Episode 69 - Nice image

Episode 69 - Nice

Off The Tips
29 Plays1 month ago

This week the boys touch base with some roving reporters on the ground in Paris. Monty returns to discuss his travels and break down everything Olympic related, including some tangents.

Hello and welcome back to the Off The Tips podcast. A bit of a late recording this week, but how good has the Olympics been? The golf's been fantastic. And joining me off a European expedition,
is Monty. Monty, welcome back. Welcome back to New Zealand. And how's everything going? How how are you settling back into normal life? Hey mate, good to be here. it's Thanks for the invite. It's been some time between drinks. Yeah, five weeks round Europe was It was a lot of good fun as you can imagine. It's taken a bit to settle back into things. I ah did the same last year and got straight back into it.
it's been It's been pretty bloody tough, it has to be said, but we're on the ground chipping away now. Having got to the golf course recently, or only once, I've just been trying to put the sticks away after after Scotland, but it was a yeah hell of an exhibition around the Great Continent.
i Yeah, well, AC briefly filled us in last week about how Scotland was, and I'm sure we'll do a deep, deep dive on the pod later on. But, mate, what what were your thoughts on on playing golf, where where the game started?
Oh, just amazing, i as you could imagine. we We got quite lucky with the weather, which made things a whole lot better. um And yeah, I think Lynx Golf for me is just like amazingly fun. I know there are some people out there who prefer um otherwise and prefer the more American-style golf courses. but ah just the creativity, the style of golf. I think Scotland golf, even versus Ireland last year, is hands down yeah the most enjoyable type of golf you can have. and yeah We wait got our way around the country as well, so we got a nice diversity of Edinburgh and the big city, and then we got up into the Highlands as well. so it was
Yeah, it's an epic country. um ah just The most fun you can have with your pants on was the saying used a lot. And honestly, I can't think of one that applies more accurately. Well mate, yeah. And the most fun you can have with your pants on is probably a fair way to describe having around at the at the old cause. What was your old cause experience like while you're over there?
Obviously it was pretty awesome that all all all of you boys got to play, so just run the listeners through that. Yeah, it was I can't recall what I see articulated. but um Yeah, there's a big waiting list. We got put on a decent waiting list, so the boys were, well, I was certainly on the impression that I wasn't getting on the next day. So, you know, in St Andrews, naturally lent a few lagers and a few baby Genesis and yeah woke up slightly worse for wear and then
good got on through a bit of court, good fortune, started raining, people started cancelling tea times and then got on got on ground at about half 11 when the dust had started to abate and so it was and just yeah lined up perfectly really and it's as good as people say. Some people walk away from St Andrews a bit disappointed I didn't have that feeling like the undulation and the greens and the creativity needed when you're around the greens and was really fun. And it's it's not a hard golf course. like It's very short from the sort of members teams that we played. So I probably drove it on or around maybe four par-fours without breaking too much of a sweat. So often you play a lot of these really good golf courses and you just get
You just get fucked up. Whereas, you know, St. Andrews is really nice how you just don't and you can just enjoy your day out. And it's ah it's a very... oh Yeah, it's a very much a soft factor, but when you place in Andrews the last seven holes, you play back towards the town and you just see it getting closer and closer and closer and closer to the old, ultimately finished down 17 and 18, which in itself are amazing holes, but there's just that anticipation as you come down the back nine, it's like something I'll never forget, eh? Yeah.
Did you get an opportunity to maybe drop a ball and and recreate Cam Smith's road hole up and down? Nah. it's um I would have loved to, but I um made an absolute meal of 17. I did the campfire, an absolutely yank one left into the bunda off the tee. And then i was just I was holding our whole group back, one looking for balls, and I took it out took about five shots to to get to the green, hacking through the hank. So by the time we got to got to the green,
We were in a bit of a rush. I had a real gnarly long lag putt for two putt for double, I think it was. It's sort of on that right side of the green to sort of a back-ish left pin. So I got to, you know, sort of similar angles. But yeah, I was i've made a meal of it. So I was holding the fellas back.
oh Well, like I said, we we're going to break this down in depth in a podcast coming up, but so we'll we'll move on to the Olympics. Multi, just for a start, how have you enjoyed the Olympics? like ah For me personally, in recent memory, like this has been so ah good. like Obviously, Tokyo with the atmosphere was pretty low with COVID, but yeah yeah I'm really appreciating the Olympics for what they are and I'd kind of forgotten that. Yeah I couldn't look agree more and I think if you say our first proper last Olympics was 2016 I or 19 years old or something then so I think this time around I really have like the athletic appreciation
of like some of the times and the heights and the pace at which like these guys are running or jumping or rowing. And it's just, oh, I just love it. I like, I'm just can't get enough of it to be honest. And I think it's just that, I mean, yeah, athletic appreciation is probably like a good way to sum it up. It's just, yeah, it's, it's so epic. And I just love the niche. I just love the niche stuff, like watching the steeple chase this morning.
but how is that even like a and eventt It's just basically a 3K race with a couple of hurdles and a little bit of water. but it's just you know it's like How did that event come about? yeah rid of me there who Who thought to just put a little puddle of water in an electric track and put a couple came hurdles?
Mate, we'll talk about the Gulf at the time of recording this. Celine Bouthier is winning the women's event by three, yet to tee off in her second round. That'll be happening any time. But we've got a couple of roving reporters on the ground that have that they have recorded some stuff for us to post after this. but Uh, mate, we'll talk about the Gulf or the men's event, I should say. And man, like, I don't know if I'm being dramatic or not, but mate, that was dead set. Like one of the best fit, like actually the best finish to a Gulf event. I think of, of ever seen, um, I was so pumped with, with how that unfolded. And for those of you that might not know, and if you're listening to a Gulf podcast and don't know, I, i um,
I can't believe that either, but Scottie Schifler got the job done in dramatic fashion, a back nine, 29 to win the gold medal. Tommy Fleetwood won silver and Hideki Matsuyama winning bronze. Mate, what did you see of the golfer and what did you make of that kind of final round burst by the world number one?
Yeah, I saw bits and pieces, time zones went great, and I watched a bit of highlights. So, yeah, I've got enough. It was pretty, Olympic golf was like rocketing up my list. I'd probably put it on par with like a players now, in terms of like how I would like a prestige, you know, like the players really care. It's evident like Rory's big backflip his view probably is testament to that and on this tournament like putting even that drama aside or maybe even related to that the drama on the back nine is just that was a great golf course for it like I think some golf courses
It's just, I don't know if it'd be the best golf course to play, but it is a proper tournament golf course, players golf course, which I just thought made the whole thing so much more enjoyable as well. Like I said, there'd be plenty of better golf courses that those guys would play, but there's some dramatic elements to it, which made it great. And the French crowd,
Not even the golf only, but like across the whole Olympics, they they know how to support. And yeah, there's a real buzz, which was, which just made the whole thing like all the more exciting. But to be six shots back, standing on the 12th tee and to get the W's, yeah, obviously Rambo had his, his, his implosion, the double and 14 was the,
be The kicker. There's a bad, bad double. Easy highlights. What was it paying like four and a half per pass? Well, we've we've touched on it and we're welcoming our first roving reporter from Le Gulf Nationale, not on the ground at the moment, but he was there. He's in Paris. Matt, welcome to the podcast.
Yeah, no worries, mate. It's a beautiful day here about quarter to nine. Blue Sky, another going to be another hot one, so please should be on, mate. Yeah, DZ spoke about the vibe of Paris with the Olympics. Is it all that's lived up to? Is it buzzing as a place?
Yeah, it is buzzy. um will I will say also, like I've been to Paris before and it is a big city and it does always give a buzz to it. But it's probably just a little bit more of a carnival feel with the Olympics. So a lot of different flags and nationalities and and people are about having fun which is ah just really cool to experience. And how many how many events have you attended so far?
I think I'm about six and six or seven, mate, so I think covered covered the games pretty well, um especially from a New Zealand perspective, thought of a New Zealand on heavy event, so it's been really good. And the Gulf, the Gulf National, I understand your first time at a ah ah live professional golf event. We famously have have covered our the Templeton ah Penance team when we've we've followed them, but this is a bit of a different gravy. How did you enjoy your your first outing at ah at a pro golf event?
It was incredible, I think, from watching a lot of golf on TV. It was just amazing that you see the guys in the flesh and really watch and follow them go through their routines and I guess get an idea of the length and just how precise they are, conversations with candies, all that sort of thing. um Yeah, it was just incredible. What was going out to you when these guys were going about their work? Probably the big thing for me is I probably I think golf and sports like golf and tennis and football, they've got a real bad rap at the Olympics. It's a bit like it's a game of the key. It doesn't rate your weight rather, a major title rather than the Olympics. But I think the really thing that noticed me was the desperation and the intensity that guys
the guys brought to it like it was it was betting on and given they're all there for free just scrapping for a medal I thought that was amazing because I wasn't sure on on what the intensity would be like in a bit like this so um the desperation like we we ah followed um Ryan Fox for 16 holes and then and then stopped and there was a really good viewing point for sort of 15, 16, 17 and 18 and I guess seeing the guys come through um on that leaderboard and playing under pressure was was the best thing for me. You talk about that desperation and I've been a little bit unsure about whether golf should be at the Olympics or at least in this format. Do do you think it's well deserving of ah being at the Olympics now that you've seen it in the flesh? Definitely. I mean, um and you might know more about this than me, but it definitely had the vibe and I think you saw Scotty's emotion and and even life roaring in and John Ramm's emotion when
um on on the other flip of the coin like I think this a gold medal race really really highly for these guys up alongside the the four major titles and I guess that every four years it just has ah and and another feel to it and the other thing for me too is because because there's no prize money like guys were bloody aggressive and I think that was the thing that I didn't anticipate like when you're not I guess there's no consequence on a few If you don't come in the top three, you come 4th, or 40th. It doesn't matter price, money-wise. Guys were attacking plans and and I think probably could see a lot of balls in the water um as a result of that, which was cool.
What kind of players stood out to you? like That back nine on Sunday was some of the ah best golf I've seen at any event. ah Who did you kind of look at and go, like, shit, this is just so much more than I anticipated and so impressive? um Well, obviously, Scotty was incredibly incredibly impressive. There's a guy at the The two guys that followed on on the third round aren't from South Korea and Huguard from Norway and they were incredibly impressive. and it probably they They played like incredible golf. Huguard had a nine under that and that probably really outlays me just how good good world golf is and how competitive if it is because it's easy to look at you know Scotty, Scottie, Ram, those guys always end up at the top of the leaderboard but these guys that are just nipping at their heels that are extremely good golfers too
I could string four of those sort of rounds together. It could be right at the top of the game. So um I think you see Scottie, you saw John Rahm for the most part, even Rory, they just have it. You could tell when they're really interested and and they have a wee strut to them and that being on their focus, it was probably really stood out to me on on those three in particular. Yeah, and that's so true. And then the the buzz the buzz around the crowd is like you talk about the buzz around the around Paris in general, but that A crowd like that to a golf event is what you love to see. like We only really see it four times a year yeah and to see it outside of a major championship was was great. What was the chat like in in the crowd and and what was it what was it feel like? Well, interesting. Interesting you say that because there's actually ah the French are really, really good supporters of their own and parents from
from France. He had to had a storm, I think he finished fourth. He did. And he played like some incredible golf. And you just thought, like obviously I haven't experienced it, but have you heard him, even him being announced this day off, I was on a team at Olin, he thought it would have been Tiger Woods or Rory or something like that.
and you look at the phone and it's areas just teed off. And then pretty much every shot he played or if he drained it apart, it was definitely noise. So um that that was pretty cool to just see like, I guess, a countryman supported rather than an individual. But yeah, the noise was huge. And I think one thing about golf fans, which I was really impressed with, I think sometimes at the Olympics, people, I'll give you this myself, you go and pitch up and watch the sport, you know, nothing about.
and you sit there and you type when everyone else plays. But the golf fans were very educated and were definitely there for a purpose to see high quality golf. So it was really enjoyable to be part of that. In terms of the chat around, I guess there was a whole lot of different languages being spoken, and so it was hard to get a real vibe on um on the overall chat. But I think you know following Foxy, there was a few Kiwis that I think people appreciate, I guess, how well he's doing ah for a New Zealander on the world stage.
Yeah, for sure, mate. And, well, we we appreciate your bringing in and giving us a breakdown of the Gulf. But, so what's next on your itinerary? Are you in Paris for a while or where are you off to next on your grand trails? Yeah, so we've got a couple more days in Paris and and off to the Sea Lisa Carrington on Saturday in the Canoosh Print Final. So that'll be really exciting to see. I'll be sitting on the throne at the Olympian.
and but I'm thinking her final tip for gold. So, yeah, that'd be really exciting. Could be a Kiwi Quinella in that. Yes, which is also the the subplot as well. So, yeah, excited for that. And then just a little bit of travel ah around the South of France and Rome before football. Come home until you're done spraying. Well, all good, mate. Enjoy the Olympics. Enjoy Paris and and and we'll catch you next time. thanks for Thanks for being a roving reporter for Off The Tips. We'll send you a quiz. No worries, mate. Thank you very much.
Well, Matt broke that down pretty nicely. It's pretty good good great for us to get it inside of what it was like on the ground. But Monty, I want to ask you about and about John Rahm. Where are we sitting on him um now? Obviously a tough final day.
But ah very impressive leading up to that. And we've been pretty critical of him on this podcast as of late. I think there's been some pretty big accusations thrown around on John Rahm and he was very, very close to to proving us all wrong. and But mate, i'd I'd be keen to hear where you stand on him because it has been a funny one over the last 12 months. Yeah. No, I think you guys have rightly thrown stones.
I saw him in the group chat pushback as a tad over the weekend and obviously there's an element of recency bias here but ah he probably hasn't got enough credit for let's say the last couple of months like obviously the US Open withdrawal so we haven't really seen him since since May and then he had that T7 at the Open which I think it's important to emphasise that he was on the wrong side of the draw and that was a reasonable swing um
I think you can rightly criticise Liv performances, but he hasn't finished outside the top 10 in a Liv event in his Liv career so far, which is obviously pretty short-lived. And he did win. He won last week. Last week. So, like, there's there's some pretty clear signs in the last two or three months, since the PGA, that he's maybe not back, but he's got that hunger in him and he was evidently distraught. So I'm willing to give him a cup, those first couple of majors next year. If he doesn't show any signs then, then I think we can, we can be more critical. But yeah, like he's thinking after the third round, he led the field in a fairways hit and green and regulation, which in a pretty stacked field was, you know. Yeah. You got me.
Well, I just think, have we maybe overthought it a little bit and he was just simply just out of form. And like, there's nothing really else going on there. And like, there's nothing major. He was just having a bit of a form slump. And, you know, maybe he's back. He's found his feet on a live tour. He just strikes strikes me as a guy that needs to be playing a lot more than he is. yeah it looked And look look at what he's done after he's strung a few tournaments together. Like, it's be it's been almost,
like last year, the start of last year. It's just been- Yeah, I still think though, like he, at least from a demeanor point of view, he's, ah than I don't know. I reckon if if you put himself, it wouldn't surprise me if he actually regrets his decision still, like despite his turnaround. But I guess the counter to that and what you're getting to is he's like a naturally stroppy character, right? Like you've seen, we've seen him for years now and related to his golf.
And we could be easily getting it mistaken and that like he's just been playing shit. He's had a form slap and then everyone's just drawing drawing a bow to live, live, live, you know, so. Yeah, hence I say, yeah, I think I think we probably need to be a little bit more positive and and and we need him in golf, like Ryder cups and everything else that he brings. Oh, absolutely.
Yeah, no no doubt about that. i've got We'll talk about the Kiwis and then we'll just but briefly touch on the women's event because there are only one round in. or maybe We'll maybe make some predictions and and see how they age after seeing the first round of the scorecard. But but Dan Hilliard was clearly unwell and had a tough week, which is pretty bad timing. And you do feel sorry for him. But Foxy and other kind of solid performance from him t twenty two I believe it was off the top of my head. they Decent enough week, but yeah. Oh, we don't want to see Foxy slide after a good round one. Often with him it's almost, well, not always, but sometimes in the bigger tournaments it's almost been the other way.
like he'll maybe start a bit slower and claw himself back. So that was slightly disappointing, but yeah, wait we don't need to repeat what we've done about with him. He's obviously got a big week this week, needing to finish him in the top 70. So hopefully he can ah can get it get something going there.
And before we touch on the golf, the woman stroke play ourself will welcome in our second roving reporter who was on the ground yesterday for the opening round and and ah and a podcast fan favorite, DZ. Welcome to the podcast, mate. And we appreciate you calling in early from Paris.
ah What's the vibe like around Paris?
i su that everything, it was such a just easy day to get out there in terms of there were so many sort of volunteers just helping out telling you where to go even just in the middle of town you told them you want to go to the golf and they were like I swear to you, um just guiding you everywhere but what I found quite funny was there were a lot of non-golfers out there yesterday which was quite interesting because a lot of people I was talking to just there oh yeah nah that's an Olympic event I came to go watch So there were people who didn't understand a lot of etiquette, and there were a lot of people just talking and didn't really see the please quiet signs, so that was pretty funny. So were there any run-ins in the crowd? Oh, there were just a lot of decking away, but I'm not sure how much a different that is to other events, and there were a lot of people just telling others to shut up, but yeah, it was all part of it. That's what you get with a non-bolting crowd.
By all reports, it's a great viewing golf course. Can you attest to that? Is it really easy to see all the golf? Yeah, massively, yeah. All the big eye banks surrounding each hole, which makes it so super to watch. You can basically watch two holes at a time, really. You can watch the one to your left and the one to your right, which makes it really easy. You get great vantage points. You can sit up behind the greens and watch the shots in. It was super.
All good, mate. Any other plans to get some Olympic events or what's next on your itinerary? Have you have you got the sticks over there or are you firmly just backpacking? Yeah, firmly just onto it. No, I snuck in a game when I was in London, and which was heaps of fun, but no golf plans. We're heading up to Brussels today. so Hopefully, um I just walk out of the train station and see the Belt and Bomb at Nick Colzart's just standing there, which would be nice. Geez, that'd be a special occasion. And and how how much longer are you over over in Europe for? I saw you were named in the Templeton Woodwood Cut team, so are they expecting you for the back end of the year? Yeah, yeah, I think, um yeah.
I'm back to the second half of the season, so heading back, making my way back to London by this weekend, and then flying out, doing a couple weeks in Southeast Asia, proper backing through there, which will be interesting. And then back to Christchurch, where I need to probably get stuck and just indulge. Yeah, nice, mate. When are you down in Southeast Asia? And we're about to be tracking to?
um You're going through Vietnam, and ah you're starting at the bottom of Vietnam, getting to the top, and then um going over to to Cambodia, and then you're going down through there. so major There'll be any chance for golf there. ah Nice, mate. what what date This is a personal one. What dates are you in Vietnam? Because I'm there in late September. oh yeah now Just there through the three step start of the through to the end of August. Okay, mate.
um and and In terms of the the general vibe of the the Olympics, you you didn't go and see any other events, but um have yeah have you seen any athletes out on the circuit? No, no athletes out on the circuit. It's quite hard to tell a lot of people because there's obviously so much merch floating about, so you can't really tell if some people are just, if they are actually athletes with all the lanyards walking around or it's just some really fizzed up supporters.
But I popped into the New Zealand house last night to watch the pole vaulted. And yeah, it was a great atmosphere in there getting around the Kiwis. Oh, nice. to do Did you get any merch for yourself? No and none no merch for myself. No, there's certainly a bitch floating down. I couldn't believe there was a lot. There's this big merch store that I walked past and the line was probably probably 300 metres long. So I was thinking like, I was thinking a driver in a probably a 9-360 was how I was thinking of how big the line was. So that was, yeah, I couldn't believe that the fizz for some merch. And now that you've been to an Olympic event, do you think you're now eligible for the Olympic rings, Tatto? Yeah, now probably unlikely. I think that should only be reserved at minimum for a gold medal.
And I'm going to put you in the spot with a quick question about more of the men's golfers. We've been asking it throughout this podcast. ah If you had to pick a golfer that was at the Olympics to represent their country in another Olympic sport, what who and what do you reckon it would be? Oh, that's yeah really that's really on the spot. I think potentially Ryan Fox in the discus.
Oh yeah, that's that's a good call. He'd be able to sling a Frisbee. Yeah, yeah, I just think a similarish movement to golf, you know, and then get a bit of size behind them. Yeah, nice, mate. Well, Dave, we we really appreciate you you're calling into the pod. And I'm sure yeah you gave the listeners a great insight into what it's like around Le Golf Nationale.
Enjoy the rest of the you get the golf if you get a chance to watch it, and if not, all the best with your travels tonight. ah Cheers, fellas. Go well. So and on the women's leaderboard, the the home local favourite, Slane Boothie, leads by three over reigning Australian Open champion, Ashley Buhai at four under. Those two were the only two to to break 70. There's a plethora at T3 at two under, and then including Lilia Vu, who's one to probably look out for, and then is it there's a couple at one, and then a ah good handful at even, including Rosang and Nelly Quarter, and just going back to the ones that won under. Minji Lee is one of those. Monty, let's just make a prediction for come Sunday. out ah out of the How far back's too far back, do you think? And and who do you think will win?
Given the congestion of the leaderboard, I think if you're more than, if you're too over or more, like we can see how far these tournaments swing, but there's a lot of good players that you've already rounded off that you need to surpass. Maybe a couple over. You know, a three shot lead at the top could easily be wrestled. You know, it doesn't take much time. So then you're looking at you know, probably what, at least 20 players within them four shots in the league. Just looking at, just looking at who, is it violent one and two? Like, oh, Lydia, is it even? I think even, like even can still win. I think any more than that, I'd be very surprised if the winner came from from there. ah and Like, and like looking at the people,
one over like you've got Jin Yung Ko, you've got Brooke Henderson, oh Brooke Henderson at two, Lynn Grant at two, like they're kind of the only ones that stand out to me that maybe could. It's a lot of ground to make up though. It's just, it's a lot of ground to make up. So I'm thinking like you've got Zang, Korda, Rioning Yin and Lydia Ko all at even, I feel like they probably that's still a decent sniff and then and then it just gets better with Minji Leah, one under who had an electric finish. She she could be in contention as well. How do you write Lydia's chances? Well to win gold. ah You don't know whether it's a medal or medal? I think she's a huge sniff to medal and like a
I said before those are even are certainly not out of the race for gold either. Um, look, yeah, I, I like her chances. Um, made it slightly harder myself being this far back early, but in saying that only two people broke 70. So like you'd like to, you'd you'd probably assume that those two girls won't do that again. Um, can with the depending, but yeah. Uh, in short, I, I like, I like your chances to get on the podium. What about you?
Yeah, I think she's slowly trending and I don't know, to compete in three Olympics and get three medals will be pretty epic, but there's got to be some increase in intrinsic motivation, right? And obviously the goal would be great to get the trio. But yeah, I mean, I think there's every chance. I thought it was interesting.
that I read during the week that Lilia Fu basically said that she would hold an Olympic gold ahead of any majors. I don't know if you saw that. ah so i just would I haven't seen any, I don't think I've seen any men's players say that. It's interesting, but from a reasonable name, it's a big call. Yeah. Well, someone who's won A couple of a couple of majors, I think it's it's yeah, maybe the girls hold it in higher esteem. They don't have a masters. The the British opens like relatively recently a major and then
like there's only kind of two really long-standing female majors. So like yeah, it's it's an interesting perspective and and and an awesome one to be fair. like Like the Olympics is the pinnacle of almost every other sport. Like why can't it be the pinnacle of golf? like it's Like an Olympic gold medal is like the, the, the pinnacle of sports. So why shouldn't, why shouldn't it be, be held up there? Like, yeah and it's ah it's an interesting way to look at things. The players have got around it so much. Well, it's just so good to see. Particularly for us every four years, when you've, you know, the golf calendar is so poor these days, we can get around two big tournaments in two weeks and see what the minimums. Yeah, absolutely. And but before we knock off,
this pod Monty, I want to throw something to you. I threw it to Dave during his recording and ah I didn't throw it to Matt, but um just off the top of your head, we'll go the men's side of things. If these men's golfers were to compete in another Olympic sport, what do who and what do you think they they'd be?
okay but I thought you were going to list some names. Oh okay, well I can throw a couple off. I was going to suggest something like a Kerry Deck Appy Barnrat in the shop. Yeah, yeah that's that's a pretty safe bet. You can obviously go your Appy Barnrat, your Rams, your Foxes, the the bigger bodies maybe entering into throwing events but I want to get a little bit more creative with things.
like I had a thought that maybe Jason Day with all this new steeze that he's been wearing could be either in the BMX or the or the skateboarding and maybe and probably not with his age I think he'd he'd probably be a little bit past um competing in the break dancing but if he could he could wear some of that drip that he's been wearing and and and definitely start start doing some I'll insert breakdancing move here. I'm not privy to what they are, but that's one. I thought the South Americans tend to be quite good at boxing. So I thought maybe Yaquim Nieman as a featherweight boxer, like he is a tiny, tiny man. So he'd be in and in one of the lighter weight groups, maybe, maybe throwing some hands or
He could also be a dressage writer, I reckon. So that's the polar ends of the spectrum that I think for Yaquim Nieman. What do you reckon, what do you reckon for, you know, for his for his history? Xander competing in the Decathlon because I didn't hear it enough, this this over the coverage about how his dad was aspiring to be a Decathlon Olympian. That was like,
That was on par with Davey and Cook's at Beach Sprinter today. Like every time he was standing over the ball almost. I reckon like a, I reckon like a Matt Fitzpatrick.
in that shooting where all those blokes were wearing glasses. He just comes across aesthetically as a very nerdy, nerdy guy and I know he isn't really, well, he sort of is and just, I just couldn't help but when I saw those shooters I think of absolute wet blankets, which he probably. Yeah, I reckon. I like the guy, I like the guy but it's probably a bit harsh. be he brings a make one this and brings us certain energy um Yeah, well, I reckon his teammate, Tommy Fleetwood, in the archery, he kind of looks like Robin Hood. Yeah.
Yeah, it's a good one. What about the winner, Scottie Sheffler? He can only be a golfer, can't he? Like, you can't really see him. Yeah, he strikes me as a guy who doesn't be too far from missionary, nor is he very too far from golf.
Oh, mate, well, like, ah i I've run out of these, probably should have prepared a few. you But um ah I just want to bring a couple more Olympic things to you. Did you see the bloke doing the pole vault that knocked the bar off with his pace? Yeah, that's outstanding. His baguette, a French guy. His baguette, that was getting thrown around a lot. Love to see that. um And how do you reckon he journeyed up in the Olympic village after that?
He would have had to have, although he's up against some stiff competition. I can imagine this. No, no pun intended. yeah you Oh, well, Monty, this is great. I can't wait to hear the the war stories from Hilary Cuppman, the Jack Sparrow, post the Olympics. Yeah, I don't know if I don't know if that'll be fit for for broadcast, but mont do you have any do you have any parting words for for the pod? Anything to look forward to or or can we wrap this thing up and and and i have a few scooters? No, let's wrap it up. It's been a pleasure, mate. You go well. Well, guys, we really appreciate you tuning in once again. Enjoy the Women's Olympics over the weekend. It's no doubt going to be a great finish and we'll catch you all Yeah, I would love to say same time, same place, but we've been all over the show when we released these. So, I'm catching you, sweetie.