Character Descriptions Discussion
Do you want me to give you the descriptions of the others so you can pick which one you would go towards? Oh, yes, please do you want to give us descriptions? I absolutely do. So you've got this copper that one
Podcast Introduction & Character Setup
Hello everyone and welcome to tonight's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are a live play 5e podcast set in the disputed lands of the verandian jungle, in the magical homebrood world of Eryth. My name is Darren and I'm going to run some D&D for you. These are The Shadowmen Tales, and with me tonight, playing the hobgoblin with Iduka Borah, we have Danny. On Jew. Playing the bugbear Jew with Trungus Bongwater is our one shot extraordinaire, Wilbot.
Hello! And playing the Goblin Barbarian Druid Party Wrecker. We, err, Kratz. We have Callum. I didn't start that. Playing the Human Ranger McBenna. We have Will.
Hello everybody. Playing the Dragonborn Rogue Saingar we have Mark. And playing the Dragonborn Paladin Drago we have Ian. We didn't start the fire. Nice Billy Joel. Nice Billy Joel reference. Love a good throwback. Love a good throwback. Love a Billy. And on that topic we need a throwback to what happened in last week's episode. And for that we turn...
to the epic tones of the epic voice-over guy.
Recap: Mysterious Events Unfold
Previously on the Fellowship of the Tabletop, mid-party fight Ren's voice screamed out into the air, stop! As a dark cloaked figure emerged from the trees, lantern in hand, hood pulled over its head.
The party had finally found Karl the bastard, with their attentions momentarily changed by this strange figure's approach
MacBenna was levitated into the air by Ukuburra, attempting to defuse the situation somewhat. Beneath him, the now transformed crats growled his angry teddy bear voice. And finally, Chungus summoned a mighty dinosaur Skellington to attack the image of Carl the Bastard.
which was a little bit meta, being this chungus attacking the same person. It's weird. And so the fight began, the bear charged and its claws and teeth came snapping down upon the car, the bastard, to reveal only an image. Ren, master of magics, had summoned this image to stop the fight.
The party, words exchanged, no truce, but a grim acceptance of the enmity that was now shared between them, created separate camps. And thus, as night fell, a small mouse skittered towards the camp of Drago, Wren, and Macbenna. And while all slept, a figure appeared before Macbenna.
Commanding him to seek out the merchant, Mygan, and say hello from an old friend. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan.
Emotional Fallout & Motivations
Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan. Mygan.
And as the temperature from the emotions of the day before start to come back down to a simmer, unfortunately for our dragonborn, the temperature within the air and the humidity starts to rise again. Oh, come on. As the coolness of the storm from the day before gives way back to this hot humid air that has become so common and present within the verandian jungle.
Both sets of camps start to stir at roughly the same time. You can probably see the other camp, though you're about 200 metres away from each other. Wren starts to pack up her things in the camp with McBenna, Drago and the returned Syengar from his now frequent jaunts into the forests in the dead of night.
You can hear the rattling of her closing up her bag, putting back in things from her camp, rolling up her bed sack as she starts to rise in silence. This is also played out in the other camp as the free goblin kin rise. Who would like to break the silence of the morning first? Go for it, McBenna. So McBenna will have risen
grumbled to himself as he did, sort of stretching aching joints. And he'll look over to Ren and the others and whether sign guard and drag or a steering or not yet. Doesn't matter. You did a good thing, Ren. Stop in the fight. You did right. Oh, I'm glad someone thinks so.
And she'll just sit down and start to weep. And Macbeth, we'll look over to Syengar. When you went into the woods, did you see any sign of the Yuan Tea? Uh, Darren, did I see any signs of the Yuan Tea in the jungle while I was there? Uh, no. No. I didn't. I, uh... No.
Good. Nice. Hopefully, they're not pursuing. Ren, how long until you can cast your spell again or can you do it anytime? I've had the rest, I can do it anytime.
Do we need to worry about the Yuan Ti when we're insistent on killing each other though? And you can see that she's quite sullen now, that she's clearly been wrestling with the admonishment from Drago the night before and the general breakdown of what happened and that she's a bit sullen at that. What happened happened. I'm not going to make any apologies for what I did.
I don't think anyone would expect any. I've made my feelings clear. What were their names? The two goblins, who Carl butchered, what were their names? That information hasn't been revealed to you yet, McBenna, just for fidelity. Okay, thank you. I wasn't sure, yeah. McBenna looks to Ren. I don't know, Ren. But what I do know is that those aren't the only bodies that Carl has left behind him.
and not the only bodies that is capable of leaving. I swore way back on those boats that I would kill Karl and both you and Drago were there and understand why. And you have to understand that that oath I've made is important because of who we've lost.
I understand that. I'm also willing to bet that those three, or at least the two who came back, do know what those goblins are called. And their right to revenge is just as profound as ours, in my opinion. Possibly. But at the end of the day, if they hadn't travelled with us, they would have never found those goblin bodies.
At the end of the day, their path is bound to ours, not other way around. This all happened last night, as Jago turns around. Words that you want to say now should have been said yesterday. Today's a new day. We move on. Draw a line. Let's pack up our things. Meet up. We've got pressing matters to see to.
Campsite Banter & Shared Paths
I'll say what I want to say when I want to say it. Fair enough, but it can be done while we're walking. Seconded. And MacBennan will finish making sure the fire's embers are cold and he'll have packed up his stuff and he'll be ready to leave. He'll collected the four arrows that he placed around in a cordon last night and put them back in his quiver.
Over in the other camp, you notice these figures who some of you were quarrelling with the night before have started to pack up and look to be getting ready to move on. Kratz, how's your temper this morning? I'm always miserable. Always be better. Always miserable?
I've got no reason to be cheery in my life. I'm too old for that crap. That's really sad. Yeah, it gets me through another day. I like having something to moan about. When's the last time you... smiled? Probably when I smacked that old man in all fairness, but I was a bit. You couldn't really tell.
Crats, I'm somewhat heartbroken at this idea that you're forever sad and angry. Well, if I enjoy being sad and angry, am I ever really sad and angry? It's a bit of a conundrum, you see. You're a complicated fellow, I'll give you that, Crats. I'm a man, a goblin, or rather, of great experience. I can tell. I suppose... Chungus, we'd better go and, you know, bury the hatchet.
into the old man. If that would give you pleasure, my friend. Yes. It might make me smile. You could always try it. I don't know. But Chungus is our clan leader right now. Yeah. And I'm just, I think it's probably best if we don't, you know, bury hatchets into each other. I mean, it looks like we're in two groups now, but we're all, we've all got the same aim. This is what we were talking about last night. And it looks like that they're getting ready to, you know, disappear off. So.
Perhaps we need to start pecking our things. Yes, sir. And I will proceed to do so. I've got to give a stern look to Chungus. All right. And then we'll talk to you to back my things. Chungus will turn away and kind of let out, not a sigh necessarily, not really a breath of relief, but somewhere in between the two. He is
not a leader necessarily, but it seems these two have pretty much elected him so. So he's like, I've got to keep myself a bit strong for these guys, right? Right. We'll get caught up with them and just make sure they're all ready to go. Come on, when you're ready, follow me. And I'll pat Crats on the back and offer my arm as though he should leave first.
begrudgingly, it's like the pat on the back, it takes a few steps and just grumbles to himself and follows Jungus, but not like really, really close. You've just picked up your Zimmer frame as well while doing it. Quite possibly. I've grabbed a branch that's just down on the ground. It's like a trolley just behind you as well that's made out of tartan. Just keep going.
I wish. Can't find those in the jungle. The wheels make it too difficult.
And I'll take the liberty to putting out any fire or anything that we've put up. And then just as I'm doing that with my mage hand on the side of the fire, or just like obscured from view of anyone else, I'm just gonna sort of try and use it to engrave in the dirt. A simple message that says, I'm Ukabura, I'm still alive. I'm going to Dash Rig, Dash,
Dash calorie. Dash calorie. Find me there. And that's it. I like to think if you misspelled dash calorie a couple of times. Get heavy to cross that line. The city. I mean, if you're willing to dedicate some time to that, a couple of minutes, it's going to be easy enough to write that out with a mage hand, I suppose, in the dirt. If you're willing to rush that, you're probably going to need no carnage. No, no. I'm just going to make it look like I'm pottering. I'll make it look like I'm busy, but at the same time, just sort of
You'd probably hear craps if you're taking your time, saying, come on then, you little geek, hurry up. Thing is, craps, I know you're actually happy calling me names. So this is OK with me.
Okay. And for the fidelity of our listeners, you can all have a long rest from your attempts to murder each other. Congratulations. Nice. Hooray. All those spell slots are burnt trying to... So, Will, fresh start. Yeah. Let's go at it again. Well, round two. Let's get ready to rumble. How close, Goblinkin, are you getting to the other party? I'll imagine we're beelining for Sayangar, our only ally.
Yeah, I think Chungus, he's got something that perhaps his fellow goblin kind of don't in the sense that he's been with these guys just a little bit longer, just a couple of days longer. So he wouldn't feel uncomfortable to get closer and basically probably try and catch up to the group in front and just probably pipe up and just say, I can see that we're ready to get going. It's not too much further today. We should be able to get there. Well, hopefully before,
nightfall if we're traveling pretty quickly. Good. I and MacBennar will be acknowledging Chungus. I've got a name of a merchant I think we need to find called Mygan. Mygan. Who's in the city. It's really weird how these trees make your voice echo if you say Mygan.
It's really weird. It's the leaves and the wind. The acoustics on that one word are weird. I might try it myself. My game. But yeah, so this merchant, my game, he will probably be these trees that can bring a smile to anyone's face. Even a group of goblins face, I reckon. Could you say what makes you feel this way?
Thank you all. Someone got it. Someone got it. Someone got it. I just don't know what makes you feel this way about my God. We just get out these singing trees. I hate singing trees. Probably best. I'm not a big fan. So we've got to find your merchant. We definitely have to go and try and get ourselves an audience with
with Scrymar, especially if we know that Scrymar Earthcore, he's like the, well, the big guy. He's one of the most important people there in
Approaching Dashkalre
Desch-Celraire. And if we've got these Uamati on the way, I don't imagine that we'll manage to get a audience with him. But if we can get a message onto him, we need to warn them. We need to get the Drake Wardens properly looking if it sounds like something big's on the way.
I was going to say, if someone is important to that, I'm going to listen to five, six weary travellers coming out of the jungle. Have we got any evidence, I suppose, can Rin? I know that you said that she could kind of see where Carl is. Is there any way that she could maybe show that to someone else? I have no idea. You'd have to ask her, that's beyond me.
Well, it's an option. We can discuss on the way. And it's sort of a better sort of trying to walk and talk at this point. I don't deny it's a great idea. But people who run the cities, you know, that sounds like high-lordy stuff to me. But yeah, we could keep our options open. Any friends in a city we don't know is better than none. Right. We'll bring up the rear, I suppose.
Fair enough. And that Bennett will sort of increase his stride slightly to join whoever's at the front. I assume it's Drago.
Wren is also keeping a pace at the front and unless anyone makes an effort to overtake her, for the first time instead of hanging back, is just keeping herself to herself and moving as fast as she can. Wren, you know where she's going? She knows the general direction of travel is still following the river and that's effectively what she's doing. We'll let the low HP mage go in front, it's fine.
That's fine, I'd be keeping watch from the back then, so she doesn't stray too far. Okay, so we've got Ren, then Drago, and Ben has made his way back to the front. Then I would assume Chungus, before Tsaiengar has now fallen into the back of the pack along with Vukubura and Kratz. Is that fair that my reading of the situation is correct? Yep, I believe so, yes.
Great, terrific. Despite the heat, your next day of travel is actually the easiest travel yet. The trees now start to really start to fin out, particularly the dark, dense, green jungle trees. And what you start to notice is that these rich trees of red and auburn and purples and gold, they start to materialize in their place.
Eventually you come to a clearing in the tree line and for the first time on the distant horizon, imagine looking out to sea and seeing something quite far on the horizon, you can now see the foot of this great mountain that just seems to ascend upwards into the clouds.
This is the great civilization of Dash Kalray that sits at its feet. You can mark out the markings of what appears to be a city built into the foundations of this mountain.
As you pass through this clearing, you start to note that all the trees that seem to be on the edge of this tree line, they are these great trees of ancient red and purple. These are ancient sylvan trees and Chungus, you would probably be at Anukaburra as the two who are educated the most on where you are. You would be aware that these are
what are known as the Circle of the Everguardians. It says they go all the way across the clearing of the Verandian and surround the farmlands that are north of Eris Gift and north of Dashcalre. And it is said that should Dashcalre ever face mortal peril, that the Everguardians have the means to pull the entire city and its surrounding farmlands back into the Feywild.
You continue to move throughout the day. The heat is actually worse now that the tree line has dissipated. However, you are all of a sudden starting to notice that there is now a presence of a dusty road beneath your feet. You start to pass fences. You start to notice well-maintained farmland is starting to replace the thick denseness of the jungle.
Chungus told you true enough, you are probably going to be able to arrive at Dashkalre's gates as the sun reaches the point of setting.
Is there anything that you want to do or say as you move towards the city? It now becomes clear that this 10-day journey that has quite epically played out over the last X amount of episodes on this podcast is starting to near its end. So if there are any discussions that you want to have before you reach the city, it becomes clear to you all that now is the time to have them. McBenna walking beside Drago, we'll sort of look at the city ahead.
Drago, while we were camped overnight while I was keeping watch, the person who warned me about Carl came to me again.
So as you look over at Drago this whole day, he hasn't really said anything. He's been walking quite sterically, back straight, trying not to show any visible signs of the heat kind of getting to him, showing any fatigue or any pain. But beads of sweat have been dripping down and his eyes have kind of creased as the sweat kind of kind of brushes over his eyes and he's trying to blink it out. But he's remained very silent with a hand grasp
of the amulet and has almost been walking, but without having his full mind on the journey, almost like he's had half a mind in the amulet. And as you wake him from this... Sorry, what did you say? When we were on the port.
at sea. I said that someone had came to me in the night, told me that Karl was going to betray us and then I came and walked here and we found him. The same person that warned me then appeared as an image during the night to me. What did they say? Well, they asked if I believed in prophecy now and divination and I grudgingly accepted that afterwards I had to.
given the evidence. He told us to seek out a merchant, Mygan. Mygan. The trees are still echoing even this far away. Even though there's no trees around, it's weird. I've mentioned it to us by the planes. I've mentioned it to Chungus and he thinks it might be, he seems to accept it's an okay idea. I was told by the image to find this merchant, Mygan. Mygan. And say hello to him from an old friend.
It at least gives us someone to talk to if this... Are you the old friend here? I have no idea. My gang doesn't mean anything to me. So... I don't know why I feel this way, but...
His name's fucking Fred from now on, all right? There, have it. Deep, deep about the work. No, but at the end of the day, I don't know whether this image is trying to say that it is someone I'll know when I see him. It's not a name I know. So all I can say is at least we've got someone to talk to. Chungus mentioned this Skymar Earth for a leader of the city. Talked about the Drake Wardens against the UNT.
Which is a noble idea, but I don't know about you. I don't have much experience of talking to royalty or people who rule cities or nations. I've only met, as far as I know, a couple of royal members in my lifetime. More than me.
I mean, I've seen royalty from distance, but I've never spoken to them. No, actually some of the best people I know. One no longer here. Anyway, I think you're right to believe that this merchant we have to find is the truer course. This is the same person that told you that Karl was corrupted, correct? From what I saw, yeah. So there's no need for us to doubt that information now. No.
However, we're in a good opportune moment where we could have us go to the merchant and Chungus and Ko go to where they need to go. It seems it would quicken our efforts. I'm worried that we're going to lose sight of Karl. We've already wasted too much time. He has kept ahead of us at a pace. We did well to keep up with him, but those UNT and the like did stop us a bit. So I agree. If we
Yeah, if we head to this merchant and whatever comes of it, we'll see what we can do. We can meet up with the others afterwards. Aye. Dragget just nods in agreement. Carries on. One hand still grasps on the amulet.
And as you continue to move, you see... I just want to point out, it's very comfortable silence as well. Drago is not needing to fill the blanks or the voids. It's not like one of those relationships where if there is silence, it's a little bit awkward.
Exploring Dashkalre
Drago feels very comfortable in... Yeah, Ben has got used to Drago and knows that...
Drago's not one to fill void with idle chat, and Drago says something, Drago's taking the time to make sure he knows what he's saying, and then he's not going to just fill it with idle blabber, so yeah, McBenna's quite happy. Sort of watching Ren, who's still probably striding off in a little bit of a teenage strop, you know.
Yeah, and she's not really noticing any of the fact that now figures are starting to pass you on the road. A cart with what appears to be some arable workers passes by. They're not the type of humanoids that you, Drago, have seen before. I don't believe Drago has ever encountered fur bogs or shifters, but the fur bogs are effectively these very large humanoids and they have these very kind of like fit kind of like bushy mutton chops and beards and floppy hair.
But they appear to have quite strange skin colours. They are a shade of almost like an opal colour. And as you continue to move, you also see some what appear to be like beast-like humanoids.
that have the markings or looks of like a human or an elf, but they're actually very furry, similar to chungus. However, they don't appear to have the goblin complexion. These are, which the goblin kin would be able to tell you are known as shifters or beastborn, which are effectively some form of human kin that has at some point intermingled with the abyssal bloodline. You will continue to move on.
And eventually what you are able to see is that the city starts to come into clearer vision. You can now clearly make out the gargantuan mountain of various gifts. You notice the color of the water is quite spectacular. It's a almost turquoisey, almost aqua kind of style blue that seems to just rush down this waterfall that seems to just pass through the city itself.
At the foot of the river that it feeds, the river that is said to feed all of Eryth along its banks are a series of huts, fishery posts containing nets, boats, promenades, and jettys. And these start to become more prominent along the river itself as you move closer towards Dash Kalray. As you continue to move closer, you can see that there are now these great city walls ordained with tall, sweeping bronze and orange leaf trees.
You can also now start to make out these great gates that seem to sit at the end of this road journey then. The set of tall ancient sylvan phthalite gates similar to the trees that you've seen on the outskirts of the clearing back near the verandian. A host of dark sylvan oak seems to keep vigilance around the walls of this city.
You can make out the walls of this city and from this you can now see that there are clearly four levels of this city built into the mountainside itself. The top of which appears to be a large platform that seems to have a long bridge that sits above the other three levels.
The third and first level seem to show the most signs of civilisation. You start to see smoke billowing from chimneys. The third level actually seems to go into the actual mountain itself in a really interesting way, as if you can actually see lights coming from within the actual mountain top itself. Buildings, homes, shops, all showing shines of life. This is a big city.
The second level seems to contain a skyline of purple trees, which you, Chungus, would be able to identify as a sept that is noted as being blessed by the moon mistress herself. So then there is also this great dome-like infrastructure on the second level built into the mountain itself. It almost looks like a large aviary kind of like style birdcage. It is from this platform
that you notice something spectacular. All of a sudden the bells seem to ring from inside this almost like large birdcage and they boom out across the horizon as the sun starts to fade behind the mountain. And you see glistening in the fading sun these colours taped to the sky. Gold, bronze, brass, silver.
And then what you notice is that these colors seem to have wings. They're an awe-inspiring sight. And as they emerge from this cathedral, they take to the sky with a roar. And you notice that these things, they seem to be similar to the dinosaurs that you've seen, but they seem to have something draconic about them as well. Goblinkin, you immediately recognize these as drakes.
The large dragonkin, they take to the sky with riders on their back and they start to fly. Fly in your direction as these bells from this cathedral continue to ring. Did you say that the dregs have riders on their back?
You can clearly see that there is someone or what you would presume to be mounted on the back of these creatures. And it's also apparent that these colours that are jostling in the fading sun are flying in your direction. Do I get a sense of what kind of being is on the back of riding this Drake? You can make a perception. I would very much like to do that.
Unfortunately, though, my eyes aren't working. The sweat has made it all blurry. I got a six. Figures. Humanoid figures. It's really hard to tell beyond that. Ben there, you had a hand up. Can I confirm? I think during one of the early episodes in the jungle, we did see a Drake flying overhead, didn't we, that was riderless. You saw a Drake that you perceived to be riderless at the time. Right. Yes.
Well, looks like the city is sending out a welcome party. I wonder if they do that for everyone who emerges from the jungle. I take Umbridge with the fact that the drakes have riders on their backs. Oh, it's all very... I'm sure it's all very civilized, eh? Strike me civilized fork. So you wouldn't mind it if I jumped on your back and I rode you into town?
Well, I'm not really something that you normally ride, so I didn't say you were. Clearly these people seem to have made a culture of it. There are people who ride things like griffins and pegasi, you know, in stories anyway.
You would also name it, Ben, that the rangers of brother might fought. They don't tame horses because horses can't handle the heat of the rending. They tame raptors, raptors are what are the choice of mounts for the rangers of brother might. Yeah. Myself, we've trained or we've had folk who would train things like we saw in the jungle, but a bit smaller. More like a raptor than a giant, whatever that thing was that Jungus was chatting to.
And as you say that, Chungus, your hand has been bouncing up and down. So you overhear this conversation and bring yourself forward. So Chungus has seen the Drake Wardens before, but he's always awe-inspired by them. And I mean, they're technically closer to Selen, so it's something that he aspires to as well at some point. But overhearing what Drago and Saingar are saying, he kind of gets up closer to them and says,
Oh, no, no, don't get it wrong. It's not like enslaving the drakes. The writers, they're bonded with them pretty much from eggs. The apprentices are sent out to find these drake eggs and bring them back and they raise them like almost, it's difficult to explain, but like brothers and sisters, there's a connection.
between them. This is not like master and beast, this is something more. Do I mean to understand that this connection severs the connection between the Drake's would-be mother, father and family that potentially they could have grown up surrounded by, all so that they could have a life in service to another creature? I've noticed that the
kind of horses dragging the carts past us. That doesn't seem to be an issue to you, Drago, but these things flying that I've just told you, like Brotherly Kin, that seems to be the issue with you. I don't share blood with horses. Neither do I, but I mean, if you had that connection, I mean, you obviously want to look after it and make sure that it's got the... I suppose like you, and he's pointing to
Ren and MacRenna, you look after each other, don't you? You've got each other's backs. Yes, but they didn't steal me from my family when I was born. As I understand it, Drago, my reading about places like Sleekard is no different than having a puppy. Well,
Do you look after that creature, you make it part of your family, you know? It's the same thing. As Chungus says, it's like a horse. Yeah. Being ridden into battle that had been put in even worse threat, I'd imagine. Regardless, I don't think you're going to change my mind. I don't think I'm going to change yours. I think the objection Drago's taken here is the implication that
These people from the city go out into the jungle, steal these eggs from their family and then essentially raise these drakes in a servitude that they don't really know they weren't born to. If I'm perceiving correctly. You perceive correctly. It would be good to move on. Just remember you're trying to kill a cat.
You need to say what you need to say. We need to do what we need to do. Let's move on. And Chungus will point out the city ahead of... You mentioned you've got a merchant friend, is that right? A merchant we can talk to who might be able to point it in the right direction of at least give us the equipment we need to follow Karl into the frozen wastes or guide us further from now. Well, and Chungus
City Etiquette & Outsider Status
motioning out to the city ahead and he says well it's kind of broken up into a sort of five different levels here ahead of you. I mean the first level in front of us is what's known as the seat of nourishment it's more of like the the fishermen the tribes bring themselves there for the kind of the main trade linked to the rivers that their second level and they'll point out where the Drake Wardens have come from that's where they kind of
trained to be Drake Wardens. They've got a couple of temples up there, like a temple to the moon mistress and many others. And it's the third level up there as well, the seat of living, they call it. That's kind of where you'll find accommodation and shops and kind of living quarters and things like that. That might be a first port of call, if that's what you're looking for. And I think it'll turn back to Ukaburra and Kratz and say,
I think we need to send a message up to the seat of the elders if we can. I don't think, obviously, none of us now being affiliated with our previous tribes. I don't think we're going to get good passage up there, but we've got to try and send a message. We do our best. I've never been that high up in the city.
Crats, you strike me as a diplomat, any luck up there? I strike you as a diplomat, what's that bloody ex-roll with your end today? Christ, I've barely left the bleeding forest I have! Who's Christ? I don't know, some bloke I heard about. Try a key bit of a wizard I've heard. Chungus, are there certain things we need to know about being in the city you mentioned about
the tears and from your implication it suggests that there are certain levels that people aren't allowed to go to. Oh yes certainly you don't want to be found in the wrong places but I mean if you just ask and I mean the guards as well will help it looks like if these drake wardens are hidden the whole way we could always ask them I always say it's just ask questions first and that's the politest way you can be. I don't think that's what they'll be like. Is the city welcome to outsiders or?
Bear in mind, you'll be one of the few humans most have seen in this city. Oh yeah, you're going to be looking pretty weird. I mean, they've got some changes and beast folk here, but you're probably going to stand out. Hopefully my beard will make me look a bit more beastly. One-shot will.
award yourself some inspiration for that incredibly studious undertaking of my shadow men document where you have beautifully described the terrain that we're all about to find ourselves in very shortly. I didn't even know this bit was in the show. This guy does his homework. Yeah, I sent it to you. I wrote, yeah, I did a lot of Dash Callery building over the
I was not aware that you said that to as well. I didn't do the reading, sir. Yeah, as you continue to walk on, eventually these drakes start to come closer.
Encounter with Drake Wardens
And eventually what they seem to do is they seem to circle overhead near you.
And as they do so, you can now really see this dance of colours. There are golds, coppers, silvers, brasses and bronzes. And eventually what happens is that one of them, this silver coloured drape just seems to nosedive towards you all and lands on the road in front of you.
This drake on all four legs, that's one of the things that clearly separates it from dragons is the presence of four distinct limbs. And as it starts to prowl towards you, you notice that it also has fur as well in certain places. It has this silver and white fur that seems to dance around and weave its way into these scales, these jade red eyes and antlers as well that seem to contort and turn with this fae-like beauty.
On its back is a rider, or there appears to be a muscular elf covered in tattoos. He has scale armour up to the ribcage, knee length cuff boots and then these deep red sylvan tattoos that you can see blazoned across his chest. He looks at you down from this drake as he approaches with these bronze coloured eyes.
and this hair with a jet blue sky streak and just says to you in Draconic for those of you that understand it. So Moonweaver truly has picked up the Draconic scent. What is your business here? Is he addressing someone in particular? He has just shouted that out in Draconic towards your party. If you understand Draconic, you have understood what he said. If you do not, you have not.
What did he say? I'm just going to look blankly around the party. You have no idea. Dragga is going to look towards Syngar, raise an eyebrow, as if to mentally impart. Do you want to take this? Because I've got something to say if you don't want it.
sorry i was trying to unmute myself and yes no i don't want to lead it he's going to look at you and just kind of go and you kind of like eyebrow nod you kind of point you you kind of show me you do it and it's going to shuffle behind you good description for a podcast there no that's perfect i think everyone gets it yeah you know i mean fuck you well um and uh just kind of maybe shuffle back a little bit eyes down a little bit as well he's not there he's not the best talker in official capacities
So as this beautifully-descripted image is laid out in front of Drago and this very kind of exchange of power from this muscular health sits high above everyone on a drake, no doubt. Drago has subconsciously made sure that his back is as straight as possible, his
arms are as flexed as possible, but his fists, his hands are closed in fists. It's also like if he's trying to control any kind of sudden rage that is threatening to overtake him from seeing what he believes one of his own enslaved and used in this position and all of a sudden seeing this but not understanding, not aware of the world that he's kind of stepped foot in. Still this rage is kind of
pulsed inside of him and he's using every ounce of training from Akiva, memories from a Claude, just trying to kind of simmer it. He will look the elven guy straight in the eyes and answer back in Draconic, what if I were to toil you that we came to free the drakes that you hold captive like the one that you're riding?
He smiles at that and the drake continues to move forwards before with a quick jaunt just seems to lunge in the direction of Wren who takes a step back and he pulls the reins on the drake and just continues to smile at you and says, there are no slaves in Dashcalre, least of all the drakes.
McBenna or Andukaburra, I've got two bouncing hands. As he says this, he wants to interject. Just as the Drake goes to lunge at Ren, could I make an animal handling check to see if there's a place on the Drake where I could give him a little scratch or a little pet and it would calm him a little bit? By all means. Nice. I have a plus zero. So this, it's a five.
Okay, yeah, you step forward and go to do that and then suddenly what happens, this drape that's lunged towards one turns to you and with a snarl just unleashes this cold breath in your direction. It's not a breath weapon, just to say that, it's just a scent of cold that seems to descend from these silver nostrils as you go to touch it and he pulls the reins once more.
as that happens you notice something this gold flare just lands in the field next to the road this is the largest of the great the drakes this golden scaled drake and you can see on its back this female golden dragonborn who is just pulling on these reins
and she just says to the drake as it continues to just prowl forwards towards you all in draconic, steady salt by whom it
and this drake seems to respond to her touch and her pull as she seems to be able to just bring this drake into order. This golden drake is bigger than Boomweaver, the drake that you can see in front of you on the road. It clearly is the alpha of the drakes that you can see still dancing in the sky, though this one has now landed as well.
It has these golden pearl-like scales that glisten and these white pupils that seem to dart towards you, Drago, at the front of this party. And you can see on its back that these antlers seem to curve upwards and towards its head, giving it the impression as if it's mounted with a crown. The female dragonborn then speaks in Draconic and says, my name is Sol Reva.
I am the leader of the Drake Wardens of Dash Kalray. We mean no harm to you, that we are worried that perhaps you bring something quite dangerous into our kingdom. There is a teleporter amongst you, is there not?
How do you feel riding a creature with whose blood you share? A creature that is so respected, powerful, dangerous, and should be free to live its own life?
Can somebody talk fucking English round here? Is it called English? Can somebody talk fucking comment round here? Get back to the pub. She hears that and she pulls the reins towards the floor and the drape arches its neck and she climbs down from the saddle on its back.
And she nussels the drake delicately on the cheek and it seems to her if you hear like this kind of like purr seem to come from the creature and she turns to you and says, I have been bonded to Sol Bahumut since it was a hatchling. The drakes are of the Feywild. They are a gift to this realm. We treat them with reverence and we bond with them.
My bond with this creature is far greater than anything that you can understand. Don't speak for me. I asked you a simple question. She turns back to that and goes, I've never killed anything with the draconic blood before.
Morality of Drake Riding Questioned
But you have, haven't you? Drago son of Dengom.
I've never killed anything with the draconic blood. Then perhaps the stories of the Blight are exaggerated. We heard tales of you and your friends selling a great dragon. That dragon was dead. That dragon was dead. Undead. It was a sin for that poor thing.
to live a life that was a lie it had perished by other means. A long time ago, I set it free. How do you feel about doing that to your pets?" And Dragha says that word with disdain. Myself and Sol Bahumut are one. We hear rumours
of what that little queen of yours is willingly allowed to happen in her city. Don't bring your judgment to me. My question remains, is there a teleporter amongst you? Why would I divulge that information to a stranger? Ookaburra steps forward. I'm Ookaburra.
I still fixed on Drago. Teleporter. DM question, are you? No, I'm totally blagging this. Make a deception check. Yeah, nice. Try and defuse the situation. I assume this is a iconic. Okaburra is shocked as all by now. Yeah, what is that all in? I've got to say, was that all in common? They've not spoken common yet. I won't know to do that. No, no, no, no. Draconic.
Okay, if you're retconning that, you do notice now that the other drakes, there's one of brass, there's one of copper and there's one of bronze, they're also landing on the other side of the field. Are we being surrounded? On the back. You're effectively surrounded by this circle of drakes. McBenna's going to sort of lean towards Drago, not knowing what's being said, and just sort of whisper quietly, Drago.
We could do it in real time.
I've got your back and all, but whatever you're saying, this is going south really fast.
is going to mutter back to you because obviously Draggo is kind of deep in conversation with this elf. Sorry, with this dragonborn, he's making it worse. Just FYI. And at that, Sandgo is going to like go to like scratches, scratches like midsection. By the ways of doing it, he's going to slowly lower his hand down to the hilt of his sword and just rest his thumb upon the
the pummel of it and just kind of give like a knowing look to McBenna just like a be ready. Drago, I know you're not happy with whatever they're saying and the fact they're riding drakes probably has something to do with it but can we just remember what we're here for? Pot kettle black much.
Sorry. Sorry, I got to just sneeze. Yeah, sorry. It's the Draconic I was trying to speak. Excuse me. I believe the final words that I said was, why would I tell a stranger or something like that to bulge that info? I think I said it grandeau for Drago than I would for me. As this is happening, you then hear a voice shout out. I'm the teleporter. In common or in Draconic? Wren shouts that in Draconic. Thank you.
Fuck. I'm the one you want. What are they saying? And for the first time... For the first time, Soul Reaver, this golden dragonborn whose eyes haven't left Drago, they turn towards Ren, and she says in the common tongue, we mean you no harm. Yes. You just need to know that teleportation magic is banned.
within the great city of Dash Kalray. And until we know your intentions, you have to be kept under strict surveillance. Question from, you know, just simple folk here. How did you know she was a teleporter? And yeah, surely there was a better way of having this conversation than, and MacBenna looks around and just
counts the drakes. Yeah, this, this, yeah, in and out of there, a friendly welcoming party. You have my apologies for any offence that this party has given you. However, we cannot be, seem to be taking any, any chances. We're under strict orders from Scrymarath call himself.
Draconic Secrets & Drago's Past
have mobilized in numbers that we haven't seen before. And as such, we are under strict orders to trace any teleportation magic that passes the Everguardians. Ookaburra, yes, she's now speaking in common. Ever since she's turned to Wren, she's turned to common. I'm going to cast Message to Kratz and just cover my mouth and say,
I dare you to tell that scary person... MacBennar is a teleporter. I'm just gonna then just scratch other parts of my body and look. It was really serious. I think this one can do it as well, you know, and I am pointing to MacBennar at that. He's got some tricks up his sleeve. I would have trust him. MacBennar's gonna frown.
And then almost like when a child says something really annoying, he's gonna sort of roll his eyes and realize how petty Kratz has made this. And sort of smugly decide that actually MacBennar realized that he has really gotten to Kratz's skin and that feels a little bit like a victory for him. So he sort of smiles for himself, shakes his head and doesn't say anything else.
I think he's definitely a teleporter. Solray's attention is purely on Ren at this point, and she says to her, on the honor of the Drake Wardens of Dashcal Rey, no harm will come to you if you come willingly with us to the city. Scrymar Earthcall would like a word with you, Drago Sunaldengon.
I mean, how do you know who we are if you've been watching us in the woods, in the forest? We haven't been watching you, but Skrymar has foreseen this one's coming, and she turns towards Drago again. Is calling John Blight saying too dramatic? She'll say to you, Drago.
Drago's just kind of staring back, eyes narrowed, as if trying to make this person out on this fellow dragonborn, just trying to size her up. Yeah, do you want to give me a perception check as you eye this character and then we're coming to you after this, Chungus? Oh, was that an attack roll?
We better try to check her out, actually. But all for initiative. Sneak attack. 19. Just have a large drake. You have to be a level 14 character, just pointing that out there. I was at level 14. Hey, you don't have to tell what level we have to be. We can take them. 19 for perception.
Yeah, you notice that she has this very impressive half-plate armour that appears to have two dragonborns that appear to be turning their breath weapons towards what appears to be the outlining of some form of celestial being, some form of star-like being.
She has across her back this great shield that appears to also contain this great axe within. Between episodes I'll send you a picture of her. She's a bit shorter than you but she's just as physically imposing.
And as your skins are this kind of pale silver, you noticed that her seems to glisten with this almost like ornate gold nature. Her skin and her scales are gold as the drake that she rides. What colours are veins? Her veins seem to run a perfectly orange-like colour. Is that around the neck? Yes.
What did she say again? Sorry, I was in... She said it's calling you Blight Blaine, too dramatic. No, you can call me Drago. Fair enough. We'll follow you. But on foot, if you have any respect, I appreciate it if you would do the same. You get no quarrel from me. She turns to Sol Bahumut and says in Dragonborn,
fly home, my child, and you see the Drake immediately. Just these wings flap and you can feel the air as this thing ascends into the sky and takes off back towards Dash Calray. Drago visibly bristles at the command issued to the Drake, but there's no word against it. We have important business to attend to.
We may also know something about the UNT, if that's any help.
with Scrymar as the meeting with the rest of the keeper of the roots? Is it for everyone? Can we come too? Not my question to answer. And she looks at Draghi. Yeah, of course you can. Sorry. As Draghi kind of shakes his head as he watched Saul Bahamut fly away. Yeah, absolutely.
Oh, little brother. We go into the top. And Chungus will kind of make his way back and put his arm around Kratz. Just hit Kratz like, rolling like, yaaay! Hahaha! Siongarl, was there something you wanted to do? Yes, there was actually. Are the other drakes still hanging around with their riders?
Yes. Cool. Could I slowly kind of awkward backwards moonwalk? No, I just walk kind of interested, looking like I'm just interested up towards the nearest Drake. Get close and give like a hand to the scaled chest and a little bit of a bow or reverend respect. Then try and mutter in Draconic to the Dragonbook. I'd probably pick a rider that's like Elvish or something like that but might not. I'd perceive maybe not to speak
Do you want me to give you the descriptions of the others so you can pick which one you would go towards? Oh yes please. Do you want to give us descriptions of the others? I absolutely do. So you've got this copper... That one. This copper drape. Long in the neck. Incredibly long in the neck. It has short and stunted antlers that look like ork teeth on its head. Copper scales with shades of mint green and these bright lime eyes. You see on its back a female air ganasi or
With light blue skin long jet silver hair cloud like blue and white eyes And she looks at you as you approach Yeah, I'm sorry. I will pick that one. That was lovely down. Thank you. What description? Yeah, I probably assuming like this good actually thing. I don't know what it is prison speak draconic Which really does but he's gonna think there's nothing to it We'll go up and just kind of like give her about looking not the rider but just at the the Drake and just whisper Lowish in volume
Intraconic, you give the signal, we'll bust you free. And then he's just going to walk back. That's it. And then you hear a shout come down from the top of the rider with this female egg and as he just says, Oh God, it's already free. Dragonborn. He's going to just kind of throw over his shoulder, say that to the stirrups you've got tied around him. I'm going to continue walking back.
And as you do that, you notice, you noticed that there is now this, this brass.
drake and this bronze drake also looking at you. The brass drake has this dark brass scales that almost appear jet black as the sun seems to dance around it. As it sits in areas of shadow, these scales could be mistaken for being jet black. It has these curved like ram antlers and these jet black dancing eyes which have these very dark but very alert pupils that seem to now be following you, Syengar.
The rider on its back has dark brown skin, light green short hair and piercing orange eyes. This is one of the earth ganasi. The bronze dragon itself has what appears to be a male water ganasi on its back. It has bronze scales, dark green hues around the neck and golden eyes with these dark purples. Jagged antlers sit atop its head that almost make it look like it has a shield mounted to its back. Drago.
While Drago and Sol were having their conversation, and after she sent Bahamut home, Drago's just going to take in the amount of drakes and the colours that are around, just so he's got a bearing on, in his mind, how many there are at least that have been captured here. Could I get a number, please?
And it seeks more description so I can just note them down by colour reference. How many drapes there are still present? So you've had the big golden one that the Alpha take back off. There is a silver drape, which you've heard his name is Moon Weaver, which is the one that sat on the road in front of you with a, what appears to be a shirtless
tattooed elf on its back. These drakes start to take off one by one themselves. You hear the Ergenasi, who was on the one that's just spoken to Syengar, she says, fly zero-axe in Draconic. And this long neck turns towards the sky and just takes off towards Dashcalerate itself. So that's zero-axe as one word that that copper one was called. That was brown. Copper, sorry. Copper, yep.
The brass-coloured drake, the rider on its back just said, Erythian Prime, fly, and this drake takes off towards Dash Kaldare. So you've seen a copper and brass one. The brass one itself almost appearing dark black. These two drakes have taken back off. You've picked up the names, Zeroax and Erythian Prime, for these two drakes.
The next one to take off is this great bronze and green drake. The water ganasi on the back doesn't say fly, it just nods towards the city and says, home verandax, and this creature takes off towards Dashkalre. So that's verandax, V-E-R-A-N-D-A-X.
leaving just the moon-colored silver drake in front of you, which turns without saying anything, and just takes off towards the city itself. Leaving just Sol Rever on foot with you, and she looks at you, Drago, and says, I'm taking you at your word, like Bane, Drago. Just Drago.
She gestures towards the city and says, Scryma Rifecall awaits you all, and starts to walk off down the path towards Dashkowri.
Meeting Scrymar Earthcall
Jago will follow, making sure that he appears taller than her at all times.
McBenna follows to sort of looking down at himself and at the rest of the group and probably how travel, stained and mucky and dusty and just generally, you know, sort of what states we look in and sort of goes, I hope this earth corner where we're going to meet doesn't mind how we're dressed.
And as you say that, and the party continues to move towards Dash Callery, escorted by this great Drake Warden.
That is where we're going to end it for tonight's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. I loved that. That was awesome. Beautiful. I think Callum said the least amount in an episode. Full stop, I think. What do you think, Shada? You were talking in Draconic for probably at least 20 to 30 minutes of that. I tried to contribute to this. But the other hour?
just saying. I'm a creepy old goblin. It's because Kratz just doesn't know what to say apart from show how much Macbeth has annoyed him and that just feels great. Kratz sounds like he's been ripped straight from a pub like he could be the landlord of the most... You don't know about Kratz's personal life.
Well, it could be. OK, I was giving you some props. And if you wanted, for whatever reason, after that, to give Callum some props, you can do so on one of our Twitter pages. We have a main one, which is at Fellowship Table. We have a Facebook at Fellowship Table. We have a website, fellowshiptabletop.
Thank you very much to the new listeners that we've had over the last two weeks. We've had some 230 of you join us for our ride on episode one. You've got a way to go before you reach us here. That's episode one of our Bellum Draconis arc.
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Not, no, no, OG Will. You know the shooting. Natural20Will. FakeWill is at... Fellowship NBC PC. Danny is at... Total Party Thrills. Mark is at... Natural... No, oh god. Hasty Roll DMs. Yeah, I forgot it.
and our crystal maze host wanna be DM can be found at the hula the hula no Darren page a six until next time guys