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Ep. 88 Part 1 Fanged Gribblies! - De Profundis image

Ep. 88 Part 1 Fanged Gribblies! - De Profundis

S1 E88 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
104 Plays3 years ago

In an abandoned yet enchanted mansion, our heroes find themselves ambushed by three vampiric agents...


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and volley shits himself.

Introduction to 'The Fellowship of the Tabletop'

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are a live play 5e D&D podcast that's set and sitting in the magical world of Aerith. My name is Mark and I am the sitting dungeon master. And also with us for today's session we have, let me just bring up a really random quick cast list.

Meet the Characters

We've got Casey who plays the human champion, Helen, the sleep guard. Hello, I'm sitting. We've got Danny who plays the human cleric, Claude. Hello, I am on my arse.
Staron who plays the human fighter rogue Robin. It's close to midnight, something evil is lurking in the dark. We've got Callum who plays the gnome-saucer of Folly Fizzlebang the 9th. I'm going to go hide in a corner. Will who plays the human bard Karstam. Have you ever, ever felt like this when strange things happenin? Are you going D&D? That didn't work. And we've got Ian who plays the dragonborn barbarian paladin Drago.
I was really hoping for the continuation of Michael Jackson's thriller. Sorry. Thank you. Yeah, go on. I dug it. I dug it. I dug what you tried to do there, Robin. Darren. Well, why, why are they all, why are they all thriller references, though?
Because it's thriller. Because we're in a ghastly, gooly house at the moment. Well, that's a very good point.

Strange Occurrences in the Mansion

We are. We have entered into one of the mansions on the Green Barrel estate that has been left to fall into disrepair. And upon entering this dark, dingy, not smoke-filled, dust-filled house, a number of strange things did indeed start to happen. But we were not going around the twist.
We had a blocked staircase in the main room with rubble that seemed to have fallen from somewhere else at a different time, a different place perhaps. We had busts of dead animals on the walls that seemed to have blood dripping from the teeth that lashed out at Helena, gnawing at her ankles. A hand stroked Drago's palm from the inside of one of these stuffed creatures on the wall.

Discoveries in the Study

One of the doors was locked, two of the doors were open. We made our way south and made our way into a rather large study with huge bookshelves leaning over, peering onto the party as they moved through the space, with a large table in the middle. Cast down and looked over some books and noticed these severe ramblings of a man speaking of the unliving and mentioning the blight a number of times, but also realizing that some of these books
more than 200 years old, outdating the Blight by almost 180 years. Up on closer inspection of these spaces, Robin made his way further south into what seemed to be a storage room, but on closer inspection seemed a long kitchen space that seems to encompass the back portion of this house.

Ominous Mist and Confrontation

Upon the party being usefully split for the DM, smoke or mist started to eek under the doors closest to the main entrance, and from when one of the books had been taken on the bookshelf, and from this mist formed three creatures.
And as they each smiled, what are two of them in the large room with Drago and Helena? One in the smaller study with Castan, Folly, Phyllis Van the Ninth, and Claude? With Robin in the room nearest to that, there is one in there as well. And what they all noticed is they all seemed to smile. And if possible, we'd cut from one to the other to the other, and they'd almost smile at the same time in unison, all showing off their rather large, rather sharp fangs.
And all three of them, in unison, speak these words that seem to echo and reverberate through the walls of this haunted mansion. He should not have searched us out. He did not look for us. Yet here we are. And with that, they're going to start stepping forward. I don't need everyone straight away.

Preparing for Battle

Can you give me your initiative orders, please?
straight into battle. Ah, shit. Please be good. Can I, Mark, can I say for argument's sake, last episode, can I say that when everybody else was doing their checks of that library, that Helena was routing through the sideboard to see if there was anything worth taking.
Yeah, of course, the sideboard in the main room with the staircase, is that right? Yes, yeah, that was something I was going to be doing, but we didn't get that far. So can we say that Helena did that before?
Absolutely. I'll probably still have you over there to the south, southeast. I'm just about to write myself. Yeah. No worries. And yeah, in and amongst that, it's mainly filled with notes and letters and more and more books, but these books seem more general books. These are books, not that you've been further in and know the books that Carstan has found, but these are books pertaining to travels and areas of the kingdom.
people have obviously traveled around and have written books about if you were to travel to the Sanguine Lands, one place you might discern upon is so and so. And so it's more kind of just the almost published diaries of people who have traveled around the Arithian kingdoms and have written on them. They all seem relatively up to date. Within the last 20 years or so probably you could discern from the quality of these books.
Aside from that though, there's no, and on top, if you remember, it's covered in all this wax of these candles that seem to have melted over and over and over again, leaving this kind of strange, leaking, gunky look to the top, but it's all solid. Okay, and then we also say that I've lit a candle or two. Absolutely, yeah, one or two of the wicks, you can still manage to light, and it does seem to let off a dim bit of light in the room, which seems to arc across to the
the kind of antelope, the oversized antelope's head that bit at you that is just now a pile of ash on the floor, still smoking. And over that ash into the corner of the room, you can see one of these figures, these humanoid stood, kind of full chest, kind of pumped open, not open, pumped out, proud looking, controlled, kind of dark.
actually light grey skin but dark grey nails, a thin gaunt face, pointed ears, slick backed black hair, sharp fanged teeth, each of them having a small red amulet on their chest, held almost as a necklace, but rich blue clothing with gold embroidered and a large red cape billowing behind them. This isn't at all similar, by the way, to the armour of the abcriskra. This looks
old, this almost looks old, if not older than the armour, the large 16 foot set of armour in the centre of the room that you're currently in. Right, could I please ask for, if anyone did get, that's a really bad sentence, did anyone get more than 25? Just thought I'd check. Anyone get more than 20? 20 plus? 20 for Claude. Oh, Claude.
Except on Sundays where I'm Claudio. 15 plus. 17 for Robin, except on Saturdays when I'm Roberta. I'm 17 for Folly. Except on Friday nights when I'm Holly. Sexy episode number two. Did anyone else get in that bracket? Lovely. Robin, you've got the higher... Yeah, plus five. Okay, ten plus.
Yes, for Helena, except on Mondays when I'm Alan. Well played. Drago, what did you get? Alan. Drago got 14, except for Saturdays when he's still Drago, for fuck's sake, guys. But he is Keith on a Monday.
He's Drago on a Saturday. No. No. RuPaul's Drago. I'm not ripping my character apart. Drago's Drago. Drago will always be Drago.
Except for night. Except for late, dear. On that cold night. So, we've got Claude, Robin, Folly, Helena, Drago. Is that right if I missed anyone? One, two, three, four, five, yes. Carstan, where are you in this mix? I've got a seven. Oh, you have. Very quiet for that seven. You rolled an actual one. I rolled a one and then I added six to it. Jesus.
and Karsten right at the bottom there. Yeah, I thought normally Karsten, you're right at the very top. Karsten has been paralyzed in fear from the looks of this. Karsten rolled a six and Karsten loves all people so he doesn't have to change his name on no matter what day of the week. So just for the listener, the way in which this kind of combat is split up, you've got Drago and Helena in this large main room.
with these two creatures that have appeared. And in the smaller study room just to the south, you've got Castan face to face with this creature, Claude also in the room, and Folly Fizzibang the Ninth standing at a door. Through that door to the south, Robin has walked through into this
It's long, thin kitchens, about 15 foot wide and probably about 60 or 70 feet long. At the end of that kitchen, Robin, there is a hearth on the left, a number of tables with very, very rotten bits of food, bone, utensils, etc. There seems to be some food preparation area. But then at the very, very end of the room on the left, you seem to see another
door which leads kind of back into another area of the house but directly in front of you is a door which you can assume lets you out to the back area but then also to the right of you so to our left there is another door as well so there's kind of three doors in that space as well okay but you do hear Robin um you do hear that voice booming through the house that says he should not have searched just searched it out it did not look for us yet here we are

The Battle Begins

And we're going to jump straight into it. So Drago, closest to you, one of these creatures comes barreling down towards you. And with one of its, one of its hands, it's just going to kind of claw at you, aiming to hit. That's a 13 against the wheels of fate turn. That's a 13 against your armor class. Hell no. Followed by a 27 against your armor class. Hell yes. You take.
motherfucker 18 points of slashing damage ouch one second one second powerful i did roll very well with its damage so don't you bad boy no actually you know what fuck you i want a few of you are going to go down this fight motherfuckers i'm not that bitter i promise
No, that's all it's going to do. So that's all it can do. And it just snarls at you and you can see these sharp fangs out from its mouth as it swings at you for that second time, catching you across your chest, drawing blood. Claude, it is your turn. You see Castan face-to-face with this instantly terrifying, as the blood drains from your face, instantly terrifying humanoid stood in front of him. What would you like to do?
Claude who when he ended his room and until this moment has been holding a fearsome Spartan defensive position ready to strike anything that comes out is going to see this completely drop everything he's holding point and go AHH! GRIBLES!
And I'm gonna run into the doorway that connects the two rooms, just so I have line of sight on everyone, minus Robin, sorry Robin. And I'm just going to, pew, pew, pew, pew! Send bless out to everyone, apart from Robin, sorry Robin, because I just can't see you. There's no way I can see you.
You also can't see Helena, unfortunately, because they can't see under stairs. Unfortunately, there's no under stairs situation. They couldn't afford that with the interior designer when they built the place, unfortunately. Fucking hell, but, you know, where's the brutalism? I know. Okay, yes, sorry, so it'll just be a second spell. Everyone bar, Helen and Robin will now have bless.
Do you take it as well? You give it to yourself? No. No. Because I can cast it at a lower level. And that's the end of my turn. I'm just giving it to you. Just remind me. Just remind me. A D4 to every time you roll a D20. Many things. A D24 from now on. Let's call it that. Well, don't confuse things. Okay. That's my turn. That's my turn. I'm just going to run into the doorway.
Thank you very much. Robin, you hear a chorus of voices booming through this house, almost making the walls and everything start to shake slightly. You find yourself in a separate room in a long, weird kitchen. What would you like to do? I did show Gribblies really low.
Upon hearing that in Gribblies, Robin is going to immediately put his hand to Ghostbane, a la Frodo, as he does with Sting, to start to pull it out of its sheath. Is this glowing with the cold, suggestive midnight blue of the presence of the undead?
As you pull Ghostbane from its sheath, a la Frodo, unfortunately it's not just a dim light, it is almost a blindingly bright light. Yes. It's a resounding yes from Ghostbane. What you are approaching is that of the undead.
as Robin will then take his left hand and put it behind his back and put it on the hilt of his shield and he will use his bonus action to have his mage hand and clip his shield from his back and the shield will come round and he's going to come back into the room with just him and Castam now if Claude is gone. You're literally walking past Folly.
And I will move into the room and I will travel in Claude's direction as he shouted,
Oh poor Castan. And I will get to the point where I'm next to Castan and then Robin will just kind of let out a bit as he sees the one in front of Castan and we'll take a couple of swings at it. Okay roll to hit. It's a 20 not natural. Hits. I've rolled really well with sneak attack which I get because Castan is a
Before I do the radiant damage, it's 20 points of magical slashing damage. Lovely, thank you. Yes, then it's 7 points of radiant damage, so 26.
at 20, sorry, 20 slashing, and then seven radiant. Lovely, you take a swing at this creature across its kind of lapel on its chest, and it kind of cuts through it, and you can feel it, you can always hear it sizzle as it passes through the material, causing an open wound, and you can see some, where blood should be drawn, but nothing seems to fall out of this creature, but the cut is quite clear, and it's like this kind of hiss back at you as you make damage. It takes the damage.
OK, I'm going to take a second to wing at it. OK. No, that's only a 12 to hit. Unfortunately, that misses. It almost preempts your next attack, which, let's say, you're going for the jugular. It manages to skip back and actually uses its claws to move Ghostbane kind of out the way, kind of pushing it away like it's disgusted by the weapon. OK, thank you very much, Robin. Good move. Good shit, that. Folly, you've just seen Robin barge past you like he didn't even see you were there, mate. And head towards this creature. What would you want to do?
Folly is going to like wander following him, just kind of muttering to him and says it. Yeah, bleeding tall people to barge past me like I'm bleeding nothing. He's really mumbling to himself. And then as he gets like nearby, we're casting Robin a face in this ghoulie type of thing. Oh, okay, fair enough. And you're going to get himself in a good position. You're just going to try and do what he does best to burn it. You're going to cast Fire Bolt at it. Okay, roll to hit.
Oh, for Pete's sake, I'm bleeding atrocious. Yeah, six. That hits. No, it doesn't. It misses, unfortunately. I'm hardly surprised. And it just thuds into the bookshelf above it. Could you roll me a d20, please? And on a 15 plus, some of the books are going to light on fire.
Yeah, that's about fucking right. 18. So as the thuds above, the creature doesn't even realise you're there, but you seem to miss, I think maybe the sheer worry of it, or the fear of hitting cast out, or the memory of your use of fire in the past and the damage it's really done to those in the populace of Evershire.
It all kind of plays a part in your psyche and your fireball hits up to the right of this creature, flooding into some of the books that Karsten was previously looking at, and a few of them just start to light on fire and slowly start to burn. It's only six seconds, so not much fire has actually taken place. Anything else you want to do, Folly?
Follows is going to slowly go into a fetal position and begin to cry as he has PTSD from the orphanage. Hello, I'm a smiled friend. And then he will end his term. Okay, serious. Are you actually going into a fetal position? Mark is kind of right. And just seeing these like, simultaneous fires, not spontaneous fires caused by me, that have been
unintended and certainly put a little bit of disheartening feelings into Folly because he's just kind of having flashbacks to his conversations with Seb and the shock and awe when he started pulling names out. And yeah, Folly is now a little bit distorted at all. It's not fetal, but it's certainly shaken. I'm having a hard time feeling. Sorry for you, mate, because you cast a fucking spell. So it's like, you know, I aimed it at a bad guy for Christ's sake.
I wanted to burn the bad guy, not the boss, not the house. I didn't mean to do the drugs. Back in the, uh, the large room with Drago and the two Gribblies, uh, bearing down, the second one is going to approach and place themselves in a position to get advantage. You're flanked by it. It's going to take, it's going to take its first swing at you with advantage. And that's a 24 against your armor class.

Drago in Peril

You take 18 points of slashing damage from that. And the second one... Oh, that's not very good. Oh no, that is. That's an unnatural 20. Yup. That's 15 points of slashing damage. As this creature comes in behind you with two of its claws bearing into your back. And again, just kind of hit it.
from behind you as it claws into your back, taking advantage of the fact that you're being distracted by this creature in front of you. That's the end of its turn. Helena, you spin yourself around from lighting these candles and see these two creatures corralling themselves down upon Andrago, and you can hear these pummeling hits come down on Andrago as he grunts through, biting through the pain as it takes place. What do you want to do? Helena's going to bolt it straight for
the more northern creature, the one that originally attacked Drago. So she's gonna use her full movement, which gets her just in front of this creature, and she's gonna bring down her flail hard on his head. Okay, roll to hit. That's 25 to hit. That hits, roll damage please.
That's 12 points of damage on the first hit. Thank you very much. Nice bit of damage as Flail comes down, kind of glancing blow off the side of its head, causing a little wound on its forehead. But again, not drawing blood. Yep. Okay. And then the second hit with her other hand, it's going to be only a 12 to hit. That misses, unfortunately, as it kind of, it's got eyes lock on you and manages just to move itself out of the way at the last second. Okay. And then the third hit,
is going to come down, hopefully 19 to hit. That hits. Real. Not so real. Seven points of damage on this one. Lovely. Yeah, it's a second hit, maybe hits into the shoulder, just kind of catching its offside shoulder a little bit, pushing it back ever so slightly from the impact of it. Yeah, nice. Anything else you want to do? Yeah, she's just going to turn to Drago and say, I've got you. Oh, that's lovely.
Drago, it's your turn. It's almost like it's made to be. A question for you, Mark. So I, at the beginning of this fight, in one hand I had the pole arm, and in my other hand I had the axis shader. This pole arm, did I have time to clarify if this was a weapon or just stone? Because I know I got it off a statue. Is it an actual weapon that I'm holding, or is it just a piece of stone that's carved to look like a weapon? Okay, so the
the statue that's behind you, or maybe I mislabeled it, it's not a statue, it's just a massive suit of armour. So it's actual armour, 16, 17 feet tall, made for someone who is 16 or 17 feet tall. So it's actual metal, actual blacksmith armour, helmet, glaives, glaives, you know, the works, it's a full set of armour. So this polearm is an actual polearm as well.
but it stands again almost taller than you and it weighs a lot more than you were kind of expecting. But yes, it would count as a weapon. I didn't expect that.
And I'm guessing because of the weight, just trying to clarify here because I don't want to suddenly start swinging something that's too heavy for me. I'm guessing this pole arm given the weight and the size it is meant to be held by someone. I couldn't wield this with just one hand. I'd have to either drop Axe of Shader and put it in two and then use it like a pole arm. Yeah, correct. I'd consider it a two handed weapon that would be incapable of being held one handed by yourself.
I'm going to burn my first action by staring down at these things in my hands. Could I do a quick gauge on which weapon I perceive is the most powerful?
Yes, yes, give me a... Ooh, that's interesting. You're getting a perception check right now. It's just because I'm asking a lot of questions here when really I want to look down and go in a quick instance which weapon is the most powerful, because he's, you know. So, do you want a perception? Yes, please, yeah. And 19.
Your gut goes with the Axe of Shader. Thank you. That's all I needed. Okay, so bonus action I assume this would be then. I will drop the pull arm. Now what have I got left to do? Because I want to attack with the Axe of Shader.
Yeah, I'm normally, I'm normally giving, if you're going to do like a perception, any of those kind of quick checks that you can do with your eyes or your senses, I normally give that as almost a free action. So I can assume the perception, like if we're doing an investigation, not an investigation, but anything like perception and combat, I'll consider that like a free action. I know they don't really exist, but hey, fuck you, it's my game. So that's a free action. Bonus action would be to drop the pole arm and to kind of form up
wield your weapon properly like I've let Robin and others do. So yeah, you've got your kind of main action available. I only wield the axe with one hand.
Yeah, just, you know, just kind of getting in the fighting stance, getting ready with it. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Agreed. The phrase you were looking for, Ian, was, if the DM will permit. Wait. I have never said that. So I'm good to attack. Hell yeah. Right. I'm going to smash the one closest to me with the axe of Shader. Is that the one that attacked you first or the one that pummeled you from behind, so to speak? So Helen is engaged with one. I'm going to naturally engage with the other. OK, the one that pummeled you from behind. OK.
14. Okay, that's fine. Your axe misses the creature as it ducks low and your axe thuds into the arm of the leg of this suit of armor that stood next to you. It rocks slightly, but does not move. Apart from that. Anything else you want to do? You got another hit? Yeah, you just hit Draghi. Just go, appreciate it. That's a nod to Helen's previous call out. Haven't you got another attack? Come on, motherfucker. And I'm going to roll the d4 with it.
Roll that d4. Roll that d4. I want bless. Give me bless. 26. Shit, man. Yeah, you couldn't roll much better than that way. You could have actually. But yeah, that hits. Yeah. I'm waking up for it. Now I'm going to channel in my divine smite on this motherfucker. OK, so we've got 14 points of slashing damage, six points of lightning damage and 10 points of radiant damage.
So that's 30 points of damage altogether. Yes.
Okay. Other than say, appreciate it, then that's good. And I'll make sure my ass is better for the next turn. Nice. Uh, so the final creature that is facing off against Karstan and Robin is still looking directly at Karstan and it's going to, uh, it's going to attack Karstan. The first hit that is a 15 against your armor class. And the second one, my Lord, actually.
16 against your armor class. Meets it beats. Oh mate, I rolled that dog shit as well, okay. I rolled that dog shit as well, you're lucky. That's 12 points of slashing damage as it kind of catches you across like an uppercut up with its claw up against and it's kind of catching you on your thigh and in your kind of midsection with its claw, with its nails, kind of drawing a little bit of blood from both those areas. It's then going to,
It's then going to use one of its legendary actions. Oh, fuck me. Which allows it to have another unarmed strike. And that is another 16 against your armor class. Yeah. It's just 21. Wow, that was a good roll. 21 points of slashing damage as it seems to just kind of reload itself and just kind of literally like punch you directly in the face with its massive kind of hand slash claw.
And that's the end of its turn, it's just going to continue staring you and Robin both down. Kastan, it's your turn to retort. Okay, after taking these blows, Kastan's going to whip out his rapier and stab it in the face. Oh yeah. Roll to hit. Ooh, that's not too bad. 22 to hit. That hits.
Ooh, that's nice. So that's 12 points of non-magical piercing damage. Yeah, so that's, in total, 17 points of non-magical piercing damage. Sorry, I've already taken off the, what was the sneak attack? A five on that, sorry.
OK, lovely. Sorry, I've already taken that off. Yeah, cool. Lovely. Thank you very much. So you kind of lean, you get joust in and kind of stab at this creature causing a decent bit of damage. Again, doesn't seem to bleed though. Seems odd to you. So after performing this sort of fencing style lunge and skewer of the creature, I'm now going to use my bonus action to disengage. Good idea. And I will retreat back to
uh the doorway with Claude okay lovely all right then top of the round we're back up with Drago and Helena uh the creature that is currently engaged with Drago and Helena that Helena is swinging at uh the creature is going to turn its attention towards you Helena and roll to hit wow okay that's a 27 against your armor class hit
That's 15 points of slashing damage, and then a 14 against your armor class. Misses. So the first hit manages just to kind of catch in between your armor and your shoulder, catching and just swiping through. The second one, you manage to parry with your flails. It's then going to use one of its legendary actions and repeat to the process. That is a natural one, followed by a 19 against your armor class.
OK, so both of them miss, even though it kind of fills up again, the next two hits as it comes, you're almost ready for them expecting it to retort again. And did you manage to block both these hits with your flails? Well played, very nice. That's the end of its turn. It can't do anything else. Claude, it's over to you. You stood the doorway between these two rooms, literally all rocking a hard place. What do you want to do?
I'm seeing that they are starting to get... seeing that they are outnumbered in the North Room. Claude is going to sprint as fast as he can and get behind this one that is flanking Drago. Positioning myself in no way that means that this guy doesn't have advantage on Drago anymore. And as I'm running, I'm just going to let out a sacred flame at the...
The nasty, nasty, nasty nork that is next to Drago. So could you please, Mark, make a dexterity saving throw? 12. It takes 21 points of radiant damage. Oh yeah, but I'm digging it down. 21. 21 radiant, yeah. That is sexy if I was on your side. Thank you.
All right. And then as a bonus action, I'm just going to launch my shield with my spare hand and it's going to cast Spectral Weapon, Spectral Weapon, Spiritual Weapon. And it's going to go for the one that's attacking Helena. And that guy, hold on, she'd pick which level I'm going to cast it at.
Yes, fourth level. So against the one that's attacking Helena, there's a 26 hit. Yeah. This one takes 21 points of force damage. Hot digger to damn. That's a lot of damage. Oh, it's kicking ass. Just put a little spiritual weapon
And I feel that that creature literally says it as well. He goes, hot, dig at a dam as this spectral weapon comes corralling down upon its face. Yeah. And that's my 10. So I made a nice little triangular, diagonal rope where it goes clawed, bad, bad, drago, bad, bad, floating shield that hits things.
It's like a really odd game of chess you're playing here on the diagonal. And everyone's a bishop. Oh yeah, the floor is a chessboard as well. I didn't mention this in this episode. I mentioned the last one. Boom, boom, boom. Very nice. Cool. Anything else you want to do, Claude? No, that's my 10. 42 points of damage. Not bad at all for a cleric. Robin, your turn. You're standing face to face now with this Gribbly. Folly's got your back and Karstan's got his back against the wall to the north. What do you want to do?
Can I glance at this creature to see how hurt it is in the first instance? You can try, yeah. Do you want a role for glancing or do you want perception? Perception, I suppose, just to see. Yeah, go for it. Yeah. 15 plus three. So that's a 18.
You've noticed something odd actually. In the time on which the damage that Karstan has performed his rapier attack than retreated, that wound seems to have healed up slightly. However, that damage has healed up, however, the damage that Ghostbane has done still remains. I am going to take two swings at him with Ghostbane in the first instance. Alright, roll to hit please.
First one is a 19 to hit. That hits. That's eight points of magical slashing damage. And let's now do the radiant and another seven points of radiant damage. So lovely. I got that. Yep. Cool. Cool. Cool. Nice. Another hit comes slashing down across its midsection, causing a nice bit of damage. Sexy. You want to roll again? I am going to hit it again. Yeah.
for, oh, that's a 29 to hit. That misses actually, it's too high. Does it? The ooh was because it was a 19 and I didn't dare say that it's one off a quick because I know the amount of stick I would get for sale. Well it is though, you're right, but you would get a lot of stick, yeah.
It's one of my favorite quotes that you do, Darren. Seven points of magical slashing damage this time. Oh, no, sorry. It's seven plus five. So because I haven't had them modified to that. So it's. Yeah, twelve points of magical slashing damage and then another four points of radiant damage on top of that. Sixteen in total. Lovely. Thank you very much. Which is four off twenty.
That's some fairs math we could use you in Tulsa. Lovely. The second hit comes in as a bit of a surprise to the creature as well, causing another blow to it. But again, it seems to be taking this relatively well. It still stands tall and almost kind of flexes after you've hit it, letting out a low growl under its breath. Anything else you want to do, Robin? Bonus action. Disengage.
and I'm going to move in the different direction to Karstam and Folly and get to approximately there with the table and give it a choice of coming after me or going after them. Nice, so kind of splitting his attention to see which way he's going to go. Nice, good move. The squishy ones without the armour, surely. Hell yeah. Folly, your turn. You will now feel very exposed like your mum's just walked in and you're having a shower.
Sorry, that was really visceral. From the past? That just kind of took me from drawing on experience, like... Let's talk about PTSD. Mum, no! Get out of the room, mum!
Folly's still a little bit distraught about missing beforehand and burning up some books. He didn't intend to do that. So he's going to kind of back away slightly towards the door entrance next to Karstan. He's going to kind of just put himself next to Karstan just to try and make himself feel a little bit safer. But he's just going to kind of own his breath and try and cast a decently powerful spell. But no more fire!
And can you make a dexterity saving throw, please, Mark, for this hag that Robin has been battling away at? A hag, actually? I've assumed it's a hag. I'm calling them hags. It isn't a hag. It's definitely a vampire, but OK. I'll let you go with the hag. Whatever. Dexterity saving throw. Yeah, dexterity, please. Have I got something to make this easier for me? Let me have a quick look.
Legendary action. I choose to pass. I might just do that. Is it going to be dangerous? Is it going to hurt me? You have got to tell him what you're casting on him. I don't have to tell him beforehand, do I? Yeah. Yeah, you do. You do. You have to say I'm doing this. That's no fucking game. Do you play, Callum? Well, I always try and let the DM do whatever I want him to do. I'm going to attempt to cast Disintegrate on you.
Oh, hell yeah, I'm passing this bitch. Yeah. Yes, for all its purposes, it seems to work, but then this other force seems to almost form up like a dark mist in front of the creature. And for almost a second, for almost a second, you seem to recognize the creature you see in front of you.
For almost a second it seems to remind you of that creature that Drago fought and failed to fight deep in the Galanin Hollows, but it might just be the dust, it might just be the heat of battle. Something seems to remind you of it, which the thin stream of the believed green
liquid that comes out towards this creature is kind of battered away and hits the ground and is negated, unfortunately. That is used to second legendary action to block that. Can't believe you won't even roll for it, you coward. I did roll for it. I rolled a natural one. That's why I was like, fuck yeah, I'm not faster than that. You've got a chuckly gnome. Right, anything else you want to do, Folly?
Fine, keep your secrets. He's just putting spells out. Now, Folly's had his more powerful spell just kind of batting away, so he's actually just got a little bit of movement left, he's going to back away a little bit more and just leave cast down there.
Because Folly's just used one of his high level spell slots and it's not worked. Yep, pretty much. So Folly is backed off, he's kind of done it in slowly backward steps and he's a little bit in the shock and awe of this creature because he thought he was being
You know, really safe, powerful spell, nothing to burn. And this power spell, this creature to come, no, fuck that. And battered it away like it was nothing. Right. Yeah. He's gone. Right. Rowan. He's awkward moonwalked out of the room into the next room. Walked out of the same room. Where are you going?
Where are you? Hey, come back here. Back in the room with Drago, Helen, Claude and the two Gribblies, which I love the word Gribblies. Thank you, whoever coined that. Will, I think, I believe you brought it in. Anyway, the one that's kind of sandwiched in a kind of a sensual sandwich between Drago and Claude, it's this creature's turn. And he's going to whip round and roll to attack Claude, rolling a rather sensual 26 against your armor class.
Okay, he's not gonna hit you though. What I get to choose here is instead of dealing damage, the vampire can grapple the target. Okay, and with its second part of his action, second attack it's going to do, it's going to bite you.
And I'm going to roll to hit. Oh, fuck. That is a 15 against your armor class. Me? Yes, you, yes. Oh, no, that misses. But it is going to burn. It's one of its actual legendary actions to allow it to try and bite you again, though. And that's a 22 against your armor class. Oh, my God. Yeah, that just hits.
oh my god okay you're about to become a vampire yes um so firstly you take 10 points of piercing damage you then take 20 points of necrotic damage and your hit point maximum is reduced to the amount equal to the necrotic damage taken so your hit point maximum is reduced by 20
This creature also seems to, as it feeds upon you, take on almost a new life as it starts to kind of increase and develop strength from it as it feeds on you. Aside from that, you don't turn to a vampire. It lasts until the creature finishes a long rest.
That's the hip. Yeah. Yeah. There's just don't. Yeah. Yeah. That's all you need to know. Really at this point. Okay. Um, and that's it. You're still grappled and he's just having a bit of a suck on you at the moment as it bites into you. Uh, that's the end of its turn.

Vampire Strikes Claude

Sorry. Yes. Yeah. If he took 30 points of damage, it's 15 DC gets half. Half the damage or 10, whatever's higher.
I rolled a 14. Yeah, it's a 14. It's a 14. Yeah, everyone's unblest. Oh, shit. Not blessed. Akiva is not with us. Falls. Oh, no. Akiva is on holiday at the moment. He's with me. He's in you. Right. Okay. That's the end of that creature's turn. Helena, it's your turn. You can hear a struggle from behind this large 16 foot set of armor as Claude seems to shout and
muffle as this one of the coaches seems to turn upon him. The vampire that's up against you though is still there. You see the spectral weapon form on its flank and you see Drago on its other flank. What would you like to do? I'd like to keep attacking the one that I've just started attacking please. All right, roll to hit. That's a 15 to hit. That misses unfortunately. That first one misses.
Second one is a 14 to hit. And that misses as well. The creature is ready for your flails now. It's starting to get to grips with how you attack and it's managing to doze really quickly, inhumanly quickly out of the way of those attacks. And the third hit is a natural 20. So I have a third. Yes! That fucking hit. Suck it! Here we go. Here's a bit of luck. Here's the tide turning, guys. This is it. Nice.
Oh, you were really low. Yeah. Oh, shit. That's really low. Yeah. That's unlucky for a crew. That is very unlucky. Yeah. But it strikes true. It causes damage. That's no good. It's a 12 to hit.
Yeah, unfortunately that misses, but our middle hit does just manage to punch through as I maybe use the pommel of your mace to kind of twat it in the face when it wasn't expecting it, catching it by off chance. Yeah, I'm lucky about that, Helen. Drago, your turn. You can see Helen are really kind of struggling to, you can hear her struggle taking place behind you, and this creature is just in front of you that you're fighting, has basically just grabbed a hold of Claude and is kind of violently attacking it in the neck with its teeth.
I'm not gonna lie, I'm fucking loving this battle, I think it's amazing. Though I have got one final awkward question for you, just as a scientific experiment and thought bubble for you all. I want to, put it to the room, but to Mark mainly, I want to, in the quickest way possible, withdraw Dengon's deception. So is it a simple maneuver?
to just holster Shader's axe and withdraw dangle deception, or do I have to drop the axe and withdraw dangle deception? Now my further point there before anyone keys in is if I drop the axe of Shader, it's magically destined to return to my hand.
Or does it, because it's a drop, not a throw, does it actually stay on the floor? So a couple of things, but basically the end all of it, however you want to do it, if you just want to, we can think about it later on, what would happen to an axe if you drop it, that's actually magically destined to be in your hand. But the be all end all, I want to, and I don't care what actions you have to burn from me, don't mind. At the end of the turn, I want to be holding Dengel's deception. Okay. This is how it'll work. If you want to manually
sheath, dengons, mainly sheath, shadars, axe and your halter and then pull out a two-handed greatsword that's going to cost you an action if you want to drop dengons because drop shadars axe, axe of shadar and we'll see what happens to it and withdraw dengons deception that'll be a bonus action
So if you just, I'm thinking that would be, I've let other people do it. If you just pretty much drop what you're doing and go for it, I'm treating that as a bonus action. But if you want to properly holster this weapon and then draw out a great sort, which is a two-handed weapon, that's a lot of movement. I'll probably consider that an action.
Absolutely. I'm gonna... Oh, shit. Okay, I'm gonna... I'll still have a bonus action if I do all that. So I'm gonna holster the axe and withdraw my two-handed dangle to deception. And then as a bonus action, I'm gonna rage. And then that's the end of my go.
amazing okay we've got the angry dragon lovely and then down deep down in the study room this creature looks at robin in karstan and it seems like it stood there for a couple of seconds as the eyes you both up making a decision and then it makes its decision moving over towards robin the person who's dealt the most damage to it so far the one that seems to be the most viable threat at the moment and it's going to swing at you and that is oh god that's a 28 against your armor class robin
13 points of slashing damage. And then with the second attack, you're very welcome. With the second attack, that's 21 against Rama class. I will defensive duel if that one misses.
Okie dokie. And that second hit, she managed to bring up Ghostbane almost at the last second, the tip of the sword, pushing away his hand, maybe the wrist, meaning it misses. That is the end of his turn. Karstan, this creature in front of you has just engaged itself, not engaged itself, it's not engaged to Robin, not like that, but it's engaged with Robin. What would you like to do? Okay, Kan, I'm going to use Vicious Mockery. Is a Gog and a Ghast. Moving on.
Can it make a wisdom saving throw please? It can indeed. That is a 24 for the saving throw, wisdom saving throw. It can buck off then. Sorry, I'm rolling really well tonight guys, up to 17 plus seven.
Yeah, it takes no damage at all, so it can fuck off. It does, it turns, it goes, well, all right then, if you're going to talk to me like that and walks out into the kitchen. In that case, I'm going to use my bonus action to give Robin inspiration.
You're all thanks, Bobby. Robin, you're inspired. This is Bardic. Yeah, Bardic inspiration. So Darren, you can add 1d10 to any ability check attack call or saving throw for the next 10 minutes. Nice. That is the bottom of the round.
You know it's got serious when Will does Bardic Inspiration but doesn't follow it up with some sort of lyric. That's when you know shit's got serious in a battle.
Okay, top of the round, I've got this one called V2, not the rocket, well maybe, who knows, the damage it's going to do. It turns, this is one that's currently facing off against Helena. It's going to swing its dick, no, it's going to swing its claw at you, Helena. That is a 24 against your armor class. That hits. I'm rolling fucking sexy shit tonight, sorry guys. 14.
18 points of slashing damage with the first hit, and that is a six. So that's 15 against your armor class. That misses.
oh no well i think the first damage was pretty decent um that is all it can do it takes these two big swings one of them managed to catch up but it is it's getting through your arm it's it's it's a good fighter it's marshall it's it's aware of how you move it then just a feign and fake moves to draw you off center it's you haven't really faced something like this before it seems unarmed yet so
Damaging. That's the end of its turn. Claude, your turn. You're currently in a big, big hug with a vampire. Would you like to roll for the grapple? No, I don't want to waste my action. I'm going to let it remain hugging me. And I'm just going to, as it's bit me, I'm just going to turn with it like nuzzling on my neck. You're going to regret that. And I'm going to dispel good and evil on it. Oh, okay. Oh, shit. Getting a 24 here. It's armor class.
yes right make a charisma saving throw please as well mark it rolls at 11 it has the option to make a legendary resistance save however in your current state it feels that you are on its way to becoming a thrall of it and therefore doesn't even bother to use it not kind of underestimating your ability given how easy it was to get through you to you and stop
you know, chowing down on your blood blood. And so he's not going to even try and use the legendary resistance. And it takes effect. I assume if that passes. Yeah, this DC 17. Sorry, as it fails the episodes. Yeah, it's failed. So yeah, it stays gone. It was these are cocky creatures. And so doesn't assume it.
Okay, thank you very much. Wait, well, that one's gone. Cross, cross, cross. Okay, quickly add 50 hit points on those. Yeah, middle of the week. Nice, okay, cool. Yeah, no, I don't need to, mate, honestly. I stack these quite high at the beginning anyway. Lovely. That is the end of Claude's turn. Robin, your turn. This creature has chosen you. You are the lucky one. What

Robin's Tactical Maneuvers

do you want to do? Lucky, lucky, lucky me. You're the one that it won.
I'm going to swing my blade and stab it in the throat for fun. I'm going to try and hit it twice with Go Spain. Go for it. 14 to hit. That misses unfortunately for you. Their AC is now 30 after one's gone. 26 to hit. That misses too. Like Will said, it's 8.30. No, it hits.
Okay. It takes 11 points of magical slashing damage and a crafty one point of radiant damage. Oh, it's like a little flame there. Oh, that wasn't very nice. Didn't enjoy that. Lovely. Good first hit. Roll that second hit. I missed on the first hit. Oh, you did. Thank you for being honest. You could have got one with a third hit. I totally forgot. Cool. Anything else you want to do, Robin? Yeah. I'll bonus action and I will disengage.
slide over the table, go back to where I was, just keep this thing guessing between me, run and hit, basically. Nice. You're kiting a vampire, I like it. That's effectively what I'm doing, try and keep its attention on me. I like it, I like it, I like it a lot. Nice, thank you very much. Robin, Folly. And Folly shits himself.
Right, so Folly, your turn. You've just seen Robin kind of like, oh no, oh no, oh no, run into your field division, probably exit pursued by a vampire. You can also see that one of the vampires in the main room has disappeared thanks to Claude. What do you want to do? Folly is still going to be running at this point. He's going to continue running back into the main room where the front door is. He's going to see another one of these creatures. And all the time he's moving, he keeps on with himself.
No more fire, no more fire, no more fire. And the attempt to cast Hold Person on your vampire. Okay, what do you need me to roll? Charisma? Wisdom. Okay, it rolls an unnatural 20. I'm going to spend a couple of sorceress points to see if I can reduce that slightly. I was going to say man, you've got like thousands of these sorceress points, you might as well. It's about time. This is where Mark unleashes the ultimate troll, wherever it works. He just goes, I'll take the legendary action.
Yeah, literally, I go through all the malarkey, and then there we go. Oh, yeah, perfect four. So that drops it down to 16, which fails. Oh, how convenient for you and your spell slots.
a creature in the main room where the front door is currently paralysed.

Folly's Spell Success

It fails any strength and dexterity saving throws, any attack rolls against a creature have advantage and any attack that hits is an automatic critical hit. Oh my god. Holy moly. I'm going to put a little pink blotch in his corner with a cross so we know he's f'ed in the A so to speak.
and this vampire just... his eyes locked on at Helena and Helena you look back thinking what the hell is going on but this creature does not seem to move a single hair on its face or any other part of its body and it is this creature's turn and he's just going to move his eyes very so slightly and if he were to go inside its head of this vampire you just hear it go oh for fuck's sake
And as we come back out and we see this creature surrounded now with claw on one side, drag on another, Helen on another, and a spiritual shield floating on another. For a second, the vampire looks in the camera and kind of sighs to himself, looking directly down the lens.

Cliffhanger Conclusion

and with this combat now midway through with a small melee tata tat going on in the study and what seems to be a vampire slaughter going on in the main room we're going to leave it there for this week's episode of the fellowship at the tabletop and we're going to finish off this vampire slaughter next week
Find out what the hell's going on in this house. Seriously, this is one of my favourite battles that we've had. The sense of danger is, yeah, it's huge. So in Mark's first hit on me, I lost a third of my hit points in one go. Holy shit. Honestly, man, I'm not faring too much. I am staying away from all of these creatures.
It's good though. This is a real good battle, Mark. You've smashed it out of the park. This is great. Holy shit, guys. We've got an easy in here for you guys to return next week. And by you guys, I mean the audience, our audience, and the audience that we love so dearly. Come back next week for part two of this epic battle where Claude is clearly now Count Dokula.
If Claude was going to be a vampire, it's Count Dokula. We all know this. It's canon now.
Thank you very much everyone for tuning in, making us a part of your everyday week. We appreciate you more than, you know, if you wanted to give us a high five and extend this podcast to your friends, family and loved ones, hated ones, whatever, spread the word. We'd love you even more. If you wanted to keep in touch with the podcast, you can do so at our Twitter page, which is at fellowship table. Then if you want to go one step.
further and follow us individually. You can do so. I'm at iRoller1. I'm going to do Casey's now at Unicorn Crit, because we don't want any mispronunciation there. And Danny, what's yours? At Total Party Thrills. Darren. Darren, PJ6. Will. Natural20Will. Callum. The D20Gamer. Our wicked, awesome, amazing DM. Hastily rolled DM.
Until next time guys!