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Ep. 13 Street Fighters - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 13 Street Fighters - Bellum Draconis

S2 E13 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
111 Plays2 years ago

This week "our not yet heroes" are ambushed in the streets of Goldview. 


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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade


Introduction to Fellowship of the Tabletop

the wind starts to pick up and the bunting that runs along between the two buildings above you starts to flap with whites green blue and red the silence for a second and it was a really well timed

Meet the Players and Light-hearted Banter

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. We are a live play 5e D&D podcast set in the magical home-brewed world of Eryth in the Kingdom of Sleepguard. My name is Mark, and I am your Dungeon Master. The Dungeon Master. And also with us for this week's episode, we have Ian, who plays the Tiefling Warlock, Nyx Karel. I miss you. Wow, okay. Darin, who plays the High Elf Artifice, Reigns Haddow.
I love you. We've got Will who plays the human cleric Emron. I loved you. And we've got Callum who plays the warforged artificer Alpha.
I am you. What just happened? What was that? I was trying to go for the Blink-182 song that we were singing just before we... I know. I don't know Blink-182 because I'm old. I just went with it. I was hoping that people... Blink-182 is old, Darren. What do you want to know about it? I don't know it, but I do know it. It's our generation, Darren. I do know Home Alone 2, so... I knew that's where you were going, Chuffin Tim Curry. I love you. I just assumed about love. I was like everyone when he told Anakin, you know. I loved you. You were the chosen one.
Oh, guys, Obi-Wan next week.

Danny's Absence and Humor

First two episodes streaming on Disney Plus. Pay us some money, Disney Plus. Clearly we're going to get here a few more viewers. Exactly. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, mum, get on Disney Plus. James Chapman, sign up for Disney Plus. My mum doesn't listen to

Recap of the Previous Episode

us. She's too cool for that, unfortunately. Hey guys, how are we all?
Hey. Yeah, man. Me too. You might have noticed listeners. We are bereft of a Danny. Unfortunately, he's going to be taking a little hiatus for a little bit where he's on disciplinary mainly because what happened was pardon.
He didn't give me the gold. No, no, he did. He did give you the gold. He did give you the gold. Don't lie. He gave you the gold. Don't sugarcoat it just because I'm here. I got sacked as captain of the balls team. I found out as I was leaving that I was replaced by Danny and I'm still a little bit raw about it.
but he didn't want to bring it up. He was also, unfortunately, his anal beads company is under some difficult times at the moment. So he's just trying to work that out now with the cost of living at the moment as it is. People aren't buying anal beads. He's in a bit of a sticky situation. Absolutely. He's a bit lumpy at the moment. There's a big hole in the finances. Let's plug this up and let's move on.
Oh, I thought I got the last one in there. No, Mark comes out with another great one. Badum Tish, as they say. So unfortunately, we are without our... What have we used to call them? I've forgotten what it's called. Chronicler. Chronicler. Chronicler. But we're going to pass over to our rules management executive. Is that what we called you?
A rules consultant or law consultant? I'm happy. I think rules consultant. Rules consultant makes you sound like we can sell you to other people. It's a meta bastard. A very meta bastard. Very kindly, Will has volunteered to do our recaps to fill the very, very large hipster vegan shoes of our, of our chronicled Danny. So, Will, I've seen what happened last week on the fellowship at the tabletop.

Journey to Goldview and City Life

Previously on the Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis, our not quite heroes finally reached the main floor of Arms and Armor. Morota, Nyx, Alpha and Emron having returned from their test with Nyx's patron. Upon reaching the main room, the group realizes that Rains is not with them. Returning to the basement, they find Rains bloodied and battered near a broken wall of the basement, where a small tunnel and three tracks lead into the Earth.
Deciding to leave that alone and with all her saying she will look into it, the party returned to the main floor of Arms and Armor again.
Orla introduces herself to the heroes as Orla Goldport, and rewards adventurers with two things. A large bag of money, which is divided amongst the group, all save Nyx. Knit Marota keeps Nyx's share much to the Tiefling discomfort. The second reward is the offer of more work, and a place to stay should they need it in Goldport Keep, out on the High Road.
Elion gives Marota the promised information about dragon sightings in Dralak as agreed, and rumours of a dragon horde with a magical whip. Ooh, kinky.
Finally, the group leaves arms and armour to travel to Goldview to seek the half-hoof in, with M1 and Nyx still both coming to terms with their new bond. It seems a perfect ending to an episode, with Marota giving Nyx his share of the reward and all seemed well. Then Nyx had to party split to go shopping. Now, our story continues.

Nyx's Confrontation in the Alley

Brilliant. Thank you very much. You should seriously do voiceover work, man. I'm just happy. You didn't try and do Danny's thing. You made it your own. You made it your own. That was fantastic. Well done. You had some details. Very talented. There are some details that are definitely forgotten, so thank you Will for that recap. You're welcome. Right. And so we find ourselves slowly walking through the gates of Goldview. Just kind of a recap before we kind of match up where we are.
It's late in the day, and we're looking for somewhere to go. We're looking for some food, we're looking for the half-hoof inn. And for those of you who listened to our previous set of episodes, there is some history there for our old characters. We pass through the southern gates and enter into the city.
The shadows are not yet long on the road, yet the roads are relatively busy still. Trade is still happening throughout the city. A thin film of rain starts to fall, not enough to block your view, but enough to slightly wet and damp your hair and face as you walk through it. The clank of armour and the splashing of small puddles starts to fill your ears as you move further into the city.
We're about 10 minutes in by this point, when Nix, you decide to take your turning and split away from the rest of the group. You take a right through a series of alleys hoping to cut through towards the center of town, whereas the rest of the group, Alpha, Reigns, Morota, and Emron, continue up north towards the center through that route. You're hoping to cut through a back alley.
We're gonna start over with next just to begin with and then we'll pass back over to the rest of the group. So next, you head through a alleyway, a quite large wide alleyway that splits again into four ways. You head straight through into a T junction where it goes north and south.
As you turn north, hoping to cut and kind of jog ahead of the rest of the group, you basically almost run into an individual stood, awkwardly stood in this relatively small alleyway. He's wearing green leather armor or brown leather armor in a kind of a green shirt underneath it. His hair is disheveled. He'll just be any other person except for the fact that he has already in his hand a drawn dagger.
You basically walk into him.

The Party Senses Danger

He kind of backs up a little bit. What are you doing? Sorry, sorry. The rain was in my eyes. I was just discombobulated for a moment there. Are you happy to see me? Or is that just a dagger out? He takes a second. He realizes he's got the dagger and quickly sheaths it again. No, I'm just waiting for someone.
Hang on a minute. I know you. No, you don't. Oh, you don't. I mean, you might have heard of me. A lot of people heard of me. I'm quite famous around these parts. Certainly I don't know you. That voice, that noise that comes out of your mouth. I don't know what you mean about this voice. This voice hasn't been heard around these parts before. It clicks suddenly and his eyebrows drop, his forehead relaxes. A small smile starts to form across his face.
You were in the sewers. I've been in many sewers, and you're gonna have to explain to me which kind of sewers. He was fucking right. He was right. You would come this way. I didn't believe him, but he's right. All right, do you want to clue me in? Me? Wanna clue you in? Sure. You killed my mates. You left me in a chest.
Technically, I didn't kill anyone during that fight. That was the company that I was with at the time. I'm no longer with them, as you can see by myself. So maybe it's a case of mistaken information and I didn't leave anyone in a chest. That's not the way I do things. No, you left me in a chest.
and now you lot are going to pay and he quickly fingies the mouth that's a really loud shrill whistle I'm not going to do it because it'll blow the mic whistle with his hands

Combat with Bandits Begins

then continues to stand there and pause the dagger at his hand and start moving towards you slowly. He looks to us right up the alleyway to the north and lets out a small smile and then continues to step towards you. Quickly passing over to the four of you. You continue walking up an alleyway that's about 30 feet wide, Marota, Raines, Emron and Alpha. Who has the highest passive out of you guys? I think it's Emron, isn't it?
It's something between me and Marota. I've got passive perception of 13. Yes, I think I'm going to take it because I feel like Alphas and Reigns are 12. Oh, I'm 13 as well. No, no, I'm 13. That's fine. I didn't expect that. My mind's 11. I'm not expecting that. You're dumb. Well, that makes perfect sense. I'm just oblivious to everything. There you go. So you continue walking down and you're deeply conversation with each other, trying to understand the situation that you've just come into.
And you just feel the hair on the back of your neck kind of stand up a little bit like you're being watched and range. You just kind of quickly look over your shoulders a little bit, still a bit unsure. Blood's still caked under the nails a little bit. You're not just sure if that's, is there something to do with that or is, and you kind of flinch around a little bit. And Emron, you seem to do the same. Then suddenly you hear this shrill whistle come from the far right about a building or so away from you. And luckily within a hair's breadth of your face, Emron,
As you turn back from your quick kind of glance around, an arrow just skims by your eye line, thudding into the wooden wall next to you. You look behind you and look up to the roof, two stories high, on top of the roof is a man with a crossbow. You look in front of you and you see three figures start to close in on the alley. The street's empty. The rain continues to fall. The sky darkens.
We're going to fall into initiative. Could I please ask everyone to roll initiative? Oh shit. We're unexpected. Cause we are not motherfucker alive. We are not in a good condition. I wonder.
and I've just popped you into a new world 20 thingy. Yes, I can see. Oh, I like this new map map. How did you make it? This one wasn't made. This one was found and borrowed off the interwebs because it did look really nice. And I was like, oh, I do like that a lot. So we've got Nick's off to the east. You're the kind of teal figure.
with your matey stood in front of you there. The four of us are in the central alleyway, three in the front, one on the roof to your left and then another one on the roof that technically you can't see it because it's blocked by the building.
That's fine. I didn't see the one in the bottom left now. That's okay. Not a problem. And three banditos, three figures, three ruffians, three members, the gang stood in front of you. So in total, there's a couple there. So, oh yeah, we need initiative. Oh, that shit. Good, good, good. My bad rolling continues much to your luck. We're all in relatively dire straights, aren't we, as well?
Well, uh, Nick's, he's probably not got very many hit points and I can't remember how much, how you healed him after thing. I'm not got many hit points and no spell slots. I'm fucked. Like I only got healed by a tap on the ass way back in the dream world. Uh, cause I had, I had a swim with acid as it were. You did have a swim with acid. Okay. What did I, did anyone get higher than

Negotiations and Bandit Demands

Good, that's good. Anyone get 15 to 20? Woohoo! Woohoo from my side too, I got 17. Nice, I got 17. You will have the higher deck, I'm sure. Yeah, exactly. I have the higher ground. Don't try it. Another one, nice. Did anyone get 15 to... No, I did that one already. 10 to 15, that's the one I like. Yeah.
Yeah. Same view. I think we both got 13 by the looks of it. No, you rolled 14. I rolled... No, I was 13. I'm looking at... No. We've all got roll 20 up. You got 13. You got 13. You can all see the rolls. But your initiative of your Dex modifier is lower, Will. Oh, yeah, yeah, no. Yeah, minus one. Yes.
Cool, and then our friends. So I saw your role from before that, sorry. Yeah, that was me checking, because my internet crap now, I was just checking to see if I'd reconnected to... I mean, Dan, that's some interesting dashboards there. Well done. Yeah, nice one, nice one, nice one. Right, so it's top of the round. Weird to say, Nix, at the top of the round, what would you like to do? You've got a dude saying probably about 10 feet in front of you.
I lied before I am surrounded by my friends like that one behind you. And then I'm going to turn and run in the other direction. Nice. Okay. Yeah. You're not engaged with it yet. So you can, you can move away as far as you much. Far as you much. There we go.
So Nix is going to turn about face and run from the direction he came and then he's going to... Does he see? Because as I'm running down the alleyway, on the map there's a collection of people in the next alleyway down.
That's us. Do I see them? Because if someone were to hang a right. Okay, so Nix is turned about face, ran down the alleyway. In the next kind of block, he sees more people. So he's going to hang a right where there's no one and take the next. I mean, they are 20 feet away from you and you would recognise them to be your comrades.
Oh, they're my co... Hello, how are you? Were there people that you came here with? No, no, Mark, don't say comrades, let's just say acquaintances. Okay, let's just say people that you know the names of. Yes, the ones in the centre of the alleyway are... The person who holds the hug, who controls your power, you know. Yeah, and Ron, Alpha, yeah, that's all done there. My last dying act, we had to break the horseshoe, just so you know.
The power you win. Sorry, I didn't have that change anything. Yeah, no, no. I was on the assumption, sorry, that that collection of people were also enemies. So I would run towards them because there's no enemies around them. Am I right? They're just there at the moment. They're just there. Yeah, they're safe. Fuck yeah, I'm running back towards them. Which, where was I?
There we go. That makes me. That's good. So I'm basically running towards my party. Sorry, because we're using roll 20 and I still don't know the characters. Fucking features. Um, I got confused. Can you not see the name labels? No. Oh.
I can't see everybody else if I can only see my own. Yes. But I recognise who everybody is. Yeah, we'll get the wrenches though, don't worry. Thank you wrenches though. Alpha, you just here, probably fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,

Escalation of the Fight

And Alfa, you see and hear that approach. You can see the three people blocking your alleyway entrance to the front, which is probably about 35 feet away from you. And you saw very clearly that bolt zipping from your top left peripheral and almost catch Emron in the face. What would you like to do? I would obviously see where it came from, but I wouldn't be able to gauge, I wouldn't be able to see the person it came from, would I? No, it's about two story high and then the roof on top of it is stood on.
That's fine, but I would see the group of people actually in front of us as quite possibly the more
logical threat at this stage but due to sheer numbers. Alfa will basically bring himself forward, puts himself directly in front of Rains. He kind of draws his pistol out and he just kind of got his other arm pushed a little bit against Rains and Emron. He acknowledges them as obviously, well not Rains, but Emron has been a little bit weak at the moment and he's just trying to keep him back, push him back a little bit for safety.
I am going to give them a chance, however, as he looks towards them, do not come any closer. We are willing to defend ourselves should we need to. And that is all I'm going to do. Okay, lovely. Thank you very much. Rains, you've just had Alpha step in front of you. What would you like to do?
Rains is going to glance around see how hairy the situation looks and he's just going to say to himself I can't bring myself to call you nutcracker but then see get out here and my little homunculus top hat is going to emerge from the bag of holding before the metallic two-tailed squirrel emerges
And I'm just going to say to it, whilst keeping my eyes on the guards at the end, kind of like a Western standoff, I'm just going to say, Emrom, under my breath. And NC is going to take off and just land on Emrom's shoulder and just dissipate that mist again. And I'm going to cast Cure Wounds on Emrom. Nice. She's taken a few hits. That's my bonus action. Cheers, me dears. Emrom's like, oh, thank god. Thank you, strange squirrel on my shoulder.
Thanks. Thanks nutcracker. Cracking. You'll be reaped. I haven't used roll 20 in a few weeks and I've completely gone out to do it. Here we go. You old man. How rigid. That's the worst I could have rolled. Sorry. Only four points of healing. Four is better than four. Thank you.
And with that, I'm then just going to rainfall snap his fingers and for his action, he's going to hold a fireball and he's going to look at the ringleader of this group. And should he perform an aggressive action against anyone in the party, I'm going to love a fireball setting out of the three in front of you, which would you consider the ringleader?
Probably the one in the middle. That's just something he would read. Cool. All right. So if he makes an aggressive action, the firebolt is released. Yes. Cool. I will also move in front of Emron with my movement as well. Is that Emron there? He's to the right. The red cloak is Emron.
That's alpha. That's alpha. The one that looks like Thor. There you go. We're playing a game of checkers, we're all going diagonal. No, it's like leapfrog, not leapfrog, Tiddlywinks. We are actually playing Tiddlywinks. We are playing Tiddlywinks. Lovely. Thank you very much, Rains, for that. I've written

Bandits Target Marota

Will here. That's really weird. Emron, over to you. You've just been Tiddlywinked.
M. Ron feels invigorated and he sort of stands a bit taller. And he casts a glance up at the rooftop. I can't see the archer that shot me as he ducked back down again. Yes, he has ducked back down again. Right, okay. And I see the three ahead of me.
And, you know, you'll have to tell me whether this is a action or not. Everyone's going to sort of see that everyone's like, Nick's got an... Alpha's gone to the left of him. Rain's gone in front of him. So everyone's then going to sidestep and sort of stand just to the left of Rain's.
take his hammer down and just rest it head down on the stone cobbled street and just rest his hand on it almost nonchalantly and he's going to look to lads down the end of the street and i'm going to try and intimidate them and he looks at them all and goes listen here lads there are two weirs this gauze
Either you let us go or some people end up dying. And he looks at the one in the middle of the three and goes, and I guarantee you, lad, if there's any dying happening, yours will certainly be the first one to happen. So choose what you're going to do.
very nice thank you very much now if that doesn't take an action i'll also then take the dodge action so if things stop flying at me i can we always move up with that free action with with vocalness we always we're always quite fast and loose without so i'm gonna i'm gonna let that i'm gonna let that go as a yeah i'll let you i'll let you hold the dodge action
Unless you want me to, unless you want me to use my action to intimidate, it's up to you. Do you want, is there a problem? I wanted it to be intimidation, yeah. Okay, if you're going to roll then, yeah, probably I'll dig into that. Give us a roll, then please. It's not great, it's a 10. Okay, thank you very much. It's the bandits, well, the gang, whoever they are at the moment, we don't know yet, and their turn. The three at the far end, the one on the right steps forward.
and looks at you, and Ron looks at you in particular. We only want one thing. Give us over Valkyrie, and the others can go. Simple. It's all we want. And the person in the alleyway that's been with Nix is going to saunter down
closer to Nyx. And he is almost like dancing with his blade, like running along the wall as he gets closer. Not like dance dancing, but like intimidating, like running the dagger along the wall slowly. This blunt dagger as he drags this iron blade along the wall and not causing any sparks, but just dragging it along, walking closer towards Nyx as you back away and back away. And that's all they're going to do as well.
Nix, oh actually there's a little bit of movement, you see behind the three people at the far end of the alleyway, there's a building behind them about 10 feet behind them, you see a figure jump from the right to left as another
Archer slash crossbowman is on the roof of the building now looking directly down the long way, the alleyway. You can see him clearly stood, he sits on the edge of the roof, looks down with his crossbow resting on his shoulder, looking at the situation, waiting for the kind of message to fight. The wind starts to pick up and the bunting that runs along between the two buildings above you starts to flap with whites, green, blue, and red bunting.
There's silence for a second. And it was a really well timed, wasn't it? It was a really well timed. I'll go close my balcony doors. It's come from outside. No, I thought that was from somewhere else. No, it's a car horn outside. That was brilliant. It's just so well timed. A flap of wind. Anyway. And there's silence for a second.
As you all did the face, I imagine all your characters did that kind of perturb like, what? Idea. Nix, you have this man that was locked in the chest for a while underground, allegedly, slowly approaching you, dragging a dagger. What would you like to do? So Nix is going to
turn around to see as he hears the knife on stone going, as you so aptly described, and start walking backwards, this time facing his adversary. And he's going to walk 15 feet backwards so he stood behind Alpha.
And as he's walking back, the horns on Nyx's head start to glow purple, as Nyx shouts out, uh, patron, got a bit of an issue here and I'm not sure I am full strength to take it on as the wind starts to crackle around the horns of Nyx, uh, Nyx's head. And I've got to hold an action to cast Eldridge Blast if that fucker comes any closer to me.
okay nice okay pretty thank you very much um alpha you're now kind of hemmed in with nyx on one side morota on the other and emerald and rain's above you uh what would you like to do alpha is going to take another step forward he has his piscum still drawn um so he's now on the kind of same line as rain's and emerald um the one that asked about it he's basically gonna turn the
What do you mean by Valkyrie? I am unsure as to what that is. Can you please elaborate? Something that I should have in the last turn, I will also ready in action. But mine is basically the archer that I've seen come into view right at the very back on the rooftop. If he were to fire an arrow in our direction,
then I would respond in kind by shooting my pistol, so I would just ready that action. Okay, another problem, thank you very much. Reigns, firebolt still held at the moment. What do you want to do? It's a bit of a Mexican standoff going on here. Reigns is going to drop the firebolt, look around quite confused, and we're on how we play in this.
We'll take the dodge action as he kind of just gets quite nimbly on his feet, expecting something to go down. And that's the end of my turn. Can you just say nimbly-bimbly, please? Very, very nice. Emron, in response. Emron would be like, just play it cool, keep him talking and see what happens.
I can manage that. And when I look to the man and be like, as my friend said, we know now about a Valkyrie, so what about you piss off? And I'll take the dodge action, please. No problem. The man on the left of the group steps forward with a buckler and an axe in his hands. Don't play dumb. She's right there.
The figure behind does take five steps. Well, he's aiming to come all the way towards you, Nick, but I know you said the minute he moves towards you, you're going to release Eldritch Blast. So he's taken a step forward. He's moved towards you now. Brilliant. So all that, um, the crackling and the purple glow that was happening in Nick's horns and the very air around it was just kind of like forcing around. You hear the
around as the purple energy moves down from its horns and then there's almost a purple flash in Nix's eyes as Nix juts out both hands and Eldritch Blasters cast. Yeah! Combat. We've had two rounds of chatting so far guys. This is great, right? I'm gonna say, so far this could have been on RP. For a dirty 20. Ooh, both of you. That, yeah, I mean that hits man.
And that'll be... That works so well. I'm still learning. I'm a warlock in training at one point the force damage. That's fair, man. That's fair. Yep. It just kind of glances off his shoulder, leaving like a bruised burn mark across his right shoulder blade, the one that is holding the dagger.

Tensions Peak as Nyx and Alpha Fall

Ah, there's more of that word that came from, dickhead! He does get to continue his movement now if he wants to, Mark. Oh yeah, don't you worry. He's going to continue walking, absolutely. And he is going to walk all the way up to you, Nix. And then look at the back of everyone else. And then look at Marota. And he's going to sidestep you.
He's going to firstly pull back his dagger like he's going for you. And then the last minute, Feynid sidestep, you pull into Marotta. He's going to absolutely bash her in the side of the head, like punch her as hard as he can. With the dagger in his hand, he's going to knock her right here on the side of the head with, oh my lord, yep, that's 22.
Okay, not quite enough. She's dazed at this point, bang, getting hit in the side of the head. She's kind of leans her hand against the wall for a second and drops to her knee, but that kind of orcish resilience kind of keeps her kind of going. And she kind of, the knee kind of buckled slightly, unexpected that was going to take place. He then also screams, now, now!
And that then is the call, the cry, the rallying cry of the group. The archer behind you, sorry, the boltsman, that's what I'm trying to say, the crossbowman behind steps forward and he levels his crossbow down towards Morota, taking a single shot.
missing. But you see he's not aiming. Well, it's either a really bad shot or he's aiming for limbs, because she's right there like 10 feet in front of him. But he's aiming for the exterior. He's aiming for body parts. And unfortunately, it hits off far off to the other side, the other three start to run forward. Now there are some readied actions, I think still. So I think believe Callum, do you not want No, I only have one of the archer take the shot.
I'll go for him now just so we can have that shot. He will try and take a shot. So I imagine the minute he starts to load his crossbow up, you'd probably shoot him first actually because the pistol is loaded. So get your shot in first because he's having to kind of pull back. He's kind of having to load up his crossbow. So take your shot first. Okay. Oh, that's terrible. 13 to hit.
Uh, that hits. Hey, not so terrible. Come on. Big damage, big damage, big damage. Oh, not bad. Nine points of pacing damage. There's a nice bit of energy channels from the chest into Alpha's fingertips and just expels out the pistol, the normal bang. Sorry.
hits him just like in the clavicle. So kind of bounces in and hits clavicle and hits into his trap on his right side, like blood and muscle splats up as he winces in pain back, but kind of pulls his shoulder forward and just moves it around, covers it with a bit of cloth and stands ready to rock and roll. He is then going to pull up difficult wincing, pull up his shot and try and take a shot back in kind towards you, Alpha. Come on. And that's a 17 against your armor class. Bollocks.
It's a good one, actually. Ooh, sorry. That's seven points of piercing damage as this bot... This is where the party gets wiped. How much did you say? Seven. Seven. Yeah, that was quite a good roll. Okay. Yeah, Alpha is down. Shit.
Alpha him down. This shot just kind of seemed to hit him directly on a slight crevice in his armour and he just seemed to penetrate through. He just kind of seen him buzz a little bit and then just collapsed to the floor. Fuck. All right. Thank you very much. Nix, it's your turn. Alpha's just gone down. This man that's followed you is now in and amongst you. He stood up between you, Morota, Alpha, Emeron and Reigns and he's just shited now.
What do you want to do? Marota knocked out as well, did you say? She's dazed. She's kind of like knelt down. She's kind of trying to shake the dazed out of her head as she tries to pull herself her back up to the feet. Did you know how many hit points Marota had left? Yeah. Call that a fact. That's fine. Yep. Oh, shit. I had some awesome stuff planned and it's all gone to pot. Sorry, man. No, no, it's awesome.
So, Nix is getting a little bit confused over all the chaos that's happening and he'll just turn to the left where Snipey sword guy, Snippy dagger guy swung round and he'll just shout out.
Alpha's down and then purple energy again in a rushed way. Not in that glorious way it was before. It's just purple straight down from the horns out of his eyes. And then just another handout, Eldritch Blast just in the kidney area because he's so close to him. Is Eldritch Blast a ranged attack? I believe so, yes. Would you be at disadvantage? I think it is, yes. Yeah, definitely roll with disadvantage. I'll have to roll again. Sorry, that's a really good roll as well.
15. 15 is fine. Yeah, 15 still hurts anyway. That's good, man. So it's almost like a punch. Nyx never physically makes contact, but as soon as he feels, you know, you can get, uh, feel close to someone. Um, as soon as his hand reaches like towards the kidney area, uh, it will stop and Eldridge Blast will come out like a punch, um, a force force.
6 points of damage.
You are messing with the gods now on final warning! And Nix is holding both hands out in front of him as if to impress upon him god-like powers. Nice, awesome, thank you very much. Alpha, please could you make a death saving throw? Indeed I can. 20'd be really good now, mate. Hell yeah. He's just having a quick check in his Kalim's Book of Crap. Oh no! Okay, that is a failure. One failure.
Sad face. That lasted, what, 13 episodes? We've all got secondary characters ready written, right? Oh yeah, I do, yeah. Uh, Rains. Alpha's down. You've got someone stood directly behind you pretty much and he's just screamed, ow. What would you like to do? Uh, Rains without even saying anything, he's just going to hold up his hands and go, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Everybody just calm down. I assume you're here from a roller. And as he says that, NC is going to jump off Emron's shoulder, land on Alpha, and just dissipate a cure wound. Thank you. Thank you so much. Okay, very nice. All right. Anything else you want to do, Rains? That's pretty much all I can do. I'll use my action to dodge again. Okay, cool. Emron.
The heat seems to be trying to dissipate the heat of this encounter at the moment. What would you like to do? Right, everyone's heard Reigns try and calm things down and everyone's known he's tried to get these guys to back down and they haven't yet. And his hammer is still resting on the floor and he looks
at alpha sees this mist appear and knows that rains has got things sorted. He's gonna have heard the grunt of pain behind him.

Reinforcements and Critical Decisions

And think right, at least nix is doing something for once. So there's a chance it's gonna be all right. Everyone will look
and he'll turn, look at the three ahead of him, and he'll shout, Alito have you, and I will surge forward, bringing my hammer up. And I'm going to aim for the one to the left hand side as I'm looking down the alleyway. The one with the buckler and the axe. The one with the buckler and the axe. Okay.
And yeah, I've got no spells, so it's smashing time. It's clobbering time. Nice. All right. Go for it. Roll a hit. Come on, Alito. Come on. That's an 18 to hit. Yeah, buddy. Yeah, that hits. And then big two handed swing. Come on. That's eight points of bludgeoning damage. Fucking hell, man. That's nice.
Nice. This hit comes in north to south, straight down. He can't even build a butt crop in time. It smashes down. It kind of misses his head, but hits him kind of almost square in the chest, winding him badly. You can see a bit of blood start trickling out of the nose and one of his ears. He is, yeah, that was unpleasant. Lovely. Anything else you want to do, Emon? Emon, anything else I can do action wise? No.
It's the bandits turn. The one behind you guys is going to take another shot on the roof, he's going to take another shot at Morota. And again misses man, that's really bad rolling. Again seems to be aiming for limbs, aiming for the externals and misses again, curses under his breath.
The guy in the middle is then going to turn to you, Nix. It had enough with your Eldritch Blast shit. He's going to take a swing with his dagger at you for 17 against your armor class. That hits, easily. You're going to take three points of slashing damage. The chat that's in front of you, Emron, with the buckler and the axe is going to take a swing, and that is going to be a 13 against your armor class.
Miss. Misses. The chap that's behind him, the one who's kind of further back, is going to disappear off to the right. And then you lose him in your field division. Okay. The guy that's in to the right is then going to charge down
And basically, Alpha's still prone at this point, isn't he? Yeah, I'm still on the ground. He's going to basically take your old position, everyone, between Alpha, Reigns, and this dagger-wielding twat. So he's at a diagonal with Marota, and he's going to take the butt of one of the two axes he's got. He's acquiring, kind of, furs and a white shirt and long, kind of, ginger hair. And with his two axes, he's going to butt the head on the top of Marota.
Yep, that's going to do it for 19. Yep. And, uh, the damage that she takes, she just buckles and falls face down on the dirt. Down, not out, knock down.
And that's the end of his turn. The arch, sorry, the bolt wielding, bolt wielding, I keep saying it, the crossbow man at the back is going to take a shot at the only one he's got a clear shot on. Everyone else is going to hit his friends because, you know, they've been friends for years since school. He's going to hit aim for Reigns, mainly because Reigns is the only one he's got field division on. And that's a five against your armor class.
I mean, I'm assuming that misses because, you know, five is shit. So that's the end of their turn. Nick's top of the round. Your turn. There's another two guys. It's down to Nick's is holding the injury from the last slash of the dagger. So Nick's turns around same spot, but just turns around at the crossbow person.
That's kind of perched on the roof that was aiming at Marota. And Nix is going to get down on one knee as he moves around, and his horns are glowing purple in this one swift movement, and both hands jut out. However, Nix is going to try something silly, and he's going to try and hit the roof tiles that the guy is on.
in the hopes that he will blast the roof tiles away and cause your matey to fall down and hit the solid concrete on the floor.
of 10. The reason why he's doing this is because with ships in battle, you have to destroy the structural integrity of a ship to get rid of the whole person. So he's just doing what his pirate training taught him. I love it. So both hands out. Eldridge blast. That's for 21. Yeah, that hits. That works. Right. So now he's going to quickly just roll a dexterity saving throw to see if he can stay upright. And if he can, he'll stay up. If he can't, he falls down.
He fails. No, that's awful. He fails and so he is going to fall the 10, 15 feet, 15 feet. Are you going to take falling damage from that? Well, yeah, it's one of the six closing damage for every 10 feet.
So he, wow, okay, right, so how much has he got? Okay, that's right, he's not dead from the fall, that'd be really awkward. He falls face down, bung in the dirt, his crossbow lands next to him as well, still in his hand, as he's still, you know, he's just lying there. He's prone for all intents and purposes, and he is five feet diagonally away from you, next.
Well played. Last chance! I'm being serious! As Nix's one hand jutted towards the guy on the floor and his hand behind him jutted towards the knife fucking wielder behind him. That's really nice. Have some inspiration for that inspired choice of attack. I like that. That was really good. Thank you. Do you know what an inspiration does, Ian? Do you remember? Yes. Okay. Just checking. Just checking, man. All right.
You know, we're all getting old these days. We are getting a natural 20, right? Automatically. Our bodies are decaying. I think I agree with that one.
No, definitely not, I never give you that. Are you shaming me for my D&D knowledge and my age all in one moment? Yes, pretty much, all in one fell swoop. Two shades. Thanks, man. That was really nice, I like that move, I'm not sick. Alpha, you suddenly, I like, you just hear the Windows 95, ding, ding, ding, ding, start up again. As you turn on. I think I like that, that's becoming a little bit of a canon kind of thing, you've got all the Windows tunes. Yeah, all like a modem, just do, do, do, do, do, do, do, free,
Starts up, that's why I think as well. Now I really like that. Well whatever man, you do your thing, you do you. You wake up, you are no longer dying. Yes, which is a very good thing. Alpha's eyes are going to open back up and just kind of refocus a little bit. He's going to see the arrow still lodged in him and he's going to snap it off and throw it away. And then he's going to think back to
some of the books and he's kind of read and what heroes are doing is like sometimes the best offense is a good defense and Alfa's gonna stand up and kind of as quickly as he as quickly as he can not to try and get a surprise thing or anything like that but so it's a little bit shocking he's actually going to lunge forward at the guy that's in front of him that stepped forward next to Reigns and he's actually going to try and grab him in almost kind of a headlock
style. So he's at the front of Alpha and Alpha is going to attempt to keep him there as long as he can to use him and some kind of protection from arrows and whatnot. So it's almost like he's using him as a human shield. Okay. Nice. So that'd be a, I think that was a grapple then I assume. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's a grapple. Your athletics versus my athletics or acrobatics. Yes. All right. That's what I think it is. What did I get?
15 for my athletics. I've got 12. He has grappled. I'll let you hold him in that position and you've got him. Which way, just so I know, which way are you facing him? For flavor, I'm going to kind of headlock him and just turn him around so the archer that shot me is going to be, I'm going to be facing the archer that shot me.
Gotcha. That's basically what I'm doing. So down the alleyway to the north. Down the alleyway to the north. Okey-dokey, I'll put you on top of him on D&D Beyond just on Rollchamp just so I know.
Uh, which way you're kind of fighting. Okay. Awesome. Nice. Thank you. That's fun. I like that. Very nice. Very nice. Very nice. Uh, reigns, you've now got some kind of, it looks like a, it looks like a weird hug between alpha and this bandit to your left. Um, you hear the shite, the motors down and you hear part of the roof, the roof tiles, the clay roof tiles clatter to the floor and a thud as, uh, the, um, crossbowman behind you falls the 20 feet to the floor. Sorry, 15 feet to the floor. Uh, what would you like to do?
Reigns is just gonna continue with his hands in the air. He's just gonna go, everybody stop! And then he's gonna turn to the guard that Alpha is grappling and say, I trust the name Valkyrie is of significance and that means you want her alive. And I'm just gonna stay on my feet, nimble, take the dodge action and wait to hear what they say. Okay.
Thank you very much. Emron, you're toe to toe with a sword wielding, axe wielding maniac. What would you like to do? You firstly want to unmute your microphone. It would be useful, I think. Sorry, Will. Thank you. Emron's going to have heard
rained shout. And he's gonna look over and be like, rained, this isn't a bleeding tea dance, get stuck in. And I'm going to then hit the man in front of me with my hammer. Nice, hit him away.
It's an 11. Unfortunately, the Buckler comes up the last minute just deflecting your head off to the side, unfortunately. Okay. Terrible. Sorry. The bandits turn. So firstly, the one you up against range is going to respond with a 13 against your armor class.

Cliffhanger Ultimatum

sorry, I said Reigns. Apologies. I meant, I meant Emron. Sorry. I meant Emron. And I assume that still misses because your client still misses. Yeah. Sorry. I got the name wrong there. Um, so that guy misses the, uh, man with the crossbow is going to the far end of the North is going to take a shot at Reigns this time. And again, that's actually a 13. I'm rolling like shit.
That's a miss. We have the chap in the middle, Nick's best friend. He is going to then, he's still ignoring both of you and he's going to reach down and pull out a length of rope and tie it around the legs of now the
unconscious marota and he's going to put it over his shoulder he's going to try and pull marota drag marota and to the which way would he go to the north back to where he assumes his friends are so he's going to move in front here moving out of reigns and nixes
areas of engagement, combat range. So do you have the ability to do a tax opportunity? Yes, I could take a swing, but I'm not gonna. All right, Nix. Yeah, absolutely.
Excuse me. Yeah, I'm absolutely going to take the attack of opportunity. So with as we left before, Nick said both hands out one facing dagger guy, the other facing fallen guy, their their names from now on. So as he feels movement behind him and Eldridge blast the horns.
glow purple again or what's up lore master i don't you you need war caster to be able to cast spells as a reaction yeah this is well i'm gonna try it anyway you're gonna push the horns glow purple and nix's hands jot out and he says eldritch blast to this and silence could okay nix wouldn't know that you could just biffle in the head with a fist if you want
But I still have to go for Eldritch Blast and be like, I'm out of power. I'm out of power. And blown on his hand. Where's that mana potion? Patron. Nice. I like that. Thanks. Right.
Oh, it's Bandit Stone, isn't it? Yeah, that's right. And then the rest of his turn, he's going to move half movement because he is encumbered with an orc and he's going to... Sorry. I was going to say, Alpha, if he leaves Alpha's reigns, he still gets the attack of opportunity because while Alpha is grappling someone, he can still attack and the person grappling Alpha can still attack as well. It doesn't stop anything like that. Just so we're aware.
Yeah, thank you. He was just one handed into he would move around and try and get out of that range of of yours as well. Obviously, you do have an attack of opportunity as well.
Yeah, Alpha will take it, primarily because he'll turn and think, what's this coming up by the side of me? He'll see that this person's got Marota. He's not going to attempt to shoot at the moment because his pistol's probably still kind of, well, might be on the floor in all fairness. So we're just going to try and swing his fist out and whack them in the face as they're trying to drag Marota away. Nice roll to hit.
I can't see what that is. Oh, it's an eight. It's an eight man. He's actually going to do it. He's only got like three hit points. Um, yeah. Uh, it misses wildly. I think maybe as you try to swing your, um, your, your kind of, but if you're going to attack it, the man you're holding kind of swings up an arm to kind of block you realizing what's happening. Um, and then kind of lets the grapple take place as he moves. Uh, he's also got five more feet of movement. He's just going to move there in line with Emron almost kind of past the line of the three where they were previously stood.
That would be the whole return except that the man who disappeared. The man who disappeared down the alleyway to the right is going to reappear at the same alleyway, now kind of blocking in M runs between M run and Marota and our new friend, our treasure chest man. I'll call him from now on. And he's going to take a swing at M run.
Man, 13 again. That's a third ten of roll in a roll. That misses. Nonetheless, he's in a prime position there. And in the chat that's being held by Alpha, he's going to wildly swing at, I can swing at Alpha, can't I?
Get off me, you metal twat! He's going to stay under his breath. He's got two axes. Answer your chance to attack. He does a double attack. The first one is a 9 against your armor class. That's a miss. And the other one is 12 against your armor class. That's a miss, yeah. Oh, I even rolled the damage straight away and it was max damage. Oh man, I will floor you. Alpha just goes back down.
So that's the end of the Bandits turns, top of the round. Next, you've just watched as Morita's been dragged away. What do you want to do? Okay, so I'm writing thinking that matey boy who fell off the roof is prone. Oh shit, he didn't have his go. He's just going to stand up and shake his head yet. Sorry, he didn't have a go, but yeah, he's just going to stand up and go, what the fuck happened?
Okay, Nix is going to use some fucking smarts here, given the situation, and he's going to bolt down the alleyway that he first came from before this battle. So that would probably provoke an attack of opportunity for... Unless you disengage, if Nix is that smart. It disengages in action, isn't it? Yes, it is. And if you want to bolt, i.e. dash, then you can't. You need it, yeah.
I'm writing what I'm doing. He rolled a five, so... Oh, thank God. So he's not going to hit. So Nix is literally going to have to see him a roll to get him dragged away. He's just doing what comes innately to him and he's going to run and he's going to use all his action. So he's going to double his walk to 60 feet. And as he's running, you can notice that he's limping heavily on his right. That's five, ten.
And he's going to end up, so as he runs down the alley that he came out, he's going to hang a hard left and run up the deserted alley in front of him. And he's going to appear back on the main street in the hopes that he's going to cut off the guy carrying Marota. Nice, smarts. I like it. I like it a lot. Alpha, you've just seen, well, you've got a guy who's wildly swinging at you as you try and grapple him.
Yep, I'm still going to maintain that grapple. I've still got one hand wrapped around his neck, or one arm rather wrapped around his neck, just in like a headlock position. I'm just going to reach down and grab my pistol back up. I'm going to point it at the man who's dragging Marota away. I'm going to yell to him, if you take one more step, I will not hesitate to shoot.
So I will ready my action that if he takes another step forward, I will fire at him then. Are you talking about the guy you're currently holding? No, I will shoot at the guy that's dragging Marotta. Gotcha. Okay, cool, cool. Because I don't need an action to maintain the grapple. No, but the guy that you're grappling could take an action to try and break the grapple if you wanted to though.
But that's on his turn indeed. Yeah, that's fine. That's fine. Perfectly fine. I'm using him as a meat shield at the moment. That's all I'm bothered about. Fair. Not a problem. So yeah, I will say that to the one that's dragging Marotta away and I'm ready in an action. If he goes forward another step, then I will shoot. Okay, lovely. Thank you very much. Rains, you've still got an axe wielding maniac to your left and alpha and Marotta's being dragged away to the north. 10 feet away from me. What would you want to do?
Does it look like the axe-wielding maniac is still trying to hit alpha? Yes. Raines will take a step 10 feet forward as if he's following in the direction of
Morota and the guard who's dragging her away. He's going to turn back with his Firebolt and point towards the guard who is currently holding Alpha. And he's going to just say, let the Warforged, not Warforged, sorry.
You're having a hell of a go, Darren. This is great. I know. Sorry, man. Just in case you're confused, Darren. It's Alpha that's got a neck around the bad guy. Just in case you're confused about how the grapple's working. Just in case that affects you. Sorry. Yeah, I point my fireball at Alpha and this guy is holding on to him. And Raines is starting to sweat. He doesn't know what to do. He's starting to panic.
He is desperately figuring out what to do and he's just gonna freeze as he has this firebolt ready. He can afford to lose alpha. And the situation's getting the better of him. And fuck, fuck, fuck with this firebolt and that's Ranger's turn. Oh man, nice. Drama, drama. Emron, you've got one enemy to the front of you, an enemy to the right of you, bunting above you.
Right, he's still not heard Reigns fire anything yet. A couple words later. But everyone's got this other guy next to him who's trying to stab him. He's got the booklet guy in front of him. He's gonna like, and he's gonna hold his hammer and be like, Eludo, bring me your wrath. And I'm gonna attack this man. Hit him. With the booklet. Go for it.
Nope, nope, this just doesn't work. Five, he's quite adept with the butler. But my religion. I managed to block it off to the side again, unfortunately. Sorry about that, Emron. It's all right. Level one, this is what happens. Level two, aren't we? Yeah, level two, sorry. Come on, you're 50% better than level one, I'll have you. A couple of things happen at this moment. The northern crossbowman is going to shoot at Nyx.
Oh, 18 against your armor class. Yeah, I'm down. Okay. Seven points. You're down, you've not even rolled for damage. I have a feeling you're on about one or two, seven. I was on one. What's your total hit point total? Nine. That's right. Okay. If I'd rolled much better, man. God. Nobody knows you're there. Seven, yeah. Yep. I am, I am gone.
The archer that is behind is going to fire at alpha in the back. Oh man, this has been so good to knock you all out in one turn, but you rolled a two. So that's going to be a five against your armor class and misses. The guy that is the buckler chap, hated buckler chap. Oh man, 19 against your armor class. Yeah, that actually hits. One axe, 1d6 plus two is five points of slashing damage.
Man, now I'm rolling well. This is it. It's a dirty 20, that's 17 plus three. And with that short sword, only three points of slashing damages. He kind of pierces, slashing damages, he kind of juts forward and tries to hit you. He's the, the guy who's being engaged with Alpha at the moment, isn't going to try and break it. He don't want to waste his action because he's metagaming as well. He's still swinging and he's going to just still wildly swing with these axes.
Thank you all.
behind you trying to biff you in the head with his axes and that is a 15 against your armor class.
Miss. Oh man, I forget you nerfed your character the fuck. That's nerfed. I made him weaker. No, it's nerf good or bad. I thought nerf was bad. Nerf is bad. Nerf I made him weaker. But he's not. He's still weak at the moment. He's got... He's a page out of Callum's bullshit backlog of catalogue. Bollocks to you. Bollocks to you. He's actually got an AC of 28. Oh, of course, yeah. And he rolls 26. That's not till level five.
Oh, you bitch. And the guys, the guy with Marota in tow... Just backtrack, does he not throw two attacks at me? Oh, yes, he does. Thank you so much. Ah, the second one's 11. Yeah, I still miss. There you go. I think that's fair that it missed even because you called for the hit. The guy dragging Marota is going to step out of Rains's field of... I keep forgetting what this is called.
Engagement. Engagement, range of engagement. Thank you, range of engagement. It's been a long week, guys. Proximity, you know. There you go. So, Reigns does get an attack of opportunity if you would want to take it, Reigns. I also have my readied action as well. You do indeed, yeah. We'll do Reigns first and then move to yours. No, Reigns isn't going to take it. Reigns is focusing on Alpha. Okay.
Alfa, you do get a chance to shoot. It's a very tight window. It's a very narrow window here. It needs to pinpoint accuracy because he does not want to hit range, but he's going to take the shot anyway for it. He's had a slight few bonding moments with Hirota over the past couple of days. Yeah, she shouted at you a few times. Yeah, exactly. 18 to hit. Hits. Yeah.
Oh wow, 12 points. I rolled max damage on that. 12 points of piercing damage. Almost like a bit of rage from Alpha's central core just starts to pulsate and it just builds up a little bit more in the pistol and there's an unusually large bang that kind of comes out at the end of it.
unusually large and pistol. That's all my brain is hearing. That's all your brain wants to hear. The kerfuffle from the north, the far north.
brings forth a reinforcement down the alleyway just to the left of the guy that's the northern chap on the roof. There's also a scuttling Nyx, you wouldn't hear that, but from around the corner to the right of the main street, kind of behind Nyx, is on the floor level a crossbowman who kind of peeks out around the corner. The chap who's just appeared from the northern alleyway
steps out slightly bigger the little exclamation mark above his head no um steps out slightly bigger slightly longer beard uh slightly more bare chest I don't know take a pic whatever stereotypical kind of D&D character you want that's cool next to the health bar absolutely yeah absolutely it's red or purple instead of like Diablo character no he doesn't you go steps through and just um bellows through stop we'll let you live
Just give us the orc. She won't die. Either that or you all die. And that's the end of the match term. Next, could you roll your first death saving throw, please? A question. Can I use my inspiration on this? No, I don't think you can pick. I mean, in order to stop it being a one, I don't know, it's no, probably not.
Okay, no, I'll go with the majority. Right, death saves on D&D Beyond. You want a natural 20, mate? We haven't had any yet so far. Which is crazy, because some battles, you guys roll like 7, 8 D20, like a natural 20. Wish me luck. Come on. 18, yeah baby! Okay, nice. I'll do one next to my smiley face. Nice save.
Nick, Alfa, you're still currently holding this man but you notice he goes limp in your arms when he hears this voice call out. The chap in the red leather between you, his blade comes down a little bit as his head turns back towards Reigns. Even the man engaged with Emron with his buckler lowers his shield down from blocking your hits slightly to watch for your response as they all wait to see how the party will respond to what's been said.
and to find out how you respond, we're gonna have to wait till next week's episode of the fellowship. What? Fuck you. Oh my god. Fuck you and the horse you rode in. That's so good. Normally, you guys predict when this is gonna happen and all three and four of you went, oh, you're a motherfucker, what? And jumped through the chest. I had a response prepared and all this kind of stuff. I was like, okay, what I wanna do? And then you do that. I'm like, ah. You can die in a hole. Die in a hole. Holy shit. That's so good. I am loving this fight as well.
It's down next is dying the whole team doesn't doing anything I love it because he's just so like fucking conflicted about what to do and it's great It's it's what it needed by unless you're playing it. You're playing the character and that's that's legit. I'm Thank you
speaking about playing the characters how about get in touch with the characters and you can do so on our social media pages to which we have quite a few of we have a facebook page which is fellowship table we have a twitter page which is at fellowship table and we have a website which is then if you wanted a dinkus individually you can do so on our in dinkus yeah dinkus it's not dinkus dinkus dink.
I think tweeters will be better, I don't know. DM us. Yeah. Pocus. Just keep going, just keep going. I was on such a good role with it. No, yeah, you fall off the cap. Trust the inspiration Ian, go with it. Just we have individual pages on Twitter that you can find us on. I'm at iRoller1. Callum is at YouCanDinkMeAtTheD20Gamer. See, he's rolling with it. Big sloppy dong Darren is at.
I had that on page 06. Why sloppy? Why what? Where did you go with that? I had a reply but I don't want to, I don't want to put it into the, some of my students listen to this. I don't want to put, I gross retort to that. I'll take the high ground. Don't indulge him.
You can find Will at... Natural20will. Oh, lordy lord. You can find our very, very, very good DM at... Hastily rolled DM. Sloppy, what's up? No, no, no, no. Just naturally happened. But you know what? Until next time, guys. Farewell.