if you If it's not relevant, you're not going to use it. so and but also then exactly wi bob yeah But also if it's not precise, you can't use it, even if you would want to. yeah um Validity is like a little bit like running power. I i think it's not valid as running power. It doesn't mean that it's not potentially a useful metric. I'm not a huge fan, but I'm also not saying that it's useless. so so the just the fact that it's not really measuring exactly power doesn't mean that it can't have some some use. I think it's quite useful for pacing on ah very like hilly courses on uneven terrain, as long as the ground is the same if we're talking about- does not work well on trails famously. yeah no No, absolutely not. so so Those four four factors, understanding relevance, valid validity, accuracy, and precision, those are super important when it comes to that first step of assessing a new technology or a new metric. Michael, I couldn't agree more. I think that's like, I usually boil mine down to like two steps, but they're, they're combining with your, your four, your four checks. And I, I couldn't agree more. And the the thing that I always think about is, uh, is, um, uh, one of our favorite topics on our show is, is arrow meters, right? And they sometimes they fail all four. Sometimes sometimes they're, sometimes they're not accurate and sometimes they're not repeatable and sometimes they're or or precise.