The Stuffed Nightmare Discovery
Oh fuck, out of everything we've seen so far, I think this is the most terrifying thing ever. Are you? Think how intelligent they must be. Twice the brain, twice the teeth. It's a stuffed nightmare, Starly.
Introduction to the Podcast and Characters
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are a live play 5e D&D podcast set in the magical homebrood world of Aerith. My name is Mark and I am the Dungeon Master. And also with us for today's episode, we've got the whole party back. We've got Casey who plays the human champion, Hell in a Sleepguard.
We're the seven best friends that anyone could have. We've got Danny, who plays the human cleric, Claude. We're the seven best friends that anyone could ever have. We've got Darren, who plays the human fighter, Rogue Robin. Oh, we are the seven best friends that anyone could have. We've got Callum, who plays the gnome sorcerer, Folly Fizzlebang the ninth. Yeah, we're the seven best friends that anybody could have. We've got Will, who plays the human bard, Karstan.
We're the seven best friends that anyone could have. And we're welcoming back into the group. Ian, who plays the Dragonborn Barbarian, Drago. We're the seven best friends that anyone could have.
Recounting a Past Adventure
What the fuck was that? I don't know, but I'm so glad to be back. Casey started something beautiful there. You started something beautiful. I had like a little bit of like Backstreet Boys like everybody, or look who's back back again in my head, but no, Casey started something.
What was it? I'm so happy. This is why I'm back. You all did it. Normally, three of you do it, then someone fucks on you. Normally, it's Will. What? Or Robin. Or Robin. He normally goes off like, oh, holy seven best friends, Batman. Yeah, I've learned how to read a room all right. That's all right. I've been away for a while from you guys. It's quite nice that you've learned some stuff.
In last week's episode, we have learned some stuff. In last week's episode, though, we did have a little side quest almost with Folly and Drago, and not to spoil too much of the cast that don't actually know much about what happened. They just sat in a cave and had a chat for a while, and then that was it. They shared a beer, and then they came out, and that was it. I promise, nothing else happened at all. It wasn't an emotional roller coaster of an episode where we kind of unpicked the very fabric of time, space, and
And if you want to know a bit more about what happened last week, just watch it. Just watch last week's episode. Listen to last week's episode.
The Double Ork Pub Mystery
But we are going to start off with our party that is kind of scattered across Goldview, the main city of Sleepguard. And we're going to open up with Claude.
Claude, you find yourself looking through a window, a small, dirtied window. There is light coming through the window slightly, and you can hear the hustle and bustle of life inside. To the left, you see a long brown table arcing off round to the edge, and you can see windows on the far side. You get the smell of rubbish, and as you look around, you can see you're in a back alley somewhere with barrels, broken bits of bins and refuse all around you.
and you're giggling quietly to yourself as you look in and see the silhouette of a two-headed humanoid that could be an orc. Is there anything you'd like to do in your current locale outside the double the double orc pub? I would just like to cast sending six times to everybody else in the party and be like
He's still here! I'm looking on a double-headed orc! Come on!
Does that eat into the characters you can send, like a tweet? Is it like, come on? Yeah, so it was like nine words and then the command spanned in the other 14 words that I was able to have. All in caps. All in caps. Yeah, you hear it all in
Library Findings and Claude's Message
caps, absolutely. So I like to think that at some point there is Robin and Charlie in a library and they just hear screaming in their ears temporarily.
Well, actually, Robin, you and Tali are making your way towards the Double Ork pub from leaving the library, which was actually quite a quick endeavour in and out. Probably in the time it took Claude to get there, find the pub, find the position, wait for the Ork to appear, you would have gone in, got the information you needed, and then left with Tali down the road. You are down one of the main streets of Goldview, coming closer to the pub after getting given the instructions by Claude.
where suddenly this message hits you, basically, literally punches you in the face, this message from Claude in his voice, do you hear about this double, he's there, come on, like that. And you're there in the middle of the street as this happens, is there anything you want to do?
Doubts and Questions about the Orcs
Talia, do you ever doubt whether Claude truly gets the gravitas of the situation that we find ourselves in?
And as she turns entirely, she's kind of rubbing her head and her eye almost like it's given her a migraine. Oh, no, I don't think so. I think he's just in his own world, but... Oh. Do you really want to go see this thing? I no longer have any idea as to what it is I want to do, but I think it's probably best we don't leave Claude on his own for too long.
Hey, that sounds about right. And as you continue to make your way down the street in the sun now, high in the sky, kind of late, mid to late afternoon at this point, no, sorry, midday at this point, midday at this point, the road splits into two major avenues and you take, as you were told, the avenue down to the right and on your right, you come across this large building
that matches the same architecture as the other buildings you've come across recently. This is a long, low, squat building that sits with two large double doors at the front of it. Well, it says the Double Ork Pub, so I'm guessing this is the right place. Yes, yes, and if I remember rightly, Claude said he won't go in, he's going to stare through the window.
Sounds a bit weird that, doesn't it? Which makes it more in keeping with what Claude would be doing. I think if we establish weird and follow weird, that's the best way to find Claude at the minute. I'm sure it's what he said anyway. I think you're right. I'll follow your lead.
I'm just going to have a look around to see if I can find the alleyway where Claude said he would be. Yeah, I mean, you have eyes, so you can see it, but also your urchin background means you're very aware of all the kind of intricacies of a city, all the kind of back routes that were useful as well. So even as you're walking through this city, Robin, you're making eyes at the
kind of grates on the ground for the sewers, the smaller alleyways, places to hide, dark areas that might be good for ambushes, et cetera. You're keeping eyes on this all as you go through. And yeah, you noticed on the right just before where you got there was a little alleyway that you could get down, which kind of went off to the right, then did a sharp left turn around the back of the building.
The Truth About the Two-Headed Orc
Claude. Oh, Robin. You might scare me away, but come another look in this window.
I will go and have a look through the window. Could you give me a perception? Yeah, give me a perception check. Natural one.
You look through the slightly tinted, hazed glass over the small, squat window of the small, squat building of the Double Ork Pub. And in the haze you see through the smoke inside, you distinctively make out two shoulders, two heads moving on their own will, making it
A single person with two heads. You can see a two-headed orc within the pub. Claude has been telling the truth. In it fucking weed. I have waited so long to share this moment with anyone. Robin's going to step away from the window, not quite sure how to believe his own eyes. I understand how you're feeling right now, Robin.
I've got to sweat the first time I saw it. Just have a couple of deep breaths. Charlie. Yes? I'm going to need you to do something very calmly. Don't kill it. I'm not going to kill it. I'm not going to. I'm not going to do that. I need you to look through the window because what I'm seeing and you're going to love this is I'm seeing
an ork with two heads. And I'm starting to wonder what those librarians were smoking, frankly. And I just need you to confirm that there is an ork in there with two heads. Did Robin get too close to a book again, Charlie?
There's a lot of questions that I don't understand coming at me. I'm just going to look through the window. Please do that. Yes, just do that. Just look through the window. Yes, good. Right. I'm going to roll and then I'm going to show you what I roll, just in case you worry, because I haven't got roll 20 open or anything. That's a solid two. Happy birthday to me. That is a solid two on Tylee's perception. Oh my God. She looks through the window.
And you just see the back of her head that's really still for quite a while. She turns around to you, Robin, and very slowly nods her head with no expression. Then she turns to Claude, and then she opens her mouth to speak. Just a little bit of vomit comes out her mouth and falls down her chin a little bit. She was kind of shaking hand, wiped the set away. Where the fuck did they find a two-headed orc?
This is what I've been thinking, and why do we let it loose in the middle of the Capitol? Surely it should be like a zero or something. I know, and why is this alleyway not more popular? We could make money charging people a view! Also, here's my newest idea I've just had. Why don't we invite all the commanders of the Blight here, distract them with this one, and then we'll just give them away!
Wait, I don't understand cities anymore. And Taliesis is going to sit on the floor in the alleyway, white, kind of pale white, kind of blood kind of drained from her face, trying to put two and two together, pulls out a skin of water and just takes a little sip of it, still kind of shaking. I'm going to go down on one knee beside her and I'm going to cast Lesser Restoration on her to try and just help her regain her heart rate and reduce her nausea a little bit. She seems to feel a little bit better after that.
It's a bit much to take in the first time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, just a little bit. Yeah. I thought you would just, you know, I didn't think it would be a real, you know, I just, I thought it'd be another one of those things where you say something and you get it wrong and it's just, oh, look at Claude being a dick. But it wasn't. It's actually a... Do I have a history of doing that? Yes. Yes, you do. I wasn't aware I was like that.
Sorry. While this is happening, Robin has just stood there with disbelief on his face, not paying any attention to what Claude and Talia are saying. And he's just going to start going, nope, no, no, no, no, no. No, just no, no. And he's going to walk through it round to the tavern's front door. Just going, I'm going to grab him before he goes. I'm going to grab him before you go. I'm going to grab him before you go and just look at you in the eyes, like quite medically and just say,
You're not in the Sword Coast anymore, my friend. Who's monsters here. And I'll let him go. There are monsters here.
There are fucking monsters here. Robin's going to say, and he just turns around and opens the tavern door, just goes into the tavern door just to see what he sees as soon as the tavern doors open. You burst through these double tavern doors and it's a long, long tavern. The window you can see at the back fast side, there's smoke in the room. It seems like the fireplace hasn't been cleared in a while.
The smoke is just kind of circulating around the room. People are smoking. The air is hazy and thick. There are candles and torches and plinths lit. There are some cats wandering around as well. One comes out towards you looking a little bit menacing. You flinch a little bit thinking it might attack you, but it goes past. As the billowing smoke rolls out, you see long benches either side filled with patrons, filled with people. This place seems to be overflowing with the dregs of society, the smelliest people you could imagine of all races, creeds, and colors all in this place.
filled with food and at the far end you see the bar, you see the long bar that you saw through the window, the long bar with the two-headed orc, the long bar now that only has one body behind it, the long bar and as you look up through the haze to see, through the haze to see does this thing have two heads or am I going crazy or was this just a figment of my imagination?
We'll come back to you, just as we swing the camera round, back and out, and we come to Carstan and Helena. Now, Carstan, I've forgotten where you are. Are you crossing over? Well, I was about to say, is this where you're going to start introducing insanity into this game and see whether...
Guys go insane due to what they are saying. We are in the garden of Tiriani, having been told to, by our very nice guard called Roderick Terry, that we should go to the lodge to find Cassandra, who might know more about what's happened to the royal family. And so
Navigating the City and Checkpoints
we decided to plant some seeds, as is the tradition within a temple of Tiriani.
Some good note-taking, we'll have some inspiration, you're lovely. Thanks. Are we all so blessed still? Because you gave us a blessing. You are still blessed? Yeah, yeah, yeah, you still have that blessed. You've got your blessed. So are you making your way to the lodge? Is that right? Yeah, I think we hadn't had a conversation about it because you ended with us planting, but I assume that was where we're probably going to go after doing that. Yeah, I mean, my intentions were always to go,
Cool, well let's role play it until it happens. Okay, okay, right, so as you take your time contemplatively looking over the seeds that are growing here around the oak tree that you've planted these seeds in this lovely lush garden area that you've spent some time in with Tiriani, you make your way out and you take the left turn to the bridge
which overlooks the river. This bridge is known as Traitor's Bay Pass, named as you would both know, after the events that took place in the Unmending many years ago. You cross over this to end up in the large central square, and there seems to be the normal hustle and bustle of city life, people coming to and fro, a plethora of people moving around, all with very much driven purpose. But as you cross the bridge and as you come down to the other side, you notice walking
in the opposite direction to you, a number of the chriscras.
They take no interest in you as you walk past. I roll perception for each time they pass. But what you notice as you walk past them, and as you look back, as you would do so, you can see them starting to set something up on the other side of the bridge, the Teriani garden side of the bridge. It seems to be some kind of blockade.
Political Intrigue at the Lodge
You enter into the large square and you take the first major left turn down one of the roads.
As you get further down this road, this is one of the major roads that you know you would have ended up in the city if you hadn't gone underground to get into the city, so to speak. You come across a number of interesting buildings. This is a long union pass, by the way. You come across a number of interesting buildings along the way. You pass by the three book store.
you pass by a number of places that you would recognize before taking your right turn off on a fork deeper into the city, the bowels of the city and towards the lodge, which is one of the largest buildings outside of the palace, outside of any of the major administrative buildings in the city. It's huge.
up down the street and there's like a small open area in front of it and there are a few tables outside where people are drinking. There seems to be a place where people come to enjoy themselves and it always seems to be busy as well. Is there anything on that journey, is there anything you want to talk about on the way? Yeah, Helena will turn to Karsten. Just before we, you know, as the old crisper are coming towards us,
Just keep your eye out on these guys. What do they want? And as they're walking past, she'll then look back at them. They didn't stop. No, I think they're setting up the checkpoints that Tarry warned us about and that we were told about at the Palace. I think they're setting up the checkpoints to start checking where people are going and who people are.
It's okay, thankfully you're not wearing your armour and we blend into this crowd all right. Yes, but do you think they'll have only just started doing these checkpoints though? I thought maybe it sounded like they'll have been around for a long time. I think they may have set them up on the outside of the city first and then slowly work their way inwards to avoid people slipping through the net. I think we're being lucky for now.
I worry about if it comes to a confrontation, what our fellow travelling companions might do. The last thing we want to do is start spilling blood in the streets of the city. That's a good way to become very unpopular. Yes, that's true. Well, as long as we keep ourselves under wraps, then hopefully we'll get through this place unnoticed. Exactly. Yeah, we'll be fine.
So then as we come to the lodge building and there's people outside on the tables and things, yeah. Shall we ask somebody if Cassandra's in there or should we just go straight in and cast down? Hang on, let me ask Mark something. Mark, have I performed at the lodge during my time in the city?
Yes, you did. That was the first place you went to. It was a pretty good performance. Not many people showed up. They're more interested in the drinking, but you got some approving looks at the end of it. Absolutely. That's fine. I think if we just go in, hopefully Cassandra owns the place, so she should be somewhere near the bar or be able to wear someone inside rather than bothering people out here.
Yes, and Mark, can I just ask, I won't have come this far out, will I, ever really? No, not really, not to have a large name. You know of it, but I wouldn't say you've visited it for or frequented it much, no. Yeah, okay. Let's go straight in then, class 10.
Yeah. You push over the large oak door and you see, cast down what you remember from the place, but a huge kind of three story open air area. You see around the edges, these massive, massive, probably 15 foot by 15 foot windows, these really intricate
intricately kind of glass stain painted windows that frame the top kind of platform of this place. The staircase instantly approaches and goes up at a curve 90 degrees up to the bar area which is quite a large area, some drinking area and the stairs continue up to another mezzanine where there's a larger area even bigger for drinking with these large windows. The space above you is filled with these tall lanterns that hang down with hundreds it seems of
of candles or one big flame hanging down all over the place. Above the bar, they've vanished plants, herbs, spices, everything around the edge of the bar. So it has this opulent smell coming from it. There is also a number of kind of wooden balconies. The main kind of architecture here is wood. The bar area itself is quite small. And there's a single person, quite a slim person, humanoid, stood behind it with a cloak on and a hood up, but kind of down so the face is clear.
They seem to be serving a patron at the time before the bar seems empty. There's probably about 50 to 55 people in here all kind of spread out. So there's a bit of a hum of energy in the air, but everyone's quite quietly talking. This is your regular kind of midday drinkers. So they're all just interested in becoming alcoholics than actually who comes in really. Quite a famous and reputable place then. Yeah. Yeah.
It's quite lovely in here, isn't it? Shall we go to the bar? Yes, let's go. This is one of the places I perform. They don't let just anyone perform here. You sort of have to earn your right. You know these people then? I did a few sets here before...
before I joined you and Felstrop out on the road. It was a nice place to perform and you know, you do well, people buy your drinks, you make a bit of money on the side, it's not a bad place. Brilliant, so they know you, that's great. Well then, you'll be able to get us something, some, you know, good deal here then, I don't expect. Hopefully, if they remember me, I just didn't know whether you wanted us to be a bit more on the down low or sort of just go for it. Well, I suppose I'm the only one that needs to be on the down low, perhaps, and that must be C. Cassandra.
Yes, good point. We will not mention that you're you and we'll go from there. So we walk up to the bar.
And as you go up to the bice, it's a lovely clean area, a massive array of all kinds of expensive liqueurs behind the bar, elegantly lit by a series of what seemed to be slightly magical or iconic lights below, giving it this really nice uplighting effect. It's a nice warm feeling in the air, and there's a nice smell of this fresh, freshness around you, mixed in with a nice bit of tobacco smoke as well, which gives you a nice kind of mix of the smell you've got in the air. As you approach the face,
lifts and a kind of a sharp-nosed female woman is stood behind the bar, looks up sharply at you both.
The Royal Family's Abduction
Well? Do I recognise the person as being Cassandra or not? You do, you recognise it to be Cassandra. She doesn't seem to recognise you though. That's fine. Hello there. Um, will we wonder if we could get a couple of drinks? Right you are, anything in particular?
Just a white wine for me and for you, my dear. Your strongest spirit, actually. Strongest spirit, brave one. She reaches down, pulls out some more black bottle and pours out basically a kind of a whiskey glass sized amount. I pass it over to you, nod of the head, and then gets that rather elegant, kind of almost diamond looking, it's not, but diamond looking glass, quite elegant for a cast and paused in the wine, a single serving and passes it over.
Well, we'll put it on the tab, shall we, for now. I'm assuming you're staying for a bit. Yes, that's lovely. You wouldn't have to be Cassandra, would you? I am, owner, proprietor of the lodge. Thank you, yes. Someone, a guard, Roderick Terry, told us that we could come and talk to you. Yes, what did he say, though?
you've basically been privy to some information that i don't think anybody else has or not many anyway uh probably i uh is there anything is there anywhere we can go that's more private not really i i'm the only one here at the moment you see and if i leave the bar you see him over there and he points over to this old gnarly gray head man really really thin sitting in the corner uh eyeing her up kind of you see him over there
Yes. If I leave the bar, he'll empty the fucker out. I mean, we're here to ask about, and Carson, I'll sort of lower his voice a bit, about the royal family. And geez, she's instantly going to slam her fist down to the table. Don't fucking talk about that out there. Well, that's why I suggested going to my private. Well, I didn't know you were going to talk about the royal family then, did I? If there's any other time that's best for you to speak, we'll be here whenever.
how's a good a time is only listen okay just wait a second and she's gonna go around the patrons nearby the ones that she seems to know quite well kind of pat them on the shoulder you hear kind of another round on me if you just keep an eye on this for me and then at the end of every conversation he she says keep an eye on that guy over there and points to the same sleazy old man in the corner sat there
Lying up the bar, ideally more than actually hurt itself. And they all kind of nod and move to tables further away. So there's actually now about a 20 to 25 foot kind of radius of space between you and the next nearest patron. She goes back to the bar and standing behind it and leans forward on it, now feeling a bit more confident and a bit more comfortable in the situation. Now, what do you want to know about them? Now, if you turn out to be with that obcisca lot, there'll be fucking pain in it for you.
No, no, no, we're not with them. We've been sent here. We're friends of Princess Helena. And she asked us to sort of find out what, because obviously she's not in the city and it's elsewhere, and she asked us to find out about what happened to her family. We were told that you saw them taking her family away.
Some of our family, yes. Can you elaborate? I saw, along with a few of my well-known acquaintances down at the docks, their green battle estates, I saw His Royal Highness and Her Royal Highness being jostled onto a boat by, well, only what I can assume was Del Montrese,
and a number of the Ochriska enforcers. I saw, what's his name? The other brother. Sebastian. Yes, Sebastian. I saw him get on board.
Well, it was just sold on board. He caused quite the kerfuffle, tried to stab one of them, threw a bottle of whiskey, got on the boat, and then they started going off on their way across the sea to, well, who knows? But then I noticed, as everyone kind of turned away, I saw a figure jump into the ocean. Who? I'm not 100% sure, but someone got off.
I'm not sure if they were pushed off or they were escaping. So someone from the boat was jumping into the ocean? What happened to them? I don't know, we didn't see them.
So they just went underneath and they didn't... They went underneath, but it's quite a big dock and we all were, after a second or two, we were jostled along by the remaining people on the of Kriska, on the Green Ballet area, the docks, there was other ships coming in, you see, with big orders for them. So we had to move out of the way after watching that. So I don't know what happened to them. Roderick suggested that they'd been taken to the Heral Empire, which doesn't make sense. No, it doesn't. Why would they be taken there?
It's me. That's what I heard as well. That's where they've gone. To be incapacitated from now on. Until Delmond gets his rocks off or Delmond gets what he wants or Delmond gets an empire of his own probably. But surely shouldn't the council in the Sanguinlands have reigned Delmond in?
They should have. You tried getting a letter back there though without it being checked first. How did they get the blessing to take the family away from where they were growing up, where they were living? She looks around a little bit. I don't know really. One thing I do know is I don't think they were kind about it.
That's my reckoning. I have no evidence. That's my reckoning. What are the soldiers of Goldview, of Sleetguard? Surely, has no one tried to stand up and stop this coup? Many don't believe us. There are only a few of us that heard of the things that happened there. And many of them now believe there are us to be troublemakers. And many of us have been captured and taken in by the Abcriskra, actually, for questioning. And they've never seen again.
So they take it seriously and the few of us that do know anything are very careful and tight-lipped. Because as you notice, you say the wrong thing around here, all of a sudden you don't say anything ever again. This isn't exactly the city I remember. No. It's not the city I remember either. Normally. Do you have any more information about the checkpoints that they are erecting in the city?
Word is they're going to be all over the central portion of the city and the main gates in and out. As far as I know, it's some form of detect thought, just a baseline to get a feel for people. If they feel dodgy or they feel nervous, then they delve deeper. Do you know if there's anywhere where any friends of the royal family are held up or gathering?
I hear the odd rumor here or there of places and people, but it's all very broken up and it's a person there, it's a drunkard here shouting about his royal family, his God-given rights to be ruled by the Slitgard family. And then I don't see him again. Who is this? What does he look like? Where is he? This was quite a few weeks ago, young lady. It happens every now and then. People get drunk and say what they really think. That's why I know so much about things.
But I couldn't tell you what he looked like. He's gone now. I haven't seen him since. I hadn't seen him before. But I'm saying is that people come and go, and some people are useful. Some people feel royalist, if you will, and some are happy. But they're a dying breed. But I feel that there's an undulating dislike of the Obciscrets, an invading force for all intents and purposes.
things that are acting to detect people's thoughts and think about what they're saying is, well, it's not going to go down well.
Rumors of Unrest and Dissatisfaction
It's an invasion of privacy. It's not right. More than anything, it will slow everything down in the city. And yes, an invasion of privacy. There's going to be some unrest over the next couple of weeks, I feel. Something brewing. Thank you, Cassandra. You've been very helpful.
Oh, has anyone got a letter out to the brother on the front line? Possibly, but like I said, most letters get checked on the way in and on the way out. I mean, maybe, could we not do that to cast down? Could we not do that now, you know, within the next, well, today? I think we could, we could try. How do you intend to get a letter to
him. There are ways to send messages to him. There's always a way. Don't worry, we'll handle that. Well, if you don't want you to get into some more trouble then, you know. But let him know that
that he's got a supporter at the lodge. And if he does come back for any reason to not saying that he would start a war or a coup or a rebellion or anything like that, of course not. Terrible thing to do. But if he did, he'd have a supporter in me. Not that it would ever happen. What if Princess Helena came back to the city and wanted to try and raise support?
I think she'd do well. She's a well-liked person here. Well-liked member of the family, I think. Okay. We'll try and do what we can and then maybe we'll let you know how it goes. I speak to many people in the city, so if you need something slowly being icked out among the populace, let me know and I can see what I can do. I mean, you could let the people know that
the princess knows what's going on and she's going to do her best to try and I think it won't be long before she's back no she's going to not ahead but furrow her brow at the same time looking from one to the other a little bit I'm not one to ask questions on how you know princess Helena but uh I'm glad someone knows she's all right that's all I'll see
She's very well, she will do what she can to save everybody here in distress. Get things back to normal. Absolutely. Well, if you don't mind, I have a business to run. No, of course. Sorry, we all spoke at the same time then. We're all very polite, you see. It's a lovely conversation.
Helena lived her drink up and say, this is great stuff, actually. Tart, but nice. Thank you. Thank you, Cassandra. Could you make a constitution check, please, Helena? Brilliant. Don't forget to add your bless.
The drink you had tastes fantastic and doesn't even touch the sides really when it comes to the alcoholism that is involved with the volume.
Sorry, I don't really know alcohol terms, but it's very, very strong. But absolutely, you're not affected by it at all, basically. It just water over ducks back, you smash it back, she's almost waiting for a reaction. I imagine you drank absinthe, like literally, like a whiskey glass full of absinthe. And you've just, it's just, it's nothing. You're just absolutely fine. And she kind of gives you a kind of a respect, nod, almost looking to kind of
one upmanship and come knock you down a little bit with a big ass shot of absence, but you are absolutely fine. And she's like, damn, right on girl. Good stuff. Uh, it doesn't say that at all, but she gives you a knowing nod of respect. Um, and just as, as the conversation lulls, he goes, those drinks, by the way, uh, they're on me.
Oh, no, you don't need to do that. We can pay. She puts her hand up. No, no, please. It's nice sometimes to talk to people about the old days, especially those connected to the royal family in some way, shape or form. Just pass on my best and let them all know there's some support still in the city. Thank you. That's very kind. Thank you. You're welcome.
And you can thank your friend Claude for making me up in the first place. I didn't exist until two episodes ago. And I had to write down Cassandra and fuck you, Danny, underneath it. I mean, you are so well voiced as well. And I feel like you've got such a well-rounded character and background with depth. I asked Holly to burn you to the ground.
That's the glory in it. I make Cassandra really nice and likable and amiable, and now we have more moral dilemma. Anyway, that's what she says out of character to my roleplay. Very well, go away. See you later. Bye. This made up NPC has had her time. So I guess, I mean, there is a trading company that could possibly get a message to the Sanguin land. I would guess our only way to contact
the princess's brother would be using sending and Claude, he could send a message to him. Yes, do you think perhaps Castan that we tell Cassandra that I am in fact Helena at some point or should leave it until we are much more secure on what's going on?
I'd be really funny if Cassandra was just tackling a class, still listening, going, absolutely. You're not like me, I'm not listening, I promise. I think the problem is, I know we can probably trust Cassandra, but the less people know who you are, the better, because we don't want people asking questions. I agree. If you, Chris, find out what you're doing, they'll probably try and find us quicker than they already are.
Yes, I agree. I find finding it difficult to hold such secrecy when I'm so passionate about my hometown, about everybody here, that it's my home, it's my life. Yeah, it's this political intrigue, it's like being back at home.
Well then, do we find everybody else and let them know of our findings and to ask them whether or not they think it's best to get in touch with Lucien? It's probably best to meet up with them. I think the more we wander around, the more fragmented these episodes will be and the more we need to try and join up with the rest of the party.
FYI, that spell can be replied to, so whenever Mark, you tell them that they've heard my spell. Oh shit, yeah, I forgot about that. Yes, and that goes to these two. But I wouldn't expect a response from Drago yet. Okay, no problem. As that conversation finishes, just so handily comes about, you do hear Claude's message come through, like, annoyingly loud. Like, he stood too close to a microphone, and his gain is all the fucking way up. It's like, ah, Jesus Christ.
I thought he was going to do it then. Yeah, it's just like too much in both of you. And then look at each other as you've taken that message in. I assume this is in his head. He doesn't reply out loud. He's going to reply with, I'm with Helena, royal family may be in danger, meeting up with you. And that's what I'll reply to Claude. And I'll tell that to Charlie, because I think Robin's already gone in.
Okey-dokey. And then I'll turn to Hannah and go... Sorry. And then I'll turn to Hannah and go, oh, that was Claude being subtle as ever. We should probably meet up with him. I'm gathering by his message. He's probably at the double-headed AWP pub. Right, yes, OK. Yes, that's given me a slight headache. And she'll down the rest of her drink and slam it down on the table and she'll give a nod and a smile to Cassandra.
and then she'll make her way out. Amazing. And you're going to make your way across town towards the Double Ork pub, which from my reckoning on my overtly complicated, unnecessarily big map. It's the number one thing. It's North of Square. Boom. OK. So as you leave and you start retracing your steps, as you enter back onto Union Pass, which is the main road into the centre, to then take a left up towards the Double Ork pub, you look ahead of you and you see another
Drago's Confrontation with Obcriska
barricade been set up by the Obcrisco blocking the major road. Easy enough to bypass, you drop into one of the side streets and you can cut your way through quite easily. But you now notice that they are kind of setting up on these major roads along the city. If we start getting, if we ever have to go through one of those, Hannah, it's probably best you try and think of something normal. Don't try and think about
not being you if you understand me because they'll detect your suffering so you need to try and I don't know. I'm not going to lie past Dan I don't think I've ever thought about myself as not being me before so I think that'd be quite difficult. As in you have to think like oh I need to go here to get the shopping or something like that not be thinking oh god I've got to sneak past this checkpoint because that's the kind of thing they're looking out for. I could think about something very inappropriate that might distract them. Sure that probably works.
As the awkwardness kind of lies on that gnome, the quietness kind of takes over for a second. The camera pans up and over and we just see, we just see coming out of an alleyway, the bleary eyes of the gnome coming out of a great dirty, kind of a wet from the knee down pretty much. I was thinking of...
The whole of the street stops and looks a little awkward.
And followed up behind is the hulking, flexing body of a dragonborn, which is Drago. And as they make your way out onto the main street, the sun hitting your eyes, you have kind of two roads to hit before you reach the Double Ork Pub. Is there anything that you would want to do coming off the back of what has just happened in last week's episode?
I think as soon as they actually do get up, Folly would possibly just look at Drago for a moment. As good as it is to have you back there, Drago, you still quite stand out. And I know with the very least people looking for me, they may very well be looking for you.
You're still against disguises, can I ask? Some kind of cover? Oh, why do I need to hide? Just because I believe there may be people after... us. I know people are after me, but they may be after you as well, and... well, you do seem to stand out. Of course I stand out. And... I don't feel like I need to hide. I've never been here before. No, but your reputation precedes you, Drago. You should know this better than most.
What reputation is that? Well, we seem to have built up somewhat of a name. I mean, you've just out of game did a jogger weren't there for the wanted poster, was it? No, he has no idea about that name. No. OK, thank you.
Well, as we were coming into town, I'm afraid there was a bit of a wanted poster. Actually, we found. While you're talking about town, where are we? Yes, of course. We're in Goldview at the moment. We were heading here. Do you remember that?
Yeah, sure. As Drago looks uncomfortably and just… just nods his head. Yeah, of course I remember. Gold view, yeah. Well, so we made it. We did, yes, yes, we did. Even yourself. I mean, Claude did tell us that you walked ahead, which, albeit we didn't particularly believe, but at least I didn't.
As we did make our way here, there was a wanted post, and they were after a particular creature that does indeed match your description. Yeah, no. Something inside me is saying no to disguise. Like, no. Something is saying don't do it.
Sorry. No, no, no, no. And some... testing waters there, Drago. Testing waters. If you feel more comfortable au naturale, then so be it. Yeah, if anyone's got a problem or need me to... I don't know. If anyone wants to try and find me, I'd like to see them try and get me. Well, that certainly sounds like the Drago I know, definitely.
Where are we going, Folly? We're heading to the Twin Ork, Double Ork Pub, something like that. Claude showed me how to get there before that. Pub? Aelm. We're going somewhere where there's Aelm. There will be Aelm there. Okay, that's all I need to know. There will also be our friends as well. That's also good news. At least I hope they'll be there by now.
Sorry, as you're talking about this, you're making your way kind of down the street, and the street is quite busy from the area you've come out from in the sewers. What I also love is that no one can get the name of this pub right, I do really enjoy it. And so you make your way out and Folly, you're kind of leading the way. Drago, again, probably a bit confused, as you said, you don't really know gold of your way, you're disoriented. And also, Folly, to an extent, so you've come up in an area of the city, you're not really
and you're trying to kind of put two and two together. Finally, you manage to make heads or tails of where you have ended up really in the north of the city and you start making your way south along one of the major roads.
But as you're making your way south along the major road, you notice two members of the chriscra up ahead. They are standing off to the side in conversation. They don't seem to be looking for anyone. And they rolled a three. They have no interest in anything except the conversation they're having. So as you're walking past, they don't even look up from their conversation. As you see the two members of the chriscra and the dark blue with the gold trim, not even look up from their conversation as you pass by. You enter into a major fork in the road. You take the left.
I'm sorry, I can't. One seeing the Obcrisco, Drago grabs both of them. Oh bugger. Okay. Pure anger in his eyes as he sees these two Obcrisco, he assumes they were to the side or in front of him, he walks over and just grabs both of them at the same time by the scruff of their cloaks. What the fuck do you think you're doing?
What the fuck do you think I'm doing? You two are gonna fucking die for what you've done. Maybe not here, not now. What have we done? Can I ask you that, Dragonborn?
down below in the cellars of this place, wherever we are. And abomination has occurred. And the last time I was down there, I saw two hooded bastards like yourselves and you will pay for what you've done. And Drago is going to attempt to push him and then withdraw the axe of Shader. He's going to
One of them's gonna put their hands up for a second. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. He looks to the other one for a second. I know what you're talking about. I know what you're talking about, Dragonborn. Were you down in that, in that holdout, down, and he points down towards the ground. The stock magic holdout, were you down there? The hooded lot with the, with the fucking magic and the, and all that? Yes. Ah.
How did you get in, just out of curiosity? I found myself. We know the password, that's all you need to know. Yeah, and there's a password. Let's try and go, looks uncomfortable at that knowledge. How about this? How about this? And he looks just main, taps you for a second. 50 gold, you tell us the password.
Easy as that, the easiest money you're making, you can live like kings after that. And he's still smiling, he's waving hands not on staff, staffs are leaning up against the side of the building. They are relaxed as fuck, despite the fact that you've basically been really aggressive towards them. 50 gold for the password. Oh please, I know the password. I thought you guys were down there. Dang where? We've been up here the whole time, setting up a barricade further up our heads. What about the other members of whatever this
Mate, where have you been? Your laughter is pissing me off. You are in deep danger. Your ignorance is laughable, though. Mate, listen, there are literally thousands of us. What are you on about? A few here, a few there. Have you looked around? And as you do look around, not far off down the street, see a collection of four more members of the of Chriska. Across the street, two more walking back. There's quite a few in the current locale that you can see. Probably five or six in different groups, all different looks walking around.
But I mean if you want to spend some time, if you want to spend some time- Fuck up. Right fine. Mark my words. This, I will find out what's going on. And whatever you guys call yourselves, you're all gonna fucking pay.
A Fight and Arrest by Obcriska
If I had a piece of gold for every time I was threatened by a Dragonborn Jameson, I would be a rich man. All right, fine. When you figure out what we're doing, you can kill us all. All 1,700 of us, you can kill us all.
I will help you. I will help you. Why not? I would help you kill them. I will help you kill myself if you want. If you figure out what it is we're doing. Jago's gonna punch him in the face. Okay. As fucking hard as he can. Okay, roll to hit. Okay. This is like when you hit a police officer in GTA. You're about to like that one star and all of a sudden the police are gonna know exactly where you are.
19 hits, roll for damage. Oh, what's the base damage on that? Six, six. Okey dokey. Can you roll initiative? I know you're in good order, please. Fine. Um, drug, what'd you get? 22. Okay. Well, that's considering the punch. That's fair enough. Uh, folly.
21. You're directly after, they rolled 14 and 16, so they are after you. Drag, I'm considering that punch your kind of attack in that initiative order. Folly, you're up next. Is there anything you want to do? You can see this all taking place. People on the street are kind of looking like, what the fuck is he doing? Folly's just going to look at Drag and says, if you really have to do this, can we do this somewhere more private? Folly, you were just where I was.
These guys have got to pay. Yes, I'm very well aware of it, but there's a time, a place, and a plan that must be had. Plan? Listen, I don't know who these guys are, but I'm gonna rip them apart. Jago, I know what you've been through, so if that's what you want to do, I won't stop you. Hell, I'll even help you. Is that definitely what you want to do?
And my fist is already in his face. OK, yeah it is. God damn it. OK, I'm going to Firebolt him then. OK, roll to hit. 25 to hit. That hits.
and 11 points of fire damage. Okay, this hits him in the shoulder and his expression changes. And he looks to his friend, Jameson, the man next to him, and then looks across the road where, as I mentioned, there are four other members of the Obciskra walking up the road. All of them are going to turn, and in turn, every single one of them is going to cast Dominate Person on the pair of you. One at a time, firstly. So Drago, it's a wisdom saving throw.
Oh, we're going to prison, aren't we? Yeah, there are six. Well, there are six of them. So they get six attempts. So that's the first one. They're all going for you first until it works. So can you roll? Just roll six wisdom saving throws, please. Six now or five? Oh, five now. And if any of them are under. Well, if any of them are
17 or less, let me know. Fuck me, okay. So the second one is under 17. Okay, cool, 11. So the next four are gonna be cast on Folly. So Folly, can you make wisdom saving throws, please? Okay, I have advantage on wisdom saving throws. So the first one, natural 20. Cool, three more. Second one, 18. Yep. Third one,
Second natural 20 on the first roll. 16 on the last one.
Do this to yourselves guys. All I wanted you to do was watch Robin losing his shit. I just want to walk to the garden. I'm so sorry. This is like when I'm next to Helena about us not fighting in the streets and causing bloodshed. We can't have gone through what we went through in the last episode and for Drago with no wherewithal about where he is when he sees two people like that he's gonna fucking bite. Folly's smart of mind just wanted to ignore them for now but
He's not going to argue if you want to try and kill him. For the second time ever, Drago's going to be in prison. You feel a cold at the spine, the small of your back, hit up, spark up your spine.
and your back straightens and has a deadness to your eyes. In my mind, Dominate Person works a bit like if you know the Northern Lights series of books when they get separated from their demon and they just kind of go, whoop, and kind of zoom, they're gonna zone out of it. I imagine it's a bit like that. And you both just lose the capacity to control yourselves. You kind of fall back into your own consciousness and watch from a distance through two small TVs, which are your eyes, and you can see these events taking place. And
You can hear conversation, muffled conversation taking place as the other members of IBCRISCRUS surround the Dragonborn and the Gnome. And you just hear very clearly from one of them, which seems to be the more senior with little bits of red, speckled red in his uniform. Take them both to spell hold.
and you are led off and your vision slowly fades as you are just walked off into the town somewhere. But then the last thing you remember is you hear the sound of a great being opened and you are taken down steps. You hear splashes of water and you hear a word being said to a wall.
You hear magicarium menti, m-e-n-t-i. You hear a rumbling of a wall moving and a nothing but darkness.
Robin's Realization and Return
Robin, you see a two-headed orc.
in the pub. You walk into the pub as the camera pops back up to a more jovial happy time in the world. You see Robin looking through and your eyes as you rub your eyes, you look out and you see two heads, one body.
you see one head turn and you see another body appear as the two bodies seem to separate themselves out into two orcs. This is not a two-headed orc, this is two orcs. You do notice though that they look very very similar though so there is a sense that there could be twins maybe or close relatives at least and they're both working hard behind the bar there and
keep sticking up and round. One of them is cracked slightly, but they hold the same expression in their faces, bald head, slightly dark and green skin. One of them has a slightly nicer expression than the other. Robin's going to have to have this all faint God moment. He's going to turn around, head back out into the street, take a sigh of relief and then come back around the corner and find Claude and Talia. And Robin is going to say to them, well,
I feel better. OK. That's good to know. Shall we get a drink? Feel free. I'm going to stay in this alleyway. Why? Because I told everybody that we would meet here. And also, I'm fearful that if I walk out onto the streets, I will be killed.
not bothered you up until this point. Yes I was showing a brave face until I got to the point where we could all meet and then come up with a plan to get us out of here because this doesn't feel like my home. I imagine hopefully the princess has just overthrown the entire occupancy of the Chris Crow, restored her family to the throne and they're having a banquet as we speak
And in the morning we'll get a little pigeon to come out and give us a note that said, guys, it's freak. Come out of your little alleyways. That's one. I'm praying on that. A pigeon? Yeah, or dove, whichever one of the one carried the notes. Claude, I'm going to suggest that we should maybe not loiter in alleyways if we wish to appear inconspicuous. I mean, I'd rather take my chances in an alleyway than walking in that freak show.
Okay, fair enough. And hypothetically... What does that mean? It means... Oh, it doesn't matter what it means. Have you ever been inside this pub, Claude? No, I don't drink. No, I'm aware of that. But they would probably serve milk and you've never been inside. No, just this window. And... Don't ruin this for him.
Robert's got a glance at Talia. Don't take this away from him. I'm feeling like he's on the cusp of telling a child that Santa doesn't exist. He's just going to... No, no. Talia, Claude is right. We should remain inconspicuous and we should definitely not go inside and stare at the two-headed orc who is definitely real.
Oh no, I knew it was real. That makes it worse that you've confirmed it now twice and you've seen it in the flesh. Oh fuck, out of everything we've seen so far, I think this is the most terrifying thing ever. Are you? Think how intelligent they must be. Twice the brain, twice the teeth. It's the stuff for nightmares, Tarly. I think, Tarly, you might feel better if you go around and see it yourself and confirm it's real.
Um, probably. Sorry. There is a, um, underage drinking law in Sleek Up. Well, no, only in Goldview, really. You'd have to accompany her and she'd have to have an adequate meal. That's wise. I will accompany you back round, Talia, and allow you to take a look at the double-headed org. Yeah, she'll need to have an adequate meal and stay in the tabled area. We will make sure we do it as well. Jesus.
Yes, just going to confirm this wonderment that you have discovered, Claude. It's quite something. OK, and Tali's going to very confused, just kind of stand up and write, OK, let's go look at this or can have a adequate meal with my alcoholic beverage in the non-smoking area menu, probably.
Robin's just going to smile at Claude and then they'll quickly turn and have a pace with Talia and just walk alongside her and just say very subtly don't do anything irrational don't ruin this for him but short story it's two walks and he's just going to open the door so she can see it's two walks she looks and more smile breaks out on her face
Yeah, that makes perfect sense. Why didn't you think it was anything other?
I don't know. We were in that library for a long time. That man was discerningly life. That other man was discerningly rude and telling us to shush. It's been a long day. I haven't slept properly. And I think we shouldn't drink in here. We should wait for the others. Just let Claude keep this though. There's a word show. Can we let Claude keep this fantasy of his? Yeah.
Yeah, of course. I'd never do that to, you know, to him. He hasn't got much, so... Except all that money, apparently, that he's been holding up. We should probably go and collect that at some point. And as he's saying that, one of the orcs turns. Oi! Is she going to be having an adequate meal with her beverage? She certainly will if we choose to come in and she will be sitting in the designated seating area over there. We are familiar with Goldview's customs. Thank you, sir.
And the drinking age that's only applicable to Goldview and not to the wider Slickguard Empire? Yes, we are aware of that. I'm a stick left with the rules. Well, I'm fucking not! Oh, shut up! Anyway... Well, we respect the rules here. It's why we've come to the city, not like Clay Peak. Absolute savages. Wankers! Let children do anything over there. Drink. Hunt. Wankers! What else do they let you do, Talia?
she's going to back away out of the pub, like backwards, and just walk around the edges back to the alleyway. Well, you'll have to forgive me. She's quite shy, not used to seeing the big lights of Goldie being from Clay Peak and all, and Robin's just going to close the door. Well, I think that went rather well, and just follow Talia around. And yeah, Claude won't be saying sorry.
And while they went in and left me, I'm going to recast sending on Folly and just say, Folly, I said to you before, if you don't get in touch with me after I use this spell, I'm going to come find you.
Claude's Concern for Folly
Are you OK? When you cast it.
normally there is a connection and you know that it's almost been picked up at the other end like a two blue ticks at the bottom of a WhatsApp message. That's not going to age well if WhatsApp don't exist in a few years time. But anyway, the same equivalent to that kind of scene in the corner of a Facebook message, even worse.
The fact is, with every other message and the last message you sent to Folly, you got that kind of thing that's been received, that's been heard by the recipient. This time, you get nothing. It's just almost like the message is almost like you're shouting into a pillow. The message doesn't seem to go anywhere, which strikes you as odd.
Okay. And then by the time that I see Robin come back around the corner, I'm going to cast sending again. Just burning the spell slots for fun here. Why not? We cast sending again, but saying this aloud to Robin here is as well. And I'm just going to send this straight to Karstan. Something's happened to Folly. Come to the double lock quickly.
Just as Robin comes around the corner, entirely kind of nodding, going, oh yes, I saw the two-headed orc. It was very great and very, very two. There were definitely multiple heads, more than one. Double the number you'd expect. And the camera kind of pans out over to Castan and Helen as you make your way across the city. Castan, you received this message from Claude. Is there anything you'd like to respond with?
castan responds with we're on our way and then he turns to helena and says i think our little gnome friend has got himself into a spot of bother and on that that's where we're going to leave this week's episode of the fellowship of the tabletop
I'd like to think that the listeners out there totally understand why I did what I did.
Now we've got another fucking sub quest I've got to figure out. I know, I'm so sorry. And it was just, while it was happening, I was like, don't do it. I think it was good. I was really hoping that Folly would talk me out of it.
I'll give you the opportunity. Talk me out of it. You know how far he felt at the end of the last episode? He weren't going to argue too much. It's like that scene out of Hook. It's like, don't try and stop me, Smee, don't you dare try and stop me, Smee, Smee, don't try and stop me, Smee. What are you doing? Stop me. I'm trying to commit suicide. What was that? I don't think this is the real Drago. It sounds a bit weird. I think it's just Sanga. Ian sacked off. Sanga.
his wife might have a different voice we don't know didn't that dragonborn used to have a sword you dropped that in as well that just that little one reference subtle drop talking about subtle drops
Our Twitter page has had a far fewer subtle drops. Oh my God, as you can tell, listeners, it's been a long time since I've had to do this and I've come back and I don't want one of us to do it. We're really experienced with it.
I've also heard during these episodes how everyone has turned on me during these final segments. Fuck them all, I'm going to carry on anyway. If you want to keep in touch with the podcast, please do so on our Twitter page, which is at fellowship table. And then if you want to go one step further and follow us individually.
Go on Callum, take it away. No, no, no. Look at that. I pull you and you just don't respond. By the way, guys, thank you very much for listening and making this part of your everyday week. We love you for it and appreciate for it. And especially because we're starting to get on on the episodes and we're still in lockdown. Who would have thunked it after about a year since we started doing a remote recording, but
We're glad you're here with us for the ride. We hope you're all well and safe and I am definitely thankful for the people around me on this podcast because to be able to keep everyone going for a whole year and all the love and all the respect, we are lucky to have each other and I just love you all and I love you all for listening to us. If you did want to keep in touch with us, please do so. Send us some DMs, retweet us or just tell a friend about the podcast. We'd really love that.
You can follow me at iWorlda1. You can follow Darren at... I can see through time after all of that. It's Darren page 06. You can follow Casey at... Unicorn Klit. You can follow that Unicorn Klit time. Oh my god. You can follow Danny at... Total Party Wills. You follow Callum at VD20Gamer. Follow Will at... Natural20Will.
you can follow our wonderful DM at Hasterly Roll DM. Until next time guys.