Introduction to the Fellowship of the Tabletop
His fucking name is Junkus!
Hello everyone and welcome to tonight's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are a live play 5e podcast set in the disputed lands of the Verandian jungle in the magical homebrew world of Eryth.
Character Introductions: Meet the Adventurers
My name is Darren and I'm going to run some D&D for you this evening and these, these are the Shadow Men tales. With me tonight we have playing the Dragonborn Paladin, Drago, we have Ian,
What up? Playing the dragonborn rogue Syengar, we have Mark. Hey, hey, hey. Playing the hobgoblin wizard, Ukaburra. That's not how dragonborns introduce themselves. Hey, they're not the fawns. You don't know me, bro. It's been years, we're trying to reconnect. Can we carry on? Are you two done? Are we good? We're having a dub. Yeah, say double time.
Playing the hobgoblin wizard ukaburra, we have Danny. Bonjour. Playing the- f- fucks sake. Playing the bugbear druid chungus bongwater is our one shot at extraordinary Woobot. Hello! Oh my god! You buffed it!
Nothing's going to follow this now. Never give will inspiration for that. That's how will will never get inspiration. The rest of us all level up. How did you make that name? I know. And how did you think that name up?
I don't think that comes up on one of the fanfic mode generators. You'll have to delve into his backstory to find out more. Playing the goblin barbarian druid Kratz, we have Callum. Hello. That just sounds like crap. I knew you would say that. I've got in my note, Ian will say, sounds like crap. What does? Oh, I'm sorry. My name is Kratz. Yeah, sorry, Kratz.
If you forget it, think of a bag of crap. And then last but by no means least, we have playing the human ranger Macbenna, Will. I quit. Your name is so vanilla, Will. Will, you can't quit for you are the embodiment of epic voiceover guy who is going to tell us what happened last time on the Fellowship of the Tabletop.
The Party Expands: New Characters Join
Previously on the Fellowship of the Tabletop, Sayangar and Drago faced each other and decided not to trust each other, but they traveled with each other anyway. Traveling through the jungle are intrepid for emerged under the sunlight by the river and they heard a commotion in a clearing.
A hobgoblin, a goblin, and a bugbear. We're in a clearing. This sounds like the start of a really shit joke. Malesting a corpse of a manticore. The trio introducing... His fucking name is Chungus!
Bongwater. I knew I was going to crease saying it. I had to brace myself to say it and still couldn't help myself. Anyway, with these three characters now ruining this podcast forever.
Drago and McBennar decided to walk on, deciding that these three waves and strays were not worth their time. Sayanga, on the other hand, saw the little exclamation marks above their head and went, hey, we're going to add them to our party. And so our four became seven. And now our party continues on their way to hunt. In the words of McBennar, that bastard of a Khajiit,
Well played, man. Well played. Well played, Will. Thank you very much. Sounds inspirational.
Journey Through the Jungle
It does. I will give you inspiration for actually managing to make it through the entire opening without laughing at Chungus Bongwater. Some of us take our job seriously. I know. Good for you. As you continue to make your way through the jungle, there appears to now be... Is your name really Chungus Bongwater? You told him I was hoping to tell him myself.
And as you make your way through the jungle, there now appears to be this two-fold order that appears to have formed. There is marching out front, the trio of Drago, Ren and McBenna, and then slightly in front of the trio at the back is Syengar. In front of the trio at the back. Yeah, so the way I see what's happening is that there's three of you out front and then Syengar is just leading the way of keeping the goblin kin on your six, if that makes sense.
As you make your way through the jungle, the way I'm going to roll this is that, if you recall, when you set out from Fish Tortole, Drago McBenerham Wren, you were told that you were approximately between 11 and 14 days away from Dash Callerade. That was three days ago. So I'm going to run this as a travel montage until you hit a point where you would need to stop or something significant happens.
at any point if any of the players want to interrupt me to have a pocket of conversation as you travel, just interrupt me and let me know. As this morning continues to break, the heat maintains throughout the entire day. You don't note much of too much note. You find some more strange form of which Syengar is able to
tell you whether it will have any kind of phallic or enlargement effect or not. And as you continue to make your way through, you do start to notice that you haven't yet seen any of the larger creatures that you would perhaps need to be worried about. You do see some small lizards that are the size of newts that seem to have this Charmeleon-like quality to them.
you pass a series of trees that are decorated with spider webs and have a abundance of small purple and black in there, almost kind of like a dark yellow set of spiders upon them. There are bugs, lots of bugs. And for those of you who haven't taken Ben's secret ointment, you do notice that these things are giving you quite an attention, quite a bit of attention. And in particular, they seem to be quite interested in the goblin kin. They hover around
the two dragonborn and then realise that they're made of quite thick scale and don't have a particularly interesting meal there. The sun starts to set around 5pm if you're in the shadow Mendian or the northern hemisphere of Aerith winter. It is a constant reminder of how unpleasant this jungle would be for the two dragonborn in the peak of a northern hemisphere summer.
As you make camp that evening, you are able to reflect on the fact, those of you at the front, that you haven't found any traces of Karl today. And the only thing you've had to follow off is just to keep following the river and assume that you're on his track.
Lost Trail: Tension Rises
OK, McBenna, what? No, basically, you've sort of answered it. But because obviously, every time over those three days, you said that we were catching up on
Karl's camps, that his camps were becoming less cold and we were making up the time on McBenna. Are we still on McBenna? Oh, fuck off. On Karl, are we still finding his camp? This is the first day since, I mean, the last time you found one of his camps was yesterday, if we put this into context. You haven't found anything today, which is in itself
You don't know how to take that. And have I lost his... I've lost any sight. I've lost any evidence. Obviously, I was seeing some evidence of his passage every now and then. I'd lose it, but then I'd see it again. Have I completely lost his trail, essentially, now? Other than knowing that he's heading towards the city. You have fought... Yeah, in terms of today, you've seen no trace of him. Say for the fact that you assume that he has the same compass as you, which is to follow the river upstream.
We've lost the fucking trail. And McBenna will be saying this to Drago. As Drago's wiping sweat from his eyebrows, he's just, they're beating into his eyes and they're starting to sting. And he's just feeling a bit miserable. He's warm. He's kind of getting a little bit tired. His mind is still full of previous conversations with Saingar. So he just kind of looks towards
towards McBenna and he looks tired and he looks warm, looks fed up. What do you mean? Since we left our camp in the middle of the night and then kept walking and met the three stooges back there, we've not seen any more sign of Karl's passage, is what I'm saying.
That's unfortunate. It's fine. With everything that's going on, Syengar had us dashing off in dark, so it's... We're
Drago's Emotional Turmoil
still heading towards Dash Gallery, right? Yeah, well, hopefully Khajit aren't that common, so we can have a chance of finding him once we're in sea. And as he does that,
McBenna's sort of reached into the pouch, we've got a strap of material and he's put water all over that and he says, here, wrap this round your head. It'll keep you cool and might help the somewhat sweat. Thank you. That's Drago takes that. Good job. Guys, Drago brings Ren into the conversation.
My head is very full at the moment and I'm making some irrational decisions. I just want you to know that I'm sorry if I seem distant. I've gone through some things in the last day or so with this new person, Syengar. That Syengar's fucked with you mate.
Yeah, you just you just give to nod and we can do it. No, I mean, the reasons being, obviously, I've told you everything that happened while I was in Aerith. I.
And now I've defeated an enemy called Grazep. Grazep was responsible for my father's, our father's death back in the sword ghost. He arrived. So he is your brother. Look, I don't, I don't know. I haven't seen Syengar in at least six years. And I, you know, when,
You have some painful memories, but also a very important task in front of you. And so in order to proceed with this important task, you put everything else towards the back of your mind and you try not to think about it and you just learn to kind of compress it. That's what I've been doing in regards to my family.
Grazette killed my father when we were in the Sword Ghost. And it was one evening where this horde of coal boat set upon our place in the Icewind Dales during this massive battle.
Grasak killed Dengon, our father, and in the heat of that, I lost sight of Sayangar. And that's the last time I saw him. And then not long after that, I was transported to Eryth. So I'm just dealing with a lot with Sayangar. I was transported to Eryth without Sayangar. And to learn that he might have been here the whole time is...
Yeah. No, I get you. I get you. So, well, all right. I just wanted you to know. Well, it looks like the other three are distracting him, so at least he's keeping himself out of the way. That's it. You're all up to date with my own goings. It looks like the sun's going down, which would probably find camp now.
Yes, indeed. How is it still so warm when the sun is setting? Well, it's because the trees keep the heat in and the canopy just keeps in it. We're lucky we're not in desert. At least we've got the trees, so at least it'll get better later and there's a bit of shade. And if you go in the deserts, that's fucking brutal. Right. What's the chances that Dash Callaway will be called them?
Well, it's a city, so there's at least a chance that it'll be a little bit better. I can't guarantee it. Under that blazing sun, it'll get warm, but there's a chance you can at least find somewhere to bath. I mean, you can always jump in river, but I wouldn't, because there's stuff in there that will literally strip your tip bone as soon as luckier.
I keep leading the way. Right, let's find a camp. Just keep an eye out, something with a bit of cover so we can, you know,
Chungus Bongwater's Quirky Introduction
see what's what. And I'll find a camp. And I'll do another ping of this Divine Sense. Okay, we'll take a survival role from Macbenna and then I'll take a religion role from Draghi. Divine Sense, I'll just ping it.
Oh, sorry, yes. You don't get anything from the Divine Sense. That's a 24 on survival. Nice. Yeah, you find this time, with a role like that, you are in the process of looking for a campsite. What you appear to find is you're just kicking around the floor. You have a chance to come across what appears to be
a wooden door in the ground almost. And as you pull it back, what you discover is effectively a thieves cash or a smugglers cash. You open it up and there appears to be a series of barrels inside. You're able to jump in here and it appears to be somewhere where you could effectively hunker down for the evening camouflage should you choose to do so. Oh, McBenna's going to look what's in the barrels.
Okay, yeah, you are able to just lift the lid off one of them and immediately the stench of some form of what you would assume and knowing this is a ranger is a hentian vintage of dry rum that appears to be loaded into at least some of these barrels. Rum of the dwarven folk. Hey Drago, at least we're going to drink well tonight.
Oh, praise the keeper for that. This looks like a reasonable place to camp. I'm not one for sleeping underground though. But the thieves have got it. It's well hidden and it's quite shaded so at least we've got a bit of cover here. We can make a little fire. Oh no, no, that's okay. We don't need a fire.
Okay, temperature might drop though, but all right, I'm counting on it. What the rest of you discover as you emerge from behind is that these guys appear to have found a hatch that goes into the ground and they appear to have stopped as the rest of you catch up with them. Is this where we're gonna, you know, call it a night? Yeah, that's right. If you guys want to find your own camp, you're welcome to.
It looks like you've got a nice little place set up here. No, it's fine. It's not a problem. Yeah, we should all sit together. Yeah, good for morale and the like. Right. Okay. I feel like some formal introductions are necessary. As you know, my name's Drago. This is McBana. This is Ren and Syengar. I can introduce myself. Greetings all. I'm Syengar, son of...
Dengon. Yes, I know. I couldn't take myself to say his name. It's called backstory drug. I remember mine. I just wanted to make sure that you knew who our father was. Yes, I did. I haven't said his name in many years. You're not the only one who's confused and suspect about the reality of what's happening. He snarls at this and turns away. And who is this cat you're looking for?
Mission Brief: Hunting Karl
His name's Karl Jeet. He's a liar, a backstabber. And when I find him, his entrails are going to become his extrails. And I'm going to shove this vial. And he pulls out a vial of something of sand or dust. I'm going to shove this vial so far down his neck, he shits it out.
That's a bit grim, my friend. Then I'm going to cut off his head and shit down his neck. He's not done that. Is there more or is that it? Is this some sort of key word if you want? Jungus, what were you saying? Well, hello, everyone. My name is Jungus Bongwater. Well, that's what my parents called me.
So you could call me Chungus Bongwater. I mean, you could also call me Astrid. Astrid Starborn. It's a name that I chose for myself. But obviously, people do know me as Chungus. So Astrid, Chungus, up to you. But there we go. You might have heard of the Mosvigat tribe. It's where I've originated from. Well, that's not a problem. You might not have heard of them. But just in case you had, I thought I'd drop that name in there, just like Chungus.
And just like Astrid, my name. Enough about me. This is my little brother. Do you want to introduce yourself? Crap. I'm sorry. Crap. Crap. You need him. Crap. Crap. Crap name. What about your parents on when they named you?
What kind of Bongwater were they smoking? Hang on, hang on a minute. They ate a few too many flowers that they found. Wait, does that mean your full name is Crats Bongwater? I'm not your actual little brother. Oh, right. Well, I mean, you are kind of like my little brother, so... You call me your little brother. I'm not your little brother. Well, you could be if you wanted to be. I don't want to be.
well you might come round to it's not a problem and obviously you already know the brewer he's kind of introduced himself he stopped us eating the the plants to make a shit ourselves about an hour or two before you guys arrived and uh yes and now we're pretty much a tribe so are we tribe uh yeah i thought so i hadn't thought of a name yet but um i mean we could be the bomb waters now
We could be the Chungus Chums. No, I'm just going to stop you there. You can discuss your tribes some other time while we're making camp. And Macbeth will get his stuff out and play Night's Camp role. So if you only met Ucobura a few hours before you saw us, and I'm sorry for that, Ucobura, you seem to be a nice bloke. And I'm sorry you've not met these, did you? Just shut up.
I'm not very nice. McBenna will then look to Chungus and Krabs and say... No, you're not to me now. Get to... You'll be heckled, Will. Callum is heckling you. McBenna will look at Krabs and you will get the sense, Callum, that this person will kill you and will not weep over your body.
And he looks at both of them and goes, so what were you doing in this jungle? I was trying to get to Ucobura. We were just like, I kind of told your friend back there, we are on our way to Dashkelweir. I mean, it's our kind of our main purpose at the moment. It's what I read between the children of Celine up there. And I'll kind of point up as is it kind of getting darker?
Yeah, the hour of the gods union appears to be arising and that is effectively that happens twice a day. They're called the hours of the god union for that reason. And it's effectively when you have both Sol and Selen in the sky at the same time. And yeah, you can now see both the moon and the sun, the sun in its descendency and the moon starting to materialize as that happens.
I've got a bit of a fondness for Celine and all of her little children. You'll be able to see them in a minute. They're kind of right up there above your heads. And well, I've got this kind of greater purpose that I know that I'll find out more about when we get to, to dash Cal Red. That's what it's telling me up there. And I mean, I'm going to meet a couple of people. I'm going to have some, uh, some, some incredible adventures. I'm sure. I mean, I've read you all there. I could, I could show it to you. It's all in my deck.
Benner, it's worth noting that Goblinkin keeping the shadow Mendian deities is a novelty to you. That's strange. You've never encountered that before. In your dick. Yeah, it's all in my dick. Do you want to see my dick? Show him. I'm quite pleased with it. It's not the biggest in the world, but I'm adding to it every day, hopefully. I mean, that mental health is going to help me increase the size of my dick somewhat. You work hard on it.
He prays you've got me your dick. No, that's disgusting. I'm talking about my dick, look. And he'll open up the pouch around his neck that has a deck of cards that he's going to pull out and kind of reveal to you that have all got astrology kind of carvings on them, carvings of the stars. You mean your dick? That's what I said, my dick, yes. Right. So you keep Selen and Sol in your faith.
not so much so but Celine certainly and like I said all of our children like I've got this connection um I mean with her and I suppose I could show you a little bit later if you're fancy. Where do you travel from? Well like we're kind of marauding somewhat through through the jungle at the moment I was a bit of a lone wolf of one man bug bear wolf pack before obviously I kicked out of your family.
That's what he said. Well, you say kicked out. They sent me on a fantastic mission to go and charter the stars, which I did. And I came back and they'd, well, they had obviously other things to do. And so I've kind of, you know, just plotted my own course. That's when I became Astrid Starborn. But you could call me Chungus if you wanted. So you read Future Zen from the stars.
Not necessarily futures now. It's more about the fakes. It's something that's pre-written, it's not something you can change. No, I don't hold with that. I am me. So, you know, you keep yourself fun. You're quite a grumpy man. Well, if you've lived with me, then yeah, I am. How long have you lived? Over 50 years. I've lived twice as long as that and I've not yet been grumpy as you.
Well, I've lived half as long as that, I'm just as grumpy. And then that's true as well. Ah, I'm special. You know, these kind of, the humans, they're so, you're like, fleeting with their lives. I've experienced things really quickly. I haven't met one of these before. They're squishy. Look, and I'll just poke you in the cheek. McBenna will have stepped back if you tried to poke him. What do you think it's like?
No, Chris, we don't eat them. Why don't you come a bit closer and then we'll pull a knife and try and we'll see what happens. Chris, that's not an invitation. He means to threaten you. Kratz would have took a step initially thinking it was an invitation just before he would have told him otherwise. Ow! That's not very nice. You're a bit mean. And you're a bit annoying.
So I'm gonna go over here. You guys stay on that side. And let's just deal with this journey. Looks like he might die tomorrow. Are you okay in this jungle? I'm perfectly fine. It's not too hot for you. Actually, to your point, it is rather hot. Have you been in a jungle before? Yes, but none as dense or as warm as this. I feel like I'm cooking.
You need to try and cool down. Yeah, have a berry. I'll hand out a good berry. I appreciate the advice. I'm okay with not accepting a berry as Drago looks towards Syengar as he seems to be the whisper of the woods in terms of plant life at least. He very slightly shakes his head and just whispers, you'll piss yourself.
Yeah, as I was saying, I think I'm okay, but I will take your very helpful point of trying to cool down. You want some water?
And as Drago just thinks to what was offered to him by Chungus, he's going to... No, no, no. The berries was Chungus. Oh, my apologies. Right, he knows what he's doing, Count. When Drago thinks back to the berries that was just offered to him by Chungus, he's going to look to you, Cracked, and just shake his head. No. Thank you, with all respect.
Can I suggest that seven of us in this little hole with the lid on is going to get even hotter? I'm not going in the hole. I'll sleep out here. Yeah, me too. I'd like to see the stars. I'll sleep in a hole. So you're looking for like a cat? Yeah. And you think he's been this way? We have reason to believe he's heading towards the city. And then he's heading...
Elsewhere, we need to find his trail, find him and kill him. I suppose he's done something pretty bad, pretty bad. He murdered two others and he stole something that's not his. Sounds pretty bad. He's going to get others in a lot of shit. He explains why you're grumpy.
Has anyone heard of it? Oh my god, I'm gonna snap your neck, Chungus. What is wrong with you two? Put your bong in it. Put your bong in your mouth! Water boy. Has anyone heard of the boulder? What's my line?
Drezlin. Has anyone heard of the beholder named Drezlin? What are you in a movie? Is that something we'd know, Darren?
Political Intrigue: Dreslin and the Cardinal Family
It's not a name that would mean anything to any of you who've never been to Shadow Men, but for you, Syengar, the name Drezlin holds particularly a weight. It is a character of known interest to your former employer.
Aye, I know the name, Dreslin. I never met him myself, but I heard a lot about him. My friend here, Draggo, nods over to MacBenna, has got the mark of Dreslin on him, thanks to this girl. Aye, and I mean to make sure that if I'm going to die because of Dreslin,
I'm going to make sure I kill that bastard, Carl, first. Well, why don't we just make sure we kill Dreslin, too? I have no reservations in killing a behold. You know what? If you want to go kill Dreslin, then you go riot, mate. You have an absolute smashing time of it. Personally, I've known folk. There were some great charitable folk who thought they were going to try and put Dreslin down.
As far as I'm aware, I think they found some of their fingers, but not much else. Yes, but we are six.
We are six and between us we have two of the, of the one, two, three, four, five, seven. We're not seven, we're seven. Master was never your strong point. You forgot, you forgot Ren here. Sorry. MacBennar will step aside and they'll be red. That's sick. Oh wait, me as well. I forgot to count me. Well, do you think Tali? Shut up. There were so many of us.
We could kill him. I don't know a lot about beholders, sure, but I know the person I used to work for, my benefactor. I heard some of the shit that that beholder had done and the way he treated those around him. I don't hold any weight or care for my old boss. But I worked for some pretty powerful folk back in the day.
by back in the day, I mean not so long ago. I'm just saying, between us, I'm sure. We've, we've only just met Ucoboa. I don't think the grass. And Jungus sending them into the path of beholder. Actually, that might be a good idea. Okay, I'm just saying I, I hold no, I hold no Palais against him.
And now I respect you more, MacBenna, knowing that you and I face a similar foe. Have you got the mark of wrestling on you? No, I was never that stupid. But I have the need, I have the want to kill him. Uru and Cardinale used to say about all the things he used to do and the way he treated people and the way he held that monopoly over the cities. And I would like to see that go to an end more than anything else.
Yes. Does the name Uron Cardinale mean anything to me? The name Uron Cardinale means many things to you. He is considered to be the true power of the shallow Mendium throne. He is the chief counsellor to King Hatho IX. He is the head of the Cardenal family line, which is the cartel of Elbe. Are you saying that Sainga this time has been within the mixes of reigns?
The House of Haddow. The House of Haddow has been heavily estranged to his family, which listeners would be able to pick up from checking in on season two. I meant the House of Haddow. He's been around the family. He wouldn't have been around Rains because of the fact that Rains has been living in exile. That's mad. We've got stories within stories and stories. Oh my God. Interwoven. You work for the Cardinal.
Yes, I worked as a pit fighter for quite some time. He seemed to like the fancy of my blade. He's better than spitting blood every day. So, yeah, I worked with him for a while. Then you know if they rule shadow mens above ground, it's dressing who ruins the underground. Right. And you can understand why the Cavanagh family might not like a serious power, especially the power of a beholder under their ground.
You don't think that they are. If you want my opinion and I've heard, I mean, all right, just haven't talked, but I hear the Cardinals and Dreslin, they may act like they hate each other, but I reckon there's a deal going on there. There's no way the Cardinals are going to let him infringe upon their power. I don't read politics. All I read is what I see. I hear the shit that he did. I think the six of us could kill him. Fuck, seven, whatever. I think we could take him.
As you say that, there is a crash behind you. And what you see is this giant Diplodocus just make its way through the clearing and just start to graze at a series of trees nearby. It doesn't seem to pay any particular heed to you. And then there is another one. And then a smaller one, a younger one.
They're just small herds. Look at that. The man who's trying to do the Jurassic Park theme on a recorder. They're moving herds. Look at that. They're moving herds. Fucking hell. These guys have got pretty long nicks. Do you think they see some shit? Are you suggesting that you're going to climb that thing? No, not at all. Hold on. I'm going to speak with animals on myself. Oh my god.
Have I done the one thing? Yes, Darren, give a dipperdocus. Come on. OK, yes. Come on, Attenborough. Let's see what you got. If the dipperdocus is really high up, there's nothing saying that Chungus will actually be able to be heard by it. Oh, exactly, exactly. Unless I can call it edgy at the same time and make your voice five times louder. If only I had it. Oh, wait, do you have it? Have it. Enjoy. In case he doesn't hear me, it's been a while since I've tried this language. Hold on.
And in my best diplodocus, I will just shout out to... What does that sound like, Will? What does that sound like for our listeners? Okay, it sounds something like this. Which translates roughly as, hey there guys, you look like a nice lovely family. Have you seen a cat person at all walking past this way, maybe the last couple of days?
If they just continue to eat on this tree, the branch just falls off and hits the floor. They don't appear to be paying any attention to you at the minute. Rude. Look, a burra. You've told me in the three hours since I've met you that you're pretty fancy with the magical. Is there anything for you to help me? Could you lift me up a bit higher? I don't think they can hear me from down here.
I'll try again and I'll cast Thaumaturgy again on you. Sorry, I wasn't the way you cast that yet. Yeah, okay. You cast Thaumaturgy. Okay, yeah, I don't say the same thing. I'll just shield my ears as you say like the first syllable and it's super loud. Oh God! This time that one of the Diplodocus has just turned its head towards you.
and it looks at you curiously for a second and then starts to just move over towards you very slowly.
Which only you, Chungus, will hear as... That sentence. We used to have some semblance of respect. That for the rest of you is what you hear. What you hear is... What is it you're looking for? My friends are looking for someone that looks like a cat.
I assume that means something feline, have you heard of such a thing? It's apparently gone past this way recently, and this is, I'm assuming, really loud with the thought that's... Yeah, now the second, if the day is turned, then...
And what you understand is effectively it seems to have said something in what would be a broken expression in the common tongue, which is along the lines of what is a cat person. Yeah, on second thought, this was probably not a good idea. Could you cut the mic? I'll turn back to the rest. Just saying. Yeah, they don't know what a cat person is, so that was a bit
Silly, oh well. Thank you. And I'll call up and I'll just kind of stroll away from them and hope that nothing bad comes from it. That wasn't loud at all. What the fuck is going on? I don't know how to speak to the dinosaurs. Yeah, I've got a few languages up in the old noggin. What was that thing? Oh, it's just a dinosaur.
It's one way to cool it. Yeah, I've never seen a dinosaur. I thought you said you've been in forests. My forests seem to be a bit different to yours. I see.
Do you not have these? As you glance around at that, you can see that this now is pretty much a surprise to no one except for Drago and Ren, who appear to be seeing a creature of this size for the first time. For those of you who have got experience of the verandian, this isn't a particularly strange phenomenon. Back to you. Sorry, Ukaburra.
no dinosaurs at all you haven't seen a raptor and i'll gesture to the the tooth coming out of my chest i know of dragons much different much much different
Perhaps it might be worth continuing this discussion once we've had something to eat. I'm sorry, I'm really hungry. Has anyone got the food? We'll all stop while you eat and then we'll resume talking. I've got a berry. Eat the berry.
Eat the berry? Or don't? Yeah, I made it myself. It's one small bite is enough to fill the stomach of any bug beer. That's what mum used to say. Don't eat the berry. Drago, I have known folk who can make what he's making, allegedly.
They're great, but thankfully, we've got some rations with us, so we don't have to risk it. We have our rations. We're okay. Yeah, I'm gonna... She just used to...
But thank you, though, as she just starts to open one of her Russian packs and just starts to run one of the... We could always rustle up some baby diplodocus. You know, I'm going to go and take the first watch. I think that's a good thing to do right now. And Draghi's going to start stalking the perimeter of the little kind of hidden
area that we found as well as the outskirts for those sleeping on the outside. So keeping a big kind of wide perimeter and he's just gonna start setting up a watch. I think one of us should go with him looking at Chungus and Kratz. He doesn't seem to know about dinosaurs. Kratz, good job. Ow bugger. Go on little brother, you'll be fine.
Once again, if we could just push the camera to Drago, he's just gonna go, fuck. He's got the sense that something bad has just happened. I'm coming. As soon as that thought goes through your head, you just say, hang on, I'm coming. Okay.
Do we want to do anything, Kratz, do you wish to try and converse with this Dragonborn during this watch or are you happy for you to both just play out your watch in, I guess, some form of muted silence? I think it would, well, I don't know about Drago, I think it would be muted silence from Kratz for a bit and then just as it starts to wean on throughout the watch. Who's weaning and what? Is Drago still struggling with the heat?
It depends on how much the temperature drops as the night rolls in.
It is now a winter evening, but it is still notably warm. It's as hot as you encountered some of the worst days in sleep guard when you were last in there in terms of the hotter days. You are in a much hotter part of the world here. So yeah, it is still noticeable that it's affecting you. It's cooler, but it's still unpleasant.
Right, noticing that you would probably see Kratz's quarterstaff just reach up towards the sky. And as he does, you'd start seeing a bit of cloud gather, and you just have a little bit of rainfall fall down over you. I'll just cast Create Water, and I'm just going to have it fall as a rainfall on him.
Not just on me, it's just like the Truman Show where I step to one side and then the ray just follows. Yeah, pretty much. You just had about 10 gallons of rainwater. Literally just around me. Literally just around you. Amazing. So you've seen me do that. You seem to be struggling. I just thought that might help, you know. Thank you, Kratz. It is very appreciated.
The heat can be difficult. For my kind, my brethren, specifically, yes, the heat is difficult. Why does your brother seem to be okay with it? I don't know. Fair enough. I wondered if you were like...
Me and Chungus. He calls me his brother but he's not my brother. No. For all intents and purposes. That's my brother. Don't see many of your kind around here. You have huge dinosaurs and you don't see many of my kind. I don't anyway. I can't speak for anybody else. I see lots of animals around here.
And as this watch plays out in silence, Drago, it's a chance for you to reflect on Kratzkind and that your encounters with goblins up to this point, even if it doesn't dawn on you, is that you've had
It doesn't dawn on you at all by looking at your face. I am not. I am just taking crats for what he is at face value. The water giver. There is nothing more deeper in my mind about that because I'm still tossing through everything about my path. There is some interest in there and wonderment about these fucking huge dinosaurs that we've seen.
It's hot, man. I'm tired and emotional, but trying to keep a lid on the emotions. So it's very single minded.
sorry to really kind of fuck your beautiful story description there no you're absolutely fine you're absolutely fine um in in normal circumstances it would probably strike you as strange that your your encounters with goblin have been mostly hostile up to this point but but in such circumstances we will we will we will leave that beautiful description out of this story um a couple of hours pass and
It is probably time now as we hit the point of the watch where people would start to think about falling asleep if they haven't already. Certainly for you, Drago, the heat and the exhaustion would make you probably get to the point where it's okay, I've done my shift and it's someone else's turn. Who would like to take the second watch? I'll take it.
I'd be waking up MacBenna, just to- And I would probably go with that. Rail road it again, because I don't know anyone else. Yeah, it's not at the point- It's just a little bit like- You started the watch early enough that there would still be people awake. You can go to- Oh wow, in which case- ... the final means. Roll the dice, I don't know. Okay. As you come back to camp, we will say that MacBenna, who has probably- MacBenna, what would you be doing as it's getting to the point of starting to find sleep?
Well, he'll spend time just making sure his weapons were sharp, that he's looked after his equipment, because at the end of the day, he's lived a life of needing to be prepared. He'll have laid his bedroll down, seeing what the others are doing.
And I sort of settled himself down, perhaps tried to ease out some of the aches that he's probably got after the effect of the haste has slowly dissipated. And now those aches and pains of everything he's been through is now coming back. And he's just sort of gonna sort of lie there, obviously a dagger just in his hand, just so he's ready.
Okay, unless you would object to Ukuboa and Chungus taking the watch, I'm going to say they head out as soon as they see Drago coming back, as if to naturally go and take the next watch. Not unless Drago comes over and does anything. Not if just in sheer walking through causes to other people to get up and walk out of the house, you know.
It's also worth noting that you're at the point where the watch will be now better served by people with darkvision, which of course McBenna doesn't have. So, as you head out, yes. As Drago passes, how blatant is your amulet, Drago? Do you wear it over or do you wear
The Power of Drago's Amulet
it... It's always on show.
And it's always got that, I mean, of all people, you know exactly what that amulet is and how it looks. So it's always out. It's always on show. It's always got that kind of glowing constant glow to it until I start to either draw magic from it in some ways and it starts to pulse stronger. But yeah, it's always there. As we sort of pass, I'll just go, eternal one. Nice. And carry on.
I expect like a bro-face to come along with that as well. The mysteriousness of Akiva is gone. That's fucking men. Yeah, okay. Jocko would just kind of look almost aghast and like, what? What? And then just shake his head and walk on by. Brilliant.
Chungus Bongwater and Ookaburra, do you have anything in particular that you want to do on your watch? Yeah, I'll go first. Yeah, certainly. Chungus will be kind of just mindless back looking up at the stars. He's particularly interested to see if this night of all night there is a shooting star, some kind of
something moving in the stars. Things are going round in his mind. Think about the people that he's just met, looking for some sort of sign. And rather than just kind of staying there and waiting, he's also going to ritual cast Skywright. And with that,
I know technically he doesn't say it within the spell description. It says, obviously, writing words in the sky, but if you'll allow it, I'd like to draw lines. And what he's doing is he's just chatting to Ukaburra and basically pointing out the constellations and kind of drawing them out with his druidic magic, kind of saying things like, yeah, and that one there, that's the satyr's bow. You can see it quite clearly. Oh, look, you can see the mermaid's tits from here.
And he's kind of pointing them all out as he goes through them. What do they mean? I mean, it can mean lots of different things, really. When we met you just the other night, I saw one of Celine's tears streak across the sky and it kind of showed me that, you know, we're kind of on the right path. We're meant to be together. I'm just at the same time, whilst I'm showing you these, I'm just trying to see what these guys we're with alike. Is this
That's what I'm looking out for. I'll let you know if it is. It's curious to me why you keep these old gods. They're not one of these new ones, like that lizard man. He keeps a new god? Yes, one of those eastern ones. Western ones. Not me. Southern. Over here it's always been Solon Selene, wasn't it? That's what I've kind of discovered.
Before this one that you keep, and the one that he keeps, there were older, older ones. Right, well, that's fair enough. I mean, you can keep, I suppose, whatever gods you like, if you like them. It's just so confusing sometimes, knowing the difference. To be honest, I don't know much about the other ones. I'm just going on what I can tell and what I can discover from the skies myself.
So what would it take for you to have like a divine moment? Something happens like a explosion in the stars, the salen's children, as you call them? Yeah, well, sometimes, yes, sometimes it's just perhaps, I mean, if you look up there, if you see the leaf and mushroom, and I'll kind of still use sky right and point out a constellation.
Sometimes if you see that a little bit closer over here to the root and branch, that can be all sorts of reasons, all sorts of meanings. I use my beak and I'll once again open up the pouch and the deck of cards. I use these and kind of compare it with what I can see up there and a little bit of, I suppose, magic from my parents and it just, the answers come to me. Interesting. Could you tell me if any of my family are alive?
Oh, it doesn't do that. It's not like you don't really ask a question. It more kind of tells you answers, if that makes sense. No. Never mind. How does one get answers if one doesn't ask questions? I mean, like, imagine if you ever read a book.
Yes, I have attached to my person right now. Oh, cool. Well, when you read a book, you don't exactly open it up and ask it a question, do you? You just kind of read it and it's there. Correct. I have a living one, but yes, in principle. Well, now you've piqued my interest. How have you got a living book? Is it what?
Well, it's a transmogrified puppy. Well, now I'm just really interested. I'm only joking. I don't have a living book. Oh, right. I suppose I don't know you well enough to know your sense of humor, but it's good that you've got one. That's always a positive trait. You'll know me soon enough. I'm tempted to wake everyone up and make a false panic. What do you feel about that? Well, I mean, that...
That human, he looks like he's only got a couple of years left on him. Let's give him some excitement in his last few days. No, he seems really hurt. It seems like someone's really done him wrong and he just wants to rip someone's head off and shit down their neck. I think we should try and help him. I'd quite like to see that. If he's got a little bit of time left, if we can make it nice and happy, I'd be happier.
OK, but tomorrow night I'll ask you this again. And if you say maybe, I'm pulling the plug. Sounds good to me. Because I think he's going to get grumpier. Fear enough. I suppose we kind of want to watch here, aren't we? And we kind of need to make sure that nothing's going to come in and rip our heads off and shit down our necks. So if you could just kind of keep an eye on the tree line, I'm going to keep looking up here. As soon as I get a sign, though, I'll let you know. OK.
Good chat and you can clear up.
Episode Wrap-Up: Reflections and Dynamics
And as these two goblinkin go to take watch over the dark verandian skyline, that's where we're going to end tonight's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. I'm going to turn craps into a little bag
after I've killed him. I would have liked to be with Ryan. There's so much vengeance in you, Macbenna. Who wronged you, Macbenna? I'm a bad man. Crap, the craps that I do to you, man. He was just in the way. You mean nothing but mean to me, you son of a bitch. I'll tear him in from limb when he sticks. It's your voice, it's just really annoying.
And if people wanted to like express their opinion that people being mean to crap, how might they go about doing that? I wonder. That was a very tenuous link, but I will take it. Yeah, we needed it. Hi guys, Ian here. Doing what I normally do.
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If you wanted to find Danny, you can find him at... Total party thrills. Mark can be found at... Hastily rolled DM. Real Will can be found at... Natural 20 Will. DM, DM, DM, DM can be found at... Down page A6. Until next time, guys. Farewell! Farewell!