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73. John Morris - Overcoming Anxiety and Spiritual Growth image

73. John Morris - Overcoming Anxiety and Spiritual Growth

Pursuit Of Infinity
41 Plays3 months ago

In this episode we welcome John Morris to the show. John is a Spiritual Behavioral Mentor, and is life long student of psychology, art, philosophy, and history. Drawing on his background and experience as a mentor, he helps people find spirituality, confront their fears, manage anxiety, and explore the arts, among other skills. He's also the author of the book The Battles We All Face, available on Amazon. In this episode, we dive into a variety of topics, from anxiety and spirituality to 9/11, media influence, and conspiracy theories.


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Introduction and Guest Overview

Hello and welcome to Pursuit of Infinity, a podcast where we journey into the intricate landscapes of human consciousness delving deep into the mesmerizing realm of psychedelics and more. In this episode, we welcome John Morris to the show. John is a spiritual behavioral mentor and is a lifelong student of psychology, art, philosophy, and history.
Drawing on this background and his experience as a mentor, he helps people find spirituality, confront their fears, manage anxiety, explore the arts, and much more. He's also the author of the book, The Battles We All Face, which is available on Amazon. In this episode, we dive into a variety of topics from anxiety to spirituality, 9-11, media influence, and conspiracy theories.

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Hey, everyone. Welcome to Pursuit of Infinity.

John's Approach to Spiritual Mentorship

I'm your host, Josh. And today I am joined by John Morris. John, thank you so much for joining me today. It is a pleasure, Josh. Thank you so much for having me. It's really fantastic to be here. I'm looking forward to it. Definitely, man. You know, being in this sort of like psychedelics, spirituality, consciousness, space in podcasting. You know, I get a lot of people who reach out to me and that I reach out to that are life coaches, you know, behavioral and mental coaches and spiritual developers. um So
let's start off by just sort of I just want to ask you how do you differentiate yourself in terms of your work because you are ah you describe yourself as a spiritual behavioral mentor basically so yeah how do you define that and then how do you differentiate yourself from everyone else within that space I think my honest answer is, and it's probably not a popular one, I feel I'm probably one of the last genuine sort of mentors out there. i I mean, I very rarely ever call myself a coach, a guru, anything like that, because it seems like they are literally on every street corner. There is more of gurus in India than there is traffic lights, you know, and that's a statistical fact.
But for me, it's it's always been a genuine thing. And wherever I've gone, whether it's been the Los Angeles Tribune, whether it's been Mupo Entertainment, whether it's whatever it is, the phrase that's always gone around with me is this guy's a breath of fresh air. If you find something that isn't right, or is the left of center,
I'm not afraid to raise that and say, well, why is this you know like this? And it may not make you popular with the people you work in for, but I think it is really important to be, especially in this day and age, again, above reproach, ethical, moral, and actually have a standing that's there. It's not saying, hey, I'm perfect. Look at me.
It's saying, hey, I've gone through this. Let me show you your my story and and let you prove to you that I know what I'm talking about. But I think for me, the separation honestly comes because a lot of coaches that I saw out there when I was running Mind, Body and Soul, ah there were people out there that were saying, well, I'll get you free of anxiety. I'll get you free of anxiety. And I pick on anxiety in particular, because in my book, I talk about this, I break it down, you know, literally in one page.
um Because it is, I mean, it's it's insanely simple actually to get over anxiety and we can go into them. I'm happy to do that. um But the the reality is these coaches that were claiming, I'll get you free of anxiety in their private messages with me was saying, Oh, I'm so anxious. I'm so anxious. I'm so anxious. And I'm like, hang on a second. You're doing the very thing that you're trying not to suffer me. I think it's always important to If you're putting out there, I've done this, look at me, you've got to have that backup, especially in this day and age. Whereas a lot of these people were like, I'll get you free of this, but I can't do it myself. And again, it goes back to, you know, those who can, you know, do and those who can't teach.
So it's it's it is really interesting for sure. um I don't know if that answers your question or not, but but that's that's for me how I differentiate myself. I don't really pay a whole lot of attention to what other people are doing. I kind of feel more than anything guided to do certain aspects of business and to do certain aspects of life. And oftentimes it's putting the information out there often times for free. um And then people get in touch with me and are just like, wow, you know, you you changed my life, you know, by what you said about what you did. And, you know, I mean, that's a super cool thing, you know, just just to have that impact on somebody and then it tends to progress from there.
Yeah, absolutely. You know, you can oftentimes tell the types of people who are just putting out their ideas without having done the work themselves. Yeah. um And a lot of times you can tell that by a person explaining exactly what you should do, saying, this is the method, this is the only method, you can't follow any other method, yeah because they're a particular practitioner of whatever they're advertising for.
and well Well, let's touch on that just briefly because I think it's really interesting point that you brought up. um So you can tell I think a genuine mentor, coach, whatever, from charlatan, basically, as as it as I was going to put it politely. um and And there's two real ways. The first one is the real coach, you can ask them, you know, to speak on whatever topic it is, if it's, ah you know, mind, body and soul, and they can give you bang, you know, they can give you a full blown thesis on it, you know, as in as much or as little detail as you want, they know what they're talking about. That's how people develop confidence as well. You know what you're doing, you know what you're about.
The other thing is as well, is and this is something I've found obviously we talked a little bit off air and Christian and I were talking about this, shout out to Christian, um you know literally that the majority of people now that I see in the life coaching industry are just repeating the same things verbiage, the spewing the same detritus out that came from the 1910s and the 1930s. There was seemingly a massive spiritual movement that happened in the 1900s, 1910s, 1930s, 1920s, you know, and and, you know, you have some phenomenal teachers out there.
And now you see and hear the same people that are just like, right, I'm going to spew this out. I'm going to spew that out. And you can tell when someone is just, you know, spewing forth what they have already heard, or if somebody has genuinely been impacted by it, changed by it, you can tell by the emotion in their body. See, obviously, you know, I'm moving around a lot. I'm, um'm you know, I'm animated. ah Whereas other people that are just spewing it out, it's very stuttery. It's very, and those are red warning and flag signs to me.
Yeah, definitely,

John's Spiritual Journey and Transformation

definitely. um Speaking of other people, other mentors, teachers, what were some of your inspirations, some people who you sort of modeled your belief systems and teaching styles off of?
So early on, you know, because I went through a spiritual transformation again in sort of 2021.
And prior to that, I would say, you know, a lot of people from, you know, ah the Catholic and and Christian sort of movements, people like Brennan Manning, people like Joyce Meyer, Charles Stanley, people who had actually gone through an experience. And I and i found myself drawn to these people.
um You know, again, but now, I mean, it was people like Wayne Dyer, Florence Govell Shin, Earl Nightingale. um Gosh, you know, Jesus the Buddha, ah you know, basically, there was so many people that were brought into my path.
That was like, wow. And then when I got more and more into business, because I've been in business now for the last 20 years, but when when things really clicked for me, more so in this year, it was amazing when you start to see the the false profits as they were, ah they they belong in a category by themselves that are revered by the world and that are absolutely loved by the world to nobody's surprise. And then they started moving out of the way. um again almost divinely off my radar and you have people like Mark Tilbury and you have people like Alex, ah, forget his last name, big muscle guy, big beard, reminds of me of Mike Myers, I forget his name. um But again, and are all these genuine people were there and you could feel that they were genuine because a lot of the life coaches just want to make a living off making you feel lousy.
you know And again, there was five people specifically in that category who are anytime I see any of their content, I'm like report, ban, block, get off my radar, don't want to hear from you, don't want to see you. Because at the end of the day, they just literally drain your soul. And again, unfortunately, they are revered by so many. um But yeah, there are a lot of really awesome teachers out there. I think to to anybody who's looking I would say don't necessarily you know go looking, just just watch these people come into your life because they do come in for a reason and you might be surprised who it is, ah but just kind of go with it.
Yeah, I agree. And it almost seems that there might even be utility to some of those people because it's almost like they introduce certain people like they introduce maybe myself or you yeah to this type of work. um And it seems to me that at least with me, what happened in the beginning of my path was,
seeking out some of these teachers, and then you sort of graduate past them moving on to other teachers. You know, sometimes, you know, you you still go back to those original yeah people who showed you the way and, you know, ah initially broke you through the barriers that allow you to explore spirituality consciousness and all these things. um But it does seem that if you're progressing in the right way, at least in my view, ah you should be sort of leaving some of the old behind. And, ah you know, venturing out into ah some new teachers. Absolutely. I couldn't agree more. It it all got started for me really in 2021 because i would I was, you know, I'd worked for the church for 15 years. I'd left under just just horrible circumstances when I saw the political stuff that was going on and politicking that was happening and and all this other stuff. And I left with a really bad taste in my mouth about it. And it wasn't just even one church.
like that's the thing it's like even you know family and um ah my you know immediate family and stuff they didn't want to believe what was going on what I was seeing but when they experienced it for themselves as like we can't ignore this because it hasn't just happened here it's happened here and it's happened here And eventually I just got to a point where again, i was I was in a really, really bad place for probably about five years after I left. And ah you you suddenly realize I was on a call the other the day um with a former BBC producer. And we were talking about this funny enough. And it's literally he and I shared the same path, but we left where we worked. And it was amazing how that circle of friends just disappeared. Like they wouldn't take your calls. They wouldn't. And I mean, we were in real dire straits.
um and and And literally, you know, 2021, January I sat there, I was down in the old office and had my phone on. and And for whatever reason, Wayne Dyer came on. I'd never heard of Wayne Dyer, any of his teachings or anything like that before.
He came on his everyday wisdom. I listened it for, I think maybe two hours. I listened to twice round and all of that stuff was gone. All the anger, all the bitterness, all the rage. It was like just being baptized, you know, a new and a fresh. And I quickly realized that there was not necessarily another path, but there was possibly an advancing, you know, and I think people are scared to say, I've i've transcended the church, you know, I've gotten past what the church is teaching, because in my view, it lacks depth. I mean, it's it's like a teardrop in an ocean, um you know, and and when you really get into it, you know, it's like, wow. There is so much more out there. And I think that's really where I was on in the place that I had to be in at that point, to come out the other side with so much passion and and just like energy.
um you know, and it was it was it was um it was incredible. And like I said, some of the teachers that I encountered afterwards, ah you know, again, it was different things. and And it opened my mind up to so much that, you know, I and again, I always go back to Wayne Dyer, whenever I'm feeling that little bit shaky or a little bit mentally, you know, unstable or whatever, you know, I always go back and it's just that It's like that sudden serenity. ah you know And you tend to know the teachers that you need to listen to at the time. so Again, it's like a divine intuition.
So you said when you started listening to him, it sort of helped you to shed this, ah a lot of the anger, the negative feelings that you were having. Can you pinpoint exactly where those negative feelings and the anger came from? Oh, absolutely. And again, a lot of it was to the church. A lot of it was how I'd been treated or how I perceived that I'd been treated. A lot of it was from family who you expected to have your back at that time and didn't. I mean, I was, you know, I was really going down on a horrible, horrible path, and I tried so many times to get better. It's it's like it's like the old addict thing, you know, I tried to get better, I tried to get better, I tried to get better. And every single time, you know, you went back to drink, you went back to lust, you went back to whatever it was, and it was like the anger, it was ungodly. And I was held to live with for myself, you know, and very difficult for the people to be around. ah There'd been a number of things that had happened there, and I saw
I think the truth, quite honestly, with a lot of the church stuff, like I worked for the church every single day for 15 years. And when I came back from the United States, I was basically made homeless by my best friend who was a Christian. And, ah you know, it was like,
Okay, ah well, the church will have my back. The church will help. No, they won't. Their exact response was, our response is our our responsibility to you is to find you a room. It doesn't matter where that is, you know, but but that's our thing. So when you realize that nobody is going to pick you out of this situation except you,
you suddenly realize that you know God is with you in this situation, but it's up to you to do the work. It may take you to the well, but it's up to you to drink. And that was something that really became a prominent feature in my life. I started to become not necessarily more self-centered, but I think more independent more than anything else. and And that had a massive impact. I had to go through all of that ah to really, really understand and to grow and to mature.
And it wasn't without pain. You know, don't don't let anybody kid you. It really wasn't without pain because it isn't fun. I love this concept of it being within you. That seems to me to be the very first barrier to break through is to, instead of looking externally for someone else to tell you what spirituality is, the real question is, you know, who am I? that yeah You start to understand that and you start to get into that and you start to realize that these answers are actually found within and they're felt as opposed to heard.

Role of Psychedelics and Inner Spirituality

Yeah, well, I mean, and again, people have asked me so many times, you know, who was your counselor, who was your mentor, who helped you get through alcoholism, you know, who helped you get through, you know, breakdowns and whatnot. And I was like,
no one on this planet, but there was a lot of people divinely placed, and each one had their part to play. But ultimately, it was for me to do the work. And I discovered that. And, you know, again, if people that know me know that, you know, I am insanely productive, like I get done in one day, what it takes some people a month or even years to do, um just because I'm very task oriented, and I cannot sit still.
um Because at the end of the day, and it's it's it's an old Buddhist quote, and it goes something like this, the biggest lie that people believe is that they have time. ah And you don't. That's the thing. It doesn't mean that you're going to rush around and do everything like an insane lunatic, but it does mean that You know, if you've got books that's on your heart to write, write them. Don't procrastinate. Don't sit there and try and figure out how everything's going to happen. You know, I sat there and literally it flowed through me out of me in 11 days. I had the first write through of a brand new novel and there's an entire series that followed after that.
And it is I mean it is all inside you and when you recognize that the greatest therapy is to go inside you rather than being told the answers. ah You know it's a massive thing because I firmly believe when you're told the answers it doesn't mean as much as when you have to figure them out for yourself.
I'm so with you there and you know, my um primary method of that has been psychedelics. They've been just amazing for um allowing my consciousness to explore other realities and other realms and being able to realize that like these things.
this magic that is happening, this divine thing that I'm touching is actually within me. yeah And it's not just within me, it's within everyone else as well. that's it Because I think a lot of people that are like avid churchgoers seem to think that unless you're following the Christian path, the Catholic path, whatever that may be, that you're not on the right path, like you're damned to hell, you're going to burn in the lake of fire, this and that. But I think one of the most important teachings of spirituality is that we're all divine, everybody has it within us.
yeah No, absolutely. and And, you know, furthering that, I find it interesting when people say to me, they're in a pursuit of truth. And of course, you know, I'll i'll i'll bite the, the ah you know, the the the the feed and whatnot, you know, to tell tell me what your pursuit of truth is. And then they'll say, well, you know, I'm studying the Bible, and I'm studying this theologian, and I'm studying that theologian. as I was like, ah, you're in pursuit of Christian truth. That is not the full picture.
and people get really angry when you say that and I'm like well answer me this then in a God that's an infinite being why would there be so many other religions and again they come back furious and and again really angry because and people get angry people love you until you challenge their views and then as soon as you do that people want to slay you uh you know look at what happened to Jesus look at what happened to the early budders look at what happened to the early Christians you know and And that is the reality that for me, if something doesn't make you a better person, I don't care if you've got salvation or not, if it doesn't make you a better person, then what are you doing it for? And that's really where I was at. It was like, I've done the church thing. I was very good at it.
um you know born again i still up there you know again and and i haven't changed in terms of how i speak and communicate that hasn't changed and and been very spirit led but i think what i have discovered is you know there is so much more than just what you see in this little bracket and i'm sorry but arguments like well sunday isn't the place to preacher you know a really amazing sermon telling people how divine they are and how special they are and i'm like well if sunday morning isn't the time to do it when is
And, you know, I don't mean to like come down on Christianity and, you know, Catholicism. I know sometimes, you know, the way that I talk about it, it does come off as like I'm a Christian hater or something like that. I love the teachings of Jesus and I incorporate them into my worldview and my perspective of spirituality. um But my problem comes when I'm having a conversation with the Christian say, and they tell me that like my position on spirituality is not valid.
yeah That is a problem because I think when you're having a productive discussion with someone, especially about the mysteries of the universe, yeah we need to be able to validate one another so that we can hear each other, listen, and then incorporate our our ideas into each other's paradigms.

Challenges and Growth Beyond Conventional Religion

I think as well, what I find when people are so willing to hold to their position, that concerns me greatly. And what I found unfortunately, and and again, I'll be brutally honest, again, my experience folks, a lot of people will agree with this, but I found a lot of Christians to be very untrustworthy. um You know, and that's whether or not I've shared things with them privately and it's gone public.
whether or not you know you expect people and you hope people are going to be there at your darkest hour and they're not. ah Whether you you know join a place and you need to find that place of healing and then there's a hidden agenda in what they're doing.
you know it it just and it And this is the thing, you know, and and i' people will argue with me until they're blue in the face, um whether it's family or extended family, and that's fine because it just further reinforces. I didn't go looking for this position, folks. You know, it literally, I tried to ignore it for so many years. I was like, no, no, it can't be. It cannot be them. It has to be me. I have to be the problem. And then I got to a point in my life where I was like, why do I have to be the problem?
you know, what why can't it be that they're being this way, they're being political there, you know. And then when you listen to the teachings on a Sunday morning, I sit there and I'm just like, well, I don't sit there actually, because I don't go. um But I have sat there for many years and I was just like, this is designed as nothing more to control people, you know. i And again, you know, I make no response, you know, or, ah you know,
I make no apologies for saying these things because as far as I'm concerned, they're very, very true. um If you really go in deep, and it's not me being a Christian hater, it's not me being a religion hater. This has been my experience. you know Like I say, I was in it for 15 years. I was very, very good at what I did.
um and i And I remember people telling me it was like, you know, you're going to have a problem with this minister because you're spirit-led. And he isn't. He was an institutionalized guy. And there's there's a massive difference between being spirit-led and being a church person. Definitely. I know exactly what you mean by that.
Um, so before we sort of transition, cause I want to really dig into what your like spiritual beliefs are now, how you've sort transitioned and how that's changed. But let's, I just have a question. Um, what has the church, Christianity, Catholicism, whatever your avenue was at the time, how did that help you to get to where you are right now?
I think for me, when I saw what I perceived to be true, and and I mean that the negatives largely, it forced me genuinely to say, well, if and again, like I say, it was a long journey. um It forced me to really say to myself, to my wife, to even extended family, to anyone who would listen, um if this is what Christianity looks like, and this is what going to church looks like, and this is what a Christian looks like,
I don't want any part of it, because the the majority were rude, obnoxious, angry, ah genuinely hate-filled. There were some dope around that were phenomenal people, and I really, really, they they were the people that would be there. But it was like the higher up the ladder, you know, that the ah the person was, it was like they could get away with anything.
and go to church on a Sunday morning and just be like, oh, hello there. Hey, let's have a little boogie. you know And he just like, man, this is just not right. you know um And it genuinely propelled me. Like I say, I was at that point you know where you know, mother and father-in-law absolutely hated the fact we weren't going to church, didn't didn't really want to know the reason we weren't going to church. It was just that's no reason to stop going to church. um The fact that you'd been mentally abused, the fact that you had unlimited anxiety, the fact that you were heading down a severe alcoholic route to try and, it wasn't even to try and deal with things, it was to try and numb me stupid. um You know, that you were having severe issues
And because it counteracted their beliefs and what they held near and dear, they they didn't want anything to do with it. Eventually, and it didn't take long for for for this to happen, I got to a point where I was like, okay, they may hold to their point of view. They may hold to their brethren, they may hold to the evangelical, anything.
why then does that mean that i need to hold animosity towards them for who they are and eventually i can say you're not going to change that's fine that's on you but for me i release you because i don't want any more of it um you know and again that you know christian and i talked about this or the shows i've talked about this you know that's there was a lot of things that happened within the church, you know, again, people attempting to seduce you, basically, it was one of the biggest things as a youth worker, um you know, and this is all stuff that you've got to deal with. And then, you know, the court session on your boss is just like, no, no, we don't want to hear about that.
But as soon as you step out of line and say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing, it's like boom. you know And I quickly realized, it's like you're going to attack the congo or you're going to attack the youth worker and the youth minister, but you're not going to attack you know or ah you know run to his aid or or you know have a conversation with the people that are doing wrong. And ah there was there was a lot of double standards for sure. so Like I said, to to to get to that point of seeing it for what it was, trying to ignore it for as long as I could, and pretend that it wasn't happening, ah when you hear someone like Wayne Dyer, and then you go on to Florence Govell Shin, and you go into these other people who have very similar views, but
there is something so much more about them, you're like, wow, this is this is a powerful thing. So I suppose in, you know, and in in the way of surmising, it's literally a case of when you've gone as far down as you can go, the only way is to look up.
Yeah, it sounds like in a nutshell, you're saying similar to when people say like when they have bad parents. ah I've learned from my parents what not to do when I have a child. Yeah. um And as you said, shout out to Christian Reeve, homie, a friend of the show who's been on a bunch of times. I've been on his pod a bunch of times. um If anybody out there wants to get a full in depth, yeah very um amazing ah story of what you went through.
During the church detail for detail. Yeah, go listen to Christian's podcast. You were just on it. um It was great. ah There was a lot of stuff that you went into very, very deep about that. We don't have to get into all that on ah on our interview. But if anybody wants to hear about the full story of, you know, your church experience, what happened, why you left.
ah Go listen to Christian's podcast, it's it's fantastic, as all his podcasts are. um But why don't we transition a little bit into what your spiritual beliefs have evolved into.

Evolved Spiritual Beliefs and Personal Understanding of God

um i I like to ask the question, and it's a tough one, um but whenever people talk about spirituality, the mystery, God, consciousness, whatever it you know you want to call it, um the first question people always ask is, do you believe in God? Do you believe in God? whatever But I like to ask then, what is God? Because there are so many different explanations depending on whether or not you subscribe to a specific ideology or religion across the world. There's thousands of them. So I'll pose the question to you. What is God to you? To me, quite honestly, ah he is the true definition of what a father should be. He is the true definition of what
Yeah, you know, a father, a parent should be. ah He is, to to me, and my certainly my um experience of him is like a person beyond this realm, you know, who is always tapped in, always listening, always you know aware of what's going on. They're willing to guide at the drop of a hat, um you know.
And I think that's it in a nutshell. It literally is someone who wants the absolute best for you. But unfortunately, in this world in which we live in, people tend to believe other things because you know, when when you can't explain something and people are looking for someone to blame rather than looking inwards. Um, you know, and again, I have to take share of responsibility for everything that, you know, we talked about in, uh, in the first half of the conversation because I was allowing it to happen rather than saying, no, I'm not giving my power or whatever you want to, you know, my, my control, you know, over it. I was allowing that to go on. Um, and that's been a phenomenal thing to learn as well.
But in terms of God, you know he's is the ever-present guide, transcendent, he is the one that literally, you know when I said, Lord, you know I want to be a millionaire, he didn't just wave a magic stick and say, oh, here you go, here's money raining from the sky. But he gave me the ideas in which I could start businesses with, in which we could start novels with, in which we could start doing some phenomenal things and then connecting the dots.
And the really cool thing is we just put a teaching out about this. When you look back on your life and you do it with open eyes, ah that means spiritually awakened eyes. You can see the breadcrumbs that led you to this point. Whether you've defined it as good, whether it looks and you define it as bad,
You can see the breadcrumbs and oftentimes it's the choices that you've made, the people that you've allowed into your life, the things that you didn't get out of. um you know And the really cool thing about it is when you start looking at all that, it's like, wow, this is what's led me to this point. um you know So a lot of the negative stuff that may be going on now can be great source material for the future, for books, for your courses, for for for life changes, everything that's there. I know I deviated a little bit there, but it happens.
Definitely, man. This is a ah vast and complex subject. um But I noticed that ah you refer to God as He. And this might be a weird question, but can you explain why and what that means? Is that sort of like a Christian foundation of what God is?
I don't even know if it's ah a Christian foundation, but for me, ah you know he's always appeared as a man. God has never appeared as a woman. I've never you know i've never felt comfortable with people you know saying, well, you need to call God a woman. Why do you assign gender? Why this? Why that? Why they that? And that's the problem. People ask why too you far too often. But for me, it's always been like great grandfather. It's always been you know a masculine.
ah For other people, they've got other experiences and that's fine. ah But for me, it's always been, you know, a a yeah, it's so it's always been masculine. Yeah, I've experienced a lot of that as well. um Again, as I said earlier, I've been able to connect with the divine through psychedelic experiences. And it's really interesting because I'm not sure if it's sort of a confirmation bias, but it almost seems to me that I anthropomorphize the male aspect of God, potentially because it's almost as if it's a higher version of myself and I am a male. So I think I do extrapolate, um you know, as above so below sort of thing. um But I've also experienced like the earth.
as god and like the universe as god and sometimes when i experience like what i'll call like mother gaia or something as i say mother it does take on a sort of female aspect so it almost depends to me on what your avenue of spiritual experience is uh and it might present itself to you as a male a female animal a blade of grass you know whatever I think the interesting thing is as well, especially in the the time in which we're living in, you know, in the 1800s, 1700s, 1600s, the form of God here in the Westernized world would never even be considered as female. It's as you have the feminist movement, it's as you have the male toxicity stuff that's going on now, um you know, and and a lot of the other things that are going on.
ah That's why, you know, and and people very harshly are trying to push across their views. and And again, like we said right at the beginning, whenever somebody pushes their views so harshly, immediately, I'm like, no. You know, again, I just close i very peacefully, but I close the conversation down. um Because I think when somebody is pushing their views that hard,
There's something not right about it. you know When it's honest and genuine, you don't need to convince people. like We're having a very nice conversation here now, and I've been on shows with people that have polar opposite views to me, and I tell them right at the beginning, you are under the illusion, my friend. but you know What you believe, what you think, what you say in any way um affects me because it it doesn't. because it yeah Again, and I think it's important to have that strength of character where you can say,
I believe this? You believe this? Does what you believe affect me? No. Does what I believe affect you? No. Then why, you know, again, why are we fighting about it? Why are we scrapping about it like little children? um And if we are scrapping about it like little children, then is what we believe a is enlightened to what we believe it to be, and be really worth believing? Because if it doesn't bring about that sense of peace and that sense of awe and wonder, then again, there's something in the fabric of it that is fundamentally wrong.
Yeah, that aspect of awe and wonder being extremely important, because to me, this is ultimately a grand mystery. And nobody knows. We all like you said, you use the word belief what we believe. And that's really all it is. It's, you know, from your experience, you know, what do you believe? Like, what does it mean to you? I'll tell you what it means to me. um As a famous psychedelic practitioner, Terrence McKenna said, when he liked to talk to people about it,
Um, and about the mystery, he would say, uh, how does it cast its shadow into your life? And that I think is a beautiful way to look at it. Yeah. Well, I think Emerson said it as well in, it may have been.
his book about independence ah in terms of people being independent. And I think it was along the lines of, you know, you I paraphrase here, but you guys in the 1950s have had your experience of God. Now, how about you let the younger folk have their experience of God and don't try and force God into your box and into your, and that's one of the things that obviously you come up a lot of, you know, which is, well, God, or or it doesn't sound like God would say that. And it's like, well, why? You know, just because he hasn't spoken like that to you,
It doesn't mean, and you watch people's lives. There are certain things that people do instantly that you're like, that ain't of God, even if it's divine. is or it looks very, very bizarre, but who am I to judge? But equally, when you watch other people's lives, it's like, yeah, that that makes complete sense. um you know And I think at the end of the day, I think we should do far more observation in our own lives and far less judging in other people's lives and trying to assume the God seat than we do, because people judge and they don't often know what's really going on.
Yeah, oftentimes, they haven't done the work themselves. Correct. um But you know what, let's do a little judging today of our own. um Because I can, there is an objective morality to a degree, in my opinion, you know, I've been exploring this question quite a bit, you know, whether or not um our culture, our experiences, who we are, um sort of plays into what our morality is. And if If that's true, can you say that there is a a such such thing as an objective morality and what do you say to that first of all?
I think first of all, you got to define what it is, just just backing up a little bit to to you one of your previous statements, the difference between a belief and a knowing. And a belief is something that is handed down to you by your mom, by your dad, your grandparents. I mean, people are taught to hate, people are taught to, you know, despise religion, to love religion one way or the other. A knowing And beliefs will always fail. It doesn't matter what it is. When you put the pressure on enough, beliefs will always fail. And knowing is something that you know fundamentally to be true. Like, I know the chair that I'm sitting on right now, and you can get into what is the color, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, all the existential things, but I know this chair is black. You know, I know that I've got it boost up as high as it'll go, you know, creating a lovely backdrop and all that kind of stuff. That's annoying. But for...
With regards to your question about, you know, again, the whole thing of conditioning, I think if if I'm hearing you right and summing it up, I think probably do to a degree what I've done, which is, I mean, I'm i'm like a a hermit by choice nowadays, I work from home. ah You know, I don't see a lot of the stuff that goes on the news, anything I need to know, I'm gonna hear. um You know, and and I work with people all over the world, you know, seven days a week.
So, I think when you're in sort of the institutions, and by institutions I mean the the the schools, the the workplace, the organizations that are there, you are going to be conditioned um one way or another. Now, I believe some people, that's why they're meant to be, that's what they're meant to be doing. you know Not everybody's meant to be an entrepreneur, so you should go to school. Not everyone is meant to be you know a business owner, so you should be in a workplace, but you should know that if you're going to be in a workplace, you are going to be conditioned by those around you.
Flip side of that is the kind of role that I do, ah you know, again, I can go sometimes months, you know, without seeing another person aside from my wife and the cat. I'm completely fine with that because of the experiences that I've had. So when people say to me, Oh, why, why do you cut yourself off? It's like, because the experiences I've had made me want maybe want to do so. I was just like, I don't want to be around these people anymore. Um, you know, I'm, I'm probably a very sensitive person when it comes to that. And I'm very aware of these things.
um Not like a lot of empaths than on the other side, because that's and that's a whole other spectrum, which, you know, I heard a quote, you know, not long ago that about an empath and the severe empaths are fractually or emotionally fractured um people that end up doing more harm than good. I'm definitely not on that spectrum, but I'm definitely not on the spectrum where I have to surround myself with people.
I try to remain central more than anything else, and that's why, to me, balance is key. um But I think people can be very, very conditioned. That's why they call it a TV program or a radio program. So you've got to become very aware of what you're putting into your head, what you're surrounding yourselves with, who you're surrounding yourselves with.
because your view of the world, your view of religion, your view of ah everything can be skewed. you know Again, you look at Nazi propaganda, you look at and then you look at it from the other side of the the fence. you know for For years, decades,
you know it's ah people have been conditioned, and people believe oftentimes what the majority believe because it takes more energy to think for yourself and draw your own conclusions, then even if they're going to be that conclusion anyway, it takes more effort to do that than to actually just go with the, you know, we with what everybody else is saying.
Yeah, so what it sounds like you're saying is that morality can be conditioned, which yeah sort of brings up in me the the idea of the conquest of empire being the opposite of moral um and a lot of what you're seeing around the world in terms of the conflicts that are going on um being objectively immoral.
Oh, yeah, I mean, well, I mean, ah history is prime example of that 911 and the cover up that was there JFK the cover up that was there. ah You can get into the conspiracy theories, but I genuinely believe that a conspiracy theory is only a conspiracy theory until it's proven true.

Questioning Media Narratives and Conspiracy Theories

And a lot of times people don't want to believe what is right in front of them. Like, oh my goodness, could our government do this to us? Well, of course they could. You know, the ah all the other stuff that's happened in UK British history, ah you know, if if you want to look closer to to, you know, and again, very bluntly, you know, even the stuff that's going on in schools now with LGBTQI, all sorts of stuff that's going on there, you know, I'm not afraid to talk about it, folks, because I think you know I think it has to be talked about, and from somebody to a degree who has, a you know ah ah dare I say, an air of authority about it, because he's actually spent so many years studying it, working with the people, psychologists and training, all of that kind of stuff. I'm not just a random, you know, Jew that just comes along and and says this stuff. um So it it absolutely can be you know ah controlled. And morality, again,
What is morality? you know if if If you go down that existential route, because you know the 1940s, morality was every German that was a Nazi was evil. ah When you understand a little bit more as to why people believed in the Nazi regime and the movement, because they were a country on their knees and Hitler came and very subtly as a great salesman did, fed them one thing after another and did the Trump thing, which was, I'm going to make Germany great again.
you know ah It was exactly the same thing. And then he decided, right, well, I'm now going to conquer this and I'm going to conquer that. And I'm going, you know, and on and on and on and on. You need to know history into order to really understand what is going on and what's happening. And that is another, and another problem that that people just don't want to study. People don't want to know because ignorance is far more pleasant oftentimes than the realities.
Yeah, this is a great point, understanding history, you know, because so I'm not on TikTok, but I've heard rumblings of there being this movement on TikTok where people are taking um Osama bin Laden's mission statement of why he attacked America.
yeah And they are essentially saying that he was right to plan and carry out 9-11. And these are people who are young enough to where they weren't alive during 9-11. So they don't have that historical context. So as you said, understanding history is so imperative when you're trying to nail down what is and isn't right.
I think furthering that as well, because I hadn't actually heard about that, but what I would say, again, very controversial, um would be very simple. That's that's under the assumption that Osama bin Laden actually did do the 9-11 stuff.
That's a good point because I mean, that is a rabbit hole in itself. Oh, yeah. Um, I mean, whether or not he, he did it, planned it. Um, he definitely had a part in it. Oh, again, you know, again, figureheads, you know, I, I generally believe even now with the Andrew Tate movement, I genuinely believe that he is the figurehead and you've got a ton of people behind him pushing, you know, the fastest way to cover up any.
um you know, immorality, ah you know, act of oppression or anything like that, you get a figurehead, you get somebody to, you know, that the public can hate. You see this in Iron Man 3, get somebody that the public can absolutely hate.
And you push that. Well, it's already come out that, you know, the ah the president and the prime minister at that time, you know, they did things that were, iher yeah you know, again, referenceable. They did things that were disgusting. And then you sit there and say, well, hang on a second. Let's explore this a little bit. Let's look at the architecture of the, the you know, the trade buildings.
um Let's look at how they fell. you know Let's look at what actually happened. Let's look at even back to you know to JFK in ah you know his shooting in Dallas. you know the The trajectory that Lee Harvey Oswald was meant to have done, the fact that it was a bullet from the other side, the fact that he was tried executed within hours, there wasn't very much. Again, there there was too many things that, again, were swept under the rug. And you start asking that question. And again,
Like a lot of people, I was like, nope, can't be that, can't be that, but then you see enough stuff that goes on where you have to actually say, could it be? You know, did genuinely Osama bin Laden do many of the things that, you know, again, how do we know? Oh, we know because the media tells us so. Yeah. Well, the media is really truthful, isn't it? You know, so it's where you end. And I know this is really radical stuff for a lot of people to listen to. Um, and I get it, you know, I'm not going to be popular with some people because again, they look at the media as law. They look at the media as God. I've been on interviews before where this kind of conversation made made people very uncomfortable, made them sweat.
But again, it's it's asking that question. How do we know that this actually happened? Because all we've got is TV papers That's at that time, not so much now because now you've got the first hand, you know, videos and stuff. Um, but again, we're now with fake videos. It's like, well, where does this end? Is anything true? You know? Yeah. And as you said, you know, things are only a conspiracy until they've been proven correct. And that's happened yeah many, many times through history. And when you start to look into the details of certain things.
And you have to ask yourself, like, why are there so many loose ends? yeah Why? Why this? Why that? And I mean, this goes for every single major event that has ever happened yeah to the Western world, there's always something weird about it. Oh, yeah. um And you have to ask yourself, like, what, what's really going on here? Because it seems to me that the only thing we can be sure of is that we are not being told the full truth, if any of the truth, via mainstream media. And this is it to me, it's exemplified so much further by this UFO disclosure movement. Have you been keeping up with this? I haven't. I've maybe heard maybe one or two rumblings around, but aside from that, not very much at all.
It's just super interesting because what's coming out is that our government has had back engineering programs where our tax dollars have been going toward. Um, and the Pentagon and the department of defense have essentially been blocking our elected officials as Congress from getting the information that would be able to, uh, that they would be able to then disclose to us, the taxpayers. So to me, that's the biggest issue here. You know, although a lot of people want to say like,
And for me, it's super interesting. Oh, are there aliens or are we alone? Is this some sort of an interdimensional aspect of reality that we can't perceive with the five senses that we've been given? Um, but I think the place to start seems to be that our tax dollars are being used in ways that we're not being told, whether it be through UFOs or all kinds of black projects.
I completely agree. I mean, again, former wrestling legend Jesse Ventura, you know, he exposed a lot of this on his shield conspiracy theory. And again, initially, you listen to it and you think, you watch the first episode and you're like, and i've I've known of Jesse, I've worked, you know, very, very blessed to have worked with, you know, a decent number of wrestling folks and in the industry and there his is always a name that comes up. And I'm like,
Okay, well, we'll see what goes on. I have have a relatively open mind that's attached to nothing and open, you know, to just about everything. But when you start listening to the stuff that he talks about, the JFK stuff and the evidence that's put forward, like, again, prime example, if if if somebody pulls out a gun,
And I don't care if the president's moving or not. If somebody pulls out a gun and shoots them, that's it. There is no loose ends. It's there, done, dusted. But how did they know where it was? you know How did this happen? how Why did this happen? you know Then the conspiracy of the grassy knoll, etc., etc.
you know Then you get to the point of you know area 51 and Jesse basically goes out to area 51 and he starts walking in that direction and he is told by his guide that if you keep walking along this path you're going to be shot. And there are people up there, there are armed guards that are going to shoot this 60-70 year old man. ah When he starts asking questions about it, he now lives off the grid in Mexico and his show will not be published by any major network anymore. ah He is really, really prohibited of of
you know, actually been able to do stuff. And then you start asking the question, why is all this, you know, conspiracy there? And even here in the UK, you know, down to Princess Diana down to I mean, part of my novel series, and I won't share too much about it, because it's sort of under wraps at the moment, but there are a couple of very specific things that I found with British history that literally free people who have been dead, one of them for several, 800 years, that is still believed to have committed atrocities, so one that was in ah sort of in the line for the throne. And people believe he did this horrific thing. And I'm thinking,
Okay, so then, you know, it's not just enough to to go, you know, that direction say, well, he didn't do it. You've got to present the evidence. How do you know he didn't do it? What actually happened? What was going on? And I think when you can do that, that's when at least you've got something to share that now, the problem is,
There are so many books that are written about, look, he didn't do it. Stop thinking you did it. But the problem is the mass media, the mass ah your consensus, the mass populace, you know, they all still believe the lie as it were.
um and and And it does, it gets to a point then where you're just like, you know, you can either go through your life where you question absolutely everything and it's exhausting, or you get to the point where you're just like, i can just I just have to live my life, present what I know, which is my time here. And and that's it and put that put you know the rest in the hands of God.
Definitely man, you know the the waters of information are extremely muddy nowadays Yeah, so as you said you can definitely get lost in these right? Yeah, deliberately so absolutely exactly there's There's always an opposing view whether it be you know real or fake people say that there's you know three sides my side your side and the real side, side but I think there's more like a hundred sides of every story, you know, so many aspects of it. And this does go back to sort of the the conditioning and the programming. And so as somebody who works professionally, you know, on behavioral mental health, how do you find that this type of programming or any type of programming for that matter that we get in the Western world affects people's mental health?

Societal Conditioning and Its Impact on Youth

Unbelievably so. ah You just look at social media now. So there's two areas that I, again, talk about a lot when I do these shows and I get asked these questions. The first one is anxiety. Anxiety is probably the easiest problem in inverted commas to actually deal with. The second one is the whole idea of transgender. ah You can even further it if you want. um But you know the the reality is there are more people now with anxiety than ever before. Why?
The answer is really simple because the media got on it and they said, oh, everybody's anxious. Everybody's anxious. Everybody's anxious. Guess what? Within a year, people believed that they were all anxious. You know, Morgan Freeman, when he was asked, how do we get rid of racism? He said, simple, stop talking about it.
If you stop talking about anxiety, if you stop talking about and and stop popularizing, you know, these conditions that are fake conditions, people will have massive reductions in anxiety. Again, you know, you can go and read it in in my book, The Battles Will Face. Hope in Times of Uncertainty. It's on Amazon.
You know, first chapter, we talk about the straightaway, anxiety is nothing more than the fear of the past, fear of the future, fear of what has been, fear of what could be. It is something that we create ourselves. How do I know this? Because as a student of psychology and the brain, which I've done with MIT, Yale and Stanford, just to name a few so you don't sit down and think, well, you know, this this is Johnny completely doesn't have a clue what he's talking about. Actually, those are three of the most prominent universities in the world.
The reality is we are not born with anxiety. There is a tiny, tiny chance that you may have an anxiety strand somewhere in your DNA. But to have it to the levels that people have now is ridiculous. And people literally believe that they have anxiety. So therefore, as we said before, as you so, so shall you reap. If you believe you have anxiety, guess what you're going to get?
anxiety and then you've got the kids unfortunately that turn around and say oh well this is normal this is normal bs it's not normal it's not normal to literally be perpetually fearful for no reason you know are the things that contribute to it of course social media And a big part of that is the people that you follow, again, the the five people who I won't mention, um but you know sort of five of the top influencers on the planet who thrive on making you feel like garbage, and you take that and you say, well, you know if if umm if I'm not a multimillionaire, am I brokey? And you get to the point where you actually say, hang on a second, where did this come from? It's like the idea of lack.
People ah believe, or someone came up with the idea of lack and everybody else bought into it. There isn't lack on the planet. It's that people, again, believe that they have lack. A lot of it is down to your beliefs and your knowings. And people, again, if if you don't believe what I'm saying, look at your life, look at how you're living, look at what's going on.
and then compare it to where I'm at, okay? Changing these small things. There's your comparison right there. When you change what you believe about yourself, you will see change in yourself. It is literally, and I know it is that simple, um it takes work, it takes effort, but I think literally,
I'm using the word literally here a lot, apparently. But this is the reality that a lot of people are conditioned with. They're not bothered about, you know, the old farts that approach, you know, approaching 50, 60, 70, because they'll die off at some point. They that the sort of powers that be are looking to target the children, the ones they can condition the ones that they can get in school. And so being a drag queen is normal. um You know, child masturbation at four and five years old is normal. It isn't.
um You know, literally, I forget, I think it's 72% of the population if you are female, you know, is now going for transgender or a realignment surgery or whatever. Where the heck's that come from? So again, and that's something that I studied in depth, again, to to be qualified to speak about it.
um You know, you are being conditioned more than what you think. And that is one of the biggest things I found not being in the system, not being on social media all the time, having the ability to have, to a degree, free thought and to choose what I think to choose who I listen to. um You know, you don't have these issues. And this is where people, I think, really, really need to wake up. Now, the great thing is, it's unfortunate that it's gotten to this stage, but having a conversation last week about this. People wanted to let the LGBTQI movement go and have your pride fest and everything else. Fine, let's celebrate it. Hallelujah. Yeah, let's get it in the the schools. Let's do this. They wanted to do that until a drag queen came in and literally said, it's okay to fondle you know a young boy's genitals. you know And that's acceptable. And for you to watch porn and and everything else at four and five years old.
Then all of a sudden, the parents turned around and said, oh, no, wait we we can't be having this. We can't be having this. Oh, because you woke up and you suddenly decided this isn't right. So, you know, it it's like how manys ah how many times do people need to... It's like the Lemmings scenario. It's like the Lemmings only turn around when they suddenly wake up and recognize, wait a second, why are we throwing ourselves off the cliff? Do we realize what's going on? Oh, it's more conspiracy theory until it's proven true.
There you go. Yes. Yes. A lot of that has to do with, um, as I've heard, I think it was Joe Rogan who described it as this as an information diet. You know, it's like, if you go out and you eat a bunch of McDonald's all day long, you're going to have gut problems. yeah If you go out and you only take in a certain perspective often on information, you're going to have other problems. Correct.
Um, and this goes along again with the conditioning with the programming. It's almost as if you're, you're being taken on a ride on a roller coaster and you're just flying at a hundred miles an hour yeah and you're not. Focused on saying to yourself, wait, maybe I should stop here.
and take a look at what I'm doing, take a look at what I'm believing and maybe take a look at the opposing side and see if there's any way that I can adjust my my frame of reference here because, you know, soon I'm going down that big hill. And if I go down that hill, there's, um there's not coming back sometimes.
Oh, yeah, absolutely. And that's what I think people need to do. I mean, that the majority is not even a minority anymore. It's the majority of people who get gender reassignment surgery end up within I think it's three to five years turning around and saying,
Shouldn't have done Shouldn't have done it. And again, when it's happening at 1312, the youngest over here was three years old. Again, it is a sick scientific experiment and people say, well, how on earth can you say that? What authority do you have to say on this? And I sort of rub my hands and I was like, again, because I'm and you know sort of an authority on history.
ah You look at the Victorian times, they had in the UK people that they would say, come on in, get a hot meal, we'll take care of you off the street. What did they do? They performed brain realignment surgery on them.
The facts are all there, folks. you know World War II was exactly the same. They took people in, oh, we'll take care of you. They performed sick scientific experiments on them. They did the same on human beings. They're doing the same now. And guess what? People are...
And I shouldn't use this thing because everybody's divine. Some are more divine than others, or more noticeably divine than others. But I genuinely believe that, unfortunately, the populace is almost like dumb animals. They just go along and they ignore it, they ignore it, they ignore it until it's it's irrefutable. It's in their face. Their children are being taken. This is happening. It's happening in schools. And then suddenly they wake up.
and they say, oh my goodness. And I think oftentimes what it is, it's almost like a test to see, I think COVID was a test, to see how easy or easily manipulatable people actually are. When people start firing back, then it's like, oh, they're not ready for that change yet.
We'll try it again in a couple of years, and then they fire back a little bit less. Oh, ah well, you know maybe maybe maybe another 10 years, we will have molded them to what we want. Whoever this we is, um I genuinely believe there are a lot of phenomenal governmental officials, a lot of great you know politicians.
But equally, there is a ah group somewhere, and whether it's Bill Gates and his foundation or you know whoever, that has ill intentions for this world to try and condition them. you know And again, it could be, again, all fabric of, like we said, it could be a conditioned thing. That people believe this because it's been voiced. Who knows? But the evidence, I think, is irrefutable when you start seeing what's going on.

Media Influence, COVID-19, and Spiritual Resilience

Yeah, man. And I have to say, you know, one of my favorite ideas to explore are paradoxes. And you just brought to to mind the most challenging paradox ever, you know, which is that all of these things that we're discussing, you know, within the last few minutes, you know, we've been discussing in like a negative sort of way. But then you just said, everyone is divine. Everything is divine. So you can say that the World Economic Forum is just as divine as, you know, the church.
which is a very hard paradox to grasp. I think it's it's having that awareness, which is sort of the place that I'm at now, that if everything is divine and there is only one power to act, then A, who am I to question it? B, it means then that there is some infinitesimal, perhaps, plan that is is working out before our eyes. Because again, and I forget who it was that that spoke about this. It was certainly an older author, but basically,
Oh, it was Wallace D. Waddell, who wrote the science of getting rich. And basically he was saying, when politicians are no longer needed, God will dispense of them. And then you start to wonder, you know, well, the politicians are there for a reason. They open a lot of doors for us. The businessmen and women, they open a lot of doors for us. The, you know, again, if you didn't have them, what would happen? And then you start to really explore that. And then that's when you start to say, okay, Lord,
um again I'm, again, I'm one little guy, you know, doing doing what I'm doing. Um, you know, this, this is just what, what I feel, what I see. Um, you know, and it's, it's literally, you know, you put it into the hands of God and a lot of people say, well, that's a cop out. What else can I do?
you know And honestly, I don't think that is a cop-out. I think what that is is a conclusion that has come to when you go to the deepest depths of what is going on here, when you really try to understand what this is. Yeah, I mean, you know, you you know even even looking at COVID and people were absolutely terrified of that. And as ah as I labeled it, you know, the the biggest social science experiment on the planet. And it was, it was a social experiment science experiment to see how quickly we can lock down the world. Guess what? They did it.
um you know 5g suddenly appeared you know when there'd been so many protests about it you know don't let this happen don't let this happen and all of a sudden it appeared during lockdown uh you know there was a lot of bill gates you know again so when you study this inside and out and again roomie said this and it's always stuck with me never teach on something that you don't have firsthand experience in so again you know i didn't take the vaccine i didn't take it because again companies like fizer and johnson and johnson were already being tried for malpractice and cut and corners and everything else and forced to pay millions and billions and trillions you know for for doing this, that, and the other. And again, it gets hushed away. It gets hushed away. Oh, no, no, it can't be true. It can't be true. Now, I'm not saying that that COVID didn't exist, but what I am saying is it was certainly
expanded upon, shall we say, and I think made a lot more than what it actually needed to be and put people in a perpetual state of fear. Well, guess what? People are easily manipulatable and easily controllable when they're afraid and people do stupid stuff when they're afraid.
Absolutely, man. And you know, all of these things have, again, a massive effect on social, cultural, um you know, mental health. And I guess my next question would be, what do we do? how you know How in the world do we recover? And how do we I don't want to say for lack of a better word, how do we fight this?
in terms of, be a little bit clearer. So so what what is it that we're fighting specifically? We're fighting the overwhelming force of negativity, programming, and um cultural influence that causes anxiety and mental health disorders on a scale that has never before been seen in civilized you know situations. So how do we sort of recover from that? And how do we combat um just these these forces that seem colossally powerful?
The answer to that is really simple. so First of all, before I give the answer, because it's yeah I just feel it bursting out of me, but the answer is really simple. it's I would suggest that people become analytical. Start exploring why we've got this sudden anxiety spike, this sudden you know transgender spike, this sudden fear, this sudden whatever. What paradigms, what dynamics, what demographics have shifted that have happened never, ever before. What has been introduced into our society that wasn't there before that's causing all of the all of these things to happen? That's where I would start. Now, I know the answer to that.
To answer the question in a very simple way, turn off social media when you don't need it. The majority of people don't need to be on social media. Turn off the news because it's manipulated. It's often garbage. It's often one point of view that has been manipulated to a degree sodomized to put out a point of view that is largely negative. I can't recall, even on American TV, even here in the UK, even on Canadian, Australian, New Zealand TV,
anything anything in the last 30 years that I can think of straight off the top of my head that has been positive. You know what the news used to be, don't you? When it very first came out, it actually used to be here in the UK, a way for the general public to understand and learn what was happening with the Royal Family. That's what it was to report on. So the Royal Family is taking a trip to Buckingham Palace or they're taking a trip to Windsor House or wherever it is. And then they suddenly realized, wait, we're not getting views here. That advert that we put on about you know some dog being lost, that got a lot of views. Oh, that's negative. Let's try and do this more and more. And the papers started to do this more and more.
And then you realize that, again, people have been conditioned to respond to negativity. That's what social media is now. There was a ah survey or something that became public recently that the majority of people that blow up on social media are people who are controversial, who are largely negative, who are literally, you would spit on them. ah You wouldn't pee on them if they were on fire. This is a direct quote.
um And it's the negativity that fuels what they're doing. So if you've got a happy post about, you know, this will help transform your life. This will help change you. Forget it about going viral unless you're pushing hundreds of millions of dollars behind it. But if you're an Andrew Tate that says, well, I go and sodomize, sodomize, I go and I go and sleep with women, you know, and just have them and do whatever I want. And I'm a multimillionaire and you're this and you're that and you're pathetic, you know.
or a Cody Sanchez or a Gary Vee or whoever it is um you know that does this, your views are blowing up and you can see this happening. So if you're standing you know for, to a degree, what's right and what you perceive to be true, then you have got to do it with the knowledge that you may not explode on social media.
There are other ways and means of doing this and how you phrase the the conversation, of course. But I think in order to get away from the anxiety, in order to get away from all of this stuff that people are battling, first of all, switch it off. Simply switch it off because that is the sort of the the There is a word for it in psychology, and it's gone up ahead at the moment. and But that that is the the the sort of um subject, that is the idea that has been introduced within the last 10, 15 years that has literally changed people's lives. You can go back and look at it through films. you know fifty years or In the 1950s, people were largely happy. People sat down for meals together. The 60s, they still did that, though a little bit less. The 70s, the 80s.
More wars started happening, more fights started happening. What happened? Well, you've got people now that are being conditioned in the 1980s by TV, by film. um You know, games were starting to come out. you know And now, obviously, 30 years on, nearly 40 years on, that has been one of the biggest ah areas that hasn't been explored as to contributing factors for all of this stuff going on.
Yeah. And I even think about myself where, you know, when I look at my sources for news, which are not mainstream, I mean, sometimes I'll sort of pay attention to what the mainstream is pushing just so I have the idea. um But, you know, even my news sources, if I'm seeing something that is negative, that is promoting my engagement because we, we as humans, we do want to sort of see that negative aspect of it.
which is a very interesting part of it. Again, it kind of goes back to the information die, you know, um but what I at least in my experience from what I tried to do is it, it seems to really help and contextualize the negativity that I am sort of seeking out, admittedly, by having a very um strong spiritual foundation. And you talk about a belief versus a knowing and what I have experienced um has given me, in my from what I can see as a knowing, a foundational knowing that the universe, God, all of this thing, it's all love, it's all about compassion, and it's all perfect. Because when we talk about divinity, you know when you think about what God is, what God feels like when you do connect with it, or him or her, whatever you you consider it,
It is literally perfection. That's what it is. So if the whole universe, if the whole world, if all of everything that we can see here, feel touch is perfect, then to me, that's a, it's like a nice healthy foundation of know how I'm going to ingest all this negative information that's coming my way.
Yeah, and don't get me wrong, I mean, that there are times even now when I look at it, um you know, where I'm just like, how on earth, and then I remind myself, you know, sometimes after I've run to the raved, it's like, it's not your place to you know yeah i mean You used a word that suggests that there's a ah spiritual teaching that came from the East, as pretty much all of the worthwhile spiritual teachings have done. um And it literally has the power and the knowledge to ah to observe a situation.
But don't feel that you have to take on board the emotion behind it. So literally, you watch around the room and you choose what you engage with. And like we said before, when you realize that you choose it all, if you're in poverty right now and you're staying there, you're choosing it. You know, if you're in a horrible marriage right now,
You know, i and I don't care the situation again, and I can say this because I've been there and I say it with the most utmost empathy and respect, but ultimately you have to know you are choosing this and the amount of people that I've said that to that has given them the confidence then to say, you know what I am and I'm better than this. I don't need to accept this.
Absolutely. you know um but But for me, I mean i genuinely you know i see very little that that goes on in the news. I see very little that goes on the world, to be honest with you, because when people say you know human beings are God's highest form of creation, I still have a hard time with that. I still laugh.
um That's a whole other conversation um because I don't necessarily see human beings as a lot of other people do, I think. um you know And it is a very interesting journey for sure. And it's it's a very bold thing, I think, a lot of times in people's minds to say that.
Yeah, it's an interesting question. you know Are we? I think, again, that's another paradox to me. It feels like we are, but we aren't at the same time. you know There are aspects of us that hour that are you know um divine beyond what we can perceive and divine you know beyond what we can see in other living things, but then there's other aspects of us that are just far down in the in the depths of darkness. you know um But again, I use the word paradox a million times in this podcast today and other days. um But it does seem to be one of the ultimate part ah one of the ultimate paradoxes of you know light and dark, good and evil. One has to exist within without the other, it can't. So it's just one of these one of these grand, very, very complex problems that we have to try to work out in our life.
I don't even know it's necessarily a ah grand and complex problem. I think it literally is everything is divine. And I think judge just will listen to Josh. um I think it's to to sum it up in simple, everything's divine, everyone has the power for ultimate good or ultimate evil, but I think the majority of people on the planet don't realize that everything's divine, or if they do, they don't believe it. They don't believe actually what they are capable of, um you know for better or worse, ah because again, going back to what we talked about in in so the second part of the conversation,
They've been conditioned that way.

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you know its It's like if you keep an eagle in a cage for long enough, you know the whole world when it's released seems like a really big place. and you know I genuinely believe that a lot of people are conditioned to be poor. A lot of people are conditioned to be miserable, to be anxious, to be whatever. you know and and They allow themselves to be as well.
Definitely, John. And as we start to come to a close here, I just want to say that um I really, really appreciate your views. I appreciate your experience, everything that you've learned through all of your spiritual experiences and um everything that you've shared with us today. I just want to say I really appreciate your time and your perspective.
Thank you. it's It's genuinely been a blast. It's super cool because all the different shows that I get to do, everyone is different. And it's super cool to to sit and talk about these things and really hash them out more than anything else. And if nothing else, hopefully it makes people think a little bit more. Well, it's definitely made me think, man. And just as a final as a final thing here, can you just share everywhere people can find you books, products, services that you offer?
Yeah, absolutely. So we'll begin. If you're looking for artwork, of course, whether it's pets, portraits, landscapes, seascapes, um we do that. That's certainly a big part of our business. Also, if you're an artist, author, musician or coach looking to take your business from where you are to where you want to be, then do get in touch because in January 2024, we're taking brand new clients on places limited to 16 to work with me one on one. We are looking to do a weekly Zoom call.
that will be from much bigger audience at a much lesser price. But if you look into work with me one-on-one and have the benefit of the experience, then do get in touch. There's a number of other things that we've got going on, of course, and all information can be found at And if you're interested in checking out my best-selling book, The Battles We All Face, just head to Amazon. Perfect. Thank you so much, John, for joining me today. It's a pleasure. And I really appreciate your time. Thank you, my friend. I really appreciate it and look forward to doing this again with you.