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Ep. 24 Choices - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 24 Choices - Bellum Draconis

S2 E24 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
105 Plays2 years ago

This week we're back with our not yet heroes. Come and listen as we dins out what our little group does next. 


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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade


Introduction to the Podcast

Haruga Haruga Haruga Haruga
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. We are

Meet the Players and Characters

a live play 5e D&D podcast set in the magical home-brewed world of Aerith in the Kingdom of Sleepguard. My name is Mark and I am the Dungeon Master. And also with us for this week's episode, we have Danny who plays the half-orc monk Morota Broken Tusk. Bonjour! We've got Callum who plays the war-forged artificer Alpha. Hello there. Will who plays the human cleric Emron. General Kenobi.
Darren, who plays the High Elf Artificer, reigns Haddo. Perfect for Ian. So uncivilised. And Ian, who plays the Tiefling Warlock, Nyx Carell. It's the full moon! I don't know how you fucking kept it like a straight face during that, Mark. Mark has

Humorous Discussions and Memes

no webcam viewing. For me, Ian's camera stuttered when he did it so that I didn't get asked.
This is good content for a podcast, guys. I'm imagining... I think I was on my little Google Docs page, my script that I have to read, otherwise I forget your names. Were you doing something lewd, Ian? I mooned everyone. Oh, I missed your ass. You did.
You'll see it again soon enough, I'm sure. Okay, well, if you want to catch up with Ian's butt, we're on Twitter, at fellowship. He's on Twitter, yeah. I've got an OnlyFans page, which is at fellowship table. That's the new social media that I was going to advertise this week. Surprise! It's just me and a D20. Nothing but your imaginations. Could it be at fellowship table butt? Would that work? It is now. You just put googly eyes on one on each cheek.
Everything's funny. Everything's on your googly eyes. I end up like Winnie the Pooh's bum when he goes into rabbit's hole. So many innuendos there. This has gone down the rabbit hole. I got you though, Callum. I got you with your intro. It's fun.
Well, any time anyone says hello there, you should respond with General Kenobi. I've seen a thousand memes of hello there, but I've never seen the reply of General Kenobi. I didn't know that was a given. Is that like, if I will swiftly search his Google to prove his point?
I was just more disappointed if you were going to go with the General Cano, but you didn't do the grievous style of General Cano. Well, I can't do that. Listeners, what's this? We'll probably be edited out. If you have tuned in for Dungeon Dragons tonight, we're sorry. You'll be happy. Nick Kyrgios is a bitch. We're just continuing with this. But you might be listening to this podcast, in which case you do, Nick.

Recap of Previous Adventures

Give us five stars. And everyone else listens.
Yeah, Urban Dictionary backs me up. Oh, Urban Dictionary. That's like going on so Reddit for your news. That doesn't count. Yeah, if you have to find your argument in Urban Dictionary, you would. I mean, I've also find it on the Star Wars memes, so you know. So what happened last week? Or hell, the last time that we saw this here party. And that's such a good point, Ian. Thank you for bringing us back onto track. Now, we've had a lovely little jaunt through the adventures of our Suicide Squad.
the crew of the Esmeralda as they've done some things, they've done some things. If you haven't listened to that, go back and listen to it, it's fantastic. But we returneth with our OG crew back where we found them last time, a month ago, guys, a month ago, that we last saw you all. And can we remember that far back?

Morota's Rescue Mission

Well, to find out if we can, let's pass over to our chronicler, which sounds so good to say again.
Actually, before we get to that, Will, big props to you. Thank you, Will. Thank you, Will. Don't flick me off, Will. I'm giving you compliments. Well done, Will. Well done, Will. Or filling in so well over the last... You did great, Will. You smashed it. He did a really good job, so thank you very much for that. It saved me a lot of work. But you're fired, and we're picking up with Danny again. Danny, back to you then, Chief Chronicle. Bear in mind, this is your entry exam if you mess this up.
A big voice of a guy is watching. What happened a month ago when we last met on the Fellowship of the Tabletop? In the last few pages of our adventure, in the basement underneath a ruined mill, the party attempt to rescue who they believe is Marota. On arrival, they were greeted by the remainders they think of the jade blood drops who, after dispatching them quite swiftly,
uncovered Marota inside an iron maiden.

Encounter with Danbala the Dragon Wyrmling

As she came to, Nyx naturally loots the entire room. Amongst all of the knickknacks and trinkets and shiny things, a note is found. This note reads,
The third moon, travel east to the desert along the abandoned road. Cross your human border. One day's walk through the sands following the mountain. Camp for the night near the crystal hills. I will know you from this. Bring her to me. Your payment will be an allocation from my hoard. I have sent Dan Bala to oversee.
If your treachery comes to fruition, if you choose to turn on me as so many of your kin do, they will not hesitate, they will not give mercy. Follow me or your soul will burn. Unsure exactly as to the author of this note, the party ventured into the remaining room in this abandoned mill to find a wormling, a dragon wormling, a blue dragon wormling, who introduced himself as the same mentioned Danbala.

Return to Goldview

He was working in cahoots with the jade blood drops, but given their timely demise at the hands of our not yet heroes, they came to give the party an offer. The same instructions were offered to the party to travel and visit the master of Dambala, to serve him and a great gift will be given to them.
Unsure on what to do next, Dambala part ways with the party and they return to the surface and look back to Goldview. As the first of you step out of the steep steps that allows you out into the back of the dilapidated mill that makes up Kethering's old mill, the building to the left and to the right of you and the acrid lands that surround this unused farm,
It's late afternoon and there's a warm orange sun that sits low like a large fireball orb in the horizon to the east. The clouds are thin in the sky and there's a bluey pinky hue all over the sky. And you can see through these, through the blueness of the sky, a number of stars twinking through. The air is still warm but refreshing after the dank
iron-filled humid warmth that was below where Ola was then captured.

Cultural Significance and Philosophical Debates

You breathe this in deeply, you gulp it down and as the last of you steps up out of being underground from what feels like quite a while, you turn on each other to look and ask, what next? Over to you, what would you like to do? So we said we'd go to
or let's keep. I think that's a good place to go. Everyone will look up. The red sky at night, Shepherd's Delight, so it means weather's with us. What exactly is a Shepherd's Delight? Well, it means that by seeing sky red at night, Shepherd's Delight, it's a bit of a dessert, comes after Shepherd's Pa.
I always thought it was Sailor's Delight because it meant calm seas. Well, you know, different people, different, you know, different Saiyans, but yeah. Saiyan principle. Captain was always happy when he saw red sky at night. It was a beautiful evening. Look at all the stars. Well, I believe it's still the middle of the day. Well, it's evening. You can see it's pink sky, you know. DM said so in his description.
I would estimate the talent to be approximately between the two of them. It's going to be a beautiful evening then. We call that Sol's kiss when he turns the sky like that. Who's he kissing? Well, all of us. We're all his children, after all. All of us? I believe so.
That's the general description. We all live on his earth. I didn't think I was blessed by Saul. No, no, you're not. They say Tiefling's the best bite to learn in their very DNA. If we hang around, she's going to be up in the sky in a few hours.

Planning and Debating Next Steps

It's so strange that you don't keep the real like gods, you know, like the ones we all know the names of.
Well, with Hugo the Shadow Man, Sol and Solana, they're pretty much the only gods. I suppose just having two is easier than four and the other ones. Yeah, a lot of other gods, what I know, tend to be quite abstract. I can literally point them on. I'm worried that you're confusing gods for like, you know, the Sun, Astral bodies. Yeah.
I'm worried that you don't understand that perhaps there's more to those astral bodies than perhaps we might be able to do credence to. I'm sure that I'm too tired right now for philosophical debate, but sure. My entire advice is that we both move and talk at the same time. Considering where we are, it does not seem like it's in our best interest to hang around this theory. That's not normally one for you to mention.
I do agree with Alfa that stick around here, as fun as it would be for some of us, in probably a sensible course of action. I believe if we head south, we can find the road out the city and then head towards Order's Keep. Is it immediately dangerous, Mark? Like, what's it like up here on outside?
Do you want to give me a perception check? Sure. Because this is the first time I... How many days has it been since I've seen light? You're not really sure. We had one long rest. But they know it's been basically two days. OK. And you were in a really bad condition when they took you anyway. Twenty, not natural. As you scan the horizon,
and look at the dilapidated buildings that sit either side of you next to the large central mill. And the stillness in the air, you listen for any sounds, any movement, any unnatural sounds. You hear the tweet of a bird, the rustle of grass, and the odd breeze that blows. And as you scan the horizon to the main road to look at the dust clouds, for any mark of any life particularly, it's serenely quiet.
And it doesn't feel like it's that odd, like everything is dead kind of way, but just in a everything is settled kind of way. If no one minds, I might just wait here a while and catch my breath. Well, this is a known base of jade blood drops. I think our theory is if we just head away from here, we could probably find a better camp than sticking around here.
It is worth pointing out that the fellas that attacked us in Goldview were about double the number to the ones who were down there, so there are still a few of these jade blood drops unaccounted for somewhere. Plus, if they're a criminal gang like Blorke in the Elven Air game out, there's probably more than that as well, so I'd suggest we go elsewhere. I can carry you if your energy is lacking, Marota.
No. Oh, please say yes. Do you still have that? You're tired. She's tired. Alpha, come on. Be a gent. I will not carry her without her permission. Do you still have that fiery thing? Fiery thing? I... Can you make fire happen easier than the rest of us? I don't believe that is something I have ever been able to do.
I can fire from this and it's just going to show up his pistol, but I don't know how effective it would be at causing fire. I just really want to burn this place to the ground as sort of like a fuck you, you know? I mean, I think it would probably take a lot of potential combustibles in the light to actually get a proper flame going.
I can do very, very, very small flames, but that they're concentrated and they're not gonna burn stone. Yeah. Never mind. I'll come back with a dragon one day. Let's go then. I think she's been serious. I have not yet known her to joke.
Are we heading off to Ola and to Ola's direction? I believe the best way to get there is to go south and find the road and then we were given directions to get to it from there. I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe. I believe anything called love. Yes, the instructions are true that Ola gave you all those episodes ago and
We can fast travel this, or if we want to do some chit chat on the road, we can... Well, I think we're going to want to get so far and then rest. I think it's what Marota wanted to do. I see. Even just a short one. Just a short one, so I'm not completely defenseless. So are we looking... I suppose we could walk until it gets near dark and then make camp. Because we're not going to be able to get there before dark,

Journey Back to Goldview

are we? No.
Is this for the night or like yourself? I guess you can talk about that on the road. So just so I have a rough idea about kind of walking order accessories for my roles that take place as we do these travelings and where, what kind of order will be stand and where would we be just so I can have a sense of kind of an order in case anything happens. So who would kind of lead? Who'd be at the front?
M1 will go first because nobody else is volunteering. Well, not just that. I mean, Alpha would like to go, but he's not seen a map, so he doesn't exactly know where he's going. He's got a route. You are the pseudo leader of the group as well, M1. So M1's going to go down. He recognises a captain when he comes across one. Cool. So M1 at the front. I'll go next.
I'll probably stick myself in the middle. I'm going to stick myself next to Marota. I think we should go in like an extended line rather than a column. Like a Scooby-Doo gang. I will stick myself next to...
probably emerald i'll go i'll walk in the front come here alph and that would that would put me at the back but yeah okay and i know we're doing the three we'd uh nix would notice that you're just kind of shuffling do you look like i still have a strong you stride i stride all right well nix would do a strong riding at the back
and would open up a gap between him and Marota. Do we just hear the Terminator every time you walk as well? You know what, I wish you would, but yeah, you'll probably hear that theme tune from Power Rangers or something like that instead.
So basically we're just all traveling in a big, in a big bunch. That's cool. Thank you. It hasn't helped at all, but no, it's fine. Um, good to know. So, um, we are just going to head out to the road as you described, everyone, and then head back along the road and take it towards the directions you were given to get to all this key. Um, cause we're on a road going North West and we need to go to the road that's going South West out of the city. So we need to sort of go around.
Yeah, that's right, that's right. So you've got two options, you know the roads you need to get to, they're both going to stick out. You could, it takes slightly longer, like an hour longer to kind of track back further to join to stay on main roads or you could cut cross country slightly. Oh, oh, Enron's trying to cross country here, he's not.
It's not faffing about. Of course, that's cut an hour off actually, which gets you there slightly earlier, but with slightly added random risks that could happen. Okay, so we'll probably get to that bit. We'll probably be tracking back on the road and then that's probably what we'll hit nightfall and then walking across country for the hour that gets us directly to the keep pretty much.
So during that period, when we're tracking back along the road, the dusty road that makes us up towards Goldview, but not all the way, obviously, there's very, very little traffic. There's the odd cart that passes by, farmers and the like, some tradespeople, et cetera, but no one of any particular note or worth.

Unraveling the Valkyrie Mystery

to you as you walk back as a rather imposing group of five a strange tired haggard group of five is there any was there any conversation that wants to take place or would you are you happy just to fast fast track this it's up to you i'll just say to everyone how how did you know to go there to find me
Well, we had an inkling that there were... Well, we knew Jade blood drops out yet because we had help from a passing knight who kindly helped point us on our way, Sir Tanner Barry. He started an investigation for us, got himself in a bad way, and then at least gave us the information that led us to
investigates a shop of ill repute, let me say, where Nyx was in his element. It wasn't so bad. Me and Tristan got on. But yeah, it's as everyone said, and then we managed to coerce Tristan into giving up the location of the Jade Blood drops. And that's that's where we made haste. The night Mr. Barry was Hill Key.
Mr Barry, or is it Sir Barry? It's Sir Tana Barry. We managed to heal him up well. We left him in the Arthufen and yeah. Right, and this name that I'm supposed to be, the Valkyrie, did you learn anything about that? Sir Tana Barry says you look nothing like him.
So they just picked up a half-orc and racist bastards. I mean, they didn't seem like they had all their lights switched on upstairs, if you know what I mean. I'm not sure I agree with that. Sounds because they they managed to steal her from under us. I guess that gave them some from what that dragon worm thing was saying. It sounds like somebody in Dralak
want you to go back there, Marauder, and the dragon intercepted that in the attempt to get all of us, but somebody wanted you. Well, they wanted the Valkyrie though, right? Well, maybe, maybe the dragon
whoever this person told the Jade Blood Drops you with a Valkyrie in order to bait them with the idea of the bounty that's on it, or is just a case of mistaken identity. Short of us asking the Jade Blood Drops directly, which we can't do right now, you know.
pretend I was to profit from this somehow. I probably ended me getting killed or whatever, but I'm thinking like, could you go up to someone and say, I've got the Valkyrie, get paid and then somehow do what you just did and get me out again? I think if we were in gold view, that would be a fun ruse to perform. Maybe want to put on the notice, the team notice board, you know,
Maybe we could send word. I'm just thinking if the buck stops at female half-orc, then there aren't many of us in Goldview. Have you looked? But they were... I don't know. It's too much of a coincidence, isn't it, that someone in Dralak, which is where you're from, wanted you back there?

Debate on Morality and Strategy

So a lot of the orcish population began in Dralak.
It's like there are a lot of humans in sleep guard, you know? There are a lot of humans in sleep guard. What is that about? It's just, you know, I don't think the humans do well in the heat. They tend to get eaten by, you know, the worms, the drakes. There's a lot...
There's a lot that humans can't outrun in Dralak, I suppose. You know what? In times like this, I always like to turn to our dear friend Alpha and find out what his take on the whole situation is, because I know for sure that his take will be the one is most truest to North. I have been contemplating Marota's proposition. It seems plausible, possible and beneficial.
By passing her or possibly some other female half-orc off as the Valkyrie, we may be able to help people because I would assume that somebody who's willing to pay a bounty for the return of somebody against their will is a bad person.
You'd be helping us make coin. I'd like Alpha's idea if we could sort of kick open on its nest and do some good. Hold on, hold on. This is a ruse. I mean, I'm all for this, but there's no helping people out of this. This is to con someone to make some coin. Well, we could tell Tristan that we've got you. Catch Tristan in the shit and then, yeah.
I believe this is a possible way to do some good. How are you arriving at necessarily the good part? Because I want to hear it. That sounds like a very interesting plan. But the other thing is
If it's the Jade Blooddrops that want the Valkyrie, you've just killed like half the Jade Blooddrops. We killed three of them. And well, the Jade Blooddrops we're given to understand were some kind of criminal gang. Agents of someone more senior. But no, the Jade Blooddrops are more like they're a group that operate in Goldview and Sleetguard and they've been hired to then do stuff in there. I think when we say we killed three of them, that's not half of them. That might just be like a couple of them.
It is most likely just a minuscule amount considering the transportation of people. Tell us more, Alpha, tell us more about if we can get rich and help people at the same time. Our survival while we are here as our resources are heavily lacked. Somebody who has put a bounty out on an individual to return them against their means.
me personally would view as a bad guy therefore stopping this individual would be seen as a good act and could henceforth be helping and he's going to turn slightly to reigns at this contributing to the society i mean i've heard some some hoodwinks in my time especially from the ship that i'm a part of but
I mean, hey, I'm all for this. I'm not going to question your morale because... Morality. The word you're looking for is morality there. But the fact, Enron, that you all want to be a part of this, I feel like I'm rubbing off on you. I'm excited. No, no, no. I'm all for this. Let's go back and let's pass her off as the Valkyrie. The principal here is, next, is
We're doing it to do some good. As we learned from Tristan, it turns out the jade blood drops are in the process or business of trafficking folk. And that sounds like business that could be put to stop.
This is bullshit. Whatever you need to tell yourselves to do the job. I'm all for it. This is absolute bullshit. We're trying to pass off hoodwinkling and swindling as a good act. That's absolute bollocks, I'm sorry. See, Reign says the right of it, but unfortunately I want to do what emerald wants to do. I'm confused because do bad actions that have a good end outweigh good actions that have small
efforts and small happenings. But you weren't talking about a good ending. You were talking about us playing something to our advantage and passing it off as doing something for the good. Those are two very different things. Well, hang on, Reigns, we just did that interesting shot. We played ourselves being other folks. I understand where...
But we did that to get Marota back. This is what we're doing this for. But that was a bad action with a good ending. If we do the same in passing Marota off as this Valkyrie, we could possibly take down the head of some form of a criminal organization. I see that as a good act. I agree. Marota is in her head.
I'm loving this. What Alpha is saying, as he said, is he feels that if there are folks that are after the Valkyrie, for whatever reason, that such folk probably aren't of, you know, the good persuasion and therefore, especially if they're the like the jaded blood drops, us doing something about it,
would be seen as doing a good thing in order to deal with it. He's saying that by drawing him towards this Valkyrie, which is clearly some kind of high value target for him, we could draw him into where we want him rather than having to like, you know, scrabble out to show his firm. Just while I'm running presenting that argument to Reigns as well, I'm going to message to Reigns telepathically.
Taking down criminal organisations might draw the attention of Helena Sleetgard. You do still wish to speak to her, do you not?
I don't understand the play here. I thought we were concluding our business in Goldview and then going elsewhere. Aye, but it's called opportunity, my friend. If it's a vote, I'm up for this opportunity. I think Alfa's just, you know, voicing a thought he had and, you know, let's give him his chance to wear it out. I'm sure we can... I'm just still confused on the good and bad aspects of morality. I'm still trying to determine the line between the two. There's a difference between
lying and swindling folk for your own gain and doing them over so they suffer. And then there's a case of us using Marota as bait to defeat some bad folk in my mind. For coin though, right? Whichever way we go about this. Well, doing good is a reward though.
I'm just making sure, that's it. You know, the morality part, I'm gonna let you guys talk that out. I'm just making sure that in the end of it, we see a little bit of gold. So, question. How do you know that the Valkyrie is wanted and- Oh, owl overhead. It's beautiful, isn't it? Carry on. What?
I'm confused. Nick, Ian couldn't stand someone else talking for a full sentence, so Nick started to interrupt that question. No, no, no, no. I was just trying to establish that we're walking forward still and there was wire. Okay, okay, okay. How do we know the wind blows and where the bounty is? So there were posters up around Goldview. And who was offering the reward? Was it the guard? Was it? Ray, you used your scanner on board, so you should know.
Yeah, I did, but I didn't mention anything about Valkyrie or anything like that. I know that the only one that appeared to be on there that was clandestine and slightly nefarious was our friend in the over near. The rest were all very much just above board. Maybe it was Satana Barry that mentioned Valkyrie being one of them. Memory Man. What do you remember?
I'm afraid I do not recall seeing a particular bounty for the Valkyrie. The first time we heard the mention of him was when the Jade Blooddrops attacked us in the village. However, considering the information we were able to acquire in the city, it is most logical that if we return there, we could possibly backtrack that source of information. Hold on. If we really want to find this Valkyrie,

Valkyrie Bounties and Moral Choices

in the way that they opened. We don't want to find the Valkyrie because we've been the Valkyrie here. I am the Valkyrie. I will be pretending to be the Valkyrie so that we can exploit the fact that all they seem to care about is that the Valkyrie is just a female half-orc.
much like myself, they seem to have difficulty telling apart organic people. The only problem I have is that the Jade Blood drops have already tried to steal the Valkyrie once and almost killed us doing so. So we need to go across them is what I'm saying. We need to find out who they're delivering the Valkyrie to and be like, here's the Valkyrie. Do we pretend that we're the Jade Blood drops? Well hang on. Okay, I'm just making sure. The dragon or the dragonling, whatever it was,
said that it was its master, this dragon in Dralak, that wanted heroes to come and do stuff for it, wasn't it? What does that note say again? It was, but that was not necessarily relating to the return of the Valkyrie. I mean, whilst you and Nix, not Nix, Rains, we're in other room, Alpha, Marota and Nix and myself encountered this dragon-wormling
Dan Balar, that's it, I believe it said. And he said he'd been sent, or this is Dragon Master had sent him to find someone to do something for it. And you believe this something is the return of the Valkyrie? Well, it's whether the Valkyrie was a Crystal Palace thing.
I mean, you might have been listening because all I picked out was that he, the Valkyrie is his famous assassin. Clearly this dragon wants something that an assassin can do. And it may be that I don't know, but it sounded like the wormling then said to us, Oh, if you guys turn up my boss, I'll have some stuff for you to do. So the dragon wanted us. Well, just wanted people to help.
They lead to the same place. I thought we hit the Jallak. This dragon wanted us to go to some place with crystals around it. Pretty sure. It's in Jallak. They wanted us to cross the border. In Jallak. My apologies. The thing is that both routes lead there because if we go back to Goldview, presumably
just heroes to use it or adventurers.
affiliates or substitute versions of the J blood drops, pick up that request, that instruction to take the Valkyrie to Dralak. So these, this place where we've got to camp in the foothills of somewhere as per the note. So we know, we know who the master of the, as in we know who wants the Valkyrie. It's that dragon.
Or at least, yeah, someone with the Valkyrie skills. I'm now feeling a bit less excited about this if I'm just going to get passed through a dragon. I thought you might. I'm just going to impression Alphys come up with this. Yeah, also, we're going to try and kick in the balls or ruffle the feathers of a master assassin. That's the current play that we're currently discussing. No, I'm not sure they have enemies. Yeah.
Um, what, dragons or master assassins? I don't know, depends on the assassin. Could be an Aracaka assassin, we don't know this. Well, all we know is a half orc. So we don't have feathers, unless it's a shape-changing half orc. Could be a shape-changing half orc. It looks, so Nix, you see these trees, it looks like this might be a good place to have a camp. What do you think? Yeah, I think this is a great place. I mean, I'm not really a master of land camping, as to say. I would, uh, I would probably
As for you've studied adventure books. Perhaps this will help you, Nick. And I'm just gonna pass Nick the similar... It's a very similar puzzle cube to what Reigns has. But I bought this up in the earlier episodes and basically when he holds it, it'll play the sound of the ocean. I recorded it on my journey over. You've given me a fancy seashell? It is a recording from the ocean, our initial journey over here. Can I keep this? If you wish.
I feel like I should give you something. I gave you seeds. I see what you're doing. I like it. I will keep this. It will remind me of home. Thank you, Alpha. You and me, don't you? You have a life, a future in piracy, the way that you're going about. By giving a gift, this is an act of piracy. No, it was the conversation that leaded up to this. Can I slightly?
Sorry, very sorry, very sorry. Slightly interject on that wonderful digression into using Morota's bait. Probably Morota, you'd be the only one who'd know this, which is probably why I haven't mentioned it before this, because as a group you would not have noticed it. You would have seen different requests, different bounties for the Valkyrie. Okay.
You know, like you'd see the same bounty poster repeated multiple times, it's the same person. You've seen many iterations, different rewards, amounts of rewards for the same person, the same Valkyrie person around. Like just can't quite get the nose right. It's like artist impressions. So you would have been able to infer from this
Sorry, I should have mentioned this ages ago, but it never really came up, so I didn't think it would just point to you too much in the direction of a railroader a little bit. Different amounts, different paper, different writing, sometimes scribbled on a note, sometimes an official looking poster, many different iterations of it in different parts of Goldview as well in your journeys and work in there over the last couple of weeks. So one could infer what one could from that.
And on that poster, is there any if found content or information go to? Does it identify who is the person looking for the Valkyrie? I guess what I'm trying to get at is many people are looking for the Valkyrie.
Okay, great. Which is why they offer different rewards and different amounts because different group, different interested parties have different money to spend and they are as a, you know, different amounts flying around the place a little bit. Apologies. I've waited until you've kind of finished up that.
You managed to piece some bits together, very impressive, well done. Regarding that little bit, but there are other pawns, other pieces at play here, regarding the Valkyrie. Basically, I don't want to shut down this ruse that Alpha's come up with because I think it's...
It's wonderful. It's wonderful. I'm treading the lines of morality with this. Yeah, I know. I've had actions for good reasons. But more than anything, I have it on my notes, before we'd written this, that the Valkyrie that we've rewarded for the Valkyrie around and about. But I didn't want to point it too much to make it too obvious to railroad you guys in a bit. But it has been there. And Morota, as you've been in the city the longest, you would have picked up on this. OK. I'll relay that.
I suppose if we're after like a short term payout, there are lots of middlemen that we could go to in Goldview and claim that we've got me, the Valkyrie, whatever, and they're probably got the same coercion, the same
invitation of a powerful gift from this dragon and they're probably willing to pay so maybe this is the way that you could stick it to the bad guys in gold view as a point of view if we had as an example sold marota to the jade blood droplets please don't for any monetary act can we actually just pause here and say can we collectively as a five agree that we are not going to sell me
I believe that is a bad action. My apologies for my wording. Now, hear me out. If we sold you and then rescued you again... I'd have to...
Maybe. That was pretty close. That was pretty close to me dying. So maybe one

Night Preparations and Watch

step easier. Maybe there's quite a lot of gold. It would have to be for an exorbitant amount of gold. I mean, hang on. You're sort of stretching, I believe. I'm trying to find out your rules though, Emron, because one minute you're all holier than thou, and the other minute you're like, ah, the pirate life of me. And I'm just trying to find out where it is. Hang on.
Alpha's got a good intentions and if we were just going after the Jade blood drops who we know are quite bad, then that's fair enough. But if we're going to try and sort of restructure the nature of Goldview society, that might be a bit more complicated. Just like one or two really bad eggs that people would benefit from not being around, just like you've identified.
Yeah, bad people. I think you're all making a fundamental mistake in assuming that everybody is as stupid as the Jay blood drops. We could go up to one of these people and go, I got you the Valkyrie. And they could go, well, that sure is how a shit and shoe train is not the Valkyrie. And then they might try and kill us. Shit and shoe train.
What's a shit-and-shoe train? Well, a shoe train is effectively a foot order that makes its way across the golden triangle in Shadow Man. It's very, very dangerous, the lands outside of the main cities, and you typically have to move in the car then. It's got a colloquial term of a shit-and-shoe train, that shit-and-bit I added myself. Back to the point, we are making a fundamental assumption that everybody is as stupid as the blade, d-blade, d-blade, d-draid.
Blood drops. What? Raines, your majesty, let me just interject. Nobody knows what the Valkyrie looks like. Nobody. Then why the hell are they sending bounty posters after it? Go find this person. What they look like? Hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell
Let me have a look, I believe over here it looks like if you see these trees there's a nice little Holloway that could be a good place to camp.
And then Ron, you were absolutely right. And there was a lovely little camp mark there that you'll be able to get yourself sorted. I was like, I'm enjoying that. Let's go on. And you managed to step camp. You passed all the roles. I haven't interrupted the lovely RP you guys have had because the roles have been insignificant against everything we've been doing so far. We do find ourselves at kind of the edge of our road now. We know we need to take a different direction now across some rolling moors, I imagine them being, which is going to be quite fun.
But the camp is set up and you're off the road, but you are close enough to the road to see it in a decent kind of alcove of trees that gives you protection from the elements and a little bit of kind of physical barrier between you and the outside, outside while giving you a sense of comfort. It's relatively small, musk-covered ground, big high-leafed trees sit overhead, a collection of birch, pine and oak cover your
view of the sky and the stars are now well and truly outshining, rightly, along with the crescent moon as well. And we've managed to set up camp effectively. I guess it's up to you guys really now. The question is, how long are we camping for? Well, if it's dark, I'd say we spend the night, but I would like the long rest so I can get rid of this exhaustion.
Well, let's start cook some rations and let's I Okay, so it's a long resting Bed down foot to you. All right, please. May I have a an order order and for sorry, and Brains Just as I because I can rains will just say to everybody I'm gonna mark out a 20-foot cube
If you want to make sure that you're fully safe stay inside that I'm going to trigger it so anything nefarious comes in it will wake us up. Define nefarious. Well something that wants to kill us. But what happens if someone wants to just bring us food?
Well, I mean, will it understand the difference between someone bringing a baguette and someone bringing a sword? I don't know, but we're sure as hell going to find out. What if Raines wants to kill you, Nyx? Well, then, yeah, that's a great point. Wouldn't you eject yourself from your own little spell? Would it just pick me up magically and throw me out of the way? If we have to go and relieve ourselves. We can, but, oh, Nyx, we can. But, oh, have I start to mark out this?
Is this for a lab? Would it be triggered by us leaving and entering? No, it won't be triggered by any of us. Or a squirrel. And I look at NC, they say that. Or a rat. Or even a horse or a donkey. It's not going to be triggered by anything. So if a snake came in, because snakes are quite poisonous, and wanted to feed on us. It would bite you and we will laugh. That's exactly what will happen. What happens if it bites you, your highness? Would the barrier come down and like, I don't know, zap it and cut it in half?
Again, I don't know the answer to this, but there's only one way to find out. Has to be a person. Yeah, I'm going to state the specifics. It's going to be someone who was armed. There you go.
Okay. What happens if someone wants to throttle us? Which part of us? I don't know, but we're going to find out. They sense your magical... Why the hell are they naked? What is it with you? They strip down so they don't trap you or they set off your trap and they're coming through naked and then they want to choke us. Would the trap sense that they're wrongdoers? What the hell do you get up to on that ship?
I'm confident this is fruit in your magic. I'm slightly worried too. Maybe Nick, so you could just better stay up all night and keep watch for us. I think someone has to. We can keep watch, but this will just help.
What happens if it does detect someone who's armed, as you say? Well, I can specify, as I pull the Rubik's Cube out, I believe I can specify either a tiny bell inside my old brain will go off and it will wake me up, or I can make a physical alarm sound like Haruga, Haruga, and the Rubik's Cube will flash red, like it's just recording that as the alarm sounds, and it will wake us all up.
I kind of want someone to come and attack us now. Maybe we could simulate it. Maybe during your watch, you could pretend to want to hurt us. OK, I'll try. I mean, I've specified not us, so I don't think that will work. Yeah, but you're unsure. I am. I am unsure that that much is true. I don't know. The rules seem a bit fluffy around this hexagon.
Our rules are certain. It's a cube, not a hexagon. And the rules are certainly fluffy. Everyone's falling asleep against a tree. Everyone's going to sleep. Everyone's going to sleep. Everyone's going to sleep. He's like... Excuse me, Imran. I'll just jump over his legs while I continue to mark out this cube around. Can I investigate Imran's body, please? Can I investigate Imran's body over Imran as well? Wait, what are we doing to Imran?
I'm putting a blanket over him to keep him warm. Why weren't you guys just low-rest? Thanks, Alpha. I want to see if I can locate the horseshoe. Okay, alright. First things first. Alpha, you're putting a blanket over him.
If Enron's fallen asleep, I'll be taking a blanket. He's tired, he's hurt really hard. And I'm going to help Alpha with the blanket and at the same time have a feel. Okay, slight of hand check then please, Nix. And Enron, do you want to...? I want to do a perception check as well if I will notice that Nix is trying to...
I can either roll with disadvantage or my passive minus five because I'm going to see it. I'll use both. Well, for Callum, it's got to be passive because make it active means you're actively looking for Nicks. So my passive is eight. My passive is eight. Callum, sorry, passive is eleven. Okay, right. Roll your sleight of hand then, Ian. Unfortunately, it's seven. Okay. What was yours, Will?
You think you're getting a way to begin with, and then you just feel a hand from underneath the blanket grab you, and then as you look up towards Alpha, he's also staring at you as well, both stopping, and one eye of Emron, or however many eyes you want to open, Emron. You're now awake. Three. Six. You're now very aware of what... That's not my hand that's going to make you...
My passive asleep is eight.
So, everyone will have, you know, he's lived in rough place for, he's grabbed Nick's hand and you know when you squeeze the pressure points on a hand and he's just squeezing and then he sort of opens one eye and looks at Nick's. So, the alarm didn't go off, I was just checking to see if his alarm would go off. Bullshit.
Yeah, it hurts. Can you go you after you have to then and one with the other hand will pull out the horseshoe Are you after this next? No, I'm never after that. Trust me. I don't want anything to do with that But his alarm didn't go off. So it was a good test. Yeah, sweet dream. Keep keep your eyes to yourself. I Can't promise that but sweet dreams and everyone will let go and then put the horseshoe back and
Do I see where he puts it? Give him a perception check. Oh man, my rolls are shit! Would you like a slight of hand from me?
Are you trying to deceptively put it somewhere? Or is it... Well, it's just... If it's just I'm putting it in my pocket, then no, but if it's a... I'm shutting it down and putting it somewhere else to avoid... So what Emron's done is, I think what Emron's done is he's attached like a bit of rope to it and he's actually looped it around his neck and he's actually put it under his shirt. Ah, okay. Is that where it's returned to?

Character Level-Ups and Abilities

Okie dokie. Then know if you're not doing anything surreptitious about it. No, everyone's literally just doing, everyone's literally like, he pulled it out, he's putting it back under his shirt on the rope. Not a problem, but you're also under a blanket as well, so I'm giving that, I'm adding a buff of one or two for that as well. So, Nick, what'd you roll? Six.
It's on his person, on his body, not on his head, probably not at his feet. That's about as far as you can discern. I ain't touching his feet. My penis is coiled around it. Hanging the horseshoe off of there. Let's play a game. What's that guy and the boys called? What's the nickname he gives him?
Oh, yeah, you're talking milk, mother's milk. Yeah, calls him, what does he call him? Gives him a nickname. Anyway, hit us up on Twitter when you know what we're talking about. Let us know. The guy with the massive, the Russian dude, massive long penis. Anyway, that's everyone at the moment. So finally, we can actually have a long rest.
Do we have an order, just a quick order, or did someone say the whole night? I will not be taking a watch because I'll be running at disadvantage. Alpha, are you doing the whole watch? What Alpha will be doing just while people kind of settle down and after this whole interlude with Emron and Nyx, I'm going to put myself at a position that's most advantageous for the night because I'm
I don't fall asleep as such. I almost enter a standby state where my eyes are just open consistently. I'm fully aware of everything that's going off anyway. But we have to log back in when we activate you. You do have to log back in in the morning, yes. But before I do enter my standby... But the virus scan still works. Absolutely. What I will be doing, I'll be taking the little broken metal toy that we got from Arms and Armor.
And I will just be having my Tinkers tools out and I'll just be kind of trying to repair it myself. And I kind of changed the design slightly and create almost like a little, you ever seen the turrets from Portal?
something like that and just as I put it on the ground and just see if it stands up and whatnot I do like we did with Reins and his a monk here as I touch my finger to it and there's this little orange glow of energy that goes straight into when it just starts to scuttle off a little bit. How many legs has it got? Four.
They've got four legs. They're all kind of pointed at the ends as well. Is it like flat? You know, like in Toy Story, you know, Sid takes one of those toys, the spikey doll's head, and puts it on there. Clink, clink, clink, clink, clink. Just move a bit like that, but with the turret on top. It moves very similar, like without the scary baby head on top of it. I think we need to find you a scary baby head. Does this trigger the alarm? Oh. Oh.
Tested he would have said the alarm because it doesn't cross the line. Yeah, it's not anything. It's already in the area. Let's stop them over and punch it and then watch as it come back. Does it trip the line? You're seriously kicking it? No, I'm not doing that. He scuttles around for a bit and then he scuttles back to Alf and he kind of puts his hand down for it and he crawls up his arm and just kind of takes a gentle place on his shoulder. So is it literally like palm, palm sized?
in its kind of diameter? Yeah, yeah, it can fit in the size of your hand. Just so I get a sense of like... It fits in the size of your hand and then as it kind of goes up on my shoulder, it just kind of...
almost shuts down almost. It kind of locks itself onto my shoulder. You still see like the little points and the little legs just resting on the shoulder. But it's like completely inactive. Nice. Okay, cool. All right, Predator. This is, yeah. So is there any other game, sorry, things you want to do, Kalimost, you're on your own?
Well, you know, I thought I'd pull out my scroll of wish, um, just, you know, for the hell of it. Yeah. Yeah. There comes free wish for an automatic gun. Yeah. An automatic gun. Calamity to choose his level five spell slots and, you know, or 15 of them. Exactly.
Yeah, exactly. I've still got that to do, but I'll do that after the game and I'll let you know. Brilliant. And so if we've got that, the rest of the night does go smoothly and quietly. There are a few moments where you hear the screams of foxes out on the moorlands.
I think that means they're having sex. Oxies only scream when they're having sex. Yeah, exactly. Have fun with that. Alpha's very confused by these noises. The moon is high in the sky. It's crescent-tipped edges shine down upon the streets, the grounds of sleep guard.
We are also, as I mentioned, did I mention it? I've never mentioned it on the podcast or not, but we're going to level up at our next long rest. So I don't know how you guys feel about this, but I thought it might be quite interesting for the listeners, because I think last season, if you get people tuned in, which you might want to, if you don't have to, it's fine. We didn't tend to talk much about levels and what we had and what we collected and what we developed. It might be worth just quickly going round, because in the morning when we wake up next episode, we will have leveled up.
telling me, that's why I know, but also telling us just kind of what we've taken on a more kind of meta level than we had previously, just so we can keep... Is that something that might be fun to do, or if I just keep that more?
Yeah, I'm up for it. Especially when we get the... I'd love to know what new things people have... Level three is a fun level where you get a choice and you get some things. So it might be a neat one. Just maybe go around and just tell us what kind of what upgrade you're getting or what's happening. I know, Nick, obviously you're not level three, you're level two. So just to kick us off with changes to characters as we've leveled up, Emron, do you want to start us off at level three? What have you taken? What's changed?
I have taken a leveling cleric, Kel Suprise. Not much happens for me at level three. I go up to 24 hit points. Whoop, whoop, whoop. And I gain some new spells at level two. The spells I gain, I earn heat, metal and magic weapon because of my forge domain. And then I've chosen to take spiritual weapon as well at second level.
The absolute favourite of campaign 1, spiritual weapon. Hell yeah. Because it's not a concentration spell. It's a fucking beast. It was a game changer last season, wasn't it?
I can't wait to see what your spiritual weapon's going to be, Will. Legit... It's not going to be hard to decide what it is, but yeah. And that's it. His skin anvil, boom, boom, boom. Anvil below, mighty hammer coming down from the top. At level three, I don't get any other shiny things as a cleric. I get them all at level one, so yeah. You've got some nice shiny things there, cool. Thank you very much. Well, I get them at level one, so that's the thing about clerics. Yeah, this is true.
and pass around to the the kingdom of monkdom over with morota level three what were you what have you gone for yeah uh level three is a big one because i get my monastic tradition i will be taking way of the kensai monk what this allows at this stage is me to nominate two weapons as my kensai weapons which will be my weapon my boomerang
And it essentially means that I can turn my whip into a shield so it can be a deflective thing rather than an aggressive thing. Amazing. And with the boomerang, I do a little bit more damage. But I do a bit more damage anyway. So a little bit of damage and a little bit of defensive stuff. The other fun thing is deflect missiles. So I can parry away arrows as they come in. And if I roll like a natural 20, I think I can grab it, throw it back.
Yep, that's right. That's right. Amazing. Oh, very fun. Yeah, if you reduce the damage down to zero, you get it. Yeah. That's awesome. Awesome. Thank you very much for that, Morota. I'm passing up into the slightly broken OP world of all that is Callum and the Artifices. I failed to understand why I'm so OP.
you know the giggle tells us everything and apart from having a portable hand cannon skeleton spider on your shoulder what else what else are you going to take level three because you know i'll just let you apparently have whatever you want well
i will just clarify as well that little portable skeletal cannon that just currently sits on my shoulder can be three different versions so it can either be a cone of flamethrower a very specific force ballista
Or I can actually use it to protect people. Do you have to decide and does it stay in that form? I can pick whichever one it takes when I activate it. So at the moment it's on my shoulder it's kind of deactivated. Whenever I activate it I can decide if I want it to be a flamethrower or a force ballista or
Whatever. And they're their own creature, they've got their own AC, they've got their own health. If you don't clarify it in the morning, can I decide a fourth option where it's just a giant mechanised dildo?
I have to basically tell it to activate, so it doesn't just normally activate. Once you create a cannon, you can't do so again until you finish the long rest.

Conclusion and Listener Engagement

So if you create it, you have to decide what type it is. You can then activate it, but if you want to remake it, you've got to wait until your long rest. If you want to recreate it, you've got to wait until your long rest. Unless I use a spell slot.
Yeah, but that whole thing where it's like activated and then going to be sure whether that was just purely RP stuff Anyway, that's that one. So appreciate it. Um alongside that my health has gone up to 21 now, which is always nice I swapped out one of my infusions So I got rid of my goggles of night and I've decided to sending stones, but I'm not infused anything with them yet. Okay, um, I
I also have the right tool for the job. So as long as I've got a set of artisans tools, I can magic create any other set of artisans tools from them as long as I have an hour to spare uninterrupted, which can coincide with a short or long rest. And because of my artillerist thing, I've gained a couple of new spells that are just always prepared. So I can now do Thunder Wave and Shield.
And Nuke as well, is that one? No, no, that's not to level five for Nuke. Duke Nukem, the spell. Thunder Wave. The only thing that happens when Thor says hello. Danny, did you want to... Yes, I think that's everything I can do.
I was doing a Thunder Wave. I was doing a Thunder Wave. There's no one left. No one left. I did find it funny. I did find it funny. I thought you were trying to get my attention. That was all. And thank you very much for that, Callum. I'll have to find other ways to break you. So that the Cannon does have an AC. It's worth you knowing, Mark. The Cannon is a valid target. Still has a AC and hit points. I did say he's got an AC of 18. Have you given that a shield as well?
No, no, it doesn't have a shield. Regardless of size, the cannon has an AC of 18. I can heal it. Does your homunculus have an AC as well? And it adds hit points, so obviously it can be destroyed. And if it is destroyed, I have to make it again. There you go. It takes about six seconds. Does it?
Well, I can create another one as an action, so I'm kind of theoretically, yeah, six seconds. And over to the unbroken artificer, Rain, I'm joking, kind of, thank you very much for that. Rain, over to you. What's your big changes at level three?
So I also get right tool for the job, so I won't bother repeating what that does. I am also making a cantrip change. Firebolt is going to disappear and be replaced. I don't think you can do that until we do ASIs. I can change a cantrip at every, I can change a cantrip at any level.
I've got it right. We can change a cantrip at level up, but we can change spells daily. Yes. Thank you. I do have the book in front of me just in case. Will's got his lawyer face on. He's got his Google on. He'll change it. And you know what, I appreciate that. If it is wrong, then fair enough. It saves me how to do it. Carry on, please. Darren, thank you.
Thank you. Alongside that, I will also be taking the Armourer subclass. Now, what that means is that I gain proficiency with Hever Armor, despite the fact I'm a scrawny bastard, but that won't matter. I gain proficiency with Smith Tools as well, Heavy Armor, as in I can now wear Heavy Armor.
In addition to that, and here is the big upgrade for me, I get the arcane armor. My metallurgical pursuits have led me to making an armor a conduit for my magic. I can now use it as a spell casting focus. As an action, I can turn any suit of armor I am wearing into arcane armor, provided you have smith tools in hand. I gain the following benefits whilst the armor is activated. If the armor normally has the strength requirement, the arcane armor lacks that requirement for me.
I thought you said Heather.
I can use the Arcane Armor as a spellcasting focus. The armor attaches to you and can't be removed against your will. It also expands to cover your entire body, although I can retract and deploy the helmet as a bonus action. The armor replaces any missing limbs, should I have an accident at any point. I can doff or dom the armor in 6 seconds as an action.
and the armor continues to be Arcane Armor until I don another seat of armor or I die. I get two models for it, which I will reveal in due course in-game as I use said models. They are Guardian. You become Iron Man. I'm being the Iron Man. And also Infiltrator. I can switch between models on short rests.
Nice. Awesome. You're just trying to be my lovely Nakalova in disguise, aren't you? And you grow the Tony Stark goatee as well. That's awesome. That's really cool. Thank you very much, Darren, for that. Yeah, level three's quite a big one for me. Yeah, that's wonderful for both of you guys. It's great. It's big for a few of you, actually. And finally, Ian, over to your Warlockian ways. We had you locked to level one for quite a while, but now you've boosted up to level three, which would be quite fun. What have you gone for?
I have got a HP stat boost, which I'm most excited about, because I was at HP 9 for so long, and that made fights really hard. I'm now 21, so that's a bit nice. And then for my Eldritch Invocations, I've got Misty Visions, so I can cast a silent image at will, without expanding the spell slot or material components, so I can make two nixes, which is what everyone wants. Who doesn't want two nixes?
But it's a silent image, yeah. And then, because the whole... Darren, you mentioned that you're gods, I'm moon blessed, aren't I? Which is... Solemn. Solemn. Solemn. S-E-L-E-N-N.
Because we're playing with the magical mystical factors now, I've gone for aspect of the moon, which means that I no longer need to sleep and can't be forced to sleep by any means. I'm going to play it as a little bit of insomnia. To gain the benefits of a long rest, you can spend all eight hours doing light activities such as reading a book of shadows or keeping watch. But now Nick's doesn't need to sleep. It's not like something he wanted. This is imagine being told you're never going to sleep again.
And that, I think, will kick in after this long rest. You do get a final good night's sleep. Final, final, final sleep. Yeah. I don't know. It sounds, it sounds a bit sad. I don't know. With this power, it's a bit horrific. You could just lie there and your eyes can never close. Exactly. That's been, yeah, so. I've been there when you desperately want to sleep and you cannot. And I did find it so frustrating. Oh, Jesus. Yeah. Way to put it up. That would be fun to play. My Lord.
That's really interesting. I get to create two versions of myself because at least I could, you know, both of you can have a one sided conversation. Yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely. Love you. Thank you very much for that, guys. And the, like I said, the rest of the watch passes with no real issue whatsoever. Apart from the screaming sex, mad foxes, you hear off on the moors. And aside from that time passes, you recover your HP stats, you've leveled up.
And slowly, ever so slowly, in the early morning, the approaches seems only a flash, but the early morning starts to approach. Just as the eyes of Raines opens and he quickly looks around, we look at the slightly foggy day that sits ahead of us. And Raines, as you stand up and just stretch out a little bit, knowing full well now is tinker time,
That's what we're going to leave it for this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. Thank you very much, everyone. Thanks for that information. Really interesting stuff. Good to see where you're all at, because actually sometimes I forget what you guys get. It's nice to... I can listen back to this now and go, oh yeah, that's what they've got. I didn't mention that I also had the spell for Folly's bullshit. No, that's unfortunate. Folly's bullshit. That's a rare spell, man. Only one person is just loaded on that. Yeah. You know Folly. You're not a Folly.
You can't do anything if you're not a folly. You got to pick the class of folly.
Yeah, that's kind of his own bullshit. Optional feature manager mate is from Tasha's. I tell you what is optional is listening to this podcast and you choose to do so every week and because of that we love you for it. If you wanted to keep up to date with the podcast you can do so on our various social media outlets. We have a website which We have a Facebook which is fellowshiptable. We have a Twitter page which is at fellowshiptable. Hit us up.
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you listen to us on and tell your friends, your family, your loved ones, spread the good word of the friendship of the tabletop and good things will happen to you. If you wanted to go one step further, follow us individually, you can do so. I'm at iWorldA1. Will is at... Natural20Will. Danny's at... Total Party Thrills. Darren is at... Darren Page06.
I can't think of one for you tonight, Callum. So, Callum's at... You always just say Callum anyway, but he's at the D20 Gamer. Happy Sappy Thighs, Callum is at D20 Gamer. And our extra wonderful DM is at... Hastily rolled DM. Until next time, guys! Farewell!