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EP627: Alan and Angie Thomas - The Life & Death Of Your Hopes And Dreams image

EP627: Alan and Angie Thomas - The Life & Death Of Your Hopes And Dreams

S1 E627 · The Thought Leader Revolution Podcast
95 Plays2 months ago

“Don’t settle for less than your best. Claim the weight you truly want and commit to living the life you were meant to have.”

What role does self-image play in preventing individuals from taking action to combat obesity, and how can they overcome it? Why is achieving health framed as the key to unlocking greater happiness, productivity, and a fulfilling life? How can we take personal responsibility for our health while in a while of unhealthy marketing and the allure of quick fixes?

Obesity is more than a health issue; it’s a roadblock to personal fulfillment. In this episode, Alan and Angie Thomas share how confronting their weight not only transformed their physical health but also revitalized their relationships, confidence, and overall potential. They discuss the profound psychological toll of obesity and how self-image can prevent change—until you commit to radical responsibility. The conversation also tackles societal challenges like unhealthy marketing and quick-fix solutions, urging listeners to prioritize sustainable, self-driven health transformations to unlock happiness and fulfillment.

Here are the expert action steps shared by Alan and Angie Thomas:

1. Get Clear on Your Ideal Weight: Visualize the version of yourself you were created to be. What does that version weigh? Claim it boldly without fear or compromise.

2. Act as if Lives Depend on It: Imagine your loved ones’ lives depend on you losing one pound a week without consulting experts. What changes would you make to your eating and habits? Start now.

3. Understand the Cost of Inaction: Reflect on the impact your obesity has on your family, relationships, and legacy. Consider what they will lose if you don’t make changes today.

4. Stop Settling for Less: Aim for your best, not just an easier goal. Commit to reaching your ideal weight, knowing it will change not just your body but your entire life.

Alan and Angie Thomas are transformational coaches and the founders of Rethink Dieting. After losing a combined 192 pounds in just 260 days, they turned their personal victories into a mission to help others escape the grips of obesity. Through their program, they guide clients to achieve sustainable weight loss by focusing on mindset, accountability, and radical responsibility, rather than diets or fads. Their work has helped countless individuals reclaim their health, restore their confidence, and transform their futures. Learn more at

1. This is the link to book a breakthrough call with Alan and Angie, where they help identify weight-related challenges and strategize solutions.

2. This link provides a video outlining their five-step strategy to lose 192 pounds in 260 days, offering more insights before booking a call.

Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.


Obesity Crisis Overview

Every day, over 90,000 people become obese. 90,000 every day, every seven to nine seconds, someone is dying from a health-related event due to their obesity, you know, whether it's type two or stroke or heart attack because of their leg. It's like the creator of the universe is sitting there saying, if you'll fix this simple thing called your weight, I'm going to open up the floodgates for you. I just believe it. Don't wait on Robert Kennedy. Do something about it now.

Introduction to the Podcast

Welcome to the Thought Leader Revolution with Nikki Ballou. Join the revolution. There's never been a better time in history to speak your truth, find your freedom, and make your fortune. Each week, we interview the world's top thought leaders and learn the secrets of how they built a six to seven figure practice. This episode has been brought to you by, the proven system to add six to seven figures a year to your thought leader practice.
Welcome to another exciting episode of the podcast, the Thought Leader Revolution. I'm your host, Nicky Baloo. And boy, do we have a pair of exciting guests for you today.

Meet Alan and Angie

Today's guests are two of the leading global thought leaders in the arena of helping people get back their health. I am speaking, of course,
of none other than the two, the only, Alan and Angie. Welcome to the show, guys. Thank you, Nicky. Thanks, Nicky. That's great. here I feel like we feel like we need to do a UFC fight. I that. We are in the court, Alan. I love it. That's great. Thank you. So, guys,
Tell us your backstory. So I'll give you the short version.

Alan's Turning Point

yeah in On March 2nd, 2017, the day after our 31st wedding anniversary, I walked into the bathroom and did something I didn't do very often in those days. I stepped on a scale. And when I looked down at the scale, I saw something that I never in my life thought I would ever see, and it was a number that began with, it was a large number, and it began with the number three, it was 304 pounds. And and i if it said 299.999, it would have would not have impacted me, but I was 55 years old at the time, um and I've been in the senior market insurance sales for about a decade and a half.
and had trained agents and sat in probably, I don't know, five, 10,000 homes when, you know, literally people 65 years and over. And the fact that I was 55, standing there, I remember this this revelation, I realized I had never met a man in all of my ventures with over 65 year olds that was 65 years old and more than a hundred pounds overweight.
Now they're out there. they're we We call them unicorns, you know, men. Women tend to live longer, but with a lot of health issues with the with the overweight. And I just, I was in, I was shocked. And then it all, and so things started of running through my mind just, you know, it was like a download from God. I mean, it was just weird. It started running through my mind. from My first thought was, Angie was going to call me her first husband. I would be the picture on the wall, the fat guy on the wall.
and people would walk into our house, and they would say, who's that guy on the wall that I see with? Oh, that was my first husband. He died of ah you know whatever the the ailment was. Now, I had no medical conditions, obesity, other than my morbid obesity, no no serious medical conditions at the time, but I knew she would be married to some other guy. Obviously, I married up, and she you know clearly, she was hope hopefully, she wasn't shopping at the time. But we, but I knew that somebody else, our four children, our youngest at the time was 15 years old and our four children will be calling somebody else dad.

Commitment to Change

I would, all these different things that I was supposed to do to all the hopes and dreams that I had for later in life were going to be evaporated because I couldn't put down the stinking fork.
and And so I made the decision on that. It was really funny. I mean, Nikki, when you're, you know, if you if you drive by a building that's collapsing or some awful thing or a tree fall, you know, what what do people do nowadays? They pull out their cell phones and they take a picture after they called 911, hopefully, and after they made sure that everybody's safe inside. You know, we snapped that picture. So I had my cell phone near and I snapped the picture of that 304 just without thinking. I mean, it wasn't something I typically did at the time. And and it was,
because it was just a line in the sand moment. I said, there's no way that I'm going to be here and if I don't make changes. Nicky, I've been on 35 years of obesity. I've been on more diets than Carter's got pills. If you're old enough to remember that phrase.
sure we were sure that you know we I knew what to do and that's what we find with our with our clients. I mean, that's one of the things we do. We don't tell people what to eat or what exercise to do intentionally. we We give them strategies, but we but we purposely don't give them a way out. And so is it is interesting is I you know i went public with it it a couple of weeks later.
and said, i'm I'm going to get over 100 pounds off and I'm going to do it by November and and you guys can watch me. And I put myself literally in my own ah prison where I couldn't escape from for the first time in my life. And it and it led to, you know, I reached my ideal weight two days faster than I predicted. I was able to calculate it. It's just not that complicated. We make it like it's this it's an emotional issue more than, much more than a strategic issue.
And Angie made her piece of it because she she had not struggled with obesity to the level I had. She was she was carrying baby weight, but her baby was 15 years old. And so but and and she and so it was it it didn't bother me, but obviously it bothered her. So you you tell

Angie's Response

your piece of it. Well, let's just be honest. When you were deliberate and you revealed to the entire world, our world at the time on Facebook that you were going to release you know, 129 pounds by November, I knew that um
it would I had to step up because obviously I, other people were starting, other men were joining and some had friends. I had to, I was going to be the first, I'm very competitive. I was going to be the first woman, no matter what, where we do everything together. But I was so mortified when I actually realized what he had done on Facebook because um we always talk about things. As you said, right at that time, we'd been married 31 years and typically big decisions had always been spoke up about. And I would consider that probably one of the very lowest biggest ones. When I posted my scale, I i literally just pushed post and she said what and she came and she was standing about three feet from where where but I'm sitting right now. i mean ah And she said, what the hell have you done? And so she was like, she was freaking out. I said, you're angry today, but you're going to be thrilled in about eight months.
but so But truly what it was is I knew that I too would be happy with would be bearing my soul and my skills for everyone to see. And I was really most concerned about our kids, the friend their friends, their parents, and so forth, people that we knew and our ah where we moved from. all All those things went through my mind. Oh my gosh, you know this this mom or whatever is going to see my scale or Alan's.
Well, our children have backlash from it, I guess, but you know everybody was supportive. and Well, it's it's this ridiculous thing too, Nikki. We we walk around in our culture, you know in in this woke society we live in where everything is okay and the that you know you have social media influencers that are 200 pounds overweight and and you know body positivity. i mean But most of the people believe that nobody knows their weight.
You know that they can see it and you know if you're a hundred and you're over a hundred pounds overweight And you're not seven feet five or something and I'm not I'm five eleven then then you you know there you can't hide it and and so I just stated the obvious and it really it became something that just kind of it's like I jumped and I got power from it and and it was never meant to be a business that's for dog unsure and And so hourly 63 pounds and 190 days. Yeah, she rocked it. And that was my goal. Between the two, you like a whole person disappeared. Oh, yes. The joke was in the insurance organization was that I lost a backstreet boy. So yeah. But yeah, and then it just, you know, it just evolved. I mean, when you, you know, you've gone through a transformation, you did a bodybuilding thing, which is amazing, you know, which, I mean, so what people immediately come to you, what did you do? What did you do? And what they're really asking, I mean, this I realized, they're really asking on a weight loss challenge, you know, situation like I was in, what can I do to eat as much as I want?
whenever I want and whatever I want. That's really what they're looking for. And they're probably asking you these questions about bodybuilding and they're saying, man, how can I look like you without ever going to the gym, without working out and doing all this sacrifice? Because people don't want to do it. They want the easy

Debunking Weight Loss Myths

way. And there is no easy way. I mean, it's the easy way. The magic pill is it's so funny. i You know, we talk about it's like the like the Israelites going to the promised land from Egypt and in Exodus.
It's that they spent 40 years on the 11 day walk because they looked for a shortcut. That was really what they were doing. They were looking for the golden calf was a shortcut. And and so I spent 35 years in obesity because I was searching for shortcuts. The shortcut was that was the direct the direct approach. Just do it. I mean, it really is. And I know people hearing this who struggle with weight and say, oh, come on, it's more complicated than that. Well, it is on the on the on the thinking side. It's not on the on the nutrition. it's you know it's so It's so funny.
yeah and i don't you know i don't classify We're not doctors, we're not dieticians, we're not physical fitness experts, we're we're regular humans. But after sitting between the elbows of a guy that weighed 300 pounds and weighed in the 280s and 290s for many years, and okay morbidly that's morbid obesity, no no way around it.
All of the the, every day, I just sent an email to somebody that was you know reaching out to me. it's It's like every day, it's your first thought. every day when you walk into a meeting, it's your first thought. And it's this baggage that hangs on you and it stops you from achieving it at a level that you could potentially achieve. The health is super important. I'm not discounting that. But if but any person in their right mind that lives in a first world country knows that obesity is a major health concern. And that's not enough. But when they realize
when they realize all the consequences of it on the other, the other things, the relationships, the business things, all the different issues in life that we want to succeed in, it's just, it's, it's, it's overwhelming. And we, and we build these coping mechanisms and I built my share. I mean, I've built a bunch. So, and, and as you mentioned, so many, well, obesity, overweight, wherever, whether you're 50 pounds or 200 pounds or more,
over your your ideal weight. It affects everything. And I cannot tell you the number of women and men that I've spoke to that have not that are married that are not in a marriage relationship with their spouse. Many are living in a different bedroom. It's like their roommates just sharing expenses.
And that's not what we're called we're called to have live to the fullest. And and we we have to take accountability and there's no responsibility
You guys, it sounds like you're giving people their lives back. You're helping them, you're saving marriages, you're saving families. You're giving someone their self respect and their dignity back, honestly, because that when someone is overweight, that's what they lose first. That's what I lost. I mean, I was close to 60 pounds overweight. And for me, that was.
It was terrible. I wouldn't go telling anybody this, but I used to be a top fitness trainer. I used to be, you know, somebody with abs and striations and veins and all that jazz. And it all disappeared. I became a fat guy. I hated it, but I didn't tell anybody, but I was disgusted with myself and I reached that point of disgust. And that's when I decided to do something about it. I hired a coach and you know, the rest is history, but.

Motivation and Strategies

guys were able to do this at at a time in your lives where a lot of people are giving up. you know People who are over the age of 60 are not usually thinking, let me get into shape. They're thinking, let me safely go to my grave without making too many waves. right So I want to understand what gave you the fire to take this journey and see it through.
Well, it you know, it's it's interesting because we have a real counterintuitive process. We're what a friend of mine but called, a friend of Angie's of mine called, we're diet agnostic. And so it's, ah you know, sure there are better things than others. And so, um We, but when people come to us, you know, used to come to us about, you know, what did you do? we It's just so funny. You know, this one lady in particular was asking Angie and I, you know, what'd you do? And she became a microbiologist when we told her the nutrition that we were following. It was completely safe. It was not crazy. It wasn't radical. It was, you know, my doctor loved what we were doing. and
and And at the end of the day, yeah it was so funny, I asked this lady when she she was a cosmetologist, and after asking me what it what we ate, and she started to, I couldn't eat it for this reason, this reason, this reason. Literally, she became ah immediately became a microbiologist with no training. And and so so my immediate question to her for some reason, I just popped in my head and said, what'd you have for lunch?
Now, she's 150 pounds overweight. OK, this woman's a morbidly obese, asking us for help. And this is before we were coaches. And and she said, um she said, well, I went to Taco Bell.
I said, awesome, Taco Bell tastes good. I said, what'd you have? She had chimichanga and the extra cheese stuff and the nachos and all the garbage. And I said, and my next logical question for her was what did you have for dessert? And she she had Kit Kats. I said, I love Kit Kats. Those are awesome. They taste good. Have a nice life. I wish you well. And and I got off the phone with Angie and I said, I will never tell anybody what to eat as long as I live because it's this it's crazy. They already know.
And so not long after me saying that, a mentor of mine who actually listened to me and dropped 17 pounds in about five weeks. And I did it just to help him. It was Dan Miller who passed from pancreatic cancer earlier this year. And he said, why don't you coach this stuff? And I said, I don't want to tell people what to eat. I said, it's stupid. Fat people know what to do. I knew what to do. It's the doing, it's the hard part. And he said,
He said, whatever. in And about it about a month and a half later, Angie and I were being interviewed on ah on a podcast. and And it was not about weight, but our story came up. And um and this guy um her who was in the listening to it, lot actually listened to it live, he messaged me during it. He said, would you he said can I talk to you? He sent a Facebook message. He said, can I talk? And I didn't know this individual.
and And he got on the phone with me and he was pushing 400 pounds. And what I heard, Nikki, I heard myself. I heard myself, this guy was 40 something years old. Now I'd run a mile before in my life, i because I was thin in my young years, but I'd never run a mile in his life. He had all these different things. And and so he so he literally, he kind of begged me to coach him. And I said, I'll give you three sessions. I gave him a price that was ah joke price. It was just funny now to think back. And and I said, but I'm never going to tell you to eat. I'm never going to tell you what exercise to do, because that's not what's causing your obesity.

Rethink Dieting Method

I said, you've got to do you have to change what you eat? Of course you do, but you've got to get radically responsible about this whole process. And and it changed his life. I mean, it just changed his life. And I said, huh. And it was the it and in the charge that I got out of serving him and helping him get out of his own way.
and in stop letting weight hold him back and do something about it just led me down this path. And and it started with just men and started with a handful of guys and and they all got results. The ones who did what I asked got results you know immediately. And and then um became a business. It became what we call rethink dieting. And then you know a lot of ladies were asking Angie. So we started, you know and Angie went on her journey. So we came on it together. but But like it's it's the men and women. ah you know Here's the thing, Nicky, there's so many people that are they're obese or morbidly obese and they don't they don't believe they can do it. And in its it's like one of our clients, Rick, who when he came to us three years ago, three hundred and he's a unicorn. He's one of those unicorns. He was 388 pounds, five foot 10, 70 years old.
and and he um And I told him, I said, I'm positive I can get the weight off of you to do the work. It's gonna be harder for you than it is for other people, but but I'm positive it'll work. And he said, and and he he he's he enrolled in our in our process. And it was just funny, he later told me, said i thought i was he said, I thought you were a lunatic, but for some reason I believed you. And because he'd he'd spent 52 years in obesity.
And the other day he the other day, it was about a month ago now, he actually crossed over from obesity to overweight, which is a huge thing. He move he weighed in at 206. But more importantly, three, and this took him three years. From 388 to 206.
Yeah, and he's still going. I mean, he's going to 188. That's his ideal way. And and and and he's and he ah and and he's he wouldn't be alive today, I know it, if he hadn't taken that action. And and it's and it's been a beautiful thing to watch how that's morphed into it.

Obesity Beyond Health

and and just But when you get that charge of knowing that you serve somebody, because we're we are talking about life and death here.
I mean, we are, and we know it. Now, it's not only life and death physically, but it's the life and death of your hopes and dreams. And and it's and that's what fired us up. and you know if i Trust me, Nikki, if I could quit, I would.

Addressing the Epidemic

And the numbers are staggering, Nikki. Every day, over 90,000 people become obese. 90,000 every day. And I'm sure you you know statistics and whatnot, but every seven to nine seconds, someone is dying from a health-related um event due to their obesity, you know, whether it's type two or stroke or heart attack or plus whatever it is.
sleep apnea. It's all because of their weight. Seven to nine seconds. I mean, we've we've lost a few just since I've been saying that.
You know, I was listening to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. talking about the obesity epidemic and the chronic disease epidemic in America, and how um in the 40s, there was no chronic disease. There was no obesity problem. And today, the majority of Americans are obese. I'm not sure. Americans, that is nuts. And children as well. Children, absolutely. 40 million children.
I'm very excited that he will be serving as President Trump's advisor on um bringing this to the nation at large. And his his mission, his mandate is to get rid of the chronic ah disease um epidemic and to get rid of the obesity epidemic. I think that's fantastic. I think it has to happen not just in America, but all over the Western world. Sure.
People are overfed and undernourished these days. And I've been doing a lot of reading in this arena. I just read Dr. Casey Means' book, Good Energy.

Transformation to Thought Leaders

I'm reading Max Lugaver's book, um ah Genius Foods. And it's mind blowing how widespread the problem is. And to see thought leaders like yourselves
who have struggled with this issue ah and have come out on the other side in in in a very elegant way, be able to show people that it's the very struggles that you both have had with this issue that qualifies you to teach people how to overcome it.
And that's the essence of thought leadership. That's what we teach. and Instead of the thought leader work that we do, then Mark Baumuser is graciously oh assisting us with with that. But you are the epitome of that.
And I'm wondering if you could share your comments or thoughts on

RFK Jr.'s Obesity Solutions

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., what he's standing for, his his message for the nation as a whole, and how this can apply inside your world and the people that you help.
Sandy's spot on. I mean, in you know we've our food has our food has been taken over and created, like you said, you know where you eat eat so much. I mean, the the food industry is is working against us. We're looking for quick fixes from the drug industry, which is killing people. You know, Zimpik and the in the in that class of pharmaceuticals you know that people get on, they lose so much muscle, and they don't and you you don't have to do crazy to lose weight, Nicky. I mean, that's what's so wild. So I believe it. Yeah, because here's the thing. if you had to If you had to conquer a land,
If you had to conquer land, the what more ingenious way to do it than to make people, yeah to add an extra 50, 100, 200 pounds to people and make and literally take them out. Not just you know not just physically, but emotionally. and in it's we our Our country is being held hostage by the food industry. It really is. But but even with all of that, you know it's like ah it's like our clients, you know we get in this mode as as individuals,
of where we, you know, we believe we can't do it. And we have and we have these, it's a recent client thats just started working with us about five weeks ago. This lady, she's she's really neat. and she And she's an honest human. She's not, but she liked herself so much. It was like she came to us at 202, five, five two, 202. She'd have all these different weight loss things, crazy stuff she'd done, nothing nothing worked. And and she and she says, all eight eggs and and sag egg and salad. And I'm like, you know, I'm like, OK, and I and been before five minutes into the conversation, we brought out the ice cream and cookies, which I mean, that's I get ice cream and cookies taste good. And so I said, what if you didn't need that for a little while? Could you live? And and so we we had she said, I didn't realize I did it. And I mean, and she was it's just interested. So
So three days five days after that conversation, so I always get stuck at 197. I said, how long does it take you to quit at 197? She said, and go back to the ice cream and cookie. She says, a day. And I said, would you give me 30? And I gave her another story of one of her clients who had five weeks of no weight loss and then dropped about eight pounds in 10 days. And what it was, it was a ten an eight and eight pound weight loss over five weeks plus the 10 days, not the 10 days. And he didn't quit at you know three feet from gold. Like I know you're very familiar with that.
And, and so, you know, and was it now she's down 20 pounds and she's like, I've got this for the we so a conversation we had with her Wednesday. She said, what did she say? She i asked her, we're on the scale of zero to 100. Where were you on your confidence? You could get to your ideal weight, which is 135 pounds. um And she said what she said was like zero. yeah So where is it now?
Oh, it's 110. It's like off off the chart. She said, I'm positive I can do it for the first time ever. and it we we have the Even with all the deck stacked against us, and it is stacked against us, and that you know the the the the the tobacco industry took over the food industry. I mean, go figure. The people who who got you got you hit hooked on nicotine now are gonna get you hooked on on the wrong food. I mean, which we shouldn't be surprised by. The pharmaceutical industry, they're gonna sell pharmaceuticals. it's ah It's a perpetuating model where they're where they're going around and around. But even with all that, it's still possible. I mean, look at you. You you knocked out 60 pounds. I mean, eat because you took the time to become an expert on yourself.
You took the time to do those things that weren't because was it easy?
um No, oh heck no, heck no. I mean, it's it's but was it worth it? Yeah, yeah, it was important. It was art and you did it. And that's ah and that's what we see with people. So, yeah, I mean, Robert Kennedy, absolutely. I mean, I'd love to see the emphasis on it.
But you know we when we depend on our government to fix things, it's kind of like Reagan said. He said, the the this um the scariest sentence you can hear at the door is when they is the knock on the door is that I'm from the government and I'm here to help. And so I and so you know i tell i say, don't wait on Robert Kennedy. get Do something about it now. Do something about it now because- You have to take individual responsibility for your own life. 100%. You have to wait on anybody.
But don't pay attention to the target models. I'm grateful that President Trump is teaming up with Robert Kennedy. And yeah I'm confident he's going to win on Tuesday. ah And I think he's going to have a really good team to help him set the country straight. The most important thing is to get Americans focused on optimizing their health the most important thing. Yeah period full stop and the story and If that gets done, I think America is going to be on a good track And if it doesn't get done that America will not be on a good track
your weight, I'm going to open up the floodgates for you. I just believe it. I mean, I really do believe that. from and And it's so interesting. And you you probably read Napoleon Hill's Outwitting the Devil. yeah and in And in the 1930s, there was no obesity problem. OK, and it's so interesting to me that that and I really recommend that book to anybody that it that hasn't read it, but it wasn't published until 2011. But it was. But that food was then was in the top three of the the things that would get control of our mind and make us useless.
and And it's just really, you know it's it's a self-control thing. I mean, we're you know we're you know we people come in our program that aren't Christians all the time, but but it's but the you know our belief around this is really that you know the creator of the universe gave you this valuable, the most valuable thing other than the salvation that he they gave us all is are these these earth suits. and And he's just waiting. And we've seen we've seen so many,
So many examples of our clients when they escaped obesity, the other areas of their life opened up inexplicably. I mean, it's it's just, it's unexplainable. It's like the, but like I said earlier, the floodgates open up to you when you take care of that which you can take care of. If there's one area of your life that you can take care of, you can control your fork. 100%. 100%.
No, beautifully said, beautifully put. So Alan and Angie, if someone is interested in having a conversation with you, what's the best way?

Call to Action for Guidance

Best way is to go to forward slash apply and book a breakthrough call with us and we'll get really clear on your problem with weight, what you're struggling with, how committed you are to solve it, and if we and if we believe we can help you. And we've helped lots and lots of people with that in in that situation. we also we also have
go, if they'll go check out forward slash revolution. I like Nikki here, but just revolution tribes for my forward slash revolution. They can, they can watch a video that'll give them a little, a little bit more information on who we are, you know, before they booked that call and our five step strategy and you and I used to lose 192 pounds and 260 days. And, and so that, yeah, they, they'll go check it out. And absolutely. We're never too busy for any of your listeners.
yeah This is what we do. It's it's what we're passionate about. we we we want we We believe we're put here to change the trajectory of obesity. It's only going to take 100,000 people a day. and so That's it.
Speaker, forward slash apply. We'll make sure that gets put in the show notes. So we end off each each episode by asking you, our guest experts, what are your top three expert action steps to help my listener take their life, their health to the next level?

Expert Action Steps

Bullet point form, first Allen, then Angie, go.
first First thing is get really clear on what you want. Get really clear on the, and for example, the way I phrase it to people is is if if the creator of the universe walked into the door with the version of yourself you were created to be, what is that version of yourself way? Most people are afraid to admit what that is, okay? Second second thing is is if their entire family, all their loved ones were taken hostage. And the only way to get them back alive is to, is to lose one pound of weight to reach that God-given weight, their ideal weight, but every week. But they can't ask a doctor, nutritionist, dietitian, physical fitness expert. no nobody They can't even Google what to eat or what exercise to do, but they have to save them. What would they change about their eating to do that? and um By the way, I've never had anybody say they couldn't save their family when it was put in those terms.
and And then the third thing that I would say to people is to get really clear on the consequences like I did when I was standing on that scale, what it's really gonna cost you. not and And if you've got life in insurance, God bless you, I ah i was in life and insurance business for many, many years, but it's not gonna replace you.
to your family. Wonder what the consequences are going to be to your family, what it's going to be, not just to you, but to everybody. If you don't fix this, how rough will it be on them if you don't fix this problem with weight? Because it is not it is not something to be taken lightly, and I didn't mean to make a pun, but thats it is not something to take lightly.
And I know we're probably going to overlap. I wrote that, I was writing because I knew I didn't want to say what she said, but um we have no guarantees for tomorrow. Don't put it off. If you're struggling, if you're 40 pounds, 80, whatever it is, there's no guarantees that tomorrow, you know, you'll get another chance. I just have a feeling that if you start you're probably going to have more chances that you're going to be able. I don't think God's going to call us out if he really sees that we're changed and we're really going to make a commitment. I mean, of course, only he knows when our last day is, but don't settle for a second. Don't settle for a wait. Um, sometimes we'll be speaking to someone and they'll say, Oh, I just want to, you don know, I'm five foot. I just want to, they're two 15. Oh, I just want to be one 75 and again, a five foot lady.
No, they really want to be less, they're afraid to speak what really their heart is saying because they failed so many times, Niki. And we we get real clear, no. And I think Alan might've said, if the creator walked in, what would you wait? And that's the way we want you to to claim, claim the way you really want. And then again, these are probably overlapping that who else is your obesity impacting?
It could be in impacting, like I said earlier, spouses who aren't sharing a bedroom and the marital relationship that we're created to have. It could be I've even had um a grandmother who was raising a younger child who said that there's about an eight-year-old. I remember this so vividly. Her grandchild is scared for her health because this woman is morbidly obese and can barely get around, but the grandmother has to raise her. And so who's going to take care of her of that child if something that happens to the grandmother, the mother's not able and the father. I mean, I remember that. And I have heard that, Nikki, more than once. A one lot of families are, you know, third there's, you know, a lot of that happening. So don't put it off. Do it now.
the the short time that it takes to release, even if it's a hundred pounds or 200 pounds, like some of our clients, you're still gonna, the clock is still gonna tick. You just may gain another 30 or 50 instead of being on your way to releasing the weight. You have more of a chance of gaining than losing if you don't really take action and take it seriously and know what you're playing for for yourself, but who else that you love or and that loves you. And today we actually are in the beginning day of what we call eating season opens.
This is that when we're actually recording this, you know, October 31st with Halloween, and we have so many people that gain five, 10, 20 pounds. I mean, we say it lot lightly, it's but it is this heating season. You can go into next year lighter than you are now. It is possible. We have people do it all the time. Alan Angie, thanks so much for coming on the show and sharing your story with us. um Listener Alan Angie, Thomas are the real deal. Check out their website.
if you or someone you love is dealing with this issue, especially if they're older and they've maybe bought the lie that it's too late, it's never too late, um get onto their calendars.
You'll be glad that you did. Absolutely. And that wraps up another exciting gap episode of the podcast, The Thought Leader Revolution. To find out more about today's amazing guests, the two and only, Angie and Alan Thomas. Go to the show notes at the thoughtleaderrevolution or wherever you happen to listen to this episode, be it iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, YouTube, Rumble, Audible, or what have you. Until next time, goodbye.
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