So does tomorrow five o'clock work or is seven o'clock better? Boom. So use lines like that when you're out there setting appointments. Okay. Get the bandwagon effect, drop names, use some fill felt found. This is why neighbors are looking into it. And I promise you, it's going to increase your likelihood to sit down with these people and have them at what your offer is. That's number three, use, uh, incentives and use like in your quotas, maybe in throwing TVs, maybe you can throw in deals. Disneyland passes, Disney World passes, I don't know, something that people would want by the end of the year, extra cash rebate for Christmas presents. There's always something you can throw in that's ah either incentive around a holiday or incentive around the end of the year. So think of ways, get creative with that and people will be more motivated to buy, to pull the trigger.