Um, I, when I consulted with triathletes, I very often got them to you come down to two intensity days a week and, and, and yeah, don't don't double them up. So, um, something like one double day we make the bike the priority and you just do like a sort of kind of hard tempo run in the evening. And then the other day you might do like a, you know, track session or, you know, a hard run session and then on the bike in the evening, you just, well, you just do your kind of the reverse, you do like a kind of hard. Hmm. And then you have the, and then, uh, just, I know I said, I was, I had no more questions, but now as you keep talking and keep coming with questions and then on the days that, uh, that you're not doing intensity, what sort of, uh, you're not doing like this high intensity work. What sort of intensity are you prescribing during the other days? During during a via too much block.