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Ep. 81 Nyx's Big Mouth - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 81 Nyx's Big Mouth - Bellum Draconis

S2 E81 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
53 Plays10 months ago


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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios


Zencaster Lounge Reunion

Here, as I live and breathe, that's Nick's corral. I haven't seen you round here for years. Welcome back to the Zencaster Lounge, where podcast streams are served on the rocks. What can I get for you today, sir? Yeah, hi. I'll have a round of Zencaster, please.
Coming right up! One Zencaster fresh and smooth just for you!
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Yeah right, that's what I'm talking about. Whether I'm recording ZOLO or mixing it up with guests from across the globe, Zencaster always delivers. And don't forget the security measures, just like where we keep your drinks safe from prying hands, Zencaster keeps your recordings under lock and key. Cheers to that my friend, here's to Zencaster, the ultimate podcasting companion.
Thanks Bartender! Anytime my friend, enjoy your Zencaster and may your podcasts be as refreshing as your favourite drink! Hey, if anyone's listening in on this conversation, they can be a bit savvy.

Discount Code "tabletop" Shared

I've got a special code. If anyone out there listening, go to slash pricing and use my code, tabletop
you'll get 30% off your first month of any Zencaster paid plan. That's slash pricing using our code table top to get 30% off your first month of any Zencaster paid plan. That way they can have the same easy experiences I do for all my podcasting and content needs. I'd say it's time for them to share their story. Well, I say that's quite a good deal.
Anyway, are you gonna buy that drink? That 500 gold, you tiefling tit! Bellum, you can't hear! Could you imagine? I think I just killed...

Introduction to the Fellowship of the Tabletop

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. We are a live play 5e D&D podcast set in the magical homebrood world of Eryth in the Kingdom of Dralak. Joining you for this week's episode, we have Ian, who plays the Tiefling Wasser and Nyx Carell. I did not expect to be first to know and I don't want to say it now, it looks stupid. Will who plays the Dragonborn druid Baal Valkar? Hi!
What? You can't steal mine up! My honey, we're getting out what I wanted to say! Callum, you place a war-forged artificial alpha. Bellum, drug honey. Will, you place a human cleric emberom. Can we go shopping now? That really plays the high elf artificial rain tan out. Bellend, your commas. My name is Mark and I'm playing the human blading of Seth Farah River. And last, but by no means least, is our bardic bodyguard and our lord of legend, Dungeon Master Danny.
Say those words! We see old girl sat pensively behind a counter counting what seems to be a large stack of copper coins, yet they seem to have an eerie glow to them. He clocks us and begins. Oh, retail therapy!
Fuck, Emron starts off the session by actually having some proper therapy, and then he goes, full fuckin' Oprah, you'll get a tip, you'll get a tip, 100 gold pieces, big spender, geez! Whoever that person is, no idea. In the morning, Nick feels fuckin' incredible after his big ol' K-Trip. He's gone done fine, hope he tries to persuade her to drop the prize by 500 gold pitties. Nope, didn't work, shit.
Oh, actually, wait, he gets 100 gold pieces off, fuck yeah! Rain spends 1,000 gold pieces, Alpha spends 2,000 gold pieces, or just under Casseth, he donates all of his money, which was really kind.
All four pieces. Hope cures the curse. Hooray! Turns out it was a curse by the devil. Oh shit! Devil curse? That's not good. They find out that the second curse is thousands of years old and that's probably still gonna kill Alpha at some point. Also, not good.

Navigating Curses and Shopping Sprees

Everyone done is asking about the disc in the sky and asking, is it the 13th kingdom? Maybe. Is it the gods? Maybe. We don't actually fucking know.
Pope recommends they use the roads to get to, uh, that old scorchy helm. But don't you forget that it's run by the Acryscra dummies. Fandas lotsa shoppin'. They get a tent. Tick an acorn. Tick a tankard. Tick some potions. Tick some dyes. Tick some clothes. Tick a clue about a bird shittin' in some sort of bird nest. Tick Nick's jokingly Sam Bellum Draconis. Tick what a fuckin' idiot!
That's a stupid-ass mistake! You take those robes, you fuckin' get out of there, Emron goes on tellin' Nick's off and Nick's is all like, get your fuckin' hands off me, boy! And finally Seth gets that note from the Nest. He gets a cheeky note from someone titled S.H. saying that something big is on the way and he gotta go pass on some sneaky, sneaky words on his sneaky, sneaky mission.
You find yourself outside Sansweeb Emporium, this tense exchange between... Next. Thank you. And Emron. I can clearly see what it means. I see you just, just flating a dice. They're T20. Sometimes you're just going to keep yourself preoccupied. The rest of the party surrounding this, this just tense exchange. What do you all want to do?
Right, let's just assume that we don't say that again and that we're not going to be invading personal space by putting hands on people when we don't need to and we're going to go to the armour. That was the next plan, right? Let's do that. Yes, let's just move on. Yeah, let's just pop back in here quickly and then move on. I do not think that's a good idea. Why aren't you going there alone, Seth?
Yeah, okay, cool, see you later. Where are you going? Well, we can wait outside for you if you think it's safe for us all to come in, we can do it for you. I do not think we should be going back in that shot. I need to just pop in, just say a few special words. Would you like us to just... Chef, maybe we should explore this more at a campsite, because quite frankly, there's a few things that I think you need to tell us. And let's... And can we assure those two words don't begin with a B and a D? Because I would not go in there and say that again if that was you.
He's gonna pause for a second, furrow his brow, look at the paper. Yeah, no, doesn't begin with a B or a D. Well, we're outside. No, it's not bad either. Oh, you mean, oh, god, god, god, G.I.F. There's nothing now on the paper any longer. Okay, yeah. I'm not very good at it. Fuck it. And he's just gonna knock on the door. Knock, knock, knock.

Mysterious Encounters and Secret Rooms

like to explain how the knock works. Is that what a knock is handed to man? Knock, well you know what a knock is handed to. Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock. You knock and you wait for ten seconds before rather than opening the door a hatch opens. Not a female half-elf.
But a male half-orc appears at the door and says, you were all asked to leave. Oh, yeah, no, I am leaving. I just had a question about some samples. Maybe you could bring me from out here. I won't go in, I promise. I'm not bringing you shit. I told you to leave. Well, I know, but I heard that you had some of the best hand-spun, woolen samples from the Eastern Osden Isles
and that you are the people to talk to about it. But I can leave and come back another time if now is not good. I apologize for the intrusion. And again, I apologize for my friend, he spoke out of turn. The window closes. Fuck it, I knew it. And you hear unbolting from behind it.
You open the door and the room is entirely different than you just saw. When you walked in before there was stacks and stacks of garments and fabrics, rolls of cloth. You walk in and everything has sort of been pushed back. The room is now an open stone warehouse almost. No sign of a sabre-toothed tiger. No sign of a
Female Wood Elf, you are pulled in quite quickly, Seth, initially, unless you do anything to stop that, this half-orc's arm just reaches out. No, he'll let it in, just shout over his shoulder. Be right back! Rest of you in, now. Oh yeah, come in as well. Are you coming? I'm on your shoulder.
And this... rains as well? Yep, fine, fine, fine. And this door slams shut behind you and the half-orc just points in the direction of the room. It's still lit the same, it's just everything has been hastily rearranged. You notice and set eyes are a little bit wider, a little bit more dirty than before, a bit more alive and he's just going to turn to rains and just go, stay close and listen up.
Oh, what are you guys into, Sir? What is this? Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. You, of all people, are gonna wanna know about this. Alright. Colour me intrigued, fine. Colour you what? Intrigued. What does that mean? You mean them intrigued. What comes to that? I like taste it. It's more of a mauve, I believe. Intrigued is a... Did you buy mauve to high? Uh, no. Green. Oh, shit. I thought I was literal. But, uh...
Where did we go? Shit, oh. There is just one light at the far end of the room, and six figures in, from this distance, they just look like they're in dark clothing. Fuck, that's ominous. They are armed, you see. Swords, they're not primed. There are bows, there are arrows. These individuals are equipped with light armors, but they are about 100 feet away from you.
Oh, this is a big room. It feels bigger than what we were in here earlier. Just don't do anything or say anything stupid. Just let me do a bit of talking and if I look confused or don't know what I'm doing, I'll ask for some help.
Everyone will check. Was the bits about not saying anything stupid looking at

Prophecy and Hidden Meetings

Nick's? I was looking at anyone. Nick's is just going to reach over and just put his hand in yours. In your ear. You've got this. And then cast guidance. Wait, you put what in my wear?
It's very late and my words are tripping over each other Nick's puts his hand in yours just softly and whispers in your ear You've got this. Sorry, and then he cast guidance. Oh, thank you. Right? You got this
Oh, flipping hell. That's how you cast guidance, finger in the air. Thank you. Is that a D6? So you touch one willing creature, if you're willing. Once before the spell ends, the target can roll a D4 and add the number rolled to one ability check of its choice. It can roll the die before or after making the ability check. The spell then ends. How long does it last? It's a concentration by me. One minute. For one minute.
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. And he's going to walk up. So you head towards these figures. As you get a bit closer, one of them just casts light and eliminates this space. They separate and there is a chair at a table with a figure who just sort of turns around, sat at that table.
He's lounged back. Despite their sort of intimidating presence of the armed individuals around you, this individual is not armed. He's slouching back. I'll demonstrate that for all your eyes. I don't know what that looks like. He's lounging back. One hand extended on a table is just doing that motion of tapping all fingertips in a rhythmic fashion whilst waiting for you to approach. This figure, his face is shrouded.
revealing no facial features whatsoever, hood up, but waiting for you to approach. Okay. And so, yeah, Seth would quite quickly, knowing a little bit about guidance, walk quite quickly up to it and sit down quite quickly. Reigns is going to follow if he was told that he especially would. Okay. Sparrowhawk? Seth? Oh, I know.
It is good to see you. It is good to see you. You trust your new company, I take it. Absolutely. Welcome, friends of Seth. Please take a seat. Is that our name? Friends of Seth? Is that like a crew name? A dendron party name? Friends of Seth? I think he just knows my name. He doesn't know your name. Don't ever think he'd just sit down. Oh, sorry. Okay.
Oh, they're chairs. Wow, I wasn't hating on it. Yeah, it's a big round table, lots of chairs. Everyone will sit. Yo, I'm going to sit next to Seth. You needn't be alarmed that the muscle behind you, it's there to protect me, not harm you. Obviously.
Nick's flex is plus zero strength, minus one strength actually. In fact, when Nick's flex is, his muscles go down. Cartoon style. Cartoon style. Seth's going to give you like a little elbow. Look, I trust Seth with my life. And if he's saying you're trustworthy yourselves, then I have no reason to fear you. I mean, he just lingers on Seth as he says that. Seth nods.
I'll answer your questions in a moment as I bet you I can guess the first one is who the fuck am I. My name is Sparrowhawk. It's not obviously the name I was given at birth, but it's the name that you will know for now. I represent an organization known as the Winged Watch. As in winged. Winged. Yeah. W-I-N-G-E-D.
Danny, I of course did remember that but I decided to be like Wind Watch. Thank you for vocally checking in on me. Of which Seth is also a valued member. It is unlikely any of you have heard of us before. If you have, I would be worried.
Before I begin, something was uttered moments ago that is alarming to me. It is alarming to me for a few reasons, one of which is not many people on Aerith know that phrase at all, and how is it
Those words were able to be uttered out of your lips. There are members of my organisation that do not even know this particular phrase.
Corel, as my reports understand it. Reputation precedes me again, yes. He spoke it, I believe, and he turns to his other side to where Rains is. I believe, Rains, you were first learnt of the expression. This is Hadao, Rains of Shadowmend. Yeah, that's me. We picked up that those words
A few days ago, we don't know what they mean, and we certainly won't be banding them around really nearly again. Sir, if you see now how to cast silence right now.
Sorry? You know how the cast of spells sounds, right? Oh no, I picked the wrong one. It's such a deafness and blunt. Brilliant. We may be banding them around again then, because unfortunately Seth here who had the means to make sure we didn't do that is... I'm sure Nix understands how much they mean now and won't be banding them around for long. You are Emron. That is correct. You're... The parents of this creature, then.
Fucking alpha. Act description, I believe. This one is new. I have no information. Left out again. Bart, he's come from Shondralica with us. And what is Shondralica? The one who told us the words. A dragon. In the desert. Sparrowhawk's eyes fall upon you, Seth. A dragon.
That is interesting. Just sort of, Seth didn't come down to meet the dragon in case that gets me into trouble. You saw a dragon. A few of us did, yes. You laid eyes upon and spoke with a dragon. A very well-spoken one, yes. Interesting.

Debating the 13th Kingdom's Prophecy

Dragons have not been seen.
Unchained. For quite some time, this is alarming. Clearly you've not been to Goldview recently, because there seems to be quite a frequent occurrence there. I have not been to Goldview recently, regretfully, no. We were there when the dragon attacked. I understand. He takes a moment before he compiles his next words after hearing that.
We'll talk more on that momentarily. You are invited to a gathering. My organisation is meeting in Scorchhill in two weeks time.
Seth, I need you there, and I understand that you are now embedded within the fates of these five, so I invite you. No, I implore you to help. I need Seth and something else taken to Skort channel. I am willing to pay you for your time if coin is what you wish. If you wish to be part of something far greater, that invitation will be extended to you also.
What is your purpose or objective? I assume it's something to do with sleep diet. Maybe, maybe we let Seth talk. He said we're here with him. It's okay, I know what their purpose is. I'll just say it and I'll give you what I want to talk about. Everyone's ignoring next. You're the reason why we're here. I know, just let him talk, let him ask her the question, okay? He wants to know which to feel important. I'm not willing to tell you our purpose yet, though. The invitation to our meeting all will be revealed.
Does... Uh, Seth, you said that I would particularly be interested in this. Perhaps while we're sat at this table, you could tell me why this is of particular interest to me. Yes, Seth. Why would you say such a thing? Is this something to do with Alan of Sleep Guy? Who? Alana. Helena. I'm sorry. I have not used- Alana, yeah.
This has nothing to do with the royal family. The ripples in which we create are more... worldly. Erith. Erith is what we are looking at. Erith is what we are seeking answers for. One Kingdom
One kingdom does not mean all to us. I ask again, Seth, why would Prince Rains Haddow be interested particularly in this?
I may have spoken out of terms, but I only spoke that he is an effluent man and powerful man. And you know, you also, you know, powerful part of the organization and just, I could, I could have his
You know, what do you call the geopolitical machinations? He knows quite a lot about that, so I thought maybe his expertise might come to the fore, and he's fidgeting at this point and sweating, so like that. Yeah, insight check. Who? Seth, you heard about Seth, go for it. Seth, make out of perception or deception, set the DC for us, but don't tell us which one. Okay, that is... Don't pick your base.
Do I still have guidance at this point as you've been waving? I would have been more than the minute, yeah. The reason why I sat next to him is so when I know that that minute's gone... That's why I specifically sat next to you. He's in a pretty obvious spell. Yeah, I mean, yeah.
At nine. Nine. 11. Okay, Seth, will you reveal if you're trying to hide something? Yes, he's trying to hide something. Do you get the sense that Seth's put himself in a bit of a corner? Okay, there's clearly something that I'm privy to, that I'm not supposed to be privy to, and that there's something here that clearly is of interest to me. Look,
I've had my feel of intrigue and curses and words that we should say

Secretive Operations and Prisoner Transport

and shouldn't say in dragons and yet you name it someone just tell me what it is you want from me. Very well.
This is an invitation to join us in Scorch Helm. I can't say much more than that because I don't know much more than that. Our greater purpose is kept from us on purpose. So if we are ever discovered, there is no unified thinking, but now it is time for that unified thinking. So I invite you to join us in two weeks hence. Now,
This object in the sky has appeared recently. I'm curious what your thoughts are. What do you believe it to be? I have my suspicions.
it looks like it's been made, it looks like it's something of an iconic disposition, which makes me think that if it's made of some form of metal or it's made of some form of reflective substance that has been put up there and there's only one type of magic that could make that sort of thing happen, then that's artificery. Now artificery was, at least to my knowledge, until a few days ago,
not known outside of the kingdom of shadow men, yet here it is in the sky in Dralak, if indeed that is the case. So there's my cards on the table. It's not only in the sky in Dralak. This thing is in the same position wherever you are in the few places in Eryth. We have information. Hence being bigger than one kingdom, right? Hmm. I had a dream from a leader about a desk in the sky. I don't have time for that.
So you seem open to what I was saying, that someone's put it there. Yes, not religious nonsense. Okay, well the other history ain't about no religion, but it is about bigger, iconic abilities. The fact that you're still listening to me and you haven't shut me down like you do them around means that you think I'm on some form of correct trajectory. Is that fair to say? Well you are, it could be.
I don't know. We don't have the answer, but I'm willing to entertain ideas of knowledge rather than ideas of religion. We don't have time to consider the abstract. We have to think about what is the most likely solution. And while I agree with the idea that perhaps something has placed it there, we can't look past this idea of the prophecy that everyone on Aerith continues to talk about. What do you know of the prophecy of the 13th Kingdom?
I hadn't heard of it until the other day. They only know what I've told them, Sparrowhawk, or what I could remember. Sparrowhawk clicks his fingers and one of the, let's call them the guards, produce a scroll that puts it on the table for your all to read, and it reads the following.
In the realm of Erith, where kingdoms lie, 13 shall rise beneath the azure sky, when their banners flutter proud and tall, the fate of nations shall heed the call. In days of old, the sages foretold a prophecy woven in stories untold.

Ecrusca's Influence and Power

When Erith's kingdom's number 13, unity shall reign a world serene.
From mountains high to oceans wide, Through forests deep where secrets hide, The realms shall gather hearts entwined, A tapestry of fate divined. Though strife may grip with iron hand, And shadows loom across the land, Thirteen crowns shall break the night, Guiding all towards the light.
Zahed the words of ancient law for destiny knocks upon the door when ereth kingdoms number 13 the world shall be one a realm pristine Is what it reads I remember the beginning bit but that Didn't remember the end we've discovered there is another verse another verse that is hidden from most
contemporary retelling of this. The verse is known by few. I depart here to locate it. The hidden verse completely subverts the meaning of peace that we are all expecting. That much we know. This will be one of the things presented at our meeting in two weeks. I have a question.
Please, Corel. Ah, thank you. Your lordship. I bear no title. Oh, King. Savvy. If there's... Is this...
telling of 13 kingdoms. Steph said that the 12th was meant to be the blight and from what I know that failed. So how can this come into light?
literally. The blight was, yes, people expected that perhaps this would be named the 12th Kingdom. That was part of the worry when it started. In actual effect, it never came to be. Instead, the Heral Empire, which has been engaged in civil war by diplomacy
Roth, Hawkesplitter has agreed a truce and they are to be Heral East and Heral West. We have our 12 kingdoms. That word is slowly spreading. It hasn't really reached Nickran, but the news will be here soon. That Seth's head is in his hands and he's kind of, yeah, covering his eyes, looking, hands on the table, elbows on the table, just, yeah, covering his face.
are, well, Erith now numbers 12 legitimate kingdoms, the 13th, the next kingdom will be destiny fulfilled, so the prophecy says. So the act of peace brought around possible destruction? We do not know. We know there are 12, the prophecy says the 13th one will be there. And when that peace, which I assume came under a treaty,
happened is that when two moons appeared yes oh the very night that treaty was agreed this thing appeared in the sky and as it did erith seemed to awaken so
And again, forgive me, I'm very naive, but what's stopping, if we're aware that this 13th kingdom is coming, if we just created a nation of ourselves and we became the 13th, does that subvert what the prophecy has been for saying? Just put an out there. We could be like, land Seth. Unless that's what the prophecy wants people to do.
Land reigns? The problem with prophecies is that from my understanding is that as many people can interpret a prophecy, 10 people could read a prophecy and see everything in 10 different ways. You said something about a door in that prophecy, there was something in there about a door that I miss hear you. It's written on a parchment in front of you.
Yes, so heed the words of ancient law, for destiny knocks upon the door, when ereth kingdom's number thirteen, the world shall be one around pristine.

Devil's Curse and Group Dynamics

Raines will read that, and then will then just say to himself, find the promise, find the door. The door could be a metaphor. Aye, none lie words. Ye enders. Oh.
Clearly there's something in the prophecy that you are resonating with. It means nothing to me. Okay. Okay. I'm now taking you folks at your words, despite my own misgivings, about this being of particular interest to me. So let's talk about what it is that you need to get into Scott Hill. And then I'd like to circle back to this conversation with a dragon. But yes,
My route, as I say, is not going to be a direct one. I cannot help you in what I'm asking you to do. I need you, and you are not going to like it, Dragonborn, at all. We have been following you for a number of weeks, and as I understand it, not even a number of weeks, for a number of days since you entered. You haven't been in favor of the Eprisca. I need you to park that for a time.
I need you to escort an Acrisca prisoner from here to the capital, along the Red Shale Road. That is the road that leads from here to the capital. The cart itself is containing someone incredibly important to our organisation that the Acrisca currently hold captive.
They will know if there is any attempt to break that person out or the cart sabotaged. We, under the guise of a mercenary band belonging to Vossen, have secured a contract for courier. You will present this contract at the toll house where the prisoner escort is waiting and you will take it along the road. It sounds simple enough.
but you'll need to disguise yourself as someone for a company who will not alert suspicion when moving a slave. The prisoner's a slave? In their eyes, yes. Who's the prisoner, do you know? I am not willing to share that. It is someone I know and it's someone I care for.
It's not someone we might know, is it? I don't know. Is it a plant? Like, did you put the prisoner there? Is this a ruse? Is this just a way to get you, like... No. This individual was captured trying to do something for us. What happened to the individual when they reached their destination in Scorchhelm? Well, this is where you come in. Oh, shut up. Sorry. Before you get to Scorchhelm,
Members of our operation will meet you on the road. They will ask you what your cargo is and you must reply the following. Crude mud iron from the north. You must expect to hear back the following words. Don't you mean blood iron?
If anyone asks you what your cargo is, you respond as such, and you do not hear those words. They are there for the prisoner. This prisoner is wanted by many organisations. It's not a person called Marauder, is it? No. Not this broken tusk you've been travelling with. OK. Because I know she's been here recently. We haven't seen her. OK.
So the aim is, we take this prisoner from the Upcrisker, we have to convince the Upcrisker that we are the designated couriers. Yes, sell yourself as slavers, the rich-backed swords, or the sand vipers, that shouldn't arouse too much suspicion. Okay, well, what if I was to tell you that there are certain members, and you'll know this, of my family who are known to travel the world, working with slavers, and that if you give me some of those five robes, I can just as easily impersonate one of them.
You haven't been home in a while, crown prince. What's that mean? The abciscra have embedded themselves in all twelve kingdoms of Eryth. They occupy Slica, they run one-third of Dralak. They are the negotiating agents for both sides of the Heral Empire that now coexist. They are everywhere.
Your face is incredibly well known to them. And they know any Shadow Mendian who appears in Western Aerith is you. And they will be looking with such suspicion. Your best bet is not to declare that allegiance. Good to know. Don't let me talk to any of Krisker in this deal. Or fancy rows that brought engines yourself.
Well, as much as I would like to wear the fancy robes. In this case, I'm inclined to agree. Yeah, we don't need those anymore. No. Your least suspicious route is to behave like slavers. That's what the abcriska will be expecting. Do we got to act like abcriska? Not abcriska. We've got to act like mercenaries. They've hired, the abcriska will hire us. To take care of a slave. We are not abcriska, not again. To deliver the slave.
They do this because they know on the road that you are likely to be ambushed. You are likely to be attacked. So on the road, Sparrowhawk.
We only hand over the cargo. Sorry, the prisoner. To our Lord, when they say, what are you carrying, we say crude mud iron from the north and they must respond, don't you mean blood iron? Correct. If they respond with anything else, we kill them, right? Correct. Unless they look like humble farmers that are purely just saying what's in your box. But yes,

Preparation for the Journey

Okay. Okay.
This person is only alive currently because they are in an abcisca stronghold. You said that if we try to break the prisoner out, obviously they will know. How will you... We have other means, I assume, of getting this person out. Yes. This is a prison. We have individuals of talent at the other end who will do this extraction. You are not to attempt it. That cart is rigged. Should you try and tamper with it? Boom.
Right. Hey look, Seth looks to the others. Oh, um, we should probably ask about payment. Payment? Well, someone might need some money just to buy a couple of bits to look the part. Spare a walk. You may have a stipend, sure, but this is, under no illusion, this is not a job offer.
You're being invited to save the world from something... incredible. Seems like the sound of stuff that we've been moving towards lately, so why not? We're going scorch helm anyway. No, I meant to save the world bit. Well, yes, I got that, Emerald.
We've still got some issues to work out a little bit in terms of cohesion, Sparrowhawk, but Seth's going to look to each of the people in turn. I've got hope.
We should get equipped, ready for the road. When does the cart leave? I can make it ready as early as tomorrow morning. I can give you the day. If you need longer, you must let me know now. I did. Could I assume that the threat to get out of here before the day was done is from what we had from here just a minute ago is negated and we can let you stay here till tomorrow morning without getting killed? Do not utter that phrase again in Snake Run and you should be fine.
Dearly noted, no one is to say. Yep, don't even go there.
Can Nick's look across the bar and get a read on what your temperament is, Derek? How you sit in your general... Because this is a big deal for you and I just want to get a visual read so it's not going to be too in depth. Just on like, are you sitting butt clenched? Are you trying to put on some sort of cool act? Like just a... I just need to...
Gaze at you. Feel you. Can't read on your temp. Do you look like you can't believe it? It's jaw-dropped again. No, no, no, he's not. June's tits off. I think if you were watching him the whole time,
It's ever since they mentioned your name specifically and said that you're going to have to be travelling with Obcisko. Oh, okay. So it was just the mention of that. Yeah. And then the conversation.
Yeah, Nix doesn't have a big stake in this. I don't think they sent us out, they said we had to park our disagreement with the Obciska, rather than actually, we're not travelling with them, are we? No, I read, well, I can ask, hey, Sisperoak, was it with the Obciska? You'll be taking the prisoner off them. That's what the Obciska are, and in... They don't travel the road and sacrifice any of their number, and I'm sorry to put you in expendable position. That's fine, we can deal with it.
I think you can. So we're not travelling with them, we're just doing a job fake for them and then stealing a prisoner from them to save the world. So we're not doing any work for you, Kriska.
Correct. But we are pretending to and then fucking them over. Big time. In one way, burning their resources in metaphorically. Burning them and he purposely says that and looks to always fall. So back to Nick's original thing. He would have tensed up but it would have been from before that moment.
Yeah, there was something mentioned earlier on in the conversation that's not necessarily sat too well with Baal. But yeah, I mean, if you're properly taking him in, relatively tense, you'll probably see a similar twitch that you've seen before. Not trying to let on, not kind of arguing against, but yeah, there's something that's been mentioned that made him a little uncomfortable.
Okay. There is another thing. We need to talk about your arms and looks over to Baal when he emphasizes the plural. Oh yeah. How about that? That was a, yeah. How does he know about those? I don't know. I don't know.
You haven't been sending messages. No. Is this the curse that Oat was talking about then? Yep. Hope's one of ours. Fucking word. She's contracted, it's impossible to actually get her on the stuff. But, I'm sorry for the fortune you had to pay in removing whatever was there. Whatever is on your arm is dangerous.
Someone is watching, and we do not know who. I mentioned it was a devil. Fantastic work, Seth. Thank you. And he just rolls. I don't think we need to inside check that sarcasm. It's not our finest, my finest moment, but... In what? In what?
Moment in time, did you think that was a clever idea? I genuinely couldn't tell you. I was in a vulnerable place, things had changed very quickly. We were both taking advantage of actually, weren't we? Yep.

Devil Deals and Group Roles

The group we were stationed with, as you know, were totally destroyed by this lock, much more powerful and apart from Captain Yor, only know about Captain Yor, right?
He turned into this weird spider beast thing. I don't know this. Well, Captain Yor turned into some weird spider beast. Like some kind of, whether it was infernal or... Arms erupted. It was something that was certainly unexpected. And then she disappeared. So that happened.
Dragon eggs were recaptured. Then they went and saw a real dragon. I was not invited. You saw a dragon? I did not, so I don't know if they actually turned the truth. Someone here, you laid eyes on a dragon. Well, he... Bal used to work... Thank you, Seth. Sorry. Bal used to work for the dragon. Thank you, Eso.
Bellum, you can't hear. Could you imagine? Click boom. I think I just killed everyone. Nick stands up, Mike Jobs walks out. I killed Nick to myself. I think I just murdered him. And this is Shondralikov. I'm remembering that correctly. Remembering from where? Earlier conversation. This conversation, excellent.
There's no point. We might as well. These four could try and help save Aerith itself. Let's just stop with this secrecy bullshit and just put our cards on the table and actually be honest with each other for one fucking time. Oh, you say so, Emron. You say these guys are trying to save Aerith. Well, lo and behold, Seth and I have these on our arm with the exact same fucking promise. Good! Some truth at last!
Just about that. Just return as Nix looks up at the table. Hope works for you. Maybe hope can get rid of the curses for them. If they're so integral. She said she's spent subcontracts. She's not on their staff. I mean, I'm trying to do something.
She did say that it wouldn't be possible with these traces. Whatever they are, they're not mere curses. There's more to them. You've got yourself in some deep shit, boys. So what is it you two agreed to? We agreed. Look, we gained a boon, or we would gain a boon, and we have to keep you all alive. It is literally your lives. Well, three of your lives. And this was with Prago? Three of their lives, and once Prago.
Prego is what must be the devil person we met.
A wood elf with a rear ear with a skull on it, carries around a lute, quite powerful in magics, is clearly more than just a simple wood elf. Sorry to address the elephant in the room as well, just till we get the complete picture free of our lives, but there are four of us. Yes, that's right. One of you is absolutely fucking worthless. Three of you have got something massive to do in some sort of destiny-style way, so there you are. And you don't know which one of us is that quite fucking worthless. I mean, it doesn't take...
Someone's smart to figure that out. There's three of you from Shadow Mend that started this trip together, and there's one guy who's not. Yeah, but I don't think anything with this person is ever as straightforward as it seems. You all saw that thing we call Brego. Nothing was just what it seems. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. What happens if you fail? Not that you would fail. What happens if someone goes and kills themselves?
What happens to you guys? We don't. I assume something with our soul, eternal damnation. Well, you said that when I was knocking on death's door the other night? I felt basically your curse on me, so... So the responsibility will transfer? If Bargh dies, I get...
All of it. So just make sure I've got this fully clear. One of the four of us dies and you've got a three and four chance of something terrible happening to you as well. Yeah, but this is on the premise that this is something that a devil wishes to happen. At the time we thought maybe this is just a folk we didn't like the sound of. We wanted to ingratiate ourselves with you. It sounded like it worked in our favour and in your favour.
So we wanted us to do something? No, no, no. Nothing nefarious. This is the thing. The promises that were made were not to anyone's detriment other than our own. What did he ask you? To keep you alive. So clearly there's something that we're going to do or might do that is beneficial to him. Not all of you. No, not what. But the point is that there is something
about all of this or not about all of this that is beneficial to it. Was it a cool boon? Yeah. What did you receive for this? We haven't yet. What will you receive? I hope it's good. Please say it's good. It's gotta be good, right? I picked something that was useful for my cause, which is to help Erith. It was a battalion of soldiers. Cool. But now, thinking about it, it's like I'm gonna be a fucking battalion of some
Don't question it, don't question it, it's happened. Fiend, fae, devil, army. Well now we know it's a devil deal, you'll probably get a fucking graveyard, Seth. Oh my god. But I mean, that's the land you can plant stuff on, and it'll be fertile. What were you... Witch of minerals. Promised, Seth. That's Seth. Oh, I just told you. You're not listening. Get a graveyard for attention. Bart's gonna take in the room, be looking at the Sparrowhawk as well.
This point right now? I'd rather not say. Oh, yeah. With odd information at all. It's not necessarily that. It's just that this person in front of us, this all-knowing person that seems to know every single

Trust, Unity, and Strategic Engagement

thing about every single one of you, doesn't know too much about me, doesn't know too much about Chandrala Khar, and therefore doesn't know too much more about anything else.
that is not relevant, perhaps, to any of you right now, and if I'm going to be passing on information that will potentially put more of my brethren in danger, then... no. I don't think now is the right time to show. I would just say, in Sparrowhawk's defence, he has been as honest as I am, honest. Everything he does know he's told us, everything he does not know he's told us he does not know. It was the same with Prago, Seth.
Is this, I don't know this prego. We have nothing on him. He is, he has been following us. He was there after we rescued the eggs. He was there before at Shrondrallaka. He's able to move around in very mysterious ways. His power is beyond anything of our ken. And when I was trying to get a read on him, he is certainly more than he appears.
Certainly this effect is indeed a deal with the devil. You certainly have infernal nature. Well, you have scuppered yourself. Here's how I'm saying things based on the discussion we've just had. Baal doesn't want to share. I don't actually feel as if Baal has to. I think what Baal said is actually completely fair. Seth, I thank you for what you have just given us here and
I suppose it's a question really of how much that we trust you and the answer to that is I want to trust you Seth and by extension I suppose I want to trust what I'm hearing here since you're putting such stock in man. Now we are going to scorch helm anyway that was always the plan it seems to me even if Bart is uneasy with this we have
On a macro level, a chance to bloody the nose of the acrisca and stop something that's potentially dangerous. Now, if you're lying and it's just that, well, we stuck our thumb up at the acrisca and we've already done that, so we may as well continue down that path. If, however, they are telling the truth, we're sticking our thumb up at the acrisca and we're getting involved in something bigger. So, for now, Seth, and for now, Sparrowhawk,
I'm willing to play ball. And that's because you said something very similar in that prophecy and that prophecy being important that was very similar to someone who traveled an awful long way to find me and gave their life in order to pass that information. Hmm, cards on the table. So I'm in.
Thank you, Blaine. Thank you. As with Ray, I was assuming to go along anyway, as well. There was no question about it. Do you know about... We were trying to rescue these eggs from the Acryscra. Do you know anything about that? They want something. They're building something huge with dragons. Is this all of the Acryscra or just part of it? We don't know. Their operation is insurmountable.
Two years ago, they numbered a hundred at best. Now they're quite easily the biggest force in the realm. That rise is unprecedented. Yes, it is. What we're trying to establish is obviously the risk we encountered when we were trying to help Baal and his people rescue the eggs.
We've now encountered two groups, both of which have acted very differently. The Quiskra are loved here. They provided a better life to much of Dralak's ordinary citizenship.
They are the least oppressive of its three rulers. They have built roads, built waterways. They have made people healthier. They have protected farmers. They have looked after sick individuals. They are revered, and all they've had to do is show good intentions. So it's possible that not all of them are evil and nefarious? I have a theory, but I am not. I am alone in thinking it.
They will adapt their behavior to suit the needs of each kingdom.
They occupied Sleet Guard with an iron fist, here with an open hand. Yeah, Seth, you're speaking about geopolitical issues. If they were to face an uprising in, say, Sleet Guard, where, as you say, they are not particularly well-liked, and the line of Sleet Guard is revered and is a source of hope and rebellion, having a more
cordial hand on the kingdom to the south could come in handy. So, I, from my own understandings of the Ecrusca room, from what I now fear is happening in shadow men, I think, I think it's more complex and their reach is far greater than the Sanguine Lands and Sleepguard and Dralak, I think. There's a lot I'm starting to piece together about the bigger puzzle, Seth, as you said.
Okay. The leader of our organization also believes that the chriscra aren't...
working against the best realms, best intentions of Erith. The leader of our organisation thinks they're actually trying to save it more efficiently than we are, that they have some sort of future knowledge and they are taking very drastic measures to protect us from perhaps whatever is in the sky, perhaps whatever is coming next. Their methods are perhaps a bit more ruthless than your own. But they are hidden and we cannot tell.
So, we've got a day to get ourselves ready to transport this. Or longer if you need. I reckon we're gonna need a day, everyone's gonna look to the group. We need to get the rest of our stuff, we need to get another cart for ourselves. This, the prisoner, are they being transported in a, is it a cage, is it a container with sides concealed, you know?
We are running ops on that this very evening. I expect it will be a prisoner transport unit. I'll know more in the morning. Yes, essentially a box and a horse. So we'll probably want to cut of our own to be able to keep up a decent pace and not exhaust ourselves. Seth, you've indicated you're the most experienced of us for transportation, so I assume.

Final Preparations and Departures

that that sounds about right. What we could do is the place to get it from us next to where we're going to be the business. Always best to go there then. Where? To get our own awesome car as well. That's right next door to the hotel. Seth obviously can't walk up there.
No. Would you? No. Unless you can disguise yourself again. Yeah, I could do that. Yeah, that's fine. I'm going. You must behave like one unified unit. You need to appear like mercenaries. But do we all need to go and collect? You play that out. I will not tell you how to make your own toast. I think it's probably best for us not to all go, to all ease attention.
Oh, I know the most about them. I'll go pick up a good one and bring what we need. And then we can find a place to meet up and get the dress on and prepare ourselves and then into this scene. And he looks towards Nick's because he makes a theatrical reference. And to the scene is, you know, as a group, a mercenary.
Our own mercenary group, or are we joining on with the... I think we have to go by the name of... You need to be one of Austen's and one of the ones that the Prisca will be expecting to move human well. He isn't human. Well, we've already got the orange and...
Your best bet is the Ridgeback swords. Or the sand vipers. Perhaps the Mirage Brotherhood, though you need to look a bit more like stock magic abusers than you currently do. There seems to be a lot of sand vipers here. It might be much easier to pass with one of them. Or... Didn't we encounter some of the Ridgeback swords? Or we encountered sand vipers on the way into the... No, I'm meaning... sleeker. Oh yeah, we did. That's true. We did?
That was a sad question, no I didn't. We did. Not on the previous day. I know, I know. We did. Take the hint guys, take the hint. Okay. Did you grab any of this stuff? I did grab one of their unicorns. Okay, we could use that as a template and see if we can get some more made. Yeah, could we, is it possible to get that duplicated in a short amount of time?
He won't tell us. He gives us the mission we just saw. No, but we're sitting in a cloth shop. I assume they have resources. No, it's not a cloth shop. Look around him. I have the means of... Well, there's enough of us here who have the means of disguising ourselves that if we have a template, enough of us, I'm sure. Only one of you need be the mouthpiece to this. This is true. Manage this. I don't need to micromanage. Okay, so we've got some form of a plan.
I think Seth should wear the, not Seth, sorry, I'm Seth, I think Nick should wear the armour and be the mouthpiece. I agree. Because that one then, that one is, we're not, it's not a mirage if anything happens, it gets touched, it's not gonna break it. It truly won't, it won't, the illusion won't break and it won't be something that someone can perceive through. And I'm sure he can, and he's looking directly at Nick's. I'm sure he can get into character. You did this once before, Nick's in Goldview, to help us get him rolled back. I'm sure he wouldn't shout that phrase again, would you?
Would you? Nick's. Would you? Nick's looks up as if he's kind of checking his brain. I don't know. Yeah. If you guys think that I can do it, I don't, I don't know. I, I, I. I've seen you do it, Nick. Maybe one of the, the shadow mend lot. I feel like that's maybe there's a strong link there. I don't know. Shut up and take the armor.
You're doing it. All right. Okay. Cause you know, I got this. Next puts two thumbs up. You just got it. Like if they talked, you got to say a few words. It's just, you're better at talking than most of us. Yeah. Yeah. Good words. Cool. Uh, look, right. Do what you need to do.
Seth, I'll arrange for some money for you when you leave. You will not see me again for two weeks. I got one more question. Yes. Hope. Yes. What does she fucking hate?
What really gets under her skin? You know her, you've worked with her. Just what's just like the worst drink possible or like food that she really fucking hates or like, I don't know, maybe a bug or an animal or something. Are you trying to get revenge? My reason's my own. I just wanted to ask a question.
There are people insurmountably more powerful than you in this world, Nix Carell. There's a lot of people that's more powerful than me, but that hasn't stopped me. I suggest you leave this one alone. I've never been good at that. She has a penchant for murder. So she likes it? She doesn't like it when people don't get killed. No.
Look, this isn't, this is below me. Just, I don't care. I care very little for this view. So let's go. I think we've taken up enough of the Sparrow Hawks' time. Listen. Would you agree? I think we'll do it. Before you depart, and I appreciate the information that you've just had to try and process. When we see each other, I will make means to contact you when you reach Scorch Helm. You need to lie low, or lie as high as you want. You got any Keltrad?
Let him finish that. Time and place, Carell. I need you to move with discretion. I need you not to talk about what we have discussed here outside of your own company. Those words that phrase you know is sacred is what we use to communicate between our number. Be really, really sparing with how you use those.
falls into the epocryphal hands, well then we are compromised. There are only a number in our organisation who know that phrase, and now all of you, and that is a number far too many for my liking. But I thank you for your time, but I appreciate your
hesitance to share information until you understand this more thoroughly, and I agree with your means. But we will ask you in this meeting to tell us more about Shondralakar. Why? The lost verse, the dragons, this thing in the sky,
Everything is coming to a head since the Blight ended. Devils making pacts. Creatures trying to fill the void from the Blight's chaos.
We are on the brink of something big. And we do not know the dragons, our friend or foe. We do not know their role in this wider story. We do not know why the Acrisca are intent on stealing their young and converting them to their bidding. We need to know
Do those dragons willingly wish to help us? Wish to protect Aerith from something else? Are they the greater danger? We are the winged watch. We watch for those who we know very little about. And you seem to know something. And we would greatly appreciate you giving that willingly. I'll have my decision in Scorchham.
Know that we are putting Aerith first, truly, and visibly, not what the CRISPR may or may not be doing. Something big is coming. Keep an eye on that thing in the sky. Try and remain on the same page as each other. You've made quite a stir the last couple of days in not being on the same page, as I understand.
We are the winged watch. You are one of us now. We are the winged watch.
He stands, he nods, and gestures for you all to leave. Is there anything you'd like to say or do before you do? I'd stand quite curtly and not give a salute, but there's a stiffness in his gaze as he knocks his head down a notch as a gesture of subservience and respect. And then I won't be making any silly mistakes.
In two weeks, and then he'll turn and start to walk, and kind of gesture to, with his head to everyone else to see the bedroom. Ready to nod and immediately follow Seth. Yeah, follow him out. It has been a pleasure, Mr. Hawk. How's the world? Follow. Forgot you were here. Well... Lingering... Lingering...
And then following. And then Nick says the word. Nick says, you are the last person to make a move. What do you do? Take up my hat with a flourishing bow. We are the wing men with a cheeky, cheeky wink. We got this. And then turn on my heel and walk out. Boots going. And as you bow,
The smell of brine fills your nostrils. You look up and you just see behind Sparrowhawk, the silhouette of a spider and emblazoned on the back wall. Three, the number one who watches the skies.
And this purple luminescence just around Sparrowhawk for a moment. And that is where we're going to end this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. I've just read the collection. I'm used to this. Fuck me. Shit, I've just made that connection too fast. Yeah, I've just made that connection. Well.
Ian, speechless. Thank you for tuning in, listening, making this party every day week. We love you for it. If you wanted to follow us on the Twitters, we have a collective one, which is App Fellowship, David. And if you want to follow me.
individually I'm so sorry for yawning it's been a it's been a long but very awesome recording session and it's 20 past two three four five this is a sixth episode in a row we've done in one day we've done a old school as we said like a month ago we've done an old school kind of in-person recording session and yes it's the culmination of it yes
But I'm at iWorld1. Mark's at... Hey, she's the world TM. Will is at... Natural21. Will is at... Darn it up. Darn page 6. Callum is at... TheD20Gamer. And Big Dick Danny is at... Total Party Thrills. Until next time, guys!