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Episode 200: We mean... Episode 200! image

Episode 200: We mean... Episode 200!

Goblin Lore Podcast
317 Plays1 year ago

Hello, Podwalkers, and welcome back to another episode of the Goblin Lore Podcast! The goblins want to remind you that we have a very active and open Discord and love the opportunity for you all to join!

To start out today we take time to say goodbye and honor our friend Sheldon Menery. We would encourage people to check out the Memorial Page for Sheldon and read through these stories

Today is our 200th episode (possibly... our math has been very poor at times) and the hosts decided to celebrate this with sharing their individual Top 200 Magic Cards of All Time!! We hope you will all buckle in and finish this episode as there are some absolute amazing statements at the end.

Again we would like to state that Black Lives Matter

We also are proud to have partnered with Grinding Coffee Co a black, LGBT+ affiliated and owned, coffee business that is aimed at providing coffee to gamers. You can read more about their mission here.

We also finally have a Linktree with all of our discounts/resources


As promised, we keep Mental Health Links available every episode. We also want to draw attention to this article on stigma from NAMI's site as it is September which is Suicide Prevention/Awareness Month.

If you’re thinking about suicide or just need someone to talk to right now, you can get support from any of the resources below.


Opening and closing music by Wintergatan (@wintergatan). Logo art by Steven Raffael (@SteveRaffle)

Goblin Lore is proud to be presented by Hipsters of the Coast, and a part of their growing Vorthos content – as well as Magic content of all kinds. Check them out at


200th Episode Celebration and Plans

Hello Podwalkers and welcome to a very special episode of the goblin lore podcast now I say it's a very special episode and not only because all three hosts are actually here today But it is also episode number 200 Roughly, I guarantee that there's there's completely ways that the math could have been off at some point I have never gone back and checked
It is the episode we are celebrating as episode 200. Yes, we are calling it 200. And that's good for goblets. So yeah, so we're going to be talking today about some of our favorite cards. That's actually what we're going to be discussing. So we'll get into that in a couple of minutes. First, we want to just go around and introduce ourselves and
Our question for the day is going to be in honor of Sheldon Menary, who we're going to say some more words about in a second here when I have a chance.

Acts of Kindness in Honor of Sheldon Menary

But first, I just wanted us to acknowledge that one of the biggest assets that I think Sheldon brought to anything was his ability to just be kind and to really encourage that kindness in other people.
And so we as a host decided that what we wanted to do was for our question for this 200th episode is to say, what is something kind or nice that we can do for others?
this week. And I proposed this question and then obviously did not think at all. So I'm going to pass it over to Alex who I heard speak already. Yes, I guess I picked my place in line by talking earlier. So I'm Alex Newman found on Twitter for now at Mel underscore chronicler. My pronouns are he him and I did actually have an answer to this. So this is something and this is
I don't know, this feels maybe a little weird answering for this, but it's something I've been aiming to do for a while, and it would be more than just this week. But something at my work, we have a system called Recognition Central, where you can just send a little thank you to people, or you just recognize people for the things that they've done at work, things that are making, even if it's just, this is their normal thing, but it was a escalated situation for you, and this was something super urgent, and they just took,
few minutes now to do it rather than sitting it on the pile to get it done later. And it's a thing that I love whenever I get these recognitions. It means a lot to me, but I have been really, really, really bad at using this system to recognize other people. It's one of my goals for years. It's a thing that I just keep trying to do. And so I'm going to take this to kind of push myself to sit down tomorrow and find something to set out of recognition and try to do that.
every day for the rest of this week to just try to get in the habit of using this system that
It's just a nice little thing. And it can be a nice little benefit. Managers in the company have the ability to give people points, which isn't exactly cash, but can be turned into things like Amazon gift cards and Nintendo online store gift cards. So at least for me, it's good enough, which is nice. But even outside of that, it's just, I know one point I had a few days off and I came back and just had a nice recognition from someone that a couple people put comments on. And it just felt really good to have
the recognition of some of the things I was doing. So I want to try to do that for other people. That's a good one. We have something similar at work, too. So that's actually a that's even saying that's a good reminder for me. Yeah. Well, Taya. Hi.
I'm good, mostly for a Monday. Taya transcends on most social media. She heard they them pronouns. And I had to think about this. What is something I can do to be kind to someone this week?
I think it's just being supportive for people and it's something I try to do all the time. You know, I'm one of those Facebook friends that is always like checking in when I see somebody post something and like, just, are you okay? Is there anything I can do to help? Is there anything you need? And, you know, just making sure that
I'm reaching out to somebody or sometime this week and just offering to be there. And I try to do that whenever I can. Sometimes, maybe lately I haven't been as good as that because I've been dealing with a lot of depression myself, which kind of lowers my spoons for helping other people.
You know, this week I'll make an extra effort to just reach out and help somebody else. And I am Hobbs Q. My pronouns are he, him. I can be found everywhere on the internet since 1998 as Hobbs Q. And I think for me that what I really want to do is thank my wife
more when I say that, though, I just like I'm always telling my wife what I appreciate or that I appreciate her or that I love her. But I want to be just more specific about what it is. Right. Like just thanking her for things that she does to help with the kids.
Especially as there is like we had some struggles lately which is the oldest girl kind of almost you know seeing the youngest get more attention for doing things because she's young and that's that she doesn't can't communicate and so it leads to her then at times seeming like she is.
is acting out in a way that can frustrate me and that I struggle with. And my wife has done a lot to support, but I wanna be specific. And I think that's the biggest thing for me is I'm oftentimes trying to be kind to people or nice to people or offer encouragement or excitement over things that they are, but I don't feel that I'm always specific. And I wanna start working on being more specific about what it is. And I just know that, because for me, when I get that,
It just it feels different like when Alex was saying like you'll make comments on it or somebody talks about like something I did at work and tells me what it is. It feels a lot better than somebody just being excited for something I post and just being like hell yeah or heck yeah or whatever. And that's like that I do I just get very excited for people but I want to be more specific about that. So.

Remembering Sheldon Menary's Contributions

So before we get into our actual kind of meat and potatoes of the episode today, I did want to take a couple of minutes to, you know, talk about Sheldon memory. So if you're listening to the show and you.
have not heard it for some reason. Sheldon passed away from his battle with cancer, his seven-year battle with various forms of cancer in terms of resurgence and just where there had been different metastasis to. It is something that he
had been very open about his struggles with, but I think people did not necessarily know where he was at in terms of the fact that it was a pretty shocking loss. I would say that even people who know that he had been sick for
a long time were not necessarily aware that death was imminent or that up until a week or so ago, he had even been talking to people about plans to go to Vegas. Even knowing that that was very much an outside chance, he had still been talking about it because he wanted to go. Sheldon was somebody that
has been on the show. So he came on and talked to me about his battle with cancer and about his this concept of a legacy. One of the things that he has always talked about. So I mean, there's a lot. And I'm struggling for words here because I've been struggling to process this loss. I was, you know, I was friends with Sheldon, you know, I
had a lot of good conversations with them, not about magic. And I've known Sheldon since probably towards the beginning of being on Twitter in 2010 and had gotten to be more than just kind of acquaintances with him. So I've been struggling a little bit with just finding what I want to say or words to say.
and to recognize somebody that had, you know, it's wild, but an impact not only on competitive magic, but on like the casual world, even more so. I'm really sorry to cut you off, but just for some context for folks who may or may not be aware, Sheldon is one of the founders of Commander.
Yeah format. Yeah, so he gave the godfather of commander. Yeah, not the grandfather as Hobbes likes to call him The godfather. Yes, so he he had seen kind of the seeds of the format played other places But kind of refined it with people In the duelist and other places and really was the champion of it as a format especially among judges Which is kind of what's funny as people may not know he wasn't he was a level five judge. I mean he was basically
The judge for pro tours he was at the top of the judge game he innovated a lot of stuff to do with.
that ability, competitive magic for sure. And it's hard to say what would have happened without competitive magic in those early days would not have been sustainable. There was just rampant, unfortunately cheating and stuff that was going on in those days. And a lot of it was just like small things like how to register a deck list was something that people would find ways to cheat around. And he
found systems to be able to deal with that. And he retired from judging and they basically made him judge emeritus because of his contributions. And while doing all that, he also championed commander. And
I mean, without Commander, I'm not a magic player anymore. I came to the game from casual 60-card magic, kitchen table, just whatever. But I mean, even by 2010, 2011 at my LGS, that was going away in favor of Commander. And I really do think that…
without commanders as a format, which is just wild to me to think what we take for granted now. But when I started playing like that, that was such a difference, right? This whole idea of a singleton format, 100 cards, it became the epitome of casualness and casual... I don't even know the right word.
Yeah, I mean, and for me, to cut off too much for you, but I'm in a similar boat. I wouldn't be playing magic right now if it wasn't for Commander. And for me, we came in with some 60-card casual stuff, but way back in the day, we came up with our own. Well, we had some other wacky format that we heard about from some other people at a local convention that I don't know if it exists anymore up in St. Cloud called SaintsCon. So we played party decks, which were minimum 300 cards.
and a few other random things. And so for us, me and my dad and kind of the people we played with, that was magic. We played a lot of casual magic like that. So when I quit and then came back, I started playing standard, because that's a thing I knew existed. But finding out about Commander was like, oh, so now more people to play this sort of big deck turtle magic that I used to play growing up. And that's what really pulled me back into the game.
Yeah, Commander's pretty much the only thing. I play limited with friends once in a while, but Commander's really the only thing that keeps me in magic at this point, other than the story. And I know that for me, Commander is what actually drew me to Twitter, because I was learning more about it and learning that there was actually a community. And I am talking 2010.
which was prior to my move to Minnesota. And it was from there that I started making connections with people much more around the world to the point where I actually, you know, felt comfortable moving to Minnesota somewhere where my life really is taking like a turn. I mean, in terms of just being settled and feeling comfortable and it wouldn't have happened without commander. It wouldn't have happened without, you know, stewards of commander keeping it going with an actual mission.
behind it, which is something I don't know if Sheldon gets enough recognition for. I think it's known, but one of the things that stood out to me as I saw the days after his passing was people were sharing stories about interactions with Sheldon or just him at events or just meeting him or interactions just online with him was
how many people from different groups, especially groups that historically have not had as much of a voice, talked about the fact that Sheldon lifted them up. And I will say, one of the things that I know about from Sheldon is he surrounded himself with good people. He kind of said that. That was his greatest gift. He just surrounded himself with good people and interesting people and important people.
And he was just very not blind to privilege. He was very aware that he was an old white dude in a gaming space.
I started hearing the stories of people that he took time to both mentor to give space to, whether that was playing on the rules committee stream when it started up, how they were intentional. And this is something that him and I talked a lot about when he was on the show was about intentionality, about seeking out the voices that he wanted to see.
move this game like he, you know, he kind of always said, you know, he plans to be here forever, right? That was his goal. And he didn't have plans to go anywhere soon. But it was also just, you know, whether it was cancer or not cancer. You know, there's an inevitability to just life in general, he was an older male, white male that, you know, even if I think would have kept playing magic until he dropped dead no matter what. But
He wanted commander and he wanted magic and he wanted the community to be able to continue long after one or four people as it was one day that has now expanded to six and who knows where it will be beyond that and I believe that clearly was his goal and I think that He just yeah, there's just a lot about him and
I've been struggling to find the words to talk about the impact. I mentioned it a little bit on Twitter the other day that it's this weird thing that magic is always to me a microcosm of the larger world. We've seen it with just the way stuff happened in the 2016 elections was the same way that we saw things happen with
various gamer gates with quartering and everything else. Magic is a microcosm. And within that, our community is small. But even within that, we have the larger-than-life celebrities. And this is, to me, the first time that we've reckoned with the death of a true magic celebrity in the era of this level of social media.
And it's this weird thing because it's also some way that a lot of people in our community had personal connections to and personal stories around. And it's just, the ramifications is greater than just Sheldon is what it has felt to me watching this in the past couple of days. So I don't know if either of you had things you wanted to say or thoughts or anything as I'm going on quite a lot, but
No, I think you covered everything I'd want to say. I wish I would have gotten the opportunity to meet him. I was hoping I would have gotten to meet him at Minnesota, but that didn't work out because of his health. I'll be sad that never happened. Yeah, I never got a chance to meet him either, which makes me just a little more
regretful maybe of the fact that he was on the show. There was an opportunity, but the scheduling was tough. So I just said, yeah, go ahead and record without him. It'd be great to have him on the show. And I'm glad to Hobbs you had a chance to talk to him on the show and have a good episode with him. But I just regret that I missed that opportunity at least to have a conversation with him. And like I went to Richmond was my first event post.
And in part, I had chosen that event because of the plans that he was going to be there. I didn't choose Minneapolis for that reason, but I had anticipated, you know, hoping to get to do something. And unfortunately, those were the two of the events that, but before each of them, he had major medical kind of issues. Minneapolis, I think, was kind of the, you know, I know that when his travel was really restricted kind of after that anyways.
Uh, yeah, I hadn't seen him in person in many, many years. I had been fortunate enough to play online and have some opportunities to play with him. Um, but I'm going to miss him and.
Um, I just think about the fact that like, when we even reached out to say like, Hey, do you want to come on the show? And, you know, basically I approached him with the idea of coming on and talking about cancer and about how, uh, illness and, um, physical health can impact the relationship with our game. You know, it, it was like almost no question about it. And, um, you know, one thing I will share to just.
You know, like thinking of the things that his sense of humor was, um, I was in a DM group with him and Scott Larrabee for Minneapolis prior to him being able to come. And I didn't even think about it and responded to a.
a message in there like around talking about the barbecue. Actually, Scott did. Scott responded to that message saying, yeah, I'm not going to be able to make your barbecue tonight. And Sheldon in typical kind of I think Sheldon fashion responded back with, yeah, seeing as I'm still in basically like the ICU, I probably won't be there either. Just like the dry wit there. I had reached out to him.
about filming for our fifth anniversary. Like, hey, do you want to record a little something? We have this going on. And it was kind of like, hey, yeah, so I'm in the hospital. So probably not going to be able to get that to you in time. And it was just kind of like just like taking that time to actually respond to this when he was in a hospital, right? Like obviously dealing with serious stuff to still take that time to even just joke about it, but reach out and say like, yeah, I'm not going to be able to do this.
Yeah, this obviously has gone on longer than I was planning.

Transition to Discussing Favorite Magic Cards

So yeah, that's okay. So now our 200th episode. So we're here. We're going to talk about 200 of our favorite magic cards. I'm so excited. 200 each, right? Yeah. 200 each. That's right. Okay. Good. Good. Cause I, I've been, I've been staying up nights working on these lists. Yeah. So, uh, I guess since I'm talking, do y'all okay with me just starting here?
I think just shows a lot.
Yeah, just start with your top. Yeah. So I'm going to start with one of my favorite cards in one of my favorite

Sharing Favorite Magic Cards and Stories

decks. And it's not the most impactful card. So this is a Misera Irene deck. This is a green, red, black deck I built years ago when the Gitrog monster came out. And I'm like, yeah, that looks really fun, but I need to play Seismic Assault with that. And so I made a green, red, black deck so that I could do that, but I needed a commander.
I've talked about this deck on and off on the show. I like the commander. It's kind of a good grease, just kind of helps to make the deck work, but it isn't the central focus of the deck, which is not how I mostly have built commander decks before or since. So I think that also makes it a little special for me. But the card I really want to talk about is Realms Uncharted.
So this is a card that like every time someone talks about the like, okay, so if there's a secret layer for you or what, you know, I think recently
I don't know, somebody was talking about, what cards would you really want reprinted with some nice versions? Realms Uncharted is always the answer for me. So this is two and a green for an instant from Rise of the Eldrazi. Search your library for up to four land cards with different names, reveal them. An opponent chooses two, those go into your graveyard, the others go into your hand. And so it's gifts ungiven for lands, if you're familiar with gifts ungiven. It is literally gifts ungiven.
It's Gifts Ungiven for Land. It's a three-man instance. I don't know how it doesn't get played more. I really don't. Even the posture of the character in the art is Gifts Ungiven. It is straight up that card. I love this card, and it has never been reprinted. It has one printing.
And in a land centric deck, particularly a land centric deck that cares about the graveyard, I don't even need to do shenanigans. Like gifts ungiven, you can do some fail to find nonsense to put stupid things in your graveyard. And that's why it's banded commander. I think it's been a while since I've looked. Yeah, it is. Okay, thank you. I don't even need to do that with this card.
Yeah, and that's totally fair. But I don't even need to do that with this card. Four lands with different names, whatever. I'll just get a bunch of, I'll get a bunch of fetch lands, I'll get a bunch, whatever. I'll just put some lands in my graveyard. I don't even care. I want lands in my hand. I want lands in my graveyard. I just want lands cycling through every zone that I can. And this is a great card to just kind of feel that. And I don't see it ever played. And it hasn't been reprinted and it bugs the hell out of me every time.
I think about that. That's my first card. It hasn't been reprinted. It's still only a $6 card. Yeah. Yeah. Does Howard despite how many copies I bought?
So that was your number 200, or are you going to wonder? I'm going to say 200 in no particular order, because that's a lot of work. That's really what I think you always do, Alex. Your ranking system always is in no particular order. Yeah, I bring them up in the order that it feels rough.
Okay, so Ted, do you have one? Yeah, I do. And I'm going to start with one that is so good that it has its own 20 minute video on Rhystic Studies. It is good old, one red for three damage lightning bolt. You can't get more red than the classic instant. You know, it pretty much defines the color in a lot of ways, in my opinion.
one of the cleanest card designs you could possibly have. It's really cool because it's part of like the cycle, right? Yeah, it's part of the boon cycle. Like the boon cycle, like from the beginning. Yeah. Three of which are fantastic. One of which is utter garbage and the last one is... Yeah, that's fine.
It really did, right? Like it was red. It could go to creatures or players. It's simple.
Yeah, it's simple. It's clean. It does exactly what it should do. It does what red does, you know, the Christopher Rush art, the original beautiful art is just absolutely gorgeous piece of classic fantasy art. I don't know what else to say about it. You know, as a red mage, I kind of had to go. I had to go for that as one of my top picks. I appreciate that.
I love the fact that you're just like, I don't even know what else to say about it because there isn't anything else that needs to be said.
It's still three. Well, it's a great mouth. As you guys are both kind of saying it hits the flavor perfectly. It's a great mechanical card of those five boons. It's like probably it's the one that's good, but doesn't need to be banned. It's it's a really good balance there. It's the fairest of the good ones. Yes. Yeah. I mean, you have ancestral recall in the power nine and band.
Yeah, a little much down to healing self is probably not enough and it's like a right in a good spot in the middle there. Yeah, right in the middle. That's exactly where it belongs. So the first one I'm going to do is going to be kind of the first card that I really think
And this is funny because it's going to hit on two different aspects here. It is going to hit. It is actually going to almost be like a Malthus card, Alex, in some ways, because it's going to be hitting on much more of a art and kind of flavor of the card, but also mechanically what it does, because these were the two things that were like revelations to me. So this was my move from playing kitchen table magic to actually building a deck that like
that was competitive, right? Not necessarily I was going to take to a store, but to be more competitive even among my friend group. And I saw like this was my first like back in 2002 ish, like looking up deck list online to find out what people played and the like, you know, the concept of net decking was just kind of starting out. But when I saw this card, so the card is upheaval by Kev Walker. And
It blew my mind because I think this was really the first piece of art that stuck with me. Like that I actually paid attention to the art more than just like for a recognition factor to see a card hit a table and I could tell you what it did, right? You know, like I know what my friend's cards did because I see the art and I could identify it. A people
had this real Frodo standing at Mountain Doom. The way the outline of the figure looks to me like Hobbit-like for some reason when I first saw this art. I didn't really parse that the other stuff was floating necessarily, but it just felt epic to me in a way that art hadn't.
And then I read the card and the card is for six mana, six mana return all permanence to their owner's hands. And I'm like, I started seeing this pop up and listen. I'm like, I don't understand. Like if I return everything to everybody's hands, I'm going to be like just as behind as everybody else. Right. This is it was like it was a it was a literal what's the word I'm looking for, like
When something like shifts, like the, uh, it's like the level up moment. Yeah. Like the level up moment, the word I am searching for is like a change in like a zeitgeist, like, you know, where it's like paradigm shift, a paradigm shift. Yes. So a magic card. Yeah.
But it was like, it was like this shift in my brain of like, Oh, I can float mana and like play something else. Right? Like I can set everybody else back, but I'm not actually as far behind because I'm going to drop psychotog or when I learned to play multiplayer zombie infestation. Cause then I could just, you know, return everything, play the zombie infestation, discard everything in my hand to make a bunch of two twos. Right? Like.
Because I played the second target that I was like, wait, I can only kill one of my friends. Now I got to figure out how to beat the other one. So like zombie infestation was great for multiplayer. But like, upheaval was the first card that really stood out to me as like, wow, like, huh, that is supposed to be a mechanical quote unquote drawback. Why would it be costed so high? Oh, right. I can do things like tap out for more than that. So upheaval is my first one.
Yeah, that was like the moment that I realized I could discard madness cards to looters and just get all value. Yeah.
Okay, so that brings it back to me. So I'm going to talk about... Let's talk about the weirdest. Well, maybe not the weirdest, but the one that I got the weirdest reaction from people when they saw it on my deck. I want to talk about Fractured Power Stone. So this is a two mana artifact that taps for one to add one colorless to your mana pool. It has a second tap activation. Roll the planar die, activate this ability only anytime you could cast a sorcery.
I know why you're choosing this one and it makes me so happy. I'm talking about this because this isn't my Kozilik the Great Distortion deck. I love Kozilik. It's actually a Commander deck I built around the same time as Zyra. And those are the two first Commander decks I ever built that I had together for more than six months. I've had them together
probably eight years at this point now. So it's, I love these decks, but one of the things is my Kozilik deck slowly evolved into, I'm not trying to do any colorless nonsense at all. I just want to cast Kozilik as many times as it takes to win. Is that three? Is that four? Is that five times? I have enough mana rocks to find out. And so this deck runs like 30 mana rocks and needing more
to try to just fill this deck out. I found a Fractured Power Stone because one of the first things I bought was a random Plane Shift. Thank you very much, Plane Shakes. It was crowned.
Yes, Crowned Vidanclad, plain chase deck, because I wanted to build this green-white enchantments deck, and when he attacks, he exiles things. It seemed cool, but never really did much with that deck. So I had this fractured power stone just sitting in my artifacts, and then
Again, looking for these, I stuck it in my Kozlak deck. And the thing is, even to this day, there's still not that many two mana rocks that make colorless mana. There's some. There's more. There was almost none when I first put this in the deck. But even to this day, you're still looking at
three-ish or you're looking at like four mana to cast it gives you two which are still good and i have some of those in the deck but i love having more at that two point and i also love having this deck card in my deck because whenever i play it people look at me askance i genuinely at a commander night one time i played this card and someone asked me if it was legal in commander and i'm like
And then it's funny, because in that same pod, it was someone who played Commander Plainchase with his friends, and he had never seen this card. And apparently I changed their entire meta by being a goofball. So that is one of my favorite cards on my Godzilla deck.
All right. Well, I'm going to stay on theme. I'm going to shift around my order a little bit. I'm also going to talk about a mana rock. I'm I've got a lot of cards from Alpha just because it goes back to just how much the foundation of this game I love. But
This card is gonna be on this list and a pick for me just because it was in my first pack and I remember the art and I remember opening it and I remember knowing almost nothing about magic and knowing this card was just stupid good and that card is silver. It was in my first starter deck of revised.
And my play group at the time, knowing nothing but what was in the poorly written rule book that came with the starter deck, thought we could tap it for any color of mana. So even better than what it is, which is already disgustingly broken and one of the best cards of all time.
uh but yeah it's knowing nothing about the game that's one of the cards where you can just look at and understand that this card is bonkers yeah that's that is a far better artifact to have associated with the beginning of magic in my head i still think of conservator conservator because that was in my first start
3 to prevent the loss of up to 2 life is not a terribly great card. What's the casting cost to you and get it out? 4. That's what I thought. So 7 mana to prevent your first 2 loss of life. That's way worse rate than healing south.
Well, if we're sticking on Manor, I guess I'm going to go with. So when I started playing, it was from a friend of mine who taught me in college. And from that time period, it was basically just whatever people had. And what happened to have was like black red decks is what I learned with. And those decks happen to have
just like dark rituals in them. So, you know, me not really understanding the concept of like ramp or like, you know, having these decks where the three drops were still not great, didn't really realize at that time, the power of this, I just really like this idea that like, cool, maybe I can cast this like lava monster on turn one, which actually I don't think I can because I think I had to return a red or black creature to my hand for what I'm thinking of.
But either way, I think like the most broken thing I learned I could do was I could be like, oh, I could him to Torak you on turn one and take a point of mannequin. Right. Like it wasn't until I learned like later when I first built my first like kind of quote unquote extended deck that I was like, wait, this can cast a hypnotic specter on turn one. That's right. Yeah. Like the years later when I was the storm player that I was,
Dark Ritual is by far one of my favorite cards of all time because it turns out that tapping a single black for three black in a storm deck is very, very good. And if you can recast it from your graveyard later, also fantastic. So yeah, that's going to be my ramp one because I did have that in there. I was trying to think of the
ubiquitous cards from Storm and that was the one that stood out to me.
I like it. I will say I did not pick any of the one casting charms from Alpha, unfortunately. I'm going to have to break that pattern. I'll just let everybody know right now. You two both picked one, but I did not. I think my next card, I'm going to go for a card in my third favorite deck, the one that has recently ascended to this deck box that has three that were Zyra and Kozlik. This is another deck I've talked about on the show, Zotta.
Huh. You know, Alex, I think it is a sense potential theme here. You got a thing going so far? Yeah, I'm a bit concerned that you may have 200 EDH decks and I'm just not aware. I mean, that's a lot of decks. I probably have built 200 EDH decks. I could just pull up my old tapped out. No. So the card I want to talk about. So Zada is a commander I've talked about a little bit. I love Zada for the
And again, Zada's not who I want to talk about, but to completely recontextualize what cards you play, because any instant and sorcery I cast to target Zada targets all of my creatures instead of just Zada. So I get to play, it's a mono red deck, but I get to play whatever combat tricks, whatever pump spells, whatever weird, funky little things I want that I can get benefits out of.
when they were, you know, costed by R and D to be benefiting one creature, and I get to hit, you know, six, seven, eight, 10, or however many tokens I have in play, and get a lot of value out of it. Obviously, like Crimson Wisps is one people talk about a lot. It's a one drop that gives you a card, but that's not the big one I want to talk about. For me, I want to talk about Fists of Flame. So this is a card
that breaks my brain every time I have to cast it. But in a good way, if that makes any sense? So it's an instant for 1 in red, and it says, Draw a card. Until end of turn, target creature gains trample and gets plus 1 plus 0 for each card you've drawn this turn. It is easily one of the most powerful cards on this deck, but it is also the most math card. Because I'm going to give one creature...
I resolve the first copy, I draw a card. Now I've probably drawn two that turn. Then I resolve this next copy, I draw a card. Now I've drawn three. And so every creature is getting a different benefit out of this card. They all get trample, which is important. Yes, trample is important. They all get a different power increase. And so it matters which ones I'm targeting. It matters how many I have out. It breaks my brain, but it is easily the most impactful card on this deck.
Because one of the things in this deck, I can run out of steam quickly if I'm trying to go in for a big attack. But because this is going to give me a card for every creature that I have, it refuels my hand. So even if everything on the board dies, I got a grip full of cards I can start rebuilding with. Yeah, I have Zata and...
that and my feather deck and it does disgusting things. I get the spell back too to get to do it again the next turn. Yeah, I saw a friend play a feather deck and was like, oh man, why don't I get to do that at the Zada? The instant's back.
I'm going to go out of order again and I'm going to get my last alpha card out of the list. And again, it's another red card. It's Mana Flare. And this is, I was thinking like, you know, what is my favorite enchantment in magic? And I had to think like, what is one where I played it and it's resulted in the weirdest or the
most ridiculous stories and it's definitely Mana Flare. It's a terrible card to play because all your opponents take advantage of it before you get to. But the crazy things that have happened in games because of me playing a Mana Flare in my K&T deck have just been so many stories that I can remember from games that it is so worth playing this awful card which just lets everybody double their mana
and accelerate their game plans and play all their big plays and do ridiculous things, it's just a fun card to me. And I love bringing that to a game of Commander. The fun chaos. Love that card too. Yeah.
I love it because it's in red, right? Because we just associate that those effects with green so much now. And it's yeah, and it's symmetrical. The green ones are all one sided. You know, it's well, I felt the symmetrical ones and for being like heartbreak of spring and like, which was like the
Isn't that literally Maniflair except? It is the Planar Chaos Maniflair. Yeah. And then I think Dictate of Karamitra is symmetrical now, but then they gave it Flash to try to make it so you can take advantage first. Yeah. But yeah, no, I love Maniflair. And also, I'm never going to argue about Christopher Rushark. He was my favorite artist back in the Alpha, like when I started playing in Revised and Legends and so.
Love that original part on Man of Flare. And I do really appreciate that Man of Flare has led to... I love playing for Bean because it leads to those stories too, even if I lose. And I think that that's a really good example. I literally have almost died by the time it came back to my turn after dropping it. Yeah. Like, it's fine. It's hilarious. It is. It was hilarious. That was the important part.
My favorite thing, one of the favorite things I've ever done with my K&T deck is cast Mana Flare and then immediately cast Fractured Identity on it. Okay, that's really good. Okay, so I'm going to go back over to a red card. So I'm trying to spread out the love a little bit here. And I am going to go with Warp World.
Um, like when I started playing like EDH, these were the haymakers that people played. And I just love the card. I just love, I understand how frustrating and annoying it is. I could appreciate that completely. It is one of those cards that, you know, like if we're just having a rule zero discussion, if I'm playing my phopin group hug deck,
I will tell people it's group hug that I'm going to do X, Y, and Z without naming every card, except I will flat out mention, and I play warp world if you want me to remove it. However, I just really like this idea of something that once again is meant to be quote unquote symmetrical, but your goal is to build around it and to take advantage of it so that it's not.
Which was a lot of what I learned about even with EDH and symmetrical effects, right? It's just that idea that, like, that's always the joke, right? Players will be like, well, it's symmetrical, it's fair. But as we all know, anything with parody in it and magic is, you know, you know that it's coming, you know to prepare for it, and you're the one who built your deck to take advantage of it. And I just, I really liked the idea though of even just playing Warped World back in the day.
It, I feel like there was a lot more embracing or being okay with people just playing flat out chaos. It wasn't part of that was okay, which is maybe just. Shuffle up and restart, which is a lot harder to do currently, but like people, I don't just played it. Like there was no guarantee. I used to, I used to see a lot of Warped World and a lot of great Aurora, but I don't remember the last time I resolved one of those. Now it's been a long time.
Yeah, I did I have I like I did do one on stream. I did do a warp world on stream that was like people knew about it. And but it really is just funny to me because like, I just remember when I first started playing the age, like people just cast stuff like that just to see what would happen. Like there really was the epitome of like, let's see what happened.
I mean, frankly, back in the day when we were just making up our own formats, one of the things we were doing with our casual 60-card decks was my dad, being the D&D nerd he was, had a D30. So we created a list of 30 random card effects that we would roll every round. And so you'd have things like All Hallows' Eve. Oh, geez. Or Man of Flare for a turn. The Wrath of God. And I guarantee Warp World would have been on that list if that had been around at that time.
say it is it is the acceptable version like I wanted to say like thieves auction but I have literally never actually played so people don't know thieves auction basically takes all cards in play and then each person chooses a card in order until all the cards have been chosen and let me tell you
It's not fun to resolve. Yeah, like like top five, probably top three interrupt the game cards up there with your Arizona. Yeah, just like just like, yeah, it's wild to me that it's been reprinted. In fact, it's in modern, which is my brain is now I'll be back in a little while guys. You to go work on your thieves auction warp world deck for modern.
Yes, 100%. All right. Well, you're working on that. I'm going to go to the next card for my Zaire Irene deck. Wow, 46 minutes. We've got a ways to go. So so I'm going to talk about tectonic reformation. This is a card kind of
Yeah, this is another card that absolutely is just me, and I keep telling people about it, and I keep not seeing people play it, and I get confused. So this is an enchantment for one and a red. It says, each land card in your hand has cycling red, and then it itself has cycling too.
So this is just a in my Zyra deck, it's great for I love discarding lands. Like I said earlier, I want to move lands around and all the different zones all the time. Really, really sorry to interrupt you. But is this from a deck you've already done? Yes. Oh, wow. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Yep, so you might have to recalibrate the pattern that you're seeing. That card actually, this one is cheating a little bit because this is also a card that's in my Zata deck. It's also a card literally in every red deck I play because I love that this is flood insurance for every red deck. Now my lands become cards.
and especially a mono red deck. I mean, Zada is kind of a special case, but mono red by and large has a hard time drawing cards. And this is, it's not more cards, you're just cycling through your deck literally, but it is a good way to be like, ah, just drew my eighth land, my 10th land, I don't need these. Well, now I can try drawing something else and hopefully get into some actual gas. So I love that card. All right, well, I'm gonna,
go with my next one, and it's one that I have discussed from my deck on the show before, but yeah, probably my favorite spell to resolve in magic, villainous wealth. Nothing makes me happier than resolving a large villainous wealth and just asking for someone to hand me the top 20 cards of their deck, and then I just get to see what to play.
And it's like, I never know what I'm going to get to play. And it's always fun finding out. That's really fun, too, from that you did this to your self perspective. Oh, yeah, definitely. Well, why would you include that in your deck? Yeah.
Yeah, I keep forgetting to put a concordant crossroads in that deck because the amount of times I've actually gotten a turn cycle to go around to use the stuff I've stolen is maybe once or twice because it almost always gets grasped right after I do it. Yeah, but yeah, you know, it's
It's fun. It's frustrating. I'm sure we get some of those turns take a long time when you're processing all those triggers. And sometimes it's also just scoop when I have a way to make a ridiculous amount of mana and I go, I will villainous wealth you for 60 and I will fork that and villainous wealth you for 60. Like, do we want to resolve these or do we want to just? Yeah. Scooping is free. You can scoop it any time. There you go.
That's a good one. I love playing cards that let me play other people's cards. I put a Tally in almost every deck with red in it, even when it makes no sense. And being able to play a lot of other people's cards makes me really happy.
Okay, so I I am I am you know, I know I know we're only on five out of 200, but it's like getting tough already So
I am going to go with, it's actually a similar thing to what you were just saying, Taya, in terms of, like, villainous wealth. And I like spells that are fun to resolve. At least, I think they're fun to resolve. And I think that another classic example, I was gonna choose living death, because I love living death. Living death and looping living death is probably my favorite thing, like, in the world to do.
But I am going to go for the more fun version, which is Twilight's Call. So the reason I'm going to go with this, it doesn't get rid of the creatures that are in play, which for the deck that I am playing in, it doesn't normally matter. However, why I like Twilight's Call. So Twilight's Call is six mana. It is from Invasion. It has great Mark Romanovski art.
I actually got a proof of this with a goblin on the back specifically for my goblin deck. But for six mana, each player returns all creature cards from their graveyard to play. However, for two more mana, for the low, low cost of eight, you can cast it as an instant. And the reason I love this, if we want to talk about things like triggers, is to resolve Twilight's call
During combat. So it's like, yep, somebody goes to combat, they attack and you're like, response. And ideally, everybody's got really full graveyards. Like eight men, you're like, okay, let's stack all these triggers now.
Right, right. Exactly. Yeah. But the fact that you could do kind of living death, like sometimes living death obviously has its place for me. Well, it's only five. Yeah, it's easier if you don't have a sack outlet. So you know, it's easier for me to keep like, there's better easier ways to loop it. It doesn't take as much to loop it. But
All of this is prior to blocks, by the way, y'all. All of this is prior to blocks.
having the flexibility to be able to cast Twilight's Call at instant speed during combat. It's like this is just the type of stuff I want to do in a game of magic. Yeah, there's there's a reason in high school I played route instead of Wrath of God. Exactly. Like having that instant speed just better not attack me, especially in a group game. And then it's like, you know, nope, that's what you get for attacking me. You should attack someone else. Yeah.
Now you got to settle the wreckage for that. Yeah. All right. That's back to me already, isn't it? Yeah. All right. So I'm going to talk about... I was talking about Zada before. I'm going to talk another card about Zada. So this card, Teamer Battle Rage. Probably the other most powerful or impactful combat trick in that deck.
One in a red, instant, target creature gains double strike until end of turn, ferocious. That creature also gains trample until end of turn if you control a creature with power four or greater. Little 1-1 goblins don't hit four very often, but they do when you cast this after three or four combat tricks in a row.
And let me tell ya, goblins get some work done when they get double strike and trample. I first started using this card in a popper deck I built for a friend, a friend of mine in the local Minneapolis group, like love to do for his birthday, he would just do weird magic things. And so he did a popper tournament, he restricted
how far back you could go for some cards too. I can't remember exactly what, but I ended up building a deck that was kind of called the Nivix Rush deck, which is basically centered around Teamer Battle Rage and Nivix Cyclops, which is a 1-4 defender that when you cast an instant or sorcery gets plus 3 plus 0 and loses defender. So it immediately becomes a 4-4 trample double strike.
with you cast Teamer Battle Rage, and that's if you have nothing else going on, and believe me, in that deck you have lots of instants and sorceries. So it was a lot of fun in that deck, and as soon as I started building Zada, boom, it was in the first... Teamer Battle Rage was in the first version of that deck. It'll be in the last version of that deck. It'll always be in this deck. And unlike most combat tricks, apparently it's impactful enough that it got a nice little extended art thing in one of the Commander Legends. Yeah, I need to put that into my Feather deck.
So I've spent a lot of time getting nice versions of cards on my Zyra deck, but I'm starting to work on Zata, but unfortunately there's a lot of cards on Zata that will probably never get a nice treatment. It's like nobody cares about a random third combat trick from this draft set that no one plays anymore.
Your creature is playing one turn, Drakkar. Honestly, I think Crimson Wisps, that is Crimson Wisps, is probably iconic enough for that that it might get a reprint. But let me just pull the deck out and grab a random combat trick and just... There is no way that... Oh, now I can't find any. Kick in the door. Kick in the door. Kick in the door.
One red, put a plus one plus one counter on target creature, it gains haste until end of turn, it can't be blocked by walls, venture into the dungeon.
That card is not going to be cared about anyone except Zadok. Venturi into the dungeon. It's pretty powerful. Yeah. And when you can do it like seven times at the same turn, and you permanently buff all of your creatures, it's a great card for one mana. I love it for this deck. It's not going to show up with a special print to get any time soon. Oh, lovely. Well,
My next card is one of my commanders that I've also talked about on the show quite

Commander Lore and Character Favorites

a bit. It's our good goblin friend, Doretti. I've got plenty that I could say about him if we actually knew any more lore about him than just a paragraph or two that we've gotten.
Hey, Wizards, if you're listening! But yeah, we have no idea where Doretti is or what he's up to nowadays, post-desparking. But we hope he's doing well. Yeah.
Hope he is building whatever he wants to build, um, and getting lots of good cards out of the graveyard because that's what he is fantastic at doing. So, um, that's pretty buddy caught movie with Grenzo. Like, I don't know if he's stuck. I mean, if he's there, yeah. Uh, or he could, you know, build a giant mech or something.
I don't know if Fiona probably isn't ready for giant mechs, so if he learned how to make them on Kaladesh while he was out, he might be able to challenge
challenge the queen there. Yeah, take down Mark Jason for the throne. I've got a hitch. I've got to ready ends up on Kaladesh, learns how to make mechs, then accidentally ends up on Ikoria. And now we have Pacific Rim.
Yeah, I do versus mechs I would watch I would I would play that set a lot and then maybe we have actual Pacific Rim and the like Godzilla style thing but I don't know I think even if it's just that sort of theming I want that now
Well, you know, coming off of the Doretti one is actually pretty perfect. So my next one is a recent commander, which is Slimefoot and Squeak. And I will say, like, this is because this is the team up that I would love. Like, just like when we were getting this, like, I still cannot believe that a ton of these team ups got like a little blurb about like how the two characters
got together, but yet we still don't get how sly-footed Squee ended up hanging out, right? Last we see of Squee, dubious monarch loses the ability to actually like regenerate, no longer immortal, and then like nothing just goes off on an adventure, Phyrexian's wars happening all around, and the next time we actually see is
Squee is now paired with Slimefoot and like it's cool. I love it. It also finally gives me a playable Squee fork commander because that was one of my hardest things was like building around like none of the Squeeze were really like build around. It's like dubious monarch was not a build around.
the immortal not a build around so they were so many problems with the other ones being build arounds but getting a jund commander that gives us like the slime foot ability with kind of the funny part being that squee now
could come back from the graveyard. Like, it's really just funny. The ability allows regeneration from the graveyard, even though Squeak no longer is immortal. But it makes for a playable slime foot in Squeak. And that's definitely kind of like, I was really excited when this card was spoiled. It just easily replaced my Shatter Gang Brothers with the head of my, like, aristocrats deck.
Nice. I love that card design too, so I'm glad you got a Squee you can play. Yeah, that was like the bummer for the longest time was just like every Squee was just, I mean like they're all fine, like the Immortal and the original, like Squee, Goblin, and Bob are fine in decks, like you know for playing like in an aristocrat style deck and everything else.
Um, yeah, so that's my, uh, numbers, number six. So six down. Whoo. We feeling pretty good about keep going. Uh, yeah. Like we got another 194 Alex. What's your next one?
Oh, nope. I feel like that was five. Sorry. I was muted. It helps to podcast if you're not muted. There's just a little extra tip there on our 200th episode for anyone else who's looking to podcast. Get muted when you're supposed to be talking. Yeah, that's wild. I was like, I'm like looking over here sending messages in the other chats like, oh gosh, we're having technical difficulties. But really, five? Is that only five? I think that was five. So we have 195 left to go? Oh my gosh. Okay. Okay.
So I'm going to go with another weird one from my Kozlick deck. Another one that somebody asked me about it's legality because I like to play these weird cards. So this is Deal Broker from Conspiracy.
It's an ultimate creature for three. It's a two, three. It has a whole lot of irrelevant text about drafting. And if you draft it, you draft this, you do this drafting thing. But what I care about is the bottom line that says tap, draw a card and then discard a card. It's just a fun, it's a good way to loot in my Kozalik deck. It's a colorless deck, which means
It doesn't have access to a lot of the things that are in most colors. And this was a fun little card that I can play in there. And yes, it is actually legal to play. Obviously, the draft portions of the text on the card don't matter when it is built into a deck. But I like it. It's a lot of fun and causal like. Yeah, I really appreciate these cards. They're colorless merfolk looter.
Um, my, uh, next card is Doretti's best friend, worm coil engine. You know, I, when I think of artifact creatures or just creatures in general, I, I was, you know, what, I was thinking what creature, you know, just says magic to me and, uh, have to be Doretti's best friend. Um, you know, it.
six, six lifelink death touch that makes three, three lifelink and three, three death touch when it dies. And I just want to recur that thing as many times I can and get as much value off of it as I can and probably never pay its casting costs. Six mana in this economy. Most I'll pay is four. If I've got an Ugan on the field, I might cast it. Nice.
Like a good goblin artifice or you do, you don't pay, you don't pay its cost. Yeah. So, uh, you know, I don't think what else I can, I can want in the creature, like my creature, simple to, uh, to evergreen keywords on a six, six artifact colorless creature. I can't, can't get much simpler than that.
I also like my creature simple which is why my next one is from legends and it is Angus Mackenzie. Wow. Our original bant and there's a lot of reasons I actually love this card but the main reason was
This is normally a color way out of my wheelhouse, but I wanted to build something different and I wanted to build enchantments. And if you've ever seen the card, it looks like a dead ringer for Tim the Enchanter from Money Python. And one of my most fun memories from getting to go to events
prior, like the first kind of vaguses, the second Vegas that we had, the second GP Vegas, Byron Wackowitz, the artist was there. And I started just like, geeking out and being like, I was getting my copy signed, I will say I am very angry at that Hobbs who did not know about artist proofs, who just had his copy to get signed, which, you know, wasn't a very long line for Byron back then, I probably
You may have had a proof still. Anyway, I got talking to Byron and I mentioned like, I love this card because it looks like Tim the Enchanter and I love Money Python. And he stops me and he goes, you know, I actually had gotten the assignment right after finishing Holy Grail.
And it was like it was clearly modeled after Tim the Enchanter. And I just love that fact. And I love the fact that it led to a deck building. And I had never really built like I had played a turbo fog deck back then. I didn't know what fog was because I didn't play green. I knew what Holy Day did.
I knew what Holy Day and its variants did when I played a mill fog deck. It was basically like 12 versions of Holy Day at the time. It was in standard. There was Holy Day, Ethereal Haze, and then there was the Kami that you could sacrifice to do it. Played that in a deck with mesmeric orbs and just
like milk cards that were randomly in standard at the time but like I had never really built EDH around that so to build Enchantress and to build a pillow fort but then to have a fog ability on a creature and it costs like three mana to do and you like we're playing multiplayer I can only do it once per round I don't know there's just something about that card I I just I love it to this day I
I know that's kind of, that's one of your signature commander's hubs. And I should have seen that coming when you were talking about legends. But when you, when you used to speak, I too, like my creature is simple. I thought for just a second, I was really hoping you were going to be like, sir, Shandler of Everin, seven vanilla legend for six mana because legends is full of these just random over-costed vanilla legend. And that was my hope.
I thought you were going to Nicol Bolas. Well, see, you know, we've somehow made it this far and I haven't mentioned Nicol Bolas, but it's coming. I've got a while. 200 is a lot. So you got 194 more cards to mention Nicol Bolas. Okay, Alex. All right. So I think I got one more. Well, I got more than one more because we got so many, but I have one that I think will be everyone to talk about right now.
Well, let's let's let's I guess we could stop here. So we're 18. Um, like 200 if we say 20. However, 20 does not divide by three. Which means I feel like we all get one more. I feel like I'm going to cheat here. Great. And and great in what I what I believe is the perfect answer.
Oh perfect, perfect, great, great, great. So this is a great conundrum, but I think for our show, well there's other cards that are perfect for our show, but I'm gonna go slightly sideways from that, and I'm gonna bring up Goblin Slide.
Oh, damn, dude. Come on. We've mentioned this on the show before, but I don't think it's been a while and it's usually in passing. So Goblin Slide is an enchantment. Whenever you cast a non-creature spell, you may pay one. If you do, you get a 1-1 red goblin token with haste. It's in my Zada deck. I love the card.
The flavor text of Goblin's Slide is goblins, like snowflakes, are only dangerous in numbers, which is probably familiar to you if you have listened to our show and you don't turn it off as soon as we stop talking and go into the outro, because that has been our outro since the very beginning of our show.
Um, in fact, I was playing this, well, not quite the beginning of our show, actually, because I was playing this a GP. Uh, it was at the time it was still GP Minneapolis. Um, right after we started recording, we had done a handful of episodes and I was playing this against Joe, who was on the show at the time. And I kind of pointed out the flavor text. I just thought was kind of funny. He's like, Oh no, that's our show. Like that's the tagline now. And it's been the outro in the outro of our show since then. That's a.
I think that's a good cap off to this list then, isn't it? And I'll let you know, just out of curiosity, I've been trying to count all of the cards we mentioned. Unfortunately, we only got to 62. I was kind of hoping it would be closer to 200. Oh, man. I don't know if you noticed me just randomly name dropping things as well. Yeah, I'm really impressed. Try the numbers. Yeah, yeah, that was a good patty.
I didn't get to, I didn't get to meet, I didn't get to mention Void Mage Husher. Nope, sure didn't. Bolas was where I was going for my last. So Teya did a nice job of calling me out when I tried to throw the curve of a legend and then choosing not Bolas. I thought we were doing one more. And so I, I had prepared Bolas, but that still only gets us to 63. Well, 64, you just mentioned Void Mage Husher. Well, but we'd already mentioned Bolas. So if you already were counting that.
I can mention all versions of Bolas. I do depreciate that you ran through all the versions of fog that were in that format. That was our highest entry. I have, you know, I have eight card references in that entry. Gosh, I could have gone, I could have gone deep. That deck played isochron scepter with mana leak and maybe memory lapse. Memory lapse with mesmeric orb is hilarious.
All right. 66 unique cards, Taya. Do you want to push that over? Now we have to get three more is what I'm hearing. Yes. Yes. So I did get to... I got to play the last March in the Ents on Saturday or Sunday. And I had a creature with toughness 11 on the board and I only flipped two creatures out of 11 cards.
Elrond, Wise Healer, whatever his name is, is a pretty fun commander. You get to do all those, just benefit from all the scrying you can do, and you get to play a lot of really crappy cards that just say scry on them, because you get plus one, plus one counters off of them.
Oh, we have one more I guess to hit. I guess I'll just say earth bind for some just out of my mind. I just yeah. Well, there you have it. If you've stayed around this long, you have made it to a touching tribute to Sheldon and end with a joke.
And that's our show for today. You can find all of the hosts on Twitter for now. Hobbs can be found at HobbsQ, Tay can be found at Tayatransends, and Alex can be found at Mel underscore Chronicler.
Feel free to send us any questions, comments, thoughts, hopes, and dreams to the Goblin Lord Pod on Twitter or email us at goblinlordpodcast at
If you would like to support your friendly neighborhood gobsugs, our link tree can be found on our Twitter account and in the description of today's show. This has everything from various discount codes to the link for our Patreon. The music for today's show was by Wintergotten, who can be found at vintergotten at The art was done by Steven Raphael, who can be found at stevereffel on Twitter. Cob and Lore is proud to be presented by Hipsters of the Coast as part of their growing forthos content.
Check them out on Twitter at hipsters MTG or online at Thank you for listening and remember goblins like snowflakes are only dangerous in numbers.