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Ep. 52 The Faith and the Leap - De Profundis image

Ep. 52 The Faith and the Leap - De Profundis

S1 E52 ยท The Fellowship of the Tabletop
101 Plays4 years ago

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade -

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Chaos Unleashed: Folly's Cliff Dive

No, screw that. Folly's running. Folly's jumping off the cliff. Oh, for fuck's sake.

Introduction to the Fellowship & Characters

Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are a live play 5e D&D podcast set in the magical homebrood world of Aerith. My name is Mark. Hello, I am the Dungeon Master. And also with us for today's episode and every episode we have Ian, who plays the dragonborn barbarian Drago. Yes, yes, I'm here. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. We've got Callum who plays the gnome sorcerer, Folly Fizzlebank the Ninth. I wish I knew how to save a life. We've got Willy Flay's The Human Bard, Carstan.
Sounds like it's time for a leap of faith. Casey, who plays the human champion, Helen, a sleep guard. Hello. Danny, who plays... I thought we were going to do a bit more. Danny, who plays the human cleric, Claude. I believe I can fly. And Darren, who plays the human fighter, Rogue Robin. I won't lie, I've not got anything. Yeah, no, I'm still reading.
I'm sorry. Yeah. I can't believe that. I'm just, I'm not mad. Holy following with style Batman. Holy following with style Batman. You can't have that. Oh my God. Can we get to it please? I have presented it to him.

Cliffhanger Recap: Tali's Dramatic Actions

episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, we left our camp, we had some discussions, we walked along a path, we played some pan flutes, we continued to talk about cast-down-hearing voices in his head, he wore some ear muffs, the voices stopped. We ended up at a path, two paths, Kennard talked about the one going back on itself, losing some people, Helena talked about some Keltran, tried to talk about her mother, we continued along a path, we made camp, we had some watches, then right at the very end of the episode, Tali stood up, grabbed her bag, grabbed her father's book, sprinted,
dropped her father's book, dropped her satchel, fully tried to cast her own personal stopping her as she ran towards the presence of a cliff and dived, arms outstretched wide, high in like a professional diver jumping off this ravine into the dark unknown below her. We join the party with Helena and Folly stood outside of the miniature hut, now grayed out as a large rock behind them, sprinting up as
as Tali is in the air, arms stretched out wide over the edge of this cliff. She has dove, she's diving, given she's off. What would you want to do? Tali! No, screw that. Tali's running, Tali's jumping off the cliff. Oh, for fuck's sake.
Okay, so... I'm sorry. Helena? I was just... I was... I'm gonna run in the opposite direction, back to the... back to the pearls and scream. Like, you know, I'm shouting for everybody to wake the fuck up now. And as you scream, everyone... You wake up instantly as you hear Helena running and screaming. As you look around, you can see, because it's kind of morning time at this point, crisp air, stillness, quietness, stillness in the air. You look off and you can't see Tally, but all you see is the miniature body of...
the gnome sorcerer Folly Fizzibang the ninth and then Overside's backpack hook themselves off the edge of this cliff into the darkness below. Tali's just jumped off the edge of the cliff we need to save her now and Folly's gone over the board. Do something!

Rescue Attempts: Divine Intervention and Folly's Struggles

I'm going to do divine intervention. Levekeva will save her if I roll below eleven.
Okay, quickly roll that and then we'll skip to see what happens down the mountain. I was also gonna polymorph myself into a giant owl and try and catch one of them. Okay, so you can, how long does that take you to cast that spell? Is it instantaneous? Six seconds. Okey-dokey. One action. It's a turn, basically. Okay, and an action. Okay, so divine intervention first? Yeah, I rolled a nine. Okay, is that a good thing? Really? Akiva saves the day. What?
Okay. Yeah. So this is super powerful cleric ability, but it's impossible to pull up. You've done it eight times, haven't you? Yeah. Uh, uh, um, imploring your deity's aid requires you to use your action to scrub your systems they seek. I wish for, uh, Tali to be, and Folly to be taken back up to the cliff top. Um, I've got to roll below my level on a D100 and I rolled a nine.
Uh, the DM chooses the nature of the intervention, the effect of any Cleric spell or Cleric Domain spell be appropriate. I can't use this feature for seven days now. Um, but yeah, basically Akiba's gotta send like a time rewind. So you just, you basically just, you have the ability to, if you roll well enough to go to the DM, nope.
Yeah. Okay. Cool. Okay. I can't use it for a week now. I never thought this would ever work in theory. It would have to work at some point because it's just level 20. Doesn't it work outright? No. Oh yeah. Yeah. And level 20 your call for intervention is succeeds automatically, but I never want to be level 20. Yeah. I never thought that would work. Mark. I'm so sorry. You've got to be sorry with that.
Oh my god. No, it's absolutely fine. I've got it all. Suck it, bitch! I mean, but what if a key with intervention is to just like take them into the afterlife? No, no. I specify the help I need. So you specified Folly and... Folly and Tali be not thrown off a cliff and brought back to us and safe.
Okie dokie. So what do you have to do, Claude, in order to have that divine intervention take place? I'm imagining this is like the ultimate Dragon Ball Z moment for Claude and his cleric powers. To this point, everything has been little orbs of lights of different colors and eyes changing color. This is literally like a Doctor Who regeneration.
screamings of light out of every orifice I've got. Just ascends and descends to different realm directions. Yeah, it's like the ultimate panic button. As you do that, Kennard who stood next to you is physically pushed away from you as this aura and energy seems to pulse out from you. The rumbling which takes place within the hut
grows louder and louder and louder until it's almost a white noise in everyone's ears. None of you really notice it because of the situation at hand but this hissing noise starts to enter in your ears. Those of you who have been into in contact with Akiva will know that that is a sign of his kind of presence in the area in the event that's taking place on the mortal realm.
The camera pans very quickly over the edge of the cliff, down into the darkness below. Folly, what do you want to do?

Tali's Vision: Past and Future Collide

You see Tally, just so you know, still arms outstretched, head first, just plummeting down towards the bottom. Would divine intervention for McKeever just not kind of override anything I was going to do anyway? Nope. Okay, Folly is basically going to try and catch up to
entirely, especially can. Would I be able to catch her if I flew? Give me an acrobatics check please. 17.
You managed to quickly put yourself into a very thin position. You managed to pull your backpack down close to your shoulders, which makes you more streamlined. Her arms outstretched, meaning she moves slower through the air, and you managed to catch up with her, grabbing hold first of the leg, and then to the hip, and then to the waist, and then to her shoulders, as you've kind of got her kind of around your arms. Okay, so this is going to be Folly's like Superman moment, as he's falling down and he's able to kind of wrap
his arms around Tarly and grab him and whatnot. He's going to cast Fly on himself and basically scoot him straight back up. So they go straight up, straight high over the cliff face that Tarly actually jumped off. And then just kind of gently come down to landing in front of everybody else now that's been woken up by Helen screaming. Amazing. Could you give me a strength check, please? I don't really want to.
This is for you kind of keeping a hold of Tali. I got a five. So as you manage to grab a hold of her and you pull deep into yourself and you cast the spell fly, you pull yourself out of the chasm and start to coast along the edge of this part of the area. Your grip falters and she falls from your grip. You're about 30 feet in the air above
She's going to land on the side that you need to be on, but she's about 30 feet off the ground at that point. Everyone else, you see this tiny little gnome fly out of the chasm with Tali and then instantly dropped her as he keeps kind of reaching down, trying to grab her as she falls out of his grip. Would anyone like to do anything as you see this fall? They're probably about 120 feet away from you at the moment. Just sprinting to the edge. That's all I can do.
And I will drop to my knees after the divine intervention and just continue to say prayers. Yeah and Helena's got her hands on her face and she's, yeah sorry. If I remember correctly, Carstan's an owl at this point, is that right? I changed into a giant owl and was flying because it's a large creature and she's a medium creature so I figured it's probably easier for me to try and
capture and fly okay could you give me imagine this owl is kind of bearing down on a position as Tally starts to fall out of folly's grip could you give me a athletics check please uh yes but i don't know the stats for the owl let's imagine they they are are you a giant owl a giant owl
Okay, so strength, is it your strength you're doing? Yeah. Yeah, plus one to strength. So I've got 15 then. Okay, as Tali continues to fall, one of your talons manages to grab the kind of scruff of her neck of a tunic at the back and hold her by a single a single talon as you continue to flap. What do you want to do with her?
I'm basically, I'm trying to, rather than trying to catch her, I'm basically trying to slow her descent so that she doesn't hit the floor too quickly. I'm trying to make sure that we, because I assume she's above the party on the ledge with us. Yeah, about 100 feet away, but she's up on the ledge away from the danger of falling off.
So I'm basically, I'm trying to, rather than trying to stop her motion and have a tear out of my eye, he sort of like grabbed her and just trying to flap and slow her descent to lower her to the ground. Okay, I get you. Yep. And that absolutely works. That works. She managed to break her fall as she gently then touches down on the ground, the deep snow now, which forms around her small humanoid body as the sun continues to rise. The rest of you, you're about 100 feet away. You can probably run in at that point. Folly, you're still in the air. What do you want to do?
Folly's just going to look, obviously, he was about to lunge down back after, but obviously he's seen Karst then turn into an owl grabber and basically frantically trying to slow it down as best he can. So he's just going to calmly come down. He's not going to land. He's just going to calmly come down and just kind of float now, pretty much making sure that his head is at the same height as Drago's. Okay, and as that takes place, the rest of you kind of approach Tarly.
and see her now. Her eyes are open and she lays on her back breathing hard, kind of panting quite hard. Tally. Tally. Drago goes over to her and shakes her kind of roughly on the shoulder. Her body kind of moves limp and she doesn't really seem to respond to you directly, Drago, but she responds out loud. She speaks and she says, he spoke to me of the future.
He told me what will come. This needed to happen. He told me what has happened. I needed to do this. I saw what happened. I saw who did it. I know. I know. OK. Calm down. Calm down. How about we just take

Exploring Tali's Mind: Trauma and Manipulation

this over to the tent? Are you able to stand? Do you need me to carry you?
I think let's get in the warmth and we can discuss this further, but you're okay. You're okay. You're safe. Nothing's going to happen to you. We're all here. She blinks and her eyes look directly at you, Drago, and you notice for the first time something seems different in her. She looks directly at you and calmly says, when the kingdoms crumble,
He will rise and then her body starts to shake and convulse and foam starts to appear at the mouth as she continues to seem to fall into a kind of a fit and fever. Claude, Claude. I'm just on with the Kiva at the moment. Please hold. Anyone, very important to me. Karstam's going to change back into human form. I'm going to try and cast Counterspell on her.
Okay. To see whether she's under the effect of magic. Drago's, in the meantime, put his arms underneath her body and is cradling her close to his chest. Karstan, the counter spell has no effect. Okay. Okay, in strips the scary hairy man. Okay, so Claude is going to start with a dispel magic on her. It has no effect.
Okay, good thing I didn't specify what level it's good to know. The next thing I'm going to do is I'm now going to do dispel evil and good on her. So this is my very powerful high level spell. What happens is I touch Charlie's head and
For the duration, celestials, elementals, fae, fiends, and undead have no effect on her, and I'm breaking enchantment. So, you touch a creature that you can reach that is charmed, frightened, or possessed by a celestial, an elemental, a fi, a fiend, or undead. The creature you touch is no longer charmed, frightened, or possessed by such creatures.
Her body falls limp in your arms. No, Tali, don't do this, Tali. Tali, don't do this. Robin, anyone. Robin's going to run over and milled next to Tali, snapped out of this trance that he appears to have been in, just not knowing what to do. And he's going to just
Check for a pulse and just see if she is still alive. She is she is breathing and alive mark Yeah, okay. I'd like to cast detect thoughts Take Carson has taken out a copper piece And he's gonna cast detect thoughts on Tali cuz the unconscious trying to see what's happening inside her mind that's made this happen Yeah, absolutely and
So for the duration, I can read the thoughts of it. So I can focus my mind and so I initially learned the surface thoughts of the creature and what is most on its mind at that moment. And if I choose to, I can make a wisdom saving throw to try and probe deeper if necessary, depending on what I get on the first scan.
On your first scan, within her mind, you get a feeling of betrayal. Okay, I'm going to probe deeper into that betrayal and what caused it. Please give me a wisdom saving throw. She needs to make a wisdom saving throw. Oh, yep, sorry, yep, I'm with it.
And it's a DC of 17. She rolls a five, six. So you probe deeper the targets. If it fails, you gain an insight into its reasoning, its emotional state, and something that looms large in its mind. Can everyone else take their headphones off, please?
Oh my god. So, Karsten, as you probe deeper into her mind, you feel her, the natural mental barrier that would stop you from entering into one's mind, one's thoughts, one's history, fall away and then was break through that barrier as you pass into it. But as you do this, and this isn't the first time you've used this spell before, you've used it once or twice before, something strange happens to you at the same time.
your mind starts to go blank as you enter into it. You usually are quite cognitive and aware of your own sense of self, but as you enter deeper and deeper into Tali's thoughts, your sense of self starts to deteriorate and fall away slightly. Your senses are still active, however, but they seem to deaden slightly as you lose control of your body slightly and you fall away. This feels similar almost to when you were banished, but this feels very, very different indeed. You're in a settlement.
Far from the Skullroad Mountains, it's a small village. The sun is high in the sky. You could smell the salt air and a calm breeze blowing. You look around and see destruction. You see black smoke. You see death and carnage surround you.
You follow a figure of a small girl walking in front of you. You assume from the back of this head this looks like Tali. You seem to be metaphysically following her through her thoughts. You see the scene of slaughter. You walk into the square of a settlement and notice the wide doors to what seems to be a courthouse or a house of kind of main building of repute in this very small settlement. This wide pair of doors stand open.
In the doorway you see a very young girl, probably eight or nine years of age, looking into the room. She has a wooden sword in her hand. She stands still, unblinking, facing something from within the room. In an instant she turns and sprints out of the hall, but this image freezes
And you see Tali wave her hand across in front of her face, and the scene starts to reverse back. The young girl moves backwards into the room. And she pauses it almost, with a hand gestured out in a stop motion as the girl looks into the room. And Tali, what you assume is Tali walks up the concrete stairs towards the doorway.
As you follow, Tali turns and looks into the room. As you walk in, you stand next to Tali and this small girl, all three of you now looking deep into this long room. Within it, you see the image of a dragonborn with a long greatsword standing over the human bodies of what you can assume were members of the settlement.
You see this figure standing, sword in hand, panting. And you see behind it, a black mist swirling within the room, forming something out of nowhere. Tali seems to take this image in and turn to you. This is what I know. What is it, Tali? This is the past and the future. Where is this?
This is another time and another place. This, this was my home. We shouldn't stay here. You should leave. You can come back with me. I can. I will. But the thing that let me see this place properly, the thing that let me find out what happened to everyone I knew and loved,
To my dad. To everyone. The being that let me see that. See this? I never want to see it again, but I feel that it's in my soul, it's in my... I can't. She rubs her face, almost not wanting to remember the image she saw. Tall. Sword in hand. Smile. Black eyes.
I've never seen anything like it before. And I hope to God, if there is such a thing, that I never see it again. Just for my reference, Mark, the Dragonborn that's in this image right now, do I recognise it as Drago? Yes. Look, you can come back with me. You're safe now. Come back with me. We'll make sure that this
thing with black eyes doesn't get you. Come back to me. She listens to you as she turns to the young girl with a wooden sword in her hand. She kneels down so she's head face to face. The figure of this girl is frozen in time as this is almost like a rewind replay that she's managed to do for this image. She looks directly at the face and puts the hair behind the ear on one side and just touches the cheek.
She reaches down to the hand with the sword and tightens the grip of the wooden sword within her hand, then stands and turns to you. I don't know what you're doing here, Karstan, but I'm glad you're here. I didn't know if I would be able to escape. You were in trouble and I've used my powers to come into your mind. I'm sorry I had to do this. It's sometimes not very nice when someone does this. It's fine.
We should leave now. Okay, take my hand and I can guide her back. She reaches out without looking at you, reaches out her right hand towards you. The caster takes her hand and using his sort of abilities, he tries to pull himself out of her mind and take her with him. Could you give me an
Arcana, is it Arcana that allows you to use the spell? Yeah, because it's magic. Yeah. Okay. Give me a Arcana check with Advantage, please. Okay, so I've got a 23 on the first one.
Yeah, we'll take the 23. Yeah. Okay. So this world, this image, this vision seems to melt away. And as you come to, your hand is holding the hand of Tali. And as you come to, her eyes blink over and she's looking directly at you panting hard. And we'll get the others into her to join in for that then. Okay. Yes. Cool.
Drago, you have your arms holding Tali as Kastan rushes into the scene, throws himself down to his knees and starts to mutter some words under his breath. In an instant, Tali's body goes stiff, Kastan's head and torso goes stiff also, as they seem to make a connection between the two. They're like this for a couple of moments in a studded silence.
comes over the area as the group as you we can hear as the breath of other people as you wait for something to happen very slowly and very stiffly actually castan's hand reaches out entirely his hand moves as well as their hands kind of grasp each other and then both of them together come out of this trance and seem to awaken properly properly both looking directly at each other holy shit are you okay
Just give her a moment, give her a moment, give her a moment. Oh, that's given me a head rush. You're a head rush. Boston, what happened? Oh God. I used the magic I know, the magic of words, of things like that, and I entered her mind. Yeah, great. Is she going to be okay?
I'm fine. I can speak for myself and she stands up, removing herself from your, um, embrace Drago and starts looking around.

Secrets and Group Dynamics: Tali's Vision and Drago's Frustrations

Where the word, where did my boot go? Where's my, what is it? We're going to point within quarter staff over to the edge of the cliff near where the satchel and the book actually dropped. She's going to start walking over towards it. Carson's sort of gonna get up and follow her. Oh wait. Oh, Carson, we need to know what's going on.
Just give me a moment, Draggo. What the fuck is going on around here and people not telling us shit? I'm going to turn to Talia as she's walking and say quite quietly to her,
I don't have to tell them what I saw unless you want me to. She reaches down to pick up the book and also her satchel, and she picks up, she snap turns around. I didn't ask you to do that, and no, I would very much like if you didn't tell them that. It's my information to tell, and I'll choose when to tell it. I'm going to cast Sona Truth on Will and Tardy. Oh my god. Oh damn. Oh my god.
If you want to submit, you just do. Otherwise, you will roll a charisma save. I'm going to take the charisma save. So I've got a 23, Danny. Just go home, like all of you. Just go home. Tylie's going to feel this light start to appear around her. She goes no fucking way. Opens her book up and is going to cast counterspell against you.
And she's going to speak some words in a low rumbling voice and point directly towards you, Claude, trying to cast Counterspell against you. What level spell is it? I cast, it's just second level. Okay, so it fails.
Okay. Okay. Well, the whole thing we said from the start of the day about being honest with each other and not keeping secrets, maybe we'd like to just return to that frame of thinking. I think we'll take a moment here, I think. Hey, Charlie, are you going to be okay? I'm fine. And you're alive? Yes, I am. Right now?
That's enough. It's not my place to say anything. It doesn't involve you when we're talking about Thali's life. I'm glad you helped. OK, so I'm going to be actually staring at the cast and does stare quite sternly at Drago at that point. And you get this sense in that
There's a little bit of anger behind Carson's eyes when he's looking at you. Why? Why are we doing this road again, Matt? Just hit me now. Hit me now. Get over it. No, OK, cool. So there's anger in your eyes to me. What I said, or beyond what I said. Just what you just said then, when you said, oh, Katali's life or past isn't to concern you. The moment you said that, you saw Carson look very angry at you. OK.
Fine. I think we all need to allow Karma heads to prevail, as Drago has just said. Perhaps as a time we should revisit this, but we're in danger if it stands. We can't afford to add further danger to the situation. I am a little concerned that at any moment someone else might decide to jump off this cliff.
Yeah. Well, we're going to have to trust each other. Maybe we should all tie ropes to each other, so if one of us falls off the cliff, the rest of us can hold them up. Absolutely not. I do not wish to fall off the cliff. If I were to jump, then I'm afraid with the weight of this thing, you're all coming with me. Right. Well, we can safely say now that everybody else is OK, so why don't you all go back to bed and Folly and I will continue with our watch and we will speak about this in the morning.
I thought the watch was over, but... Yeah, I'm not feeling much for sleeping right now. I'm hoping we're near. We don't need to go back to sleep. Yeah, I mean... Then I believe we should get packed up and get a move on.
Just a little bit, yes. Shall we just pack up and move on? I think so. I agree. We've got another hour. In order to get a long rest, you've got another hour. But that can... I don't agree. It could just be just sitting around having breakfast. That could be part of the long rest. But we would need a bit more time in order for us to get the benefits of a long rest. OK. I mean, I've had to use quite a lot of spells there. I would quite likely catch one more hour.
One more hour. I'm going to go for a walk and I'll be back here before you guys leave. It's probably best we don't all wander off. I'll go with him. We're going to need some breakfast. That isn't just dry rations. I'll go with him. Tally's returned back to the hut. I would like to have a sit down with Folly. Helena will follow Tally.
Let's go Folly and Claude to begin with. Helena and Charlie have walked into the hut, Drago and... Oh, Carsten, what are you doing? Carsten's just not sure. He's still standing in the middle of the road. He's watched Charlie walk off. He's had her shout at him.
He's probably gonna stick around with Claude and Folly. You'll be finding Folly pretty much at the end of the cliff. He's kind of took his backpack off for a moment. He's climbed on top of it and he's just kind of staring out at the moment. That's where you'll find Folly. Mr Fizzlebang? Yes, Claude. What you just did...
was quite heroic but very reckless. Is there more to that statement? What would have happened, like you jumped off a cliff, did you know you were going to be okay at that point? Honestly Claude, no I did not. I kind of jumped not really knowing quite what I was going to do but
Not every day you see a comrade jump off a cliff. What more could I do? I had a few things planned, but let's just say magic always finds a way to work itself out. I think I had a very similar reaction. I genuinely felt... You started glowing, Claude. Yeah, I don't know what happened, but all of a sudden I felt like I was about to be
I was about to lose all the people I care about and then my heart just screamed out and I couldn't control what happened but everyone is safe. I think we need to be careful of Talia. I think she saw the same creature that Robin saw, the tall black creature with horns and black eyes.
Yeah, and then when I dispelled it, she was okay. But I think this magic is above the masters. I just don't know why we're at what's happened now. Everyone is safe. We're still not being truthful.
And it seems like things are tense again, and fully entirely almost died. Yeah, I can't, unless Charlie tells me, I can't really say anything about what I saw, Claude. Karsten, I will not force you, and despite what Drago believes,
some things are best kept secret until the people are ready to tell them but we are divided once again but i felt like when we woke up we were united it's maybe that's what this black creature with eyes does it's trying to it's trying to split up the party i'm going to prey on this and
hope Akiva can protect us from what's about to happen. All I know is that, Karstan, you've got to keep those earmuffs on, because, you know, Tali might have given in to the whispers, and you didn't, and that's a good sign, because it means that my magic is working to help you. Well, don't worry, I haven't seen any black creatures with black eyes and a sword, so...
I'll make sure to not listen to it. I really don't want to go to this jungle it sounds scary. I know Claude but we have to get off this mountain as soon as we can. There's something about this whole place that is very unsettling. I don't think any of us have been right at peace until we came here. Yeah and I don't think it's the secrets doing it this to us. I think it's
this presence in the mountain and it's growing. Do any of you feel different like her in any way? No, I mean I've got a bit of a headache now but that happens. Charlie does she just seem like she's just a bit angry with it all or does she seem not herself? I think she's
From what I saw, she's angry because she's remembering things that she'd forgotten and they brought back some memories for her. Okay. Well, if it's all the same, I'm just going to always keep myself between the cliff edge entirely for a little while.
That sounds like a plan. I believe that to be a good idea. And also Folly, because you really jumped off quite quick then without a thought for your own safety. And that's something I would do. And I really respect you for that Mr Fizzlebang. Maybe next time tell us what you're about to do. I believe if I took the time then
There wouldn't have been any time next for Tali. At least we know next time. I'm with Mr Fizzle Bang. That's exactly how I feel every time I do something impulsive. You're quite a predicament, aren't you, Claude? Well, no, you are too. I think that you and I share a protective instinct for our little misfit group of family we are on this mountain with. I believe that as well.
Despite everything, it's a bit odd, but I'll be honest, I don't trust you entirely, but I still believe I can trust you with my life. You've got some very odd middle ground with people. I don't know how you seem to find it.
I have one philosophy and that is as long as you breathe I will do everything to make sure you continue to breathe unless you are an undead and then I will probably stop your breathing.
Do you want me to breathe? You are wise beyond your years, Claude. I will give you that. No, my studies of the undead, they have very little respiratory function. So if you're going to stop, how can you stop the dead from breathing?
Well, I find removing their head is quite a good tactic. OK, yeah. And as Claude continues to describe the way you can stop something dead from being alive, the camera pans back out and twists and turns to follow Drago and Robin. Drago, I imagine you're quite a few paces ahead of Robin, as Robin is trying to kind of play catch up with you. Yeah, Drago is angry. He's breathing heavy. Adrenaline's pulsing through him, obviously, is holding
a close friend to his chest and then feeling that body go limp he's processing everything in like his mind's a blur and emotions are bubbling up anger's bubbling up there's he can't he's not good with emotions at the best of time so he's he's just there's adrenaline cursing through him so he's walking with like intent even though he doesn't know why he's going there's a there's a stoic-ness about his nature
There's a path either continuing on or a path back from where you previously gone, the kind of the only kind of two major ways you can kind of go from the situation, which would you prefer to take? Just straight. But he's also aware that he's not going to distance himself too far from the group in case something goes down again. So he'd go so far until he felt like, all right, that's enough. And he'll circle back. But, you know,
He's not looking to leave the vicinity as it were because he's still on watch quote on quote watch for the group but he's just dealing with emotions. So Robin you would have been kind of following from behind catching up with him eventually. What would you have to do? Drago wait. What? I recall you saying something yesterday about clear ahead
Robin, I didn't ask for this. I didn't ask for this group. I didn't ask to to to feel like this. This is what happens. Why am I how I found myself in this situation again where I was holding her and her body went limp.
And I'm, I'm angry because I'm here again, caring about people. You, you and Elphir, Tarly, this, I was better before, stronger before. I'm now I'm this weak creature that just, ugh. Without compassion, Drago, we're, we're nothing. And okay, here we are again. We're traveling.
in a strange kingdom with a band of misfits. Now I don't know how to process just what happened to Talia. I froze. But we have to try and keep sight of the bigger things. Yes, there's more to her than meets the eye, but fuck it, we already knew that anyway.
yes this group is dysfunctional but fuck it we knew that anyway too it's more than that robin i've been trying to keep a cooler head recently i don't know if you've noticed and in a group situation i try and do my best to not let anger or rage or anything else inside of me stir but this just it hurts well
Talia is young, she's even in her small time with her she's seen things that most girls her age will never have to see in her lifetime and I can't help but feel we chose this and she apparently wants to say that she's here by accident but I don't believe that's true. I think when all is said and done that girl has a large large role to play in whatever it is we have to do before we can go home.
I get it. She has a path. We all have a path that we have to follow, but don't want to lose anyone in this group. I've lost my first share of people, Drago, and I don't know if I believe in a higher power or fate or destiny or whatever you call it, but all we can do is keep faith in each other.
And a part of keeping faith is allowing the knowledge that that that faith may be tested in ways that we can't understand. I mean, fuck it, I genuinely don't know. I say here, they're saying this to you as someone who
has kept faith in the wrong people many times in his life and sometimes we just have to believe that we've hit the right group. I can't see a way in which this group has formed and not have some hope that it's so remarkable and it's so what's the word I'm looking for? Why do I have to feel like this? It's a good thing, Drago. It shows weakness. It shows that you care. Weakness and care are not the same thing.
The drago I first met many, many, many months ago now spat at me, insisted on calling me human for about two months and didn't do anything for a care for anyone but himself. I can't help but think that whatever you are now is better than that. It doesn't explain why it hurts. Well, that's the downside of caring I'm afraid.
the pain. But all we have is our ability to entrust in each other and to have faith in the path that we walk on. That's all we have and that's, I have to believe that that's enough and I would encourage you to do the same. It was a good thing that Claude and Karsten were around. Oh, it's useless. Despite all this caring, whatever this is, I was useless.
so i'm glad they were there yes me too sorry i'm not good with dealing with whatever this is caring as you say it's fine it's fine onyx reaver would get the group together and we're one foot in front of the other next task the onyx reaver there is some shit in this mountain so robin i know
And as you say that, you both look out around your surroundings, noticing the calm serenity that seems to surround you, but the ominous nature of the events that have taken place over the last couple of days since your journey through it. The camera pans back over to Helena, who is following Tali back towards the hut. Helena, you're far enough away you'd be out of earshot of other people except for Tali as she kind of paces her head towards the hut.

The Demon Influence: Understanding Tali's Actions

Tali, Tali, just wait.
OK, and she slows down a bit and waits for you to catch up holding her satchel and her father's spell book in her hand. Are you OK? No, I'm not. Can we come into the hut? Let's sit down, let's talk. She sits down next to the fire and looks beside herself. She's got kind of glazed, tear-filled eyes as she sits down, slumps down onto the seat, looking exhausted. Why did you jump? I was told of the future.
He told me. Who? This thing, this demon, he came to me and spoke. I can only assume it was the same one that spoke to Robin, but he spoke to me and told me what will happen and told me what has happened and then took me back. He took me back to a time before I met all of you.
to it and she stops and her eyes start darting around. Your Highness, can I borrow your shield please? Of course, as Helena gets the shield and passes it over to her.
She looks at the shield for a second and finds a reflective surface, something that would shine back and so she could see herself. And she stands up and kind of pushes the bottom spike of the shield into the ground slightly. So it kind of holds itself up balancing some items behind it. Could you help me? What do you need? I need you to chant.
No, actually, it's fine. Just can you hold this and she hands her father's spell book to her. It's large, weighty tome. And she kind of hands it to you. So you're holding the kind of two back pages of it. So it's kind of open facing her as she stands next to the shield. Is that okay? Yes.
Okay, and she starts flipping through the pages quicker and quicker trying to find something reading over the scrolls, you can see over and as she flips further through the book, the handwriting gets worse and worse and worse till it's almost pretty much illegible and she's flicking through these pages trying to find something.
No, one second. And she turns to the very, very front of the book and there's an empty page. She rips out the page and writes a note on it, folding it in half and putting it down next to her. She then flips forward about three quarters of the way through the book with thuds and smoke, smoke, sorry, dust pours out to the book on the far side. And she skips to the kind of late quarter part of the book that she has. And she says, I'm sorry, Helen. I can't remember what I saw.
My father told me, my father was a, this is his book, he was a powerful spellcaster and he told me of a spell and she starts mattering to herself. And Helen has just been really patient in this and she's listening to her. She stands reading over the writing on this page and then starts to still herself. Her right hand lifts up
almost imagining that there would be like a plate or something within it, holding it flat underneath the bottom of it with her right hand. Her left hand is tensed in a fist down to her side, and then she very slowly, both of her arms kind of coil outwards to reach out to each other, fist in one hand, open hand in the other, and then she slowly brings them together so the fist is kind of encapsulated by the hand. As that happens, you start to get this
burst of not burst but like a pulse of energy start to rise out of that as she continues to read and she's whispering something under her breath as her eyes shut and she very quietly slowly lifts her two hands which is shaking violently slowly lifts them up and presses them against her forehead gently she stops and draws the hands down they fall away either side of her she looks up towards you with a smile on her face oh
Helena, what's the plan? And on that, her eyes roll back and she falls backwards with a thud landing onto her pillow and you can hear her loudly snoring. Fuck. Helena scoops her up and pops her on the top of the chair that she was just sitting by the fire, trying to get her temperature just to make sure that she's actually breathing and that she's okay.
Yeah, she's breathing, she's got no temperature, she's snoring the way she would snore previously. You've shared a room with her in the past, she's quite a loud snorer and you can, it sounds just like that. And the face that she pulled when she stopped that incantation seems very naive and innocent.
I'm going to take the book exactly as I've got hold of it where she was reading from the page and I'm just going to go to the front of the hut to just peek my head out to see if or who's about.
You'll be able to see quite close off to the side. We can see everyone but Drago and Robin a little bit further away but Folly, Carstan and Claude are gathered near the edge which is only about 50 or 60 feet away from you. Kind of in a group discussing and you can see Claude doing actions of like how to behead things and how to cut things and then both kind of looking and actually kind of nodding and looking at each other shaking their heads. So I'll do that thing where you put your fingers in your mouth and you whistle. To whistle.
Yeah, well, I didn't mean like a sing-song. And so to get their attention and hopefully I can beckon them over. Yep, all three of them, notice that and you start to move over and you go, yeah, beckon quickly. What's wrong? Is Tanya all right?
Right, just read this page, please, or just see what you can see. She's on the chair. She's snoring. We were talking. She was talking. She was reading through this book. She got me to hold it. She was doing some sort of ritual. I don't know what it was, but she was panicked and she was full of energy and frustration and sadness. And then she retreated to normal, Tali. Is this her father's spell book?
She never wanted anyone else to read this. Well, I don't give a fuck. You can read it now because I don't know what she's just done. But she's she doesn't remember anything of what we were just talking about. We were mid conversation. I only think I know what an O looks like. So over to you. I can't go try and read it, Mark.
Okay, so as you look over the pages, handwriting is disgusting, but you can feel somewhere deep within it there is an intelligent cursive writing somewhere there, but at this point it seems either rushed or that they'd stopped caring. The title of it says, Icewinds Modify Memory, Attempt 16.
And below it is basically a breakdown of what can only be described as a scientific attempt to cast a spell, modify memory upon oneself. She's, she's tried to, she's modified. Follow you reading this as well.
Would I recognise it as well as what you've described basically? Yeah, I've pretty much read what the title would have been and then below it would literally be day 12. For the 16th time I've tried to spell and it kind of leads through in first person a breakdown of someone's attempt, you can assume this ice wind person, someone's attempt to cast Modify Memory upon oneself or get a spellcaster to cast it upon themselves, a spell that naturally shouldn't be able to be cast on oneself.
How did she act once she cast a spell, Helena? Well, she acted like she didn't remember a thing. She said to me, Helena, oh, what's the plan? All jolly and... That sounds like it worked. She's modified her own. I think she's trying to make herself forget. She obviously saw something traumatic. She did.
Well, I just wish I'd have took notes more of what she was reading before she read it so I could have stopped her. You were. It's quite good you did. This might not be the most popular opinion, but folly, Princess Carstan, if that spell book in your hand accidentally fell off the cliff,
I think it's hard to be very angry. But, you know, what if we could use this spell to make her forget about this dangerous spell book? I couldn't use this spell book to cast spells with it. I mean, it's just a book to me. I mean, this specific spell, maybe she never needs to know about a book.
Claude, it's her property, it's her father's property. If we're going to do anything, we're going to keep it safe. That's what I'm thinking. Maybe not chug it off a cliff, but maybe we keep it hidden in Folly's backpack and then when we get back down the mountain, we undo a modified memory and she remembers she's got a book and she left it with Folly.
that's but i i i do apologize there claud i i see your plan but trying to fathom out how this spell is going to work it's going to take me years and no offense to cast that here i believe i've had somewhat much more experience with spells i i know this i know how i can
I've heard of Modify Memory, and it's something that... It's like when I went into her mind, but it's different. It's something that I could... I could learn it if I had the time.
It just seems like there's enough of a challenge in this mountain without worrying about Tali jumping off cliffs every five minutes. Listen, maybe we don't need to modify her memory back. Maybe we can just keep questioning her every now and again to try to remind her of her memories. We're assuming that she's forgotten about the book. It sounds like she may have just forgotten what just happened. I think that's the case. I don't think lying we forced the forgetting of the book.
But that would require a cat in a spell that wouldn't work, Claude. It's whatever vision she had. She said that she was shown the future. Something for the past and the future is what she was saying. And she was terrified. She had tears in her eyes. She was shaking. It was definitely something she maybe
Didn't want to remember. Maybe, Folly, you and I could sit with this book. She's asleep, is that right? Yes, she's snoring like a pig. Folly, perhaps you and I could... Sorry.
That was just a way to break that tension though. It's so hell in there. It's so hell in there. And I can just imagine the look of the version on her face. Yeah, she's smelling like a pig. Even amongst all this. Perhaps together you and I can maybe make this book less threatening. I know. I would be certainly willing to give it a go. I mean, people still want a bit of time to
yeah we have this time before we go oh this book's her it's hers it's it's her i don't think we can modify it so i think it's i'm not suggesting we modify i'm suggesting that there's any bad bad will or malice in it we temporarily just
get rid of it so that we can get up and down this mountain and then get Charlie the appropriate support she needs. When you say it's got bad thoughts you think it's actually intelligent, the book itself. I would like to spend some time removing any curses, removing any darkness that I might find within this book. Well whilst you're doing that I'm going to go and check on Charlie. I'm hoping she hasn't moved from the chair.
princess if i could be so bold as to ask something could you just keep her distracted if she gets away just so we get a bit more time
Well, you have to promise, Paul, that you're not going to do anything with that book. Not yet. I won't touch it, but I will start to see if it contains anything evil. I think that's OK, isn't it? Yes, you can investigate the book. I just don't advise doing anything with it. I think it will be going behind Tony's back if you do so. It will not be right for us to dispose of somebody else's property. So we will take good care of it.
Thank you and she'll go back in and see time. Folly's going to just try and find a little more secluded spot away from Drago and Robin and away from Tally and Helena. And who's got the book at this point?
I believe Folly will probably still be carrying the book right now because it was cast and Folly that had it. I think Folly would have just got it. Yeah. I'll probably sort of prepare a ritual space, like a pentagram, nothing like creepy, but just like mark out a zone where we will just concentrate magics towards it. And it's sort of like, yeah.
I would possibly do similar to what I did with the bow to begin with where I'm just in contact with it and using identify which takes about 11 minutes for me anyway. Most of it is like about properties and things but it does say
I learn whether any spells are afflicting the item and what they are if there is any.

Inspecting the Book: Curses or Dark Magic?

Okay, so off the back of that, Dania, you also, sorry, Claude, are you also going to be doing identifying? No, yeah, so it takes 10 minutes for him to identify, so in that same time, sort of channeling magic enemies at energy as well, I'll be casting spell
evil spell good and evil so getting rid of all sorry to spell good and evil i'll be casting um remove curse and i will be casting what is the other one you could wait 10 minutes to see if i can actually determine what's affecting the book before using all these spell slots from orbit yeah i would also be um
casting, yeah, dispel magic as well. So yeah, I will be doing a series of a lot of sort of purging based spells. Okay. Oh, this is, yes, okay. So firstly, Folly, you're identifying
This book, at the end of it, you realize after your studies, over 10 minutes, that this is a book. It holds no necessary magical properties of themself at all, none whatsoever. You get not even a slight ping that you would get off a semi-magical item or some of the silver items. You get nothing, you get literally nothing from this item. It is as inanimate, as devoid from arcana as you would expect, a chair, a stone, the snow at your feet.
there is no discernible difference between it. This could be a book of stories or songs from the San Greenlands, and it would have the same magical properties. Dany, for your, sorry, Claude, for your series of spells, all three spells seem to be successful in being cast. However, nothing seems to change to the book. Is there anything that you glean when you cast those spells? Do you know whether or not they actually remove something or not?
It's all about the thing that I'm casting on. So the object cannot be affected by evil things, it cannot be cursed, it cannot, but it's basically it's putting all these protective measures onto the book. Gotcha. Okay. Yeah. So they all managed to successfully cast and a light purple, no, sorry, a light
Black haze falls across the book each time you cast one of these protective auras before it fades away and disappears as you kind of build up the magical and celestial protections around this book.
I will, yeah. As that's happening, as that's taking place, Robin and Drago, you would have noticed a bit of movement go on, and that's probably when you would have taken this time to move back over towards the camp. So you've got Bolly and Claude outside, you've got Karsten. Karsten, what are you doing again? So because Tali and because Helena's gone back inside, Claude and
Farley have gone off, Karsten still stood just outside the magical hut and he's sort of looking really conflicted and sort of really contending with his internal thoughts because he really doesn't know what to do with what he knows.
Okay, so you're there and Helena has gone inside the hut. So Robin and Drago, you'd see Helena disappear inside this large rock, which you know is the hut. That's where everyone kind of is as you approach, or who do you want to approach? Robin will walk over to Castan and he will say, under his breath to him, whatever you saw, is this going to affect Harley as we head up the mountain? It's affecting her now.
Well, how do you mean? She saw, whilst in her mind, I spoke with her. She was taken to see something from her past and something that she said was the future as well, which doesn't really make sense because it was the same thing. But she also said that she heard a tall black creature with a sword and black eyes that was telling her these things. And that's what made her jump.
I know the creature she describes. Explain this creature. So she says she was told and shown the things I saw in her mind. They were told to her and shown to her and it's as if I think she described it like her memories have been unlocked.
It was a traumatic event for her when she was younger that was blocked off from her mind. And I think this creature showed it to her. OK, and Robin, you've seen some sort of dark creature as well. I've seen this creature. It's the one that got to Elf here. Elf has seen it as well. What's it look like? Well, as Carthans said, it's missing quite a few teeth. It wears armour.
Unlike anything I've seen, it carries a great sword twice the size of yours. And, well... How big is this dark creature? Talia just described it to me. She said it was big. Taller than her, but everything's taller than her. Twice the size of you. And then some. Right. Okay. If this thing approached me in Bleakmoor, it approached Delphyr in Evershire. It's approached Tali at some point.
It's getting desperate. And that means we're getting close to something that it doesn't want us to get close to. We have to hold faith with each other now. Whatever's happened with Tali, we have to let this one go and trust her, and trust her that she will talk to us when the time is right. She's modified her memory. That sounds like magic talk for what?
She cast a spell that's similar like when I went into her mind. It's something people of certain magic can affect people's memories and normally you use it and you can do with it to remove harmful memories that have just happened to people. I think Talia may have, for some reason, removed what's just happened to her from her own memories.
Wow, okay. That's a lot to take right now. Robin's right, Karsten, you managed to bring her back before maybe keep an eye on her going forwards.
I'll try. I mean, I don't know whether she remembers what she knows I was in her mind because it's not something that's very nice. It's not pleasant to be in someone else's mind because they know. I was going to say you seem shook up by all of this. How are you doing? I'm fine. It's a simple spell and I can detect thoughts. But if I want to go deeper, it's
It's very strange, and the way it happened this time was very different in how I've experienced it, probably because of the memory she was experiencing. What are Folly and Claude doing?
Oh, Claude had this idea to, for some reason, keep the book away from her. Helena and I think that's a bad idea because it's a very bad idea. And they're over there and then they were going to cast some magic on it to check whether the book was evil or something like that. I don't know. I assume that you're more than capable of getting that book back.
I am. Okay, maybe... I don't know. You know Tyler best. Trust your instincts. Well, okay. I'm going to go talk to them. Karsten, I'd like you to do me a favour. Okay. I'm going to take out a piece of paper in parchment and go, I assume you're good with words. Well, I know you are, as a matter of fact. I'd appreciate it if you wrote down what you saw on this piece of paper.
I will cast a spell on it called Illusory Script, and when Tali is ready, I'll remove the spell. But I think it's important, whatever she's sure, there's some record of it, even if we keep that secret only to you. I don't think Castan's going to forget what he saw. I think we're going to need specific detail as far as this creature is concerned. So while it's fresh, I would appreciate you to just write down what you saw. It will be good for 10 days.
I promise the spell I cast on it will make it illegible to anyone else. Okay. So as you walk away, Robin, you're here, Drago just... Robin, this creature you saw, would you say, formed from a shadow? That's precisely what it did. It's our enemy and we will defeat it, Drago. I'm gonna go get that book. Yeah, go and get that book. Drago?
Yes, Carsten. And Carsten sort of turns and lowers his voice

Conclusion: Unresolved Tensions and Listener Thank You

and looks at Drago quite seriously. What she saw was you. As what? As the black shadow. No. What do you mean? She saw you surrounded by a lot of dead bodies in a village that was burning. And that is where we're going to end this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop.
Ah, I don't want to fucking revisit this part of my bust. The hell, man? I thought I'd set that up for you to end there, Mark. Oh, it was a thing of beauty. Yeah, I'm glad I did that. Wow. Thank you very much. Well, if there's any consolation, I just wanted us to walk through some mountains, and this is all you guys. Whatever. Shut up, Mark. Shut up, Mark. Fucking cliff.
And then all of a sudden, who's come back around? Well, who's to know? Remember, the divine intervention never really kicked in. You don't actually know what part of this Akiva has helped in. True. It hasn't helped yet. I was going to probably ask like next week or something. We'll find out next week. And so will all of you.
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