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Ep. 92 Part 1 - CONFUSION - De Profundis image

Ep. 92 Part 1 - CONFUSION - De Profundis

S1 E92 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
98 Plays3 years ago

In this week’s episode: The party take on a group of Morkoths, Carstan comes face to face with his own powers and Folly screams. 


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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade -

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The Agony Begins

Claude is going to hear the commotion and pain of all his friends as they scream out with unbearable pain I'm in pain

Introduction to the Podcast

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are a live play 5e D&D podcast set in the Mas- Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle, Mas-icle
We've got Glanny, who plays the Flume and Blerik Glaude. Bling, gling, gling, gling. Blaurin, who plays the Blume and Viter-Gloge-Robbin. Flidig, the Groomglag-Flag-Glam. Grollo, who plays the Joan Blosserig-Golly-Billebang-the-Blink. Glofinori. Oh, this is really hard. Blir, who plays the Blume and Glaude-Flasplam.
Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla!
Well, for the last each episode of the GlaDOShip of the Blableblob. All right. All right. All right. We're good. We're good. We're good. Adjust your headsets, listeners. We're being dickheads. You're not suffering from a stroke. We're all having seizures right now. I like GlaDOShip of the Blableblob, though. That's a good name for our second album. That was incredible. That had a ring to it. That's really hard when you're choosing, when we're editing this, to choose an opening.

Campfire Tales and Old Names

because the opening will be the opening in this case because that's the best one 92 episodes and we finally reached the summit of openings
Took us a while, took us a while. Or the worst one of all time. Either way, it could definitely be the best. However, what the flip fla flum flum happened last episode. Nothing happened. Not a lot really. We just had a little chat at a campfire. Everyone had a quick catch up. Lucien spoke to Helena. Claude spoke to Castan. Drago spoke to Robin. Vance and Folly said they weren't going to talk and then proceeded to talk a lot. Thanks, Folly.
And in that last watch as we are deep in the Blightlands of the of the Sleetguard Empire searching out for this unknown figure known as Dawnstrider who very quietly Vance dropped the name Kelsan right at the very last minute. If you remember back to I'm pretty sure it's like episode 30 or around that in in Evershire. He was the owner of Kelsan's Cartographic Wonders, the person who put them on the track to the Onyx Reaver.

A Sense of Danger

As his brother, who is also out here somewhere, who has the book The World Away, the book needed to kill the Blight, apparently he stabbed the book with the Onyx Reaver at the specific place and the Blight and the rift closes. So goes the fables or the rumours that have been told to the party.
Just on the last watch, Vance and Folly were talking, Folly asked Vance to keep an eye on the watch whilst Folly was going to try and recreate the potion he managed to so deftly create deep in spell hold back in Goldview, where he managed to unlock a tier three stock magic potion. However, upon him just getting his equipment out and getting everything sorted, they heard a rather loud crack in the woods to the west, followed by a large crack to the woods to the north.
Vance then drew his sword and said to Folly, Wake your friends, we are not alone. You are not alone. And they burst into a Michael Jackson song. Before we carry on though, if everyone was wondering, our listeners, whom Kelsan the cartographic wonder is,
Please tune in to episode 26, A Cartographic Wonder. I was pretty close. I said 30. You were very close. I thought I'd just check because it's a quite important name drop that you did there. And I would have got it if I was there, you know. Yeah, absolutely. Of course, none of you missed it. None of you except Will. Absolutely. Will's the only one actually got it. You all suck.
Anyway, it was a very long time ago. It's literally like a year and a half ago since we last had Kelsan in the picture. So don't worry about it. I forgive you partially. So we find ourselves in this current location of Vance, sword drawn, waiting, staring out, battle ready. Folly, he's just mentioned to you, we're not alone. Wake the others. What would you like to do? Folly's going to follow command and he's just going to go around poking everybody with his quarter staff to wake them up.
So literally, he's running around, a facet of the cat going, Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

The Creatures Attack

Poking everybody, preferably in the face. Are you putting a little bit of makeup? Does that count? Does that count as a critical hit, for a sleep? And a prayer on the floor. It does. Surprise attack, actually. You know, just shouting Folly would tend to wake up everybody in a much more expedient manner. Yeah, you don't have to be a bit dick about waking people up. Who does that? Why were you singing System of a Down? I don't understand.
Yes, did you just do it like this? What, what, why, why are we being thrust? Folly, why are you waking it up? What is wrong? There is somebody, or some things, here. Yes, it is us, we're here. No, there are more people, and me and Vabs can't see them at the moment, but they're different there. We were just hearing things. Right, I'm up, I'm up, I'm up, and Helen is going to start getting her armour on.
It's, uh, follow the Scratch that. I can see them.
all three of them. And as you all look over to Vance, he's standing sword out and his head's kind of shifting from the west to the north and then to the south, kind of his right and left and then right ahead of him. As you follow his eyes, you can clearly see these three relatively similar shapes start to amble out from between and over the dead trees that are on the ground. These creatures are horrific in how they look.
They have almost octopus-like tentacles that seem to seep out a black ichor and like a black steam from them as they go over the ground, moving at an almost ungodly pace. Moving up to the torso, they have these kind of large, almost spider-like pincers sticking out, which kind of dig into the ground to help pull and shift this large hulking form forward. Moving up to the face, it seems to be the morphed and deadened, wizened face of a huge,
furred with a vicious beak and two bright yellow eyes in its centre. Around its back it seems to have an accoutrement of items, broken bits, shells and chests and trident and bits of metal all kind of lodged in its back, stuck forced into its back almost like the creature has grown around these items and it lets out this slightly kind of low-pitched but very very audible
as they start to kind of move over the ground closer towards your location. There are three of them, three of them moving, two from the, one from the north, one from the south, one from the west, the location of your, where you need to go. As you stand up and get yourselves ready for combat, these creatures instantly have locked onto Vance in particular. I need you all to roll initiative. Holy shit. That sounded fucking horrific. All right. Uh, did anyone get 20 plus?
Yes. Yes. Good luck. What, three of you? Holy shit. Okay. Drago, what did you get? 22. Anyone beat that? Nope. I got 22 as well. Nice. Dex modifier is going to be Castan. Plus four. You're three. Castan, Drago, Folly. 15 plus. 20. Yeah, I got you, Folly. Yeah, I know you're next. Then Robin. Robin, what did you get?

Strategizing and Spellcasting

19 Wow, which is one off I would say over this podcast that when I roll it I roll the 14 which I just feel like you've probably earned the most 19s You really have you've had loads. Yeah seems to be your your thing If only if only you did if only we had a champion
Um, okay. Let me just get that. Anyone else? 15 plus. Okay. Uh, 10 plus 11. I can't see. Claude, what did you get? Quattro. Oh, four. You're not the bottom. I'll tell you that for free. Okay.
So these creatures are encroaching upon your location. One to the north, one to the northwest, and one from the, I'll move that one, it's not where it should be, one from the south, ambling over these trees. They are relatively large creatures. Their skin is of a almost pinkish, pinkish-brown complexion. Yet there is something on human, inhumane, abhorrent about their,
appearance they seem to move at the pace that isn't natural. There's something undead about these things or at least something that reminds you of the Blight. At the top of the round we've got Castan. What do you like to do? I step outside of the hut that's still there and so Castan will move just out of the hut towards where Vance's skull blade is. So he's on sort of like the top left corner of the hut now where you can see the northern
and easternmost creatures, and I'm going to cast Fireball. Fireball. The northern one, please. OK, the northern one. I don't think I can. It's a 20 foot radius. I don't think I can get both in there, can I? I don't think so. No. OK, saving throw. Yes, please.
21. Yeah, that passes. So 15 plus six. It takes half damage. Okay. Hang on. In that case, it takes, it takes 37 points of fire damage halved. So I don't know. What's that? 16? 18. 18 rounded down, isn't it? 18.
So it takes 18 points of fire damage. Any objects in the area that aren't being worn, anything that's flammable nearby is on fire. There are a few items on its back that seem to be made of wood that are light on fire as well that lets out this slightly high pitch. And at the end of my go, I will then step back into the hook for as long as it's there. Because it's a protection shield at the moment.
Might as well. Drago, your turn. You're just in cast and step outside the hut and launch a fireball at this creature at the north. What would you like to do? Look around at everyone and just go. That makes sense to go two on two if we get too close to these guys. And Drago's going to step outside the tent and stand side by side with Fintz Skullblade. Vance.
Vance, sorry, I've got it on a very tiny screen and I saw V and I just went. That's right. My B. My B. I don't think I can reach them from where I've just moved. So Drago is going to withdraw Dengland's deception and rage. That should be it really, surely. Folly, go ahead. What do you like to do?
Follow you're going to step out to the south of the hut. Smile at Carson and go, that's it, Carson, burn them all. And he's going to chuck his own fireball at the one to the south. So another dexterity saving throw, if you please. That is a 17. That does not beat. Ooh.
31 points of fire damage. We're not comparing, but cast Dance was higher. Yeah, but I actually hit it with awful damage. Fair enough. That makes it worse. This fireball comes smashing into this creature. It hits it directly on the beak in the face, stopping it in its tracks as it doesn't even make a noise. It seems to reel from the damage that's just been done by this fireball. Great stuff. And again, a few of the items catch on fire on its back.
Yep, that's it. And Folly is going to step back into the hut afterwards. Lovely. Thank you very much. I see our game. Robin, two of these creatures are now lightly simmering, burning. What would you like to do from inside the hut? OK.
I have a question about the hut, which Castan probably needs to answer first. Can I see these creatures from the hut? Is the hut transparent from the inside out? Yes. It's like Frodo's, um, elven cloak in Lord of the Rings. It covers you and you, you can't see in, but they can, sorry. Yeah. People can't see in, but you can see out and you can travel through it. Correct me if I'm wrong, Will, but it's at the premise of it. You are muted, William. But objects can't come in. Yep. Cool.
You were muted for half of that, and all we got was objects can't come in. We can go out, nobody can come in, and we can see how objects can't come in, and they can't see him. Thanks, so yeah, I don't know what happened there, but I don't think you can fire through it either, can you? You can't launch like an arrow. Creatures and objects within the dome, when you cast a spell, can't move through it freely. Arrows are objects, it can work. There you go.
Oh my God. That's mad. It's all right. This bus is going to fall, fail soon. OK, Robin is going to take a step forward to the north to get a closer look at these things. He's not going to like what he sees at all. And as soon as he sees that, knowing that he is hidden,
through that knowledge, he's going to shoot at the one that isn't blocked by trees, which I believe would be this one. That one on the floor, it's the one in the northwest, Mark. I've seen that's a fallen tree on the floor. That is correct, you can fire over it with no disadvantage. Well, that is, I ignore half and three quarters cover, so I will just go for,
that creature what robin does is as he steps forward he sees this creature he takes an arrow ready of it he has the mage hand as he has done many times before hold the second arrow ready to his side ready to launch two shots at this rather disgusting octopus creature for the watch with the first shot uh that is a 21 to hit that hits i i'm sorry the abacus is having to come out here because of this now it's okay
9, 14. This is relatively quick for me. 17. 120. 22 points of magical piercing damage on the first shot. 22 points of magical piercing damage. Me too. I've added sneak attack because I assume I'm hidden thanks to the hut. Yes, you are. You can. Cool. Very nice second shot. Yep. 28 to hit.
Yeah, that hits. No, that misses this time. That's only 10 points of piercing damage this time. 10 points of magical piercing damage. Okay, that's more reasonable. I won't kill you off of that.
Lovely, and these two arrows come into its central core area, not in the face exactly, but into its kind of midsection, and you see it reacting and flinching to these arrows, Robin, as they come flying into its torso. Anything else you want to do? Yeah, as the battle master in him considers this, he's just going to say, Drago Vance, the huts of defensive position, and that's the end of my turn.
okay awesome thank you very much robin it's one of the creatures turns and it's the one that you've just shot yabish and he's going to this creature's going to make a b-line over towards you it's going to move at a diagonal towards closer towards vance and drago making a b-line for them but they're still about 15 foot between them both
What this creature is then going to do is it stops and just two of the tentacles kind of are directly out in front of it and start to kind of oscillate and move up and down pointed straight towards them. It's casting hypnosis on a 30-foot cone of magical energy, which is only going to, as I'm assuming the heart will defend against this, only going to affect Vance and Drago. You both need to make a wisdom saving throw, please. Motherfucker.
Hypnosis. What kind of Pokemon bullshit is this? Drowsy. That was very good. Wisdom, wisdom, wisdom saving throw. Wisdom, wisdom, wisdom. Oh god. Oh my god. That was a crit. Yes! I got a crit for it. 22 in total. Okay, Vance did not do as well.
You are successful. You now have advantage on saving throws against hypnosis for 24 hours. So if he tries to do it again or the others try to do it, you get to roll with advantage, Drago, okay?
like your body kind of is ready for it and your mind is ready for it. However, as this feeling of being drawn towards this creature comes over you, you see Vance's sword start to drop slightly down towards his side and he starts to stare directly at the creature. His defensive position falls to this kind of stillness and a stare out towards this creature.
That's the end of the creature's turn as it cannot move any closer.

Helena's Longbow Strikes

Oh, actually, I've got some spells, haven't I? Oh, I forgot about that. Actually, no, because that counts as the action. That's the end of that creature's... Oh, no, I do get it. I do get it. I do get it. I do get it. I do get it. Okay, what it's going to do is with one of its other tentacles, it's going to shoot out a small black...
a black piece of the tentacle will fly off and land directly in front of the hut to the west of its location. So between where Drago Vance and the hut kind of is and what it's going to cast
In front of its location, in that box which engulfs both Vance and Drago, it's going to launch black tentacles. What that does is suddenly out of the ground where this bit of tentacle flies off, these swarming black tentacles start to like pierce themselves out of the ground in this whole area. The tentacles
make the ground difficult terrain so if you enter the affected area for the first time or you start your turn there you've got to succeed the dexterity saving throw or take some damage okay what that is the end of its turn that is bullshit that's what that is Helena over to you what do you like to do I would like to
get my long bow out and shoot from inside of the hut to the one in the south, please. Okay. How far away is that? You can reach. You can reach, yeah. Yep. Okay. So then I would like to shoot that, please. Okey-dokey. Roll to hip. That's an 11 for the first one.
11 misses unfortunately. The arrow fires up wide over its head. I'm gonna go for another hit. Okay, roll that hit. That's a 19. That does hit. That will be an 8 damage. Wait, you rolled a 19? Yeah. That's a crit for you. That's not on my longbow is it?
Oh shit, yeah it is. Is it on my lung? I thought it was just on my flails. Anything, no, no, no, no. It affects your entire character. Double that. Okay, so then it's a 16 damage, please. Wow, that's much more effective. Yeah. Hey, nice. Quite the marksman now, Helen. Nice. Do you have a third attack with it? Yes, I do. So I'm going to go for another longbow hit, please. Okay. And that's going to be a 20 non-natural. Wow, yep, that hits as well. Holy shit.
Yeah. So that's a six damage, please. Nice. And Helena, you lob this first shot over, almost getting a sense. And it's almost like you're getting used to the air, the viscosity in the air that slows down the shot. And the next two are absolutely on the money. You remember your training and you managed to fire these shots directly into the center of this creature. It seems to continue moving forward, but you do seem to notice some damage on its way across.
Anything else you want to do? Yeah, can I move please? Yeah, of course. I don't know if I can do it on here. I just like to move a little bit closer to it, if that's okay. Sure. So what's my movement, 30 feet, isn't it? Yeah, so if I can probably go max movement. So yeah, I've gone 30 feet south, a little bit closer to the creature.
and if outside of the hut yeah yeah outside of the hut and i'm going to bonus action um changing my weapon as well so you're switching from the longbow into my two flails please awesome nice oh i like where this is going okay okay awesome anything else nope that's everything thank you
Lovely. Vance is going to start slowly making his way. He's pushing through the tentacles towards the creature. He seems to be taking some damage as these tentacles start lashing away at his skin and his body as he makes his way over there. And he just stands in front of the creature, staring up at it, unmoving, unblinking. That's the end of his turn. It's another one of the creature's turns now. And it's the one to the north.
This creature's going to...
stalk itself over towards kind of the northeast, now kind of making its way to the other corner, almost realizing that it can't quite see where all this kerfuffle is coming from. And it's kind of stalking around trying to see, is it the mouth of a cave? Is it something like that? You don't need this backstory. But anyway, it's trying to figure out where the damage is kind of coming from. You can see it kind of stalking around, trying to figure it out, keeping its distance at the moment. That is the end of its turn. Claude, your turn.
I'm going to bless everybody apart from myself. Everyone has bless. Take it. Enjoy it. Bless yourselves. Have fun. I don't think Drago benefits from that. Magical effects can't extend, can't be cast through the hut. Can they be cast in it? You can cast in it, but the point is that magical effects can't pass through either in or out of the hut.
Yeah, it makes sense. Which means it would also miss Helena and... I'm stepping out of the hut and I'm casting Bless specifically then on Vance, Drago and Helena. Okay. Do you need to be able to see them because Drago and Vance are in the tentacle darkness? It's not darkness, the tentacle's roped to about the hips. So the wrestlers don't have Bless anymore, that's fine. What does Bless do? I know a 1d4 to a b-roll. And a d4 to attacks and saving throws.
Sorry to burst your bubble there. Hey, help me, man. Thank you. It's OK. Yeah, no, it's not both mine. And I'm going to... I will just... I will see the guy coming into the north and I'm going to charge at him.
That's all I'll do. So I will cast Blessed on those three and I will charge to the creepy, creepy gang green guy to the north. Okay. You cast it on yourself now. I didn't want to use the spell slot. So selfless, our Claude. That's why we love you. Finally, it's the creature, well not finally, because there's a few more at the end of this. It's the creature to the south to turn the one that's closest to Helena.
it's going to move up towards you and it's going to attack you it's got multi attack it's going to firstly
Got the reach for it, yep. It's going to lash out and his face and head's going to kind of come out slightly of its body almost to go for a bite at you to begin with. So first we're going for a bite. That is, oh, that is a 19. So that's going to be a 24, 20, 26. Sorry, that's too long. You hit. You take 11 points of piercing damage.
and then that's a 18 against your armor class. That misses. That misses, okay. That's just two bite attacks and then it's going to use its tentacles and it's gonna whip one round and try and catch you with that. Oh, that's another 19, so that's 25 against your armor class. That will hit. And you're going to take 15 points of bludgeoning damage and you are grappled.
So you can break it. It's going to be a strength check to break it against the DC that I've got here on your turn. Okay. Okay. So basically this tentacle is going to hit you and then wrapped itself around you, kind of grabbing you and restraining you. It doesn't mean you can't do anything, but you just restrained. Restrained or grappled? You are restrained. Not grappled. Restrained. Well, it says until the grapple ends, the target is restrained and takes below the damage at the start of each of its turn.
So I'm assuming it's restrained. Yeah. It sounds like restrained. Yeah. Yeah. Well, it says you're grappled and restrained, isn't it? Yes. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. So I can roll for that next time. You can at the start of, uh,
Until the grapple ends, the target is restrained. I can't use a tentacle as another creature. It's an action to resist a grapple. Yeah, so it'll take your action. Okay, cool. Thank you. Okay, no problem. Lance's turn. He's going to Drago. You're probably the only one that can see this. The sword had dropped. Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. I put Lance. I meant to write Lucian.
Lucien or Vance, you've just amalgamated the two. They come as a pair, you see. Lucien is going to turn to Robin, who's the only one who's kind of looking at the moment, and just says, for the living, and is going to sprint out of the safety of the tent towards the creature to the south, towards his sister, five.
and he's going to take a position near, just in front, just off to the side of Helena, and he's going to hold an action, a defensive action, that if anything attacks him or his sister, he is going to release it in a kind of defensive way. He's going to defend, looking to defend Helena. And that's the end of Lucian's turn, top of the round, Karstan. It's all kicking off, you're inside the heart with Robin and Folly, what would you like to do?
Okay, I will step once more out of the hut, and then looking up towards the creature that Claude is fighting, I'm going to cast Dissonant Whisper, so cast and sort of let out a whistle, and this whistle sort of travels through the air, and I assume the creature isn't deafened or anything like that.
No, then it needs to take a wisdom saving throw, please. OK. 10. It fails. Nips. So it takes 3D, 3D, 6 psychic damage. And oh, no, it's 4D 6. Sorry, because I'm casting it at level second level. And it also needs to use its reaction to use all its available speed to move away from me.

Magic and Mayhem

It's used all its speed on its... Well, no, no, no. It's using reaction. No, it's got to use its reaction to use its movement away. So it has to use its reaction. It's 12 points of psychic damage. It uses its reaction to move away. OK, and it moves to the edge of the map, scuttling backwards. How much damage was it? 12 points of psychic damage. And Danny gets an attack of opportunity. He does indeed. Danny. Wow. Claude, attack of opportunity.
Yes, please. Because of my feet, I can use a cantrip instead. Oh, no, I can cast a spell. Where did it go? You can cast a spell with your feet. Yes, with my feet. With my feet, I can cast a spell. It went backwards. OK. In which case, I'm going to attempt. It's definitely undead. Is that right, Mark? What? Is it undead? Are you asking me directly?
I'm asking you directly. Is it undead? Is it like, visibly undead? No. Okay. Right. Okay. Okay. I won't use that. I will simply use... Sorry. Who wasn't expecting to get a spell this quick? By visibly undead. I mean, it doesn't look like the other undead things you've faced up to. Sure. Like, I wouldn't intend to be like, oh, that's an undead dude. No. Okay.
Um, that's annoying. Okay, I will then just use Secret Flame. Could it please make a dexterity saving throw?
20. Unnatural. Motherfucker. Nothing happens. It uses spell reflection. If it makes a successful saving throw against a spell or counter, it can choose another creature, including the spell caster. It can see within 120 feet. The spell targets the chosen creature instead of the creature. If the spell forced a saving throw, the chosen creature must make its own save. So could you please make your own saving throw? That is cool. As he's casting it back at you. Reflection.
That's a 4. I've changed so much of my plans though. Would you mind rolling my damage against myself? Would you mind? Thank you. If you want, you tell me what to roll and I'll roll it and I'll tell you. What's up to you mate? I've just rolled pretty much max damage there. Yeah, we'll keep that. Okay, so I take 23 points of rain damage. Geez.
Thanks, Danny. Cheers, Castan. Oh, I've got my concentration checked for the fucking blight as well. For the bless as well. Hey, you cast a spell, mate. I just gave you the chance. Yeah, I know. You are no longer blessed. Oh, wow. Forget the bless. This is all going all shades of wrong. Shit. You've still got the hearts.
For now. Anything else cast down as that was your turn? I will step back into the hut while it's still here. Okay, very nice. Drago, Vance has walked towards this creature. These tentacles are all over the place. Before we do anything, black tentacles. If you start your turn there, you've got to succeed a dexterity saving throw, please.
Nine. You take nine points of bludgeoning damage. Halved? Because you are raging. Yes, absolutely so. No, that isn't halved. So half hits a four. And you are restrained by the tentacles until the spell ends. A creature that starts to turn the area and is already restrained by the creature, you take damage next time for that as well. So you're currently restrained. Is he able to use an action to break out of that or is it just until the spell ends?
You can make a strength or dexterity check against the spell save DC on a success you can free yourself. Can you do that now? Yes, you can use your action now because this happens at the start of your turn.
You could use the action now to make a strength or dexterity check of your choice against the spell safe. Got you. So I can burn, I can burn in my action to break out basically. Correct. Yeah. I get advantage on strength saving throws. I recommend that. I'm going to use that. Yes.
So, yeah, Dragos. However, before doing that, he's going to shout out, Robin, France has been compromised, and then he's going to look down at the fucking tentacles as well and try and hulk out of it. Here we go. Roll, bitch.
Okay, 17 for my first one. Is that going to break me before I roll this again? Yep. Meets of beats. Oh, nice. I won't roll again. So I've got free movement now. You've got free movement. It does act as difficult terrain, so you half.
your overall movement you can make. But yes, you are now free from the tentacles for this round. Okay, well it makes it nice and easy. I'm going to slowly, as if like walking through wet sand, make it over the tentacles straight through them beyond Vince.
And that's all I can move to, closer to the octopussy piece of shit that is beholden to Vince at the moment. So I've used an action. I believe that is everything that I can do. End of my go. Thank you very much. Folly, it's your turn. Everything is kind of going
Well, everything's going at the moment. What would you like to do? Follow is going to see that Helena and Lucian have got the one to the south kind of a little bit handled, that it's going to be any strain or pressure, but he could make a quick right turn and see the pool of black tentacles with Drago and
Vance there as well. So he's actually going to try and take a shot at the one that Drago and Vance are Attacking but he's just gonna use fire bolt Instead of any kind of spell because it doesn't want area of effect to burn his comrades not from where you standing at the moment. I Can move out of the Hut a little bit to get myself a bit of a better
view just in between the hut and the tentacles got you where i shall place myself all right roll to hit okay wow that's the first time i've done that 30 to hit 30 30 i rolled a crit and i now have plus 10 i know holy shit if it's if it's a range attack a crits a crit
A crit's a crit, but yeah, it's a 30 to hit. I've never hit 30 before. It's a nice number to hit. Congrats, man. Yeah, that's... I'm trying to figure out what can I do to stop you doing that. It's one of the other 19. Very nice. I've got nothing to stop you. So yeah, go for it. Roll that double damage. That is... Does it automatically? At least 6d10. 34 points of fire damage with my firebolt. Fuck. Yes, 34. Can we be flying past the very slow Drago?
And I think that's a contract needed for the tentacle, doesn't it? All the hypnosis. The hypnosis hangs. Let me just quickly check on the tentacle's concentration and it holds
Nice. Anything else you want to do, Folly? Yeah, I'm going to hide back in the hook now. And then he's just going to hide back in the hook. That's fucking brilliant. I love it. Awesome. Thank you very much, Robin. You just heard the strangest noise come out of Folly's mouth as he launches a vicious fire bolt towards the creature to the west near Vance and Draggo. What would you like to do?
Robin is going to see Helena in the tentacles of the one to the south. He's heard Drago shout, and he can see Claude, but he can't see the creature to the north. So Robin is now thinking strategically about the role that he, Folly, and Carstan can play. And he's going to say,
Firstly to Kastan. Kastan, do what you can to get that thing off Helena. Folly, keep an eye on the north and he's going to dash upon Drago's shout and he's going to sprint out of the hut towards the southwest. As soon as he comes out and as soon as that line of sight becomes available on the one between Drago and Vance, he's going to take a shot at it
Okay, roll to hit. A 17 to hit. Hits, however, the creature is going to use its reaction to cast shield, bumping up its AC by five for this round.
As that happens the Mage Hand takes an arrow out of the quiver on Robin's back and it hovers about 10 feet in front of him. Robin is going to run behind the line of the tree and then as he comes around the other side of the tree
do a slide to his knees and instantaneously grab the arrow mid-air and then turn and unleash the shot at the creature still near Drago and Vance. Very nice, very nice. Give yourself inspiration for that image. Very nice. Yeah, Roger. I will use that inspiration. Thank you. What's the inspiration die again? D6.
I think that will do it. It's a 24 to hit. That does. It even breaks the shield. Very nice. Okay. Do I get sneak attack on this? I mean, it's engaged. Oh, it is, of course. Yeah, yeah. Let's get the Stabacus out.
because instead of little... That's amazing. Instead of little icons, it's just little daggers you move across. That's brilliant. 21. Coining that. That's marketable. 26 points. You can't hear it over this. The maths that's currently running through his head right now. Einstein back there. I'm currently in my mind palace. 26 points of magical piercing damage. And can it make a con save on its spell checks, please?
It passes the spell check. Adjut to the right then, Stabacus as well. Okay, realising he's done what he can, he needs to keep the advantage and because he's still in the middle of a dash, he's going to, in a single action, as if sliding onto his knees was just for the shot. Like a footballer doing a celebration, he's going to spring to his feet and sprint back into the hut. Okay.
Very nice, very nice. Very nice, Robin, indeed. The people who were inside the tuts, you notice something happen, and suddenly you can feel the rush of cold air.
come in and you could see out anyway through the transparent hut, but now you're very aware of being out in the open. Karsten, the spell has worn its time out. It's been the eight hours and the hut is no longer there.
We cast, we cast, we cast. It takes a minute to cast it. It would take 10 rounds to cast as well. It was just for the lols, just for the lols. I have considered it, but it would take 10 rounds of me being uninterrupted to cast it. To finish Robin's turn, as soon as that happens... Sorry, I thought you'd finished. No, no, no. All I'm going to do is go, fuck. And now I'm done.
okay um that sounds i was gonna make it um your mum sorry that's the end i was gonna make a comment there but fuck and i'm done but i'm not going to so uh the creature to the west it's uh that creature's turn and it's going to turn to the freed drago and it's going to
I don't like it. It's going to attack you. I don't want it. I don't want this. Firstly, it's going to do a 17 against your armor class. Yep. Oh, nice. Yes, you're nice. You take six points of bludgeoning damage that has been halved. Thank you. 19 against your armor class. Yeah.
six points of bludgeoning damage against your armor class. And then with this, finally, it's going to wrap it, try and wrap its tentacle around you and grab you and take some damage. 18, 24 against your armor class. I'm rolling well at the moment. Happy for you, man.

Drago's Struggle and Resilience

10 points of bludgeoning damage already halved and you are restrained he's gonna grab you in against it's the same same thing again you gotta use an action to break out of it next time as well I can hit though can't I as well I can just hit
I don't need to break out. I can just full on hit the motherfucker. Your speed is reduced to zero. I don't care. I'm ready for this hogging match. Let's do it. Awesome. Helena, your turn. You are currently restrained with this thing wrapping itself around you. What would you like to do? I would like to take my action to try to release myself, please. Okay. That'd be a strength or dexterity check. Saving throw.
Hang on, is it a saving throw? To contest a grapple, it's an athletics or a acrobatics check. It depends whether it's a saving throw in the creature's stats. To contest a grapple, it's a skill check rather than the save. Let me just have a quick look. If the creature's restrained, at the start of each of its turn, can he turn to calls? No, he doesn't say so. It's just going to be a regular restrained.
So it's athletics or, wait, does that mean it's athletics or acrobatics? Acrobatics, it has to use its athletics. If it's contested, it has to use athletics, but Helena can choose either athletics or acrobatics. Actually, the clarification will.
Can I just use the one that I'd already rolled? I'd rolled a strength saving throw anyway. But it's the same as your athletics. Fine, yeah, no problem, no problem. So it's a 22. Yeah, I mean, it rolled a four, so I think, yeah, you're fine. You managed to shuffle off this disgusting coil and free yourself from the creature that stands in front of you. Okay. Try to do anything else. If I move away, it's going to get an opportunity attack, isn't it?
Possibly. I'm going to stay where I am. I hope that it doesn't attack me. Please don't attack me. My brother, he's more annoying. It's him.
It's an NPC. Just kill him. It's fine. I'm good. I'm good. OK, fair enough. Thanks, Helena. Vance is going to turn to you, Drago, kind of a look in your eye and then bring up the sword and swing it directly down at the creature. Oh, God, he's shit. Look, he misses. He misses all three of his attacks. He literally rolled the worst. It was like two, three, two. Give me a break.
He's not hypnotized anymore. At the start of each turn, you get to, you check it and he checked out of it. So he was fine. But he does take the damage of still being in the tentacles. I can see him lashing away at his body. But he is still, he's still standing stronger than he ever could. That's the end of Vance's turn. Critch to the south. The one that Helen and Lucian vibes off on.
Well, then again, most of these NPCs never do well. Kenna was a marksman and missed everything. So, you know, the creature moves in towards Helena and Lucian, and with a tentacle, it reaches out and you can see this blue arc of light reach out towards Helena. It's going to cast Chain Lightning, level six, sixth level spell. You firstly...
I'd like to use my reaction to cast Counterspell on that creature's attempt. Have you done that if I didn't tell you the spell? Yes, because you said I'm going to cast. Are you doing that at sixth level as well? No, I'm doing it at third level, so it is going to be a check. So what's the spells level, Mark? Sixth. Right, so it's a DC of 16.
So I've got a plus five modifier, so let's see. DC of 16, can I counter that spell? No, I can't. That is a, I rolled an eight, so I failed to counter the spell. I love your honesty, Will. Thank you. You're getting hit. We're just waiting for you. I tried. You did. Yeah, pretty nice.
Didn't want to be here for our own death. So could you make a death saving throw please? The creature just stepped up and is casting a lightning fang on you. Cast and has tried to counter spell it but failed unfortunately. Could you make a dexterity saving throw please Helena? Yes. It's an 18 from me. Okay.
The lightning hits into you, Helena, and then arcs off away from you into your three comrades behind you. Folly, Karsten, and Robin, could you all also make dexterity saving throws, please? Holy shit. Yes. Sorry, guys. Not your fault. It's all right. I'm good at deck saves. I am not. That's a 25 from me.
That's a seven from me. And it's a natural one from me. I will be using Uncanny Dodge on this. Too late to try my count. Yes, it is too late to try your count as well. I can't do that.
This is Chain Lightning, Karstan you passed, Helena you passed, Karstan and Helena you take 21 points of lightning damage.
Robin and Folly, you take 43 points of lightning damage. 21 points of lightning damage. Folly, you take the full blunt of shame lightning in the face. I've been hit once, and that took half my HP. That's, I mean, that is the most powerful spell they have, shame lightning. It has, that one has. Which one cast that on me? The south. Thank you. Technically, Helena. Helena cast that on you, technically.
yes it came out of Helena towards you uh that is the end of that creatures is it or can i do more let me have a quick check
Nope, that is the end of the creature's turn. It now moves to Claude. What would you like to do, Claude? Up to the north, one on one, mano a mano with this retreated creature, tentacle man. What would you like to do? Claude is going to hear the commotion and pain of all his friends as they scream out with unbearable pain.
I'm going to cast. I'm going to last cure wounds everyone. So everyone by myself receives. Including me. Yes. And Lucian doesn't, but I don't think he's taken damage. Everybody receives 22 points of healing. Wow. Yes.
You are my saint. I'm going to just position myself, Mark, between these two trees to the north of me so that I sort of block the route for that undead Gegi to come down like easily. So he has to either come for me or go around the trees sort of thing. Just like bottlenecking, that's the word. Okay. And that's me. Okay, thank you very much, Cloud. The creature to the
North? Yes, the north next, isn't it? Got my numbers all fucked up. The creature to the north, the one that you and I are blocking, Claude, is going to make a beeline back for you. It's going to... Project fourth is two front tentacles. It's going to try its hypnosis on you. It's super effective. Could you make a wisdom saving throw, please, Claude?
Should be good at ease. On the cleric? Are you mad? It's like the creature doesn't know. Drowsy. Spicy soon. Spicy soon. 13. Fail. You are charmed for one minute.
You try to get as close to the creature as possible.

Confusion and Cliffhanger

Use your actions, your dash until you're within five feet of it. You can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of your turns. However, or whenever you take damage, which will also end the effect on itself on a success. If you're successful, you're no longer, you have advantage on saving throws against it for the next 24 hours. You're a little bitch. So I'm already five feet within it. So you wouldn't have to move.
you stand there you just stand there pretty much staring at it amazed it's your new god it's a caver that's the end of the creatures turn lucian is going to take a swing animus swing hana miss so we're gonna hit
I should really describe what this bastard does. He unclinks, releases the key mechanism on the inside of his arm which fires down his mace on a...
a chain link that's attached to his arm, his elbow joint, and he gets it down to almost touch the floor and kind of clicks it into place, locking it from moving any further, and bases up, swinging his kind of elbow shoulder joint around, getting some speed in it before kind of bringing it down on top of this creature, hitting it directly in the head, causing a little bit of a pretty decent bit of damage, actually, for number three of our big bad baddies, hitting it twice, or missing the first two times, but hitting it the third time. On its noggin, causing a little bit of damage, you go, ha ha!
while he does it, I think. That's the end of his turn. Top of the round, Karstan. So, Karstan will obey his last instruction from Robin, which was to help Helena out. I'm going to turn and look at the creature to the south and I'm going to cast Confusion on it. Does it have a
Yes, it's got good intelligence. That's fine. I was just checking, but it's not an intelligence based one. Can it make a wisdom saving throw, please? It can try.
It got an unnatural 20. Yeah, you son of a bitch. Reaction, spell reflection. And he's firing it straight back at you. Could you make a wisdom saving throw, please? It's very important because this was a bubble and it would have cast behind it. That means this also affects Robin and Folly. They need to make wisdom saving throws as well because it's a sphere. Oh my god, this is brilliant. Are you fucking? Are you really fucking with me right now? Are you fucking with me right now?
This is Will's DC as well, so this is DC of 18. There's a reason I picked this creature. Is it a wisdom saving throw? A wisdom saving throw. Oh my god. Right, I'm going to burn my Tides of Chaos on this just so I can get advantage. Yes! Callum, you never use Tides of Chaos. I don't, but I get advantage on wisdom saving throws, but I have a zero modifier to wisdom saving throws. I love Tides of Chaos. You need to use it more, man.
Okay, Robin, what did you get on your wisdom saving throw? Four. Oh, okay. Folly, what did you get on your wisdom saving throw? Seventeen. Seventeen. Will, what did you get on your own saving throw? I got eight.
all three of you. Will, could you please just describe to us what confusion does? So, the spell of faults assaults and twists a creature's mind, eats a creature in 10-foot radius spheres venturing on the point, affects a creature can't take reaction, must roll a d10 at the start of its turn to determine its behavior. On a one, you use its movement to move in a random direction. On a two to a six, you don't do anything. On a seven to eight, you randomly attack the nearest creature.
On a 9 to a 10 you can act normally. At the end of each of your turns you can make a wisdom saving throw to end the effect and this lasts for a minute.
The attacks are melee attacks. It's pretty much knocked out our DPS though for a little bit, which changes this battle dramatically.
But we can break out at the end. Can you read the room? The dude is trying to end the episode. For God's sake. I don't want to take a fucking end. I know, but it was a perfect place to end. It's so difficult to end during combat. He tried it once before and then accepted what was happening. And then you were like, oh my God. Can I try again? Can I try again? Can I try again? No, no, we can't. Well, the main bulk of our... I'll mute myself. Oh my God.
I'm going to come to, I'm going to drive to your house now. I'm going to give you a big hug. Who am I kidding? And with the main bulk of our kind of DPS in the center of the map now, with a spell fired back on itself from Kastan. I mean, it was a good roll nonetheless, Kastan. Unfortunately, now our kind of main spell casters are kind of KO'd out of action at the whims of a D10.
And to find out what happens, you're going to have to join us next week on another episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, fighting off the three deadly, more Coths. Oh, my God. I am so sorry. I'm so sorry. That's awesome. No, that couldn't have been more perfect. It was when you said it for a flight. I was like, oh, by the way, it's also a radiant attack.
Brilliant. I want to know how does Callum and Darren feel about this? Because that's twice now that they've inadvertently been a part of some sort of spell that they didn't cast themselves. As long as I accidentally hit Castan when it comes to hitting one of my teammates, that's fine. Well, yeah, I think we, hopefully we get to pick. Oh, by the way, melee attacks from me, I'm not, I'm not feather touches, by the way. It's also quite, it's randomly determined. So you'll literally have to roll like a,
and evens odd kind of thing to decide who you hit. I think that's amazing. Brilliant. What a good choice to spell, though. What a good choice to spell to go wrong, though. Well, there's a chance if I roll a one, I sprint in the direction. I could attack Helena or I could attack Drowton. No, no, no. It's within 10 feet. No, no. So on a one, the creature uses all its movement to move in a random direction. You roll a D8, assign each direction a dive face, and the creature doesn't take an axis in. Oh, that's direction. That's not... You just walk around.
Anyway, we digressed. You should listen in next week to find out exactly what happens. We'll robin Smackabitch, we'll folly fire himself and we'll cast and put more spells through him. That was brilliant. I loved that. What an epic battle. Great choice of enemy.
I'm interested, you should be interested. Hopefully we'll all see you next week. Thank you for tuning in and listening, making us a party every day week. We fucking love you guys. That was a stressful situation. I'm not entirely sure we're gonna make it through this one.
Are we out of the woods yet? Are we out of the woods? Are we out of the woods? Into the woods. Name job for Taylor Swift. If you would like to record a new theme song, just hit me up on Twitter. And hey, if you wanted to go and follow us on our main Twitter page, you can find it at fellowship table. And if you wanted to go one step further, DM me personally, TT, TS.
My bae. You can find me at iWorldA1. You can find Darren. What? I like Taylor Swift, all right? Okay, I didn't know what the acronyms were for. Please continue, please continue. Where can we find Darren? I don't know. Where can we find Darren? Seething in a pit of worry and misery. I'm a Darren Playjoe 6. And we can find Kalamatt. Death to cast. I mean, the D20 gamer.
Yeah, why not? We'll do Will next. Do you want to come up with a defence? I can do spells good, me. I actually prefer outfit right now. Well done. Thanks for being so honest, Will. Thanks for being so honest. If that Twitter handle isn't taken, though, get it. Yeah, for sure. I can do spells good, me. Where can we find you if we wanted a DM? Natural20Will.
Casey, where can we find you? Unicorn Quit. And Danny, where can we find you? Total Party Thrills. And finally, our dick dastardly of a DM can be found at Hasterly Roll DM. And oh my god, hopefully, until next time, guys. Farewell!