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How To Build Urgency During The Holidays

The Solarpreneur
318 Plays2 months ago

The holiday season might die things down, but it's actually the best time to squeeze in some last-minute closes. This episode will go through genuine incentives and strategies you can use for a presentation during this time of year.


Introduction and Taylor's Journey

Welcome to the Solarpreneur podcast where we teach you to take your solar business to the next level. My name is Taylor Armstrong and I went from $50 in my bank account and struggling for groceries to closing 150 deals in the year and cracking the code on why sales reps fell.

Podcast Goals: Mastering Solar

I teach you to avoid the mistakes I made and bring in the top solar dogs of the industry to let you in on the secrets of generating more leads, following up like a pro and closing more deals.
What is a solar printer, you might ask? A solar printer is a new breed of solar pro that is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve mastery. And you are about to become one. Hey, what's up, solar printers?

Holiday Sales Strategies

Today, we are going to be talking about some things you can do to get your customers bought in and enrolled in solar during the holidays. And we all know it can be tough to sell sometimes during the holidays. People got other things going on. Endless excuses to not go solar. So how can we push them past the edge?
Let's get into it. My name is Taylor Armstrong. We're here to help you close more deals, generate more leads and referrals, and hopefully have a much better time in the solar industry. Thank you for tuning in into the podcast every Tuesday and Friday. And before we get started, wanted to apologize. We had a publishing issue with our last episode on Apple podcasts. We're switching platforms. So I had some issues making the transition.
but i think we gotta iron out now we did publish to youtube so hopefully if you're not already give us a follow on youtube we are trying to go grow that channel as well so ah today's podcast we're recording this ah right during the christmas season during the holidays But the good news is whenever you're listening this, there's a lot of things you can apply really to whatever season you're selling

Mindset and Sales Confidence

solar in. Hey, but I know a lot of guys struggle sometimes. I know guys that just take the whole month off. People get lazy. People are like, ah you know what? No one wants to talk about solar.
during the holidays. So I think above anything, first thing I'll mention is it's just a mindset. If you believe that solar is going to be way harder to sell during Christmas, during Thanksgiving, during Halloween, whatever, then it probably will be, right? But if you sell yourself and if you, I don't know, maybe come up with some affirmations around that. People want to buy from me right now. This is the best time of the year to sell solar. People have outrageously high bills right now. They need to save money. So start flipping the negative statements into positives.
And I think it's probably the biggest trick that anyone could tell you is really, it's just a mindset shift you got to have got to tell yourself that it is possible to sell solar. hey But once you get that little tweak in your mindset down, what are some things? What are some strategies you can implement to help yourself out, to help sell these systems a little bit easier during the holidays?

Political Events as Sales Leverage

Let's talk into I've got four or five I'm going to give you and then would love to hear your comments, your feedback.
ah If you're watching this on YouTube, feel free to leave us a comment or you can you know send us a DM, always trying to catch up on those. But here, the first one is um you can use political deadlines. At the time of this recording, our guy Trump just got voted in the office, ah whether you like him, whether you don't like him.
Some people say he's going to add tariffs to solar. Some people say he's going to like eliminate some of the inflation reduction act stuff, maybe eliminate tax credits for solar. Who knows? But hey, um it doesn't hurt to just use this as ammo, as fuel for people to go solar

Urgency in Market Transitions

now. Hey, I remember when I was doing in solar, right when they made the transition to net metering 3.0 here in California, where they cut the export rate by like 80%. Right. It's required us to put in these batteries with the systems. And one of my big regrets probably in my solar career is it's, I didn't sell, I didn't push as hard as I could have during ah this time of transition. Right. We all knew the deadline coming up when people had to start adding batteries with their system. And I know guys, we had guys on the podcast that took advantage of this, that blitz insanely hard for like three, four months before this deadline.
And the amount of money they made, amount of people they helped go solar was astonishing. right But one of my regrets is I just worked a normal schedule. Yeah, I had weeks where I blitzed a little bit, pushed harder. But for the most part, I just worked kind of the schedule, the year round schedule that I was used to. Where if I would have went all in and just blitz mode all out for these three, four months, could have been a like some of these guys that literally he made half a million. in the months leading up to the deadline. So along while I'm talking about these different strategies, just whatever marker you're in, if there is something like that like that going on where they're transitioning to a new net metering rules, I know Illinois at the time of this recording, they just had that recent trends just transition as well. So whatever's going on,
I treat it as something that, hey, I'm going to take advantage of this right now. I'm going to make as much money as possible. I'm going to help as many people as I can. And I promise you will not regret it. Don't be like me. Learn from my mistake. and But that's the first one is make sure you are using those political deadlines, whatever's going on ah politically or in the jurisdiction, wherever you're selling, use that.
as a reason that people should go solar now. Yes, that's number one. Number two, um talk about how they can potentially get those tax credits on this year's tax on this year's taxes. um What I mean by that is we all know there's a solar tax credit. And this is more if you're selling loans or people are buying cash. So probably a little bit market dependent. But if you have the system installed on that calendar year, then you can get the tax credits for that year. So we're in 2024.
people get these systems installed by the end of 2024, they can see that tax credits when they go to file their taxes. Or if not, alternatively, they're going to have to wait an entire year to see the tax benefit. um i Last week, I actually had a customer who he didn't want to do it, didn't sign him, unfortunately, but he was thinking of not even considering solar until like February, March and next year, though. And once I told him about this, once I explained to him, hey,
If you wait, you're going to have to wait a whole extra year to get the tax benefit. and All of a sudden he's a much more motivated to hopefully do it by the end of the year. Hey, and I'm not a tax professional, but from my understanding and and people I've talked to that know a lot more about this, it's the system needs to be installed before the end of the year. So be careful when you're promising stuff to and potential customers.

Tools and Incentives for Solar Sales

You don't want to tell them, Hey, sign by the end of the year. You're week at the last week of December when there's no way they're going to get installed on for this year.
Right. So some of you already know that I run my own door-to-door sales team here in San Diego. And as we were gearing up for the summer, I realized if we do the same thing we always did, we're going to get the same results. But if I want to increase my deal flow, I need to do something different to get an advantage. Then we discovered an app called Solar Scout, but it's not a door knocking app. It's a data platform that shows us who is likely to go solar in our market.
It shows us who has previously applied for solar but later cancelled the deal, who has moved in recently, and even how much electricity the homes are using in a given neighborhood. It's been working for a lot of teams across the country and now I'm on board too. I'm going to be one of the first to use solar scout in San Diego so I decided to partner up, but I told them hey, I'm going to talk about solar scout on my show, you need to get my listeners a great deal, and they did.
So go to solar scout dot app forward slash taylor And book a demo with them and you'll get 10 off your first month when you sign up That's solar scout dot app forward slash taylor Okay back to the show So be careful. Hey, probably by the time you listen to this might already be too late to offer this to your potential customers, but good thing to keep in mind for next year or for future urgency building. And number three is, uh, just offer incentives. Tell them you got to meet end of year deadlines.
yeah um I recently purchased a vehicle, which did a podcast about a few weeks ago. And I know with cars, these people, they got yeah like end-of-year quotas to hit, end-of-year deadlines. And most homeowners know, most buyers know that when you know end-of-year, end-of-month, it's just something that makes sense to them. We all got to meet end-of-year deadlines. We all got to meet end-of-year quotas.
So use that as an opportunity to add fuel to the fire. Hey, Mr. Homeowner, um I know I get it. It's a busy time of year, but the reason why so many of your neighbors are looking into this right now is because we do have some end of year quotas that we have to meet and there are some incentives expiring.
Such as much better pricing, much better savings that we're able to get everyone out here while we're helping everyone at the same time. So we'll just show you the numbers and then you can see what the difference would be if you wanted to wait too. And if you do, no harm, no foul. But yeah, a lot of people are saying that it's much greater savings right now.
So does tomorrow five o'clock work or is seven o'clock better? Boom. So use lines like that when you're out there setting appointments. Okay. Get the bandwagon effect, drop names, use some fill felt found. This is why neighbors are looking into it. And I promise you, it's going to increase your likelihood to sit down with these people and have them at what your offer is. That's number three, use, uh, incentives and use like in your quotas, maybe in throwing TVs, maybe you can throw in deals. Disneyland passes, Disney World passes, I don't know, something that people would want by the end of the year, extra cash rebate for Christmas presents. There's always something you can throw in that's ah either incentive around a holiday or incentive around the end of the year. So think of ways, get creative with that and people will be more motivated to buy, to pull the trigger.

Recap and Resources

hey And then last but not least is just a lot of people have seen the rates go up um year after year after year. I'm in Southern California. We have rate hikes all the time. But I think if you Google any utility provider almost across the country, I would say they have, they have like yearly increases.
And typically it's beginning of the year where they're going to increase their rates. So use that while you're in your appointments, selling your systems, right? Hey, Mr. Homeowner. um The thing is your utility, they have the rate increases coming. They typically happen beginning of the year every time. And I actually Googled two or three different utilities when they have plans to increase the rates.
And all of them that I Googled, they all said beginning of 2025, beginning of the year. hey So this is something that can be extremely... I actually didn't really think of this, got this from chat GPT, matter of fact. But um great way to build that urgency. right Because if customers know, hey, ah maybe they weren't super motivated,
to look into it but if they know hey the rates gonna be go up 4% beginning of the year might make sense to be those increases have a locked in rates have a predictable power bill so and yeah do the same thing i did i use chat gpt.
um Give you resources on this ah just google it rate increase for tico rate increase for st. Genie rate increase for Edison and almost yeah you're gonna find that there's like news articles press coverage of all these requested increases whether they happen or not.
Maybe they won't, but hey, almost all of them say there's requested increases that are proposed that are most likely going to go into effect. So use that when you're out there selling. And so I hope these give you a few ideas while you're out there, whenever you're selling. I think there's ways you could tie this into whatever season, but specifically we're talking end of the year. These things, extremely powerful. They're, they're things I'm doing right now to get people bought in, even while they're focused on Christmas, even while they're focused on other things.
Say the best christmas present you could give someone is saving money on their power bill and so just a review number one use political deadlines number two talk about the potential tax incentives tax credits they could get if they do get there somewhere before the end of the year number three offer incentives tell me after it quotas by the end of the year.
And number four, ah have that beat the rate hike messaging. You got to beat the beginning of your rate hikes before they come in. So I hope these things help you. ah Let me know in the comments, let me know in email or a DM if you have any other ways that help you build urgency.
around the holidays or around the end of the year, we'd love to hear it. And thanks for tuning in. Please share this podcast um with someone that is maybe having a tough time, someone towards the end of the year, because nothing's worse than not having cells in your pipeline when you get around the holidays. Yeah, you want that Christmas money as we'll see you on the next one. Thanks for tuning in. Peace out.
What's up, solarpreneurs? Hope you enjoyed the episode. Before you run out and start selling more solar yourself, wanted to let you know about an exciting new cheat sheet we created specifically for you in mind. One of the top questions I get asked on Instagram, on Facebook, by our listeners is, Taylor, where should I start? What episode should I listen to in the podcast? You got too many podcasts, man, because now we have over 200 episodes.
So what we've done, we created the top 10 most downloaded, most listened to, and I would say widely accepted, most useful podcasts that we've done here on solar printer. We put them together all in one sheet. So you can go, you can hit the ground running, especially if you're new, you do not want to not have this sheet.
So go download it right now. It's going to be a Again, that's top10, the number Don't forget the S on solarpreneurs. We will have that in the show notes. Go download it right now. And especially if you have not listened to him, go listen to him and you can re-listen to him. That's going to show you how. So go download it and we'll see you on the other side.