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Ep. 54 Thief in the Night - De Profundis image

Ep. 54 Thief in the Night - De Profundis

S1 E54 ยท The Fellowship of the Tabletop
101 Plays4 years ago

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade -

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Introduction to the Podcast

They're very good gold.
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are a live play 5e D&D podcast set in the magical homebrewed world of Erith. My name is

Character Introductions

Mark, hello, and I am the Dungeon Master and also with us for today's episode we have Darren who plays the human fighter Rogue Robin.
Ah, you don't normally come to me first, I don't have a Batman thing ready, sorry. Danny who plays the human cleric, Claude? Holy confused

Humorous Banter and Past Mishaps

Batman, Darren. I mean, Holy confused Darren, Batman. Casey who plays the human champion, Helen the Sleetguard. Hello, you cats and kittens. Will who plays the human bard, Carstan? I just ate a Summerfruits freeze pop. Callum who plays the gnome sorcerer, Folly Fizzibank the Ninth.
Oh, I've got nothing prepared. I can't do that. Who plays the Dragonborn Barbarian Drago? What up? I mean, you guys have one job.
Literally one job. Yeah, no one's ever fucked up the beginning of this podcast before. No, except Mark. No one ever has. No one ever has. Also, Casey, I really liked your opening. I can't remember what you said. That was such a good impression. Yeah, it's such a good impression. Was my Carole Baskin. How was it? Oh, I thought it was your next character to have Carole Baskin voice, please. Like, whenever we next start a new campaign, just be like a crazy Carole Baskin droid. Hello, you kids and kittens.
What happened to our weapons? I want my sword back. Where is it? Last week

Aftermath of the Cliff Incident

on the Fellowship of the Tabletop, we had to come around to the aftermath of Tally trying to jump off the cliff. We had lots of conversations and small bits of information. More clandestine secrets were held from different people in the group. We all decided to move on and the day passed without much problem.
As the group arrived into a deep ravine to pass through, very close now to the Skellroad Verdun, which is a weird magical jungle that seems to be on top of the Skellroad Mountains, to pass through it to get to the Ganaland Hollows, they made camp and

Night Watch and the Invisible Thief

the second watch, sorry, yeah, on the second watch, at the end of Helena and Robin's watch, they noticed a small hole at the back of the hut where a hole had been dug down underneath the impenetrable outside of the hut with an invisible creature scurrying off with all three weapons and armour, and it is making its way, Robin, you notice towards a figure off in the distance which is stood on a small rock just off to
to the south from where you are. Now, we're going to be using Roll20 for this. I'm sure you're all on. I'm going to free up the map so you can see it all. Why not? And so you've got you lots in the kind of north eastern corner of the map under cover within the tiny hut to the south. Far below it, there is a creature stood on a rock. And at the moment, Robin, you and Helena are the only two that are awake to see that as this creature scurries off with the weapons. What would you two like to do?
Robin is going to shout up, up, up back into

Combat with the Invisible Thief

the cave and as soon as he's done that he's going to draw his bow. You see this creature scurrying off or something scurrying off of the weapons ahead of you. You shout it up, up, up. The rest of you are instantly awoken by this and come to your senses and realise what is happening. And on that I need everyone to roll into initiative order please for the next action that's going to take place.
And Helena, by the way, just after Robin said that, she's just going to shout. Well, not maybe not shout, but say loudly. Shoot him. Shoot her. Okay. Did, did anyone roll 20 plus? I did. Cast down. What did you roll? 21. Did anyone get higher than that? Nope. No. Okay. So cast down.
followed by, is it gonna be both of you, you're both on 20? Yep. Yeah, 20. So Drago and Folly. Mm-hmm. 15 to 20? Ooh, no, okay. 10 to 15? 10. 14 for Robin. So Robin and Helena. You guys were jumping in earlier, though, it was almost a surprise round as you were both awake at the time. And then I'm guessing all we've got left really is Claude. What'd you get? Four. Claude.
Oh my Claude. Oh my Claude. That's a t-shirt. Oh my Claude. That's a car sticker. Oh my Claude. That's a meme. He just spout my teeth. Mind blown. There's

Encounter with a Large Creature

like so many you can have. This is Folly Folly. That's a good one. That was a good one, I thought. I think that one's debatable.
So I came off the mic, I wasn't... Folly's already got a Folly of arrows. That was his. But oh my Claude. Oh my Claude.
Oh my God. You see this unknown wisp thing, whip off through the hole and start making its way out towards this larger creature. And as you all approach outside of the, oh, you look up from the hut where you are currently in the hut and you look out, you see this creature off in the distance to the south of you standing on a small outcrop of rock with snow on it, snow falling around it. You see this creature, this large silhouette standing about 12 or 13 feet tall.
It stands on these two massive feet and as it steps forward off the rock its claw feet dig into the perfect snow beneath it. Its long arms are extended with huge pincers of a deep black. Its light brown skin seems to glow and upon its wide and expansive chest are these three skulls next to one another with two humanoid arms jutting out from the mid section.
Its shoulders are adorned with almost stone-like spikes leading up to its demonic glowing face. Tiny orange glowing eyes pierce out towards you. Its

Organizing Combat Strategy

long and sharp horns stretch up above its shoulder. In one of the humanoid arms is a long white staff with a skull and a wing design on the head. And that's the creature you can see off in the distance.
This invisible thing seems to be heading directly for this creature, by the way, they're in the same direction, okay? So we're going to start off quickly with almost a treat it like a surprise round as you two were up first, Helena and Robin. So we'll go in the order, so it would be Robin first, then Helena. So Robin, then we'll do, then we'll run back to the public initiative order. Just to confirm what I see in front of me, if this is like an invisible thing and this creature or just the creature?
you can see basically your weapons bobbing away from you, which you assume something is carrying it, and then further in the distance, further to the south, is another creature just stepped off some rocks off to the distance. Now, it has all the weapons except for those of you who would have bits and pieces for being on watch. So bear in mind. So the weapons are about 30 feet away from us, and then the creature is a further 30 feet on top of that. Okay, cool.
so what robin will do is he will look into the snow is it snowing is there like a maelstrom of snow around them it's a like falling snow it's quite still i'll be currently are protected okay so what robin will do is he will
pierce down the ravine in front of him he will see the two cliff sides either side he will see the weapons either side of him and taking Helena's advice he will quickly withdraw an arrow from over his right shoulder bring it to the bow of the Bleakmoor rangers and he is a Blackmouth rangers I beg your pardon and he's going to unleash two shots at this thing okay at the invisible creature
Oh, there's an invisible creature as well. So you've got just one is currently holding the weapons and dragging the weapons away. There's something there. There's also the creature in the distance, which you can see quite clearly. So the one I described earlier, you can see in the distance, the one where you can't see what it looks like, or you can see the weapons kind of moving away from you.
Okay, but it looks like they're, I can see footprints, it looks like they're being carried by something. Yes. Okay, I'm going to unleash the first shot then, just directly above the weapons in the direction of whatever is dragging them. Okie dokie, roll to hit. It's good, it's a 25 to hit. That hits, roll for damage.
Okay, it takes nine points of magical piercing damage. Okay, thank you very much. So this arrow thuds into the back of something as you hear like squeak come out of it and the weapons kind of falter for a second and then continue to move.
Okay, as the weapons falter, bonus action, Robin's going to just gesture with a finger that's gripping his bow and send out the mage hand, and he's going to go for the most pressing weapon to return, which is Dagon's deception. Okie dokie, if you try to yank something away from me, is that strength? Well, it's mage hand, so it could be slight of hand, it could be strength, it depends how loose its grip goes on the arrow. This is literally going to be a reaction to the arrow striking into this thing.
Okay, it's, I mean, it's rolled really well on the strength. So as the mage hand approaches out, no one can see it, obviously, because it's an invisible mage hand, but you get the distinct sense, you see the edge of the hilt of the blade move slightly and then gets all weapons to kind of pulled away from where the mage, you know, the mage hand is to be as it continues to move.

Pursuing the Invisible Thief

So the mage hand has been ineffective. Okay. You got a second hit?
Yes I do. Robin is then going to glance up at the creature on the mountain peak, the one that's digging its claws in to the cliff top as it seems to be coming down into the ravine. He's not going to like what he sees there and he's going to unleash a shot at that. Okay you might need to move slightly to get a line of sight only there's a slight outcrop of rocks just to your right and in front of you to the south.
If it's still up high, Robin negates half and three quarter blocks because of Sharpshooter. No problem, they take your shot. Even better, 29 to hit. That does hit. Better damage as well. It takes 12 points of magical piercing damage. And with that,
Robin is going to look at the ravine in front of him. He's going to move downwards in a what I would say is like a south-easter direction towards the rocks and he's going to press himself up against that. So he's going to end up there on the map for your reference mark just south of the
the rock formation hidden behind it or pressed behind it moving in the direction of the weapons that are being dragged away without getting too close and that's the end of Robin's turn. Lovely, thank you very much. Helena, over to you for this kind of final part of the surprise round before we go to the top again. What would you like to do?
Helen is going to run as fast as she can on seeing Robin's attempt at trying to stop this invisible thing, whatever it is with our weapons. She's going to run as fast as she can, as far as she can, so let's go 30 feet to the south to where this creature is and attempt to flail the fucker.
okay you'll be rolling because it's invisible you'll be rolling with disadvantages you can make out roughly where it will be you can't make out its size dexterity its movement anything like that so yeah disadvantage it's sort of coming with a pounce as well so nice i like it um we're going with an 18 to hit okay that hits oh no with disadvantage yeah with disadvantage wow yeah cool that hits
13 bludgeoning damage. As your flail hits into the side of what you can imagine as this creature you realise then it's quite short, it's quite small and as you hit it you seem to kind of move it slightly so you can get a sense of its weight as well but it's still invisible. Again it lets out this this hypic squeal as that continues to happen as you hit it. Okay can I take my second attack? You can indeed yeah. That's a 16 to hit.
As that hit comes in over the top, you feel it just pass over and it doesn't seem to hit anything. You may be of aim slightly too high, thinking the creature is taller, but actually you just missed it altogether for that second hit. Okay, hit. Of course, yep. 21. Yep, that hits. Get in. Fuck this shit up. Oh, 211. You were good with that one. Okay, and I got a unicorn.
So that was, that's an eight plus six. 12, 14. 14. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. That was 14 points of bludgeoning damage. Yeah. And your flails are plus three, aren't they? Yes, they are. Cool. Yeah, no problem. Still with disadvantage. That's not good. That's a 13.
unfortunately the same mistake it takes place and it just flies over the heads of this creature missing it totally as it unfortunately misses okay uh lovely that's the end of your turn so then we jump back into everyone kind of jumping up and going into combat round uh cast down your turn you see robin and and and
Helen already seemed to be fighting a bundle of weapons by the looks of things as you wait, as you rouse from your slumber. Okay, Karthstone will sort of dash up, realise that his prized rapier, never yet used properly, has been taken as has his crossbow. Are his instruments still there?
No, uh, yeah, why not? The loot and bagpipes are gone, but the pan pipes are still there. Right. Okay. At least he's got some instruments. He's not going to cry too much about it. Uh, and he will dash south out of the hut into the cold, sort of shivering a little bit as the, um, transitions from the heat to the warm. So, so I'll move 20 feet initially. So it was just outside the hut. Can I see the thing?
Carrying the bundle of weapons. Can I perceive where it is? Yes, you can see from where yet because you can see the weapons moving You just can't see the creature. So yes, you can you can tell from the way Helen and Robin are facing at your perception You'd realize that's that's the problem. Okay seeing that
Helena and that lot are trying to defeat whatever that is. Perhaps seeing it sort of seeing a bit of blood as Helena strikes it with a flail. I'm going to move, Cartham would move a further 10 feet south, and then I'm going to cast Tasha's hideous laughter at whatever is holding the weapons. Okay, what do you mean? Is that a Wisdom saving throw? Yes, Wisdom saving throw please.
that as a four so the target now falls prone becomes incapacitated as everything it sees is now hilariously funny is it uh it's prone and what's the other condition it's prone it's incapacitated okay which means it can't take actions or reactions yep
So this creature's immune to, one of the condition immunities is it's immune to being prone. However, it doesn't say anything about being immune to the effect of the spell, the incapacitation. So it's incapacitated, so basically it can't take active reactions, so it can't move. As it just stands there being really laughing. Does it have an intelligent score?
Yes. What is its intelligence score? 10. Okay, in that case, it is affected by this. So basically, it's just stood there laughing at everything around it. Okay. And as Helena, you're probably the closest, you suddenly feel this bundle stop moving and you just hear this.
come from the area roughly around you, which is more annoying, unlike anything you've probably heard before. That hurt to do so much damage. That was very good. At the end of each of its turns, Mark, it can make another wisdom saving throw, and every time it takes damage.
OK, cool. And damage. OK. If it takes damage, it has advantage. And on a success, the spell ends. But essentially, this will last a minute. Good to know. Thank you. Anything else you want to do, Carl? Cass, hideous laughter. No. And then I will turn, I will shout ahead to
Sorry, I will shout ahead to Helena and say, hit it again. And I will give Bardic Inspiration to Helena. Oh, thanks. Which is 1d10. 1d10, cool. And you can use it once, one ability check, attack roll, saving throw. And you can use it after seeing the roll before knowing if you hit. So basically, I can't go miss. And then you go, I use the Inspiration.

Drago's Furious Assault

You've got to do it before I jump in on that. Cool. OK, thank you very much. Drago, your sword's missing.
Yeah, I'm pissed. Real pissed. Oh, really? Oh, yeah, real angry. To the point where as soon as Robin or Helena would have mentioned that that had gone and Drago looks around and there's dengone deception, nowhere to be seen. Drago enters a rage straight away just off the bat and pegs it outside. As soon as I leave the tent, I'm guessing I see
what Kastan's doing, Helena, I see all that. Cool. So I will chase after Kastan. Is my weapon on the ground now? Or is it still being held during this? It's still being held by this thing. Okay, cool. So I'm going to help forever just chase towards this creature. So I'm following Kastan's foot steeps and just making sure I can get there. I can get there. Brilliant.
Right, so I will... I'm gonna grab my weapon. I'm guessing it's right in front of me as I reach this thing. I will grab my weapon.
You managed to just pull that out. If the Tasha said his laughter is, if I read that correctly, it can't fight against a strength saving throw too. That's amazing. So I'll take my sword and in the very next throw, if my sword's like on top of this bundle and it's just above my head or something, Dragha reaches out, grabs the hilt of his dengons deception, and in the very next movement, slices
underneath the stack of weapons to hit the person who fucking stole my fucking sword, that fucking prick. Okay, roll to hit. Okay, I will roll to fucking hit that prick. And that's our total of F-bombs used up in one go. 17. Hits. Fuck yeah. 14 points of slashing damage.
that motherfucker. And then I'm going to roll for just grabbing the sword taking action. I'll consider that I'll consider that a bonus action if you were going to use a bonus action. So I'll slice for a second here if that's cool. So that first one comes slicing and it seems to make this noise that
continue to make this weird pulsing noise that you heard previously. Yeah, roll the second hit. In between the hits, Dragos is like, you motherfucker taking my sword. The second hit is an 18. Yeah, that hits. 20 points of slashing damage to that shithead. Nice and round. I like that. And as the second hit comes smashing in, you see the weapons falter a bit and this black
what you can imagine is blood kind of oozes out from this invisible source. For a half second, this image just kind of appears on Dragor, and Helena can almost kind of see us, this weird, almost spider-esque thing. It doesn't seem real for a second before it turns back invisible again. And it's still upright, it's still holding the weapons, however. It can try and make a save to stop laughing, Mark. It's just about to be rolled an eight, so I guess that's going to be great. Is that with advantage? Oh, no, it's not with advantage.
Roll the natural one. Eight in the natural one. I'm rolling dog shit. It is still laughing. Okey-dokey. That's the end of your turn, Drago. That's it. Drago's feeling triumphant. A surge of adrenaline's pulsing through him again and he's got his sword back in his hand and he's doing what he loves best. It's beating the shit out of people, so he's all good. Awesome. Folly, your turn. Everyone's run off without you again. I do not, everyone.
Hello everyone, just because I've apparently woken up a bit quicker than people today. Folly is going to move down to the south of this particular area just a little bit, just in front of who is this person here? Castan. Just slightly in front of Castan, so obviously you can see this bundle of weapons wandering away and you can see this rather large creature just at the
south end of our battle area. This large creature, would I recognise it as some form of beast by any chance? Do you want to give me a history check? No, nay, nay. Give me a... Give me a religion. No, yeah, give me a religion check. Religion? What? Yes, religion. 11.
you don't know you've never seen this beast before you've never seen anything like this before nothing even similar to it even in your travels with this party and even before that and your your history you've never seen anything like this before okay uh fair enough folly would come down and see obviously people gathering around the small bundle of weapons and things but then see this beast and be like they're a good god um at which point he would probably uh quickly
Unleash the cow traps because they were just in a small bag. I don't think they would have been picked up by him because they wouldn't look like any kind of weapon, would they? Roll for deception against your DM. Can't I roll for persuasion instead? Go on then, give me persuasion. This is like meta D&D. Yeah, 27. I rolled a 12. Yeah, you got him.
calls. So yeah, he's got the cowrops, he's just going to unleash them western style again, so it's like a quick draw, just pull the string away, the cowrops fall on the floor and cast animate objects on them because they're going to need some fire power. So this, for the listeners, you'll remember this from episode 50, but for the people in the in the cast, they will not know what you're already talking about. But yes,
Absolutely, so you cast them out and then are you casting animate objects on them? Indeed, so

Folly's Magical Attack and Rockslide

they come out, they fall on the floor and then they cast animate objects, so they just start to slightly move and as Folly just likes them to do, they're just going to start circling him and then encompassing him and just spinning round and round. Lovely, thank you very much. Is that the only return you're moving much? Oh, you've moved already haven't you? I've moved already, that is the end of my journey. Lovely, thank you very much.
The creature on the far end of the south that's been already shot once by Robin, the arrow by the way almost glancing off doing damage but not very much, moves up towards north towards where the creature is closing the gap between the party and itself. It moves to the left side of this cliff face that's standing out close to Drago and to Helena, very very close to this creature that seems to have the weapons.
It's going to firstly,
It's got a long range. You've got these large pincers that come out to the sides of it. It's got a range of about... Has it got reach? Is that what you're looking for? Yeah, it's got reach of 10 feet. It's going to take an attack against Drago. Bring it on. Bring it the fuck on. I am ready. Take him down. The first is going to be a 13 against your armor class. That's a big fat miss and I'll spit in his face. And a 23 against your armor class. That's a big hit and I won't spit.
That's a big old hit. That's a big old hit. You're raging, yeah. I'm so enraged. As soon as my sword was gone. Yeah. I was like that... Never mind. Cool story, bro. Yeah, brilliant.
You take 15 points of bludgeoning damage, so you halve that, so 7 points of bludgeoning damage, and you are grappled. This pincers come in, one grabs you and nips you on the arm, the other one, oh no, this is only the first hit, grabs you and actually pinches into your side there, and it moves a lot quicker than you expect it to be able to move, as it catches you on the side and actually has you held there, so you are grappled at the moment.
Oh, no, he has rolled both attacks. The first one missed. Obviously, you parried that away and didn't expect the speed of the second. So you are actually caught there. And what you see out of the center skull, its head is above, but one of the center skulls turns towards Helena, and the eyes start to glow slightly. And what it's going to do is cast a spell. Oh, that's a no. Helena, Helena, how many hit points do you have in total? I'm full, right? Yeah. Yeah, I've got 92. Okay.
This skull in the center starts to make these glottal sounds that seem to emanate not from any kind of language that anyone here has heard before and we have quite an arrange of language. Oh actually no, sorry. Uh, Claude, you would hear echoing back from where you previously are, are the words that come out in abyssal and you speak abyssal, don't you? Yep. Power, word, stun.
And those three words are said in combination. Helena, you are instantly stunned. So at the end of each of your turns, you can make a constitution saving throw to break out the stunning effects, if you are. But you are stunned for all intents and purposes. That is the end of his turn. And now we move on down, down, down, down, back to Robin.
Okay, so Robin is going to immediately look at the mountain range to his left. Am I right? I'm thinking there's like a slight incline here that I can get to the top of. So Robin's going to climb up to the top of the cliff that he is currently still on. Thank you. And he's going to look down and he's going to obviously see Helena drooped over and stunned.
and also dragoing game. Drago grappled by this thing, right? Correct. You're about 20 feet high. So its head is about five feet below where your feet are, so to speak, if that makes sense. So it's about 13 feet tall. The cliff you're on is 15 feet tall. Just give you a sense of where it kind of is. So its head is bobbing just below kind of the edge of the cliff, edge of the rock.
OK, Robin is going to perceive the biggest danger to be the thing that's grabbed his friend, and he's going to take two shots at it. OK, roll to hit. Natural 20. Oh, very nice. And Drago is still hostile to this thing, isn't he? Drago's not stunned. No, that's right.
Great, I get to use Sneak Attack as well, though. You're welcome. That's why I'm here. This bad guy, by the way, sounds like something out of Power Rangers. We need a mega sword. Did you say top of the round, Mark? No, what happened was I gave, you are coming, but I gave Robin and Helen almost a surprise round as they were on, they were waiting to watch. I realized that.
Yeah. We've gone back to the top and I'm going through everyone. Claude's next and then it's the final little Rathy creature thing and then the back of the new cast. Yeah, that's right. Does that make sense? Sorry, yeah. I was like, oh, hang on a minute. Then, no, I get you. Yeah. 33 points of magical piercing damage. 33. Is that damage broken down in a particular way? I haven't done the force damage yet, but that's coming because I need it to make a strength saving throw. Lovely. Thank you very much. 33, was it?
Okay. And the fourth damage is now coming. Okay, go for it. It's going to take 12 points of force damage and can it make a strength saving throw, please? 22. Yeah, it's fine. So it still has hold of Drago, unfortunately. As these two arrows careen into it, because it still has hold of Drago, Robin's going to shoot it again. Okay, go for it.
Not as good at 13 to hit. As you take that hit, one of the pincers, the one that's not grabbing Drago, comes up and blocks the shot just as you aim down and one of the skull on the far left kind of turns to look at you slightly out of the corner of your eye. Is there anything else you want to do?
because I can use my mage hand as a bonus action as the kiddies creature is still laughing it's just going to whip Ghostbane away from it and Ghostbane is going to go back into Robin's sheath at his side and he's going to use the rest of his movement to just duck back down
Okay, yep, no problem. The sword easily comes out into the sheath and you manage to move back away from it. Helena, you are stunned. So unfortunately, all you can do is make your constitution saving throw. Don't forget you've got fighting inspiration if you need it. Yes, thank you. You can do it after you've rolled as well. Okay, great. I'm not going to use it. 24.
this stiffness that seems to overcome your body seems to come away all of a sudden is you can breathe free again as you have broken the power wordstone you are free from that you haven't got to do any more constant shame through but it has taken your turn because it's at the end of your turn you can make it okay yeah okay uh claud um you're in your pajamas yeah italian canard uh taking actions uh tali won't be canard will be okay uh
Yeah, in my finest silky pyjamas that haven't been washed since I left the Sleekard family service, I am instantly going to run out, see the chaos,
uh panic because my armor and shield are floating far away from me i'm just gonna let out a little bit of wee and then i'm going to cast

Drago's Decisive Strike

bless on everyone except myself and uh charlie so that includes kennard everyone's blessed great big bless bomb bastards bless you so uh blessing you all
And then I'm just going to cast, as I can, nope, there's not anything I can do. That's it, I'm just gonna stand there and just wee a little bit more. Okay, okay, that takes your action. Brilliant, thank you very much. The shadow is going to try and break out of its, that's a 19, Will. This is the invisible thing trying to break out of the, yeah, that worked.
Who does, does it? It's going to take the dodge action and is going to... No. Disengage. Sorry, I meant disengage action. And going to zip off. And it's going to, the weapons are going to fly. And they're going to jump up to a cliff top that's probably about 25 feet above you and to the left of where Drago and Helena are. And she's going to pop up on top of there out of physical range from you.
That's where it's going to stay. That's the end of its turn. Top of the round, Karstan, you've just seen the weapons pop up onto a pile of rocks off to the left about 25 feet high. Okay, so Karstan seeing this.
and getting rather annoyed is going to then in his hands he sort of looks towards the large creature and a ball of purple energy glows in his hands and then he flicks it out towards the group and it's going to land about 10 feet south of the creature
And as it lands, this ball of purple energy explodes outwards and can it and the other creature make an intelligent saving throw please. So it's the big one, roder 23, and the other creature, intelligence is this? Yes. Three.
OK, so the main creature will take 15 points of psychic damage. Wow. And the other creature on the hill will take 30 points. Wow. What the hell kind of move was that? That was synaptic static. I love that skill. That's like like a Pokemon move. Gasly or haunted.
After a failed save, a target has muddled thoughts for one minute. During that time, it rolls a d6 and subtracts the number rolled from all its attack rolls, ability checks, and consciousness and saving throws. So if that creature on the hill is still alive, it's got that. So it's basically rolling a d6 and deducting that. It can make an intelligent saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect. And the other thing just gets blasted by this psychic damage. OK, the creature on the hit, you again hear this.
noise come out of this thing on top of the hill, but the main creature just kind of takes the hit on the back and doesn't seem to flinch or move much from it. It's an indigo turn, Carson. That is the end of my go, yeah. Oh, actually, I will then give Bardic inspiration to Drago. Break free, Drago. What does that give me? Sorry. A D10.
all the time or when I choose to add to an attack role, ability check or saving throw. And you can use it after you've rolled the dice before Mark tells you whether you succeeded or not. Oh, thank you. Oh, shit. Canard. Yeah, he skipped again. Fine.
Kennard's going to, sorry, backtrack slightly before you do that cast down, he's going to take off, he's going to see what's happening, he's going to take off the other direction, he's going to take his action, then the dash action to get all the way round the far side of, there's a big outcrop of rocks and the partier down this middle kind of ravine stuck down there, Kennard's going to take another round the back to try and flank these, so you assume flanking, so Tali would assume she's the only one who can see him do that.
So that's Drago, your grapple doesn't mean you can't attack though. This creature's about 10 feet away from you. Yeah, about 10 feet away from you. You might have to move a bit closer to get to him. I have no problem. So Drago will look down at this claw that's digging into him and look back up, all the way up. He cranes his neck up to try and meet the face of this 13-foot monster. And Drago will purposely walk
towards him to get within striking distance and then he'll slash Dengon's deception right across the skulls on the chest of this monster. Pause. Will, you want to say something? Is he grappled? Yes. I hate to be that guy, but your speed is zero. Oh yes, you can't. Sorry, I'm getting so confused at the moment. Am I not in range? You're not in range. Can I slice his arm? Surely he can hit the arm of his grappled bite.
Yeah. If it's on my side, I can look down and just kind of overhand. Yeah. Sorry, I'll give you that. Sorry, Will, you're always that guy. Sorry. That's why I need you here, Father Will. That's why I don't. No, I'm glad you're here, man. Don't forget to add bless. Bless is 1d4, isn't it? Yeah. You got blessed? Hey, blessed. Hashtag blessed. You get a bless. 23 to hit. Yeah. Why not that hits?
Don't do me any favors. No, I'm not. I stole your fucking sword. 18 points of slashing damage.
lovely as the sword comes smashing down onto this creature onto the claw you can see it kind of get kind of get stuck in the claw for a second you've got to yank out again as you as you slash into this thing it doesn't seem to flinch or notice but you you do notice you are causing damage to it good because as i sliced overhead and down on his arm on my next attack i'm swinging to the other side of his arm doing another semicircle in the air to hit him cool
um 19 that hits 23 points of slashing damage oh jesus christ nice as a second hit comes into it thuds in a little deeper and you can see this black ash kind of pull away from it slightly but again none of the faces the the main face doesn't even react there's no noise from this creature you can just hear the noise of this other creature up in the distance up to the up to the left of where you are on the cliff face
Is that the end of your turn? Yeah, other than trying to look him in the eyes, which isn't going to happen because Drago's seven-half foot and he's trying to look up. Okay, no problem. Sorry, Ian should have a free action at the end of his turn to try and break the grapple. Oh yes, of course, yes. Strength.
Amazing. It's a good kind of interference we need. Thank you, Darren. That's how you do it. So is this a saving throw? Can I just... It's a strength off, isn't it? Don't you all strength against each other? Yeah, not roll strength. Where do I pull my strength stat from? Is it from saving throw or is it from skill? It's acrobatics or athletics.
and mark can shoot mark mark and you can choose either acrobatics or athletics to contest the grapple okay it rolled an 11 i'm rolling dog shit with this guy oh brilliant because i rolled a 16
Amazing. And you managed to just prize open this claw and get your side out just before they snapshot again as the arm retracts. So you're now un-grappled as well. Okay, cool. Dragos just feeling the battle. A full of adrenaline again and he's just, oh, I can move still.
I don't know because I think it comes at the end of your turn. I can't move. I'll stay where I am. I'm just trying to square up to him as best as I can. I'm not used to looking up at an enemy. So it's almost like Adrago's version of Napoleon syndrome. He's trying to puff his chest out a little bit more and he's trying to look a bit more intimidating in spite of this mountainous creature.

Defeating the Large Creature

He's feeling good, though. Feeling strong.
Good, good, good. Folly, we're over to you then. You see if Drago broke free of this bind and you have your cow tops flying around, what would you like to do? Folly's still going to move south a little bit, probably only about 15 or so feet, so he's on the same kind of level as Helena and Drago. Obviously his cow top's going to come with him. He's going to aim his
Caltrip at this creature here that Drag Air we tied in the big one. And gonna try and basically bombard him with all ten of them. Ok, roll to hit. 27 to hit. That hits. I love this spell so much. Alright, roll your ridiculous damage. I shall. That's a lot of rolling going on.
I know. It's no fun. I'm just going to spend a sorcerer's point as well to re-roll five of them. Because I can. How can I? Now would be a good time to go and ask him to roll that other natural 20 mark to see if he rolls that. No, that's what happens.
Okay, so that is 72 points of piercing damage from my cow drops. Oh fuck me! That was incredible! Is that all of them used up? That's every one of my cow drops, every 10, because every one of them basically does 1d4 plus 4. So I've got a 40 base anyway, and then it's just whatever I roll. And I spent the source of the point to re-roll some because I got some like 1s and 2s.
with like fours and threes. I roll well. These caltrops come flying and piercing through the creature ripping through flesh as finally you see the creature start to react to what's happening. Its body starts to shake and quiver but it continues to stand. Oh for fucks sake. Right.
Okay. Now, what I'm also going to do, I'm going to spend a couple of additional sorcerers points so I can cast a spell. Oh, sorry. Can you give me a roll? Can you roll a d20 for me, please, before you do that? Parted plan. Parted plan. Fuck you, Darren.
No, I mean, I know how to play this class. Mark knows what you're doing. Mark plays this class. This is the reason you play it. I thought I wrote a natural one, then I got a seven. Oh, you shithead. That's a shame. Okay. Yeah, go for it. I would literally, my heart was in my throat that it came off on D&D Beyond. Seven. Oh, thank God. It's never normally that bad.
I'm going to spend a couple of sources points just to cast a spell as a bonus action. I'm going to cast Fireball. I'm going to cast it on the little guy just up on this hill here.
Poor guy. So that is an area of effect about... Does anyone have any equipment made at wood? Because that's about to be over. It's a 20 foot... Are you centering it on him, following? I'm not centering it on him, I've just drawn a little box that I made sure he's in, but I'm certainly not, because I am quite close to the area of effect after that.
I think there's quite a few instruments in there that are about to yeah all the cast ends but yeah of course that's what I'm doing so it's quite heavily south but just enough to kind of get the little guy who stole everyone's weapons and I'm not too bothered about the musical instruments being burned
Myself, I've practically made a fire. Okay, so is that a dexterity? It is indeed. Dexterity saving throw for that guy, please. It rolled a 4, so it got a 10 over. Sorry, it rolled a 6 and it got a 4, so it's a 10 overall. 10 overall, lovely. So he's going to take 4 damage. 29 points of fire damage to the little guy.
Okay and you hear again this massive squeal and you see the stack of things he's holding catch on fire as well.
also happens that yeah what also happens though the position you've got it is at the base of a set of rocks and as your fireball hits it is actually the exterior damage that hits this creature the majority of the blast hits the side of these rocks and that whole area starts to collapse i'm gonna decide with the d4 north is one east is two south is three thingy is four that's a one oh lordy
So I said about 20 foot tall. Okay, right. I didn't think I'd actually go this way. So it's 20 foot tall. This bit of rock that you're sticking out is actually, it's going to be blasted so hard by the fireball that it's going to push some of the rocks over folly towards yourself, north towards yourself, Helena and Drago. And could you each make dexterity saving throws to avoid getting hit by this? Have less, have less. This is going to hurt. Don't forget you've got your works for 1d10, Drago and Helen, if you need them.
i'm not going to use it because i got 19 so i should be okay okay 19 you managed to dodge out the way of the rocks before it hits down helena 19 as well you managed to step back and out of the way i managed to get out of the out of the fray drag you actually bump yourself up towards the uh the clifffront to get out of the way folly would you roll nine
You idiot. I know. This is what happens when I try to be powerful. You take 18 points of bludgeoning damage as a large rock catches you across the face, spinning you round once or twice. You manage to keep the footing, but your face is rather bloodied now as this rock smashes across your face from your own explosion. Yeah, that sounds about right for folly. It does indeed. I will end my turn there. Could you also roll a d20, please, Callum? Oh.
because this is a level three spell uh five or one yes it's a problem playing a sorcerer i know sorcerers at this level at least do you want me to say this result yeah yes i got a natural one
This has not been a good turn for you. It started out so well. What happens with a wild magic sorcerer is that you tap into an energy that is untamed, uncontrolled, and every now and then, similar actually to stock magic, funny that, and it breaks out and has this kind of explosion of energy. You can't control that. Unlike wizards who control it from learning, and through warlocks who learn it through patrons,
sorcerers especially of the wild magic kind this magic just comes on uh and almost it's almost a god given right it's almost born not god given but you're born with it almost so what happens is after every spell that's above a level one spell you roll a d20 if you roll a one you roll on the wild magic surge table which is a d100 so give me a d10 and a percentile dice please and could you please give me the number that you come out with
I'm not just rolling a D100. You can roll a D100, can't you? You can, yeah. I can just roll a D100 on D100. I'm rolling 20. Yes, you can. Sorry, I thought you were rolling my hand. Do I unroll 20 so we can see? Yeah, do it. 94. There's only... Oh, it's not rolling. Mark can actually see that, sorry. Yeah, I got it, I got it, it's cool, I got it.
Oh, nice. Okay. So thanks for giving it away, Will. Brilliant. I don't know what this is. Let us know. This rock comes in because he's got the table up, obviously. Obviously, Will's got the table up. This rock comes crawling and catches you across the face, this rock does.

Helena's Vision and Mission

And suddenly, you get this feeling inside your body as your core, your very internal organs start to vibrate and shudder and
And all of a sudden you start feeling yourself, the ground moving further away, slightly, slightly, slightly. You've grown from a small to a medium sized creature. So now you're a stretched gnome, basically. Like Mario. Yeah, I've had a perfume. You've literally got the magic. That's a shit one. I imagine because he's so small, he's like pixelated, like Polly.
Brilliant. Yes, that is exactly what it looks like. What a nice image that is. Thank you very much, Folly. For a very entertaining round, if I do so myself. So that's the end of your turn. The creature is going to have his turn now. And firstly, he's going to take a step back away from you, Drago, and he's going to use his two pincers to send two attacks out towards you. So the first one is an 18 against your armor class. Yes, that hits.
Okay, so let's roll that damage up first. 11 points of bludgeoning damage, that has been halved already for the first hit, and the second hit is a natural one, so it's going to miss that. You are still grappled though, because you are a medium creature or smaller, so you're grappled.
again for that but he's got you at distance. What it's also going to do, the middle head is then also going to turn and it's going to look for a second at folly and then look at what's just happened, the rock formation off to the side and then it's going to look kind of off to the distance slightly and you're going to hear this like rocket sound as this something seems to be coming hurtling down from from above you and it's going to cast fireball on you.
On who? On you. On all of you. So I've got the square there. It's going to hit Claude Carpett and Robin Helena, Ollie and Drago. It's going to hit Claude Carpett. He can have Fireball. Counter spell. Counter spell? Yeah. What level? I'll do it at level four. So remind me of that again, sorry. Well, level four counter spell. You attempt to interrupt the creature in the process of castling the spell.
If the creature is casting a spell of, in this case, fourth level or lower, it has no effect and fails. If it's higher, make an ability check using your spell casting ability. The DC equals 10 plus the spells level. If it's level four, lower, fireball, then nothing happens. You know how you blew up the rock earlier? Yeah.
I'm going to kind of say that's your reaction. Oh damn. This is a reactive spell, isn't it? You react. You did, I've got to react to it. I've taken away my reaction because I got crushed. No, I'm taking away your reaction because you reacted to a rock flying at your face and still missed. Oh yeah, shit, you had to dodge it. I feel like that's...
I've been trying to look up anything more specific. Will or Darren, have you got anything to review? No, it's kind of Diem's rule. If you've given him a reaction, then Diem's used his reaction. Sorry, I'm not... The only thing to do with Diem is to just, when playing, they've used their reaction. In retrospect of that, I'm going to counterspell it.
Fair enough. OK, you can give your candidate spell then. So I cast it at fourth level. So when you cast a spell, when you cast a spell using a spell at fourth level or higher, the interrupted spell has no effect if its level is less than or equal to the level of the spell. So what spell have you used? Fourth. So, yeah, it doesn't work.
Okay, so it looks down this, you see this fireball kind of hurtling down and in the air, it just explodes in the air. So much of our audience is like, oh, fuck. I know, yeah. Make sure I have an enemy that has count the spell. That was Carsten, everyone, just so you're aware. So he's coming and he sort of looked at it and
gestures and he sort of throws a ball of blue light up at this fireball and it sort of dissipates it as mark describes considering folly just burnt on a musical instrument you were quite quick to save him then i've also realized that i'm in range of it as well so i don't know if the instruments are dead lovely
Lovely, brilliant. Well, not lovely, you're brilliant, you're a bunch of bastards. Robin, over to you, your turn. What would you like to do? Is it not the howly thing before me? No, that comes much later. Oh, grand. Okay, terrific. Robin will again, having heard a mousestrom of noise from behind the cliff edge, will scale back up the cliff edge.
look at what he sees he will he will probably see the big thing still again has grappled drago and he'll see that the other thing is still making quite a lot of noise from being on fire on the rock cliff so he'll glance over the big thing and he'll see the thing he'll see the invisible whatever it is um the outline of the creature on the rock cliff and he's going to shoot at that
Okay, yeah. Roll to hit. That's a 17 to hit. Me to beat. Okay. Oh, just a housekeeper. Are we attacking that thing with disadvantage? Which one? The invisible outlined creature. Yes, we have been. Fuck. Why did I do that to myself? Natural one. Oh, you missed. You missed that hit.
Okay, I'm annoyed by that. I'm going to shoot it again. Okay. That's going to be a 27. That's all right. Hold on. This is a disadvantage or 21. Okay. So I'll add damage to that one, which is 10 points of magical piercing damage. And can it make a strength saving phrase, please?
it fails the strength saving throw. It takes all points of force damage and it's pulled off the cliff and hurtling towards the ground. As you pull it off its body starts to appear and then disappear as it studs into the ground the weapons strewn out in front of Folly and Drago in the middle of this ravine as this creature has been slain.
Anything else you want to do, Robin? Yeah, that creature's got Drago again, so I'm going to Action Surge and I'm going to take two shots at the creature that's got hold of Drago. Okay, go for it. First one. Motherfucker, I'm spending a luck point on that one. It's another natural one. Oh, man. That's slightly better. That's a 17 to hit. Oh, hold on. With Bless, with Bless, that's an 18 to hit. That hits. Okay, that one will take Sneak Attack because it's in range of Drago.
That takes 19 points of magical piercing damage. Mm-hmm. And can it make your strength saving throw please? It can indeed indeed. 19. Ah motherfucker. It takes five points of fourth damage. Okay, yep. So as the arrow fires in you can see it kind of resists the damages that thuds into its shoulder as it kind of starts to smile slightly at you Robin.
Okay. I'm going to shoot again. I'm not thinking because of my final attack because of action surge. That is a 20, not natural to hit. Hold on with black or 20, not natural bless. Isn't going to change whether it hits or not. I'm guessing 20, not natural. Uh, yeah, the hits. Okay. It takes, uh, not so good. Seven points of magical piercing damage. And can it make another strength savings rate, please? 18.
motherfucker yeah that does it and i need to roll the force damage hold on five points of force damage lovely so again as these arrows can do the flooding from your height kind of hitting the trapeze so it hitting the side of the neck these arrows kind of flooding from your side these creatures becoming more and more annoyed by what your art you are doing okay um bonus action the mage hand is going to grab what weapons are still available at the foot of the cliff
You've got Claude's shield, you've got Folly's stuff, you've got Karstan's musical instruments. I'm guessing my shield's gone as well because that wasn't magical. Of course, yeah, that's there as well. Okay, do that survive the fireball? You'd have to investigate it. Okay, I will instead go for the magical shield of Claude then and what the mage hand is going to do is just move that 30 feet in the direction of Claude.
Oh, God, it is, isn't it? Jesus. If it can reach Claude, yeah, it will take it all the way over to him. Is there not a weight limit to make that? Yeah, there is what I'm about to say. What can you let? Oh, yeah, sorry. Yes, there is. 10 pounds. 10 pounds. You can get Ghostbane. That's okay. I reckon you can do that with a five kilo sword. But maybe the shield will be rather weighty, especially because of its magical properties as well. I think it's quite a thick, reflective shield. Well, as I didn't know that, neither did Robin. So he'll, and then he'll jump back down.
Never mind! Cliff! Lovely, thank you very much. Nothing like I've been getting to sending my bonus action, so yeah. Exactly, yeah, exactly. Right, thank you Robin. Helena, your turn. You finally get the chance to hit this thing. Let's hope. So, yeah, she's gonna go straight for the thing that she's been hitting, well, that she hit before, which is the invisible creature-y spider-y thing. Oh, sorry! Yeah, sorry, it's got an X next to it.
I am so sorry. Um, then I will be going for this fucking big bastard. Um, it's just a normal hit, isn't it? I'm not. Yeah. Just roll a hit with this one. That's just normal. That's a 14 hit with my first action. As your first flail comes down at Pinsett gets up and just snaps at your, at your flail pushing it back away from the head. Okay. My second, um, my second action. Uh, yeah, that's 26 to hit.
Yep, that one definitely does hit. 11 points of bludgeoning. Lovely, thank you very much. Takes that damage as you thud into its chest area with your flail. The third one misses, it gets exactly the same as it did in the first one, so it's 14 to hit. Yeah, that again misses, the pincer catches it again and you're offhand.
Okay and then in my fourth hit it's a 16 to hit. That misses again so unfortunately the last one you kind of fling it around in frustration really that you're missing so much and unfortunately that also does miss.
Thank you very much, Helena. Claude, over to you. Bish bash bosh sacred flame on the big demonic entity that is to the south that everyone is dealing with. If I can see it amongst all the folly created rubble. You can indeed. Okay. That dude with all the horns and claws and stuff needs to make a deck save, please. 15.
He's going to get hit. He takes 17 points of radiant damage. And he cannot benefit from cover for the rest of the time. Well, that's just what he was going to do. What a shame. He was going to get some cover work. And then while I'm sort of lining up that shot, would you allow me to sort of try and rack my brain to see if I recognize anything about this creature?
Yeah, give me a religion check. 18. Something seems to remind you of a partial vision of something that Akiva showed you in your kind of training and time in the Eternal Plane. He might have talked about it, but something seems to ring a bell with this creature. You're not sure why or where you can place it, but there's something.
Okay, lovely. The shadow would have gone next, but he is dead. Top of the round, Karsten, you counter-spelling... Oh, I was going to say a naughty word there. You counter-spelling man. From where Karsten is, can I see if the smoldering remains of my instruments or not? You would if Folly hadn't increased in size.
And so he's kind of blocking you, unfortunately. He's now the size of a human, pretty much, as opposed to... Has my rucksack increased in size as well? No, the rucksack is the same size, so it just looks like a normal rucksack now. So Karsten will move 10 feet to his right and sort of look forlornly towards where the creature that had the weapons and instruments was. Can I see my instruments? You can see a pile of things that look like your instruments, yes.
Are they in one piece? They are in one piece. From one piece. That was it. That was it. I was going to go nuclear on that thing. So, Karsten will, sort of says as a sigh of relief that his instruments are safe and I'm going to, he will then mutter to himself and a glowing ball of flame will appear in his hand and he's going to throw it towards past the creature.
and beyond it and I'm gonna cast Fireball that will encapsulate it and only it so you won't get Helena. You Fireball hoes! And I will cast it at fifth level. So can it make a deck saving throw please? Come on, creature. Really hope there's not another creature after this.
I hope there is, I'm enjoying this fight. I have 15. Okay, it fails, so it takes full damage. Oh nips. So it will take 30 points of fire damage as the ground behind it explodes in this fireball. It is resistant. So take 15. New cock. Me? Yeah.
We've literally dicked on every plan Mark's had for this fight so far. And you're like, oh no, my super powerful fifth level spell doesn't do quite the innumerable amount of damage it had wanted to, except for all these things. Right. Um, go away. Cast down Drago. Your turn. You're right. 10 feet away. You're grappled currently by this creature. Same thing. Going to hit the arm. Okay. Go for it. Yep. We'll hit it real, real, real hard. I'm going to hit it.
I'm gonna hit it good. 25 to hit. That hits. 19 points of slashing damage. 19, bloody hell, Jesus. Yeah. I'm gonna hit it again. Smashing into the arm, yeah. Gonna smash it again. Sorry, without my damage, I'm gonna say you've snapped the arm. The arm is now off. You're no longer grappled, so you can move in towards the main body.
my second hit then i move in and my second hit is a fucking critical god where did i put what the fuck i'm feeling good so i crack the arm i break that straight off and in a moment of triumph i take one leap forwards sword over my head and as i land my feet on the ground the sword is over my head coming down slashing against the skulls on his chest
a triumphal glint in Jago's eyes as the adrenaline is cursing through him and he realises again the joy of battle. Yeah, so can you roll another d20? This is one of the special abilities that Dengon's deception has. Could you please roll another d20? Just straight d20, nothing else. Here we go. It's a 17.
Oh my god, it's a 17. Okay, so I then roll the Constitution saving throw against this, or it's an auto kill, basically. And for that, I'll roll it on. I can't roll it on there. I will tell the truth. Oh, I can. There you go. I roll on here. I think you should go to see it. And I need a 15 plus.
You got it. It's got a constitution modifier of a couple as well. So it manages to beat that, but you still get the initial double damage you would have from rolling a crit. Double damage. I was trying to see if I could modify that, but I can't. So rolling for damage with my second hit, like I said, he's going for it. So do I double that or just re-roll? You rolled 46. Oh, shit. You only had the modifier once.
So whatever you roll now, remove 10 from it. So it's 17 plus whatever you add here. So I just need to roll 2d6. I take it your D&D Beyond isn't linked. 29 points of slashing damage. Do you want to describe how you kill this thing? Yes, absolutely. So as I stepped forward after breaking his arm,
with all my adrenaline I jump forwards and as I'm jumping forward the sword then gone to deception comes over Drago's head and he slashes straight over the skulls that are embedded in this demon's chest and as he the initial slice as soon as metal touches skin the blade carves open
the very flesh of the monster ripping the skulls apart and ripping his chest apart as it's just a cacophony of blood and guts that spew out on the floor as Drago almost in slow motion brings the blade forward down across his chest and ends up with the tip of the blade down in the snow and just stays there like a samurai for a moment as the blood and guts just spill out on the floor.
kind of Kill Bill style. Yes. You know what I kind of imagine is that as you're going slow motion the rest of us are stood there watching you just moving normally and you're making like the... As that's happening to these blood and guts kind of flying everywhere I take it, isn't it? Three more appear.
No, you get guts all over yourself.

Conclusion and Future Revelations

All this black ichor starts to splash on you. And Helena, some splashes onto you as well. And a bit of it, in particular, as Drago's sword pulls back for one of his rage-induced hits, splats this ichor across the side of your head. And instantly, this bit seems different. This black ichor takes on almost a life of its own.
It moves really swiftly. And bear in mind, you've got someone new, Drago. This isn't doing it on you. This is just the stuff on Helena. It moves swiftly to your ear and presses itself into your skull. Your hands and feet go numb. Could I just ask quickly that everyone takes your headphones off, except for Helena, please? And, oh yeah, wow. Yeah, go away, everyone. So your hands and feet go numb.
You see your vision start to retreat, as if you're falling backwards away from the sight from your eyes. Your will to move your body, you will the body to move, sorry, but to no avail. You hear the muffled sounds of Drago smashing into this creature that take place around you, but soon this all fades away to silence and darkness.
Silence takes hold. Your mind is still active, but now you seem disconnected from your senses and the ability to move. You feel the space within the darkness. You move through the space to find something to give you an anchor, but you find nothing. After what feels like an eternity, you hear footsteps approaching. Distant at first, but slowly getting louder and louder. They stop. You hear breathing.
What a predicament you're in. Father would be ever so disappointed now. Come now, sister. Your trials are before you. If you are to save mother, you must learn to fight not just the physical manifestations of the blight, but also the blight of the mind. That same blight that afflicts mother. Come now. It is time to begin. Do you want to say anything?
No, she's not going to know what words to say. She's going to be so shocked. Okay. Nothing changes for a moment. She just fixates on him. You can't see anything and there's still total darkness at this point. And the footsteps begin to walk away and then stop abruptly. Oh, I feel your
You're not to be alone through this, however. One of your companions will need to undertake this training also. See to it that you both survive. A death in here is a death worse than all the pain in the Nine Hells. Once you are done, save Mother. Then come to me, Helena. Come to Spirit Monde Redoubt, and help me end this war once and for all. What training are you talking about?
And as the steps continue to move away, all in good time, sister. All in good time. And you hear them move away. And you also start to hear these distant groans and howls from before you, in front of you, past the voice. As you approach this sound, it gets louder and louder. And just there you see the line of orange light fill in, kind of around a silhouette of what seems to be a door.
You hear it start to open and as it opens you see the figure of your brother, Lucian, stood in the cracked light. The cacophony of noise increases, his face in the light he turns to you, soft brown hair and warm green eyes. He smiles as his form dissolves into nothing. The ajar door continues to open and the howls and groans get louder and louder as the door opens wider and wider.
until you see what awaits you. And I'm not going to tell you what you see. So, two things happen at the same time for everyone else. You see Helena firstly collapse into a clump on the floor. And what you also see is the corpse of this creature, which is now decimated in the snow-covered mountain top. A rumble starts to emit.
from it and from the surroundings. You see suddenly this black essence of the creature kind of fly up and out of it and lets out this ear piercing scream as it hurtles around you all. The rumble increases in volume as this black mist seems to zip around the space around each of you, high in the sky before dive bombing back down towards the ground. It's really coming straight down not towards anyone but just towards the ground in particular.
Suddenly, just before it reaches the ground, mere inches before it reaches the ground, it becomes enveloped by a shimmering silver mist which surrounds it. The rumble continues to grow. Claude, you'd be very aware of this rumble indeed. Small rocks clatter from nearby edges. The snow continues to fall. The black mist lets out a series of short, high-pitched squeals as a voice echoes over the mines to you all.
You are coming with me. The silver aura seems to crush the mist into a size no bigger than a marble before shattering through the grind beneath it leaving a large crack in the ground. The rumble persists and from the crack in the ground you hear a voice emanating out that some of you will recognize. The voice of Akiva. Many trials and tribulations befall you all. Many lay ahead.
The mountains do not speak to you. This is the power of a creature beyond your reckoning. I have taken this Galbrisu and its soul. Its power will give me the energy for this once. After that, the power of Keltrad will be required. Claude.
The royalty you so eminently follow is unwell. He has been affected by the blight, not in a corporeal form. Her soul is being devoured by the blight. You must enter her mind, find her within there and free her from a prison from within.
Her very thoughts and memories will look to break her. You, as an outsider, will be just as susceptible and may in deceit beware that there is no hard and fast rules when it comes to the mind. Once you've entered the mind of another, there is a bond that cannot be broken. You alone must do this, Claude.
who must succeed, find sleep-guard, trust, nothing else, nor the blight rots the mind as well as the body, clawed. Do you accept your mission? Yes, master. As the silence is there, the rumble starts to increase higher and higher, as the ground starts to shake and shiver slightly, and the voice continues,
And Akiva did grant unto the Behold a great power and knowledge. Verily they did accept. But mortal minds have mortal limits. And the crack in front of you slams shut in an instant. A sound like a crack of thunder bellows out and echoes over the mountains. And a silence returns.
As you turn, the space where Claude once was standing is now empty. He is nowhere to be seen. You see Hell and his body convulse once before settling back into a black-eyed, cold state. And that's where we're going to leave this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop.

Closing Remarks and Social Media

Christ, so much to dissect out of that. I can't believe you're going to kill both Claude and Helena. Bloody hell man, well done. Jesus. And if you, like everyone like Claude, who's currently in his pyjamas, in someone's minds, if you all out there in your pyjamas listening to us go out of our minds,
We thank you very much for tuning in and listening to this episode and making us a part of your everyday week. We love you for it. All of us do. If you wanted to find out more and keep up to date with anything podcast related, you can do so on our Twitter page, which is at fellowship table. And if you wanted to go into the deeper souls and into our minds and find out more about us, this is why I don't do the Akiva voice. You can do so on our individual Twitter pages. I'm at iWorldA1, Darren's at
Darren, page 06. Will is at... Natural 20, Will. Just sounds like yawned. Casey's at... Casey's at... She's in the depths of despair right now. Unicorn Crit, and Danny's at...
Social party drills. And Folly Callum is at... The D20 Gamer. And our very, very, very good DM is at... You still enrolled, DM. Amazing. It's so goddamn good. Until next time, guys. Farewell!