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House Rules for House Guests

S1 E36 · Three Lil Fishes
34 Plays3 months ago

What’s up fishes! Today we’re discussing the house guests that are arriving from across the city, state or country to share a big roast turkey, or Tofurkey or whatever it is that graces your table. We think it’s a good idea to set some ground rules so the dinner table doesn’t turn into a Crossfire style shouting match. Remember what your grandma told you. Don’t discuss politics or religion. We also discuss things to do that AREN’T centered around food or a meal.

How to Deal With Difficult Family Members

We kick things off talking about Gladiator II, The new Yellowstone show on Paramount Plus, and subscription fatigue. Can we just bring the bundle back already?

What’s For Dinner?

Our family’s Roast Turkey recipe

Turkey or Pheasant Recipe

We cook our turkey in a roaster but you could also do in the oven.

Clean, wash and prepare the bird. Remove excess tissue and innards from bird and pat dry.

Place bird breast down when cooking!

Season bird with fruits and herbs – place around the bird as well as inside the bird.

Butter – rub the butter under the skin





Bay leaf

Peeled Oranges (3-4)

Peeled Apples (3-4)


Vidalia or regular Onions

Chicken Broth – depends on size bird. Fill bottom of pan 1-2 inches of broth

Little water- just added to the broth.

Champagne to baste as turkey cooks.

Bake at 350 degrees. About 4 hours for 24-pound bird. Use meat thermometer.

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Accidental Damage During Cleaning

I was cleaning the guest room and getting it ready for my sleepover company. And it has this like old white fan with like the blades and the little globe. So I decided to clean the fan blades. So I got my pillowcase out my ladder and I'm up there and I'm wiping down the blades, which by the way, I i haven't done in a year, right? Gross, gross, gross, gross. Listen, I don't like to dust. So I'm getting up there and I'm feeling bad. That's a whole other segment.
that's just a i Anyway, I'm wiping out these stupid blades and I hit the globe with my arm and it went cry. i yeah the floor So now I have this clean old white fan in the guest room with these little bare bulbs at the bottom and no glow.
I feel like you're having like, you're having Thanksgiving anxiety for sure about your company because you're like, do I need to get this ceiling fan? Do I need to buy this small set? I mean, you're like getting a little over the top, I think.

Introduction of the Podcast

to three little fishes. We're three sisters who grew up in the Midwest together but have since spread across the country. I live in Los Angeles. I'm in Nashville. And I live in Philadelphia. We are all married with children. We've all had careers but now we stay at home with our families. We've all been through ups and downs that come along with life and have always helped each other through.
shared stories and laughed together. We welcome all of you into our daily conversations and hope you have some fun with us. So let's jump in.

Lice on a Plane: Should Jenny Malone Have Disembarked?

What's up, fishes? What's up, girls? All right, y'all, I just read something disturbing and I want to get your take on it and just see if I'm being ridiculous. So Jason Biggs, who was an American pie, is married to Jenny Malone and she does a lot of social media stuff. And she recently just posted that she got lice. Now that's not the surprising thing. I think they have young kids. It happens. Yeah. Lice is the thing. You're too clean. But she said that she was on a plane getting ready to be on a five hour plane ride in first class. And she was complaining to her friend that her head has been itching for like two weeks.
She's just like, I must be perimenopausal, what's going on? But will you just check my head because I am really itchy. And her friend is like, you have lice. Now, yes, she's on an airplane and it's unclear to me if they've taken off yet or not. I feel like they have not taken off, but she is on a plane getting ready to travel for five hours. And she's identified that she has lice.
And she says, oh, I had Jason look, and he said I didn't have anything. And her friend's like, well, you have it. So my question to you is, if she has not taken off and she's still at the gate,
Should she have gotten off that plane? I don't want to be on an airplane with somebody who has

Impressions of Gladiator 2 and Sequel Skepticism

lice. Yeah, that's gross. Like, that can spread me so easily. I mean, maybe it's better that she's in first class, so she has more space and all the things. But like, don't get up and go to the bathroom. Cover your head, and that's nasty. And what's wrong with you? If your head's itchy for two weeks, like, why is it taking so long to like,
Try to figure that out. That's my question. Why in the world would you not take care of that ahead of time? I don't know. So apparently, she found something to wrap her head in. But I guess that's my. A shower cap. Yes. I mean, play with the shower cap.
I mean, that's really contagious in the early stages. and if it's And if it's been itching for two weeks, you are infested. You have eggs in your head. That's gross. Yes. She's going to wear a shower cap at first class.
So I guess I would hope, why? You should have gotten off the plane. I'm trying not to judge. This is common sense. Why are you telling everybody? Why are you telling everybody? Hide that shit. Keep your crazy button down. No one wants to hear it, but you're crazy. That's crazy.
I'm itching just thinking about it. I already have a hard time going on airplanes with all the other germs and the people I'm sitting next to. And now you're telling me that you flew with me with lice. I mean, it's very contagious.
it that's that fri it how This is a travel faux pas. That's a no no. Okay, so I would love to hear our listeners. How do you feel should she have gotten off the plane? Yes or no? so What are your thoughts? Are we being harsh? I don't know um You all I also want to tell you a little something I got to do something that was fun Tim was invited um because he's a member of the ace he's a
ACEs, American Cinnamon Editors, and they hosted a early screening of Gladiator 2 on the lot, which is always kind of a thrill. I love movies, I love TV, and being able to get on the lot is special. And they showed the screening, and then they had a panel of the director,
um and all of the editors and people that worked behind the scenes making the movie. It was kind of cold to hear them talk about it, but I thought Gladiator 2 was pretty good. I enjoyed it. It had, with CGI, there was just one scene in particular that I was like, this is a little over the top and I wish you would have done that differently, but on the whole, I thought it was very good. And Denzel Washington, in my opinion,
was amazing. Another Academy Award. I mean, he was pretty good. I mean, he was really, I thought he was really fun to watch. So if you're looking for an action-packed movie for the holidays, I give it, it's worth going. So this is my thing. I loved gladiator one.
I just can't believe there's a second gladiator and I have an attitude problem about

Sean Diddy Combs' Legal Troubles

it. I probably will watch it on TV. I'm not inclined to go to the theater to see it, because I'm so over all of the sequels. And it's like, how can you replicate Gladiator? So I'm glad to hear it's good. Maybe I'll give it a chance. But I knew it was coming out, and I just have an attitude problem about it. I don't want to go see it. Ridley Scott is the director. Ridley Scott does a good job, yeah. So he does make really good movies. He does. So maybe that will help you. That will sway me. Maybe you want to go see it. OK.
um I enjoyed it. Like I said, is it the best ever movie I've ever seen? Does it beat the original Gladiator? Probably not. But it was entertaining. And it's always fun to go to the movies. it yeah so but I love it. I did think the Gladiator. Yes.
All right, any news over there, you ladies, other fishes, and topics that you want to get out there? I don't know if you can beat lice. I don't know if you can beat lice, Kathy, but see if you can try. Okay, lice is gross. And yeah, that, that lady should not be on an airplane.
No one should be on an airplane if they're really sick either.

Streaming Subscription Challenges

right You know how we've talked about Sean Diddy Combs is like super in trouble when he's in jail. Well, yeah there was just another article in the news about him and recorded like jail calls because they record all your conversations.
The um prosecutors have found out like he's trying to sway like potential witnesses and victims, like trying to blackmail them to like kind of sway his way.
Which I don't think is cool. Well, he's not cool, so that tracks. Yeah, I'm not sure what's going to happen with that case, but it's not going well for him. And I'm glad that he's getting held accountable. I hope he is anyway. Yeah, I hope he is. And desperate people do desperate things.
And then the other thing I want to talk about is my husband and I, he has like a fetish for Yellowstone. And he was like, this is the last season of Yellowstone. And it was the um season premiere was last week. And then he was all about it. He watches reruns of it. Like he' he's obsessed with it, which is annoying to me sometimes. Cause I'm like, you've seen that like 50 times. Right.
I can't handle it anymore. But so there's a new show that's like kind of a spin off from um this creator called Land Man, which I think I talked about before. So it aired this week and I made of a mistake because i was I had actually worked at my kids' school that day and I was so tired and I wanted to take a shower. So I said, why don't you record it and then we'll watch it after I get out of the shower and then we can like skip the commercials and all that jazz. So the recording didn't work.
And my husband was so mad at me that night. I was like. You wrecked his night. I didn't have anything to do with the recording, by the way. But he like took it out. Kiffy, he just wanted to sit in bed and watch his show. ah Why are you so difficult? Yeah, he was thinking this show is going to be like super successful. And ah so last night we ended up watching like a taped version, it was like a shorter version of it. And we thought it was the whole show, but it wasn't. And then I found out it actually was just kind of like a teaser, like recording of it. And so you have to actually buy, it's on Paramount Plus. And so we have to now buy
the app Paramount Plus and then pay the fee every month if I wanna watch the show. And I'm like, okay, watching this last night, I'm just not sure I loved it. And Peter kept telling me, that's how Yellowstone was. The first one wasn't that good. But you know, it gets better as in hope. But honestly, there were parts of it that I was like,
What is going on with this show? And I mean, I've read a couple of reviews about it and they were kind of not as enthusiastic either, but some of it had to do with like some inappropriate like talk with this teenager that I was like, this is like super racy for like a teenage girl. Yeah.
And I was like, a little raunchy, a little raunchy. It's just like the old days of Dallas or something. like I don't know. And Dallas seemed like super tame. so yeah yeah i was be I don't remember watching Dallas. Was Dallas like?
ah but so you know No, but Dallas it was the you know, the super successful like ranch style. Yeah, I mean, but this was like over the top. I was like, I don't know if I want to watch this show. but So this is my thing. I really struggle with this too. We struggle with this because my husband travels all the time. So we do watch TV because you know, he doesn't always want to go out. And um Now that network TV is kind of passé and everything is streamed, we also have to subscribe to different things, different subscriptions services because otherwise you get bored. Like I can only watch Netflix so many times.
But then it gets expensive because it's $7.99 for this and $12.99 for that and $8.99 for that. And pretty soon you've spent $120 for these streaming services. And bonus, if you want to watch like ice hockey, you have to have ESPN. You can't just have yeah ESPN. yeah You have to have yeah ESPN Plus orling or And it's not even necessarily on those. I mean, we hop around from thing to thing trying to find the Chicago Blackhawks. And yeah half the time, we can't find it. I don't like the way it's gone. It's very expensive. It's very unpredictable. Well, who can afford all that? What has happened to our cable? like We pay a fortune to have cable and HBO, and there's nothing on there.

Family Dynamics and Stress-Free Holidays

like yeah I know. yeah I know. The TV show is bad. Even through all of the commercials, which are terrible, it's like it's painful. the whole
entertainment part of being at home is miserable and expensive. And I don't know what the answer is. Everybody keeps trying to come up with something that is going to streamline everything, but it doesn't work that way. Because there's all these contracts with these different shows and these different like, right sports clubs or whatever. I don't know. It's I, well,
I mean, Landman may not be in the Jack Hook's future because... Yeah, I mean, we'll see. They didn't hook you. He might overrule me. I don't know. We'll see.
Your free subscription will run out before you can. I know. See, that's where they get you. That's where they get you. It's like, well, should we watch one more and see? But I know, but the good news is we still love TV. So I hope we keep making it and it's not just Instagram stuff. Like we still love to be entertained and we still love storytelling. So hope that's the takeaway. Like let's figure it out of how to story tell and let people watch it still. with yeah I mean, people need downtime, you know, it's like yeah working a full day. It's like they just want to like be vegging out and yeah, right. I don't know what the answer is, but we don't have it yet. Yeah.
All right, guys, I just want to quickly remind you all to please continue to subscribe, rate, review, comment, invite three of your favorite fishes to jump in and join our conversation. um Today, we are going to talk about house rules.
For guests, how do you stay healthy physically and mentally when you have guests or over a holiday? Sometimes we get stressed, so how do we take care of ourselves? And then our third segment, we want to introduce a new one. It's called, Let Me Explain. All right, guys, so let's jump into it. So, house rules.
Well, you know, there's always been there could be guests that you know, maybe aren't excited to come to your house or maybe that's just their personality in general, but they can be difficult. So how do you navigate those people? I mean, I think it is kind of hard. I think, you know, for me, I start with my own family unit and we talk through like, okay, we're going to have company for a few days. I expect everybody to show up for the meals. I expect everybody helping with the dishes.
you know, because I have big people. Yeah, you have to have sleep. yeah you gotta have rules So everybody has to help with the dishes. Everybody kind of has to help keep everything organized, help me with the animals. And then I have to in particular discuss this with my husband, no politics.
here Like he has big feelings about things and even if everybody in the house agrees with you, which they don't, but if everybody does, I don't want to talk about politics yeah for four days. It exhausts me. it I don't want to hear about it. I feel so exhausted by the whole political atmosphere that we've been experiencing. I'm so grateful that the election is over. so You know, I start with, and then when I talk with my guests and I try and get like, what do you guys want? And I'll just politely say, I just want to remind everyone that we're here to have a good time. I don't want to talk about politics or religion.
Don't corner my 18 year old and constantly ask about what he's gonna do next year What's right thinking about because that is a turnoff also So I do actually kind of say it to my guests to just to remind them like let's have a good time We'll have some activities. Let's eat and drink. Yeah, Mary, but like let's not like be heavy-duty You know because it's too taxing emotionally for me to constantly like try to make sure nobody's you know overstepping or if you want to talk politics, do it on your own time. Call my person and chat, but don't do it at the dinner table.
mean I mean, growing up, we had an aunt and uncle that would come over and they would only be there for holidays. And they had very divergent opinions about things. And they always brought up politics. And it became tense at the dinner table to the point where you would just sit. I mean, maybe this is like past trauma, but it's like, I don't want to be uncomfortable at the dinner table. I'm trying to enjoy a lovely meal. I don't want to get indigestion.
Stop talking politics. Yeah. so sharing interpa me Well, I think that over that course of that meal isn't going to change anybody's opinion. And sometimes the right thing to do is just to agree to disagree. I mean, I think processing stuff with people, if you can do it in a healthy, appropriate way. But I'm not sure that this holiday is probably the right time to do it. And yeah, I think just to agree to disagree and just have fun, like play games and I don't know, maybe you're not a game family. What are you? Like what else can you do to kind of keep it? It's kind of like a toddler, like who's having a temper tantrum, like distracting them with this a shiny thing. What's this other shiny thing we can talk about or what's this other shiny thing we can do? There are a lot of things that we can discuss at the dinner table that do not include politics and religion. Like you just have to kind of like not engage with them.
And you also have to be empathetic with them too. Cause sometimes just try and think of like how they're thinking about it. And sometimes you just have to step away, you know? Cause like you said, you're probably not going to change their attitude in this Thanksgiving holiday. So just try and get through it and be mentally tough.

Self-Care and Humor for Holiday Gatherings

I think that's my biggest thing is being mentally tough, like,
I think um you gear up for it, right? yeah You maybe do exercises. you know there's um They say you should like meditate, make sure you breathe.
mean Despite the humor. I think honestly, that's like a very good like advice. I think just finding the humor and everything, like everything is not so stressful. Like it's not that big a deal.
So if Uncle Rob wants to talk about something, like let him go on for a little while and then just let it go. like Don't get all spun up in it because it's not going to do you any good. So, Kathy, what are some ways that you could think about, like ah like we've gotten through, we're agreeing to not talk about heavy things. So then how do we take care of ourselves mentally and physically? Like what do you do? Because I feel like you sometimes, and I think you even mentioned it, that you feel like you run yourself down and run yourself ragged over the holidays. So how do you stay physically and mentally strong? I don't know. I think you just have to take care of yourself. Try and
like drink a lot of water, make sure you're eating right, um try and get sleep. um I mean, I'm not sure what the right answer is, Nancy, to honestly answer your question, because I usually always get sick every time I host every holiday. So I haven't quite figured it out myself.
Um, but just be kind to yourself. Like, you know, everyone's there to have a good time. So just like, think of it that way and don't take it so seriously. Yeah. I mean, maybe that's the answer. Like lean into the mess, lean into the messiness and it's okay. Like lean into just having people around and it's loud and noisy and just take it all in and just enjoy it and be like, yep, this is, yes, this is the noise for right now. So you got it like,
deal with it. You got to be mentally strong. You can't be like, Oh no, this is happening. Like you can't fall down. You got to just be like, okay, this happened. We're going to pick up and keep going. Right. Exactly. I like it. ah And Thanksgiving is short, so it's not that long. It's good advice for anything. like it's just It's just a small period of time and just laugh. I do a nervous laugh sometimes, and that helps.

Anxiety and Hosting: Coping Strategies

like Yeah, I think so. All right, y'all, let's jump into our um new topic.
Let me explain. So I was with D2 over the weekend and I learned this. This is something that these kids are doing is if you have an opinion about something and people are kind of like, wait, what?
And then you turn around and you say, let me explain. And then you give them your example of like why it is you think this particular way. So let me explain. And so I was going to say, I mean, Kathy kind of brought this up earlier. I think, um let me explain. I don't think Black Friday is a real thing anymore. Yeah, I don't either. I don't either.
um I've been getting emails for two weeks. It's not even Thanksgiving yet, about holiday shopping, deals, etc. So back in the day, like my mother-in-law in particular, she and her sister would get up at like four in the morning and they would wait in line to get into Kohl's or wherever they were going to go shopping and they would like do their Christmas shopping on the day after Thanksgiving, Black Friday. But now it's like, then it merged into Cyber Monday. But now I think it's like, you get the early access, you get this, that, and the other thing. And Black Friday, it's not really real anymore, in my opinion. Well, I think everybody's stepping it up.
Like Macy's is sending me all this stuff. Black Friday. I'm like, Oh, I better do it because am I going to miss out if it's really black Friday? They're going to be like, Oh, too late. Like I don't sold out I don't know from Costco about yesterday, they were doing like a 24 hour like warehouse sale. And I'm doing little bunny ears for those listening. And i would I said to my husband, I'm like, do we need something from Costco? Like, do we need a TV or something like that? Because they're having this like major sale. know.
and What are you talking about? We do not need another TV. And I was like, okay, I'm just asking because they're having this major sale. And he was like, they are not.
i mean I mean, I'm everybody's marketers dream too. But Linda, I would say that you really lean into it. like I do love it so hard. i feel like you might be like You're having thanks gaming anxiety for sure about your company because you're like, do I need to get this ceiling fan? Do I need to buy this small set? I mean, you're like getting a little over the top, I think. So no good deed goes unpunished. This listeners listen to what I did. I was cleaning the guest room.
and getting it ready for my sleepover company. And it has this like old white fan with like the blades and the little globe. So I decided to clean the fan blades. So I got my pillowcase out my ladder and I'm up there and I'm wiping down the blades, which by the way, I i haven't done in a year, right? Gross, gross, gross, gross. Listen, I don't like to dust. So I'm getting up there and I'm feeling bad. That's a whole other segment. That's a whole other segment.
So anyway, I'm wiping down these stupid blades and I hit the globe with my arm and it went quite the floor. So now I have this clean old white fan in the guest room with these little bare bulbs at the bottom and no glow.
So the question they're making fun of me because I was like, do I just replace the fan? Do I try and find a new globe? What's the answer? So this is my good deed that doesn't go unpunished. I broke the globe cleaning it. What did you land on? Lights or no lights? I haven't done anything yet. It's just sitting up there looking like scraggly. I think you get one without a globe because you already have the ceiling the like says lighting
You know, maybe the answer for you, and I can't speak for all the listeners, but I think that this works for you in general because you do not have a drinking problem. and we but you like your wine, maybe you need to just have a slow burn when you have your guests to help you cope. Getting through like- I mean, I'm not opposed to that. I'm not opposed to that. I think that's okay. it I was at a hockey game and I was talking to this mom who's hosting people too. And she's a nurse and she's like, we call this a slow drip. You just pour your champagne in the morning.
Just keep a little tiny sippy going, like a couple s sips, like an hour. And it's just like a slow drip all day long. and you just Yeah, I like it. And I said, I love this idea. So I'm going to maybe do that.
As long as my guests don't judge me, that I have a slow drip going all day. Who cares? Well, I think we can't worry about that. I feel like we all are hard on each other, and we judge. And honestly, I feel like most people are just doing their best to put their they best foot forward, right? like So whatever you have to do. I would be concerned if you're telling me that you need a slow drip every single day of your life. Yeah, I mean, over the holidays, that's like,
That's okay. That's modus operandi. Yeah. I mean, we all just, you know, we indulge a little bit,

Thanksgiving Activities Beyond Eating

right? And that's okay. So what are some ways like if you're at Thanksgiving, so what are what are some of the activities or things that you guys do that does not involve eating?
So like we eat a lot. I plan my whole day around like breakfast, lunch and dinner, but there are other things we can spend our time doing. What are some ideas you guys have? Well, I always like to go on a hike cause we have a nature preserve like around our house. So we usually like gear up and go on a hike with everybody, which is kind of fun. Just getting out of the house. Yeah. Sometimes like weather,
fairies Sometimes it's nice, sometimes it's a little chilly, but it's nice to just like get out. Get a little fresh air before dinner's ready or after dinner. Make a little room, make a little room for the pie. yeah Yeah, I mean, it makes you feel better because you feel like a slug. And then if you actually do something, like move your body for a second, you feel a little better about it. so You know, we are a card family too. So we always have a tendency to play cards. Yeah, I love cards. So that's a nice way to not eat, but still like interact with each other. I also love board games. We also love board games here. There's a game that's called Ticket to Ride. That's great if you have youngers and it goes all the way to like adults. Yeah, it's about strategy. um That's a really good game. And it kind of is a long game too, which it helps.
And another tiny little thing is Tim's family used to do, I feel like, on Thanksgiving. And I don't know if movie theaters are open, but I feel like they used to go see a movie on Thanksgiving. Yeah, I think there there is a tradition like that. That would be fun if there's any movies to see. Yeah. Well, I just told you, Gladiator 2. That's true. True, true. um You know, we've actually gone ice skating around here.
is really cool. Usually in downtown Philadelphia, they have an ice kidney rink and then they have like a Christmas village that they set up like around Thanksgiving time, which is really fun to like, you know, take the family to I'm sure other areas do the same. But I just think having an activity is cool instead of just like sitting around like watching TV, like you need to get your desk moving.
It just takes the pressure pressure off and you guys are interacting in a different way so you don't have to worry about it. yeah We are going to turn our pool heater on. I will say we're going to put the heater on the pool and we have young guests coming so we're going to do some swimming. That sounds awesome. I wish I had that.
We're doing that too. We have, it's Johanna's birthday, um, coming up and she's a Thanksgiving baby. And so she loves to swim and we have traditionally turned it on for her so she can swim. And this year she's having friends over to swim with her for Thanksgiving. happy birthday um A little bash in the back. So that's fun. You know, the other thing I was going to say is they say like, if you're going to go shopping, like for a Black Friday,
When you go out, you shouldn't park like super close to the store. I know you feel like a rock star when you get that spot, but like you should park a little bit of ways. So you actually have to walk a little further to get your steps in. Cause you're eating a lot. of deer And then I can have that extra piece of yeah helping of stuffing high or whatever it is that gets you excited about the meal. Yeah. No guilt.
No guilt. I mean, maybe we should have had a segment on here, stretchy pants. What are your favorite stretchy pants or your favorite overalls, which I'm super into and people will see me in my overalls. Right. Right. Funny. Well, let's not have to have stretchy pants. Like let's keep it in check.

Turkey Frying Safety and Mishaps

So what's for dinner tonight? We are going to talk about Turkey. But I first want to talk about My parents used to, many, many years ago, they did the turkey fryer. It was like a big thing. I don't know if you guys should remember. I do. It even is to this day, people use, yeah people love it. They fry their turkeys. But this, one particular Thanksgiving when I was a teenager, my father decided to get this big fryer out on the patio.
And he got this big turkey and he was so excited about it. And he put that turkey in and then all of a sudden the whole thing caught on fire. Yeah, like that tracks like no offense dad that tracks like so.
um fire itself. It even caught the patio portion on fire. I mean i think he was very concerned. mean if i
and we're like I think he got the turkey out actually because I was kind of reminiscing about it because I don't remember it like ruined Thanksgiving because I think they they got the turkey out before it got burnt.
But that caused- Thank goodness. Thank goodness the turkey was saved. A total mess. I mean, if you can imagine oil everywhere. um And if you know my father, he is a very... safety conscious person. So that even makes him even more safety conscious. So now, when we have any kind of like bonfires or anything, like when we're together in the summers up in Canada, whatever, I mean, we go over the top, we like have goes over the top, we have the long hose, like,
water, pressure, fire, right extinguisher, putter, outer. We make sure we do not start any fires if there's any wind at all. Even like a little wisp, nope, is too dangerous. So he definitely has gone over the top of the list. Yeah. But those tricky fires can be dangerous. And um I was even looking online, like it causes a lot of damage.
Like even deaths, like there were 60 injuries and over $15 million dollars in property damage according to the National Fire Protection Association. So it's not anything to laugh about. um So if you're frying your turkey, you need to be very careful and you need to also have ah an extinguisher that can like take care of it. If if you do have a, oops, you need a class B but like one that can take care of the oil.
Oh, yeah. And and enough if our listeners are catching on, Kathy is a real close behind our father in safety. Yes. Safety girl, like you just said. Safety girl. So how do we do, how do we do the turkey? How do you do the turkey now? So I think after that episode, we all agreed like the turkey actually was good, but it wasn't like,
over the top over good like that we would be saying this is what we have to do with our turkeys every year so my it wasn't worth the fire hazard that's what you're saying the turkey was now the deep fryer was not worth the fire hazard nope i think that caused some trauma like yeah so my parents now they've always cooked their turkey in a roaster so we have posted on our site how my parents do their turkey and it's from my mom's dad's recipe. And I actually do it as well. um We just do it in a roaster and we stuff it with lots of fruits and onions and spices. um And it's, it's so good. And we douse it with champagne. and Well, cheap, shit I mean, cheap champagne guys, like
to die I mean I don't usually put expensive on it but it actually is a very good recipe and um as long as you don't grow a few, you have to make sure you That roaster's like not popping up circuit. But yeah um we have had a lot of success with it, and it's very good. so

Podcast Wrap-Up and Listener Appreciation

um And also, during Thanksgiving, we usually also have pheasant from my father um from his hunting excursion. So you can do both recipes. We'll ah take care of both of those meats. So it's very good. So if you want to try it out, we posted it in the show notes.
Good luck with your turkeys, everybody. Yeah, that's what you eat. That's right. We want to thank you for listening to our podcast and letting us sisters jump into your day. Please make sure to follow, rate, and review us. We'd love to have your feedback. Also, please share our podcast with your favorite fishes so we can grow. Please have a wonderful week and weekend. Sisters out.