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Ep. 58 Troublesome Troggos - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 58 Troublesome Troggos - Bellum Draconis

S2 E58 ยท The Fellowship of the Tabletop
113 Plays1 year ago

Deep into the Dralac Caves our group of warriors play hide and seak with some Troublesome Troglodytes

Follow us on our Twitters - @FellowshipTable

Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade


Leadership Change Announced

I'm no longer the leader. Someone else is in charge. Alpha's the leader. Alpha's muted. No, he's not. That's a standard. That's just a standard. He's still muted. He's still muted. Are you just not listening to us? I've just muted myself. I ignore them. Phil, what the fuck? You said it like three times. I don't care about listening to you. Yeah, our listeners, do you see what we have to put up with? I'm

Introduction to 'Fellowship of the Tabla Top'

going west.
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabla Top, Balandric Honest. We are a live play 5e D&D podcast set in the magical home-brewed world of Aerith in the Kingdom of Slitgarde. My name is Mark and I'm the Dunjeon Master and also with us for this week's episode we have Darin who plays the High Elf Artifice of Reint Hadao. We are a Dunjeon, a Dalavon.

Correcting the Setting and Recap

We have Will who plays the Human Cleric Emron. Hello Dar. Will who plays the Human Divination Wizard Old Gel.
Hello. We've got Ian, he plays the Tiefling warlock, Nick's Corel. Danny, he plays the half-orc monk. You fucked up your intro. We're not in Sleetguard. Oh, not. Wow, Danny. Thank you. Let me just start again. Danny passed. You did. You are not so silent. Not this time anyway. Magical home-brewed world of Aerith now traversed into the kingdom of Dromak. Sounds wrong. That's a very good point.
And Callum's here as well. Hi. For a second I thought you weren't going to say anything. I'm very tempted to. You should have. That would have been fab. How are you, Callum? Hi. Good start. Good start. Thank you for that insight. Wow. It was so picturesque, Callum. It was almost like I was there. That is a fantastic insight into my life. Speaking of insights into my life, what happened
to our characters' lives last week on the Fellowship of the Tabla Top. I think we should drop in with our chronicler, Danny, to find out and peek in behind the veil of time to see what happened last week in our podcast thing that we produce weekly on the internet for your listening pleasure. Danny, go ahead.
in the last few pages of our adventure. The party crossed the borders of Sleetgard into the kingdom of Dralak and spent a few days traversing the sands until they came across the cave. The cave belonging to the Roper, their quarry that they are hunting,
They entered into the cave to discover this pool-like space with what can only be described as a lone crazed dwarf who seemed to have encountered the Ropa previously on a similar, almost identical, extortion with his allies that now are lost within the cave itself. Having spent some time trying to get the party across
this pool of water. Ah, not yet heroes now find themselves inside a terribly tight tunnel with a collective noun beginning with T of troglodytes awaiting them. A trifle

Exploring the Cave and Troglodyte Encounters

of troglodytes. A turd of troglodytes. A turd of troglodytes works because they are stinking.
While anyone else can come and know the better ones, find us on X at Fellowship Table. Give us a good collective noun for troglodytes. Truffle. Truffle of troglodytes. It doesn't have to be the same letter, though. Troop. I was going for T because it was a tight tunnel with something of troglodytes. Yeah. A tight tunnel. A lot of troglodytes. A lot of troglodytes.
There you go. Or maybe, well, they are lizardy, maybe like a, no, it's not a littration, but a lick of tribe, but that just might be. Who's front? Morota. That's a good point. Let's go through that. We're in a very thin queue. Morota, old girl, who's tied to alpha. Why? Who knows really why? How long is the road between those? You're not from here. Did you all bring your visas? Yeah, the same in the EU.
I'm on the fast track. No, then they're all right. That's it. You're going to build your wall. Um, we have also got rains who sits back about 10, 15 feet in the kind of slightly larger space before this tunnel got really thin. Uh, we are at the bottom of the space. You mean Nick? Nick. So who did I say? You said rains. Sorry. I didn't mean rains. He's not yellow. I'm technically at the back of the queue because Nick's is about 10 feet behind that. Yeah. He's behind. He's next to the giant knob that someone's drawn on my map. Thank you very much.
Yeah, Nyx isn't the giant knob for clarifying this. Nyx is the giant knob. Well, he's being, what can only be described as sprayed upon by the giant knob, one of two liquids. Anyway, and we're at the bottom of the space. It's not the first time. You wonder why I don't use battle maps when I DM it, because this, this, that, and the type of technology illiterate. Battle maps. The space opens up from the bottom up, and it's almost like a large, oh, you guys.
I've got a large chamber. We're entering from the southwest, not like these west. Yeah, the southwest opens up to a long, large, almost rectangular chamber with a couple of divots into the sides of them. And in our seven, eight of these trogla diets, Marotta, at the moment, you're the only person who's seen this. And as we mentioned at the end of last episode, you understood bits of information from your past about it. You know that they are
local to the area they're known to be in in Dralak you've heard about them in stories and folk tales sometimes used as things to scare little kids but you also know them to have been quite weak almost like i imagine the weakness of the pigs and three little pigs
in a way, almost, I don't know, but less, less kind of happy and German. So you've got this information, Marotta, you've stopped the queue. Everyone's waiting behind you, waiting for what you see. The others behind you, you know, you start to get the inclination that the space opens up a bit. And so you're waiting to allow Marotta to look and see what happens. Marotta, it's kind of over to you. What do you want to do? Turn to the person next to me in the queue, which is old girl. I'm just going to raise a finger to my lips to gesture the shush motion.
What does your orbs say about troglodytes? They're like small creepy rock people. Should we not go this way? I don't fucking know. You're in charge. You're the man that knows what we're doing. You're lead to go shut up this...
I do not know. Could you pass a message please, Altgell, to the person behind you to be quiet. I pass a message to them all. Oh, okay. One second. I'm going to turn around and telepathically into each individual person behind me's head, say, you better shut the fuck up. There's some troubles up ahead. You're walking. You wait until you get talking too. And I'll turn back round to, uh, donkey punch and just say,
You what? Well, can you, like, tell Em... Everyone's saying that out loud, by the way, just... Emron, this is going to hurt if we go this way. And it's not the roper. Is there anything past these people?
There's these guys like, what? I'll turn back around telepathically and say, you shut the fuck up. There's some truggles in the cave, boy. You want another through the presence, you keep shouting. I'm turned back. I'm unsure whether it's best to go back.
Oh yeah, me too. Can you do that message thing again and just say, raise your hand if you want to go back. I'll do a group vote. Oh shit, why the fuck not? And I'll, yeah, I'll pass on the message individually to them.
say individually individually individually individually you each get the message about if you want to head back put your hand up um who puts their hands up fucking nyx puts two rota raises one we can't see nyx so nyx is just there by himself both arms up just looking around hold up hold up
Isn't this the way to the Roper though? That isn't going back counter-inductive? Yeah, isn't this the only way we can go? There's other ways in and out of that water. Hold up! Are you saying we either go through there or back to the water? I was thinking that's Nick yelling that. Let's go forward! Okay. Fuck the water! Let's go forwards!
to the Troglodytes. I'm talking about the Troglodytes that are ahead of us. Let's go forwards. I'd like everyone to know that Nick's called this one and I'm going to rush in.
Yeah. I'm just going to say they're going to get them in the surprise. Just whilst Nick's is talking and Morota before you rush forward, a troglodyte who's been in a little kind of divot to the south has heard this voice and stepped out and is looking and watching you, Morota. And as you turn back to run in, he's just kind of stood there, not in an aggressive manner, but just stood looking at you as you walk up, as you turn back.

Tactics and Navigation Challenges

And he's going to receive a rugby tackle.
Do you go straight in for aggression? Okay. You rugby time to pin him down. Okay. I'll let you do that. Then I guess we'll, they are peaceful troglodytes. Well, this isn't necessarily aggressive. I'm just sitting on them. It's a lying down. Are you trying to be stealthy? Yes. I'm trying to pin him and be quiet.
Yeah, I don't know, genuinely, I'm just trying to bring him down to keep him to keep him on alert. Oh, okay. I thought you, but yeah, she'll rub and tackle quietly. Yeah. Mikey prick. Uh, I rolled a nine on, um, on a, I guess it's a shove attack. Oh, if you go, I thought it was like a grapple. Are we rolling initiative? I don't know. Let me just remind myself of the rules of shove. One second. Well, shove, you can either push them five feet or push them prone.
I'm pretty sure it's good. Yeah, okay, so I make athletics, you can contest with acrobatics or athletics. Yeah. Okay, I got a six. Okay, nice, I got a crit. Take that, I got a crit.
I thought he said he got nine. I kind of create. Okay. Reverse pile drive him into the ground. Yeah. Batista bomb. Now. So you, as in, are you taking him down to the ground? Yeah, it's like straight on him, on top, hand over mouth. Could you also give me a stealth check for that whole maneuver, please? And I'll set the DC at... This ain't your first down. Is it not their perception? Rather than a DC.
20 on staff, I guess. Well, it's a bit of both, because if you were just sneaking out doing anything, because he's rugby tackling someone as well. You're right. Yeah, it's normally the perception anyway, though. It was a what? 20. Non-natural. Oh, right. OK. Yeah, it's a silent takedown. This isn't your first rodeo. This isn't the first one. You've taken someone down silently in a cave. So yeah, it's silent. Down to the ground.
hand over mouth, this creature's like riding underneath you, but it's shocked. Nice. We're still not in initiative yet. I'd say we're just... combat hasn't started yet. It's the only one. It's pinned down at the moment. What do you want to do? I will wait to see what other people do. This is like my... I've made the first move in the chess game. Break into the neck.
I'm just going to over it and just have my finger, finger hushed. There is kind of a de facto initiative here, isn't there? Because we're trapped in a corridor. Very quickly. We'll go with that for now, yeah. I'll whisper to Marota and say, what do you think? Shore of power? Shore of power? And I'll turn back round to Alpha and kind of go, shore of power? What are we saying?
I don't know. I can't see what's going off. I do not have night vision. I think Nick's actually had the ride a second time today. I've said that. It's either go back to the water or go forwards. If we're going forwards, we're going to have to do a show of power. There's no one the way through that room without going through the driver's nights.
I'll quickly look at Alpha then and say, well, what you thinking then? You just tell me, you're feeling cold, you're feeling warm, you're feeling something spicy. You just say one word. Tuesdays. Words aren't his strong suit, just in case you haven't noticed. For God's sake, Alpha, say spicy. It's the most entertaining sounding one.
Well, holy shit, I'm gonna try and climb up onto Alpha's back. In the dark, put both hands on the side of his head, and I'm gonna cast Dragon Breath with fire as the spell. What the fuck is going on right now? I'll just say to Alpha, you're basically a dragon now, you go do your thing. Oh my God. Oh my God. What?
Yeah. Okay. You're, you're on the back of, you're on the back of him, both willing, I guess, in this, in this scenario, and you got your hands classed either side of his skull and forcing a, I imagine like a small snout appearing out the front of him, allows him to breathe fire. Um, um, yeah. So technically then in this kind of faux order we've got going on alpha, you're next in the kind of current pre-initiative order.
What do you want to do, dragonton boy, man? I think I would walk forward. I'd try and get a better view of what's going off.
I have no fucking clue what I would do in this stage. I'll be honest. Alright, Emron, what do you want to... No, fine. I've walked forward. Let other people come behind and see you. You have the opportunity to walk out of this corridor into a room full of troglodytes spitting fire and you don't know what to do.
All I'm thinking is Mechagodzilla for fuck's sake. Literally, just walk forwards and lay hell on earth on these motherfuckers. I'm thinking at the moment, this is what Althup would be seeing is Marota on top of a troglodyte. I'm assuming I can't see any of these other things. Storched ground.
But as far as I'm aware, there's one. There's one trogly that I've broken on top of it. And we're going to breathe. I like to think that during that, he's got like bits of flame just kind of dripping out of his mouth. Yeah. Is that other torch on the map in on the map? Yep. Well, then that would cast like for about 30 feet. I didn't see that. Nope. I can't believe we're having to convince you to do something.
Everyone's going to look behind the... Everyone's going to look behind the alpha old girl sort of symbiotic, whatever thing's going on right now. Can I squeeze past them? Yeah, you moved through the space, can't you? Thank God. Please do. I think I'm going to push past Marota and I'm going to hold up my hammer and make it shine really brightly with light.
Okay, what specifically, because light does, might possibly, is this a spell? Cashing the spell light. Which casts? Where it casts sheds of bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light from an additional 20 feet. Thank you! That's all I need today. Thank you.
Bang! The space lights up and you see now clearly these wretched fiends of creatures stood around this large pile of corpses and bones, many of which are now just the bones themselves, ripped of flesh and any edible substances. One of them on the opposite side drops a bone it's holding and looks up over towards the lights. None of them yet move.
We'll give Reigns the next their turn and then we will jump into an initiative order I think it's only fair that I've given some of you a turn for the other Saraines. Erenos is kind of shuffled on in front of you apart from Alpha with O'Gellan's back. They've just kind of almost in the doorway.
Alpha 2's dope. He's oiling. Blunt back over his shoulder and go, you're two for all for good ideas today, Nyx. Let's keep that going. And what Rains will do is he will start to walk forwards. He will, as he's done before, the Rubik's Cube is going to just be placed into the back of the right wrist. He'll pull down. And what's going to happen as he comes around is he's just now aiming like Buzz Lightyear, his lightning launcher. And it's just going to go tibity-dub, Trogler Fox. And it's just going to...
uh shoot in the direction of the first one he sees that's not being pinned by the rotor we've just been intimidating them okay well sorry i worry about okay you're there then you're not sure the one where it has got pinned
Yeah, you know, what Reigns will do is he'll say that and as he goes to shoot, he will see that it seems to be some form of standoff so far. And he will read the room because Reigns is smart like that. And what he will do is he'll hold an action and the Rubik's Cube will just pulse with electricity.
should should this turn into a hostile fight he will shoot directly at the one who is on the diagonal in front of him that's the one who he's locked on to go so it's if you look at the diagonal snap directly in front of rain so the one that's directly in his periphery he's doing this glowing lightning launcher in his direction.
Not a problem, cool, thank you very much. Nyx, your turn then, we're gonna jump into initiative. Okay, cool. Everyone else is shuffled off. Yeah, I'm gonna walk, shuffle past Marota, not Marota, sorry, old girl and Alpha. Just kind of look up at old girl on top of Alpha, hands on. Hands wrapped around head. Fair enough, fair play. And Nyx is just gonna walk dead center into the room.
Because faced with going back to the water or room full of troglodytes, he's taking the troglodytes. And as he walks in, he's just going, all right, we don't mean any harm here. We're just walking through, walking through after someone called a roper. Not entirely sure what that is. Myself, if you know and have any helpful directions, I will take that on. But we mean, you know, harm.
Yeah, my name's Nyx Carell by the way. Famous explorer you might have heard of me. We're just making our way through for some treasure at the Roper. All right, can I ask that everyone rolls initiative please? Put us into an order. I think a lot of us did this age of ago preemptively. Yeah, we'll re-roll it.
We re-rolling it. If you've already rolled it, take that one, but if you haven't rolled it yet. I'll use the one I've already rolled. Right, did anyone get 20 plus? Excellent, 15 to 20. Ian, Ian, Ian, Ian. Look at you, look at you initiative roll. Yeah, that

Maze-like Cave and Decision Making

was my second one, dickheads. All right.
10 to 15. Yes, I've got a 14. A 13 straight behind for old girl. Nice. Five to 10. I've got nine. Eight. It's going to be Danny's Dex, isn't it? Yeah. Sorry, Morota. Followed by Emron. Followed by Nyx. This makes sense. Then Alpha right at the back. I got a three. Bringing up the rear, as always.
Makes sense. The troglodyte to go first because you're all shit and all of them. I'm going to do the same thing. Even the one that's lying on the floor, you're going to hear them all slightly kind of muttering under their breath. It sounds like a chant almost in unison. And the ones nearest to you, Nick, if they can back away a bit, they're back away a little bit. They're all directly at you, but it's my horns.
The one on the floor, you hear this muttering motor coming from it as well, but it doesn't seem to do anything else aside from that at the moment. They're muttering and they're staring and they're looking at you intensely. All of them are. That's the end of their term so far. Brains, your turn. You still got your held action.
It's gone. It's come back round to my turn. The hell that shit is lost. Rains is going to just glance around and go, Nix, I ain't sure if this is free and all or two and one on the idea front. And Rains is going to continue to just keep his lock on the one in front of him, any form of hostilities, and I will fire a lightning launcher at him.
Are you moving? No, I'm staying next to Ember. I'm staying exactly where I am. Just almost like pistols holed up just staring into this room. Rains has just shouted to Nyx, I'm not sure if it's 3 and 0 or 2 and 1 on the idea front. And he's just waiting to see what happens. All right, thanks very much. Oh, Gal on the back of Alpha. OK, yeah, on his shoulders, kind of been like,
What if the goblin daddy, why the fuck are you standing still? And I'm going to actually take in the room properly for the first time and see the pile of bones in the center and go, well, one second. Can I look up at the ceiling? Yeah. Can I see anything on the ceiling? Give me an investigation check.
Donkey, tilt my head up. Ooh, I've got a good old roll for this, even though I rolled originally, shit, 14. You can see a large number of stalagmites hanging down from the ceiling, similar in the fashion to the old one. Is there anything in particular you're looking for? Yeah, I'm looking to see if any of those stalactites is slightly bigger than the rest, or if I can see any dingley-danglies from any of the stalactites on the ceiling, particularly I'm focused on directly above the bone pile.
less do the dingly dangly check dingly dangly check like a Ned Flanders check idly ho rubbly rope no you you look up and you see any dingly danglies they seem to
In fact, almost do the opposite and taper out above this pile of corpses. There are still stalagmites there. They don't seem larger. They, in fact, seem almost smaller than the stalagmites that surround it in that area. There's nothing to suggest one could be the roper. In which case, looking up there, looking at Nick standing in front of what I assume is a large pile of bones in the center.
I'll just quickly pipe up and say, might not be the best thing in the world to be standing right next to that there pile of bones there, boy. And because I'm already concentrating on this spell, last thing I'll quickly say is, oh, goblin daddy, you got about a 15 foot of range. If you want to go all dragon on their asses, well, you're going to need to get a wee bit closer. And that's my turn.
Lovely, thank you very much. Marotta, round to you. You've still got this one pinned down. Yes. I sense something, Nyx is in bigger danger. So I'm just going to let go of this one. I'm going to use 20 feet of my movement to get to Nyx. And I'm going to fireman carry Nyx using my action.
Uh, are you willing or do you contest? No, I can test this. This is like, what are you doing? Then I will use my whip to make sure I pick him up properly. Oh, shit. I got a minus one to stretch. Do I get to do anything with this? Acrobatics or athletics? I'm going to use my whip to carry you. Acrobatics it is. Yeah, that's as bad as I thought it would be. 13. And 11.
Get that shit off me! Coils round his waist, but in an instant your tail flicks up at the last minute and stops the final end of the whip licking round and you bat it away. Trust me, Nix. And I'm just going to stand next to him. And that is my turn.
All right. Emron, over to you. Nix has just tried to, uh, bind, no, Morote has just tried to bind Nix in front of you. You've lit the space up. What do you want to do? Firstly, I think, I think you should probably unmute yourself first. That'd be good. Everyone's going to move 25 feet forwards. Um,
and of 20 feet forward, so I'm just in line with Nyx and Marota. He's still holding his lit hammer above him like a torch. Are the creatures sort of shining away from the light? Yes, to an extent there's a definite kind of flinch away from the light.
I'm then gonna hold an action. If two or more enemies come within five feet of me, I'm gonna cast Word of Radiance. Okay. Thank you very much for that. With your light though, Emron, there's one other thing you noticed that as you approached, they're all still looking at Nyx and Marota more than you. No one's really looking. They're showing away from the light, but they're still looking directly towards Nyx and Marota.
And Marotta, you would notice that when you approached, all eyes were on Nyx and some moved to you as you drew in line with Marotta, but none are on Emron. It's all on you and Nyx at the moment. And you can tell because these are beady eyes, we've got bright lights and they are very clear where they're kind of looking. It's kind of a quick jolty movement of the heads and they're just focusing on you two at the moment, okay?
Right that's the end of your turn, everyone hold on to action next, with a background to you.
Awesome, so Nix is going to, don't worry, it's all good, and he's going to start stepping, because he sees, I'm right in thinking, north to my direction is another entrance out of this cave, right? There are two, there's one that looks slightly larger, more well-formed, to the left that has one of these droplets that stood in front of it, but that you could move around it, and then to the right is a thinner entrance, a harder kind of
way to get through but technically there are two to the north yes nix is going to pick the easier one of the two and he's going to start stepping not through the bones but around the edge of it but he's going to step over the bones just kind of like yep okay thank you everyone we're just like i'm saying make i'm going to use full movement
Make our way through here. How you doing? Good to see you. Nice. You work here? You work here? There's a lovely place you have just walking on by using full movement, which if you let me use full movement, I'm going to dash and just kind of keep stepping and stepping. Ah, a torch. You know what? You guys need that more than I do. I can see with my eyes. It's all good.

Search for the Roper and New Threat

Do you mind just squeeze past you to get down here? Is this down to the roper? By the way, do you know the roper?
And that's it as far as I can go. Like how far are you letting me go? The entrances to the north where I'm pinging at the moment. Oh, apologies. I thought that was a smaller one. When did I start here? So five, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. I can keep going. Anyone stop me. What? Nope, no one's stopping you. 45, 50, 55. Thank you. Thank you very much.
come to a t-junction where the path splits into 20 meters up to the right you can see a small burst of light coming through 15 feet ahead of you to the left you see it joins back on to the lake where you came out previously fucking water to the left go to the right
The eyes, the minute you stepped away from the pile of bones, the eyes all snapped onto Marota and no one was looking at you from that moment onwards, Nyx. But there was a second when you stepped over one bone, your foot caught the skull of one of the bones. One of the nearest trogloids snarled and flexed and leant forward towards you. As you stepped away, calmly. Shiny teeth! That's helpful in this cave, I'm sure.
Fab, thanks very much. Nix, Alpha, your turn. You are still fire-breathing or have the capacity for it. Indeed. I'm going to move forward so many feet just to the right side of Marota and I like to think that obviously there is like fire and smoke or just kind of spewing out from Alpha's mouth at this moment. There's been no aggression so I'm just going to ready an action where if they come towards me or Marota in an aggressive manner
then I'm going to drag and break the hell out of them. Okay. Don't feel like you have to, Callum. Good. I don't want. It's the trogly lights turn. And again, this noise continues to
move as they all kind of just shift not moving specifically closer but just kind of all shift in a pattern almost all at the same time all to shift a position around the the pile of bones in the center the one that was tackled to the ground takes two more steps and moves up behind marota to be closer to the pile of bones as well and continues that chant
Their eyes glancing now directly at Morota. All of their eyes are looking directly at Morota. That's the end of their turn. Reigns, over to you. Yeah, Reigns has 70 feet of movement with this armour and he gets to do it quite quietly and stealthily. So what Reigns will do now is he will lower the gauntlet
And he will just click his right boot into his left boot and activate the stealth parameters in his armor, not to try and be stealthy because they're all looking at him. But what he's going to do is dash, but he's going to do it clicking the boots to make them quieter. And he's just going to actually think, oh, turns out that that team of them was free and all, I think.
And what Reigns is going to do is he's just going to navigate, see him what Nix did as he goes past. The teepan said, excuse me, I'm just following the teepan guy. And it's just going to make his way down. Yeah, doing the horns. I love that.
And again, very careful not to step on the bones. He's just going to make his way down the tunnel after Nick's 70 feet of movement. Dashing. Dashing through the snow. I'll just move you up. Dashing through the bones. It's 10 feet into the north tunnel, so about 15 feet away from Nick's in the T-junction above. Lovely. Thank you very much to you, Reigns. Oh, Gil. We're back at Burning Mouth Alpha.
Well, shit. Maybe we just don't go touching them little white skelly bones and we're going to be fine. Up to you, Alpha, I'm literally tied to what you do. Another kind of motion and be like, you choose, you breed up that far hell. I'm going to back you up with some crazy ass spell shit, but until that camp comes,
Your choice, boy. And I'll stay tethered on his shoulders where I am, one hand probably still on the side of his head, channeling this magic in. Amazing. Fab. Thanks very much. I'll get Morota over to you. All eyes, literally, from the struggle that's all on you. I am going to do the dance and make sure I don't touch any of these bones. And I'm going to follow the route next hook. And I'm going to dash to make sure I get side by side with him in the corridor.
Okay. So you're in the junction just to the left. Lovely. Fab. Thanks very much. Emron, over to you. You're muted again. Can I do use Arcana to see whether they're doing some kind of ritual given their positioning? You can absolutely try it. Yeah. 12. You get the sense that this is
You don't know whether or not it's iconic or not, but you get the sense that this is something
It doesn't have the feeling of like a summoning ritual. It doesn't have the feeling of like it's, it feels more religious than anything else because it seems, it feels more reverend. It's less channeling an energy. It's more revering and revering something from the feeling you get from the, from your time around, around religions that you know. And one's going to do the Nick shuffle, but without the horns. Um, without the horns, they all attack you. Cool.
Um, and yeah, I will make my way up past rains and up with Marocha and Nyx. I haven't dashed yet. Dash, dash, dash. Uh, Nyx, it's round to you and we've still got Alpha and Old Gale left in the cave on their own. They would never see the cave. I believe we have been left behind. Ah, good to see everyone here. Don't go that way. And Nyx will point towards the water. Cause that's the real scary ship. Uh, I'm at the front.
Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. And next we'll just walk forward. Okay. Okay.
All right, nice. You enter into a slightly small cavernous space that seems to lock it, link in with a smaller gap to the north of the area with the troglodytes. There's a small, like, offshoot to the right and down there, again, you notice some old kind of refuse skulls, et cetera, from some kind of humanoids as well. Nothing else interesting aside from that. But the cave does seem to veer up to the north and then kind of U-turn round on itself, round to the left, back on itself slightly, which is where
I've still got another 30 feet of movement. And as you move around the corner, you notice that this loops back on itself, back to the water again, or goes north away from the water. Okay, cool. As far as you can see. That's it. Yeah, it's still good, guys. Still good. All right, Alpha. You realize now, for the first time, you are alone, the chanting gets louder.
What do you want to do? Shit. The rope repair. Reigns is looking back because Reigns hasn't gone. Reigns has made it there and is now just still looking back into the room because he wouldn't leave Alpha. Now I think I'll just kind of just whisper a little bit to old gal. I do not believe it is our best interest to engage them at this time.
and no hears and graces about stealth or anything like that. I have kind of a clear runway path to the entrance way on the right of the two that go to the north. If I can squeeze through there, I'm going to use all my movements and whatnot and my action too.
You'll have to drop old Gail to get through the gap then. Oh I won't drop old Gail then. If he's on me I'll use what I have to... I can get about level with Rains at that stage going through the wider pathway.
Sorry, Calum, I just imagine a double deck of bus, like where it goes for a tunnel that's too small and just all gelled. Ooh, the lily! Alfa walks through unhinged, but elk gelled as well. Fabulous. All right. Okay. Interesting. We've passed through the space of the chocolate lights and their bones in the center of the room.
Nyx, you're up ahead. We're going to break out of initiative order for now. Alpha and Rains, you're still heading up north of the corridor. And we're going to row through your neck and neck in the T-junction area. And Nyx, you've looped around ahead of the rest of them. We're out of initiative order. Obviously, if we're going into new space, let me know so I can reveal the map to you as we get to it. What are we going to do? Does it look like there's a ledge on our side of the thing down towards the lake?
No, you can make your way, it does look like you can loop yourself around it, isn't it? I was gonna go that way then. Okay, so instead of going the way the next one, you go the opposite way. And what that opens up, Maro says to you up with Nyx, well that opens up Emrom.
is a slightly larger central area now up to the north of the lake. That area has a number of ways off from it. There's one, two, three, four, five, including the one you came from. So four from you. So if we go around anti-clockwise, the first one at three o'clock, lead you back tomorrow to the next. The next one at about two o'clock. Who knows? 12 o'clock. There's 11 o'clock.
And then there's also about eight o'clock as well. And then the lake obviously sits below that at seven and eight o'clock as well. So there's a couple of options you've got going around you there. I'll just open a bit more of the space. You can see a bit more. I'll just wait for the others to see what they do first.
I see you've moved up next. Alpha, Rains, um, oh girl. Rains will come forward and see Enron looping left and Rains will follow. He's not going to say anything to Alpha. Rains has just noticed things with Alpha and is just going to curiously glance back over his shoulder to see if
first time telling me whether alpha loops in the direction of nixon marota or in the direction of emerald and raines so raines isn't going to say anything he's just you just have the curious glance back to see if alpha is following him and emerald or whether he's following marota and he activates rocket boots and goes straight up defying us all
There will be that slight moment as he gets to the crossroads and he looks right and he looks left, but he is going to follow Raymond and Emron on their path. It's like one of those things where you have two parents and you get a kid, ah, come on, come to mummy, come to daddy. Who has waffles? Which they love more. It's always mummy. It's whoever has waffles. No, it's always mum. 100% of that failure.
Right so we've got M Ron Reigns and Alfon in the middle Morota and next you're to the right, heading up slightly kind of a kind of parallel to where the others are moving up as well. Morota and next what do you guys want to do seeing as though we've party split slightly? I'm carrying out because I was I was walking through this on my own in the first place so in my mind I'm just gonna
stay away from the water because I have a sense of direction here of like, oh, we've turned right and then gone up. So I don't want to turn left because that's where the water is. I'm going to go right and then there's up. So I'm just going to carry following the until you tell me to stop, basically, because I can keep going all day. That's my rotor. I've chosen the wrong character. So sorry. You have. I'm just because I'm keeping, like I've said, to the right and then carry on up and up.
and up and up and up and up and up. And as you continue to work your way up, you come across, that's through a wall now, a number of thinner passages start to appear. You've also now got a kind of loops round again back on itself as a little inlet there.
But the path that seems to move on is to the northwest. One bit of it just hits a small dead end. These really thin ravines that go off each time and peter out into nothing. The larger one seems to point north. Are you just heading up away? Yeah, just heading up. I'm going to shout behind and still assume that everyone's followed me because we
You know, there was no danger with the chocolate. So it's just like, yep. Okay. It keeps going up, guys. I'm going to just follow as I keep going up. I'm keeping to the right of the wall. I keep going up. You're here. Awesome. See, I told you there was no problems there. Let's keep going. Okay. You mounted one. We need to talk about that later. Yes. Okay. Up. I know that look. I assume we've seen them perhaps. Yeah. You've seen them through the gap. They're moving up.
Yeah, I'm gonna follow. We can hear like this voice reverberating. Yeah, I'm not 100%. There appear to be lots of different ways to go here. So be careful. Oh, oh, sorry. I was just staying as far away from the water as possible because there's some freaky ass shit in the depths of that thing.
Carrying up, yes. All right, intensive purposes heading up. Right, you reach... Someone else want to lead, by the way. I'm good with dealing with the Troggos, but in terms of... You keep going, you're doing great. You'll keep going, aye. Right. The path for Nix. The path for Nix. Freeing all Nix, freeing all one, good ideas. Forks into two, one to the right, one to the left. Nix, which way do you want to go? Right.
Right, heads right and heads into a slightly smaller thinner ravine and then hits a dead end. See, this is why I shouldn't lead this thing. Turnabout face. I'm guessing this is a narrow passage. Turnabout face. Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle. Who's leader now? Because I'm back at the back. I think someone's just deleted Marota off the map.
Oh, no. Everyone just press Control Z. Who did it? Bastards. Was it me? She's not been moved into the... Oh no, I moved Alpha-8. No, it wasn't me. It was Callum, obviously.
No one's gonna admit a into the shot in the to the In the shadow, can't you? Nah, I would have seen it. It's okay. Well, there's a copy paste from
from the old map and bring it over. I feel so unnatural to do this. I like travelling through. And anyway. duplicate image. Thank you. There's another Marota. I'm back Marota. We're taking the northwesterly path. Let's go to the left.
get to the left, to the left. And as you walk, I'll reveal and talk as we go. And the path is again, a thin one kind of single file. So could I just have you in an order, please? Just fill yourselves in along. I'm already not at the back because I was front of the last one. Yeah.
Morota, then Emron, then... Rains was behind Emron, then Alpha was behind him, then Old Girl was behind him. I assume they'd all file past Nyx. But Alpha, Old Girl, Megazord is just, you know, I am still on his shoulders unless he shakes me off. So it gave Morota an Emron and Megazord? No, the spell, it only lasts a minute, it would have gone by now.
But I'll just very quickly. We could have been incredible. Yeah, we could have. We had two options. Option A, light the shit on fire. Option B, shuffle past awkwardly. I think it's the sensible option, but Alpha, sorry, old girl will just whisper into Alpha's ear. Damn, you've got the patience and the wisdom to lead, boy. And he'll drop the spell and his hands will come off his head.
That also is normally never the choice you guys make in the light of killing or book.
The cave, all those near-death experiences of humbleness. Maybe, yeah, hopefully. Yeah, for me, absolutely. The cave continues on dark, ominous, still air, thick, still the stench of the, of the troglid lights hangs over you. And as Morosha, as you step forward, the cave splits into two possible routes, one to the north and one to the, well, one to the northeast and one to the south. Which one would you like to take? I'll take the south, please.
Okay, the south turns sharply to the left and you end up with two choices again, straight ahead, so to the east or north. Hang on. West, yes, I'll take the west route. Western route, okay. As you step through the western route, you realize the northern route pretty much led you back on yourself, around in a circle, hence the labyrinthine approach of this map I tried to create.
The west route seems to open up into another large space. You can also see a torch lit in the space in front of you. These torches also don't seem to be archaic ones built by the chocolate knights. These seem to be ex-adventurer torches that have
been lit and left in some ways, but shape or form. So you can see from a current location, it's a long space. You can't quite see the width of it yet, but Rains, Enron, and, oh, Gale, and Alpha, you know from previously where you walked, it kind of joins into a larger space. You got eyes on this from a different angle. Yeah, I'll step into the larger space, please. Okay.
It is a much larger kind of open space that you come across here. You notice there is another pathway to the north. This space again is empty. It's bereft of any kind of corpses or life at all, except you do notice the further
West you've traveled, the more footprints you see. So more around the lake, more in this room now than you have in any other part of the cave space so far. There is a entrance, there's a path to the north, there's a path to the west, there's a path at the south to the west as well. So kind of two ways to the west, one way to the north. There is a fourth way, but that leads you back to the lakes. I'll take the northern route. Northern route it is.
The northern route opens up into a series of very, very jagged passages. The passageways here are difficult to walk upon. We'll be treated from this difficult terrain. You get two options really, north, sorry, west or west, please.
Blessed takes you to, again, another unfortunate dead end. Space ends in a number of these thin passages. You can see scrawlings on the walls, scratch marks on the walls, deep in the walls, but no entrance or reprieve from this cave. Does that make me the leader again? Yeah, technically. But you'd still be kind of in the bottleneck of the... Oh, no. No, sorry.
I'm no longer the leader. Someone else is in charge. Alpha's the leader. Alpha's muted. No, he's not. That's a standard. He's still muted. Are you just not listening to us? I've just muted myself. I ignore them. I don't care about listening to you.
Yeah, our listeners, do you see what we have to put up with? I'm going west. In the big main room, there's a western passage on the top. And I'm going this way. All right, the opening, by the way. Just got interesting. Okay, you now have two options. Okay, can I have you ordered up please, because it's going to get thin again here. And I like the tension it brings, because it makes you think every time it's going to be something
I will be following Alpha and M. Ron as closely as possible. So we'll have old Galen, Alpha, and then we've got M. Ron, the Marota, Rains and Nyx, yeah? Mm-hmm. As long as I'm in the north, on the tight, on the tight. North? Are you sure? Yes. Are you positive? Yes. Are you really, really sure? Yes. Okay. This starts to become slightly rockier. As the small light crop to the north, the path continues to the west.
It gets even rockier in front of you. Some boulders seem to stand in the way between you and a larger open cavernous space. There's a little enclave to the south as well. You start to notice the stench start to return. The stench of the troglodytes. You don't see any yet. You get past the boulders. Anyone else hungry? Just the smell. Anyone got food? Water?
and Olga as he's taken another step forward you notice again another little thin alcove to the left and there's a troglodyte in there watching you staring at you doesn't move. I like to think with me eye to eye just literally as I continue walking past directly. I don't even say anything. I just walk past the troglodyte.
Okay, and as you step round this, there's two large boulders there. As you step round it, you realize that you again, in another large open space, but this is no ordinary open space. This seems to be where the troglodytes like to live.
The scrawlings and scratchings of these wall faces are brutal now. It's kind of violent in terms of the angles in the space, the pile of bones even larger, the stench even stronger. And yet their eyes don't seem to focus on the nearest to the bones, which is what happened last time, which should be you, old girl.
The ones you can see, and there's these two kind of makeshift, probably skin carapace tents that have been set up. The shelters have been set up in the space here. They all seem to be looking at the entrance or the exit way to the west. And there's one, two, three, four to the north. There's one in the little area that watched you pass because it can't see. One to the south and there's
to in a passageway. Oh, I've already clearly given you eyes to anyway. But again, they're not moving towards you yet. There is an exit to the south. There is an exit to the northwest, up near the bones. You'd have to cross over the bones to get to
Let's go down the list. Let's treat the list. Let's treat the order we're in as we're in a high order. Let's treat that as a faux kind of initiative, tentative, just to organize ourselves order, see what happens. So old girl, then, um, sorry, alpha then, cause he's kind of a donkey here, alpha then.
Al's not going to head towards the bones based on what happened and the expressions from last time. He's going to move himself south, just a way to see if there's anything else.
Well, I'm not losing the drug alerts. Not yet. To the south, it splits into two. One to the left, one to the right. The one to the left is a series of curling, calmer dead ends of the cave. The one to the right leads to a long corridor, which then also splits straight ahead and to the south.
Okay, I'm going to head to the right and then go down south. I sincerely hope somebody's following me because at the moment, Alfred just feels like he's going for a pleasant walk through a cave. I think we're assuming everyone's following us. We're just following you. What do we see? What do we see? Is this the route that the Troggos were kind of looking towards or is this somewhere else? No, good God. No, this wasn't the way they were looking towards. So two things.
Shrek, I'm looking down. Three things. Three things. Take your eyes quickly. The first one is the thing that has stood in front of you.
The second is the sense of heat and the lava. The third is the rickety bridge for brawling like a lava, which you can see over in front of you as well. I just realized it's very trick-esque, but anyway, whatever. But more than anything, apart from the throwback to a great film, you see this creature in front of you. It's a bizarre looking thing. It's about eight feet tall.
And the best way of describing it is like a combination between rock and fungus. It's kind of a hunch, but also kind of hulking. It's got some gnarled stone-like skin that blends with the cave walls almost. If you weren't paying enough attention to it, you might consider this to be a stalactite.
It's stood, kind of looking, leering over into the lava slightly. Its limbs are thick and muscular. At the end, it's these massive clawed hands, ideal for kind of gripping or ripping things, I don't know, whatever. But the weirdest thing is its head. As it turns around and it does slowly kind of turn around to look at you, it has no eyes, no nose, no ears, just this big, kind of fanged maw. And
It's got much smaller tendrils sticking out along the spine of its back. Almost like the Gruffalo has its purple pupils and everything like that, but more terrifying. Different comparisons. Yeah, but the tendrils, lots of them octopus-like out of its back, feeling the air around it, which is how it knows that you're there. Also fungal-y as well.
And again, this thing turns around and just this moore is just there staring at you, Alpha, staring at you, old girl, as you stand over in the lake of lava, this thing's kind of almost silhouetted in the air behind it. What do you want to do? Alpha's just going to move his body back a little bit. He's not taking a step back.
Um, we're gonna good news. I think I may have found what we're looking for. That's what we're going to leave it with this week's episode of the fellowship on the table. Oh God, I'm going to die. Oh God. It's getting hard in here.
This is just time to install an update. Ding, ding, ding, ding. Installing Windows 11. Yeah, good point. Fucking, you're not here next week. Yeah. That's fine. I'm going to push you in the fire with old girl and that's it. I'm going to take a liberty with that because the whole reason we didn't do last week is because I wanted everyone here and I've realized that actually the map I made was much, much bigger, much
You know, I should have remembered how long it takes you to get through stuff. And the whole point is, well, it won't you all there for it to, if I do TPK, I want to make sure I properly TPK you. So, no. Still recording. So what I was thinking was, Callum, with your, with your permission, Callum, obviously, and this does involve a bit more work for one of you in particular. And I'm thinking specifically, probably Darren, was that you malfunction some way that I can set up for, but Rains, you can kind of,
you notice it, maybe if you're around and you're trying to figure out, you have literally like remote control. You get NC to like hotwire in his neck or something and then you can maybe not do all the functions, but you could probably pretty much do most of the functions of him. So if you wanted to make him walk into the lava, that'd be fine. I mean, just to retreat it like a second character, it would involve a bit more
work on your end, Darren, if you're up there. It's easy, I have no weapons and you've just got bait or something. Oh yeah, you've got... I hope you're all enjoying this peek behind the curtain, audience. Oh sorry, I forgot we had you inside off. It's all good. It's all staying in as well. Thank you for tuning in, listening, making us a part of the Everyday Week. We love you for it, Mark's covering his face right now, but it's all good. It's all interesting, isn't it? Just that little bit of extra spice for you. Peeking behind the curtain.
It's like Five Spice, isn't it? It goes really well with Five Spice. Chips. Salt and pepper chips. If you wanted to keep up to date with the podcast, you can do so on our X page at Fellowship Table. Then if you want to go one step further and follow us individually, you can do so too. I'm at iWorldA1. Will is at...
I just want to fight them out. There's Will and the big Willy Will. And now I'm just letting them fight it out. Who's Alpha Will? At Natural 20 Will. Oh, boom. Straight in there. Beta Will. That's me. Callum. Yes? Danny. Total party thrill.
DARREN! DARREN, pay J6. And our awesome DM can be found at... Well where can we find you first, you didn't say? I did. It's the very first thing. I actually rolled DM. Fuck me. I'll plug myself twice. I rolled a one. Thanks guys, as always. I've forgotten what we do. Oh yeah, until next time.