I do not know. Are you? I'm sorry. What?
Introduction to the Fellowship of the Tabletop
Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are a live play 5e D&D podcast set in the world of Eryth. My name is Mark and I am the Dungeon Master and also with us for today's episode we have Ian who plays the Dragonborn Barbarian Drago. What up? We've got Callum who plays the Gnome Sorcerer Folly Fizzlebanger 9th. Hello hello. We've got Will who plays the Human Bard Carstan. Hello everybody. Casey who plays the Human Champion Hell in a Sleepguard.
Oh, what's the current? We've got Danny. Fair, fair. We've got Danny who plays the human cleric, Claude. Oh, oh, oh, happy lockdown.
And we've got Darren, who plays the human fighter, Rogue Robin. I'm not even going to try with the Batman stuff tonight. Oh my god. What is wrong with you recently? I think that's two episodes now. You fucking failed us. It breaks the internet. Is it me with this appointment, Robin? Did Danny just date our episode in his... Well, you never know. We never know. Oh, happy on lockdown. Cut and pay in post edit. Cut and pay.
and choose what you want depending on where we are and things. But we date our episodes. Everyone knows this is recorded in advance because we're so committed to making sure that the episodes run episodically and weekly for all of the viewers out there. They appreciate the hard work and effort we do. We appreciate them for listening. And until next time, guys. Farewell. Farewell.
Escape from the Collapsing Mine
ominous energy pulsing out of it and we had a really fun skill challenge trying to escape out of there. Things got quite hairy later on at the mouth of the cave where Helena lost her footing and lost her perception of where things were and was kind of stumbling around blind and deafened trying to find a way out and it took Karstan and Claude entering back into the mine for them to find her and her to find them and to all escape literally seconds before the mine collapsed.
The party then came across everyone that was kind of all grouped up waiting for to see what happened as the actual full on mountain had started to collapse in on itself. The whole of the time was out and Tarly was there trying to hold court, trying to convince them of what they what the party had done was a good thing. Kastan was then about to take over and managed to win them over much to the dislike of Drago. The group then returned back to the to the tavern, to the tavern of a name. It has a name.
Alliances Formed Against Blight
It's a great name. It's Riverstone. There you go.
And Kennard told them there that the Blackmouth Rangers would subside with their lust for independence and join the cause with the Sleetguard family to fight Blight and would send 250 of their best Blackmouth Rangers over to fight with Lucian Blightbane against the Blight on the coast of Sleetguard, which was a big victory for the Sleetguard Surge and for everyone kind of involved.
He then also said that the next morning he would take the group at First Light and start the three-day trek, hazardous three-day trek, up the Skelroad Mountains in order to find the location of the Onyx Reaver. He was quite certain he knew where it was. He said that Jamis Hardgrave, who was the de facto leader of Blackmouth, knew more. However, he has been missing for the last couple of days and Ken I was waiting on any kind of word about his whereabouts from scouts he'd sent off but heard nothing
Heroes' Celebration at Riverstone Tavern
back. So he took it upon himself to take you up.
Then we left the group, sat in a circle around a single table in the tavern of Riverstone, which is the pub in which Hentler, which was the boy, the man you'd saved and Phaedra and work at. And they were both overjoyed that they were both back together. Families reunited, basically giving you free drinks. The bar was quite full of people coming around patting on the back because the heroes of Blackmouth were staying at this inn, which meant business was booming around here.
Many of the people who kind of left you to it, many are just drinking and enjoying the day. It seemed to be more like a national holiday now that the mines have been shut as you find yourselves all around a table. Judith isn't there, but Tali is. Canard had just walked out the door after saying he would meet you outside the pub at first light in the morning. It's midday at the moment, so you have got half a day and then the evening if you want to do any things you really want.
We're all sat down and Fadron's going to come over. Heroes of Blackmouth, can I get you another round of drinks? Yes, you can. Yeah, definitely. Do you have any Kingslayer here? Kingslayer, unfortunately, we ran out of that a while ago. It was very popular and we've just got some regular run of the mill ale, if you wouldn't mind that. Yeah, that's fine. That's fine.
Carsten, nice to see that you're a fan of the Kingslayer as well. Well, you know, it's a fine ale. It is a fine ale. Where can we find such a ale again? Coming to a tavern near you. I've been broken, I'm sorry. Well, I don't know. I mean, it's been made by the... Shall we move on from this? You seem to be a little bit broken. We'll have whichever ale you have.
Okay, I didn't. I don't know why the bar was laughing so much, but I'll go and collect seven ales for the table and bring out some food as well. Hang on. And a milk, please. Milk, please. Of course. Oh, I forgot. Well, remember, we don't have any milk here. I've got the water that you blessed and cleaned. I can give you some of that. That will be fine.
so thank you again for cleaning the water and he uh stumbles off and goes to take some of the empties off your table to clear some space uh and it's quite it's not melancholy but it's nice there's a nice buzz in the air but everyone's kind of muttering on their own tables you can hear laughter and um and the like around a clink of glasses and you're kind of just facing in after surviving this mine Helena for one is uh still kind of caked in dust though she's poured some water over her face to clear away her eyes and ears and just
feels like they're rather shell-shocked over the whole situation. Karsten and Claude, you're also the most kind of dusted, if you will, after we enter the mine to save her. Helena, how are you doing? I think I'm okay. I just need that ale and maybe a bath. I could do with one myself, actually. Oh, here he comes and they'd remixed back over, put all the drinks down the table and kind of nods and leaves you to it. Thanks for asking, Talia. Are you well?
Yeah. What happened in there? I can't really tell you. I don't necessarily remember much. I just know that it was dark and it was hard to get out. So, Talia, we went in there and we dropped the... We're going to call it a bomb. We dropped the bomb down into the mines. I also threw in
the head of the necromancer, and everything was fine. It didn't look like it was going to go off, and then it did, and then there was lots of running, the roof was falling down on us. Yeah, it was pretty exciting. Wow, that sounds really intense. Yeah. You could say it was a challenge of our skills. Aye, it definitely sounds like a challenge of your skills. I'm not sure I'd call it exciting, but it was definitely a challenge. Is there any way that we could wash around here?
Oh, who are you saying that to, sorry? Anybody. Fadrin kind of walked over, as you say that, to take a few more empties. If you're after somewhere to wash, we have some facilities upstairs, and the room right at the end is a single washroom. It's quite high tech, actually, if I do say so myself. My brother, Hentler, set it up last year over the winter when we were bored, and it's quite ingenious.
Right. There's a hole in the floor and there's a couple of buckets of water and you see, what you do is you stand over the hole and you wash yourself and the water disappears. Yes, thank you. I'm well aware of how to wash myself. Oh, apologies, madam. I didn't mean it that way. I just thought it was a bit of an ingenious idea. You see, the pipework underneath it is quite... It's very good. I dare say she's looking forward to using it. Is it hot running water? Absolutely not. Oh, how barbaric.
Not that end, not that end. We can heat up some water over the fire if you would like some warmer water, of course. Oh, is that not too much trouble? No problem. I'll get Henler on it straight away. Hello, go get water, sort it out. And he wanders up upstairs to grab a bucket of water and pop it on the fire to warm it up. And let's just say, for experience, he does that and takes it back up so it's kind of ready. It's ready when any of you need to sort yourselves out.
Reflections and Artistic Captures with Claude
Sure. Are we getting bored here this evening? No, I've got my colouring book out now. If we're going to get bored, I've got some card room. No, I didn't mean getting bored. I meant are we sleeping here? No, we'll probably go back to the same rooms that we had before. I thought they were here.
then yes, we'll probably stay here and have the same rooms that we had before. That's great. I'll probably have this ale and go upstairs and get myself sorted, have a rest, if that's okay. It's still quite early as well. It's going to be tidier then, Helena, so you could have a rest and then do some more things later in the day. Yeah, then that's fine.
Okey-dokey. So what do we want to do? Drink. So I've got my colouring book out and I'm drawing some sort of elaborate scene. It'll take me some time. What kind of colours have you got? I've only got charcoal, so it's really just different pressure of charcoal that shades, if you will. Hang on, let's see if... Could you give me a slight hand check, Danny? I mean, yeah, but I'll probably snap the bloody charcoal. Damn it. That's what I'm hoping for. That would be an eight.
you it's like you're using it in your right hand when you are right handed and but it's like you've got two left hands and you just can't seem to find a good way to grip it but you do start to make some rudimentary lines as you start to no one can make out what it is yet but you start to draw some rudimentary lines that seem to I'm starting off with you Robin good
Good. I look forward to it. And now I'm going to draw the hawk. The what? His hawk. Oh, she's the cat now. Robin, actually that leads me to a good point. I haven't asked you yet. What is it with this Neuror?
Oh, well, that's a good point, really. You haven't explained it to us. I know it's been quite busy since you brought that thing wherever it comes from, wherever you brought that from. Times have moved quite quickly, but yeah, maybe now that we've got some time, what the hell is that?
Well, I believe she is some form of a celestial, which means she comes from a higher plane of existence. In terms of who she is, she once belonged to my mother many years ago, and I lost her and assumed I'd lost Nura, and that was that. How do you spell Nura? Well, N-U-R-A. Kastan, could you write N-U-R-A in my colouring books?
Yes, yes and at this point Kastan will pluck his feather out of his hat and it will have at the end of it a quill and he gets that little bottle of ink and then he writes in very nice flowy writing the spelling for Nura on Kastan's colouring book. My colouring book, not Kastan's. Kastan's was like Claude's colouring book. I only have one, I can't share it as well.
So as I was saying, anyway, she appeared lost to me until I read Talia's book and now, well, here we are. And you say that this is a celestial. As far as I believe, she's not of this plane, she comes from a different plane. I don't know where she goes. Does she come from there? No, I don't believe she comes from there. She comes from a plane that perhaps other mortals can't understand.
But you can control things from other planes. And then I'm going to start to draw Robin a lot more fearsome than I started drawing. I think Robin takes a glance at the book and goes, yes, Claude, that's precisely what I can do. Oh, wait. If I if I draw you in a book, does that mean you're going to go into this book now? Does Robin have a tendency of going into books? You've mentioned this before. He lives in a book. It happened once.
What was it like? I don't really remember much short of coming out. I mean, it sounds like a pretty life-changing experience. I think you'd remember it. Well, I don't. It's probably the best way of putting it. I don't remember it at all. OK, there's a whole chapter of my book that I've got to decide to put something else into now.
Well surely the chapter of that book is just Robin used to live in a book, the end. There are going to be book enthusiasts out there who really want to know what it's like to live in a book and here we've got an eyewitness and yeah, it's fine. It's fine. It's okay. I'll just embellish. I'll make it up. It's fine.
So the bird is your mom and you can bring the bird back from when you... No, no, no. She was a spirit conjured from the celestial plane by my mother. And when my mother died, I assumed that Nero was sent back there. And I believe she was, but I developed the means to bring her to this world.
There must be quite the comfort. It's a potent reminder that perhaps that the world is far more complex than any others can tell you. That brings me to a good point. Where is she? I sense. Oh, I saw her around, but and she's kind of looking around to her feet. She's around here somewhere. I sort of walk in. Don't worry. I have a way of dealing with that. And I snap my fingers and send her back to the celestial plane and then snap again. And she's just running around the table.
oh she's right there did you not see her she's right there must have missed her well there you go i found your cat but it's it's it's not my book that did it drago just so you know it's not like my book is anything special it's just a spell book but i don't know it might have set something off you've got a spell book
Now Bard, I'll warn you once, come near my book, I'll kick you in the nuts. She'll bar you from her book. I will. I assume that was some kind of joke, Draggo. That's the best I've got. OK, well, keep working on it, you'll get there. Another ale. And Tali's going to lean over to Folly and go, I thought jokes were supposed to be funny. It's all right, I think he's learning. Oh my god.
I know, I've never quite seen this before. I didn't know that was possible with Drago. Neither did I, it's quite enlightening I must say. Anyway, I think
Hail, hail, another ale. Oh, we're coming right up, coming right up. Anyone for cards? Cast down. Yes. Could you spell celestial in my book? C-E-L. I don't know how to write. I will of course write celestial. I assume you want it pointing at the cats with wings you've drawn.
It's a bunny rabbit, but doesn't look more like a cat. But, but, but I don't think, I don't think Noa has ever appeared as a bunny rabbit. Did you say cards? She could do, I've never tried. Um, so Cardstan will write and then he will get out his pack of, um, a pack of cards and he will shuffle them rather flamboyantly and say, yes, cards. It's like you, you should be called Cardstan. See what I did there. That was funny. I don't get it. Oh, that's a joke. Thanks, Helena.
I'm now finished with Robin. I'm going to start drawing Talia. Make sure to get the good side. If it's not very flattering, I'll punch you. You're a very angry girl, aren't you? Well, yeah. You tell that to my face, Adaria. I just did.
Can we please calm down? I do believe we all have a bit of a right to be angry at this moment. I believe we're all kind of... Who's that? Who's angry? I'm not angry. Before change, actually. Well, I mean, I was going to hit card stand with the book, my book, but I won't now. I believe that some of us may be quite angry. Yeah, you. Me? What do you mean? You've been looking grumpy since you came in.
Yeah, she's got a point, Folly. Yeah. That was in the morning. I hadn't properly woken up yet. Ah, he's not a morning person, everybody. What happened with Yenna then? That seemed quite angry.
I believe there was a right for Jena Robin. I mean, I don't know if you've previously noticed, but my comrades are one of the most important things to me. And I've grown quite fond of you all and consider you all as such. And the way I saw it, she put you a lot in danger. And it's difficult for me to overcome that. So I apologize for caring for you.
No, you don't have to apologize for caring, but we did walk into that mind willingly. We knew what they... We did and instead of trying to help Helena out, you wanted to freeze Yenna and stop her from escaping. I mean, that sounds counterintuitive if you're trying to say you care about us.
I see how you would look at it like that way, Drago, but unbeknownst to you, as you are not familiar with the magical arts, I cast a spell on Karl Stan and Claude as they ventured back into the mine to receive Helena. Whereas if I were to venture in myself, I believe I would be naught but a burden to be put on the rescue and possibly hinder it. Whereas if I can emphasize their abilities and their capabilities, then that would possibly be more than what I could possibly ever do.
Oh yeah, that spell has worn off now, so I'm pretty tired actually. Yes, it's a side effect. It will wear off. It will wear off. I suddenly remembered.
Yeah, so that is true that Claude and Karsten would have been under the effects of haste and will be feeling rather sluggish for a bit. So maybe Claude will be drawing, trying to draw vigorously, but actually it's quite slow and laborious and Karsten isn't quite as flamboyant as he might want to be. Got a level of exhaustion, haven't we? Yes, yeah. Oh, I know you haven't. No, haste does not give you exhaustion, just makes you feel lethargic. If you're still in combat, it makes you miss a turn.
Yeah, right, sorry. You feel tired for about six seconds in all fairness. So, cards? Yes. I mean, yeah.
Folly's Solitude and Self-Reflection
I'm afraid I've got some business to do around the town, if that's all right, so you'll have to excuse me. Oh, very mysterious. Doing anything fun for you? Let's just say, I believe my time in the cave was
A bit of an eye opener to the limitations of my power. I wish to see if I can rectify this in any way. And I'd prefer not to do it in an enclosed area. OK. Don't blow anything up and don't do anything we wouldn't do. I guarantee you I won't sing. Don't light anything on fire. We've got a habit of doing that, you see. That I can't promise. Really?
You guys set things on fire? Not intentionally, it's fine. Oh, okay. As with Folly, is Folly leaving? Yeah, Folly's just going to kind of, he's very tired himself anyway, not from lethargy, but just mentally and physically exhausted. So he's going to kind of climb down from his chair, stumble a little bit and then hobble out of the tavern slash inn.
Drago gives Robin a leveled look, as if to say, do we trust him going on his own kind of look? And is there anything that you can do about this situation kind of look? All in one look, wow. Just that leveled look. Very, very descriptive look.
and not that mark do you want me to roll perception to see if i read any of that yes please that's a big look that's a lot we've traveled a long time now and i would say be more insight because he's trying to read yeah yeah rather than perception i like that calum yeah let's go with let's see yeah let's let's see if this we've traveled on long time it's an 18 which is respectable
yeah i'll say you managed to get the majority of it it's a look it's folly it's all right do we trust him that's the one that's the look is your face okay it's making all sorts of weird expression cast i definitely saw it by the way
It's just a leveled look. Yeah, this is just my face. Oh, because like your eyebrows were wiggling and I don't know, it was, yeah. I mean, I don't know if you're trying to add flavor to a leveled look here, Karstan. Either way, I think the situation has resolved itself and will be absolutely fine all round. Should we have some more ale? Karstan, I believe you said you were going to treat us to a card game.
Yes, cards. So, right, Karsten will then look around the ring and say, anybody else have some cards? Trying to earn some money, folk? A few. One young chap looks over and goes, yeah, I'll have a go. How much? Well, let's say one gold buy-in and we'll go from there.
You know what? I'm in. And he walks over to the table. The name is Fel God. F-E-L-G-O-D. Like the God. Fel God. Hello, Fel God. And you see this guy, he's got like patchy beard, but like it's mainly just growing into like, he's trying to grow like a, just a mustache, like a really strong mustache game. He's got kind of a really short, dirty blonde hair and he's wearing just what looks like a, used to be a white shirt, open chested with some, with some black trousers and a pair of boots on as well.
He's unarmed, and he wanders over, and he puts one gold on the table. Tali goes, oh, Jesus, right. I'm going to go just quickly use that room to clean myself off. I'm just feeling it. I haven't realized for this whole game since September, I haven't had a shower. So I'm just going to go something to life.
and uh and tylie's gonna get up from the table um fel god is gonna take her place at the table with you what say you your highness uh i'll dress down there do you play many card games i'll uh i'll go in i'll
Save my wash until after the game. Who's a highness? Who's a highness? It's what he has a nickname for her. It's just a thing that those two have. She gives him your highness. I'll give a cheeky wink.
oh say no more say no more i know that i i know that i've got a young gal on the side myself you see so i i might start calling her your highness see if that gets me any you know as drago says she calls me your highness as well back
It's a sex thing. I forgot about that one, yes. I have a date mate. Drago, are you in? I'll slam the table. I am very much in. Karsten. Yes? Could you add that Robin is also royalty on my page about Robin? Yeah, I'll tell, I'll put a little crown above the R of his name. Thanks. I've been trying to do crowns for years and they just end up looking like donuts.
So Karsten will also get his money out and he will put gold there. Sorry, I'm just holding fire a second. Danny, are you keeping tabs on what this picture looks like? Are you drawing it out in any way? Basically, I'm drawing the entire Sword Coastian visitors.
Cool. Could you physically draw out as well? Because I think they're really nice images to remember. I tried to do one, but I was like, why am I doing it? It's your computer. Okay. That'd be fun to have. I'll do it on digital. I'll do it on a digital thing. Oh, nice. Look at that. I like that Claude is illiterate, but literate with a computer. I like that. No, I don't think he's gonna, I don't know what he's gonna do. We're just gonna bring him up.
Sorry, yeah, so Garson puts the gold down on the table. Sorry, Will, have you got a game in mind? No, no. Literally, I'm going to play a well-known Sanguinian land card game that we don't want to go into the rules in this podcast. It would take hours to explain. But yeah, I see you're just going to have to roll some dice and play some cards.
Okay, so we're going to play for some gold. What's going to happen is it's going to be, we're going to consider these dice rolls are going to kind of epitomize how the whole game kind of goes down. And then we're going to swing over to what, what Folly's been up to have some conversation as well. So could you all give me, oh God, it's going to be a straight D20 roll, I think. If you have any proficiency with slight of hand, you can add that modifier on as well.
If you want to be nefarious about it, if you want to play it honest, don't add it on. You don't have to tell me either way. Actually, do tell me because then the other characters, we can roll perception if we want to see if you can. Can I add my sleight of hand and then my proficiency because I'm proficient with cards? Yes, I'll let you have that. Will's not the only one proficient with cards, by the way. I'm proficient with a big ass sword. Does that count in this?
uh not really okay so uh fel god um he's rolled in total a seven uh let's go with uh robin what did you roll robin rolled a 24 okay uh drago two brilliant helena 23
Uh, Castan? 24. Folly's not there. Who's missing? Oh, Claude, are you playing? He's drawing the scene instead. So, we've got 24 for Robin, 24 for Castan, 23 for Helena. We'll do it by rounds actually, so the lowest is out for that round. So, Drago, unfortunately, you're out for that round. Oh, shit. Hard luck, Drago. It's not an easy game to pick up. I don't understand this. I'm getting another AOM.
It's fine, you'll pick it up. Maybe it's the Claws. You can't hold the cards properly with your Claws. Maybe. I don't know. Anyway, he's gone anyway. Right, another round then, lads. And your highness and Felgod gives you a wink and scratches his beard. You might have fleas you've established at this point. He's a bit scratchy all over. So could we all roll again, please? Add on your modifiers if you want to. Remember, sevens are high this round, folks. All right, with that. Robin will add his sleight of hand to this one.
Ooh, okay. So, Eleanor, what'd you get? Eight. Okay, Robin, what'd you get? 25. Karsten, what'd you get? So, I rolled a 20, adding my sleight of hand and card proficiency puts me up to 30. Jesus Christ. So, you used your sleight of hand, did you, for that?
And I added my proficiency bonus as well, yes. Okie dokie. With that round, Helena, you're just about to go out when Felgord leans out on a minute and leans on the table and holds his hands over Carstan about to show his hand. And he's just going to look at Carstan for a second and say, I saw what you just did. You might want to put that card back.
I do not know. I'm sorry. What? I saw what you did. I saw what you did. You picked up two and you should have picked up one and you've taken your pick. I know that game. I've tried that myself. He rolled a natural 20 for perception. Oh wow. So how about we just play that round again and our little princess over here, your Highness, doesn't fall out this round and he wants basically to replay the round because he caught you trying to
I don't appreciate little princess either. No? Oh, sorry, Mike. What would you prefer, my lady? Helena is absolutely fine. Helena is only scratching her face again a bit more violently. All right, let's roll off again there. Let me know if you're going to use your sleight of hand. Let's go with a cast on. So I've not used my sleight of hand. I rolled a 16. Adding my card proficiency puts me to 20. 20, thank you, Robin.
Robin, this time, knowing that someone is watching the table, will decide it's not worth it and will take a steady six. And then Helena? She rolled exactly the same, it's an eight.
Eight again. Wow. Okay. So it's actually a really low round that time. As cards come down, Felgod and Helena have the same cards. Robin, you are slightly lower in terms of the points added up, but Castan is head and shoulders above. Felgod shoots you a look, Castan, but kind of gives you a knowing nod, like, I'm watching you, but he knew you played it on the level that time. And unfortunately, Robin, you've just been eked out of the game. You're just out. Felgod, Helena, and Castan, it comes down to the final three. Felgod says, how about we up the ante? Another, another bit. Another bit of goal.
What do you say? Oh, I'm game. Sure. Why not? So pot of eight gold. Eight gold is the pot. That's right. That's right. Now, no more funny business. Get serious now. And with that, can you roll please? Helena? Twelve. Castan?
I got a 10. That's including my card proficiency, not including my sleight of hand. No problem. Robin, can I get you to make a perception check? Perception, yes. Yes, please. That is well.
Okay, no problem. What about my natural? Yeah, that's what I'm just building to that was a single problem as well because he's not playing so he's been watching and Drago's gone off for a beer and Claude's too busy drawing. So what you notice though, Castan, you notice Felgod do a very similar trick to what you did where he went to pick up a card and picked two up, switched the cards at the last and hiding one of the cards in his sleeve during the game. Okay. My friend, I think, my friend Felgod, I think you've got too many cards.
I don't, and he counts them up. One, two, three, four. I've got four. Having heard Karlsson say that, could I just do an investigation check just to eye him up to see if there's any sign of the other card? Yeah, absolutely. Go for it. That's a 19. You can see as he holds his hands up, say, I haven't got anything. You can see the very top of the card just on his sleeve there. You can see it just poking out ever so slightly. Well, it's quite deep into the sleeve, actually.
Beautiful. As a follow up to that, I'm going to send out the invisible mage hand just to slip it out of his sleeve. Oh my lord. What was that doing in there? I did not know that was there. You must have slipped up there. It's an innocent mistake. Maybe we should just have a do over on this round.
Well, you know what? I was out anyway. I still, even with that card, I got the lowest hand now, so I'll buy out the game for today. Helena, it was a pleasure, drug, dragon. It was a pleasure. Car, Car, Car Stan, I believe that was your name. It was been a pleasure. My name has been Fel God. I've been a made up NPC. Lovely to meet you all. And he walks out through the doors and leaves the bar. Never to be seen again. Never to be seen again until next episode where he turns up deck.
No, and he is out of the game. So it's Helena and Karst and final two. There is still eight gold in the pot to be one. Can you please both roll? And let me know if you're using any sleight of hand. I will use the sleight of hand. I roll 23.
He's 23 at Kastan. Kastan would not cheat against the princess, so he got a7 including his card proficiency. Okay, Kastan, you saw Helena do the same trick that Felgott had just done. She'd seen him do it and thought, hmm, that's not a bad idea, but with your natural perception, you definitely would have seen Princess Helena sleep guard cheat. What do you want to do?
Okay. Well, it's a fair game. You'll win, Your Majesty. You'll win. But you know what? I can't take this. Listen, I think you know what just happened. Let's just call it quits, shall we? Okay, let's just split the pot. Great. We'll split the money. Excellent. Splitting at 4-4. You each take four gold each. So you made three gold each here.
I will put her hand out to shake Karstan's. And Karstan will shake Helena's hand and pluck the card from her sleeve as she does it. Very nice, very nice. Yeah, she'll just nod her head at him and give him a smile. And Karstan will give her a very nice two-fee grin of all being all fun and jolly, and yeah. Oh, lovely. And Dragos will probably come back over with a couple of drinks. Fadron will come round with a few more drinks as well.
Castan, could you write well on this one? Well? Yeah, in your fancy writing. Okay, and Castan will once again, in very nice calligraphy, write the word well beneath the whatever he's drawn. And what is it called that you've been drawing? I will reveal when they're done, but Castan would have seen a grumpy face and what looks like a well. Oh, I think I know what he's been drawing.
Interesting. Excellent. So, while that's all going on, if they're able to board over another round of drinks and pop them down, entirely still kind of sprucing herself up and getting herself sorted, what we'll do is, and it's probably about one o'clock, the card game probably took an hour or two at that point, we'll just leave you guys for a second and pop over to see what Folly's been up to. So, please may I ask that you deafen yourselves? Whoa. Shady as fuck. See you later. Okay.
So you leave the bar of river stone and you walk into the blinding sunlight and the town is quite busy the muddy ground beneath you see the passing of some horses the passing of some carts and people seem in relatively good spirits not a cloud in the sky the mountain seems to have calmed and dust is kind of rolling over but it seems to be from the explosion.
Exploring the Mysterious Rock
What is it you want to do Folly?
As soon as for the steps out of the town is going to take a big big breath in and a slow breath out is feeling a little bit worse for where the moment feeling a bit funny it's not felt like this for a good time good long while but he has to prioritize what he's here for in the first place so he's going to have a walk around the town and just tend to find
a blacksmith or something similar to it just because he wants to analyze the rock that he picked up in the mountains before we blew it up. You're looking around there is a place called the Block and Anvil which is in the Copper Rock Quarter where you're currently in. You notice the sign hanging outside a rather disheveled looking building with an anvil outside it but not much else it seems quite quiet but there is that place that seems to be. You also see Harkins Dry Goods which seems to be a good store for
you also see another weird and wonderful sign called the house pops you aren't really sure what that means and then obviously riverstone which you've seen before they're the kind of four major places you've seen on your travels around so any of those take your fancy um it will go first to the block and anvil
Okay, so walking in, it's a really dim and quite small area. It's very warm inside though. There's a small but very intense fire under a hearth which seems to have been built around with concrete and rock to build a kind of mini forge. You see standing over this a towering green-skinned half-orc stood there.
no hair on their head and their bottom teeth are kind of sticking up over their top lips, facing the counter which stands directly in front of the door, writing in the book with a small pair of spectacles on their eyes as they see you walk in.
Well met my green fellow. What might I do for you? Well, I'm just wondering. I was in the mountain before it got blown up and I picked up some form of rock that I'm not particularly too familiar with. I'm just wondering if you might be able to tell me about it at all. Of course. Yeah, what are you going to do? Mage Hand is going to come straight out and just present
this piece of this rock, because he picked up about a kilowatt of it, didn't he? Yeah. He's going to present the rock to the orc. And the orc's going to watch the maid hand and give you a knowing kind of nod as you place it down on the desk. He's going to reach up and re-put on his small... I feel like it's those glasses that kind of sit on the nose with no bits that go around the ears, just a bit to sit on the nose. Yeah, really kind of reading glasses, but half-rimmed things is what I'm picturing.
Yeah, absolutely. But because the nose of the orchid is so wide, in particular, he's kind of fashioned them to fit wider over the nose. As he put the material back down, he pushes the glasses back on and starts sifting through, lifting bits of it up. You said you got this from the mine. Yes, yes, very much so. Were you part of the group that solved our little problem we had?
solved this one where you could use for it. Yes, the incoming threat. Yes, I was. I was part of the team working with Kennard. Well, Blackmouth thanks you for your service to Blackmouth. It is quite all right.
And he continues looking through it. Yes, this is... I haven't seen this in quite some years. This is one of the substances we used to sell and export from Blackmouth when the mines were open. I myself wish the mines were reopened again. The money we could make would be inordinate and we could bring Blackmouth back to its former glory.
However, what Kennard and Jameth says goes, but I hope one day, one of the many other openings to the mines, we may enter through and begin our search for this. This is not worth much in this form, but when mixed with additional metals to form a composite
it is quite a strong steel. This is one of the major components used to make the black obsidianus armour that in the Sanguine Lands we use so much and so frequently. I'm not sure if you knew that, but we used to export it over to them and they would mix it with their own irons and metallic substances to form their sturdy armour.
And so, quite strong then. How much of this was normally mixed in to make the armour? My knowledge of it is limited as I never worked in the Sanguine Lands or in Obsidia, but I would think this is a part of a larger alloy. I believe they used two other substances to create the armour.
what they are quite commonplace but specific. The iron they use is of a black colour, a black shoe, which is only really found in the Sanguine lands and that's where it gets its distinct colour and design from. The third eye I'm not really sure about, they keep that rather close to their chest, no pun intended. He lets out a big hearty laugh.
This would do you well to sell if ever you are in gold view. There are many merchants that might buy this off you for a sizeable sum as it's quite a useful substance to the Sanguine lands. I see. I will certainly keep that in mind and they'll put it back in. He doesn't think it's going to be of any use to him at the moment. Well, I think I can buy. Yeah, Folly is going to look at him and say,
Do pajamas have any cow drops here at all? Oh, yes. Let me just have a look. And he starts rummaging through some boxes near the back to try and locate some. So he reaches down and, ah, yes, I knew I had some made up from quite a while ago. And he pulls out a bag of about 30 of them. And he kind of lays them out on the table. They look quite small in his hands. But as your mage handle, you pick them up, you realize they're quite sizable.
And yes, how many are you interested in buying? What is the price of these particular things? Well, I've got a bag here that I could put them in and we could sell this to some of the heroes of Blackmouth for a single gold. I'll give you the bag in 20.
But that certainly sounds good to me then, so I consider it a treat. Excellent, and he bags them up and hands whoever takes the last 15 and slides them off into the box, and hands whoever just a regular leather pouch with the caltrops in them. Fine, that's lovely. Folly's just going to give a quick nod to him and say, thank you for your assistance there, fellow... shit.
If you have my name, it might be better than calling me by my race. My name is Tennel. T-E-N-N-E-L. Tennel Justed. Tennel Justed, I thank you very much for your assistance. I hope to see you again soon. I hope to get your custom again soon too, Noam. Thank you once again. Thank you, sir. Thank you. And Folly's just going to hobble out there, as he normally does.
Guidance for Folly's Unique Abilities
Okay, and as you walk outside, you see a figure standing directly in front of the doorway that you recognize, the white hair covering half her burnt face of Yenna as she stands looking nondescript, really, in terms of her expressions. She looks quite neutral at you as you step out. You can still see her wincing as she leans on her right leg, damage taken from her as you made it out of the mine.
Folly before she said it, they're just going to look obviously up and down. Seeds very clearly, the injured leg. Its expression will not change. It's a very blank expression. There's no readability that can be done from it.
I was hoping to see you here. Dezen, what is it that you want? I wondered if we could have a word. Just a chat. Very well. Do you want to walk and talk? At least that's standing in the street looking obvious. Folly just gives a quick glance around and then he's going to start walking in just a direction that he hasn't been before. He's still just exploring the town a little bit.
And she'll just kind of walk alongside you at quite a slow pace, kind of keeping pace with you, but not meaning to walk anywhere in particular. Now, firstly, I think we declared the error about what happened outside the mine. You have to understand, and I'm sure you appreciate the fact of stock magic and it's danger, and you don't live as long as I have for hanging around after you set a bomb off. That's why I had to leave. I had to make sure I was clear.
Yes, but that's that's not how I operate. If you are responsible for something, you see it through to the end. I understand that. But again, that's how you are. It's not necessarily how I operate. And as a stocky, I live by operating the way I do with my code. And I appreciate everything you did. And I appreciate your help in there as well and setting up the bomb in the first place. But I just want to make sure there's no harsh feelings or any animosity between us moving forward.
Let me put it this way. You are quite lucky that I value my comrades and that I have a higher goal in mind right now. They stopped me from doing something that I was quite possibly given to grit later on. You had the failing, didn't you? Feeling. The failing that bubbles up. I saw it in your eyes. There was certainly something, yes.
I can't say I felt it, but there are others like yourself, stockies, users of the stock magic trade that also dabble in the arcana. They could tell you more about it. That's why I'm here. If it was just a animosity and I wasn't going to see you again, that'd be fine. But when we stepped out of that mine, when I looked into your eyes, I could see what I've seen in others' eyes. And I know what it does. I know where you end up. And I don't want to see that happen to anyone. So I'm here to
Let you know there are people who will support you in sleep guard, not me. I know you don't appreciate me. I know, I know that now and I've lost your respect and I don't want to change that. I can't change that. But she stops and turns to you in gold view. You might've heard of it. I know you've heard of gold, but we've got a stock magic holdout there, you know, because of everything that's going on with the magicarium. They're trying to drive us out of the city, but we've got the rat run.
the underground sewer system is ours that's what we've got spell hold that's what we've got everything that goes on there some of the guys down there some of the guys and gals that stock is the work and operate out of the record they have what you have that feeling that raises up that.
that subsides after time but changes you. I've seen it and I've seen what it does. I don't know if you're heading that way at any point but I just want you to know that if you do, search him out. It'll be hard to find because of the magicarium but search him out because it'll do your world a good go in there. The Folly's kind of dumbstruck by this. He's been traveling for a while. He's never met somebody who kind of at least recognises what he goes through. Everyone's just kind of assumed that it's just the way his magic style works. He's just kind of
little bit quiet but you know the look up and then just take a big breath in and just perhaps I may have missed you too slightly. I haven't changed my mindset of what kind of character you actually are but that being said I
to appreciate the information. And I believe Goph you might be on our travels, so when I'm there, I will certainly make an effort to look out for it. I'm not quite sure what it is that I have, but somebody who understands and possibly somebody who helps would be appreciated." She nods and says, I think he got my character right on if I'm being honest.
It's not a question of that, but for me, it was a question of trust and what you're capable of doing. And some of the stuff I saw you do in that mine, you'd be a real asset to the resistance down there and fighting back against the magicarium. And you're one of us already. Look at you. You're an Arcana wielding stock magic stocky. It's the perfect combination. And I won't tell you much more because it's not my place. But if you want to find anything else, if you want to find a way into the place that I'm talking about, the stock magic hideout,
You need to go to a certain tavern in Goldview. You need to go to Chalk Hall. Chalk is in Chalk, white stuff. Go to the bar there and speak to Claire Lightfoot. Claire Lightfoot, did you say? That's right. She's the proprietor that runs it. If you say to her that I sent you, that Yenna sent you, that should be all you have to say and she should be able to point you in the direction of one of the entrances.
There's about five over the city but they're really head and you have to understand this is clandestine this is hidden stuff if they find us out i mean if they still have capital punishment we'd be dead but we'll go straight into spell hold and i think we have a right to use magic it was stock magics coming the light magics coming that gave us that power and there's nothing that you take it away from us and i
I think you agree that we should have that ability and it shouldn't be controlled by any government force. So that's what we fight for. And that's why we get persecuted wherever we go. That's why I am out in these backwater towns like Blackwater. Blackwater, that's the wrong place. Blackmouth, trying to make 11. But I could be helping people in Goldview or beyond. Anyway, clear light for that. You need to speak to a chalk hall, if ever you go to Goldview.
Folly nods, and obviously Canada tips his head slightly towards a... I thank you for the advice. I will certainly take it up, and if I may give you some, I would possibly advise that Stutti Harder, your stock magic skills and knowledge are quite apt and quite capable, but I believe with more time that
particular job that you did in the mountain could have been doing with much more capable hands and less frantic running and fear of life so please do study harder, take your time, learn a thing, it will benefit you. I'll continue to learn, I've got a number of books back in Jerry's last stand that I'm working my way through anyway.
they should really help me i'm i'm thinking of building in some timers and stuff like that to give it give us a bit more time because of the moment it's a bit randomized as you saw but uh i'll work on our folly and thank you for the advice i'll take it to heart folly just going to extend this quarter staff to uh um in it kind of gets thrust forward but it's intended as like a handshake just because he can't um quite reach his hand all the way up there so you intend it is a handshake to uh shake the quarter staff
She reads what you're doing and she just kind of reaches and kind of grabs the end and just gives it a little shake for a second. It's very nice to meet you, Folly, and I wish you all the best. And I hope one day, in Goldview, we sit and have some wine and talk about the times gone by. It would be good, yes. And with that, she'll just give you one final nod, let go of your staff, and walk off up the street and away. So long, Folly. And she walks off around the corner and is away. Lovely.
Is there anything else you wanted to do at this moment, or should we jump back over to the party? There's one other thing that he would like to... actually, will he do it now? No, he'll not do it yet. I think he's got his little cow traps, which he's going to be doing. Aside from that, he's got a sword to what he needs to, so he's going to head back to the tavern.
OK, so whilst Folly's been off doing that, we finished our card game up and we all sat around. Claude, you're still drawing. I've just finished my sketches. You finished them? Yes. Helena has been helping me with the writing as well. OK. And Tali would have come back down at the start as well, looking revitalised and fresh and clean, actually, as well, and kind of sits back down with you all. So how was your little card game? It was good.
It was good. Who won? Uh, Helena and I drew. That's two different answers there. I believe you would say Helena won and then Karsten showed the final vowels of Chivalry.
Oh, that's fairly unlike Carson. I can be very chivalrous if I want to be. So we find ourselves sat around here. Is there anything people want to get on with? Anyone else want to go and do anything or say anything or anything else wants to do? Well, while you're all here, I'd like to buy you another round of drinks.
I'm pretty sure it's all free for us. Yeah, I think our drinks are pretty free right now. That's fine, I don't have any money. I'll go to the bar and get them. Do you want some money, Claude? I can give you some gold. Once again, I think the drinks are free for us. I think I'd spend it on nasty things that would rot my teeth. But thank you for the offer. It's okay. I would like to share with you my drawings, but I don't want anyone to laugh.
as if we would do such a thing. I'm curious to see our recommendations. I've been thinking about something for quite a long time and I feel like the best way to express that is through my drawing book. I thought it was a colouring book. Yeah but I haven't got any colours.
When we next, when we go somewhere, I'm going to buy you some colours, Claude. Oh, thank you. I will make a drawing of you. And I'm going to reveal to the party, and we'll start tearing out pages, six pages. And on the table, I will put a picture. I have driven, driven, drawn of Drago. All of the players, FYI, can see these in our group chat. And then I'll put the one of Tarly out.
the one of Robin out, the one of Shader out, and the one of Elfeir out. And then I'll put another one out, which is just a trace of Driggo's outline for nothing else. I know it's a state of, it's a masterpiece. I know.
Try and not draw attention because I want to ask you something in a moment, but just if you've got any feedback or I feel like the shading work on Tali's hair was particularly good.
I think I really got Elfie's eyes. I feel like these are the kind of drawings that get better the more I drink. That's why I started this with more ale. Claude, I think you've mastered Drago's sword. I think the point really does it justice. I think the Drago drawing is mastered in general. Has anyone else noticed that Drago's right hand goes massive when he's going all aged?
Because I think it does and I think I got that. That's also the biggest ale I've ever seen. It doesn't stop drinking so I thought I'd do a big one. Each of these pictures are unique Claude. Let's hope if this was to like you know someone was documenting our lives that when that document is released to the wider world that these will
be released with it. If you want Castan, you can use one of them as the cover of your next book if you have a right one. Do you mind if I could try and just touch them up a little bit? I know I can't improve on your work but just because in the printing process sometimes the image quality degrades. So if you could keep them, they're like my identifiable artistic quality. Of course.
I don't wish to burst your bubble, but what's this all a nade of? So, right. I've got to look around the bar, well, in immediate vicinity, and is it just us again? Have the other players left the table? There is just the, yeah, players at the table. There are other people around the tavern, but it's just you lot around the table, yes. So, I've been thinking a lot. Did I hurt?
Yeah, and I've had to consult with all sorts of things to help me think more on this. There are five drawings here and there's a sixth one that looks like Drago. I don't know how to spell it, but could someone write Sayangar on the sixth one? Claude, what are you doing? Okay, I'll hear me out. Can you spell that Claude? No, it's Drago's brother, maybe he could...
I don't see why you're doing this here and now. Just put the letter C. There are six people that we know that have come from the Sword Coast.
The six people in these lovely pieces of art I found. Right. Are we gonna do magic on them? No. Oh. Well, maybe. There are six known gods here in Eryth, and all six of these people aren't from Eryth. I thought there were only three gods. Well, there's three that are safe to follow and three that are not.
oh okay okay so my question is guys are you the gods and is the sword coast actually the edge of drago's sword um i don't really know what to say you think robin so robin right he has control over celestial powers and he's a royalty so only gods can control celestials as far as i'm aware and drago he spoke to the master and shader is
currently hanging out with the master and you're all like brothers. Hold up, hold up, hold up. Shader is hanging out with the master. Yeah, that's where he is at the moment. What? So that's where he is. Oh, of course. Sorry, sorry. I confused Shader with Althea. That was a different character.
so you've got you've got the fact that there are brothers who are gods the master and the other one the big one they're brothers and drago you've got a brother and elfie and you fought like brothers and i think robin you mentioned that you were as close as brothers so it's good to believe that you are the sixth or so one of the gods turns on the other ones i think
Um, so just to get this straight, you believe that we, and Drago points around the group, are gods. Yeah, this is going to make my story so much better. You believe that me, myself, the one who doesn't believe in gods, is a god.
Well, that's exactly what a god pretending to not be a god would say. As is exactly what I think. I think that because the six of you are all from this mysterious place that absolutely nobody on Earth has heard of called the Sword Coast, that maybe that's actually the place where all the gods live and we are your humble subjects.
Okay, we're not gods. To burst your bubble entirely, we're not gods. I'm not a god. Robin's not a god. Tally's not a god. No one here is a god. Robin, Robin can control the power of the gods. Robin's very powerful. Tally has got something else happening in there that I'm just not going to talk about. Tally's very powerful. It doesn't make us gods.
And Elphir and I, when we had a conversation before he went doodle-lally, he said that why isn't there anyone else on Eryth capable of saving Eryth? I said because there's no one like you people from the Sword Coast. Perhaps there's one thing we can deduce from your words.
that we can perhaps all agree on. Faith is a powerful thing. No again, faith is very powerful. It's a very powerful thing and if you wish to believe in us, as if we're some form of deities, then whatever brings you comfort. No, no Robin, you can't tell him that if he wants to believe that we're gods, even if it's to bring comfort, you know yourself, you're not a god.
but do you yes i mean it all makes sense the six gods the six of you you've all got the relationship issues that they talk about we're not gods trail you speaking to the gods you have visions of the gods no one else in erith gets direct
communication. Claude, your fascination with gods is leading you down the wrong path here. There is so many more things to be thinking of and worrying about. This deserves none of your time and we're not gods. It's just a matter of fact. It's that. It's as clear as this ale in my hands right here. This is ale. It's nothing more. We're not gods. But an ale's pretty cloudy, something there.
Going at the picture of Drago, what if ale is one of the things your godly powers helps enrich in Eryth? I've never drunk it before and it's only gotten popular since you got here. I don't believe that we're gods, Claude. However,
I do believe that we are all perhaps in servitude to things that are beyond our comprehension and control whether whether we choose to acknowledge that or not something brought us to this world and we're here for a purpose and all I'm saying is I have presented you with some facts facts of
all these things that we understand as people of Erith about our gods and you seem to match a lot of the descriptions so if all you can do is deny it without any fact I have gone from being flattered to annoyed Claude we are not gods do not look to us as gods are we your friends yes have faith in us but as your friends we are not gods but it's wrong for you to believe that we are
You care for all these people like a god would care, and you've got a very shiny sword. Well, I think it's a losing battle and I'm sorry. Helena, you don't believe we're gods, right? This is not something that people from here believe. I don't believe this, no, it's just...
Until you can prove to me otherwise, I think you are the six. I think Elphir is one of the illegal ones. And I don't know much about the sixth traveler, Sayangar. I definitely think that Tali sounds like Tiriani, don't you? No. What do you know about Freya then? Just that he's the master's brother and it sounds a bit like Robban.
It could be that Drago and the master are freestown and the master. Nope. Nope. I'm done. I'm done. And Drago drinks down his ale and walks out of the tavern. He can't do it anymore. Before he goes or is he gone?
Let him go, Claude. I have to follow him really quickly. It's really important. And I'm going to get up and follow. OK, so we're going to quickly just follow this little bit outside the tavern as a drug goes, bang, push the doors of the tavern open. The sun is about three, four o'clock in the afternoon at this point. The sun's still quite bright as you walk out on the muddy path. You can hear the clink, clank, clank, clank of Claude chasing after you in armour as you start to take a route along the street. I'm not walking fast. You can catch up to me easily.
I understand that my overwhelming evidence might be hard to accept at first, so I'll say no more. Claude, your faith in gods is misplaced. Just think about it anyway, a different subject real fast. I'm planning on sending a couple of
Magical messages to some of my young people I've met. If you could, right now, say anything to your brother. Would you like to? Drago stops in his tracks.
and kind of looks around as if to see if anyone heard this. And he's silent for a moment before reaching out a hand and placing it on Claude's shoulder, which isn't too far away from his own height, if I am to understand correctly. Grips quite hard. I don't want you sending any messages to Sayangar.
It would come from you. I would just merely stand in between. I wouldn't hear it. I could even death in my ears. I don't want to send any messages to Sayangar. What if we've got the wrong end of the stick and he actually is just trying to find you to say, hey, I've got a ship back to the sword coast also known as one of the planes of the gods.
Look, I don't believe that Syengar is out to get me. I don't know what I believe. I don't think he's a bad guy, even if he's alive. Okay, this all came from your God. As far as I'm aware, Syengar, he might be here. He might not be here. The last time I saw him was the day that my father died.
I have one objective in this place that isn't home and that is to end the Blight. And even before then is to find the Onyx Reaver. Family matters aren't a part of this. Do not get in touch with Sayangar. That's not for you to meddle with.
if there's anything you ever want to say just ask to your brother i mean in general just say whatever you want but if you want to speak to anyone just say okay i'm sorry that i brought my theory to you and i'm gonna walk away now drago kind of watches him go and is left at that abrupt end of a conversation
Drago's Mission in Eryth
where he doesn't know if he wanted it to continue or to end, so he furrows his brow, shakes his head and walks on this time to clear his head over the sudden family matters that have come to the forefront of his mind.
Okie dokie, thank you. And as we just watch you pan off into the distance there, we're going to swing the camera back round to Claude. Claude, where are you heading? I'm just going to head to a quiet spot in town. Somewhere maybe near some source of vegetation or perhaps a shadowy area. Yeah, a shadowy area. Is there a shadowy area? Is the sun setting enough for shadows yet? It's not quite, but you have managed to in between some of the buildings as you start to make your way slightly out of town, not too far but towards the storm
market, which is near the outskirts, a bit more temporary accommodation, tents and the like. There are some flaps of material and stuff like that. You can notice a couple of thin corridors between some of the last remaining buildings and then the walls of Blackmouth, its former glory, which are relatively shadowed quiet. No one really there. There's one in particular where there's a couple of barrels stacked up in front of it could slip behind there and you'd be totally unseen and alone if indeed you wanted to be alone. You were told to stay within the Pride Lands.
shadowy place yeah okay i'm going to head over to the place he describes go down to my knees and start casting a spell okay okay what what spell do you want to cast i'm going to cast the spell is it sending the one where you send a message hold on
This message, I think, is it not? No, that's sending is one where you can send it anywhere. The message is short range. Yeah, sending. So I'm going to cast it. I'm going to send a message to Elthir. Okay. Do you want everyone to hear this? Yeah, sure. No worries.
Oh fuck! Hello there, it's Claude. Have you had some time to walk it off? Do you need us to come find you? Are you okay? Please reply. And there's a silence for a second as you wait for some kind of response.
Claude's Ominous Communication
You feel the message ethereally leave your body and travel a vast distance across Sweetgar. And then you feel something coming back. It's some form of communication, but it feels upsetting.
it feels like not only is it words but also an emotion you feel that makes your heart sink the voice that returns is of elfia a slightly lower a slightly quieter voice but elfia is voiced nonetheless and all it says back to you is you cannot stem the tide of what is coming you are foolish to think
otherwise and as that ends your vision starts to blacken your eyes slowly haze over and you feel your lungs start to seize and you reach your hands down to your mouth and onto your beard and as you draw your hands away you can see white foam as you start to suffer a fit as you start to try and catch your breath to keep yourself stable but your vision starts to fall your ears start to ring and all the last thing you hear is your armor
of hitting against the old walls of black mouth and your body sliding down the wall as you finally take your last breath or two before finally black out. And we'll find out what happens to Claude on next week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. Damn. That was dark, man. Fuck me. Holy shit. Claude. Elphin has now killed Claude. I've been working on a theory, and then theory proven correct by the magical god-like powers of Elphin. Come on, Chris.
Look there at the kill me. There were so many things that that that that was such a great end that from your pictures to go and oh you're just drawing pictures to your this this theory that was just like what and then you brought up Syengar and now you're fucking poisoned it's like oh my god Claude that was a great episode.
Holy shit. Let's unpick that one in the next 10 minutes or so while I still remember everything we talked about. That sounds good and if you all want to tune in and listen to what happens you'll have to wait for a week because that's the way that this shit works. Thank you very much for joining us everyone and making us a part of your everyday week. We love you for it. We hope that you are safe and well in these trying times.
and that you all love each other, because that's the main thing to take away from all of this stuff. If you wanted to keep in touch with the podcast, please do so. You can follow us on our Twitter page, which is at fellowship table. And then if you wanted to follow us individually, please also do so because we're lonely and we need your love to feel valued.
follow me. Some of that has struck too much home for me. You can follow me at iWorldA1. You can follow Danny at... Total Party Thrills. You can follow Casey at... Unicorn Crit. You can follow Darren at... Darren page 06. You can follow Callum at... TheD20Gamer. You can follow Will at... Natural20Will. And you can follow our Wizard of a DM at... Ace of Your Old DM. Until next time, guys. Farewell!