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Ep. 54 New Tricks - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 54 New Tricks - Bellum Draconis

S2 E54 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
121 Plays1 year ago

On the path to find Ol'Gell, the party come up against some resistance.

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade


Introduction and Character Setup

Great thanks, everyone. Sorry. Things are about to get hairy. Bless me and take me down. You're playing hot and cold. It's like a Katy Perry song. Give with one hand I'll take with the other.
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. We are a live play 5e D&D podcast set in the magical home-brewed world of Erith in the Kingdom of Sleek God. My name is Mark and I am the Dungeon Master. And also with us for this week's episode, we have Darren who plays the High Elf Artificer, Rains Haddow. Why hello. We have Will who plays the human cleric, Emron.
A up! Galam, who plays the Warforged Artificer Alpha. Oh, hello. Ian, who plays the Tiefling Warlock, Nyx Carell. Hey there! And we have Danny, who plays the half-orc monk, Marota Brokentusk. Bonjour. Something very fun about saying your name, that whole line, Danny, of yours has got a nice rhythm to it. So thank you for picking us up. But the rest of us can go to hell. The rest of us can go to hell. The rest of us can go to hell. The rest of us can go to hell. The rest of us can go to hell. The rest of us can go to hell. The rest of us can go to hell. The rest of us can go to hell. The rest of us can go to hell. The rest of us can go to hell. The rest of us can go to hell. The rest of us can go to hell. The rest of us can go to hell. The rest of us can go to hell. The rest of
Back again. Tell your friends. Tell your friends. Tell your friends. Review the podcast. Review it now. Give us five stars or we'll come and kill you all. Maybe not. This is dark. Let's carry on.
What happened last time, Mark? Well, that's a very, very good question. And I do not want to talk anymore because I need to think of some more lyrics to make up to, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. So I'm going to go and do that. Two goblins go around the outside now. We're going to pass over to our chronicler, Danny, for a little update on what happened on last week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop.

Discovering a Crime Scene

In the last few pages of our adventure,
The party, now reunited hand on, let's say speaking terms, agreed to head into the wilds in pursuit of the Roper, a creature that appears to be harassing something or causing a nuisance somewhere. For more details on the Roper, the party were tasked with finding an old ally, the wizard Old Gel.
not where he was expected to be inside his recently refurbished shop. The party went inside to discover a crime scene. Old Gell was nowhere to be seen, but a note of ransom was left by the Ridgeback Swords.
saying that old Gell had been taken and that money would return him. The party followed clues, followed tracks, and found themselves at the camp of the Ridgeback Swords. Nyx stepped up to the plate, began his vocal pursuit, and then things got a bit tetchy.
As we left last week's episode, we had arrows flying at some of the party members and these are going to kind of come in as a surprise round because they are hidden characters.

Combat Begins with the Ridgeback Swords

So the first one is going to fly in at one of you. It's going to be aiming firstly for Morota as you're the furthest to the east of the kind of pathway down the middle of the space. It's going to go for you first. It's a 10 against your armor class.
I'm just thinking about something here. Ooh. I'm going to use Deflect Missiles. Oh, yeah. I'm going to use my reaction to Deflect or catch the missile when I'm hit by a weapon, a ranged weapon attack, the damage you take. Ah, it doesn't hit. Never mind. It just doesn't hit me. Oh, so it's nasty. Yeah, it is. New class. Who this? Yes, Miss. Cool monk ability. Yeah.
Cool, my ability, baby. Okay, what I will do is just open up a bit more of the area that he's just fired out of. I've hidden it because it was relatively deep, and there was a chap in the middle of that who fired that first arrow out. The second arrow is going to come in towards, ah, Roll20 have updated their UI, and I'm not used to it yet. Rains, as you're on the back, on the left there. No, Donkey.
No, I said, no, no, go to hit. Sorry. I just, I wasn't happy about the fact. Oh, I thought you were like, I don't want to be sure. I don't want to be sure. That was a 16 against your AC hits. Oh, donkey. Oh, donkey.
I'll dunk it. Seven points. Seven points of piercing damages. This arrow comes flying in from the west. So from off the beaten path from your location. Let me just have a quick check. I think that's okay. That was it. That's just the two arrows, the two arrows from the two places. He has also given away his location though. So I will just unfog the fog of war.
and you should be able to make out a small figure off just north of the large lake that sits next to the kind of well-hidden thoroughfare camp that the Ridgeback sort of made with the captured old gale.
If you remember from last week's episode, Emron, you were slap bang in the midst of it, and your spiritual effort had just hit one of the baddies next to us as well, who's next to old Gell. Everyone else is still kind of in that line along the path, north to south, with the one mercenary who was talking to you stood face to face as these ashes fly in. Now we're gonna jump into our initiative
order so if you could I get you all to roll initiative please that would be grand no it's not grand it's definitely not grand that's not terrible it's pretty perfect oh well done Danny
Also, can we just for my own mental clarity set this what's happening with the we're in the woods we're in the forest there's someone in front of me whereabouts this old girl look on the map.
Yep. Not just for me. Yeah, which the listeners can do clearly. Yeah. Sorry. Maybe this might have been a tool so that everyone could be involved. Ian, no subtle direction here. You must be very obvious with what you're asking. No, I know, right? I'll just hold this big sign up saying. And for the audience at home. If you say how it is, do you want Martin or do you want one of us to do it?
Gone well, you do it. I'm doing a thing. Brilliant. OK, you're doing a thing. So for the purpose of our audiences, our party has come down the path in the middle of a wood. Off to the west is a lake. However, straight down the road, in the middle of it, facing Nix, about 15 feet away from him, is one of the bandits who were speaking to Nix last episode, towards the east.
deep into the forest there is the arch and one of the archers that tried to shoot at Marota and mist and then to the west just north of the lake that I described there is another archer that shot at
further south past the person that Nyx was talking to is a line of trees and I'm imagining maybe a slight incline up to a slight clearing on the shores of the lake where there are two large brigandian tents if you're the person who knows about medieval tents they look called brigandian tents
and there is a campfire in the middle of the clearing. There's various detritus and sleeping bags and that kind of stuff to show that this is clearly the main campsite of the bandits. In the south edge of this clearing there is Old Girl, I imagine propped against on top of some of the crates with one large looking bandit next to him.
To the west of this larger bandit is a large hammer that had just previously hit him at the end of the last episode. In the centre of the camp there is another bandit just by the fire who seems to have been alarmed by this hammer hitting their companion and then just north of them hidden in the trees by the Burgundian is Emron.
And I mean, thank you. You've got a new role there because I think that is, that is something you should always do. Audio description. Cause I'm shitting it. So yeah. Mark's relief. That's what it's called. This segment is called Mark's relief. That's great. Let's do that. Okay. From now on. Well, no, no, no, no pressure. What a release. Okay. Wow. Okay. I've got the word detritus. I love the word detritus. All right. I need some initiative orders. So 20 plus.
Yes, 21 for Marotta. Okay, 15 to 20? Yes, that would be me with 18 at a minus 1 to my initiative check. Oh, very nice. 10 to 15? That's a 9 for Nyx. That's not bad.
Nine is lower than ten. It's because I see everyone else's numbers on my screen and just went for the next person, which is me. Sorry. Like when we're in active listening. Active listening is important. Five to ten. Yeah, range. I got a nine. You got a nine. Good to know. Didn't realise, thank you. That range was seven. And I'm guessing alpha... I got a chunky four.
chunky for chunky for very slow. Okay, right. I've got you all lined up here ready to rock and

Advanced Combat Tactics and Strategy

roll. So
The battle at the moment is kind of split into two areas as quite niffly and nimbly described by Will just now, so thank you very much for that. We've got Emron and his magical hammer of fisting in the main camp with Old Gail with the two enemy Ridgeback Sword mercenaries in the camp, surrounded by this thick bushel that keeps them enshrouded away from the main road that kind of bows around their camp.
We've also then got almost a surrounding situation, an ambush situation here, with two arches, one off to each side, and the main folk who was talking to the party out in front. So, Emron's kind of got his thing going on, and the other four of you have got another thing going on here as well. At the moment, you cannot see Emron. You've got no line of vision. It would be considered concealment, but not cover, if we're using some kind of military-ish term.
You can't see through it, but if you fired through it, you could shoot through it. Is it light cover? Is it half cover rather than full cover within the D&D mechanics? Yes, I think so. I can imagine it being dappled that you could see shadows of things moving through, so you could aim at something and shoot it. Can I just clarify? Are we talking about the one that shot me? Is he in half cover?
Both those in the bushes are, yes, because they're hiding behind trees or tree cover or using the trunks of trees as half cover, yeah. So they would both be considered in half cover at the moment.
Would I have been considered in half cover in return? You're in the open. They would have popped out round. Yeah, no problem. At the moment, yeah, all four of you are stood kind of on the road and there's a good like four or five, sorry, 20 feet pretty much either side of you have just open meadow grind before the tree line starts. You are kind of sitting ducks almost at the moment. Yep.
So, Morota, you're the top of the round. You find yourselves in amongst this kind of ambush that's starting to take place. You see the arrow fly over for a second. You think, right, that's going straight back your way, but it just, it flies, it carings off way too fast. There's no way for you to actually catch it and fire it back. So, you're primed, you're ready for this. You're top of the initiative order. What do you want to do?
So I'm going to just look over my shoulder back at alpha and say, keep an eye on Nyx for me. And then I'm going to charge eastward into the direction of wherever that arrow came from. Should give you a pretty move before you get there with a dash. Yeah, I'm not going to use that yet. So I'm going to go 40 feet into
the direction of that person, and then I'm going to let loose my boomerang at them.
Amazing. Right, roll to hit. And just as you do that, what you've just done is you pass through two lines of trees and entered into a slightly enclosed central area, another small meadow about 20 feet by 20 feet across. Here's the other side next to it, what looks like a large red birch tree between that and an orange kind of oak by the looks of things as well, stood between these two trees. You also do notice though, next as you run through that and come back out of the darkness under the tree cover into this area of light,
what should be light, there is no light. It seems suddenly clouds have come over and you start to feel darkness kind of encroaching across the, just kind of cloud cover starting to happen as the storm feels like it might be approaching. What did you get with your boomerang? Nine.
That misses, unfortunately. The boomerang catches on one of the trees as it tries to spin around. Is there all the boomerang now that it's on the ground? You've got to go pick it up. No. So when it misses, it comes back. When it hits, it stays there. Gotcha. Yeah. So it just kind of gets caught on the leaves of the oak tree as it passes by and just flies back to you. It's a little awkward to catch, but yeah, unfortunately you've missed that one. Okay.
Then what I'm going to do then is midway through my run, release that boomerang and then trigger a step of the wind, use a key point and I'll make the rest of the distance up and be face to face with this bowman and then just casually lift in hand and catch my boomerang as it returns to me.
Very nice, awesome work. Thank you very much. The rest of you are out on the road and again by the camp as well. Also notice these clouds quickly kind of fly overhead. You feel the hairs on the back of your neck prick up slightly as you feel like there's this feeling of a storm approaching as well. Emron, you have just used your spiritual weapon to twat. Did you do the damage last time?
Yes. I can go back and find it if you want. Nope. I've got here. There you go. Don't mind. Yeah, we're all good. We're all good. We're all good. Yep. I got the guy you were fighting as well. Lovely. Okay. Um, it's your turn. What do you want? Do you, is it you then the spiritual weapon?
You're the spirit weapons of both the spirit of his bonus action. It requires me to expend a bonus action to use Apologies. So what I'm gonna do is Yeah, so everyone cast spirit weapon which caused the alarm to be raised It's caused stuff to kick off back into the roadway which everyone's not aware of So everyone's actually now aware that things are kicking off probably to let people know where he was He's all of a sudden he's gonna raise his hammer in the sky and shout in a leader's name and I'm gonna come surging out of these
trees and I could take an attack action. However, I thought about this quite cool. I'm going to take the shove action against the person ahead of me. I'm going to try and push them into the fire. Oh, very nice. Diabolical.
I need to try and even the odds, because otherwise it'd be two on one, so I've got to try and even the odds a little bit. Absolutely. Right, so what do you need me to roll? You need to make, I've got to make a strength athletics check and it's contested by your strength athletics or strength acrobatics. He's going to go for athletics and, oh no, she's going to go for athletics. Oh no, acrobatics actually. It's a seven. It's a fourteen. Nice to meet you. So I shove her five feet into the fire.
Fire! And she's prone. No, it's either push five feet or prone. But I've decided that if she's pushed into fire, she might have to take a turn, hopefully not hitting me getting out of the fire, which will just even up the score a little bit.
Good thinking, very nice as well. So that was 15 feet of movement. I'm then going to spend another 15 just to get around the other side of it, not triggering any heck of an opportunity. So I'm an engagement rip distance of the other guy. And then I'm going to use my bonus action to have my hammer hit this guy again. Very nice. All right, roll to hit. OK. There it is.
That's an 18 to hit. That hits. And six points of force damage. Nice. Wow, very nice. The hammer again comes shoving him, bang, across the back of this guy, hitting him on the shoulder, hitting the leather armour up, and it kind of, the pauldron kind of flies off his armour. Very nice. Anything else you want to do, Emeron? And then Emeron will face his person and be like,
Elido's justice is here to beat you all. And then I'll finish with that. To beat you all or eat you all? Beat you all. Okay. I like to think they asked that and kind of declared it. Elido is not a cannibal. It's not within his tenants of... Do you want to eat me? Okay. Well, with Emron and your two foes, we're going to deal with them. Firstly, she's going to take five points... Oh, that's a really high roll. Five points of fire damage as...
Flap, flap, flap, flap, flap. She is going to, let's do this a fun way, on an even number, panic and put the flames out, take her out of the action. Odd number, she's gonna run at you on flames and attack. Odd, she's running at you. Flame on. So she's keeping the fire and she's going for you. Stab, stab, stab. So she has a rapier in her hand and she's going to try and stab you with it.
Oh, sorry for a 24 against your armor class. That does indeed hit. I was assuming so. That's max damage. You're going to take 10 points of piercing damage. And then she's going to take the cunning action, cunning action as a bonus action to disengage and
jump into the water to put herself out. And so she's now moved between the two tents towards the lake off to the west about 15, 20 feet away from where you are face to face with the other foe who is then going to take a swing at you. This is a chap with a great axe stood there but with your spiritual weapon just behind it as well. I've written down something it can do and I totally didn't do it.
Oh, that is a natural one. Yay. He misses. He does indeed. Just for your records, Mark, as well. If she's had to go deep enough into the water to put herself out, she will technically be in difficult terrain at the start of her next turn. Thank you very much. Thanks, Dan. Yeah, that water. What a bitch. He would have thought water being... You try running in water. You try running in submerged water.
Did you try falling in water? That's the reference I was making. I think everyone got that. No, I didn't. There it goes. There it goes. All right. The chap who you've been talking to draws a long sword and moves towards the first person in line who he's been talking to, which happens to be Nyx. And he's going to swing at you for a 16 against your arm. Oh, fuck. Yeah, that hits.
Sorry. That's all right, it's your job. As Nick says through the garden. Sorry, it's your job. You're such a great person, right? 11 points of slashing damage. Yeah, that was a big old hit. I've rolled these two, the d8s, and they've been like seven or eight both times.
The guy over to the east of us, all that had fired at range before, it's gonna fire at you again, and that's a 19 against your AC.
I'm rolling very well. This always goes the way I roll really well to begin with. And then it turns to shit later on, you're going to take five points of piercing damage. Okay. The guy that's in contact with you, Marotta is going to panic and just try and fire at you with disadvantage with that bow at close range. That's a natural 20 for the first and a 15, which means we're going to hit an unnatural 20 for that. So.
Bang, bang, fire off and it's gonna catch you anyway. I'm gonna now use my reaction to deflect myself. Do you need to know how much damage it would have done? When you do so, the damage you take from it, yes, so do the damage first. Nine. Okay, and then the damage is reduced by 12. If you reduce the damage to zero, I can spend a key point to fire that arrow back in his face.
Yeah, you're throwing it essentially. So I'm going to catch it literally as it comes out of the bow. I'm just going to stab them in the eye with it. Oh my God. Amazing. So as I get to treat it as though it's my monk weapon. Nice. But is it also a disadvantage because you're using it as a thrown weapon? You get to roll to hit with it or is it just an attack? Yeah, you still have to roll to hit.
The principle is, the idea is you use it and then you throw it back. Yes, it still be a disadvantage. Just reading that. So, here's a disadvantage roll coming up for you now.

Environmental Challenges and New Threats

Really glad I did that. Eight to hit. Oh, it misses. Well, I didn't take damage, so. This is true, this is true. It's a very cool reaction.
It is. It's cool you can do it as a reaction as well, but it's been a key point in the process. Right, that is all their turns. Nix, it is your actual turn now. You've just been hit by what seems like the captain of the Ridgeback Swords. Bang, biff, boff in the head. What would you like to do? So that strong hit that took 10 HP off Nix would drop him down to one knee and he'll kind of put a hand over the ribs of where the blade would have hit and just pants out. Listen.
Listen, I'm just a hired hand. I'm not here. And Nick reaches out a hand and touches his knee. I'm not here to cause any harm or damage to you. Just leave me. Leave me. I'm not here to hurt you. And I'm going to cast Charm Person. Ooh. Donkey. Oh, Donkey. So this is a wisdom save. Wisdom save.
three. Cool. You had to make 13. So you are charmed. Sorry, sorry. Okay, it would have been like seven. Jesus, don't do that to me. You are charmed by Nix. Well, we often are sensing that it does that role with advantage. Sorry.
Nice. The Charm Person spell says if you're fighting it or your companions are fighting it, it takes the saving throw with advantage. Okay. Sorry. 11. Nice. Still fails. Still? So after feeling the energy, leave my hand and just kind of... I... Nix will assume that everything went well.
Nick's looks up at his attacker's eyes. Is there any, any soft glaze or any kind of confusion? Just a hint, a hesitation. Would I be able to read that? A slight smile in his face. Nick sprints off to the right, into the trees. Nice. Okay. Uh, he's going to use full movement. It's 30 feet. Uh, is there a easy, sorry, I'm just looking at the trees.
Yes, brilliant. So Nix makes it to the trees and tries to just get in the hedge grow. Okay, lovely. Yep, managed to get in there and hide yourself towards where everyone is. Brilliant, thank you very much.
Oh yes, I would have, sorry, on my map, because I can see where everyone is, because everyone, at the start of his go, yelled out, the power of Aludo! Nix is running towards that sound. Cool. Awesome. Thank you very much. The skies darken even further and rain starts to pitter and patter down upon you all. Rain, you've been shot at twice by this veiled assailant to the west. What do you like to do?
First thing Raines will do is he's going to push his back to the tree near him and just reel out in pain and just notice that he's got two arrows that have pierced this lever armour and you can see chinks in the armour where the iconic energy is just turned blue. It's almost like the suit itself is bleeding.
Once Rains is flushed to the trees, what's going to happen is that on the bag of holding, there is almost now like a luminous circle of yellow, almost kind of like when your Alexa has a message for you. And just appearing on the Rubik's keyboard, these notes from within, as well as his bonus action, and see you, because his art piece is tinkering, just to detect levels of hostility. And Rains is going to go, yeah, like,
to find out how bad this is and what Rains is going to do is just glance over his shoulder and try and see if he can see any sign of the assailant who shot at him. He's now flushed to the tree so he's just peering his head around. Yep you can make him out there's a large birch tree an orange birch tree that stands in front and you've just seen him poke himself out
of them and you can see the leather armour that he wears and you see the top of the, seems to be a long bow, just peek out from the top of where he's hiding. Yep, you have got location. We got a shooting hider, huh?
I've got a thing for that. Magic 4 and what's going to happen is that the suits and goggles are going to come down and from without of the two lion's heads that seem to adorn the cape their mouths are going to open and these two conglomerates of balls of force energy are going to come out of both and just hurl towards this archer completely navigating the tree
and they're just coming around and then seeing him so he can now see them the other side of him and they're like, oh fuck, as they just both ping, all four of them just pepper into him as I cast Magic Missile. Very nice. That's a guaranteed hit. Do you want to give me the damage and he'll take it? It certainly is. Such a good spell, that. Very adeptly described. Alpha, you're up next, beauty dubs.
It's four darts, three points of damage for each dart, so he takes 12 points of magical force damage. These four arrows come smashing into his chest and he manages to try and parry one away, but it captures him in the arm instead. Yeah, you hear shouts and screams of pain from behind the tree. Nice. Anything else you want to do, Ranger? Flush up behind the tree, now giving you cover from that assailant. Anything else you want?
I think that's Rains. His six seconds are up. He's done. Lovely. All right, Alpha, over to you. Rains has pushed up behind a tree. Nix has run away after the dude in front of him and then smiled at him. Can we say not run away? He's just walked with purpose in a stealthily manner towards the trees. Made a tactical retreat. Tactical retreat is a yes.
Yes, there you go. Alpha, you have a broken gun, but you have a crossblade. What would you like to see? I do. In Alpha, it's though, Alpha obviously seems Rains take a couple of hits. He's going to use half his movement to move up to Rains, and he's going to cast a quick Cure Wounds on him. He took a couple of arrow shots straight to it. So I'm going to try and heal him up for seven points of healing.
Good lad. Good lad, other boy. Yep, this is Sal. I pull these arrows out of his leather arm quite efficiently and just kind of put this salve over the wounds. And then just in terms of range, I must also see to Nix. I shall return. And I'm going to use my other 15 feet of movement to start making my way down in the direction to Nix. But I can't get anywhere near him in his sprinting tactical retreat.
Thank you. Thank you. I will double down on that. I thought, yeah, we'll double down. Appreciate it. We'll stick with it. But you can follow the blood. Follow the chain of blood. The currently archery has been nicked. I do think it's a divinity to spell, I think. I call it tactical retreat. I've been playing a bit of that recently. I think it might be actually. I think it's a great game. Huntsman. Do you reappear in different places in the map? Yeah. Don't see it.
Nerds. Okay. Love Nerds. So yeah, on the D&D podcast, that makes you a nerd playing Divinity. Oh dear. Couple Nerds. Oh, can't wait. Right, that's right. Anything else you've moved? No, that's it. I moved my 15th South in attempts to keep up with Nix and that is all I can do.
Lovely thank you very much the sky darkens further you hear the crack of thunder and a flash of lightning fly across the sky we're not in the darkness of evening or nighttime yet yet it seems that the sky is darkening quicker and quicker and quicker this is a storm that is fast fast approaching and the lightning gets louder and louder through this round and the rain gets heavier.
and heavier. There are going to be some effects that take place once per round, given the weather as it slowly gets worse and worse. Who can I ask for this? Let's go to Danny. Could you just roll for me? Not as anything. Could you just roll a d10 for me, please? I don't know. It could happen. You're going to tell me which one does happen, and then I'm going to pick where it happens. Five. Five gives us an iconic surge.
From located directly on two people, this thing happens. One, Nix, two, Old Gell. And Nix, you realize this is from the cracked orb that you have attached to you. And you can assume Emron from your location as you see this happen from Old Gell as well. That's where this kind of comes from.
An arcane pulse emanates from both these two things, causing magical disturbances. People in that area, so that's going to be, old girl, but they're unconscious, Nyx, it's also going to be the two foes nearby, and also Emron. Could you guys all make intelligence
Is it intelligence? Yeah, an intelligence saving throw. Ooh, intelligence? What the hell? Oh, Nick's as dumb as fuck. I'm intrigued. But guess a 19? He's got that toilet paper with all those random facts on. As he's taking a dump, he's just reading it out. His word of day, kind of. 16 for me.
1916, who else did I ask for? The two bad guys. An old girl, three. Old girl. He's unconscious. What up, donkey punch? Ah, yeah. A hoot. Oh, a hoot. Oh. We'll get back soon enough. Okay, so this doesn't happen to any of you guys, but... Oh, that's a big number.
Okay, okay. Okay, right. What happens is this organic surge has caused two wild surges to take place. The storm is somehow affecting something the old girl has in some of this gear from your very short second you can take. So centered on the guy in this center, the one, everyone that you are fighting, you, so this character, this NPC, this baddie, and all creatures within 30 feet of you gain vulnerability to piercing damage for the next minute.
So you're not vulnerable to piercing damage as this, you feel the surge of energy break out. And then from him in particular, this other energy breaks out and kind of causes almost iconic rifts in all your armor, in all your weaponry. And this happens to you. It happens to himself.
happens to old girl, it happens to the woman who's put herself out in the water, but doesn't quite reach nicks. However, the woman in the water, she also failed and has to roll on us as well. 51, which gives us, oh, has to be at the opposite page, a spectral shield hovers near you for the next minute, granting you a plus two bonus to AC and immunity to magic missile. So good thing you didn't fire it at her. So yeah, they basically had a wild magic surge by
accident because something has triggered it. Either the instruments you've used, the storm, something has caused this to take place. Thank you very much for all that, Danny. Five has been used. So, top of the round. Nix, your turn. You don't know any of this stuff, but you know the weather's getting bad. It's everything. Weather happens. I'd love it to be my turn, but I think it's my rotors.
I'm so sorry. Yes, Morita, thank you very much. Apologies to you. Nice. So face-to-face with this guy who's just tried to shoot me point blank with a bow that I have sort of just taken the arrow straight out of that nook. I'm going to just, once I dropped the arrow that he was about to shoot me with, then produce my whip and do a sort of a roundhouse flourish with it, and then just stare at him and say, you're going to die now. And then I'm going to go for a neck shot with the whip.
Please crit on that. Don't get an 81. That'll be awkward. 15. Okay, nice. That does hit. Great. That will be three points of slashing damage.
And then I'm going to sort of wrap around his head, as I round his neck, I'm then going to go for like a kidney punch around the side. Which is an 18 to hit. That hits. The damage there would be in the five region. Okay, very nice.
And it's the kidney punch as he's kind of, you're choking. Yeah. So the, um, one hand is holding my whip that is like lassoed now around his neck. My soft hand just sort of punched him round in the kidney. And then I'm going to flurry of blows and I'm going to like bring both feet up and sort of drop kick him in the chest. Shit. Nice. Awesome. Yeah. Good stuff. We haven't got the drop kick point, have we? No, it's coming in now. So that's.
First one is eight, second one is nine to hit. No, both miss, unfortunately. And I've just absolutely wasted most of these key points. With a cool comment as well. Yeah, man. That's a shame. Well, I heard a little bit. You got some good damage to them though. I heard a little bit. Yeah, you got nine points of damage out of them. That's decent. That's decent. Nothing to be sniffed at, don't you worry. Cool. Thank you very much.
Right, Emron, you're up next. You just felt this energy come back and you don't know it as a thing, but you feel like your arm is just a bit shit. And it seems like there's some iconic thing kind of fucking with it at the moment. Anything you want to do? Yes, there are things I want to do. Thank you. Really? Everyone sort of rocks back on this. And what I do, he's the woman's gone, this big man with his axe. I'm going to cast Heat Metal on the axe.
nice yep okay um so he will now take uh he now takes um he takes 2d8 damage straight off the back oh yeah yeah any creature in physical contact with the object takes doing 2d8 damage shit nice roll that damage that's awesome that's 11 points of fire damage whoa nice
And until the spell ends, I can use a bonus action in each of my subsequent turns to cause this damage again. If the creature is holding or wearing the object and takes the damage from it, the creature must hit either Constitution Saving Throw or drop the weapon if it can. That was a d4, that wouldn't have done me very well.
That's a two. That failed. Sorry. Oh, it dropped the weapon. Bong. Shit. Yeah. So every time it tries to pick that up, it will obviously, obviously, um, the weapon's hot. So I can cause it damage if you tried to pick it up again. Very nice. Very nice. And then with my bonus action, I'm going to get my hammer to hit him. All right. Roll to hit.
That's a 23 to hit. That does hit. And 11 points of force damage. 22 points of damage in total so far on him. Yes. Really nice. So the great axe becomes hot and he has to drop it. Ah, to the voice, hands are burning. I'm kind of thinking, oh.
Odd reference there, no more, I won't talk about that. Drops that and then just as he turns to you again, you just absolutely twatter in the head. Lips bleat, a tooth flies out of his mouth, bloody battered, but he's still up and it seems like he's got some life in him as well. Anything else you want to do? Yes, everyone will look to him and go, yield. And then that'll be it. Very nice. Okay. He's going to respond straight off the back.
Fuck you and he's going to run at you and he's going to try and push you into the fire this time You're stood the other side of it Okay 13 that's the uh, I will take athletics to roll against that Okay Ah nine Shove he's going to shove your back you're still on your feet but oh it's that one um and
Fire! Exclamation mark. I guess that won't kick in till the start. Do you want to do it now? I always will forget. Entirely up to you. Can't find my dice. I had a d6. Always doing it now. Always doing it now.
The burning is instantaneous. Four points of burning damage. Fire damage or burning damage. And let me just roll a constitution save for my concentration. Concentration. Thank you. That's a four. Ooh, that's bad. Bad round. Yes, so good damage round. Bad dice roll round. So the axe stops glowing red hot.
Oh, what about your spiritual weapon? The spiritual weapon does not require concentration. Yeah, it's great. Amazing. Cool. No problem. Oh, that makes it interesting. It makes it a really good spell to get off first because then it just... Yeah. It's an action to pick up, isn't it?
to pick up an item that you're not carrying, probably. Yes, it is. So he's going to stand there because he wants to pick up his weapon. So he's not going to, he sees it's no longer glowing anymore and he's going to go pick it up, but he can't yet because it ain't his turn. Lass in the water is going to, thank you, it's difficult terrain, cost 10 to get her out of the water and she's going to beeline it. Sorry, that's 10.
getting behind Emron, but then realise and see Nix. What? But I'm being all stealth. I'd like to take a reaction to... I'd like to take a reaction to hit her as she passes. Oh yes, you can actually. Yeah, okay, yeah, yeah. Okay, fine. Give me a hit for that. You know, might as well. Nix is just going... Wait, she's looking at me. She's looking at me. She's looking at me. Shit! Shit, shit, shit! I'm a tree! I'm a tree!
Is it 11 to hit? 11 misses unfortunately. The fire is probably distracting me. Probably just a little bit. You are a flame. Cool, thank you very much me for that. So now let's go to the other bits of combat. The chap who is charmed by Nyx is going to make a beeline for Alpha and hit you hard in the face with his long sword. 11 to hit.
Oh no, that misses. Bugger. He stands there and growls ominously at you. The chap that's up against Morota is going to drop his bow and polite a dagger, which is always kind of got by his side, and it's going to go for a hit to the stab against you. So that's going to be 13 against your armor class Morota. Miss.
Yeah! Misses him, you dexterously, dexterously dodge out of the damned, dung-dung-yly way. The other guy who's off to the side has realised, Raines, you've taken yourself into a difficult position to shoot. He's going to shoot it out for instead. 19. Yeah, that one hits. Good. Seven, eight points of piercing damage. Oh! It goes ouch. It goes ouch into you. That's an ouchie. That's a big ouchie.
Next, you've got a scary looking rogue-esque person, lady, barreling down on you. You see everyone 10 feet just over her shoulder on fire, and you just felt something very strange from that orb emanating an energy out that you managed to feel like you resisted somehow. What do you want to do? There's a lot to unpick there, Nix. What do you want to do? And you're bleeding. What do you want to do?
We're still clutching my ribs but seeing everyone being pushed into a fire and then being lit on fire from that nix is gonna and seeing the the lady attacker coming towards him nix is gonna circumnavigate her conveniently within five feet at a time and run at emron with all his movement one.
2, 3, 4 and it's going to be a shared tackle action. So like a rugby tackle into Emron to get him past the fire with hopefully me there as well. It's not going to be a rugby tackle because that would knock him on his feet. It's a shoulder tackle and the hopes that Emron's good. Yeah, a shove.
Yeah, like, yeah, with a shoulder, Nick's is going in with a shoulder just to knock a big burly and run out of the fire. OK, so you go. I don't know if you will allow it, then it doesn't get contested.
No, yeah. There's nothing about whether I can choose to contest it or not. But so, yeah, I mean, everyone's not going to stop. I would be shouting, like, everyone, I got you! So you know that someone's coming. I'll let him push me five feet. I'll allow it. All right, shove. You get pushed out of the way of the fire. Nix, you are now in the fire. Why would he go into the fire? To push you out. Is it that big? If you're running to push.
You could move the rest of your action out, I guess. I'd move the rest of my action out. I don't mind taking the damage. I am resistant, so it's all part of the movement, so it's all good. If you wouldn't put yourself specifically in Ham's way, you wouldn't jump on the fire to put him out of the fire. That's not Nix's way. No, no, no, no, no. I'll take this for you.
Cool, okay, which doesn't negate the fact that bits of him are on fire, but stops him continuing the perpetual burn of being on top of a bonfire. Cool, thank you, Nix. Anything else you got in action? No, that was my action. Oh, of course it was. I'd position myself that I was standing back to back to Emeron, because I know that the attacker's now behind me, my lady one, and Emeron's obviously facing off against burnt hands guy.
Burned face man. Brilliant. Thank you. Yeah. I like that image actually back to back or on the fire. Um, but these time Ron, you'd feel my tail just kind of not wrap around you, but it's quite long. So it'd be on your, like your hip, just kind of flipping like a cat pissed off to stop that fact.
Really nice really good little image there. Skirting up to the north then we find a standoff with Raines and this assailant in the trees to the west. What do you want to do Raines? Okay having just heard Nick scream, Emron I've got you, Raines is then going to see that Alpha has just been shot and has then had this one in peer of him. Raines is going to go
Alpha, hopefully Nix has got Emron and Emron's got Nix. You and I got a deal with what we got. And first thing that Reigns is going to do is he's going to look at the bag of holding and go, we're going to need another mole for NC. Do not, do not let me spend the third one. Do you hear me? Do not let me do that. But the second one's got to go right now.
And once again, they are an Andos thinks and a Gynos thinks, they're not lions, I got it wrong. They are the two sigils of House Habbo that he took from Yanda. So out of the two mouths of the Tabard, of the Andos thinks and Gynos thinks Tabards that are on his shoulder, once more, the magic missiles are going to hurtle back towards the assailant behind the tree. All right, nice. Okay, give me the damage, I guess.
Straight up. This time it is four points of damage per dart and I'm going to send one. So that's four points of damage firstly to the archer who was hitting me and that's shot. If he's still up, another one then flies. So these are coming out more gradual just in case I need to send two of them or another one elsewhere. So he's now taking eight points of damage as the second one hits him. He's still up. Third one goes, he's taken 12 points of damage.
You see his body slump down behind the tree. He is dead. What Rains does is that you see the red gauntlet comes up and he immediately snaps his fingers and points to the one that's engaging with Alpha and sends the fourth one into him for four points of damage.
hits him, he's got thick armor, thick plate armor on him and he seems more up, but he still manages to find it, whoops its way through, kind of catches him in the neck a little bit and does the damage there. Nice, good shit. Anything else you want to do, Rains? No, that's the end of my turn. Fab, thank you very much for that. Alpha, you've just seen this guy approach, being shot in the side. What do you want to do? He's going to listen to Rains, so
He's heard the commotion of Nitz and Emron and the shouting and all that kind of stuff. He's going to try and give it a go with his short sword that he randomly grabbed, and he's going to walk casually round to the southern side of the big bad. He's holding this sword very, very poorly. There's no poise. There's no posture to it. It's literally like a very, very tight grip.
best that he can muster the idea of this because he's never just going to...
shove it. He's shoving the sword into him. It's not a slash or anything like that. Sticking them with the pointy end. Exactly. Just to kind of see what happens. Roll to poke. I poked. I poked with an eight. Ping parries easily. Almost like you didn't even have a chance that he saw that coming a mile off. Yeah. Yeah. That's that's perfectly fine. What I'm going to just try and do then as it kind of gets parried off.
No, I am going to stay there. I'm not going to get my movement. Yeah, that's all I'm going to do. The sky continues to darken, rain pummeling down now, causing puddles of mud to form on the ground around you. Callum, could you roll a d10 for me, please? And if you roll a5, please re-roll.
I certainly can do. A D10 roll for yourself is a five, so I will just quickly re-roll for yourself. And my second D10 roll is indeed a three. Okay, thank you very much.
There's a flash on the London and London falls. Boom, we're in London baby. No, thunder roars through the forest and there is this blinding sense of like overload of like sensory overload here. There's a sudden surge of rain and wind and it disorients everyone on the map at the moment. Could you all please make a constitution saving throw, please? Ah, piss it.
I will take that. That sounded good. All right. We'll go from the most fun first, I think.
Next, what'd you get? Four. You are... fucked. Blinded by the wind and rain, you're blinded for one round. Blinded by the wind. What does that mean? Other than obviously from the obvious, hey, you can't see. You fail ability checks that require slight and attack rolls against you have advantage and your attack rolls have disadvantage. Shit, I can't see. You can't see. And you can't see for one round. Oh god. This will finish. My retinas are burning from the lightning.
Oh, it's just you've got rain in the eye or like a bit of dirt got in your eyes. You're not like... You're welcome. Exactly. Alpha, what did you get? 17. You are fine. You mostly close your eyes and what's the worst? Emron, what did you get? 21. 21. Rains. Natural one. You are blinded by... A life. It's more than brightest in the eye. And you're blinded... No, just for one turn. As the rain pelts, cold rain, like almost like ice.
almost like hail but not quite hail. It's very cold all of a sudden. And Morita, what did you get? 17. You're fine as well. That's not the only thing that changed. What about the bad guys? I'm just getting to that.
Sorry. I wasn't. I totally forgot, actually. So I'm just going to go through them now. This weird flash of lightning only affects the PCs. One of them is blinded for life, actually. And he's the dead one on him. The one that Marotta's facing off against, 11 passes. There's a DC of nine. The one that Emmeron's facing off against, six. So he fails. He's blinded for a round. We like to know. I'm the one who's going to be blinded.
14 so the next one is all right the one up against alpha 18 he's fine as well sorry sorry i didn't want i didn't want them to be missing out the environmental damage you know absolutely not don't you worry down thing about it
This isn't the only thing that changes though, as the sky continues to darken at almost an unholy pace. Not unholy, an iconically fast pace, let's say. These creatures start to just, these puddles in the ground start to kind of retch and appear and kind of crawl their ways out. These mud methods rise from the earth, these grotesque forms of clay and filth, skin crawling like decayed moss, eyes gleaming with a wicked light. They move with like limbs twisted like unnaturally as they crawl out of these mud holes.
fuck me in its wake foul stench pervades and spews corrosive mud spreading its wild blight its gaze fixes upon any of the party members it can see a twisted countenance contorting with malice its mouth opens wide and an awful sound rips from its throat a scream that chills the bone the air vibrates these these enemies are now upon the battlefield
I have placed these before they come up again in the GM screen of Roll20. So I'm just going to select them all now and make them all appear. They're all around us next. That's what's going to happen. I have no idea. I really hope so. Let me select them. I deleted them all by accident.
You can be Michael Jackson, Emron. I'll be the girl that you take out to the cinema. Thanks. Thanks, Michael. What are you saying? You're so silly. Oh, shit. What are these lines? I ignore the lines. The lines are me trying things and failing miserably. Oh, shit. There's one there. What a fucking hell.
So they, I actually know where they are myself, so I'm gonna have a look. I am fucked. It's not like I broke on that. He doesn't kill at least one of us, so. Yeah. So there is one literally right next to Alpha. Wow. One. There is four lined up between Alpha and Reigns and the rest of the party. There are one, two,
Two next, one's right next to one of the baddies that everyone is facing off against, and one is the other side of the fire. One is kind of off to the east on a crate, or seem to have peered out the crate. Another one is further to the, down the path, not so close to, not so close to you yet at the moment. They're the ones that have appeared at the moment. These creatures have come out of the ground. It's their turn, but there's something strange.
And when you notice this first, because the one that appears from the deluge of mud just to your right, where your spiritual weapon was, doesn't look at you. It looks at the guy you're fighting and swings at him.
for a natural one. Fuck. It was, it was, it was. There's a moment of,

Chaos Unleashed: Mud Methods Attack

I'm kind of speaking for you, everyone in your head for this couple of seconds, a moment of like, oh good, these things are with us. They're with us in some way until the one to your left.
jumps over the fire and tries to take a swing at you these things seem to not have a side they're attacking anyone and everyone at the moment with this mud gourd pause they're going to swing at you that's a 15 to hit that's uh deflected by my shield that's what i think your shield is that the shield that i gave you no no because i'm not attuned to it because you're a pro i'm not attuned to it uh so that's a miss unfortunately for that one
The others lower down that aren't directly seeing anyone, I'm just gonna stand there and just scream. The one nearest between Alpha and the creature.
Let's roll the d4. Odds it goes for alpha, evens it goes for the enemy. Evens it goes for the enemy. It goes up next to him. Take a swing at that guy as well. Oh, that's a five, so it's going to miss as well, unfortunately. The other creatures though, the ones just below are going to form up. They're going to start moving closer together like they had to crawl out of the puddles and are now grouping themselves closer together.
and you're gonna see them slowly start to sway.
And that's all that they're going to do at the moment. Shudder. Shudder. Shiver. This is like going to be a huge play-doh monster that sort of just like combines. I'm still, I'm drawing out an influence from Michael Jackson's thriller, which is an iconic song. Oh, I get it now. Your body starts to shake and shiver. Or quiver. Quiver probably, yeah. I'm imagining like, this is going to form like a big marshmallow man liking jokes. Yeah, stay perfect. Stay perfect marshmallow man.
We don't know yet. We don't know yet. We don't know yet. That's the end of their turn, though, to start off with. What do you want to do, Emron? You've now got a method to your... It's not the top of the round. It's not the top of the round. Sorry. Was it not the top of the round? You've gone, haven't you? Yeah. No, Alpha went, then the method went, then it's Morota. Sorry, you're totally right. Yeah, it is top of the round. I'm sure it is. Oh, yep, it is top of the round. Sorry, Dan. Oh, yes, because the weather effects happened. Yes. Yeah.
OK, I'm just going to kill this guy quickly and then see what unworldly shit's happening behind me. Another web attack, please. OK, we'll do it. 17. Hits. And that'll be five points of slashing damage.
Nice, he does not look like he's enjoying life at the moment. Followed with another gut punch for a 13 to hit. Hits. And his guts will now hurt to the value of three points of damage.
That's exactly how much health he had. He just spits up all over the space on you, whatever. It's your call really. But then just kind of crumbles to the ground and his eyes roll back on his head and he just twitches on the ground. He is an ex archer. He is now gone. Nice. I'll use my movement then.
to come back and expecting to see Nick's groveling on the floor as Alpha helps him, I see a completely fucking different scene entirely. You break through the trees and make out a glob of these methods standing in some kind of circle-shaped waving. The sky above you has darkened even further, the rain now ice-cold, lightning forks across the sky at almost a nightmare-esque level of intensity. This is not a normal storm.
And thank you very much for that. Emron, it's your turn. You've got a method to your left. You've got this dude in front of you, or five feet, or 10 feet ahead of you, who's also being attacked by this method. You've got Nyx behind you. It's all getting a bit intense in the tents. So the guy in front of me is blinded, thankfully. So I'm gonna, I'm feeling Nyx on my back and things getting a bit hairy around here. Emron's gonna look around and be like,
This is going to get a little bit airy here, Nyx. Airy? What does that mean? Let's hope Alito's light shines upon us. I'm going to cast Bless on both myself and Nyx. Very nice. 1d4 to you both when you... Yes. Everything pretty much.
Yeah. And then as my bonus action, as that one method is currently chomping on blinded guy, I'm going to move the spirit weapon over to the one that's in the fire. I assume the fire is out by now, given the rain. And the spirit weapon will hit this method. Bang. Roll to hit.
It's a crit. Thank God. Praise be Alito. It takes a total of 13 points of force damage. It's dead. Splat becomes nothing but mud on the ground beneath your spiritual weapon's feet. Congratulations, you've killed a method. Yay. Right. One of many.
And that's the end of my game. I'm not a spammed Control V a little bit too much. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway, I've looked at the whole map. There's loads of them. I don't know if I've actually shown them all yet. I just kind of gathered. Jesus. I can't see them. Maybe that's the next round. Oh, no, I can see a few more. OK, OK. I grouped them. That's a clever thing I did. I grouped them. I think it was a clever thing I did. Anyway, yeah, I don't think there's any others. Maybe. Well, I might say. There's some further south. Have you seen those two? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've got those two bitches.
Yeah, I think that's all of them. Maybe. Well, maybe not. Who knows? Let's see what the storm brings us. Yeah, anyway, so let's go on to the next person then. It's the Ridgebacks. It's their turn to see what the hell's going on. The chat firstly that is fighting Alpha is going to look horrified at this thing that's just appeared down by his side and is going to swing back at it.
Oh, that's good, for a very high 22. Crashed, I'm glad that went to the method. Yeah, so is he actually. Two, eight points of slashing damage down on this guy, splattering through mud, slapping everywhere, the smouthed stench getting worse and worse as he slashed into this guy. He's then going to turn and using a bonus action, he's gonna try and elbow you, Alpha, in the face.
Oh, 18. Oh, shit. Pit. Four points of bludgeoning damage as he just tries to back you off as he fights off these two opponents he's facing at the moment. That's the end of his turn. The two other archers are dead. The two that are currently in gauge aid with our Nix and Emron combo. The
chap that's got this guy biting him that's blinded is just going to randomly he's still not got his sword is that great no he doesn't have his axe now oh man i'm feeling like dude he watched the mummy you know in case his eyes taking eyes are reaching around trying to find i think it's a bit like that he looks pathetic as he just crawls on the floor trying to find his weapon finally gets his hands on it stands up and just tries to strike some kind of defensive stance or giving him some flavor here he just picks up his damn weapon but it takes him a long time to do it
Doesn't the second he does that, isn't he going to burn himself? No, I run out of concentration on it. The one that is facing off against Nyx is going to be a moment where she looks at you. Oh, great. And then is going to run at you. And at the very last minute, dodge to the side and stab with this rapier in towards this method. It's dead. 20. Yeah, it's dead. No, no, I killed the method.
Oh, that one. Splat. Oh, of course. I'm so sorry. He's going for a nix then. That was 20. Great. Thanks, everyone. Sorry. Things are about to get hairy. Bless me and take me down. You're playing hot and cold. You're playing Katy Perry song. Keep with what I had that take with the other. There must be balance in all things. King hell. Seven points of piercing damage. That's a very good roll. I mean, what was the hit?
20. Oh, it's an unnatural 20. Oh, I missed that. So, yep, seven. Oof. Okay. What has it happened to me? Put yourself in these situations. I ran away! Awards combat. Right, anyway, that is the end of their turn. Nix, it actually is your turn. What would you want to do? I need to clarify this blind. So, I can't see, right?
A blinded creature can't see, and automatically fails any ability check that requires sight. This is great. Hack roles made against you have advantage. So I should have actually rolled advantage, but anyway. Roll it. You might get a quit. And the creature. All right, fine.
No, that was five. I thought if any time the creature's attack rolls have disadvantage. Right. OK, cool. And I have been hit to the right, so I know something's there. So out of this darkness, just this blinding pain after this warm kind of blessed light, holier than thou has been enveloped on me. All of a sudden, there's this slash of pain and your bleeding and old girl's old thing. It's all happening.
everyone you feel could we still back to back my tails gonna wrap around the top of your inner leg and just gonna squeeze in cuz i can't see and i just know that you are the last thing behind me so i am i'm anchoring myself. The pain to the right of me make me yell out and.
Yes, yes, given my current HP status, the pain is going to pierce my mind with the blindness and the worry. And my reaction is going to be a headish rebuke on that motherfucker, which I have to do at disadvantage. Do you write it in a tat-roll? No, it's a spell. It should have been instantaneous, but I'm going to do it now. It's a reaction. And it's a spell, so it's not a...
But if you're keeping score, Nix will still have an action after this. It's a reaction for me. It's not disappointing. It should have been done at her turn. So no disadvantage then? Nope. So here we go. So Headless Rebuke, for those who don't know, I point my finger at the creature that damaged you. I can't see. Can I actually do this?
Does it have a V? Casting time, one reaction. Does it have a V on the components? That means you need to be able to see it, so you can't do it. I can't do it. Can't do it. I just... Do you? No, V's verbal component. Visual. Yeah.
No, it's not. The V's verbal. The V's verbal. If it says that he points at a creature, he can see. So, hold on. Two different things. So, yeah, I think the V stands for verbal when you hover over it, it comes up with verbal. The S is semantic. S is semantic, yeah. Casting time, however, does dictate one reaction which you take in response to being damaged by a creature within 60 feet of you that you can see. I can't see. Swing brightly.
I don't think I have. I don't think I have. I don't think I have. I don't think I have. I don't think I have. I don't think I have. I don't think I have. I don't think I have. I don't think I have. I don't think I have. I don't think I have. I don't think I have. I don't think I have. I don't think I have. I don't think I have. I don't think I have. I don't think I have. I don't think I have. I don't think I have. I don't think I have. I don't think I have. I don't think I have.
I'm too I'm I'm I'm I'm in pain. I'm worried and I'm scared. That's the end of my go My tails wrapped around your leg everyone. That's it. I'm just kind of almost crouching down into the the fear And just egg. Yeah, that's it. That's all I can do. I'm sweating. Nix is sweating. I'm sweating This is all too much. My head is full and
Nix's hands goes to these temples as he's just trying to block out the memories of falling down into the fucking water and all the bad things that transpired since as the thunder keeps crashing and the lightning flashing and the pain is just searing through. There we go. And you don't even, I don't even know if I'm wet from the rain or the sweat. That's the end of my go. Rains, you're up to the north. Your archer to the side is gone. These methods have appeared. They don't seem to have a side. What do you want to do?
Raines is immediately going to go, ah, Jesus. Who's Jesus? I don't know, my soul fucked. There's something wrong with the goggles then, see? And then, see, it's going to come back immediately, detecting something's wrong. It's going to say in Raines' voice, there's, I mean, in Alpha's voice, it's going to go nothing, and it's going to just go through a series of voices wrong with the goggles. It's going to go through every one of the parties, using words that it's heard from the other party members say. And Raines will go, oh,
Oh shit! And Rains is then going to just all of a sudden just take his hands to his eyes, pull up the goggles and just start to rub his eyes and panic himself. And NC is then just going to, with its final round of speech, is going mode four and Rains is going to go, nope do not use that spell slap! Do not use that final spell slap! We have no idea what we might need it for!
And that's the end of Reigns' turn as he just grabs his eyes.
Oh, for God's sake, okay, I'm gonna have to, I'm gonna disengage, and I'm gonna move up to Rains. I do not have the capability at the moment to fight this person by myself. So yeah, my action is to disengage, I'm gonna use all my movement just to try and get myself side by side with Rains. I'm hoping that the method would creature thing is gonna be another distraction for this God.
But yeah, that's all I can do. Thank you very much. Top of the round. Ian, could you roll a d10 for me, please? If you roll a three or a five, please re-roll. Merfet. Fell to silence.

Reflecting on Challenges and Defeat

Six. Six.
To find out what that is You have a fabulous ass and you are an ass Thank you and with the with the Ridgeback swords becoming now the least of the party's problems these methods and what seemed to be the weather itself So I can't force control in the weather seems to be the enemies that are facing you all next week for a conclusion of this battle with the methods well, this is a
It's all too familiar. That's what this is. It's all too familiar. So yeah, thanks for that. Appreciate it, Mark. Appreciate you. Familiar? What do you mean it's familiar? I've died so many times in this campaign.

Listener Acknowledgments and Humor

That's why it's familiar. Hopelessness.
I'm on less than half health for my first hit of the game. I've dropped to less than half health. I'm not even warranting that with a response for how much damage I've taken. However, what is warrant is me thanking all of you out there for tuning in, listening, making this part of your every day week. We love you for it. If you wanted to keep up to date with the podcast, you can do so on our social media page X.
which is the new name for Twitter. No one's calling it X. But, you know, we'll be the first. Hey, look, we can take some sponsorship from X. Elon, my man, if you want someone to kind of keep this forward momentum going of this X company you got going, hook us up. Yeah.
with some Teslas. Green fellowship for the win. With some testicles. Send us. First class. Because you've lost yours, so you've got to be finding some from somewhere. So X is at fellowship table. And then if you wanted to go one step further and follow us individually, you can do so too. I'm at, I rolled a one. Will is at.
Natural 20 Will Callum's at TheD20Gamer BigPonyDarren's at DarrenPageo6 Danny's at Total Party Thrills And our marvellous DM Mark is at Hastily Rolled DM Until next time guys, farewell