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E10 // Paulasha97: The Pokemon Go Shadow Chef  image

E10 // Paulasha97: The Pokemon Go Shadow Chef

Tap Tap Cast
117 Plays9 months ago

Join us for this episode of Tap Tap Cast where we chat with Paulasha97, the cook making new recipes every tournament with Shadow Magnezone! Paula is making Pokemon Go history, being the first woman battler to win two regional competitions, first woman across all Pokemon games to be in the top 4 an international championship, and just overall great person!

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Amanda //  
Martijn //  
Special Guest //


Reunion and Reminiscence

Welcome back to Tap Tap Cast. We are here. We're ready for some action. I am Amanda, also known to many in the community as Lundberger. And my name is Martijn. You may also know me as Inadequance. Good to see you again, Amanda. It's been a while. It's been too long, my friend. But I did get a chance to see your beautiful face casting in Stockholm. So at least that was something for me. Yeah. And I saw you in Indianapolis. Why are you casting in NA now? Are we not good enough for you?
No, you are more than enough

Meta Differences: EU vs NA

for me. You know, got to spread some of that EU love in other places as well. So it was really interesting, actually. I think that for the most part, the metas just seem very different. Like, I think that Valor Ash was the only one that kind of played something that was similar to what we see in Europe with the, you know, he had the talent flame.
and also the Magnezone on his team. But other than that, it was like, you know, like our, like our annihilate meta. Yeah. You know, I called out the Americans for being very meta in Stockholm when I saw like 50% annihilate. And then Europe comes out with 66% annihilate, 60% lantern.

Amanda's Rank Struggles

It was, it was something, not something I expected. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, we do kind of miss you over there, though. I saw you had maybe a little bit too much fun with Speedy. No, no, no. It's not more fun than with me. I mean, I did have a blast with Speedy. It was one of the first people that I casted with officially at EUIC last year. So I mean, he does hold a very special place in my heart. Yeah, fair. Hopefully I get
I get to cast one day with Speedy as well. That would be great. I have another question for you, Amanda. Hit me with it. Are you a legend yet?

New Team Strategy Experiment

Oof. No, I am not. Right now, I think I'm sitting at around...
2780 or something like that. So just above the expert level. What's holding you back? Skill, I think. No, I mean, I was I was trying to play some different things. So when Master League was first around, and to be honest, there was a like a couple of weeks where I didn't play too much as well. But I was trying some stuff in the Master League. I know that's where I beat you really solidly when we were practicing.
But yeah, it just wasn't, it wasn't working as well for me this go round. So now I'm doing the remix cup. And I just saw the Doonbug put out a team and

Casting Experiences with Speedy

I've been playing that one. It's super fun. It's Salazzle with Farathorn and Mantean in the back. I was like, that's pretty good. Yeah. Maslick must be difficult when people don't let you win like I do. Yeah. Maslick is really cool, Rick.
I'm really a court breaker right now. I like it. I've been climbing back to 2,500 now. I also had a skill issue. I dropped very low in Elo. Now I am a little bit higher again. I'm aiming to stream with some better Elo, hopefully get some leaderboards maybe on the Go Bell. Oh, nice, nice.

Paulo's PvP Journey

I would try to race you because I'm already above, but I think at the skill level that you're actually at, you will still beat me, and I am not in the mood to make that bet.
And I will make a screenshot of it and post it everywhere. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, you can tag me in it. This is like the whole thing when Paula was like, oh, you know, I'm going to try to get all these unique stops. And I was like, listen, I travel more than anyone in the world. I what have I been doing? I haven't been spinning any pokey stops like when I've been I still am not at 10. What is that? 100,000 still not at it. I haven't even checked myself. But yeah, you're speaking of Paula. I think that's our guest this week. Oh, can't wait to talk to her about it. Let's jump in.
Hello, Paulo. Welcome and good to have you here on the show. How are you doing? Well, I'm I'm so excited for being here with two influencers like you. Oh, wow. My goodness. That's what you're doing very well. You're also obviously a bit of an influencer. Can you tell everyone a little bit about yourself for those of who might not know, in case they've been living under a rock?
Well, I'm Paula. Paula signing the seven. I'm from Barcelona and I'm the second one person who won two regionals in Europe. And that's all I suppose. And the third in Bologna, right? Yep, obviously. Paula, can you tell us how did you start with PvP?
Well, I start playing like grassroots tournaments because some people in my community here in my city were playing Silv. And they were like, okay, why aren't you playing Silv? And I was like, oh, no, PvP seems like a top-top game. And that's all. It is. I agree with that. And after that, I start in...
May 2018, I think. And well, here

Success in Go Battle League

we are. You've been playing a while. Yep. Yeah, I remember playing against you because when we were talking about grassroots, I think you're on the gym breakers team, right, for Spain. And it was just like, dang, who is this girl? She came out of nowhere. And Spain was always like a team to be reckoned with. But then when you were playing as well, it was like, oh, this is like just getting harder and harder to win.
not for you it was apparently getting harder and harder to lose speaking of gym breakers and performances right show six leads you eventually into the go battle league i believe you were the first woman to hit ranked one on the go battle league leaderboard right yeah how'd you do that and how did that feel i
I watched the Open Great League meta and I was like, okay, why are you not playing Tapu Fini?

Advice for Beginners

Because in season 13, I think Tapu Fini was real and really good in the meta. And I worked around the Tapu Fini plus Shadow Glace core. And I wasn't expecting reaching Rangwon. And in this season, I think I reached rank two in leaderboard.
but it wasn't enough. With shadow magnetism, obviously. Very good. Yep. I mean, it's always amazing being Ranguan in the world, like breaking new barriers in PvP for girls, being a name to recognize between the feminine community. So, yeah.
So what would you recommend to people who have, I mean, cause I think that you like, you kind of started with GBL, like getting a name for yourself out there.

Streaming in English

It wasn't until last season with play Pokemon that people really started recognizing you in the show six category as well. What would be some tips that you would give if you're playing in that silly blind three format that makes you so good? Like, is it how to recognize a good team composition or how to build your own good team composition?
I don't know, any tips for us newbies? Well, I think an important point is, like, recognize your own play style. Like, if you want to play, I don't know, Bastion, or Shadowbix Royal, or Wigglytuff, or...
good picks or if you want to play like more flexible picks like i don't know magnet zone or or things like this and you can from this point you can buy and you can build a solid team i think so yeah i mean it's not easy it and you really need a lot of patience
Because this game isn't the best for the learning. It isn't the most easy game. So you need a lot of time for knowing what is happening in the battle. Take notes Amanda.
Why don't you actually play your first tournament, Amanda?

Shadow Magnezone's Potential

You can take some advice from Paula. I know, yeah. I'm going to maybe have some Medify coaching or anything, Paula. Maybe I can hit up your DMs. I'm always helping you if you want.
Oh, I mean, that is like, I think a lot of people steal teams, right? Uh, if they see like a team that did well in a show six pick three format, like yours just did in Stockholm, a lot of people tend to try to use those teams in another tournament, but you did talk about shadow Magnezone. I think it's a very divisive Pokemon. Like some people really don't like to play it because they find it very fragile.
But walk us through reasons why your team should be the absolute next team that people are playing at the next regional competition. Do you think we're going to see more Shadow Magnezone teams? Well, probably in Bologna we are going to see more Magnezones. I'm not sure, because it's not a common pick and it's not in rockets right now.

Analyzing Meta Trends

But playing Shadow Magnezone wasn't my idea.
It was Martin's idea because I was playing Magnezone in GBL and Martin told me, okay, why aren't you playing Magnezone in UIC? And I was like, no, Magnezone seems really bad in show six, pick three. But I started analyzing the meta and I was like, hmm, seems interesting. And well, here we are.
Especially when the meta is like triple flyer, right? Yep. I used it. I used it in Liu and back then there was like no wish cache, but because then the threats for Magnezone was meta jam. It wasn't every team. Yep. But like it had no wild charge resistance, right? I remember Alejandro's face when a wild charge was beautiful. But then wish cache was meta.
Figural became meta, Annihilate became meta. Actually really interesting how Magazones still would have play. Obviously not everyone has both of those picks, right? So I really like it into like triple flight teams and people thinking Gligar is a counter. It's really not. It's really not a counter with two shields up. Yeah, I think Magazones are really, really cool pick. It's actually surprising, Paula, that you zapped everyone at EYC.
And then Stockholm people still didn't realize, wait, this Pokemon was good. Yep. Crazy, right? I think about that EU I see when, my time when you were casting with Leo over the events that I'll have with Onion Frank, and you're just like, there's no way he doesn't shield this. There's no way he doesn't shield this! And then just completely annihilated the Polywrath. That was probably one of my favorite moments of the whole tournament. One of my craziest battles on stream, probably.
I have watched it back quite a few times. The funny thing about it was, I think the battle before that, or the matchup before that, me and Leo also tried this zap thing, and it really failed. He went with boom and I was waiting, is he gonna do it? Is he gonna do it? And he went with boom instead. But that was the perfect moment. I have watched it back many, many times. I also watched it a lot of times.
Yeah, I lost my voice over that. Like straight after that matchup, I went just sitting a little back in my chair. Paula, you also stream nowadays. What inspired you to stream in English as well?
because I think it's more helpful for the community streaming in English. I mean, I don't have the best English in the world, it's obvious, but yeah, I think it's more visible if I was streaming in English and I was like, okay, why not trying it? And streaming in English helped me to talk like more fluent. And yeah, that's why I start.
I think, uh, I haven't really streamed in a very long time. I used to, you know, share the streaming platform with, uh, Spleen Lejeune and Count Zavius on my PPP academia. We still do some of like the gym breakers tournaments and sometimes, but, um, I think like one of the big things about being a streamer is being able to be entertaining and talking while you're also doing your battles. So it's like, not only is it something that requires a decent amount of concentration to remember to keep track of your accounts and everything.
you got to be reading the chats, you know, you got to be responding to people. What has been like your favorite part and like something that has been kind of unexpected about streaming that maybe you weren't taking into account at the beginning?
Well, probably the most unexpected part was having a lot of support because I wasn't expecting them. And yeah, I'm not the most entertaining person in the world, I think, in general. So yeah, normally I cannot play while I'm counting fast moves, while I'm reading the chat. And normally I'm exploding.
But I tried to stream the Rangwon leaderboard reach, but it was impossible because I was like 30 minutes for each battle. Yeah, and then you really have some time to fill while you're waiting for the queue times.
That's a streamer life. And there's also people you play and they already have seen the team somewhere. Maybe also from previous battle. You say you're not intending to watch, but I actually really like how you react during battles, at least on the stage. Where does that come from? Do you have such a competitive spirit?
I don't think so in probably when I start playing PvP I was like more competitive right now I'm like okay I don't want to share anything my capacities because I think I demonstrated in the past so yeah I'm just being natural I think.
Alright, you're not like our Italians who always propose. We like them, don't worry, I'm just messing.
Speaking of Italians, I was thinking about this question because we have like this EU versus NA battle kind of going on already. So we'll start with that. Out of EU versus NA, who do you think has the stronger battlers in general? And then the follow up question is, in Europe, which country do you think has the strongest battlers overall?
Well, I think the strongest battler right now is obviously Dunbuk. It's like years, like years from everyone. And yeah, I mean, I have no doubts about this. And probably in Europe, the country with the most strongest players, probably is Netherlands.
Interesting. Okay. But well, Spain, I think Spain is close to... Yeah, I was going to say, there's a strong support for Spain, I think, in that as well. I think if we pose this question out there, the results would be very divisive. And I think Italy also comes in a very strong position overall as well. But yeah, I don't know. You would go with Netherlands over Spain. Your Spanish community is going to be up in arms, Paul.
Does this include me in your thoughts? Yes, obviously. Yes, someone positive about... But I mean, Netherlands has Stan, has Colin, has Mattain, has Tristiano, has a lot of people, so... No mention, so he's not that good. So much is bad.
But yeah, I mean, you guys have you for one who's like, arguably has probably the best European record this year, I think as far as like top cutting quality. Has San Houdigo also been top cutting tons? Paplandinas? I mean, Patoman?
Arguably, I don't know. I think it would be a good fight. I think this season we had two Dutch winners that are Martijn and Colin, but also Spain had two regional winners. That's right. Yeah. We are tight. Italy is known. But I'm going to win Bologna, so... Really? Am I not going to win Bologna? Yep.
I think this, if you win Bologna, you will be the first trainer in Europe to hit a couple things. Uh, it'll be the first three time winner and you'll be the first one to win two times in one season. So I, I'm kind of cheering for you to win a Bologna also because last year in Torino, that was your, your breakout performance. Uh, and, uh, and I predicted it from the beginning. We were talking about players to watch and I said, Paula Shaw is going to win this event. I remember that.
Really? It's easy to say in hindsight. No, it's on a recording. I got that. I called that from the video. I think you're also the first woman to win two tournaments over all competitive Pokemon games, right? I think so. I asked... That's incredible. I asked to Melgood about that, but I think we didn't have enough data for confirming this, but likely yes.
All right. This is very unique for sure. Yeah. And the first woman battler in the world to reach a top four in an international. You should come to NAIC. I could use your help now. Yeah.
So, another question that I had about your performance, like my manager just mentioned, your breakthrough was in Turin, right? Because I think UIC did not go very well, right? No, because... That was your first tournament, right? Yeah, Turin... Well, I mean, I was like very nervous because in my first tournament, my first battle was on stream and I had...
a move set wrong, because I was playing, I don't know, I don't remember the GBL Cup, but I was playing... I was playing SciShow Carolina in GBL, I don't remember the cup, but the night before the tournament, I was like, okay, I'm going to check the move sets, and I suppose that I saw the pink chat move, and I was like, okay, this is good, and I was on stream, and I was like, oh, man, I have SciShow.
so yeah yeah yeah that was that was that was tough but you didn't give up you went into tour and after yep
So how did it get to that? Were you like, after USC, OK, I still want to prove myself in these tournaments? I mean, I'm always having the sensation that I have to prove anything about me. And in Torino, it was like, OK, I'm going to try a solid team. I'm going to see how can I do in this tournament. And, well, luckily, it went better than expected. Yeah. You wanted to win a tournament in a mind jokes country.
with a man jokes team. Who made that team? Was it you or him? I built the team without knowing that he played it in Malmo, I think. I sent him the team and he was like, okay, this is my Malmo team.
It's been a long time since then, but how did you prep for that tournament in Turin? And is it still the same sort of preparation that you go through when you're prepping for tournaments nowadays, or has it gotten a little more relaxed as you've done more and more tournaments?
Well, normally I'm screaming a lot, not in Stockholm, because I was like, OK, and I don't really need to scream, because I only need like 60 points in Stockholm and 60 points in Bologna for having the travel award. And I was like, OK, I'm going to try this team. I played like three times before the tournament, the skeleton. I've already tapped like a week before the tournament.
But normally I'm screaming. The night before Torino, I played with Knopfon. And I think I lost like seven games in a row. And I was like, oh, man, this team is so bad. But you're just getting your losses out of your system. You decided to keep the team anyway, even though you lost so many times. Normally, when I lock a team, I don't want to change anything because
I think if you are changing the team like hours before the tournament, normally it isn't working in my opinion. So yeah. I can tell a lot of experience in my Liverpool. It was entered at like 2am.
That's what I came up with. That's when I finalized it. Yeah, they did not go well. They did not go well. So I stand by that advice too. In Stockholm, I locked the team like 10 days before the tournament and I was like, okay, this team seems solid in general. I'm continuing thinking that my UIC team was more solid than the Stockholm one, but yeah.
What was the difference? I think you had Wishcache in UIC. In UIC I had Anikilape and Skarmory. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. And in Stockholm I had Skeletorich and Mantine. Alright, how did you get to the Mantine?
because I was like, my intention was hard countering like magnesium counters that mainly are anihylate and whiskash. And I was like, okay, I'm gonna bring Cresselia, Altaria, and Magnezone for discouraging people bringing whiskash plus anihylate. So, yep.
Smart. So you basically was like, I'm for sure playing Magnezone. So now the rest of the team just builds around keeping the Magnezone safe. I was obviously playing Magnezone, but I was like, okay, I'm going to bring a team stronger to Magnezone counters. And that's why I played them. Were you upset that someone got a championship with the Magnezone right before you did in Brazil?
I mean, it's always funny because after Torino, I think Elit won a North America tournament with my Torino team. So, yep, that's funny because they won with my Torino team and they won a tournament in Brazil with my UIC team. That's a good team, obviously.
Do you think that players in Los Angeles, which will still be in the same meta, will also pick up on Magnezone? I don't think so, because Magnezone is not a meta pick, in my opinion, but probably we are going to see like 5 or 6 in all the tournaments, and not more than this, I think.
I will say because it's already on the website so I am casting in LA as well and we're having to do caster predictions and three of the four casters have also put Shadow Magna Zone in our Pokemon picks.
You guys put Magnezone in Orlando, three out of four, and the best we got was a Crunch Charger book. Yeah, maybe we're leading ourselves up for failure there. But like we said before, Valor Ash did use the Magnezone and a Talonflame as well. So I was like, okay, this is like as close to EU team composition as I think we're gonna get.
But wait, I think Butterj is playing in Los Angeles, right? So maybe he might be using Magnezone. I hope so. Or a Goodra. Oh, yep. Certainly Goodra. Yeah. Question, Paula. Who's the best Italian player? Scaffo. Scaffo, really? Yep. Not a mind joke. I'm not going to say that mind joke, I'm sorry. Oh, no. I have to blame...
about Alessio. I'm sorry, Alessio. Sorry, I'm teasing the Italians a little bit. We're always joking how Paula is more Italian in our group, so I like to bring it up now and then.
Speaking of Italians, it just reminded me that they have quite a bit of local tournaments that they have gathered championship points from. I think that you also did something really cool this year and you qualified for Worlds essentially without any local points because you didn't attend a local by that. That's 400 points just from going to tournaments and getting some top cuts alone.
Very impressive run. Are you hoping because of your placements that you can leaderboard push? I think so. What are your thoughts on that? I mean, a month ago, I wasn't qualified for Worlds. And right now, I have the triple points needed for Worlds. So I'm going to try in Bologna to maintain top one leaderboards in Europe. Well, let's see.
I don't think, uh, I don't think Stazistan is going. I know Colin is going, but man, they need to win the tournament to get as close as you are. Right. I'm just going to take a quick peek of that. Cause I believe you like, let us know Martijn. Cause you are, you are far away from the leaderboards at this point. I think aren't you like 20th or something? Excuse me. On which position are you on the leaderboard? How did your last local even go? Good point. Good point.
I think Emi Weidl is likely going to Bologna, Stone Collection, Bartoman. I'm not sure about Arceus Aurelius. He actually didn't get any points in Stockholm, so perhaps Pavlondinos is going, I think. And Tomahawk UK is going as well. Skafo, obviously.
Yeah, those are like I don't think anyone can get close really even with a win get to the points from a win championship win They would get to like thousands that well Some of them could get to near 11 but that's also if you have like 60 points It will we know I think yeah exactly right that that is in the assumption that you don't get any points Yeah, that is a bold call. I don't think that's gonna happen
They're gonna try to get her food poisoning or something. Lock her in her hotel room in the morning so she can't do it. My joke is listening. I'm taking down ideas.
So yeah, so I mean, obviously we can say that you will be at Worlds, most likely with a travel stipend or an award at the very least a stipend. How are you feeling about this potential new meta? Obviously, since you've done so well in this meta, are you a fan of what is going on now or are you looking forward to midway through the tournament in a Volonia where you're seeing what the new possibilities will be for the Worlds meta?
I mean, I'm going to be honest. I don't like this meta. Interesting. But I mean, I'm always afraid of new metas because I was like, let's see how the new meta will work. I'm not a big fan of this meta.
because it's like sometimes with some teams it's like just RPS every single battle in Stockholm I was watching the stream and it was like okay this battle is just RPS just winning the lead winning the switch and the battle is done so yeah I'm not a big fan of this meta I think the Noctal Lantern meta was better
Wow, that is a statement Paula. Oh my goodness. I felt more comfortable with my Torino's team than with my Stockholm team because it felt like more flexible in my opinion.
because, I mean, Lantern was water gun, so Noctury is not that bad in this matchup. We had a lot of core breakers like A Slash, like Registeal, like Out of Peaks. And right now, I think it's more difficult to bring a core breaker, like Magnezone, obviously, like Origin Jiratina, or things like this. Wheelie tough? Yep.
I mean, you say it is harder, but the people who have like, like a Magna Zone or like a Giratina have one tournament. So, I mean, it's, uh, if you have, you know, the bravery and kind of the team composition and ideas of how you want to play it, obviously people can pilot it to success. It really surprises me that someone, uh, uh, Statistan also said something similar that he loved the Noctowl, you know, Lantern Trevenant meta. And I think, uh, people wanted to,
I'm not going to lie, the team that I brought to Hartford and the UIC, which was Obstagoon, Shadow's Art, Lantern, A9, Trev, and Regi, I actually love that. I didn't really try to go in like a RPS triangle, but I just feel like it was very easy to free up particular Pokémon often. Probably my favorite team this season was my dance team that had... Felix!
because I felt like Shadow of Steelix was the RPS breaker of this meta because I mean the only counter was Medicem and Psychic Medicem wasn't that good against Steelix because Steelix was just 1, 2, 3, 4 breaking swipes, everything.
And that was when the breaking swipe automatically lowered. It was guaranteed, wasn't it? Yep. And I felt right now, zone is similar to that, but obviously stronger because while chat practically one shots everything. But my favorite team was my dance team. Let's see.
Stelix is so toxic, it's just four breaks. The only tournament with Stelix in the top cat, and we had three Stelix in top cat. Yeah, that's true. That is true. It was you, a mind joke. Who was the third one? Marcus.
Oh, yeah, it was Marcus. Yeah. Yeah, Marcus. I remember who thought he had the game. I remember very well. Yeah. If you if you make a wish, if you were to change the matter right now, what change would you make?
probably I will nerf Skald because Skald seems like really powerful and after that probably nerfing Spark or Surf for being lantern like Wicker and I don't know if I will change anything more. Do you want Noctal back?
Yeah, but I'm not sure if Noctowl and if Sky Attack and Nerf will be better for the meta because Altaria right now is so powerful and probably having the all Sky Attack, it will be a bit... Too strong? Yeah. Not the most easy meta to play with.
Now, if we're talking about scald nerfs, are you hoping that the 50-50 chance of it lowering the attack is nerfed, or the actual damage that it puts, or both? Both, probably both, because 85 damage for 50 energy with 50% debuff.
is too powerful because it's like a coin flip every single time that you are landing the skull. So yeah, probably something like an 80% and 80 damage for 50 energy with a 25 or 30% debug rate will be better, I suppose. You just want to see the Magnezone counter disappear. Yep.
Fair, fair. Are you also, maybe you know more about this Amanda, Girls That PvP. How involved are you with that?
I'm never like a lot involved because I'm horrible in this court. I'm not the most constant people in this court. And I'm probably seeing message like two weeks after or things like this. So yeah, I'm not the most constant people in the world. That's why I'm not playing like frequent tournaments because I'm always forgotten.
So yeah, I will say I'm not overly active when, when stuff stopped happening for me, like I, cause I played a lot of tournaments in that server. So my participation has gone down, but I will say like the girls at PVB server is so supportive of other, uh,
Women. It's such a nice thing. Anytime you see someone on stream, whether it's casting or winning tournaments or even if they just happen to be on-screen battling, you always see so many nice tags and support statements and stuff. I think that that's really cool and a big encouragement to have other people try to start playing or if they have questions, they know who they can turn to and have
a role model that they're looking up to. After Stockholm, my phone just exploded and I entered to my Discord and I had like 10 mentions in the Girls of PvP server, so yeah, very supportive. Yeah, that's good, right? Is it like a feeling that you also have when you play? Like, when I played in Hartford, I really felt like that I have Europe on my back. You also have that like when you play in Stockholm, they have like Girls of PvP on your back?
because I think in a mainly masculine world it's not easy to start playing as a girl and I'm always feeling that probably doing things like winning Stockholm, being top four in UIC is always helpful for all girls and that's my intention mainly.
Um, one thing that I was talking a little bit of with Martine about this before you came into the chat. Another thing that you've beat me at in this game is our race to 100,000 unique focus stops. Like you started so much after me, but you, you travel quite a bit and you really, uh, not only are you collecting plushies everywhere you go, you're really spinning every single stop. And, uh, how many are you at now? Cause you're, you're way above me at this point. I still haven't even hit it.
But yep, I'm always having the go plus plus connected. And yep, that helps a lot. So give me a second. I'm near to 11,000. I don't know how much is near. Let's give me a second. I'm actually curious. You say 11,000 approximately. How many are you at, Amanda? Let me check as well. Let me get my phone.
Yeah, I'm curious. I mean, these regionals are like a perfect opportunity to actually go like downtown, right? And get a lot of those stops in. I'm at 9,000. 10,815.
Not bad. I really hope I'm ahead of Amanda. That is my grip. Let's look and see. I'm at 9,775. Fine. You beat me in the wrong thing. I beat you in the Master League as well. Let's never forget. Yeah, but you're not a legend. That's true. I'm not a legend yet this season. I don't have the Platinum bat in Master League.
You don't! You don't play Mass League? You don't play Mass League? You're close, you're close. So you play Mass League next time we play Battlefield 3. That's a fun game though to see. It gives you little goals to work for in the game when you're done with the sets for the day. While we're talking about the sets and the fact that I'm not legend yet, do you have a team suggestion for me?
for either Master League or Great League remixed. I mean, I played Great League remixed like the first two days and I tried to play the Magnezone and everyone was playing Stalex, everyone was playing Quaxite, so yep, not the easiest meta for Magnezone, so yep, I don't know.
I'm sorry. It's Magna Zone or nothing. Yeah, I'm not playing Master League, so I don't know what to play. Master League, probably, Oriim, Palkia, Lando, Rusirgan, and something more, but I don't know what is playing in Master League. Big tips. How about you, Martijn? What should I play in Master League? What should I beat you with this time?
I'm currently playing Lugia, Origen, Pokja and Solgaleo. I was expecting the Solgaleo. Hey, Kofas is in Spain this year. How do you feel about that?
I'm feeling excited because we had Safari next and the past year in Barcelona. After that, we had the Go Fest in Madrid. It's always amazing because I was planning to go to the Euro Go Fest and if it's in Madrid, I have to go there.
Is that like close by? It's like five hours of a train or something? No, it's in the fast train, it's like two hours and a half. Okay, easy. I've never been to Madrid. Barcelona, despite getting my phone swiped there in the metro, is one of my favorite cities in Europe. I think it's a super fun city. But we have a lot of big pockets in the metro. Just keep your belongings very close.
I have the same here. It's also not a super safe neighborhood, but I don't know. I've never had anything. Maybe it's like a local thing, a local vibe. Yeah. Maybe you should come to Madrid as well, Amanda. I've asked this like five times. Yeah. I know. I know, guys. I'm missing you guys as well. Leo was streaming yesterday and I popped in to say hi and I was just like, oh, this face. I miss this face.
I mean, I've never been robbed in Barcelona, so yeah.
You know, she is saying that, Paula, but she's staying another at least two weeks in Los Angeles. Yeah, you're going to Los Angeles. Another two weeks in North America. Are you even coming back anymore, Amanda? Yeah. Well, can I say, you know, Miss Worldwide, maybe by the time I get back, I'll actually be ahead of Paula in a unique focus that's fun. I was praying for having Amanda casting in Bologna, but seems that it's not an option.
Yeah, that would have been amazing. Then for sure, I would have said that you would win it again, right? That was a very cool because Andris, who was also a woman, she got second place and I was casting the event. I think it was a very cool moment for a lot of the women battlers. If you take the first flight from Los Angeles. I'll just kick off someone on the casting roster. I'm sure that they would understand.
Shall we lead into our final questions, Amanda?
Yes, Paula, this is the standard question that we have here on Tap Tap Cast. And it is a two-parter. And you kind of answered it earlier, but maybe your answer will change. But who in this community do you consider a crebrawler? And a crebrawler would be someone who is really good at the game, but maybe not super well-known or needs their breakout moment. And who in this community would you consider a champion? And this is someone who, you know,
is already pretty well known and has a shot of winning worlds this year, if they can get past you. I mean, it's a bit obvious considering Donboog as a man champion, because probably he's the favorite for winning worlds, because right now he's the best player in the world without any doubts. This is only driving me to beat him.
Apart for him, probably the strongest player in Europe, in my opinion, right now, is Stan. So, yep, and Akra Brouler, I have to think about that. But in Spain, I think we have a lot of good players that aren't coming to a lot of tournaments like Christian, like a lot of people.
But, yep, I'm not sure. Probably, I'm feeling bad for him, but probably I'm a yoke, because this wasn't his best, his best season. And, yep, I think he's a very good player, but this season wasn't the best for him.
Yeah, I can really agree with, I think that even in the past, other people have said a mind joke too. Everyone knows that he is a good player, very solid, but yeah, you're absolutely right. He just hasn't had his really breakout performance that has showcased how good of a player he actually is. And he loves banana curry pizza. He does, he does, yes. Nevermind. He's on any list, any list of importance. We will also get him pizza Hawaii in Hawaii. Yep, this is all on the list.
Yeah, maybe he needs your help. Yeah, I think so. Well, when he was playing like the same teams on me, he was doing well in tournaments, but he stopped playing my teams. And... Why? He's not believing in Magnezone. It's not my fault. I know, right? A-slash is the best tutor. And where did I get him, Paola? Where did A-slash get him? It got him to fourth place in Malmo.
Yep. Last season. Yep. Great. How many gold medals? Ooh. And silver ones.
Well, to be fair, how many how many gold medals did Magnezone get you Martijn? Hey, I got a medal. You got a bronze. You got a bronze. I did get a medal with it. That is true. I'm proud of that. I got a trophy and a medal. The trophy? I need one from NAIC. This is it. Yeah, it looks good. Especially since you keep bringing up Doombug as the best player. I need to do something about that. You are the Europe's hope.
Yeah, we're putting it all in here. You were saying before that, you know, you felt Europe on your back. Yeah. Everyone's like, take my energy.
It will be good. I think we have six Europeans going. We also have some Latham going, I believe, like Linda Warder and Steiner. So they will also be challenging NAIC. I have a feeling it's going to be super stacked. It's actually pretty scary. But, you know, if I can RPS my way to the finals, I'm fine. North America probably has the strongest players in the world right now because they have
um dumb book accent obviously um accent who stuff yeah
No one knows. I was thinking, Lyle Jeff or Ryze, a lot of people that are pretty good in this meta, in this game. Probably all of these four, I'm forgetting someone. There's this donation. But yeah, probably those four, I need the top 10 best players in the world right now. Yeah, I mean, not all of them can succeed, though. And Lyle Jeffs isn't going to be at the tournament, so he's a... I bribed him.
You found a bride for his brother, so he was scared to go to a wedding. Wow, that's some deep manipulation, Martaj. Yeah, Dumbak already has someone, so it didn't work.
Marten, how did you look it up? How well would you need to do at NAIC to be in the travel race? Depends on how I do in Bologna. Sure. I win Bologna, of course. Yeah, well, yeah. EC200 there then, yeah. I'll see you in the grand finals. If I were not to get any points at Bologna, imagine, then I would need at least a top four at NAIC. Okay. I mean, that's definitely doable.
I just have to ABA my way through. Align my double charm team well. Skarmy, hopefully no Skarmy. You only have to play the Utrecht team. And having the luck that you have in Utrecht. It just gets rekt by Feraligat. That's why it's a little bit less convenient as it used to be. And I also had no Gligar answer. So, I don't know. I had something...
Okay, I had a team Which which I'll tell you what it was because like I feel like there will be better changes but the team that I had Prepared for any I see was geared in origin wiggly tough a zoomer real vigor olds Magna zone. Oh and I like that again. I don't remember my six real. Oh cresselia cresselia Yeah to answer vigor a little bit better
That was the team that I had. I did a few scrims. I went about 17 in one. So at that point, but I deleted everything now. Because I feel like, why am I doing this if we're getting an update anyway? Yeah, that's true. I did a team for Bologna and I'm like, okay, I built a roll team, a random team.
but I'm waiting for the update for MCing if the team will work similar to my expectations or what's happening. Yeah, exactly.
All right. Thank you, Paulo, for coming on today. Much appreciate. If anything, personally, I want to say I think you are an extraordinary inspiration for many women ballads because we don't have many, truthfully, that are performing at the level that you are. It's true. I mean, we really have any players who are performing at the level that you are.
It's true, but it's good to see a woman performed as well, and hopefully that it will draw more in, right? So... And when the new meta drops, I'll help you team build for me for New Orleans as well, because all I need to do is win it, and then I'm qualified for Worlds as well, so... Yes, play Bastion, Wigglytuff, Shelby Trail. I approve. Alright, alright. I approve. Alright, this will be my team, guys.
Tap tap team for the tap tap cast. And speaking of tap tap cast, new episodes on Thursdays. We'll catch you in the next one.