Introduction to UAPs and Paranormal Phenomena
Hello and welcome to Pursuit of Infinity. In today's episode, Joe and I continue to expand upon our previous conversation around UFOs, or as they're now referred to as UAPs, and the paranormal type phenomena that are often associated with them.
Institutional Disclosure and Conspiracy Theories
Joe has a lot of knowledge in this subject and we take the discussion through avenues of institutional disclosure, to theoretical conjecture, and even with a little splash of conspiracy theory, which is always fun.
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Recap of Previous UAP Discussions
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Complexity of UFOs and Paranormal Links
We had sort of touched on and ended the last half of our last discussion talking about UAPs and talking about aliens, sort of the disclosure process of the US government, what they know, what they may not know, and
I thought that it deserved some more attention, some more research and just an overall lot longer, more detailed conversation. Yeah. I mean, it's, I've always been interested in UFOs. Uh, it's just, it's such an awesome topic and it's, it's crazy. Like it's one of those things that the more that you dive into it, it gets more insane. Like the more you look for answers, the more questions that you end up getting.
And I guess what we can say is it's the same thing that you said the last time is that this is, and I guess this might be a good place to start. So I think the statement that you said last time was there is like this phenomenon is real and something is engaging with humanity. So let me start by asking you, what is this phenomenon?
I mean it depends who you ask what they're gonna say because it's it's so when I talk about the phenomenon I'm talking about basically a higher intelligence or many higher intelligences that engage with humanity and have been for a long time see where it gets weird is because like some people will just say it's like UFOs and aliens but
It's just a lot stranger than that. Like sometimes UFOs are like associated with paranormal stuff as well.
Cultural Lore and Government Disclosure
Like somebody will see a UFO and like a fucking like werewolf type creature or like Sasquatch weird stuff.
So it seems to me like it's a phenomenon that isn't just exclusive to UFOs. I think it's something bigger. I think it can manifest itself in different ways. So then in what ways are UFOs associated with it and why have they become the focal point of the way that we look at the phenomenon?
Well, I think it's one of the reasons is the focal point now is because it's been in the lore of our culture for a while. And it's one thing that the phenomenon does, which has like really concrete data attached to it. So if you were going to start to like.
Try to inform the public on this phenomenon, like what's happening. UFOs would be the one to attach to because it's, you know, there's radar evidence that the thing was there. Like there's, you know, a lot of data, like there's more pictures and like military gun cam footage of this stuff.
And it's easier for people to grasp that, okay, let's say there's these UFOs that we've known about for a long time, but the government never told us if they're real or not. Now they've admitted that UFOs are real. Now they call them UAPs just to basically get rid of the stigma.
Yeah, I think that they, that we're focused on that because it's like nuts and bolts. It's easier to wrap your head around than to try to get people to understand there's like cryptic creatures, like walking, like bipedal wolves and Sasquatch. I got stuff seems more far fetched, but from what I've gathered, those types of things seem to be intertwined with the UFOs. It's, I don't think that, I think that they're related. If you were going to.
disclose to the public that something very strange is going on and it's a whole paradigm shifting, you know, phenomenon, it would be easiest to go with a nuts and bolts craft because it's in our realm of
what we think could be possible already like, you know, an advanced technology from another planet. And personally, I don't think that I think it's more of like an interdimensional thing. But it's easier to wrap your head around that someone from somewhere else is coming here with advanced technology, then dropping a whole paradigm shift on the population saying that like, reality isn't what you think it is.
Government Programs and Public Disclosure
These things are everywhere all the time at once, and just popping into reality like that would blow people's minds.
It kind of crushes the whole materialist paradigm. Like it's, it's, uh, that's just like a lot for anybody to take in at once or even believe. Yeah, that makes sense. So the government has programs that have taken a broad approach to researching these things. I believe that one was called OSAP and now, uh,
I've been looking into ATIP, which is a subsection of OSAB, which is focused on these craft. Do you know any of the details of what they have? Had they released anything specific as to what these craft are, whether or not they're from outside of our planet?
Well, yeah, ATIP was like a brother program, the OSAP, and ATIP was only focused on UAP, whereas OSAP was like UFOs, paranormal, all sorts of weird stuff. That's also why they kind of buried the OSAP program. They didn't want people to know that $22 million was invested in investigating stuff that most people don't even think is real.
So they covered that up basically with the ATIP program because people can wrap their heads around that and a lot of people think that UFOs exist already. But yeah, ATIP was just about investigating UFOs like nuts and bolts craft.
And it, um, a tip was just, uh, military, like military encounters with like mostly the Navy, which is like to answer part of that question is most of these encounters that happened with a tip.
We're Navy because it seems that, uh, these UFOs seem to be around water a lot, but yeah, a tip was where the tick tack UFO, uh, video came from the go fast video, um, and the gimbal video, the three big videos that the New York times dropped. And you can find those on YouTube pretty easily. If you just search, um, any of the key phrases that you just mentioned, right?
Yeah, those are the ones that kind of got all this started again and got the government talking about this. And this is what Lou Elizondo, who was running ATIP, he kind of started pushing, you know, to get this stuff released.
And he noticed that none of this information that he was gathering was getting pushed up the chain of command. That was the only way to get it put to the public. So he resigned and then that gave him the ability to kind of start releasing stuff on his own with groups of, you know, other people that were interested in disclosing. So is ATIP
Congressional Hearings and Skepticism
still running? And if it is, do you have any idea of the person who took over?
No, ATIP, I think it was shut down in 2017. So yeah, like OSAP was closed earlier than that and then ATIP continued. And ATIP was like a nonsense program almost. Like when the New York Times originally published their article about ATIP, they said that ATIP was funded with $22 million.
But that wasn't true. OSAP was the program that was funded with $22 million. Whereas ATIP was basically not funded at all. It was a very small program. They didn't have much support or anything. Like I said, it was almost just to take the eyes off of what OSAP was doing. But now they have the UAP task force, which is also a joke. From what I've heard, I think it's only two people, no budget. But don't quote me on that. I'm not sure.
But at least now they're starting to have hearings in Congress about this stuff. And I don't know if you saw anything about the most recent hearing. It was the first open hearing, public hearing since, it's been like 50 years since they closed Project Blue Book. And it seems like that would have been a really good thing. And it is just because it's in the public ethos now, it's being talked about.
But I watched some of it and it was a whole lot of nonsense. What I'm afraid of is this could go two directions. Because if you think about it, 50 years ago, they had an open congressional hearing about this stuff.
And then they just pushed it under the rug and we haven't heard about it since. So they just – I hope that's not what happens again basically because they were asking – some of the people in Congress were asking good questions and they were just kind of brushing it aside. And they showed one new video at this new hearing.
And at this last congressional hearing they showed a new video on that hadn't been released before and it was a complete joke like it was because they it's been reported by people that were in these programs and people in the know that have seen a lot of this footage that is classified that they have some pretty pretty wild stuff.
And they showed a video of like an iPhone. It was iPhone footage from a cockpit of a plane and it was like a spherical UFO zipping by and it was like.
it wasn't compelling at all. Like if you see it, yes, it's like, wow, what was that? But it was like barely, it was like a dot. So like they have better stuff than that and more compelling stuff than that if they wanted to peak public interest or, you know, but they show something that isn't even worth rewatching basically. So I'm just afraid that maybe this gets swept under the rug for another 50 years. But as far as I know, I think they're supposed to have
another hearing in October. I think they're supposed to have these hearings every
180 days for the next couple years but so the hope is that they start releasing more and more and luckily the Congress is being shown more of this stuff that the public isn't so they have like a closed hearing and they're getting showed some more interesting footage I guess and data that we're not allowed to have so so far so hopefully it just continues and the public starts to get a little more and
So do you think that Congress and politicians are being shown these more detailed videos with more stuff in it in a way to sort of get an idea of in what order?
And at what magnitude they should be releasing some of these things. Like maybe they have like 150 videos like this iPhone video from the cockpit of some, you know, little marble zipping through the sky. And maybe they have like 13 videos of like looking in and you can see, you know, cause I've heard that they, that they've had videos of whether they are like shape shifted forms or whether they're actually piloted craft.
Political Push for Transparency
I'm hearing that they have some footage of a being of some sort in the craft. So is it possible that they're just trying to garner the opinions of our politicians as to what order they should be releasing these things and like to what degree they should be releasing videos with more information?
I mean, I would, part of me would say that that could be it, but I don't know. I don't think so because based on the hearing
It seemed like there were a couple people in Congress that were asking some good questions. See the cool thing now is that now that Congress has been briefed on some of this stuff, now they actually do want answers. So some of our politicians are actually doing the right thing because they're just like us. They hear about a mystery and they want answers. So some of the people were asking hard-hitting questions.
They were getting nothing basically from – because there was just like two guys that were like running this task force. So like the one congressman asked the guy running the hearing about the Air Force Base.
that got their nuclear weapons shut down, the Nordstrom, something like that, Nordstrom Air Force Base. So I don't know if it was the 80s, it was a while ago. It was like around the Cold War, I guess, yeah. So they got their nukes shut down and there's, you know,
There's documents that have been foiled about this. So documents that have been released that this was a real event that happened and that's a big deal.
Zimbabwe UFO Encounter
So if like there's a UFO sighting above a military base and then all of our nuclear arsenal at that base starts shutting off.
That should be a big deal and when they were asked about it, they just said, I don't know what you're talking about, this and that. We didn't look into that. If I know about it, they know about it. So you'd think that they had looked into that already, but they said they hadn't. So stuff like that makes me feel like they might be just trying to kill this in the water, but the public, it's up to the public to really push the politicians to get this moving.
I have to say one of my favorite UFO encounter stories is the one where a UFO apparently landed in front of a school in Africa and a bunch of these kids came out.
And they said that they saw a being come out of the craft, right? And it telepathically imprinted extremely wise lessons and information into these, like the children's heads. And I think they drew pictures and each of them drew like a picture of the same looking being and they all had this same type of information that they said was given to them in the same telepathic way.
And it seems like the information they got was very sort of, uh, like righteous sort of information, you know, like love is the way, and we have to heal our world and things like that. And usually kids don't come up with that on their own at that age. So to me, that's one of the most intriguing things that I've heard.
Yeah, that was Ruas and Bob way and it's cool. They're actually there's a movie that just came out called aerial phenomenon. It's all about that case. I haven't seen it yet, but it's a whole movie because there's a lot of footage of interviewing the kids and all this stuff and John Mack who was the head of psychiatry at Harvard like a brilliant dude.
He investigated this. This is the guy who went to Zimbabwe and interviewed the kids. And after this case, he became kind of obsessed with like abduction and all this stuff, because what he found out was, you know, he's the head of psychiatry. He knows what he's talking about. And he determined that the kids were not lying. And he ended up becoming fascinated with abductions and wrote a book on it. And he got ostracized in like the academic community because of this.
because he believed it. So what he determined with from interviewing the kids is that they were telling the truth that they are all saying exactly what they saw because I mean it's not easy to get a group of kids. There was like 60 to 80 kids that saw this. It's not easy to get a group of kids to lie like that and like they you could tell when they're talking that they're not lying or they're the best actors ever.
And but yeah, like you said, they got messages of healing the planet and whatnot. And this is before like the fad of like what we have now with climate change. Like this was before all that stuff before it was popular in culture to, you know, be concerned about the planet.
So it's interesting that that came up then and it was telling them to, uh, it was warning them about technology to like saying, you know, watch out. You guys are, you know, not doing the right thing when it comes to technology. Um, but yeah, I guess a craft landed and they saw two entities, like small gray type things, I guess, like the, uh,
cliche gray that you hear about big eyes like the size of a child and like some of the kids got supposedly within arms reach of like the alien or whatever it is so yeah that is that's a crazy case and I'm excited to watch that movie it's called aerial phenomenon.
And that's, uh, I think that's what it's called, but that was just released. So I think right now you can only rent it. This might be answered in the movie itself, but do you know, it's kind of random question. How did, in what way did the alien reenter the craft and leave? Is that confirmed or is it sort of like a gray area of like, uh, maybe their memories are sort of contorted or blurred in that.
Uh, honestly, I'm not 100% sure on that, but...
I think I would, part of me wants to say that it's what you just said, but I'm not a hundred percent sure. Like I didn't hear them really go into detail
Debate on UAP Nature and Perception
on that. That probably will be like talked about more in the movie, but I guess they saw this thing land from afar. And an interesting thing is I think the one, one of the first kids that solved like the beings said that they were like playing, like there was like a log and they were like jumping, like kind of just like balancing on the log, like being kind of playful.
And they said they communicated telepathically basically like they looked in the eyes and then got messages like in images of like, you know, the world and technology and disasters, things like that happening. Yeah, that's a really interesting case. And but like with that message, it's interesting though, because it's all speculation, but a lot of people.
their opinions are that these beings might not be very altruistic, that they could be lying basically or like giving people false knowledge or stuff like that. So it's just something to think about. To me it sounds like in that case that it probably was a good message and with good intent, you know, but some people think that, you know, these things are tricksters basically.
I mean, you can't blame them because there's a lot of tricks or archetypes that exist within other non-ordinary states of consciousness and paranormal supernatural things that we can experience like psychedelics, obviously. But what this particular circumstance makes me ask is.
Are these things, physical beings, are they coming in a physical nuts and bolts craft? Are they physically landing and are they physical beings that are coming out of these things? Or is this a, like an extra dimensional hallucinatory type of experience that, uh, that happens when they quote unquote land.
Well, see, this is what kind of goes into like what I talk about quite a bit on this podcast, like my perspective on reality itself. I think it's both really because like I would say that.
Reality isn't as physical as we really like believe in this paradigm that we were given, like this idea that everything is just like completely physical. So like when a lot of like instances where a craft lands, there'll be like imprints on the ground, like burn, like, so there's an actual physical effect.
But if you allow for your reality to be more dreamlike than physical, that there would be an effect. You know what I mean? Like if something happens in your dream, there's still like a residue or something, you know, there's still effects even if there's, if the fundamental basis of reality isn't
physical the way we believe it to be. Physicality still exists as a property or as something that we experience with one of our five senses, with our touch. We feel physicality and physicality exists. So I'd say it's both.
Personally, I think that they could just it might be that they're just popping into our reality like from a higher frequency like a higher dimension so they could materialize like right in front of you like a lot of people say that they wake up in their beds and there's beings in their room like people brush that off as like sleep paralysis, but we don't know anything about sleep paralysis either. So based on a lot of what
Experiencers say is that it seems like these things can just materialize and they don't abide by like Newton's laws or all that stuff. It's more very strange. So I think it could be like physical in a sense, but also not at all, you know.
I like the idea that they sort of exist right in front of our faces at all times, similar to what you hear people talk about when they talk about ayahuasca or, you know, shamanism, DMT, a lot of these psychedelics, they seem to like lift the veil of.
what you're able to perceive with your senses. And it's like the information can like information that was normally blocked out by the particular brain chemistry that we have. Because I mean, if you look at our brain chemistry, all it is, is essentially a particular balance of chemicals that create this hallucination that we're seeing right now.
And if you alter that chemical balance in, you know, anyway, you can put caffeine in it and you're, and you're going to have a different perceptual experience. But if you put something as insane as DMT psilocybin or something like that into your, into your brain, um,
It's not out of the question that it could throw that chemical balance off so much, or maybe not throw it off. Cause that kind of seems like a negative connotation, but it could alter your chemical balance so much that it could literally expose your senses to a higher degree or a higher multitude of information. Yeah. It's like, I'd say it's like tuning into like a higher frequency that allows, you know,
it knocks down the barriers that we have or that when we're limited to our five senses and we're limited to however much our eyes in this state can see. And when you look into the fact that time isn't what we think it is, that all time is happening more parallel than linear. So like everything is happening at once, eternally, it would allow for you to
basically time travel in a sense, because it's all happening at once anyway, but just like
living or like tuning your consciousness to a higher frequency would allow you to perceive things that, you know, seem to be impossible. Or like, for instance, like you smoke DMT, you could, you know, encounter entities. And then people want to say, well, is that real? Or is that just your mind? I would say that, yeah, it's both really. Because how can you discount the reality of what your, your brain chemically is telling you?
Is all we define as reality is what our brain chemically is taking in and telling us is what's around us so if something.
then this, when you experience it, then how do you put a value system on, on what is real? What isn't? What's more real? What's less real?
Exploring Uncharted Realms: Oceans and Space
Because like, what does less real mean? Yeah, it's this is where, in my opinion, the materialist paradigm kind of just doesn't work out because
If reality is only the chemicals in your brain, then I think every state is real, but for some reason, we prioritize just a certain waking state of consciousness when consciousness is constantly changing anyway. From a materialist's view, your brain chemistry changes just as your mood changes.
Like your consciousness is constantly changing and it's a different chemical soup at all different times. And you take a different drug, it changes the soup and then suddenly it's supposed to not be real. So say we assume that let's stray away from the fact that these things may be a product of our consciousness. And let's just say that they are real physically in this world.
To me, it seems like the most ideal place that they could possibly be that makes the most sense for me would be in the oceans underwater. Most people think that they're out outside of our planet and outer space, which is definitely a possibility as well. But again, these are two of the deepest.
unknown physical places in our existence, the deep, deep ocean and the deep, deep space. So in your view, do you think that there's a higher likelihood that it's in either of those places? Maybe they're in both. I think it could be both. And just to clear it up, like I think that they're a product of consciousness clearly as everything is, but that doesn't mean that they can't be physical in the way we perceive physicality. So just because.
I'm just looking at it from maybe a different paradigm, but I'm not saying that they're not real in the sense of a physicalist would say what is real. It's still real. Like I said, it still leaves the imprints in the ground.
But yeah, I mean, I think that they're here all the time. I think that, I mean, according to like people in the know and like military people, they're seeing these things consistently. It's not like, you know, once a year they see a craft. It's like every week they're seeing them and they know there's hotspots and the hotspots are often in the ocean.
And the hotspots are often places with like an intense electromagnetic field too. So that's one way that they find these hotspots. But I think that they are trans-medium craft. They know this. So they can go space, air, and then they can go into the water.
There's a video, they released one of those videos of one of these UAP going into the water. I mean, you got to think, if they wanted to hide and be out of sight, the ocean is a perfect place. I mean, it's most of our planet. It's like 70% of our planet. So there could be thousands of them under there, millions of them.
We would never know. I mean, they could spend 99% of their time under the water and they pop up for 1% of the time. And sometimes people see them. Yeah. I mean, the ocean is a virtually unexplored place. And like you said, it's, you know, what 70% of our, uh, of our world. And to have the hubris to think that the only type of living being that can garner intelligence in a way that we can, or even beyond must be landfaring seems
Kind of strange. Yeah, I mean if they have the technology to go from space to air, it doesn't matter where they are, obviously. But yeah, we've only explored I think 10% of our oceans. But there's like, I forget what it's called, but there's a...
some group or something going on right now. Supposedly by 2030, they want to have the entire ocean mapped, the entire ocean, which is crazy. You can find tons of conspiracies around Antarctica and weird stuff that goes on down there. It's a very strange place on earth that nobody talks about. It's huge.
People, there's all sorts of conspiracies. I'll put it that way, but there could be, you know, stuff going on down there, uh, Regarding UFOs and this phenomenon. I don't know, but that's another, just a very unexplored area that we keep away from. Like, I don't know if people have heard of Admiral Byrd, but this goes along the conspiracy route. So I'm not too deep into this, but I've heard a bit about it. But I guess this guy, Admiral Byrd way back sometime.
In the early 1900s, I think, like I said, I'm not too keen on this, this story, but I guess he went to explore Alaska and he found some like alien base or something. And this led to like the treaties that were signed by the whole world did not.
you know, not go to Alaska basically only for scientific purposes. Like it's like a, like a no go zone basically. Like nobody can live there. And that's like Antarctica. Is that what I said? I said Alaska. No, Antarctica. Yeah, Antarctica. Is that what I said? Twice, twice you said it. Yeah. Yeah. Um, yeah. So yeah, Admiral Byrd, I don't know much about that, but
Supposedly he found, uh, some like alien bases and like alien beings in Antarctica. And this led to like some treaty being sciency. I don't know about any of that, but it's a fun story. You know, I think the biggest problem with the way that we can perceive what's real and what can be real physically on our planet is.
The fact that when we think like when you think of Antarctica, what's the first thing that comes to your mind? Like the map, you know, or when you think of like Costa Rica or Africa, all I see is the shape of the map. So we think of the world as if it's one big flat map and the world is a massive, huge place.
So huge that we really can't conceive of the distance between us and like Australia. I mean, it's, it's so huge that thinking about it as if it's a map, I think hinders our ability to perceive things that could potentially be real on our physical planet, even on the surface of our planet, let alone the oceans. And that even goes into our, our maps.
Perfectly accurate. And I mean, it's probably safe to say that they are because we have like lots of scientific things going on that are based off of like longitude and latitude, you know, GPS location and things of that nature. So it seems that our maps probably are like pretty accurate, but I think thinking about things in terms of size and shape.
In terms of how they look on a map limits our ability to perceive like what's possible on the planet. Yeah, it's, it's hopeless. I mean, yeah, you look at a map and you look at like.
the northwest of america really like you said okay yeah but that is a giant piece of like a giant area of desolate woods and mountains like nobody is around there and that's where a lot of bigfoot sightings happen i guess you know so there's like all these areas we think that we
scoured every inch of the earth and we've been there enough to know everything about it and everything that's there.
Paranormal Phenomena and Missing Persons
But they're just large portions of this planet that are untouched by humans 99.9% of the time. And they're so, so far out that the normal tools that we rely on to get ourselves to and from places
are sort of not reliable because again, like you're using your phone for GPS and that's going to, that's going to go off when you go out to these, these desolate places. You know, I went out to Potter County in Pennsylvania. It's four hours away from where we are. And my cell phone was gone, not working at all. Let alone, like you said, in the Midwest, you know, I, it's when I watched like a show like Breaking Bad, um, and they show.
Where in New Mexico, they just, they drive off into like just as desert with no end. It really, that's what really makes me see it, you know, or if you see any of these nature documentaries where.
They're going into these jungles and stuff. I mean, it's just, it's so big. You can't, like you can just look for miles and you see nothing and you know that you can go miles down. Even to where you can see, and you'll be right in the middle again of a place where there's no end, it seems. So it's just these, these places. They're so huge. And for us to think that.
that we know like something is possible or not based off of like the size that we perceive our country even to be is seems inaccurate. And the interesting thing is in places like that like in the middle of nowhere miles away from civilizations and that's a lot of times where these type of encounters take place and a lot of times
It's only one person. So one person is in the middle of nowhere and they see something. And it's, it's just interesting because there's no way to corroborate it then. It's like, this makes me think about like the missing 411 cases, which is like, forget the guy's name, but he documented a bunch of cases of people going missing. And he doesn't say it directly, but he basically infers all these missing 411 cases.
Are something paranormal is happening. There's people are going missing and just outstanding circumstances like it'll be like sometimes they get found but a lot of times they don't like for instance like one case there was like. Like two people walking and this is interesting these happen in.
I think they're called wilderness areas, like places in the United States where you're not allowed to have vehicles. You're not allowed to basically have technology. It's like just exclusively for just the wilderness. You can't build anything out there. You can't drive a car, but people go out in these places and turn up missing a lot. And sometimes it'll be as crazy as like somebody will be walking and your buddy will be behind you.
and you'll look and you'll talk to him and be like, okay, what's up? You'll turn around, walk, and then turn around like two seconds later and he's just gone and never seen again. Like absolutely crazy. Like just disappears from the face of the earth. Like he's plucked. It happens with kids a lot. They'll go missing for days and then they'll be found. Like this one, it was like a three year old kid.
something very similar to that happened he just turned away for a minute looked and the kid was gone did a huge search party couldn't find him like three days later he was found like 25 miles away on like the top of a cliff like a three-year-old kid like can't survive that long and cannot you know walk through this crazy terrain for 25 miles like it's just very strange stuff and it happens a lot of this stuff does happen in weird desolate areas and this is just me thinking but
I talked about the other day, we talked about how reality could be a collective conscious.
UAPs and Collective Consciousness
We create our reality based on what the collective believes to be possible. And the reason why in your dreams, the impossible can happen is because you're the only one creating it. Your consciousness allows, you can create things if you're lucid dreaming.
So like maybe if you have somebody alone and like just very, like it, maybe it allows these things to happen easier because there's less of a confirmed belief system around them to stop it from happening. You know, like if everybody is so firm in their belief, the consciousness won't allow it to happen. Kind of, you know what I mean? It's just like a, something I thought about. It kind of makes me wonder, do you think that there is like, so say we have like a shared
collective you know we generally have like a shared goal in mind you know. And a shared agreement as to what life is to what we're supposed to be doing so do you think that these beings wherever they may be. Do you think they also have a collective cohesive. Goal or do you think there may be multiple factions some that might be malevolent some that are benevolent and how do you see that playing out.
I don't know because that's hard because see, I look at it like, yeah, it's one or two things that it, there's a bunch of competing intelligences that are like just higher dimensional beings that are always around doing their own thing, different agendas, and that could very well be possible or it's just one single higher intelligence that manifests itself in so many ways because in my opinion,
It almost seems like it's the latter, that it's one, but it seems more probable that it isn't. Just probabilistically, I would think that there would be, if it allows for one, it would allow for many. But it's just interesting that a lot of strange things that are completely what we would think are different, like UFOs,
cryptic creatures like bipedal animals, like weird dinosaur looking creatures, poltergeists, um, you know, just strange things. They're all like, they're seen with like skinwalker ranch is a perfect example. Like they see UFOs there quite a bit, but they also see weird animals that walk on two feet or like things that just like portals open up. Like, so that's a place.
that, you know, you could say maybe it's one intelligent entity manifesting itself in a bunch of ways. And like, this is another place that has kind of a trickster element, or it could be a place where maybe
It's just like the veil is thin there. So you can see all these different things that are unrelated happening from like different dimensions or whatever. And another thing based off like what I even just said is why it's interesting is like the collective belief forming reality. So you get people going to a place where they believe this stuff is possible and then maybe that allows it to happen more. You know, like so if you get even non-believers,
going there, somewhere in their head they believe that it could be possible and maybe it opens people up to see through that veil or something. So I'm not saying I don't think I believe that to be the case, but it's interesting to think about. But if I had to guess, I would say that it might be one phenomenon manifesting itself in many different ways.
Spiritual and Cultural Interpretations of UAPs
And do you think this has something to do with our perception or conception of God, spirituality, and maybe the places that we visit when we experience psychedelics on a deep level? It's hard to say because I think
Like you have the thing itself and then different people are going to put their own beliefs over it. So like in Native American tribes, they see this stuff and they have their own like spiritual stuff connected to it and like based on the phenomenon that changes their spirituality and their rituals.
So I think it can be either really. I think that it is connected to some spiritual aspect, but it doesn't have to be necessarily. It kind of depends on the individual experiencing it, I guess you'd say, but I think it could be interpreted that way. And as far as psychedelics go, I think that there's probably some sort of connection just because if everything is consciousness related,
And these things are happening on a frequency that we're not quite tuned into all the time in our quote unquote like standard waking state of consciousness. I guess changing that state would open you up to things outside of what we consider normal. So there's got to be an aspect to it there. But I think an interesting thing to look at is like indigenous tribes and like actual like spiritual people, how they
A lot of them look at the phenomenon as a regular part of life. There's not a huge stigma around it. It's normal to them and they have stories to explain it. Even if they're not true, I don't know. So that's what I mean. If it's there, it depends on what you place on top of it, I guess. It's like right now you have our popular culture putting on the idea that it is
aliens from outer space coming here with technology. Whereas like an indigenous culture might say that, you know, they've always lived there and it's been a part of their culture forever. And it's like a spiritual thing. So I don't know. So any inclination is probably incorrect. Any, anything that's projected onto it in terms of, uh, like thematically from a human perspective is probably not quite accurate. I would think, right?
Yeah, I mean, but then again, in this, in this realm, what is accurate? That's, that's the problem is I think we're, we're constantly looking for verifiable accuracy of what something is or what something isn't. And this, this phenomenon seems to just break that whole concept in half.
Yeah. I mean, a lot of people interpret it as a higher intelligence that's trying to show us something. Like it's teaching us something. And what I think if, if you ask me about that, I would think what it's teaching us is that reality isn't what we thought it was. Basically that we're in, we need a paradigm shift. We need to see what's happening and understand that we're not looking at it right. Right. Like right now we're not understanding what's actually going on. And you know, people say,
Also, people look at it like they're showing us technology that we have to see it to believe it to be possible and then ultimately create it ourselves. Like you look at the Roswells, like let's say something crashed in Roswell. It's like the myth of Prometheus. Some people call it the gifting site. So like that they put it there for us. It was a gift, like stuff like that. So.
I think that it's showing us something. A lot of people that have experiences like on these Navy ships, like there was this one, the USS Russell, I think. I think it's 2019.
Um, this was an incident where 10 Navy ships at the same time were swarmed by a hundred UFOs, like all different shapes inside, like weird shit. Like they put, they called it, um, it looked like it a performance. Looked like they were like a performance was being put on for them. Like they were being shown something. Like this intelligence wants us to know it's here. It's like showing itself to us, but in a very delicate way, not in a way that it's.
It's just going to show up on the White House lawn and all that. It's doing it meticulously.
Gradual Exposure to UAPs and Societal Impact
It's very interesting. I think that it is showing us something. I think mainly that we have our reality. We don't have it right. We need to change the paradigm that we live in.
And as you said, it's, it's slowly introducing us to more and more reality and what that does to people when it's.
shown to them in like a quick way, it to me kind of leads to like an insanity type of thing. Because insanity really is like diving into like the depths of the unknown and having a complete paradigm shift where everything around you is no longer relevant, important, or what you thought it previously was.
So it seems that the smartest way to introduce us to these things would be the fetus information and to give us little glimpses of things we can understand in very, very small, slow bursts. Yeah. I mean, it makes sense when you think about it. Um, cause like you said, if it just.
just showed itself like it would break people like in because I think it's far stranger than just people from a different planet I think it's far stranger than that and it can manifest itself in any way and if it wanted to it could it could cause chaos if it decided to show itself in the form of monsters I mean some people see like basically monsters and then
People will say that that's not related to UFOs I think that it's all tied together personally but also you know if you're of the belief that that these are aliens from another planet then.
You know that could be also that could be the case that could be the only case or it could be both. You know who knows. There's a have you heard of panspermia. You know what that is. Yes. Yes. So I've heard this. So that's basically like our planet was seated. Let's say like life that can survive in a vacuum based on like an asteroid or something.
hit our planet and then that seeded life. So there's this theory, I forget what it's called, it's called like sibling panspermia or something. So it's basically that
an asteroid like a giant rock had like the seeds of life on it and it broke into a bunch of pieces all inside our galaxy and these pieces hit a bunch of different planets. So what that would infer is what we're seeing is basically like our brothers and sisters from another world like the same rock that seeded us
broke away to other planets and seeded those planets, and they might have got a head start, they might have, and now they're coming out to find us basically. So that's a cool theory if you're thinking about, if it's aliens from a different world, like there are basically our brothers and sisters, maybe they were seeded, you know, a million years before us, maybe, you know, that's an interesting one.
Have you heard of, uh, it's what I like to call Pansporia where, uh, they say cause mushroom spores.
can survive the vacuum of space. So they say that certain mushroom spores may have done the same thing, broken up from asteroids and comets and have come into our atmosphere, crashed into our, our earth and cause psilocybin mushrooms to pop up. And of course, on a podcast like this, you're going to hear a person like me say that it sounds awesome. And I want it to be true, but
It seems like it's possible. Weren't mushrooms the first life basically? And that didn't weren't mushrooms as far as I know I think that they were here the longest and basically we're all kind of from the mushroom. They say that in our and the evolutionary tree we branched off from mushrooms about 650 million years ago.
So mushrooms have been here, um, certain mycelial networks and bodies have been here before plants, you know, for many animals. So probably the first life on the planet. I mean, we couldn't, couldn't know, but, or maybe, maybe the, it could be the first life on land, because I think.
The first life would probably have to be in water because I think water is necessary for everything. Um, especially the emergence of life. But yeah, I would think that it's possible that mushrooms could be the first life that we're on. That's on our physical plane here. Hmm. Yeah. And then you think about.
That just makes me think about the intelligence of plants and fungus. It's crazy. We talked about this a little bit, but you were saying how you look at plants in a certain way. Why don't you go tell me about that. My favorite quote in the world that I like to say, I think it was a Terence McKenna quote, is the plants are in charge. Yeah. You know, to think about intelligence as a concept and to apply it to plants,
blows our entire paradigm of what intelligence could possibly be. Um, I posted this on our Instagram not too long ago. It was a quote by Paul Stamets and it was something along the lines of, uh, mycelial networks are the internet of the plant world. And it seems that plants communicate chemically, not through language like we do, but they communicate chemically through mycelial networks that permeate the ground.
And just to think about that for a second, you know, to, to think that there are different forms of communication that use mathematics and science as a form to like distribute ideas, energy to plants that are stagnant. Just, it's, it's, it blows my mind to even think about that. But to me.
I was thinking about this not too long ago and I think we talked about it is if you look at like a tree, like a tree might be like the ultimate form of evolution, like maybe these energetic moving forms that we call bodies and biological entities maybe
You know, as we evolve, we become more like a tree or more like plants where we become a stagnant stationary form of energy distribution for the betterment of the earth itself, as opposed to running around the earth, altering our environment in order to progress our species, maybe.
Humanity's Relationship with Earth and Higher Intelligences
The highest form of evolution is not to progress your species, but to help to progress the overall prosperity of the earth itself. And to me, that's, that's what it seems like the goal of being a plant is.
Yeah, I mean we look at plants like they're not intelligent, but like you just said, they communicate. They're in like perfect symbiosis with the planet, like it's absolutely perfection. And interestingly enough, it seems like all animals
kind of exist in this perfect symbiotic way except for us. We're different. We could go back to aliens a little bit and people think that, I mean, what happened to us? I know we talked about the stone dape theory, but there's another theory that our DNA has been tampered with by a higher intelligence, which could be the case. I know they say that
Some like – I've heard this. I'm not an expert here but so I guess we have what's called junk DNA. It's like supposedly like 90% of our DNA is junk DNA. So basically it's useless like people don't – the scientists don't really know what it's for. And one theory that people came up with that there is like a –
So I guess like 300,000 years ago, they tampered with our DNA which is why we're so different in loss and I guess…
From this theory, it kind of goes against what I was starting with, but supposedly before we were like interdimensional beings and we were causing too much riff-raff, too much trouble. So they took out a part of, or they tampered with our DNA, so we're kind of confined to this realm.
which is why we're still kind of capable to kind of travel interdimensionally in a sense by altering consciousness and doing, you know, raising our frequencies, like doing DMT meditation, all sorts of, you know, spiritual experiences you can have, you have to work toward. Whereas this theory would say that, you know, back in the day, our full potential before our DNA was tampered with, we were like them. We were able to,
Kind of travel throughout dimensions like they can kind of like how people can do in their sleep when they leave their body stuff like that, so That's one theory that people have Came up with I'm not sure where it came from but it's it actually goes pretty deep I never went into it that much, but I've heard about it
Which is interesting. Maybe we were dumbed down a bit because the other theory would be that we were amplified by an alien species. Just came down here and fucked a monkey or something or change a DNA to give a lower hominid more intelligence. But then the other end would be that we were already these divine beings that got kind of downgraded.
from bad behavior. I've heard the same type of thing, but it's almost like the version that I heard of it was that we were, instead of being banished to a biological prison, it's almost like we were sent here on a divine mission. We were placed in this biological prison as a way to rediscover our divinity or something like that.
like on a specific mission from higher dimensional beings, which I think is kind of cool. You know, it sounds cool. Sounds heroic. It hits all the right dopamine receptors that I enjoy. Yeah, there's another dark one that that is out there that says that Earth is actually a prison planet.
And like if you've heard like with Bob Lazar when he read the briefings and like he said, there's no way to confirm they're true or not. But in those briefings that he supposedly read, the aliens called us containers. So this dark theory is that.
We are souls – our bodies are containers for souls and that there's some type of alien that – Earth is a prison planet that we die, they get our souls, they throw us back into a human body. We're trapped in a cycle of living on Earth because our souls have to evolve to a certain level to get off this prison planet.
So like they're basically in control of your soul until you reach a certain level and you can get off of this planet, but you're stuck.
Diverse Origins and Hidden Technologies of UFOs
You're going to be stuck reliving, reliving like a human life until you can reach a certain spot. And then the alien overlords will decide that you can have your soul back. It's so funny. Notice there's in all these theories that we have conceptually, there's always this like,
This concept of judgment, you know, whether it's a religious ideology or like some extra dimensional alien, we're always being judged for our actions. So, I mean, it does feel like there's some sort of legitimacy to like a judgment kind of thing. And, oh, and also to, to further, uh, some of the, the, that briefing, uh, the briefings you were talking about with Bob Lazar.
think he had mentioned that he got the idea that what they were doing was giving him like a huge number of briefings and like maybe 85% of the briefings were false.
So that they could confuse him if he would happen to want to come forward and release these briefings. And I think that's why you said there's no way to really confirm whether they're true, because like some of them may be true. Some of them might not, and they didn't all seem to be part of one cohesive idea.
Yeah, it could have been like this information because I think he also said that they got the ship from Zeta Reticuli or that's where the beings were from, which that became like a big thing. I think – I don't know. I don't know much about that. But then also in his briefings it said that they got some of these craft from an archaeological find, which I find interesting.
But I'm in the belief that the – we definitely, as in the government, in black projects or private aerospace now. I think that's how they've been able to hide this stuff. I'm almost positive that we have craft because –
When you start looking into it, the evidence says so, like, definitely. Like, and they've been able to keep it private because it's not, it's not with the government anymore. It's in private aerospace, like these billionaire companies down in dungeons, basically with this stuff that can never be seen or released. Like it's, yeah, think about it. Like if you think nukes are protected top secret, this is like, this is the holy grail on earth. Like these things are.
They're supposedly trying to replicate it and try to recreate the technology with no luck is basically what the word is. But we know for a fact that they have material. They say material. They won't say craft, but the way it looks is that they definitely have craft.
and that it's tied up in private aerospace and the president doesn't get briefed on it. Nobody in government gets briefed on it. Maybe less than a handful of people or whoever these people are that we don't know their names. But I would say that it looks like that we humans have these. And supposedly the word is that the US has them. I don't know how many. China doesn't and Russia does.
That's one of the reasons why China is all up in our shit trying to always peek at our technologies and stuff. That's, I think, a big thing that was going on in the Cold War too that is kind of like an unspoken race to figure out. I mean, it's still going on now between us and Russia to figure out this technology.
Shit, I forget what it's called, but there's some new technologies that we're mastering now that supposedly came from these materials, these exotic materials. And it's like this certain kind of metal that they're perfecting now. And I can't remember what it's called, but it's really crazy. But supposedly that this stuff, you know, this came from exotic material from a craft.
And I wonder if this exotic material is something that was created using materials from earth, elements from earth, maybe new elements. Um, because like we were saying, it may or may not be from outside of our world. And if it is from our world, then we would have to conclude that there's some way that we could make this stuff as well.
Yeah, I think from what I understand that this stuff is of the same materials that we have on Earth, it's just the way that they atomically structure it. So the way that these metals are put together at an atomic level allows them to do crazy stuff. It's just so intricately put together.
So they found they're in possession of like little pieces of material that were supposedly from crash sites, like just look like rocks basically from like a blown up craft. And then when they look at it, like the isotopes are so like, like intricately layered with different kinds of metals that
In some of the cases, they would say, like, we can't really do this. And in other cases they say, we could do this, but to make this little piece would cost like a billion dollars. So it's not really in our capability, from what I understand, to build something large out of some of these
Initiating Contact and the Hitchhiker Effect
materials. It's just too, out of our physical science capabilities.
But yeah, one thing we, I don't know what that medal is. I don't know if you look it up, it's really cool, but I can't think of the name. But what we didn't really talk about yet is CE5, which is, it stands for Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, which means, I think Close Encounters of the First Kind is, you see a craft. Close Encounters of the Second Kind is,
You see a craft and it left behind like physical evidence, like imprints on the ground. Close encounters of the third kind is interaction with a being, I think. Fourth is like abduction, I think. But anyway, close encounters of the fifth kind is where the human, like where we make contact, where you initiate the contact. So supposedly through
like meditation, certain meditations you can do that, uh, summon craft. And there's like, there's videos of people doing it. I haven't done it. I don't recommend people do it because what I know about like the hitchhiker effect, which we didn't really talk about either, but you don't know what you're summoning. So like, if you're not electrician, don't play with electricity, that type of thing.
Um, but supposedly people can, you know, sit in a group and focus their energy on their like location and do some certain special type of meditation and summon craft in the sky where people like see a light pop up like right overhead. There's videos of people doing it. Um, it's interesting. I don't know. What do you think about it? I feel like it's one of those things.
Like any kind of paranormal experience that you have to do it for yourself to experience it. But like you said, it's like people who have. Talked about it, always describe it as something to not fuck around with, not do willy nilly. Like you said, if you're not an electrician, don't mess with electricity and.
I mean, I've been to some pretty crazy places with just, you know, some simple brain chemistry and meditation as well. So I can't discount anything people say about places you can get with your mind, but it seems like the kind of thing that I would have to experience to like believe whether or not it's true in the way that we define truth in this like physical agreement we have.
Yeah, part of me wants to try it and the other part doesn't. Um, maybe I'll try it someday. I don't know. Do you have to be in a particular type of environment? Like, does it have to be like a.
you know, a place void of buildings and cities and things like that. Right. Basically you want to be somewhere where there's no light first off and you want it to be dark. Um, somewhere a place that's dark and you can see the sky. So not a bunch of city lights, not a bunch of buildings. You want to be somewhere kind of wherever you think would be a good place. Like, you know what I mean? Somewhere quiet, uh, isolated, uh,
You know, just keep it spookier than it has to be really. Like, yeah. So if you find a spot like that and it's better with more people, I guess, I mean, if you think about it, supposedly create like a bigger signal if everybody is like putting it out and.
A big part of it I guess is there can't be fear. Like if somebody in that circle is scared, it won't work. You have to be full of righteous intent basically. You got to really be putting it out there and actually wanting it to happen instead of like one person in your circle being like, oh shit, I don't want this to actually happen. It's going to be scary. Like kind of what I keep going back and talking about is you need absolute belief and intent in order to allow something to happen.
So it's something interesting that I, maybe I'll try. I wouldn't want to try it alone. First. I don't, I supposedly it's better with a group anyway, but I don't want to hitchhiker. That's the thing. I don't want, you know, shit materializing in my room or something. Yeah. Yeah. You mentioned the hitchhiker effect. Um, can you explain a little bit more about what that is and how that can come about?
Yeah, so I mean it kind of originates from Skinwalker Ranch, but it's not exclusive to Skinwalker. This is like a recorded feature of the phenomenon basically. So like I'll just go to Skinwalker. A lot of people that were there.
who had an experience on the ranch later ended up taking it home with them. So they'll have an experience and then some of these people were from Washington DC. So they had an experience on the ranch, terrified them and then they went back all the way across the country to the east coast and then stuff started popping up in their house like orbs or like lights above their house. And it's interesting if you talk to the people who investigated it, they say it behaves like a virus. So some people
Like they'll experience something at the ranch, go back to their house. They won't see anything, but their wife will see it. And then their kids. And then there's instances where the kids friends at school see something and it's like all independently verified. Like it's not like a whisper down the alley type of thing. It's like independently.
happening and it seems that it's very strange because when people talk about it, they seem really perplexed. Like I said, they say it behaves like a virus kind of. So basically, if you have one of these experiences, it's very possible that you've opened a gate that you can't shut and it's going to keep happening and then it could even happen to the people around you that you love. And it seems that there's not a
It doesn't matter how far you go, it's not a distance thing because like I said, this person brought it all the way across the country. Like it came from Skimwalker Ranch to Washington DC. And a lot of these guys were like hardened military guys too, which is kind of crazy.
But it happens to a lot of people. And like I said, it's not exclusive to Skimwalker. This happens to people just wherever. Skimwalker just happens to be a hotspot that was studied. So Skimwalker isn't really special. It's special in that it's one of these places that had money put into it to be investigated. So I think it's important to say, to be careful out there.
And if it were me advising on any of these kinds of things, like wait for more information to come through about what's going on.
Challenging Traditional Understanding with UAPs and Psychedelics
Because when you hear people talk about it, like you said, people wouldn't know. When you hear them talk about it, they say like, I think Lou Elizondo, he said, um, when asked.
How do you think people are going to react? How are they going to feel when all this information is released to them? And he said, it's, he said somber, but then he corrected himself and sort of said sobering. So.
It feels like there's a lot of important information out there that hasn't been released to us yet. That we would need in order to like responsibly delve into this, you know, because I, I look at psychedelics in the same way. Like you have to responsibly dive into these ting, these things and.
These things. These things, yeah. But dude, I think you're right and especially like when you compare it to even psychedelics in a similar sense. It's like this phenomenon seems to be putting on performances and showing people something about reality.
And it's an unknown and it's something that's like what do we fear most as humans? We fear the unknown. So that's why psychedelics, they show us a truth. They show us something that is unknown and you know, for some reason that's what brings the most fear out of us and it goes for this phenomenon too. It's unknown.
But I think, like psychedelics, there's an aspect of truth happening. Something is being shown to us, same way as when you're taking a psychedelic. And for some reason, we don't want to know the truth because it's too scary. We can't handle it. We want to let our ego run the show and live in the reality that we created and just keep everything else out.
But the unknown, that's where the good stuff is at. That's where it's all happening.