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Ep. 8 The Visage of Vengenace - Shadowmend Tales image

Ep. 8 The Visage of Vengenace - Shadowmend Tales

E8 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
101 Plays2 years ago

Hot on the trail of Karl, MkBenner, Wren and Drago get ambushed. Drago finds more than he bargained for. 


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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios

Other words they be a flying with no wings Man this is edited anyway, why should really make out what I'm sorry brother I Can I can put that at the start of the episode though?

Introduction and Setting Overview

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are a live play 5e podcast set in the kingdom, in the disputed kingdom of Wildheart in the realm of Eryth.

Meet the Characters

This is the Shadow Men Tales. My name is Darren and I am going to run D&D for you this evening and with me I still have but two players, or do I? With me, I have Ian playing the Dragonborn Paladin Drago.
And I have Will playing the ranger Hunter McBenna. We'll pick up a few days after where we last saw our characters.

Camp Setup and Search for Kharjeet

Night is falling over the verandian jungle and you are setting up camp. Another day has gone by as you look for the Tabaxi Kharjeet.
It is the second day of you traversing the wilderness. Mechanically, we can say you've had a couple of long rest since then, so make sure you have ticked that off on your list. As the sun fades, the flickers of the campfire come to life. Ren ignites. The kindling with a cantrip create bonfire. It reminds you, Drago, of the evenings that Tarly did this for you.
The crackles of the fire start to resonate as the sound of crickets and the night in the jungle starts to come to life and soul disappears. What do you want to do?
What about the recap? You deliberately haven't done one. You deliberately haven't done one this time. You made such a big deal of Will taking it on and then the very next episode took it away from him. I did, but I remembered that actually you can't fully recap the episode because of why I did it. I really wish you hadn't spent those 30 minutes writing it out, Will. Mate, you should see the essay I've written. I have now. And the typewriter, no less.
I'm sorry, but I promise you your inspiration still stands. Good, thanks. Quick question. Did I pick up Khajiit's trail? Do you want to roll me a survival?

Tracking and Tactical Preparations

I thought that might be a question. Can I aid? Yes, of course you can. Thanks.
to roll with advantage. Well, I'll play classic rules rather than the rules that Mark installed into his campaign. Excellent. I'm going to add my, what do I have for inspiration? Is it a D6? D6. Cool. Are you spending it on this? Yeah. Okay. That's a 20.
Yeah, you're relatively confident that you have picked up Karl's trail at certain points. You appear to have lost it a couple of times, but you've always been able to find it again. He's maintained a steady pace ahead of you, but you have been closing in, you get the sense. You get the sense that something is guiding him in the way that perhaps
as Legolas would say, he feels the very whip of his master behind him, that Karl is moving with unnatural force himself, yet you are, you're convinced on his trail. It's quite an easy trail to re-find anyway, that you're just following Eris Giff, the great rushing river north, and that's the direction that you're confident that Karl is heading it.
Cool. So McBender, happy, and I'm more than willing to spend my inspiration on that role because I'm going to find the bastard. Yeah, to that point.
Would we allow ourselves long rests or would we do short rests? I mean, we would have had the long rested mechanically at some point, otherwise we would have exhausted ourselves. But I think we would have been like literally eight hours caught off we go, thanks. I feel like we are trying to, you know, push and keep pace. So we would have been literally like, apart from stopping for the long rest and it would have been very quickly down, off we go.
trying to stay ahead. Yeah and you'd know that Karl would have to do the same, that that's an even playing field, that Karl would also have to stop as far as you're aware. Have we come across his camps? Yes, that's a good question. Every night you appear to be finding his camp and what you notice the previous days is that you found the last camp before the sun had set, which means you're gaining on him.
But you're discovering the camps earlier in the day. So you get the sense that you're gaining on him. So with the fire lit, but I sort of imagine that we've we've created a camp in maybe like the in between two I might see for in the jungle, huge trees and perhaps where a little natural hollow was formed around these two giant roots to sort of give us so we've got something to our back as it were.
Yeah, just to explain the idea of favoured terrain, that this would be within the realms of your favoured terrain at Benarith Arranger. So finding somewhere that would appear to be a sensible camp, finding food won't always be glamorous, but again, with the benefits of what Arranger gets from Natural Explorer, all of this in the verandian is quite easy for you. You spent your life
You've never gone this far east, but this jungle isn't a stranger to you. Though, as you know, you could spend months in the jungle and never find the same place twice. This jungle is big. It's equatable to the forest of Neverwinter in the Sword Coast. Lovely. I've got two things from that. One, if it's favorable for a ranger, is it still really hot?
Yes. Yeah. So the only way I can equate it is like the Australian outback in winter. The sun still sets at 5pm, but it is warm. Warm. Okay. So Drago is constantly uncomfortable being a silver dragon. He likes it cold.
I'm a D&D player, can't we? The fuck out of here. Yeah, right. I ain't no crockroach.

Manticore Battle Begins

As a second thing, just to cut in very quickly, during the, did you say we've had two nights of doing this? This is the second night. Okay. So the first night, just in terms of like, and listeners, this is for the benefit of you as well. Please do DM me if this isn't the case and you want us to hash this out.
However, just to speed things up, when McBenna and Drago sit down at that camp of the evening and talk, Drago would have devolved basically season one to McBenna. So who he is, who Robin is, who Claude is, all of it, the whole thing, who had an Asleep Guard is, Akiva, everything. So there you go.
got that information. There was a deliberate reason why I have in the mechanics of D&D expediated travel. So there are travel mechanics rules. Yeah, we fast travel. And I did think about the filling in and as our listeners got that quite recently, as Drago did that for Ren, I thought rather than repeat that discussion. Yeah, we can say
And that's cool, thank you. And listeners, if you're out there and you go, no, I want to hear that conversation, that's fine, just DM us before the conversation. But come on, I've done it recently, as Darren said, we're treating you as informed listeners. But that's not to say that if you don't want to hear it, you can just let us know. Anyway, as we were.
So with the camp set like McVenna will have made sure to, he'll have pulled out a hunting trap and so obviously he made sure that because if we're between these two routes and there's this towering tree behind us of the jungle just to make sure he put out a hunting trap and a few bits in his pack just to make sure that if anything approaches the camp at night that
It's not going to affect them too badly because he knows that we are slightly short of numbers in order to be able to do full watches, I believe. You're also short of darkvision. Only Rem has it. Exactly. So he's made sure that there's traps out there to stop people. I'm happy to make a role for those of you who wish me to. Yeah, do you want to give me survival? That's particularly the wilderness stuff.
I'm going to aid again. Yep. So that's with advantage again. Thanks. Oh, lovely job. That's a 19.
Okay, yeah, you do as you describe. This isn't your first radio, for want of a better term. This isn't the first time that you've had to make short numbers work. A lot of the ranges of brother might fought, you have to divide up between those of you who have dark vision, which is typically the half elves and some of the dwarfs, and then the human kin who obviously don't. So this is common practice for doing stuff for those, particularly when you have a party that is
Low on the ability to see once nightfall has gone outside of the remit of the campfire obviously cool. Thank you And as that happens then Ren is just going to say to you both as the premise of sleep comes on Are we doing a watch or how are we going to do this? Well if we will do it like we have done before so if we
I'll take first watch and then we can sort of stagger it and then hopefully by the time... I have a dark vision so I'll take the middle, I'll go in the middle of the night. That's a good one. You need to sleep a lot, don't you? You're not.
You're not like your full-blooded friends. No, I'm half campground. I need the full eight hours. OK, that's fine. So we'll make sure to... There'll be some point in the morning when there won't be anyone on watch, but hopefully predators will have done their bit so they won't be out on the prowl by the time it gets close to dawn. So that's fine. As we had before. Same as last night. Sounds good.
If you're happy with that Drago, no need to change what I've broken. Yeah, fine with me. Right, okay. I'm gonna stretch out, get some sleep. Okay. Okay. And as you settle in for the watch, McBenna, can you give me perception as Drago and Wren fall asleep? Yeah, right. Join it with disadvantage.
You will have to roll at the disadvantage because you don't have darkvision. Yeah, I thought you didn't want that. It's odds. No, no, no. I thought I'd mention it. There you go. That's a five perception with a passive at disadvantage of seven.
Yeah, nothing happens, but pretty much beyond the 10 feet of the embers of the campfire, you wouldn't really know unless it did. Nothing triggers your other senses. You don't hear anything. But yeah, you don't see anything. And with that, your watch comes to an end and you're able to wake Ren, who said that she would take the darkest of the night. And then McBen will go to sleep.
Yep, you both sleep for a while until, uh, you both hear this. Can you both roll perception checks, please, to see if that is enough to stay at disadvantage? Yep. Yeah. Cause you're asleep. Yep. Oh, that's better. Uh, that's a 13 at disadvantage. Okay.
As has happened so many times with trying to stir a rago, this sleep continues. However, McBenna, you do stir and you see Ren just intently glaring into the distance. There's something out there.
And McBenna will have started awake. And he'll have been lying on his front, sort of his pack underneath his head. And as he comes up, his hand comes from underneath the pack. It's already got a dagger in his hand, and he sleeps with a dagger in his hand. And then he looks to where Ren's looking. And he sort of stretches and just sort of kicks Drago and goes, Drago.
Oh, is it already time for my watch? No, no, no. Be alert, lad. Something's out there. OK, all right. Jugger starts hitting his face just to kind of wake him up and shake the cobwebs loose and grabs the great axe, the silvered great axe that he got from the vaults and stands ready and he looks to where MacBenna's pointing.
I can't see shit because it's dark. These three things come flying towards you. Drago, does a 13 hit your armor class? No. But Ben there, does a seven hit your armor class? No.
At Ren, it's a 22, but what she's going to do is she's going to cast Shield. This thing comes up and just causes this thing to just disintegrate at your feet. McBenna, you take one glance at it and realise immediately what it is. Manticores. Can I ask you both to roll initiative, please? Ooh, I don't know what a Manticore is, but I did get a 22.
Okay, so Drago 22, unless you did better than that McBennar, that's top of the initiative order. I got a five, and that's with my bonus. Okay.
Right, top of the round, Drago, these two spikes have just gone careening into the darkness, the one that was coming for you and McBenna. The one that Ren managed to block with Shield is just disintegrated at the floor. You can't see anything beyond the 10 feet of the torchlight in front of you. What do you want to do?
Okay, so Drago noticing that when Rendered Shield, was there like a stream of light? I don't know how the spell looks to pacify. It's effectively a whoosh and it's effectively like this invisible force field comes up and it just deflected this thing down into your feet. McBennell has encountered these before. They are a monstrosity, which I believe is my favourite enemy.
So yes, you Manticores are rife in the gorge. No, no, no. What I'm talking about is the spell itself. When S.H.I.E.L.D. was cast, is there any kind of visible light coming from it? I don't know what it would look like. A spark, but it won't do anything more than illuminate further than the fire. No, that's cool. I know that Ren has cast something and it's deflected.
It was about to hit her that that much was clear that the two that were coming for you missed and the one that was coming for her was about to hit her right in the shoulder blades. That's fine. I'm going to take up position in front of Ren with the great axe kind of held in both of my claws, just kind of trying to focus my vision. You know how when you almost trying to read something that's blurry, so you follow your brow. Drago's doing that.
kind of sighing to himself that it's happening in the fucking darkness. I'm going to hold an attack action. If anything comes within my swing distance, am I going to let loose? Actually, no, I'm going to. Yes, no, that's exactly what I'm going to do. OK, thank you, Drago. All of a sudden, what happens? Three more. I'm in front of Ren, so this wouldn't hit.
So there's two coming for you then. Drago, the first one is a nine against your armor class. That misses. Why? The second one, yeesh, is a 24 against your armor class. That definitely hits. You take eight points of piercing damage as this spike impales you in the shoulder blade. Mena, the one coming for you,
That is a 20 not natural against your armour class. Yeah, that hits. Less damage. You take five points of piercing damage as this thing shoots you in the shoulder.
Ren, at this point, is going to realise this is happening, and she's going to tap you on the shoulder and say, Drago, I'll take care of myself.

Mark's Mysterious Character Joins

Don't worry about me. And she's going to cast Mirror Image. And you will notice that the two, no, three versions of Ren start to appear around her. And she now has her duplicates out, making herself more difficult to hit. McBener, it's your turn. Right.
Do I get a sense of where these shots are coming from in their direction rather than, at least sort of like, are they coming from the left, the right, the center? They're coming from directly in front of you, which is where Rem was looking and said that there's something out there. Cool. What I'm going to do is I'm going to grab a torch from my pack, light it in the fire, and then throw it as far as I can.
so it can try and cast some light ahead of us. You smart fucker. Do you want to make an athletics track to see just how far you can lob this? Yeah, right. I rolled a four. Okay, what's the standard distance you can throw something because that's how far it's going?
what just like a range thing because like daggers you can throw 20 feet okay it goes 20 feet i'd say that's a fair lob for a normal lob cool 20 feet okay so that casts light within 20 feet of it and dim light within 20 feet of that
In the dim light, you can see the shadows of something quite large. There's the shadows of a manticore. You're aware of what this is. You've been aware since the first thing. Can we also clarify that Macbeth has just thrown fire into a jungle? Yeah? Yes. Yes. Cool. I'm just wondering how that might proceed.
I'm out. But the accident so I can at least see something to shoot or at least have a better idea of what I'm shooting at next turn. Because I assume that that's going to be my action because there's nothing else to do. In that case, I would like to use
Technically I can see this, can't I? You can see, you can make out, they're large manticores, they're effectively, they're the size of a lion, they're large. So it must be within, so it's, I should throw it 20, it's within 40 feet of that X and I would like to use my bonus axe to cast Hunter's Mark on that manticore, please. Okay, you've got it. There you go, thanks. At the end of this round, Mark, can you hear me?
Wonderful. Can I ask you to roll initiative, please? What the fuck? Oh, shit. I hate it when the DM starts rolling. The DM DM starts rolling. Which DM? Seven. I rolled a... Yeah. I got seven. Hey, man. Thank you. Hey, dude. How are we doing, guys? It's good to hear you boys. So here we got a couple of Manticores. Yeah. What did you roll, Mark? So we can all work out your dexterity modifier.
I've said it like three times, seven. I'm really glad that you're not the Manta Claw. He could be. As we don't know who you're playing it, Mark, for the purposes of fidelity, I'm going to refer to you as Mark in the initiative order. Absolutely fine.
OK, cool. But for now, top of the round, Drago, you can now also see this silhouette of something prowling on the distance. It's about 50 feet from you. So you can just make out that there's something there, something large. Is it a single?
It appears to be what you can see for now, one single creature. It has what appears to look like wings or what you would appear to be wings curving out from its back. And you can see a large spike tail which appears, which is shadowed and appears to be pointing in your direction. And you can see these spikes coming out of it. You get the sense that that's what's been shooting at you. Motherfucker. That's a big old bugger. Okay, I'm going to
after Ren saying that she can handle herself. How far is this creature away from me? This creature's 50 feet away. I'm going to step forward 20 feet. The great axe in my right hand just around the waist as I'm walking, my left hand grabs Claude's amulet, the one connected to a key word, and it starts to glow red. And as I reach 30 feet within the creature, what you hear
is just a series of draconic tones coming from Drago, and then he's just going to casually, just below his thigh with the axe, just slice into his skin, his dragonhide, just a little bit for a drop of blood to come out. Then after the amulet glows, he's going to take his left hand, grab that little drop of blood and smear it on the amulet,
And he's going to cast Bane against the Manticore? Manticore, yep. You need a save from me, don't you? So it's like a... Just a draconic tongue. Yes, I need you to make a charisma saving throw, please. 12. It has a minus one modifier. It rolled a six. It's got a roll of five. It fails.
Fantastic. So this creature of my choice that I can see must make a Christmas saving throw, blah, blah, blah. Whenever a target that fails this saving throw makes an attack roll or saving throw before the spell ends, the target must roll a D4 and subtract the number rolled from the attack or saving throw. You got it. OK, it fails. Yes, it's now rolling a D4. Drag is going to stand where he is.
30 feet away and recover the axe in both hands. I've just cast Bane against it. Just saying out loud. OK, great. It's the Manticore's turn. So I'll first of all roll the one that you've just cast Bane on. That rolls a nine. I'm not even going to roll the d4 because it misses. Apologies. That rolls a nine. I'm not even going to bother rolling the d4. That misses.
So this spike that comes flying towards you, Drago, it then lets out this growl and it's going to throw another one at you, confused as to what you've done to it. It rolls a natural one. So again, no need to roll the d4 as this one flies over the other shoulder. It then lets out this and fires one more at you. Rolls an eight. So again, I don't even need to roll the d4. In fact, it's a 12 total, which isn't enough to hit you anyway, is it?
No. So I don't even need to roll the d4. All three of these spikes as you get the sense that Akiva's protection has kicked in. What you hear, Macbeth, there is this sense of these wings descending behind you and immediately Ren turns and you hear this creature lands behind her and is going to take three attacks at her. The first thing it's going to do is just lash out at her with a bite. Oh, wow. For a natural 20. And what that does is
goes straight through one of the duplicates. The first duplicate disappears. It then swings with its claw at her again and rolls, that's better, a 10, and she's able to dodge out of the way of that one. Another claw comes out at it. That is a 22 to hit. Mercifully, another one of the duplicates disappears. All of a sudden, it's just Ren on her own. I think with Mirror Image, she only gets two duplicates, and they've both just been destroyed in this turn. I'm just going to check that.
You say that was another creature? There's another one that seems to have descended from the sky and I'm now aware that these things do have wings. Oh, three, she still has one. There's one duplicate upright. So Ren has one duplicate upright still, two of them have been destroyed. But this manticore then growls at her to confuse by the fact that it seems to have gone through two illusionary versions of herself.
you're both aware it's there. That is the end of the Manticore's turn. It is Ren's turn. What she's going to do is she's going to do the bonus action to cast Misty Step on herself and she's going to reappear behind you, Macbenna. And then what she's going to do is she's going to cast the cantrip
dancing lights and drop the mirror image. And what she's going to do, in fact, no, she doesn't need to drop mirror image because it's not concentration. And she's just going to throw these cantrips out in the direction of the other one that's appeared. And you can now see this one quite clearly illuminated. She just hovers these dancing lights over it and she tries to make it more visible for you. That is the end of Ren's turn.
We're round to you Mark in the initiative order. You are approximately 40 feet away from this in the shadows unseen. You can now see the outline of this dragonborn facing down this silhouetted darkened
Manticore and you can now see closer back to the party or the other two campfire that you spotted. Another Manticore has just descended from the sky and is now illuminated. I assume you have your hood on and currently have darkvision on that description. Yes.
Okay, what do you want me to do? Okay, right. So first thing I'll do is I'll use a, uh, use my bonus action. Christ, this is weirding this way around. Uh, my bonus action to cut, um, to cutting action, to, uh, give myself a hide, basically want to hide onto stealth. Um, James, you roll for that now. Yes, I need you to roll stealth. Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum. It's a low DC because they're not focusing on you, but you still need to roll it. It's fucking 25 bitch.
I mean, you'll find out when you try to attack whether that's worked or not, but I think you can be quietly confident about. Alright, I take that and then I'm going to use all my movement to sneaky sneak up behind this, or get as close as I can to being behind this manticore that's kind of the opposite side to this dragonborn figure.
Yeah, the one in the shadow still, the one that's illuminated by the torchlight. I'm just going to stand behind him. I guess no one else can see me, so I'm not going to bother telling you anything else, but I just get as close as I can and just plant myself there. Oh, actually, I've got my turn, haven't I? Okay. You said 40 feet away. I've got 30 feet of movement, so I'll dash.
on my turn yep the cunning action to hide and then the turn has been to dash exactly and then right right behind this magical um yeah just stood there okay yep it is unaware of your presence or at least seems to be for now mcbennar it's your turn there is now this manticore behind you ren has appeared
Behind you, away from the Manticore and you can just see her looking quite horrified over your shoulder as if something else had arrived behind you. It's about 10 feet away from you. What do you want to do? I'm going to have to shoot that one then, aren't I? So...
I've still got Hunter's Mark up on the one that is out towards the jungle, so I've got to leave that up on that, because I don't want to waste the spell slot already. So McBenna will have seized his bow and arrow, having made sure that the forest is a little bit illuminated out there on his previous turn. And I'm going to shoot the Manticore with a silver arrow.
Go for it. You can add your favourite enemy stuff to this as well, as you're probably aware. I could say your monstrosities. Oh, lovely. Is there 19 to hit? That's 12 points of damage and I'll roll the d4 as well.
Look, that's 13 points of damage in total, so I'll order one of my extra dice. Okay, thank you. This arrow seems to strike this creature into the cheekbone, and you notice just how disgusting these things are. What you see is what appears to be the body of a lion. You're aware of these things, and then these massive spiked tails. It seems to have leathery wings similar to a dragon, and then an almost disgustingly humanoid-like face. I don't know how well I'm going to be able to show you this,
Yeah. Darren is currently holding up a D&D book towards the camera and showing us a picture of what seems to be a creature with wings. As I just described. Yeah, that's correct. Awesome sass there. It's level four because you don't get a second attack, do you Will?
No, we're only immediately level. I just want to point out that you can actually deduct that one extra point of damage because you're talking about it's an optional feature of favored foe and it replaces favored enemy. And you're keeping favored enemy.
I'm keeping favored enemy because favored enemy gives the advantage on things like monstrosities and being as I've, if you follow me, it replaces it so I wouldn't get the advantage. Okay, thank you for rules. Consultering yourself for good or ill. It was only 12 points of damage on that rather than 13. Okay, good to know. Thank you. Top of the round, Drago, your turn.
Okay, so Drago is going to face down this, what's it called? Mannequin. Mannequin. Mannequin. Mannequin. Mannequin. Face down. For me, when I called the peloton, was it peloton for the periton? This mannequin. And... Just, Will, question for you. So I cast Bane. Yep.
Previously, obviously I could only see one creature. Now I can target three creatures. Now that one's behind me, do I have to recast it? You have to recast it. I can't just add it. No, you can't. It's recasting as you cast it. Yeah, that's a pain in the dick.
So yeah, no, Drago is going to raise the great axe. It's weird that I have a weapon that doesn't have a name. He's going to raise his standard ass great axe with a silver tip and he's going to charge forwards and he's going to bring this
as he's charging forward and as he comes in contact with this manta claw he's bringing the axe down above his head in the old dengland's deception slice and straight down aiming to go in between its forehead and nose straight through the middle of the face roll to hit feels good to be swinging for a 22 yeah that hits roll damage
And that is 13 points of slashing damage. Okay, yeah, you now charge into the darkness and as you come through the other side and the torchlight, the silhouette is now revealing this shadowy, disgusting figure and you can smell decay on its breath. I'm going to rule that you don't have to roll a disadvantage because it's a massive creature in front of you. The rules would be if it was for a smaller creature, you'd have to roll a disadvantage.
But because this thing is huge I'm not gonna bother it's easy enough to strike from where you are and you bring the axe down crashing into it turns its head away and you just get it in the clavicle and it's unleashes this disgusting smell of decaying breath in your direction it smells proper vile.
Is there anything else to do with your turn? No, just as the blade is sinking into the clavicle. Obviously, Drago's muscles are kind of pushing down, so everything's kind of flakesed up, but his breath is almost like he's charging his other attack. He's starting to glow just a hint of silver and icicles are starting to form around his teeth and tongue.
And that's it. He pulls the axe out with a heft and blood will tuck out. And he just stands face to face with the motherfucker because he used all my movement. So he's eyeballing it and he's holding the axe ready. But like I said, there's a sense of like coldness that's surrounding him. He's almost just drawing in. OK, great. Thank you. It is the Manticore's turn. It feels good to be Drago again and attacking. I'm not going to lie. It just feels nice to run at something and hit it.
Well, we'll start with the one that's near you. The first one is a 20 to hit, but I need to roll a d4 off that. Please. That's a 17 to hit. Please, my interject at that moment. Yeah? I would like to use Sentinel attack when a creature within five feet of me makes an attack against a target other than me, I can use my reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature. So I'd like to use my reaction to attack the Manticore now, please.
Okay. Yeah. Roll the hit. Sweet. Okay. That is a 23 to hit. Yes. Nice.
I'd also like to chuck on, as I have advantage, sneak attack. Can the sneak attack have to be on a turn rather than a reaction? It just says once per turn you can deal an extra 2d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack with a finesse or ranged weapon. I'm using a shortsword. If I have advantage on the attack roll. That's all it mentions. So can you sneak attack?
Yeah, I mean, he's, he's, he's, he's... I'm just checking that, that could obviously, that perhaps snake attacks are powerful, that the way you have to make sure you're using it properly and... Yeah. Well, if you say it's correct, I will go with that. I want a reaction. Jesus, what's the term? Because the restriction is once per turn, not once per round. So the trigger could be on your turn or someone else's. So yes, you, you can.
Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Roll damage. Roll to hit rather. Did you roll to hit? Yeah. Oh gosh. I just had it. It was 23. Yeah. It was high. Okay. Yeah. And then 14 points of damage. Yeah. That's correct. Including my sneak attack damage. Yeah. Nice.
Yeah, the greatest thing about because it's that you can occur more than because you can use your reaction. Technically, it can occur more than once per round because of the limits. So, yeah. All Drago would have seen really is just this kind of spray of blood from the opposite side of the manticore as the maybe a flash of a sword from the opposite side as a stab a bitch.
Would I see how far back is this? Just the other side of the of the Manticore. So it's facing you on its butt. I'm going to say you haven't seen that but all of a sudden this Manticore that was about to hit you recoils and turns and instead is going to swipe its claws at you Mark. So the question is now is does a 17 hit you? Has that had a minus d4?
Yes, because it rolled over. You remember it rolled a 20. Oh, that was for me, wasn't it? So Mark has deflected that. He's damaged it and deflected that attack towards him. I don't believe technically the creature can change its attack because it's the quote is when a creature makes an attack just for a point of the first attack. Yeah. Sorry, I didn't know whether I think Darren had the thing change its target, but he can't.
Okay, right. So the 17 is still sorry. Sorry. It's just good to know. The next two attacks are going. You don't know this. I'm a person. You know me. I've got sorry. No, yeah, he does. The rules, the rules consultant applauds the rules for ill or good. We know this. So instead, it's coming for you. I go to roll seven points of slashing damage.
Okay. And then the next two attacks, it doesn't need to use its movement because I don't believe it would have movement thanks to Sentinel. Instead, what it does is it turns after snapping at its jaws for Drago, the two claws, it turns immediately and puts them both towards you, Mark. For a 19, let me do the d4. Sorry, I've rolled well. Oh, there's a four on the d4 though for a
15. 15 to hit. Still hits, yep. Oh, sorry buddy. And you roll the one on the damage. You take four points of slashing damage from this claw. Don't you have a feature that means if something tries to attack you, you can move away from it. But you might need your reaction for it. I was going to use it, but no, cannot. Okay, second attack is a 15, but now let me roll the d4 again. That becomes an 11 to hit. That does then miss.
Okay, I'm just gonna have to retcon that. Bane's concentration, isn't it? Yes. I need a concentration saving throw from Draghi.
at 23 with a critical. Yeah, you're fine. Yeah, okay, so Bane does hold. So that last attack then, Mark, does miss you thanks to Bane. You're welcome. And the other Manticore is going to recoil from the arrow and is going to point its tail up and is going to shoot a spike firstly at you, McBenna, as you've just hit it for a 17 to hit. Oh, just beats me, yeah.
That is a seven points of piercing damage. The second one is a natural one. That flies off to the side and it's going to point its final tail at Ren and roll a eight to hit. So both of those miss. This creature was still recording and it's let off in anger, three tail spikes in your direction.
And that is the end of the Manticore's turn. Ren is going to press herself close to you. She can't do healing, but she's going to go need some, need a few more arrows off, old man. And she's going to cast haste on you. So that's his friend's turn. She has cast haste on, look, Benner, Mark, it's your turn. Jesus, the old man's going to buckle over. I'm going to have a heart attack.
I'm going to... going to hit it in the face with my short sword. That is a 9 against its AC.
Nine misses, unfortunately. I'm going to take the disengage action and skidaddle 10 feet away from it. Okay, great. Away from Drago, so just kind of facing off with it, low slunk to the ground, trying to make myself look small, blend in with the foliage around, and hope it just kind of gets bored and fights the other one. Yeah, mechanically it's now looking at you, so Drago's now to its tail, because it turned 180 when you struck it. How far did the shadow creature move?
It hasn't moved. It's just done a 180 turn. Mark's moved 10 feet. That's the end of Mark's turn. Ben, your turn. Lovely. At a glance, can I see how into the one that Drago is facing looks? You can roll perception with disadvantage, but the one Drago is facing is shadowing. It's going to be hard to tell from here.
Okay, I just didn't know whether my extra damage could potentially kill it off, so drop and help me. No, shoot the thing straight in front of me then. Okay, McBenna is going to suddenly feel like, you know, he's back in his 20s again, his heart's pounding in his chest, and he feels energy flow through him.
He's almost like the veins on his neck. All of a sudden, he looks like Logan does in that Logan film when he gets all amped up. Old man Logan. Cool film, by the way. Great film. Have you ever seen the noir version? No, I haven't. Oh, you should check it out. Right. I'm going to shoot this man to call this close to me. Okay, yep. You have two attacks thanks to haste. I go for it. Here is the first one.
That's a 20, not natural. That hits. Lovely. That's 10 points of piercing damage from the silver arrow. Yep. And I will make a second attack again against it. That's a 27, not natural. That also hits.
And that's all, wow, I am doing well on time. That's another 11 points of piercing damage with my longbow.

Victory Over Manticores

Nice, it's still upright but now you can see the arrows and it seems to stagger as you can see it now has three arrows wedged into its front. The third one has called it in the cheekbones and this disgusting like almost humanoid face that this creature has. And you can see under the dancing lights that this, in fact dancing lights is gone, they're gone because of Ren casting paste on you.
But you can see now from the embers of the campfire, this green pus, green blood like pus is just dripping from this wound on the face. Is that the end of your turn? Yes, that is all I can do. OK, Drago, top of the round, your turn. OK, so as I alluded to on my previous turn, there is a temperature shift.
like an aura around drago and he's going to take this turn just to allow that temperature to drop even more as the the blue veins around his body start to glow and like almost like a pulse happens where this light that starts from his feet travels up his body his hands travels all the way up and they join into his throat and as the
cranes his neck back and opens his mouth to release the dragon breath that is ice. You see this blue kind of almost ice light come out of him as the air starts to freeze around him and I need you to make a con saving throw please of 13.
Well, I have rolled a 13, however, I have to roll a d4, which will be at least one, meaning it's at least a 12. It's like a Drago knows that he compared these things. Is Mark out of range? He will be now, that's why I asked. Just thought I'd check. Yeah, no, no, no. I already asked, like, how far did Mark move?
I'll roll the d4 just for fidelity, but it's a 4, so it effectively rolls a 9. So yeah, I imagine that fails. So it still fails. So you take 8 points of cold damage. Lovely. Thank you. That's the end of my go.
as this cold breath seems to illuminate this manticore, all of a sudden turns from the creature that's turning away from it. He's going to turn back and the jaws are again going to lash out in your direction. Four, a 17 to hit. Let me roll the d4. Another four, 17 minus four. That is down to 13 to hit. No, 13 misses. Okay, thank you. The bite misses. The claw is then going to come at you.
Uh, four. A crit. Really? With the minus four? Does the minus four do anything to a crit? A crit is a crit. Is a crit. Who wrote those rules? Okay, I've rolled two ones. So effectively that's going to do two. Seven. That's going to do seven points of Pierce slashing damage.
Pissing damage. Seven. The next one is a 16 to hit. I roll the three, which brings it down to 13. Yeah, Mrs. Thankfully, that bane saved me there. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So one of the claws catches you and then the other one misses you. Although, however, I forgot to take it now. Now I need a concentration check. Come on, Dribbo.
Yeah, I got, so I had a critical, the last time I did this, I now got a natty one. From this point forward, Spain is gone.
That's that Manticore term. The one engaged with Ren and McBenna is now going to leap forward from being shot and is going to go with the bite towards you, McBenna, for a... I'm rolling really well, I'm sorry, a 19 to hit. Even with my extra AC from Haste that hits. Well, I'm damaged there as well, I'm sorry. You take 10 points of flashing damage.
I roll the pie on the DA, I'm sorry. The next one is that's not going to do it. That will be a 12 to hit. Yeah, thankfully that misses. And then the final one is a two plus five, a seven to hit. It misses. The two claws swipe and miss. It is Ren's turn.
Ren is concentrating on haste so she can't do much. What Ren is going to do while she's concentrating on haste is she's just going to... In fact, that's all she's going to do. She's going to concentrate on haste. There isn't too much more that she can do at the minute. Mark, it's your turn.
All right bitches, let's go. Let's do this. I use my movement to move back into range of the creature that's between Drago and myself. And I'm going to swing it with my short sword. That's pretty much what I'm going to do. That is a 17 to hit. That hits.
Okay, I'm going to use my sneak attack because I have a Vantage on this. So it's eight plus my sneak attack, which is seven, so 15 points of slashing damage into it. Nice. Okay, this creature is starting to look quite hurt. It immediately turns back towards you as this is the biggest blow it's taken yet.
and unleashes this kind of venomy, disgusting bile in your direction as it drops on the floor. The stench is palpable. Is that the end of your turn? Yes, that is. Okay, great. But Ben there, it's your turn. Is Ren right behind me? Ren is still right behind you. So if I move, the mandacle will be basically on top of her. Okay.
Damn. She does still have a duplicate up because that's not a concentration spell. I'm going to check that because I've said that with such confidence. No, it's not concentration. Yeah, she's fine. So she still has a duplicate up then as well. Yeah, but she's right behind me. I'm at Ben as an old man.
Okay, still in like Wolverine pumped up mode, McBenna is going to drop his bow, draw his rapier and with blood literally like he's got spikes sticking into him.
There is like a dribble of blood coming from the corner of his mouth and he coughs for a moment and also there's this blood spray from his mouth and he's going to attack the man to call with his rapier. Go for it. Yeah, he's not doing well. That's only an eight to hit. That misses unfortunately. And then my next whole role within rapier again is going to be
That's better, 17 to hit. Hits, roll damage. Roll shit damage, surely bet with a bow. And that's five points of piercing damage with my rapier. Okay, thank you. And then as he's gonna look, having stabbed the lunge and stabbed the manticore, McBenna will just glance over his shoulder and be like, get back, lads. This ain't gonna go well.
Okay, thank you, McBenna. Drago, it's your turn. It's a hell of a turn, Will. It is, yeah. That was really good. Am I right in thinking my mani is looking a little bit worse for wear?
It is, and it's turned its attention back behind. It's just taken a massive blow from behind. I'm going to give it a massive blow from the front then. So as the ice starts to melt away, Drago just puts one hand down to the wound across his abdomen. And because they're doing that, it drops his axe down to the ground.
So just kind of with a little haunched back, he grabs the axe again, and this time he's going to slice from the ground all the way up to the manta claw for a hit. Go for it. Yes! With a 24. Hits, roll damage. Let's kill this bastard. Six points of slashing damage. I rolled so badly. Okay, it is still up.
And it is the Manticore's turn. I'm going to start with the one near you, Mark and Ian. They're cowards. It's going to start trying to fly. It's going to try and get away. It's going to provoke attacks of opportunity from both of you. Yes. Do you want to go first, Ian? By all means. Newcomers first, I guess. It's coiling its tail. So the reason it's not disengaging is it's preparing to shoot.
but it needs to be away from you to do that. So it will trigger the attack of opportunity first. I've rolled mine. I'm just... I've rolled mine. Okay. Do you want me to go first? 23. Hits. 18. So for me, it's eight points of damage and its movement is now zero because of my sentinel's feet. Okay, it seems to stagger in the air. It is still upright, Draggy. I need you to roll damage.
Another six points of slashing damage. Okay, you see for the first time, this hooded creature with a mask, just strike it with its rapier and it seems to stop. And as you take in this figure for a moment, your attention immediately turns back to the Manticore. And with an uppercut, it just comes back down between you and falls dead on the floor. That Manticore is no more. No more Manticore.
Upon hearing that, the other Manticore is going to itself attempt to lift into the air. It's not going to take disengage, provoking an attack of opportunity from McBenna. I will take that attack of opportunity. So with my rapier, I will roll. Ah, it's good. That's an 18. Yeah, that hits.
and it takes seven points of piercing damage as McBenna's still blood from the gormer's mouth lunges again at the Manticore as it tries to take off. Okay, having seen its comrade go down, it's going to pay no heed to you and instead is going to fire
tail spikes in the direction of Mark and Drago. So first off, it will take a shot at Drago for a 10 to hit. No. The second one is going to go for you, Mark. That's better for a 22 to hit. That misses. Does it fuck? You take seven points of piercing damage. And then the last one,
It's going to, odds Drago evened. It's going to fire again at you, Mark. Not that it matters. It's rolled a three plus five, so it's probably going to miss seven. Eight. Eight. Eight. Okay. Well, the third one misses. This creature is now airborne. That is the end of its turn. It is Ren's go. Ren is going to now glance at McBenna for the first time and is going to shout out, he's hurt.
back in the direction of you, Drago, knowing that you have healing hands. The heels? It is Macbeth's turn. Lovely. I'm going to drop my rapier, pick up my longbow from where I dropped it on the floor, and I'm going to shoot this motherfucker. Go for it. I see, clearly the wrong longbow. That's 22 to hit. Hit.
And that's nine points of piercing damage. Okay, yeah, still upright. And then the second attack from haste. That's a 15 to hit. Yep, roll damage. Haste me, haste me, haste me. That's seven points of piercing damage.
The first arrow strikes it and it seems to struggle and you see the head glance back at you and the tail seems to turn and point back in your direction and what happens is that that rangers heartbeat just kicks in and you take that deep breath and let the arrow go and it seems to go through the mouth and come out the other side of the nose and it just goes limp and crashes towards the turf.
Booyah. These manticores are down. McBenna will fault his knees. Drago's going to just kind of take a moment, stagger a little bit. He's been blindsided and he's

Tension and Revelation

He's gonna, he can't see who the other, because we're either side of this. It's now masked behind the corpse of a manticore. The big pardon? It's now masked behind the corpse of a manticore. Yeah, yeah, sorry. So Dragus is gonna stagger for a little bit. I remember hearing Ren say he's hurt, turns around and he's going to make haste towards Macbenna. And he's gonna fall on his knees next to him. How bad.
Um, you look at McBenna and he literally looks maybe a couple of points away from where you last saved him. So, um, having established that the blood dripping out of the wounds, he's going to, okay, give me a moment and try not to rush because everything needs to be slow and methodical. Drago graphs, the amulet closes his eyes, puts his left hand out onto McBenna.
And just deep breaths. Okay. Help him. And you get 15 points of healing back.
of health back. As that happens, Drago, as you're like deep in methodical thought to Akiva, just as the kind of the magic starts to take place and you start to heal and you feel something cold on your neck. And as you kind of glance down, you notice a
bent, rusted, kind of divoted short sword held at your throat, and a voice behind you just says, through the mask, who the fuck are you? What you see, mystery attacker, is a hand that was on an amulet and a hand that was on the person in front of you, both just let go.
And they slowly just raise up about shoulder height, fingers apart. Hold up now. Take a moment.
If you want to jump in, MacBennar now's a good time. So MacBennar, because he was at Death's Door, felt the healing go through him, he's still under haste. He will almost like, again, he will flip onto his ankles and his arrow will point at Mark's character and I will switch Hunter's Mark to Mark's character because I can do.
So just for the audience point of view here, because that's a very cool image, you've got Drago on his knees, hands out. Behind him is this mysterious figure with a blade to his neck and then over Drago's other side in front of his face is a ranger holding this arrow towards the other guy. That's like a very cool silhouette. Someone draw us that because that sounds amazing. And the image that you probably need to draw with my character is that of this
Tall but not as tall as Drago, hooded figure, black shabby cloak, loose clothing, really loose black, disheveled, muddied, loose cloak. You can't really make out much of a shape of anything, say for this gnarled short sword that he holds out towards Drago's throat. The only thing that you can tell that discerns this person from just a blob of material is this mask, this helmet that this character wears.
Ivory white, they're kind of the middle part of it, really, really kind of muddied white, except these two dome-like black eyes that sit on either side of the mask, almost like bug-like massive eyes on the side of the mask. And hanging down kind of either side, almost dreadlock-esque are these two thick
almost trunks slash tusks that kind of hang limp down around that's kind of down towards the kind of midsection of the character and both ending kind of like a sharp point both also black as well. You can't make out anything else apart from apart from that this mask just kind of stand out. As all of this has also taken place and Dragos got his hands up he's just going to
close one eye and do a divine sense ping just to create a pulse radar down, we've done this before, just around me, just to let me know if there's anything undead, celestial, a fiend, 60 feet pulse, just to see if I can get a read on this, because I've not seen whatever's happening, I can just feel a sword, so I'm just getting a ping. The ping gives you nothing.
After you do that, you just feel that the blade notches just closer into your neck and just you hear. Vol-ball-a-cri-shaga, whatever you think you're doing, fucking stop it. Drop the blade, or I swear to you, your body's gonna rot with a manticore.
Do it now. He slowly steps, tries to put like Drago more between you and the arrow, but I assume you just move accordingly. Well, I think Drago's on his knees, so thankfully. Alright. But McBenna's like, he's got the arrow pointing at you. Because I've switched Hunter's Mark to you. You almost feel like you're literally in the targeting hairs of McBenna.
He just responds to you and directly kind of the head looks up towards you and he just says, go, skim rocks, crunch! Mark. Yes. Can you make a wisdom saving throw 12 as you hear Drago just say, Halt! And I cast Command on you?
11. You freeze where you are. Can I still speak? The target doesn't move, takes no actions. That's it. Yeah, I assume you can. But that's it. I've said, I've cast Command. Here's the written verb. The target doesn't move and takes no actions. A flying creature stays aloft, provided that is able to do so. And then that's it. What? What have you done? I'm going to show him.
Before you do that, Rhett's going to go, whoa, whoa. And she's going to drop haste, which will immediately mean that you just go lethargic for herself. Yeah, I can't do an action. Yeah, well done. Well done, Rhett, because I was about to shoot the fucker. Let me go. Let everyone calm.
My thoughts exactly, as Drago just dips his shoulder out from under the sword and then stands up on his two feet and turns around to look for the first time at this strange attacker. I said drop it. Let me move. Let me free.
Not until I know that you're not going to attack me or my friends again. What are you doing? What's with the blade against my neck? You're in my part of the jungle, I think I asked the questions first. My question to you is simple. Well are you a mimic? A shape changer? Is this an illusory?
Falbala, what is this? What are you? How are you taking this form? Speak! Look! Look! Whoa, whoa, whoa! I'm allowed to know! Whoa! Why don't you take the mask off and just tell us who you are and what you want? A mark? Yeah, sure. Oh wait, no, I can't fucking move! He can't move, by my design. I'm Drago, a dragonborn, from the Sword Coast.
I'm not a mimic. I am not anything other than what you see in front of me. And I have never seen you before. So I don't know how I've wronged you. But I am not your enemy. Let me move.
I'm going to just, and then Drago just reaches forward and pops the blade out from your hand. Your hand's still stuck in the kind of holding position. Fair enough.
And then with a small just like grasp of the amulet again, if your body frees up. And what happens then is for a second, you think he might strike again or reach for something, but he doesn't. The hand is outstretched and kind of hilt position slowly kind of frees. You see the fingers, these claw fingers move slightly and then the hand moves and clenches to a fist and relaxes once or twice.
And then the arm moves out towards you slightly and tentatively, places a claw on your shoulder, almost like touching, like wondering if it's going to go through you or not. And it's just a finger at first, just to see if you really are there. And then it moves up towards your kind of the rough around your middle of your, below your neck, but not like an aggressive strangling wave, just kind of kind of grab you there, goes back to the shoulder again, kind of grabs the back of your head, rips you quite tight.
The other hand reaches down below on the bottom of his mask and starts bringing it up, removing it to reveal his face. And he looks directly at you. And as a moment, he looks into your eyes and says, you've wronged me because my brother died many, many years ago. You've wronged me because Drago is dead and I know it.
Okay. Who do I see? Drago, what you see in front of you is confusing, is bewildering, but is also the stuff that takes your breath away. This is your brother. This is Syengar.
No. And that is where we're going to leave it for tonight's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. Yay. No. See, I thought you were going to end it when Marx had his little line. I thought he was going to leave it on that line. No, they couldn't do that. We had to answer that question tonight.
Ian, for the listener's point of view, is absolutely gobsmacked speechless. He looks confused. Yeah, I mean, wow, it's more mind blown than confused because that's like, that's a name that is, oh, this is going to be interesting to play.
Damn. Damn, man. Syengar. And it's you, Mark. In the flesh, bro. You're playing my brother. You got it. Also, you say you are. Like, there's this whole fucking thing going on. We're going to insight check the fuck out of you. We're going to insight check the fuck out of you. But if you would like to insight check us, then you can drop us a DM while Ian is still protesting. Yeah, you do it, man. You take this thing off a little bit like...
We have enjoyed having you make us a part of your everyday week. And if you would like to keep in contact with us and keep up to date with us, then please feel free to follow us on our many pieces of social media. I'm shaking. He generally is like listeners. This is like, this is rocking back.
There hasn't been a plot drop like this for good free episodes. But yes, OG listeners right now have had a treat bestowed upon them. New listeners, you know what, any questions, just DM me. Yeah, DM me.
Um, uh, this, this huge part of, um, Drago's backstory here, guys. Um, so yeah, DM him. So if you wish to contact the rest of the team or just the podcast in general, you can find us on Twitter at fellowship table. You can find us on Facebook again for at fellowship table. And we also have a website, just search for fellowship of the tabletop. If you wish to follow us individually, um, then literally, uh, Ian is sitting by his inbox right now and you can find him at
I rolled a one. You can find our playing a character, not just a character, playing an iconic piece of a character's backstory, which is going to be, I mean, Darren, you can just slate off the next few sessions, mate, because we've got a lot of shit to go through now. We've got a lot to unbox.
You can find Mark at... As long as Twitter's still up and running, hastily rolled over. Yeah, we might have to sort that out. You can find me at Natural20Will and you can find our devilish scheming DM, Darren at... Darren page 06.
Until next time everyone, while we process this as a group, until next time, farewell.