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Don’t like algorithms or don’t like your habits? image

Don’t like algorithms or don’t like your habits?

S1 E14 · A Life By Design
107 Plays1 year ago

If you don’t like what the algorithms are feeding you then perhaps you should take a closer look at how you spend your time on social media.

If you’re doing what you think you should rather than what lights you up then you’re going to be fed posts that frustrate you because they don’t align with what you’re really about.

The internet can work in our favour or against us, depending on how we choose to use it.

Over the years I’ve come to realise that when I use it in ways that doesn’t align with what I truly value I am then fed posts that lead to me feeling frustrated by what’s showing up.

So instead I’ve chosen to operate in alignment with what I am about, and select carefully who I follow based on my own interests, desires and purpose in this journey of life… in turn, I’ve been fed some of the most valuable information & even promotional material that have been quite impactful in my life.


As the Owner/Operator of a unique retail store offering which is ever evolving, and a Dharma Coach I hope to facilitate and support others in realising their dreams of creating a life they truly love, doing work that aligns with their values & unique skills.

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Intro & Outro Music: Shaman Dance by slavamusic


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Introduction and Purpose

Do you desire to turn your passion into income? Connect with other creative souls who also dance to the beat of their own drum?
I'm Marie Nicole and I'm devoted to combining beauty, uniqueness and connection in everyday living experiences. As a creative professional and Dharma coach, I help people connect to the truth of who they are and facilitate them in embodying their uniqueness. It is my hope in this podcast that I inspire you to live your life on your terms and earn your income
through being uniquely you. After all, it's the unique thread that we each contribute to the collective tapestry that creates the whole.

Navigating Social Media Algorithms

Don't like the algorithms or don't like your habits? If you don't like the algorithms and what they're feeding you then perhaps you should take a closer look at how you spend your time on social media.
If you're doing what you think you should rather than what lights you up, then you're going to be fed posts that frustrate you because they don't align with what you're really about.
I know some friends of mine and acquaintances even that like the same things that I do because of the suggested wildlife-based posts that come into my feed with videos of cute little turtles helping each other flip back over and a male bird practicing its mating dance with another male friend because I see their names listed as someone else who's liked the post which makes me smile from ear to ear and feel even more connected to them.
Even if they're not seeing it or we're not seeing it in each other's company, I know that we have shared interests. The internet can work in our favour or it can work against us and it depends on how we choose to use it.
Over the years, I've come to realize that when I used it in ways that did not align with what I was truly about, I was fed posts that led me to feeling frustrated by what was showing up. Taking notice of my own actions and the outcomes they led to has made me become more discerning about how I use social media. There was a practice around following everyone who follows you that was recommended many years ago in order to build your following.
And I found that this practice led me to feeling more frustrated than anything else because my feed was full of things that I didn't actually have an interest in. So instead I've chosen to operate in alignment with what I'm about and select carefully who I follow based on my own interests, my desires and my purpose in this journey of life.

Discoveries and Personal Growth

In turn, I've been fed some of the most valuable information and even promotional material that have been quite impactful in my life. Like the shift network ads, which started popping into my Instagram feed when I was becoming more curious about shamanism, questioning our modern day choices and how things worked against us.
Seeing so many people suffering around me who perceivably have everything they need or want and yet they still were miserable and disappointed in their life. Being fed the shift network and advertisements then led me to discovering the the Brothers Corrin and doing their seven week voice activation course which has been life changing. It connected me back to my unique voice and whole body instrument.
I have no doubt that the benefits of this will continue throughout the rest of my personal growth and expansion for a long time to come. And so I am grateful for the shift network ending up in my feed to then lead me to the Brothers Corrin and this new way of being.
I do think there is a danger in only hanging out with those who have a similar perspective on life to us, closing ourselves off to the diverse ways of thinking. I believe it's really healthy to hear a different opinion and because it provides you with the opportunity to learn something new.
see things from a perspective that you may not have considered. But when I hear people complain about the algorithms, I can't help but wonder what is it that they're doing on a daily basis that leads them to feel so frustrated.

Understanding Algorithmic Influence

I'm often fed things via the algorithms that are more relevant to my younger son's interest as he is regularly showing me things that he is interested in on my phone and vice versa. I often laugh at what shows up in my feed that is not something I would have searched for myself like motorbike gear for dirt bike riding. While I'd love to get my motorbike license and ride road bikes someday, I have no interest in dirt bike riding.
In saying that, I'm also fed a lot of footage of out of the way off-roading locations around Australia that I had no idea about, all because of the algorithms. Travelling around our country is right up there on our wish list, in this next phase of our journey. And when I say on our wish list, I'm referring to my younger son and I. We often talk about, dream about and plan what our road tripping adventures will look like.
once we get through this transition of closing my commercial space and shifting my work to being more remote, not being locked in a fixed location. A part of that is the type of four-wheel drive we'll buy and how we'll kit it out for off-roading adventures. He loves cars and would like to do a school-based mechanics apprenticeship at our mechanics workshop. And they work on a wide range of cars, from highly modified to classic vintage cars.
So when we drive past this workshop every day, we talk about the cars that are parked out the front. I've been talking about wanting to get an old Defender for a long time, but my mechanic recommends that I get an old Land Cruiser instead. So all of our searches on the web for vintage four-wheel drives has fed into my social feeds, cars that I didn't even know about, like the Ford Bronco, which I've started to fall in love with. The vintage Ford Broncos and the way that they've been done up are just gorgeous.
I haven't yet told my mechanic about this, but recently I was introduced to an upcoming Outback spiritual festival being held in Broken Hill later this year, which then made me revisit the idea of taking little experimental trips before heading off on a big adventure around the country, which actually makes me grateful for the way the algorithms work.

Inspiration from Advertisements

Because in my situation right now, I am so focused on tying up all the loose ends and unraveling the life that was in preparation for new beginnings, which I have no idea what that will look like at the moment. And for someone who's usually a planner that lays the foundation down for the next thing before launching off the safety and security of the known, this is really quite challenging for me.
But because these advertisements keep coming through in my feed, reminding me that what could be next could be so much more magical than what was and where I was headed. I'm also fed imagery from beautiful makers and designers around the world who create garments with intention that align with my lifestyle and style and ethos and jewelry that connects me to the essence of who I am and what I value.
as well as beautiful homes and vacation destinations that speak to my wanderlust spirit. Which takes me back to if you are frustrated with what the algorithm is feeding you, perhaps you need to look more closely at the habits you've formed that do not align with your values and how you wish to spend your days. Spending more time doing what you think you should rather than what lights you up will lead to feelings of frustration and resentment.
But the only person that can change your habits is you. Serving others through engaging in your unique gifts and talents is so much more powerful than doing what you think you should do based on what someone else is doing or what you believe will lead to your desired outcomes but doesn't actually align with who you are. True success and happiness starts inside of us. And what we consume contributes to our outcomes and our reality.
from the food we eat to the dialogue that we take in, the information we absorb through all of those external portals like news, TV shows, the people we hang out with and our social media feeds.
Thank you so much for your time. I know how valuable it is and I hope you got value out of listening to this podcast. If you are looking for a coach to support and guide you through your own unique

Community Engagement and Connection

journey of creating a life you love, then reach out for a connection call. And if you'd like to connect with other creative souls in person by joining us at a workshop or retreat or to book a unique shopping experience here at Creators Nest, I run those by appointment. So check out the website for more details. The link is in the show notes.
Oh, and please leave a review. I'd love to hear any insights or inspirations that were activated in you from this podcast. And I look forward to drumming, dancing or soaring alongside of you.