Interrogation and Betrayal
If only you don't happen to be a worshiper of an illegal god and they're here for you, do you? If you want to say we're all really good people, these people don't even really understand the whole pantheon of gods of Eryth. So now is the time to admit it and we can just point them in your direction and we'll be on our way.
Introduction to the Cast and Setting
Hello, welcome to this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are a live play 5e D&D podcast set in the Magical Homebrew world of Aerith. My name is Mark, I am the Dungeon Master, and also with us for today's episode, we have... Casey, who plays the human champion, Hell in a Sleepguard. Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? What? No, we've got Will, who plays the human bard, Karstan. I, for one, welcome our new hunter overlords. We have Callum, who plays the gnome sorcerer, Folly Fierzelbang, the ninth.
I thought that was going to be a thing, Will. Hello, Will. We've got Darrin, who plays the human cleric, Claude. Good morning, squirrels. We've got Ian, who plays the dragonborn barbarian, Drago. In the lane, Snow is glistening. And we have Darrin, who plays the human fighter, Rogue Robin.
the old chris gras they've come a-hunting they're coming along walking along looking for a cleric by the name of claud ah almost worked nice try though hey hey mark what happened on last week's
Journey to Goldview and Challenges
Funny you'd mention that there was a little bit of infighting there as well if you remember we find ourselves on the road the great northern road down towards Goldview the city of hopes and dreams and cacophony of problems on our way to fight the blights off into the east and Unfortunately along the way we came across a massive
cart that seemed to be on huge wheels, this monstrosity of a device, massive wheels, and actually turned out that it was a pub called Spokes and Spirits. Yes, Spokes and Spirits. And upon this was a number of patrons and the group got on board and took their journey south towards Goldview. They got told they'd get close to the city but not too close.
realizing that this very large pub would be a very obvious sign of their arrival, now knowing that they are not welcome in Goldview. There was some conversation that took place. Claude got told he had to kind of keep quiet in his home time by Helena, which did not go down well. Drago was also told he might need to keep it quiet a bit, and that went down slightly better. However,
Drago then took himself away to speak with Claude. Robin then also joined, and in doing so meant that there was a bit of a consternation between Drago and Robin, which led to some amazingly dramatic dialogue, which Claude, like a young child in a broken home, cast silence, as many people would wish they could do on their parents, caused, well, that sounded quite deep, which caused them both to go quiet, but in doing so meant that the argument had to end.
Drago then spoke to Claude and we kind of
Explosion and Separation
left it there. I don't want to give anything away
Suddenly, as a loud bang, a huge explosion took place, and people found themselves thrown from the cart. Upon coming to, they realized that they weren't in the cart anymore. In fact, I say cart, this huge pub on wheels, they'd been thrown from it as this huge pub had been basically split into an eruption of flame and fire, and they heard a voice shouting out that they need to surrender.
to the Obcriscra, which they knew to be the religious arm, the religious sect of the Sanguine Lands and rulers of the land to drive out heretics on that Claude is known to be, either to surrender to them or face imminent death.
under the order of Delmonde, trace the leader of the Obcrisco. The party find themselves scattered. The rain is falling, hard, vertical rain, straight down, wet, straight through. You can hear it thudding on the mud beneath you and you can hear the slight crackle of fire and the sizzle of rain as it hits the fire.
Facing the Obcriscra: Decisions and Divisions
You hear the same voice cry out across the ground. Well, what is your answer? You find yourselves all separate. You can't see much except the fires
There seem to come on the cart, and you can hear nothing but the rain. You cannot see from your current state the location of any of these figures. What would anyone like to do? Just wanted to confirm I'm still poisoned, yeah?
you are still poisoned cool no one has had a long rest we have had a short rest so if anyone needs to have bumped up any i didn't realize that sorry you would have had a short rest i'll give you that we'd have had at least an hour cast them will sort of uh stagger up to onto his feet and attempt to look around him and try and just see
Standoff and Strategy
what is where and what is happening.
a couple of steps away, you see the figure of the halfling, the kind of rich looking halfling that gobbed off towards Claude for quite a while at the previous episode, lying unconscious on the floor. You can see his chest moving, but he looks in pain and he's still on the floor.
Aside from that, as you look out from the space around you, you can't see much in front of you. But as your eyes dart slightly off to the left, you see a figure standing behind a very large stone. He's looking directly at you, and there's two of them stood there. You see a figure of a human, a male human with quite pale skin.
he's wearing a large robe a light blue robe with a large hood everything has a gold trim to it it looks very clean a large satchel with a large spell tone sits on his on his hip and stands in his hand is a long gnarled staff with a small light that sits in the very top of it
It just seems to give this kind of light teal colour glow from it, which seems to light part of his face, allowing you to see it as he stares directly back at you. Is this where the voices come from? No, this is not where the voices come from. The voice seems to almost come from behind you, but behind you is the cart. So you can imagine it's the other side of the cart.
Okay, so what we have is the pub split in half. We have in the top northern, northwestern half, Robin, Carstan and this chap, you didn't actually get his name because you never spoke to him. Valgorn Uppenberg II lying unconscious on the floor. To the north, blocking the path on which the cart would have gone, there is almost a phalanx of six of these mages stood there. Three standing in the path, blocking you, some taking cover behind large rocks.
To the east, between the two groups of parties, there are two of these bellcasters hidden behind a rock, obviously in some kind of ambush position. Now, in the very center of the map is where the majority of the pub has been broken. Drago, Ewan Frenner, who was the person who owned this, are just on the inside, the doorway of it almost, just working your way out. Claude, you, along with Folly, and Helena have been thrown from the wreckage. Helena, you've been thrown the furthest off to the west.
Claude you're kind of stuck in the debris of it where it got hit eventually and folly you must have fallen out earlier on and you find yourself quite south there is also the body of the human who joined the journey a little bit later lying prone to the south i've labeled him as shady stranger because you referred to him as being a bit shady the other side of that shady stranger is a large rock behind that rock is another one of these mages
So to give you some context, you've got the majority of the majors to the north, you've got a few to the west, and you've got one to the south nearest to you, okay? Are the barrels large enough to be cover if necessary?
Correct. Yes, they are large enough to be covered if necessary. Okay. And we don't know where the voice came from. You don't know where the voice came from. No, you know the location, which is behind you, but you're not sure. Okay. Anything else apart from that? Is there anything else people you're slowly kind of coming to? Helena, you've been thrown the furthest. You find yourself kind of, kind of skin through the mud.
The main question I had was which one of these is Tali? Of course, it's not labelled for you, is it? Tali is located just north of you by about five metres. That's correct, the figure just north of you. We've got Folly down to the south, you've got Drago in the heart next to Frenna, you've got Helena thrown to the east, you've got Robin and Karstan together in the cart to the north, along with Valgore and Utenburg the second,
who's body is up to the north and also shady stranger down to the south there. Okay, everyone who I haven't labeled is one of the Chris Cramp. Oh, and who's the person next to me? That is Frenna. She's the person who runs the Spokesman Spirits Pub. Got you. Thank you very much. So we find ourselves
in the rain, on a major road on our way to Goldview, and we find ourselves now under attack by what we can assume is the, what we know is the Obkriscrum.
Claude's Dilemma: Fight or Surrender?
The rain continues to pummel down, Helena, as you kind of stand yourself back up to your feet. You see near you a collection of trees. So anything with the kind of
green outline is the outside of the tree and the brown center is obviously the main body of it, okay? So you can get underneath it, you'd be able to get cover if you got close to the the body of the tree. Helena, you look to the north as you look around and see through the trees this collection of mages stood to the north. You recognize these as the members of the abcisca. You see their faces but you don't recognize who they are. Is there anything you'd like to do?
Can they see me? Because I'm behind a tree. You can't see their eyes to know whether or not they see you or not. Right. If I try to whisper over to Frenna, who's Delmonde? Can she hear me? What's her next move? You get nothing in response.
That's what I'm going to do. I'm going to try and be stealthy. Sorry. Do you want to try and hide? Okay. Do you want to roll for stealth then? We're not in initiative right now, are we? If you're wearing armor again, I'm going to be Will here. But if you're wearing armor, it should be with disadvantage. Yeah, I assumed it was with disadvantage. Sorry, Casey. It should be with disadvantage.
That's fine. That's one. I think she has medium armor master, so I think it doesn't have disadvantage. Medium armor doesn't affect heavy armor. It's fine. It's 17. You managed to bring yourself in close behind the central portion of the tree, thinking you're practically covered there.
as you slowly and quietly stand yourself up and hide yourself behind the tree, Helena. Thank you very much. Drago, the ringing in your ears stops as you come to and realise you're no longer in the hammock that you previously were, but you're now stood with Frena panting just to your side and Claude stood directly in front of you. As the ringing stops and your vision returns, you see Claude staring back at you.
What the fuck is going on? Um, well, I think it's time. Time? What? This is what we talked about because this is not a good time. No, I think it's time that the thing that I've been running from has caught up with us. Oh god. There's no reason why anything has to happen. I will go with them. Hold up, Claude. Hang on. Um, my head.
What do you mean the thing? You mean the up-crisker? Yeah, I will go with them. You guys have- You're not going anywhere. Just, no. Give me- Oh, this is like waking up with the worst hangover. Oh, I didn't even drink that much. Okay. I got a lot on fire.
So what's your plan? Well, I was going to go so that you guys could go and finish the blight and I'll wait for that to happen and then you come get me out of prison, maybe. We both know that's not going to happen. I don't even know if he's going to teach the prison. Well, then the alternative is quite a bloody one and I don't really want to hurt people. Yeah, well...
I don't think you have a choice in that. We're not going to let you go. I've already told you that we've got your back on this. Where's everyone else? Can you see anyone? Everyone seems to be okay. Whatever happens next affects a lot of things that happen, you know, down the line. It's hard to say if you've got, you know, like a criminal status on you. We can't leave any survivors. And we've got to be sure that these people won't say anything.
She looked back at me at this point, and I don't think now's the time to talk about homicide. I've been nothing but good to you people. Just... Frenner, it's okay. It's okay. This is a very sensitive subject for him. Claude, we can't kill Frenner. We can kill the people after you. Don't lose yourself. Frenner, you don't happen to be a worshiper of an illegal god, and they're here for you, do you?
I mean, if you want to say we're all really good people, these people don't even really understand the whole pantheon of gods of Eryth. So now is the time to admit it and we could just point them in your direction and we'll be on our way. Pantheon? What? And you can see now she's had blood coming out of the ear a little bit. She's not in a good way. But what? Just make them go away. Yeah, we'll make them go away. You hide, find somewhere safe.
OK, we will all protect you. Jago makes a pointed look at Claude at that. OK. And as you guys
Magical Counteractions
just lock eyes for just a second, the camera quickly pans back over, Kastan. You've just been searching around. And Robin, you've just finally kind of stretched up and stood up. You've checked your equipment. You're all kind of there. Everything's in place, but you just have this crazy ringing in your ears as you realize what's just happened. What would you like to do?
So as Robin allows the ringing in his ears to subside, he notices the pale figure stood opposite him and he feels slightly unnerved by how pale and gaunt and very quite threatening this man appears to be. Robin just immediately puts his hand to Ghostbane and just draws the blade up high enough to see if it's glowing, to see if there's any sign that we're being attacked, that there's anything undeadly about these abcisca.
As you pull out the blade expecting there to be some line, it is not at all a line. That you can only assume that these are not of the unliving.
Robin is going to slide the blade back into his sheath and he's going to shout out back in the direction. I don't know what your business is with us but I'm quite fairly confident it's a case of mistaken identity. There's no need for bloodshed here. You hear a searing
noise start to approach robin and you feel this massive boom boom from behind as you feel the back of the cart shudder and shake slightly and flames erupt from behind you so you realize that something else has been sent to attack the back of that you can assume it reminds you of cast on casting fireball and then the voice rings out again you hear it's the same voice ring out you hold within your ranks a heretic
It goes by the name of Claude. We will apprehend him and all his accomplices. So saith our leader, come out and make this a simple endeavor. Stay. They will cause death among you all. Claude is going to whisper to Folly. Folly, tell him Claude was on a different travelling pub. They just missed him. They just missed him. If they look the other way now, they just missed him.
Did I identify which one actually said that? From your location, Folly, right at the very, very, very, very back, it's too far away. You know it isn't the one nearest you to the west. You know it's not the ones to the east. You can assume it's from the ones to the front somewhere. But from your location, it's obscured by the huge pub that's on fire blocking the path at the moment. Okay, from this direction? From the north, yeah. Yeah, one of the ones in the north. That's where the voice came from.
what folly is going to do then um he's going to quickly cast fly on himself um and he's actually just going to go to the top of the actual because we're not in any initiative order at the moment are we no he's going to fly on top of the wagon um just to survey the scene for a little bit if it's assuming that the voice obviously came up from
the north how many enemies is there to the north there are six in almost a v formation three of them hiding behind large rocks three of them out in the open you can save see from the three out at the front as you cast fly and you approach the top of the cart you can see them quite clearly all flanking each other all in a well uniform position all wearing the same blue with light blue with gold trim with the hoods up staffs in hand looking very neat and tidy looking like a professional outfit
Can they all make a wisdom saving throw for me? Depends, what are you doing? I'm going to cast mass suggestion on them. There's a verbal and material concept. There's definitely a verbal element to that, so they're going to see it. And the minute you start doing that, are you going to do it? I'm going to try, yes. Okay, the minute they do that, the minute you do it, you see the ones at the very centre, the one just off to the left,
is going to cast Counterspell. What level spell is it? Six. You see him suddenly take a step forward and his hand comes waving up in the direction and suddenly your ability to cast this has been negated. He takes a step back and the one in the very centre takes one more step forward towards you.
Turn yourself in. Where is Claude? I don't know who this Claude is. Very well. We have our orders and he looks to the character to the left and to the right of him, nods, they nod to and start, hand reaches down towards their very large tome on either side as they're going to hit into initiative order. So can we all please hit initiative order? Can you all roll initiative please?
For the purpose of this, is it how light is it? For those of us who don't have darkvision, what is the light situation on this map? That's a very good question. No, it's not a good question. It's nice and light. I can see everything. Night time. It is the dead of night.
Battle with the Obcriscra
However, I will talk to you about it. Both things are on fire. So as long as you are in,
You see the path going through the middle, the main brown path going through the middle. If you basically don't cross into the trees, which are the deep green areas, as long as you don't go near the trees, you're fine. You can see because of the light of the burning carts. If you go into it, so kind of where Helena is and beyond, your vision is obscured because it's not just there. So also we're nicely silhouetted for people shooting at us. Yeah. Perfect. Exactly.
We're all about to kick into action, but Drago, you suddenly get the feeling. You hear Folly on top of the car, make some noises. You know what's gonna happen. You can almost feel it in your bones. So you nod to Claude, almost in like a, it's about to go down, look. And you kind of, that's why you get the jump on the criss-cross going for it, okay? So that's why we're gonna say you're top of the round for that. So Drago, top of the round, you hear these voices, you know shit's hitting the fan, what would you like to do?
Drago looks towards Claude, gives him a nod, withdraws Dengon's deception. No survivors. And with that,
will turn and exit the area of cover that he's in to face the Obciska, the nearest Obciska. So there's one to yourself, really nearby, hiding behind a rock. There are two to the west and there are six to the north. Do we know they're there, given, depending on their light vision? Yes, all their staffs have a light within the very top of it, which you're most literally kind of, bing bing bing, look, I'm over here. Just important for targeting purposes later.
Absolutely. Yeah, but it's the it's kind of the yeah, yeah, you can see where they are. They're not trying to hide themselves. They're not trying to obscure themselves. They're standing out almost as a show of force. Drago is gonna say Drago is gonna make a beeline for the newest up Chris enemy, which is to the Southern Lee rock and approach dingo with dengons deception withdrawn and
Just go for a hit. He's going to rage. When he, sorry, to retcon slightly, when he said to Claude, no survivors, he's going to initiate rage. Lovely. Thank you very much. Okay, so you are directly behind this member of the upper Chris Crumb. Roll to hit. Fuck yeah, I'm going to roll to hit. How's a 27? Shit, yeah, that hits. You were so hoping it wouldn't work. 15 points of slashing damage. Okay, thank you very much. You take a slice across his back as he rinses in pain and turns around to kind of look at you.
You're not taking anyone here today, and Drago will hit again. 16. That would hit. It looks as if the blade comes smashing down upon him, but actually at the last minute, you see the shimmering light coming together and block the hit at the last second. Some kind of magical armour. You've recognised this from something that's happened before, as he looks back and smiles at you.
Motherfucker smiled at me. Oh, shit's going down. Have you got a third attack? No, but I remember it. I bet you will. I know you will. Lovely. Drago, thank you very much. Great start to the turn. Claude, you find yourself, you just heard that from Drago and he runs off and starts slashing away a rock for all intents and purposes. What do you want to do?
Claude, who's had this boiling panic, slowly take over his entire state since we left Arlachmouth when the threat of the Prisca became real. Now all of the oceans are coming to a sort of fever pitch and he's going to take in what Drago says, have a deep breath,
follow drago east around the rock and then i'm going to cast warding bond on drago drago your ac is increased by one you have resistance to all sorts all sources of damage you have plus one to all saving throws that you roll but then each time you take damage i take damage okay that sounds awesome and deadly and
yeah let's do this it's an equal damage isn't it for the both of you whatever drop yeah but but he's resistant so it's halved it's all the stuff that reduces his damage then applies to me does it um does this double resistance because he's already resistant to alone no it just brings him resistance everything like just the regular double resistance yeah yeah it's it's like um i guess it's like uh advantage you can't get double advantage you're double advantage and then i'm going to take
With the last of my movement, just take a couple steps north in the direction of Helena, and I'm just going to scream out in infernal, you don't deal with only one follower anymore.
Retaliation and Combat Skills
Okay, thank you very much, Claude, for that. You don't get any response from that, but you do feel an energy start to change in the area as the Ocriscora will take their turn. The most north and easterly
of them is going to go exploring. Because we're not lit up some of us, yeah. And start to trace their way around the outside of the wreckage, moving in a round position, checking all areas of the cart. Basically, he's going to end up round where Robin and Kastan and Valga and Oppenburg, the second, are currently residing. He's up round there. The centre
three are going to take a little bit of a step forward. The two on the far east hiding behind the rocks are going to make their way down towards where Helena and Claude are currently located. The two that are on the rocks to the east are going to step into a more battle-ready position and turn towards Karstan and Robin. So that's all that kind of movement. I'm going to do the movement all at once, okay.
Firstly, the three mages that are facing off with Folly are going to look into their spell books and are each going to cast a spell. The first one, this blue light, which can be fired out towards you as it casts Ray of Frost. And that's a 16 against your armor class Folly.
Yes, that hit. You're going to take 10 points of cold damage from that central hit. Okie dokie. The one on the left, the one who cast counterspell against you is going to keep thumbing through his book and looking up towards you, unsure of what to do. And the one on the left of this central figure is going to cast magic missile against you. You're going to take eight points of force damage from that as three magic missiles.
come shooting out towards you and catch you in in your in your chest okay as you take that damage. That is what that central portion are going to do. The figures on the far east that are looking for Helena don't roll high enough to see her but do see Claude just behind because we weren't hiding in any way shape or form. They're going to well the one on the left is going to cast a spell and all you hear
clawed is a voice in your head. It's not the same as the voice that you spoke in the same language you spoke in, you just hear chanting and echoing chant in your head that seems to start to chill you to your core, your sense of worry and fear of what's going to happen starts to emanate and grow and grow and grow and get more and more as your voice starts to get lighter and your breath starts to panic and get faster and faster. Could you make a wisdom saving throw please?
I'm fucking loving this. 28! Oh baby! You bitch. Nice. So this sense of fear starts to subside as you think you hear chains, the rattling chains of a life in servitude start to just disappear again from your ears. Almost Christmas carol-esque as they disappear. I'm totally getting that. Yeah, they disappear. You have to make a wisdom saving quote. It's never going to go well for you.
well they don't know that they just see a guy in armor you're not gonna go hmm i'm gonna not make him make a wisdom saving throw i'm gonna cast magic missile uh so yeah so you've passed up but the one on the left is gonna cast magic missile thank you will for reminding me about that and you're gonna take
13 points of force damage as these four tiny spikes come hitting into you through your armour making the way into your body. The figure to the south that's currently embroiled in combat with Drago has turned to face you and is just going to stare directly at you and say turn around.
Fight. Fight. Fight. I'm all finished. Oh, you bastards. Turn around. Fight for me. And he's going to try and cast dominate person. Could you make a wisdom saving throw, please, Drago? Is that a charm spell? It will be, yes. He can't charm me because I am reached. So I will turn around and go, I fight.
for me. Oh, I love this. This is great. This is all going how I wanted it. Brilliant. And off to the west, the two spell casters that are closest to Kastan and Robin, the one closest to the rock with the little spanner near him, so I know what he is, is just not going to take any thoughts about this. He starts charging up a spell cast. I think you recognize he's charging up Fireball. Could you each... Oh, you cast Counterspell.
okay thank you let me just make a mark we can't use that spell again because i because i because i i assume i would recognize a spell and get to because yeah that's why i gave you that that line because it's exactly the same way you would cast it so i assumed you would do that um and as he loads up this feeling you can see the cut the stuff pull back the light in the
in the top of the staff starts to change colour as energy passes to his hand, to his finger, as he starts to reach out, you just almost put out, almost like a candle, you put out the flame at the end of his finger, stopping the spell and causing him to recoil back from the energy. The spellcaster next to him looks at this, then looks forward towards you.
and is going to move behind the tree, which is to the north, to get himself a better angle so he can see who else is in there. Now he can see Valga Nupenberg and he can just about make out Robin. You can see a figure there, can't really see who it is, can't really see much of you, so you'd be in three-quarters cover from that position, Robin. That is
All of them, that is all them so far. Robin, you've just seen this figure slight to appear out of your shoulder, and you've seen Karstan react to something and cast a spell. You don't know what spell, you don't know what the spell is, but you can see him reacting, cast a spell. You see Valgore Nupenberg lying on the floor in front of you, and you can see a figure just off his shoulder. What would you like to do?
Is Tali in Robin's line of sight? No, you cannot see, you cannot from where you are, you can't see Tali around you at all, you can't see anyone apart from Karst and Valgorn on this figure appearing from behind the tree in front of you.
Okay so I reckon this figure I can think can discern the outline of me but he can't necessarily see me, is that correct? You make the assumption that if as you can only see a portion of him he can only see a portion of you. Okay Robin is going to move up to, yeah I'm going to do it, Robin is going to move forwards to the gap between the two barrels and he's going to press himself up against the most easterly barrel
at peer round the corner and pick out, first of all, Folly, who's just been hit by this ray of frost, which I guess he would have seen. Yeah, he would have seen, yeah.
Yep. And from here as well, as he makes a quick glance around to see who else he can see, does he see, what does he see? It's probably better I asked that rather than something. No, that's great. Thanks. Yeah. So you can see just about C as you poke your head out, Ryan, I'm giving you some benefit of the doubt from your current square position. You can see Folly floating on top of the car. He's kind of illuminated by the fire of the car below him.
You can see a number of trees. You can see a figure directly in front and to the right of you, hiding behind a rock, one more of these blue clad figures. You can now no longer make out the figure you did previously see. And as you pair off, just off to the left of a tree, you can make out lying prone on the dirt on the floor is the figure of Talia, a small girl lying on the floor. Okay. She appears to be down and not moving.
From your distance, all you can see is her outline in the silhouette and you know her well enough to know that. You can't tell much else apart from that. But she's still on the floor. Correct. Bonus action. Robin's going to dash to Tali. Okay, go for it. If I need to dash, hold on. Yeah, let's see if you need to first. 40 feet. Yes, he does. He needs to dash. So, bonus action to dash to Tali. As he arrives there, what does he see?
You make out the figure of Tyler, she's lying, her clothes are badly scorched and as you look over her you can see her chest rising and you can see her eyes fluttering as she starts, she's in the motions of starting to kind of move and start to sit up, her brow is furrowed, her eyes are shut but she is moving as her head moves up, her hand moves up to her head to kind of to wash the, push the dirt and dust and debris out of her eyes and you can see she's kind of conscious.
Robin is going to immediately push his fingers to his lips and he's just going to say, stay down, find whatever you can in your spell book to help us. And what Robin is going to do is he's going to back up
in the direction of Carstan and he's going to assume that this one here, the one with the blue dot over his head, he was woof fingering his book looking for a spell. Robin is assuming he's not paying attention to him so Robin's going to take this opportunity while he's focused on
folly to pop shot him. Go for it. Yeah very nice. I really like that Darren that's good. Totally stay true to character that was great go for it. Yeah I was just glancing around for someone who just wasn't paying attention frankly. Robin rolls oh my god he rolls a 30 to hit but that's a natural 19 so one off a natural 20. Fuck you yes of course that hits.
okay um he is going to take and as he's not as he doesn't as he's not aware on there he gets sneak attack doesn't he you do yeah wonderful he takes nine points of reg of magical piercing damage and then the sneak attack is going to add another eight points onto that so he takes 17 points of magical piercing damage thank you as the arid thuds into his shoulder
Ah, he reacts back to that. But again, you see in the same magical glow, you seem to take the speed out of your shot as it hits into it, thuds into his offhand shoulder.
OK, Robin is then going to remember that there was a fucker over here who tried to throw a fireball at him and off to the off to the west nearest back where Kastan was. Yeah. Yeah. And he's behind effectively cover, but that doesn't matter if it's full cover because the shot. Yeah, you negate that.
Not going to be that guy, but can you see him, Darren? There is the tree trunk right there in front of you. Tree trunk right in your line of sight. You'd need another five feet moving north in order for you to get sight on him. Okay, but I was also referring to the fact that he's also in darkness at the moment, being in trees. Yeah, I mean, both in either would be a problem there, but the tree probably more so as the trunk of it would be blocking your line of sight there, Darren. Sorry, I didn't see that.
That's okay. Well, I know he's there, so Robin will instead then shoot back at the same one he's already hit then. Okay. Yep. Go to hit. Roll to hit. Not so good. A 15 to hit. The arrow flies just slightly off his shoulder. He's now looking up towards you as he puts his hand down away from his spell book. He's now aware of your location. That's fine. Robin is going to use his final 10 feet of movement to just tuck in behind this wheel.
Okay, bear in mind that where I put the marks of fire are where the fire is quite intense. If you want to be there, we need to make your deck set, save and throw. That's fine, Robin will just press himself against the side of the cart and begin to regroup, planning what to do next.
lovely go thank you robin there's some really nice shit in that uh castan you're up next robin's just sprinted off without you and left you with these two spell casters slowly approaching what would you like to do you see the first one casting fireball you know it's that and you snuff like that flame what do you want to do now uh what up in the left here you go all alone and you know just castan know that the chryscra are
quite heavily magic user-based. Yes, they are primarily magic users. You would also recognise and know that the Obciscra have a well-trained group called the Obciscra Enforcers whose primary focus is to go out and basically commit
to the act of Delmon Trace, which is assassinations in the name of heresy.
Strategic Attacks and Battle Turns
Anyone that is a heretic and has been signed off by Delmon Trace are, for all intents and purposes, fair game to the Obkriska to kill on sight. Okay. I guess Kastan's going to try this. So Kastan's going to step forward to the barrel to try and get covered a little bit more.
And then he's going to whisper a few words, and I'm going to cast a spell. Do you want us to know what it is before you decide whether you're going to counter me or not? Depends. Are you where you are in World 20, tucked up behind the barrels? And who are you looking at, just in terms of... The idea is that I'm going to be leaning, I'm sort of going to be aiming about there. Okay, so between the two spellcasters that are kind of approaching on you. It's going to be an area, but yeah.
They aren't going to be able to see, no nothing seems to happen. No spell seems to happen. I'm casting Faerie Fire. So each object in a 20 foot cube within range is outlined in blue, green or violet light. And they're now lit up like Christmas trees.
so both of the spellcasters off to the east are now illuminated in a bright blue color matching their clothing which is they make they're quite happy about that it can make a it needs to make they need to make deck saving throws oh okay i thought it was just a no no it's fine any objects so the trees are lit up as well
the all the the two trees nearest the tree nearest you that lights up as well the figure just behind the tree off to the east got 17 and the one to the south got a seven okay so the one to the south is now outlined in this violet light the one next to the tree meets it beats
So the one to the south now sheds dim light in a 10 foot radius and any attacks against it are now to the advantage. Wow, that is awesome. Wow, that's amazing. What colour is it? The tint. It's just a violet light. It's a violet-pink light like you've got there.
Look at that. That's good. Okay. See it now. It's a freaking Christmas tree. What star Christmas tree. Brilliant. Thank you very much. And that point cast and we'll probably gonna be panicking a little bit because Robin has seemingly run off through some trees and he probably can't quite see him. He's all alone. The Christmas are around.
and there's probably more than one of them and that's all he can do. So he's just going to sort of hunker down next to this barrel. I can't hide, so I don't have any bonus actions to do so. And that's going to be done. Lovely, thank you very much. Folly, you've just been hit by some ice on top of where you currently are. You're flying, what would you like to do? What Folly is going to do is be hit by ice and be hit by magic missile as well. It was the three sorcerers to the north that did that spell, weren't it? Correct, the three that have really stood their ground and not moved, yes.
Folly is surveying the scene at the moment. He's still got fly on himself anyway. The two boulders that are to the north of these casters, how big are they? They are about 15 feet by 15 feet. Right, okay. So I could potentially bring one of those to life as a huge object. We could do the same as a fire giant or a treant maybe, yeah.
Yeah, so what I think I'm going to do is Folly purposely staring at the person who cast Ray of Frost on him, he'll go in the turn and say, let me show you some real magic. And as he does, he's going to point his staff at the border on the left hand side, or the west side of these three sorcerers.
going to just start shaking and the ground is going to start moving around and this border basically swoops out of the ground. It's not got any appendages so technically it is flying. It will make a slam attack. Yes, it basically makes a slam attack which is what it's going to do. As soon as it comes out of the ground I'm going to use the bonus action of movement to basically
slide it and slam it straight into the side of the one who cast Ray of Frost on me. Okay is that just a roll to hit or is that a dexterity saving throw? 17. You catch this mage totally off guard and this rock comes up the ground and slams into the back of him and he doesn't turn around he doesn't even notice it's happening.
But there's suddenly he just gets shunted forward five feet as this rock slams into the back of him. And again, you see this white light kind of emanating around him. You'd recognize this as a form of mage armor. Right. OK. Is this actual mage armor shield? Is he using a reaction or is he cast mage armor? He's not cast anything so far. You just recognize the magic aura around him reacting to violence upon him as something akin to mage armor.
Alright, okay then, with that Folly's just going to back down a little bit slightly, not coming off the cart at the moment, but he's just going to move a few feet to the back of it, just to try and create a bit more of an obscure target for these spell castings to the north.
And that'll be all it'll do for now. Lovely. Thank you very much. Helen, you're hidden behind a tree. You see these two spellcasters approaching and you see these little darts fly past you towards Claude as you hear them grown about 10 feet away from you to the south. What do you want to do? You're pressed up to this tree. It's quite dark. You can see these two blue lights from their staff. You can make out their location.
So yeah, with Helena back against the tree, thinking that no one's, and hoping that no one's seen her so far, she's going to be breathing quite heavily, thinking about her next move, and she's going to be hearing all of the chaos. She sees these two figures standing to the north of her, sort of northwest. So she's going to, if I can, use some sort of athletics
or acrobatics to jump out and do a bit of a somersault or even a flip. And in front of these guys, whack out these flails and start attacking both of them. So you're going to do like a show off flip, like at the start of Tekken. Yeah, so she's going to, yeah, standing behind this tree, she's going to come straight out, full energy, 20 feet, probably 15 feet actually, I think that is. But just to clarify, you're doing a flip. Yeah, kind of come in, do a full flip.
Okay. Fuck yeah. Could you, uh, in full plate armor? Yeah. Yeah. Roll. Fuck it. Why not? Okay. Uh, give me an athletics check then please. I'd say this is rather athletic. 15.
meet at beats I said at 15. Yeah! You step out from behind and I was gonna add something even cooler if you smash it all the way through. You step out from behind the trees and as you step out you kick off the back of the bark of the tree and as you do so you just flip yourself forward landing on your feet pulling the flails out and then you run in towards combat towards these two fighters. One looks to the other and goes that was ruddy impressive. I'm running towards you. Which one are you approaching? Who do you want to attack? I'm gonna go for the right one first.
and then I'll go for the left one. So it'll sort of be like my original or my classic sort of action with left hand with the flail bash on the right one and then coming in with the right hand to the left one and then hopefully back again. But let's just see how it goes. All right, roll to hit. The first one, the first one on the right. Natural 20. So it's a 30. It's a 30.
yeah that hits you've hit rolled so well everyone so far on this the reason why you rolled so well is actually because of the fact that uh the one you've just attacked is the one that turned to the other and said that was really impressive he wasn't paying attention as you hit him that's that's his excuse yes that's 18 to for the damage flail damage that's on the first hit 18 yeah lovely it's like i'm smashing and just catches him on the arm as he winces in pain still bloody impressive he says
So my second hit is on the left hand side of the pair and that's a 27 to hit. Yep, that hits. So my damage is 12. Yeah, again, the flow comes smashing in across his arm as he reaches down towards the side for something, he smashes his arm away. Yep, nice hit. And then the third one is a 13.
against his armour, that misses. Your really impressive friend of yours, the fan you've made, just managed to step back at the last minute and blocks out of the way. Okay, and so with that, I try and act very quickly, and with the fourth hit, I... Wow, what the fucking... Yes, you get it. I roll an 18, which makes it 28 to hit. Fucking hell, yep, that hits. Yes. Is this on the guy on the left, yeah?
Yeah, yeah, this is on the ground on the left and then that gives it a 10 damage. I miss being the most powerful physical member of the party. What the fuck? Don't worry. So yeah, seeing this guy step back, it gives her a little bit more umph to go for the other guy and she comes right down on the other guy with the hardest hit that she got. Lovely. And Casey, give yourself inspiration for that as well, for the back flip. I mean, why not? That's fair enough. That's fair game. Thank you very much. Anything else you want to do, Helena?
It's this lockdown. I'm feeling very generous. I love you all. I love three-point mark. Except for you. Fuck you. The last order, Tali stands to her feet, stumbles to her feet, nods to you, Robin, and then just tucks herself in behind the wheel of this now broken cart and starts to look through her spell book as she half looks around, half clears her eyes, half looking at the spell book. I know that's lots of halves. She's doing things at thirds. Her maths is bad. She's a bit concussed.
No, I think she'll say, well, I guess if that's how it is.
That's her go. Top of the round, Drago, you're toe-to-toe with this spellcaster to the south. What would you like to do? Just like how I like to be toe-to-toe with an enemy and after he tried to charm me, I'm going to just attack, just go out my trusty sword and slash at that motherfucker. Roll to hit.
And I'm going to do it with this awesome crit. Ah, 15. That's going to miss, isn't it? That does miss. It swings off to the side as he sidesteps ever so slightly. Not deterred, though a little angry. He's going to just roll around to hit again with a 17 this time to hit. He stands still this time as he sees the blade coming in. And as it hits into kind of his shoulder where it should cause damage, again, the armor kind of pushes it off as he lets out a wry smile to you. OK.
Drago flares his nostrils and grunts, and that's the end of his go. Okay, there is the glaring, is the flaring of the nostrils a bonus action? It's a pissed off action. Yeah, there it is, yeah. Claude, you can hear us from behind you, and you see Helena perform what can only be described as a Tekken move. I like to imagine it like you're just flailing in the air, but you do a perfect spin somehow. I don't know how it works. And then run off and engage the two spellcasters to the north in combat. You find yourself in between two places,
groups here, what would you like to do? Okay, Claude is going to move in the direction of Helena, but before I do, I'm just going to scream in infernal down to the one engaged with Drago, and that one is going to take double damage from Drago's next successful hit as I'm going down path to the grave. Nice, yeah. Move up to stand side by side with Helena, shield up, engaging the two that are engaging her.
Awesome. What a great image. Thank you very much for that, Claude. Great shit. It's their turn now, and we're going to start with those that are currently engaged with you, Claude and Helena. The one that is currently stood toe to toe with you, Claude, he is going to cast Ray of Frost against you, and that is a 23 against your armor class. The other hits.
You take 10 points of cold damage. Helena, the enemy is in front of you, is going to cast the same spell against you as well. That is, again, 23 against your armor class. Yeah, that hits. And again, another 10 points of cold damage. And both of you now, your speed... I should have mentioned this to Folly as well, actually. Your speed is reduced by 10 feet for the next turn, okay? As Ray of Frost kicks in.
Okay, that is their turn. Drago, the one that's currently engaged with you is going to look back at you with this wry smile and is going to stare. The same thing's going to happen to you. A ray of frost is going to press out from the edge of a spear, edge of a staff, sorry, and that is going to be a 10 against your armor class. I'm resistant to cold as well, so I'll just flip him off. Yeah, that's what I thought you'd do. Lovely, thank you very much. And it also doesn't hit my armor class as well. Exactly.
The three figures that are standing off against Folly, they're going to come up so they're in a straight line and starting with the first one with his boulder pushing into his back. The one who casts that first ball has the boulder against his back is going to turn around and cast Fireball on the rock itself, which causes it to hit, fails. Oh, do you want to roll my poor boulder? That is a nice boulder.
Healing and Resilience
17! Not good enough, bitch! Oh, shit! What the hell are these spells? You've nullified the one thing I'm damn good at! Are they high-level spellcasters, Colin? We're gonna get fucked.
It takes 25 points of fire damage as the shot comes hitting into the top of it, knocking its health point. The one on the far left is going to look directly at you and his eyes are going to turn a slight shade of blue as the staff next to him starts to shake slightly and you hear a voice in your head saying, fight for me. Can you make a wisdom saving throw please, Folly? You're really doing this.
wisdom saving throw wisdom saving throw please okay i have advantage on that are you rolling in roll 20 so i can see uh i can send you the thing i rolled an 18 i'll send you the things i'm shady
That passes, that passes. Okay, so you are not challenged. The central spell class, they didn't just have blue in the gold trim, but also has a slight royal red in that as well. Steps out slightly, slightly taller than the other ones you remember. And he is going to, takes a bit longer, his eyes roll back on his head, and he's going to fire a spell straight towards you. I will try and counterspell this one, I'll do a level four.
As you raise your hand out to counter the spell, it has no effect as this spell fires out towards you. It is a bright, bright line of light coming directly towards you in a really, really, really straight line. I basically have to roll a d20 and if it's a level six spell, I have to roll 16. Okay, cool.
Alright, that only modifies, isn't it? Okay, so give us the d20. You've got... I really don't want to... I'll throw a sick level spell. Oh, shit. Six. I rolled a six. You rolled a six. Okie dokie. Could you make a... this white beam of light comes piercing out towards you in a really straight line? Could you make a constitution saving throw, please? Oh my god! 11. Okay. Oh god. Say that.
Oh my god, they killed Callum. You bet. Again, Mark is, for the record, loving Mark is absolutely ear to ear grin. It's because of the, oh my god, you killed Callum, you bet. I love that. You take 35 points of radiant damage and this intense beam of light comes firing out towards you and hits you square in the center of the chest. You are also blinded.
Holy fuck. That is the end. I've spelled that spell wrong as well. Makes it a very funny name. I'll ignore that for now, but let's move on. So that's that central spell caster done. He is our, by all intents and purposes, our leader. The caster's off to the east that we haven't yet dealt with. One of them slowly in the west.
West, sorry, thank you, nearest to you, Kastan. The one to the north tentatively starts to come around the corner and is eyeing up this body that's on the floor. The one that's really lit up is going to look and realise he's really lit up and he's going to move to hide to get away from you, Kastan, so you can't get line of sight on him without realising actually he's given line of sight to Robin, Tally and Folly. He's not really sure, he doesn't realise that. The chat
The past that is hidden behind the tree is going to step out from behind the tree and just call out to you, Karsten. It doesn't have to be this way. Just put your hands up. And that's all he's going to do. Does he speak in a Sanguinlands accent? Yes. Oh, shit. And that is the end of the the Chryskra. So that's a big old round. Please kill some of them after these rounds go quicker. Robin, your turn. Let's cause some damage. Let's fuck some up.
Okay. Robin immediately sees Mr. Burns when he's in depth with green things appearing through the trees. I bring you love. It brings love. Don't let it get away. It's not enough for us to copyright the entire Lord of the Rings. We now have to go into The Simpsons.
Which was copyright in the X-Files at the time. Robin sees this glow and just goes, well, that's interesting. And takes a shot at the glowing figure. Am I right that this gives you advantage, Will? Yeah, he's got advantage. Okay, so roll with advantage then, Will. He's not aware he's more interested in this spellcaster that's made him glow.
30, but again, one off a crit. Absolutely. Thanks for confirming what a 19 is. That is a hit. Oh, we're all sassy tonight. I love it. Right. Is it because I'm going to kick your ass? Right. Yes, that hits. Roll to damage. It's because he can only but dream of rolling a 19 at the minute. Oh, watch what I'll be rolling next is a crit, which is a 20, Darren. That is a, um, let me add, let me add the 14, 14 damage total.
lovely takes the out in the side without really knowing where you're coming from yeah absolutely uh don't hit again i'm excited yeah robin is going to see that this guy is glowing and is going to will you permit me to change weapons of the bonus action it's a slippery slope from here mark if you accept it now
Yeah, just from a noob. Why is that a permit thing? Normally, it's an action, isn't it? I don't know. On the same turn, because there are various abilities that let you do it as free actions.
I've normally treated it as a, if I can imagine it being a red, what are you, what are you intending on doing, Darren? Talk me through it and I can... So Robin has his shield on his back. He's going to sling the bow over his shoulder. The shield's going to come round and Ghostbane's going to come out. He's going to try it. See, that's two. If I can give you the sword or I can give you the shield as a bonus action, I'm not going to give you both. Soz. All right. Okay. Actually, no, go on. Here you go. Burn your inspiration and you can do both.
I'll burn my inspiration. There you go. Fine. I'll make this fucking good. No, no, it's fine. Robin will head first, charge towards this guy, who is magically glowing, and is going to take another swing at him. Okay, roll to hit. Son of a bitch, another 19. 30.
Wow, that's one off a crit. Yeah. I was going to say it. He takes 12 points of magical piercing damage. Lovely. Is the ghostbane come sliding across? Ah! What? He says. We need to start feeling this herd a bit. So Robin is almost like a carver, is just now swinging ghostbane. It's just almost like when Michelangelo throws his pizza in the air and starts slicing up. Robin is just literally slicing this guy with ghostbane.
Nice. Okay, roll to pizza. Unbelievably, that's not going to be very good. That is a 14 to hit. That's not a crit. That also misses, unfortunately. As you get Cocksure, the blade starts flying around, his armour kicks in and means he takes no damage from your hit. I get a second go, though. That is better. That's a 29 to hit. That hits.
That's an 18, by the way, which is two off a crit. Let's really flog this thing, yeah? He takes 14 points of flashing damage. Oh, very nice. Lovely. You can see blood start coming through his robes slightly, but he's still standing strong, so he turns to face you. He just breathes because it's not his turn. Okay, anything else you want to do, Robin, or is that everything? What?
No, I'm done. Sneaking up quickly behind, hidden behind a barrel, looking around, fairy firing away, Karstan, you see Robin charging out towards and now glowing Mr. Burns' enemy as you feel the presence of this other spellcaster click on the twigs behind the tree nearest to you and Valgorn. You also hear from behind you a figure moving up behind the broken cart, tentatively towards your location. What do you want to do?
Karsten feels very conflicted at this stage given that these are his countrymen that are attacking him and it doesn't make him feel good. I'm going to use Vicious Mockery at the one behind the tree. For a second there I thought we were going to have another elther. I thought you were turning mate. I wondered where you were going there Will. Is that a wisdom saving throw? Yes it is.
Five two fails cool. That's him. So he will take eight points of Psychic damage as I viciously mock him about certain characteristics of his feet The next attack roll it makes it has disadvantage on the next attack
Lovely, thank you very much. Please remind me when that comes around because I know that we'll forget. Yeah, Carson's going to try and stay in cover. He knows he's quite, he can't quite go anywhere that won't leave him like standing in the open, so he's going to stay where he is. Okie dokie. Thank you very much, Carson. Folly, you found yourself on top of the cart, blinded. What would you like to do? Folly, after taking that
big old hit from whatever sixth level spell that was that actually hit him. He is basically going to fall to the floor and make a death save. Oli is down by the way. What the fuck? Oli is down. That did 35 points of damage on the last round and I had 33 left.
Okay, roll your first death save, please. Is it a 19? Is it one away from crit? It's a 12. Okay, that is a pass. Pass. Oh, shit. I didn't know you were down, dude. I am down.
Fuck me, why is it always you? He's yelling. Because Mark does not like me. Well, let me just be honest, you put yourself front and centre in front of six kind of spellcasters and went pretty much. Every spell and plan that I had, you just went, no. I was trying to get through this in the instance without fighting. I didn't want to fight, I just wanted to send them away somewhere else.
But no. But now you've got to die. Now I have to die again. Oh, not yet. Maybe your next turn. Thank you very much, Folly, for that invigorating shock to the system. Helena, you are currently toe-to-toe with Claude against these two spellcasters. What would you like to do? I'm going to say to Claude, it's nice to have the helping hand and then grab both of the flails and I'm going to go in again the same sort of, yeah, the same sort of practice that I did before.
Okay, lovely. Roll to hit. Let's start with the one on the left to begin with. That's a 19 to hit. That hits. And then it's 13 bludgeoning damage. Lovely. As your first flail comes smashing in against it, catching it across the face and causing some blood to fly out of the mouth. The second hit is 28. Oh, that hits as well. This is on the right character. Yep. Yep. And the damage is 14.
As this flail comes flashing in across that side, it catches him directly across the chest. It looks like a glancing blow at first, but actually you start to see some streaks of blood come through. So the last two, what I want to do is try and get both of the flails, and obviously I'm going to roll them separate, but I want to be able to get them clonked together, so both of their heads bash together, hopefully get a bit of a smash going. Okay, right, let's see what happens. Okay, roll each one to hit to begin with. We'll do the damage separately, then we'll see if we can get a clonk.
That's probably not gonna work. Fucking hell. Got a natural one. So that's an 11 to hit. Okay, remember you have got indomitable at any point you want to... That's unsaving throws. Sorry, sorry, sorry. It's me trying to be useful and hurt my own people. Okay, so that fails. Okay. Could you roll, could you roll, could you roll a d20 for me, please? No, Marco, no, Marco, no, Marco. Don't hurt Claude. 18.
Could you now roll another d20? Just roll another d20 for me straight, please. Break your own nunchucks. 12. OK. Basically, I had 15 plus, and you were going to hit one of the other two, either Claude or the other enemy. And I put on odds you were going to hit Claude. So you rolled a 12, which isn't even, which means roll the damage. It's just going to be on the wrong person. OK.
So it's like you trip as you're swinging, miss Claude, missed the guy on the left, but actually managed to catch the guy on the right instead. Okay, and that's a seven, bludgeoning damage. Okay, which makes sense given that it'd be kind of a glancing attack. Lovely. So you're kind of off-footing slightly as the shot accidentally hits the wrong person, lucky you. You've now got one final attack. It's a 14 to hit.
Okay, 14 misses, unfortunately. Let's say the footing and the mud underneath the rain that's coming pummeling down causes you to miss your footing, and unfortunately, you missed that. Okay. Lovey, Tali, bottom of the round is just going to look around from her current location. And, Karsten, could you roll a d20 for me? And on an odd number, she's going to do something. Just so everyone knows.
It's a 13. OK, that's it. Thank you very much. Tali steps out from behind the place that she was hidden and she stands behind the tree kind of between you and the cart. She's looking directly at you as she pivots round the tree for a second. She looks over and is going to cast fire bolts. Yeah.
hits at me no not you sorry at the enemy there's also hiding behind the tree she's kind of flanking him off to the side noticing he's not looking she's going to do 13 points of fire damage against this bitch which isn't bad at hitting into his shoulder and then she's going to tuck herself back behind the tree as she has a little bit of movement left and kind of kneeled down a little bit getting ready okay um she saw that you were in i had an odds she was going to see that you were in in some kind of danger and move towards you
So that's her turn. Top of the round. Drago, toe to toe. He's mocking you now. I'm gonna...
I'm going to use my critical hit right here to mock him. I bet you are. With just a simple slice with Dengon's Deception over the head for 21. 21 hits. And an 18 points. Just remind them, they take double damage now. For 36 points of magical slashing damage, that motherfucker. Just that first attack where that was my Eyes of the Grave, Path to the Grave.
As the sword comes smashing down and the blade comes cutting through his chest, you feel the ice power through with Dengon's soul pushing through your blade, but then also something follows it, like a black trail follows the edge of your sword, almost like smoke following through, but that kind of infects into the wood and you see him take a bit more damage and drop to one knee and he's kind of convulsing slightly, but he's still kind of leaning on his staff, still kind of half up at that.
And I'm going to end with a second slice. This one, a level plane with his head aiming to slice it straight off. OK. Does Bless do anything to my roll?
on the hit. Nope, 16 to hit. That hits. 20 points of magical slashing damage at his neck. He only had 10 that one, so he is dead. So his head comes thudding onto the ground next to you as his body falls limp. The staff falls from his hand. The light at the end of the staff goes dim. He has been killed. I just spit on his corpse. Oh, lordy. So visceral. But that's the end of my go. Can I still move? Yeah, you can move.
oh fuck yeah right so i'm gonna go for the okay so for the first time for a while uh since this battle drago um who's been facing south at the moment will turn around and survey the scene or who's my nearest ones that i see give me a perception check and i'll tell you what your uh thank you very much i think that's a great shout got an eight oh wait no i got uh more to that because i have perception don't i which is a great thing in my life 14
Continued Combat and Enemy Evasion
Okay, as you survey the scene, you can see two enemies toe to toe with Claude and Helena. And you can also see a figure off just to the side of the cart. One other guy stood looking up away from them. That's where you could really make out those three enemies. None of the others are visible to you from your current location. Does any, do they all look the same or does one of the three look a little bit like
a leader or something. So I'm trying to discern who's to pack Wolfhead, who's the Alpha.
Absolutely. Cool. Thank you very much for that. I will go for the one that isn't being covered by one of us. So make a beeline for the solitary enemy with these squares on this map run true. Yep. Okay. I've got 40 feet of movement. I'm just going to get as close as I can to him. I'll take
I guess I'll go underneath the... So as I'm looking towards the guy on his own, there's three trees in front of Drago's... Actually, do I see him through these? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Cool, cool, cool, cool. I'm going to make my way to the second tree and stay near the trunk of it. I could kind of get in cover from the trunk of the tree.
Yeah, as much coverage as you can do from a tree. All right, lovely. Thank you very much, Drago. Our first death of the Acrisco. We are now murderers. Claude, your turn next. You are up in it with Helena. You see her slip and still accidentally hit an enemy. Just missing you. What would you like to do? Yeah, Claude, who's very much in this sort of frenzy, like his fight or flight has just kicked in, is just gearing up to
unleash hell upon these two that are screwing up with Helena when his spiritual link between all the people he cares about in this party just sort of takes a twine on his chest and all of a sudden he feels the effect of one of his friends in a lot of peril and quickly surveys and can see that Folly is not doing too well and unleashes the cleric panic button that is the heal spell.
and i cast heal on folly and he regained 70 hit points and is cured of what blindness deafness in any disease holy shit damn man and he watches like drops everything his entire sort of defensive positioning just stops and he just closes his eyes for a moment and this small like continuous stream of white wavy energy like like the
like the life source from Final Fantasy 7 just comes out of him and buries itself into the heart of Folly. And Folly, you are back to 70 HP. Unfortunately, if you're maximum less than that, you don't get temporary bonuses. I don't even have 70 HP. You're cured by 70, but you're also cured of your ailment as well. You mean death, okay. You said you're blind, you said you're blindness. He's blinded as well, yeah.
Yeah, it's gone. It's gone. That is one hell of a spell, man. Jesus, thank you. Awesome. Thank you, Claude. Is there anything else you want to do? That's all I can do. I'm going to do the same thing for Helena's next attack. I'm going to use Path to the Grave on the next thing Helena hits. We'll take double damage.
Okie dokie. Nice, really good move. Thank you very much. It's Chris Chris turn. We're going to work round from those closest to you two first. So the one toaster with you, Claude, is going to go again. They ain't broke. Don't fix it. Ray of frost. Claude, you take 15 points of frost.
cold damage and you have now got your speed reduced by 10 feet. That only lasts for a turn. Okay, so I have to keep doing it to keep you slow. Not that you're moving anywhere. So that's 15 points of cold damage. The one next to you, Helena, is going to do the same thing. You're too close to do any better spells. 15.
Flies over your shoulder there, causing no damage. The enemy to the south is dead. The shady... Oh no, that's a different player. We'll start with him in a bit. Robin, the one that's currently embroiled with you is going to cast
He's going to look directly at you while he's comically glowing pink. He's going to stare directly at you and in your face and in your head you remember that image of Ren being pushed off the edge of the cliff by the large creature up in the scurrow mountain. It repeats once, twice, three times getting more and more visceral and real. Can you make a wisdom saving throw please? 19, 17 plus two, 19.
You manage to, almost within your dream, stare at the image and say to yourself, this is not real. And it just fades away from your vision. It tries to cast phantasmal fear and it has failed. Good work. The enemy closest to you cast down, the one that's hiding behind the tree, is going to continue playing this game of cat and mouse. He's going to move to the other side of the tree, clock the guy that's coming down from the north.
the figures of the north is going to move slowly down towards the south here, keeping close to the barrels out of line of sight with you cast down. These people don't want to die, that's the way I'm playing them, they are being a bit more careful and sensible.
Folly, you're still prone at this point, aren't you? Because you're healed, but you're still dabbing. I've been healed, but yeah, I don't think I've been shot at all. Thank you. So they're not even going to look at you. The three flanking figures at the far side are going to start making their way down. They're going to move and separate.
No they're not actually, they're going to stay together because the main enemy is off to the east. The two spell casters that are flanking the main one that fired the beam of light towards Folly are going to move away from his flanks. They're going to move off towards where Claude, Helena and Drago is. They're sent to a person who is still casting the spell, this beam of light heading out towards Folly.
since he went down, is they going to move the Bing towards Drago? Drago, can you make a constitution saving throw? This isn't a spell being cast, it's a spell being moved. You add one to it, Ian.
because of the connection thing. 26. Fuck me. The beam of light comes straight towards you and literally as you stand there, it's pushing against your body. It seems to almost bounce off. You kind of shrug it off almost as this incredible energy pushes against you. And you don't know this, but it's taken folly out. This is pushing against your skin for this turn. As you look over towards the figure, you can't quite see through the bright lights. You're not blinded.
you can't quite see through the bright lights but you can just like make out this figure just off in the distance who's looking directly at you. Jago's
Rage and Precision Attacks
eyes are narrowed and a snile is emitting from his jaw.
The two figures that have moved into location, one of them that's hidden behind the tree closest to the central kind of main guy, let's call him, let's be honest, the main spellcaster, is going to cast Ray of Frost at you, Drago, noticing the incoming attack. That is going to be a 17 against your armor class.
mrs the fire the sorry the um the ray above your head the other one is going to cast it between his two mates towards you helena is going to do uh another ray of frost and that is she's going to be an 11 against your armor class no mrs ah they're not rolling very well sorry chris i'm not doing you good delmon trace is going to have me killed robin your turn this person is just trying to enter into your thoughts and scare the shit out of you by using a memory of your sister
OK, Robin, seeing that this guy is quite bloody, is just going to all of a sudden close his eyes and just quench away the image. And as he reopens them, there is nothing but steely anger in his expression. And he's just going to say to this person under his breath, that was a massive, massive mistake. And it's just going to try and gut him. Oh, nice. OK, roll to hit. That is a 25 to hit.
that hits and it's with advantage so I get sneak attack that's the highest I've ever rolled without creating that's 30 points of slashing damage I rolled two sixes and the five and by the time I had my modifier
You say you wanted to gut him. If you could kill him, how would you do it? So what Robin does is he literally grabs him by the collar and pulls his face close to his, so his eyes are looking at his. And the fear, almost as if transgressing out of Robin's eyes, pass into the eyes of this man as the blade, just literally as this bloke tries to look for any form of clemency, just passes right through the windpipe and out the other side.
and then just pulls a very slow blade back out. That's so brutal! It's such a thin blade that the curvature just goes through and then Robin just pulls it out and just spins it around as this man just drops to his knees and then Robin just uses his foot just to push him backwards and withdraw the blade. That is fucking sick. That's such a good death Darren. Awesome work. Thank you very much. He is dead. That spellcaster of the Obcisca is dead. Murder number two has taken place.
Robin then probably needs to do the same thing as what Drago did, which is what does he realise? What does he notice as he... Give me a perception check please. Natural one. He's raging. He is furious.
you can see nothing but Tali and you can see where she's looking but aside from that you can't make out anything else and she's actually looking back at the cart towards where Folly is because she's got her back to the tree away from where Carstan and everyone else is. You can assume from that combat is over where Folly is. That's fine so unfortunately Robin is going to leave Carstan because
I didn't roll well enough to know that he might still be in peril. Robin then leaves the corpse that he's just slain at his feet and begins to move north easterly towards the wheel and what looks like a trunk on the floor.
Okay, Robin gets there, sees this, and will take the bonus action. I can't, actually, no, he will then, no, I can't do that, hold on. I will instead not dash, I will get to there, and I will then instead back up where Tally is and take the hide action and get behind this tree and draw my bow, ready to wreck some damage in future. I will forego my second attack instead to hide and try and give myself the ability to wreck a bit more damage next time.
Okie dokie, lovely. Thank you very much for that, Robin. Karstan, you can feel the presence of, you can see Robin off into the distance from your current position, hiding behind the trees near Tally. You still assume these two figures are moving up closer and closer towards you, but you cannot currently, you don't have line of sight on them at the moment. What would you like to do? Do I know they are there?
Yes, your passive perception is high enough to know that you can feel their kind of presence. You can hear their thoughts. Okey-dokey. Right, Karsten is going to move to the north and sort of lunge out from behind this barrel with his rapier and attack this one. Oh shit, you're going rapier! Nice! I could do spells, but I need to... yeah.
Yeah, we haven't long rested. Okay, roll to hit. Right, that's a 19 to hit. Wow, that hits. And then ignore the sneak attack bit, it just rolls all together, but I don't have advantage. So I'm at disadvantage, let me roll again, sorry. I'm poisoned. Ah, yes, of course. Motherfucker. Yeah, it's gonna be a miss then, that's 12.
yeah unfortunately that misses just as you lunge out you feel this cold in your chest just pulled towards you slightly meaning the rapier the lunge attack which he wasn't expecting goes off points and misses the chap just to the north anything else you want to do well look to this person and say i don't want to kill some fellow kinsmen and that'll be it okay thank you very much
I like the mental, moral battle that Castan's currently going under, that's great. Probably the fact that you're playing with the poison still as well. Yeah, that's really good. Well, he hasn't long rested so he's following the rules as well, good old Will. Yeah, I'd say that's like inspiration in the years far. He's already inspired. He has already inspired. Folly, you have just been healed. You feel better than you felt in quite a while actually. You feel like really damn good. Like damn good. Like there was at one time in a bar where someone slipped something in a drink and you felt this good.
Like, it's that kind of good, okay? But you are still prone. You're down on the ground. You take a deep breath in, your eyes open, and you see the rain pitter-pattering down onto your eyes over the dark skies of Sleekguard on the northern road heading towards Goldview. That's too much information, but what are you going to do? How much movement does it take for me to stand half my movement? That was half, if you didn't get that. It's half your movement. Before you go, if you roll a 19... What must be, Mark?
What would you like to do, Callum? It's half your movement to stand up, half your movement. Folly is just going to kind of wake up, come around for a bit. He realises what has happened to him with the last thing he's seen.
glorious ray of light and then overcome with like a refreshing effervescent feel afterwards. He knows what has happened to him and I think due to his knowledge and knowledge of the party he would pretty much assume who's actually done it as well but all he would do at the moment he would take a big deep breath, stand up, move what little he can which I think is only about three squares worth about
15 feet you're going to start moving towards the east and just it's planning to basically start making its way off the wagon um he's gonna try and take a cheeky shot as well who's in front of is this one clawed that i'm pinging clawed has stood yet to the left of the two figures that you can you can see there yeah
Yeah, so he's going to cast Firebolt just at this one in front of Claude. Okie dokie, roll to hit please. At 23 to hit. That hits, roll damage. Wow, you rolling a good die? At 21 points of fire damage that goes on to that one.
Lovely, this firebolt comes smashing and pushing to the side of him, unexpected, totally, catches him off the centre, pushes his shoulder back. He cries out in pain, his robes start to alight and singe and burn as Ash starts to spread across his shoulder. Anything else you want to do, Ollie? What I'm going to do, I'm just going to sacrifice one of my second level spell slots as a bonus action to create some more sorcerers points.
So sacrificing a second level spell slot will give me three additional sources. That will be my bonus action and that will be the end of my tour. Lovely. Thank you very much, Folly. Thank you for letting me know about your spell slots. That's good to know. Thank you for that. So thank you a lot. Helena, this firebolt just slammed into the side. You can feel the heat on the side of your face as the spellcaster to the left of the two in front of you takes an almighty firebolt from something high up. It's your turn. Claude's attention has been drawn away as well. What would you like to do?
Maybe it's a silly question, I'm not sure. Because I've taken cold damage, does the heat do something? Can it
Powerful Attacks and Magical Rebuffs
counteract it or does it not affect that at all? This cold enters into your very bones which causes you to move slower. All it does is affect your movement speed if you were to try and run. Aside from that, it does no actual damage, no actual adjustment to your attacking. Okay, that's okay, that's fine.
So then I am going to attempt for the second time the same action that I did before with both of my flails, bash them together with the heads, hopefully that they clunk together. Okay, yeah, let's roll them both the heads separately and then we'll see, I'll try and figure out a dice roll for your clunking. Reminded that the first attack that lands does double damage.
Hallelujah, I've got a natural 20. Oh, that's a 30 to hit. That hits. Are we hitting the one on the left or the right? Let's go with the one on the right for this one. I mean, again, I'm hoping that they'd be at the same time, but we can go with this one on the right.
Well, what we'll do is I'll break them down one at a time firstly, just so I know the damage and what's been done. We'll try and work it together cinematically, okay? So, what's the damage for the one on the right then? That's going to be a 56 points of damage. Holy shit! What the fuck? Thank you very much. And do you want to do your next hit to see if we can get this double clunk working?
I mean, if I'm honest, Helen has got a fucking stonker right now. So we're, why are we using it? It's fine, it's going in. Um, yeah, let's go for the second to hit. That's a 17 to hit. That hits. Sorry, sorry, sorry. It doesn't, it doesn't, it doesn't, it doesn't hit. That one misses. Two more to go. How is that one on the right still alive? Jesus. This one's a 19. So 29 to hit.
That hits. One off the crit. Only when you roll a 19 you can say that. Oh, is it? Is it? Is it? You would know. That's a crit for her though, isn't it? Oh, yeah, you're a champion. That's a crit. That was a crit. Good God. Holy shit. Double that number.
first one yeah and then add the second good shout Darren thank you well done well done to see through the crap and then add that um so that's 24 points of damage then for the second one sorry the third one Helena this is the situation you've just seen in front of you
You feel this fireball hit in as the cold hits through your body. You feel Claude turn around and as he turns his shoulder moves out the way allowing you to get both flails out and as you see a look of abject fear and horror over the one on the right your flails come in one other side swinging at full pelt and as you bring them closer you
throw your body back to really get kind of the speed moving behind them as you are taught in the Heral Empire to really give a killing, a deadly blow to the face of an enemy. These two flails come smashing into the side of their heads causing inordinate amounts of damage but then both their skulls fud together in a deafening wet slap causing their skulls to basically collide and crush into themselves as both are now headless corpses fall to the ground. You've killed them both
Fucking slick. Okay, amazing. So do I get that fourth attack? If you move, you can have the fourth attack on another person. If you would get the fourth attack, yep. Wow. Wow. Yeah, she'll drop her flails. Sure, I'm going to go for the orange guy. Sorry, so I'm going to go north, yep, going to go north, 15 feet. And then I'm going to take, yeah, my fourth attack.
Okay, roll to hit. That's a non-natural 20. Jesus, my Christ God. Did you get 19? No, it was a 10, so it's plus mine, DC, which is 10. That is a 12 damage.
As you do that, the staff comes up and you see the shield shape appear in front. A shield has been activated against you, causing your flail to bounce away, off away, and bounce quite back, quite hard, causing a little bit of ache in your shoulder slightly, as you weren't really expecting that. He's used his reaction. Is that the end of your turn, then, Helena? Yeah, that's going to be the end of my time. I think killing two of them off alone is pretty incredible. Amazing. Heads on the floor. What a turn. Fantastic.
Uh, fuck me. Tali is going to step out again from around the corner and is going to again, shoot a firebolt. Oh, she rolled a 19. She rolled a 19. Uh, and she's going to roll the damage now before anyone says anything, which
with 14 points of fire damage against the chappy hiding behind the green. Tali's doing some all right damage, if I'm being honest. She's quietly consistent, let's just say that, and it hits dish into his side, out low down in the leg, but his eyes are still very much firmly on Karstan and what is happening there. Top of the round, Drago, you're pegging it towards it. This one dude has fired the sun at you. Helen has just
Just smashed two heads together. It's made even your stomach Oh feel a little bit dodge at the sides of that as you are running forward and the cover of trees What would you like to do? I like to think that like as Helena obliterated those guys There's a moment where the camera just zooms in on Jago's face and he just kind of open mouth wide eyes. It's like damn Just stuck there like damn girl
Fuck, like from one barbarian to just a fighter, there is so much respect that Drago does not give other fighters that's happening right now. That is crazy. On seeing that obliteration, his claws of his feet dig into the ground a little bit harder as he's feeling a bit more energised to reach the enemy.
Right in front of him. It's highlighted blue on the map, but it's literally right in front of Drago into the other tree. So Drago is just going to pound the ground towards him. Dengong's Deception being held towards the bottom. So the tip of Dengong's Deception is as Drago's reaching the enemy, the tip of Dengong's Deception is dragging across the ground and will just strike up from foot to head. Go for it. Roll to head. It's almost, yeah, nave to chops.
But he's going to totally miss with a 12. Oh, no. Stupid. Yeah. He does miss. He just stepped half a step back out of range as a sword comes sweeping up cold with fire, cold with the dragonborn rage running through your bodies, but unfortunately misses. Second attack? Yep. Just straight back down again in anger with a 23.
He's going to cast Shield, which brings him just up. Wait, no. Oh, well, I've said it now, meets at beats. I've brought it up, it meets, and it doesn't matter because, yeah, it hits anyway. Even with Shield, you manage to smash through this iconic shield that appears in front of him, cutting through that, the blade and the soul of your father pushing through and causing damage. Roll the damage.
That asshole's gonna take 15 points of magical slashing damage. 15? 15. Lovely, thank you very much. As I kind of catch through, he looks shocked at the fact that this has happened as you stand toe-to-toe under the tree. Anything else he wants to do? It's the end of my go. Lovely, thank you, Drago. Claude, you're now kind of left all alone. You've just got two twitching corpses nearby in blue robes, blood spurting out as you turn back. So you've looked at Folly to heal them, and as you've looked back, you just now see two corpses. What would you like to do?
Claude has let this frenzy subside so he could just have a moment to think about his friends that he can't really have a direct control over, was able to heal fully and then his blood was able to boil again, he's able to go back into this furor state that he has
found himself in this this entire combat almost like he's barbarian-esque hmm and he is going to cast spiritual weapon which is going to sit sort of just in the offhand of drago's
area so driver was to just reach out handy be able to touch this floating spectral acts that's his bonus action for his main action though he's going to line back a tackle green guy full-on grapple attack straight onto him so it's a contested grapple I'm going to try and just yeah absolutely seize this guy okay roll is athletics I roll athletics you can either roll athletics or acrobatics
Please say you make the same sound that Waterboy does when he makes a tackle on the football field.
I was thinking, well, have you seen the office linebacker? If you watch it, it's basically the employer linebacker to work in an office. And he goes, you know, you need a cover sheet on a TPS report. That ain't new, baby. And it goes and tackles him. Brilliant. But anyway, nonetheless, he hasn't got anything for a saving throws for that hero. I rolled a 13. I rolled a one. I rolled an actual one. Even with a plus seven modifier. I don't beat you.
So, natural one's a natural one, isn't it? As you approach, he's got his hand out with his beam of light pushing out towards you. With the off hand, the hand that's free with his staff in it, he pushes the staff to the side and basically facepalms you.
a child and pushes your forehead and just pushes you down onto the ground. I'm going to say because that was an actual one of an athletics check and you were lying back attacking, you are now prone, you're on the floor, he's not grappling, he's not holding you anywhere, but he's just literally kind of face-palmed you, stop hitting yourself, down to the ground as your feet slide back and you hit the ground. I'll just use my bonus action attack real quick then with their spiritual weapon on the one that Draghi was engaged with.
Not much better, that's a 2 for 11 to hit. That misses, so from your position you look up through the dust and mud and you kind of summon, speak to your spiritual weapon to attack your spectral weapon but you can't quite see where you want it to look. Your brain is a bit fuzzy from this and unfortunately the axe just kind of swings above your head Drago without causing any damage to anyone really in that regard. In the style of comic book guy, worst turn ever.
That was an unfortunate set of roles there. I love the thought though, Danny, that's really great. Okay, up to Chris Crowe. We'll start with the one Claude you're currently engaged with. He's just going to turn me up.
Okay, this isn't an attack. Well, it is an attack, but it's not an attack role. Can you make
Suspenseful Cliffhanger: Claude's Fate
a constitution saving throw, please, as he shifts the beam of light to actually know, firstly, he's going to move five feet forward, and the beam of light is going to go directly to the east, passing through Claude and Drago. Can Claude and Drago both please make constitution saving throws, please? Drago, add one to yours, whatever it is.
Let's go with the nearest person first, so Claude, what did you roll? Another natural one, Mark. Okay, thank you very much. Drago? 20. That's a crit. No, no, no. It's unfortunately, it's not natural. Right, no problem. It was actually a 19, and I added the one to make it 20. Gotcha. Claude? Yes? How are you with radiant damage? It does regular.
Just checking, I thought you might have been... I wish. No worries. Well, in that case, you take 24 points of radiant damage and you are blinded. You're blinded. Claude is making death saves.
I kept getting hit by that fucking frost attack every turn. It was consistent. It was low, but it was consistent. Oh, fuck. Claude is down. And that is where we're going to leave it for this week's episode of the fellowship. You're a cool man. You can't stop things there. That's crazy. That's crazy.
oh my god i can't i don't know i don't know how to take this i definitely know i don't want to wait a week could we just stop the podcast here and then it doesn't happen i don't think i don't think we can just stop the podcast here i think i think people would write in and
and speaking of writing in let us know if you do want to write in and leave a review on whatever podcast app you are using to listen to us that would be really good we'd love you for it we really would and if you wanted to go like even further and just go what would those guys like even more tell a friend about this podcast
amazing. Tell your family and tell an enemy. Why? Why not? If you don't like it, tell an enemy. At least they might get it while our news will go up. Hey, if you wanted to keep in touch with the podcast, you can do so at our Twitter page, which is at fellowship table. I have got to insert here that we love you for listening and making this a party every day week. Thank you. If you wanted to go one step further and follow us individually, please do so. Hi, Matt. I've got one. Casey's at UNI Crit.
Corn crit. Unicorn crit. Fuck's sake. Hashtag porn crit. And if you wanted to follow Callum, you can do so at... The D20 Gamer. The D69. And if you wanted to follow Will, you can do so at... Or Natural20Will. If you wanted to follow Danny, you can do so at... At Total Party Pills.
If you want to follow Darren, you can do so at Darren Page. Ooh, six. If you wanted to follow our Muff Hunter over DM, you can do so at Hastily Frisked DM. That's a lovely one. Until next time, guys.