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Ep. 79 We've Been WRASSLING! - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 79 We've Been WRASSLING! - Bellum Draconis

S2 E79 ยท The Fellowship of the Tabletop
54 Plays9 months ago

After things settle down, the group turn thier attention to Hope and Alpha.

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios


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We want you to have the same easy experiences we do for all our podcasting and content needs. It's time to share your story. I am older. I apologize. I thought you were vanilla. Boy, you are barely flavored.

D&D Podcast: Cast Introduction

Hello everyone, and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. We are a live play 5e D&D podcast set in the magical home-brewed world of Aerith in the Kingdom of Dranak. Joining you for this week's episode, we have... Will, who plays the Dragonborn Druid, Baal Valkon. We'd be in Restman!
Ian, who plays the Tiefling Warsterer, Nix Correll. We've been wrestling! Taryn, who plays the High Elf Artifice of Rains, how do I do that? I don't do wrestling! Will, who plays the Human Cleric, Emron? No, you're wrestling! Kallum, who plays the Warforged Artifice of Alpha? We have been wrestling. My name is Mark and I'm playing the Human Bladesinger, Seth Faro River, and we've been wrestling!
And last, but by no means least, is our Maestro Magica, Commander of Combat, our DMD of DMD, Dungeon Master Daddy! We've been wrestling. Tell us about your episode title.

Narrative Tension in the Shop

We've been wrestling and we find ourselves in a shop.
Michael Cole, you could say. Oh, that was very bad. But I love it. I'm there for it. I'm there for it. I'm there for you. Such a mark for him. And we see old girl looking perturbed as he looks up at the shelf and realizes that something's missing. Anyway, he looks away from there and notices his orb has fallen out, his pocket is rolling on the floor. He picks it up, looks into it, and then looks to us.
They just got away with that shit, thanks to Bao, blagging out of his ass and maybe even landing him in a little bit of shit, but who knows? We found out a little bit about the sand vipers, the fact that that's who they was putting on those armbands for pretending to be. They plow on and arrive in Snaker-nessum and
Excellent information about shops and shit. I ain't gonna say it again though. The stands start set and turns out there's lots of different races here in Snakey Run. And there's lots of people wrapped up in orange, but there's also some of them orky orcs with their purple eyes. They seem to be the gods.
Oh yeah, and also, slaves. But we don't talk about that shit, so that's fine, it's all parties and games! They go to a bounty board and they find out that all the gold port is on the bounty board. Oh, titties. That ain't a good thing, Seth's on the bounty board. Oh, titties. That ain't a good thing. Hope McDougall's on the bounty board. Oh, titties. You know what? Everyone's on the fucking bounty board. There's just so many people on the bounty board.
Anyway, they go on moving to the Serpent Slip Rains, has a raging boner at a door that's been moving. Meanwhile, people getting thrown out, there's some sort of mashup going inside. Ball stops tripping balls, and he's having a great time, and everybody's fucking fighting! It's a big ol' ball fight. And then the person behind the bar's like, you got two minutes to hash this shit out, so they hash it out!

Chaos and Curses Unfold

Nick starts throwing cups.
Seth fails a fucking dropkick. Ball goes into a slapper bitch and Hope just fucking kills someone with telekinesis. Nick's gets big. Ball gets big. Nick's gets small. There's a people's elbow in there somewhere. It's all fucking flying. It's crazy. And Seth gets pretty fucked up.
And, uh, he decides to jump, you know, straight down Hope's throat, not in that way, sadly, to find out more about that quest about getting Alpha healed, and she seems pretty willing, but she darn turns to the group and says, which curse? Oh shit. Does he find yourself?
in a post chaotic space where people are turning back over chairs, people are turning back over tables, people are realigning smoking pipes, they are returning to the bar to get to their beverages. Sprawled out on a long table is the dwarf you are looking for. You have asked the questions you have asked. What do you want to do?

Dealing with Curses: Urgency and Cost

What do you mean, which one? I'm pointing directly to him. It's that one. That's the one we need to heal. It's him. There is some form of decay that I have been subjugated to. I don't want to know what you've been eaten, but you've got two baddies. It's gonna take... You're in trouble, mister. What are you?
I am Alpha, I think is the most appropriate term, if you would be so kind. And she struggles to really focus on you and her sort of her center of attention just fluctuates between you, the rest of the party, onto the ground, onto the table. She's not really able to maintain a constant focus on any of you.
I am only aware of one curse, as it were, that I am currently afflicted with. Are you, are you confident? I have multiple. Son, I, I am the dog's bollocks. Okay. And if I tell you that you are carrying multiple curses, you are carrying multiple curses. As are you, funky face, and you. Funky face. Dragon boy.
You are into some interesting shit. Don't worry about us. We are fine. We are here for Alpha. That's it. I'm not here to be here. Don't worry. I'm fine. Some sort of necrotic decaying curse is affecting. You don't want yours fixed. That's gnarly. So, Metal Boy. Yeah. Which one's it gonna be? Like, you're dying. I can sense that one. Preferably that one. Both are gonna kill you, my boy.
What? She just watches. Can we all hear this, just checking? Yeah, and half the tavern, but not many people are interested. I'm on there, coming over. What do you mean? Holy crikey. Which curse? Is he with you? But looking at Alpha. He is, yes. Your man. He's hurting.
Something ironic. And these two have curses as well? Yeah, big ones. What about me? No. You're clean. Can you please focus on this new development of mine? Can you tell which curse? Because I was able to identify the necrotic one, but what about the others? Oh, that's gonna cost you. Okay. Your man's dying. How much will it cost?
A fair whack, I'll tell you. Could you put that in the number for us, please? Or in services? I'll take that curse off you for no less than 3,000 gold. I see. I'll take the second one. I'll do your deal. Two for 10,000 gold. How's that sound?

Bar Conversations and Character Dynamics

Could you tell us about the curses?
Not without actually getting into this, and that's gonna cost you. I can tell you what you're carrying, but I can tell that you're carrying. I can't tell you what until you agree, a figure. How much money? Well start, why don't you get us all around?
So before- I'll go get us a round. Yeah, butter me up. Before that happens- I'll go with- I'll go with M and O and get a drink. Before that happens, you- you- you- you- You don't seem- that's gone. You don't seem too, uh, surprised about carrying something. I can hear you. It's fine. I'm just ignoring you. Yeah, you just don't seem too surprised about it. That's all. I'm d- I'm not- I'm not- I only ask because, no offense, you seem quite drunk and I want to make sure that- Well, not time to- I'll show you I'm not drunk.
I'll be honest, I wasn't entirely aware that I was cursed in any way, shape or form, that is news, but I thought the whole point here was to stop this one from falling to pieces. Was that that thing about your arm that you were showing out for last night? I'll answer you in Draconic and say, what do you mean? I don't, I just thought you were showing things up. Oh, you speak Draconic? No, no, no, I'm not. Everyone's like,
I just saw you flash your arm at Alpha, which is a bit weird to me. In Draconic, I'll probably say to Baal as well. We could make up some form of excuse, and I'm sure he'll believe you. Is this not shady as fuck? It's not shady with these people talking in their own private little language. It's a bit shady, right? Don't just make it. I'm just trying to answer, saying that two curses on the level, you're asking... If you permit, Enron, I speak Draconic to Baal because he finds it more comfortable than the common language. Insight check.
Take care. If that is truthful, don't tell us unless you fail. If that is truthful, roll persuasion back. If it's deceit to set the DC for world to beat, but don't tell us which of those you're rolling. Okay. Am I still blessed? No. It's a minute, isn't it? Yeah. Okay. Okay.
What's the DC? 10. Okay. 15. Were you deceiving or were you being truthful or were you like? It was deceitful, but purely due to lack of knowledge rather than an intentional way of... Don't let that happen. That's such a cheeky, like, I lied, but it's because I could only lie. Alfred doesn't know. He has lied. He's trying to make... You're lying. Okay, it's fine. I mean, the parents in the room are relating with the child when they know they're lying. It's fine, you're lying. Everyone's like...
Okay. Anyway, maybe you want to explain about the arm thing. A bit weird when you two were talking last night and showing your arm. I don't know. I could see it from a distance. Then you looked at me. Bit weird. Anyway, Seth and I are getting drinks. You guys talk about curses. So 3000 gold.
You say both are killing Alpha, which one... I mean, you're not going to tell us this about some form of financial exchange, but which one is the one that's, like, the Alpha... Which is the most prominent one going to kill me quickly? I can't answer that question! So to be safe, we have to remove both. That's what you're saying. These two seem to like the idea. They ain't dying. We're all dying. We're all dying there, kiddo.
Would you be able to discern which one will kill our friend here quickest? Yes. To remove, or will you just randomly choose one? I'll find the one that's gonna kill him quick. And we start there. It's a solution. That's what we came here to do. What do you think, Alpha? I feel that we may need some more cold. Hi. We haven't spoken.
I was very interested in your entire approach earlier. When there's a bar fight happening, I can't help but... I was honest. You just, you blew that up. I feel like I brought the party with me. I love this place. I'm vibing all over everywhere. That's the fourth one of the evening. Do you come here often? Is this your place to come? Uh, yes. I have not left here in... I don't know how long.
Where do you do all your clerical, magical healing? Is that done here or wherever? Because you seemed quite ready and available just to go in and go, bam, you're fixed. Just not today. You're going to have to come back in the morning. Where? I'm seriously fucked up and out of resources. Okay. So where would we meet you tomorrow? I don't know. Okay. But if you want the money and we want the fixing, we've got to have a place where we can do it.
You maybe find me here. It depends how fucked up I get tonight. I intend on being here in the morning. Who fucking knows? Let's fucking get fucked up tonight then! Let's get lit! Let's get fucked. Then we stay with you, then we wake up with you, and then we're all here! Out of interest, do they have any more of that smoke? It was kind of billowing around the ceiling. That was some good shit. My guy, that was... That is just...
The... Let's start- You seem pretty fucked up. Let's start small with you today, okay? That is basically what we've all been breathing out. Oh. Yeah. You're a bit vanilla, aren't you? Can you tell? I like him young. Look at him. Look at him. I'm like this guy with the face full of fucked. I am getting you a drink, I thought.
Oh, it's nothing but blood to her You're very clever to be able to ascertain who's got a curse just like that. How do you do that? Well, I'm incredibly divine It's not like I'm half God sound like an internal thing or is that something given to you? Both yeah Do you have a God I have a God That like
You have to do things for that God? Or is that a sort of... I've done my time. I've done my time and she is happy giving me all the power. I like it. I like you. Let's get fucking lit. Yes.
She looks around the room for where, what is happening next? We're at the bar. We brought drinks. So you are at the bar and there has been a sort of queue of people that have

Drinks and Local Customs

tried to resume things. A lot of people aren't buying drinks. A lot of people are buying tea. A lot of people are buying substances. There are some people who are asking and paying and then going into some of the chambers around. They're not necessarily staying in this communal room. When it is eventually your turn at the bar, you are served by
The same individual who cast the spell, the same individual who gave the two-minute warning, the same individual who seems quite confident managing this space. He is a broad, dark, sandy-skin human.
the this really opulent red turban that goes into this this jewel at the tip he has a snake that sits upon his shoulders and arms and sort of moves around with him operating the bar he marks you after serving four or five different customers and says welcome hello um good evening we're after some some drugs please drinks yes and yes um whatever
A dwarf cleric who likes to drink. People have been giving her things all day. What's their usual tipple or a favourite tipple? Hers, it varies. Perhaps, pardon me, you're from the north, you're from the east. You're from the east, yeah. You're from the east. First time here.
Go light tonight. Whatever you choose to try, just take it slow. We get a lot of folk who come here, party a bit too hard, and I end up sending them back in wagons, yes. So, go light. Okay, so whatever, something's funny for her. What's her favourite?
I would probably advise some of the Vahalis root tea. I'll have the same. Whatever she's having, I'm having two. If you're having anything alcoholic or water-based, there's quite a tax on it here because we can't, we have to import it, you see. So your options are more, well, less alcohol, more other. I'll have more of the alcohol and the other.
It will be at a premium. OK. We have some some beer from the north, but don't let many people catch you drinking it. They'll think you're, well, northerner and the sort of spits as he says that. OK. How much is the tax?
Are you after a beer? Are you after something rude, distilled? An ale's fine. An ale. I have about seven bottles left. They probably run about two gold apiece. That's fine. Fuck me, two gold apiece. But some of these, the tea, about a silver. That's fine, toast. Tea. Whatever she's having, I'm having the same. Y'all, we got that, Nick, don't worry. I got it. We're gonna be drinking buddies tonight, me and you. What are you having?
Ah, yes. Exotic or not? Okay, he'll have it. Val's having the same as what I'm having. He'll have it too as well. He just interjects. Local, you mean. You're drinking the exotic. Oh, yeah, sorry. Apologies. Northern. What's? I love it. Eastern, technically, but you know what? Who's counting? Seth, what do you have? I mean, it's still technically north of here. Yeah, I know it is. It's very far to one side at the same time. Seth, what do you have? Oh, I just need to sit down. Okay. Rains.
I will have. I've got tea reigns. I'll have a tea. That's good. He will have every mile, every mile of tea. He'll have a mile of tea. A mile of tea. Just make it all the same. Just make it easier for you. Ask him to drink half as much. Okay. We can't. You'll understand. We're also after some accommodation. With or without companionship. Without? With or without... Wait, what do you mean by companionship? Livestock.
Without. Livestock. Livestock. Would you require space for additional, um, indentured servants? No. Wait, hang on a minute, don't we all want to stay in the same room? Uh, hang on a while, just while we're just finding out whether... Oh, right. Will you be acquiring substances for overnight consumption? Do you mean exotic local stuff? I think he means drugs.
No, I don't think we'll be... You don't need to speak in code. No, we're good. Everything we do is above board. Yeah. No, no. Just standard rooms. Yeah. Now, do you do rooms where, like, for groups of travellers or is it just... Just for travelling, though. Not for anything else. Just for sleeping and, you know... We don't ask questions here. No sex stuff. I mean, I can't speak for all. Although, if they have a swing... Shut up, you'll get your tea soon. He'll have a private room to himself. I'll get you three rooms. Okay. Three go.
Okay, so three rooms and the round of drinks, please. That's cheap within the beer. Let's call it ten. Ten gold for you and your friends. Okay, I've got this. That's one beer and a round of teas. And the combination. And the accommodation. Is that per night the combination for three gold? Yes. So that's going to reach into his pocket and pull out his money pouch and pull the money off the table. Ten gold. Thank you. Thank you. And it begins to sort of prepare those for you. Cheers. And you watch as this tea is made, it's not a...
It's not a simple case of putting a substance and then adding water. It's made from a lot of individual components and you watch as they sort of go into these cups. They go in as sort of various root or herbal elements and the ones that contact each other sort of fuses into like a bubbling acid and then water is added.
And then water is added and you're sort of drinking a very foam, it culminates in like a foamy white. Imagine like the top of the coffee when a latte art has been made. It's like that sort of substance. And then there is one dusty unlabeled black beer. What art is crafted in the foam?
It's very, there's no attempt to do latte art. It's sort of just like picture that consistency and then everyone else got like just different, that hasn't been handled particularly well. It's like breaking bad, it's a crucial method. So you're deducing 10 gold from your stock, Seth. Correct. I now have... Nothing. Nothing. You've just poured. It's done its part of it, done its bit.
Okay, everyone will carry the drinks over. Bring over the drugs. Drink drinks. Are they drinks or drugs? Freaky drugs. Drugs and drink. You're drinking booze and hats off to you. In this heat, you are going to feel it in the morning. The rest of us.
Bottoms up and you watch as she just absolutely shots this tea like it is water. I'm smashing it down. I hit it on the table and I go down in one. Constitution saving throw. Absolutely following her. Disadvantage. Disadvantage? Yes. You are not used to this. 12. 12. No, that's a lie. 13. 13. You are poison.
and you are under the effects of slow.
It's going to be a real interesting night. And again, as this sort of enters your system, you feel as though, like you're watching a film on .5 speed, that everything is just a little bit jolty. There is a lack of fluidity about things. But in a weird way, it allows you to punctuate things and find precision because you're able to see every time a moment stops and the next time starts.
You have a plus 20 to your perception checks. Oh my god. You're incredibly lucid. You can perceive us. Actually, if Mates perceives the world carefully, he can see us. But you are significantly reduced in your ability to respond to the stimuli you're perceiving.
and you're unable to focus because you're taking everything. It's almost like our fly moves around a room. You are like that and you are just looking at everything all at once. It takes you a while before you even realize that you are going through this really manic way of experiencing space. But you can smell burps from across the room. You are able to hear conversations all around you. You are able to taste the...
The, uh... Careful. Sweat of my ballsack. The turn of the winds outshives. Your skin is responding to humidity in different spaces. Who else is drinking? There ain't one!
Oh, sorry. Do it in one. You don't believe that you're speaking any differently, though. Do it in one. Was the one for me. Did it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, that's great. I'll do it. Go. Because things are going so well for you. I've been rolling really well last session in all fairness. I'll lock eyes with hope just as I do it. I'm going to roll. Constitution. I have disadvantage. This is a poison thing, isn't it? Yep. I have advantage in being a poison thing. Ah, straight roll.
15. Yeah, you're under the same effect. Your perception is amplified by 20, but you are under the effects of slow and you are conditionally poisoned. Cool. This is the first time I've ever felt anything like this. Amazing. It is the first time you've ever felt anything like this. And what's curious is this feels like it felt in that dream
or that new memory where you aren't in control. Like you are sending signals for bodily functions to happen and it's not responding. Like it's that same experience you recently experienced. You're feeling out of body. That's what I'd say. Anyone else wanting to do the same? I think I'd see them both do it, then both knock it out and probably see the, the after effects as well and have a quick look at it. I'm just going to show them the car.
kind of forbade this in her service. I see time. Yes. Never quite been down the Kay Hall, never quite chased the old Keltrad dream that, I mean, went in snake run. And I'll sip it rather than down it.
Okay, can you make a constitution saving throw? Straight roll, please, then. I don't think I've rolled them up in 10. What, seven? Seven. With the first sip. So you're poisoned, if you weren't already. Pretty sure we're still poisoned. But you mentioned, I think, that the poison dropped with me. So it did, yes, yeah. You are under the effects of slow. Also, you're...
I can't believe they put this in. Your mass is awkwardly redistributed. Your jaw feels entirely heavy and you can't close it. When you talk, it's more of a wobble. It's more of a sideways wobble. You have to sort of rest your head on your shoulder to get your jaw to behave a little bit.
Your palms feel like they are holding dumbbells and and you are you Essentially get them. They are pinned to the table. You are unable to lift them without significant effort
I don't like it. Mum, pick me up. I hope nobody tries to rob us this evening, you know. I think Alf is going to continuously be like pushing the jaw back up and then letting it drop again. I'm so happy. How are you so strong?
And your feet the same, like it just feels like your extreme appendages are just incredibly weighty and you don't have the strength to manage them. That's you for a while. Oh, fuck. Rain, Seth, what are you doing? So I didn't buy one. There is an extra one because I think you bought a round. Oh, I purposely didn't buy one for Seth. Okay, so one less. I want my money back, bitch, you overcompensate. No, yeah, that's why. I think there's one, yeah, you got a beer, haven't you? Seth. And then it's one for Seth.
Yeah, what's up? Is that going to spare? No, that's for Rains to drink, bro. Okay, Seth, thank you. You're not doing anything just now. Rains, what are you doing? Rains has just heard Nick go, is that going? And what Rains is doing is he's just taken out a teaspoon from the bag of holding and he's just stirring it. There he goes.
But what Rains has done is he's cast Purify Food and Drink on it, which renders it free of poison and disease. So Rains is just basically seeing what happens. Okay, this stuff is clearly
Interesting. Raines is just...

Substances and Consequences

his mind is blown by Dralak and he's just doing alchemy. He's doing arsophistory things, even with his tea. So yeah, this has had purify-fueled drink on it. So, when you remove the poisonous element of this,
I should add, only if it's non-magical. If any of this tea is magical at its inherent source, I've done nothing. It's not magical. It's purely chemistry. When you remove the poisonous element to this, there is a purple plume of smoke that just comes out of the cup. And it lingers there for the entire time that anyone does anything with it.
and Hope clocks this and just starts laughing at you uncontrollably and then points at you and says, this one, he's scared to get fucked up, isn't he? You just turned it back into water.
No I didn't, it rains on his neck it. That is the most, well I suppose that's quite a cheap way of getting water out here, but do that in scorch helmet, you get laughed out, you get kicked out for being a, well I won't say that. Oh whoa, I'm trippin', oh wow.
My hair feels like it's levitating. Is it affecting you too then? Minty wassau! Dragon guy, I apologize, I thought you were vanilla. Boy, you are barely flavoured!
All right, so this is where I have my squirrel Torquecks you This is fun another oh I haven't got any more money. What that are we on talk business? You're getting to the round for you lot. I think actually I'm on the prospect of talking business might actually not be a bad idea You just say let's get a drink and let's talk business. We've had a drink. So let's talk business. Oh
3,000 gold to stop our friend here of dying of the more obvious kind. Another round! Let's go! This guy. This guy. Let's do it. And model wave. I feel like me and you. We talked business. Now. I mean, I talked. I'm chasing my accent now. And model wave over the bartender. Hold up four fingers and just point to these four fingers. I'll talk to business. Bartender looks back at you. Holds up the middle finger. Excellent.
Oh, you know what? I'll go. This isn't my scene. I'll go. Four more of the destructive tea substances, yeah? On your... Sorry. Four more, is it four? One, two... I can't get with my mouth open. I was gonna reach out and push the jaw up again. I can't sit with my mouth open very well. I don't like it. You don't have to have it in drink form. You could just have it straight.
Huh? Straight where? The nostrils, the mouth, the anus, you pick. What is it like? I pick. That's Nick's laughing at that one. You could cut yourself and squeeze it in there if you wanted. No, I think I'll stick with one. You boys ever tried keltrat? Like fucking gnarly keltrat.
Why are you offering? No, get around to that. That'll perk him up. Kel tried. He's going to look to Reins and Amron as the only two sober people in the group. Kel, I'm going to buy some more drugs. Is that a good idea? I mean, no, it's not a good idea, but I feel as if our hands are being forced somewhat here. I mean, Amron's going to sort of try and
lower his voice to reign second black. Are we actually achieving anything here? Are we just slowly getting these guys fucked up? Was that to Seth as well? Yeah. I mean, she did know that he had, that Alpha had two different curses. There's always other places you could go.
Yeah, I know, but I'm just thinking how many days have you got? That's the guy she's staring at us, she's aware of us, she's aware we're having a come. There is absolutely nowhere else you can go. Oh, fucking hell. I can taste the world. You all hear telepathically. As my awakened mind is just firing on me. No, it's just my trait of awakened mind. No, but when it opens the line, because sometimes with some of those things, when I open the line of communication, we get to reply back. All it says is you can telepathically speak to any creature you can see within 30 feet of you if it understands at least one language.
Okay, so it's not one of my favorites. So you're all here. I can taste the world. But you look back at me and I'm just like, looking away. Alfred's going to send a message to Nix. Hello? Just going to hear that in your head. Alfred, just roll a T20 for me. Dad? 14. It misses Nix.
You say hello to a half-orc in the far corner of this room. And they're just looking around, tripping balls equally at their table, trying to figure out what's going on. And then throughout this night, you're just going to hear laughter in your head every now and then. It's like, hee hee hee. So off putting. So off putting. Right, there is absolutely nowhere else you can go. I am your best shot for weeks.
Does he have wings? Uh, no he doesn't. Right, um... Feels like our hands are tied here. Yeah, so what, so, so... Another drink? Well, not... not... drink. Another... Another tea? Try the Kiltrat, you'd like it.
Are you having some? Yes. If you're buying, yes. Fine, fine, fine. How much is the Keltrad? Are you doing the Keltrad? Get me a Keltrad. Raines will go up to the bar and go, how much for the Keltrad? You'd like four drugs of Keltrad, please.
You guys, man, I will have four of your finest drugs. I'd like to speak to the drug dealer. Seth, you're going over as well. In the moment, everyone's going with him. Okay, so you three moved to the bar and there are, it's beginning to pack out a bit now. And there's a company that just sort of bump into three. If you're not purposely, it's a complete lack of stent. Everyone here, it sort of loses faculties. Sorry, I'm just reading passives.
When you're bumped into everyone, you do feel a hand around the waist from the individual that bumps into you. There's an attempt was made for something. One second. Raines.
you experience nothing, you get bumped, but your bump is from Enron bumping into you as a result of being bumped. Seth, you're bumped and the individual, this quite burly dwarf attempts to catch you as though he didn't mean to bump you. And the moment he sort of claps your hands to try and stabilize you, he walks away and you're left with something in your hand.
But... You two, Emron and Mains, did not see that exchange.

Bar Negotiations and Challenges

Can I grab the hand that was trying to... Yep. ...please me? You do, and you've got this drow hand in your grasp, and the individual just looks at you and eyes crossed entirely trying to focus. You just sort of can't even place your nose on its face. Can I help? Yep.
As you can. You're buying lots of stuff. I will take four of them. No. Four. No. Four. No. Four. Four. No. Kind of slowly start bending his wrists a bit. He just starts giggling at you. How, how, how, how. Fuck off.
And he just sort of stumbles back. He looks completely struck by you and just stares at you, harrowingly and terrified for minutes. Just props against the table and is just staring at you in fear. The dwarf sort of just moves past you and goes to help his friend who's stuck on the table.
And then you head to the bar. Right. It takes a little while for service to come back to you again. And that same individual pops around and says, evening, your friends are enjoying themselves. No doubt. Yep. You're back from war. They want some Caltrat. Yeah.
I understand. Four pints of Kel-Tret, please. Doesn't come in pints, it comes in lines. No, it's sniffy. There are four lines of Kel-Tret. Okay, there will be... Could you put it on a plate or something so we can carry it to our friends? Separate or more than one? Not one big line, it'd be difficult to stop. I think the trough effect is more than sufficient for these people. I think possibly four little lines and they can then share. I don't know if you do one big fat line or lots of thin...
I'll charge you for three and split it four ways. She'll know if you're giving her less. Oh no, there's just gifting them a line. Just give them the four lines. Okay, that'll be 32 silver pieces. Oh, so you split it up per light and that's what you sniffed. Yeah. All right, yeah, the range will just go into the bag of holding and slap 32 silver. 32 silver. 32 silver. They're quite elegantly produced, this really ornate wooden carved out sort of indented,
Timber slab that's died in various ways and stayed in various ways and the it's really opulently presented They take a lot of pride in the presentation of this and you're handed like, you know When you go to like a really bougie restaurant and they serve you hamburgers on unlike paddles. It's that sort of vibe You're handed this it's essentially a paddle that has four separate lines of this It's a it's a amber one up to your room. It's an amber powder that has
It's really uniformly cut, so it looks really fine. How is Keltrad Eryth wine, as a drug use? No, not as a drug. It often gets refined, and then it's used for other purposes in other nations. It has really versatile properties. It can be used to support the stock magic powers. It can be used for medicinal purposes. It can be used for poisonous purposes. It's quite versatile.
You often have to combine it with another thing, like, God, you're testing my alchemy language here, but it needs another substance, and it needs to be fine with another substance to do other things, but it's essentially an alloy. Everyone's just trying to gauge, everyone having grown up in the poor areas of Shadow Men, what he would have seen.
It would have been quite rare. Quite rare. I've taken some. It's only mineable in Dralak, right? So it doesn't travel an awful lot. And when it does, it adds in that value as it goes further away.

Late-Night Reflections and Adventure

There is a similar substance in Dashkarai that is also referred to as Keltrad, but as we've already discovered from Rolo, it's very different to what we found in Dralak. Okay. Sorry.
I don't trust myself. I feel I might sneeze. Do you mind carrying a plate of drugs? I got it. I'll just put it on. I got it. I got it. Do you just put it in your nose? Is that... I don't know if... Maybe we'll just watch Hope do it. Depends on your race. Some people like to ingest it. Some people like to inhale it. Some people like to slowly consume it on the tongue. What have you got there?
The Dragonborn, he'll be fine however he chooses it. I'm unsure on the Tiefling. I would not recommend having any contact with his blood immediately. I don't know what that guy is. That's not going to do a thing to him. Essentially, if anything, that might blow up. He seems metallic. He seems to be affected by your T already.
Well, the tea is a liquid. This in its solid form probably won't do a thing. I don't know. I've never seen one of those before. Well, we'll see what happens. And she'll be fine. She's been taking that for weeks. Okay. Does she get lucid at any points?
Depends how you define Lucid. My customers, they experience all sorts of state of mind. Have you seen her able to use her cleric abilities? Oh, yeah. During the morning, the evening, the... Were it not for the various fights she's been involved with today, she'd have some despair. But she is a powerful spell. She gets into lots of fights. Get to her in the morning. She is nefarious and wanted by many. You've seen other posters. Yeah. Why?
I don't know. It's not my business to ask. No problem. I think from this judging by that board, everyone in this town has won it. I mean, she fully killed the bloke just now. Like, he drowned in that well. We never heard a splash. There's no water down there. Oh, so he just hit the bottom. Yeah, there's worse. There's creatures. So yeah, gotta be careful around that well, I think. I almost fell in. I was on that man.
Um, but the, the Caltrad on the other side of the word and dash Calray, they say it's a portancy. Now I've been told that this one is different. So they don't, people don't lose the gen, but this one, do they? Uh, they might. It depends. Uh, I I've, I've, I've met travelers from dash Calrai from shadow men from, from the, what is it? Frozen horizon, somewhere cold. Yeah. Yeah. You got it.
It's the same stuff, it's just what it's mixed with. I think there's something about where it's mined here in certain places. Sometimes you get completely unaffected Keltra that is just duds, it's placebo, it's iron essentially, but in some mines here it has this potent power.
Right. I mean, we're not going to stop them taking it, so I suppose we might as well get this old one. The more we can get the air on our side, the better. As long as she remembers it. The problem is, where are we going with this? Are we going to be able to afford to fix it? Because she says she's got two on him.
We can't afford both. But she won't tell us what actually they both are. Well, there may be other avenues to remove these cars. There must be someone in Scorch how we can get out. Arms are tight to get the fucking couch on. Guys, we're just putting it in really, really straight lines for your nicks. We'll be there in a minute. You've got to put garnish and, you know, a bit of Jew on it. I'll make it really long. And what about...
He's not a human, or Nakavolo you call him. Maybe that's the curse?
No, it's not there, though. I don't know. Anyway, we've got to deal with the main one first. I don't have any money now. I've used it all on drugs, apparently. My mother would be very proud of me. I was going to have to take that back over there, but as we're going, Reigns will just say to Seth, what do you know about this duel of the desert champions, and what's the prize? Oh, the first I've heard of it. I haven't actually been there. Well, they said there's a lot of money in there, right? It's written to them that our food can last that long. That's true.
Get him get him healthy and then we could maybe like you said win that competition because I'm very we are very good at fighting and And then we you know, take the money and cure him of his fucked upness. Anyway, we are back at the table I get no conversation out of this one pointing at bow. Oh
Four lines of Keltrad for whoever would like it. Everyone's going to get a bit of material out of his pouch. Four shut ups. Wrap it, you're like, wrap it around his chin. Like some kind of Victorian thing, or at least it keeps his chin up a bit. It's just so heavy, Enron. Just so heavy. Seth's going to pop back to the bar quickly, sorry, and just say, if you've got a place where I can do a piss,
Yes, the restrooms. Where? There, and points at an alcove towards the back that has us... With a neon sign on. Well lit, yeah. With the icon of... Does it have a Githyangi sort of selling perfume?
Seth's going to go there on the express purpose of having a piss, but then also to read whatever was at his hand. But that can happen, whatever you find. We'll jump to Seth after we've done this bit then. You guys do lines and cocaine. How do you take yours? You see, I'm pretty hardcore. I'm just full on in Jessish.
pour it into her eyes. Takes a dagger. Okay, wait, I've got one of those. Okay, Nix pulls out his dagger. Let's do this. Cuts her hand. Cuts Nix's hand. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you joining in, fancy pants? I'm certainly not joining in, guys. So we have reasons to believe that that's not necessarily the smartest thing for you, Nix, to maybe interact. Yeah, it should not come into contact with your blood.
Who told you that? I've done trad with every single person in this room, that tiefling over there, and that one over there. He'll be fine. Cleric. Cleric, guys. Cleric. I can taste the actual sorcery. If he's not fine, I can't help him. I'm spent. We did try him, Ron. I think now we just let this happen. Well, if he dies, it's on stupidity once again.
Thumbs up.
So next steps, cut your hands. Maybe I should have broken that shoe order. Done. Right, now. Do I need to take some damage for this? Yes, you'll sustain one point of slashing damage. I'm really bad at my knife. I should have never given him back that old shoe ring. Right, now just full on, grab your bits, grab yours, and rub it straight in there like this. And as she models it, she sort of does, and she clasps her hands together, rubs her hands together like it's like,
toilet soap, not toilet soap, bathroom soap, hand wash. And after seconds just sort of gets like a really fizzy hand and she shakes it a lot. And you watch as the hand becomes numb and it starts to move higher up the body until essentially she sort of just lounges back and looks up towards the ceiling and begins to just sort of sing to herself and hum as she's looking up to the ceiling. And her body is just moving involuntarily in various frequencies, but she is focused on lights in the ceiling and singing.
She's poking her shoulder. She doesn't respond overly to the stimulation. Are you aware that I'm here? Are you aware that I'm here metaphorically? No. Thank you. Awake a mind again into her brain. You get nothing.
It's fucking gone! I don't think I want to do this, Nick. She's on a trip. So am I, and I've not even taken the fucking stuff. I can't put it in me like that. Turn around, Alpha. Have you got an exhaust? I'm not sure if I even have a nose.
Can I save mine for later? I want to go to bed. While they're having this crisis throughout their drug testing. I'm scared, Nick. Hope. She's got nothing. She just continues to be in her own trance.
Can I... Uh... No, I'm tripping balls. I'm not gonna fucking loot her body. No, you're not. You're tripping balls. I'm gonna take the cow chard and smash it into my hands. Okay. You just hear this. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. And then the end of the song. So he gets to full... There you go, NHS. Full NHS. Full NHS. Wash your hands. Can you please make a con save?
Yes. Alpha doesn't know how to take this at the moment. You've got a mouth? Ooh, I'll take that. An 18. An 18. You died. It's actually reverse, so you need to score loads. So... How many seconds do you have to live? You are paralysed.
You are paralyzed. You're incapacitated. You can't move or speak. You will automatically fail strength and deck saves. Anyone who tries to attack you will do so with advantage. Anyone who hits you, it will be a crit. You do, however.
Crumple on the floor. Straight out of the, like, poof. In one frame. Just smiles at you and just go on to the next. You're like never long bottom in Harry Potter. Straight back. When was the last time Nick's was happy? Bombardot. Oh, fuck.
Ian's gone full thousand yard stare. When was Nick's ever happy? Was Nick's ever happy? That's a very long thinking. That's a very deep question. Just in the
Oh my god. Pre all of this shit, so it would be way back. Fully stumped. I'm fully stumped. Okay. Then in which case you are taken back to a moment in the recent past
Let me just find... Yeah, just re-place this on the table. I have been falling!
You are taken back. I know what it is. Too late now. Sorry. Carry on. It's okay. You took in character. It took too long for you to attach to a moment of happiness. You're instead taken back to the last time you felt safe. And this particular memory, you are lucid in, you are, you have agency.
You have the ability to experience it, not just by revisiting it and re-witnessing it. That moment has happened again for a second time. You find yourself... You find yourself in the brig of a ship. You're not entirely sure which ship yet.
You get the sensation that you have been lost at sea for days. And your body has been used to treading water, clinging onto debris, trying to stay afloat, trying to stay alive. And at this point, you are on something solid. And next to you is Marotta. She is breathing. You are breathing. You feel like you have been fed
and she has her arm around you keeping you warm. No. You are incredibly cold. You are sick. Doesn't feel safe. After days of feeling lost at sea, in this moment, and this is the last moment you can recall this, you feel protected by someone who cares for you.
Are you just here? We're going to be okay, next. I'll get you out of here. I shouldn't have taken the couch, Ed. Stick me out. Stick me out. And you are in that moment. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. For hours just there being held by her.
Back in the tea room, there are two lines on a very elegant slate in front of Baal and Alpha.
I'm going to look at Mitch. So he is now just sort of... His face is kind of crooked on the floor and then if you follow his back, his arse is just in the air and his knees are tucked underneath him, he's just there like this. Full-on builder's butt just exposed because you weren't expecting to be in this position so you didn't sort of readily comfort yourself and you just sort of slumped. Consent is key, consent is key. What do you two want to do? You're all here in this moment, all of you.
You've just watched Nick's become paralyzed. God damn it, is he alright? Do we know if Nick's is alright? I can't move to check him. My feet, they're stuck. Go over to Nick's and do a medicine check to check his breathing. Yeah, go for it.
Oh. Maybe he's not. Might start CPR on him. Could be a critical hit. Uh, that is... Can't create a, um, a, uh, nice check. No, no, I, when I, if I start... Well, we'll tell you... When I start CPR on him, I think I'm... Uh, that is... a nine. He's breathing. It's all right, he's breathing. There's still no sign of any brain cells or that kind of stuff, but he's breathing. What do you guys want to do?
Look, you don't have to take the keltra, I won't be offended if you don't take it, don't worry. Oh, thank fuck, it was peer pressure, I didn't want to do it in the first place, and I'm stuck, Grains, my legs won't move! I mean, is there any way I was recording this moment now? What's recording?
As in saving this moment, you're in your artificial tool. I could take a segment of it. Alpha's memory bank would be the... But I don't think that... I don't think Alpha's memory bank's... The wankest look on Alpha you've ever seen. We're probably staring at the line that's kind of down in front of us. Alpha's got a C-drive there, hasn't he? He's just going to pick the plate up off the table. He's just going to turn to the table next to him. Hey you, you want two lines of Keltrad? And there is the drow and the dwarf that bumped you earlier. Yeah, go nuts.
And you watch as within seconds, they just sort of look very, it's hard for them to focus on you and it's a bit staggered, but they just sort of give you a really loose nod and then struggle to sort of identify where that slate even is for a couple of attempts. Fantastic. And they take themselves off to do that. So you should park that there as we pivot to the toilet where we find... And the glory hole, carving a circle.
He slipped his cock in! Jesus! Everything else is a little bit more euphemistic. I have to be right on the nail on my head. What's that speaking through then mate? Seth, what are you doing? I'm going for wee. Go for wee wee and then he's going to look at whatever was put into his hand.
You have been handed a ripped out page This is from a zoological book on migrating desert birds this page is Mid-chapter but details the nest building methodologies, let's say of a bird called the horn build glider and
Underneath the printed text is a script that appears seconds after you open it that says, a nest can be found in snake run. And then that disappears after a couple of seconds.
Okay. So that's going to instantly come out of the toilet and look around and try and locate the dwarf that he was given the letter to whom I'm pretty sure is the same dwarf that's now high on kelp. Yeah. There's now experiencing paralysis. He's going to gasp, put a hand to his mouth. Oh, Jeff, are you okay? And he's going to walk over to the dwarf and like check and like make sure he's like comfortable at the same time. I want to be searching him.
Okay. So make a, I mean, you will succeed on, he won't resist the check because he can't. I'm more concerned about being caught. Okay. Make a performance check then for everyone else's benefit. That's my major concern here. That's good. That's 18. Okay.
ball you're fucked up so you wouldn't see this. Yeah, so as you're sort of doing that performance of appearing to care but are doing sort of a sweep, you don't find anything that necessarily stands out. You find a coin purse with five gold pieces in it, it's up to you whether you take those. You find...
You find the dagger that he had at his hip. He's wearing light armor and traveling garb. There is a potion of healing on his person. But there's nothing else about him that is particularly pertinent to what you're looking for. But everything of value is five gold pieces in a potion.
We don't realise is that dwarf has a child at home waiting for that healing potion. When's daddy coming back? Okay. Ah fuck it, he's gonna give one girl peace back. Okay. He's gonna take four of them.
and then quickly walk over and then go to Nick's, oh no, Nick's, are you okay? And he's going to do the same thing. He's just going to genuinely, genuinely go over and straighten him up and just as his head kind of flops back, tongue lulls out his mouth, he's going to try and
She was quite stiff. See how Hope's kind of balanced to make it seem more comfortable and try and mimic that but kind of bummed out a bit, maybe slumped. Yeah, so Hope was expecting this and she full on just sort of lounge back, hands behind the head like she's reclining. Yeah, we'll try and mix much more, less graciously, is just like slumped head on the table. He's going to try and copy that and kind of push his head back, kind of shoot a glance to everyone else, like, let him do this and kind of put him in the same kind of position.
Perhaps we should try and get these up to the room with Iod so they can sleep this off. That's a good idea because then we know what hope is. We should be safe with us. That's a good idea. We clearly aren't going to get anything out of her this evening. No, okay. Who wants to carry a rock paper scissors?
I mean, I will help someone. I'm not strong enough to lift nicks or help by myself, but I will. And what about these two? I mean, are these two going to be able to shift themselves? Alpha, can you help support Baal and follow us up to our room? If he says princess, I swear to God. Alpha, my feet and the floor are one. Can you move the floor, Alpha?
I was going to start stamping down at the floor, but it's actually next to Ball's feet just trying to shove it back down. You see, it's stuck! Free. Okay. You want me to carry Nix or Oak? I'll tell you what, you take Nix and me and Seth between us will take Hope. Okay.
I'll pick up Nix. Okay. Uh, Nix. Firemen carry him. Um. Weekend at Bernie's. You, you do feel a hostile action against you. Oh. You're in this, you're in this moment with Marotta, but you do feel a hostile action against you. Oh.
I mean, so I would hit out at that. If I'm in this safe space and all of a sudden there's this hostile feeling towards me, I would act out on that. Depends on how I can act out on that. Like what have I got? Obviously I've got my shit in front of me, but what's withheld? Is it a simple thing of like just a swing and a- Yeah, there'll be some sort of reflux if you'd expect it. It's almost like, you know those moments where you know you're dreaming.
So I guess what I'm asking is...
Is it hit out enough, or is it that much of a hostile action and there's a reaction of Headish Rebuke? Because there's the two lanes of thought I'm going for. You could do either. You could do either. Well, not your hit. It just depends on how hostile this is, because this is such a pure... You can't gauge it. You can't gauge it, but you... I'll go punch out. You feel your body is under threat. I'll go with a punch. Go with a nice punch. Okay. Roller to hit with disadvantage against your... You're in for, like, serious pain. We know how much I can hit.
So that is a seven. Without my chain mail, I have an AC of 12. It's like silk hitting you. Nice. So other than that, you feel a continual sense of threat, but that was the only thing you were able to muster to do. Okay. Right. Okay.
as long as that scratches that itch. Your face is nearly as hostile. You're doing something about it. If you hit me like that, it's a build up. Everyone's going to fart. You're just going to get a face full of it. That's fine.
Okay, so you're taking, so yeah, you move through. It's obvious which ones are rooms and you are given a key. And it's, yeah, they're very simple lodgings. There's no sort of bed and mattress. It's very much rugs and sort of fine quilts, fine silky quilts. But these rooms are sort of mud shaped, earthen shaped because they're sort of hewn out of that rock. There's very little in terms of decor. How big are they?
They're like pods. They're about 12 to 15 foot in diameter. They're very on-size. You could get three people in each. But we've got three of them, haven't we? Yeah. We hired three of them. There's one single sort of wall sconce, more of a candelabra, because it's hanging. So I lay Nick's down on one of the rug's blanket areas. Roll them over. Put them aside. I'm not sure you know them. It's followed by a turtle vomit, you know.
And then look to see if they're following. What are the others doing? That Seth would have gone over and looked at the dwarf.
and he's going to pull out a tab of his spell book. Little red figure's going to appear and he's just going to bring his fingers together and push that out and hope he's just going to shrink and use reduce. Nice. So she'll go to the dwarf, so is that small? She'll now become small. Tiny. No, just medium, old. Medium. It's gnomes and halflings that are small. Yes. So she'll now become small. Small. And I've looked around and just go,
What the fuck did you just do? Just rock her down. It would make it easier for us to carry her. You grab her tiny arms, I'll grab her tiny legs. Okay, but she's not really tiny. Well, she's still smaller than she was. I'm really tired, Drange. We did a lot of walking today. I tried to dropkick a man in the head and missed. Okay, okay. Alfa, what's happening here? I think you'd see Alfa trying to push the floor down physically, but he's actually...
For purposes, he's lifting up. Oh, for God's sake. Continue left. You look like you're trying to push the girl down. Nice. All right, you handle her. I can't believe you two and range is going to go round to Alfa and Bob. Where am I putting her? He told me like a baby. Same one as Imran. Same one as Imran. Yeah. Okay. I'm going to walk up. Imran, where am I putting her? Put her in here with Nix.
All right, and he's going to put down brake concentration. She goes back to her regular dwarf size. And again, we'll just mimic whatever everyone's done. Nick's on the side. He was just hoofer on the side. Maybe she hits the wall with her face. Oh shit. And then, you know, all right, I think I'm done. Nice. Okay, ball. Listen to me. We're going to do this nice and slow.
I'm going to help you stand up now. And Ryan's going to try and help Ball stand up. He's been standing the whole time, just not been able to move his feet. Oh, I see. Oh, I'm going to just now help you put one foot in front of the other, Ball. It won't work. It will. You got to feel it. Just here we go. Here we go. Come on, Alfred. I will help Ball.
and Alfred's going to kind of crawl behind the ball. He's down on his hands and knees, and he's grabbed the ball by both ankles, and he's literally walking him forward like that. So that's his knees. Our brains are just propping the ball up, just going, this is nice and normal. Nice and normal. So strong. So strong. I am mighty. I didn't notice before.
And eventually you make it to your dwellings, despite the challenge. Yeah, I would take... What, Alpha and Balan? No, I would lead Alpha and Balan to the next one along, and I would just leave those two together and go, okay, fine, they're staying in here. Just as you shut the door here. But is there an exhaust? So, dreams. I don't think...
Which room do you want to stay in of these two? I mean, do we really want to leave Nix and Hope together alone? No, so... You don't sleep much, do you? I'm just worried if... No, I don't. If Hope doesn't run out, everything we've done tonight is lost. We could split the watch for a bit, couldn't we? Yeah, I think that's best, only because I am worried. I don't know what she'd be like sober. She disappears, we're fucked. Right, well, I'll tell you what, Imran, you're the most level-headed person here. Why don't you... No offense, sir, if I don't know about you. No, I'm not taking, I'm fucked. You go in with...
nicks and hope because I think leaving those two together might not be the best idea. I awake paralysed. No, you're still... I was actually going to want to go for a walk. Still in that dream. Oh, I'll do the first bit. I'll sit in with them. I'm not going anywhere. Okay. Well, let me go down and ask first.
I'm going to head down towards the bartender. So, no, well, I'm sorry. No, he's going to just have to go in and sit by the door. Is there a third bed in that room? Yeah, there's three in each. Oh, cool. Yeah, he'll just sit in the bed and he'll be doing spells. Spells a lot of stuff. Back again. All right. Is the divine refuge open at night?
Yes, it doesn't really close. Could you happen to give me directions? Yes, of course. You know, the last person who came in, they were... They seemed a bit like you. Came in late at night wanting divine refuge. They don't get many visitors around here. No. You look like you've seen a lot. Ah, yes.
It won't feel as authentic if you're used to shrines and temples. It won't feel like that. It doesn't matter. It's a place of faith. It's just somewhere I wanted to go. Of course.
follow me then and as he steps away from the bar you just watch as he casts this spell on his snake and his snake to echo some of the spells you've been doing enlarges and there is almost like this basilisk now that just protects the bar and lays like it keeps a watch and as he walks you out you notice that this individual has a
an amputated leg and places sort of a metallic splint on one of them. And he sort of begins that, that, that, that, um, hobble. That's the correct term, leads you out the door and you come in a different direction than you entered. That door has been moving, uh, and just points at one of the stumps, the same, the same, um, smaller crop that the dendy blooms have their, uh, shop in. It's a,
like a tear above that. And it's obvious where the ramps are. Everything sort of echoes that snake-like structure, but on a small scale.

Symbols and Guidance: Exploring Alido

Just points to the first floor there. And you can just see as he makes out symbols to Alido, symbols to Tiriani, symbols to Vatinis, and symbols to Akiva, and symbols to Mixua. All five are emblazoned in various heraldry or banners, etc. And just says, that's where you want to go.
Thanks, erm, and erm, everyone's gonna sort of, when Ruch about his coin pouch and pass, give him a couple of, what's a good tip now? What's the equivalent of silver into our money? What's the best way of thinking about it? I'm trying to think about how to give him something as a thank you overall. Er, we don't know the custom here. No I don't.
I take out a gold coin and I give it to him and say... I pass me a gold coin and say, yeah, thank you. Everyone's just there going, no, I don't know. Like, all these gold coins in front of him. No, no, no. What's a good tip? He does stuff his music up. His kegs are down. He sees your coin. He takes it gratefully and just... I warn you about presenting your ears at spending money here.
people will notice. Good evening. He walks back in. Okay. So it's a, it's a couple of minutes walk to get across and then to ascend the spiral. Um, and you pass a number of indentured servants along the way, um, hitched up. You,
Pass over a number of people just passed out on the sands You walk past patrols of purple eyed orcs You see clusters of orange wrist wrapped or head wrapped groups
You arrive at the door of this this chapel this this chaplaincy and enter in and as you do it's sort of one long dark glass tunnel that goes into the rock and the center of that is a figure
And there seems to be anti-chambers in multiple directions after that. But there is a figure at one table, there is an altar, there is sort of a place to dress or undress. The lighting is low, and there is a really low coral hum resonating in the stone. Okay, I go over to the other figure in there. And as you approach, it's...
You see the thing of a drow, a very old drow, even by elven standards. And he looks up from his desk where he's sitting. Good evening. Good evening to you. You'll come late to pray. Any time is a good time, I suppose. I thought I needed a bit of a connection. Well, first time here, it is.
Wait. Your aura will tell me. A follower of Aledo. That is correct. You'll want that door there and just points to the second. It's Aledo. It says Aledo. Points to the second of five chambers. Thank you. On my travels I'd created a
an idol of Alidor, part of my craft, I wondered whether I could leave it here for your shrine. By all means, there isn't much room in there. Not many Alidor worshippers here. We had one pray here a few days ago, but not

Ceremony and Emotional Inscriptions

many. Was that a Captain of Criscra perhaps?
I don't think she was. She didn't wear the criss-cross clothing. It's a half-orc, orange of skin, tattooed. Was she from around here, or...? Yes. She knew Snakerun, she knew this part. She sounded like she was from Trowler. Okay. Thank you. Okay, I'm here if you need any counsel.
Unless you're one of the eternal ones, I'm still learning that one. The eternal ones? For the worshipers of Akiva. Ah, no, no, Alito. Yes, I see. And I head towards the door for Alito's shrine. You walk in? And it is a much smaller room than the chamber you were just in. There is one single light that's coming through the rock, and you can sort of see some of the moonlight. Now, the moonlight and the second moon's light
filling the chamber. It hits this sort of stone plinth and there is the symbol of Alido carved into it. There are a number of mats that you can use to take prayer. And there are also, interestingly, there are a number of tools around as well. Tongues, hammers, various crafts tools that people have donated or are available to take.
I'm going to take out the similar little idiot I've been carrying with me that I've been crafted and I'm going to find a suitable place for it to be put. Whether it's either on the altar or in front of the altar or somewhere like that. And then I'm going to, I'd like to use ceremony as a ritual, please. Tell me about that.
So it's basically, you perform a special religious ceremony that's infused with magic. There are various rights that you can do that have mechanic terms, but I'm basically just dedicating it to Alito. Okay. And as you take that time and you sort of empower the religious energy of the space, it illuminates the chamber as you're doing this.
With your passive perception you see there are markings around the chamber as well where people have sort of come and left their name or asked requests and things like that. You get a sense from the stone as well how recent these markings have been made given some debris on the floor and whether that's been cleaned or not.
And yeah, there's just walls of words and affirmations and guidance that people have left and questions people have asked a leader as you eliminate that. Could I perhaps pay attention to some of the latest ones? Yeah, go ahead and make an investigation check for me. That's a 10. There are a couple. One says, please guide him on his steps through the afterlife.
There is another that says, I can't find them anywhere. I really miss her. I miss him. There is one that says, Alito, please send guidance. I've been unfaithful. There is one that says, I want to go home, Alito. The West is too strange. Then there is another. It says, Emron. It says, hurry.
M. And that is where we're going to end this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop Bellum Draconis. I was in a trance there. I was not ready for that ending. That was amazing.
Yeah. Where can you find us, Ian? I mean, they're tripping balls. That was just really nice. It's just like, oh my God, everyone there. You can find us. Thanks, Mark. Yes. Thank you for tuning in and listening. Making us a party every day week. We love you for it. If you would like to review us, that would be awesome. Or just tell a friend about us. That would be awesome.
And you can tell them where you can find us on the interwebs. It's our X page. Collectively, we are at Fellowship Table. And then if you want to go and ping us individually, you can do so too. I'm at Iowa World One. Darren's at. Darren Page O6. Callum's at. The D20 Gamer. Will is at. Natural20Will. Will is at. FellowshipMCTV. Mark is at. History World DM.
awesome dealer of a DM can be found at Total Party Thrills. Until next time guys.