Ep. 105 Spin The Bottle - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 105 Spin The Bottle - Bellum Draconis

S2 E105 ยท The Fellowship of the Tabletop
26 Plays7 days ago

Nyx reunites with the party. Everyone is keen to discuss the upcoming tournament and the prizes on offer.

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios


Return of a Familiar Face

are are Here, as I live and breathe, that's Nick's corral. I haven't seen you round here for

Introduction to Zencaster Lounge

years. Welcome back to the Zencaster Lounge, where podcast streams are served on the rocks. What can I get for you today, sir? Yeah, hi. I'll have a round of Zencaster, please.
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Features and Security of Zencaster

With Zencaster, you get that crisp, high audio quality served with a side of convenience! Plus, it's got all the bells and whistles you need to craft your podcast masterpiece!
Yeah right, that's what I'm talking about. Whether I'm recording ZOLO or mixing it up with guests from across the globe, Zencaster always delivers. And don't forget the security measures, just like when we keep your drinks safe from prying hands, Zencaster keeps your recordings under lock and key. Cheers to that my friend, here's to Zencaster, the ultimate podcasting companion.
Thanks Bartender! Anytime my friend, enjoy your Zencaster and may your podcasts be as refreshing as your favourite drink! Hey, if anyone's listening in on this conversation, they can be a bit savvy. I've got a special code.

Promo Code and Podcast Introduction

If ah anyone out there listening, go to zencaster.com slash pricing and use my code, tabletop you'll get 30% off your first month of any Zencaster paid plan. That's zencaster.com slash pricing using our code table top to get 30% off your first month of any Zencaster paid plan. That way they can have the same easy experiences I do for all my podcasting and content needs. I'd say it's time for them to share their story. Well, I say that's quite a good deal.
Anyway, are you gonna buy that drink? That's 500 gold, ya tiefling tit. Do you want to fucking die, Nix? And then I'll slam it back into your chest. but I'd rather not, and then I'll put it back into yours. Then why the fuck would you go into a contest where the only way to come out is to win or die?
Hello, everyone, and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. Alan Draconis, we are a live play 5e D and&D podcast set in the magical home-brewed world of Aerith in the Kingdom of Dranak. Joining you for this week's episode, we have Poobear, who plays the human cleric Emron. Hello. Ian, who plays the titling Walser and Nyx Carell. Hi.
Darrin, who plays the high-out Arctophus of range high-down. If I could turn around, it's like... We have the edgelord Cal of new plays, the Warthord Shartifice of Alpha. Hello! My name is Mark, and I'm playing the human blade singer Seth Farrel Reaver. And my last is, but by no means least, is our curator of the quests, the forager of fates, our shepherd of schemes behind the DM screens. Dungeon Master, Danny! You forgot Hobbie!
I'm crying. Hey Will, I didn't know you were here. And finally, we got Will. He plays, and but um apparently last, and by definitely every means least. Will he plays the, I'm already worried, oh fuck, I forgot, out there you are. I've got you literally in bold as well, and I forgot you. Will plays the Dragonborn Druid, Balvalcon, hi Will. Go fuck yourself.
I just wanted for the listeners out there, the reason why I asked for 10 seconds silence was not just to fuck with Mark.
ah among other things, is to get the room volume noise so that we can edit it in post. What do you what do you say when you sound like a really wanky bastard when you say it? Listen to the floor noise. Read the room. and can i kind of hear the can i hear the room or Can I hear the room? Is that what it is? Can I hear the room? your room notice Let your room talk. ah what you Oh, that's it. That was so good. yeah andtor and yeah what that What that room heard was us all trying to stifle our laughter. Yeah.
But there you go. Because I'm going to keep all this in so you get a little little inc insight into the editing techniques there. If you want to know more, you can find me at Fellowship Table.

Episode Recap and Adventure Setup

Hi. Where were we? I don't know. Well, good thing you asked Ian. We're about to do the recap, but I need poo bear to keep your headphones on. I need Ian to keep your headphones on. The rest of you need to remove them, please.
What fresh hell is this? I hate not knowing things. Listen to the last episode.
Over to you, Pooh Bear. Previously on the Fellowship of the... Hey, what do you think you're doing? You shouldn't be here! Hello, listeners. I'm sorry about that. It's Castan Finbin Valhorn here. I couldn't have that guy narrating an episode that I was in. Only one person could do that, and that would be me. So, where were we in our epic adventure? Ah, yes. We found our favourite tiefling, Nix Correll, currently incarcerated within the prison after he tried to create a rather large tree and free his captain, which, thankfully, he was quite successful at.
at least for the time being. And then, of course, Nix Carell left in the prison, no dog with keys to help him this time. What was he to do? And then along came...
me. Your favourite character, but that's okay, listeners, you can keep that between you and I. So there I was, I helped this poor destitute Tiefling, not out of the goodness of my own heart. Of course, I was there, requested. And so I released to Nyx Carell, and we travelled out of the prison. And I took him to my marvellous mansion, in another dimension, so to speak, to keep him away from his little spider problem that he neglected to tell me about.
And so there I did. I spoke to him about many things, and he learned that it was the winged watch that had helped me free him. And in actual fact, it was me that they had been transporting all this time through the desert. And the reason is, I had discovered the lost verse of the prophecy.
And that, at the end of the month, I would reveal this to everybody so that more could be discovered about mysterious things within Erith and the truth about the 13th Kingdom.

Tiefling's Dilemma and Prophecy

Nix then had some time to unburden himself of his worries, of his challenges and he talked about the hypothetical of what would happen if someone was being controlled or manipulated by a powerful overlord and Nix Carell was given many options about what he could do and I believe Nix decided to just rather than going for the find a more powerful one went for the get more power and screw over your boss idea.
which was rather, yes. Let's see how that works out, shall we? Finally, I decided to give Nix a few tomes to take away with him, perhaps a little bit of acting skills for him to be able to develop his training as that as is, after all, what he is seeking to develop this month.
Finally, as our time ever so sweet as it was, he likes me really. We decided that he had to end this journey as I had received a message that he was needed back at the inn, at great urgency it would seem, how long he has been away. Who knows? Time for him to catch up.
Yes, ah that was awesome. Two things on my side. I did happen to have a little one-on-one time with my patron, the spider who swims, who ah threatened me a little bit more, and ah admitted that I surprised even him or it with the whole taking my captain, putting him in the sea, using my chrono, lock it to reverse time, pull him out of the sea, and therefore, we scratched one off the list of the three that was requested to be returned to the depths. Still on the list is the champion, Morota, and the heir to the throne is sepasian is Sebastian Sleepguard. I am also threatened with
everlasting slavery, if I am to die out there at any point, and if I ah monkey with the motherfucker again, so to say, everyone that I hold dear, no longer just the crew of the Esmeralda, will feel the recompense and the wrath.
hardcore. What a lovely interjects from Nix. Thank you very much for that. I do like this mansion though, I must have admit I feel cosy. Now if you don't mind us, Nix and I have a lovely tea to have with a vampire and a mind flayer. Toodles!
So we find the party dotted around scorch helm at this point in the few hours after the proving, which was the stage of that, the pre stage of the jewel of the desert champions, which was this hunger game style forum where competitors were tasked with a series of challenges and their success and their performance in those challenges dictates the odds they will be given for the jewel itself.
Taking privacy in the safe house underneath the Pissed Newt Inn, Baal chaotically unleashes his fury in the training room. Above the safe house, in the common room of the Inn, Rains takes in a few drinks and strikes conversation with Kareem Snakerun. Approaching the Pissed Newt after scoping up the Guildhall, which is the center of Scorcharm's economy, and the vaults, more importantly, which hold the valuable prizes for the duel, is Seth.
wearily striding back to the inn and exhaustive Nix. But we currently find ourselves in the temple district, as Emron and Alpha find themselves stood at the centre of a cylinder of opulent buildings of faith. The same buildings that Nix entered this morning when he was going to the Temple of Tiriani to find one of his former crew.
Alpha, your thoughts really are leaning towards this seminar that you were due to attend this afternoon that has surely started already, and you're hoping perhaps you might be able to meet it by mid-session.
iron The cleanest, tallest, and most attended of these centers of faith is the Temple of Alido, the god who ascended in this very kingdom centuries ago. Its pale, luminescent stone structure catches the light at all times of day, creating this constant aura of divine radiance in this marble plaza over which you stand.
The temple's design features soaring arches and intricate carvings that depict some of the great scenes from Alido's life and some of his most legendary battles. There are tall and slender spires that reach skyward, each topped with a shimmering gold um spherical point.
Around the temple there are these pockets of lush gardens that provide this peaceful retreat that are filled with blooming flowers and sort of spill over into the temple of Tirani like one continuous body.
You two stood there amongst people of various faiths. What do you two want to do?
Hurry. Well, thanks for coming, Alfred. I mean, you're welcome to, I don't know, look around and do what you want. It's... ah I was curious as to see what this um particular location would look like. A conglomerate of faiths is very much a peculiar thing to myself. It is a bit different than faith back in Shadow Man. It is indeed. Obviously, you know, the faith here of the yeah ah the the three and then the others now, he's obviously quite strong here compared to the faith in and shadow men. So a bit different.
three I'm going to go and make my make more offerings and that kind of stuff. Please, I will not keep you. Everyone's going to sort of approach the yeah temple of ah Alito walk in and probably make my, trying not to look at this camera, just putting me off, um
make for like the
Let me help you, let me help you. yeah You approach the temple and you see worshippers and visitors walking through a series of these tiered gardens either side of the main doors. Each level of these gardens offers breathtaking views of the city, almost... um this This is... A lot of wealth is is iss in scorchum and a lot of wealth trickles into the areas of faith here.
There is this grand marble staircase that leads up to this main entrance where these massive silver-lined double doors with celestial motifs emblazoned upon them lay wide open, welcoming all who seek guidance. And it's quite clear that Alido is not just a center of faith, but it's also a tourist attraction. this is that this is the This is the heartland. This is the busiest religious point in all of Dralak.
these doors themselves are flanked by the statues of Alito in his mortal form, one hand, one hand, sorry, resting on a hammer, the other, a sword. On the one statue, Alito holds a gesture of triumph, and on the other a gesture of peace.
You step through and inside this temple's main hall is this vast open space that's filled with light. A light that you know all too well. A light that people have become accustomed with seeing you produce. It's the same... um It's almost to the same lumen count, the spells you you are able to conjure and the the light that you are surrounded by as you walk in. There are these high vaulted ceilings that create this sense of and or almost a town within itself. Beams of sunlight filtering through all of these beautiful stained glass scenes that the sort of hit the armour you're wearing and and shower you in a blanket of of of just multiple glossy colours. These windows
Also create this dynamic pattern on this marble floor that continued from the square you were stood in up the the staircase and then into the temple itself. It is almost like this floor is is like a dance floor quality almost with the way in which the light behaves with it.
The central nave leads toward this very, as you can imagine, opulent altar that carved from pure marble and ah adorned with golden leaf accents and precious gemstones that are that are ah set well within. Atop this altar stands this golden statue of Alido, depicted in his final pose in mortal form.
when he was here in the kingdom of Dralak, before it was known as the kingdom of Dralak, before it was um a desert, it was a vast jungle in his dying moments as he reached towards the heavens before he ascended.
And then around you are a series of chambers. To one side of the main hall is the sanctum of DeVito, which is a special area dedicated to the practice and meditation of Alito's martial art, a form that that you carry every day into combat, a form that you were so well rehearsed in in those fighting pits back in Shadow Mend. This is essentially um a training call where people are looking like they're fighting in a similar stance that you take in battle. Around that altar is this um very dynamic healing fountain that saids to i is said to bless and heal even the most um gruesome of ailments. Adjacent to this huge chamber is a series of training grounds

Training at the Temple

where worshippers and warriors alike, very much people that that look and and and behave like you, are honing their skills in in sparring against archery targets, casting some offensive spells, that sort of thing. Flanking this main hall,
are a series of chambers of reflection where people are in private prayer as well, almost like a communion style where there is there is someone in a leader of robes that is moving between each chamber um offering one-to-one worship.
And then the busiest anti-chamber or off space in this ran grand, grand scene is the ceremonial blade room. And this is a sacred room that every Temple of Leader you've have visited has had at least one of these. This is always a requirement as part of the architecture.
You know that Alito held one of the most well-known blades in all of Arithian history, a blade known as god-maker. And worshipers often come to to to maintain replicas of this incredibly thin, wide-faced sword. And people make these with utmost care.
the the replicas of the sword itself sort of symbolizes their their preparedness to face future battles and to always be primed against the return from from devils of the hells on Erith.
Other than that, you can see that this this there's no like dedicated um ritual scheduled right now. Everyone is worshipping a leader in their own way, rather through either through combat, through prayer, through craft, or through through healing and conversation. Is there any way I'd particularly like to go? ah Yeah, well, I think he's he's going to take it in for a moment.
um sort of feeling like this is probably this is the grandest temple to a leader that he's he's he's been to for a very, very long time. um And he sort of let lets the the atmosphere and lets the sense of it. of it um sort of permeate into into his skin and he's he's searching for that connection that it gives him to Alito but also now to this connection that he has to to Tilwa and whatever that that means and and feeling that connection because you know he's he's he's known that there is this twin sort of soul situation and he knows that
part of his image and inner turmoil is trying to come to terms with how that fits within him. Is he two people or is it just one that needs to come together? um And after taking a few minutes, he will probably, he'll he'll take a circuit of the room. he will He will go and he will look towards first of all, probably to the DeVito fighting um area and sort of,
take that in for a minute, admiring the style um um and probably the practice and expertise and sort of chastising himself that he probably doesn't hasn't put as much practice into it as he's wanted to. Make a perception check as you're just studying this room.
It's good it's a dirty 20. What strikes you is that there is a lot of um familiar stances and poses that that you have received training on from your time learning this in in Eastern Aerith. But there is obviously a Western take, right? There is obviously different ways that this art form, this fighting form has been interpreted as Alito's worship has sort of spread. And now that you are really in in Alito's kingdom, as it were, as you're watching these these fighters spar it out, you
You are seeing Marota in so much of this art form, this this martial form. You're seeing punches being thrown, punches being dodged, the body being used as a weapon in a way that you saw all those months fighting shoulder to shoulder alongside her.
Almost uncanny. yeah You're seeing your younger self there too, when you were learning this form back in Eastern Aerith, back in Shadow Mend. But it's variant here. It's almost like you're watching 30, 40 Marotas spar against each other.
I'm going to probably take, he's probably going to take that in for a bit and really try and and and and look at what they're doing and how they're moving and sort of, yeah, he knows he needs to come back here. He knows that perhaps this is where he needs to spend some time as well to try and train himself. Are there like, is it just people doing their own thing or are there other trainers almost here as well? Yeah, so there there there are two or three trainers in this larger room that seem to be reviewing and feeding back and calling out single line commands, almost like a karate lesson in sections. There's no like ranking or belt system here, but there are some that are clearly new to this and there's some that really are seasoned veterans and are moving. This is almost like a dance to some of them, whereas others are are repeating very simple combinations.
And every creed and culture, like that there is a goblin that seems to be nailing this perfectly. There are there are Goliaths, there are dragonborns, there are elves. This is this is really a ah practice that spans across the races. OK, are there any um trainers not currently engaged in training? Not in this room. OK. OK.
um He's probably going to leave and try and, because he wants to try and find out when he can, or when is the next time that he could perhaps bring himself or test himself and work out how he can fit into all of this. um Who's going to leave and sort of see if there's any sort of officiaries of the temple or anywhere nearby. And as you begin to sort of scout around and see if anyone is free to talk, you're being approached by this half orc.
in not robes because that wouldn't be calling it the right thing, but but what everyone who is a member of this temple is dressed in and it's sort of like a light leather, um like a light leather armor almost. and But this particular one has sort of like a quite ornate blue sash over both shoulders. And this half orc approaches you and she says,
I don't believe we've seen your face here before. No, um, I've traveled a long way, um, from Shadow Mende originally. And then that's brought me via, um, gold view and, and down there. I've spent some time in the East. What brings you here today? Eh, uh,
Bit of soul search, you know, wouldn't lie. A combination of things. I've been on the road and there are things that I thought I knew about myself that I'm not too sure about. Do you care to step into one of the chambers of reflection and hear? Yes, of course. Yeah.
And she just gestures her her pale green hand towards the eastern wall where there are a series of empty rooms. Okay, I'm gonna go towards one. You need to step into this room and there's it quite a humble space. There's a few cushions, there's a few holy texts of Alito, and there is a single candle just sort of burning on ah on a stand.
And she she sort of sits in a quite meditative pose, crossed legs, looks towards you and and just puts a small replica sword down on the floor between you. But and she doesn't look at you, but she looks at you from the reflection of this really pristine sword back at you. So you're sort of being watched via the weapon. Everyone matches and sort of places down his hammer sort of in a in a similar fashion sort of between them.
Well, it's difficult to say. I don't know. I don't know if I am who I am anymore, to be frank. When I grew up, I thought I was myself. I thought I was a human. And then a while back now, during ah join a fight,
I became this
Let's use what they said, some kind of angel. And I know people have said, oh, that means you're this, you know, when they talk about those that are infernally connected and those that are celestially connected, but I suppose to be honest, it frightens me.
Every power that doesn't come with complete knowledge
No doubt, frightens one. But I have met a few that claim to have the gifts you have, and it is a blessing, surely. Oh, it is. Don't get me wrong, it is a blessing. And I've i've tried to start to embrace it. I'm just trying to decide whether the the person I become, is is that still me or is it someone else? Because he goes by a different name.
Is that just what's happened? Is that what happens or is that just? I too am blessed with such gifts and the way I understand it, the way I choose to, the way I believe is that this is a lido showing me my soul and not just as a part within me that has no physical form, allowing my soul to have physical form. Right. That makes sense. that
Yeah, that feels like I've explained some things. There's always the idea that perhaps you are the soul and that the form is your true form. Oh, that's a bit deep.
I think only through further building of that relationship will you know which is which. Yeah. i've tried to We faced a demon on the road, me and my companions. A gold-faced demon. They attacked the city earlier. So I've heard. One appeared to me and my group, my friends. And when I became my true form and this angel,
Alido's all about fighting these things. And I ran. Beings of the hells, beings of the heavens have always been incompatible.
But I thought, you know, angels are the ones that fight the demons. So why, why run?
It's a very important question. We don't know very much about these creatures. Perhaps your Alito gift itself doesn't trust you enough. Yeah. And and I know what you mean. I think From what you've said, I think I need to spend more time embracing him rather than questioning him and myself about what it is. If he is part of you, it is because the leader wished it so.
Yeah. Spend some time in these halls. Spend some time in the city. Spend some time in these sands. This is Alito's homeworld. You'll find the answers here.
They say that the place where Alito ascended is lost. Is that true? Nobody knows where it truly is.
to others it's far too dangerous to find. It is certainly a route that is difficult to travel now without perils of a desert. But there once stood a great mountain, that mountain still stands, called Alidos Fall.
It is to the east of here. in the deepest, darkest part of the desert, which was once the richest part of the jungle.
No one has ventured there for decades and come back to tell the tale. But I believe someone is destined to travel there soon.

Protagonist's Journey and Spiritual Insight

Well, if I get the chance, maybe it's something I'll put myself up to.
If you get the chance and succeed, you truly would be Alito's chosen. And Emron sort of looks, sort of a moment. I've never, I've never sought to,
I'm not to see, it's difficult to say. I've never felt myself to be one that as the glory upon it,
But maybe it is. Alito was all about striving to be the best. Who am I to question him? But I don't seek to look down on others. And perhaps that is the quality Alito seeks.
I definitely think I'm going to have to spend some time here. I think yes. Learn who you truly are and who you wish to be. We all have a plan that Alito has written for us. What yours is, we shall see.
Thank you for this guidance. I really do appreciate it. You're most welcome. It has been a long time since so I've been able to speak with a guardian of the faith such as yourself the... sorry the doors are always open here and then two similarly dressed but without the blue sash sort of clergy rush up to this half hook and you hear them say high priestess you're needed elsewhere and she turns to you
And you feel it in your mind for a second. And you just telepathically receive.
Pray. You'll feel better. She nods, picks up her sword, and heads to another chamber.
Everyone's gonna take that in for a minute. He didn't realize that he was speaking to the high priestess and sort of takes a minute to feel honored by that connection. And then he,
is he alone he's alone in the reflection room, isn't he? In this one, yeah, they're individual rooms. Did you say that there was, obviously there's there's the DeVito Hall. Did you say there was another hall of training as well? Yeah, so there's training grounds where people are fighting with weaponry, fighting without guidance, without instruction. So it's almost like there's a learning center and then there's a center for those that are already rehearsed and just wish to hone their practice of religion and practice prayer through combat. Cool, so everyone's going to take himself out of the reflection room and sort of go towards this area and find a place that he can, rather than just pray, pray to the statues, he's going to
take a little bit of time just to practice and go through the steps that he's learned and and that kind of stuff and pray as he does so and go through the the steps and the tenants of Alito. And that will probably take you through to the evening. You'll spend a couple hours there. yeah So while you're engaging in in that ah sort of ritual, we'll just take a zoom out the temple and will follow alpha is alpha you were left there and m1 doesn't emerge um immediately so you assume it's freedom for you to go elsewhere where do you head yeah alpha will be keeping track of the time he does kind of want to make it to the seminar ah that is going off today but he will as you say wait maybe 10 15 minutes before
um leaving just to see if everyone has a quick visit there but clearly he's deep in some kind of prayer and Alfred is not worth to disturb but so he will move on and start making his way back to the mystic quarter um and to the like it was the big dome weren't it where the seminar was actually going off And yeah, he'll he'll start making his way back there. He's not going to be as protective of himself and as he was prior, where he's trying to go into it. It's like a a very poor, elven disguise. um He's going to go and it just, as a Nakafolo, it got very quickly saw through ah last time. um Don't know what time I would actually get there if the seminar would have started.
Yeah, see, as you move through the sort of central district of Scorch Helm and you get to the Mystic Quarter and you retrace those steps, you go through that that other sort of plaza that exists in the middle of the Mystic Quarter that holds those very curious um sites such as the the Arcane Emporium and the Crystal Gardens and the workshop of the Changeling that's been described to you.
you'll find yourself at the Astral Sanctum where this debate is in full heel. And as you sort of weave around that tree again and go towards that same kiosk where you sort of registered interest, the doors the doors are wide open and and you can just hear bellowing conversation from within. um It's almost...
ah So you arrive at the building, do you want to step in? If if it's already started, I will step in. um It's going to be done like kind of timidly. I'm not going to go in there big old glaring doors making and trying big scene and and me entering it. It's very, very timidly. It's almost very cheap. It's like um a student being late to a lecture, um very synonymous lecture. I'm sure you know nothing about that experience. No, no, of course not. No.
And as you you, okay, so you head into this and you you essentially walk into the trunk of a tree here and it is this huge grand oak. But when you step in, there is no way these dimensions match up. it's It's like you stepped into a TARDIS. You walked into the side of this oak and you are in this this sort of...
for want of a better explanation a huge discussion bowl um picture picture star wars episodes one two and three that the house of the senate that that big dome structure but but half a hemisphere rather than a sphere and you can take any position on this this listening platform but there is there is some sort of um
it's all it's It's interesting, you're still on stone and despite being a tree and there's no resemblance of of wood around you. You're in a very um well built structure but it doesn't really exist in scorch helm. You get the sense you have been relocated as you step through.
As you walk out, there's not much else out of this building other than this huge discussion chamber. And it's this one ring where people are observing from that can't contribute. And you sort of put your hands along this, not really a banister, but this sort of ledge that lead, that sort of spills out into that discussion chamber. And as you do, you just feel this arcane energy that sort of tickles you as you do. And you're certainly getting in the sense that the voices come out, they don't go in from where you're stood. That makes sense.
And you're not really capturing what what people are saying at this point because you'll you're sort of passing by various people dressed in in scholarly robes and of various students running around as well. And students of all different um uniform, you've you've seen the the college here, but you've also seen the Sister Hold Lyceum, right? and And you are seeing uniforms of of those those students here.
And as you find a spot, takes you this this this this ring you're walking around takes you maybe about five, six minutes to get to the other side of it before you find this clear chamber. Occasionally, people who do turn to actually look at you who aren't invested in the kind the the debate, they see what you are and they're perplexed by it, what the metal structure that's walking. Others aren't really phased, others aren't really looking, others are sort of tuned in. And as you find your spot, within a couple of seconds of just trying to adjust, you just hear this bellowing voice of a female known, clearly casting Thaumaturgy, who is in this center um platform within the the discussion chamber. Just shout out, I will have silence now. And within seconds, you couldn't hear a pin drop.
Dame Edna Fizzlebang hereby calls the second part of today's emergency seminar to order. Following the platform, excuse me, and she just makes a small gesture and this firebolt hurls in towards this collection of people who continue to just mutter. Three, four people caught in flame.
for a few seconds before that flame is then controlled again. And you just see these very embarrassed but hurt cloaked people in a room far to the east. As I was saying, the format for this afternoon's proceedings is as follows. We have six guests invited to present for two minutes their theory on the object in the sky.
I'll read out those names momentarily. They will then be an open moment for debate from those inside the discussion chamber. And she makes a few knowing glances to those of you on your viewing ring, Elphard. But as you're looking down, you're seeing maybe 40, 50 people on their own speaking chamber. But some people are physically there. Some people are more ethereally there as though they're being projected in somehow.
And what's curious is you're also seeing creatures you haven't really encountered before. There are humanoids for sure, but there's this giant floating eye with a series of eyes sticking out of it. There's a creature that looks humanoid, but it's got an octopus-like head. Doesn't seem to have a mouth.
There is a creature that it seems made full of just complete gelatinous substance.
There is a creature that appears to be this tiny elephant with flapping wings. There is all sorts of creature here that isn't just standard humanoid. And you're getting the sense that the world is far more bigger than you were beginning to understand it.
And then Fizzlebang's voice kicks up once again. The first call today. Archmage Serafina Brightstar. And she countt casts a light.
And Darren, as the person responsible, who is, what is Serafina Brightstar? And what does she have to say?
ah Sarah Fina Brightstar is the archmage of the Sisterhold Lyceum, the great seat of learning in the Kingdom of Shadow Men. She replaced Grand Maester, Archmaester Berenius upon his downfall and execution many, many years ago. Well, in fact, a specific amount of years ago, two years ago, to be precise.
She steps forward and she immediately creates and conjures this image, this object, that you don't fully... can't make sense of, Alfa, and she says, I have the most formed belief that the object is a rogue creation of either fistery, somehow maintaining perfect altitude. I suspect it is powered by Kiltrad, likely created by an estranged practitioner of the Lyceum, who was outcast when I was brought in to maintain order.
And Serafina Brightstyle, you heard a voice interrupt you. And I suppose that all sorts of folk just abandon study in the Sister Hold Lyceum. Is it a very liberal door, is it? And then Fizzle Band kicks in. Excuse me.
Cross-questioning is for later and she casts another spell and you watch Alpha as this interruptor's mouth completely disappears.
ah sister hold laseum is a seat of author of great magnificence i will not sit here and have to gain what happened that but i same when i was brought in previous occupant of the lyceum and there wanton frivolity towards the arcane arts is well known I will not spend any more time on it here in my thank you fizzle bang for your assistance in quieting such a unwelcome and unhelpful commentaries on what happens in our last sim thank you bright star there are no time for compliments though they can be sent via letter afterwards thank you very much the floor next calls upon yes you professor ellewin green brow
Well actually, the... thing is... we ourselves in Eryth are in fact in one of the layers of hell so just below the material plane that object it is a portal summoned by those from the true material plane this is and at this point there is there is some people who are just like disregarding this statement alpha you're hearing like disruption in the house of commons style um protest against what's being said
Order, order. Nonsense. Nonsense being echoed across the room. And Fizzlebank just raises a hand and then points back towards you, Greenbell. Of course, deny it if you want. It matters not. These are the truths that we know. They're the truths that we have studied. Disregard them at your peril.

Debate on Celestial Object

Just to clarify, Professor, you're suggesting that we are not of the material plane, that we reside in a layer of hell, and what we're seeing above is the material plane. It is a truth that is better accepted sooner rather than later, Dame Edna Fisselbank. And tell me, how does one who controls clans of the sea make this deduction as interesting as it is?
I have many sources across all of the different clans, not just the seas. I have the birds, the bees, the dolphins and the whales, all do reveal their secrets to me and it is quite clear this is the conclusion that we can make.
Very good, and I will thank the floor not to protest at this time. We hear the statements, we review collectively.
Next, Fargrim Sonesayer, I call upon you. So this tabaxi stands up with with jowls sort of things and it says, whilst I do appreciate the professor's point about this being a portal, it is my theory as a high chronicler of the divines that this teleportation device as he calls it is perhaps something different this is not a portal to the material plane this is a gate to the true 13th kingdom the kingdom in the heavens above us it is an arc ready to take the most devout followers of Eryth to a new world for all of us and quite frankly only the devout shall travel
Often I do not allow religious talk into sections such as this, but these are very curious times. ah Tell me under which particular religion religion can we expect um a full religious cohort, all four of them, all seven of them, however counting them these days, do they all concur with your theories, sir?
The heavens are a conglomerate of all. Therefore, all religions have come together and formed this theory of the triumvirate of the new gods. All are agreed that in Erith it is decided that the heavens have called us and that we must travel to this, the true 13th kingdom, and achieve our destinies. Right, thank you. That's enough religious hearsay.
The floor calls upon... Ah, Doctor Thaddeus Ironforge, please. ah Yes, thank you for Harken, Dame Ednar Fizzerbang. The celestial enigma suspended above us has ignited fervent discourse and wild fantasies. Allow me to illuminate the ah the ethereal spectacle and the ancient wisdom bestowed upon us.
First, let us acknowledge the awe-inspiring, yet yet foreboding nature, this hovering marvel. It's no mere trifle, and it has rightfully ceased the imaginations of all that that gaze up towards and high into the sky. Some whisper of eldritch horrors, some of the divine harbinger, yet its fate is merely unknown. It's a silent sentinel casting a long shadow over Scorchamp. But why does it remain in a fixed position? but the object i and he choked slightly on some spit for a second excuse me damn edna fizzle bang i apologize it she ah The object is in a nexus of equilibrium. Where there is downward pull of gravitation, it's perfectly counterbalanced by ah the upward thrust of the atmosphere, the sky and the clouds above it.
It's as if the heavens themselves have been paused not to press upon the divine, as you so mentioned earlier they met in a fizzlebang. But it gives us a glimpse into its arcane mysteries and a potential wrath. we We should embrace the wonder and the dread. at It inspires us. Let us set aside our quarrels and unite. Thank you. I'm sure you've exceeded your two minutes. I think we understood your point.
It's very interesting. Yes, please be silent. I next call upon my esteemed, great colleague, Delmon Trace of the Criscra. And as the familiar figure of Delmon Trace is just illuminated, it's black of skin, white of head, of Criscra robed.
I thank you, Dame. I have nothing to say at this time. I, uh... I seat the floor.
Very well. Finally, I'd like to call upon Lady Assault Ravencrest. Hi. Yeah? Uh, well... I'm really perplexed and...
quite astounded at what everyone's saying. Out here I just remember when I stood at the edge of the observatory. My eyes fixed on the ominous celestial objects glowing menacingly in the sky. This eerie luminescence bathed the landscape in unnatural light, casting long, twisted shadows across the land. My heart pounded.
As I recalled the passages from the accursed manuscripts, I spent a lifetime deciphering. The ancient text spoke of a dark omen, a celestial harbinger of doom that would precede the arrival of an otherworldly threat, or awaken evils long thought vanquished. The alignment of the stars and the appearance of this baleful object are unmistakable signs. It can't be coincidence. The darkness is coming.
We must be ready. The object still continues to loom in the sky and is a grim reminder of the prophecy. I steal myself from the battle ahead, knowing that the fate of our world depends on our actions here today.
I thank you all for your contributions. So there we have it. The points of discussion now that the object we are referring to is of artifice nature, is a portal to a material plane, and we ourselves exist within a layer of hell, is perhaps some sort of cosmic abnormality, that is perhaps, as the Divine suggests, an arc to the 13th Kingdom
or that it is of eldritch of nature. The floor is to anyone who wishes
I would just like to say that I believe that young Ravenquest, though young of of of body, is smart of mind, and I very much would ah would side with the young lady's tick on the view of the celestial body. Let us not provoke fear in the populace of Aerith and of Scorchelle, but her view is of that that we should unite and that the coming battle should be a group united. That is one that I can stand behind.
Fargrim lifts himself up out of it out of his chairs, jowls, quivering. As I have said, and I have repeated myself, as the fair lady says, this is a warning. This is an arc to take us from the darkness and take us to a Thirteen Kingdom to rebuild Aerith anew.
It is clearly a second chance from the divines themselves about this darkness. It is a second chance to remake Erith in another place.
Absolute nonsense. You follow this person and you will just lead yourself into damnation. We need to escape the hells through this portal to the material plane. that ceen you'll have where power Where is your evidence of this supposed hellish plane that we live on? I ask you to present your evidence to the group.
Well, were you or were you not around with the blight that has tainted these lands? That is just a taste of the hell's power and domination down here. Where is your evidence that there is lots of it's celestials down here that are trying to take us through this nonsense?
The Celestials have no power at all. Demons have formed upon this plane once more. A clear sign that as was before when Aludo fought them, now is the time for our people to unite, to fight and to create and seek a better world on this arc. You see, while we're hearing here, there would be more demons. Excuse me. While we're hearing here, while we're hearing here. Excuse me.
I will have one voice at a time. I'll invite Lady Ravencrest followed by Serafina Brightstar. As was just mentioned, demons have attacked more often than not and more recently in this very city. Demons have attacked this city. This is no ordinary astrological event. These texts are explicit in their warnings.
Malevolent forces, in titles banished to the darkness corners of the cosmos eons ago. These beings once roused from their slumber and they're rousing now, will bring chaos and destruction. They're seeking to reclaim dominion over the world. We need to rally. Bright star. What we have here is a collective trauma of a series of kingdoms reflecting on things that have come before, but of course I would point out to you that while others deal in conjecture, I deal in absolutes and facts as I see them in the sky. Artificery is the frontier of arcane knowledge. Now with that means that we have people out there, rogue agents, people who have ah abused the arcane knowledge to use artificery, this unknown magic to create monsters, to create
abstract metal things that exist on the skies. What we are seeing here before you from everyone else on this panel is a presentation of the irrational, whether it's the astrological or whether it's the celestial. What I present to you is not in fact magic of the divine It's magic of the material, of where we're from, of this plane. And Keltrad, whether it's the Keltrad that is used in Dash Kalrae to connect us to our past, or whether it's the Keltrad here, which is at the front, the front of arcane innovation. What we are seeing is rogue agents at play within this kingdom who have created something
of metal, of some form of metallic structure that hangs in the sky. It's even designed to look like the moon. And if you look hard enough amongst you, you will find evidence of the arcane logic known as artificery. All around you, it's in the city. The occasion needed there, Bridester, rogue agents of this kingdom, by which you mean shadow men, or by which you mean Dralak.
I have to exist and... and Simple answer please, Brightstar. Time is of the essence. I do believe that rogue agents from Shadowmen are at play in this kingdom and that's what I believe the problem is. Thank you. I call upon, and at this point, Alpha, you watch another disconnected hour of this. These theories that that are bounced around and that no one is really...
wavering in support of, but the theories presented to you today are that it is of artificery, that our understanding of the layers of planes is incorrect, that it's some sort of cosmic abnormality from space, that it is the 13th kingdom or an invitation to join the 13th kingdom,
Or that it's some eldritch horror doomed to destroy us all. Mighty fine work, my my group of bravo impromptu academics, might I say.
bravo wall yeah that's that's up That's our offshoot podcast right there. That's our next one shot. A bunch of sweaty nerds. I'm going to be completely honest with you. You sent us that message, obviously. I assume we all got a character that we were playing. We got sent this message 20 seconds before we were due to record.
And I completely forgot about that message. So when you pass to Darren and I was just making fun of what Darren was doing, I didn't realize that soon enough the character you sent me would be called up and I'd have to interpret a character and or so all of a sudden these beliefs. So yeah, well done everyone. So good. So as we approach the early hours of evening,
All parties now find themselves at the pish-noot. Baal, you've had a number of hours to process things out your system. Do you think you'd be joining the rest of the group upstairs? Yeah, oh yeah, definitely. After leaving smoldering ruins in the combat station, you wouldn't obviously burn up the ah living quarters or anything like that, but um yeah, there'd be a lot of fucking damage to the other things in there.
And as you sort of step out the chambers, you step past the very familiar sight of Victoria, the goblin, laying sentinel to the the the safe house. You step through the fake fireplace and ascend up the stairs where you see rains, drinking not with, but in the presence of a Karim snake crumb, and coming through the door, minutes apart.
Seth, then Nix, then Emron, then Alpha, as all of you sort of convalesce at once. And then immediately, before anyone really gets a chance to imagine everyone comes in, gets a plate of food, gets a drink,
CreamSneaker on stands, says, Nix, my boy, Seth, Not a lot of, yes. I've been having a wee drink here with your friend, Raines, and it's mighty fun to see you again. Hope the travel fared well, make it cross the desert all right, did we? And everyone is just taking various positions in the bar here.
Emron has grabbed his food and he, well, nobody else is saying anything else. Nick's is quiet, so I'm going to fucking jump in it ah unless he wants to say something. But Seth would. Everyone was sat there, silent. I was like, hang on a minute. It wasn't you talking, Will, it was the way you you burped your name pretty much. you over on
I can't stay much longer. You all look like you've been through this shit. I watched The Proving. Are you there? Yeah. Points to Seth, but... Osiris, my lord. Love it. You did really well. Are you there? Nixie boy. Really proud of you. Really fucking proud of you, mate. Honestly, you couldn't put a foot wrong. But I had enough to put a bet on myself.
Me, no. I've got my bet. And I've got these. And it adjusts to a bunch of sacks around him. But also, you know, a towering volcano, ball over there. Yeah. Into that, into that. Good asshole chaps. You three, you know, yeah, right. Brains, I think you did all right. But you two have, you got, you know, you got your work out here looking at Emron and ow.
I'm still not sure about that. I don't remember our... Don't forget our agreement, Seth. Nix, yeah. Absolutely. Wait, what was the agreement again? It's been like a day. There is a sack. There is a sack at each of... all six of you. All to be pristine, all to be worn. Capiche? No. I mean, but it's just... it's just some gentle advertising, everyone.
No. Take it up a nixie boy. I'm expected to see six, otherwise I'm taking trunks back and the car... If I wear three, does that count? No. Actually, to suppose I couldn't give a shit emerald if you wore yours or not.
No one's going to bet on you. Well, that's a good point. Actually, you raise a good point. Like, like there is some members of this party that haven't ah ah ordained themselves so well to the public. Surely you don't want to have your brand represented with ah the the ah not as... What are you saying? Nick's gone as all shit. ah Not all of us. you oh gocha That's what he was saying though, you know. I mean, all you could, you can feel free to wear it, everyone. I'm trying to, trying to do what you want as well. But surely you don't want ah your establishment as high class as it is to be associated with less shiny individuals out there. Plus, plus what, what Nix can do. Nix, you can do that mirror self. You're not the thing where you make lots of yourself. So yeah each of them would also be wearing it. So we could make up the numbers that way. And and do a little chant.
He'll do well. Karim, Karim, Karim. Goodbye, an elephant elephant from Karim. See? You're right. Yeah, you convinced me. All right.
I want Steph to wear one. I want Nick to wear one. I want Reigns to wear one. And I want Bowel to wear one. I don't want Emeron to wear one. If Alpha wears one, I'm tepid. Okay. I think we can swing that. Reigns, take one for the team.
You don't have to wear it or I'm taking trunks back. I get to make a tiny one for my squirrel. Let's do that. Yeah, you could have a tiny one for your squirrel, mate. It could be the mascot. Thank you, Karim. And thanks for letting us keep trunks. It, him, has been invaluable.
but That's the part of the bargain and I'll come back and it was Emron you were betting on, just to be clear. When we met on the road, you had Emron, I had Morova. Yes, but then we also, we met further down the road, you came a road next to us. Oh, you moved to Seff. That's when we had a little conversation about Emron not wearing it anymore, so we we changed it to Seff.
and I'm still happy to put my money on, Seth. And then two people went in bloodied, which changes a lot of things, which we've not had a chance to dis discuss yet. Yeah, that might be a good time for that. Not my business. I was going to say. Seth, it is. Four of you got to wear them. Yes, you squirrel can wear one. Nothing on them, Ron. I will see you very soon, Nixie boy. Savvy. Savvy. Savvy.
You're staying here for a while, right? Yes. Yeah. I might be back after the games. I got a bit of a task I could do a syn up with if user are interested paid like. Always. We're always here for any tasks paid is a definite win. Depends if we're all still alive though, Nick. say Yeah. i won't I won't reveal just in case any of you get killed. It's a bit of a hostile crowd at the moment. It may be a good time to come back.
Yeah, maybe maybe clip-clop. Yeah, bro. we can have it We need to have a bit of a chat. Yeah, I'll tell you what. It just turns to... Grumbat. He flicks him to gold coin. Their next round's on me. They're gonna need a drink. Steps out and she just walks past you, Reigns. Puts a hand on your shoulder.
Thanks for a second about your conversation that you've had early this afternoon together. I ain't there, mate.
And he strides out with purpose. And the the bar is no not filling up yet. It is the six of you. Grandma. And that's really it. Ah, I'm tired. ah I really could sleep.
Maybe we should go downstairs so we can all talk as a group. Yep. In private, I think as a group, it needs to happen. We need to talk. Come on. Yep. Yep. I'm not copying him, I just agree with what he's saying for once. And Seth and I, speaking of one-minded, we need to get down there and sort our shit out. Sort our shit out, yeah, that's what I was going, exactly what I was going to say.
Emron sort of grabs the tray of drinks that have probably been brought over. At this point, he's only just got two bottles of whiskey at this point ready because he just instinctively said you're going to go. So just hands them to you. That'll do. I'll take those. Thank you. Take some away from Emron. Hands them to Reigns. Seth will grab some bunch of glasses, just like a handful of hands in the middle of them and just grab as many as he can, as seven.
There's not seven, but he's going to grab seven and then he's going to hustle after range. If you can send food down as well, I'd appreciate it. All right. We'll do. Yeah. We're going back. We're going to make food. Yep. Next. Come on. Yes. Yes. Um, following. Just checking. This is Rosie. This is like the teacher at the, at the back of the school trip. Everyone's at the back just ushering any stragglers. Nice. In a high vis. Yeah.
ah As you descend and into the cellars, step through that fireplace. Victoria stands absolute, sal not really knowing what to do as you walk into that leaded iron door. And all of you, sorry. Yeah, it's not on free range. We'll just go to her give her the room, please.
She doesn't go into the yeah your chamber. She stays in that small little anti-chamber outside and just stays sentin off. She doesn't go into the actual sweethouse that penthouse.
I don't know how loud. There could be some raised voices here from Discord's conversations if you could just ah make sure you're not privy to it. I'm sure you understand. I can't move. Lead wall, I won't say shit. Peachy.
And then just gives a a bit of a concerned look to your eyes. Absolutely stinksy there.
Oh, my rings will go in just to see what it smells of. Burning. Burning and sweat and more burning. Delightful. As you all step in one by one.
Where do you go? What positions do you take? Where do you sit? Who speaks first? Isn't there a central table, isn't there? There's like two, there's there's there's one closer to the door, there's one that has a ah head at the fire, at the fire end of this this first chamber. All right, let's all sit over there then, shall we? So we would all, you know, not be spread out. Yep.
and stuff will go very, very quickly the minute everyone says that and sits down and looks and waits for the others. Raines will pour one of the bottles of whisky into NC who will just fly around filling up drink cups with it.

Interpersonal Dynamics and Contest Motivation

Okay. is the way we used to do this in the suit guard search when there was a problem in the unit this is how we deal with it and see creature thing pissing pissing ah squirrel stop serving drinks we need the bottle uh rhines could you give me that other bottle of whiskey please sure there you go thank you you're gonna take it and you go right everyone finish your drink and you need to have an empty glass and he's gonna nack his little chunk of whiskey and put it on the table and look to the others and on follow suit
Reigns follows suit.
also very confused or follow so Nick's is as eyed up everything that's going on here and comes and sits down but he sat near a table and he'll do that thing in a chair where you rock backwards and both boots across on the table and he'll neck the drink. Yeah, Baal doesn't drink it.
He just kind of stands there. Okay. waiting to think What we do is this. If you want, you get given the bottle, you fill your drink, you speak the truth, and then you take a shot and you s slide the bottle to the next person to speak in any order. Let me give you an example. i Really simple. ah He's going to pour himself a shot of whiskey.
I'm really confused why two of you are willing to die for this stupid little competition and he's going to take his drink, put it down and then he's going to slide the bottle over towards where Bala's not all the way off the table because he's assuming you're not going to get it. This is his test, but just far enough that it's very obviously going in your direction, but not with so much power that it's going to fall off the table and smash.
um He has an inkling, you're not going to get it. That's the aim. It's a way of kind of, are you are you in on are you into this? Is that proper loud audible ah across the table as well? Yeah. But I will grab the bottle, not pour anything out of it. Look at the group and just say, I need to win. That's all. Thank you. I need you to win.
Ball gets it, yeah? Speak the truth. Sorry. That's right. slide the ah Slide the bottle across to Nix. Nix will take it ah and kind of tip his hat up. Yeah, so um he needs to win. That's my two cents on it. And then I'll hand the bottle over to Alpha.
As soon as the bottle's handed over, Bart will kind of cock his head and look at you. He's going, what? I am now more confused that Nick no longer wants to win. Do you want to die, Nix?
No, wait, wait. ah go to fly he's talking it's his Oh, i we got to do this. Okay. Um, got to hold the bottle. That's the game. Give me the fucking bottle. I'll reach over and grab it. Okay. Do you want to fucking dyenix and I'll slam it back into your chest? I'd rather not. And then I'll put it back into yours. Then why the fuck would you go into a contest where the only way to come out is to win or die. Slam it back into your chest. Yeah, it felt like I didn't really have an option at the time. I was kind of just going all in on the hand. It's almost like, you know, you play a card game and when you're really trying to push other people out of the main pot, you go all in all at once in the hopes that it will bully people out. That didn't kind of work in this case. So I guess I kind of fold ah is the the terminology that I seem to be going for. But I agree. You need to win. Bottle back to you.
Baal is just bewildered at this. He's looking down, he's going, I wouldn't have fucking gone in bloodied if you hadn't gone in bloodied. The only reason I did it was to prove to the fucking group that I need to win. I could have won without being bloodied. But if you went in, I couldn't win the fucking thing without you dying. No one here would let you die if it just meant you were the only fucking one that died. So that's why we're both bloodied.
and he'll ah throw you back the bottle. Well, I i disagree with everyone here who would not let me die coming. I feel like there's quite a few people here who actually would be quite willing to stab the dagger into my heart, so to say. ah yeah Yeah, we've made the games more interesting, Baal. I mean, that's kind of... This was life without a bit of variety, but it does mean that we can shoot a name for the eggs and...
I'll just fold when the time comes. We'll come back. to Seth's going to scramble over. keep keep keep me to give You're not doing it right. You're not getting it. Pull the bottle off you. You're supposed to do a shot after each time you talk, you'd both be slushed by this point. Listen, shut up. You haven't got the bottle. He slides over towards Emron. Everyone needs to have a... I'm not talking.
Everyone takes the bottle. Oh, sorry. phil I said everyone. I meant Reigns. Sorry. I meant Reigns. One person, one person. Everyone has taken the bottle and pours a shot. So here's how I see it. Two people in this group have gone in bloodied. We know that know those of us who have gone in unbloodied can walk out. We don't know if those who have gone in bloodied can choose to leave or whether they are in there to the death and they can't leave. If that's the case... I just won't turn up. Nick's, you went in a bargain and a contract and if you've got to be aware that they will hold you to it... So what's your solution, Emron? Kill?
Either me die or or I'll die. You're talking about bullet points. What's your solution? I'm talking the truth as Seth asked us to. Right. And so what do you think we should do? what After what we've just said? Well, let's try and understand because we know that Baal went in for the egg. What were you going in for?
The Esmeralda. at this At this point Seth's like putting his fingers into his eyes and he just grabs the other empty bottle of whiskey that rains tossed aside and just hands that one to to Nick so they both got one so they can both talk. Thanks. Yeah, the Esmeralda. I thought that was pretty obvious. really I've so just turned around and said, we go for Baal. But I don't understand what's changed then, Nick. I've just explained why I went in bloodied.
yeah why do you now not want to go in now why why are you prepared to lose because he went in bloodied i literally just said it's like playing a game and when you really want to win sometimes you have to go all in and push people out but that wasn't what we all agreed when we were here last night I fucked up. You fucked up. Sometimes we say things that we're gonna do, and then we go and do the opposite thing. How did I end up in prison that time? It's okay. Because the outcome, I've just said.
Let's go in with bar. Now, if you've got a better idea, you've just said that I'm a binding contract, you're absolutely right there. So in my mind, I can either walk out or not turn up. I do agree. That's important. So let's follow that line of inquiry. But in terms of like a solution to the whole,
ah given you all the answers yeah we'll get we'll get to that we'll get to that we'll get to that and emrants go it take a bottle of emron we need to get everyone's words first and then we come up with solutions after that's how it works everyone talks and then we come up with the answer we will find it take a shot emron and nis You should have drank a lot by now, bro, but just take a shot, okay? um I'm okay. I'm good. Just drink out my... I've got my thing. And Nix will take out his bottomless mug. He's gonna toss the bottle gently towards Reigns. He's gonna aim properly this time and properly push it towards Reigns this time. Reigns will snap his fingers and the mage hand will just grab it as it comes towards him. Show off. Such a Reigns thing to do.
Iscilda, Leander, everyone else at Gopor keep who we, myself, Emrahm, Alpha, and to a degree Nix and Marauder, Aller, said that we would protect and keep safe. I'm gonna just take my name out. You ain't got the fucking bottle so shut the fuck up. Fair, fair.
We said we would keep that port key safe. We said we would keep it safe. Okay, Nick didn't say it. Fine. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. As you were. Now, I have endured quite a few things in pursuit of the bigger picture here. Shondra on the car herself told me Bellum Draconis. She told me that it was key to the royal family of Sleepguard. That turned out to be true. I have put aside things from Shadow Man being em robbed from me. I watched.
I'll watch if that fuck face of an assassin was gutted before I could talk to him on the road. And I was asked to bury it and I buried it good and proper. And now I'm supposed to just sit here and allow you two to put your own objectives before the bigger picture. I could have gone in there and put my own bloody thing in because I care about those people that Gulp will keep. I care about what we promised we would leave for them. Now you might not you might think that a field full of potatoes and a handful of people ain't worth much, but actually it's worth a damn.
Great deal to me. Now, the way I see it, Bao, is that Shandralakar entrusted Bellum Draconis to me. You were barred from going into that cave. I am bringing you along. We are bringing you along. And this, this is how you repay us by saying you need the egg. That's fine. You need the egg. We can go and get the egg, but you don't go in it for yourself.
We had a big talk on the road where Imran was called out about doing selfish things, but people sat at this table who then went and did some very, very selfish things. Now you want to know where I stand? We had a plan that Seth wins tomorrow or whenever this fight is. Seth wins. We get the gold and everything else here, everything else here is still in play because we can get it. We can, it's a long way.
between here and Goldport Keep. We lose, Goldport Keep is gone. I can't steal Goldport Keep when it's half a kingdom away. You ain't got the fucking bottles to show up. I'll give you the damn fucking bottle in a minute. I'm just wondering how much do you need to save Goldport Keep? If you can't understand why I need to save Goldport Keep, you can't understand why. I just asked how much gold. I didn't ask whether or not you wanted to save it. How much gold will it take?
A lot. 4,000, 400,000, 40,000. I can't remember what one then said. A 400,000 is a bit out of my reach. If it's 4,000, I can get you 4,000. Bart's going to hold out his hand for the bottle. Everyone's looking really shocked at this with Nick's ruling that he's got loads of money or has access to money.
I ain't one for admonishing someone and calling someone out without giving them a chance to reply and he'll slide the bottle over to It's a bowl. I don't need money. I have barely had a penny to my name. As far as I understand it, a lot of people bet on people within this arena. If you go in bloodied, you get a fairer share, a higher share of the bets that are made. I don't need money brains.
I need my mother's heir. Nothing will deny me of that. And I am sorry if you've got those connections, but if money is your aim, as Nick said, money can be found. No one will sell that egg. It won't happen. Money cannot buy that egg. Only I or one of us can get that egg from this competition or I don't know it goes into the ether it goes into storage it goes wherever the fuck it goes it's gone it's lost if it's money you want and Nick's fuck I wish you had just fucking said something earlier today because now I feel like I've
royally fucked up. And please don't get me wrong. Yes, I have put myself forward, but I did it in reaction, in retaliation to what I thought to be an incredibly selfish move from Nix. And now Nix, you're sitting there telling me that you literally did it as a fucking whim. I should have guessed. I should have known. I fucked up, but I am winning that contest tomorrow. And if I die, hopefully one of you will win instead, but that egg,
that that That's the only thing that can be won. You can fucking buy anything else. Any of the other prizes. Money is your key. Not bad. We'll, we'll get to that. We'll get to that. I'm just, we haven't, like, everyone hasn't spoken and it's important. We all here, that's part of the unit sleep guard thing is that everyone gives out and then we come up with the answers. At least that's the way my, my sergeant used to do it. Yeah. So, and he's going to take, he's going to tend to be held out hand towards bow for the, for the bottle. If you'd please bow is going to go.
fuck nicks and just take a big fucking hefty swig from the bottle before giving it to you. And it's the dregs that remain. And after that chug, he's going to turn and quite quickly you slide the bottle over to alpha. What do you think alpha? Fuck you. I think we have a rather logical solution here. Nick's no longer wishes to win.
We can bet our money on... No, no, no. Sorry, he's sorry. bar He gets the... grabs the bottle. We're not solutions. Just what do you think, Alpha? What are your feelings? What are you thinking, bro? Don't try and come up with answers yet. You've got to talk it out first, okay? Trust me. It worked wonders when we were fighting the blight. I mean, most of us died, but still. Anyway, just what are your thoughts, your feelings? Go. My thoughts are with Orla.
We made a promise. I do not intend to break it. A dead-locking bawl, as he discusses this. Should the opportunity come for myself to win, I will take it for Orla to keep my promise and to keep the keep.
Right. Now we've done all everyone's pieces and the battle lines are drawn, so to speak. no ah what Now gone with some fucking answers, yeah? Emon, sorry, you want it, go. Emon takes the bottom. Solutions. Here's how I say it. Von Dadd told us that he would give us the deed to goldport key for four thousand gold,000 gold.
if we have it. He told us that while we were ah we were outside the proven. Nick says he can get the money. May I have the ball? Yeah, okay. Thank you for following the rules, Nick. It's very good to see.
hi It gets told enough, I guess. ah Yes, absolutely. If that's what it takes to save Goldport Keep, and clearly it's very important to you guys. 4000, I've got it. I can give it to you right now.

Competition Strategy and Risks

Baal, I feel like that frees you up to get the egg.
And so the only thing on my mind is ah if i'm allowed to just not enter or allowed to enter and ah just walk away or if i actually have to fucking die that's that that's the that's the main thing kind of running through my head at the moment but i feel like that takes everyone's boxes like bob gets the eggs you guys get gold port keep.
I feel like we're savvy. Seth just want to hold out the bottle with us. When the minute you said about the you what happens to you, he holds his hand out and he raises his eyebrows a little bit and smiles. Oh, you want the bottle? Okay, cool. I feel like my point was interrupted, but okay, let's go back to Seth, you know. You haven't got the bottle, so why are you talking, am I wrong? Anyway, i'm jo I'm joking. It was a joke. Come on, we're drinking, yeah, it's good times. Yeah, we're having good times, yeah.
Aren't we? Yes. Right. Seth, now that it's back to you, you're having to put the second bottle out as we've used the first. Right. About that last point, two words, feign death. I could find that spell. And what that does is it puts you in a state similar to death.
Close enough, I think. So that means you could enter. if if we i yeah' just one second please m ah If we have to enter you because of some blood pack you did when you scratched your hand on that contract, then you can be there. You can die.
The competition ends. It lasts, I think, like an hour, I think I read. It lasts an hour. We knock you out near the end. You make it look legit. And then we knock you out. Oh, no, no, Nix is dead. Oh, shock and horror. We all cry. And then we we kill a bastard, whoever's left, and then we win.
And then ah ball gets we win the heir of your mother. Would that make it your brother? We win that. We get some gold because one of us is one and we have money for that. and i We save this keep place with Ola because we've got the money from Nix. Apart from a few bruised egos and steps in the back, metaphorically I think we're all as Nix would say, we're all savvy.
emron bottle so
I like the ideas and obviously Nick's coming up with the money does mean that we can concentrate on Baal's objective. And if we all put whatever bets we put on Baal winning, excellent, we come out with it. The deal with VornDad does have a time limit on it before the fight happens. We do have to act on it before the fight happens.
about the fear and death thing. I like your thinking, Seth. I always appreciate the fact that you always like to think outside the box. But let's not forget the person overseeing these games is Prego. And the last time someone tried to fuck with him, Alpha got cursed so that he nearly died in several days. i So you're trying to cheat the devil. Let's just say how it is.
yeah And I'm worried what you might do is then cause punishment from prego. Just to raise that point.
Nick is going to hold his hand out for the bottle. Yeah, everyone pass the bottle. It would be good to have a conversation with Prego before all of this. Just, I would love to have a chat with him, being him a devil and everything like that. And you are right, maybe cheating someone of higher power out of what they want might make them a little bit bad, but it'd be interesting to speak to him and maybe there's a deal to be made somewhere down the line. I don't know, but I feel like that's on me anyway. And from all your faces in this room,
you're probably rightfully angry at me for my actions so like hopefully just getting the eggs to you while giving you gold port key reigns and let's just let put the the the pact on me for whatever falls out from prego. I feel like we're in a good situation. ah bar I can see you just literally jumping at the bit to to try and talk so ah here you go.
Thank you. Rules are fun. You... I talked to Prager. I talked to Prager. In the fallout of all of this, I ran after the fucker. Nix, it's definitely Marota. It's definitely Marota. She clearly has...
some sort of pact with Prago, or there is a new tattoo, or there is something. He has got some sort of control over her. He cannot be trusted. I haven't told you, any of you, technically, Seth, you might have overheard it when we first made the fucking pact. But my request from Prago was Gail Fire's heir. That's why I charged after him, because Gail Fire's heir is a fucking prize.
in a tournament. And do you know what he told me? He said, I would tell you where the heir was and I have done so. That is what I've consigned my soul to the hells for, to be shown this fucking taunt. So if he's got some sort of power over Marota, again, there's going to be some sort of fuckery. Oh, and Seth,
Actually, I don't want to spill your beans. Have you told the group before about what you said you were going for? I can't remember. You have. Oh, good. Well, got some news on that as well. The deal that we have, the pact, remains intact until you get that that you asked for. So my pact, even though he's shown me where the egg is and I've kept you alive, I'm still indebted to these lot. It's until you get The reward you seeked, suck, sect, I don't know the fucking word, but we're we're in this until that happens. So I have no fucking idea when the end goal is there. ah so I've revealed a lot, sorry. There's a lot of people that reigns again. I'm sorry for doing this. ah I just fuck big swig again, ah slides it to reigns.
Okay. Gulp will keep it taken off the table and I'll play ball with everything else here. Marauder's also bloody. She ain't gonna let you cast Fane Death on her. To win, we have to kill her. That's... That's something we have to address here.
Raines will slide it towards mix. It was definitely Marauder. but I'll not.
i isn't yeah Look, the situation is it's what it is. It's eggs, cold pork keep. I've got the money. I'll give it to you now before we end this cozy chat.
um Our trust in you, Emron, two ah to take that money to whomever, Vaughan Down, I think you said, and make the transaction.
And then we deal with what comes our way, best foot forwards.
Who wants this to bow? Here you go. I am sorry, Nix.
i died I am sorry. There was one final thing with the conversation with Prago. Something he said, something that stuck with me. It might be nothing.
But he said that this year he intended to elevate the games. He stressed elevate. I could be reading into it, but we need to consider the fact that this arena might be of some height.
and There is a thrash knocking at the door to your penthouse.

Conclusion and Teaser for Next Episode

And before you can even turn to think about who that might be, the handle is turned. The door swings open and in steps.
but to find out you can have to tune to next tabletop bastard ah so good to when we said it several times i'm surprised i surprised dadd wasn't like add you're able buthand la car breaks through we all day yeah ah I don't think I can transition out of this as well as Danny just did, listeners. You will literally have to wait until next week to find out who the mysterious person or thing is that opened the door. And to do that, it leads me to say thank you very much for tuning in this week and making us a part of your everyday week. We do appreciate it for you. We appreciate you for it. There we go. but yeah and If you wanted to do what?
I said it's not like you've done it like 300 times. Wow, shade from the opening. You wait until you fuck up that. I'm going to do it on top of that. If you wanted to check out our social pages, really X is your best one. Like I said, we still have the map up there from the whole of... got channel um And it just allows you to visualize a little bit more of what we're doing. um I loved the court seat not caught scene, the school of Alpha Potter. I thought that was amazing. Everyone did a great job. Danny, chief of all, epic.
ah Tell your friends back to the listeners about us and rate and review us on whatever platform of choice you're listening to us on. So, then you can follow us individually on these X pages. I'm at I've order one. Poop Bear is at... Natural 20 Will. Willy, Willy, Willy, Will is at... Fellowship NPC, BC. Mark is at... Hastie the world again. Darren is at...
Darren Pageau 6. Calum is at the D20 Gamer. And our VIP of D and&D Danny is at Total Party Thrills. and Until next time, guys.