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Everything Halloween image

Everything Halloween

S1 E29 · Three Lil Fishes
46 Plays5 months ago

It’s officially October and the sisters are excited to get into the swing of everything Halloween. Lynne shares secrets on how to prepare your carved pumpkins so that they look fresh and stay uneaten all month, even in the heat of the south. Nancy shares a fun way to present Halloween cocktails…bloody dipped, and Kathy shares the story of the eleven-year teepee feud with she and her neighbors are engaged in. Word is this year there may be a partial cease-fire. Time will tell.

What’s for dinner

We like chili this time of year as the weather starts to turn cold. But Lynne’s Egg Roll in a Bowl sounded more more interesting and fun to share this week.

Here’s one option, but a quick google search will turn up many variations.

Egg Roll in A Bowl.

1 Lb Ground Turkey (or sausage)

1 bag dry coleslaw mix (shredded cabbage and carrots)

5 cloves garlic, minced

1/2 tsp ground ginger

1/2 Cup low sodium soy sauce

Slice green onion

Edamame (optional)

Bean Sprouts (optional)


In a large, deep skillet, brown ground turkey. Meanwhile, in a small bowl combine garlic, ginger, and soy sauce and set aside.

Once the turkey is cooked through, add dry coleslaw mix, edamame and bean sprouts to skillet and stir to combine.

Pour soy sauce mixture into skillet and stir, continuing to cook over medium heat until cabbage is slightly wilted, but still crunchy.

Serve as-is in bowls for a low carb option, or over steamed rice.

Preserving Pumpkins

Blood Rimmed Cocktail glass

1/4 Cup Karo Syrup

Red Food coloring

Heat Karo syrup on stovetop or in microwave. Add red food coloring and stir to combine. Dip glass rim and let a little drip down the side as a cools. Add ice and your favorite cocktail.

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Toilet Paper Prank Confession

There was like a toilet paper roll that was from the tree that went all the way to our neighbor's like yard. bless it did They left a trail behind and we knew it was our neighbor's. They ended up confessing, but it took forever to clean that mess up. and then So we retaliated and got them, I mean, this has been going on.

Introduction to 'Three Little Fishes' Podcast

For 11 years? 11 years, back and forth.
Welcome to Three Little Fishes, where three sisters who grew up in the Midwest together but have since spread across the country. I live in Los Angeles. I'm in Nashville. And I live in Philadelphia. We are all married with children. We've all had careers, but now we stay at home with our families. We've all been through ups and downs that come along with life and have always helped each other through.
shared stories and laughed together. We welcome all of you into our daily conversations and hope you have some fun with us. So let's jump in.

Nancy's Stein Boot Win at Oktoberfest

white girl Hey Nancy, I saw a very cute picture of you over the weekend holding a ginormous glass boot filled with beer. Pray tell what was going on there.
I don't, you guys, I never win anything, but I won something. So we went to Oktoberfest with some friends of ours over the weekend. And honestly, it was super fun. I needed a little fun and it was nice to get out. They had um this German bar. um We went to this German bar and there was a band and they sang some German music and people were dressed up. I did not dress up. People did dress up though.
Like for Halloween or for german but like Octoberfest? For Octoberfest, like later hosin and Drindles. And we sat next to this um cute group of girls. I mean, I'm calling them girls, but they were professionals. They were like 29 year old like lawyers. They were getting together. They went to UCLA together and they were super fun and they were dressed up in a in Drindles and cute outfits.
And this one girl, her name was Hannah, she's 29,

Bonding with Hannah at Oktoberfest

and she kept telling me I need a Drindle that I would look really good in it with my blonde hair. And I felt like we really bonded, and I don't know, she knew how old I was, but I was like, I loved her, and she was super fun, and she was my buddy all night long. ah but chinese But she was like, they do this contest where they fill up these steins with water, and you know, steins are big and heavy, yeah and they fill them with water, and there's like 10 people,
in a row and they have like the women and the men. And she's like, they're going to do this contest. And if you win, if you can hold out and hold your Stein with water, you'll get this Stein boot.
but she love You have, you have to hold it the longest because you know, it's really heavy. Oh, so like like goes a bent arm or a straight arm. Like what are the rules? no Like a straight arm and you have to hold it the longest and it can't like waver like up or down. And you all, I won. I won the bootstein. I was just proud of myself. I love it. Congratulations girl.
I'm actually surprised. There wasn't drinking. It was just, was that just one game? That was just the one game that they did. It was literally a strength contest. I could never do chugging a beer. I don't know. I've been to a couple of festivals with you. I've been to a couple of festivals with you. I very vividly remember you can. I don't know. I don't know. Yes. You may be out of practice, but you can do it.
It was just a little it was a little light when I feel like things around here have been super heavy. So it was just like a little light a little fun and I like and We had a fun table and I just felt like I turned to Tim at several points and I'm like, I think I still am fun. Like I still have it in me to be fun. You have fun. You are fun. Yeah. You're super fun. I love that. Well, congratulations. Thank you. yeah What about you all? How are you guys today? Anything to report?

Impact of Hurricane Helene

You know, that hurricane Helene or whatever went through um Florida and went up the coast and kind of hit Nashville a little bit and then really hit South Carolina.
And so homecoming was last weekend and the parade got canceled. So it was this morning. They re they redid it and they're doing it today. And then, um, so Jack, our youngest is a senior. So he was on the hockey float, you know, for a little bit. And we were in Toronto over the weekend playing hockey and, you know, nothing exciting. Just the same old, it's all good. That hurricane was, was, was bad. So if anybody's listening who are effective, we're,
thinking about you, that was hard. Yeah, yeahm great we yeah we got some effects of Helene as well. And actually I have a good friend whose parents were really affected. They live in Tampa and their house got flooded and they're 90 years old. And yeah so yeah they had a lot of damage. yeah yeah So yeah, our hearts go out to them.
Um, but yeah, we just had rainy weather all weekend because of it. It literally rained, has been raining here for a week straight. And so I decided cause I was feeling bad for myself cause Peter was gone. I was like, I'm going to plant some flowers outside because yeah I was getting geared up for October, which, you know, it's Halloween fall and I had had all my spring stuff still out. So.
I planted some moms and then I planted some pansies and my dog. I bet they look beautiful. Your puppy. That was super fun. My puppy, yeah. Did she help you plant? No, she actually, when I was doing it, she left me alone. And then part of the time I put her in the house, but I, no, I didn't, she was fine. And then,
The next day, Peter lets me know when he got home, he's like, you know, your pansies are all torn up. I was like, oh no. And then and we put a blue sign out. We have like a light up boo sign and she destroyed that as well. and And when I say destroyed, I mean, she ate the cord, she ate the felt. I mean, she like literally ate it.
I know you love you love that sign. You love that boo sign. no I know. It's like such a cute sign. I've had it forever. So now the dog is really in the doghouse.
I'm really mad at her right now. Why is she in the doghouse even more than eating your wall in your kitchen? Is this worse than the wall? Oh, and what happens when she gets put in the doghouse? Well, this morning I replanted some panties that are kind of in her area and she again went after them. And I had had, I put some warning flags out, which are like her invisible fence flags. So she doesn't cross the line, you know, cause if you,
get zapped You get a little shocked. So I thought the visual flag would be enough for her. But no, she decided, oh, those look delicious. So I spent like an hour planting those. And then I go back out, and they're like little chunks everywhere in the yard. I'm like, OK. So I ended up getting, I put an invisible fence literally around my flowers today with, we have like an invisible,
fence rock that we use on our patio to keep her off the couch. So I got those and put them there so she would know it's real now. Kathy, that reminds me when you had a cat, when you had your cat, Francie, and you were like, I want a cat. And just don't want her in some of this furniture, like, you know, chairs in your living room. So like, yeah you would put an alarm system on the chairs in your living room. And when you would go visit, it'd be like, beep,
And you're like, what is going on? It's like, oh, Francie's just getting on chairs. She's not supposed to be on chairs. Well, she had like, she loved our dining room for some reason. And yeah it's like the most formal room in our house, you know, as you can imagine. And I was that was the one place I really did not want her to be. And she was always in there.
And you know, it's because you have so many windows and so much good light and it's nice and warm. Yeah, maybe she loved that. She loved that. But she never, she never got it though. I mean, she, i she did what she wanted about it. Dudes, that is just what I'm learning. Like with my cat, she, she just does what she wants. Like my Rex, my, my old cat, he followed the rules, but and maybe it's of the female cat. They're like, the rules don't apply to me. Peace out. Like yeah I don't do whatever they want.
All right, y'all before we jump in for today, I just want to give a friendly reminder to please like, subscribe and share. our podcast, wherever you listen to your pods, help us spread the word so we can grow the show. We really appreciate if you could share with one or two of you your favorite fishes. Okay,

Pumpkin Carving Plans

let's jump into everything Halloween. This week, um I have the middle child coming home and the boyfriend is coming. And ah yeah, so Thursday to Monday, they're coming and we're gonna carve pumpkins this weekend.
We're gonna go to the pumpkin patch and we're gonna carve pumpkins like we used to when the kids were younger and they lived at home. And I got like this curving set and I did something I've never done before and I bought like stencils that you put on the pumpkin and then you carve through that because I'm not a good pumpkin carver. Like I can do a triangle or I can do like the teeth smile, but I can't do, you know how those people like do the faces or they do this like scene or whatever. I can't do that. So I bought stencils for us. So we're going to try and carve some pumpkins this weekend and, you know, rekindle the tradition that we always used to do. Go to the patch and then carve the pumpkins and toast the pumpkin seeds. Yeah, that sounds like fun. I think I'm going to try and do that in a couple of weeks.
I mean, I don't know if they'll make it. I don't know if they'll make it. I mean, it's hot here. So I know you're supposed to like wash your pumpkin in bleach water, and then you carve it. And then you're supposed to put like Vaseline or something around the carved parts to help preserve it so it doesn't get eaten and it doesn't rot. So I'm gonna I think we have like a little article about how to preserve your pumpkin after it's been carved. But um I'm going to try it. I mean, I've never had success with this, but when we lived in Chicago, it would be cold in October, but here in the South, it's hot kind of all year. And so I don't know what's going to happen. And I can't keep it in the house because the dogs will eat the pumpkins. I know they will because they're pigs. But will you guys, you guys will call pumpkins too, but not for a little while. We will. Cause we usually invite our friends to come over to and kind of share in the fun.
So we do that and um have a little contest to see who yeah decorated their pumpkin the best, yeah which is fun. You know, I never realized that people don't do contests for everything the way we grew up. So like for our listeners, we have like a very, I like and say almost unhealthy. I don't know. Is it unhealthy? But we compete about everything. And I didn't know this wasn't normal until I became an adult. But like, we do Easter egg coloring contests. We do pumpkin carving contests. We have football games in the yard. We have basketball games. Yeah, we compete over everything.
Yeah, I'm surprised we didn't do like Christmas cookie decorating contest. Oh, that's funny. ah We do like our family unit like brought that tradition over to our family. And they, I mean, we have like a running list of like, who wins all these stupid contests that we do, like lunatics. But I didn't know it wasn't normal. I love it, though. I love it. I really, that's one tradition I do like. I kind of feel bad that um I'm not a better sewer. Because, you know, growing up, mom always made our Halloween costumes. And yeah like, really, some of of them were elaborate.
And I always kind of hoped that I would learn to do that, but I haven't done it yet. And my kids, hence we always bought their costumes from, you know, the Halloween store or whatever. So mom helped make Johanna's costume one year, um, because she wanted, I can't remember exactly. It was like a cheerleader and mom had one of David's old letters that she could use and she made like a cheerleading outfit for her.
It's cute. And then from from that point on, Johanna has wanted a mom involved in her Halloween costumes. like and And then Johanna liked to be a witch every year since, I'm not kidding. And mom would help like just change it up just a little bit. Like last year she made her a cape. And the year before she did some, I can't remember what she did, but Johanna loves to have mom involved. And this year, Johanna wants to be an ex-celado.
and she wants mom to make her an excellatto costume. Like, do you all know what that is? Am I saying it right? Like excellatto, do you guys know what that is? Is that a lizard? That's pink. Is that a water feature? Yeah, and it has gills. They're like in danger. And yes, yes, yes, you know what it is. So she's obsessed with it right now. So she really, that's what she wants to be.
So mom is now willing to help Johanna become an axolotl, which I don't think I say the word right. um this creature that she's- She said mom actually agreed to make that? Yes. Well, I think because Johanna's asking mom has a very hard time saying no. So I don't know if mom enjoys that she's been roped into all these Halloween costumes with Johanna or she's just a good sport, but she's a totally good sport in my opinion.
buts so ah I'll keep you posted on like how the costume shakes out because I have no idea how you go about making that. Because I'm not crafting. And then I just want to really quickly give a shout out to Tim because I've been looking for like a little joy wherever I can find it. And so Johanna, our youngest, loves Halloween. I don't love it like she does. Riley doesn't really love it. Tim will get into it like if he's going to a party.
but Johanna legit loves it Kathy like she loves it like you do and so last year we bought these like light up pumpkins that are like seven eight feet tall and I was like you know what Tim

Early Halloween Decorations

it's close enough to October you should just put him out there. It would make her so happy and bring some joy. And he's like, Nancy, I don't do that stuff until October 1st. I'm not doing it. And I was like, I really think you should do it. It will bring some joy. And so he did. He did it for the weekend. Oh, he broke down. Oh my god. I love it. It's awesome. And they look so good. And we have just a little sprinkle of a little joy. So now that it's, you know,
We're very getting very excited. And Kathy, I can tell is super excited that it's October because just a little pepper in her voice this week of being like, I love October. Yeah, no, I can totally tell girl. We know you love it.
I was sad about our our boo sign, really, because I don't know. All of our neighbors always comment on it. So Peter ordered us a new one. We found a new one. It's not as cute as what we had, but we're replacing it. Cathy, since you love Halloween so much, I know you love to dress up. What's your favorite thing you've ever dressed up as, like for Halloween? What's your favorite costume? Oh, hmm. It's gotta be this, too.
Well, I've been a lot of different things over the years, but this year I'm in a golf tournament that is Halloween themed and I'm going to go as Doris Day. And I feel like you pretty much think you like have the presence of Doris Day, how you dress anyway. So is it going to look that different? I don't know. We'll see. You'll have to send us pictures. I never really thought of myself as like a duplicate of her, but yeah.
I mean, you do often channel her in how you yeah put yourself together. Do you know what one of my favorite costumes that Tim ever did? It was um back in the day, we' we're dating still. And he, um we're going to Halloween party. And he showed up at my house to pick me up. And I and I and kind of do a double tick.
I had to do a double take because he was a blue man from a blue man group and he had shaved his head. And he, like honestly, he did not even look the same. He looked like legit, like a guy from a blue man group. Yeah, for sure. Oh my gosh, that's so funny. That was my favorite, yeah. What about your kids' costumes? Do you have some favorite kids' costumes, ladies? I have a costume I remember of Graysons when he was, I think, two years old. I got him. He was like a big black spider with the legs, like all the legs. The irony of that is he doesn't like spiders. But he was as cute as could be.
He was a cute spider, but now it's manifested into like he can't handle it. Like it this grown, this grown, huge adult cannot handle a spider. Deal with it. Deal with it. Yeah. What about you, Nancy? What are some of your favorites with your kids? You know what? I think one, we didn't dress up very much as a family, but one Halloween we did because Riley loves football.
I mean, he loved it at such a young age. And so he went as a Bears football player, Tim and I went as fans, and then Johanna dressed up as a little cheerleader. And I think that was my favorite little family thing that we've ever done. Do you have one for you? Well, I mean, there were like pre-kid parties and then post-kid parties, like the pre-kid ones, we did like Pirates, Peter Peter, the Pumpkin Eater.

Halloween Open House Tradition

was one that was totally inappropriate, like, but pre-kids. on And then, like, when we did family ones, like, um The Wizard of Oz, you know, Jack was like a little monkey one time. My friend Heather gave me a hand-me-down monkey costume that was so stinking cute. And Sabrina was a lion one year with, like, this cute little furry face. And then I made up some costumes for the girls. There was, like, a peanut butter and jelly costume, the girls did one year that was super cute.
um I mean, we always kind of got into it because we always had like a big huge open house back in Chicago and people would like a lot of people would come to our house and their kids and then we would have soups and snacks and drinks and people would like walk around with their beer or their wine. Our neighborhood was kind of big and like everybody would like walk around and come in and out of the house and everybody would just leave their candy bowls outside and people would come and get whatever they wanted and leave. And then all the kids would end up in the basement and then they would like sort through all the candy and there would be these huge trading like events going on between the kids.
So it was super fun. Like we always had such a good time, but here the lots are so big and we're so separated from our neighbors that we do get a lot of, we do get a lot of trick-or-treaters and some people get bust in to trick-or-treat in our neighborhood because so well, we give out whole like big candy bars, but it's not like the open house. It's not intimate like it was back in Chicago, you know, just because our neighborhood is different.
It's interesting. You said that people, I remember, but in the Midwest, people did walk around trick-or-treating with their beers. And sometimes you'd go up to a house with the kid and they'd be like, mom and dad, do you want a beer? Right. um But out here, I don't notice that as much. Like, I don't think, I mean, I'm wondering, is the trick-or-treating in the beer like a Midwestern thing? Because I don't really see it out here out on the West Coast. Kathy, do you see it out east where you are?
Yeah, so we usually have i've had a party every year since we've lived here for 11 years. We have kind of the same thing. And we'll do it out on our um driveway. And I'll set the food up along the brick wall and have chili and, you know, people will bring stuff. and But people are drinking, ah walking around. Yeah, we have a fire pit. Yeah. yeah It's very social. It's such a social holiday and it's so casual. I think that it invites just that neighborliness that, yeah you know, I do sort of miss that a little bit from my Midwestern roots, but it's fun. I think our neighborhood is, we have about 50 some homes in here. So it's a popular place to trick or cheat. People come in and, you know, just make it an evening and it's a lot of fun.
but so where we go tricker Where we go trick-or-treating out here is by our school because the neighborhood by our school, they they decorate it like crazy and they even some do like some haunted houses, yeah like in their home. So they do it up really well. its It's just, it's super, super, super busy, but it's less about the open house and parents like, you know. Yeah, it's more of like an event.
Right. Like people aren't coming in and having soups. It's like kids are like, it's almost like stressful. Like I need a bell on Johanna to be like, where are you? Where are you? Right. Because there's so many kids. You guys live near Hollywood. So of course it would be like a produced event. Like that makes sense to me. yeah I don't, I don't, I guess that is true that now that you're like saying it produced, there are people who have like microphones and act things out. I guess I never put it together.
that we lived kind of closer to Hollywood. But yeah, it is more produced, I guess. yeah But anyway, like she loves it. And so I have found that I used to try to meet up with people, but I don't love to do that because it's so chaotic. that I just want to run into people out and about because it's just too hard to keep everybody together. so But it is fun. And Johanna has a ball, and so does Riley. The last couple of times he's gone, he's wanted to go with us.
but he's wanted his face completely covered so people didn't know that it was him, but he's still wanted to get the candy. right and right I have no idea what will happen this year now that he's a year older, but um I was excited when he wanted to go last year, um but I have a feeling that might change this year, but we'll see. well i think um I mean, we've had so many memories of some great costumes, but my favorite costume Peter ever was Elvis, because he has this polyester white outfit. Like the sparkly jumpsuit for real. For real. It's hilarious. I kind of remember you showing pictures of it, and it kind of pulled a little bit on his jumpsuit, which I also thought was appropriate, like an older Elvis that was out of shape. Yeah. Peter, not that I'm saying that you're out of shape, but like, you know. Way to call them out, yeah. I mean, it was a later Elvis. I'm listening. I'm like, I'm feeling it too, like as I'm getting older. Now, girls, do you guys put candles in your jack-o'-lanterns or do you put tea lights? Tea lights. Tea lights. We used to do candles. Yes. But now I do tea lights.
Well, I had felt like I think I made the switch because, you know, when I'm hosting this party, it's like I'm not really paying attention to all these pumpkins that are lit. And I thought. I better not have real candles. What I like to do for Halloween, because Tim and I like to be known to have like a cocktail in the evening sometimes, I have found this, um he loves old fashions. And so i found I found a recipe to make blood on the rim of an old fashion. but really you could do it for anything. So you melt, you get a fourth a cup of Kero syrup and you get red food coloring and you melt it together. If you have a microwave, you could do it in a microwave. I don't have one of those. So I have to do it on the stove and then so you just warm it through. So it kind of mixes together. Yes. And then you put it in, then you get whatever cup you're going to use and you dip your rim in your concoction.
and it like calms down the side of your glass and it looks really good and creepy and you just let it cool. And you could do that with like, you know, a real drink, like an old fashioned, you could do like a fun tequila sunrise, or you could do like a kid's drink, like with a punch, you know, and- That's so fun. I love that idea. I'm going to totally do that. And I'll put the picture of that up on Instagram so you know, so you can see what it looks like, but it's a really fun way for people to like.
Yeah, like, you know, to do up your your drink. Yeah, that's a good tip. I love that. I'm gonna do that. That's super fun. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there's so many great Halloween foods and like appetizers that you can put together like, you know, the pretzels,
with like you dip it in like a candy and then you put like a half a jelly bean on it for a fingernail or the hot dog that you wrap with like pastry and you make the mummy or the sliced apples with peanut butter and you put like mini marshmallows for teeth. I mean all that stuff is just so fun. It's just like a fun food you know holiday. I think it I love it. It's fun. You could be so festive with it. So do you guys so for your Halloween, do you have tradition? I'm not having an open house, but I typically have taken what you guys do. And I make soup. I make chili. Do you guys do that? Chili and um wild rice soup. Those are my two oh and and Italian tortellini soup. Those are the three I make this year. I'm not going to be home at Halloween. But that's what I would normally make is those three soups. And then I would have an open house.
I usually do the chili and wild rice soup. And then I have extras that people bring. Like I have a friend that brings like sub sandwiches. We'll have like cheese and crackers and charcuterie. And I don't know, it's gotten more elaborate every year, I feel like. Yeah. So Cathy, are you having, so you for sure having a party again this year? You're having an open house? We probably will, but Halloween falls this year on Thursday, which is not the greatest night.
So I don't know if we'll try and do it like the weekend before, maybe. I don't know. We're still kind of contemplating what we're doing, but I would like to do something. It would be, I mean, we've done this for 11 years. Yeah. Yeah. It would be kind of bad luck or something. I don't know. Yeah. I get

Toilet Paper Prank War Revisited

that. I do want to tell you guys one story about Halloween that I always will remember is that we first moved here.
It was in the fall and it was our first Halloween here. And the next morning we woke up and we have two huge trees out in our front. I mean, when I say huge, they're just so big and tall. They, it looked like it snowed she got key like nobody's business.
Oh my gosh, Peter. So he went out there and there was like a toilet paper roll that was from the tree that went all the way to our neighbor's like yard, kind of like a path. Oh, a trail. Yeah. Yeah. Like They last did and left a trail behind, and we knew it was our neighbors. So they ended up confessing to Peter later that day. But it took forever to clean that mess up. And then, oh yeah so we retaliated and got them. I think it wasn't the next night, but to keep it a surprise, like a couple of nights later, the boys got them. And I mean, this has been going on.
for 11 years. 11 years back and forth. And the boys, you know, dressed all in like their black gear and then they went over to their house and got them toilet papered. There's been some years that they even toilet paper the cars, but we did catch them red handed one year. And in fact, that year we said We caught you, so don't do it. And they ended up not taping us, but they ended up, our neighbors hence have moved like a mile from us and we have new neighbors and they ended up taping our new neighbors and they were not happy, I have to say.
Well, they're I never told like who was responsible for that. but So has it stopped now that you're your' the original neighbors have moved? you not know no we name No, we keep doing it at their new house. Oh, so it's moved. It's moved to their new house. Correct. But aren there are those boys now in college? like aren't they Are they gone now? because they Yes.
Yes, so now their children are gone and we got them last year. And in fact, one of my sons, my youngest son got a couple of his friends to help. So he recruited people to help in this. And now the mom and dad have to clean up all by themselves. Yeah, so I actually told Peter this year, I feel a little guilty. Maybe we'll have to only do like a little bush or something and not,
make a total mess. So the tradition continues without the children at home. We'll see. Kathy, I watched that show that you started watching. Nobody wants this. Yes. On Netflix. I thought it was cute. Yeah. I actually like that Adam Brody. Adam Brody. Yeah. Yeah. I just really enjoy him. Yeah. He's cute. And Kristen Bell's hilarious. Yeah, it's on my list. Tim and I are always looking at something to watch together. So it's on my list. It's very light. It's very easy to watch. It's not like Emmy award-winning. Hacks was very smart. This is less smart, but it's easy to watch. And it's good. I enjoyed it.

Cooking 'Egg Roll in a Bowl'

All right, ladies, what's for dinner? I am making egg roll in a bowl. What's egg roll in a bowl? So it's like all the insides of an egg roll, but it's just in a bowl. So it's like um onions, garlic, ginger, ground turkey, and then you put in edamame and bean sprouts and coleslaw mix. And you just mix it all up, add a little bit of soy sauce, and bam, you're done. That's really good.
High in protein, high in fiber, delicious.

Chili Recipe for Fall Celebration

it's so It's a family favorite. So egg roll on a bowl. That sounds really good. Where'd do you find that recipe? ah I don't know. It just popped up on one of my feeds and I tried it a little while ago and I just added it to my rotation. That sounds good. I'm going to add that to my mix. But I think for me, what we're going to do is chili because I'm thinking of all things fall and Halloween. So I will post the chili recipe on our notes.
All right, let's wrap it up, girls. OK. We want to thank you for listening to our podcast and letting us sisters jump into your day. Please make sure to follow, rate, and review us. We would love to have your feedback. Also, please share our podcast with at least three of your favorite little fishes so we can grow. Have a wonderful weekend and happy fall. Sisters out.