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Episode 54: How do you Measure a Blackout? image

Episode 54: How do you Measure a Blackout?

Off The Tips
39 Plays1 year ago

The boys are back on weekly pod duties, with the drunk and disorderly at the WM Phoenix Open the main topic. AC and Cal also discuss the depleted DP World Tour, the most drunk they have been at a sporting event. While listener takes makes a ripping return to play off holes, enjoy


Welcome Back & Finding Purpose

Hello and welcome back to the Off The Tips podcast. Back to a little bit of normality this week. I hope you enjoyed last week's course Nuffy series, a bit of a change from
the run-of-the-mill dribble that we churn out week to week and tuning in from, well, calling in from London early in the morning. He's done the morning shift as AC, who is back on the tools, might I add, AC, how are you going, mate?
I'm good man. I'm back. I feel like I've got some routine in my life, a little bit of purpose. It's good. It's good to be working. I know that sounds interesting, but it just, it's been a tough sort of month, just sort of mulling around on the couch. You just sort of getting your own head a little bit, bit of head noise.

Lost and Found AirPods in Romania

Um, I must say another thing that worked well today with yesterday was my, my AirPods arrived and I guess a little bit of backstory. Um,
Basically, flatmate hosted a party and my AirPods got stolen. And they ended up in Romania thanks to find my iPhone. And so I gave them a good clean yesterday because they obviously had some Romanian tartingers in them, but everything. So they do feel a bit weird. Like it took a while for me to kind of put them in my ears and bring the courage to do so. But we're all good. We're back and running here.
Oh, mate, that's great to hear. What was your sterilization of choice? Did you run some Dettol on those or...? I got some Dettol antibacterial wipes. I didn't want anything too sort of moist, but yeah. No, no, no. Moisture and electricity don't really correlate, do they? So, you know, you got to be careful with that sort of thing, but... Oh, that's a good observation of yours. I don't know how I go. Even if they had been, you know,
give it the five-fingered discount from a party. I don't know how I'd go chucking them back in my ears, but I'm glad that you've got over that hurdle. Yeah, they're in my ears now, mate. Yeah, you've just hit it between the eyes, but mate.

Kazuma Kabori's Golf Success

Anyway, I headed out onto the ground last Thursday at the Webex Player Series Sydney. I was out there mulling around.
Just tapping a few players on the shoulder, just seeing how they were going. Just before we kick off with the PGA Tour stuff, it was Kazuma Kabori again, his third WebEx players series win in a row. Third win in four weeks was something ridiculous. So look, mate, to see that unfold is unbelievable. It's just like there's an echo in here.
He's forging quite an impressive career, isn't he? Yeah, nothing to say, to be honest. Just stoked for him. Another win. He just racks them up. It's just sort of run-of-the-mill stuff for him these days. So credit to him, but also you can't discount how hard it is to win as well. I think it's easy to sort of, I don't know, make it become the norm, but you've still got to shout it out when it happens because, you know, you see so many people struggle to get
And he wins over the line and he's done three recently. Yeah. And heading into the final Webex player series event of the year in the Hunter Valley this week. And geez, maybe our weekly punts could be on him because you know, odds on it's going to happen again. So maybe we can

Nick Taylor's Dramatic Win

dabble in that. But mate, speaking of dabbling, there are some human beings dabbling in some, you know,
some substances, most notably the alcohol at the waste management Phoenix Open where Nick Taylor won. An epic playoff in the end between him and Charlie Hoffman and he's forging a decent PGA tour career as well, Nick Taylor. Four wins. It was an impressive display by the Canadian.
Yeah, it was. It was very messy to watch this week just with all the disruptions and I actually tuned in.
fair bit on the last day and at one point I thought the third round was the final round and I was a bit confused with the whole setup because the app said it was the final round and so I was all over the place but as you say Nick Taylor he's better than a run-of-the-mill PJ Tour players for sure and highlighted by that win last year in the Canadian Open that was
a big event and then he's also won another pretty big event here and PJ Tour Golf is still always a good watch on the final day. It's just sometimes getting there can be a bit tough.

Wild Times at the 16th Hole

The atmosphere at the Waste Management Phoenix Open is like that of none other event really and there was plenty going on.
wasn't there and plenty of reports coming out of the famous 16th party hall of some pretty outrageous behaviour, cut service and alcohol, ACD, do you have any more info on what was happening behind the ropes?
You just see a lot of videos on socials, don't you? Just people that have just absolutely tied one on. I'm one for taking it too far at times, but some of the states you actually see people in is almost, it's hard to comprehend. They are barely walking. They are sideways. There's some impressive footage of a
of a lad just could not keep his feet on the ground and it didn't help that he was trying to combat a slippery surface. It was mud everywhere and last I saw him, he was just nose diving down a slippery slide of mud and he had just looked like he had had a thousand. It's great to see but some of the players, you know, not that impressive, yeah, Billy Ho,
sprayed a bloke, which to be honest, I thought was probably fair enough that they were just carrying on on one of the other holes when someone was over their ball. And obviously, chances are if you listen to the podcast, you would have seen Zach Johnson's blow up with a few fans. And look, I just want you to tell me, AC, do you think that's warranted or a golf is just a bit too precious?
It's an interesting one. I think anything that's like while you're, you're hitting your shot is, is not good enough. Like

Are Golfers Too Sensitive?

that's poor behavior. It's affecting the golf. If you get called out on a few things, as long as they're not personal, I feel like golfers don't handle it well at all. Like, you know, you go to the cricket, you know, the rugby, like there's plenty of lip getting thrown out. And as long as it's not personal, talking about your family, your girlfriend, like I don't really see a whole
big deal about it. I think Zach Johnson completely overreacted. The yelling mid swings is tough though. I think it's golfers like will get used to it to an extent, but it's not easy when you're concentrating and you're having that going on. So I think they have every right to call out people that affect like their pre-shot routine and things of that nature.
Yeah, I think that's pretty well said. And a lot of that stuff, you know, the calling out in the backswing and putting stroke is, is gambling related, which is, you know, you're starting to slide down a slippery slope, a bit like our man on the 16th mud path earlier in the week. But yeah, we saw. The other thing is if you're really pissed, it is hard to show that restraint in terms of talking, you know, you just get the blabber mouth going.
And there's times where we're at the opening and you're pretty steaming, you're like, man, yeah, I could see how particularly people that don't play golf and non golfers could easily just talk through someone's swing without really realizing. Yeah. And once you've had a little bit of a loud mouth soup, you don't actually know how, how loud you are talking at times. Yeah. So that's another thing to take on board. But I see obviously we've discussed the antics of
of some and that leads me to my next question. What is the most gassed you've ever been at a sporting event? Well, that's interesting. I'd say that the cricket in Queenstown would be the most gassed I've been. It's hard to think of another one. What about you? Have you got a notable one? Yeah, obviously Queenstown when we went and watched the Volts games against
over the New Year's, that was, that's a bit of a blur, but I'm going to say the most pissed I've been was Cheeks vs Blues. And I was in the green zone. I'd, I played footy earlier that day and in Tokyo and had been, and had been beaten. And we obviously had a few beers afterwards and then on the way home. And then it was the day after my 21st. So I proceeded to do my yardie before we made our way to the ground. And I, yeah.
Don't remember a whole heap of the fixture, but I just remember it was a good time just getting loose in the green zone. And look, we don't condone irresponsible consumption of alcohol, but geez, it makes some events a little bit more fun, especially some rugby. Actually,

Personal Drunken Sports Stories

the green zone made me think the most gassed I've been was at the Chiefs vs. Lions. It was my first year university. I think I'd had a box of Mavs before I went in and I was just blind.
I wouldn't touch mavs now, obviously. Yeah, I wouldn't have thought of a golly mav since 2017, probably. That's a tough, tough scene. Hey, did you see? So there was this tweet, and I actually just lost it. I found it so funny. It was from Macro Edge, and they sort of had some, I don't know, sort of statistics. And one of them, so it basically went to say that there's 12 people that had to go on an ambulance, and there was 30 blackouts.
And I just thought, how would they decided who's blacked out? And I want to know what, what would you consider a blackout? Well, a blackout is obviously, because when you black out, you're not, you're not unconscious.
It's just, you don't remember anything. You just don't remember anything the next day. So how you're measuring that is tough. Maybe, I don't know, maybe they've got a survey. If you've got tickets coming back the next day, do you remember what happened on this whole then? And maybe, you know, there's an algorithm that pieces them together or I don't know, maybe it'd have to be a next day job that you measure.
Um, look, it's, it's hard to say unless the Yanks are measuring blackouts on people that have just genuinely passed out in the, in the stands, which could be, could be, there could be, you know, a bit of lost in translation sort of, sort of thing between us on the other side of the world and a blackout in America. But hey, in short, I don't know. Do you have any ideas on how you'd measure it?
Yeah, I think questionnaire is probably the only way because as you say, you don't know you've blacked out to the next morning when you've just got a whole heap of head noise. And the thing is, blackout is also subjective because I don't know, I'd probably say you have to have like an hour hole at least in your memory because say it's patchy, you potentially could miss, you might not remember half an hour, but it might be
patchy, but that's not a blackout, I'd say. Yeah, or you're trying to piece together a couple of conversations that you might have had with some other punters, maybe the blokes dressed as chefs riding minwoo, which I say, how do we feel about fully grown men dressing up like chefs and riding minwoo?
Yeah, I don't know, man. What do you think? I'm not a fan. It's a send-off. It's got to be a send-off. The other one I want your comms on is the Grand Men Act was, you know, when they run to the 16th, when the tape is open. Yeah. It has a real grow-up. That's real grow-up behavior.
I was watching that half asleep and I thought it was the start line for the marathon at the Rio Olympics. It's poor behavior and look, it's a different culture. I don't mind dressing up and carrying on but having a fan crew like that and you're probably seven years older than the bloke you're cheering for.
I'm pretty, I'm pretty undecided about that. Like I'm as big of a man we found as the next guy, but I'm, I'm not wearing a chef hat to the waste management. I'm sorry. Me neither. Unless they're mates with his, I can kind of get around that a little bit more. And Phoenix Arizona, Arizona? I'm sure about that. Yeah. It's real sevens vibes, isn't it? Where it just becomes about the party rather than the golf and
I don't know. I don't know if that's necessarily always a bad thing. It's just something that's unique. I went to the sevens three years and it doesn't bring you to the game, does it? That'd be the only bit of sevens I'd watch the whole year. I wouldn't come away from that going, oh, I'm really into sevens now. You're just there for sort of the atmosphere and the party. Do you have any good yarns from the sevens? I've never been to the sevens and it's kind of died a bit of a death.
Monty passed out on the side of the road in a lobster suit, which is... But I don't think we have too many details on the pod. Okay, yeah, we'll leave it there. Maybe that can be an after-hours pod, but mate, have you got anything to add on the Waste Manager at Phoenix Open? We've absolutely barely spoken about the golf, but who cares? Hey, that's what the event's about, mate. Charlie Hoffman, just shout him out. Just a real bad laugh.
47 years of age has just come up short. Just a guy I know basically for his egregious green glove and first round leads really. Yeah. There's a parent through there at Augusta that you can just, you can put what you want on him finishing in the top 15. Yeah. He's a good player. Very good player and loves it and Phoenix as well.
You know, shout out to him. Before we see him in the playoff for the rest of the year, I'm going to say no, but hey, I'm here to be proven wrong. From one party to the other, Liv Vegas was on and, you know, trying to get that on TV in Australia is pretty difficult. And quite frankly, I just wasn't that hugely

Dustin Johnson & LIV Golf Issues

interested. But DJ gets the job done in Vegas and I'm not going to lie, I see, I forgot that guy existed.
Yeah. And he also admitted before the round that he barely touched the club in the off season. And so everyone was sort of taken taken back by that and then wins. I don't really know what that says. Yeah, neither. I don't see a lot of it. All I saw was just players complaining about fans and music. I saw so much of it on Twitter.
Jon Rahm specifically, do you think he's just like, what have I signed up for here? Yeah, I don't know. Probably. Yeah, exactly. You can't complain. He hit the Shankar Doom on the final round. I don't know if you saw it, but it was a beauty. Oh, was it a good one? Was it? No, I didn't. I'm just, I don't know about you, but like just finding, watching golf at the moment is
pretty tough, isn't it? Like with the disparity of all the good players, it's like, obviously I do it for work and it's still better. You always have it on the background, but in terms of being on the edge of your seat and actually really like intently into the golf, like I feel like I haven't felt that for a while and I'd be keen to see how you feel.
I agree. I just feel I haven't been as locked in and it's not necessarily because the golf's that much different. I think just in the subconsciously you know that there's just a few big guns missing and so the wins
just don't count for as much and that's really sad and the ram hole has hurt me more than I thought it would to be honest like I don't flick the golf on to watch ram specifically but just having a dog there competitive knowing that you've like when obviously Scheffler, Rory and Rama together you knew that the PGA Tour had the best three golfers in the world and can maybe throw Cam Smith when he first went over but now it feels like
The talent pools definitely just move more over to liver. PGA Tour still has the depth and the better fields, but it's it's definitely evening out. Yeah, and just even the way the European or the DP World Tour is at the moment, like they've been in the Middle East for the last few weeks. They've got a week off this week. They were in Bahrain. And to be quite honest, I see
I wouldn't have thought about Bahrain since Rory Fallon's header in 2011. I genuinely just, I was like, oh, there's an event in Bahrain. God, that's a country I haven't heard of in over a decade. And then they were in Qatar the week after, just with these depleted fields. They have a week off this week and go to Kenya. Like, I'm a big fan of the history of what the European tour once was. And now that
they're traveling around the world, which is great for global golf, but do you think the fact that they're taking these kind of like, well, mediocre fields to different countries, not necessarily the Middle East, because that's a completely different kettle of fish with, you know, what's going on with living stuff and they have some big events there, but going to other events and they're taking these mediocre fields, do you think it's a bit of a slight on what the European tour once was?

European Tour's Prestige Problem

Yeah, and I don't know if going to these places actually gets people into the game. I don't. The crowd's always miserable when they take it to these sort of. What's the word?
just more out of the way places. Um, so I just, yeah, I don't really see what it's doing or adding to professional golf. It's probably the simplest way to say it. You have to be smart about where you're taking these places and you need to take them to, you know, golfing hubs, don't you? Mike, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think taking events to Kenya is, and I hate saying it, you know, growing, growing the game and look, we could be wrong. It might be in Kenya, but
Judging by the turnouts of the crowds that they've had over the last few years when the golf's there, you would say it isn't. Yeah, exactly. And if you do take it to some of the countries as well that are the least developed, I hope those tickets to get in are dirt cheap.
almost free because if you're going actually to go the game, then you need to make it accessible to the general public so the average punter can go. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And I just don't know about how they're going about it on what once was an epic tour and still has some fantastic events through the middle of the year.
It's just like we've talked, spoken about it before, but it's just acting as a feeder tour for the PGA tour, which is, which is the depleted tour because 11, everyone suffers, but most, well, the worst part is, is the fan suffers. You just, you're not, like I'm not tuning into the sport I love as much as I was four or five years ago. And it's, and it's pretty sad. And I'd imagine that that's a fairly general consensus.

Time Zones Affecting Golf Engagement

Well for sure, I definitely don't watch near as much golf as I used to and it's just divide the game. The other thing is that I've noticed over here is since they do move around a lot, the DP Wheel Tour is you even have like a, you're even into that habit of okay, I'm gonna flick it on at this time and the golf will be on. And I actually think like the PGA Tour was a big habit of mine. I'd watch it before cricket.
You just flick it on in the morning and you just have it on the background. You might not be completely locked in, but the times just changed so much. The DB tour here that I'd only not watching it because I never actually know when it will be on. Yeah. Oh, I tend to agree. Like, yeah, you've got events on in the late afternoon here and then you've got events on through the middle of the night, which you're definitely not turning into. And then, yeah, it's.
It's fine that the PGA Tour is still on a good time, but as we've said, it's a bit harder to sink your teeth into than it once was. Well, we'll move on to our playoff holes before sending AC off on the train to work. AC, do you want to take the ball by the horns here and let the listeners know what we're getting into?
Yes, I saw a post on social media or maybe it was someone's scorecard where they just had a massive fluctuation in their nine whole score. So I thought I'd put it out to the listeners and we've got a few here. OK, so a couple we've got here is from Jake is 48 and 38 would be up there for me.
Golfer's dream, I think his name's Harry, he had minus five and a plus five back. That's a tough scene. That would have hurt. That beer would not have tasted good. We've also got Lewis who had even on the front and 12 on the back. That's tough. Oh, that's another beer that won't taste good. You'd hope the wind picked up or something there or it's the weather's turned around. That is
That is a vast, vast difference. That is a meltdown. That is a meltdown. I'd love a bit more comms here. Was there hangovers? Was there what course were we at? Did the weather pack in? Yeah, it makes it tough. But I'd say my one would be I had a 47.35 at Narrows. That's a big turnaround.
Another one I can think of is Monty at Jaxx. We, I think it was like the 29th of December and we'd had a monster the night before and Monty rolls up just so gassed. And Monty, for those that don't know him, really struggles with hangovers. So he kind of just, he manages to hold his piss in for so long. Like we teed off at, I'd say 11 o'clock and he was still blind. And so... I'll just jump on AC. He was,
absolutely belligerent on the range. He was unbelievably gas still. He rolls in, eyes closed over to the pro shop and asked if it was left clean in place and what's the course record. And we proceeded to play off the tips and AC, take over from here, mate.
Yeah, he had it 4048, so it wasn't quite as bad as I thought, but I remember the hangover really kicked in.
later that day, but he made the best eagle I've ever seen that day. It was the eighth hole. I don't know if the listeners know, but it's about 500 meters off the tips, up the hill, and Monty's just hit two of the best golf shots I've ever seen. Hit one like six feet, made eagle, still drunk, and then just, yeah, as I said, completely blows out on the back nine, and that's one that I can remember pretty fondly, but yeah, that's
You go, Kyle. And Monty's like a very good player. Like he plays off two, three and 40 on the front at Jax off the plate is. I'd say that's pretty good golf, like very good golf for a two or three marker still. Like the conditions we got it and it was like not, it wasn't still, it was not hugely warm and like it was a pretty
decent display of golf, like not the best he'll play, but really good display, but then just the capitulation on the back nine of like the mental capitulation and the golf and just seeing the pain and hurt he was in on maybe like the 16th hole.
I distinctly remember it was raining and he just kept his sunnies on, so he wouldn't have seen Jack's shit. His glasses, he could see all the raindrops on it. And I think he pared 10 and 11 too, so even though the nines were 40, 48, it was probably worse than that because it was four over through 11 or something. Not good. Well, actually, I was at Cowder Castle Hill, as I said, at the WebEx event.
Daniel Gale on the, on his front nine, um, of the first round, he, he made a triple and had four under through nine on his opening nine with, with a triple. So it's outrageous. Yeah. It was, it was good golf, couple of eagles. Um, yeah, but that's, oh, once one New Zealand golf app starts working again,
I'll do a bit of study and see what my biggest, biggest, uh, like, you know, dispersion between nines is, but also guys, we appreciate you sending in those listed tastes, but feel free to elaborate, send us a message, send us a voice memo and we'll, we'll put it in the pod. I think it'll be, it'll add great value and we'll, we'll definitely do this again. So I see if you got any more playoff holes to add or
Am I sending you on the purple ring? Do you have anything to tee off about, mate? No, I've got nothing to tee off on at the moment.

Hand Dryers vs Paper Towels Rant

Yeah, I've got one thing that I want some combs on. Oh, ribbon tear. How do you feel about the hand dries at the pubs? Because I think they're just the stupidest thing either. And particularly when it's a busy pub and it's a real rush for the urinals. And you've got to do it really quickly.
What often happens, as he knows, you'll give it a pretty half-assed little blow under the hand dryer and then you walk out and what will happen is someone will have a new mate just turn up and you gotta shake hands and you kind of try to give your hand a quick wipe on your pants and it's often still a bit wet and I just have some paper towels. I hate those hands. They don't do anything. If you actually want to dry your hands, you have to sit under them for at least 30 seconds to a minute.
Yeah, you just don't have that kind of time. Look, I see, I'll be candid, I'm a paper towel guy, have been since way back. My dad's a paper towel guy, my granddad's a paper towel guy. I'll always be a paper towel guy. And then they had those fucking wrought ones that you dip your hands in, like the ones at the airport. And your hands actually below where the air's blowing, so you're getting
You're getting a wind chill, a bit of air con on your wrists, but your hands are actually just dripping into the bottom of this tray. It's one of the, yeah, it's one of the bigger rots going around. And look mate, I'm glad you brought that up because I feel quite strongly about it as well. Did you at school have like those ones that it was like a cloth and it sort of rotates around?
Oh yeah, they can't have been my genius. No, they would not, could they? Trust a class of 30 kids to be dealing with that. You might as well not wash your hands. Yeah, boys-only skills too. They'd have been grim.
Yeah, surely they died out over COVID. Yeah, you hope so. One thing is, our list of numbers are increasing, but we'd love some more engagement, so never feel shy to throw in some comms into the chat and get in our DMs.

Engage with Us: Listener Interactions

It'd be good to hear some stories from the weekend and things of that nature. I'm really keen to hear your thoughts.
Yeah, golf related or not, just rippin' tier, whatever you wanna add. But I see, I'll send you on your merry way. Guys, I know it wasn't a whole heap of golf chat today. There was a bit of... There was a bit of...
sniffing and tickling going on with the lads of it a bit of silly buggers but we appreciate you tuning in and as AC said engage send us some stuff we'll we'll get around it and yeah thanks for tuning in AC have a good day and we'll catch you next time