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Ep. 13 With Full Confidence - Shadowmend Tales image

Ep. 13 With Full Confidence - Shadowmend Tales

E13 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
106 Plays2 years ago

Sometimes you've just got to stand up with full confidence, zip up and walk off. 


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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios


Introduction to D&D Adventure

What's a D&D? What is a D&D?
Hello everyone and welcome to tonight's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are a live play 5e podcast set in the disputed lands of the Verandian jungle in

Character Introductions

the magical homebrew world of Eryth. My name is Darren and I'm going to run some D&D for you on this fine day. These are the Shadow Men tales. And with me tonight we have playing the human ranger McBenna we have Will. Snakes. I hate snakes. Playing the dragonborn paladin Drago we have Ian.
I thought we've been playing Pathfinder all this time.
What up? Playing the Dragonborn Rogue, Syengar, we have Mark. Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo. Playing the Bugbear Druid. It's on water. We've got one shot at Kroll now, will not. I tried so hard to get to the mute. I tried so hard. Oh, that was painful.

Approaching Danger

So many things went through me, I just chunked this one wall everywhere. Well, our one-shot extraordinaire, Wilbot, is here. Hello, Wil. Hello, snakes and whatnot. We are still, unfortunately, without Callum and Danny, who are currently on a two-man expedition to the North Pole. I don't know why I started laughing when you said two-man.
My mind, I think, filled in the blanks before you got to the expedition. Yeah, well, there you go. But we don't need two men to help us understand what happened last time. We need just one guy. We need epic voiceover guy. Previously on the Fellowship of the Tabletop, our brave adventurers are four days away from their objective when suddenly they find something a little bit sneaky.
Coming across a tree with carvings of snakes upon it, the party discovered that this is a warning that they are entering the territory of the Yuan Ti, the Snake People. Heeding the warnings of Chungus, the party discuss how to go forth.
deciding that the only way was to go through the warning and deeper into their territory to reach the city and hopefully keep up with Karl. Chungus cast his magic upon them and the party slipped and passed without trace through the forest and jungle. As they traveled, they came to a clearing with a big neon sign that said, this is a trap.

First Encounter and Trap

Syangar and McBenna slinked into the shadows, wary that this could be a trap. Chungus and Drago decided to stroll forward, going, oh, I wonder what'll happen if we poke this? At this point, a half elf or elven figure, wrapped in vine, suspended in front of this tree, spoke out, calling for help. Drago, being the great hero he is,
reached out to help her. Only then did her dark eyes open as Drago slipped into the dirt around him. The trap was sprung.
That is an epic way to introduce this episode. Consider your inspiration renewed, Will. Thanks. And before any of you get to do anything, can I ask you all to roll initiative, please? Ooh, shit. Ooh. Do those of us who are stealth get a surprise round? No. OK, thanks. Just check. Bitch. OK, can I get 20 plus, please? 23.
Okay. Thank you, Drago. 15 to 20. Thank you, Darren. Uh, Chungo Mungus got a 17. Chungo Mungus, it's as if you've given yourself a nickname. That's his big brother. It's Chunga time. Okay. Thank you. 10 to 15. Sign Geiger 14. It's a shame, baby brother. You tell me.
Five to ten? McBener got an eight. He was clearly napping. Okay, what's your dexterity modifier, please? Plus four. I like to think that you're at a tree right now, literally napping. Or he was just having a piss. He was having an odd man piss, where he's just like, come on, I'll keep watch. Okay, right.
We laugh because it's okay. It's coming for us all. Yes, it is. Yes, it is. Okay. Drago, top of the round, you've just submerged into the earth and find yourself in this liquid-like sand. You've sank four feet into the earth. It is coming up to wherever four feet is on Drago. How tall is Drago? Just remind me. Seven. He's seven foot.
Okay, yeah, so about three feet of you is still above the top of the surface. What do you want to do? How close are the vines? How close did I get? You are about 10 feet away from the figure in the vines. You are also restrained, so you have a movement of zero at the minute.
Okay, so Drago's going to off the back sling out his great axe and in both hands he's going to hold underneath where the blade meets the wood where it's all kind of molded together and then he's going to hold out the actual pommel towards Chungus and go, pull me up when you get a moment or at least stop me from sinking further.

Battle with Yuan Ti

that's the end of my goal okay thank you as you hear that chungus suddenly from the tree line these two arrows are going to come hurtling towards you oh the first one's a natural one so that goes absolutely nowhere near you the second one is a crit and natural bookend you take
It's not like giving them a damage roll. You take seven points of piercing damage as this arrow slides into your chest and you notice coming through the tree lines about 30-40 feet away there appears to be these snake-like creatures with what appears to be some form of yet to be distinguished humanoid torso moving towards you.
That is the end of the 1T's turn. Actually, no, it's not, I beg your pardon, another one. You can't quite make out yet, but you can see a figure appears to be slithering around the back of these vines. It doesn't do anything on this turn. Chungus, it's your turn. This axe has just been held out to you by Drago and you've just been shot by this creature that you see moving towards you.
about 40 feet off in the distance. What do you want to do? OK, a couple of things are going to happen. On taking the hit, obviously, Chungus is going to recoil somewhat. You can see it's done a fair bit of damage to him. I'll give you a hand. And as he reaches his hand out to you, Drago, you are going to see his eyes
pretty much just start glowing this brilliant beautiful silver light and it spreads throughout his entire body. Everyone would see this that Chungus just becomes
translucent and in his form you can just see constellations, stars glowing, galaxies swirling, just everything he's wearing becomes this figure. He sheds bright light for a 10-foot radius as a bonus action taken on a starry form and amongst this you'd see a couple of lines join up to form what looks like a chalice
and kind of on his chest and back because obviously he'd be able to see through it and he stretches his hand out to you Drago and just says I'm not very strong and I'll try and yank you out. Okay what I need to happen as you as you make this is I need you to make a strength check please. That was a beautiful description you can actually input there. Yeah absolutely lovely thank you. Can I add athletics to it? I've got an image.
of like the end of Thor, the unfortunate fourth one, when you've seen the Celeste. That's what that's, that's how I'm thinking. Exactly what I'm thinking of before him. I love it. Proper good description. Oh, thank you very much. Yeah. So I, can I add my, can I use my athletics or does it have to be a strength based check?
The reading of it is if you try to pull another figure out of quicksand, it is a strength check. She. Okay. 15 overall.
Okay, so the DC, I'm absolutely not metering this, the DC is 10 plus the amount of feet sunk into the quicksand. Drago had sunk four feet, that is enough by one. So literally pull Drago by this axe straight out of this quicksand. Drago, you emerge
right next to Chungus, you will now both aware that there is now a 10 feet gap between you and this figure in the vines that effectively is a quick sound trap. You can also now see, both of you, that these two figures, one from either side, both about 40 feet away, are starting to emerge into the clearing in front of these vines, and both have longbows drawn.
You were also both aware there is something moving behind the vines. Yes. Shit. Because I looked in the eyes of the elf woman. Was it an elf woman? Do I get the sense that she is possessed, dead, alive, captured? What's the what's my understanding from our eye?
As your term was spent in quicksand, I'll allow you to make a free action here, a free reaction. I meant towards the end of last episode. Yeah. To make a perception check, please, because she's still over 10 feet away, so you can't do an investigation. Ah, nah. That's an eight.
It's really hard to tell. From this distance, she still looks like a humanoid figure. It was only when she opened her eyes, which appeared to have really big, dark black pupils, that you could see that her front teeth, if she smiled at you and said, Karl, have a message appear to be fanged, for want of a better word. Chungus, it's worth saying at this point, you would recognize this as a
of an early-forming yuan-ti known as pure blood, something that is still pretty much close to its mortal form but has begun the process of turning. Awesome, thank you. I've got movement to use.
if that's all right. I know that I'm glowing and a wonderfully massive target but after managing to get Drago out I'll just say I need to get some colour and I'm going to sprint back and basically try and get some colour. You were about 30 feet away from the clearing so you were able to get back to the edge of the clearing where you last, where Ren still is, she didn't break off along with
McBenna and Syingar, so you're now about level with Ren on the edge of the clearing. Can I dive prone, basically, like sprinting away? I've just been shot by an arrow, so sprinting away and kind of diving onto the floor at her feet would be a... Yeah, I'll let you end your turn, prone, if that's what you wish to do. Thank you. Sure. It is, yeah. Thank you. Syingar, it's your turn. You are on the edge of the clearing. These creatures were about 40 feet away from...
my brain's gone from chungus and drago they're about 60 feet away from you but you can now see them moving through the trees they've pretty much broken their cover and you can see these things slithering with this upright humanoid upper torso that is getting ready to draw another longbow now in the direction of drago what do you want to do?
I want to shoot them with my short bow. In the time that that would have happened, I see the arrows, I would have quietly switched. The end of the last episode switched to something ranged after seeing that Benner do something similar. I'm going to try and shoot one of these fools. My question, though, is I know we didn't get a surprise round of fair do's, Darren Payne. You are hidden if you're looking for sneak attack. Yes, you are hidden. Thank you. That's what I was looking for. Yeah, I'm going to go shoot either one, whichever looks
The one who did the crit, I'll go with that one. The one that hatch actually hit. Yeah, so that's the one that's approaching from the right-hand side. The one approaching from the left-hand side of the clearing rolled the natural one, the other end of the spectrum. And you can see that they're focused on where Drago is and appear to be preparing another shot. Go for it. All right, 15 to hit. 15 hits. Roll damage. 16 points of damage, including sneak attack. Nice. Holy shit.
Okay, as this creature is turning to or beginning to draw back its bow and aiming its bow in the general direction of the only creature now centre in the clearing which is Drago, all of a sudden this shorter bow just whistles.
through the trees and just hits this creature just below where the figure starts to turn towards the snake and you see this green light pus as it hits the reptilian skin just explode out of this creature and it lets out a
as it recognises it's been shot and it glances towards you to see if it can see where the shot has come from. Do you have anything else to do with your turn? Yes, I would also like to take my bonus action to take cutting action and hide again, please. Do we still have the Pass Without Trace that Jung has put on us from last episode or is that now worn off? Oh, if so, it's concentration. Yes, it's concentration. Does your star form require concentration as well?
No, that's just a feature that can stay up regardless. So if you're happy for me to do a contract, I can... Yeah, how far away from you do creatures have to be to benefit from Passabout Trace? I think it's on the initial casting as opposed to from that point onwards and the initial casting is 30 foot and then it's concentration for up to an hour. Good job. We have a rules consultant to verify said thing. I'm just looking now. Thanks Ian, have a look.
It means yes. That's what I'm getting. Yes. What are you going to come back with? What's a D&D?
What is D&D? I thought we've been playing Pathfinder all this time. What a minute. I'll pass with that as well. Pass with other traces when you don't have to wipe, doesn't it? Have you ever done that? Have you ever done that with confidence as well? Not like a test wipe where you've come back clean. Have you ever squatted down, took a dump, and walked away? Walked away with full confidence knowing that you do not need a wipe. You cut it off perfectly.
I put that to you, anyone out there, DM us. When you're listening to this on one of our various social media pages, let us know if you've ever done a full stand up, no wipe shit. So there is some ambiguity on the wording of the spell, but the wording of the spell states that a veil of shadows and silence radiates from you.
Now, therefore, there is an ambiguity. It's never been truly clarified. The Jeremy Crawford did clarify on Twitter that you have to... So you're only meant to benefit from it within the spells radius, but that's just what they've said. Fuck is Jeremy? He's one of the rules designers for D&D.
Thanks Jeremy, appreciate your work. So Darren, this is one of those ones where it comes down to a DM's decision because the rules don't explicitly state whether you have to stay in range or not, but a reading says, because it says it radiates from the person, one would argue you have to, but it's entirely up to you mate. Well, you know what you are? What? You know in Countdown where they go to like the dictionary? Yeah, he's dictionary, he's corner. He is, he's not the expert. He's a font of Google knowledge and we appreciate that like you man.
Oh yeah, absolutely. Thanks. Okay. Um, I'm going to rule. Yeah, I'll let you have it. I think kind of when these decisions happen, you should rule in favor of the player. So yes, Mark, you can roll with the benefit of pass. We'll make a note of that just cause we need it for the rest of the campaign. That now says president.
the con check passed as well but challenge not here so the rule can't be exploited so yet and that's a 22 for the stealth check to um burn back into the shadows okay i do know i don't have to tell you whether that's successful or not but you can probably make a uh a educated guess as to whether that's successful or not but we will find out next turn of course i will answer then sorry sorry i've got one with my movement i would then move myself um if
safe to do so and without compromising my hide, move myself directly closer towards where Drago is because I feel he's a bit exposed in the middle of this jaunt and I want to get closer so I can sentinel stuff but not so close to either he sees me or I compromise my hide. So Drago is in the clearing. If you move towards Drago, you're breaking the tree line which will
I'll stay in the trees and just make sure that I've got eyes on him whilst keeping my cover and hide. Okay, thank you. McBenna, the other hidden character, it's your turn.
Thank you. So just to clarify at the moment, we've got a UNT on the left, UNT on the right, and then stuck in the middle is a pure blood. You wouldn't be aware at this time that there appears to be something moving behind the vines. Right, that's fine. Cool. As they are monstrosities, and I have knowledge of monstrosities, am I able to...
Well, no, well, no, actually, I don't, the only benefits I get is recalling information. I don't get any damage benefits, because that's an optional trait. As we discussed in a previous episode, listeners, you can find that out. If you listen back a couple of times. Can I really need to know about your taking a dump with confidence? Can I straight up as a free action evaluate who's the greatest, who's the greatest threat, the pure bloods or the other two snake people?
Or does that require an action? No, I'll let you take that as a free action with the Favourite Enemy. I mean, it's pretty obvious that one of them is restrained. They appear to have properly restrained this pure blood. Okay, I just didn't know where the lights were in.
It's a pretty convincing trap that this figure isn't feigning being restrained. This has been set up. Right. I didn't know whether she was about to transform into something. It's quite obvious. It almost sounds facetious, but it's quite obvious that the threat of the ones with drawn weapons that are freely moving. In that case, I won't bother wasting the dice at all. What I'd like to do is I would like to, as my first action,
almost like, he's almost like smeared like green onto his face when he was in the, it melded into the trees around him. And I'm going to use Hunter's Mark on the one that Syengar has damaged.
So he's now marked. So that's my bonus action, to mark that as a target. And then, from the shadows, I am going to shoot the UNT, that's Sayangar, damage, and then I have now marked. And as I am unspotted, do I get advantage? Because I'm attacking from a hidden situation. Thank you. I wanted to check. Didn't know whether they'd seen this or not. That's fine.
advantage roll. It's a crit! Roll damage. Roll damage. So I will now roll damage on that. That was that was pants damage. So that's five points of piercing damage. Plus another point of the critical damage at six points. Plus the hunt unless it's dead already. Nope, not dead.
Right, I will then roll the Hunter's Mark damage, which is also doubled. Okay, baby. I'll roll it twice. Sneak eyes. Oh, shit. That's once, that's two. Thanks, Will.
And then, so that's on top of my six points of damage, I now do another five points of damage from Hunter's Mark. Okay, thank you. Eleven in total.
Yep, got you. This arrow seems to catch it just above the belly button in the mid-riff. It's a proper true hit and it seems to wind and recoil as it sees that, as you do not have a bonus action to hide. Its eyes glance from looking for Syengar and do seem to land upon you. Excellent. I would like to use my movement to interpose a tree between me and it, so I'm in cover.
Yes, you can do that. I'll allow you to just find a tree and get yourself behind what would be actually full cover until you reveal yourself, obviously. So it's the pure blood's turn. And what that is going to do is it's just going to smile vacantly at Drago and look beyond you. And it's going to just say, come here, star blood.
And I need you, Chungus, to make a wisdom saving throw, please. Okey-dokey. Oh, I'm pretty proficient in these, so fingers crossed. Fuck. Famous last words.
A natural one for eight. Okay. Turnabout is fair play. This has cast suggestion on you and yeah, you think it's a good idea to move towards the pure blood entangled in the tree. As you fail that save, it has successfully cast suggestion on you.
It's restrained, so that is the end of the pureblood's turn. It is Ren's turn, unaware of what is happening at the minute and slightly confused herself. She's going to revert to her MO of casting mirror image upon herself, which she promised Drago she would always do in the event of a fight if he can't be there to protect her, that she would make the means of protecting herself.
She's also then going to dive behind a tree herself towards where you are, McBenna. She's going to come see you and make her way behind the same tree. These trees are quite thick and wide, they're 10 foot wide, so she's able to...
to successfully get behind that tree with you. Top of the round, Drago. 40 feet away, there is a snake that has drawn a bow that is now glancing towards McBenna. The pure blood is still tangled in front of you beyond the quicksand. There is something moving behind the vines. And there is another Yuan-T snake-like creature to the left 40 feet away that is drawing its bow again. What do you want to do?
How many, other than the elf lady tangled up, how many yuan tees? You can see two. You're aware there's something else behind the vines. You've noticed... How far are the two away from me? Both are 40 feet in opposite directions. And the one that I'm sensing be on the vines? If you move around the quicksand, I assume you'd rather do that than walk through it. You could probably... I'm not walking through it. Yeah, you could get to it this turn. It'd be 30 feet away.
So that's 30 feet. Is there a place around me which I can move to get all of them within 30 feet of me? All three of those? No, because the other two are 40 feet away. You could get yourself in the position so that the one behind the one tee and one of them is within 30 feet of you, but one of them would be out of the spell. You can get three of them. I can get three of them? Yeah, you can get either one on the side and then the two in the middle.
You can take your pick out of which side and then which two on the right. It's really hard without a map. I'm trying to... Sorry, I know. No, no, no, I'm just trying to visualise it. You've got one of the ones with the bows that's been damaged by both Saingar and myself that looks quite well injured. You've got one with a bow that's full health. You've got the pure blood womanlike creature in the vines and you've got something behind that, so... The one on the right is the one that's taken the damage. The one to your right is the one that's taken damage.
And that's 40 feet away. Yes. 40 feet, 40 feet. I got one behind the vines, which is 30 feet. Well, that's 15 feet as a crow flies, but you can use your movement to circumnavigate the quicksand if you need to. Oh, so 15 feet as the crow flies flies. Yeah, because the- From my position, it's 15 feet away. Yeah, but you'd have to go directly over the quicksand to get to it and through the tangled leaves. I can't see it, can I? No, you can't see it either.
Yeah, that's fine. I'm going to... Oh, I can't see that one. So I've only got a small sense that there's something behind the vines. So I'm going to attack the one that has already been damaged, wherever that is. I'll make moves towards the right-hand side. It's the one to the right, yep. And with my axe, just kind of swing over my head. How much movement do you have?
I have 40 feet. 30 feet. Ah, piss! Sorry. Wrong character, man. Shit. Yeah. Oh, this is theater to the mind. Okay. Fuck it. Do I get a sense of where Siongara is? No, Siongara is hidden. There was no way that you'd be able to attack them either. Sorry.
I'm going to stand 10 foot away from him and just look silly. Stick your fingers up at him. Yeah. You can dash to engage with him if you wish to do so.
Okay, what I will say is, as you start to move towards this creature, is you can now see on the angle behind the vines, there is now another yuan-ti that appears to be snaking its way out towards you, as it clocks you, as you come into its periphery. This one has a scimitar drawn, and it appears to be moving in your direction.
You've got three on T and then the what appears to be the elven figure entangled in the vine. So there's four enemies in total. One of them is restrained in the vines, three of them are free moving. Okay, it's the one T's turn. The one with its bow drawn is going to go for the only target that it can see, which is Drago. That is a 11 to hit.
Yeah, misses. You're able to dodge the arrow as it comes towards you. The one on the right isn't going to do anything right now. It is still kingly just looking in the direction of where the gut punch or the gut shot came from. The one with the scimitar is going to move up and engage with you, Drago, and take a swing at you. It gets two attacks with the swim star. For a 13 to hit? Nope. And another 13 to hit.
No. Okay, it takes two swings at you at this scimitar and misses.

Decisive Moves and Strategy

That is what appears to be the end of the antive's turn. Chungus, it's your turn. Okay. You are under the influence of suggestion, which has suggested that you need to move towards the pure blood. That's right. So Chungus is going to, he's line prone, he's going to go, oh wait, I can't see the action from down here. And he's going to stand himself up, turn around and walk back the rest of his movement 15 feet into the clearing.
and then obviously stop dead and go, oh, fuck! And I want to... Has anyone else been hit, or is it just me? It's just you. Would I know? Okay, cool. In which case, I'll just quickly yell, basically, don't let them talk! And I'm going to cast a guiding bolt at the bitch in the vines, if I can see her. Yeah, she's restrained, so I believe you get to attack her with advantage.
Oh, Boba. Right, let's actually see if this works this time. Fingers crossed. The first shot is a 18 to hit.
Okay. Yep. That definitely hits. Okay. That's fine. Then I don't need to, I didn't hit the crit. Uh, so, Oh, fuck me. That's a good role. Uh, so you would basically see him kind of panic somewhat and this, you'd see some of the stars in his translucent body, just kind of ignite and shoot up towards his hands, almost like they're shooting stars across his body and they'll come out. His hands will go together and it will blast this beam of lights towards the person.
the snake bitch restrained for 19 points of radiant damage. Ooh nice, okay as this happens you see this jolt of guiding light energy crash into this creature, it goes limp and you see the vines just seem to naturally give way and what happens is this pure blood which is now dead just falls face first into the quicksand and starts to just submerge beneath the earth as this
creature has served its purpose and its sacrifice is complete. That is the end of your turn, Chungus? Almost. Yeah, so that happens. Obviously, that's my action. With the kind of the hand still somewhat alight, he's going to put his right hand into a small pouch at his side, grab his stones and just use his bonus action can trip magic stone to create three magical pebbles in a pouch.
at his side and that's what he'll do. Okay great, thank you. It's a sign that it's a good term when the rest of the party aren't sniggering at you saying you grabbing your stones. So well done. Syengar, it's your turn.
He's going to come out of cover and see the UNT that's with the scimitar who's approached Drago and he's going to try and deftly move into a position at the UNT's back. How far away is this thing? I'm assuming if Drago's taking 30 feet of movement, he's going to be within range of mid. This one is still about 40 feet. So if you take your cunning action first, you'll reach it.
I don't want to get hit though. No, why not? Um, yeah, he would. Okay. So he takes cutting action dash to give me six feet of movement. I'd move into position to, uh, get my back to this you on T and the dragon on the other side. And then I would smash it with a hammer. No, I'd hit it with my short sword. Okay. Yep. Roll to hit, please. So, um, you've managed to definitely sneak up behind this thing. Let's engage drag. Go for it. And I guess I have advantage to, oh, it's a natural one. Well, that's a 21. I'll take the 21.
Yeah, that definitely hits. Okey-dokey, and then it's going to be to run my sneak attack as well. Oh, lovely, lovely, lovely. That's going to be 14 points of slashing damage. Ooh, nice. Nice, 14, yeah? Yes, correct.
Great, thank you. Good work. Yeah, you're able to just get up behind this creature and just deftly slice into the back of it. All of a sudden, lets out this, as you're able to just slice through the back of it, around the back of a tail where this thing is just slithering still towards Drago. Nice work, Syengar. Anything else for your turn? No, that's not my turn. Thank you. Okay, McBender, your turn.
OK, McBenna will poke his head out from behind the cover. He will quickly evaluate. He can see that Drago and times are held action. Arrow comes hurtling towards you from the one that had held its action on its turn. Oh, for fuck's sake. Natural one. So this arrow just pangs into the tree as if you anti with its held action. Absolutely spats it. Carry on. Cool. So Ben will have poked his head out.
Seeing this arrow come, seeing Saingar and Drago, and then he's going to duck back in, pull out an arrow, and then almost literally in one fluid motion, emerge from behind the tree and release his arrow at the very wounded and shit-at-shooting U-1T that tried to shoot him. It did shoot Karl, but not Karl, so I'm God. It did shoot Trump. Oh, gosh. Also, it's Karl. Spoiler alert. Yeah, roll to hit, roll to hit, roll to hit.
Smack Talk might not have worked. That's a 14 to hit. That hits. Yeah, and that does... That does a further eight points of damage and that includes the Hunter's Mark damage. Okay.
Yeah, it's still alive. But this arrow creams into it. All of a sudden recoils and you can now imagine a snake Boromir. You can see that this creature is now starting to absolutely struggle under the pinkush and pummeling of arrows that is taken from you and Syengar. But it's still up. And then, sort of, McBenna will mutter under his breath. That's how you fucking shoot. And then he'll duck back into his tree cover.
Okay. Having done that, you duck back into the cover and you feel a touch from Ren and she goes, I'm sorry about the whiplash again. And on her turn, she's going to cast haste on you once more, MacBenna. It's like drugs. Okay. Top of the round, Drago, your turn. You've just seen this one tea that's engaged with you with its scimitar, just recorded as it struck from behind. What do you want to do?
Is everyone within 30 feet away from me? Two of them are. The one that was on the left-hand side is not within 30 feet of you. It's about 50, 60 feet away, but the two of them are. Fuck that fucking thing. I just can't get a grip. Is there one next to me? Yes. I will hit him. Go for it. Okay. You get advantage. You get advantage because it's flanked. Good, because that was a natty one.
That's not much better. This is not going well for me, guys. 12. Oh, meats and beats. Meats and beats, so you managed to hit it. Nine points of slashing damage.
Okay, yeah, you were able to just bring the Great Axe into the clavicle of this creature that's in front of you. It recoils, angered at the strike that it has just taken. On its turn, it's going to allow itself to use its tail to take a whack at you, Syengar, with its first attack for, oh, it's actually quite good, for a 20, not natural to hit.
Yeah, that hits. You take six points of bludgeoning damage as this tail crashes into you. It's then going to open up its jaw like a boa constrictor and take a bite towards Drago for another 20 not natural to hit.
Hold. Hold. Sentinel attack. When a creature within five feet of you makes an attack against a target other than me, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the creature. So actually, you can roll that first and I'll roll mine after. I just get an attack against it now. It's done pistol piercing damage. It's only done four points of piercing damage to you, Jago. However, it also does
3 points of poison damage and can you make a constitution saving throw please? I can indeed. For 91. Okay, you're a poison.
That doesn't have any real particular impact until it comes to you needing to make ability checks or saving throws. And attack rolls. And attack rolls. He has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. You get to repeat the comm save at the end of every turn though.
Unless it's a specific poison. Sorry Darren. I've checked it. No, I've not. I've checked it. It's just a standard burst poison. Cool. Okay. The other one, T. The one that's got it. Mark's attack. Oh, sorry. Yes, go for it. The attack was a 16. Yeah, that hits. Five points of slashing damage. Do you get to add sneak attack because it's not your round technically? No, you can only add sneak attack on an action. You can't add it on a reaction. Okay, cool. I think it could only be done once per turn and I've already done it once this turn. Fair enough. Fair enough.
Thanks, though. Okay, the other one with its bow drawn can now see you, Syengar, and is going to take a shot at you for a naffle. It does an 11 to hit. Not a naffle. That misses. Yep. The arrow just currained off into the distance. That is the end of the Yuan-Tief's turn. In fact, the one on the right that is quite badly wounded is going to leg it. It's going to take its turn to dash, and it's just heading back into the jungle.
It is now approximately the best part of 80 feet from McBenna. It's even further away than it was from Drago. So it was 10 feet from Drago. It's now 70 feet away from Drago. In fact, it's going to be over 100 feet away from McBenna as it starts to leg it into the jungle. Can I make a point, sorry? Mark, you can add sneak attack to your attack by the way.
I thought you might. But it's not his turn, it's the creature's turn. But I've already done it on my turn. No, no, no, no. Once per turn, it doesn't specify that it has to be, it's not per round, it's per turn. Okay, yeah, add some sneak attack. And it's any time you hit with an attack.
sorry that's yeah cool thank you uh i don't know i was fighting to not use it uh that's an additional eight yeah so 13 in total but eight thank you yep it's starting to look particularly wounded itself um
That's the end of the one to each turn. Chungus. OK. You are in the centre of the clearing. The one that is fleeing is about now 100 feet from you. You have the one in front of Drago and Syengar, which is 30 feet from you, but you'd need to circumnavigate the quicksand to get into engage range with it. And then there is still one off to the side that is another 40 feet from you with a longbow drawn. OK. So the one that's sprinting away just says about 100 from me. Yeah.
Okay, yeah, not a problem. I'll kind of turn to look at both Drago and Sayangar and say, oh, brotherly love is strong, and I'll cast a healing word on Sayangar. However, I have my world-shaped chalice starry format, which means that on the healing word that I'll cast, or I'll just hit it now, for Sayangar, you take eight points of healing. And because I've got this feature up, I can get another creature to take
uh eight plus five so nine points of healing for drago as well um so i'll heal both of them and what will happen is you'll see the the chalice kind of um uh starry formation on his body kind of move across and hit you both kind of on the shoulder and just not necessarily ignite but or imprint or anything but you'll see that sigil almost the starry constellation appear on both of your shoulders as both you take that healing um as my awesome
bonus action. Yeah. Reach for the stars. Okay, great. What's your action then? Yeah. My action is seeing that the one that's beamed it off is a bit too far away. I'm going to pull one of the magic stones out of my pocket, which is just a light, like incredibly bright. And he's going to beat it at the forehead of a bastard snake that's in range.
Okay, yep. So is that the one with the bow or the one with Drago and Syengar? Oh, probably. I don't think I'd rely on myself to be able to hit the one between the dragonborns. So I'll go for the one of its bow. Go for it.
that misses I'm afraid. Yeah that's right. Yeah you would send this stone off and unfortunately it just caroons wide of this run team with its bow that does seem to garner its attention. Thank you. Can I run away? No you can you've still got your move. Yeah I'll run 30 feet back into the tree line after he misses there'll be a split second of
oh and then he'll just kind of beat it away okay thank you um beat it away man and sign guy your turn um sign guy's going to um take hopefully kind of look peep peep over the shoulder of this runt as we're both kind of pummeling down on it and trying to get catch drago's eye and if he doesn't manage to do it though what he's going to do is just kind of shout out breath
at the same time, on your call, and he's going to take a half step to his left so that he hasn't got him kind of, they're not facing each other, they're not going to be opposite, just off to the angle. And I'm going to hold an action that if Drago releases his breath weapon, Syengar will also release his breath weapon. Amazing. That's what I'm doing. Amazing. Thank you, Syengar. Okay, great. Um, thank you. Um, McBenna, it's your turn.
McBenna will first of all stick his bow out and wave it to see if he gets shot and then with the split second nothing he will then poke his head out and he will see the very injured one is running away isn't it or slithering away from saying if you have a sharp shooter it's still within your how far away is it it's just over a hundred feet
I'm just over now because it started off at 60 feet away from us. It's 120 feet then because it's dash. I'm still going to shoot at it because I've got haste as well. So I'm still going to shoot at it with disadvantage at range. I don't have shoot sharp here. I didn't take that feat because... Shoot sharp. You can still go for it. You also have the course that increased movement. Shoot sharp as well.
Yeah hunters mark just gives me extra damage I Could couldn't I but I've currently got some at disadvantage But no, I'm not hidden anymore Yeah, fuck it. I'm gonna stride out into the fills with the powerful awesome magic of Ren that makes McBenna feel like a young man again. He's gonna stride towards into the
into the clearing and get within 100 feet of the U1 T that's fleeing, essentially. Not going too far, but keeping him in my range. Yep, you've got him back within, yeah, you've got him back within your range. Okay, and then I'm going to shoot with my first attack on him. Go for it. That's a 15 to hit. A hit. Lovely.
So he takes nine points of piercing damage. Don't bother rolling Hunter's Mark. As this creature is running, the arrow just goes through the back of the snake, the humanoid neck, and this creature just goes limp and falls to the floor. As you successfully kill this, you want tea.
You still have a second attack, don't you, under haste? I do, yeah. How... I take it the other two... The one with the scimitar, the other one with the bow, they're not within five feet of each other, are they? No, they're not, no. No, that's fine. I'm going to shoot the injured one with the scimitar. Roll to hit. That's a 19 to hit. That hits.
Oh, that's nice. That's 12 points of piercing damage. Okay. Yeah, it takes the damage. Unfortunately, it's still upright. This one is slightly bigger than the other two. Yeah. And as this arrow careens into it, it notices momentarily that the arrow is coming from somewhere, but it's too focused on the dragonborn around it to absolutely pay any attention to you. Is that the end of your turn look better? Yes, that is the end of my turn.
Okay, thank you. It's Ren's turn. Ren is just going to pop her head out from the cover where she is and just look at my Ben and go, ah, that was actually quite cool. Ren is then going to
cast the can I believe it's a cantrip guidance onto drago which means you can add a d4 to any roll to hit so that will somewhat lessen the disadvantage that you are about to experience um if of course you do something that requires you to roll it's a it's a it's a touch spell oh she's not going to do that then um instead then she's going to start to
Yeah. Um, no. Okay. Yep. I have to wreck on that. Thank you. Rules consultant. She's not going to do that. She's instead just going to glance around the fight that's happening around him. Remember that her MO is firstly to, to, to take care of herself. What she's going to do is come over to Chungus and make sure that Chungus is all right as he sees Chungus fleeing from the field. Um, top of the round, Drago, your turn. Um, so when Saingag gave the eye and the nod,
Drago as if remembering an old kind of relationship from years ago, a relationship where they battle together through many, many different foes and working as a unit as one. We'll step back with a nod.
and the air around him will do the familiar change of temperature as things start to drop lower and the icicle start to form as the blue veins around his body start to pulsate with that icy blue and as they pulsate they start to conjugate towards his throat and then as it's the air's at almost breaking point
We'll release the icy breath weapon from within. This is such a cool moment. Both Syengar and Drago unleash your breath. It's me who has to do something, isn't it? Because it's an effect. It's a con DC-13. Mine is a con DC-12. It fails on both instances. Oh, shit. Six points of cold damage from Syengar. Okay.
And drag it.
at six points of cold damage from Drago. That'll do it. Oh, fuck yeah. And this group of cold strikes into this Yuan Ti, this one that seems to be more serpent than human. What you actually see is actually in kind of like the porous nature of its leathery skin, this ice just seems to fill its pores and its veins.

Unexpected T-Rex Encounter

And it seems to almost turn and freeze, almost like a statue
before then literally just keeling over as almost like rigor mortis is already set in sideways and just falls to the ground. Its face contorted in its last image of pain as this U1T is eviscerated by ice breath. Lovely, lovely tag teamwork there from the two dragonborns to complete a couple of DX chops.
To complete your turn, Drago, can you make a con save please to see if you shake off the poison? Yes, I can.
How is a 17? Yeah, adrenaline, almost as if you exhaled it in your ice breath, if you were able to summon the venom that was put into you and just exhale it back at this creature. Whether it's adrenaline or that is actually what's happened, you are clear of the poison. Thank you. Okay, the one tea that is left is going to see this and is itself
going to turn and dash. It is now realising the game is up and whatever it was that it had been sent to do, it is now sprinting for its life, 60 feet in the other direction. Chungus, it's your turn. Yeah, Chungus has got a massive chub on from just watching what's happened between the driving roads. And that's such a cool image, genuinely.
Oh, I love it. How far away would that snake bastard be from me? So it was 40 feet from, you've done another 60 feet, a cool hundred feet. Cool. I'm going to move 30 feet towards it and say, we can't let him get away. And I've got a range of 90 feet on in tangle and I'd like to cast in tangle and the 20 foot obviously centred on it. So probably what I did.
I was metering it I'd say in front of it but on it so it needs to make a strength saving throw. Yeah that rolls a three and it's got a modifier of two so five that failed. Yeah it fails and it is it's restrained for the next minute it can use a strength check to try and free itself but it has to be 15 but it's now just so he's kind of you see Chungus move forward still starry formed
snake bastard running away just the vine or the ground around it just springs up in vines similar to what happened to the bitch lady with the black eyes before but it just completely grips and pulls it down and just restrains it in place as Chungus is running after it and that'll end.
What I'm going to do just for expediency is drop us out of initiative order then, as this one is restrained. But it is then going to sporadically make, you can see it wriggling and trying to get free. So it's going to be making strength checks as often as it can to try and get free. But for all intents and purposes, you're out of initiative order. I mean, my next action would be to move within range, target with Hunter's Mark and then attack it twice, just to say.
Oh, okay. Yep. Go for it. Just a thing. Yep. Because it's restrained. So I've got advantage. I've got two attacks and it's got Hunter's Mark on itself. Yeah. I'm shooting the bastard. So I haven't taken any damage yet, though, just to get... Yeah, McBenna will turn a nod to to Chung this and say, that's got him. And I will then attack. So here's the first attack. That'll be a 23 to hit. Yeah, that hits.
And let's do... 12+. So that takes 13 points of positioning damage on the first attack. And then the second attack is... Let's roll for the advantage. So close. 25 to hit.
Yep, it's definitely hit. And then it takes... Ooh, lovely. It takes another 16 points of magical piercing damage. Okay, it looks to be in a bad way. I am going to drop the initiative order there because something is about to happen. You see this snake creature that's restrained, it just gets pung with these two arrows.
And then all of a sudden you all hear something. And suddenly you see from the thick tree line and the entanglement in front of this snake creature something emerges. Something that is awe-inspiring. Something that is terrifying. You see the figure of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
emerge through this tree line. The snake creature looks up at it and lets out this screech and this T-Rex shawl just comes down and bites clean through this entangled snake-like creature, lifts it up into the air, seems to throw it up and then suck down and inhale this creature almost in one go and let out a thick roar. And then

Closing Remarks and Social Media

as you all contemplate what it potentially could do next, wondering if it's seen you, if it's aware of you.
That is where we're going to leave it for tonight's episode of the fellowship of the tabletop. Remember, it can't see you if you don't move. It's vision is based on movement. No one take a shit in that cabin over there. And if you do, you better just get out and no time for wiping.
That was beautiful shout out to mark what is the destruction
I was about to do a tag two move, which I'll have to say for another battle before you came up with a superior version. That was so good. Part of me wants to just go back and look at Syengar's entrance and just have like Paul Bearer appear for Drago and go... I don't know, there's many references that I don't get while playing this game. So it all works out.
But if there is any references out there that you too didn't get and you wanted to find out, well, good news for you. We have social media channels to which you can find us and DM us any questions you have. Collectively, we are at fellowship table across Facebook, Mastodon, Hive, and Twitter.
we also have a website which is fellowship at the tabletop dot com but then if you did want to ask us those specific dnd type questions well then i would pass you to our rules consultant will and you can find his individual page on twitter at natural 20 will.
If you wanted to know for sure if I have indeed done a no wipe poo, you can find me at iRolledA1. You can find our veteran chungus at- Fellowship NPC PC. You can find my awesome brother Mark at ACD Roll DM.
And you can find our very Spielberg-esque DM at... Down page A6. Until next time, guys. Farewell.