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Ep. 115 In Our Element - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 115 In Our Element - Bellum Draconis

S2 E115 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
31 Plays1 month ago

Reigns and his new found allies carry on the fight in the pits. 

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios


Welcoming 2025 and Podcast Anniversary

but eight We've entered our sixth year, because this is January 2025. Happy new year, by the way. Happy new year! We can make 10 years. 10 years. Till we're 90.

Introduction to 'Fellowship of the Tabletop'

Hello, everyone, and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. We all collectively are live play 5e D and&D podcasts set in the magical homebrew world of Aerith in the Kingdom of Drolak, and we forgot to mention it last week, but Happy New Year, everyone. I hope your resolution was to continue listening to the podcast and tell your mum about it as well. ah Joining you for this week and other people, not just your mum.
ah Joining you for other week other weeks or joining for this week's episode, we have Darren, who's playing the slightly confused i bet high elf artificer, Raines Hadow.

Character Introductions and Absent Members

New year, new party, and I'm not afraid to admit I prefer this one. We've got Pooh Bear, who plays the human bard, Karstan. Hello, listeners. That felt weird to say. We've got the edgelord Callum, who plays an unknown, overweight um human.
with a receding hairline. I do apologize. ah Ian, who plays the... You play him, you play him, but he's not the Dragonborn. He's the dark the... The rock gnome, paladin, barbarian, drago.
what um ah We don't have Will. Will actually, he tied in his game of chess and is actually down out to the semis, the semis final. It's a special nude thing that he's got for his chess tournament. So, Will unfortunately isn't here. um But I am Mark and I'm playing the... I'm not playing the human blades in a sapphire fairy, but I don't really know what I'm playing. It's another rock gnome at the moment. And my last but no means least is our maestro of magic, the commander of combat, our DMD of DND dungeon master,

Celebrity Listener Jokes

rock your body right but ah back back campaign one character um if oh oh my god we're back again
Brother, sisters, everybody say. We should probably do some D&D. Am I the only one? Oh, God. Yeah. Henry Cavill, get out of my ears and get in my pants. We find ourselves. It's weird because he listens to us every week. Exactly. Well, let's not blow our trumpet.
He actually told us that he, his entire Witcher role was based on Drago's, uh, you know, early contributions. And in lawless endeavors, Drago definitely came first. So yeah. And not based on the Witcher game series and the Epic voiceover work that took place in those. no and no I think Drago predated Witcher. No, he didn't. No, he didn't predate Witcher 3. No, he did not. Not at all. No, but still.

Opulent Tavern Scene

Anyway, we find ourselves, strangely, in place that has good to music and a place that has of perfume. We seem to be in some kind of large kind of music hall-like tavern, but it's opulent, it's grand, its Nice. Seems odd. And ah we see a known figure ah cast down at the stage.
hey on the stage, we see Castan, and he just finishes the final strum of his, er, shit, lute? Do you play a little lute? Lute. Bring to rapturous applause. And he bows flamboyantly to the crowd and struts out the back entrance ah into probably some green rooms or

Karstan's Heroic Tale

something. And as he walks The camera kind of follows him down the stairs but front way, so we kind of see him as he's walking down, as he starts walking down these corridors ah towards us. He looks at the camera and regales. Hello listeners. Well, it wasn't last week, a terrific trifle of titillating things. So we had Raines standing in this toilet. He saw his great granddaddy. He was like, granddaddy, I'm here. And the granddaddy went, nod.
And then this bubble appeared around him and these four dark mercenaries with their dark direwolf hounds and the orc going, I'm going to fuck you up boy. And then reigns standing alone who wants to save him well of course it's me listeners i had to come along and save him not the first member of this campaign group i've had to save but you know that's the secret between you and me because you've listened and the rest of them haven't yet quite weird really we're playing with time here anyway where was i ah yes i'm telling my story so we jump into the rear arena i'm accompanied by characters you may have met before a great rock gnome
Your friend Drabo? Dribble? Ah, Drago, that's it. He joined me as well. My best friend I have you know. He's my best friend. He loves me really. And another rock gnome. You may know who that is if you've been listening carefully to our previous campaigns and a rather large overweight, hair receding human. I don't know where he came from, honestly. He literally I was looking for someone, he was at the bar, it was just, it happened. and Anyway, where was he? So we started to fight these mercenaries and the dire wolves attacked and it was all going rather swimmingly. I made people explode quite literally and then the fight was over. Everyone got a little kill, it was marvellous, rain took a moment to be like, wow these guys are so amazing.
And we were like, yes, yes, we really are. And then there was a disc in the middle of the arena. I poked it and i I stained the shirt and it wasn't my pants, oddly enough. So with the breath of whatever this thing is behind me, I decided to go and walk over because Drago was going, oh oh, I'm going to be really grumpy. And so I walked over to the rest of the party, everyone looking at me like I was fantastic, which, quite frankly, I am.
And then I got knocked down from behind the bastards.

Chimera Encounter Begins

um made So, Karsten, as you pick yourself up off the ground and you sort of shake off this scratch against your back, what comes into view is a shadow that looms large over the party and within seconds, this creature appears. This creature
was has three heads of three different animals. One a dragon, one a lion, one a goat. It's two fierce wings. It stood there on this sand floor
about to roar. Now I'm going to send you what it actually looks like. My tokens have really fucked up on a web so a web browser based combat map application software.
called Roll20. Okay, we're going to drop them in shits. So what you're just going to see is a giant snake, but actually I'm going to send you the token that you would have had um in the chat now. But listeners, if you want to go and look for yourself, the party are about to fight a chimera. Oh, that's so cool. Fuck. Castle looks in it. ah God damn. and So I need you all to roll initiative. too Yeah, buddy.
We're back in. beby boom be you No pause. Straight back. Fucking. I hope you're like combat. Yeah. Cheers. Oh shit. Oh good. My green flame blade is still up. My mom flame tongue. ra Oh shit.
Oh, okay. So your name, Callum.
Kind of been up there from last week. But yeah, we we were looking at a very column to be honest. Anyone roll above 25? Yes, I well, ah exactly 25. What's your decks at the Elcaster is plus three. Okay. And your decks. Thank you very much. I thought you had to get the game dexterity check for it. Fuck me. And we're 20.
15. Yes. I got 19. 17 for Drago.
10. 11 for Reigns. And Seth, what did you get? Sorry, my character got four, we got a natural one. Okay. Yeah, got four in total. Excellent. So
no one in the seats around you has any idea that's happening no one is looking down and you continue to slowly stretch into the earth or or at least the stadium above you slowly stretches above even higher and higher up Karstan you are the first to react after being scratched on the back you see this creature this giant creature flapping its wings but on the ground what would you like to do?

Battle Strategies and Spells

Well bugger me and not for the first time.
Castan is going to cast Bless. So he has his flame and he flicks it and he goes interior on his name. What the fuck? And yes, i I'm going to cast Bless on the party, please. Thank can you. Everybody is now benefiting from Bless.
they I'm not gonna move away from that code. No, ah that would be metagame with the shit out of it. um So that is my action. And as a bonus action, because I wasn't really expecting to go first, I generally thought the creature would end up going first at this rate.
Come on. I am going to turn to Drago and go, you can take that, right? And give you body inspiration. like yeah Thanks, baby. So you get a one D10. And a D4. And a D4, yeah. Shit. Don't miss. and then i'm going to know And then I'm backing away sort of to go next to Reigns because, you know,
Oh, God. We just see um on Roll20, I believe that's Danny, measuring out a couple of times. of leatherne So this creature that is famously documented, a chimera, this this creature with three heads, anyone who's read stories, Alfa would recognise this from his storybooks in a heartbeat.
begins to approach. I know he's not here, but you know, just to make reigns feel a little bit, you know, ah inadequate notes. The chimera begins to approach and crawls closer to a very clustered party, and it is going to unleash a fiery breath at all of you. I need you all to make dexterity saving throws, please.
Don't forget to add your plus four. You've also got ah those of you in 10 feet of me. There's my aura of protection as well, which adds a D20. A D20? A D20.
adds a D20. No, no, plus one. Is it plus one? close you have the same as twenty as equivalent when you When you click on, so, or protection on D&D Beyond in the sentence, it says, while you're conscious, you grant all friendly creatures, including yourself within 10 for a plus one. And it's got the dice next to it. When you click that, it rolls a D20. Yeah. It's just, that's just, that's just the role. That's just the D and E beyond enrolled 20, um, sinking thing, thinking you can roll with ice on it. yeah It's a modified, it's equivalent. tool So you'll get a plus one bonus to all your saving throws. So thanks really um that was a deck save. Yeah. danny Correct.
and i Add a de default to that. You do. I got 17. Okay. Thank you, Mark's character, Callum's character. 15. Thank you, Reigns. Reigns rolled a natural 20 for 24 by the time everything is added up.
thank you drago 19 thank you castan 25 you all passed exceptional you're gonna take half i sorry just it you have uncanny dodge uh evasion evasion sorry like um you'll take no damage quarter no i'll take uh none no damage at all if you if you succeed a fading saving saving throw and only half damage wait no if you allows you to make a deck save throw to take only half damage if instead. Sorry, I'm really not reading English, right? If you take a deck throw and you take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw and only half damage if you fail. So i you take no damage on this. Everyone else, however, will take 18 points of fire damage. Those who are concentrating on spells, which is cast and and dragon need to make concentration checks, please. Whoa. Don't forget to add your plus four.
Well, yeah can I get you to make yours first, please, Castellan, to see if that even comes in? Yeah, I passed. Okay, so Draghi, you can add a plus 40 concentration. I got a 30 in total.
A keeper's with me, baby! And that's all it can do this time around. So, we'll move straight into Callum's character's turn.
He's going to be looking very, very flustered, this colossal creature in front of me. like um um ah Split up! And all I'm going to do is run. I've got a decent amount of movement. Like 25 feet now, 30. Actually, I have 50.
So I can do that. Sorry, everyone. Before you do move anywhere, I misread it's multi attack. wow wait walk So I've got to put myself back. Yeah. and and And then into the ground. Cause that's where you're going after. That's where I'm going. So, oh God, it's getting closer. Callum, uh, Callum's character is going to take a hit. Castan's character. Castan's going to take a hit. So I need to know if.
24 hits your character Callum. Yeah. You take 11 points of piercing damage. but And cast and does a 19 hit you? Yeah, it does. You take 10 points of bludgeoning damage. I can do this all day. Let me take another concentration check.
We're good. Okay.

Chimera's Offensive

Back to your 10 Calums character. Okay. Now he's going to change. So I'm going to look around, flustered and shout, split up. Um, my bonus action, I'm going to rage to start out with. So you kind of see his feet start to move and it's almost like, um, uh, a Muhammad Ali type of thing is now bouncing just constantly on the balls of his feet. Um, as this energy start pulsating through him, I'm going to I'm gonna try and attack it with me similar a couple of times a quick slash a couple of quick slashes I'm gonna go straight for the lion's nose On this one get for it 18 to hit on the first attack That's good good to know Very good to know so 15 points of slashing damage and
three points of radiant damage on the first attack and on the second one is an unnatural 20 to hit that will hit and that is for another 15 points of slashing damage excellent stuff And then, yeah, although it's like cartoon kind of style legs sprinting on spot, just for like a second. I am bolstering out of there. Um, I have mobile. So fortunately I don't take, uh, attack of opportunity almost unless you're going to tell me something horrific that we i now move about it. Uh, I'm basically going to run all the way around it and come to the back end of the creature. Make a perception check for me.
ah Yes, I can do. It's just a big pantomime puppet. Yeah, it's certainly two people and a cold perfume. True. Am I still blessed? Yes. Sweet. Tyrioni has blessed you. I am 13. Okay. Next up is Drago.
cool So, um seeing all of this, ah when Kastan was first kind of injured and pushed away, the look went from exasperated to by Kastan as normal, to a look of concern. And then as the ah creature started to magic into into appearance, um he's taken a look around, he's taken a survey of the land, and a shout out to the others.
range attackers back away get out of its distance to strike melee surround it we take it on a different angles range that shield won't stand up long with what I'm gonna have to do and the dragon will look to where Callum went and use his full movement and cuts it in half so that Kalim's taken the back of the creature. I've taken the other quarter of the clock on the creature, so a quarter past or a quarter to wherever you are. um and ray and And for the first time in this battle, Drago will take Dengon's deception and straight from his backside, because it's at his side, straight from the side, will just swipe straight through the
I don't know, I'm looking at the snake and I thought it was a snake, which is my bad. Straight through whichever side of the chimera. What side of the chimera are my colluses to? Your goat side. Okay, cool. So straight through the goat side. if it's If I'm side on it, it'll be through its um upper c calf. And let's fucking go!
yeah really happy I get it for all this I get a d4 after this and I 20 would have been doing this though wouldn't it just your bardic inspiration for now you can either add it to an attack or you can also add it to your AC against an attack on you if you need to just so you know that's sick You make a choice or you just have it all the time. Yeah, basically you can use it. and You can use its reaction and roll the die and add the number rolled to the AC against you. So if you want to burn a reaction, if you get attacked by something and want to use it to add to your AC, you can in case you want to save it. I'll do that. It's a thing you can do after you know the roll, isn't it?
key roll after seeing the roll but before knowing whether it hits yeah yeah yeah okay i'm gonna fuck that now i'm gonna take it now um so that will be a 20 for the first hit hits and i'm gonna pump in a divine smite on this as dengon's deception blade glows with the aura of a kiva as when the ba air blade pierces through there seems to be this divine energy that rushes into the open wound and almost makes it fester and open it up more. Oh, I missed this so much. Let's fucking go. So let's just roll some damage.
So that's a 13 on slashing. Yep. And for the divine smite. He's going to do at second level, so it's 3d8.
That's 13 points of ah radiant damage on the target. And as the momentum swings through and the blade pierces the skin, and as it comes out the other side, Draghi is going to take the momentum and spin 360 and hit in the exact same spot for a second attack.
Slicing through for a 19 to hit that hits. Oh, I missed you draggo so much for a 13 points of slashing damage. And he's going to put in another lot of divine. Can I do twice? Yeah. As long as you got the, um, I've got the slots we're going. Uh, and then edition of d and d can and he's going to pump in, uh, this time it's 2d8 from a first level.
As he hits with 12 points of divine and we'll just level his sword out and hold it in front of him in a, uh, in an attacking stance. Nice. Can you make a perception check? Yes. I can perceive that I can perceive you. And you want to get close forward to that.
Oh, no. Oh, drago be drago. and plus yeah yeah no yeah 11 points ah of perception. Thank you. Next up is Reigns.
Reigns, unlike the others, is feeling it's bloodied. He's been through two hellish battles and is acutely aware that he is somewhat out of his depth here.
He's heard Drago's advice, he's heard the reasons they're here and he's going to take the disengage action because he can't get away from this creature unless he does. And he's going to head over to this gate on the north of the map and he's going to hobble his way over there and he's going to tuck himself inside the gate just slightly out of view.
and he's just going to say to NC, and see how I'm doing, pass me up, to just do anything you can, and NC's going to again give him another round of um ah bonus points as the green aura.
Reels again. And then she says, this is not designed to heal your wounds. It is rather just sustaining your pain for longer. Um, on a little, on his little ticket tape on the gauntlet. And then she's going to go, oh range is going to go, I'm aware of that. Just, I can't leave these people to fight this fuck around. It's on. Uh, and there's rain steals himself for what he it can do next. That's the under ranges turn. Allow you to take the heel in that before you did the run.
And as you beeline for... I have taken disengage of my action, and then the healing's of my interaction. I hear you. As you beeline for that opening, you make it about 15 feet from your original position until you hit something hard but fleshy. And the moment you make contact with this thing,
Oh, motherfucker. This second chimera just becomes visible. ah Yes! Staring straight at you with all six eyes. What in God's name? Fucking God! What in the hell? I don't think we've got this, guys. We've not got this. We've not got this. We totally got this. It's going to be fine.
Anything else you'd like to do with your turn rate? Allow the health the the heal action to have happened. those Five points of healing are going to really help. and I am done. That's all I can be. Mark's character.
Ah, fuck. Right, okay. um He's gonna be like primed and ready to go and then c see the second one pop into view. Ah, fuck. And he's gonna turn and whip between the legs of Karstan. No, he's not. He's gonna swing out round following the arc of this shape he's in. And I'm gonna burn as much as I can to get behind this creature if I can. Did you take disengage action? i Did I take the disengage action? Wait, how many? Five, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. I'm going to stand right next to Reigns again. ah Yes, I'm going to take disengage okay as the bonus action. And then with my action, I'm going to strike at this creature that is going to be 23 to hit. Yeah, buddy. Hits.
Okay. I'm going to make, make AI do my maths for me. It's taking its time. Okay. 22 in total. That's 2d4 plus four. And then that's mistake attack added in as well. How are you getting sneak? Um, because I don't need, it says I need a creature to be you in range of the enemy I'm attacking, but not necessarily. Let me just find the wording of it. So I'm not making an ally within.
an ally within five feet of the creature you're attacking. Once returned, add a shitload of damage to a creature you hit with an attack with a finesse weapon. If you have an advantage, you don't need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target, so Rains, is within five feet of it. That enemy isn't incapacitated and you don't have disadvantage on the attack roll. Rains isn't incapacitated. He's within five feet of the enemy.
I gain it anyway. Don't keep it clarifying. Not a problem. So that's the damage it takes. And then he's also going to specifically flick off the goat head. Goat head. Just the goat head. I hate goats. He hasn't said that, but he may have intimated that he doesn't like goats, but we don't know yet. Anything else from you? No, I've got nothing else to do. Make a perception check for me, please.
Absolutely. You know what? Out of all the things my character is, he's an incredibly perceptive chap. If I can find the per of perception, it's a zero to add that. Okay, cast a 10. And four. Don't forget to add your d4. Thank you. for I didn't add my d4. That's going to be a 12. Thank you. You're welcome. Cast 10. Top of the round. Okay. Does my passive search from Vigella to Kav?
that I can perceive you this isn't a passive passive check but when I get you to roll if your passive is higher you can take it okay I Carson looks and looks towards Drago again and goes have we still got this Drago and then I'm going to with the flames on his rapier still blazing all of a sudden they flick a green as I'm going to cast green flame blade upon myself upon the blade as well and make a and rapier attack against the chimera in front of kastan at advantage because of calum unless you say otherwise any no you have advantage thank god
18 to hit that hits marvelous. Let's roll and damage first. So that is 10 points of piercing damage. Thank you. And apologies, because this is.
That's messed up. It's not fine. um
12 points, sorry, no, 12, 20 points of fire damage. From the green flame blade and the flame tongue rapier. So as your strikes come in, you watch as the goat head and dragon and head fall limp, but the lion head and the wings still remain on this creature. Anything else you'd like to do?
ah As a bonus action, I would like to give Callum Bardic Inspiration. Fucking legend. End of my go. Can you make a perception check, please? Take your passive if it's higher. Come on, Karsten. I will roll. You're a short motherfucker. Nobody likes you. That's 35 on my perception check.
um I perceive I'm part of a game. and not one and i mean You see through my bullshit. That's what you see. There is distinct disturbances in the sand to the west in the only space available on this map and in this arena. Guess who's there? Do I have time to vocalise my observations? You have six seconds of ah to be able to speak as a free action yet.
I think there's a third one over there behind you. And I'm going to... Do I know your character's name? Surely we know Colin's character. This would be a nice way to introduce, I suppose. and Yes, Carstan, you would know him as... Well, Colin, would you like to say your character's name? You are currently fighting with Beauregard the Bolt Bluehill. Okay. Behind you, Boltie! There's another one, I think! I understand! Well, thank you. So beautiful.
And that's the end of my go. Perfect. ah Well, I'm just going to roll a recharge real quick. No, not for that flame boy. Right, so you've got inspiration, you've got inspiration. and for Inspiration. So three attacks from the original Chimera, one on Cast Down, one on Drago and one on Beauregard the Bolt Bluehill then.
The one on Castan is a... Natural 20. Oh god. Fuck to me that is. Or... 29 points of piercing damage. I can do this all day?! yeah but The one...
The horn attack from the goat on Drago that is largely just falling limb But the the line in the middle is causing like all of the actions to sort of happen around him is a 19 tip. Yeah the heads You could have added your AC to that. Oh, what's my what I see? and So you're part of inspiration you could have added and used it I didn't use it. No, he hadn't used it yet. i I was talking about I used a D4. Bless. I got confused. You could have used it by inspiration too. Can I use it now? No, it's after seeing the roll before knowing whether it hits or misses. What? I'm always going to know if it hits. It's complicated because technically it's you're seeing Danny's roll, but you don't know whether any modifiers. It's if Danny tells you the dice roll, you don't know any modifiers. If you want to use your inspiration now, you can. i Yeah, I'm using it.
Go for it. If I roll just a one, I'm going to bump my ACs 18. Okay. see So you'll pass. Oh yeah. You'll pass. Okay. Cool. Yeah. It's complicated because of the interaction with dice rolls. The dragon's tail is just going to whip at you, Bolty. You can do the same camera if you need to. 17, dear. Yeah, I'll take it. I'll take it. You take 11 points of slashing damage. i'm ki Okay.
And that's all it can do. It's surrounded. It is straight to Beauregard, Bluehill. What do you want to do? I'm assuming I'm rolling with advantage against the Chimera that is obviously in between me and this one here. um I'm going to shout over to Castellan just quickly. Hands are a little bit full.
And yeah I'm saying that as I'm continuing to slash with my own scimitar against the back end now of this Chimera.
So first attack is 19 to hit. That hits. You've rolled with advantage, yeah? Yes, I did. That's why it comes up to 22 on there and 2D 20.
That's ten points of slashing damage and eight points of radiant damage. And as you sink your blade in, the creature falls lifeless. Yeah, buddy. We've got this. Almost because a shock kind of aspect. in like
Never of mind. And then where Carson has gestured to on the west side of this Coliseum, it's not so much a slash. It literally bolting towards it, just holding the scimitar out forward. It's almost like a thrusting attack, running with all his might.
He's trusting Karstan that he's not going to run into a wall and just smack into it. um So this is a root of pattern for you, obviously, it's just diagonally and we're going that way. Can you roll to hit a disadvantage, please? Yes, I can.
19 at disadvantage. Nice. You strike the belly of another Chimera. It does not look happy with you at all, but you cause it to become visible.
Awesome. It takes 12 points of slashing damage from the scimitar. He's going to see the face that is now and all the faces that have ah gazing upon him. god No, no, no, no, no, no, no. And I'm going to run back away from it as well. Okay.
You're going to take an opportunity attack. I have mobile again, so I've attacked it, so it's not going to. For my bonus action, because I've not used that, I'm just going to use second wind and recover some hit points. Thank you very much.
It is the second chimera that's appeared to 10, the one to the north. Charged now with a flame breath. It is going to unleash another cone of fury. One upon Rains, one upon Mark's character, and one upon Karstan. I need you all to make deck saves, please. Don't forget about your shield of fate. And don't forget your d4s as well.
do that so Sorry. I believe in Joe Hendry. It's 25. Pass. 22. Pass. 7. Fail. So you'll take no damage at all, Mark's character. That's right. and Whatever I say next, you halfcast and ah seventeen so half for you is 8. Thank you. 17 points damage for you, Rains.
Did not roll with it. And then it's got its multi attacks. So it's going to take a bite and then a horn attack at Mark's character and one at Reigns. So Mark's character. How does a 14 hit your armor class? 14 misses. Ping dodges out of the way.
Brains, how does a 10 hit your armor class? Miss. Okay. That's its entire turn. Oh, you've got another one of me. Another one of me. Why? Didn't you say it was a bite? It was three attacks, wasn't it? Two. One was the flame. It already did. Oh, sorry. Gotcha. Sorry. Not that I hate myself. Drag. Okay.

Drago's Rage and Raines' Triumph

After hearing Castan, seeing the, the chimera being felled by Beauregard,
Castan, go help. Do I know who Mark's character is? Oh yeah, you two have been travelling together. Yeah. Feel free to announce it. Should I or should Mark? Go for it, man. If you do it, you do it. Okay, well, you're Sy and Gar, right? Hell yeah. Yeah, you fucking are, man! I miss Macbeth. Brother, I'm here, brother. Castan, go and help Sy and Gar look after Reigns.
I regard I will need your help for this one and then drug is going to turn and take on the one of the far west yeah um and make a run and as he's running the blade again starts to.
It's a different kind of glow this time, as um I'm going to Rage, which reigns that will drop your ah Shield of Faith, so you'll notice that blue kind of ah glow ah goes down from you as ah a primal roar comes out of a gnome dwarf, as a rock gnome, sorry, as he runs with this sword, goes, ah! matt i good ah I'm going to attack.
ah fuck slice oh I'm going to run at it so it's face on. What's the one in the middle? li li yeah Yeah, going straight for the yeah for the line.
23 hits for 12 points of slashing. nice A hits. for nine points of slashing. I had gained advantage of saving throws plus three. to Oh, I add add six more in total. i know ohs It's done already in the dice rolls for you. Has it done it already? 2d6 plus six.
No, that's my weapon. Oh, sorry. Yeah. So add is 3, 3 on that six in total. Got it. Thank you. Nice. Anything else for your turn? No, that's the end of my go. Bonus action and attacked twice. Rains, you're up. Rains is bloodied. He's slumped over. He goes, give me what you can, Enchi. Enchi. And he glances down and Enchi is broken and mangled. Rains looks up at this monster and goes, I ain't going anywhere.
I am the true Prince of Shadowwind. And you shouldn't have hit my fucking squirrel. And Rains is just gonna launch a magic missile straight at this chimer, at this chimer. Cool. How many are you hitting with? All of them.
Actually, no I'm not. No I'm not. I'm gonna retcon that. Okay. As he goes to use magic missile it fails and all of a sudden what happens is... he instead turns towards its body and goes, fuck it. And discharges a importantly from Syengar and just through this creature. Oh no, I can't use thunder wave because it's this cone. Sorry, it will have to be magic missile. Wreck on that. Reigns thinks about launching thunder wave and then all of a sudden realizes he can't do that without hurting anyone else. And he goes, just go for old faithful. And it's just going to launch magic missile at this creature.
four Four... Twelve points of force damage. Thank you very much. Anything else you'd like to do with your turn? No. I can't do anything else. Saingar, you're up. Yeah, buddy.
The friends wasn't such a little bitch. I had something really cool to do. Okay. So I was going to look over and watch Drago sprinting off towards the creature on his own and just kind of shake his head to himself a little bit. And then he's going to turn.
He's going to eye up the middle. Well, the middle head was the line, wasn't it? Yep. Yep. You know, I, the middle head, similar to the one that Dragos just dicked on. He's going to turn terrain to go, try to stay still. And he's going to grab his wrist and try and yank himself, going to spin himself up onto his shoulders. And he's going to jump and dagger high on the air, going to try and stab down into this creature. It's flavor. I'm just attacking. the bastard, let's be honest. So he's just going to take his the main attack, his action attack, action attack at it. um I don't get any kind of advantage for that, do I? No. No, I don't. Shit, so that's 12. I have not added my d4. Thank you. Well, this is why I love you. Okay, that's 14.
Ooh, donkeys. And just for expediency, I'm going to roll my second hit because I'm going to go for a bonus attack with it. And I've used chat. Yeah, mate. That's going to be a 25 to hit with that. 25 to hit? Yes. Yes, that definitely is. I've rolled both hits and I'll just speed roller analyzing. This is 4d4, 5d6, then I'd 4. That's 35 points of damage.
um Let's say one of them is poison damage if it makes any difference. um i Sorry, one and one, so two of them are poison damage. So that's, yeah, 35 points of mainly slashing damages. This ah two daggers just and get kind of shoved into the head of this creature. um We got to hang in there. Again, depends how much you want built onto it. But hanging there on Reins's shoulders with these two fucking daggers lodged in this lion's face. Fuck yeah. Yeah, he ain't heavy.
By the end of the turn, you'll yank the daggers out and just refound your footing. Yeah. Yeah. Cool. Unless you want me to slowly crush Reigns into the ground. I think he's going to do it himself.
It is the new newest. I think I'm a level five character in a fight way over my head. yeah yeah You put yourself on the front lines. Interesting. You're doing great, man. You're a hero. Here we go. The one that has just appeared in is going to take three attacks directly onto Drago. Oh, fuck.
Okay! Yeah, i'm sorry man, I just kind of left you with that thing. That's why I had to call you back. He hasn't had a turn yet, though. Nine to hit. ah mrs a fifteen to Misses. hit. Misses. A 19 to hit. Hits.
13 points of slashing damage. And that's halved, baby! I'm back! Okay. That's the creature's turn. All day. Carstan, your turn. Carstan's going to have seen Sayangar do it.
Kastan is going to see Saengar do a rather acrobatic attack and be like, oh, well done, Saengar. And Kastan will jaunt over to where Rains is and be and and yeah so so casual you like, hu I've met Nyx, by the way, and then I'm going to stab at the Chimera with my flame tongue rapier, also casting green flame blade on it at the same time. Let's speed roll this, baby.
So that's a 27 to hit. Yeah, it's so the first ah chimera takes five points of piercing damage. Yep. Plus 15 points of flaming damage. Yep. And then the one that Drago is fighting as cast and pierces the first chimera, these flames seem to dance along is then leap.
five feet to the other one, and the other chimera takes 18 points of flaming damage. Excellent. Nice.
Great. Thank you very much. or now Anything else with your turn? And then as a bonus action, I'm going to give ah Drago some more ah inspiration. Go for the eyes, Drago! Excellent. Thanks, Gaston. Beauregard.
Gonna look at Drago taking on the chimera by himself and going to blitz it back, as best as what he can do, to the um but opposite side of where are the Drago is, which is going to be somewhere around there and what he's going to do is he's going to run, gonna surprise, surprise, go for the two attacks with the scimitar, he's going to kind of dig the scimitar into the side of the chimera, run down with it as much as what he can do for his first attack and then his second one is just going to be a quick spin and thrusting in, just for a nice bit of flair.
there So rolling with advantage, because Drago is opposite me, I rolled two 10s. So 17 to hit on his first attack. yet hit
And that's for a total of 16 points of slashing damage. and six points of radiant damage. It was a knife total of 22. The second attack
is going to be a 16 to hit. Will hit, yes. ah yeah i know And that is for 12 points of slashing damage on the second attack. Perfect. Thank you much. Anything else with your turn? I'm just seeing if I can... Good old Balti.
Hey, you've got a few things to do in there. It's why we're talking with us, to be honest, you know. Yeah, no, that's it. That'll be my term. I feel like that's car-sensitive thing. I like bolting the nickname. It is the northernmost chimera's turn. The chimera that's engaged with, well, just had its head stabbed, one of its heads stabbed by, by, uh, Sayanga. It's just going to re-roll, recharge, which it doesn't get. So it is a bite, a horn, and a claw. One at,
Syengar when it rains and when it casts down. So Syengar does A.
21 hit you. That does 21 for nine points of piercing damage. OK, I'll take Uncanny Dodge and half that down to four. Excellent. Rains does A. 18 hit you. No.
o Damn. Cast End is 22 hit you. Yes, it does. What the hell? Seven points of slashing damage. Okay. Cast End doesn't quite look like William Shatner on the set of Star Trek with a ripped shirt and bleeding, but you know, he's starting to get there. Thanks for the Trekkie update. That's such a good image for your character. yeah But Drago, it's your turn.
ah Lovely, um just the heat of battle with the rage pulsing, Drago's back in his element, just in the wrong form, that still makes him angry, which it enrages him further as he wishes he had the the the dexterity or the height of his his former
body as he swings and hits down with dangle detection again going for the lion. um He heard that Carson said go for the eyes and he's going to go for the eyes swipe across both of them and you roll with advantage. Oh, so that's a 28 to hit hit ah for 14 points of slashing damage.
ah Second attack, as he follows up with a simple 360... He's got a fucking crit! Let's go on this! Tengon starts to glow white hot as he turns the 360 turn, and as he skillfully manipulates in the blade, the power of the rage and the memory of his father starts to burn through his hands, from his heart straight down to his hands, and the blade starts to turn white hot.
as I make a three magical charges. I got a roll of a d20 on 1 to 15. It does nothing on 16 to 20. A K on on a failing of a con 15 saving throw. So let me just roll the d20 first.
by but and but
Fucking crit! The creature needs to make a con saving throw. If it fails a 15, that's a one hit KO on that bitch. Is that double crit? It's got a 23. So it's just going to take some hardcore damage. Take some hardcore damage. So crit damage will help me. Double the dice roll or double the roll. Either double the number of dice you roll or just double the result of your normal roll.
I'll just double the normal one. Danny, how do you want me to do it? Tell me the number, the damage you did. So at the moment it's 11 points of slashing before I add 3. So points of slashing. There we go. So 25 in total slashing damage for that second attack. As white as that crit comes through and that blade glows, you just cleave off all three heads in one go and the creature is felled.
Oh, he's got to come later tonight. so Yeah, he is. So is Ian, I think. Karsten's so happy. With a with a little bit of a swag. Emphasis on the little. Yeah, very little. This is a very little rock gnome that's just feeling three times his size. He forgets almost. He feels like his old dragonborn self. And then he comes to after the the critical hit and realized his rock gnome.
He's going to take up position because he's still got all his movement, and he's going to go to the flank of the remaining Chimera and end up just behind it, opposite Saingar, Rains, and Karstan. Perfect. Thank you very much. Rains, it's your turn. Yep. Flooded, battered.
tired of running, having ran for many, many years from this. He's clocking back the thunder gauntlet and just wailing on this chimera.
shit That's a nine. With advantage. or And you add plus four because you are blessed.
ah That's 23 before I roll the d4. That hits. That's three more of a crepe. That's two.
At nine points to fund the damage. How do you want to do this, Reigns? Fuck yeah! Yes! Reigns, just as he looks down at NC,
is just going to look back at this creature and the gauntlet is just going to absolutely hum with thunder energy and he can almost hear it and he's got this name on his shoulders and what he's going to do is is he's just going to pull back with the right gauntlet. And what it's going to do is it's just going to start to dissipate the rest of the suit as the suit just starts to come off through the sure force of this energy. And as that happens, by the time Reigns makes impact, the only thing that's left on his hand from this suit
is the gauntlet. And this gauntlet is just going to crash into this creature with this thunderous energy. And what it's going to do is once that happens, is there it's going to be this thunder push. And the armor is just going to, because NC was the thing that took it back into the bag of holding, the armor is just going to fly off reigns. And he's just in his noble clothes as his gauntlet crashes into this chimera. And then what happens is, is it rains hand goes limp. And the Gaunt that falls off his hand as he then falls to his knees and his navel clothes and just takes in this creature that has just died in front of him and he just chuckles to himself.
Oh, fucking hell. The creatures slowly melt and tend to ash.
This happens over a number of minutes, so if the rest of the group have anything they want to to do in that time. Well done, Princeling. Yeah, Drago would walk over to you, Raines. Are you on your knees? Yeah. As Drago walks over to you, he's breathing quite heavily as he's breaking rage and he's just kind of trying to, he's gotten a lot better at it. It's almost second nature now to drop the anger, but there is a sense of um But he does that as he walks over to you and he holds out a hand to lift you up. I can see why they wanted us to look after you. I don't think you need much looking after them. This might go some way. As ah I cast Cure Runes, as you if you were to grasp my hand as I pull you up, that's simultaneously. You get a ah one level Cure Runes for eight points of healing.
as the amulet glows and the the magic energy heals you. Thank you. As that's happening, Syengar would just kind of, i as you've taken the Rock Gnome's hand to pull him up, he'll then also grab your arm as what your hand as well once Drag was kind of finished and turn you towards him and just say, that was my kill. The last one of my kills you take. Bloody good shot, but that's mine.
I don't think this is over, and he's going to turn out towards whatever else is out there, drag the daggers out, kind of looking around, unsure of what's going to happen next. And and what oh Beauregard, what do you do? I've got to say, what you would actually see is Euge's saying, God, turn around. Beauregard is running around the arena.

Post-Battle Revelations and New Quest

yeah clocking in probably about 150 feet every six seconds, so he's doing multiple runs, just holding his sword out in front of him, just testing all the air around it. He's seen him appear when he stabs him, so that's literally what he's doing, just running around. you Like Zelda. Link, even. your Link just running around with the sword. Yeah, yeah, pretty much. good just Running around everything. Pegasus boots.
yes oh mont Hey, I'm just checking you can't be too careful now. Cast and do you sense anything? I'm going to look around. What do I see, Danny? Make a ah perception check, please.
That's a 36. fuck
ah You see the big bad end game boss of the entire campaign just chilling notes. I like to think it's like, you know, 64 games where like the walls would glitch and you could see all the way through it into the, I feel like he just says that it's not the eye of sorrow. Do you know on the blivium, no Skyrim when this, when the giants send you flying into the sky and you can just see that the edge of the map and everything in between. It's basically, yeah. All of these references and more.
There you go, that's your perception. He is built to perceive the world. You do a really tight scan looking for any movement in the sand other than what you're creating none. What you are seeing is that slowly the is reshaping and when you were once you were dropping and being stretched downward now you're returning to the surface incredibly slowly. Like it will take half an hour to to get back to to a regular-shaped stadium again. However... Are there any um are there any clear exits? There aren't, except for a single rope that is thrown down.
and And... Syengar, on a sending stone that you have equipped, You hear you're needed elsewhere in an accent, you know, an accent you understand that you need to follow.
And Raynes. Hey buggers, we're getting called away. Raynes, you're seeing two objects falling out of the sky. One, a dwarven figure heavily cladded.
The other... your son.
And that's what we're going to end this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. Oh, shit. Bellum Draconis. Booyah. Oh, And yes, you are level six now, Rean. Yay! You got boosted.
some elite high level players came in just to help you clear a couple of dungeons. but Well you got the kill man. It's the equivalent when you need to level characters up in Final Fantasy you just put one character in with all the good ones and then just let him get all the XP boosts from whatever you kill. It's the exact reference Danny just used but yeah that's one.
totally yeah yeah ah It's like when you're playing Destiny 2 and loads of high level ah guardians come and help a new guardian. Exactly. And it's a bit like World of Warcraft where you you'd get some high level players to carry you through and then you get the XP in there. It's very true. And it's also like Pokemon where you have a first level Pokemon and you're bringing them in on the higher levels, XP farming. Yeah. I'm a beautiful batter free now. It's in a lot of map fight. Trust me, you have no idea where either.
car car magic card I don't want this episode to end, I'm not gonna lie. I feel like I'm not gonna be able to set foot in these games. Give it away, Drago. Give it away. Give it away now. It's okay, Drago. I'll look after him. Do this end off as Drago? Yeah, that'll be nice, wouldn't it? It's just getting that crit on it as well. That was so nice. So good.
But let's do it as trial. Fuck it. Let's indulge myself. let's Let's go for it. Thank you very much for tuning in, listening, in making us a part of you every day. week We love you for it. If you wanted to keep up to date with the podcast, you can do so on our X page. I believe we have a map of Scorch Helm on there. Then if you wanted to go one step further and follow us individually, you can do so too. I'm at iRolledA1. Darren's at... Darren page 06. Mark is at... Hastily rolled DM.
My brother Sianka. Karstan slash Will can be found at... Natural20Will. Boltie can be found at... and The D20Gamer. Fizzy. And... a V.I.P. of D and&D can be found at... Total Party Thrills. Until next time, guys.