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64. Intelligence Beyond Humanity image

64. Intelligence Beyond Humanity

Pursuit Of Infinity
54 Plays1 year ago

After a short break, Joe and I are back for our first-ever episode with both of us in front of the camera. For those eager to catch a glimpse of our faces, you can head on over to YouTube to see the video version. Today's chat delves into the intriguing world of non-human intelligence (NHI). While UFOs act as the gateway into this topic, NHI extends far beyond, covering areas like artificial intelligence, psychedelics, and unexplored dimensions. Join us as we navigate through the mysteries that lie at the heart of life and the great unknown in our conversation on non-human intelligence.


Music By Nathan Willis RIP

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Introduction and Episode Overview

Hello and welcome to Pursuit of Infinity, a podcast where we explore the depths of human consciousness and delve into the fascinating world of psychedelics. After a short break, Joe and I are back with our first ever episode with both of us in front of the camera. For those eager to catch a glimpse of our faces, head over to the YouTube version to watch the video.
Today's chat delves into the intriguing world of non-human intelligence or NHI. While UFOs often act as a gateway into this topic, NHI extends far beyond covering areas like artificial intelligence, psychedelics, and unexplored dimensions.

Exploring Non-Human Intelligence

Join us as we navigate through the mysteries that lie at the heart of life and the great unknown in our conversation today on non-human intelligence.
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UFO Legislation and Government Transparency

So since our last episode, where we talked about non-human intelligence, UFOs, UAPs, what's in the news? What's been going on lately with this topic?
So the biggest news is the NDAA, the National Defense Authorization Act for 2024, there's an amendment put in there called the Schumer Amendment and it had all sorts of UFO legislation and it was being debated. Often with these bills and stuff, they discuss it and they take stuff out, put stuff in, they negotiate.
And basically they're like a handful of guys that ironically, they're all linked to weapons manufacturers and stuff. They're all like donors from Lockheed and whatever. But these congressmen put their foot down on the UFO aspect of the bill, the Schumer Amendment, and they started basically ripping out all the important stuff.
So the biggest thing that happened was โ€“ it is a step forward at the very least because there's at least some legislation going through, but the two big things in the bill were โ€“ there was a part of the Schumer Amendment that was about eminent domain, which would allow basically
more or less for Congress to basically seize whatever craft, whatever type of objects, biologics, whatever like Lockheed has, any weapons manufacturers, these private companies that supposedly are holding this material, they would have eminent domain over it so they could come and take it basically if they don't give it up.
And that got pulled out of the bill, which was huge. So that's like a big, a big hit. Um, and then the other thing that got pulled out, which was important was, I guess what was supposed to happen was there was going to be the president was going to.
Have like a committee under him regarding uap of like nine people and it was is gonna be like I forget all of them but it would be like a scientist and economist a socialist like or not socialist like a Psychiatrist, I don't know like all these people from you know different fields that would discuss the topic and then kind of plan how to
tell the people about it. It's just like a little committee to help push for disclosure and that got pulled out too. So basically the two biggest things in the bill got pulled out. I know there was an aspect to it as well where there
following the recent legislation that happened a few years ago about JFK they put legislation through about the JFK assassination where they promised to release the documents and stuff so they actually formulated this bill part of it off of that which isn't great because we never got those documents either so um I don't know exactly what happened with that but there was like a plan in this bill for at at most
25 years, everything will have to be put out. So the biggest story of it is the fact that they pulled out the real juicy stuff, really. Do you feel like a guy like Chuck Schumer is what we would consider corrupt?
Uh, probably I would assume my question is why would a guy like that introduce all of these particular details that seem to be against the interest of the establishment?
Well, yeah, that's a good question because the way I look at it is there has to be at least some benefit. All these different factions are fighting over disclosure. People who are trying to keep it hidden, people who are trying to pull it out. Each of them has something to benefit from it. So I'm assuming like โ€“ because for the most part, our government actually
doesn't know anything about this or they're being like our elected government, our Congress, our Senate, even the ones like Schumer that are aware of it, they still don't have power to touch it. So I'm assuming they want power to touch it, you know what I mean?
Because right now it has no real like government oversight as far as Congress or the Senate or the House or anything like that. As far as I know, there's really, it's like all hidden by the Pentagon. So it seems like maybe it's, yeah, like maybe they're, they're like, you know, our Senate Congress, our elected officials are trying to pull it from like the security state.
Yeah, because it seems that by the way you're describing it, it would be in his best interest to introduce this type of legislation because then they would have congressional oversight. They would be able to put their hands on it if they wanted to technically. So yeah, okay. That, that, that does make sense. It's so strange here that for once in our life, it seems that we're like rooting for our government because they're on the right side of this issue.
Some of them. So like there's this guy. Yeah, this guy Mike Turner. He's like one of the big names that.
He's like a Republican congressman and he represents the district of Wright Paterson Air Force Base, which is interesting because in like UFO lore, Wright Pat is basically in a lot of stories of crash, crash, retrievals and other stuff. It's like supposedly at that base, there is stuff being held, but it's just ironic. He represents that district.
And his โ€“ also his biggest donors are โ€“ I know Lockheed, Raytheon, and there's like two other giant weapons manufacturers that are his biggest donors. So it's just like right in your face. And then I saw like people ask him about it like they โ€“ in an interview.
And it's just amazing how this topic is so stigmatized because he could just brush it off like it's nothing and then nobody inquires any further. It's because too much of the public doesn't know how important this actually is. So it's easy to kind of brush off and he doesn't really have to answer for it that much.
Do these defense contracting companies compete with each other directly? Or do you think they work with one another because they're the only ones that seem to have access, direct access to this technology? I feel like they might not be working together. I think it might be separate because like another big issue with bringing this forward is, um,

Economic and Security Implications of UFO Technology

there's like a huge economic issue as well because
See, this means if this is all true that we recovered craft and we handed it over to these defense contractors, that means that the government put favor onto certain companies, private companies. So like, let's say we gave Lockheed all this stuff and we didn't give any to Raytheon. So now that's going to affect their stockholders.
So it's like showing government favoritism in the free market. So it's like, there's a big economic issue there too, because this is like billions and billions of dollars with these companies, maybe more with this tech. It could be priceless. But this all comes out and it turns out the government gave this company something and their shareholders
are benefiting from it while this company is being hurt from it, things like that. So that's another issue with it. And it seems like it might just be spread out amongst them a little bit, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear that they weren't working together. It's just all so compartmentalized from what I understand. So if I had to guess, I would say that they're basically independently working on it.
thing that I keep hearing about this is like in the public is they really want to get, um, they want to release this stuff so they can get more scientists working on it. Cause it's so compartmentalized where, you know, all of our best minds can't work on it. It's like a secluded to like these small numbers of people in these companies. And, uh, you know, supposedly there's not much.
I know one of the big parts about this, a repeating
progress being made in all these years. I guess they say that, you know, they bring it out and people work on it, work on it. They make very little to no progress and then they put it away for a couple of years and bring it back out with other people. And then they'd just been doing this for decades and decades.
Yeah, that seems to be the opposite of how we generally conduct ourselves when it comes to like scientific innovation and technology, you know, because you would have such a wide range of viewpoints, because I know one of the reasons that they said Bob Lazar was brought in was because he had a different perspective than what they usually hired to come on to their, you know, to their programs. So,
It seems that if they would let this out and just let everybody open source this type of technology, um, then they would be able to get farther along. But I understand that there are implications from foreign powers because we aren't the only ones that are in contact with, um, non-human intelligences and we're not the only ones that have, uh, crash retrievals, right?
That's what they say. Whistleblower Dave Grush, he pretty much talked about it like it's a Cold War, like a weapons race for this stuff, kind of how back in the day we were all fighting to get the nuke, whoever got the nuclear warhead finished, it's a similar situation happening.
But yeah, it's always going to be the excuse to not put this stuff out due to national security. It's like whoever makes the most progress with this technology is going to weaponize it and they're going to rule the world basically. But the thing is, it's like you can...
put this out and allow people to work on it and just not allow them to work on the weapons applications. Like the same way in universities today, we have people in university right now studying like nuclear technology, nuclear physics, nuclear energy, all this different stuff. And so there's no reason why we couldn't have people at least learning and, you know, investigating the technology and not the weapons applications of it.
Yeah, it almost seems to me that there's some sort of financial incentive for them to be keeping this under wraps. You know, I know I've always heard the term or the phrase that the government is 20 years ahead of us in terms of technology or whatever. And I often wonder, like, maybe it's like,
thousands of years, maybe they have millions of years of technology that we don't know. And there's a concerted effort or a plan to trickle it out over time because with technology comes, you talk about shareholders with technology comes products.
And you probably want to, if you're a government that has control of technology that can transform what we think of as a product of, say, energy, just for one example.
then you would want to sort of trickle that out to control the market to control because man, it seems that technology and the types of things that we would be spending our money on would do like two things. It would make all the other businesses in terms of energy and a lot of the things that we purchase and consume obsolete. It would make that it would make a lot of businesses go out of business.
Um, and it would make a lot of things far less profitable, which would, uh, shake up our economy quite a bit. And it would also introduce the ability for companies to make all kinds of crazy brand new technologies that are probably limitless. And I don't think that there would be a way to sort of control
what we could do because the type of technology we're talking about here is stuff that will completely revolutionize what we think technology even is. So it seems to me that like things would get crazy really, really quick in terms of what we'd have access to. Yeah. I mean, you think about it like the main, uh,
thing that I imagine they would be interested in is the energy source. Because it seems like these things are not using, they're clearly not using like combustion, who knows what they're using. But if we could tap into the energy source, like it's speculated that it would basically be free energy. And we wouldn't need to use oil, like, so this would hit our world in like every way possible. So

Spiritual and Religious Perspectives on Advanced Technologies

You know, would that stop a lot of wars? Probably. I mean, how many wars are fought over oil? If oil becomes irrelevant.
you know, if we can have one tiny device power your whole house or power everything you need. I mean, who knows how it works. It could be something so crazy that we couldn't possibly imagine. So I have a feeling that's a big part of keeping it, um, hidden as well as to just keep this whole game playing of like, you know, fighting over energy. And, you know, it seems like it's possible that we could have
abundance from this technology. Like everybody could have abundance, but in order to control people, you have to keep them desperate and lack, you know, it's just a weird game being played.
Yeah. You know, when you talk about abundance being something that would be abundant, um, in this world that we live in, we have winners and we have losers. And in order for there to be a winner at the level that America and the Western world is winning.
there's got to be a lot of people around the world who are losing hard. And it seems that if abundance becomes more abundant, more accessible, then that dichotomy that balance will be thrown completely off. I think that's another reason why they want to keep it under wraps because a lot of these countries that are not
quote unquote civilized, I just think of Hamas as one of these organizations or very poor countries, they might have access to a lot of power and a lot of things that could not just make them like a physical threat, but also an economic threat. Yeah. And I often think about this with even just like our technology that we have publicly right now.
It's like our science advancements are so crazy that we have all this wild technology, but our spiritual selves, our consciousness hasn't risen high enough to use this technology properly. You think about that with our current tech. We are not even remotely close to being spiritually enlightened enough to deal with alien tech or whatever this technology could be if we have it.
It could be a good idea to keep it hidden. I mean, I understand it. It's not like, it's like, why would they do that? Why would they do this? It's like, it makes total sense why they would. We can't handle mostly the stuff we have right now. We could barely handle social media, let alone like magic technology that could warp you to another dimension or something. Who knows?
But I've been thinking a lot about like non-human intelligence and this, the spiritual aspects of it. Cause it's like you look at even like all these religions speak about non-human intelligence. Like one thing you often hear about people or hear from the people who say, you know, we can't have disclosure cause chaos and religion and stuff. It's like, actually these religious people already have a box.
for non-human intelligence. It's really the Western secular people who don't have that conception for anything, for any non-human intelligence. So they have to have the ET hypothesis. The ET hypothesis is like the secular Western minds way of conceptualizing a non-human intelligence. But, you know, in religions you have like angels, demons.
And it's interesting because it does in a sense, right now our world is crazy and it feels like we're in a spiritual war in a sense. Yeah, I agree. I totally agree. And I don't think that spiritual war has anything to do with religion. I think it has, I mean, it might. Because there are different parts of the world where spiritual ideologies are forcing wars to happen.
And as part of doctrines, it's like a part of Hamas's whole doctrine is that they don't want any Jews to be alive. They don't want Israel to exist at all. So that would be definitely a religious undertone to spiritual warfare. But I feel like it's happening on a deeper level where we are right now.
I don't know that I'm afraid of religion being torn to pieces as some of these people say they're scared of. It almost just seems like this is going to be an evolution of religion, an evolution of spirituality to where we have more tools, more
stories, more archetypes, and just more things at our disposal. It's like we're getting more of the picture now so we can have a more accurate view of what spirituality can be, both individually and as a collective.
Yeah, and I'd say it's like most definitely this stuff wouldn't โ€“ or just the acknowledgment that non-human intelligence exists in some fashion among us or interact with us. Like definitely would not disrupt religion because, as I said, there's already boxes for this. Like there are people in high positions of power in the US government, Christians, that โ€“
They don't want anything. They think this is demonic. So they say like they truly believe that this is demons that this is the demonic. You know, don't we don't want to touch this, you know, and that's what it is to them. So, you know, there's already all these categories and all different forms of religion. Like have you ever heard of the gin? Yes.
So in Islam, they have this concept of the jinn, which is a non-human intelligence. And if you talk to like a Muslim scholar or, you know, anybody who actually practices truly, they would tell you probably what we're dealing with is the jinn.
And see, this is pretty much the same for all Abrahamic religions. They're all just like kind of different flavors of the same thing, basically like the stories, mostly like Christianity and Islam is like so close. I mean.
Um, but the gin, it's like in, in Islam, they believe, and this is interesting to me because this has been around for so long. These ideas, they believe that there is, uh, basically our world and overlapping it and not somewhere else. There's like the spirit realm, the spirit world, depending on your perspective of it. People would say it's like, oh, the demonic realm or, but there is this other place that is inhabited by entities and.
Jin is one of those entities that inhabit this other world and they have the ability to cross into our world and go back into their world. And Jin are like, they're unique. They're not like, for instance, like angels.
Cause see everybody, even most people, they hear gin. I don't know if you would, if this is like what you thought of when you hear this is like a negative connotation, like evil. That's like generally the idea. Right. But the interesting thing about the gin is that they're not necessarily evil. See, like for instance, angels are ultimately good.
According to religion because they actually don't have free will they're completely under God's will So like we they would say we have free will the angels do not so they they don't choose to do good or bad They are purely in God's will but the gin are free willed like us. So you talk to people who know about this and they'll tell you that actually since they have free will just by that very Sentiment that there are gin that are good, too
And see all this stuff kind of aligns, you know, if I were a Muslim, I would be looking at this and saying, this is the jinn. See, the jinn can shape shift. They can, you know, show themselves as anything that they can present themselves in any way. They can put thoughts in your mind.
So that's a phenomenon that happens with non-human intelligence, UFOs, et cetera. So there's like a lot of interesting stuff that ties this into religion, and that's just one more, likeโ€ฆ
Lens you can view this from and it's in my opinion. It's just as legitimate as any other I don't see any reason to To think that the extraterrestrial hypothesis is any more legitimate than a religious perspective They're both just different lenses to view it through Yeah, they're they're both in the sky we're looking up at them they have ultra power, you know, they redefine what we believe to be possible and
And it seems to me that...
there may be a new religion forming in terms of, or again, as I put it before, it's like an evolution of religion because I feel like a lot of these religions that we're speaking of have been speaking about and describing UFO experiences throughout history. A lot of it, as you said, angels, and a lot of what you said really reminds me of DMT.
because you're saying you know there's like this overlaying like spiritual reality that exists on top of ours and it can break its way into our reality we can break through into its reality just apply the requisite chemical and we're there
And what's interesting too is I think a reason why a lot of religious people think it's demonic is because a lot of people who โ€“ for instance, Jack Parsons, Alistair Crowley โ€“ these people were occultists.
And in the occult, you canโ€”this is how it goes, they say that you can communicate with these beings, and you can get information, downloads, you can do this stuff through the occult. And just by the nature of it being occult, that's demonic from the, you know, standard Christian view that's like, you know, don't touch us devil stuff. And it's interesting, it's just like,
It's such a deep story that's happening. And there's so many different ways to view it. But like, I don't know if you've ever seen, uh, the Alistair Crowley, he, he made a drawing. I forget that he was in contact with a being. I forget his name is like a short name, like three letter name, but he was in contact with this being. And there's a famous like sketch of it. He drew the being. And it's interesting cause it looks just like, it looks pretty much like a gray alien has like a big head.
It has more human-like eyes, but a little bigger and wider. But it's interesting now. You see that from decades and decades and decades ago, and it's like the same thing we're kind of seeing now. And so I do actually believe that there is a link between the occult and this phenomenon. Because I mentioned Jack Parsons before. He's the father of rocketry, basically.
He claims that he got the information to build rockets and all this incredible science and mathematics from entities. And like Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley would go out into the middle of the desert and perform these weird occult rituals and they were deep into this occult stuff. So there's a definite connection. And even like on the.
On a smaller level, like there are a lot of people that report, once they dive into the occult, they start seeing, you know, it's like you're opening a door for these type of beings. If they are good, evil, who really knows? We have no idea. One of the things that people believe about these beings too, like if they were, let's say, demonic.
They could, you know, cause people have experiences, right? With entities and you know, they might get a message and then they speak it to other people and they tell people about the message that they received and they just believe it to be true. It's like, I saw one of them and they said this, they said that they

Historical and Religious Interpretations of Non-Human Intelligence

were from space. So that's what they are. They're space aliens. But if they are evil, if they are demons, if they're gin, gin are tricksters. Um, they could be lying to you.
A lot of people from a religious perspective think that they are lying, and the ultimate goal of these type of beings is to convince us, this is from a religious perspective, to convince humanity that they are our gods, that they created us. Because for them, that would be the biggest FU to God ever. It would be a spit in the face of God to say that, no, there is actually no God.
God doesn't exist. They are the gods. They created us. They're the reason for all this. But if you think about it though, that doesn't really say much because the idea of God would be above the idea of any type of alien that lived outside of our dimension or outside of our world, right? Right. But from a religious perspective, it does say something.
Because, you know, from the religious perspective, God created man. Well, I guess it wouldn't delegitimize God as a concept. No, absolutely not. As the creator of man, as you said, yeah. And I was just talking to someone about this same thing. It's like, for me, you know, if the Anunnaki created us or if any type of being genetically manipulated something on earth and created, you know, humanity, that doesn't change the fact that they are something that creates all.
Anything you create was created by God, by proxy.
But yeah, do you think that it's possible we've been like being guided throughout history from second one all the way up until now by whatever this non-human intelligence is? Because, you know, you kind of bring up some people who have had this idea of the muse. I know Diana Pasalka talks about it in her book Encounters that both of you read and I'm currently reading.
Is it possible that that's what people are tapping into? Like not even tapping into, but they're receiving messages from some other intelligence that's guiding us up to, I mean, it's like, it's hard to accurately determine what is the possible motivation or end goal of what we could be being guided toward.
But it almost seems like it's possible that we are being guided by a non-human intelligence towards something. We're building toward whatever it is that might be, uh, the goal of whatever this intelligence is. Yeah. And I think that like you mentioned where it's guiding us, I think that if there's a good chance that these entities have like free will, as you would call it, like, so for instance, there could be, um, we could be being pulled in multiple directions.
You know, that's why like, I think that there's a lot more wisdom in religion than people think regarding this topic. I mean, like angels, demons, like good and evil, jinn have free will. So it's like, there could be like, like a spiritual war is what I'm saying. Like, so there could be forces pulling us toward, you know, what we would consider the ultimate good and then other forces from these entities pulling us, you know, down. You ever heard, you know, the prophet Solomon, have you heard of Solomon?
I have, but I'm not too familiar with them. So this is the interesting thing about like the occult too. It's like, so supposedly Solomon was this prophet and his power was Solomon, because remember I mentioned how they're like basically two realms, two worlds, our realm and then the realm of these entities, whatever they may be. Supposedly Solomon had the power of both realms. So he could reach into and commune with
that realm and, you know, and our realm. And, um, so he was like super powerful, I guess, and he could command these entities. They would do stuff for him. He was influenced by them. And they say that it's like the occult is so crazy. Who knows? But they say that Solomon had all of his secrets, like what we would consider the occult today, like a lot of the secrets of what he was doing and the nature of these realms.
were buried under Solomon's temple. And then supposedly what happened as the story goes is the Knights Templar dug up these secrets under Solomon's temple. So the Knights Templar got a hold of these secrets and that's kind of how the occult was brought into like these secret societies and they have power over these realms or at least knowledge of them and
You know, and then it goes from, you know, the Knights Templar to, you know, different societies and these little secret societies that could possibly still exist today and have more knowledge about these realms, these beings, whatever. And it's just really fascinating. Is this the holy grail that people talk about? Cause it seems like that would be quite the grail. Yeah. You have power over, uh,
Yeah, it's interesting. I just started like researching this a bit, so I'm not like super fluent with it yet. So I'm trying to dive deep into it because it is just so fascinating. And I just find it like, it's kind of ridiculous in my opinion that we have so many ancient texts.
religious texts, spiritual texts, from Sumer to Islam, Christianity, all these different texts. And they talk about these type of things. This wisdom does talk about this type of stuff, and we just disregard it. I mean, in the West, we are just so secularized and kind of embedded in a very specific mode of thinking that we disregard it.
But I think that there, even if it's not saying these things are all true, the religious perspective, but I would imagine that there is some form of wisdom and truth within it. So I think it's worth looking at. And I think a lot of people, including myself, I ignored this kind of perspective for the most part. I remember hearing from people in interviews that are deep into the topic of UFOs that people in our government
think this is demonic and I'm like, ah, so stupid. It's like, I don't want to hear it. I don't want to look into it. And, um, but it is worth looking into. Not that it is demonic, but that there could be some truth about this phenomenon hidden within these ancient texts. But my point basically is that there is, I, in my opinion, I ignored the whole religious perspective.
on UFOs, I've always, at least more recently in life, held respect for religion and understood that there is deep wisdom within it. And it's not, you know, just fairy tales or nonsense. But it took even longer for me, even though I had that respect growing, to allow it to inform the UFO phenomenon for me. Because I think that there has to be some knowledge within these traditions about this. I mean, they talk about
Non-human intelligence, you know, it doesn't exist in in science. So Yeah, there's definitely a connection and I think there's a connection The more you look into everything the more you find it You the more the the more you find that it's connected to everything else. Absolutely and I think that this has
Uh, the UFO phenomenon has a connection with religion, has a connection with the occult, has a connection with psychedelics, um, has a connection with science and nature and space. I don't think, yeah, I don't think that there's any separation between anything. And the more you look into this kind of stuff, the, you know, the more that I'm confident in that. And that's like, uh, an exercise I'll do, like a mental exercise I'll do every now and again.
It's like where you just pick like a single object and kind of just connect it. You can connect everything to anything. Like everything is so interconnected. It's insane. And I think a lot of people don't really think about it that way or don't realize it. I know I didn't for the longest time. And now as I'm learning and, you know, working forward, I am starting to see the interconnectedness everywhere and, um,
Another interesting thing about the UFO phenomenon and non-human intelligence, whatever it is, it's like you talked about guiding us, but ultimately it is a teacher is teaching us because it is forcing us to question things and it's forcing us to see interconnectedness. So like you said, it touches everything. It might take someone to see that within the UFO phenomenon to realize it amongst everything else. You know, it's like.
It, cause it's, it's really true. Like what you said that the UFOs, it touches everything. Like if you, and so anybody who truly dives into UFO, uh, the UFO field and non-human intelligence and really truly digs into it and starts looking, you will spread out into like, especially
Like spirituality, I think is a huge part. Like you will start to spread out into these other fields and like investigate this whole other side of reality that we've kind of been suppressing. Yeah. And you know, it seems that.
The UFO phenomenon is one of the more powerful aspects of life and the mystery that allow people to latch onto and adopt some of the ideas of spirituality, science, religion. I mean, there's some people who are absolute atheists who have no curiosity, who don't have that fire within them to understand the world, then they see a UFO and that
all changes. So why is that? You know, it's the same thing with the psychedelic. It's the same thing with, you know, people who find God in other ways. It's like the fact that this is of a very reliable means to find spirituality and to ignite your curiosity says something very, very significant just in itself. And I think it's like,
A lot of us, especially when we first dive into this subject, we kind of think of the UFO's non-human intelligence. It's like maybe just this weird thing in our reality. But there's a chance, I think, about how it could be so fundamental to our lives at all times. For instance, you look at humanity in the
in our modern history, just like the modern era of what we know about history. It's like, you see like the dark ages, like you see humans kind of doing the same stuff for a long time. And then, you know, within like the last hundred years, it's just, boom, skyrockets, just insane. The technology that out of nowhere, we just have like, it's just night and day. It's like seriously, like two different species, the stuff we're doing now compared to, you know, even
50 years ago, but let alone like 200. It's like night and day. And it's even crazier because you think about this, like how, how much we've changed with technology and our understanding. And then you look at the key people who brought those things about and you ask them where they got their ideas and they tell you it's from non-human intelligence.
Like what does that mean? So that this isn't just like a big foot in the woods or like, Oh, it's kind of cool and fun to look at. Like this might be the very most important thing that's happening ever. Like all of this stuff that we have branches from like these guys like Jack Parsons and these other scientists that either say that they get their information from a non-human intelligence, a lot of these, uh,

Cultural and Creative Influences of Non-Human Intelligence

uh, rocketry people and, um, on top of it, you have. Like the people who claim to contact with the muse. I mean, I don't know what the correlation between the two might be, but it's like, regardless, they are both like huge sources of human creativity, uh, innovation and knowledge. And it's all coming from a lot of it is coming from ideas that were stemmed from a non-human intelligence.
Yeah, I mean, artists say this all the time. Comedians, you know, anybody who's being creative says this constantly, that they get their ideas from the ether, the muse, the whatever it may be. And artists oftentimes drive and push culture in different directions. So you can see this behind, you know, as being a driving force behind culture, as being a driving force behind science, and as being
driving force behind religion and spirituality in general, because think about the idea of a prophet. A prophet is someone who can basically hear the voice of God. The voice of God comes down and tells them something and then they relay it to the community or the tribe or whatever it may be. I mean, all these things are way too familiar to not be connected.
Exactly. And I'm pretty sure this, I don't know if this was the Quran or the Hadith, but in some Islam or Islamic tradition, I'm pretty sure this is true. That they say that actually the jinn were the ones to teach humanity music. That these beings showed up and actually gave music to humanity.
Which is, you know, crazy. It's same thing with the muse. It's like a, something outside of us that is feeding us creativity and innovation. And almost, you know, even people that aren't in like involved with thinking about things in this way, like a muse or a interdimensional being, whatever, like most people who have, um, like massive insights or like, uh, great creativity, they often will say.
Um, that it felt like it came from like nowhere that they didn't do it. It just happened through them. So it's like a common thing amongst just, you know, regular people to feel that or say things like that.
Yeah, you know, I wonder even if the idea to start to perform art in the first place, you know, go back to the cave paintings and stuff, maybe it was put into their minds at that point in time too. Because if they would have contacted some sort of non-human intelligence and gotten their ideas of creativity from the ether, or from whatever that may be,
They'd really have no way of relaying that information because they didn't have the types of language that we have to convey information to convey ideas. So they wouldn't have had any sort of means of documenting where they got their idea from or why they began to create art to begin with.
And how I mentioned the story supposedly says that we received music from a non-human intelligence, that also led to dancing. I guess it was like music and dance came from these entities.
the most ancient shamanic cultures. You'll see this in Visionary in Graham Hancock's book, these super ancient shamanic cultures, thousands and thousands of years back. If you look at their cave paintings, it depicts a lot of dance rituals.
So what these people were doing back then, these shamanic tribes, they would alter their consciousness through dance. They would have a group and a shaman, and they would do these dance rituals for 40 hours. You'd have to do it for a really long time. And supposedly through this dance and the exhaustion, I guess the nose of the shaman would start to bleed. And this is depicted in a lot of cave art.
And then the shaman would be transported to the spirit realm. So like even just say it were true that dancing was given to us from a non-human intelligence, that is verifiably a technology that is used to enter the spirit realm as far as from the shamanic

Connection Through Nature, Psychedelics, and Shamanic Practices

perspective. So they would do these dances or it's just the shamans usually would be the ones to enter and it's
It just seems, as we mentioned before, it's all very interconnected. Yeah, shamanism in general is very steeped in this type of thing. They talk about the spirits, they talk about the intelligence that they come into contact with, and that makes me think, is it possible that
nature is a vehicle for these non-human intelligences to communicate with us. I mean, this would bring in ayahuasca, it would bring in mushrooms, it would bring in any psychedelic substances that come from the earth or any way that the earth itself could be communicating with humanity. Again, I bring up Diana Pasulka in her latest book. She talks about this like universal vibration that is the language of
the earth, the language of animals, the language of the universe. It's like a vibration that we can tap into so that we can understand what's happening on like a much deeper level. So that kind of reminds me of, of this concept that we could be, you know, they could be trying to contact us through many ways. Maybe that's what we're, we're seeing when we do see a UFO. We're, we're seeing an attempt to, to contact us. We're seeing an attempt to convey some sort of information.
And I find it interesting, too, that it is my experience, but also you could read, it's like many people's experiences, like that once they begin looking into this stuff, it actually starts to appear more, which I find really fascinating and strange. There's some aspects about being open to it I think that affects its reality.
And that also brings to mind synchronicities. It almost feels like synchronicities are like an intentional way of whatever this thing is as like telling us, Hey, you're on the right path. Keep doing what you're doing. I'm going to show the, I'm going to show you these unimaginable coincidences that have deep meaning to your life. And, uh, as an indication to tell you, like you're on the right path, you're doing the right thing.
And Diana Pasulka, like in her new book, she talks a lot about synchronicities too and how it is so connected to this phenomenon. Like, it's not just like, it's like there is a clear connection with synchronicities and UFOs and whatever this stuff is that's going on. And it's weird, like in the last year,
I've had two UFO sightings, which is crazy because for basically 30 years of my life, I've really only had, I've had four my whole life and two were in the last year. And both of them, I was thinking about UFOs when it happened, which is very, you know, it's just, what are the chances? I mean, I am a person that does think about this stuff a lot, but it was weird. It triggered that synchronicity feeling like the last one I saw, I was walking to work right down the road.
at like a 4 45 am still dark out. And like, I had the thought, like the feeling of like, let's see a UFO. And then one went right by, like it was a strange, you know, and it, it was not, you know, you know, it's hard to tell other people that you saw a real UFO, but it was, it was like something, uh, anomalous, but you know, I thought about it and you know, there it was. It's very, and I know, you know, you told me about,
the, uh, citing that you had more recently, I guess, what, within a year, maybe. And you said a similar thing, right? Yeah, it was, it was within a year and it was like 20 seconds or so after less, it was probably about 10 seconds after I said, let's summon a UFO. And then the thing comes as like the, the amount of things that have to go right for that to happen as a coincidence.
are just strange, man. And again, you know, we talk about these synchronicities and, um, you know, even Carl Jung goes deep into synchronicity and doesn't really bring up UFOs, you know? So again, this is the connection between non-human intelligence, spirituality. That's why I like the phrase non-human intelligence because it divorces it from the exclusivity of being aliens who pilot UFOs.
Yeah, it broadens the idea of what non-human intelligence could possibly be, which connects it to literally every possible thing that we can imagine.
Yeah, I think the ET hypothesis is way too limited and it's very surface level and it just fits so perfectly into like the secular Western mind of like scientism and atheism. It fits too perfectly in that and the phenomenon doesn't present that way. It's far stranger than just, you know, some type of being like us from a different planet.
but you mentioned Carl Young, he did write a book on UFOs.
And he got in, yeah, I haven't read it, but I guess like the, from the very little bit I know about it is he got into UFOs and he had this whole, you know, Crazy young idea of it. Like it's like a modern archetype. Like is this something with the human mind and throughout time he ended up like towards the end, I guess he completely changed his tune. He's like, this is some real shit going on. Like, Oh, you know what?
I do know what you're talking about now. I think he even theorized it being a projection as well, like almost as if we are seeing it as an archetype, like a living archetype, you know, and the development of our subconscious and our collective consciousness is what determines exactly what it is we're able to perceive it as, if that makes sense. Yeah, that's basically, from what I understand, like what he wrote about a lot and then
But I think, like I said, he kind of even changed his tune a little bit on that and kind of lended it a little more what we would call reality. Um, yeah, but it's fascinating. It's also not a coincidence that like a lot of the brightest people, uh, have our, uh, they are experiencers, which is super interesting. Like I keep mentioning like Jack Parsons, like a lot of the person that, um, there was like a woman
who wrote out like all the mathematics that got us to the moon, like just, just piles of pages of like mathematics that got us to the moon. And she said that she got that from, you know, a non-human intelligence, whatever, some type of channeling, I guess you'd call it. Uh, you just recently bought, um, a Terrence McKenna book, right?

Psychedelics as a Bridge to Non-Human Intelligence

Did it, uh, and I think it was like a two in one. Did that book include the invisible landscape?
No. So the invisible landscape is essentially Terence McKenna's accounting of his trip to La Chorera with Dennis, his brother, where they basically discovered the psilocybin mushroom. You know, it might be. I didn't read the book yet, but yes, it might be. And he talks about an experience that he had near the end of their time at La Chorera, where he was sitting on top of a mountain.
and a massive UFO like flies over him. So again, it's like all these people who have these innovative ideas, some of the smartest, most intelligent, innovative people of our time, like you said, they're experiencers. Um, and you know, the thing that makes it like even weirder and lends me to believe like a spiritual aspect or a non-physical, I don't know, something stranger than just, uh, purely E.T.
Um, like Graham Hancock talks about, uh, I think it might've been his first ayahuasca journey, but he's, I think it happened multiple times for him in an ayahuasca journey. He would see like what we would imagine an ET looks like he would see these type of beings and he would see, uh, Like a UFO, like a machine, which is really crazy because, you know,
A lot of people who do ayahuasca or smoke DMT, they often talk about like how ayahuasca is more nature oriented. It's like very natural, like the earth, the animals, and a lot of people describe DMT as like almost technological. Like you're in the motherboard of some type of machine or something. It's like geometric and same chemical, but a different experience
So I think I remember Graham Hancock talking about this and he was like, it was so strange to be in an ayahuasca journey. And it's like, you'd have like the serpent. He would always have an experience with the serpent. There would be, you know, all the earth and then something totally out of place. Boom. A UFO, like a machine just didn't fit into the ayahuasca realm. But he talks about having that experience.
Yeah, very strange. You know, it almost seems to me that the DMT is the technology. And then, you know, with ayahuasca, depending on where you go, especially, there are so many different mixtures. There's so many different plant alkaloids that become active.
Um, so maybe the plant alkaloids that become active are able to sort of harness the technological power of the DMT and use it to its advantage to send us a message about it, about Gaia, about Pachamama, about, you know, mother earth. We need to have like a resurgence of like, uh, like let's say yoga or something. Like there needs to be like a Harvard professor of.
The technology of the human being, the technology, I think, uh, cause this is talked about with like super ancient cultures. I've mentioned this before that they would, you know, maybe they didn't have the same things we have as far as, you know, our technology, our little, uh, machines and stuff, computers.
But they studied the technology of the human being. Like if we put so much time and effort into understanding the human body and what you can do with it, I think it's, you know, endless.

Cosmic Influences on Human Evolution

I mean, the moment you try a psychedelic and you see what your mind is capable of, what the human is capable of experiencing, it really blows everything apart. And, you know,
In the West, we just don't have anything really like a school or some type of ritual to go through to work that technology and learn more about it. It's basically just a purely independent venture in the West for the most part. There's no structure. There's no group effort to try to compare notes.
And, uh, that, uh, Mattias de Stefano, um, is, uh, the guy that goes on Aubrey Marcus's podcast and he, um, claims to remember past lives. And then he said that he had a life as a woman in chem, which was like, uh, the end of Atlantis, like post Atlantis, I guess. And he said that their whole life, it was like.
about using the technology of the human body, that they would have these temples and each temple would be about basically working each chakra or something. And you would do specific work with your body in each temple. You would take care of your body in a specific way that would allow you to use your technology, your body, in a way that we have totally lost or just forgotten about. It makes me think about the cyclical nature of
of our reality, you think about how much the ancients were obsessed with the stars and the sky and the cycles and you hear about like the great cycle and all these different, you know, astrological cycles that happen. They were really in tune with that type of thing. And it makes me wonder if like,
You know, we go through these cycles and it has true changes upon the human being and what are, what that iteration of the human expression will be. Like we're in a version now that just happens to look like insane technological advancements as far as manipulating matter and creating whatever, but you know, maybe in 5,000 years, it'll be something totally unimagined. Whereas, you know, maybe 5,000 years ago, it was.
consciousness, awakening, that type of thing. We have no conception as to what is going on up there. We can look at stuff, we can measure stuff, but we don't actually understand what's happening in space. So for us to
try to understand what these cycles are and how we relate to them, I think are two different things. Because, you know, we could discuss, you know, what we feel like these cycles mean in terms of us and how we evolve and the changes that they might make on what our civilization looks like. But to even come close to understanding any of that, I think we have to look at
We have to look at the cosmos on a much, much deeper level and try to understand what these things are doing, why they're doing it. Like even just, if you look at our solar system, what the hell is the sun? What is our solar system? Why is this orbit even happening? Is that, is this, it almost seems like, like it's a cell, you know? There's like a very intricate and perfect system
by which this cell works and
the planet Earth where the mitochondria or something, you know, we're a particular part of the cell, just a piece of the cell. And in this piece of the cell, you know, weird little dusts of life forms rise. And again, like a, you know, the only way we can truly understand our place within the cell, within the universe of the cell is to get a bigger and a better insight on what the cell is, what the universe actually is.
Um, and I feel like we limit ourselves in our culture, man, you know, with the, the way we look at non-human intelligence, the way we look at spirituality and the mystery in general, I think we discount a lot of what we're, we're seeing and a lot of what is trying to be shown to us. Yeah. And I always find it crazy to deny, um, like intelligent, like intelligence.
like an intelligent creation that this whole thing is just, I don't find it to be random at all, but you know, it's just crazy. Like you mentioned the sun and it's like, we, it's literally like a nuclear reactor just sitting at the absolute perfect distance to
bring this, this ball called earth that is just life. It is just consciousness as experience. And if it weren't for that reactor sitting at the perfect spot to make everything perfect, it's crazy. I mean, uh, I'm reading, uh, alien information theory right now, Andrew Gallimore, and he, he's basically talking about, uh, a perspective on the nature of reality and, um, kind of comparing reality to.
code, like at the bottom, basically, and I agree with this aspect of it. It's just like, um, it's, it's, everything is just complexifying. It's becoming more and more complex the further you go up. And, you know, once you go to the, the spatial level, like the, uh, you know, solar system or whatever there, it's just forming more complex systems over and over again. And, you know, you talk about how we,
you know, in our modern age, think about things like, and like, what is reality? And even as simple as like, what reality is made of, we're so stuck in a materialistic like, uh, way of thinking of just like, there's matter and everything is made up of that matter until it builds something else. That's more matter and more matter and more matter. So that's like a very specific framing of what you're seeing of what reality is.
Rather than, I've mentioned this to you before, I believe there's other ways you can view reality that doesn't have to be material. Instead of saying that I'm made of molecules or particles or atoms, whatever you want to say, I'm made of that. What is actually happening, and I believe, is that
that everything is made of holons and I think I've told you about holons before it's just everything is made of holons and a holon is a hole that is made up of parts wherein each part is another hole that is made of more parts that are made up of holes you know and so on it's just fractal in nature and it goes down and it doesn't have to be like
a physical thing. It's more mental. We are just composed of holes that are composed of parts and it's just fractals all the way down.
And what's both it's both physical and mental and it's both inside and outside Because you know, we look at inside the body or outside the body or inside the earth or outside the earth or inside This microphone or outside the microphone and like those things don't exist and I think this whole on Hypothesis is a very good representation of the fractal nature as you said of reality and
everything works everything fits within that paradigm correctly and it also
Then I like my, my mind goes to then, so like, what are the spaces between the holes? And the parts, you know, like, is that, is that literal space? Are we like, when we look up into space and we see the solar system, and we see the galaxy, like, is a solar system, a whole made of parts, and then the galaxy is the whole made of the made of those parts and the universe is the whole, you know what I mean? Like it, right?
and that's what yeah go ahead it just it makes me wonder about the space between the holes and the space between the parts and it's it's a very very trippy thought well and that's the thing that's even interesting about like the space between because like you said there's no uh inside or outside
Like, and it's kind of the same with in between, like everything as if, even if you just look at it as, um, like modern science, like nothing is not touching, you know, like it's all like it's air molecules to my hand molecules or whatever. Like, so it's all literally in that perspective, touching anyways. And, um, and you even think about, you know, someone like Donald Hoffman and he talks about how
space time isn't fundamental, which I agree with. And he considers it to be kind of like, uh, not really important at all as far as like the fundamental aspects. Cause I guess it falls apart at a relatively, uh, quick rate as far as when you go further down in scale, they're just, uh, time and space cease to really exist or be applicable at all. Um,
So it, I don't know, it just, it's a very interesting to think about. Yeah. And these, these concepts to me, especially the, the whole on concept and Donald Hoffman's, uh, ideas of reality, they just drive home the fact that this thing, us, everything around us, it's just all one. It's all just one.

Holons and the Interconnectedness of Reality

Yeah. A hundred percent. I mean,
Nothing exists if you if you take away like one piece of something it ceases to be that thing basically like for instance like You look at like a car. I don't know. Let's use the car as an example a Car you know as a whole it's like okay. That's what a car is
But if you take away oxygen, it's no longer a car because it can't combust and move. If you take away one of the spark plugs, it's no longer a car. If you take away one piece of anything, it removes, even if you take away a piece of something that doesn't seem to make the thing what it is. I don't know. It's just, it's, there's a really high connectivity that, that has to be in place.
Yeah, because everything is everything and every, every piece, every hole needs all of the parts to make the hole or the hole is no longer the hole. It's almost like if you think of it as a mandala, you can't like take a piece of the mandala away because when you take a piece of the mandala away, you're compromising the entire symmetrical structure of the shape itself. So you can't take anything away. It is all one. Yeah. To take a piece away.
The whole thing is gone or the whole thing changes. When you take a piece away, you morph it. All you, it's almost, it's almost like the law, the law of entropy, right? It's like. You can't take away or add to all you can do is change and alter because you're just, you're just altering the one.
And that's like a very like, you know, it's well known, but it's a very crazy thing about reality is like how, um, energy can't be created or destroyed. Like we're dealing with, is that the law of entropy? I think so. It might be, I don't know. I might be wrong about that, but that's what I was getting at when I said that. But yeah, but either way, it's like, we're dealing with one piece of something, you know, like, cause you can't take away from it or add to it. It's all just going to transform and, um,
It makes you think, yeah, I don't, it's just, it's a crazy, it's, it's a very, uh, simple thing that I feel like we learn at a pretty young age. I think I've heard that or like, you know, it's a well-known concept, but, uh, it's really mind blowing when you think about it. Yeah. It takes everything that you're brought up, at least in our culture to believe into question, because everything that we believe
is very isolated, you know, our culture is very individualistic. And, you know, to me, when I think about these concepts as, you know, they're, they're unifying. And the more that we can understand these things as a collective, I think the more we're going to bring each other

Speculations on a Global Awakening in 2027

together. And hopefully, you know, this can be the beginning of
ending wars and ending conflict. And maybe I don't like the idea of a one world government by any means, but I do think that we need a collective consciousness shift. And hopefully these types of things, the experiences that we have with non-human intelligences, spirituality, psychedelics can bring us closer to that.
Yeah. And like a one world government. It's it's not inherently a bad thing. It's just us humans are so flawed right now. We're just we aren't ready for that type of unity. There needs to be like a grand awakening, something like that. The shifting consciousness has to come first. And it's interesting just to touch back on the UFO topic a bit.
There's like, you know, there's a lot of crazy, like lore and weird clicks within the UFO community that all believe weird things. Like there's people that believe in like the reptilians that live underground and these beings do this and whatever, but there's, uh, some type of lore going on right now where they're talking about the year 2027.
And supposedly, it's talked about a lot even in intelligence agencies. There's something that they're interested about happening in 2027.
Some people speculate that it's going to be like, Oh, the aliens are coming. They're going to reveal themselves or, you know, so we need to roll this disclosure out. So we're ready for it. Who knows what it would be. There's like another, uh, thing people think it's going to be like a great awakening. Like instantly, like everyone's just going to know the truth. Um, just like all our consciousness is just going to shift. And for me, that would be nice. I would love that. But, um, I don't feel like, uh,
It can't be that easy. It's just not that easy. You know, I was just going to put it in the work. Yeah, there's a responsibility that we have. There's a reason we have free will. And it's because I think we're, we're tasked with a certain responsibility to evolve our species.
Yeah, we're not going to be just handed it, but there are people in like the new age circles that believe that's something that will happen. Maybe not in 2027, but they're, they're supposed to be an event. There's a lot of new age people that believe that. And it's interesting because I, I texted you about this briefly, but, uh, like last week I had a dream and, um, in this dream, basically that event happened.
which was, uh, insane, very insane. Um, for me, I don't know if it's just because since I've taken psychedelics, but definitely since after I've taken psychedelics in my dreams.
I am able to have these mind blowing, like awakening experiences. Like in this dream, uh, it was like a really long, vivid dream, which isn't super unusual for me. I often have pretty long dreams and they're often very vivid or I recall them very vividly. Um, but it was long dream and out of nowhere, you know, at one point I'm in a car driving with somebody and out of nowhere, the sky turns completely red.
And it just happened like in an instant and you know, the dream is so vivid and it's so real. I'm not lucid. So I don't know this is a dream. I think it's just like I am right now. I'm just like, this is reality. This is life. I'm in a car. Oh shit. The sky turned red. And then these white lights start like shooting down all over and.
Instantly, like it happened so fast. I'm thinking, Oh, like the sun just exploded or asteroids are falling. Like this is the apocalypse. The world is over. I'm about to die and everyone I know and love is about to die. So it was like real true horror and fear, like just unbelievable. Like imagine yourself. If that actually happened, that's how it felt. It was just the worst.
And it happened so fast and it went from like these white lights raining down like thick white and they kind of like swirled and started looking like psychedelic. And this was like five seconds. This happened. Sorry happening. And then it got brighter and brighter and brighter and almost like too bright to see. And it was just like a whoosh. And I basically white it out and for like a single moment, just like the tiniest moment you could imagine.
Just an instant, a single instant. It was like a full blown, like awakening experience, like to brightness, to just everything just, and it wasn't like, Oh wow, this is amazing. Like it was a single instant. So it just happened like that. Like, and it's funny cause I don't believe in any great awakening theory. Like that would happen to the planet.
But that's exactly what this was. And it was an instant and it just shifted everything. And I was like, the sky went back to normal. I looked to the person next to me just like, and they were like fully awake now. They're all looking at me like we understood everything. And you know, the dream ended shortly after, but it was basically a flash. I think they even in, in the new age, I think they even call it something like the flash. I don't know, but it was something like that. And, um, yeah, it just, it was.
It's such a powerful experience. The only thing I could compare it to is like a psychedelic experience, just condensed into a single moment of understanding, but it was powerful feeling. And like, yeah, it was what I would imagine that type of experience would be if, you know, the sun decided to enlighten us all for no reason. Amazing. Well, you know, maybe there is hope that the sun will enlighten us. Hopefully it doesn't burn us alive in the process. Yeah.