Introduction and Claude's Motivations
you know you leave a symbol of your master there people are going to say why is the symbol of your master there and you'll be like well i left it to uh with drug on his way why where did drug go well you see i wanted him to go on a journey well why did you do that clod that's what will happen you do an excellent clod
Welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are a live play 5e D&D podcast set in the magical, mystical home-brewed world of Erith. My name is Mark and I am the Dungeon Master. And also with us for today's episode, we have... Darren, who plays the human fighter, Rogue Robin. A home-brewed? I'm enjoying that. We've got Danny, who plays the human cleric, Claude. Bonjour, mon ami. We've got Casey, who plays the human champion, Helen, a sleep guard.
Hello, how's everybody doing? We've got Folly who plays the human, no, the Folly who plays, no, oh shit, I've never thought about that. Callan who plays the gnome sorcerer, Folly Fizzlebang the ninth. Hello. And we have Will who plays the human bard, Karstan.
Didn't remember, I think we're missing someone. Oh well, can't be anyone important.
Recap and Resting in the Forest
Nah, let's move on with it. Of course, Drago, Ian isn't going to be in this episode because of what has transpired in the previous two episodes, which we're going to do a little bit of catch up on as we move forward. We will be welcoming back at some point, maybe, if he picks it out.
alive, we'll see. Anyway, on last the last week's last last week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, we managed to make our way through the forest into a declaring feeling chased, but followed, panicked by the Criscra, the magical FBI, so to speak, that are hunting down Claude the heretic and this group that are now wanted in the city of Goldview and across Sleetgard. They managed to make their way into a safer area of the forest off the beaten track, off the road towards Goldview, but closer to Goldview.
before stopping for the night to regain some much needed sleep, spell slots and HP as well, after the incredibly gruesome and gruelling fight of the abcristor on the main road to Goldew. As the watches took place, everything seemed to be as normal and everything seemed to tick over as they normally do on a watch. Birds twerping, twerping, twerking, twerking.
I'm just ruined by an atmospheric build-up. Birds chirping as the sun slowly began to rise as our party slowly started coming to from their slumbers, from their rest, and all of a sudden we had the buzzing noise return and everyone started to
Drago's Disappearance and Cover Story Planning
notice this. The birds flew away, the air started to thicken, and these wisps of smoke coiled themselves round drag before
He disappeared into nothingness. And that is where we find ourselves. We find ourselves with Carstan and Robin, who are on the... Sorry. No, not Folly. Carstan and Claude, sorry. Yeah, I'll go to you guys. Wait.
We find ourselves on the last watch of the night with Carstan and Claude stood over the now empty space where a Drago was once laid. We find ourselves in the tiny hut which Carstan had set up. The sun is rising. It's a lovely, lovely day. Cloudless blue skies above you and the sun shining in over the true line just to your east. Claude and Carstan, you've just seen Drago disappear. What would you like to do?
well fuck don't be alarmed castan but claud um literally our dragonborn really big dragonborn you know really tall has literally just disappeared faded away gone poof he has gone somewhere more important why is more important than defeating the blight hmm no way's more important than defeating the blight there we go so where's he gone
You could say he's going to defeat the Blight. Oh, cool. I guess we can just sack this off then. We are on our path. We'll see Drago again. Oh, okay. I mean, should we wake everybody up to tell them that he's gone or... No.
Okay, I mean, what do we do? Do we say he went off for a walk in the woods and he'll be back later? Yeah, that'd be a good idea because otherwise people will get concerned. Oh, okay. Okay. Um,
Morning Planning and Rising Tensions
sure. Well, we'll say he's gone off to do something really important because you told him something really important. Okay. Yeah. I mean, just, just your curiosity picking your brain, um, who's going to take this worse?
Well, could the preacher with Robin found out he'd like just sprint off in a random direction expecting to be in Drago in like a mile or so? Robin already doesn't distrust me. So anything can I say, he will instantly move. Yeah, I feel like I diffused that one a little bit because I've got big plans with Robin in the morning. You know, he's after a real big favour and I'm willing to give it to him. So Robin might want to go find him. Helena might get all shrill and panic. She won't.
Okay, the princess needs to get to go view urgently. I believe that she's Yeah, yeah, she is concentrating on on that. I think if we just said that drago Wanted to just go ahead. He felt like it was a very overwhelming time and he just needed to walk it off I think that's all we have to say and everyone will be like, oh, yeah, that's what drago does. It's fine But won't everyone want to wait for him?
No, I was saying that he left her in our watch. He said, don't worry, I'm just going to go ahead to Goldview. You can find me at one of the places. OK. Sure. Let's go with that. Let's see how that goes. If anyone puts up a fight, Kastan, I do not want you to lie too much. Send them to me. Or we can do that thing where we make people forget things that you can do.
Well, no, no, no, no, I can't make people forget things. I can make people think things. Can't make people forget things. Sometimes you can talk so much that I forget why we're talking. And I have that ability too. Yes. Karstan has just gone for a morning walk. He said he's got something he wants to find out about, not Karstan. See, this is why I think we can lose them in the thicket that is our brain.
sure i think if yeah if we both talk at the same time and like mix our stories together then they'll be so confused and bamboozled that they'll just accept it yeah i remember what i said yesterday by the way thank you i i appreciate it don't worry i'll i will make sure that i get the princess into the city and then we'll work out where to go from there you're a good man thanks sorry that we ever doubted you
No, I'm sorry that there's still a little seed of doubt. I will try my best to pull that seed out. So we need to know the seed. I mean, I mean, hopefully the disappearance of Drago will distract people from remembering about that and it'll be fine. Yeah. Do you remember where I said that we should meet?
the two-headed orc and apparently there's a two-headed orc there as well yeah it honestly just point and laugh at it it's the best i find that if you point and laugh at an orc with any kind of visual deformity they tend to punch you
Not when you're wearing armour like mine. Yeah, but I don't wear armour like yours. You can wear armour like mine if you want. No, no. I haven't got anything other than the pajamas to wear and it might look a bit weird. No, I don't want it, it wouldn't fit me. Yeah. Oh, well, you know, maybe I'll be the point you're going to laugh in and you can just observe and enjoy. Yeah, sure. OK.
I guess we'll wait for the others to wake up then. Yeah, and I'll just go back to the place where Drago was lying and resting, and I'll just, in the ground, take a little bit of ash from my pocket and just mark out the symbol of Akiva in the ash.
Strategy and Doubts About Splitting Up
I already blessed him on his way, but to just leave a comforting message of support. I mean, isn't that going to sort of trigger a lot of questions?
like you believe that symbol there, people can ask questions. I'm prepared to answer them. Okay. I will not hide my faith anymore. I know you won't and I appreciate and that's great. Okay, let's just wait for people to wake up and see what happens. Maybe I'll just leave my shield over it.
I mean, it's up to you. I just think, you know, you leave a symbol of your master there. People are going to say, why is there a symbol of your master there? And you'll be like, well, I left it to Whisk Drag on his way. Why? Where did Drag go? Well, you see, I wanted him to go on a journey. Well, why did you do that, Claude? That's what will happen. You do an excellent, Claude. Honestly, it's like I'm talking in a mirror. Well, you see, sometimes that's what happens.
Karstan, I don't know, you should be making money on a stage somewhere. Like, you'd be brilliant. Yeah, I know. No, I want to speak to Karstan, please. But, but Tord, there is no Karstan. What? No. Sorry, Tord, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, I'm here.
I thought you were about to really screw with Claude then for a minute there, Karsten. And as you continue to have this kind of tat-tat-tat of Claude and Presiennados taking place, the sun continues to slowly rise. And out of the three of you, four, I almost forgot by Tally, out of the three of you, Folly and
Robin and Helena, who has the highest passive perception please? Just so I can take a gauge as to who would wake next. I feel like it won't be Folly. It's going to probably be Robin then I assume. Robin's a 12.
Yeah, but that is the highest. So as this conversation takes place, you slowly kind of come to out of a quite good slumber and you can hear to you what sounds like Claude having a conversation with himself. And as you turn over, you see Claude and Carstan stood in the tiny huts, having a very strange kind of Claude off conversation. Hello, Robin. Stop doing that. He want to know who's who. Sorry, Claude.
Morning. Hello. This is not Claude. This is Castan. Yes, I did use that much. Where's Drago? He's gone. He's just gone for a walk. He said he had to go take care of some business in Goldview. Is that what's happened? Yeah. Yeah. Morning. Would you like some breakfast?
Folly, would you like some breakfast everyone? It's time to wake up. Breakfast time. Folly and Helena and Tally at that shout has been awoken in the awkward silence as Robin stared into Claude seeing to trump here into his soul and get the right answers. Helena, Folly and Tally are slowly awoken up to the sound of Claude shouting. What's all this racket?
It's breakfast time. What's going on? What's going on? I believe that it is the morning time. We said yesterday that we won't be entering Goldview as a group of seven. So I thought maybe we could figure out Drago has already headed in because he wanted to be, you know, make sure that we reduced our number. What, he's left? Yes, he said he had to go in early. Something about spotting something or seeing something. What do you mean? What does he see? I don't know. He just said, I'm going to go into town. Please don't follow.
Yeah, nothing to do with that buzz that was accompanying him last evening, nothing to do with that at all, Claude. I don't know what you're talking about. He never would have left the party. No, he did. He knew that he was recognisable and with our plan to all go into Goldrune's smaller groups, he thought it'd be easy to go on his own.
We all agreed that we're going to meet back at the Double Ork Pub. Cast Dance is going to go with you, Princess, so you can get your Keltrap to wherever it needs to go next. I'm going to go show Folly and Robin entirely a good time. Right, okay.
I'm not sure about this plan at all. I do think it's wise for any one person to be left alone. He'll be absolutely fine. What's the worst that could happen? I think he's already there. He left at the start of our watch. He'll be there by now. I could send him a message. Just confirm he's there if you want. How will you do that?
Entering Goldview: Debates on Trust and Strategy
my god, I'm so sick of this kingdom, I am so sick of being on this plane of existence. Okay, there is one way to resolve my, what's the word I would use for it, my suspicions. Fuck it, let's go for suspicions.
Cast Zone of Truth on all of us and we'll get to the bottom of where he's gone. I don't mind it being cast on me, but then again, I don't have anything to hide. I think someone here does. Okay, I cast Zone of Truth. I don't. I actually cast Daylight. And this beam of light comes hammering down upon everyone and it feels almost like there's a second sun directly above you. If
okay so can i make an arcana check to see if i actually recognize that that's the wrong spell because i have seen zone of truth in action correct you can uh cast and you can if you want
Robin, you also, as you've seen both spells been cast and you have iconic ability, you can as well. Unfortunately, Helena, your knowledge of the arcane is very limited and therefore you wouldn't have got a clue either way, really. Tyler's also going to fully believe that Claude has cast Zone of Truth and is stood there going, yeah, that's fine by me, but just make sure you ask the right kind of questions.
Robin rolled a 10, so Robin is a bit more confused and more irritable than he was because he doesn't know if it's the right spell. He can't verify it. He's going to just glance around at the other casters, Tali first, who probably looks equally bemused by what's going on, and then turn to Folly as his last chance of getting any symbionts of what's going on. Folly, well did you Folly rolled a 22?
You are aware that when Claude was casting the spell, what usually is involved is a slight different semantic element to the spell, which Claude didn't actually cast. Therefore, you can discern the difference between daylight and zone of truth. You know the difference.
My name is Claude Castan. Is it true that you like to play your bagpipes? Yes, that is. There you go. Drago's gone for a walk. I would really like to get to Goldview. Princess' mother is in a very tricky situation, needs to get a Kel'Trav back. Are there any more questions?
I'd have one. This is funny. We'll walk into the tone of truth and say, would somebody care ask me if I'm a eight foot large red dragonborn with claws, teeth and a tail? OK. Are you an eight foot dragonborn with large teeth and a tail that's red? Yes, I am. How did you know?
Well, we all know with that age is going to stare at... Well, clearly, Folly, you've overpowered the zone of truth, which isn't really very nice of you. I mean, I've not overpowered the zone of truth. This is not the zone of truth. What do you mean? I'm telling you the truth.
I'm afraid it's not there, Claude. I don't know why you've casted a different spell, but I've seen your cast. What's going on here? We need to get you into Goldview very quickly, and in separate parties, because we can't travel as a group, because they'll know who we are. I think it's very important we get the Queen back in a good state of health, don't you? Goldheart! Hello. This is not the right spell.
I'm afraid this puts all the suspicion on you. I would like to know why you've cast the incorrect spell from what you said you was going through. I thought I cast the right one. I'm sorry. I'm sure. Please, the truth. Drago has got a rule. He's going to look very deep into Claude's eyes. He's looking upright as best he can into Claude's eyes. He's going to put his hand on his leg and say, you are my friend.
and i love you please tell me the truth drago has gone for a journey where to that's very important it's very important that he goes on we'll see him in goldfield i find it odd that i've traveled with drago for many years and i unfortunately it pains me to say it trust him more than i trust
the majority of the present company. He's also never expressed that he'd want to go for a walk. Well, that's not true. He told me about a time in the Osrin Islands where he just walked off because he disagreed with you. It seemed like what he was doing today, he just had something really important he had to go do and he just went for it.
Am I right in thinking that for whatever reason we are now keeping secrets from each other in this party regarding someone who I've travelled with long, long before the rest of you, someone whose fate is tied to mine in terms of him being in this kingdom, is tied to mine entirely's fate and for some reason
you are now withholding information as to where he's gone. Robin, Robin, if, if before you woke up this morning, could you say hand on heart that you trust Claude? Could you say hand on heart that you trust Claude before with this conversation started? Robin nods.
then I think in this situation, you need to believe in that trust. And if Claude says that he is going, that Drago has gone to do something important and has gone on a journey, then you need to accept that that is what has happened. Trust in your faith in Claude and trust that he has faith in Drago's safety.
Robin gathers his bag and he says, I think separate parties to Goldview in light of recent events. Sounds like a good idea. I agree. Can Folly will turn round and start walking towards Robin?
princess hopefully and I think the plan is that the guards won't detain you and I'll be able to pass myself off as a member of the someone from the sanguine lands and you know my family has not a lot of pull but at least my family name might mean something so we should be able to get in quite easily unobstructed we can deliver the keltrad we can find felstrop and we can meet the others
Well, this is my hometown. I don't suggest, well, I wouldn't have thought that I wouldn't be able to enter. And if you're with me... The guards think that you were kidnapped by a large group, so hopefully if it's just me and you, not many questions will be asked. Right, I see. Princess, might I make a suggestion that the Obciska are hunting, Claude, for whatever reason I'm not sure of? Well, we know the reason. It's because I worship the keyboard. That's very clear.
Wonderful. On top of that, you are surely known to them to have been travelling with a man from the Sanguine Lands. I do not think you entering Goldview with either Claude or Castan would be wise. They don't know I'm from the Sanguine Lands. Also, I think Felstrop left you with the Princess, so have you found him? We'd vouch for him. I mean, Felstrop just thinks that I'd left the bard where we found him.
I did tell him otherwise when I wrote to him. I will be able to pass myself off as whoever I need to to get in with Her Majesty. I need to travel to your Majesty. While I do believe it is wise to travel with the other two, you are more than welcome to join us on our journey. But you'll be arrested as people who have kidnapped her.
Why don't I lead and you follow a separate party behind? Then at least you will have eyes on me, I will know you're there and... I have means of getting into cities and ways of avoiding detection. I would agree with that. And do I? I think separately would be better because the last thing we want to do is be caught as a group
with Her Majesty the Princess. I'm not disputing separately would be better. I'm just suggesting that the Princess comes with me and Folly rather than going with you two. I would be happy to do that and like I said maybe I will lead that party and you will be behind me so. If you get caught though and Her Majesty even if you lead them they could they could say that they've used they've used magic on you. If you get caught sneaking in you may be captured
I wouldn't worry. Robin will then just give a wry smile and go, we're just going for a walk. The last thing we want to do is cause another fight and start killing the guards of Goldview. There'll be no killing the guards of Goldview. Let's just play it by ear. I don't think we can really plan up to its final string of the bow. Claude, what do you think? Well, I mean,
I was really looking forward to showing you all gold for you. There's loads I know that you'd find amazing. But if you want to go with the princess, it's really up to the princess. Charlie, I'll go show you a place with loads of cool books. Charlie's been sat down watching this conversation take place. And as you turn to her, she just lowers her head for a second, takes a deep breath and says,
Then the posters say they'd stop groups of seven. If Drago has gone for a walk, doesn't that just make us six? Yeah, but... If you say we're going to get caught, either way, I prefer to get caught together.
strength in numbers I'm saying smaller groups have a less the point is if we're a group of six we're still quite a large fairly you know conspicuous group whereas smaller groups would have a far better chance of going under their watch that makes sense I just I'd hate to see the back of some of yous well how about this how about this why don't why don't you all go together
I will go join, I'll head straight to the Hailstorm Surge camp and I'll just go in there and then I'll make my way to the city from there. Then you'll be a five and I'll just meet you at the Double Ork pub. Where's the camp? It's inside the cities, but I'll just branch off like before we get close and then you can go in as a five and then there's no rotund individuals and there's no dragons and then it's a group of five that looks very inconspicuous.
I mean, I mean, you know, I don't know, entirely lowers her head, puts her head in her hands again, not liking this whole situation. Let's get the princess in because it's important. Princess, we need to get that kilt trapped. I mean, yes, we are on a time restriction, really. I do need to make tracks. Perhaps we should, do we want to go in with the princess being the princess or do we want to try and disguise ourselves?
I won't be discouraging myself. But I mean, if Her Majesty removes her armour and just wears normal clothing, then in theory we could be any normal travelling group, albeit a bit of a misfit family, but it would still work. But, you know, a woman in heavy armour with flails could match the description of the princess.
It's a good point, Princess. Why don't we just... Why don't we just walk in like you own the place? Because you own the place. Shut up, Princess's cat. That's a good point, Princess. Why don't we just go in like you own the place? Because you own the place. As... Neuror? Neuror, as Neuror... What weaves her way in and around Robin's legs looking distrustful at Claude?
I suppose we can. And she starts to take off her armour. Tali stands up. All right boys, nothing to see here. You'll look away. You look away. I mean, Tali, you know you wear clothes under armour, right?
Oh, shit, do you? No, I didn't know that. Because the only person I've seen out of armour is Claude and, you know, he doesn't wear much under that, so I just assume... If you wore armour just on skin, it would chafe and pinch and be really uncomfortable. Yeah, that's not funny. I thought that's what was supposed to happen. I mean, maybe it's some sort of self-flagellants for you, but, you know... Just sort of adjusting different parts. No, flagellants.
I've never heard of that word before. Brilliant. Okay, so just to clarify, what's the plan? This is the end of the party, what's the plan? I think the plan, now everyone's been correct before, is that Helen is going to remove her armour and then we're not going, and we're going to pretend that we're just normal party and Helen is not Helena, correct?
Even if she's recognised that she'll be seen as the Princess, she doesn't look like she's been under capture or anything like that. She'll be moving like she is a free person as she is. The idea is that hopefully without the wee armour, we won't get looked at too closely. But if we do, Helena can reveal that she's Helena. I'm sorry, but I have to. I think this is OOC. Darren, at the moment, we're just clarifying with Mark what the plan is. Yeah. Yeah, Robin's not cool with that.
OK. Yeah, neither is following the stage. Right. That's not the plan, Mark. Disregard everything. You want us to implicitly walk into Goldview with you, and you can't even be honest with us about where Drago's gone. I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to enjoy the sights of Goldview if I can't trust the people who I'm there with. Well, I just told you that you need to have faith in... in... in what...
Claude is telling you, you need to... Why should I have faith in people when they can't have faith in me for the truth? That's well said.
Listen, I understand your frustrations right now, and I feel exactly the same, gentlemen, but I do think that there are more, well, for myself anyway, and in light of everything that we have faced so far, and for what we will be about to face, there are more important things at hand than Drago's whereabouts. And if Claude says that he has gone for a walk, if Carstan says that we should trust Claude's faith
In him, and in his safety, then I think that's what we should do. Just for now, we can think about this again when we... When we... Yes. When Drago rejoins us, you can ask him all the questions you want. It's not really Drago I have questions for at this present moment in time. It's present company and present company aren't willing to answer them. I think right now we need to stick together. I don't think a party split would be wise.
Helena, with all due respect, I will keep you in my eyesight at all times as best I can, but I believe it would be best if, for this journey at the very least, Robin and I were to walk somewhat further back from... Particularly if Broad is willing to make no attempt to hide his return to goal view.
which I find rather staggering given last night's occurrences. I'm not being hunted by the people of Goldview, that's my home and I'm a member of the search where they have a headquarters at. And you can say with confidence that the people who are hunting you won't have any reach in Goldview. They wouldn't attack me in Goldview. But what happened? But what happened if you...
But the letter from the Euchriska and the orders calling for people to rest was signed by the King. Yeah, I know, but it's my home. They wouldn't hurt me there. Helena starts to gather all of her bits up and she starts to make way for the door. I'll follow Helena. Are you coming? Of course, Princess, and I'll step up. Tylee's going to look conflicted. She's going to stand up and move towards the door, then look back towards Robin.
Tally, I think it's an error for us to march upon that city as a group that we are currently in. We were being hunted by very dangerous men last night and for whatever reason we're having the truth withheld from us this morning. I don't like it.
I don't blame you, Robin. I'd feel the same if I felt that way. I don't know if I'm missing something in this whole thing. She rolled a natural one, by the way. I don't know if I'm missing something, but I feel like I am. Listen, didn't that letter from, what's his name? The lad in Oasis. Yeah, that's the one. Didn't he, didn't that say something about meeting someone and he could get us into the city?
it did we did that how about this and she's turning to the group now it's kind of pacing it together how about we go see this person and and and see from there because if if he's got a different way into the city or or not
surely that's that's better to speak to someone who knows what it's like and and then Robin if if these of chris kra these these men these agents of whatever are in the city then at least we know and then Claude we can you know look out for you and that would that not make sense then then just splitting up now i just i can't imagine
If I'm being honest, I don't want to make a decision about who I'm going to go with because I feel like I'll make a bad decision either way. Charlie, do I need to put on my armour back on? Your Highness, I'd never tell you. Good point. Discretion and incognito is our best approach to entering the city until we know it's safe. If that's not to anyone's liking, don't come with us.
I'm sorry, I haven't got time for this and Helena's gonna leave. Have you got your armour on? No, no, no, no, I'm still carrying it. Okie dokie.
Tylee's going to look even more conflicted as she kind of edges towards the door where Helen has just gone, but still won't leave. She's looking back in at Folly and Claude and Robin. Oh, no, I was with the princess. Sorry. Can we hear the conversation between those two about the subtlety or not? Sorry, we'll say that again. Have we heard that conversation that's just happened about? Yeah, that was openly said inside the hut.
You make a good point, Robin and Tali. You're right. Kennard's letter did, and Carson's going to pull it out because I think I still had it because it was fully and neither collected it. We should go by the Union Pass. With everything that happened with the Acriska, I think I must have forgotten. But maybe, yes, we could, as you say, go by the stables and
Do it your way. Fair enough. Robin's going to look quite sheepishly at that, and he's just going to get up and go to Kastan and go. It dawned on me when my blood receded last night that you saved Drago's life in the Gallatin Hollows when you turned him into an owl.
I'm sorry I was doubtful and quite callous towards you last night. No, it's OK, Robin. You were right to question what I did. And if we get chance, I will gladly explain why I did what I did. It was never anything to harm this party. It's just there are some things I cannot do. And I'll gladly explain them when we have the time. Fair enough.
does anyone know the best way to find this confident of Castan? Yes, I think the Union Pass is an entrance into the city. There is normally a stables, normally on the edge and outside of the walls, so the horses can run in the pasture. So if we can make our way there, it's one of the main gates. So hopefully the traffic will be busy and they won't be inspecting groups until they get too close.
we might be able to blend into the crowd and find the person at the stables. OK. If we do it this way, I will park my suspicions about Drago for now. Folly, does that sound like a good idea to you? Carrying on with the sedentary at the moment, it does not.
have my trust with Robin, and if he deems it acceptable, then I will go.
I still think we've done the right thing in getting Helen to remove her armour because that will just mean we stand out less. Claude maybe? Do we have any more blankets? Do you have any blankets or anything in your stuff, Folly, that we could drape on? You want to see, as Claude did it, he put his hailstorm surge helmet on. So he just looks like a, he's large, but he looks like a hailstorm juggernaut.
Okay, yeah, you look a little bit less like you. I mean, I could trim your beard for you if you wanted.
I think Claude left. He's gone out with Helena. So it should be the four of us. Oh, sorry. Apologies. You watched him put his helmet on as he left the hut and started working with Helena. Sorry. Discovered that. Well, Claude at least just looks like a hell-some third member. And in Goldview and other places, there's loads of them, which should be fine. As long as they don't go too close and smell him. He does have a bit of a...
A smell to him. Well, I mean, how could someone who's been up a mountain still smell of the sea so much?
Heartfelt Conversations and Journey Concerns
Tyler's going to giggle a bit to herself. Are we doing this then or not? Come on, Robin. We can gladly and folly as well. You know, we've we've talked a lot about a lot of things in the past and. Let's just take a leap of faith.
and let's get into Goldview, let's save the princess' mum, which will save the queen and then, you know, that'll make everyone happy about us again and we can then go and defeat the Blight and everyone can be happy and yeah. I don't like that Drago has decided to take a walk without telling me anything and Claude's story does not add up. He's not a convincing liar. And he's very bad at
magic fraud. Well maybe that's that's part of his charm in that actually he's so bad at lying that it's nice that he's honest so that the him being bad at lying makes it okay because it shows that he's not always lying. It wasn't too long that in this group we had a rather large discussion about the dangers of keeping secrets and yet
We seem to have gone full circle and it's happening all over again. Now, the last secret that was kept came very close to touring us apart. And I see it happening again for this one. I think we all need to be truthful. Sometimes, Folly, lies are what keeps a family together. Folly, that...
that line has kind of hit folly more than Carsten actually realises at that stage and he's just going to kind of a little smirk laugh it off and then start walking as I am walking however can I ask the little ash thing that Claude put down with the symbol of Akiva would I have noticed that and what's your passive
perception again, is it 10? Yes, it would have. It would be. You would have noticed it because Claude would have picked up his shield to leave, therefore showing the symbol underneath it. Yes, you can see these ash and etchings that to you seem indecipherable, but don't seem to have a home on the floor of this grove within the forest. Okay.
Folly has started walking. Tally will just tug on the sleeve of Robin just as Carstan and Folly leave just to kind of hold him back just for a second. I think you're right in questioning what's happening here. It doesn't add up. But I just have a feeling that we're destined for bigger things. All of us. All seven of us.
And I just feel that if something happens, as it has come worryingly close a number of times, if something happens and we split up, it could be another healthier all over again. And Robin, I don't know if my heart can take it. We've got to stay together. We've got to. Charlie.
For all the mistakes that I've made, I'm going to choose to put my trust in you. And me? Who else? It's two swordcoastians left now. Until Drago returns from his walk. If that's what he is doing.
Look me in the eye. Drago wouldn't take a walk into the forest, he wouldn't leave us willingly. Whatever these gods want from us, I'm convinced that me and Drago are here to be instruments in his army. And Robin will just tap her spell book with the bottom end
of his walking staff no he's bow he doesn't have a walking staff that's the wrong character uh with the bottom end of his bow just as he's picking up he goes whatever you are here for i think is much bigger do you understand the gravity of that
I mean, I think so, but I tend not to think about it too much. I don't like what it entails and the pressure it puts on you, on Drago and on me. But you know what power is in that book? Yes, I do. You can't comprehend it yet. I understand what my father was and the power he he wielded as a spellcaster. Yes, I do.
That voice said to me that it would try and pick away at us. It may not have got to me directly, but look what it did to me last night. Look what it did to me this morning. I don't believe Claude has it in him to maliciously lie to us. I'm sure he has his reasons for keeping whatever it is he's keeping from us.
I've had to listen against my better judgment and trust what everyone has just said. If anything, should start to, and Robin will look at her knowing what happened on the mountaintop and how she seems to have just put that to one side with disarming ease, he will look at her and just say, should anything, should you start to feel
any unease or that something is working against you. You would tell me, wouldn't you? Absolutely. She speaks without a pause. Absolutely. That's good enough for me. And to be honest, the last time I had a vision or a dream that sounded anything like that thing we saw
It was a long time ago. It was back when Shader was around and had the vision of a creature standing over a forest and black smoke and screaming and green eyes. Well, that was a long time ago. And since then, I've slept relatively well. But yes, if anything does happen, Robin, you'll be the first to know. Good enough. Let's go.
Let's go. And she heads out the door. To see off in the distance as the camera pans over them, over towards Carstan and Folly, as they start to catch up with a minuscule off in the distance through the trees, the Helena and Claude further along. Before we catch up with Helena and Claude, Carstan will be sort of walking beside Folly.
You remember that conversation we had about doing right for Aerith? I remember. Just know that what's happening right now is what's right for Aerith. And it's important that, you know, we remember that. Know that I wouldn't do anything to harm Aerith.
I can't stand there are very few people in this world that I trust. I have been betrayed far too many times by those I thought I could. At this moment, you are not one of the people I trust. If it helps, I will always do for everything. If it helps, I couldn't tell you where Drago had gone, even if... But you know more than what you're willing to say.
Where did he go? I don't know. Drago is not one to mini-walk off into the night, not without his comrades. He sees fibs and he has his dragonborn tantrums, but he would never leave his party behind. You're right, you're right. And, you know, I think... I know you don't trust me, but I like the thing that after all,
our conversation that that I trust and understand you and yes maybe he didn't walk off but I can't tell you where he went one moment he was there one moment or are you not willing to say I don't know well you don't know I don't know but Claude has chosen not to explain even to me
So Claude has more knowledge of where Drago is. And he's asked us to go on faith, that wherever Drago is, he is in the right place for him. Yesterday, I came very close to losing my life. And Claude saved you. Indeed he did.
and I took value in my comrades around me. I appreciated that they were all there, by my side, willing to die for the same cause that I believe in. And I have woken up this morning and everything seems to have been turned upside down
And now I don't know what to believe or who to trust. It's not a good place to be. No. Sometimes fate just throws us curve balls and just trusting each other because we've come so far on that. It would be silly to disregard it now.
Trust is something that is always earned. You don't earn a trust by keeping secrets. No, but sometimes, like I've said, you know, we have a basis of trust and one secret might be a secret that needs to be kept. Do you have secrets, Castan? Is there something you're not telling... Many, many secrets about my life, but none of them would ever affect us now.
But Draghi missing does affect us now. It is dangerous to be low on numbers. We barely made out of the last fight alive. Is it? Okay. I don't have a- You see my trepidation about all of this. I don't have an answer. I'm really going along with this entire ruse at the moment for Robin's sake because at the moment he is the one who I trust. I have travelled with him for many moons now. And I know that.
been by my side but we've talked about this we know that potentially their end goal may not match Eryth don't we we've had that very conversation and if it doesn't then fair enough that is a burden I shall bear and should that bridge ever come to it I will of course blow it up if I need to never mind cross it I'm sure you will does I don't have any answer for you Folly I just wanted to try and
Do something to set you more at ease. While I certainly do appreciate the effort, Karsten, I could not be less at ease than what I am now. There is this breath in the camp and I do not like it. I had another question because you're a fellow powerful magic user. How powerful is Tali?
Foley is hesitant to kind of answer this question. He's going to take quite a deep, long breath accompanied by a pause at this moment, so just kind of like... At the moment, Karsten, she is... shall we say hesitant, I believe.
to fully embrace her magic. But the potentiality that I can feel from her... it scares me. I saw her cast a spell she's never cast before. In the fight. In the night. Really? A new spell, you say? Well, good on her. Which one? Did you recognise it? She made someone disintegrate. I say!
Disintegrate? Wow, now there is high-level magic. That's what I thought as a fellow user of magics. I just know that's quite powerful and compared to the things I've seen Tarly do, that's quite big. But yes, compared to her low-level spells, any form of disintegration requires great knowledge, great power. Very good. I'll have to talk to her about it later.
But remember, we also know that she's done other things to herself. And I just... Yes. I just want... I'm just worried, because sometimes magic users, that power, doesn't always go well. I have seen my fair share of magic users go south. And I do believe that any magic users
having that constant fight in between them, between their good side and their dark side. However, I believe that as long as Robin is around Tarly, I believe her heart will always be true to herself. Okay. I thought you should know. I thought I wanted to know.
No, thank you very much for telling me that. Indeed, you've gone up a little in my estimations, Karsten. Not quite enough. Okay, let's catch up with the others. And you're probably now about 100, 150 feet just behind Helena and Claude at the front of this train of people with
Robin and Tali now relatively close behind you, maybe 50, 60 feet behind you, walking at a junior pace in conversation. As you start to get closer, you're still quite a distance off Helena and Claude. Claude, we're just going to fly over to you two, walking side by side now. Just to give you some ideas, the trees you're passing through now is relatively rough land in as much as there's no road. However, you can pass through this with ease. This isn't like the road to Evershire, which was quite difficult and now
This is quite a relaxed and spacious forest with quite large mossy areas, shafts of light beaming through the warm sun you capture on your back every time you pass through it as the sun continues to lift higher in the sky as you continue to head east towards Goldview.
Encounter with Bloodarm Raiders and Conflict Avoidance
I won't be saying very much of anything and I'm sure the princess has got a very determined approach about her. But at one point, probably while the conversations are going on behind us, I'm just going to quickly detour through to a tree as if I'm just going to just press my hand against a tree and sort of stretch a bit.
um feigning um like a bad night's sleep or something like that and i'm just going to create a tiny white light in my hand and push it into the tree and i'm going to cast sending on drago and i'm just going to send a message to drago that says your friends are with you and i'm going to repeat it in common in infernal and in abyssal
And then I'm going to deactivate the message before it, because it comes with like a, you can now respond to this window from the participant, but I'm going to like, stop the spell early so as to not encourage the speech back sort of thing. Catch up to Helena. And as you do that, you're aware
of whether or not this would work or not, whether or not it would come across as real words or come across in some other way, but you know that almost your heart has been put into that message and sent through to Drago as you want. Yes, that passes without a problem. The rest of the party too far behind, Helen is not even paying attention, she's ahead of you anyway, so no one would have noticed you do that as you continue.
As you continue, the party starts to concertina and slowly come together, but there is this trepidation, this beautiful conflict that seems to be between groups of the party now, that seems to space you at 30 to 40 feet apart, whereas usually you'd be 10 to 15 feet in close formation, two by two. You've spaced yourselves out slightly more than usual, especially when passing through uncharted lands in the forest. And as you continue to walk on,
Cass, Claude? If we're getting that little bit closer and the tone has sort of felt the same, I will just think of what the most easy way to diffuse a situation or to unify us, and my thoughts will land on health here temporarily. I'm just going to turn and say to the party, well, mainly to Robin and Folly and Tally,
Elphir has a house here in Goldview. I could take you there. When we get inside, he might be in. When we get inside, maybe we could go there on our way to some of the other attractions I could show you. And how would you know that Elphir has a house in Goldview, Claude? Because I've been to Goldview before.
Have you been communicating with Elthea? Because Elthea had never been to Goldview since he left us. Well, he's got a house there. But how do you know that? Because I've seen it. When did you see it? When I was in Goldview. When were you last in Goldview? A long time ago, but he's an elf. Well, yes, but I believe, as per stories for my comrades, that Elthea was in the Sword Coast.
No, his house is here. He's got a house. But honestly, when we get in, I'll show you. Dad, I'm sorry, Claude. I believe this is just more lies. I'm not lying. He's got a house. Can I roll it inside, Jack? Yep, of course you can. Do you want to roll the deception or persuasion? I'm telling the truth. I don't know what to do. Persuasion, then? Yeah. Try and persuade me, B. Arch.
Okay, what did you roll Callum? Sorry, Folly. Nineteen. Nineteen against. Nineteen. Cool. Made Sip beat. Wait, yeah, so that means Claude. Sorry, Claude, you've been beaten by Folly, so therefore Folly, you do not believe what Claude has just told you. But they feels like there's something truthful. You might feel that
The events that have taken place earlier in the day have studied your take on anything Claude says from now on, and maybe that's why you mistrust him. You're very on the wire about whether or not you trust him or not. Claude, have you seen Elphir since he last left us? No, you saw him last. I was in the princess's mind helping rid her of demons. He's not Elphir anymore. There may be.
And I trust Drago when he said this, there may be something left of him, but he is far removed from the elf fear that you knew. Yeah, but his house, he's got a house.
Yes, I've got that bit, but I'm struggling to comprehend what you are saying. He has a house. Yes, as in there might be something in that house that would lead you to his exact whereabouts, or perhaps tell you about his evil plot, or perhaps his soul is there and it needs saving and a big hug. I can take you. Alright. Yeah. It's a weird spot, but it's quite busy.
cast and you hear a click in the woods ahead and to the right of the party. Just one. Very well Claude, I'll play along for now with your little game and the second that you decide to put any of my comrades in further danger
Sorry, I was trying to say to where he seemed like he was muted. Carry on. Yeah, everyone. We're not alone. What? Whereabouts. Over there and can I have some more points? And because I heard it, I seem it sounded like like a twig snapping or something like that. Yeah. Robert's bow. Helen is going to continue walking.
You don't have to hear a bow. Hello? Who's there? Helena, what's your passive perception? 10. I know this. I've been asked this a lot recently. Yeah, up to your left, to the opposite, to what everyone else has heard, you hear a separate click, quite close, behind a tree, not 30 feet away from you. It's quite a loud snap as well. Sounds like someone stood on a twig or a snap to branch off a nearby tree. Who's there? You get no response.
I am not in the mood to be playing games today if there's anybody there show yourself or somehow burn the forest down. From that you see a figure in front of you Helena step out of the trees and walk forward with his hands up high as he starts to step forward eight or nine other figures from behind separate trees further off in the distance and kind of in a semi-circle around you where you're kind of heading towards that direction start to appear.
These people are all men, they're all humans, and they wear an assortment of leather armors, white shirts, brown boots, most to carry, and these kind of big backpacks with knickknacks and other bits hanging from the sides. But the one that's straight in front of you, Helena, is taller, stronger, wider, big thick neck, and it seems to hold himself like a fighter. You can see from the way he holds himself, Helena, he's been trained almost. The rest don't seem quite as stocky as this man. He saunters up, still hands up,
Well, well, well. What do we have here? Who are you and what are you doing in the forest creeping about? I know, fantastic. I haven't seen one of you in quite a few days. My lady, very nice to meet you. Is this your group of travellers behind you? Are you the leader, so to speak? Are you the one we speak to? Are we having a conversation here? Say what you will.
Well, what I will is that I would love to procure your goods and services from you at the threat of violence. What are you talking about? This is a shakedown and I would like your money if that happens. Excuse me. Robin laughs at that. He hears this and just laughs. Can't stand we'll drop forwards unless Mark's going to interrupt me. Going to what, sorry?
I'm going to trot forward to a stand beside Helena. He does move hands still up. You also notice he has a very large scimitar off on his hip within a scallard. All of them seem armed, but with an assortment of daggers, short swords and bows. Excuse me, sir. I strongly suggest that you and your friends perhaps decide that we're a bit too much for you to handle and you and your friends should go elsewhere. Make a wisdom saving throw.
I've just rolled off the table in my excitement. That is 10. Okay, I've just cast a suggestion on you. And what are you suggesting? I'm suggesting that you and your friends decide that we're a little bit too much for you to handle and you should all leave us alone and go away, is what I said. He pours us for a second and a twinkle in his eye seems to dead and he shuts his eyes for a second and they open back up again. He looks around at the others around him and
My apologies, I feel that we might have come across the wrong individuals we're looking for here in the forest. You, my friend, seem rather too much for us and we wish you all the best on your journeys through. And then he glances down towards Folly again and then glances up towards Helena.
And Carsten, you see something, the cogs turning in his head for a second. And he looks over towards one of the others who's holding a piece of paper, who looks down at it and starts to kind of look concerned back over. He whispers to the man next to him as well, who also looks at Helena for a second and starts to nod his head a little bit, puts the letter away. But the leader at the front, he turns and goes, no, no, no, no. Helsten, stand down.
Gresham's Harry's in charge of this place, and I'm in charge of the Bloodarm Raiders.
Now, we're going to let you through. Not a problem, not a problem. We're just going to walk back away like I am now. He's saying to the other men, and they all start to begrudgingly start to step back away and start to kind of open up in the center to allow you to walk through. He stands to the side, but close enough that you'd have to really kind of walk by him quite close to continue walking, but he just moves himself to the side. Hands still high away from his scimitar. No one else has touched a weapon. Carson's going to sort of look to the group and perhaps
beckon them to all walk closely. Helena's going to walk in front of this guy and brush past him with her arms, or just the one arm, and her face is going to be really close to this other guy's face, and it's going to be quite an intense stare, and then she's going to leave. I'm trying to stand. As I'm gesturing, I'm staying quite close to Helena.
Robin's acutely aware of shakedowns in forests. He spent his life conducting them. Does this look like this shakedown is over from where Robin is at the back? No, you feel that they are very aware that they are outgunned.
But you feel there's something still there. There's there's a tension in the air. There's something you're not sure whether it's just because they do shake down differently in the sort in Aerith. But it feels too tense to be over. They're not backing off far enough. Maybe they're trying to make a show of force. You can't really piece two and two together, but something doesn't sit right. Nothing quite makes a man do something stupid, quite like desperation.
I think every man here values his life and would value keeping it. Should my assessment be correct, I would strongly suggest that you all take a few steps back. And the leader looks to you, looks you up and down for a second,
He takes one step back and then turns after Helena, you just stared him and walked past. He smells the air for a second. That doesn't smell like an adventurer to me. And he turns to the others of the smile on his face before looking back. Hands still high on the air, not moving. Um, just a quick out of kind of a fact Mark, would I,
have heard of the Bloodarm Raiders? Is that something we might know about from the Bloodarm Raiders? No, you wouldn't. And I think that speaks more to perhaps the insignificance. You have passed through here quite recently and you know a couple of the big kind of thievery-based shakedown gangs that hang around outside of Goldview and on the docks as well. This is not one of them. You've not really heard of
this group. Normally the groups in Goldview are slightly less civilian looking and they wouldn't carry backpacks either particularly. So no, you have not heard of this group. So I've obviously done my suggestion on him. I'm going to detect thoughts on him.
Okay. Is he aware that you do this? Not to start with. Okay. It's a wisdom saving throw? Nope. So it's only initially, I know the surface thoughts of the creature, what is most on its mind at that moment. And if I want to go further, that's when the roles happen. Okay. Until this point, he doesn't know I'm there.
As you glance over to him and you focus on his eyes to make this connection, as he looks at each of the members passing and then clocks his eyes on you, that's when you quickly jump into his thoughts for just a second, you just hear, I've heard the jackpot. Okay.
Can we pass over? Cast down or do you need it? We can come back if you need it if you want to go deeper into it. Claude, you've just seen Helena walk past and that word about not smelling like an adventurer has just been said. I don't like the cut of this jib. I'm just going to cast
Guardian of Faith, and make a series of undead creatures appear around us, well, behind these bandits, if you will. And I'm just gonna scream at the top of my voice, the lights, they're here, run! And I'm just gonna gesture for everyone to run in the direction of Goldview, and have these things just slowly like zombie crawl towards the bandits.
Brilliant. Brilliant. Okay. Right. Okay. Cool. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Political Concerns and Goldview Entry Plans
Okay. So what happens then is these eight people collectively shit themselves. You can see the terror and fear in the eyes as even Greta and Terry, the leader of the red blood arm Raiders, loses his cool.
which I thought it was quite cool, I liked him, and starts to move back behind you lot. They are very aware that you're much more powerful for them, and they literally kind of concertina in behind you, forming like a straight line, so it's you six at the front, and the eight of them behinds, and they're all there. They're short swords drawn. Gresham Terry's pulled out his scimitar as well. He stood ready, but he's behind you six. And I'm just going to stare at Karsten and Robin,
Get her to go with you. And I'm gonna cast anti-life shell around me. So no one that's living, anyone that's living takes damage if they come near it. And I'm just gonna place myself between the end of our party and the start of theirs. It's basically like an unholy shell that damages living things that come into it.
Okay. How much damage does it do to unholy, unliving things that enter into it? So damage is regular. It doesn't affect dead stuff. Living stuff does quite a bit. Okay. I might need to know how much and what kind of damage it does. Hang on. We're trying to get around this combat encounter by not doing combat. I feel like the priority has changed now.
We could have murdered them all. It prevents living creatures from passing through it.
So a shimmering barrier extends out from your 10-foot radius and moves with you, remaining centered on you and hedging out. The barrier lasts for the duration. The barrier prevents affected creatures from passing or reaching through. An affected creature can cast spells or make attacks with ranged attacks through it, but they can't physically move through it. So it's like Phantom Menace, Star Wars Phantom Menace, those red laser doors that if they try and walk through it, they just
God, it doesn't work, they bounce back. So does it actually do any damage to them? Yeah, they just can't pass through, so it's like a brick wall. Gotcha. Okay, they are more than happy to stay behind you, and they actually kind of move in, okay, getting closer, getting closer, and they all kind of chundering behind the wall a little bit behind you, Claude, and just kind of like looking around, swords out, kind of forming a protective shield with all the backs facing inwards with you kind of at the front there, thinking that you're helping them.
Yeah, and I'm going to use my, control my undead spirits to sort of make a more of a wall, pushing them back into the forest so that our friends and party can move down the road unaided. So it's sort of like we're encroaching around them, trying to terrify them. And it's working on all of them.
Except Grassem Tarry, who starts to stand up a little straighter for a second, smiles, and then shouts out over the cacophony of noise of these kind of basic undead creatures that seem to be coming towards him, and the sound of the spell as it casts. I imagine it's quite a loud spell. The staffing just goes really loud. Yeah, just kind of running out all over. He just shouts out over that, I know who you are! I'm just going to hope that they're running behind me. I'm not looking. Yeah, I'll run.
Yeah. Folly would probably just look at Robin. He's unsure kind of what to make of this situation at the moment, because this is very unusual for Folly. He would normally have turned them all down by now. But we seem to have taken different approach to this one. Folly's kind of like, should I just turn these people or what? Robin will just shout out. Claude?
You have information about Drago, and I'm afraid I cannot leave you for that very reason. What are you doing? I'm going to just cast sending, so I have to say this aloud, into Robin's brain. I'm just going to say, I'll tell you all very soon, please get the princess to safety. I don't want to hurt these people, I just want to scare them away. Robin will turn to Folly.
and he'll say, you know, I was half tempted to turn this into a shakedown myself. They look like rich idiots. I have no doubt people take them. I've done shakedowns before. I can honestly say I've never protected a princess. So let's
Let's go for the path of novelty. Come on, and I'll turn. Just follow Carstan and the others. And as you start to make your way out, you also hear this voice of Gresham Terry shout-out over the top of it. I know who you are! Taryn! I know your friends! Taryn, I know your friends. And what was that? Who is Taryn?
is shouting, however, on the way in. He can't hear you over the static. He's literally right there on the static. He can hear it right there. The rest of them are, four of them have already run away. It's him and three others that are still kind of standing in behind here kind of waiting with trepidation with the undead hiding behind Claude.
Does that name ring a bell with it? Yes. With me? You've heard it before, but you have no idea where from. You've heard it somewhere in Sleepguard. OK. Bye. Robin, if he catches up with Helena, we'll see that she's stopped and has gone through Taran and gone. Are we leaving? What's the play here, Helena?
Let's go and she's going to start running again.
And with that, the three others that are with Gresham are going to turn to him, fuck it, it's not worth it, and they're gonna start pegging it. On that, Gresham's gonna make a decision, put his scimitar in the scabbard, and he's going to take off into the forest in a different direction, basically heading towards the road, but in the opposite direction, so kind of heading away from Goldview, but towards kind of the Union Pass Road, which is the road you're kind of walking alongside of, but deep in the forest.
and they were all gone, they were all scattered to the winds, and you were all alone again. Okay, I probably bought them a few minutes to get away, so I will slowly just keep the threat there, and then I'm going to slowly but controlly start to move in the direction.
Well, well done everybody. We managed to, I think, well, I think we navigated that quite well. Well, we didn't kill them. I just didn't want us to, you know, they, they didn't know who we were and it wouldn't have been really very fair because quite frankly, they would have died horribly.
someone who's seen experience shakes down. That was relatively hopeless. I agree with that. I think they were more desperate than malicious. Who the hell is Karen? I don't know. The name rings a bell. I just can't think who they said it is if it was someone present here. Yes, that's what I thought as well. Yeah. I mean, does that name ring a bell to anybody here?
No. And I also just thought that he showed an interest in me because he might have recognized who I was. I think he did, Your Majesty. I think he... That's why I tried to convince him to go away. I think it nearly worked, but there was something in his mind and the way he was acting, they... Yeah. Maybe this disguise isn't as successful as we thought. I don't know how.
They think you don't smell like an adventurer. I mean, we've all not bathed in ages. I agree. I could do something about that. And Folly took a cast presentation on Helena to make her smell like manure. Oh great, thank you. You're welcome. I think it'd be quite good for the disguise. I mean, Folly, we all probably smell already, but thanks. Sorry, everybody.
I'm just planning ahead. I can actually taste that smell. I can make that happen as well. And he's just basically going to cast Vegetation again, because I can have up to three and just going to make Cast and Taste like mudir. I will cast Count of Smell on you. It's not a spell, it's a cantrip. I'm pretty sure I can count of that.
But anyway, let's carry on. Before we move on, Robin will just turn to Claude and go... Have I caught up? How much distance you make? OK, great. It's been having a quick chat. They're leaving it far enough ahead for it to be a problem. Claude, I can park. Drago trusts you and therefore I will trust you, I suppose. That spell you just cast, it's...
It saved us drawing more undue attention to ourselves and picking a fight we didn't need to fight, so thank you. I have more interest in the spell that you just cast on me though.
Can you get a message to Canard and tell him to meet at somewhere outside the city? I think we're going to struggle to get Helena inside the walls without drawing attention without his help. Well, I thought the Princess was planning to draw attention. I thought the whole thing was she was going to turn up, present herself as the Princess and get straight to the Queen. I'm not entirely sure that's what's going to happen from what we've just seen.
And I will be saying this with Helena in earshot. Helena, those people seem to know who you are and they seem particularly interested in you as soon as they identified you. I mean, if the disguise isn't working, I may as well, you know, put my rose back on and I can either be the princess that my father will be expecting or I can be the Helena that you all know.
Let, I think you've just got to get to the Queen. You get there quicker if, you know, they know you're here. All I'm saying is... Yes, I can use the spell, Robin. It was the same spell we were going to use to talk to your sister. I see. How far away from the, sorry, how far away from the main, the main gate centre?
You can probably discern that you are not short of an hour away. The forest is starting to thin slightly and you can start to see through the thicket and trees and you can start to make out the road becoming slightly busier, but you are far enough away to not draw any attention to yourselves. But every now and then in amongst you, you can see the roads quite far off, probably about 500 feet off.
from where you are and you can see the odd cart just a bit more life and you can start to smell the sea you can smell the coast and you can start to see high above you in the above the trees you can see the smoke of the city starting to creep closer and closer. I mean Lightning has just struck my brain why don't we just contact Sergeant Filstrop and say we're coming can you please meet us at the gate
Princesses, urgent news needs to see you. And you can just come meet us. No more bandits, straight express lane to the castle. Is that something your spell can do? Yeah, I know him. I can just talk to him. That's true. You could do that. Let's just do that. You could send a message. Okay. Okay, I'm going to cast sending on Sergeant Felstrop. Felstrop, sir.
Sir Coldheart, we're escorting the Princess. We are somewhere west, I think, of Goldview. Could you please meet us on the road? Urgent. Nice to see you again, please. And if you can reply. You hear nothing in response.
Whilst Claude is casting that, Robin would just turn to Helena and go, I think we need to entertain a scenario where you're welcome to Goldview might not be a pleasant one. Why? Other things I'm adding up at the minute. I don't know what interest those men took in you, but it's made me uneasy. The letter from Kennard said that Goldview had changed. Exactly.
Well, my father should be expecting me. Yes, but what if your father, while still the king, isn't the one running things in Goldview? You think he's been overthrown? No, I just think sometimes
in the gaps between kings and the common people. There are other people who maybe act and say they're doing things in the name of the king but the king doesn't know. But what if we go the long way around and we try to sneak in the back or whatever the plan would be and then we get ourselves into all sorts of bother for no reason at all and my father was expecting me and you know it's all been for nothing.
But I totally agree with you, Majesty. I think, unfortunately, we have to take a guess on what we think is best. But we know the letter and the note said that they thought you were kidnapped. And Delmonde Trace, he's...
leading the abcisca in hunting for it, they say that King Leopold is supporting them. They could be doing anything they want. Do you trust this Valstrop person? Me? I don't know him. Absolutely. Oh, he's very trustful, yeah. Great guy. He loved me. And he'll just glance at Claude.
Yeah, he served the royal family, he's a member of the Sleekard army, we met a number of times. I know that him and the princess were friends. It could be possible, but for now, at the very least, to err on the side of caution. If there is something sinister beginning off in Goldview, then we would be best to
keep our heads down until we can figure out exactly what. However, if we believe that it's all clear, then we can make the normal approach to see your family as you so wish. We sent you a message, so... And he didn't respond? Not yet. How long does it normally take? Well, it's normally straight away, innit?
He said that he's been staying in Vallagarde on the western front line with the sleep god, Serge. Oh, so he's not in Goldview? I don't... I don't know. I don't know if in that time he might have moved to Goldview, whether or not he's still over there. That's the last I heard from him. I see. Because if he's not in Goldview and he is fighting on the front, then that might have been a very awkward time for me to have sent him a message. I think
Kennard is probably our only hope. If his warning, saying that Goldview's changing and we're not safe, the best thing we can do is make ourselves, make Her Majesty the Princess look less like the Princess, and let's do that first. If we have to reveal ourselves as you being you, Your Majesty, then we can do. But I think we take Kennard's warning. He hasn't led us astray.
As you push through the final trees, as you come to your decision to follow the letter that Kennard gave you after much indecision in front of you, you finally see it.
the gem of Sleetgard, the high stone walls of Goldview, tower across the coastline, smoke rises of industry from within, and these walls are so extensive that you cannot see one end to the other. You can hear the sounds of a busy city and metropolitan life inside. You can see
far off maybe a mile down the road as you come out of the thicket of the forest at the entrance to one of the gates of the Union Pass and you see a number of carts making their way in front of it towards some guards. This has been your
your trajectory for quite some time now, and finally you've made it. You see off to the left, not 500 yards ahead of you, is an old man stood outside with a series of horses. He seemed to have come across the stables of Goldview. And as you start to make your way out towards this man, and hopefully to answers, to Kennard, and to some kind of fruition, that's where we're gonna end this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop.
Conclusion and Listener Engagement
That was good. And because Ian isn't here, I'm going to take over and try and do the thing that he does at the end of the episode. I mean, that was incredible. That was it. I can do that. I can do this thing. So thank you very much for making us a part of your Everyday Week. We appreciate the hell out of you for doing that. And if you want to follow us, you can do so on our Twitter hand page, which is at Fellowship Table. If you wanted to follow us,
If you wanted to go one step further and follow us individually, you can do so. It's because this has been the quietest episode for me. I've got energy to burn. You can follow Darren at... Darren Page, A6. You can follow Danny at... Total Party Thrills. Casey at... Unicorn Crit. Callum at... The D20 Gamer. Will at...
Natural 20 Will. You can follow Ian at iRolledA1 and you can follow myself at HastilyRolledDM. Until next time guys.