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Ep. 15 FIGHT - Shadowmend Tales image

Ep. 15 FIGHT - Shadowmend Tales

S2 E15 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
103 Plays1 year ago

This weeks episode sees in party fighting at its finest. 


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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios


Opening Joke and Introduction

Now. Oh, well, you've been doing that joke for two years and I still laugh at it. It's so funny. Oh, yeah, absolutely. Do you say you're in sex? In that tone as well. I'm going to come now. Now. I actually, I actually shout to Chungus Bongwater.

Setting the Stage: World and Characters

Hello everyone and welcome to tonight's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are a live play 5e podcast set in the disputed lands of the Verandian jungle in the magical homebrew world of Eryth. My name is Darren and I'm going to run some D&D for you today. These are the Shadowmen Tales. And with me tonight we have playing the human ranger McBenna, Will. Hello there listeners. Playing the dragonborn paladin Drago, we have Ian.
Happy New Year! Playing the Dragonborn Rogue Syengar, we have Mark. Hello, hello, hello! Playing the Goblin Barbarian Druid Kratz, we have Callum. Hello there! Playing the Hobgoblin Wizard Ookaburra, we have Danny. Bon, bon, bon, jaw, jaw, jaw! And fuck this introduction, playing the Bugbear Druid Chunk of Bongwater is our one-shot extraordinaire Wilbot one-shot. Oh, hi there guys.

Leveling Up: Choices and Challenges

Okay, so listeners, I have some happy tidings for you. A late Christmas presents perhaps. We begin this with some D&D mechanics. Some mechanics for our players. Hopefully you all got my message about levelling up because that is what's going to happen come the end of the long rest. So...
To talk you through what is occurring within these level-ups, I'm going to hand over to our players one by one to find out what they have gone for and what they have. Let's go through a reverse on the introduction. Not me first. Will.
Willbont, Chungus, Astrid. So I thought it would be an excellent idea to get one level of warlock, probably genie, maybe a lantern as a vessel. Why does this sound familiar?
I can just hear Mcbenna's bow string. Exactly. Yeah, the strongest wakes up with an arrow between the eyes. Or doesn't make up. No, I've gone for another level in druid. So level five stars druid at the moment. I have just put, I basically got access to third level spells. Woohoo! And I've chosen both of them to really fuck with the DM. So you just can't see.
Wait until you hear them. Sorry, Darren. Yeah, no, it's just it's like being a supply teacher trying to DM this podcast like it genuinely is. That's just what I expect now. Danny, what's Luca Burr doing? Nice, easy one for the hobgoblin. I have picked up some third level spells as well. Primarily and chiefly, everyone's favorite counter spell is now on the table.
Hurrah indeed. Callum must assume like level 20 fighter or something like that is what you've tried to go for. No, 19 in all fairness, cutting back just a little bit. No, I've basically put another level into druid. So I'm now a druid 3 barbarian 2, which basically lets me have access to second level spells now.
Interesting. Thank you. What rogue-ish things have Syengar got now, Mark? I'm playing this really boring. Everyone else is like a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Just put another level into rogue because I forgot we were leveling up. And I just get sneak attack, which is another... No, I don't. I always have sneak attack. I'm Kenny Dodge, which is using reaction. You can halve the damage, but everything I have is about using your reaction. So I'm probably never going to use it. So that was useful.
Thank you. Ian, what's Drago doing? I clicked the thing on D&D Beyond that moved the 4 to a 5.
Okay, so for those of you who don't know the mechanics of D&D, like Ian, what he gets is an extra attack at level 5 and he also now has access to second level Paladin spell slots. There you go Ian, that's your level up for you. Thanks. Well, hit us with the final upgrade for McBenna.
I mean, do I multi-class into something else? I also came up with this new class called Killer of Carl the Bastard. I figured you'd just okay off the bat and that'd be fine. Yeah, so I've gone for fifth level ranger. I get two attacks. I pick up second level spells and my one spell I got to choose at second level, I've gone for cordon of arrows because why the fuck not?
Because why cast alarm when you can cast alarm that shoots arrows at your enemies? Exactly. How do you retain this information? Which one? Because, what do you mean? All of you. Well, Ian, what we do is we read.
Yeah, I am a D&D nerd as well. And I don't think Will would mind me saying that so is he. So it's yeah, we do nerds to this. We run a podcast. I think we all can class ourselves into that. Yeah.
Yeah, well, we know it's for the mechanics of D&D as well. Yeah, it's true. Yeah, it's true. Okay, we're going to begin this episode with a little bit of a recap, actually, before I get to my travel montage for Ucoboa and

Recap of Previous Episodes

Kratz. Let's find out what happened to those of us who were here last time. Will, it's time for the wonderful tones of epic voiceover guy. Okay, I'll just go get him. Hang on a minute.
Hello listeners, it's time for Epic Voiceover Guy, and here we are. So I'm going to do a bit of a breakdown for you from the previous few episodes. Previously, in episode 12, our characters were four days away from the city. They decided to travel and found weird engravings of snakes upon the trees, and after some discussion, the party discovered they had entered the territory of the Yuan-T Snake people.
Previous to this, Kratz and Ukaburra had buggen off, but that's fine, we didn't need them anyway. So, the party approaches this weird clearing, and in the middle we see something trapped in vines, and of course, Trago triggers the thing that says TRAP.
Whipping forward into episode 13, the UNT trap is sprung. Chungus becomes stars because, you know, that's something that happens in normal day life. Drago decides to pull people out and starts to, you know, kick some arse. Fighting occurs, the UNT do a lot of damage, but the party manage to succeed. With the clearing now still, the party must decide. Do they retreat?
or go forward to retreat means more journeys into the woods and Karl the bastard will get away from them further. So they decide to go deeper, deeper into the woods at which point weather itself seems to turn against our plucky heroes and rain comes hammering down from the heavens.
finding their woodcraft skills they discover a tree and in this tree a hideaway left perhaps by smugglers or pirates or bandits who knows they climb the tree and within this small tree house they find a fireplace ready for them to make the room comfortable so settling down
a conveniently placed barrel of rum or alcohol found, the party have what could only be described as a bit of a heart to heart. And thus, with the fire slowly crackling away, our party rests.
Well done, Will. Have yourself some inspiration. I think you still have probably owed inspiration from the last time you did it. But have some more. That was awesome. Listeners, just for your information, it's been a while since we last recorded because life gets in the way during Christmas, as everyone can understand. So it's been at least four weeks for Will to have that knowledge to hand. I think that's just like, yeah, GG, man. That's impressive stuff. It's fine. I just read my notes.
And your subconscious probably blocked out. Oh, you know what? That's the last time I compliment you. And to be fair, to be fair, you did miss something which your subconscious probably blocked out, which is good one. Ah, your shit will listen a little bit more. The other will decided to try and chat to a T-Rex. Oh, yeah.
I thought that had happened earlier but oh yeah, oh forget that, oh yeah. It's fine. I figured we'd ripped off Jurassic Park enough in the previous episodes, you know. A solid B plus. And then obviously at the end of the episode, Kyle turned up and you all agreed to forgive him as he said he was solid. Right, Darren, do you want to do the fucking reaping? No, no, no. What's that voiceover guy? That's it, fuck you, bastards. I quit. Okay, mate. All right, see you. He's gone. That's it. Can you replace him? No. Anyway.
We're going to go to another quick travel montage before we hit the D&D because we have rejoining us tonight, Danny and Callum.

Tracking Goblin Clan and Memory Rites

So let's find out what's been happening with Ookaburra and Kratz. Ookaburra and Kratz, if you recall where we last left you, you had decided to try and track down the clan of the fallen goblins who were butchered, for want of a better word, by Karl.
Your journey was easy, if somewhat melancholy. Both of you have tales of bereavement, separation, exile from your own tribes. The journey would have been a chance for you to learn a bit more about each other. You took from the goblins two trinkets, a necklace made of simple shaw shells and a ring made of thick and strong lasmir reed. A lasmir reed is a thick plant that can be used in a host of apocryphary and crafting techniques.
You found the clan within a day of travel from where you left the party. You had to cross the great river of Eris Gift. There with what you both have at your disposal, crossing the vast river was no issue. The clan, Clan Gorak, you found with ease. You learned that these goblins who were murdered were called Raia and Frederick Clek. They had taken to the jungle to renew vows of union.
You offered up the trinkets to their son, a goblin called Treventome. He told you of how they met, their experiences with your own tribes, meetings at great goblin conclays and the great feasting hall of Klem Sumit and Dashkalre. You stayed with them. You lit the morning pyres for these goblins. You took part in the memory rites of Klangorok.
As you said to the other party members' craps before parting, such a violent act on any peaceful tribal clan of the Verandian is an attack on them all. Karl Jiet, you resolved, must pay for his crimes on the honour of all honest and noble goblin kin of the Verandian jungle. You stay with the clan for two days.
And once the guest rites of goblin hospitality are honored, Trev and Tom, the son of the fallen goblins, hands the trinkets back to you, asking you Ucubura to use your ability as a respected and learned hobgoblin to take the trinkets to Dashkalrei, to the top of Eris gift, and to commit them to the transmutation process of forging memory ruins from them.
This will give Trevin Tom, who is on the bound to stay with his tribe, a place to visit and always share a piece of the memory of his parents. You step back across the Great River of Eris gift in pursuit of the rest of your party. You move carefully as you enter the territory of the dangerous and feral Yuan Ti. You quickly realize that something is amiss. You find no sign of Yuan Ti.
You stumble across a worship point to their deity known only to you as the Dark Serpent. Something is wrong, out of place. Around the base of the shrine is something new. A scattered circle, a scattered circle of rough-made lanterns. You notice a series of tracks. A large band of Yuan Ti were here recently.
they had traveled east in large numbers. The lanterns around the shrine, you notice, are unmistakably similar to the ones discovered on the corpses of Rayair and Frederick Clek. You resolve to find Astrid, better known as Chungus, and the rest of the party as soon as possible. And with that travel montage in mind, gentlemen, we'll pick up with both of you shortly.

Scrying Spell and Planning

but for now we'll cross back over to mourning and the rest of the party. Daybreak. Ren is taking the final watch. The rest of the party start to come to. You come to the smell of something, something being cooked up, something that Ren has decided to put upon the campfire within this tree hut that you find yourself within.
Drago, Syengar, Astrid and Macbeneh. You await to find that the tempest from the night before has rescinded to the soft patter of rain. For those of you who came ashore at Fish Tortle, which is Drago and Macbeneh, you know that you are now closing in on Journey's end. You are now a matter of days, two, three days away from the great jungle city of Dashcalre. Wren looks at you as her watch nears her ends.
She cuts up and comes to you, MacBenna, and hands the dagger of Karl, which you gave her the night before, back to you. She appears to have been studying it intently during the night, and you notice that she is glaring at the stagger as you wake up, but as she sees you, she comes over to you and hands it to you. You all start to stare at this. What do you want to do? Everything all right, lass?
Oh. Yeah. Yeah, fine. You know that spell I said I could do. Yeah, and you said you wouldn't do until drive an hour about, just in case it went fubar. I haven't done it. I haven't done it, but... Good. I think I should. I think we need to know where he is. Okay, what do you need to do? Um, I... Well...
I just, that dagger will make it much easier. Familiarity with scrying, I don't know if you know it, but the more familiar you are to the place or person that you're trying to reach, the likelihood of the spell success increases. So it's why when my mother taught me that scouting was a really important skill for
or the spell. Anyway, I think I can do it, if you think I should. Do you need space? Do you need to go down to ground, or can you do it in here? No, no, I can do it. I can do it anywhere. Drago, do it. Yeah, I'm awake. Ren wants to do a spell to try to see if she can track. Cow.
I heard. I think it's a good idea, given how close we are to Dash Calloway. Uh, alright. Well, you do what you need to do with us, and we'll be watching. Is there anything I can do? No, no. There is a lot of small chance, and it is small, that Karl will know that I've cast a spell. I just think you should know that before I do it.
I would say that Gar knows that we're hunting him, so don't worry about that. Let him know. That way he can live in fear, so he knows that no shadow is safe, because it might have us in it. I like that. Alright then. And she holds out her hand to you to take the dagger back off you. And Ben will hand it back, hilt first.
You notice that Ren turns her hands over. She actually appears to have, as you see her for the first time about her gloves on, she has these jewels that seem to actually be embedded into her skin in the back of her hand and they just start to glow red for a second as she shuts her eyes and she whistles the name, Carjeet. Oh, you're doing it now.
She can't hear you, you notice. You say that and you see that Ren is now intently focusing on whatever she is seeing with her eyes shut. Within a matter of seconds. Go for it. If you'd allow it, Chungus will go over, just kind of place a hand onto her and just kind of whisper and say, you've got Selene's blessing and I'm going to cast guidance to hopefully help.
Drago flinched when Chungus went to touch Ren and managed to control himself. But if you saw him, like there's a twitch in his eye and his shoulder almost moved as if he was going to go and stop you from touching.
Thangar, are you intently watching this? What's happening with you? He's sitting back, brooding, taking it all in, but this is beyond him. So he's just kind of watching, listening, watching Drago and just, yeah, really intently watching Ren to watch how she goes about it, not really understanding how any of this is really working and maybe just flicking over his rusty blade in his hand.
That sounded like euphemism. But no, just holding himself, picking the dirt under his nails or those claws maybe, but just intently watching. Great. Thank you. And what happens after about 20 seconds is Ren's eyes flash open and she says, I think he's underground.

Yuan-Ti and Underground Movements

I think he's moving somewhere. He was with those snake-like people.
they seem to be a lot of them but that he had he still has the book I saw that and I think they're following him willfully or they being controlled can you see I couldn't tell but I don't know I'm sorry but that they they
They have the same eye colour as him. Purple. Controlled then. Or at least under some kind of power. Maybe he's empowered them somehow. Was he leading the way or was he being led by the UNT? He was at the front. That much I was sure of.
Is he ahead of us as he continued to dash Kalrayozi changed his course? It's hard to tell. He didn't appear to be in the jungle. He appeared to be... It looked like he was in the earth, like a warren or something. It wasn't... It was dark. He was the only one with a torch. She turns to you, Jungus, and says,
Do those snake people only live above ground, or do they have the means of moving under the earth? And I'm going to ask you, Darren, would Chungus know?
Yeah, do you want to give me a... A chungus check. Yeah, a chungus check. Do you imagine? Do you want to give me a history or nature check, depending on what you think would be the thing that you're most opaque with? I would most certainly like to go for nature, but it's only a 10. Okay, yeah. I mean,
I mean, the one tea are effectively feral snake-like. People is known that they certainly burrow under the ground, particularly if they're looking to travel somewhere and they don't want to catch the ire of the drake wardens of Dashcalray. Some of the larger drakes of Dashcalray, including the central cloncave drakes, they're large enough to ride and they're large enough to effectively cast.
you know the effect the essence of some spell like fireball from from my breath weapon and so.
them moving underground is said to be what they do to ensure that they're not effectively wiped out by the Drake Wardens when they overstep the mark in terms of picking off travelers, picking off merchants, and picking off the people from the goblin kin and doing some pretty unspeakable and awful things. But where they move and how they move is beyond you with that role. Thank you.
It's, I mean, it's long been thought that they can, you know, move underground. They try and do it, to do it not being seen. But if this person, if this Karl is leading them, I mean, these Yuan Ti, I've told you before, they're nasty. If he's in charge of them or if they're in cahoots with him, then something bad's gonna happen. Something big.
I was looking up last night trying to get some readings in and I just got this really bad feeling. To be firm, it sounds like they're all pawns in a massive game. If they're all being hypnotised, there's a bigger power at play here. We need to be on our guard. If he's gathering together these UNT
Do we think you'd risk taking him into Dash Kalray or is he just going to bypass the city altogether now? He's certainly not going to be going in above ground if it's that way. He'll be outnumbered, certainly. Does he think to try and... I don't know, if he can get into the city with his UNT, is he looking to cause... Well, he's always looking to cause trouble but what I'm trying to say is
Is it likely that he could do a great deal of damage or is Dash Kalray able to handle everything? In a full frontal assault above ground, Dash Kalray's easily got the upper hand, they've got the skies, they've got a lot of things on their side. But if he's going to be sneaky about it, which it seems like he's that kind of person and
If he's got Yountie on their side, their deception is their middle names if they had them. So if that's where he's headed, maybe we need to warn them. MacBennar will look to Ren. Ren, when you were looking, when you saw this, how many Yountie were with it? It was dark, but enough for us to not be able to
take him in a straight fight, that could have been 20 more. I don't know but that doesn't mean anything. I reckon we could take 20. It seems that we have two choices here going forwards.
We know the UNT are around these parts, so choice one, we could locate a UNT, capture it, and interrogate it to find out any nearby entrances that would take them under Dash Callery. Or, option two, we can go to Dash Callery itself and ask around.
to see if there is anyone with any knowledge of these tunnels that lie under their city. Who's in charge of Dash Kalray, Rem will say to Chungus? That's Scrymal Arreus, I think, the big boss. Is that right, Darren? It is, well done. And is this person, you know, how do they feel about
fault like to us is she gonna are they gonna take is that our word or what well they've got they've got means they've got magics they're i mean they're incredibly powerful um so if it's if it's true thereafter they've got ways of finding that not in the nasty sense um but saying yeah
do you know anything about this any of any tunnels that lead under dash calorie or do you know anything about the city if it is a city itself I'm gonna pass that over to Darren
Yes, you've never been far enough south from Fish Tortoll to make it to Dash Cow Ride because it's far too populous for someone who was effectively living the hermit's existence. Fish Tortoll did everything you needed alongside the wilderness. I guess I was more interested in the Warrens than in the UNT. Yeah, the Warrens and the UNT, you know enough from the fight the other day and from your encounters with them that the ones who still resemble humans
They are effectively, the Yuan-T think nothing of sacrificing people lower down the chain. Everything is disposable to whatever their cause is. The more snake-like they are, the higher up the chain they seem to be. You've established that about them. That was reaffirmed by yesterday's battle when the most human one of them all was effectively put into a trap where they were certain to die.
And would he have any knowledge, aside from that, around kind of locating entrances to Warrens or anything like that? Do you want to roll for me a survival check? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm up for that. Yeah, boy. Get that 20. Hot diggity damn. How about a three? So that's 10. I think sorry, buddy. It's good. It's not great.
All I know is what we faced yesterday and the way in which they use their more human versions. Aside from that, I don't know anything about getting into any Warrens or how to find them. I just know how to kill them. Sorry. It's a game. Does anyone have any preferences or any other choices? I only came up with two options, but they were the best in my mind. Well,
we could go blundering round the jungle or we could go to where we know he's trying to get to and then out of the city we can make sure we're as well prepared as we can be maybe Ren will be able to do that spell again and we can get a better idea of what he's doing
but we know he went, he was going to the city. We know he needs to go to the city to be able to go to the frozen wastes. He has to be able to get supplies. The snake people won't be able to give him what he needs to survive the frozen wasteland that he's going to. Dash Kalray will. That's where he's gotta go. Wait, hang on, what frozen wasteland? What the fuck's going on here? I thought we were just gonna kill this guy.
No, I'm okay. Sorry, I'm thinking about... Darren, do we know that or have I plucked out information I shouldn't know there? No, you heard from the chap at Fishtortoll who would have to go back from my notes to find him. Yes, that he was heading towards the... That Karl was asking questions about the frozen wasteland. Thank you. He was told that he would only find the means to access it.
Cool, thank you. I knew we knew, I had a sudden moment then when Mark asked that question, I was like, oh shit. Sorry, let me answer that then, okay. Well, at Fish Tortole, the trader, he knew that Carl had been asking about the fraud and wastes and how to get there and how to survive and the only place he can go is Dash Carl Ray. We're going to kill him. Don't get me wrong.
We just knew where he was going, which made us find him much easier. It's worth noting that Chungus, you would be aware as well that to enter the frozen waste without the right preparation is effectively suicide. So it's highly unlikely, if he has any means to achieve anything, that he would do anything without trying to get to Dash Karo first.

Preparing for Karl's Next Move

Yeah, my dear.
Right. Okay. So onwards to Dash Kalare unless anyone has any objections. I think that's the right idea. I mean, that's why my little brother, Okaburra, if, well, who knows if they've been in contact with the other tribes, they might have seen something, might have heard something.
Aye, sounds good to me. I hate being in cities, but whatever this place is, who gets us closer to finding our target, then I'm happy. City will be able to gear ourselves up. We've got the coin. We can do it. Anything to get out of the heat of the jungle. Aye, it'll be cooler there. Or for now. So when do we go?
Right now i'm off to you scrying things is all i'm good but i i i strongly recommend we all have some of the that that chungus berries uh that that there that they're filling and they'll keep them will mean we won't need to stop
And I think you can purchase them at all good retailers, Tesco, Sainsbury's. No, he can't. Everyone turns to the camera with a thumbs up. It's a spell thing, right, Chungus? I saw it in Aldi last week. I've had some of the berries that Chungus can create with magic. They are good. I've used them before. They're good for traveling. I mean, we don't have to stop. I was going to say, I had a girlfriend that wanted my Chungus berries before, but I think that's not what you're asking. And I'll cast Goodberry.
kind of on the side of the tree and have this sprout of eight new berries kind of make the way out. Plus the wrapper is made from 80% recyclable plastics and it's vegan friendly. Syengar, who the fuck are you talking to? What? I don't know what happened. I'm sorry. Rent awkwardly, just going to walk over and ignore Syengar and just take one of the berries. I think it's probably best we just ignore Syengar for a full start.
The $5.99 at Allstone House. She'll come past you, do I go and say that? I'll vouch for them. They're good, I promise. Oh yeah, every batch is different. Let me know how it tastes. That doesn't fill me with... Just give me one, please. I've heard that asked from your girlfriend as well. Here you go.
Right, just swallow it a whole lot more. Just pop it in your mouth. I'm just gonna, yeah, I'll leave those ones be. And Macbeth will go get one as well. We can take it all if you want. How long do these last?
Oh, they're good for a full day. Yeah, yeah. They're good for 24 hours. Maybe we'll take them with us and we can, you know, just in case we come across our ukaburra and craps again, you know, if they've almost got lost in the forest or have argued over another dead thing, I don't know. Yeah, that's true. I mean, if you just take a take a note of where the sun is now, because if it gets to this time tomorrow and you try and eat it, it's not going to fill you up. It's probably going to empty your guts.
Uh, good for when you feel a bit bunged up then. I'm getting out of here. I'll meet you guys outside. Yeah, same. This is a weird conversation and Ren's going to follow Jago out. Just talking about gut health. It's just nothing wrong with that. Oh no, it's really important. Don't encourage him, Macbennar. You hear of Shout back up the ladder as she's descending. I hear these good berries have all the good bacteria for your healthy guts. Aye.
So why are you just kind of giving a toothy smile off to the side? Shut up. Shut up. This is how I make my profits. I'll be I'm in the moment. I'm in the moment. I'm in the moment. I'm going outside too. I'm going to jump my blade and be quiet for a bit. Shut up. McBenna will make sure the fire is out before they leave and he'll then make sure like the fire is prepared for the next people who arrive to use.
You're so, you're so lawful good. Well, as a, as a, as a nice little, no, no, no. Ben is a traveler. He knows that, you know, the rules of travel is that you should leave in the place that you need to leave the fire ready for the next people to come along and pisses on the fire. We're never going to leave the D and D Airbnb. I mean, come on.
Anyway, once you've remade the room, is there anything else that you two are doing before you descend? Yeah, I'm going to cast a cordon of arrows in the room and I'm going to decide if any
No, I'm not going to do that. Because I can't designate if it just attacks UNT, it's anybody. I'm not going to do that. I thought I could just designate if it attacks UNT. Yeah, you make the fire, but the marrow flies off and shoots them as soon as they come in. Yeah. So I thought I can designate UNT, but I can't. So no, I won't. I will leave the place as we found it. Well, I don't think you can designate UNT for that as well. Thanks, Mark. Sorry. As Ucobara descends then, what about you, Chungus?
I'll do the same thing and at the very top of the ladder just on the way down I'll kind of pause quickly look up and I'll Druidcraft out a little flower on the top of the ladder as well and kind of smile to myself and descend. Such a good character, it's going to be such a shame when this guy betrays us.
Okay. Again. Your next day of travel, you notice that you start to make your way out of the Yuan Ti territory. It's a relatively easy day, probably the easiest day you have had. The rain from the night before seems to have broken some of the heat. So whilst it is still warm, it is now a tolerable warmth even for the two dragonborns, whereas it's been quite uncomfortable for them for the past few days.
The good berries allow you to make a good pace. And you notice that as you rest that evening, the tree lines seem to be coming a bit more sparse, which is a sign that you were getting closer to the open plains of dash calorie. That evening, as you are setting down to set up camp, you notice as the sun is setting two figures coming towards your camp.
Damn it, I can't have cast Corden of Arrows ahead of the time. No, sorry. Chungus, you're the ones who recognise them first. It is indeed returning to you, Kratz and Ukaburra. Yay. Chungus goes sprinting off towards Kratz first, just going, little brother, you're here, you're fine.

Reunion and Memory Runes

Hi, Ukaburra. And I'm going to go in for a hug if Kratz would allow it.
If you're really going in for a hug, I don't think Krabs would have much of a choice. So yeah, you can hug, but it's like my arms are flailing at my side as you kind of probably joyfully bounce around with me. Picking you up, spinning you around if I can. Yeah. Hello, jungers. Hello. Yes, good to see you. You can put me down now. He's trying to make me nauseous.
I thought you were hurting him. Yeah, no, I'm going to put him down. That's fine. Did my bat find you? You what? My bat. Yes, it did, Colin. If you recall, I sent you the message that Will had cast for you. Apparently, yeah, it did. I do remember the bat. Of course. Yes, I got your bat. Talking bat, it's quite hard to miss. You didn't tell me about a talking bat.
I didn't know about the talking bat. Here we go. Hold on. Will can corroborate this. You did know because Will went to the effort. You probably did send a message to me about a talking bat, but I've forgotten about the talking bat. Well, there goes that nice moment, never mind. Come back to the camp. Hey guys, they're here, they're here. John, this is just overly excited.
Right, are we ready to make camp then now? These two have arrived. Hello to you too. I missed you very much. Thanks. Where have you guys been? It's been a while. Been a couple of episodes. What? Maybe you could sit down and spend the next 20 minutes telling us what you've been up to in great detail. Did you find them though? Who?
Maybe we will land at those goblins. Yes. You're going to kill them or something. No, not kill them. What was the dragon called again? They were called Clan Gura. That's it. Good. The goblins we found were actually lovers. They had a child called Trevor.
And Trevens asked us to take, well, these artifacts, and I'll produce the jewelry that we were given, to Dashcalreir and convert them to memory runes. Who can do that? People in Dashcalreir. Okay.
Oh wow, brilliant. Thanks, McBennar. Who could borrow that question because it's coming to you. Do you want to roll old Connor to figure out what you know about memory rooms? Oh, Connor, here we go. Oh, donkey. It's a 21.
Yeah, good. Memory runes are one of the great marvels of Dash Kalare. People who know of them, and it's pretty common from the northern hemisphere there, will sometimes travel to Dash Kalare to convert a precious artifact from someone into a
a sacred memory. It says from that you can recall into clarity something that you can view in these blue shard crystals that are effectively a memory of a lost loved one. It's said in some instances that they are powerful enough to even themselves power consciousness.
and they are one of the great wonders and wizards of all levels including yourselves under supervision from one of the arch druids of Dash Kalray are able to do the process of transmutation themselves so you would be able to do this for Trevor. Okay I will convey everything you just said so eloquently back to Sayanga and I'll just add
Perhaps if there's an artifact that you are affiliated with strongly from a lost one, you could convert a memory rune too. That sign goes, I shift over to Drago and back. No, I'm fine thanks. I'll keep my hands clean and keep it in the real world, thank you. It is all in the real world.
How? It's made up voodoo shit. That's not real. You have a lot to learn, my friend. I'll teach you. Ah, fuck. Also, where are all the Snakey Squad? We've just come from their lands and it looks like you have too. Did you encounter them? Yeah, we encountered them, we killed them, we...
You know, yeah, fucked him up. Ah, well, that explains that then. We're heading to Dash Calrite. We were going to try and find a warrant to chase down this bastard guy that we're looking for. You think he's gone underground? From the spell Ren was able to cast to scry for him. She could see that he was underground with a great deal of UNT. And they all had purple eyes. Is the purple eyes a thing he has?
Yes, it's a signal that either he's controlling them or he's giving them some power from whatever's given him power. So the snake people work for the cat man now? Possibly. The ones that attacked us didn't. May I ask, what else is linked to these purple eyes? Maybe the cat man and the snake squad work for whatever has purple eyes.
Like, I've never seen out like that in my life. I see. Well, it sounds like answers are imminent then in Dash Kalri. As long as they don't get in my way from that, Batman, that's fine. I've had to talk Crats down from quite a few cranky cranks over the past couple of days. Cranky Crats. Cranky Crats. I told you, I don't like that nickname. I feel like he's wanting to...
Well, massacre this person, this cat person. Massacre? I'm going to skin the bastard alive. He can get in line because there's a queue. Well, MacBenna wants to do all sorts of fallible things to him too. He can do whatever he wants to what's left after I'm finished with him. This is quite a short task, I've got mine. MacBenna will look to Crats and say, I'm going to make this very clear, Crats.
When Karl dies, I'll be the one to make sure he ends. And that's the promise.

Conflict and Resolution Attempt

I promise you, if you want that right, you're going to have to beat me there. I punch him. Oh, you try to punch him is the word roll to hit.
That's a seven from me, I clearly missed. Yeah, I don't think I need to ask Callum through his AC. I'll assume that misses. This sprightly goblin is just able to dash his head out of the way of this incoming fist. Overcome with a newfound sense of allegiance, I'm going to immediately attack McKenna back.
Yes! Can you make a... Once able, I need... This is awesome! Okay, pause, because there's a lot of people wanting to do stuff. I've got to say, I've got to say, I've got to say, I've got to say, I've got to say, I've got to say, I've got to say, I've got to say, I've got to say, I've got to say,
Okay, I heard Will and I believe was that Ian there I heard? No, correct. Okay, Will, what'd you get? I got a 19. Crap. 16. Okay. I'm not going to say that. Okay, yep. Well, what we should do is, from a rules consultant point of view, as it's Ookaburrow who's an escort, so I punched him.
If Ukaburra's then weighing in, which is then triggering Ian, really, it should be Ukaburra's action as a pre, as a almost surprise round, followed by initial order. I'll put Ukaburra to the top of the initiative then. No, no, no, no, no, no. He gets an action and then he goes wherever Ukaburra falls, if you know what I mean. What we'll deal with that, you will. Okay, so that goes to McBennacratz, 10 to 15. Chungo, Bob Waffle. Chungo, yep. Ukaburra got a 10.
Okay, 14, Shungus, Ukaburra, and then Drago. Eight. I mean, I did roll anyway, I got a five. Okay, yep, thank you. Okay, surprise round, Ukaburra, you've triggered this, what are you doing? So immediately seeing this completely unexpected attack on my new friend, I'm going to cast Burning Hands on that punch as it goes in.
Jesus Christ. Oh, yeah. Level three. So I need you to make a dexterity saving throw. Please, Macbeth. Twenty all day. You take. Oh, she had. In five, ten points of fire that you went lethal. OK, fine. OK. Oh.
Cool, cool. Okay. Now your campaigns have to end really quickly. Well, that's just McBenna. It does come to you, McBenna. It does come to you, McBenna next, now that Ukaburra's done. I'll just say with the last of that free action, what do you think you're doing? Delicious. Yes. McBenna, your turn. Yeah, okay, let me think. So I'm within striking distance of Ukaburra, correct? And Kratz, yeah, I'll say.
Well, no, yeah, what's the range on your spell, Danny? 15 feet. Okay, so... But I intended for contact, yeah. That's fine, okay, that's fine, I'll just... Okay, in that case, I will... Well, this is escalated into far more of a fight than... We're just gonna be fists, but no, no, we're expelling to it.
Okay, I will cast Hunter's Mark on... Yeah, with a fist, and then he's now flaming me on fire. Fine. Okay, I'm gonna cast Zephyr Strike on myself. Counterspell. It's an unexpected combat, Darren.
I had no idea this was going to happen. Neither did I, but I'm here for it. I am leant forward in my chair. Excellent. That's my bonus action done. Right, I'll now use my action. Did you use your bonus action to cast Hunter's Mark? No, I didn't. I used my bonus action to cast Steffa Strike. Right, okay. That's been nulled by count as well.
that is that is actually fun. In that case, I will. Yeah, okay. What am I going to do? Am I going to disengage? Yeah, okay. I'm fuck off. You're walking away. David didn't have
I will take the... I'm sorry, this is such a tense moment, but I did hear Mark Bearer say I'm Craig Daviding, man. Yep. You got it, bro. I will take the disengage action back away so I can leave Kratz's range. Oh, no, so I can leave the range without being... Oh, no.
You're actually in range of me. Fine, fuck it. Okay, I'm gonna stab you then, because I forgot you were in range of me. I'll pull out my short sword and dagger and attack you. Who? Who you going for? For Ukaburra, because he's the one that's trying to save me on fire. Okay. First hit, that's a crit for 27. Hits. Oh, fuck. Shit.
So roll damage. So let's roll. So that's 10 points of piercing damage on the first attack. Followed by second attack. That's a 14 to hit.
And then that's another eight points of piercing damage. And then the two handed for the offhand attack. Don't you need your bonus action to do the offhand attack? Oh yeah, of course do. Sorry, apologies. Yep. Yep. And that's it. So that's total of, yeah, the 18 points of damage I've done. Cool.
OK, suddenly this is escalated. There's been a flick of flame and then a flash of steel. Chungus, you're the quickest to react to this. So fear flicks across Chungus's face. What are you doing? Stop. And I'm going to bonus action go into my starry form. So Chungus's whole body just kind of
starts emitting incredibly bright light between both of you there. Not enough to dazzle you, you're still fine to see, but his kind of form dissipates into something more ethereal as constellations and stars basically start shining across his body and some of the constellations join up into the form of a, like a chalice, basically a cup upon him. So that's the form that I'm taking. And I'm
kind of panicking at this point. So I'm just going to try and get into the middle and try and pull someone off. Fuck's sake. Okay. Who are you going for? You've got to pick one. So, I mean, crap talks in range. Okay. There's three of us in range of it. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, I mean, I've, I've seen both Ocobura and McBenna
do serious damage to each other, both of them probably in a relatively bad state straight from the off. I don't know whether this works for the spell, but I've got mauled earth as a cantrip. And it's entirely up to obviously rules consultants as well helping me out here, but am I able to create some sort of barrier between the two of you with that? I know it's not going to form like a massive barrier or wall or anything like that, but just
using the Earth around you to do that. I'm checking the spell now, hold on. Yeah, target an area of loose Earth, you can excavate it, you can your core shapes, colors or both appear in dirt or stone. If the dirt or stone you target is on the ground, you cause it to come difficult to rain. I'm just looking if I can excavate five, like a five foot cube,
You could excavate five foot cube, you could excavate area of loose earth and then deposit it in between us. Yeah, but I don't know whether that would do much. But that's I think that's what I try and do. Or you can turn it into different way, like shake the ground and then settle our feet on. And then we can go for suitable roleplay effects. But yeah, do you know what, because I've done a bonus action. And because that might not work, I'm going to go whole hog and I'm going to cast Entangle beneath
all of our feet. Okay, what does that do? Everyone that is in with a 20 foot square needs to make a strength saving throw or be restrained by entangling plants. So basically in panic, in sheer panic with obviously an attack coming on his
What he would consider to be his family plus is almost like a newfound close relationship that he's built over the last couple of days. Yeah, just the vines, grassland, anything around us on the floor just starts growing and becomes this tangling mess of plants.
And I know it's stupid, but it's going to be under my feet as well. It's a good idea. All right. Yep. For expediency, I'm going to say it's going to affect everyone who's been so far. So Kratz, Kookaburra, Chungus, and McBenna. I mean, I haven't walked away yet because I can go get involved in that. Technically, I haven't had a chance to walk away. This is true. All right. I'll say the only two not affected by this are Drago and Ren then for now. Yeah.
I'm stuck. I rolled a seven. Strength 16 to beat. Yeah. Can I ask, Will, is there a visual or semantic component to you casting it that we would hear or see you do? The spell does have both, yeah, verbal and semantic. I would willingly fail knowing that you were casting something because I'd assume it was going to help us. Okay. Okay. Crap.
We'll just have to restrain Slavin from him. Nineteen. Yeah, let's pass. Cras passes, and then McBana. Fifteen. That's a fail. Okay, McBana fails. And Chungus, what happens? I rolled a two. I fucking restrained myself as well.
So if you're keeping score, listeners, Kratz is not entangled in this. McBenna, Ukaburra and Chungus and Syengar are. As that happens, at the end of your turn, Chungus. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Who could borrow you're the first to react because we're back to you in the initiative order. What's happening? So I am grappled or I'm restrained what it was the effect it says it's restrained by the entangled effects the everything all the ground is difficult terrain and you are In you are restrained So I'll just vocalize Why are you punching crats and trying to kill me and then I will
just cast Blur on myself so I cannot be hit any hits against me or done at disadvantage and I'm just going to sort of cower as best I can being restrained so trying to hide behind the um entangled vines okay thank you is that your turn yeah and I just go to sort of translucent
Okay, thank you. Ren's turn. She is confused. She's the only person not entangled along with Drago and she just looks at Drago as if to go, what on earth is happening and what do we do? Drago, it's your turn.
Well, that escalated quickly, didn't it? So this whole time, Drago was, as far back as when Kratz and Ucoboa rejoined the party,
Drago was just sat down nearby, and he was doing what Drago likes to do, and he was whetstoning the great axe, just sharpening the blade as this was all going on. But then as soon as MacBenna launched himself at craps,
uh drago ears would have pricked up and then as soon as ukaburra started to do some spells drago would definitely cast an eye over what was going on and stood up next to ren haven't seen everything that's gone by with kind of one raised eyebrow everyone just kind of taken in the situation um
Trago just kind of looks back at Ren. Yeah, this is getting a bit out of hand. Just give me a moment. And Drago is going to stroll forward and the amulet is going to just glow a red, a deep red, as
he's just gonna cast Halt, a Command, sorry, he's gonna cast Command at second level and say Halt to McBenna and Ukaburra. So I need a Wisdom saving throw from you both at 13 to save. Again, both hands are up as he's walking towards you, he's gonna kind of just
step over the the vines or whatever it is on the ground and he's just gonna go okay halt and as he says halt the the amulet pulses are deeper red um and yeah you both have to make a wisdom saving again i'll willingly fail if i see you're trying to intervene
I got a 20, I pass. Cool. So it doesn't affect you at all. Okaburra, you just, for your next turn, can't make any, you can't do anything. It's like a frozen you. Not in a malicious way. Drago's hands are both raised up as he's walking towards you and then he's going to, okay, this is getting a bit out of hand here.
MacBenna responded in rage to a very raw and emotional situation. There is no need to escalate it further." And that's it. Okay, thank you. Saingar, as you were trying to walk past this, what happened was that you were entangled in this spell.
is your turn you are I believe grappled is it grappled or restrained? No that's restrained. The wording is restrained. Zyngar is going to turn around and half listen to what Drago is saying and nods his head and then goes I tried to get the fuck away and he's going to use his breath weapon against
whoever the fuck is closest to him or just it's like a rage that he's just gonna and just release this breath weapon probably towards Chungus if I'm being perfectly candid and it's a comb so whoever's in that close I guess it's your kind of shout I just wanted to walk away guys that's all I'm saying he's just gonna release that as a con saving throw 13
Um, it's everyone apart from Ren, isn't it? In the 15th. Yeah. Yep. Um, everyone apart from Ren. You'd be at half, you'd be at half damage if you failed. I failed. I failed. Failed. What's the, I can't believe I'm asking this of all people. It's a con, isn't it? There we go. Okay. I've never had to defend against the breath, breath weapon before. Uh, 13. Uh, meets at beats. So you, I got 12.
All right. Well, if you fail, you're all taking eight points of cold damage. And if you pass it, you half it. Do I hold half it twice then? Is that two that I take? Yeah. Well, you're resistant to it. So whatever the damage is, it's always half it because you're resistant to the damage. Yeah. Two. Okay. Well, then you just stand there flexing, looking annoyed. I do need, um, is blur concentration. Yeah. I've lost it.
OK, Blair's gone. Chung's vessel is entangled. Concentration? Yeah, yeah, it is concentration. I think no, actually, is it? I'm not sure. Either way, I've done one save and I've saved. OK. Yes, I got a 19 system up.
Okay, I guess this is still ongoing then, top of the round, unless of everything else, Syengar. No, he'd continue to try and just walk away because he'd be held by the vines and fucking try and slash them with his short sword. I assume it's an action to try and break out with these. It is. It's just flavour. I wasn't actually trying to break away. It was just me. His intention is to get away, not to actually be there at all. He's just pissed off that he's still stuck with these fighting bitches.
OK, still restrained. You're still there. McBenna, top of the round. McBenna will look to Drago. He will look to Okaburra, Chungus and Kratz. And he will sort of spit a gobble of blood to the floor near to Kratz.
I've made it very clear that Karl was mine. And if you wish to challenge one that cracks, then so be it, but don't have others decide to escalate this into more than just a fist fight. I will use my action to try and resist the entangle. Okay. Yeah. What is it to break it? It's strength saving for a wall.
against your spell save DC. Yeah, 16 to beat. No, still entangled. Thank you. Okay, thank you. Moving down to Krattsen, who is not entangled, if I remember rightly. Krattsen. I am not. I look down for a brief moment of the glob of blood that have been spat at me by
I will look up to him and say, let's see how much blood you really have old man. And what I'm going to do is combat wild shape.
Okay, so I can cast Wild Shape as a bonus action and you're gonna hear the bones crack, the body morph, the fleshboard fur coming in as a very large brown bear is now henceforth going to be standing directly where Krabs was.
and I am going to rush forward and attack him. I'm a fine fear away, mate. You'd have to rush anywhere. Ed's turn of phrase. But I get to do it with advantage as well, don't I? Because you are restrained. Yes, yep. What is happening? This has gone to shit. It got escalated by fire.
Just see the bastard and he's like, well, that was all very easy. No one even tried to stop me. That's cool. I conquered the world. It's great. Um, I have a multi tax. I'm going to go to bite you first off, uh, or attempt to bite your other, which that's not going to work. So 13 to hit you miss, uh, damn it, even with advantage, god damn it. Uh, and then I'm going to swipe at you with my claws.
Does a 21 hit you? Yes. And you take 10 points of slashing damage. I think that's all day, mate. All day. Is that the end of your turn? Yeah, that's the end of my turn. Chungus. Okay.
seeing that I've kind of fucked up royally here. And things are not going well. And in fact, now better is just taking a beating from my little brother. I'm going to drop concentration immediately on entangle. I'm going to basically say, stop, just remember who the enemy is. We're all friends here. And on the word friends, I'm going to cast healing word. And because I've got the
chalice um world shape up i'm gonna have that affect both mcbenna um in fact actually yes i'm gonna have it affects um both mcbenna and ukaburra oh i mean that's um mighty kind because i almost got killed by uh mcbenna and then syengar decided to uh
I'm walking with I with one health me cold Callum took me down to one health as well You've offended me and harmed my goblin kin I am going to end you let's fucking do it, right? So sorry Darren basically the seven hit points are
go to, or seven hit points for my healing word, go to a cabura. Um, and I get to roll a D eight and add a bit more to that for, um, the healing that will go to, uh, McBenna, which is six. I'm afraid rolled really shitly. Uh, so a six and seven kind of as a, a small constellation of the chalice kind of appears on, on both of you. So you both get that healing. That's a bonus action. Um, as
my action what i want to do is uh try to fucking hell uh i'm gonna try and grapple the bear okay it's a size larger than me i've not i'm sorry just just repeat that for me i'm gonna try and grapple the bear you crazy ass motherfucking bastard uh-huh um and i've got to roll really well which i didn't so can you beat me
So it's a strength save from you. Well, it's acrobatics or athletics. It's what it reduces. By the bear statistics. No, it's not by the bear statistics, is it? Yes, it is actually. Yeah, because it was. It did by the bear statistics. 24. Yeah, that's mildly me today. So Chungus is just going to try and grab a limb basically and just be saying, you don't brother, snap out of it. OK, is that you done, Chungus? Oh, yes. OK, Ukaburra.
I've just lost count. Is the halt command in effect now, or did I already do a turn with the halt command in effect? No, you haven't. Unfortunately, it takes effect now. Okay, so it just means I don't have an action.
I'm going to read it because I didn't expect Callum to fuck us. The target doesn't move and takes no actions. A flying creature stays aloft to provide that it's able to do so. If it must move to stay aloft, it's like, yeah, basically the target doesn't move and takes no actions. A slight request to bend a rule here, Darren, that I get an extra six seconds of speech and use my bonus action to talk a little bit longer.
You can talk by all means. Thank you. I'll just say in quite an exasperated voice, you clearly don't know the ways of Goblin King in the verdant. If you attack a goblin, we have to step in. And I'm spitting blood as I say this to Mackay.
Thank you. What's going to happen is Renizin all of a sudden just going to let out this cry of, stop! And she's going to cast something. And to find out what she has cast, you're going to have to tune into next week's episode of The Fellowship.
E.G. give Darren a moment to try and find a spell that will put all the stuff to the shit. I know what she's done, but you and the listeners will have to wait till next week to figure out which one. It's fine, Callum. I was fine, then it escalated. You punched me! And I'll tell you what, if you want to escalate this further and tune in next week, you can do

Conclusion and Social Media Shoutout

so. And I'm going to take this opportunity just
Just advertise our social media pages to which we have quite a few now because the world's gone to shit. Twitter's been owned by multiple people now and we don't know where things are. But you can find our information out there. We have a website which is We have a Facebook page because we want to be hired by every motherfucker with money going. So Mark Zuckerberg, give us our daily bread. You can find that at
fellowship table. Our twit page is also at fellowship table. We have a mastodon and we have something else. But if you just Google fellowship tabletop, you'll find us. I'm going to wrap this quickly because desperately want to know what happens next week. And I'm sure you all do. If you wanted to follow me individually, you can do so on my Twitter page. I'm at iWorldA1. Will can be found out at Natural20Will. Rent to Will can be found out at Fellowship NPC PC. Mark can be found at HastilyRollDM.
Callum can be found at TheD20Gamer, Danny can be found at TotalPartyThrills, and our DM, our Crafty DM, our DM who has got the ultimate of party in battles going on right now, can be found at Darren Peugeot 6. Until next time guys, and you will want to tune in for it. Farewell!