If you don’t like what the algorithms are feeding you then perhaps you should take a closer look at how you spend your time on social media.
If you’re doing what you think you should rather than what lights you up then you’re going to be fed posts that frustrate you because they don’t align with what you’re really about.
The internet can work in our favour or against us, depending on how we choose to use it.
Over the years I’ve come to realise that when I use it in ways that doesn’t align with what I truly value I am then fed posts that lead to me feeling frustrated by what’s showing up.
So instead I’ve chosen to operate in alignment with what I am about, and select carefully who I follow based on my own interests, desires and purpose in this journey of life… in turn, I’ve been fed some of the most valuable information & even promotional material that have been quite impactful in my life.
As the Owner/Operator of a unique retail store offering which is ever evolving, and a Dharma Coach I hope to facilitate and support others in realising their dreams of creating a life they truly love, doing work that aligns with their values & unique skills.
Book an immersive shopping experience at Creators Nest, a space showcasing handcrafted wares of professional creatives locally & beyond.
Events & Workshops at Creators Nest
Dharma Coaching service
Creators Nest Online Store
Intro & Outro Music: Shaman Dance by slavamusic
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