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Ep. 61 ROPER - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 61 ROPER - Bellum Draconis

S2 E61 ยท The Fellowship of the Tabletop
115 Plays1 year ago

Finally our group of heroes find the Roper.

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade


Introduction to the Fellowship

The only thing I've used to attack this entire fight is about to be eaten, yes. The fights don't go away.
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. We, our alive, play 5E DnD podcast set in the magical home-brewed world of Aerith in the Kingdom of Dralak. My name is Mark and I am the Dungeon Master.

Meet the Characters

And also with us for this week's episode we have Will who plays the divination wizard Old Gell. We've got Dany who plays the half-orc, moronka, roka-tusk. Ian who plays the deep blue warlock, Miss Karel. Hello. I'm blending all my words here. Callum who plays the war-forged, artificer Alpha. Hello. Callum he muted.
No, I'm not. We're Luke Blais and Jimmy Clark, everyone. Hello. And we've got Darryl who plays the Hyatt of Artifice, a reign's haddow. Ahoy, hoy. Were you doing a callback from an episode that aired like four weeks ago? Which one? You're muted. Yeah. No, I was just seeing if I'd make kind of go, oh, fucking no. In all favor, I was convinced I looked like, oh, fucking not. I wanted him to mutter some swell. I did do a double take. I didn't do a double take.
It might have been a call back, but it's also a call back to episode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. It's also me just being a general idiot, let's say, sir. No, don't say that. We can say it. You guys can say it. Yeah, exactly.

Recap of the Roper's Lair

Speaking of what we can and can't say, I think Danny should say some things now as we pass over to our chronicler and find out what happened on last week's episode of the fellowship.
in the last few pages of our adventure. The party inside the care, the care, the lair of the roper, attempting to navigate around the spiny caverns that exist. They crossed various camps of troglodytes before provoking the ire of the inhabitants of this cave after fighting this stalagmite-like creature, but not the roper they seek.
with the entire cave pursuing them into the darkness, the party venture deeper into and towards their prey.
And with the noise ringing in Nyx and Erenos's ears of the spell Shatter which caused the entrance behind you to collapse down, stopping the Troglodytes chasing you further down deeper, curving underneath into the lair of what you imagine to be your prey, your quarry, your enemy.
you continue to walk down Morota in the very lead and I am going to repeat a little bit of the description just to get us back in the mood of things because it has been a while and I kind of set it up for Morota but as the rest of you start to make your way down you enter into a deeper part of the cavern structure the walls shift and change as patterns in the in the stone walls now of minerals and
all kind of colors that start to kind of emanate through, especially those of you who can see in dark vision. The smell worsens, but it feels colder. You can hear a drip echo far down in the corridor, multiple drips echoing. But it's silent now.
The scuffling and noise from the cacophony of troglodytes before has faded down to nothing. They've either given up, or the stone that has fallen the sheer amount of stone has deadened any sign that can travel through. The suffocating, labentine nature of the cavern tendrils abruptly end.
and the space seems to open up into a vast underground space far off in the distance you can see it there's this emanating glow coming from a number of small groupings of these kind of glowing stones large seven foot tall stalagmites yearn up from the ground thick as trees wet to touch gargantuan 20 foot tower thick stalactites hang down from the roof of the cavern
That's just an overall dampness to the air here. You are in a space away from the main cabin though. You are looking kind of down and along and you can see it opening up probably about 50 feet in front of you here. There is a stillness. There is a chance for a lot of short rest. There's a chance for some kind of break here before moving forward and it is your prerogative without me whispering it. I'm sure there's something you wanted to do anyway.
and there is like a reprieve before this larger chamber the silence kind of quells and the dust settles and there's a moment where the six of you are still again what would you like to do lads i need a fucking nap all right i'm on the edge
I'm just going to perch. I felt I was just plowing forward. Let's just go the short route, just go for it. If he was willing, I just got a little something, something that speeds up the process, but not for everybody. So if he wants to plow on, all I need is 10 minutes of your time and I can make you feel better there, Donkey Punch. That sounds like a trap. That sounds like a trap.
I mean, I, for one, coming from the source, absolutely would say yes, but still sounds a bit trappish. Oh, it ain't no trap. No, I just, you know, you use the adventuring can, you can, you know, heal yourself over a short period of time. I just say a nice can make that shorter, but only for a few peoples. You sound like a back alley drug dealer. I swear I've had

Strategic Resting and Banter

instances like this in my past.
I'm feeling all right, but Marotta, you did take a pounding from them things, so if... Let's just laugh, get it over with. Everyone's just holding back a smirk, so we're all saying, you did take a pounding. Double team, triple team, they was everywhere. Oh, no. You took five guys on by yourself. And then I walked in and walked out. Bunch of trogla dicks all over the place. Right, hang on.
What can you take after a pounding like that? In more than 20 minutes rest, you can't sit down. What's old gal got up his sleeve? Surprised he's still washing. I've got a lot of teeth. An enema. That's really tragic. Let me just see your show of hands. Who actually needs that rest? Lifts a hand. I am perfectly fine in not partaking. Yeah, I'm feeling that right. Yeah, Bob, pretty up.
This is more of a statement on who's doing all the work here last. You did go off in the opposite direction.
Well, I got a suggestion. Why don't you give myself, Donkey Punch and Arachne over here 10 minutes. And you guys, maybe you remember what I done told you about the rope, right? Get yourself some prep in time. All I need is 10 minutes of your time. And I'll whistle up to a hoot as well. He's now perched currently back on the turbine to fly on down. He'll hold her in the hand.
and he'll topple over to Morota and to Nyx, stand in front of them and just say, now you've just got to look into this here bird's eyes and oh also, and he'll turn around to the others, don't go shaking these guys away, just leave us for 10 minutes.
And I'm just going to whisper under her breath. Nick's doesn't need 10. I'll throw a hoot up into the air. Uh, and they'll kind of start flying, but flapping really, really slowly, almost like they're hovering in the air as white light fills a hoot's eyes and effectively just for flavor. What I'm doing is I'm casting catnap.
Which third level spell basically I can choose up to three willing creatures myself included and we fall asleep for 10 minutes and Effectively if we're not awakened in the next 10 minutes, we have the benefits of a short rest. Oh nice
So while this happens, Nyx just stands there and looks at Marota and old Gal. Both of which are asleep. Because Nyx can't be put to sleep. He's just wondering what the fuck's going on. I like the fact that Will subtly dropped his character is level five at least. Only for us meta gamers out there, Will.
Are you immune to the effects of sleep? Like, can you magically be put to sleep? Can't be forced to sleep by any means. Yeah, he can't sleep. Doesn't work for him. Well, I'm gonna take that short. So he's there, he's just trying to grab the Tinkerbell Fairy Dust and put it into his face, just like, come on! The wording says fall unconscious for the spell's duration.
So I know that that's sleeping unconscious. Oh wait, if it doesn't say sleep because there's obviously spells like sleep and that kind of stuff. If it's just unconscious. It specifically says unconscious not sleep but. Ah, so just for. It also says slap it awake at the same time in the same spell description.
We would slap someone awake if they were unconscious or if they were sleeping. And sleep is a form of unconscious. Ian, is there a preference? Do you mind? I like the idea of just being awake. The self fizzles on me. Not a problem, then. We'll go with that. Especially because I didn't know what I was getting into. The motor and, OK, obviously you get the benefits of whatever a catnip gives you, which I imagine is a short rest. So I have run back into full health now. I've spent three hit day.
Wow. Nice. Nice. Everyone else is good. In the meantime, the three, four of you, including Nixi stands there looking confused and as the other two just fall on the floor unconscious. Um, is there anything you want to be doing in those 10 minutes? And about pen, just thinking could draw a little on their faces. I thought it said not to interrupt. Anyway, uh, rains, charcoal, but you know, my man, my guy, does anybody have glitter?
Alpha bringing in with the fabulous Fancies I like shiny things now Well, if you stand over my rotor and put some glitter all over and get some charcoal and Your thing no, I think I think I think old girl was was particularly Firm and say we shouldn't interrupt whatever that is Fair enough. So just didn't work on me. Did it?
No. Oh well. Do you need a rest? No, actually I'm feeling pretty fresh. I was just interested to see what was going on. Nix is for health. Well, we're watching...
Don't forget your warlock spell slots renew for short rest, just in case that... I'd like to take a short rest. That's one thing. I'm going to take myself into this corner and I'm going to just take some time by myself because the catnap whatever bullshit that old girl was doing didn't work on me. So I'm just going to take myself off and I don't know, stare at a wall. I'm glad you know how your warlocks back my tea out there. It changed for me.
You're welcome there, Ian, just reminding you how warlocks work. Reminding him? He never knew. You can't remind him of something he never knew. You're teaching him, Will, how a warlock works. You're not reminding him

Backup Plans and Defensive Strategies

of anything. Oh, yeah. No comment. How do you do a short rest on that? I got it. It takes an hour, doesn't it, Ian? At least an hour, yeah. Oh, you could have had it in 10 minutes.
Yeah, well, I can't. I can't. I know you. I did check the rules. You can technically benefit from catnap because it says unconscious rather than sleep. Motherfucker. Well, fuck it. I'm doing it now. It works on you. You just don't realize it. Maybe this entire thing you've just done is entirely a dream. The whole thing about glitter. It's like a Rick and Morty episode.
Right. Okay. What are you guys doing? While Nick's staring at a wall, fuddling himself. No, no, no, no. He's not, he's not spaffing one out. He's just sat by himself. Spaffing one out. Well, I see. As we look out into this cavern, how, how light is it? It's dark. How dark?
medium darkness. Are we looking out and is it just a dark void in front of us or is it like grey twilight or is it what? I still have the light cantrip on my coin at the moment so at the very least it's like 40, 20 feet of bright light and then 20 foot of dim light emanating from me. We're talking it's probably about a 60 or 70 foot
tunnel before we get to the cavern anyway. The light you're seeing from that is incredibly low level, you can make out
It's more the, or the feeling, the atmosphere that gives you the sense of you're entering into, there's a big space up ahead. You can see off in the distance of this space as well, these kind of blobs of light that seem to come from kind of crystals that light part of the space. It can't physically light the size of the space ahead, but it does give off some light. If you were in the vicinity of it, yeah, if you weren't, no, you wouldn't be. I'm talking kind of like underground darkness here. Thank you.
Okay. Obviously being a physiologist, a little bitch, obviously. Yeah, I noticed. Standard. I'm three bits in now. That's what you get. Sussy brewing. That's what we get.
Whilst this is happening, Rains is glancing around and has turned his attention upwards just to how cavernous is this cavern that we can tell from here. On a level of 1 to 10, what's the cavernous scale say? It's not to get 8. So what Rains can see is darkness and he can assume through the echo. It's a mature cavern.
Yeah, it's an Edmonton if we're talking cheese cheese to cabin ratio a well-aged I'm not gonna lie. I have no idea what you really want. It's another this another will I want to know how much room there is Like a football stage are we like on the ground floor of a football stadium and then yeah, let's say that we are a new camp I don't know. I don't know any football references. It's a big old domy space. We're still quite far away So potentially a hundred feet plus upwards above
Yeah, surely. Yeah, let's go with that. Why not? No, but I mean, you're not there yet. So I'm not going to tell you, like, go walk in, go walk towards it. And I'll tell you more, but we'll find out. Can I go walk towards the edge of the tunnel? All right, the road protects you. Rains will follow. Are we going? Are we going to leave them in that canal? No, we're not leaving them. If those two are walking off, I'm staying behind. I figured what we're doing is we're walking to the edge of the, like, where are you staying? Are you staying with them, Alpha?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I would kind of just be... So this tunnel is what, 70 feet? Yes. Right, so I'm going to go to the edge of the light that Alpha's casting, and I've got light on my hammer, which I want to see what we can see. We're doing a reconnoiter before, you know... Yeah, I'm looking up. Nick finishes fondling himself several times, and then, you know... Not canon. You see...
A cavernous cavern in front of you. It's large. Fucking hell. I mean, I'll give you numbers now. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 40, 40, 50, 50. 85.
across 120 foot wide. Is that radius or diameter? Fuck me, you. I don't know anymore. I don't know any math. And it's pretty tall. It goes up. You can fly in it. I think that's all he cares about. I think you've just said the buzzword. Can he fly? Fly. Can I strap the boots on? I can't fly. I can't fly. I'm level four character. I can't fly.
You've got that orb that plays with gravity that I don't actually know. But where I have that, and that may have been what I was asking, but... Let's see what happens, man. Let's just fucking do it. But yeah, what rainfall had done is he's followed everyone's edge of the light. He's looked up and he's gone... My God, what a cavernous camp. He's tapped the bag of holding and he's just gone and see how much, what's the iconic charge left for the day. And it will just show one of three remaining and he'll go, OK.
I'm going to need you to just stand by lucky seven and then see it's just going to put back on the rebates keep a question mark you heard me lucky seven and The rebates keep will go off and he'll just turn to em Ron and go Remember how I said to you that we ain't liberty the die in some godforsaken cave and the other side of the world I Did yep
I still stem by that, just as an FYI, it's a useful thought. No, I agree, but unfortunately, given our circumstances, the only way is forwards. Forward is all can do, Raines. Forward is all can do. Okay, fair enough.
We'll get through this. I think going through them tunnels took more out of us than I kind of hoped, going ahead of the Roper. I kind of hoped that whatever that other thing was, was the Roper, but clearly not. Is it me, though? Old girl. He seems to know far more than he's letting on. Well, that's the whole point of divination, isn't it? Instead, he probably knows more than he's going to be willing to. Yeah, but like, you know,
that prophecy that he came up with when we were about to have in that fire and it just, you know, I know divination is a vague art, but surely at some point he should be in a position to give us a bit more than a fucking shot in the dark. Well,
he's here with us now and and and uh... i feel you understand what's in the wrong but i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i

Encounter with the Roper

That taping has fucking powers. Do you know how you said that you went to another place and that there was this weird shit and you carrying that horseshoe around? Well, I forget you. I always assumed he drugged you and that you went on some kind of acid trip because that's the type of thing that I assumed that he would do. But I actually think that he brought the fucking ceiling down, Imran. No, he's got power.
I gave him his horseshoe back, because I felt it was right. Yeah, I figured. So, are we... It feels like I'm following my impulse here, but are we... Are we trusting him and them now? Because I'm not saying that that's wrong, because I'm following my impulse, and I think I'm starting to... I think I'm starting to trust him.
we've got to like him in time at the end of the day he's changed and he's clear he's changed at the end of the day all we can do is trust him because the situation we're at and everything we've got I'd like to hope that whatever they've been through as in some way I know
It's so difficult to know because they don't tell us what they've actually been through properly. He's had four good ideas today. Four. Like I've been counting four. Really good idea. I mean, it would have helped if we all went the right way to start with, but, you know, he called that not his fault. We weren't listening. No, we both went the right way, I think. Oh, OK. Look, I had a quick web with Alfa. I'm going to head back.
I'm going to walk back towards where everyone else was.
And one's going to stare into the darkness of the void. Oh, God. Listening to the Black Parade by my chemical romance, probably. Nick, was there something you wanted to do? Given that this is quite the cavernous cavern and that voices carry an echo in such a thing, does Nick hear any of this? Give me a perception check. When I... Are you actively looking to listen? No, no, no. Just using science. What's your passive then?
13. You pick up that two voices are talking and you don't pick up any particular names or discernible. Well, that would have been fun. Sorry. That's all right. That's the cards. Cards have been dealt. Cool. Nevermind. Carry on as you were. 10 minutes pass and the other, oh, that's what I, the other members of the group kind of wake up out of this as a range, you're walking back up towards where Alpha is. You start to see old girl and Marota stir as well.
you come out of your super and you have your short rest. I'll walk up to Alpha just before returning to the rest of the party and I'll go, Alpha, how are you set for healing and such? How much scope do you have? I presently am fully equipped. I have used no resources since the start of the day.
You did better than I did then. Fortunately, I still had my new friend to help, and he was going to tap beta, but still just kind of scurrying over his shoulders. Wow. Nice. I'm glad that that thing's working again. Look, if I shout lucky sevens, you need to do something for me.
you need to uh... pick up that uh... you need to have you need to make sure you get that on little furlough girl back on your shoulders like when he was riding a corner government any as quick as you can and and hold on to that guy and don't let him go so to clarify if you shout lucky seven sevens i am just grab an old girl and leave no no just just just get hold of him and don't let him go
Not, not, not, not, not like stop him. Not like, just, just like as if, you know, when like he was on your shoulders and he was going, Oh, God, I'm daddy. And was, and was, and was, and was riding you and such. Anyway, you had control of him and you were basically able to protect each other from that point. I just, if I shout that, I just need to know that you got his back. Yeah. I need you to take care. I need you to look at, help him.
Very well, old girl shall be my top priority going forward. I appreciate that, Alfred. What is it you have planned, if I may ask? I don't quite know yet, but... That is quite concerning. Yeah, but, uh... Come on, I'll have to fix it.
fine line between genius and stupid and nice- going into a plan with a key word without knowing exactly what's going to happen upon uttering those key words does seem at touching on some form of lunacy. Look, Alfred, you know how you kept the whole garden daddy thing from me and Imran and I was okay with it because I trust you as a
I'll say that as a child, as a son, you have that trust, you know? This is not about an absence of trust. I do trust your actions and I can follow through with your request without problems. Look, I'm only going to shout Lucky 7 that things have gone pretty south in a bad way. And if that happens, it's just I'm going to be able to take care of
the rest of us. So something will happen. I think I think something will happen involved in this and rains will bring out the orb of gravity. But I don't know what will happen. And and I just need I can protect us. I just can't protect all of us and and you're the heaviest and he's the lightest and therefore you're going to be able to to stop him from falling should have come to that.
Very well. Okay. Like I said, I'm not being cryptic. That's just the premise of what we're dealing with here, okay? It is difficult to deduce exactly what your plans are, but I shall attempt to be prepared as what I can. I can't deduce them because I don't fully know what they are. It does make deduction quite implausible. Yeah.
like this just call this uh... uh... uh... uh... i've got this as you have already referred to it yet you know trust yet but like the um... you know the brotherhood ranges have their uh... teleportation circles to just uh... let's call it a let's call it a teleportation circle but it ain't teleportation circle don't confuse that good good plan not to stop them on the shoulder and uh... uh... i will probably say to himself and range leads
a teleportation circle that's not a teleportation circle, the confusion continues to baffle me. And I'm going to move just as I'm waking up. I'm going to kind of, in a subtle kind of awkward way, I'm just kind of stood next to old girl and just waking up. I'm not exactly staring down at him. I'm just kind of by his side, just from the conversation.
The girl's gonna stretch his arms up and out in a big old yawn and be like, oh, damn, that's the good shit. How you feeling, Donkey Punch? Petra, thank you. Oh, that's not a problem. So we all tied up with ropes, we already, and he's gonna look around the group and go, oh shit, no one done that? Oh, is that, okay, fair enough. We didn't want to risk waking you.
And it's worth noting that we were told to stay away from this thing's teeth and maybe tethering us all together, which means if one of us gets pulled in, the rest of us could, that maybe that's not the smallest approach, right? Oh, no, you don't have to tie yourself to each other. I was thinking, like, there's old, big old stalagmitties down there. You can tie yourself up to them so you don't get pulled up to the stalagtitties. Right. Good. We'll keep that in mind.
Okay, no, yeah, fuck that plan, who needs it? Anyway, Donkey Punch. You want to fly, girl? More than you know. Well, a who? Wait, no, just before I do this, we ready to jump in or are we going to stand around with dicks in our hands a little bit longer? I'm afraid I do not have that capability. Oh shit, I did not mean to cause a fence there, Goblin Daddy.
Well, maybe we can get one crafted for you. Anyway, I digress. Donkey Punch, just turn you back to a hoot for me, would you?
And I do. And I'll have a hoot fly full pelts into Marota's back whilst I cast fly on Marota. So for the next 10 minutes, Marota has fly, but effectively what you'll see is a hoot smash into the back of Marota. The wings will elongate and basically give him massive owl, sorry, massive owl wings. What the hell? I want the damn owl wings. That looks amazing. I'm going to turn back to the party and say,
like old times. And then I'm gonna run in the direction that we need to head.
And everyone's on the other end going, hang on a minute. Sorry, we're waiting for Nick Stellas like 50 minutes. He needs to wait 50 minutes to rest, sorry. Thank you. I'm gonna stop in my tracks and I'm gonna have to lead fly recasted in 50 minutes. Did you just say 50 minutes? This man only lasts like 10 minutes. What the fuck you thinking? I just, what do you mean Nick's need another 50 minutes? I just done the spells on him. He should have been fine by now. Nick did not fall asleep. And then he suddenly realized actually that
his inner powers require a bit of rest. So he's been staring at that wall for the last like 10, 15 years. If you look over to Nick, he's actually sat cross-legged. He's got his book out that you gave him everyone. He's got his crystal ball that you gave him, old gal out, and he's just kind of flicking through the pages, looking at the ball, flicking through the pages, almost like he can't focus in on the one thing. He's flipping between other things, and he keeps drawing kind of different sigils within the dirt, trying to make different patterns and stuff.
And his brain, if you look at him, just feels like it's going to do, do, do, do. Well, keep, okay. I'll keep the spell slot though. I'm not going to make you don't, don't use it twice for that. Well, no, I don't cast it now. It's gone. You got some super magic. Oh, shit. Why don't you tell me? I done did the question and I said, we ready to go. We got dicks in our heads. You said, no, nix is over there with his dick in his hand. Fuck. Oh, man. Right. So we, we have a choice of wait for nix or Marauder loses them wings, right?
Well, I believe that is the conundrum. We'll wait for next. We'll wait in silence. I'm unaware that this is going on. Everyone's going to come down and he's just going to sit on the floor, open up his pack and just get out some food and perhaps a bit of water or perhaps something a bit stronger. Well, we might as well, you know, use time wisely.
Oh yeah, it'd have been a fucking good idea, wouldn't it? Fucking Gels is gonna mumble to himself and sit cross-legged on the floor, pull a hoot out of...
That image is an old gal on the road to the back that's going... Yeah, one foot on the back, two wings in each hand, just like pulling. Like pulling out Lemmy Winx. Get her out, yeah. So, in the awkwardness of you pulling out range, it's just then going to go, so I take it you didn't see this coming. Like, there's no work with none in your divination that saw this coming.
I done seen lots of ways this gonna go down. And let me tell you now, this is not down the list of affirmataries. Fucking wasting high level magic like that is bullshit. Has that happened before or where you sort of got off half time? Pre-mature spell casting. What you suggesting there, boy? You seem to have jumped the gun.
Well, a wizard is never late.
Sometimes he arrives a little bit early, though, if you know what I'm saying. And I imagine that these half-cocked jokes continue for the next 50 minutes, and then next you kind of come to, and you've probably been hearing these voices going, as you've been kind of deep in your mid-level trance, recovering your spell slots for your story.
And I come to this kind of jovial back and forth between old girl and other members of the party as well. With them using the full short rest, I'm going to use one of my features, which is arcane recovery. Yeah. That third level spell slot, you bish. All right. So Nick's is Nick's. You come to and see everyone kind of like waiting around you.
We ready go? Well, Nick, we've saved you a bit of this wine. Do you want... Yes! Thanks! I've got a little like cheese and bread... Quiet here! Right, can we go now? I've got the wine and cheese! He's fine. Can we go?
I mean, give me a bad stomach if I'm walking and drinking and eating. You know you're going to stand there for at least an hour while we're doing what we need to do. This makes a fair point. I don't mind having some kind of sustenance as I watch you guys demolish whatever it is to come.
Okay, I think I'm ready, and everyone will get himself up. There's something about fashioning Alpha a dick, by the way, or did I just dream that? You dreamt it. You dreamt it. Anyway, if you can tell, Alpha has like a bemused look on his face at that stage, like, you're lying. Let's not forget that we ain't doing this just for charity, that once we're done with this thing, that it should be sitting on quite a horde of treasures, so... Oh, I'm not doing this for charity.
No, exactly. Well, that's, that's precisely what I'm saying. We're all the, none of us are. So let's not forget that we are in a cavern. I wonder how cavernous this cavern is. Forget that there's treasure. There is, there is, there is a lot on the line. Gramps are we doing the wings again or no?
Oh, are we actually ready to go this time? I'm going now. Do we want to save the wings until you're right kicks off or? Well, I don't fucking know. I put fucking fire in Alva's mouth earlier and he doesn't fuck all with that. I put wings. He doesn't fuck all. Marota, can you see in the dark? Yes. Oh, that's all right then. Okay. Well, fuck it. I'm saving it. See you all on the other side.
Huh? See you on the other side. Why? I'm off. What? And I'm gonna go into the cabin. Everyone will follow. Yeah, Rains will then follow him, Ron. Yeah, still muttering under my breath. Is there a little thing that like the screen gets dark a little bit like we've gone into an area where we can't respawn? It kind of pauses for a moment as it also saves. It loads, yeah. The curtain arrives behind us. Yeah. Whichever of those.
Oh, there was a, you know... Maybe, maybe glass in a bit, a nice big, large glass, I mean, you know. I'm happy, I'm sauntering towards everyone else, just kind of one foot in front of the other, tail swishing behind him as he's got cheese in one hand and red wine, I assume, in the other. Yeah, it keeps, it keeps... Nice! That's keep it chilled, you know. Nix is having a good old time.
As you start making your way down and towards the space, as I mentioned earlier, it does open up quite rapidly into this huge cavernous space, and the multiplicity of entrances and exits, deciding the central space, it feels almost like
a huge, almost octopus died there and all the tentacles kind of go off in all these different directions. That's the kind of the snake-like feel these additional tunnels take. You come down from one to the northwest towards the southeast and specifically what you notice is these
This central area, the large cavernous area, the ground changes beneath your feet. It's almost slightly sloppy and muddy and incredibly wet. There are some smaller stalactites littering the floor that only stand a foot or two so high, many of which are snapped and broken at your feet. But the ones that really stand out are these large 15 foot
monoliths that stand up all lifted throughout the space. You wouldn't take more than 10 feet before being in touching distance of one. They create almost a strange... In my mind, it's like the giant version of the
The army, the Chinese army that's all made in stone. The terracotta army. The terracotta army, almost like they might have been something at some point. They might have stood for monuments of gods or something, but now they are nothing but just these hewn rock formations. And as you look up the light, everyone from your weapon does manage to just glint at the moisture and the dripping nature of the ceiling above you. And there's silence.
an eerie silence the hairs on the back of your neck stand up you feel something is watching you something somewhere
from above and near the arching wall of the cavern from which you entered and as quick as lightning and as thick as vines a multitude of long and vicious tendrils lash out at a number of you this is a surprise attack it's going to get on you because none of you see it's passive so it's stealth so um i'm going to need everyone in initiative order straight away so can you please ask that you will roll for initiative i've got my downer ready
I like, I like other sounds. All right, did anyone get more than 20? I got 20. Nice. Anyone get 15 to 20? I got 18. Nice. 10 to 15? Yes.
Fourteen for Alpha. Fourteen for Reins, and I will be above Alpha because my dexterity is better. Okay. And then, oh girl. I think it just gives us M1 really at the end I think, isn't it? What do you get M1? One. Wow. I mean, two technically, but that's a minus one to my addition.
That is impressive, that is impressive. So what you notice is those of you that this flies towards are these thick tendrils that come straight at you and they are almost part rock, part flesh, almost like the stone guardian creature that you came across prior to that. It's going to go for the first three it can. In my mind, that's probably going to be rain, alpha, and, um,
Sorry, Marota, Reigns and Alpha as the top three, really. As these come out to you, it's got a DC to beat. It's got an AC to beat your AC to grab you, basically, like before. These are coming from the ceiling, by the way. These are from the ceiling down towards you at the moment, okay? So the first one against Marota is a 16 against your AC. Hits. Cool. For, what does that say, Reigns and Alpha. Reigns, it's a 14 against your AC. Miss.
And for Alpha, that's a 15 against your AC. Miss. OK, so only Marotta. You take one point of bludgeoning damage. You are grappled. You have disadvantage on strength checks and strength saves. And on its turn, which it is currently, it's going to reel you towards it. Great. And it's going to reel you 20 feet up, directly up towards it. That is the end of it.
surprise around. That's all it can do aside from that. And you do hear though, a crumbling, cracking sound and you feel a few of these smaller... God, I get these confused, man. Is there stalagmites on the ceiling? Yeah. Tights at the top. Tights at the top. Ah, fuck, I got them around there. Tights, stalagtites, kind of fall down around you, small and significant, like foot-long ones, nothing. You just feel rock falling from the ceiling. You can assume this creature has moved slightly, but not so much.
That is the end of its turn. Morota, it's your turn. You are now dangling 20 feet up in the air, being pulled up towards this creature. What do you want to do? Do I get the sense that I am still in motion towards something or I have arrived at creatures? No, you are still very much in motion. Okay. What I'm going to do is, because I have one in my backpack, I am going to produce my torch, in which case, and illuminate the space around me. So that's 60 feet of light in every direction. Yep.
Hopefully, we see something. You do. You all see it. You all see this giant eye.
thousand needle-like teeth above it. The ceiling seems to come alive, this stalactite behind, out above you jerks and quivers violently in life. This gargling, tumbling sound emits from its maw, barely discernible from the other features around it. Say there's a glimmer of a crystal-like rock underneath its base where it sits on the cavern ceiling. You feel this evil and darkly ancient power as it stares at you.
It's unnerving, it's gaze pierces through the torch light towards you, Morita. And you feel the cold sweat bead on your neck. Your heart quickens. You find the roper. Okay. Um, I'm going to punch it in something. I'm going to punch it. So punch whatever looks like it's part of it. Okay. You're still from now, the torch being let 30 feet away from it. Good to know. I'm going to throw my boomerang up.
then if I can see the creature 30 feet away, I'm gonna throw my boomerang at it. Okay, bro, hold a hip. Is he restrained or not? Grappled and not restrained. Oh, grapple. You said. Yes, I did say that. Yeah, we'll go with that. Never mind. That's a six, but a natural one. There, that misses. Maybe it's the fear of this creature looking back at you. Just to jump in. Sorry, bountiful luck. You're within 20 feet still of me, because you've already been pulled 20 feet away. Can I use my bountiful luck reaction?
to have Marota reroll. Yes, please. Nice. On natty one. Uh, I rolled natural one again. Oh, get out of the way now. Get them out of the way now. I guess that'd be my turn because I won't want to break the grapple. I want to get closer to it. So I will.
I will, if anything, just hold on tighter. Okay. Nice. Makes sense. I guess. Uh, Nick's your turn. You see Marota to be dragged up 20 feet in six seconds, uh, moving directly up towards what you can imagine as the rota. Suddenly light appears from Marota and you can see this disgusting part rock part flesh beast hanging from the ceiling. What do you want to do? It's 50 feet away from you.
The beast is 50 feet away from me. Marota is how many feet away from me? 20 feet dangling in the air held by a tentac tendril that's pulling it up towards it.
And as I look up at this creature and using our D&D or five foot radius, how much radius does this creature take? It's a... It's a... What's bigger than large? Giant. Giant. No, giant, then gargantuan. Oh, whatever one's bigger than large. Is that like 15 foot across or 20? Yeah, 15 foot. 15 by 15 if it's giant. And then it's quite tall, but it was hanging down, so it hangs down about 20 feet.
Checking rules now, I can see it. What's that? Well, I mean, if it's too many sizes bigger than me, my crusher thing doesn't work on it either. Yeah. Sorry, next, as you've heard. Yeah, that's crazy.
Okay, I really hope this doesn't hit you, but it's within range. On Nick seeing Marota being kind of yanked out from the ground, he's going to reach down to one of his daggers on his hip and in a swift movement, grab the hilt of the dagger and just kind of aim and slice up and throw the dagger. And the idea is to kind of slice the tentacle holding Marota.
Okay. Yep. Roll to hit. 16 hits. Hey.
maximum damage of six piercing as well. You managed to badly cut the tendril but it continues to hold. You can see it's starting to unravel but it's still pulling up at the same time. I've got two daggers. I'm going to go straight as soon as I see that. I've hit it and weakened it but not severed it. My second dagger comes out from the other hip and for 14 hits sweet but only for three points.
of piercing damage? No, it does. It breaks it and it unravels and quickly, most of you see it pull back up within like literally like elastic bound speed back into the creature of the Roper and you are about to start free falling. Okay. How far up was she before? 20 foot. Oh, okay. I can use my reaction slow fall. I'll take no damage. Sick.
from the last time yeah i just freeze from the oh no not again no uh okay i run and collect my daggers and that will be the end of my go cool very nice thank you very much nix uh rains um you just see uh maro to go up maro to come down
Yeah, how this has happened for Reigns, how Reigns ought to think this happened, the three surprise tentacles that came out is that Morota was leading the charge and what Reigns saw was Morota just as she was leading the charge just disappear upwards and as he's glanced up as he's come into the room, a second tentacle has come for him and he's got out of the way and he's managed to glance back at Alpha just in time to see Alpha also dodge the one that's come for him and so what Reigns does immediately if that happens is that almost in situ he's just all of a sudden quickly
brought up the lightning launcher to try and thinking in his mind do not get too close to its mouth and it's gone to do the same as Nyx has gone to shoot the tentacle but has actually before he can even do that these two daggers have just come out in quick succession and cut the tendrils through so what he does is he immediately glances up and sees the eye and just he feels his heart quicken at the sight of this this this almost like death like eye looking at him and he's just going to shoot a pulse of lightning launcher energy up towards it.
Nice. Is that just a roll to hit ranged spell attack? Cool. I just want ranged attack. Yep. Sorry. It's good. It's 21 to hit. That hits. You can hit it. And I will choose to obviously put on the additional defects. Yeah.
It takes seven points of damage before the additional D6. Okay. Just got to remember how to use D&D Beyond. There we go. It takes total 13... No, massive... It takes 12 points of lightning damage total. You were pretty close, Darren. We'll let you off. Yeah.
You see the electric charge kind of pass through a number of the cracks and gaps and splits in this rock creature and it kind of almost illuminates the creature itself just for a split second, it rains for yourself and you can make out the size and enormity of this thing, either that or the distance of how close actually it is. It seems to be sitting on like a lower kind of boob-like structure.
A lower, a divot, a deviation, a lower part of the cavern and it sits kind of hanging down from that. Almost like how water would naturally come to the lowest point before dripping. It's done the same kind of thing and the cavernous is bigger than this. Yet it's chosen a low point above an entrance for this very reason. It can surprise those that enter into it.
Thank you very much. The word of the day is cavernous. Reigns, instead of you speaking just to shout out. Remember what we've been told, keep away from those teeth. And that will be the end of Reigns' turn. Alpha, you hear Nick say that. Your turn. What do you want to do? I hear Reigns say that. Alpha would have been... Nick would also go, keep away from the teeth.
So, anyway, can I interrupt Callum one more time just before we get going with that? I've been about four times now, why the fuck not? Sorry, please go ahead. You probably see our attempts to... Callum, you're muted. Go and grab... I think it's your turn, Callum. Bitch. What, do you think she... I'm trying to talk, god damn it, let me talk.
You'll probably see Alfa almost moving into position as if to catch Morota from falling, but then he seems like he's trying to descend, so he's like, okay, fair enough, Morota can take care of himself from herself this fall. My apologies. And she descends. Christ, that was an entire butchering of...
I thought I caught it the first time. You doubled down on the second time. Yeah, I fucked it up. Anyway, there's a big eye. So I'm going to use my bonus action to shoot at it with my cannon. Fire. 13 to hit. Misses. Bounces off the armour. Fucking ball. Yeah, you hit it. It does no fucking damage. No, that's fine. If I do something as my action, I'm just going to take the dodge action.
OK, cool. Thank you very much. Alpha, it's robo robo robo time. It's going to give up on on Morota and go for nyx range alpha. And they're the ones that of course damage to us. Well, you said the rifle was the top of the top of the. No, no, that was a surprise. Yeah, I know we've got old girl and and everyone before that, but it was a surprise.
It's going to go for Nick's first, 14 against your AC. That hits. You are grappled and pulled up. We have 12 against. Is it a new round? No. Same round. Never mind.
and alpha uh fuck a one um so that's uh eight against your ac miss shit any one at a time i'm expecting more wait i can do more than that wait no i can't i can do three tendrils okay um then that's all i gotta get nix up i'm gonna i'm gonna yank i'm gonna pull you up baby 20 feet in the air does that count as an attack
That does. And you take one bludgeoning damage. So he can Hellish Rebuke if he wishes. I would like to use my reaction of Hellish Rebuke, please, as this tendril grabs me through fear and some other power that Nyx isn't really controlling. What starts as a little, like a purple fire within Nyx's fear deep inside him starts to take hold. And as the tentacle starts to pull him up, he just yells out and goes,
and casts Headless to Abuke. Nice. He was having the rope or the tendril.
It would be... I'm going to go with the tendril. I'm going to grasp... I assume the tendril. I don't have full control of this thing. Can you choose the target if it's Hellish Rebuke? It's whatever's done the damage. It's a response to damage. So it's whatever's done the damage. You point your finger at the creature that damaged you. So I assume it would be the big eye in this case. Surrounded by hellish flames. The creature must make a dexterity saving throw.
Oh, this ain't very dexterous, baby. That is a four. Oh, that fails. So it's going to take 2d10. Nice. No, 3d10. Can I choose which to? No, it is. I've only got a second level. So it's 3d10 of fire. Here we go, baby. That's big.
It's all powerful baby. All powerful, 15 points of fire damage as Nix the Sphere overtakes him and shoots flames that are deep purple kind of colour towards the big roper. In my mind it travels up the tendril.
Yeah, I was hoping you'd say this. Yes. And then you see where it kind of attaches into this kind of base of like small hole, divot holes around the main portion. Almost like, you know, the top of a stereotypical mountain where it's like, here's where the slur is at the very top, like just below where that bit would be. There's like loads of little holes where these tendrils are shooting out from.
And it's into it and the flames burst out from each of the holes around it. Lots of really shit exhaust pipes. And you can see the whole crew just shivers and quakes for a second. A few more of the stalactites fall from the ceiling as well. Nice! That is the Roper's turn.
I assume I'm still grappled and being pulled up. Yes, you are. Yeah, if we've been aiming for the creature and the tendrils still working. Nix's body is just slightly limp in there from the energy used to cast this spell. That was lovely, that was a good shot. How did you know Ian? That was proper war locking there. I know, that was...
You wore left and locked, baby. Yeah, I'm proud of me too. Oh girl, time to let some action fly, baby. I'll let you do this. Yeah, I imagine all girls been going into this chamber still muttering under his breath.
wizard years of fucking training they think they know better than me and that's why it's kind of been taken by surprise in there and he's gonna go oh shit oh god damn it and he's gonna look again into the orb and go give me a minute oh you know what to do
And I will use my action to hold the spell fly to cast it through a hoot that will go directly after me when a hoot slaps once more into the back of Marota. So that's my turn, basically staying where I am, but also eyes fixed. Like just, yeah, fully into the orb, just standing still. Eyes in the orb, a hoot slapping into the back, wings sprouting on Marota. That's everything that I can do.
And I like to imagine that this happens at the same time that Morota is just about to hit the ground after all these other things have happened, because it's all within a six second window, isn't it? So Morota, as you kind of hit the ground, but with your slow fall feature, meaning you don't take any damage, I still imagine there's a lot of dust and a lot of poof up in the air. And just as you stand up, this thing hits your back and these wings just erupt on your back for the second time today. And you now have the capacity to fly, which is 10
Terrifying for me. My third level's gone after that wasted one, guys. Thank you. Didn't you get one back? You got one back. Catnap is a third level spell. Ah, shit. Emron, over to you, my man, bottom of the round. You've just seen, I mean, everything that you, you know, listen back for the last 25 minutes, if you want to find out, but just,
Loads of stuff happen. People go up, people go down. Ropers up here. Ropers are there. You know where it is. Muttering old girl. You're probably next to him by now. What do you want to do? Just the one roper, actually. I don't know. I could fly too. Why are you telling us? Yeah, why? You just want it upstage. Is it appropriate for the angel to appear now? Has shit happened enough? When you spell it out like this,
You kind of ruin the allure either way. So, no, you can't do it. Okay, fine. No, you can do it. Of course you can. Do it the fucking way, man. Just do it. Don't talk about, you know, what you might do. You live your life, man. You live your emerald life. You need us to like punch you or something, does it? Alpha, slap me. I volunteered. It was creepy. Everyone needs to take damage for it to occur.
Yeah, sort of, fuck it, why not? That's, that's, that's... Don't wanna rush you, man. You've not had 25 minutes or so to plan it, man. You just, you do your thing. You take your time, man. Well, listen, this must be how Callum feels when he gets to side with Duke. No. Callum was put out on the block. Why are you driving by me right there? Flippin' egg, William. Right, he's killing time because he still doesn't fucking know what he's doing. Will, what are you doing? Yeah, no clue. Yeah, no clue. I'm not gonna cut the flight. Okay.
Having seen all of this happen and having realised that this creature is huge and probably far bigger than everyone didn't think it would be this big. It never is. Big jokes. His eyes are going to roll back at the size of it. Whoa. Visceral. One-eyed creatures looking down upon you. It's so big, it's making your eyes roll in the back of your head.
Someone's living a fantasy here. It might be me. I don't know. Let's just... Swing your dick. You have my story. It's in my mouth. No, I need to get enraged. So, Enron... Eyes will roll back into white. And Enron will become an angel. Giant glimmering eyes and two incorporeal wings. And I've now got a flying speed of 30 feet. So you're flying now as well.
Yeah. This is cool though. Like two people up in the air. It's 50 foot away, isn't it? It is indeed. Okay. I'm going to move 20 feet up in the air. Very nice. Flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap. As you move up towards the roper. My mouth is my action. Done. Very nice. As a bonus action, I'm going to cast searing smite so that my hammer is now on fire.
That's nice, I thought you were going to go for a spiritual weapon, but fair enough, cool, nice, nice. Keep it unpredictable, Will, I like it. All right, top of the round, Morota. With my new family. Before you go, I'm so sorry, before you go, before you go, before you go, you know how I like to do something that happens at the start of each of these rounds, so it's always going to happen just before your operator. So the only person that's got actually a free ticket to have an, oh, that changes things is Danny, because he's obviously going to go straight after something that changes.
you hear this massive crack and a tag and all of a sudden the roper falls
from the sky and twists, and it's going to land on the ground in the center of the space on the ground below. It's falling the entire distance, hitting down, knocking these static mites over, static tights falling down. And Nyx, you're going to just free fall the 20 feet down as well, because it goes slack and falls to the ground. You're still grappled, it's still holding you, but it goes slack as you fall as well in the process.
But this thing is now dead center in the middle of the space. You can see almost the external layer of rock has kind of like shimmied off this thing as it's landed. And you can see this almost bulbous, rocky, golem-esque, but fleshy creature, this mound of flesh beneath it with this massive mouth and eye staring towards you all as the group between the tower-like stalagmites you can see between you and it.
Now, Morota, it's your turn. So, Nix is now ground level? Boom, yeah, he's on the floor. Is he still grappled? He's still grappled, yes. Okay, I will... Sorry, Gal, but I don't need these wings, because this thing's on the floor again. Sucks to be your spell slot. Well, I was so bitter about that spell slot. I'd like to use my action to get...
to get Nix out of his grapple, if possible. Okay. How would you want to go about that? Can I use my whip and just pull Nix out of that grapple? You can try, yeah. Cool. It's a 24 to hit.
Um, okay. I'm gonna do this slightly differently because I've got a stat thing here about pulling against it. Cause if it, yeah. So you've, you've whipped around him with the hip. Could you give me like an athletics check then please to see whether or not you're physically strong enough to pull him versus the tendril pulling against you tug of war and Nick. Five.
Not high enough, unfortunately. The tendril continues to pull. You almost lose the whip. You manage to pull the whip back in time, but it uncoils around, around Nyx and you pull it back. He's still, he's still grappled. Okay. Then I'm going to close the distance and I'm going to sit essentially on the tendril so that Nyx is still behind me. The tendril sort of going through my legs and then back towards the creature. I'm just going to pummel this tendril two hits, super,
So, flurry of blows. Just so you know, you're about 25 feet now from this creature, you two. The rest of you are about 35, 40 feet away from it, from where it's fallen, you're kind of shooting up at an angle. Whereas this now is right next to those two. So, two punches on this creature for 24 and 22 to hit. Both hit. That is a combined
total of 14 points of damage. The thing basically you smash it into existence, you just punch a hole straight through it. The tendril doesn't manage to pull back from Nyx. It just dies upon him and he can push it off his body. The remaining bit under your legs and relatively quickly slips back into what? Slips? That's not a word. Slips is a great word. They go, you get what I mean back into the creature and disappears.
And then as you do turn around, you see this multitudinous of rock behind you. I'm making words up left. I'm fucking shaking it, man. It's great. Behind you here. And just, yeah, you can see what you're up against. Nicely, clearly there. But Nix is now freed as well. Okay. So Nix is behind me. He's free. How far ahead of me is this creature? Okay, great.
I use the rest of my movement to just go straight for this creature, creatures face to face. And that's my turn. Okay. Thank you very much. Next, your turn. You're free from the grapple. Uh, you would have to use half your movement to stand up. I'd say cause I think you're prone. Does he take full damage? You would have taken some full damage, but I'm going to, whatever this score was less than it by three, because the tendril pretty much surrounded you 2d6. Hmm.
2d6. It's d6 per 10 feet. I'll roll it for you if you want. Fuck my face. That is five, no wait, three, yeah, five points of fallen damage. Minus three, so two. Yep. Oh, okay.
because I lowered the HP at the tendril that Marota was hitting because of the fall. Okay, awesome. So just with a kind of a very grateful thanks to Marota and as he's trying to wrestle this worm like tentacle off him slopping and slipping and he's going to use half his movement to stand up and he's going to shadow Marota
and stay within five feet of Marota as she moves forwards. How fast Marota from the creature again? Face-to-face with it. Yep. She moved to 20 feet. She's within licking distance. This is great.
Right okay no so I'm gonna stand side by side with my rotor then one space away and whip out my book to go I got something I got something I swear I just I just read it I've just read it and purple energy is gonna start to
caress his body. And he's going to draw just a kind of a shape of three, three shapes, kind of blocky in the sky. And as he does so, and closes his eyes, purple light shoots out from him and on either side, one next to Marota and two more next to me are three illusionary duplicates of myself as I cast mirror image. Nice. So until there is a concentration,
I assume. One assumes. No, doesn't look like it. It's got to be. That's three illusionary duplicates of yourself appear in your space until the spell ends. The duplicates move with you, mimic your actions, shift in position so it's impossible to track which image is real. You can use your action to dismiss the illusionary duplicates. Each time a creature targets you with an attack during the spell's duration, roll a d20 to determine whether an attack targets one of your dupes.
That's awesome, man. Very nice, very nice. So that the creature now sees five of us right next. Very nice. The whole thing doesn't even have depth for section with only one eye.
There's always someone who sides with the roper. I knew it would be you, Will. Right? Very nice, Nix. Thank you very much. You're literally just five feet behind Morota, who is five feet within touching distance of the roper. Right next to Morota. Right next to it. I shifted so that I was... Morota is to the right of me. There's a space in between Morota and I is Morota. Then an illusionary Nix is now next to Morota and two more to the left of me. So it's almost kind of surrounding in a way. I love the image of the glyphs as well. That was lovely.
Thank you. Sexy man. Uh, uh, Reigns, you see Marota and Nick's going charging at this behemoth of a creature in front of you. What do you want to do? Uh, Reigns is just starting to process and he's gone, right? Keep away from the mouth, keep away from the mouth. Why are they getting near the mouth? Okay. Okay. Okay. Water, water. And what Reigns is going to do is he's going to
because it's what he would do in this situation. He's going to just kneel to the floor, touch the floor, see how damp it feels. He's just gonna...
Try and gauge the fence. Are they underneath water? There's no particular way that he can do this. But is there any moisture coming from the ceilings? He's glancing up at these rocks that are hanging down to see if there's any kind of drips of water coming down. I suppose what I'm saying is that it's either perception or investigation. Well, perception by the sound. Perception. Yeah, perception, please. Yeah. That's an 18.
You look down at the ground, and while this is all happening, the ground still recovering from the incredible shock of this Roper hitting the ground. The puddles that are on the floor, the gleaming of the lights from Alpha's coin, from Emron's weapon, from Rota's torch, from
just old girl in general, I guess, I don't know. This light generates a lot of, and you can see that on the meniscus of the water below you, on these puddles that are formed, you do see a very consistent and quite rapid drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip in the puddle nearby, which tells you that isn't the dripping of a moisture in the air that drips every now and then. This is the moisture of something leaking. There seems to be a source of water above your head. Huh.
Well, that's interesting. And then what Reigns will do is he's just going to shout out, we've got water over here. We can deal with what that means for us later, but it's definitely bad for that thing. And he's going to point back at the roper. Um, um, and I suppose that that feels like I've done quite a lot for six seconds there. I feel like my turn. Okay. No problem. Thank you very much. Alpha over to you.
Yeah, rope it on the ground. I'm going to have my bonus action and try and shoot at the thing. It's a natural 20. Wow. Nice, man. The hits. Misses. This will be interesting for my cannon. That rolled. That's not rolled. Don't know. There you go. Come on.
whoa 27 points of damage damage fuck me 27 I do 2d8 normally so crit so I've doubled it to 48 and then it's plus 3 anyway
So 27 points of forced damage. Alan, you're a beautiful man. Wow. My cannon's a little bit annoyed, I think. You see this shot fly over your shoulder, Marota and Nix, as you're running towards the sink. Look at those illusionary forms appearing just after you form one of them, Nix. The one between you and Marota. This shot comes blasting through almost like
canoning past your face and just smashes into the base left side of this creature throwing out an arc of stone and weird like mossy liquid all over you as a large chunk of this creature flies out and away from it and covering your eyes as you continue to run forward. Fucking hell Alpha, very nice. Now with your actual action, what do you want to do?
I'm going to take a brief moment to say to myself, I wish I had my pistol back, but I'm going to take the dodge action again. Fair enough. Lovely. Thank you very much. I think it might. Thank you for that. And it is his turn. So something else happens on its turn as well. The first thing is one of its tendrils reaches up directly up above where it's fallen. And as you watch this tendril go up, you see what is connecting to this large
a crystalline thing that must have been sitting upon that Marotta you noticed when you first got tethered up. And Nix and Marotta, as you get closer and everyone starts to see this as well, there's a pulsing energy that comes down from the crystal down itself and you can see part of its rock injury that has just been caused by Alpha starts to heal ever so slightly, starts to rebuild part of it in the process.
And then these tendrils fire out again. One at Morota, one at Nyx, one at Alpha. So Morota first, that is a 15. I'm going to use Agile Parry, so that misses. This tendril comes flying out towards you. You get your boomerang up just in time. You're going to whip it. It just goes over your shoulder as you continue to run towards it. I like to think you're still running at this time. Nyx, that is, oh, I thought that was that way, but it's this way, which makes it, come on, Maths, Maths, Maths 13.
Uh, that misses me. There you go. I thought it was a nine, but it's not as a six, which gives it a plus seven. Yep. Anyway, uh, which misses you. And lastly, uh, alpha. Oh man. Sorry. This is 24 to hit. Do you roll with disadvantage on that? Yes. Oh, I haven't. I'm so sorry. 18.
Hips. Hang on. We need to roll to me. Just a fraction. What did you hit me with? Thirteen. It's going to take out a duplicate. Sorry. I'm first time using this. So every time a creature targets me, I have to roll a d20, which I did.
to determine whether the attack targets one of me or my dupes.

Battle Tactics and Player Interaction

I just took it as armor class things, so it didn't. So I rolled a d20, I rolled a six, which means that it's going to target one of my duplicates. And because the AC of my dupes is 10 plus my dex, which is a two, so 12, so you do hit me. If an attack hits a duplicate, the duplicate is destroyed. So yeah, you smashed one of my dupes.
So that's one of the duplicates goes maybe on the end maybe another main group of you and then as it goes it kind of effervesces a purple kind of hue as I think it's destroyed. Sorry Alpha did I hit you? Yes you did hit me. One point of bludgeoning damage you're grappled.
and your legs get dragged out from under you, moving towards where Nyx and Marota are at 20 feet. So you are now, you're just, you are now about 20 feet away from it now as well. So you've got 50 feet. I'd like to use Sentinel, please, on the roper. Okay, yep. And as he's gone, alpha, it's a 10 to hit. The, sorry, to a 10 to hit the tendril or a 10 to hit the roper?
Is it the same creature? Is the roper making that attack against? Yes, the roper's weapon is the tendril, but you can attack the tendril or you can attack the roper. Like if I used a net on a creature as a character, you could, I would argue, attack, break the net or attack the... Go for the tendril, please. Okay, yeah. Is it a 10? Yeah. 10 hits. Oh, nice.
which is why I wanted to double-check. Six points damage. Yeah, good bit of damage on it. You'd manage to queue through probably about half of it at this time. It's still pulling in, but at a slower rate slightly. Cool. Nice on that. The Roper then also will take an attack against you, Morota, because you are up at it, aren't you? So that's going to be, it's going to go for a bite. That is an 18 to hit.
need to check the rules of agile parry one second yes i like she'll drop off to you and yet i make an unarmed attack i can use my weapon as like a how about i'll find it no doesn't take my a c high enough to hit okay uh... you take twenty one points of
piercing damage. No I don't. It's 4d8 and I rolled 2 eights on the first two. That's a nasty lie. No I don't. He's not changing. He's not changing. He's not changing. We were warned. Crunchy. Yeah, 4d8 man. I rolled very well with them as well.
Are you down? You're not down. No, I'm not down because luckily I had a catnap courtesy of old girl. So it's all good for now. Yes. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Tasty, tasty, tasty AF. I wasn't fucking right. Um, that is the end of the roper's turn. You'd be pleased to know. Oh, girl, it's over to you. Um, the roper has just taken a horking trunk out of Marota.
Okay, uh, Gell's not looking. He's looking into the orb. Oh yeah, of course. Uh, and what he's going to do is he's just going to basically shout out, don't forget what I done told you. He's going to point a finger over to reigns and say, I'm a puppet. Yes. Alpha. When he blinks, you take that fucking shot.
And he's also just gonna quickly whisper kind of under his armpit to the roper, you gone drown boy. And for my action, I want to cast just my cantrip mind sliver. So I need an intelligent saving throw from it, please. Six. Fails, he will take a tasty six points of psychic damage. Ah, my thoughts, my thoughts, they're hurt.
And yeah, staring back into the orb. Don't forget what I don't say. And that's my turn.
Very nice, thank you very much. The coochie kind of rumbles at this and the tendril connecting it to the rock above kind of wobbles through it and the one that's pulling alpha and wobbles a little bit as well at the cutting words that come from old girl about drowning, which seems to shove a fear into this creature. Emron, over to you. You are 20 feet up in the air. As effervescent as an angel, because you are an angel. Yeah, so I was going 20 feet towards it. Am I able to get in range of the roper with my...
30 feet of flying because I was doing 20 feet towards it. Yeah, show off. You're on the way. It only makes sense that you want to show donation your appreciation. I would also love to be in a position where I can be on the other side of it to get advantage. You're going to be closer than your peeps. The problem then is, everyone, who's going to have your back when they're all gone?
No, you can't get right in the back of the emerald. You can't get right around the back of the creature, that's 2.5. 20 feet up, I imagine you can have a diagonal, so you could get to it. It could be above roughly where Nyx and Morota are, but to get around the back, it's like a 15 feet kind of diameter creature, so you need quite a bit of additional movement to either fly up further and over it.
Next turn, you could traverse over the top problem. Sure, I'll fly down and I'm gonna smack it one in the face. Go for it. Here we go. That's a shit roll. A 13. That was a shit roll. Fail. Miss. Okay. That's cool. Can I use my...
Important feature and change that 13 to a minimum roll of a 16, please So 16 plus your modifiers that you would so whatever the original role was 16 then that's a natural 20 hits You got all girl boy to me It takes 10
points of oh four points of bludgeoning damage as well as talk slow too fast sorry i can't keep up i would but i literally am but you're saying as well as and i'm not gonna and i'm not gonna take this the hp off this creature and tell you give me the full fucking score uh three points of fire and then
I'm adding lots of things, sorry. Yep, it's cool. Take your time, then. And four points of radiant damage, which takes four points of bludgeoning, three points of fire, and four points of radiant damage. Because it might have resistances, hence why I've broken it down. That's cool. Thanks, I'm just going to make up a number. And then it needs to make... 11 total. 11 total. And then it needs to make a constitution saving throw, please. 13.
Oh fuck, it meets it beats. Hot diggity bam! Represent it baby. Deep because you're good. Does not set on fire. Okay. That makes sense actually. It's a big mossy cold rock. Anyway, cool. Thank you Emron and thank you old girl for that lovely little portent in there as well. Yeah thanks old girl. Stop around. I've still got bonus action. I'm sorry. You hadn't used it. You were like moving on. You need another half hour to queue this up.
I'd like to cast Spiritual Weapon and it's going to attack the tendril that's attached to the glowing crystal. Nice. Ooh, okay, nice, nice, nice, okay. Give it a twat then. Nice, 16 to hit. Hits. And the tendril takes...
Four points of force damage. You can see it kind of tense up with the pain and anguish it feels, but it's still in contact with it, unfortunately. So it does not break. Just for myself, the crystal is jutted out of the ceiling where the rope was. Yeah, up where it was. And it's sent up a tendril up towards where this crystal still is. How far is the crystal kind of protruding out?
Oh, is that my turn with a perception check? I'm really looking at mine. Yeah, as you were. Yeah, cool. You got it. You're coming up soon anyway. Morita, you just gone bit to fuck what you want to do. Oh wait, no, there's something that happens, isn't there?
Of course there is. Nah, nah, just go straight to Maro. Okay, right. So that's going to go on. Okay, that'd be nice. Let's do that. So the two tendrils before this happens, reach up. These are additional ones. And they're going to grab a hold of one of the stalagmites, stalactites on the ceiling. They're going to rip it down, hoping to drop it on some of you in the group.
Fuck me. It's going to only be able to aim it specifically, really, at people who aren't in the closest proximity to it. So it's going to be nearest the range of Old Gale, Alpha, and Dr. Range. Dr. Range. Dr. Range. Dr. Range. Dr. Range. Dr. Range. Dr. Range. Dr. Range. Dr. Range. Dr. Range. Dr. Range. Dr. Range. Dr. Range. Dr. Range. Dr. Range. Dr. Range. Dr. Range. Dr. Range. Dr. Range. Dr. Range. Dr. Range. Dr. Range. Dr. Range.
so could i ask old gal alpha and rains to make a dexterity saving throw please the dc is low only because it's kind of using this to generalize the where it falls as well yeah it isn't flinching at all just standing there like that old gal knows where they're going to drop
I sees it. It's a fematary. Okay, what'd you get? I got a 22 baby. Okay, alpha. 13. Okay, rains. Six.
Oh God, okay. Oh girl, you don't even move, because there's nowhere near you to be honest. Alpha, you do have to take a little shimmy step to the side. Rains, the corner of this does slam into you. You're gonna take six points of bludgeoning damage as this stalactite comes smashing down into the ground, making a new pillar, because it sticks into the ground. So you're glad you weren't hit directly, this was more of a glancing blow, but does manage to catch your, are you in your armor by the way?
Yes, yes. So that's fucking useless. Yeah, pretty much does catch you slightly. So now, sorry, apologies. Morita, over to you. Top of the round. What do you want to do? So just remind me what the tendrils are doing. There are two active tendrils. Two active tendrils. One is currently up to the crystal above. One is currently both the damaged and the other one is probably grabbing alpha.
Okay. What I'm going to do then is I'm going to use my whip to hit the tendril that is reaching vertical towards the crystal. First of all. Yep. Okay. Not a problem. That is a 16 to hit. The tendril. Yep. That hits. And damage on that is four.
Four, four points of damage. Yep, that is the amount that we needed to break it, given the damage it had come before. But this is for the one connecting to the crystal. It snaps and falls down, being sucked back into itself. Nice, that one's been destroyed. Nice, bonus action. I'm going to stomp on the, because it's still like right next to me, the tendril that's going out towards alpha. Okay, nice, roll to hit. For a 14 to hit. Hits.
And that one's gonna take five points of bludgeoning damage. Again, enough to snap through it. Alpha can wriggle free of the rest of this tendril. You're prone, half your movement to stand up alpha when it comes to your turn, but the rest of it sucks back. You've broken both these tendrils, Marota. Perfect. They call me Marota, tendril brain. Tendril, bane. Tendril, you fucked it, mate. Tendril brain. I'm gonna get one shot at these things.
Yeah, do not give a chance to go. This opportunity comes once in a lifetime. Morota, anyone else want to do anything? Okay, cool. No problem. Let's hope it doesn't bite you again. Nix, round to you. Nix is going to, after seeing everything that's just transpired, just fumble around in his pockets somewhere. I know I've got it. I've got it.
And he's going to just turn to Marota one hand on a chin open it the other hand with a potion of healing neck it and give Marota a really shoddy five points of healing as the liquid is.
Going down into marota's mouth and nix is gonna look up at the crystal that i mentioned earlier and i'd like to see how far it's jutting out from the roof. You wanna get a sense of if you can reach it for something.
No, I want to say it's grabbed onto a crystal. This crystal is protruding from the ceiling. Is it just a little bit like five foot out? Is it 10 foot out? 15 foot out? How much is it? I'm just trying to look at it and establish from visual kind of the size
You know what crystal looks like and you kind of, you can kind of infer from that the weight and how far it's kind of sticking out. So I'm just, you know, it's a large, you know, like, uh, giants causeway, you know, those big old rocks that come up, the volcanic rocks that come up from the ground and they're in those large like columnesque formations. It's like that becoming down and then they come down about 10 feet's worth. And a lot of that seems to have been kind of buried within the, um, the, the roper itself before it fell off or dropped off, whatever you want to call it. Um,
so about 10 feet down now bear in mind that from your position to shoot at the roper we're talking about 50 feet and it's yeah probably still about the same kind of distance away if not slightly slightly further maybe 55 feet away from your current location because just about 10 feet it's quite a large set of crystals crystalline you know raw material so to speak and yeah it would pack a punch if it fell
And every time the roper grabs it, I'm noticing it's getting healed from it. The one time it has, yes, it has. The one time I noticed that. Okay. That's all I can do. That's the end of my go. Okay. Thank you very much. For that, uh, Reigns, over to you. What do you want to do? Reigns has glanced up, has felt the drip, has heard the point from old girl go, remember what I said, boy. And what Reigns is going to do is going to go.
We have to drown that motherfucker. And what Raines is going to do is he's going to pull back on the gauntlet one more time and point it straight up towards the ceiling where the drip is. And he's just going to let a lightning launcher go at the way the drip is coming from to see if it exaggerates the drip, makes it bigger, just to see what the likelihood is that we can bring a butt ton of water flowing into this chamber. And is this water, are you aiming kind of above the roper to above your location? Where about you aiming?
Reigns is basically now scouring where the drips are coming from and he's aiming in the direction of one of the drips. So imagine seeing a substantial drip, because you said it was almost like substantial drip. Seeing that coming down, it's almost like prodding the hole. Sorry, I should have been clearer. That substantial dripping is coming from across the majority of the cavern.
Sorry, I didn't make that clear. I used one puddle as an example, but I should have been more clear that it's pretty much from where you can see pretty much everywhere. Yeah, I imagine last term, Reigns noticed it was almost like a steady drip on him, and then all of a sudden glanced around in between, and they've seen that this is happening everywhere, and it's gone. And then it's just shot the lightning launcher above the rope's head. Okay, roll to hit.
I mean, it's terrible, but I'm aiming for a giant ceiling. So eight. Yeah. It's six. Like you said, it is a ceiling roll damage ceiling. It's a rock. Yeah. It's clear that one second. I'm going to overcharge as well because I can. So eight plus.
8 plus 5 so 13. Good thing you ever charged. You fire up at the ceiling and for a second you think that nothing happens and then suddenly you start to see a weird glimmer appear and spread down, down, down further. Probably about a foot and a half wide gap you've cut or you've blasted out of the ceiling here and water is cascading down and as it hits and falls upon the rope you hear this
This screech, there's almost like nails down a chalkboard kind of noise as it's under teeth or something within it starts to rub against itself. It's not happy. It's not enjoying this. You can see parts of the stone across it start to almost etch and fall away slightly. This is fancy words of saying you've managed to lower its AC.
Okay, Reigns is then, with the remainder of his turn, is now seeing probably Morota in the bad way.
frantically try and put the potion in and it's just going to remember what he discussed on Alpha. Strong movements, not frantically, just very swift like he knew what he was doing. I've seen these swift, strong movements then and seeing the pain that Morota is in is just going to shout, Alpha, what we said, Morota! And that's the end of my turn.
Wait, I missed that, what did you say? Alpha, what was it? He just shouts out Alpha what we said in the rotor. He said about who was capable of peeling, because he didn't. Oh, good, yeah, come on, sorry. Thank you very much, Reigns, for that. Alpha, you hear what Reigns just shouted to you as his water starts to castate upon this creature, this grating sound spreading. What do you want to do? After being dragged a little bit towards the creature, how close am I? You are 20 feet away from it now.
And how close am I away from Marota? 15, 16, 17 feet. It's right. Marota's right close to the creature. That's right. I'm going to stand up. You talk my movement for that. Fire off a
blast bonus action for my force ballistic cannon for a natural one. That didn't go well. No, it did. I've got my second portent. I'm using my second portent, which I sent over to Mark earlier, which is a natural 20. It is indeed. I wonder why you'd use that. Oh, so I just, oh my God. Again.
Doing this again. Wow, my goodness me. Let's see how this one goes. Bring it home. Dragon teeth. That is 29 points. Oh my god. Force damage from the Ballista Cannon. A huge colossal hit. It was old girl, you bloody beautiful bastard, you. Is that an actual target? It does have its own AC, doesn't it? It does have its own AC. It can be targeted and all that kind of stuff.
But it's only tiny little thing anyway. It's like the little... Just a tiny little thing that's done like 60 points of damage. More damage than anything else. Keep playing that down.
It might as well just ignore it. It's not even there. Another huge chunk of this thing flies at the tip top end of it blowing off like the tip of this creature just flying off. Its eye only just managing it. The eye kind of frantically searching up and then looking back down again at it as another large chunk of this thing comes cascading off and tumbling down the back of it. The grinding and screeching sound continues.
Anything else you want to do, Alpha? Yeah, you've got a whole fucking turn, haven't you? No, I've pissed it off. Now I've massively pissed it off. I'm going to use the rest of my movement to basically get next to Marota, and I'm just going to quickly pull out a bit of a salve from my pocket.
Just pour it on and just kind of tap it into him and cast Cure Woo into her! What is wrong with it? What is wrong with me? Are you oiling up Marotta? You're oiling up Marotta. I'm making the muscles glisten. Unfortunately, it's only four points of healing. I'll take it. But she looks great. She looks amazing. Like a 90s wrestler. She looks amazing. Yeah, that full on Hulk Hogan. Baby oil. This is glow Marotta right now, guys. What you gonna do?
Um, so yeah, that's all I can do. I've used everything. Right. Thank you. Alpha for that. So I was pretty thinking of other wrestlers quotes I could say, but all I've got is a more rotor. Yeah. But that doesn't, that's, that's not my tea. Yes. To LA night. Living the dream, baby.
You're gonna get stomped out. Right, let's do this. Roper's turn. And it is not happy. Firstly, it's gonna draw. Oh wait, it can't because you've broken the tendril. Another tendril's gonna go up and reach onto it, but it can't do the thing it was doing.
they need to turn to do it. So you've broken that nice and quickly. The other two tendrils it can use, excuse me, three are turned. The two tendrils, one is going to go for Alpha again because that's where the pain is coming from. The other one is going to jump to Reigns because he blames you for all his problems with his water things. Yeah. I'd break your target me as long as you leave the cannon alone. I don't care.
So, the one for you, Reigns, is going to be 13. Misses. The ones... Oh, fuck's sake, against you, can you give me a Porton, old girl? The one for... Fucking Alpha's a natural one, so eight. Yeah, miss. God damn it. Then it's going to bite... Someone. Nick, are you in touching range as well? Yeah, I'm hugging it. Me and two other me's.
It's going to go for you. Sentinel. Okay. Okay. Sentinel attack. Cool. Nice. 15 to hit the robot. That misses. Even with the reduced AC on the water. Even with the reduced AC on the water. More water please.
Yes, please. So, yeah, that unfortunately misses, but I don't think this will miss you or one of you. It's going to be 24, sorry, 23. That destroys another illusion of mine because I rolled a 17 on my d20, so it does, it shoots one of my other mes. Very nice. Bites through it. Enraged that it's not real and is pierced off and doesn't have anyone to reel in at the moment and is gutted by that fact.
feels really let down. It's not doing a very good rapey job. That is the end of its turn. Oh, Gal, you're up next. You've portented through your portents. What do you want to do now? I am still just staring directly into this ball, this orb in front. And again, he's going to point the finger over to Reigns and say,
Yep, he's gonna point his finger over to Alpha and say, just like I said. And then he's going to kind of look into it and go, hmm.
What a fucking waste of a big spell that was. And he's going to turn and instead of looking at the orb this time, turn around and look at the roper now. And he's going to drop concentration. It's a free action on fly from the rotor. So the wings disappear. A hoot kind of flaps out to the back. It's got a fly by feet, so won't hopefully get an attack of opportunity. And what he's going to do instead is go
Now for the big boy time. And he's going to kind of clap his hands together, plant his staff in the floor, clap his hands together and kind of motion almost as like hands reaching up from the earth and he's going to cast Maximilian's earthen grasp. Nice. Directly behind the roper.
And effectively what happens is a medium hand made from like the stone beneath reaches up out of the floor and it tries to grab the roper from behind like just a big old fucking hand. So I need a strength saving throw from the roper please. I just need to double check whether or not my mind sliver will affect it.
I also love the imagery of the big, rocky handle. It takes a 1d4 minus to the save as well because of my mind sliver on the previous row. So it's minus three to whatever you roll. Oh shit, that's even worse. Okay. I mean, I only got a seven, so that's a four.
Amazing, in which case it's a fail, which means this hand, as I kind of described there, just reaches around it, the old reach around, sneaky, sneaky, and starts trying to crush the roper. And it takes six points of bludgeoning damage as it's just got this hand directly behind it, reaching around it, just trying to squeeze. And it is also now restrained. Very nice. So advantage attacks, please. Yes, please.
Thank you very much, old girl, for that violent fucking claw-fisting gal. What have you got going on? Fantastic. M. Ron. DDT. Boom! M. Ron, over to you. This thing is getting grappled, restrained, whatever else from everything else. You're bitching on it so far. I'm going to... And water is still cascading down on it, yes? Yep, yep, absolutely. Only over one part of it, though.
Okay, I'm gonna hit it. Actually, no, yes, I'm just gonna hit it. Straightforward. Hit. With advantage, I assume. Yep, because it is grappled. Restrain. That's a 12 to hit. Is that with advantage?
Yes. Yeah, it misses. Well, I mean, let's say you punk it, but you sound just fucking right. Yeah, it is. It's a shit roll, Will. You've got your spiritual weapon. Yeah. Okay. My spiritual weapon will attack it. At least it gets advantage. It does. Let's see if it has better

Troglodyte Threat and Roper's Struggle

luck. Probably will do. My spiritual weapon statistically does better than me.
Tends to, doesn't it? Well, there you go. 13 to hit. Mrs. No, you're not having any luck, M1, with that. Sorry. Mother Trucker. Mother Trucker, indeed. Right. Okay. I'll float there with my dick in my hand. Angel shouldn't do that. On top of the round. The Roper lets out this
weird sound that seems to echo out kind of a part rock crunching part nails down the chalkboard part the grumble and the rumble through the ground a basiness through the ground and screeching out from a nearby cavern entrance one of the many tendrils that reach off from the space come screaming out cascading out these three troglodytes running towards the nearest people which happen to be rain's alpha
and Old Gale. They don't quite get there on this turn, but they will probably be round to get at you for the next turn. That's where they fall in order just after Old Gale, but before Enron. That's where their initiative order falls. So they are coming out towards you then. They've been called out by the Roper.
Rotor, you are neck to neck, throat to throat, face to face with this creature. You have been hit rather vociferously by it previously. You've got Nix next to you and his mirror images, two of which remain next to you. What do you want to do? I'm just going to turn to Nix and say, if you get hit again, move back. And I'm going to turn and I'm going to punch this thing square on Donkey Punch in the face.
Yeah. Oh yeah. Don't you bunch? All right. Go for it. I'm not going to like what I do next. I've had this chambered like a shotgun. Oh, it's under wave. Cause that's what Calum does. 23 to hit 23 hits. I cast shattered on myself. Uh, that is for seven points, uh, bludgeoning damage. Very nice. Thank you kindly.
and I will use my, I'll spin a key point and enter patient defense.
Very nice. Yes, I think that's necessary. Thank you very much. Anything else you want to do, Marota? No, that's me. Nix, over to you for your crazy thing that Marota's not going to enjoy. It's not that crazy, but there is a sense of... There's method behind the madness. So Nix is with half a glance at Marota and a smile, and of course that is duplicated by my last remaining mirror.
um i've only got one left i've only got one left sorry that's why i put my finger up before when you said to yeah you've destroyed two i've got one left um so me and my mirror image because the creature is literally right in front of us and grappled as well uh nixon restrained restrained both daggers and climb up to the eyeball the big massive eyeball on the creature and
plunge down one dagger. Now, is there any checks I need to do to get up there? But yes, that's. Probably. That's my plan. I want to take this fucking dagger and I want to put it straight into its eye. Right. I need you to make an athletics check to climb the side of this creature to get to the eye. How's a 17? 17. You managed to, with your hands, reach up.
like that.
you continue to work up, up, and up, and you gain purchase, and you grab a hold, you manage to work your way to a position where you're away from the mouth close enough to this thing to grab a hold of the side of it, reach up, and plunge this dagger into the eye and roll to hit. Yes. Nice. Fuck yeah. Let's go. Let's go. I'm thinking if I'm closer to its eye, it's not going to try and eat me or hit me because it hit itself, maybe. I don't know. We'll see. The first hit is a 21. It's sick.
God, you guys are rolling well. Fuck. And that was three points of piercing damage. You know, daggers. Um, and, uh, cause I've got two. So the second one will go in, um, as well for a 23. This is brilliant hits.
And that is for five points of piercing damage. And Nix is going to use all his might as he's pushing these deep into the eye, but he's not going to let go. And he's held there. And that's the end of my turn. And my mirror image is opposite me. So we've both done the same thing.
The eyelid tries multiple times to try and shut. It kind of hits against, against the daggers trying to allow the eye to shut. Eventually it just rests on top of the daggers where you've got them shoved in. For all intents and purposes, the creature is going to be running as blinded, which is a good move there. But then again, it's falling with disadvantage for attacks. Yep. Which, and I wouldn't do when it's grappled because, oh, okay, it's restrained. It's restrained. It's restrained, sorry. It's restrained is very particular and then it is.
Yeah. At disadvantage, we're at advantage. It's what? What? It rolls at disadvantage. We all roll at advantage. Yeah. Which I mean, it's the same kind of thing as, yeah, the blinded feature. Brilliant, isn't it? Disadvantage for attack rolls.
Yeah. Yes. And it fails anything that requires sight. Yep. There you go. Yeah. I'm a new one of you would look at the rules. I can't bother. Nice. No, four biz. And now guys, that's it. No, I'm joking. I'm not. Power on. Right. Let's see what's up to you.
You just see Nick's clamor up the side of this creature and just shove his daggers into its eyeball. Alpha's been taking multiple shots at it, Reigns. The battle seems to be swaying in your direction, what you like to do. But you have noticed the struggle that is bearing down on you.
Yeah, I think Reigns is actually going to react on instincts. It's basic survival instinct as adrenaline is pumping or something comes hurtling towards him without even thinking about it. He's going to turn and shoot the lightning launcher at it. He was aiming at the ceiling. It's come down at the eyes. He was going back towards the ceiling. All of a sudden, he's heard just boom, boom, boom of these footsteps coming towards him and just on pure adrenaline and instinct.
he would turn to shoot the Troggler die. There's no way I can meta that and keep on the target when it's happening. That's what he would do. There are three to choose from. Pick one and take a hit. The one charging directly at him. Yep. Okay. We'll call that number one. Go for it.
They're number one. They're number one. They're number two. Yes. Yes. I'm with my people. I am with my people. Folks out there listening, find your people because when you make a low key scrubs reference that is 20 years old and they pick up on it instantly. Yes. That's a 10 to hit. That misses I'm sorry.
lives over the shoulder of the creature and misses. Sometimes I wonder if working in a hospital makes me... Now, unfortunately... Yeah, Reigns, Reigns, as that happens, is just going to look at the Troglodyte and go, you are not welcome here, you goddamn newbie. And it's going to turn and just take away... I thought you'd made for a great day decal. It really would.
He was the low down. A tanky cleric. I cast Vicious Mockery. Rains is going to back up instinctively so this creature couldn't reach him in one turn. He's going to use his movement to just back around. I would imagine he's probably running around the circumference and probably in the direction of Old Girl. That is what Rains would do with that very useless turn.
No, you tried the shot, though. That's the thing. If it hit, it would have made a very different hit. It would have been a very different round. Thank you very much. Alpha, these creatures are bearing down upon you. Nyx and Morota and Emeron are pummeling at this roper. Reigns is backing up towards old Gell. What do you want to do? I'm focusing on the bigger picture. I'm still going after big old, me old, nasty roper. Bonus action. Forced ballistic cannon. Going fine. If you roll another crit, I swear to God.
No, no. I've even done it with advantage. I rolled an 11 both times with modifiers at 16 to hit. Hits. Ooh, that is very nice to know.
You wouldn't have at the start of the game, but it does now. Well, I do hit nine points of force damage on a little force ballistic cannon. I think you're getting tired now. Oh, bless him. He needs a little nap. But another nice chunk. I imagine it hits maybe the eyelid. He's aiming more specifically towards the center. So, Nix, you feel some of the energy of this as it smashes in nearby to you as well. Yeah, nice bit of damage there. With your main round, main turn, sorry?
I'm still next to Marota. I'm trying to think how I would actually do it. I basically want to use the help action. No, I'm going to disengage and move back away from the roper. Disengage? Okay. You're only in engagement range, are you?
No, I don't know. No, I'll just move back then. You're still 20 feet away. I'll move back and then you just dodge with my action. Fair enough. There you go. Might as well. Sorry, trying to keep, save you action. No, no, that's fine. That's fine. I thought I was closer than that. No, no, no. You'd be wrong with disadvantage, I imagine, with the ranged attack with the...
wouldn't you callum wouldn't you have calum unless unless the little turret was somewhere else but you'd have to tell us that it was i would have to tell you that it's still on my shoulder yeah i imagine for unless you tell us otherwise he's always on your shoulder that's that he is always on my person that's the that's the position i always imagined beyond whereas nc darren tells us where
Um, exactly. Mr. Nutcracker. Mr. Cracker has... He's not left a bag of holding all far, so... Yeah, yeah, yeah. You tell us. Thank you very much, Alpha... Alpha Alpha. Um, Alpha Alpha. I like that. So, uh... Alpha... Roper. Hey, Alpha Alpha, what's the happy hat? That's my happy happy. It's old school.
Right, we're getting real, baby. It's given up on this tendril above. It's going to grab and grasp. It's going to go for Nyx, it's going to go for Alpha, and it's going to go for Emron, the little wily little flying bastard. We're going to go Nyx to begin with. God damn it, I'm rolling so bad. This is just offensively bad now. I have a disadvantage. Ah, 11. I think.
That well, um, that hang on. Sorry. I'm rolling from my deck plus two. It misses 11. It misses the duplicate. It hits me, but it misses me because my AC. So my duplicate is still up and I'm still there holding on to my daggers. Lovely. Okay. This is with disadvantage for who to say alpha was the next one. Yeah. Cause the little cannon, that's an unnatural 20. Yes. I rolled a 16 then a 13. The dodging column. Remember?
Can't get doubled. So you take one point of bludgeoning damage and you are grappled. And in a minute, you're going to move forward. You're going to be in, in chomping range. And Emron, it's a 14 or it's a 14. So it's going to be 20, whatever. Yeah. Two. I can't do maths. Wait, 20, six, 21, 26, 21, 21,
It's 20 plus, it's going to hit a level four character. You are also grabbed out of the air and you're pulled towards the mouth. So you're both in jumping range. Now we've got Nyx up by the eye. You've got Marota by the gob. You've also now got Alpha and Emron down there as well. Can I sentinel attack the tendril that's gone for Alpha, please? It's going to bite on Alpha Alpha. Yes, you can sentinel attack it.
19 to hit the roper it's Sorry the tendril this is all on the tendril that's five points of damage on the tendril gone for all the tendril five points damage Yep, thank you. Yeah again said the emote of judo chop a bit all the way through it, but not all the way Alpha you're going to take some damage. I was gonna try and bite you um um This is with disadvantage oh
Sorry, that's 22. I'm rolling now suddenly very well. That's going to hit, I assume. He's going to shield, isn't he? Use that shield, mate. Use it. Use it. Yeah, I think I will. Tell me now, otherwise I'll stop rolling. I was just thinking whether I should use it or not, save it for healing, but no, I'll use it on myself. I'll cash shield. Tell him too late. Too late. It takes my AC up to 23.
All right, I rolled 24 to pick. Does his turret get eaten? Callum's very good character. It's 50 points of damage in an AC of 23. Only with shield. No, because I'm grabbing him. No, yeah, fuck it. No, sorry Callum. Wait, no. Does the shield cover your little turret as well then? No, it doesn't. It's a separate AC. No, it only works on me. For game mechanic wise, no. It only works on me. And I'm eating you and your turret is on you.
it's on my shoulder yeah which is on you your shoulders part of you isn't it you just want to hit you want to hit the thing that you want to hit my no no no because I wanted the cannon I would have tendered the cannon and drag that fucker in on its own wouldn't I I've given you every opportunity to separate yourself Colin I'm going to jump on the cannon
on the cannon instead of me? Well, I can't. It's going to eat you. It's got multitack, Callum. Just get over it. Well, I imagine it's got one bite, but it's going to eat you. It's going to try and bite on you, and the cannon is on your shoulder. The shield is going to, like I imagine force... You haven't told us what it looks like, so I'm imagining it's got force field just around your skin, around you, but not around the cannon on your shoulder.
It's generally not even that, I'm just holding my shield up. I'm just holding my shield up, that literally is me casting shield. I'm just holding my shield up. Yes, I have a shield. I think I bow. Well, no, I've had a shield and a pistol. You lost my crossbow back in the blue.
The only thing I've used to attack this entire fight is about to be eaten, yes.
Bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad
I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing. I've killed a down thing.
It doesn't. But it does beat an attack of 19 on health. He's still there, baby. That's fine. I'm glad on it. I'm glad on it. I'm really happy for you. But yeah, I think it has more HP than I do.
He's just making it up now. Right, I'll just put an extra zero here. Okay, let's go to some normality then. Go ahead. Gail's hands are still kind of in the air in front of him forming fists and kind of squeezing to keep this earthen grasp still squeezing the the gropey roper. He's gonna cast an eye sideways to the orb as he seems to do a lot just to see what's going on and
With Rains' reaction, I feel like he'd be aware of the Troggos coming in. So he's just going to look around over his shoulder, find one of the Trogglodytes, and just go, nope, and cast Mind Sliver on one of the Troggly Doggos. I need an int saving throw. That's an eight.
It fails and it takes seven points of psychic damage. You see this creature just reach up to its face and just start punching itself, double-fisted in the eyes as it screams, as it just falls to the ground and just twitches and then falls limp. Oh, fuck. It's psychic damage. I've been doing some reading. And then he'll turn his face back to the roper and carry on squeezing. And that's his turn. Nice.
Fuck, I made that really violent. I don't know why he suddenly came to me. And the camera flashes to his family, his wife and kids, just before he dies. Hey, is daddy coming home? Yes, he's just got to go to work. He's been called on an urgent meeting. The roper, the big boss needs him. It's once a lifetime opportunity. He could be... Don't worry, he could be promoted. Tomorrow, he'll be back for good. I'll be back soon, son. I feel like it's the, um, in Rick and Morty, you know, the, oh, bitch.
I'm just seeing my final day. I'm gonna retire tomorrow. How it's broken to him. He died doing what he loved, punching himself furiously in the face.
Oh god. It's got dark. No, I didn't intend that, but it's psychic damage, you know? Yeah, yeah. Well, that or a nosebleed, what's more interesting? Punching himself in the head. All right. Oh, I'm sat in a natural 20 here, but I didn't roll it, so that doesn't count. Right. That is the end of, oh, because violent trouble, like, killing round. That's one of the three killed off, at least. They are still a good round away from you and
uh uh old girl and reigns at the moment everyone you are you're up by the gob yeah at the mouth your mouth end of the the um crumbling roper what do you want to do okay i'm gonna use a bonus action to have my spiritual weapon hit the tendril that is attached to me bang hit hit it good is it hit already no as in as in you hit it as in do the hits roll the hits come on i've done this for a couple of years well that's a natural funny that misses yes it hits
I made that joke before, I'm sorry. Uh, okay. It takes eight points of normal damage and then it takes a total of 14 points of force damage. It

Defeating the Roper

breaks open, freeing your beautiful angelic form. Cool. I'll fly within radius of the creature away from the mouth and then I'm going to hit it with my hammer. Bonk. Imagine it makes that noise as well.
Fuck. Oh, two natural ones. Oh my God. Got my bountiful luck for you, Will. My old girl's just going to quickly shout out, I'm a little bit higher. Can you re-roll? Shit, you're on both of those. Two natural ones. Go for the third, Will. Fucking like, literally like, my first weapon rolls great. Everyone rolls turds. Come on, Will.
He's just... That's his cum face. That just takes... It takes 20 points of damage in total. Oh, shit. Thank you. 12 points of bludgeoning, and then that's 8 points of radiant. And because I've critted on my bludgeoning, my Crusher comes in thing, I will already at advantage, so the...
That's a crit.
Yeah, we get advantage now, but it's already at advantage, unless it breaks out of it. Very nice, very nice, very nice. Indeed, good shit combo. Thanks, Gal. Yvonne and, oh, Gal. Top of the round. It can't do the thing it was going to do at the start of this round. Some Rotor goes straight into you. There's no, there's no thing that happens this round. Rotor, it's your turn. Top of the round. What do you want to do? Kick its teeth out.
fuck okay let's go pummel in pummel into its mouth section uh slash with the whip to begin with 21 to hit hits for a total of seven points of slashing damage and then i was there there's no need for an and then
as your whip comes in what you catch isn't just a tooth but something deeper within it you catch a tooth but it continues writhing within this creature and whips itself around something else coils around something internal and as you
pull the whip back ripping hopefully teeth from you something else like a central core a central column of something is ripped from this creature and the external form of this creature just falls the water continues to cascade upon it there is a small force explosion right from this creature as the crystal above obliterates into literally tiny crystalline snow like features that fall slowly across the space
And rocks just pummel down all over the place, many of which avoid you, roughly. They're not going to go into the details of it. None of you take any damage anyway. And Nyx, who you're on it, you do get jettisoned back and actually will take
Five points of damage from the fall in the process of that as well. You're the only one that will take damage from that as well. Everyone else manages to shield their eyes or cover themselves, but Nyx, because you're on it, obviously, you take that damage and you're fired. Can I cast Reaction, Featherfall? Yes, of course you can. Yeah, yeah. Is it a reaction? Well,

Aftermath and Treasure Discovery

I do hate to bring those up. I would literally be eaten by the thing. It's reached to you to eat.
Actually, now I'm not going to cast her before. I'll just take it. It's fine. I want to say the spells. And the space above you is now filled with a twinkling, almost like an effervescence in the air. And there's a moment of silence. And you can hear your breath. And then there's a rumbling, a gargling sound.
A multitudinous wave of sound starts as a pitter and then crashes into the large, cavernous room. The water continues to fall, but you see from almost every entrance 7, 8, 9, 10 troglodytes, 20, 30,
50 troglodytes, 75, 100. We can take them. Hundreds of troglodytes floating into the space. Scrambling. They come from every entrance, even the one you came from. One troglodyte. Two troglodytes. Oh, oh, oh. Running from every entrance. Stop reading my moment. I'm running from every entrance. Even the one you came from, they've broken through the wall that Nix had shattered, the ceiling that Nix had shattered. But none of them aims for you. If anything, they are
They are repulsed by the central space because of something in it. You don't know for certain why, but it's something within the space repulses them and they scrabble towards the walls. You sense panic, fear, desperation. They're looking for something.
One on the far wall screeches out in a high-pitched wail, and they all like ants converge onto this one spot, their claws smashing into the stone, ripping nails, fingers, whole claws are ripped off in the process, like a swarm of ants looking and destroying the section of the wall. Suddenly there's a piercing sunlight.
bursts in through the gap that they're cutting out. It feels heavenly, a warmth, and suddenly the cavern is lit. The trogolites stream out of this hole they've made through the wall into the deserts of Dralak, many falling and perishing in the burning sands as they try to make their escape.
The roper is killed. The cavern is cleansed. Congratulations. You've just killed yourself a roper.
You notice one of the small entrances off to the side has not been opened, was not swarmed through, and you notice it to be a smaller one. As you take in the surroundings, before you say anything, I know there's been a hell of a bumper episode, a few of you do notice a couple of gold coins on the corner.
and you go and you start picking a couple up and oh there's a few more over there and you pick a few more up in the process and you work further around the corner and it kind of uh uh hairpins round on itself obviously and as you enter round I imagine let's say Nix let's be honest Nix is probably the first one there coin coin coin 20 gold maybe his hand 50 gold maybe his hand and he turns on the corner and he drops it all you drop it all on the ground as you look at what's in front of you
a dragon's hoard worth of gold sits in front of you. You estimate this to roughly be from the size and the scope of how much if it is all just gold and not coppers or silvers underneath, if it was all just gold, probably in the realm of gold.
And to find out how much now, probably around 13,000 gold pieces. As a very, very rough estimate, Nick says, you just run your eyes. Nothing's in here. Nothing in here. I will die here. And upon that realization of that.
treasure that's finally come to you of a creature finally killed with no one dying as a result, with a feeling of maybe goodwill and maybe a little bit of fear over the group, but also finally a reward for your hard-earned efforts over these last couple of months. That's where we're going to leave it for this week's episode. One per episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. Roper edition.
There you go. You just got roped. Just so you know, McBenna's still richer. McBenna. Fucking McBenna. That's all that buddy don't let him have. Well done, guys. That was an epic time. There's so much stuff going on around that. That was so cool. I'll gladly say it while I let you have that money, knowing you're never going to play him again. Everyone dies of a heart attack and McBenna turns up and drown out.
There you go. Until next time, guys. Oh, that was awesome. That was really good stuff in there. Yeah. That old gal MVP with those fucking crits. Divination Wizards. I decide the roles, friend.
God damn. In Will's defense, he did send those numbers to me literally weeks ago. He's had them prime. I'll put it in the WhatsApp group. Look, hey, it worked out for us. No complaints here. Yeah, absolutely. That and Alan's fucking dildo cannon. It worked out pretty well.
Yeah. Only Callum could concoct a creature that could get to an AC of 523 and deal 60 points of damage in two tones at level four. Bonus action. If I had my pistol, it would have been more. Jesus Christ. Deal with it. I think we should all be, yeah. I am the between the glass cannon there. It's not the artificers. Look at Rains, he's not an overpowered juggernaut. It's a Callum thing. Make four more shoulder cannons. Yeah. I can't make four. They just do more damage as I level up. Reedy bitch.
There you go. Good work. Good work all round there, guys. Some sick shit. That was ace. Thank you. That was ace. There's no segues, so I'll just do a cheap... Follow us on X, which is at Photoshop table. And if you want to go one step further and follow us individually, Julie, you can do so. I'm at... I rolled a one. Alpha Will is at... That was funny, Will.
For a second there, I was like... I put it on the table. I just put it out there. Because you said Alpha and I thought of Callum and he... I thought it was me. I was like, wait, no, he said Will. I was going to claim Mutiny. Oh, God, I should have figured that one out. You've got to do it, man. Oh, the Will is at. Yeah, I'll take that. That's me. Fellowship NPC, PC. Darren's at. Darren Peugeot 6. Danny's at. Total Party Thrills. Callum's at.
The D20 Game and our glorious illustrious, wonderful DM can be found at Hasterly Rolled DM. Until next time, guys! Farewell!