Episode 66 - Airport howlers and dog bites image

Episode 66 - Airport howlers and dog bites

Off The Tips
18 Plays3 months ago

AC returns from a hiatus in Mexico, and is forced to put his hand up about his no-show after the U.S Open. The boys catch up on what they have missed in the golf world. They go on tangents about hypnotherapy, airports and, dog bites while they are at it. Can’t miss this one.

Hello and welcome back to the Off The Tips Podcast. We're calling in after a ah week hiatus and a man who's been in South America, you know, flying around. He's been been on Angal Hunt. and and Now he's back on the pod, AC. Welcome home, brother. What's what's been happening? Hey, cow. Hey, listeners. Yes, a lot's been happening with me, actually. It's been a busy sort of 10 days. Went to the Foo Fighters before I went to Mexico. Then been to Mexico for a week, came back for Kings of Leon, and then now I'm here on the pod ah fronting up despite some jet lag. but
Yeah, no anger sightings, which is disappointing, but I had a great time in Mexico, great food, plenty of Corona's drunk, although it's a bit of a myth about the Corona's there. There's not, they're actually quite hard to come by. um Yeah, a lot safer than I thought it'd be. were We were in touristy areas, but never felt unsafe at all. it was It was good. Spanish was pretty rough. ah There wasn't a lot of English spoken. They weren't too bad, but it was, yeah, it was eye-opening. It was good. What do you got for me in Spanish?
um La Quinta, that's the belllet the bill. they got some lot and rush's yeah
I've put on the spot. and sure I will also stipulate that that me asking if you saw Angola asking if you saw Vijay Singh in Australia, it's just just because he's from the same continent doesn' doesn't make you favor and the right country. He's Argentinian. I was taken bit tang back by that question.
yeah but bigful i What is there to do and in Mexico? I haven't done a lot of research into into it, but what did you have some nachos? We did, mate. We did. They're very different in the NZ. There's no um no cheese to be cited. i'm Just a lot of salsa, guacamole. A lot of tacos, fajitas. They were probably my ah highlight. The fajitas were outstanding. ah
Yeah, just just quite different to New Zealand. like there were There were times I'm like, I actually would love a sort of Western Mexican restaurant right now. um ah that yeah A lot healthier, a lot better for you. No, it was really good. In terms of what to do, ah we were kind of in touristy areas. So it was pretty chill really. there was You can go to what they call cenotes. They're like these, ah they have a lot of these like like limestone sort of pools and like caves.
um So we went to one of those, there's heaps them around. I think a lot of people sort of hop from Cenote to Cenote. Yeah. but Um, checked out some like old ruins and stuff, which is classic. It's always a bit of a drag. Like once you've seen some, some rocks, you've, you've seen it all really in in my opinion, but ship over I've done a lot of that. my tre Sounds like a, sounds like a fantastic experience and then you've, you've wrapped it up with
with head banging at some rock concerts. But um one thing that we're going to have to get out of the way and you're going to have to address the issue is the no show on the pod after the US open. I simply thought that was disgraceful. And your your behavior was just so questionable. We even got some hate on social media because of the letter you left saying that you weren't going to come on. what What have you got to tell the listeners on that?
we um I think it is pretty cowardly. um I'm happy to i'm heavy to admit that. A bit like Rory doing the no-show after the tournament. um Yeah, just a broken man, Cal. A late night here. ah was It was tough. i don't really I can't really explain myself too much. i I'd also had a very busy week packing for Mexico and and the Foo Fighters, but that's no excuse. I should have fronted. I apologize for that. But I also, it felt right at the time. So like looking back on it, I apologize, but man, that week was tough. I needed a cuddle and um yeah, I just, ah he's going to win at Trune. Otherwise I'll be wearing a crushed his hat on the pod. So.
Where do you we find a Crusher's hat nowadays? Yeah, I had a look. They're not cheap off the live gold things. I looked it up and I went, oh, fuck, that's a lot of money. But hey, I'm a man of my word and I said I'd do it. So yeah, Rory, better win it, Trune. Yeah, well, I'm sure he's listening. You've already kind of touched on how your morale was at the time, but three weeks on, How are you? Are you still waking up in a cold sweat during the night? or you
and time it's all state now I've gone over it. I i think, I actually think there's a lot of positives out of it. His game was there. He made bad swing on the par three and missed a really short one. I don't think the one on 18, like, yeah, you got to make those two in golf tournament, but I've I think it's been overblown how tricky that part was. like He started outside the hole, yucky squirrely one down the hill. That one we can live with, that was the the short part and just a bad club choice on the part three. And all in all, apart from that, i played very good. Could have easily, you know, bounce could have gone his way on the fifth.
And um hes he's sitting there with the US Open. So I'm positive about, I'm bullish that he's going to front at Trone. Well, I'm not. And I hope you're right. that i think yeah there that is just but We've already talked about it on the last poll, but yeah, I think that's that's going to be a really tough one to swallow. But mate, we won't I know you haven't been old for a few weeks, but we can't be talking about golf tournaments that are nearly a month long. So I can't imagine you've been, been flush with that golf, golf watching on your travels and, and to be honest, I've been away as well. So I'm not as well versed as as I normally claim to be, but I, I just kind of just
I think we'll just go back and forth and talk about some things that have happened over the last couple of weeks and and had yeah and go from there. but we start with oh well The most recent is Cam Davis winning the Rocket mortgage Mortgage Classic, his first win since 2021. A win that I personally didn't didn't see coming, he'd been pretty much stinking it up all year. He hadn't had any any top tens that he even said himself that he would that he'd been struggling. But what he did do, I see, and why I bring this up is he he'd been seeing a hypnotherapist, which I thought was interesting.
I I've always thought I'd be I'd be scared of it to have the therapist that like I'd be fucked up for life. but I don't know why I've always thought that, but just like, I don't know, they might change something and then you just like, I don't know. That's some dribble, but what were you going to see? You see in the movies? Well, I was going to ask you how you reckon you'd go if you got hypnotized. Do you reckon it's legit? I think there's some merit to it. I do. Like I don't, like I'm not a hypnotherapy expert.
But I don't know, I feel like if I did it, it could just bring up a whole heap of head noise. I know. I don't think I need to be dabbling in that. but about yeah What Well, my thought process is like, you know how in the movies or or TV shows in the early 2010s, I'd be like, if you hear this word, like this will happen or you'll fall asleep. I was like, I just don't physically. That's my only experience with any hypnotherapy and hearing about it. And it just seems from the outside, looking at like one of the bigger crock-a-shits of all time. Yeah, that's fair enough. I ah think enough people to do it to make it seem like it it's valid. um Yeah.
Maybe I should have it to get rid of my bowling hips. I should try it. Maybe I can make her a tan and let her in a patch. That's actually, that's not the worst shout. Maybe we can document that. I was on a call to, I was on a call to Cantavis yesterday morning and he did say that it's not kind of, not what you think no therapy is. It's more like a deep meditation. So, OK, look, whether that's worth researching, it's just, you know, i what I gathered from that was it just ah puts you in a more of a relaxed state than, you know, this all this freaky shit that we think it might be. Yeah, ah it's definitely we're going off movies, as you say. It sounds like it's sort of like a reset and it just sort of tries to clear clear any rubbish that sort of that shouldn't be there.
but man she's i but know maybe maybe we get des done applaud this is some terrible But it's like so but i'll move on like I can't imagine you had any takes from the rocket mortgage classic when you were, you know, crossing from Mexico. No, taste nah nothing from me.
Well, also while you're away mate, there was a great event on the the woman's PGA, which was won by Amy Yang, who hey had several close calls at the majors and she she was 34 and in winning at 34, she became the oldest major winner in kind of the last six years. That's wild. It just shows how, I know. So since 2018, I believe it was off the top of my head that that No one in there above the age of 34 is one of Meiji, which was what was really surprising out of that. she And what I will say, because we didn't get a chance to do a pod last week and recap it, was she was phenomenal. I really enjoyed watching watching her play and I really enjoyed the course. Sahili Country Club but it reminded me a lot of
some, you know, get gave a bit of a nostalgia of some really tight-lined New Zealand golf courses. And I was sitting there watching like, yeah, I've seen a couple of these tee shots before.
i ah The first tee, Jesus, that was tight. i I would just be hitting it into the absolute boondah off a lot of those to holes. I didn't watch a lot of the golf. I just saw, saw snippets of it. And yeah, that was my first impression too, was like, I've seen these, these forests off fairways and they're not, they're not fun. Um, did you watch much of it, Cal? Like, did you buckle in or was it more a final round watch sort of thing? I was in, I wasn't in end it actually. So the coverage was actually really average.
it was and it was on at a niggly time a bit later in the morning when I was working. So, look, ah in short, I didn't catch nearly as much as I would have liked to. I didn't actually catch much of the middle of the men's US Open either, which was pretty disappointing while I was while i was over there. But um yeah, in short, i didn't I didn't see much, but I and know i saw some of the final yeah round and she was kind of, she did take a late tumble, but she was just too far ahead. and Man, it was pretty routine in the end. And, you know, but I actually was starting to think and and i wrote I wrote a piece for the open that's coming up that like, man, she's got one, maybe the floodgates are open because she is a perennial contender.
at at the majors without getting the chocolate. So yeah maybe that's the kind of the shove she needed. But keeping on the theme of a woman's golf mate, Nellie Korda this week. Well, actually, we talk before I talk about a little bit of ah a funny situation with Nellie, can we just talk about her play at the moment? like I think she had 67-81 to miss the cut at the PGA. She had one similar sort of round to miss the cut at the US Open. She's won one major this year and missed the cut at two others. We're getting literal rocks and diamonds with the best player in the world at the moment. It's so hard to get a gauge on.
Yeah, I think Only she would really know what's going on there. It's it's sort of hard to fathom. ah like I don't read heaps into it. I think maybe at times she might put a bit too much pressure on herself. We saw like she was in tears down like down the last hole when she knew she was going to miss the cart, the PGA, which was tough to see. It's strange. It is strange. It just seems to be that, yeah, when when she turns up and her swing's not there, it just gets completely out of hand. She's always been a streaky putter, so sometimes in the bull striking there, putter doesn't bail her out. But, yeah, I don't know. I don't even have any answers to that question, Cal. Yeah, I still...
I still think she'll win at St Andrews personally. So look, if if we see more of the same going into the next two majors, the Evian and then the Open, then maybe that that's some cause for concern. But why I bring the other quarter up is she's had to withdraw this week because she got bitten by a dog, just a canine is just latched on to the best player in the world, which which I wasn't expecting to come across my desk, to be honest. But um I see, I just, it leads me to ask you, have you had any uncomfortable encounters with what's the dishlickers?
I'm not a big dog guy. i don't I don't love them, but I have never had like a proper bite. I've had like, you know, I've had them sort of grab you, but not not really like breaking the skin so sort of stuff. What about you? Um, yeah, well, I had a pretty, a pretty tough encounter. I was, uh, at rugby league training and Enderley and Hamilton, which for our Hamilton local listeners, they'll know, you know, probably not the safest part of the world. Uh, pretty rough, bit scary. And, um, the the week before we had actually had a guy that streaked
He was clearly on something. he He'd streaked through training and jumped the fence and started fist fighting this dog and proceeded to get tasered out on the street by the but the police. But I digress. that that The but Thursday training I rolled up, still slightly rattled from what it unfolded on a Tuesday. And this dog that had been unwillingly in a rumble with a meth addict on the loose, jumped the fence and I was just going through, that through a captain's run, you know, just some set plays with, with me at dummy half, just, just firing, firing the ball to my playmakers and this dog just comes and latches onto my, onto my leg. And I'm like, I'm like shaking it off and, and it hurt and, and all my,
my mate and My teammates just thought it was the funniest thing ever. And then, not only did I kick it off, it it came back it came back for more. so Which was pretty uncomfortable. I was pretty ah pretty fucking scared. i like This bulldog's just absolutely rabid. my My next concern was did it break the skin and am I going to have to go go to a doctor here and get a shot? So I don't sort of get rabies or worse, turn into a bulldog. So that was pretty much that. says That was my experience with dogs. Why do you think it picked you out?
I'm not sure. It was maybe it's because I was like, if I'm being thoughtful there and actually thinking about it, maybe it was a bit playful and I had my hands on the ball. Like every time they were like rolling and I was picking up and throwing it. So it might've thought that, you know, I was planning on going to fetch. I was pretty close to going studs up into this bulldog, but I didn't. Yeah. So. But yeah, by that's that's tough. That in short, well, it actually ended up being in long as my my kind of only only dog encounter. I remember um the great date at the end of the street um all latched onto my my sister when she was young at a pretty rogue encounter. But, you know, you get that on the big jumps. So, mate, I move on. Marcy, I'll see.
he it Speaking of passion. Speaking of big names. Speaking of dogs. We go we go it got one of them what are the great bulldogs and contention. Marci I've seen wins the Italian Open. um i Did you see the kit he was sporting on Sunday? I did. He actually pulls it off. He does. It is pretty rude though, the but pastel pink pants and the Hawaiian shirt. Yeah, I think he does. I think he rocks it. Does myself. Yeah. Oh yeah. I live with a ponytail, probably pull that off. button so yeah But anyway. like
and Forging a pretty like he's got an impressive career like six wins and and a great story to go with that in all seriousness like lost his card a couple of years ago got straight back on tour through that through Q school won the Indian Open last year won the Italian Open this year is our man a world player is he is he hunting national titles and
Imagine if he used a tour card. Imagine seeing him just stomping around the earth. Cal, you famously stated that you thought he was smoky for the Ryder Cup. In all seriousness, how many times do you reckon he'd have to win to be in consideration for Bethpage? Do you reckon he'd have to win like five? He'd have to automatically qualify. Yeah. So like what, just do what Bobby Mack did. I'm pretty sure Bobby Mack won once and just, it did and he just didn't go, didn't fucking go away. He just like would just, he just played literally every week that like, but in saying that, if you, if the question is how many times do you think you have to win? I'd say two regular tour events, no, three regular tour events and and a flagship event, maybe.
or two in a flagship. I mean, one of the Italian open, one of those, one of those rank events in Dubai and then one like the win worth or the British masters or, yeah, it was something like that or the Scottish. Well, that's a PGA to win now. So, yeah. Well, I think, yeah, the numbers probably three or four. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Here we go. I'll put a statement that out here now. If Marcel Seem makes the Ryder Cup squad, I will be on the first tee when he takes his opening tee shot.
they No one knows, no one knows passion like me. And I just need to, I need to feel that energy. I want to, I want to see that, I want to see that passion in person. Oh my God. I just, if he's, if he's like fist pumping. missing fairways and shit. i i I have to be there for it. Yeah. Monty and I hunted them down at hunts him down at the open and he was fist pumping three footers on Thursday. It was some serious passion fashion man. it It's what you it's what you'll love to see and you'd argue that no one
No one would ever look better hatless at a Ryder Cup than the Seamanator. But the Seamanator's not a great one, is it? No, as soon as that rolled out your mouth. Yeah. No, but in all seriousness, he's been playing some impressive and consistent golf. so Well, yeah you just never know, but the Ryder Cup's obviously a long way away. so it's like so but Yeah, was it wasn't really a serious question. No, it's maybe if if he was eligible for the President's Cup, it could be you know it yeah definitely be discussed. but but and Another thing coming up is the Olympics. Where where do you where do you kind of personally sit on golf at the Olympic Games?
I don't love it. I don't really, I don't think you should be there. I think if they made it like sort of a mixed format, I think it could be a lot more interesting. I can imagine like Foxy and Lydia like playing together. That'd be cool. Best ball situation or like an old shot? Yeah, I don't know how they'd do it, but I don't know. I think it'd be interesting, ah but I don't know. i like So you're telling me you're telling me you want to see the Zurich at the Olympics? Oh, nowhere near as gimmicky. i don't I don't know how you do it, but I'd love it their way to be like the woman and men playing sort of the same tournament. I don't know how you do it. um
Like you could, yeah, I haven't like put enough thought into that to really come up with this big tape, but I like having golf there now is okay. Tennis is there. So it's like, oh, if everything's going to be there, you might as well. Um, but I still don't really necessarily agree with those sports tennis golf being at the Olympics. I think it's got to be the, I think it's going to be the pinnacle of your sport and it's not like that. I'd all say that rather a major. It was right out of my mouth. But you you say that, mate. And I was on it. I asked Hannah Green about an hour ago where an Olympic medal would rank. Like she's won a major and and she said if she won gold at the Olympics, she'd rank it higher than her major victory. So it's interesting to see some players perspective.
on that. Like I was pretty surprised by that, you know, a sport that's only been at three Olympics and and it but it shows like it's a gold medal at the Olympics is the most iconic thing you can receive in sport. So it's like if you put it into perspective. I don't know how to put this into words, but it's like the
If you had a random come around to your place that doesn't know anything about much about golf and you had your US Open trophy sitting there and your gold medal, that gravitates towards the gold medal because it's just got that prestige about it. But as like a golfer, you probably know that the US Open was harder, bigger field, um tougher golf course usually. So you probably hold that in more regard. I think that's like the ah sort of the mindset. But so in terms of showing off what you've but you've achieved, to the average Joe, the medal would stick out the most. and i I also think like these that day ah never really all of these golfers are never really getting to pull on their national colours and represent their country. like
A lot of them would never have done it since they were amateurs. So i think like I think that holds a lot of weight. At the Olympics, you're playing for a little bit more than and maybe what you are in a major championship. I i don't know if that's- Yeah, that's a good point. No, I think that's very valid. But yeah, so I'm pretty big on golf at the o Olympics as well. i caught it I definitely see ah that the got that the Olympics should be the pinnacle for your sport, for sure. But um I have enjoyed having golf at the Olympics, opposed to having, you know, like football.
And I think individual sports are a bit different too, like the the football and the sevens, like, that's kind of hard to get around. And don't get me started on the on the other shit that they bring in like skateboarding, which ah I suppose is it's it's an individual sport too, but you know, i didn't i if you told me as a kid that all these kickflips would get you a gold medal, I'd have been in a tough spot. but Well I wouldn't mate, you'd have to pull something out of it a bit better than that.
sorry that's thats that's as broad as my skateboarding knowledge goes, so. I've got a real note.
oh Actually, speaking of skateboarding, did you ever operate a tech deck? I did. They were a big thing at school. but just Just sit one in your little... You didn't know what the fuck you were doing with it. right What a fucking shit like toy. It's like looking back on it. i um But anyway mate, do you have anything on the Gulf, anything else to add or can we move into AC or Outland off some of the tough things he saw while he's been away?
or Um, oh, there's one thing I was about to say. I do. One thing about the Olympics that is quite cool is that you can get recognized for second and third. I don't think it's a bad thing in golf where it's always sort of when it takes it all, which is cool. But I remember watching last Olympics and there was like a, I think there's about five of them in the playoffs. There was Rory was in there, a couple others all playing off for a bronze medal. And that was pretty compelling to watch. And they were.
it was It was high-stakes stuff still. You're trying to win a medal. Yeah. That's the only thing I've had. Yeah. What a rogue. Yeah. Royce have a team here on silver. Yeah, that's a wrong it' a rogue trio of medals. It was. But hey. And another thing that we will add about the Olympics is ah Lydia Koza, the only dual medalist. in golf at the Olympics, she's got a bronze and a silver and by she's every every chance of winning gold. Very mixed results this year, but she clearly seems to turn up at the Olympics and is pretty proud of representing New Zealand. So, you know, that's a massive medal chance for yeah for the country. Agreed. But mate, Scotland's incoming.
yeah I believe you leave in a couple of days. yeah we Monty and I discussed Scotland a bit last week i or two weeks ago. I just want to maybe check in with you. You're playing some pretty premier golf courses, some of the best in the world and the most historic. um You'd imagine that you're coming into this and your game's in pretty pretty good shape. Mate, it's a bit concerning. I've been so busy. um I'm a little worried. I'm not going to lie. I just need to go in there and just have no expectations because it's the only way I'm going to enjoy myself because I ah can't imagine the golf is going to be flash, especially at the start. We're playing 10 days in a row. So after two or three, I think the rest will be off. But the first few days could be tough. We've got North Barrett to start and it's I've always just dreamed of playing that golf course. um So I wish it wasn't first up.
but I'm just going to have to front and and play well. We plan to get to the driving range quite early and that will be a real. The thing about that though, that could also create more problems than it solves standing on a driving range after not playing in a while. um And then we move into Kings Barns, then we've got a day spare to try, getting the belt at St Andrews, Carnosdy, Aberdeen, Turmbury, Cruden Bay, Cullen. Royal Dornak, Castle Stewart. So that's, that's our itinerary. um
Very excited though, to play some Looney's Golf. um And just be good to see Monty, haven't seen him in a year. So, oh mate, I'm, I'm up and about. I've, I've packed, I've already packed, like I was that excited, little kid. Nah, I just can't wait. her Have you, have you guys sorted any, what are you doing any extracurriculars? Like, is there anything outside of the golf that yeah you've got your eyes set on? Or is this just strictly business? No, we will. There's plenty to do in Edinburgh touristy wise. We'll have heaps of time. There's so much daylight in Scotland at this time of year. It'll be dark at 10.30 and we're playing played what fight?
Yeah, maybe later, five hour round. So we'll we'll we'll fit plenty in. We'll try to keep busy. I think a lot of Guinnesses will be consumed. There'll be a lot of parking up at pubs in the afternoons too. So I'll be good. I think monte Monty's been firing in some Loch Ness Monster stuff. I think there might be a little hunt on for that at some stage.
So yeah, I don't know. Apart from that, we don't we don't really have anything planned. We'll just sort of wing it. um But we'll definitely, you know, we're we like to think we're fairly well-rounded individuals. So we'll make sure he we do some other stuff other than golf while we're there. That's great, guys. it's It's a pity that, you know, the the Scottish football season hasn't, has concluded and you couldn't get to a like a Celtics Rangers, Derby or even bigger ah a part of Thistle Game.
Mate, yeah, that that's tough. there The Euros are on though, so I think it The pubs will be going off. It'd be epic if, like, Scotland had and made the last 16. No, I suppose you would have maybe just missed it, yeah, because it probably, if they'd somehow got through that, you know? Well, once you're in the final, the final's for me, mate, it's anyone's game. But, mate, We'll move on to our playoff holes. ive Do you have any tough scenes? yeah You maybe hinted to me that you might have some stuff to get off your chest. so I do. oh I'll just sit back, turn the mic off and let you go at it. Okay, first off, a popular topic on this pod and in this segment is ah the airports. and um I just exposed to a lot of it in Mexico. i
On the way there, probably still the worst case of ah baggage carousel hovering I've seen in my life, where everyone's just so close to it. You couldn't even see where your bag was. I just don't understand it. There's just nothing logical about being that close to the baggage carousel. They were even going over the lines. The lines are there for a reason. It was tough. that that was probably And then on the flight back, I had to go via Miami. And so I ended up on a plane just full of Americans. And that was that was one of the worst flight experiences I've ever had. Just a lot of annoying people. I had i was in the middle.
um So I was on the side where there's three and I was in the middle of that. I'd asked for an aisle seat and I wasn't provided with one. And either side of me were two mates and they were and were your classic sort of buff gym guys with you know the but chicken legs and the big arms. so And they were, it was a big case of man spreading. So I was sort of really tucked up in the middle there, didn't have any room. And they would talk to each other past me, ah which was just fucking awful to deal with. Just some yanks just leaning over talking to each other. And so I hinted like, oh, do you guys want to sit next to each other? They clearly knew each other. And they're like, no, we're fine where we are. And I was like, shit, they didn't get the hint there. Keep talking. And I was like, oh, this is going to be a long flight. Just put the headphones in full blast.
still could hear them talking and then they eventually stopped and tried to sleep. And then at that point, a few of them keep waking up like spasming. I reckon they were hot off a bender or something. They were, they were, it was like a nightmare sort of things. Like one of them would wake up and like kind of yell. I just was also almost scared. I was almost scared to be honest, mate. It was, it was not a fun flight. I didn't sleep a wink. And that's probably why I slept for 12 hours last night. It caught up to me. um Yeah, it was a tough flight home, and I must say. Wow, mate. That is but incredibly tough to hear. I don't know what to say. i A couple of Jimbros spasming.
on ah on a aircraft as is is something we might have to look to incorporate into the title of this podcast. But that is, that sounds like a lot. Have got any more tough you tough scenes? I've got a few. well i actually I actually didn't until you started rattling off airport chat. And I was like, actually, I had one of the most fucking traumatic flights. Well, traumatic travel days home from from New Zealand. and And I was like, I completely forgot about it until now. So look, if you will, humor me. I'll break down what happened to me. and was Well, I was on my way to golf out at Hardin, which I played some comp golf.
out right out in the North can of every Country and I proceeded to come dead fucking last. i you I used the mates clubs that were way too long for me. Couldn't hit the ball. I was hitting the driver absolutely off the map left. it was It was one of the tougher days of all time. But on the way out there, I got an email saying, your flight's been canceled on Monday. And I was like, oh, brilliant. That's that's one of the all time tough carries. and then And I was like, oh, it's in New Zealand. They'll get me on another flight. Like, well, good might be a bit later. And then I got an email. We've got you on another flight. And i mind you, I was flying direct. Sydney did, oh, Christchurch to Sydney. Six o'clock in the morning. Would have been at work at nine o'clock. It's a three hour flight, right? Can I get get to the airport? Well, I knew this beforehand. I checked my phone. Yeah.
I'll have crosshairs to Wellington. Five hour layover of Wellington to crosshairs. Wellington to Sydney. And I'm like, oh, that is right up there with one of the the tougher carries of all time. Man, while I'm at Wellington Airport, there's a like ah almost like a lockdown. Alarm's going off left, right and center. um freaking out. um I've got through customs at this point. they're a place There there are security everywhere. So I'm like, I've seen this movie before. There's a shooter. I went to straight to the worst case scenarios, started checking all my exits. That delayed things again. It was a bit of a false alarm, not to mention actually my flight from Christchurch Airport was delayed because of fog for an hour and a half. And then
I get on the flight to Sydney. I'm like, brilliant. I'm home straight. This has been a long day. There's a crying baby by me. And look, I don't have issues with crying babies. I can imagine how hard parenting is on a flight. But when this mother stood up to maybe get a bottle or a water dump, some description, she proceeded to knock the lid off her husband's water bottle in the top thing and it just spilled all over me before the plane had taken off. And I'm like, fuck, that is tough. And then she didn't even notice and I'm like,
I'm starting to, the steam's starting to come out of the big fellas there. I'm like, this is fucked. This has been a day from hell. Then anyway, we get through land and there's a, there's a, I shouldn't laugh at this. They're like, oh, I'm going to have to stay on the tarmac. The paramedics are boarding. I'm like, oh, are you kidding me? So I've had the longest day and then yeah, someone's, Well, someone's clearly had a tougher day because they're getting stretching off my aircraft. But yeah they were fine. They were fine. I saw them afterwards. Yeah, that's good. good but But then I get to ah get to customs and I'm like, I know full well I haven't cleaned my golf shoes. And i he asked me and I'm like, I'm not lying, I'll get stung with a fine. And I was like, ah that's not that bad.
He takes them out of the bag and this is on me, this one. but Sometimes when you're on the wrong AC, you've got to hold your hand up. They were literally caked in mud, like that full layer on the bottom. And he just proceeded to like fucking dress me down about the state of my shoes. And I'm like, yeah, yeah, I can cop this. Was this an Aussie? This is an Aussie. And then to make it worse, I had I had a, I had a slow, a special slow cooker. It was just, it was not a special slow cooker. It's a slow cooker sitting at home in Christchurch. I put that in my, in my bag and I, as I'm opening up to get my, um to get my golf shoes out, it is just shattered. And there is just that, I don't know what it is, but that,
ceramic like pottery all through my bag, shattered all through my clothes. I'd done all my washing like before I got on the flight, folded it it all and I was like, this is fucked. And then after giving me a spray for my shoes, he goes, well mate, next time you're packing this, you want to you want to make sure you put your clothes inside it because mate, have you seen how they throw those bags around? And I'm like, yeah, I had a fragile sticker on it. And he's like, And I was like, oh well, mate, next time I'm shifting a crockpot internationally, I'll make sure I do that. I'd had enough.
yeah Oh, that's good, man. But yeah, you know. Oh, that's funny. Mate, sometimes the big fella upstairs gives his toughest battle to his toughest soldiers. so hoping ah got
Yeah, that's so that's good to hear, brother. But apart from that, life's good. That's definition of a tough scene. Yeah, mate. Well, we've been dribbling off three quarters of an hour, mate. have you Have you got any parting words as I ask you every week for the listeners or anything that to look forward to? and any Any thoughts, queries? you You just let them know and if not, we'll sign off, mate. No, nothing really. ah I'm out. We'll, we'll try throw plenty of content, content on the Instagame while we're in Scotland. Um, yeah, we'll, we'll do that. That's the only thing I was going to say. We'll have to maybe, hopefully you and Monty get another chance to sit down and and do a podcast while you're over there. And if not, I'll be, I'll be scrambling for co-hosts. So, hey, if you're, if you're keen on a ah start to your broadcasting career, you know, slide into our DMs on Instagram and yeah and you might, you might get a nod.
at co-hosting off the tips of you. Well, actually, we'll probably take anybody. So like, it yeah, if you would. ah But anyway, guys, we we appreciate you tuning in. And as always, like, share, subscribe. And and we hope you enjoyed the podcast. there was there There was not a whole heap of education in there, but you know, we we got through to the end and and and we tried our very best. So we'll we'll catch you all next week and AC safe travels to Scotland. Hopefully you find the middle of the club face on that first tee.