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Ep. 78 Potions & Passwords - De Profundis image

Ep. 78 Potions & Passwords - De Profundis

S1 E78 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
103 Plays3 years ago

Drago & Folly learn the true location of their imprisonment, while the rest of the party are hot on their heels…


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Exotic Cuisine and Introductions

Yeah, maybe Robin could be like the deciding vote because I'm in favour of all of them. Clearly you're hungry for brains. I don't eat brains. I want to make it very clear. Don't eat brains. Well, you know, just don't be ashamed of yourself, Castan. I mean, I'm pretty sure I ate a monkey brain at one time, but that was like an exotic dish at a banquet. It's fine.
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Table Tour. We are a live play 5e D&D podcast set in the magical, magical, magical, magical, magical, home-brewed world of Aerith as a hamburger then. My name is Mark, I'm the Dungeon Master and also with us for today's episode we have Ian who plays the Dragonborn Barbarian, Drago.
Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger. Can I take your order? We've got Will who plays the human bard cast, Dan. I'll have a bard McNugget sandwich, please. Will, no, I already said Will. Danny who plays the, oh God, I'm getting everyone confused now. It's the burger references. Danny who plays the human cleric, Claude.
I'll take two number nines, a number nine large, a number six with extra dip, a number seven, two number forty fives, one with cheese and a large soda. We've got Callan who plays the gnome saucer of Folly Fizzlebang the ninth. Would you like fries with that? We've got Darren who plays the human fighter rogue Robin. I'm sorry sir, could you repeat that or other? And we have Casey who plays the human champion Helena Sleepguard.
Ah no! Full circle, fuck you all. On last week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, well, well, well, what can we say? Drago and Folly came out of a hole and punched the very powerful force that were controlling the major city of Goldview after a couple of expositional plot drops
through said villain that there were a lot of them violent fisticuffs in tune and they were taken in to a prison which was adamantly known as spell hold and fully quickly realized that none of his spells worked funnily enough and the rest of the party managed to start to kind of gather themselves together
and start to discuss what was happening. Claude managed to normally send a message to Folly to check on their progress of his work within the rat run, looking for the stock magic holdout. He got no response, a dead response, meaning either that Folly was dead or that he was in trouble in some regard. He sends a message out to Kastan, the group reforms, and they go searching, following the trail of destruction left by the newly returned Drago, not that they know who's really there, and Folly.
They go down into the area where Drago and Folly came across the dragon, known as Diskrath, and had seen this skeleton that was left in one of the cells.

Divine Interference and Recovery

And at that time, we returned back to Drago and Folly, and Drago prayed to his new fan god, Akiva,
Who didn't sound too impressed who tried to burn his hand a little bit and told him quit being such a bitch in no uncertain words And then because the rock is my god Oh, can you imagine I should have done a keeper? That have been brilliant there's so many references that I could fit anyway And then what happened was that because of this wrath perhaps who knows a message was then passed on to Claude kind of
following along with what Drago needed to happen, but also causing Claude to fall into some kind of seizure after hearing these two phrases uttered by his deity. We are going to join the party at that moment, Claude. You thud and hit the floor.
of this room, dragon skeleton nearby, mouth foaming, Helena, Robin, Carstan. It's on Robin in the street. It's outside, sorry, Robin's outside keeping an eye out, I forget, sorry. Helena and Carstan, you have just seen Claude hit the deck after performing what you can only imagine are some last rites to this dragon. What would you like to do?
Oh my God, class down. Who's got a pack? Has someone got anything to help him? Helena's going to just go to him and lift his head, try and open his mouth a little to make sure that maybe his airways are all clear, although, yeah, foaming and stuff. That sounds like a medicine check to me. Give me a medicine check.
It's an eight. Okay, an eight. You put your fingers in his mouth, they're gonna open it a little bit, but the seizure's still kind of gripped him and he bites down a little bit on your fingers, forcing you to kind of recoil your hands in pain a little bit as his jaw clamps shut. I kneel down and try and see if I can do something to calm Claude down.
Okay. What are you intending to? I was gonna use medicine to try and- Yep, go for medicine. Yeah, yeah.
You managed to go over and it's almost like you've seen this kind of seizure before you you pinches those forcing the mouth open as the mouth gasps open you wipe away the the froth that's growing there and you just kind of hold his head and neck in Helena you seem like a quite strange position like quite arched back as you open up his airway and his breathing slows down you cast and you feel his heart rate start to slow down to a more regular kind of unconscious but stable
pace. Oh, thank God. What's going on with him, Carson? What's going on? Well, he's having some kind of fit. I saw someone have one of these before, but they had just been kicked by a horse in the head. So I don't think Claude's been kicked by a horse, at least not now. He may have been as a child, I don't know. But
Listen, I can deal with death and I can deal with it when I inflict the pain on someone else, but not when someone's having a seizure. I'm not really sure what the right steps to take. Yeah, I'm sure he'll come out of it at some point. I mean, he's... At Claude, and Helena's just going to slap his cheeks a little.
He starts, his eyes do start to flutter and Claude, you manage to come around and kind of slowly, a kind of a gasp breath, but then you do your eyes awakening and you are now conscious and you have your normal hit points. Claude! Mint, brother, mint, mint, mint please.
I think I don't think we've got... Minty, minty, minty, minty. What's happening, Claude? Magic minties, magic minties. Magicaria minty. And Helen is going to slap his face again harder. Magicaria minty, please. Claude! Yes? We haven't got any mints.

The Search for Drago and Folly

No, we've got soap.
No, Drago is being a min- no. Drago is being a min- Yes! In somewhere called Spellhold. Mark, if I was from Sleetguard originally, would I have heard of Spellhold? Okay, that's a no. Have I heard of a Spellhold or anything like that, Mark? Yes, you would have heard of a Spellhold in
from one of your books at the university back in the Sanguine Lands. Speaking of somewhere like the Heral Empire, you can't remember exactly where. I should give you a history check for this, but I will give it to you. Go on then and I'll see if you can have, I know you'll smash it probably. You were close, that's a 23. Yeah, and down in the Heral Empire, you wrote a book based on the histories of controlling magic and stock magic. And one of them was about these rooms that were managed to have been
almost anti-magic in their regard where a room could be sealed off and formed in such a way that no magic could be cast in the circumference of the space and therefore rendering very powerful wizards. And I mentioned one in particular, you can't really recall the name, but he was a potent wizard at the time, rendered him incapacitated and managed to hold him until his sentencing, whereas previous prisons he'd just broken out of. So yeah, you'd heard of them.
Spellholds, they're prisons that have been created by the Magickaria and the Obcisca use them. They use them to hold powerful magic users and anyone like that. They're prisons. I didn't know they had one over here though. I've heard about them in the Heral Empire and I'm sure there's probably some in the Sanguin lands where they try to keep them a bit secret.
So, who runs these prisons? Well, I mean, the magicarium really liked them. The abciscra would have need of them because they're useful for holding people that would normally get out of prisons. Right, so that means that Drago has been here. Drago has been captured. Yes, Drago has been here. Drago and Foley are in spell hold. Foley? Yes, and they've got a magicarium mentalness, the way to get in. Other than that, I have no more family.
magicaria minty wipe the breath mint i i have a i have a feeling that that's not really the name castan but we'll go with that for now yeah um no i i don't think the magicarian produced mint no well well do you know which way we're going claud no i we just need to find spellhold and therein lies our dragon and gnome right well then we need to go back
Okostan, go ahead. Sorry, these places are normally quite secret and probably well-guarded, so, you know, we could, like, capture a CRISPR member and rip it out of his mind. Well, that's a really good idea. That's my favourite idea. I think we should go with that. But my alternate suggestion is, more of an observation, is that
Well, you see, I spoke to Folly less than, what, two hours ago? Might. Yeah. He can't be that far, probably still in the city. But what if they viewed magical teleportation? They could be anywhere on Aerith. Oh, I see.
Yeah, that'd be bad. Let's go with your idea. Let's find one of them and rip it out of the brains. No, no, I think that would be a little bit too hasty. I think we need to find the others and let them know. Or we'll find one that's already dead and I can speak to him. No, we need to find Robin and Charlie. Well, Charlie's at the pub looking after Kennard's pub, isn't she? And she didn't want to be involved. And Robin went the other passageway, I think, to the street.
Maybe he's felt spell holds, maybe that's the way. Also, just off what you've just mentioned, Claude, there is still, just mentioning and not trying to lead you towards it, but there is still the corpse of a member of the magi-, of the, of Kriska in the previous room, the old man who'd written the letters.
regarding the dragons and the hatching of eggs. So that is a corpse that's in there. Claude. I didn't even get that. I'm just a brainwave. I'm just a brainwave. There's a dead body over in the krisca just next door. Claude, can people lie to you when they're dead? Okay. Do they have to tell you the truth? Yeah, but they'll regret it. They'll regret it. They're already dead. What's going to make them... I can control what afterlife they go to.
That's not much motivation, maybe I don't know. Eternal rest, come back as a zombie man. It's a fun choice if you mess with me. Okay, I'll take the eternal rest please, just for reference. Oh, I was afraid of you.
So, are you going back in there and you're doing something with a dead body? Well, I don't mind. I hope I can find a living one and cast echo in his brain. I'd really rather you didn't. I think if you're going to do anything, you need to do it with whatever's back in there. I would like to go and find Robin.
Yeah, maybe Robin could be like the deciding vote because I'm in favour of all of them. Clearly you're hungry for brains. I don't eat brains. I want to make it very clear. Don't eat brains. You know, just don't be ashamed of yourself. Cast down. I mean, I'm pretty sure I ate a monkey brain at one time, but that was like an exotic dish at a banquet. It's fine.
And this point Helen is going to walk off to find Robin.

Robin and Helena's Stealth Mission

Okie dokie and still within the shadow of this giant dragon skeleton missing teeth but dragon skeleton. Helen are you trudged down the the passageways you hear just the conversations of zombie brains and eating brains and squirrel brains and monkey brains all being discussed and you make your way past said corpse of
this this man who's still dressed still the blood coagulating so you can tell from your time in war he hasn't been dead a massive amount of time it's not been days it's been a matter of hours that he's been dead
and you see the passageway across this decimated room covered in the wreckage and a kind of a thin layer of scummy water from some nearby barrels that had also been crushed. The stench, the smell of kind of raw meat, slightly tinged, slightly going off, slightly unpleasant that filled all these crates just filling the room. You can assume this was the food possibly for the dragons and you head up a separate stairway towards a great
Are you going out to find Robin? Is that your plan? Yes, yeah. Okay, yeah, Robin. As soon as Helena comes into sight, Robin's just going to give a quick glance towards the tour of Kriska, who are standing watched nearby. Do they appear to be paying any attention whatsoever to the Great? No, they're not paying any attention to the Great, but when Helena does come out, they both clock her.
I was going
No, you would have seen it. They would have been looking over in that area. It's an empty dead end. And with you sat there as well, they would have, yeah, every now and then an eye would have gone over. So, Helena, as you're walking towards it and you hear that of the great Robin, is that when you'd want to send a message? As soon as I'm literally leaning on the wall.
the other side just looking as innocuous as I can do um loitering basically sat on the floor um in my dusty rags just looking like I'm taking a breather from a heavy day in the street and as soon as I see Helen there I'm just going to cast mess just bring the copper ring around my finger to my mouth and I'm just going to message this way is monitored princess
Across from you to the northeast, you will see two of Chriska. They appear to not be paying attention to you. If you come through that great, I have every reason to believe that they will notice. Go back out the way you came in and I'll meet you around there. I will just say very well, I will meet you around the other side. I just wanted to let you know
that the boys have another idea before we go on ahead. I'll explain when I see you. You'll just seen Robin almost stare up at the sun for a second as if he's checking a medieval law way of telling the time and he'll just nod his head and start to make his way around.
As you walk past them, one of them is going to look up at you and just give you a look for a second, stand up from his chair that he was sat at. What are you doing down that alleyway, young man? Robin's going to turn, swing his bow round, show his bloody rags, pull out a knife, which still has some blood on it as well, and go, hunting rats.
money in it. Not much money else to be won in this city. Give me a performance. Performance or perception? It's deception, isn't it? Yeah. I'm pretty good at deception. Well, I mean, it was quite a performance. I'm giving you the option between the two. You've obviously thought this through, so it's a bit of a performance, but either way, it's your choice. 10 plus 7, 17. This one looks at you and looks to his henchman for a second, looks back.
fucking rats that's disgusting come on and they're both going to get up and start um they face out towards the busy street that's in front of this dead end and just start looking out and quietly having a conversation with each other in their blue robes with the white with the gold trim and i have no more interest in you robin's going to say as they move away just under his breath
yet by no means the most repulsive thing in this street and then turn and just continue to make his way round to the front of the building. Okay, so you've made your way round back towards kind of the great entrance that you entered into. Where we went in, the actual alleyway down.
Yeah, absolutely. Okay, cool. So you're around there and at the moment you can still see the boy, Jerry, sat on the corner as you pass him and he kind of double looks at you but doesn't say anything to you as you walk past. But he's kind of locked eyes when you're recognizing you being part of a group that were just down there a minute ago, but now you're coming from a different direction. He does all that in one look. He's very intelligent like that. Helena, you've had this message and you're heading back into the great area where Castan and Claude are at. What do you guys want to do?
Well, that was happening. Could I just quickly ask Karsten one thing? Yeah, sorry. Yeah, of course. Yeah. Karsten, I've had an idea in a few seconds that Helena has been gone. Yeah. Well, hear me out.

Weighing Risky Plans

It's not crazy. It is a bit crazy. In fact, it might kill me. What if we get ourselves sent to spell hold?
As two people that rely on spells, I know your spells come from Akiva, but I think they still wouldn't work as well, so we'd probably end up locked in a room together and not be able to do anything. Yeah, but we overpower them just before we get put in the room and we say the magic
Magickari Minty, maybe it means that we're not actually baddies and they'll let us walk freely and save our friends. Folly, I admire your faith in my strength. No, no, no. Folly, it's time I loved you overweight. Claude, I admire your faith in the idea that I could overpower someone. But yeah, I'm not that strong. OK, well, for the record, I have produced one full idea to how to get spell holds.
And I'm just going to say my piece and walk away. Well, I mean, I like your idea. I just like the idea of perhaps us trying to get in without, I mean, the caption, it's a good idea. I like that you're trying to be captured. But yeah, I don't know. Spell holds don't sound like nice places for us to, if it doesn't work, then Helena and Robin are being stuck outside and before it was inside and too outside. Hi.
Yeah. And with that, Helena, you've returned in just hearing Claude say, party. Sorry, when's the party? We haven't done anything. Claude, come up with a second idea. Oh.
Yeah, I can't wait for two now. OK, well, Robin has just said that we were being watched, well, sort of. I couldn't get to him. He's meeting me around another way. And can I just ask you, Mark, what like what other way is this? Do I actually know where I'm going? Yep. So if you went back out the way you the way you came originally in the previous episode, there's like a part of the waterworks that you came through and the path split into a T junction. You came from the left way.
you had not none of you have explored the right way yet so it's like a t-junction and you came from the left and it leads up to another set of stair another great entrance basically the way to the right the way that would have been straight ahead if you came in that way um you haven't explored yet so so we have whether or not i would remember this yeah absolutely it's i mean it's fresh in your memory and it's it's a quite short journey yeah not a problem to remember we've explored the wrong way we've still got the right way to go i see
So yeah, going back, I will then, I'll say, yes, Robin's asked me to meet him out the other way where we came in. I'm going that way. You haven't started on that man yet. No, Kostan doesn't want to eat his brains and he doesn't want me to revive him, so we'll... Oh, no, no, no. What's your other idea? I didn't say we couldn't. So, Claude, do you want to tell the princess your idea? No.
So Claude suggested that we get captured and then overpower them whilst we're being captured and that's how we get in.
Now hearing it loud a second time, Karstan, I understand how silly it sounds. You can't possibly do that, Claude. We've got to stick together. That's the whole point. We're trying to save our friends, not hinder them. I understand. If Robin comes up with this idea, though, you'll all be like, Robin, what a great idea. Let's do that. No, I don't think I would, actually. But I also don't think Robin would come up with such a ridiculous idea. Yeah, Karstan, what a stupid idea.
and Helena will walk, just carrying on walking, to where she's wanting to go. Why didn't you tell her I thought of her? I told you in confidence. You didn't tell me it was in confidence, you just said it out loud. I told you it confidently. You said you'd come up with another idea and I thought the fact that you'd come up with two good ideas in one day was actually something to celebrate.
See, you said it was a good idea, so I was confident. You know, there's nothing stopping you from like talking to that dead guy now. It's not like we could be any worse off if you do it. I wouldn't see what Robin's seeing. OK, are we going to wait in here or follow Helena? Let's follow the princess, please. Oh yes, of course, sorry.
Okay, and as you follow your way up this long kind of S-bending path of the returning architecture of the smaller and now abandoned sewer system, shallow bits of water, the kind of small fountain-esque sound of water echoing down this long, long passageway. You get to a T-junction, the lights end, and the passageway that you remember, obviously, is to your left, but the passageway to the right is still there and explored as we find ourselves. You make your way up towards the steps, the steps coming up towards daylight,
As you open it up, you see Robin standing there, probably leaning against the wall looking cool as fuck in this alleyway at the front of it. Helena, you'd be up first, followed probably swiftly by Carstan and then Claude. Robin, thank God you're okay. Are we safe here?
I would have been checking over my shoulder if anyone was following me. No, no one at all. Yeah, you're fine. I consider you in like savant mode in cities, Robin. So with your origin background and everything like that, I consider you just in your element and you know, you're like in, um, yeah, super sane mode.

Communication with the Dead

I have reason to believe that we're okay for now, but the crisscross seem to be multiplying. Every time I turn the corner, there seem to be more of them.
Right. Well, since we were down there, I know that Claude had an idea. In fact, do you know what? I'm not even going to bother you with the second idea. It's absolutely preposterous. The first one, he wants to go through with you. So, I mean, I think, again, it's a bit ridiculous. I'm not sure what the pathway to go or to take next is in order to save our friends. But Claude has said that Foley and
Drago are in fact in a place called Spellhold. They are captured. Claude, tell him the rest. So I finally lit the mouth and passed out and then Akiva told me Drago and Folly are in somewhere called Spellhold.
And there's another phrase called magicarian breath mint. Yeah, we aren't sure about that phrase, are we Claude? We don't quite know yet. Yes, yes. And fully, I mean, I mean, cast and it's infectious will. A cast and
said something very stupid he thought we should just get captured so that they take us to who's That wasn't my idea Claude that was your idea my idea Don't be so modest you thought of it all by yourself. I need to keep our noise down just in case We are being watched. Yeah, okay
Oh, quiet. Um, Castell wants to pick up beneath the brains of a dead, a libnate of Chris Scrut, and I want to crazishly, temporarily resurrect the life of a dead of Chris Scrut, question where the spellhold is. Any questions, Robin? Helena puts her heads in her hands and says, get up. Sorry, Helena, you go.
I was just going to try and rectify that situation. I thought the best thing to do would be to have Claude let you know what he was planning on doing, but I can see that that's just made it worse. I think he wants to capture the abcisca of one of them, the dead one. That was my idea. Karsten wants to eat the brains of a living one. No one wants to eat any of the brains. I would like to talk to one that was already killed, probably by a drug, though.
Right, and then gain some information on how we can access... Spellhold and what magic in breath mints means. Also, I realised, Robin, you don't know what spellholds are. Spellholds are special prisons designed to contain magic users, and they're really hard to get out of, apparently. I'm sure he knew that already, Karstan. Well, he's not there, so why would he know? Well, here is the rub, my friends. We find ourselves in a situation where
Drago has clearly gone missing. I discovered his prints down there and you didn't follow me immediately, which must means you found something else inside those wrappers. We found a dragon. Ah. Big one. Oh yes. But it was in a room and it was dead. It was. It was alive for a moment or two. I brought it back, learned lots of nice things. And we found some letters.
Anything interesting in the letters? Yeah, apparently Delmont Trace is getting people to train dragons underneath a city. Yeah, it's in secret. They've discovered it's a bad idea to grow dragons underground because they don't grow very well. Which doesn't take a genius, really. It's really typical that you'd be more impressed by the writing and pages than an actual dragon, Robin. Princess, if one of those things was to escape or get out,
the havoc they would wreak on this city would be catastrophic. Oh yeah, they're trying to control them. They're thinking about... Castor and he said Princess. Well, I'm just trying to give information. It's fine. Helena will just look away and keep an eye out or she'll just sort of take a couple of looks to her left and her right to make sure that they're still quite safe where they are talking about what they're talking about. And you are, the passage road's empty.
But dragons decide. So we decided that we need to find somewhere. So Claude went into some kind of fit and then all of a sudden realised that Drago and Folly are in a spell hold. I assume he got a message or something. And
I suggested that we capture a of Kriska remember and I can use my magic to get into his mind and find out where the spell hold is and information. Claude then suggested that perhaps he could instead use his magic to speak to one that's already dead and get information from as well. It was decided that you should have your opinion on this so we can work out what our plan of action is to get our friends out of an impossible prison. Living of Kriska have so many variables whereas
dead ones are a much more certain entity to deal with. I prefer Claude's idea. The living one would find it hard to lie to me, just so we know, just for reference. Yes, but we then have to make a decision of what to do with a living one when you're done with it. We either let it go or kill him, both are problematic.
A dead person that can talk temporarily can only talk temporarily and then he reverts to be being dead unless there's something I'm missing, Claude. Yeah, I mean, I also have the ability to intervene with whatever his afterlife living arrangements are.
And I wonder, you know, when you're on Death's Door, actually, when you've been to Death's Door and are temporarily looking out the window back at us, I might be able to threaten them in ways that they have not liked. If they picked out a nice afterlife room somewhere, I could be like, no, not yours, mate. I could send you somewhere else. You don't give us what we need. So Claude has a bargaining chip effectively and quite an effective one.
Yeah, but I also like Karsten's idea, so, you know, you've decided. I think I'll vote for the dead idea, actually. So do I. If we have to vote for either. And I think, actually, in a time when we haven't got a third option, maybe that's the best solution. What a third option is, I mean, I could, because Claude, when you speak to the dead, does it become alive again for a little bit? Yeah, for a little bit.
because I could use my magic to detect the thoughts while Claude is speaking to it, so I can tell whether it's lying to him. Yeah, right. Okay. Combo. Judging by the letters and the information we have, it seems that Delmon Traces, using the Chriska to control Sleet Garden, has some kind of plan to use dragons as an army, maybe to cement his own power. I don't know whether this is attempt to try and
use the council in the Sanguin lands and maybe try and take control from Hork from from Roth Hork splitter. I don't know. That could be Delmon's plan. We also saw someone someone called Cassandra. We haven't spoke about that, have we? You fucking what? We saw Cassandra and she was really helpful. And she says that there are people. She said that she'd see my family.
Must be a different concern for him, think enough. Never mind. At the lodge? Let's, let's, let's, let's stay. You know what I'm not going to do without a nasty piece of garbage? I thought it was a bloody mess. She was quite nice there. No, no, sure, take your eyes. Claude, let's deal with the wider picture. Better than you love. Once we have got Drago and Folly.
If we were to try and get Drago and Folly back in a way that's spectacular, shall we say, we are going to struggle to achieve anything else in this city. We need to find a way to get them back whilst causing as least of a scene as possible, which might be difficult. These prisons are, you, the spell holds, I mean, they're quite secretive. So they're not going to be out in the, it's not going to be out in the open or in public.
But I do agree with you that any attempt to rescue Folly and Drago, we can't exactly storm the front gates. But I think the first thing we need to do is actually find out where this spellhold is and then we can go from there. Well, if they were picked up in the street, it stands to reason that any member of the abcriska might know where this spellhold is. I suggest we start with the dead one. OK, going to go check to the guy downstairs then.
Okay, you go down and come across the mutilated body of this old man, still wearing his magicarium, his body is lying crumpled on the floor, his mouth open, his eyes glazed as he lays there. You lay out your materials and you say your prayers necessary to get the spell going and cast on, I believe you've got your kind of stood by with your kind of double whammy of brain spells.
And there's a moment of silence and Helena and Robin you watch on from a couple of steps away probably as this isn't a particularly nice thing to see as a soul is basically forced back into the body of a human that should no longer withhold, should no longer retain a soul. And the jaw and eyes flitter. Good afternoon. What killed you? No.
Where is the closest spell hold? M-r-a-t-r-o-n. What does Magikarpia Minti mean? M-r-a-t-r-o-n. There's no response apart from a slight groan. Claude, why don't you ask where in the rat run the spell hold is and how do we get in it?
Where in the rat room the spell hall is? Mmm, take the right. And how do we enter it? Through the door. Very good.
And the, unless anything is done, Castan. Look up at Castan, see if he wants anything else to do with this. Is there a password that we need to use or is there, I mean, I can't just be similar to walking through the front door. I've asked my five, I can be casted, I want to be tired. I'll keep using, I mean, my tech thoughts, hopefully I'm going to, can I probe into his mind and see what he can remember of it?
When he talks about going through a door, if I'm probing his mind, does anything come to his mind that would tell me what he does? You get nothing really because of the fact that he's dead but kind of half alive. You get nothing except a flash image of a goblin. Of a face of a goblin. Surrounded by stone.
like just the head of it and it's a live head, but it's surrounded by stone like on force. It's just like a head and stone behind it. And it looks angry. I'm seeing some kind of, there's a goblin stone head that looks angry at the doorway. Um, I dunno, you could try to cast this again, Claude, but I won't be able to detect its thoughts again. It said to head rights when we came down here. I'm right in thinking that,
The gnome that killed him came down here looking for... Yeah, I led Folly down here because he was looking for a stock magic friend, so that might be where we have to go. Let's find this goblin and everyone gets to be a winner today. You can use your magic on a goblin to get him to let us in. Well, I won't be able to now. I don't have that spell anymore. I need to wait eight hours. Well, perhaps you can ask him nicely. This chappy, yeah? Will a goblin win?
I'm just going to slam his skull into the ground. Damn it, damn it. And you hear boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom
Right, I'm going to start marching. I just don't understand why. You said that you bought a folly here to find a stock magic holdout. Why would the abcrisco or the magicarium have a prison near where the stock magic people are? It doesn't make many sense. Right, Kostan, when it comes to sense, I have been over this and I've been under it.
Nothing makes sense to me, right? But... present three weird magic-based groups. I'm gonna reckon they're related somehow. The stockies, the magikaris, the upper-scree-screes... But the magikari and the stockies are... I mean, the magikari were designed to control stock magic, not work with it. Mate, we just found a dragon in the capital, right?
There's nothing, there's nothing here. Yeah, I'm with Robin, let's go marching. Gonna go to this right turn, find the goblin in the stone, find our swatch. And when we find the goblin in the stone, and Robin will just look at Castan and go, you talk to him. Okay, just a quick question. I mean, it sounds like we're just gonna walk up to the front door of this place. Is this our plan?
Yes, we're going to knock and you're going to tell him that joke, you know, and Robin's going to head out the door. OK, then what's going to happen? We're going to improvise. Right, Mark. Well, the the robes of the CRISPR members in the room. Right now, what state then?
absolutely torn to shreds almost like a bunch of caltrops had been cast and ravaged the body of said person and clothing it's just like shreds you could I mean yeah no poor man's got barely any dignity can I hmm I'm gonna grab them anyway
Just in case, because I might have an idea for them, player. Your countryman, not only do you loot the corpses before, but this now poor old naked man is lying there in my face. He's dead now, right? OK. While he's alive, a countryman... Right, Robin's out of the hole. You can't trigger him this time. Robin can't get triggered this time. He's not seeing it. Right, cast down the hypocrite. No, no. He's not my countryman anymore. He's dead. It's OK. You're dead. That's it. OK.
No worries. So you strip this poor emaciated man down. You see the scars all over his poor naked body now. No, I'm only after the top robes. I'm not stripping him naked. No, I wasn't wearing anything underneath. No. OK, fine. He's wearing some undergarments, if you will. But the poor man has no dignity now. Face down in the mud, think of his poor grandchildren. He'll come back and haunt you in act three of this play. So and you make your way out the door, stuffing it into your pocket. We're going to pause with you guys there as you head out and take that door to the right. And we're just

Drago and Folly's Imprisonment

going to
disappear into blackness and to this incessant sound is drago falling you see nothing drago your shoulder is aching from previously running into a wall of it to see if it does anything apart from this noise there is silence you find it hard to even hear your own breath is there anything you want to do drago's got his
eyes closed, even though there's no point of it. He's still got his eyes closed and he's breathing deep into the nose, out through the mouth as he's practicing a meditative state and trying to calm the many thoughts of his mind, which if you were to pick a few, there's how long was I out? I've got folly into this. My rage control it. And it's just a cycle of thoughts. Am I still in the void?
Is this the real world? How long was I out? What am I fighting for? How long was I out? And that's just a constant thing as well as the whole overarching burning sensation from his hand from Akiva is making him ground himself every now and then, like when you're trying to reach out for a lifeboat and you grab onto the nearest thing.
The burning sensation in his hand, the pain in his shoulder makes him feel real and connected. So every now and then he'll grab onto those and the breathing gets easier. But the rage is still there every time he thinks of the decimated dragon. And then his rage builds up again.
And Folly, if you're obviously there, you hear the changes of breathing patterns that comes with anxiety, rage, frustration, determination, calm, anger, rage, determination, calm, the different tense in a person's breathing when they go through these different mental states. That's all I can do.
That's quite conclusive and gives us really good insight into him, so thank you very much. Folly, I imagine you're just twiddling your thumbs now, what are you doubting? Folly's not really paying that much attention, he just thinks that
It's weird, it's Drago, it's calm, not used to that. But Folly's basically banging furiously. You should have been locked up with Robin. Banging on the walls with his quarter stuff. Just getting more and more frustrated. Smack's getting louder and louder. They're getting more aggressive, more aggressive. Just as he had worked his way around this entirety of the room. And it's like, they held this bloody place and fed up here already.
I remember falling. Was that anger? Rage? Are you okay? Of course it's bloody anger and in my room I can't bloody see. I can't bloody do anything. This is completely frustrating. I'm sorry that I got you into this. No, no, this wasn't your fault. I didn't give you any of this drug. I didn't have to shoot a fireball to that...
piece of trash but lord knows i wanted to so i won't blame you for that you hit him pretty good no it certainly felt good it certainly felt good and there's nothing there's nothing inside of you right now that you can call upon to bring out magic or i'm very new to this magic game so i don't understand the true power behind it i'm afraid not it just seems to me
nullified every time i try and cast a spell i mean if you'll pardon the phrase anything i cast just seems to fizzle away it's even more funny because your name is fizzle bang yes yes yes i get the pun it's fine i remember well done drago well done you remember my name with the companion you've been traveling with for a few months now well done i feel like i've been away for a few months so it's a big step
Is there nothing you can do here? I've only got one idea, but it's still experimental and it could still go horribly wrong. Do you remember me crafting potions at all out of curiosity? I seem to remember crafting explosions rather than potions. Fizzle bang, right?
Yes, very much so. I only have a slight theory that there's a possibility that stock magic is slightly different from natural magic, which you and, well, me and you now possess. So... What? Oh, magic. Normal magic. Yes. Normal magic. I'm with you. Stock magic's different. Stock magic works in... I don't think my magic comes from within.
your magic would come from within. It's not like stock magic. It's your own essence, your own power. No, it's not my own power. Or maybe you're channeling it, so we say, from somebody who has a natural origin. Regardless, stock magic just, it feels slightly different. Just the way it works, the way it casts, maybe it'll have a different effect, but I have no prepared potions right now. And
I'm going to have to do one blind. And it could go horribly wrong. As in a bigger explosion? A bigger explosion? Very much so. I mean, what's the worst that can happen here? Because it sounds like we haven't got a lot of options, so anything's better than nothing. Tell me the worst case scenario if you fucked this up.
Let's just say it would be a very large explosion in a very confined space.
Got you. I think that would be the easiest way to put it, but I shan't do it without your agreement there, Drago. I'd have bothered about my own life, but... Folly, you're in here because of me if you think that you can get... even if there's a small way to get out of here. I'm not even sure where here really is right now, so... Yes, you have my permission to do whatever crazy shit you can think of, and with my...
Little knowledge of magic. I do agree with you. Stock magic does seem to be different and this place might be here to stop magic, but not to stop stock magic. That's a sentence. That's quite a mouthful, Drago. Very well. That's what she said.
Let's give it a go and you get another six years on your spell hold sentence for that joke Wow, which one there was a lot of bad bad stuff in that whole conversation Do you need I mean it I can't see where you fucking are. But do you need any help?
I think that would possibly increase the chances of a very large explosion. Hang on, I might be able to do something. Fuck it. Drago's going to take out Dengon's deception from the sheath on his back.
And he's going to hold the pommel of the sword in both hands, close his eyes again and taking Folly's words on how magic works and being able to connect with the key verb in the last episode. Jug is going to close his eyes and think
and meditate on his father, Dengon, and try and connect Dengon and his thoughts and feelings to the sword. And the reason why I'm doing this is that Dengon's deception, when rolls a 20, glows blue on a critical hit. So having seen this before, Drago's trying to make a connection between whatever magic is within the sword
to the memory of his father, the owner of the sword, and to see if there's anything he can do to almost push the power from dengon into the blade, having seen Shader's soul being pushed into the axe of Shader. Could you give me a history check, please? This is to see how strongly the memory of your father lives in in you.
oh jesus this can beat like please be a 20 this would be amazing if it was a 20 here we go i really want it to be oh god oh thank god it wasn't a one i hate it when sevens look like ones it's a nine unfortunately
it wasn't a one you think back to all the memories you have of dengon your father you think back to the many battles you faced on the sword coast with him you think back to the memory where fighting for shani he spoke to you he spoke to you after you hadn't heard from him from for months since his death
And you remember the memory, and you remember the emotion, and you remember the way you felt at the sign of his voice, the tanner of his words, the words that he spoke to you before, seconds before you traveled to this godforsaken land of Erith.
But something just isn't quite right. The darkness, the perpetual sound, these things just sit on your brain and draw you away from truly, truly thinking the same way that it's affecting your meditative state and keeping your rage suppressed. Nothing seems to really work. My state of mind isn't clear, got you?
Never mind. It doesn't seem like whatever magic is in me... Maybe I'm not as good at this. I can't help. Never mind. You're very new to this, Drago. I appreciate the effort. If it makes you feel any better...
When I was first learning to control my powers, I accidentally blew off half my house. It went down very poorly. I have a reputation for a reason. I first met you in a burning house, didn't I? Yes, that was in my house. Okay, I was just making sure that's fine. No, no, my house is far to the east. Another memory. Oh, it was far to the east, and I think there's a bit of it that's over in the west now, but I've never found it. Either way, I think you're going to have to do this without me.
Okay, well, let's, um, let's give this a go.

Unveiling the Greater Plot

And following very, very hesitantly and very, very carefully, just trying to do this from memory right now from the many times that he's actually crafted potions before just to get his equipment out and every vial he's kind of taking the top of it off, sniffing it just to try and confirm and identify what
concoctions he's actually using what bits and pieces he's combining at the moment just to try and create something. His idea at the moment would just be possibly something that would
He doesn't quite understand how these, but he's basically seen what is around him as like magical darkness and possibly a wall of force or wall of stone or something like that that is just around. So he's just trying to find some kind of bottled teleportation spell or something like that that will just enable him to move to a place that he knows, even if it only stays open for a few seconds.
Okay, I like that. That sounds good. It sounds dangerous, Callum. That's why I like it. It's very fucking dangerous, but Folly lives by no man's rules. You're going to be rolling the... A disadvantage, I wouldn't really imagine this. So give me a second just to bring it up. I am excited about this. I was going to say, so Folly started... I really hope it succeeds. Folly started off by blowing up his own house. Now he's moved on to blowing up orphanages. Yeah, and he just keeps blowing up everything.
Please blow this place up. I would be happy to blow this place up. This is going to be like an explosion in a submarine, isn't it? You guys inside. So firstly, can you give it, this one won't be a disadvantage because it's all in your mind. You don't need to do anything. There are four stages to this, prep of materials, measuring and mixing, brewing and simmering, testing and refining. History, sleight of hand, arcana, survival. The first one is a history check. Could you please give me a history check, please?
okay um come on come on come on i'm not the brightest of people 19 okay yes that's good that's good stuff what i'm doing is you get cast either you can brew either a tier one two two or tier three uh potion off the back of this so i'm going off whatever you give me as long as it's above dc the dc of tier one the lowest tier um you get to brew it basically um
You think back and you remember potions, you think of this wall of force idea, you think of this wall of concrete idea, the way in which you're kind of encapsulated, the magical darkness being cast on it, you're putting these ideas together and you start to come up with this concept of a almost teleportation spell or some spell that will open up a portal through the wall or through something to give you a way out.
You're not quite sure how, but these thoughts seem to come to you and you start to figure out maybe how this might work. Could you please give me a slight of hand check next, please? This is with disadvantage. The lowest DC for the weakest spell concoction you'll need to keep above is a DC of 13. So I'll give you the... Okay, that's fine. I'm going to use my Tides of Chaos on this as well, so I can roll with advantage. Okay, so you need to just roll a plain roll then.
yeah okay just to try and feel it feel it feel it feel it shake it out yes yes fuck yes so you start to move these vials from hand to hand tinkering and almost you become this lotharia this not lotharia this savant of these potion movements and you kind of you can see where they are except you can't see where they are and your hands are moving dexterously around each of them pouring taking sections from me just going off sheer instinct and memory your sorcery
background and the the knowledge of arcana and magic that lives within you mixing with the magic of light magics coming the you know the massive cataclysmic event that took place 20 30 years ago giving everyone these stock magic abilities seems to flow through you this innate ability this feeling of of arcana the feeling of of the stock magic chaos that naturally resides in all stock magic potions starts to take hold of you and and actually very very very faintly you can see the central vial that you're pouring liquids into and measuring and mixing out of
starts to emit a tiny bit of light, a tiny bit of light. Not enough to light anything, but you can see it ever so slightly. It's almost so dark that you have to look away from it to be able to see it. That's how dark it is. But our dim it is, but there is something there. Could you please now give me an arcana check, please? This again is with disadvantage. This is your brewing and simmering.
I have a plus six to this. That's fine. You're good. You're good. It's going to be 14. Okay. Okay. That's not too bad. Okay. Lowest roll there was 16. I got an 18 and 16.
Okay, as you get to this stage, you start to use the liquids that you've got. You're brewing like almost a warming agent underneath it, which you put your larger violet into to start warming it through. And you can hear this slight bubbling start to take place in the liquid. And you think, okay, this is good. We're starting to get somewhere now. We're starting to get somewhere. You're onto the last stage, the testing and refining. The light is starting to increase ever so slightly more, but it's almost being repressed. It's like the darkness is pushing back against it. Testing and refining. Could you give me a survival check with disadvantage, please?
Come on, man. This is a big thing. Come on, man. What's your survival? Oh, OK. First roll, 15. OK.
Second roll, 16! Come on! As you start to pull this together, the light starts to grow. Drago, you can actually see this ever so faintly from the tinkering you can hear off in the distance. And as you get to that stage, you start swilling it round and start looking as the vial changes colour from an effervescent yellow down into a deep blood red, into a sky blue, into a deep purple, starts flitting from colour to colour inordinately, uncontrollably, like stock magic potions usually do.
And as you get to the stage, you're like seconds away from the last vial and you can actually start to see light now kind of emanating from this glowing and all these colours disco-esque as the lights start to increase slightly and slightly more, slightly more. And suddenly this dragonborn hand just rests down on your hand, Folly, of the vial you're right to put on and just goes, I would very much rather you didn't do that. Who the fuck are you? What the bloody hell?
I could ask the same of both of you. I've been sitting here quietly for quite some time, listening. Do I get the sense that this is a dragonborn? Yeah, you can also see the claw in the light of this kind of disbochial. Good to know. Good to know. What's wrong with my light? It's not that your hand off him. The hand stays. It's not the light that worries me. It's the impact of that potion.
What do you know about this potion? And explain, quickly. Why, are you intending on going somewhere, Drago? Do I recognise this voice? Nope. Oh, thank God. Okay, give me a moment. Jesus Christ, you can't do that. You can't just throw my name out. Dad! No! Sorry, God. Daddy!
It's like Buzz and fucking Zed or something. Play catch with me. Oh, Jesus, hang on. Hide a moment there while I was like, no. Of course he's going to know me. You've been calling me Drago this whole time. Let's take a different train there. Do you actually know me or you just heard my name? Heard your name. I've only been in here for a few moments. How have you only been here for a few moments?
Were you here when we got here? Perhaps. Would it make a difference? Yes, a big difference. Then no. Can I please just ask again that your friend here lowers his hand. I will remove my claw if he lowers the potion he is brewing. This is a very small room and I don't think it's going to work.
I will cease brewing for now, but I want answers. You didn't ask any questions. Well, first of all, who the bloody hell are you? Who are you? What a good one to start with. My name is Tellian Hellfire. Why is that so much cooler than Drago? That's not cool.
I'm the dragonborn of this campaign. Don't worry, I'm just a passing NPC with useful exposition. I will soon be out of your way. Talion Hellfire, did you say? Talion Hellfire, T-E-L-L-I-A-N. That is too cool. Fuck you for such a cool name for a dragonfall. This is where Danny and I teach me to just drop in the end. I like the story of this person so that you can't just get rid of this NPC.
Wait a minute, isn't that the name of a character from a university I went to? You fucking what? He's Cassandra's mate, isn't he?
So this claw retracts from you, Folly. But Folly, you also do notice that it's not just a kind of a naked claw, it's an armored claw. You can see kind of the gold trim to almost purple metal. And now for the first time as the hand retracts, you can hear the scraping of metal or pauldrons of arm pieces move back and away from you. You can't see a face. You now lose track of the hand. And as your potion sits there, you can have a little bit of light on your face.
Drago, there's a small amount of light in this room, but apart from that, the figure has all disappeared, but continues to talk. My name, again, to get back into character, is Tellian Hellfire. May I ask your name, brewing master? Drago, and? A funny fiddle band, the Knights. Everyone's got second names. Really annoying.
I assumed you weren't smart enough to remember your second name. It's Drago Drago for as far as I'm aware. So good they named you twice, I see. Drago, I have not heard of you, but Mr. Fizzlebang, I have heard of you. Heard of me? How so? I believe you made friends in Blackmouth. Not with myself, but with a
A certain... a certain individual of low constitution and an aptitude for running away, let's say. Hmm. Follow's gonna think back, um, slightly. Do you know that coward is stock magic, bruh? The one who favours explosions? Oh, bang on it, what is his name? I can't remember, I was kind of hoping it was in your notes.
I'm guessing I wasn't there. No, I remember her accent and I could recreate her as an NPC, but the name eludes me. I know who you mean. It's fine. You know, the one with the face and the thing. Yes. Episode 34. If that is right, that's a good one. Jenna. Jenna. Jenna.
Yes, yes, that's it. Yeah. Thank you, Darren. Quickly make a note of this campaign takes notes. Thank you, Nura. How did you get in here?
Seriously, tell me. Sorry, this character's massively meta at the moment. He's not supposed to be. He's serious. He's a serious, imposing dragonborn. Yeah, sure. Do you want to actually just kind of quickly restart from burning? No, absolutely not. No? Okay. Shut your face. Get back in the character. Snap your fingers. It's easy. There we go. We're in. Drago, what's your AC, by the way? 17. You get a sudden and very swift punch to the face. You take four points of punching damage.
Did I see that? No, you would have heard it though. Oh, are you over there now? I don't know what just happened, but I have an anger problem and that's not a good idea. And I have a dragon problem running around my city. You're a fucking dragonborn! Yes, and running around my city
punching the nearest of kriscra you can see any force of evil mistreatment you see undermines my work here understand that dragonborn understand tell me while you're down here before you start punching me and telling me what i should or shouldn't be doing he's trying to grab ollie can you talk to him before i'm gonna rip his fucking head off he's grabbing you by the throat at this point and really close to you is going to growl into your ear you're not even from erith
How dare you make the rules here. I was born here. And then he releases you and you hear him pacing. I think it's about time you started diverging a little bit more... ...infination. Clearly you know more about us than we know about you. That's because I listen and I don't act. I listen and then act.
Well, forgive me, but I do not want to be trapped into a building where I can't see more than two feet in front of my face, where my magic has zero effect. I'm not going to be stuck here for the rest of my days. I want out. If you have resigned your life to this brilliant darkness of a prison, then so be it. But I guarantee you it will not be where I end.
You can still hear the pacing during, as you're saying that, but it's almost like he ignores you and the pacing continues, followed by Drago, of course, the abcrusquara force of evil treatment. Everyone knows it, but no one can do anything because of the actual threat, the threat of all existence, not just the poor souls trapped or slaves to their handlers. Do you not think I mourn for every brother I lose, for every brother and sister that we lose?
We were working to undermine them, their supply lines. And yet, time and time again, possible allies get themselves stuck in a place like this. Stuck in spell hold. What were you thinking? And Drago's just gonna punch the wall next to him, behind him. Really fucking hard. Splat. Ow.
Yeah, that probably, it would probably cause me some damage with the... It vibrates. I'm going for it. The wall literally, you can feel the wall with that punch, not like vibrate weird way, but just kind of like, like you would if you punched a wall hard. It was just when something builds up and you need to get it out. That's Drago's try and coping mechanisms.
Okay, fine. I hear you. I have a couple of questions. Number one. You said we. Are you the only dragon born here? No. And you said brothers. How many dragons have been lost? And why do you know I'm not from here?
In answer to your first question, there are a few of us down here. In answer to your second- Dragonborns? Yes, amongst other races as well. I haven't seen any Dragonborns in my time here, I don't think. Have you not seen the notices up above? The wanted posters? There's a big target on our back because of one Dragonborn, and I think we know who is responsible for that. Two, I have no idea how many dragons have been lost.
but I assume the numbers are innumerable and I weep nightly for those lost brothers and sisters. I can't remember your third question. I'm still angry. Likewise, it was how do you know I'm not from here, Aerith? If you weren't from here, you wouldn't do something as stupid as punch the criss-cra. Listen. I can get us out of here.
Easily. Do you want to leave? Folly please answer him because I'm used to being the only angry person around and I can't deal with this other ego. Yes yes yes clearly we want to leave yes we could do with your help and just give me a moment will you I need to
Do some mind bollocks thing. And Drago is just going to clench both his fists and shut his eyes again and try desperately to pray to Akiva. Just going, please help me calm my mind and remind me where I am. You just feel the amulet hot on your chest.
Not burning, but just hot. No response, no buzzing, nothing, just the amulet, hot. But then you feel something weird. You feel the dragonborn hand now on the side of your face and on the kind of neck area holding the back of your neck. And you hear a voice, this Talion's voice. Let me help calm you. I run this prison. You're not with the Obkriska. You're in the rat run.
stock magic hold out i run this place i can get you out but understand this if you go out and start punching people again no more rat run no more saved dragons no more gold view this could be the center of the revolution don't fuck this up for me drago
Dragos just gonna close his eyes and nod in silence that you probably wouldn't be able to see. So you can feel it. Well, his hands on the side of your head, so he'll feel your head kind of nod. As fuck as. So the big thing to Dragonborns coming together, there's there's this.
alpha battle that I like to think happens and it was in Drago's family it was Dengon and then when Dengon died Drago took up the mantle of being the alpha and has been the only alpha dragon born that he's ever known so this is a massive thing but what Drago's trying to do here is to because obviously there's a there's a battle of wills here
I can't fuck, I hate saying this. Drago's trying to give way and become the beta Dragonborn because, yeah, there's a begrudging respect starting to come in fucking shaky. He's a little bitch, we get it, don't worry. What are you doing in this story? It was a nod. And, Folly, you would have heard all of this as well. And the Dragonborn releases, and you can hear him kind of walking away.
You might be asking why the Obcisca left you here, in my control. Well, we have an agreement, an agreement that I vehemently disagree with. Yet I follow along, because otherwise they would run over this place like a tsunami. They know where we are, they just don't know how to get in. The doors, you see.
They never opened to the same place and you hear this click and suddenly light pours in from a door that apparently has just appeared out of nowhere and stood in the doorway is this majestic dragonborn. High horns stood the same height as you Drago, probably a little bit shorter actually, I'll give you that, with a sword in his hilt, a kind of a short sword at his hip.
but covered in this ornate, like ancient looking gold armor, gold and purple trim with a long tattered purple cloak with a sigil lying between his legs of this purple with the kind of head of a dragon at the base of it as well. Again, it looks tattered, it looks literally 20, 30 years old at least, standing in this lighted doorway. He opens the door wide and you see this imposing figure standing over you.
Unfortunately though, it wouldn't be as easy as me just letting you out. The rest of them won't stand for it. You'll have to do the trials, unfortunately. Oh, and before you say anything, we better let your friends in too. And on that, that's where we're gonna leave it for this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Table Top.
You're giving me other dragonborns to play with. For now. This is awesome. And it's not for you to play with. I just didn't want you to dominate the coolest, you know, one of the cool races in D&D. So I had to bring a couple in, much to the demise of my boy. Hey, this is awesome. I'm very happy about this. This is a brand new thing to explore. On the next episode, we will be like... Fucking epic. I sense we don't need to rescue drug anymore. Let's go to the pub. Actually, let's not go to the camo. It's a silly thing.
Oh, fuck that was good. Everyone, well done. Everyone was on it tonight. That was fucking, that was sick. Well done everyone, that was great. I love that. Yeah, really love that. I really like how tense it's all getting.
Oh, it's building up massively. Oh, I don't want that to end. And of course, all of you people out there, if you do have any questions about stock magic, because obviously this is a home rude campaign, please feel free to DM us. You can do that in many places. The first one being our combined Twitter page, which is at fellowship table. Then if you wanted to do a message individually, you can do so, which I would, if it's stock magic, go for Callum, who's at the D20 Gamer.
You can go for anything Claude related at Danny. I have some very good knowledge to share at Total Party Thrills. If you wanted anything Warrior Princess related, you can do it with Helena out. Casey out. I could do it with me any day.
Oh, God, I'm losing this. If you wanted anything Robin Hood related and rogue-ish about how to live in a book and survive, you can follow Darren who's at... Book Survivors Anonymous or Darren page A6. If you wanted a personalized, bad written just for you or your campaign or your friends, you can go to our very own wordsmith, Will.
at Natural20will. Yeah. He would be more than happy to write you a limerick for your character. And if you wanted to rent a DM for a very high price, you can do so. His name is Mark, and you can follow him at hastily rolled DM. Once again, thank you very much for tuning in and making us a party every day week. We love you. Until next time.