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117. Unlocking Spiritual Intimacy: Eric Bigger's Guide to Manifesting Love and Life's Physical Aspects image

117. Unlocking Spiritual Intimacy: Eric Bigger's Guide to Manifesting Love and Life's Physical Aspects

Spiritual Fitness with Eric Bigger
87 Plays7 months ago

In this episode of the Spiritual Fitness podcast, Eric Bigger dives into the importance of spiritual intimacy and how it plays a crucial role in developing physical intimacy with life and love. He shares practices and personal experiences that highlight the necessity of reconnecting with one's spiritual self to manifest the physical aspects of life and love that we desire.

Eric explores the distractions that often prevent us from building a strong spiritual connection, such as social media, poor food choices, and lack of rest. He emphasizes the significance of spiritual practices like silence, meditation, walking, physical fitness, and intentional showers. Eric also offers a step-by-step plan for integrating these practices into your daily routine to enhance your spiritual intimacy, leading to a more fulfilling and abundant life.

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Also in this episode:

  • Understanding how spiritual connection influences physical intimacy in life and love.
  • Identifying daily habits and routines that detach us from our spiritual selves.
  • How integrating these practices can lead to mental, emotional, and physical growth.
  • The importance of consistency and dedication to spiritual practices for transformative results.

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Introduction to Spiritual Fitness Podcast

Welcome to the Spiritual Fitness Podcast. I'm your host, Eric Bigger, and each week we will explore powerful practices, inspiring stories, and expert insights to guide you on your path to holistic health. By blending spirituality and physical wellness, we support you in strengthening your body and soul. Whether you're a seasoned spiritual seeker or just beginning your journey, the Spiritual Fitness Podcast is here to help you unlock your inner potential and live your most vibrant, purposeful life. It's Miracle Season.
Welcome to Spiritual Fitness Podcast. I'm your host, Eric Bigger. We'll be back again. Another episode.

Building Spiritual and Physical Intimacy

Open up that third eye because I have a great conversation that I want you to tap into, listen to, and I want to know your thoughts, your opinions, your suggestions when you listen. So today's episode is about spiritual intimacy, to build physical intimacy with life and love.
That's where we get started. Shots out the simplified impact moves all over my social media, YouTube, and everything. My podcast will help me set up my back end, front end, have me visible as everyone in the world can be. You have a podcast and you have a social platform. Shots out the simplified impact. Check them out. Link will be it in the description notes. Also, it's Miracle Season. Get your Miracle Season merch at 50% off. All cats in season to get 50% off.
And last but not least, last but not least, please sign up for 101 Coaching. I have free intentional calls. Click the link. I have three months, six months of coaching where I take you through such a transformation process for your mind, for your body, for your soul, for your life to see who you really really are due to power and answers you have within. So sign up. All information is in the show notes.

Self-awareness and Overcoming Perfectionism

And by the way, to anybody who want a free miracle mindset guide, DM me on Instagram at Eric Bigger, the word we now sin you ah fruit miracle, miracle mindset guide. Got to have that mind. Mindset is everything. I believe our mindset, so we want to be sure that one is growth mindset. But anyway, let's talk about spiritual of intimacy to build physical intimacy with life and money. What do I need?
So life and love is spiritual, is intimate, right? And I think what happens in life, we're so distracted from the physical and bomber that we're in, that takes us away from the spiritual intimacy that we need to create within. You know, you have things that distract us like pleasure, must. or food choices, lack of rest, social media, gossiping, all these conversations and circumstances that don't embody the highest best truth for us. So earlier today, I was sitting in my apartment and I was thinking, I was like, man, intimacy is important in all of life. And I believe in my life, I've ran from intimacy, especially with myself.
I've always found ways to keep busy, stay different planets, stay focused. You know, that person who's just always locked in, he's always on it. They're always just ahead of the curve, which is great. But as a shadow side to that, and then my evolution of my spiritual side and just life, I realized like, I got to be more intimate with myself. And what I mean by that is that all of us can relate in a space where we see ourselves talking. It's like, I don't like my voice. I don't like the way I look. how I don't like take that photo down. Don't take a photo of me. and I ain't got an outfit or whatever. like It's like we're so invested and perfection.
section is of life and it's not even real, right? And for 30 some years, I lived in that energy. I was actually done an episode, friend of mine, shouts out to Detroit King Tate. He also has a book out called Hustle Code. Go get that. He has his pre-orders available now. But we're trying to find a location and shoot the conversation to create the content. And, you know, I was like, man, I don't care where she did that. I don't want nothing to be perfect because anything perfect, nothing is perfect. Well, and it's not real.
Right? So living in that paradigm for so long has to look this way. I have to be this way. I have to have a haircut. I have to be this prestige, perfect person for what reason? Because I'm hiding from the intimate parts of my nature. pain, my sadness, the reality of who I am versus who I think I should be based on stereotypes I treated with sin because of fear, because of lack and limitations. So it brought me today to think in order to get the physical intimacy out of life and love, you got to become spiritually intimate with yourself.
You have to tap into your spiritual self, right? Your spiritual nature, your spiritual essence of who you really are, not who you think you should be so the world can like, share, gossip about you, for fame, for fortune, for attention, for validation. That's not real, because if you're not bringing your real self to the surface, anything you get from that will die off. Because guess what? You got to continue to live out that program and that paradigm, which I did for years. And I'm no longer in that frequency of perfectionism. It has to look this way. It has to be this way.

Practices for Spiritual Intimacy

I'm coming as I am because I love myself. I believe in myself. I know myself. So even if I make a mistake, that's part of life. That's part of living. One of my Instagram captions, like I was in Peru, I was talking about what the title was, but I remember the phrase I said is that I'm not healing to live. I'm living to heal. So instead of trying to heal to live, you need the lids to heal. And I got that download from being spiritually intimate with my higher self, with my true self. You know, Eric, bigger. Matter of fact, he, the kid that grew up in Baltimore, not this social media or influence or reality person, that's something I created based on what I thought. This is who I am in the flesh. And this is why on spiritual fitness podcast, we tap into the spirit of your shittings.
Right? And so today I got five ways on how to build spiritual intimacy to develop physical intimacy with life involved. And I'm going to name. So, you know, I always say less is more. Stillness speaks, peace be still, silence is power. So I'm going to say the five and then I'm going to break it down. So the first way to build spiritual intimacy is silence, right? Silence. A lot of us are afraid of silence. Even myself will always want to have a meditation or a podcast or music. So, you know, over the years, especially these last two years, I've been finding days and ways to just sit in silence for out of 30 minutes, 10 minutes, right? Silence. I'm talking about just sit there in the dark, just sit, right? To meditation.
Always say meditation is God speaking to you in prayers, you talking to God. So meditation is how you get the downloads from your spirit so you can become intimate with the ideas and the inspiration that you get when you're meditating in a meditative space, right? Read walking. Some of us take walking for granted. A lot of us walk, but we don't have intentions behind. our wall So walking with intention, I'll call them high vibrational walk, low intention walking, right? Walking. Four, physical fitness, motion changes emotion, movement is medicine. All those phrases, I'm sad and sad, it's in clicks until you attach to the idea of what it really means for the energy to become embedded in your soul. It makes sense in your psyche, your mind. Last but not least, intentional showers.
tension was shot That was the one that just changed me, my potential showers. In the shower, I get my most purest, clearest thoughts. I get breakthroughs. I get ideas. And I think the water is an example of clearing, cleansing, right? Our energy. We're also opening up that third eye, opening up our vessel, our heart's face, our mind to get new thoughts, new ideas, new synchronicities. new thought, action, that's inspiration, that's in alignment with our soul's purpose. So why is it important, right? To have, like I said, I explained earlier, spiritual intimacy is what life is, right? In love. Life in love is spiritual intimacy. So the way that I tap into our spiritual intimacy, how can we get the physical part of the love and life that we yearn for? So everything comes within, right? Everything comes within.
everything. Thoughts become things, right? So whatever you're feeling is coming from an inside based on what you might think first and then see second. So I believe if you do these five things, of a course of, I would say, consistently for two months. Consistently for two months. I promise you your life will change. So let's go to number one, how to build silence. How to build silence and spirit chances. Every day, right this day, I'm gonna make this very quick, concise and to the point.
Every day, at least five days a week, just commit. I want you to sit in silence for 10 minutes. Put your phone, sit for 10 minutes. Just sit in silence. Go on the guard or go on as you just sit there for 10 minutes, right? Still it every day. And if you can't get a guard or you just sit in silence for 10 minutes, it don't take 10 minutes to sit. And when you do that, I want you to think about, well, think about, I want you not to think. But after those 10 minutes, I want you to process and write, how do you see it, right? Good, bad, and different. That is, I don't want you to always feel perfect. That's not real. Whatever you're feeling, I want you to write it down, right? So for 10 minutes every day, next two months, come on, summertime. 10 minutes of silence to yourself. Don't be around anymore. See that? See that silence? I like comfort.
and then reveal to yourself what comes up. You might get new ideas, you might get a new thought to change something in your relationship, your life, love. So s sit for 10 minutes every day for two months, and I want you to jot down what comes up. And if you can't do it for two months, then we'll still have two weeks, call it. You got it. Try a week. I want you to try it. Give it a week, at least a week, at least a week. but do The goal is two months, at least a week, every day. 10 minutes, right? After the 10 minutes, think about, write about what kind what came up. We good at that. We don't want to be perfect. Boom. And once you continue to make do that.
You go to empower the meditation, right? Because everything is a kind of precursor to the next thing or prerequisite, right? So, boom, now we go on to meditation every day. Wait at least a week. I want two months. I want you to meditate five minutes. Go to YouTube, put on healing frequency or high vibration. I want to put your energy in a high vibration. I want you to heal, reveal, whatever it is. We'll put on healing frequency, maybe like 432 megahertz, right? Five minutes of meditation. And that will come through, come through. Just take a deep breath. You got to focus on one word, love, life, abundance, constantly say it silently to yourself. Right. That'll take five minutes every day. Give me seven days. Three, walk. You can walk. Look, some time you can walk. Walk for 10 minutes. How vibration walk, get in a good space and just walk.
Walk, walk, walk. It's that simple, right? Four physical treatments. Can you least move your body for at least 30 minutes? Out of the seven days, can you move your body for three days, 30 minutes? Out of two months, can you work out three days a week, two months? Please, 30 minutes. That's all I'm asking. This information is channeled through me for you. I want you to benefit, to build spiritual intimacy for yourself.
That's very important. And last but not least, intentional showers. like This is the fun part, right? Because look, we all take showers, we bathe up, we go to work, we go out on dates, but we don't really, some of us don't really think about the shower the way I would think. So before you get in the shower, the idea is, or the attention is, How do I get closer to my spirit where I can hear it? That could be one thought, right? Because maybe some of us are disconnected from our spirit, our heart's face, right? Like our consciousness that we all have. That can be one intention. How do our spirit bring me closer to my higher self so I can hear what I can hear? Or whatever you want to think about in a show. What is the name of?
my podcast. So how do I 10X my money? Anything that's relatable to where you are in life, I want you to think about it. yeah You can write it down and pray about it before you get in the shower. See, this shower is intentionally for me to increase my awareness ah around when I'm triggered. form and seek that You get in the shower and you let spirit talk to you, right? You got to trust yourself, right? You might sound like some of us might not be connected to our spirit. What makes me understand, try it out. I'm very connected to my spirit. Very, very, very. Like this idea for this podcast came to me.
so Again, silence, 10 minutes. Meditation, five minutes. Walk, 10 minutes. Physical fitness, 30 minutes. Tension of shower. Those five things, people. Five things. Commit to it. I want two months out of you. Please, and give yourself two months. This is for you, for the benefit of the people that you serve every day. And if you can't be two months through seven days, seven days I'm asking you to be. very into the spiritual, intimate part of yourself. Because guess what? You're going to grow mentally, you're going to grow emotionally, you're going to grow physically, your money is going to increase, the love you have for yourself is going to increase. The most important thing while I want you to do this, your awareness for life and yourself is going to increase. You're going to be more aware of what bothers you, what triggers you. You're going to be more aware of your insecurities and your fears. You're going to be more aware of where your power and your faith resides, you're going to be aware of what life in love means to you, right? And I think what happens is the more we integrate the spiritual life that we deserve, the more we can manifest the physical life, know we should have.
But it's the opposite of today's society, today's world. We're always given to the physical, always to the flesh. We're on social media, we want our phones, right? Our phone, we're in a relationship with our phone. We got a better relationship with our phone than we do our spirit. We have a better relationship with social media than we do our partner or our friends. That has to stop. And this is why spiritual intimacy is so important for the physical intimacy that you want. and life and love. Now, when I say life and love, physical intimacy, what does that i mean? From my perspective, physical intimacy with life and love means the life of abundant, the life of your dreams, the life that fulfills your purpose in this purpose, in this time, right? It's not about everything has to be perfect, but you deserve to feel good and live your best life, if you're willing to do the work.
Also, we all want to be in a relationship of some sort. All of us want love because love is beautiful, love heals all. But most of us are not in a relationship with ourselves. So and spiritual intimacy is going to unlock the relationship you need to have with yourself, to have that relationship you need to have with life and a loved one, potentially partner or partner that you might be with. We're so disconnected from ourselves, yet we get upset when our partner's not connected to us or life is not connected to us because we're so disconnected from ourselves. Now, some of this is by design. That's media, propaganda, books they're given in schools, the education system. We got to think outside the box. We got to think different. We got to do different. We got to be different. If we all followed everyone's door, how can anyone stand out?
How can you get the love of your life? How can you manifest the money and be financially free? How can you live the life of your dream if you're doing what everybody's doing? You have to be different. You have to stand out so you can be outstanding. There's no more standing in it. It's time to stand out. You have the power. I want you to step into your power, but I want you to tap into your spiritual power because it's going to heal your soul and heal your life. And you are going to have the most beautiful relationship with life in love. Because life and love are so, as they are spiritual and intimate, they're also relationships that you need to build the love's time with in your intimacy. But like I said, we're so disconnected. You know, lust.
really gets us disconnected from our higher self. Distractions, poor food choices, lack of rest, anything that's going to lower your frequency and lower your vibration and take you out of alignment of your highest best self, is disconnecting you from the life I love you more. So, all right, that's just what it is. When I'm centered, when I'm grounded, and I feel good, all life is feeling. Ooh, I feel incredible. Before I got on here to record this podcast, you know I prayed. You know I meditated. I wasn't in shower thinking about this episode. I didn't just get on here and say, hey, guys, look at this.
came on here with intentions today to give you five ways to unlock spiritual intimacy, to build physical intimacy with life and love because you deserve it.

Commitment to Transformation and Growth

But if we're not aware of our spirit, we're not aware of who we are, how can we expect us to have the life and love we want? So many of us got to get with the program and say, look, the reality is I'm not connected to myself. I don't even know who I am. I don't know who I am if, you know, things are out of whack because I'm not connected to my spirit.
There was an unseen before the scene. Everything that's happened in the material world was in the spiritual realm, the fluid manifests. But you don't know that or maybe you do, you just have been so disconnected. Some of you stop praying, stop going to the gym, you stop listening to your intuition, you stop listening to that podcast and reading those books because something bad happened or you had a breakup or you had to part ways with a partner or a relationship or a friend or family. When you stay connected spiritually and you're intimate with your spirit every day, Two things also, not too many things outside of yourself can deter you from the truth of what your spirit wants for life and love in this physical realm. So tap into the spiritual intimacy of yourself by doing those five things.
being in silence for 10 minutes, meditating for five minutes, working out for 30 minutes, right? All the things that's gonna get you closer to you, spiritual stuff, walking, intentional showers, intentional showers. Yes, this is the new thing. I might be the first to come up with intentional showers. And then when you're done, put the cold water on your third eye, expand that consciousness, right? Because we all deserve to evolve and grow in this lifetime. No one should be living in lack and fear, but because we're so disconnected from spiritual part of our life, lack and fear controls our life. So this spiritual intimacy is going to zap that and get you more into alignment so you can live your best life.
so Make a decision because everything's a choice and live your best life and become spiritually intimate with life that's inside of you. Have the intimacy outside of you. It's an alignment for your best self. So I'm happy to hear your responses, your feedback. Reach out to me on Instagram at Eric Bigger. Follow Spiritual Fitness Pod on Instagram. Increase the follow and subscribe to the YouTube. Subscribe, subscribe, subscribe to my YouTube. just connect. I want to grow. I want to help you grow and help you win. I want to help you evolve. I want to help you love. I want to help you learn. I want to help you earn. I want you to say, Eric, thank you for that episode. Thank you for that conversation.
Get it now. I understand me more. I'm standing in my power. I'm making decisions. I'm taking leaps of faith. Right? So I always tell people don't knock it till you try. So thank you for listening. Thank you for watching. Appreciate you again. Miracle season. It's Get you submerged 50% off with promo code M season all cats. Also sign up for one-on-one coaching. I have free intentional calls. If that's you, you want a free miracle mindset.
Right? DM me Miracle. And by the way, go get you some Miracle Season Moss. Collab with Manifesto Drain Moss. Mad Moss is a company out in Silver Spring, Maryland. And you need to succeed Moss. It's good for your immunity, it's good for your body, for your minerals, vitamins, all the things. I'll attach everything in the show notes. But thanks again for listening. It's amazing. You're amazing. We're amazing. Together, spiritual fitness pod. I'm out. Be great. Peace.
Thank you for joining us on the Spiritual Fitness Podcast. We hope today's episode has inspired you and provided valuable insights for your holistic health journey. By blending spirituality and physical wellness, you can strengthen your body, mind, and soul. If you enjoyed today's episode, please subscribe, rate, and leave a review. Until next time, stay strong, stay inspired, and remember, it's miracle season.