only the one I can get money with. If there's money at stake, he will win. I get my monthly stipend for Martijn. That's true. But yeah, those are like some projects I have going on. I try to go live sometimes on Twitch, if I can, and make YouTube videos that take a lot of time to make.
And then I still have a full-time job, so that's why I'm going for me. So where can we find these tournaments Martijn? All in my server. And where can you find the link? It can maybe be in the description, but also I post these open-gradely graphs
from my X profile with a QR code. You scan the QR codes, you get an invite to my server. And from there, I will post the link every time one hour before the tournament starts. You can sign up there and we just play the tournaments, 30 minutes rounds, all the practice you want.
Nice, but you do need to enjoy this spotlight part of our time because especially when we've got EUIC, NAIC and Worlds coming up, it can shift very, very quickly. We've seen different players highlighted before in the season, but this moment is yours. I do think you should enjoy it and revel in it.
I do enjoy it. I do enjoy watching the stream, but man, yesterday I was so tired and overwhelmed, you know, just finishing that tournament, then having the dinner reservation, you know, organizing for 25 people. And then I got home, I got like 200 missed Discord messages, so many Twitter texts, and I, you know, I always try as much as I can to respond to everyone, to, you know, give everyone the feeling that
I am different or that I try to be. But yeah, it's been overwhelming. It will be a couple days for overwhelming. And that's fine. I'm under the burden of stardom, isn't it? Don't worry about time. I didn't want to call it that, but I guess. I guess. We'll start trash talking you again soon. It'll all be okay. Oh, honey.
Let's talk about how many tournaments you won. About five of yours. At least you'll always be able to look back. Obviously it's tiring and stressful at the moment, but now you can just look back and be like, yeah.
I won an event and it was glorious. Absolutely. And it also puts you in the running now that you've won an event that you could potentially be one of our second ever two time regional winner. Perhaps even you'll be the first EU person to have two in one season. We'll have to see. I will try. I will try. But I would rather win the NA one.
Yeah, I think that's where the real focus should be for all EU listeners who are coming. We're taking the fight overseas. I guess technically we haven't had someone from overseas win a regional red.
No, it's true. Yeah. Yeah. What do you mean delicious came in second last year? Oh, wait, we have nighttime. Wait, what am I talking about? No, he's European. No, he's European anymore. I'm in the Netherlands right now. You know what that means. I ate a Stroopwafel earlier today as well. I mean, you're Dutch. Yeah, practically integrated at this point.
Martijn's going to start hosting EU only tournaments where the prize money just helps people go to the end. That's a good idea. That's not even a crazy idea. It's pretty crazy. It's pretty crazy, actually. All right, Martijn, we're coming to the end. And I think by this point, you might be familiar, but we do have a typical closing question here on Tap Tapcast.
And it's a two parter. And the first part of the question is who in the PVP community would you call a crebrawler? And this is someone who's like a bit of a scrappy player, maybe not super well-known at this point, but you think that they have what it takes to, you know, qualify potentially win worlds. And then of course, who is a champion, someone who's already well-known, probably going to take it and you cannot say yourself.
You know what's the most embarrassing about this? I've been asking this question for months. I have no idea what to say. You even knew this was coming!
The Martayan of today would not have won the tournament. I will start with the Crepe Roller. And I think it's someone who has a name for themselves. But it's not someone you would point to if you were to have to think of someone who would win the Worlds. And that is Jumanese. If she has the right Pokemon that she's familiar with, she's freaking unstoppable. If she has a Pokemon she can rely on, I've seen her play with that Frostless. It was crazy. That would be my Crepe Roller. I would be afraid to play against Red Worlds.
Even if I, if she has the frostless and I triple count, I will triple counter it and I may still lose. Yeah. She's only a couple of points away from qualifying, right? Or is she already qualified by the locals now? I haven't checked the leaderboard. I think she is close. I have no doubt that she will qualify for Worlds. I also agree. She's fantastic. No, no, she, I think she put like a donating thing up. So I think she is. I think so.
Alright, I'm gonna go donate. Oh, she has 287 out of 300. So, I mean, yeah. Yeah, she's there. For my champion, I would pick Thoth Tactical if he goes to Worlds.
but because he only goes with travel awards. We'll see. I think Tho also needs a day like I did. And I think he could do it. That is my serious answer. We'll see. I mean, I appreciate your confidence, but man, everyone's so good these days.

Mindset and Handling Pressure

Everyone's so good. That's what I thought too. Yeah. And then it's actually, they seem quite disappointing now.
I think I've kind of figured out where I've been struggling in previous regionals. I've been putting a lot of pressure on myself to do well.
Since I was doing so many tournaments this season, I was like, I gotta win at least one, you know? And that, I don't know. I didn't have as much fun playing those tournaments as I used to. So for EUIC, I'm hoping to just have fun. And I think that will help. It's most important. Because I think, I think that's what you do, right? I mean, I see you have so much fun on stream. It's kind of taunting your opponent. And I think it helps you play.
I do not have fun at the start of a tournament. Absolutely. I am so nervous to go O2 or something. Oh, yeah. But when I'm a couple of battles in, yeah, yeah, it's all good. You get warmed up. Yeah. Well, that's when you're like, OK, at this point, I cannot be embarrassed anymore.
I'm too well. I go at least neutral. Exactly. Now it's fine. No walk of shame today. Exactly. I think it is worth saying that no matter how good you are, no matter how confident these players look, everyone goes into the tournaments with those butterflies in their stomach. We really don't want to lose now. We really don't want to go out early. I get locals asking me, oh, are there players that go and they just lose immediately every time? Why do they keep going?
Everyone is really good at the moment. Everyone can go out at any point and it is nervous, but it's it's exciting at the same time Yeah, like I say you need a good day. Yeah. Well, thank you so much Martine for being on this podcast Hope to see you on it again next week if you're willing to come back as well
Likely, likely. All of us? Well, I mean, it is kind of fun, right? I feel like a Brady Bunch thing going on when I'm looking at all these different screens of people. But yes, a big thank you also to the casters of the Utrecht special event. We have Teletectical, Nighttime Clasher, and Tomahawk UK joining us. Don't forget about Lundberger.
That's me. Yes. Shout out to Amanda. And we will be back maybe not everyone, but at least a portion of this crew on every Thursday. Every new episode of Tap Tap Cast. We will catch you in the next one, guys.