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Ep. 97 The Inner Circle - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 97 The Inner Circle - Bellum Draconis

S2 E97 ยท The Fellowship of the Tabletop
46 Plays6 months ago

Finally our party reach the costal city of Scorchelm.

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios


Introduction of Chungus Bongwater

Hello. Chungus Bongwater here. Druid. Stargazer. God Killer. You know me. I love nothing more than just to sit down by myself and have a good fiddle with my dick. One eye on the sky, counting the stars, the other on my dick. That's my motto. I made them myself, you know. Each and every card. I'd love to share it with you. Best case scenario, you could see my dick? Maybe hold it?
But I know that we're miles and miles away, so that's not exactly practical. So instead, I thought I'd set up a podcast all about my dick. And you know what? The best browser software to help me do this has been Zencaster. It's super easy for me to record studio quality sound with up to 4K video with guests. They'll be able to pick out every minute detail of my dick off cards. It's so exciting. But what if there's an unstable connection between us? I hear you scream? Well, multi-layered backups ensure that I get to keep safe all the recordings in the highest quality.

Zencastr Features and Discount Code

If you're anything like Kratz, with a voice like a Badger's arse, you might worry what you sound like. Zencaster's post-production processes can help there, making you sound as smooth as the box which contains all my astrology cards. My dick, for those unsure.
You can set the podcast loudness and levels with the click of a button and the post-production processes can also automatically remove those um's and ah's in recordings and even awkward pauses in conversation. Like when you ask Kratz to not shit in the house and he just sits there, in bare form, squeezing and grunting.
What's better is that I have a code which you can use to get 30% off your first month of any paid Zencaster plan. Just go to zencaster forward slash pricing and use my code table top and you'll get 30% off your first month of any Zencaster paid plan. I want you to have the same easy experiences I do for all my podcasting and content needs. It's time to share your story.

D&D Podcast Begins: Fellowship of the Tabletop

You can find links to this in the podcast description via whatever podcast app you're using. Oh, right, I've got to go. Kratz is pouring at the back door again. Kratz, no, no, no Kratz, not on my carpet now! Fuck. Oh, um.
oh oh um ah ah Well, you know, everyone else was stood silent, so someone had to say something. What do you think, Alpha? Don't try and fob that onto me, you little shit. I don't know. know that ah that After that laugh, that's the one I'm going to loop, just like I did a previous laugh. That's a message tone now.

Character Introductions and Humor

Hello everyone, and welcome to this very serious week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. We are a live play, serious 5D... 5E D&D podcast, set in a magical home group. Super serious. World of Aerith in the Kingdom of Drolak. Joining you for this week's episode, we have Will, who plays the Dragonborn Druid, Baal Valkon. I'm super serious. We've got Ian, who plays the Tiefling Warserer, Nyx Karel. Super! Callum, who plays the Warforged Artificia Alpha.
Cracking cheese, Seth. Pooh Bear, who plays the human cleric, Emron. This is super serial. And Darren, who plays the high elf artificer, Raines Haddow. I love the Beatles. You'll never walk alone. How dare we say really horrible things about the city of Liverpool.
What? Oh yeah, those tumbleweed moments just happened. I keep forgetting, this is like a week ago like for like, if you're listening to this, this isn't like happening like five minutes ago, like yeah. Anyway, nevermind. Can I ask back? ah My name is Mark, and I'm playing the human blade singer. Last but my name is least is our wonderful DM, Danny. Hello, everyone. I didn't give you your thing, you did that. My spirit of magic.
Gorgeous engorgier of cock. No, that didn't work. That escalated quickly. is why makes it no like thaty like Gorgeous engorgier of cock. Danny's also a fluffer. chi out yes that's a my stick I am eating cheese, so if it sounds like I'm gobbling cock, I'm not. I'm just trying to eat some cheese. That could be a t-shirt, couldn't it? yeah The fellowship at the tabletop. Gorgeous engorgier of cock, just on the back.
i still think we should get a clipclop t-shirt maybe that's just what i'm saying
she realizes so and we find ourselves in

Old Girl's Situation and Flood's Warning

Where are we? A cheese shop. No, we're not in space, guys. We're in... We're not in space. No, but... Aaron, this is the third time since we switched. Oh, yeah, shit. I keep getting with you. You do this, and I do this, and you... There you go. I One day... I'm sorry, still think we I'm sorry. One should get day. It's okay. It's a bit shelved. a clip-clop It's okay. t-shirt made, that's just what I'm saying. So furious. I'm trying. Where's old girl today? That's a good question. What is Toe's doing? What are Toe's doing?
Well, ah funnily enough, you should ask this. and It's quite serious, actually, because it's a serious episode. Of course. And what actually, we we ah rush in through the front door of Old Girl's shack, and Old Girl's convulsing in bed, foaming at the mouth, sweat pouring down, cascading down his wrinkly brow, his lying toes crossed over and creased up together, the nails of which dig into the the kind of palms of his feet for a second before his eyes open and a smile enters his face. The orb has been tightly gripped in his hand the whole time. He looks up to us.
Ooh, Seppuku! Grizzled horseback man turns up to save the day. He turns out to be some man from the ozzer and aisles called Flood and he starts talking about the tournament. And he's all like, you boys going in blooded? And that's not what the boys think it is. That means that he's going to go in and not be resurrected. Maybe. And he just like, If you come up against any of them bloodies, you better get friendly or pretty quick, boys. And Raines is all like, well, what about the Valkyrie? And Flood is all like, every year she just jumps in and she's crazy as you fucking fuck stuff up, but she hasn't won yet. And Flood basically like, if I don't go in blood, then we can be friends, boy. And the group is like, oh shit, we all agree on something. That Flood guy is fucking hot.
A group damage Alpha with some phrases of, I am older, but actually it doesn't quite work in Draconic and Alpha's like, ooh, Reigns goes to chat to Nyx about how he's doing and talks to the Valkyrie and they start chatting shit.
clever pun there. Nix don't want to talk about it. A large group of a crisper keep going past with some bodies on the back probably know something about that from earlier on. Nix is attracting lots of spiders old arachnias back at it they form some sort of sparrow hawk and he starts giving them loads of lip and he's like oh fuck yourself I got lots of people to watch me Alpha goes ahead in the morning is like I'm gonna try I am older and and Reigns is like I've got a really good idea boys instead of making this password something we's got to remember let's put it on the court and the group's like it's a no from us.
Clip-cropped a scorch ham! There's no mustard! There's lots of green! There's adverts for the day

Humor and Group Dynamics

away! It sounds like some really cool fuckin' pub kind of thing, and some small bunting enclosed tent, and there's only one garden. It looks really cool, but fuck that, apparently. The group carry on, and there are three gnomes and a human on horseback, and they match pace, and they come up to Nix, and they were like, what you got in the cart, boy? And Nix is like... I don't know, I'm fucking the password!" the staff's like, no, don't fuck the password! And gives the password, and they're like, don't you mean blood iron boy? And it's them! They inspect the card dribbles like all thumbs up, and the human turns out to be Kenard, you know, from campaign one. Let's see what happens. So you find yourself dismounted from your traveling convoy.
The six of you stand with this human now introduced as Kennard of Blackmouth, while three

Arrival in Scorch Helm

gnomes tend to the cart. And just as this this female gnome whose sort of leading proceedings finishes her inspections, and there is some sort of um mechanical installation happening underneath the cart by another one of those gnomes the third gnome standing very fierce arms folded not breaking eye contact with dribbo the female gnome disappears in a second and you see her in the cart next to dribbo they exchange words for a few moments
Very distracted by Will. just take not really yeah um i'm imagining is like jim kery and the rhino and she is underwear come about the camera i i've gone reverse poohber for our listeners' benefits out there. Well, Danny was setting the scene so brilliantly. Will was in the background just getting naked, slightly undressing from the top down. And it was just like off the shoulder and then dying. And this was wiggling below camera. A very pretty woman. Keep those words going, boy.
Don't look at me! Sorry. and That's the opening road.
So you find yourself in this scene where this female gnome has now found herself inside the cart with Tribo. You are standing there with Karsten and for a moment, the entire inside of that, sorry. You said Karsten. No, not Karsten. The entire inside of that cart is now filling in darkness. Is there anything you would like to do in this time?

Milkgate District and Tournament Plans

Rains of attention is still very much on ah cannot. He's going to go, that yeah damn, we meet again. It's good to see you. Me again? well we i don't yeah and yeah me Me and Alpha went to the that the half of Inn when we were in Goldview and and we met and we went down into the basement and you had a statue of Akiva there and ah we exchanged pleasantries and that. Yeah, it's good to see you again. I'm sorry.
I run a pub. and I meet thousands of faces every day. Oh, I'm sure if you like listening back to like episode 8 or 9 or 10, you'll come across a conversation, your voice is a little bit different, but... Oh, okay. I'm really glad to see you again. Sorry.
and That's alright, nope, it's okay. um You sure you don't remember? Like, Alfred has made a medal. Ray, Ray, he doesn't remember. just Just, you're making it really awkward. Is that what I get like? Yes, it is next, yes. Oh, okay. No hard feelings, like... but No, no, I'm taken. No, I'm taken. Hard of my job, you know. so So you're not, how is Goldview? How, how worked, been there for a while? Turbulent. And, um...
political situation, Helena's still region.
Now's not the time, Kidder. Take it up with the boss. And who might that be? He just gives a roll of the head to Seth. You know. What, me? No. I'm not the boss.
Look, i think I think he's referring to your boss. Sorry, even I can pick up on that. ah Right, sorry. Yeah. While they're doing their thing, Seth, and he's gesturing towards the cart. This is for you. And he is going to present a scroll to the party. Not a scroll of magic. Ooh.
Not a scroll of magic. Not a scroll of magic, but if you will check the WhatsApp, not our episode sponsor, our episode sponsor of the day, but, um, other instant messenger platforms are available. Um, you have all been sent a copy of the map of Scorch Helm. Ooh. Sexy. Listen, I'm going to do you a solid. This will go on our Twitter page and it'll be the first post that we've done.
in years. But for those of you who's listening, if you just go onto our X page, you'll see the map that we're talking about, if you should choose. yeah handed ah You handed a map that is ah as a city line with ah with a northern coastline. ah It is made up of a series of districts. You are approaching from the Weston Road into Scorchill. So the way you're going to enter the city is going to be via the Milk Gate District.
there are a number of districts that fall outside of the old city's city walls, the sort of outer suburban areas, and there

Delivery at Epchriska Garrison and Logistics

are a number of districts in the inner city walls. We'll explain more as we get into the the city itself, but um that's what the the the company are seeing on that map, as well as a legend that contains 27 locations of note as well, ah but more to come of that as we continue this adventure. Again, I just says,
It's to you, Seth. I need you to go to the pissed Newt. You'll find it in the docs. You need to go there and you need to order. There's no listen very it carefully because as I understand it, you're not the best at remembering certain codes. Is that fair to say? Yeah. One time that happened, you know, um i'm I'm getting better.
I need you to go to the bar and I need you to order the charred cockatoo. Charred cockatoo. Is that a drink or am I expecting a meal? You'd be expecting a meal, let's say. Sounds like a mouthful. Specifically go and order that. Okay, you got it? Charred cockatoo. think I think I've had a charred cockatoo. Definitely a mouthful. So it is a meal so I could get that in the drink and it wouldn't look strange.
do whatever you need to do, but he's asked you to go and do that straight away. Once you drop this off, I'll give you instructions for that in a second, all right? Okay. Okay. So, first thing you do when you get to Scorchell is you need to head to the Epchriska garrison in the Milkgate district. Okay.
But I thought we want to avoid them. We've got to drop this off. They're expecting this prison transfer.
Right, I thought we were you were taking him. Yes, we are taking him in there. But you're taking this cart to the Uprisca with something in it. Okay. Okay. Why don't they check in sight though? Do we need another replacement?
They'll check eventually, but you'll be long gone. Okay. You get there, drop this off, get paid, get out, and then head straight to the piss note. Okay. Any questions? No. I'll just have one question. Go. Why strip? I saw important. You gotta ask him.
okay That makes sense. A crisper garrison, drop off prisoner, get money and fuck off. Go to the piston unit, order a chart cock or two. Like don't delay. Get that car dropped and go all of yours. Together. Okay. Asap. Sphere protection. Okay. Now stand back. You'll like this bit. I hope.
and you watch as that cloud of darkness inside the cart begins to dissipate and immediately as it does the female gnome reappears dribbo next to her and as that cloud of smoke inside disappears there is another dribbo inside
and you watch as Tribo just extends both arms lets out a big yawn and just says oh thank the gods oh you guys you guys over there the six of you wow what a team what a fucking team

Spotting Esmeralda and Tavern Scene

all of you right I have seen some things you're not gonna like hearing this I have seen some things and before you can get going he is grabbed in the abdomen by this stern faced gnome who almost pulls him single-handedly this gnome pulls this huge seven-foot green dragonborn one hand straight to the floor and rests an elbow to his neck and the two just get nose to nose the gnome incredibly angry the dragonborn incredibly
ah Apologetic, let's say, in gesture. They're not speaking as far as you can tell.
Oh, shit. ah ah We we all good. Kenar just says, this is fine. They need to do this. ah They know each you other. should Should we get going or? but We don't need to go out to just yet. Just to just just see what happens.
They just need to figure some stuff out. Give them a second. Oh, one of these in-party things. Yeah, we wouldn't know anything about that. Do you guys need a lift-in to score? Tell them, or are you going somewhere else? Somewhere else it's very important that we don't meet again for a while, Seth. Okay. So, uh...
Crisco Garrison, milk guide district, and then we're off to the pissed Newt. In the docks. In the docks. Don't delay. ah yeah He hasn't got much time. Here are we talking about he is in Sparrowhawk. Yeah.
but where Where's the Sparrowhawk gonna be? I'm not gonna spell it out for you next, lad. We got it. but Just follow the instructions. Okay. Cool. Next. Yep. I've been asked to tell you, don't get distracted tonight.
Yes. Just tonight. Okay. I don't know what that means. What? You don't know what that means. No. Who told you? I'm not going to say. Okay, that's helpful. Great. I feel like we've learned a lot about each other. Dribbo, are you okay? And in that moment he has thrust about 15 feet into the air from the gnome and the gnome just begins to wander back towards his horse. Dribbough stands

Secret Chamber and Intrigue

up, dusts himself off, lets out a very distinct number of coughs to try and clear his throat and recompose himself. It's fed head for a dragonborn, a green dragonborn has gone surprisingly red for a brief moment and then the colour sort of begins to return and just says
Right. Where was I? Aha. Yes. You guys, you, you, you crew. Wonderful work. Um, some things, some things. Let's, let's stop picking on this guy. He's going to put straight to put arm around Emron. Let's, let's leave the holy boy alone. He's going through some stuff. Try not to, you know, just make it worse. Try not to make him feel terrible. You're kind of just bringing up things that we've already gotten and worked through. Good to know. I couldn't hear everything in a,
sealed space in there, but just go easy on him. I feel like we're on the road to recovery and you could be just making things worse. Okay, moving on. This guy, and he's going to put an arm around Alpha, and then going to drag Reigns in, pull Emron in. You three got something you need to discuss. some It looks like unfinished business, not really functioning as a family unit. but it's simply we Are we not? Absolutely. What do you mean?
Okay, O for two. Not quite getting this, am I? yeah um You two, and it's just going to flamboyantly wave his fingers between bowel and k nicks. Just do it. Just get it on. Get it the out of your system. You'll feel a lot better.
like it on the money with that one that does fact that probably does need to add it's pretty spoil when i check a biglip yeah like if you just say it it's it's not as as powerful as just feeling it but well he just said it so you know he's saying a lot of things what's your fourth
only good time that I made a secret prediction about that one. Um, but, you're the problem and is pointing at alpha and it's going to turn to to the rest of his his sort of known affiliates here. I was expecting to be the the the MVP of this, the star of the show, but it seems like a lot of people want this guy, want this guy for something to do with with with a female. um I thought this was going to be about me.
To be honest, team, you could have picked a completely more functional group than these six, and they're sort of looking around to the gnomes for reassurance. Hey, which are you there? You did. You did. You did. You did. Um, but no. He killed a fucking demon. Yes. He almost killed us. My problem was that the demon was- There's been some challenges. I knew it was probably- You found a halfling's wife, and we had to run that guy off before he came in there and punched you.
um I kind of hope you would have just told him, no, but you still let him punch me anyway. Kind of hurt. Rob says no, he's a little... The demon is here.
Eric. Dribble, you talked about the demon. Oh yeah, shit, demon I killed. Wasn't expecting the demon. Um, actually more dangerous me travelling you within probably anyone else on Aerith. What the fuck was that about? With the demon? Even after Alpha? Yeah. why would Your guess is it's good results. And he just turns to his gnomes again. Why would they get them if they're already you mixed up in some deep shit? Well, to be fair, we didn't know we were that mixed up in deep shit when we accepted the job.
And our our cover was perfect. um Yeah, it was seamless. That's beyond. you We do have a habit of attracting trouble. I did say this to you earlier. Yes. But I also said in the prisons, we would get you here. And here you are. And I bloody well owe you. You did it. Well done, gang. Yeah. Yes.
Also, you possessed Alpha, just on the list of what would bring up things that happened between now and then get into here. That also happened. It would be interesting to know how. Well, secrets of the trade. I couldn't possibly tell, but I'm mighty glad I did because I could have died had I not intervened. I mean, we could have died as well. Yeah, I was in a bad way until you did, so I'm glad you did as well. Let's no thanks necessary. You got me here. You're all breathing bygones bygones and all that.
Absolutely love journeying with you, you pointing at Nick's very interesting thing going on. Huh? Just with the, you know, the spiders, the book, you know, love it. Love it. Wendy asleep. Who knows? What a fantastic story. I'll sleep one day. I'd love to write your autobiography. Well, that would be you. I'd like to write your biography one day. ah Okay. Is it time for us to go soon?
Right you are. I've outstayed my welcome. I thank you all for an incredible service. I really hope I'll see you soon. I feel like this is mirror image or something. I don't understand what's going on. And he does a very flamboyant bow. Definitely mirror image. To each of you in turn.
And when he gets to about halfway through, so he's bowed to Nyx, he's bowed to M1, he's bowed to Baal, and as he goes to Baal to Seth, this stern gnome that hasn't said much just goes and kicks him in the back of the leg to make him move. Jibbo turns, nods, smiles at you all and rushes off to a horse. And just in that moment where that stern-faced gnome is rolling his eyes, he just clocks.
eyes with Emron and drops this entire silent act. You? Yep. I've saved you. ah Okay, where?
not now
Come find me in the morning. Where will I find you?
Most mornings. Say a prayer or two in the monument of the blight. Okay.
I'll be there the next couple of mornings. I'll see you in the morning then. Is this going to be one of those weird things where like you set off and we say bye and we set off and we say bye, but we're heading in the same direction? Just stares at you for a moment. Talk too much. Is this about... You said that about me, what about him? He talks much.
Is this about the dreams? It's about the dreams.
Okay, I'll see you in the morning. Are we just doing like a you go first and we hold and then we go? Next. Shut up. Hey, hang on a minute. Like it's just a bit awkward if we all walk off at the same time and we're trying to be a bit more incognito. He's got a good point, but we have ah an elephant and that travels much faster. So I think we'll we'll pull ahead, I reckon. Would that be okay? Can I pull ahead?
Yeah, we're not taking this road, so you crack on. Hold on, so there you go. It won't be so awkward, Nick, don't worry. I expect I'll see you in a couple of weeks. Just take care, Seth. Keep your head up. We'll do. I'm assuming we survive the tournament. How are you going to go, are you? It's a plan, potentially. I'll put a couple of Bob on. Put it on, Seth. Seth, I... He's our champion.
so says Right you are.
At this point they're all sort of mounting, but you've got time to speak. Can I, I don't wish to sound solely, but we had a very, very distinct conversation about me being the Crown Prince of Shadow Man and Alpha being a, and we we spoke at length about Leopold's sleep garden rescuing him and wanting to do things to help Helena and Look, we we we look a lotza let me stop you there. Don't do this here. We don't know who's listening. And it's just going to give a very knowing look to Seth. A knowing look to Baal.
What? Yeah, and just lean la back out and go, fair enough. Never. And he's saying this very explicitly and on purpose and with intention.
It never met you before, lad. Have I?
Oh. Guess my mistake. You just said that you did, though. We've never crossed paths. I'm confused. I think they are lying. Oh, Nix. I think it's a lie. I think... Oh, right. Yeah, you guys have never met before. I got you.
Solid. Okay, so you are that way and we're this way. They begin to break and get towards the horse. And just as the Kennard's leaving, just leans into your shoulder, Seth, and says, just don't fuck this last bit up. Whatever you do. Yeah, you know, not a good track record, but you know, this load will keep us on the straight and narrow. Deliver it to the upcrisco.
Go to the pissed nude. Order a child cock or two. You got it. Got it. Good luck.
they mount ah And as they just says the living cannot point to the image of Dribbo that still exists in the prison cart. If Kriska will never test the weight,
By the time they figure out that's no more than pixie dust, it'll be too late.
And then rides on. And it is you. What would you like to do?
club club twoclock okay lot clip club it is We should probably make sure we keep using our codenames when we get to Chriska, because if we screw them over, they might come looking for us. From now on, we will use our nicknames. Codenames, that's what they were. Speaking of which, I don't believe I was actually there in form, was I? I was trigger.
You're us. When we get closer. Alpha, if you wouldn't mind doing the honours, he gives you a wink. And Alpha, you should probably... I will be happy to ride you. You should probably disguise yourself and, Seth, you try and do what you can. If we can just try and make ourselves not look like ourselves, Reigns and I can sort of hide in the back of it and, you know... Yeah, sounds good. I can actually do this. The least identifiable we can be, the better. Because if the Chris could get screwed over, they'll be looking for us.
This is a good idea. We have a plan. Let's not fuck it up. Let's try. But okay when there is a will, there is a way. And we have two wills. Met a joke. So you all press on, click clop in. um There is a considerable a considerable increase in speed, Seth, as though you are 1 eighth lighter, almost.
You press on through farmlands and ah sort of this rural, this ever urbanizing rural area. Within about an hour, you are moving quite adjacent to the northern shore. And Nix, you are seeing the water, you are seeing the sea again.
And what comes with that is a significant drop in temperature. It is it is cooler, all of that, that heat resistant um precautions you've all taken, you don't necessarily feel it necessary. Now, this is this is far more breathable. this is This is more humid as well. There is not so much dryness. Again, your skins will begin to sort of feel the benefit of this. And you get to about
an hour maybe before sunset and what you're seeing in the horizon to the east of you is this growing mosaic of architecture.
this radiant jewel that breaks the skyline from what has been a very familiar yellow and beige, June, to now a more regular farmland. Now you're seeing opulence, you're seeing you're seeing life in this wilderness.
It sort of looks from this distance like the the the skyline of of Istanbul or any sort of Turkish Middle Eastern skyline with those beautiful variations of various geometric spires, tiled roofs that are dyed in various hues.
this section you're coming to first yeah sort of sits within a lower ah canyon is the best phrase for it. ah This is that the district known as Milk Gate. And just as we're getting closer, but not quite pulling out all the details, Nix, you have this this overwhelming sense of of a comfort upon you. Is there anything you'd like to do in this time?
Yes, Nixon's shoulders visibly kind of relax as if there was a lot of tension, you know, when you build up a lot of stress and tension in your body, you're not even really aware of it. And then as soon as it dissipates, you just, your shoulders kind of relax, you sink back a little bit more into the chair and breathing starts to return to normal and there's there's a lot of tension that he wasn't aware was held up until he felt the call of the ocean again and it's just visibly much more ease and much more peace and his mind just kind of relaxes a little bit with that comes freedom of thought. So as we're getting closer, Nyx is going to pick out someone from the distance
who is wearing um just a crowd of people or a group of people, someone that looks fairly local, and they discern that from the volume of people wearing similar items of clothing, and he's going to use Disguise Self as we're travelling inconspicuously. He's going to do it, um but as he spies kind of like just the shade of clothing that's used here and the type of clothing, the fashion,
from head to toe, just starting from the top was just kind of almost like she's all that style will start to change as he ah as he just casts disguise self, but it'll be in with the clothing that's befitting to what he sees around him.
not much changes necessarily from what you're currently wearing you're sort of in that desert garb to help you with traversing and you're sort of you cast off the robes but the the colors still remain you know this is this is very sort of hands spun material but The extravagant guys, there is colour in your palette once again. yeah you You know, when you were in Sleekard and in your your full, I was going to say morning glory, but that's not the expression, but dressed how you would like to dress.
those colors existed in your in your wardrobe. and And again, that's back, but it's so much more opulent. Everything sort of has gold lining or is or is silken or is furred. The display of wealth in in attire is really quite common with with what you're seeing entering from this district. So Milkgate, as you're getting closer, is is predominantly the human cluster of scorch helm. And it exists on the Western,
side outside the city walls because Milkgate is ah essentially where the human population that really occupies most of Sleekard, when they wanted to move south and and not follow the rules of of civility, as they would see it in the north, um they were largely rejected by the Desidents of Scorcherham at the time. So they they made their own sort of neighborhood outside. And it was um sort of as an almost racial slur towards humans called milk gate, based on the sort of color and pigmentation of the skin of the sleep guardians from the north. But you're entering this predominantly human area. So you're looking like a very opilately dressed human who has
taking on the the sort of um cultural signs and signifiers of scorch home. And as you begin to approach closer to this this district, the structures are quite sleek guardian to begin with. They look like um very much of wood and stone, but as you get closer to this this this large city wall, this sand, I think, um Think like Tatooine Mos Eisley, that sort of plastered white sand material that occupies this huge city wall. Milgate sort of spills out in front of all of that. And it's very clear with the amount of purple embroidery and purple herudry and purple insignia that exist in this district, that this is an epichrisca run district. And it's very clear within
about 200 feet of even getting into the the ah building spread itself, where the Ypresco garrison is. You're about 200 feet away from entering the city proper, but you are you were there, you are are smelling life, you are smelling the mixture of sewage and a cluster of people and and the fumes that come from a working Docklands district, a working industrial district.
But you're also hearing music, you're smelling cooked food, you're smelling the brine of the sea, you're smelling a sort of very thin layer of floral um ah haze, tobacco-like. This is a picture of being in that tap house in Snakefront, but magnified on a huge scale. There is so much to hear, smell, and let your senses be overcome by. Is there anything you'd like to do as you begin to enter this city, Baal? Yeah, I would. Just very quickly, I turn to the group. Who intends to be the face of our group?
Anyone? I've reigned that experience of, you know, talking to people. Right, you are? I i can give it a go, yeah. Okay. Go and range. you've you've You've been, you know, raised in courtly proceedings and that kind of stuff, so you know how to talk to folk. I'll yabba-dabba-doo my way off the back of the elephant ah next to and kind of sidling up to reins.
give ah the the traditional stroke of the face, and I'm going to cast Enhance Ability specifically for Eagle Splendor advantage on Charisma checks, um and do the the various kind of somatic components as well with that.
And then I'll say, and I'll be able to understand everything you say. So when you're ready, Alpha, saddle up. And I'll kind of leap from the cart, knowing that we're still a good distance out and and kind of as we're as we're approaching the the ah more obviously signified of Criscra area, Baal is going to wild shape himself into a horse like he had done previously, his trigger form, if you like, and be sidling up next to the cart. That's me. Nice.
Yep, and upon Baal going into horse mode, um Alpha will cast Disguise on himself, making him just look very much like the same feminine elf that he was when we picked up the prisoner.
oop um just as he jumps, uh, all casually gets up on top of rain. Not going to jump on, uh, on ball, not going to jump back broken. Um, well, I reckon I did this accent, uh, these kinds of shadow menu and thing last time. So let's get this over with. i I don't like talking like this. It's a little weird.
Oh, Winnie's a bit. That's a critique, Alfred, but you got quite a deep voice for quite an effeminate looking lady that you've turned into right there. But you're working on it. I i admire the effort. It's a good one. ah Bitch. You are, though, aren't you? You're like this effeminate. Very true, very true. and Yeah.
Like a straight character. It'd still be something I gotta work on, maybe. Maybe I need to go a little bit higher in the register. Yeah, that's better. Okay, let's go with this one then. If you feel more comfortable with the deep voice and future, just go for something a bit a bit more, um... No, I want to see how this plays out, range. Yeah, it's happening. It's happening. It's happening. The dive cast. I think you mean Barry.
What do we have for Kennard? No, Kennard's too obvious. Yeah, it's good with his default name. Which one's that? Again, not Kennard anymore. Barry. Barry. The hell agreed on Barry? Was I unconscious when you agreed on that? Yes. Wonderful.
So, you press on into milk gate then?
Is this the same, as we're travelling, everyone's going to be looking around, because obviously we were told to find a house in Milkgate at some point. um Yeah, but we're also told to go straight there. very yeah No, no, he's just looking out. They that they would they were told by Ballbag to look for a Scorchhelm house in Milkgate villas. He's looking around. how grand Are there lots of grand villas? or isn't necessary Yes, ah the if you're looking specifically for the a stage of Wilfrid de Bawbeck that he explained, that they signal here sid yeah yeah the the orange fish in the black net, it's not on this street. So there are there are four streets coming in, there are four roads coming into Millgate. You are taking the
ah one at about seven o'clock on a clock face, which is going to take you directly towards this huge barracks, essentially, that has this upcrisco heraldry all over it. um But you are passing a couple of, yeah, quite flamboyant villas. This is a very wealthy area because it's a lot of relocated, wealthy humans from Sleekard that are positioned here. But you're not seeing that insignia that you met on the road on this street.
That's fine. Everyone's just keeping an eye out because he knows milk gates where they were told to yeah look for the ball bag. So you sort of, you you begin to bring the car up the street and this car is quite broad for the streets. People are moving out of the way to make this happen. And Seth is having to sort of quite expertly just sort of meander between people who are who out on the street trading, people who are conversing,
um But it is it is paved. and the the The welcome feel of not being on earth, but being on paved roads again is just making the cart fly through the city.
After about 10 minutes of just sort of slow meandering through a gridlock space, you so find yourself at the the foot of this huge compound with a grisker heraldry all over it. At the far end of this compound is where a lot of um wagons and such are parked up. But this is essentially a fortress that was erected before the city became as populous as it was that has been repurposed by the grisker.
It has these towering walls made of black stone. These imposing sort of turrets, embattlement along them. And as you're always riding along, you spy three, four dozen archers on top of that barracks alone.
Driving pasts, when you can tune in those of you of the perceptive skills to do so, you hear drills being shouted from from various sections. You hear marching, you hear the M1, you hear that sweet sound of the clattering of of hammer and anvil against worked metal.
that the sounds of sort of military and and ah pride in that are all sort of perceivable through that. The occasional break in that fortification to spy in, you just see a number that is in the hundreds inside this garrison.
you get to the very end of the garrison and there is yeah this this small sort of courtyard that has maybe one or two um carts in it that are completely empty and then it stands in front of this huge port colour skate that has about six of chriska strong and there's this one chriska member with this uh various roll of parchment bundled into this leather bag that is just sort of going through inventory. And they mark that you're coming in and you're waved in by this heavily armored female elf and sort of gesturing towards a pointer to park up. Is there anything you'd like to do? Seth, you've been meandering through the streets at this time to get to this point.
And Raines will remember that he's been told to take point on this, so he'll just pull himself up onto the top of the cart next to Seth, and we'll just glance around, and he's just gonna have to feel a moment of kind of concern for all for our elephant, and he's just gonna go, oh, we're about to leave trunks here.
I have no idea.
I think we're being gestured towards a place to pull over so they can check. We can hand over the yeah the core our quarry. i mean We're only handing over our cart, everyone's in the back of the things their cart, so we can keep our cart and find a place to find the stables for it, can't we? We'll just unhitch our prisoner at the back. Yep. Yeah, Rains will just lean back and say to him, i okay,
when I'm doing the talking, just get out and i get as unhitched as quick as you can. yeah if it all If it all goes south, we split and we all meet up at the um the the pissed, whatever it was, pissed newt inn, okay? But it's not going to, so it's all right. I know, it was good to have a backup.
So you disabuck first reigns as though you're leading proceedings here? Yeah, Rains is just going to get off, very comfortably take off his riding gloves. He's wearing the rich fineries that he purchased. He looks like a wealthy man and he's just going to step forward and go, understand you're expecting a delivery. Right, right. Yes, let me just check my notes and you sort of see as this female sort of approaches you but doesn't really give you eye contact as you're sort of buried in in the task she has to do. I have one more hour to go and now this thing turns up. Right, so. Oh. I see. We weren't expecting you for another day. You made swift travel across the sands.
whenever I take on the job, this transport and important cargo that I don't need to know a lot about, I like to get rid of it as soon as possible. Even if that means I have to hire an elephant or purchase an elephant or whatever it takes, especially when I know that the payment is on the other end and waiting for me. Interesting.
Ready, efficient. Please, if you're ever in the Looking out for more work like this, do call in. We could use a pair of hands that seem to be as diligent as yours.
Whenever you want work, look for Barry Studmoor if I'm around in Scorsh elm. Barry Studmoor? Studmoor. Studmoor. Can I just get your signature here please? She gestures it a bill. A sign.
It's the sum of 1500 gold. There you are. ah I'm now going to go and inspect ah the car. Yeah, thanks for the suggestion to the car. Thank you. Could you see by detaching it from yours, please? I believe one of my associates is already about that and he's hoping everyone's already off the car and is already on that. Everyone's sort of got out and got the car unitched, boss.
And she sort of does a walk around sort of in specs, makes a few more notes.
Hmm. Seems like you and encountered a couple of, well, some moments of travel along the road. Oh, there was some snake folk and yeah, there was there was a bad sandstorm. Now you are. Well, you see nonetheless, still seems to be living.
Here you are. And she hands you a coin purse complete with 1500 gold. yeah Straight into the bag of holding. We'll be wanting us to store your ah creature. We're taking this elsewhere. We have no ah real ample space for this sort of size farm. We'll take it with us. but Like I said, we use, make lots of use for efficient hands like these. So should you ever require more work?
We have plenty we are transporting these days. We're about to... We're about to inherit quite a large contract to the north, so call in. Always interested in contracts that are heading north. Particularly when I'm this far south. Thank you, Master Stadmore. Be on your way. I'm obliged. The rains will just climb back onto the ah cart.
At this point, the weight is now half, Seth, you have just the wagon and all of your travelling party. So Trunks is able to move a lot more dexterously. But we'd skedaddle super quick. Yeah, rain would just go on the car and go drive a goal.
Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. And Seth will turn around and quickly make a skidaddle out of there um as quick as possible. Without it being obvious that we're moving quickly, but just kind of not wasting any time. So the on the way in, you would have seen a couple of points. There's loads of points at which people have sort of parked up and moored up their travelling vehicles along the way. um If you want to sort of ditch trunks and and head into town yourself, you will not be able to get into the city wall. It won't ugly won't support that sort of size of an elephant and a cart. So you'll have to do something about trunks this side of the city wall. We should find the stables or... What about the bullbag bank? He owed us something, didn't he? He lives in this area. Do you think we could leave trunks with him?
I mean surely we could just do that or we could find the nearest stable and just pay. pay There'll be a lot of folk coming into the city that are usually around these areas you just find like a stables and they you rent a space and. Stables on the other walls I think avoiding distractions and getting to where we need to go is the smartest solution.
We just went to space. Well, yeah, we'll have to cut down some of these streets and find a stable then because we're right near the wall. I don't think they're going to let us in, are they? Excuse me, sir. As anyone who walks by. Yeah. And there's no people just sort of around. Hi, ah we're here for the big tournament. But as you can see, our Our friend over here points over to Trunks. We need a place to keep him safe as we stay over. Can you recommend anywhere? Yeah, and he just sort of points. This is a sort of heavily um built dwarf, just sort of points towards the the sort of Northwest.
If you go one more street over, you'll find plunger places that will take your coin to store your elephant. Wonderful. You are a gent. Thank you very much. It's just what we needed. And do you do so, Seth? You you take that journey? Yeah. So you head to the... but so Yeah, off the behest of Nick's nodding in agreement, we'll be okay, fine. And clip clock, he'll take us and Seth'll take us in the direction.
You have to sort of backtrack slightly out of the city again to to find a broader space to move an elephant and a wagon back through. And you do, you go to the one more street up on your map. So you're now coming in at that, that route, the route that house has the monument of the blight and the ah food hall. So the first thing you recognize as you sort of get to this street is a hell of a lot of just sort of parked up. And it it is one silver a day to park a wagon and an elephant.
if anyone wants to mark that off, but you are. I've got a suit. Yeah, Rains is sat in at the front and he's got the bag of holding. He will just reach in and he'll take out 10 silver and he'll just gesture to someone. Yep. So just mark on your maps that your wagon and elephant are stored near the monument of the Blight and that will include feeding as well within that fee as well as storing. So you'll have to pop back in 10 days if you want to continue that.
at higher, higher, I suppose it's higher, rental. But yes, you are you at the the monument of the Blight. It's really interesting. So this route in is a slightly narrower route than the one you were just in. You get the impression that the chriska are occupying the sort of most ah logistical, sensical space in Milkgate. The monument of the Blight is just this huge stone that has 10, 12,000 names carved into it. And as you take a sort of a cursory glance, they're all Drolakian in sort of origin. um Seth would have definitely been to to monuments like this in Sleetguard and the names aren't necessarily similar. Like you look at the top of the list and expect
some very heavy hitters in Sleet Guardian lore, they're not there. This is specifically people of Dralak that died fighting the Blight. Is there anything anything people want to do as they sort of pass that monument? ah Yes, as we ah disembark from Trunks and the cart, as Nick steps down from the cart,
And he looks around the disguise self that he used earlier is going to simultaneously drop as he steps down. He's going to be back in his normal time. Okay.
Raines? Sorry. Yeah, yeah um am I right in thinking that the alpha is currently mounted on bile, as bile is currently ah um yeah in horse form? Yeah, bile's in horse form, bile's in trigger form. One thing is all to be able to move at the same speed towards the piss newton. Raines will just glance around and go, how much to hire four horses to the stable hand? To hire them?
If we can take, can we take horses into the city or is it foot traffic only? Foot only. Forget it. Thoughts at all? You're heading to the Pissed Noot. Yeah, Rains hasn't mentioned that. He doesn't think that was me mentioning that as like a narrative of what we're doing. Rains will just go, forget it. We'll be back in 10 days to decide what to do with. yeah I'll look after your elephant.
Okay, we've got everything and one sort of checking the back of the car, making sure they've got everything that they want with them and sort of handing any extra supplies and that lot to rain to put the bag of holdings, they don't have to carry them properly. Yeah, so just just so I can marry up there, we've just got 15,000 gold, is that correct? 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500.
if you want that kind of money you got store next
the comment 1500. So you press on into the city and unless anyone wants to do anything at the Monument of the Blight while you're there. ah Seth would definitely clock it and would clock that he'd come back to it. and He's very, very aware of the ASAP order from um our Blackmouth Ranger friend and um is very cognizant of getting to the docks, finding the Piss Newton and ordering his cock or two.
Baal would linger a little bit as well, even in horse form at this monument of the Blight, kind of cock its head, horse head slightly, looking at some of the names and kind of looking up and taking it a little bit. um And then if there's anywhere semi-inconspicuous, like if there's alleyways, things like that, that I could kind of quickly dart off down, probably without fully alerting Alpha, that that's what I'm doing, kind of jump into a cantor and make my way down a... you are absolutely leading the way on this so wherever you go i'm i'm still just like there whoa ah yeah and the he'll yeah he'll he'll find somewhere where he's not gonna be too overseen ah and go into like a like rear up basically not to try and knock alpha off but like slowly or try to kind of slowly rear up and as he does so he'll morph back into dragonborn form so it's almost like he goes up onto two legs and and shrinks in that way so that it's
the most ceremonious dismount for Alpha, but yeah, that's the intention. And also to look cool. because It's not hard to certainly just pop in and do this. um the As you're still in the outskirts of Milk Gate at this point, the buildings aren't like super close by. You're just sort of stepping towards the city and they're getting a lot more condensed. But yeah, it's easy enough to go into a discrete area, do that, and then re-emerge. Cool. I'll just quickly turn to Alpha and say thanks for the ride again. And make my way back to the group.
So as you continue along this road into the city and again About a quarter of a mile in front of you at the edge of the Millgate District is this big Tatooine style sand wall, sand and clay wall that leads into the inner city. You pass on your left is a huge bustling establishment and there's massive sign that says Mama Rudy's Food Hall. And there is a queue that spans the entire width of the street six or seven times. Inside you just hear this
bustling noise, i bards playing, but but really just cheering, almost like it's it it's a Viking feast coming out of that hall. And there are these two full orc bouncers out the front that are controlling the numbers that come in and out. You get the sense this is an incredibly popular spot. The makeup of the crowd matches the sort of makeup of passers-by that you're seeing in the in the street itself. humans despite being the human district are in a minority in in um uh scorch helm itself predominantly orc predominantly uh dragonborn predominantly dwarf predominantly drow predominantly tiefling the
non um sort of-villainous races are also in abundance as well. There are goblins, there are bug bears, there are hobgoblins. It's almost like one in every 25 persons here as a human. That's how much of a perhaps minority they are.
You press on and you move through that inner inner wall and you step into this completely different zone. What was very um human, what was very northern inspired, a hybrid of sleep guardian and ah general sand aesthetic. You leave that behind and you step into an area known as West Grey Glass.
Now this is the industrial district of the city and it is dominated by factories and warehouses and workshops. There are smokestacks that belch thick plumes of smoke into the sky even at this late hour. You get the sense that the dry industry never really stops. So this is a 24 hour beating city.
That sound of machinery fills the air. Alpha rains, you're sort of at home at the idea that that that magic and machination is sort of working autonomously here, everywhere you look. There are bellows that are being operated without anyone pumping them. There are there steam engines that are causing various larger machines to move in lateral directions. There is just that sound of, and that unmistakable smell of iron burning and coal burning.
Yeah, similar to Seth, Reigns has noted it and it's something to come back to, but he's he's not he's not stopping at the minute. It's just something that he's got, so it's like something to come back to.
there are There are wagons that pass you in the street. While there was there was a much more relaxed sense in milkgate of of activity here, everything is moving with purpose. There are wagons passing you that have like ingots of iron, then there are like forged metals coming out. Left, right and center is almost like you're that scene in Oliver when everyone's selling who will buy, who will buy? That moment entitled who will buy, where everyone's just fleecing goods, not in a selling capacity, but there is just, you are caught in this web of industry.
Most notably, however, and Nix, you're beginning to develop a ah proficiency with this, is the refinery of Keltrad here, is that you are you are smelling and there is this light haze of so intoxication that that lingers around this district ah of Keltrad being refined. I have a question about that. yeah
What's my initial internal ah feeling to sensing Keltrad. Is it one of like, oh man, that shit was trippy and I didn't like that. Or is it one of like, yeah, that shit good. And I'd tap that. I mean, it it doesn't pull to you in any way. It's it's just like a substance. It's like flour is a substance in a cupboard, you know, you're, you're, you're, you're aware of what it would do if you put it into your system. Okay.
yeah Cool. I didn't know if it was like, oh yeah, morphine. i Give me that again. It's not like magnetizing or any way. All right, cool. Thank you. What's also really notable about this district is as you approached Scorchham, there was this amber-like glass cloud that sort of shrouded the city, and it's all being produced here. It's it's those emissions of Keltrad being smelted that produces this like hazy, off-orange glow to the city. much like If you think like a smoggy London in in the turn of the industrial era, It's like that, but imagine it is, it is this beautiful amber sight. You crack on through this district, sort of weaving in between the sense of industry, this late in the day as well. You pass.
ah demarcated section where where a lot of masonry in purpose or masonry is existing and there are a number just from it's it's it's the back end of this so it's sort of fenced off it's not the the front of this attraction but you can just sort of spy this courtyard where these giant 18 20 foot sculptures of phoenixes have been hewn in stone and they tower over the city almost like they are they are um
guardians of this district almost, but really beautifully crafted stonework. You press on and Nix, you are in the most familiar place you have been. You are in a harbor district at this point. Now, the harbor district is often a bustling district, but at this point in the evening, there is one thing on people's minds and that is drinking.
And unlike the the nature of the tea house you you sampled in Snakerun, here, this is a ah very metropolitan city that primarily indulges in that um vice of of booze and grog and alcoholism. And that is that is rife here in the Docklands District, as well as every other, for every two um warehouses or shipyards, there is a pub, there is there is a thing.
at this point it would make sense given you're following that map to maybe take yourself to the shore the the coastline and as you do you see this bay this amazing bay four five six dozen moored ships out into the the the bay itself at sea you see for five different fleets or different insignias primarily that orange insignia affiliated to Lord Vossen that is essentially the armada the naval power of the city and nix you've seen those boats before you know
that is not something you... those are not boats that you tempt with. there's There's easy prey at sea and there is there is the navy that you do not touch and it is Vossen's gang that is the most notorious on those seas for being the ones you don't fuck with. As you look out across that bay, Nyx, as a seafarer yourself, is there anything that comes to you?
more than just a little bit hopeful, but he's been on land for a flipping long time now. Is there any hint of the Esmeralda out there? and He's not really expecting it, but it's almost a ah reaction to being this close to the water and seeing all the gullies out there. is there he His eyes would just naturally caress each ship as he glanced over it, but in his mind's eye,
He is always out on the hunt for the Esmeralda. Is it there?
The pause has got my hopes right up, man. Almost not expecting to see anything. So not really holding out an awful lot of hope. You think, ah, it'd be nice if it was there. I miss that ship. And just as you go to continue You see, tethered to a Vossen warship. Out at sea, not docked. Get the fuck out. The Esmeralda. Oh my god! Are you serious? Oh! About 300 feet into the the bay itself, so it's deep water. You see it.
That's a live Nyx reaction as well. He would be that, like word for word. That is the reaction that Nyx would be giving out loud as well. Are you all right, Nyx? You sound like you had a stroke. Is he okay? I'm not sure. I'm fine. I'm fine. I've got a really good feel about this place, guys. Okay.
Danny, could you just explain that, where where the where the ship is again? Yeah. So it's about 300 feet away from you to the northwest out in the base in deep water. There is a cluster of about six Fosun warships tethered to one of those warships is the Esmeralda. Now you understand the active.
A ship being tethered by another is one of two things. Either it's been rescued at sea, or it's that ship's bitch. It's been captured. Yeah. And pounded. Yeah. As you you, you will find yourself on this this beautiful promenade. If there's one thing that, that, that, um, scorcher on prides itself on, it is, it is the Docklands is, is at the center of some of its economy. If it's not Keltrad, it is, it is pirates coming to port for a safe haven.
And this this this whole promenade, about a quarter of a mile long, is just filled with revelers, with with with musicians, with people selling contraband. As contraband as it would be in other kingdoms, here it's all above-board legal legal shit. It's like we're in the red light district of Amsterdam, you know? And as you move along that promenade, sort of...
I imagine some of you holding Nyx as he is just um overcome with this sense you just spy and Seth may be leading this charge. A sign that says the Pissed Newt, about 200 feet. And then above the building where the Pissed Newt sits on top of this um giant mound essentially is this towering colossal structure that is the castle of the three crowns the seat of power in scorch helm is there anything people want to do or they'd still beelining for the pissed newt?
so many things. I mean, I think let's go straight there guys. Everyone's just sort of yeah, I'm sort of keeping a wary eye out because they're a big city now and they don't want to, you know, get mugged or or robbed. But yeah, he's sort of making sure that nobody falls behind sort of at the back sort of, ushering people on. Okay, so many things. So many emotions. So
It takes you about 15 minutes of stepping over some drunk individuals, appreciating um fiddlers and and flutists along the bay front promenade. And you find yourself at the Pisknoot. This is for what is about 7, 8 p.m. now, an incredibly lively tavern that sits at the heart of this harbor district.
You step in and immediately you are recognised the clientele. This is a favoured spot by mercenaries, by adventurers, by rogues. This is your crowd. As a collective of people, this is your your you're scene.
This is a very dimly lit interior that is lined with sort of wooden walls but this beautiful sort of vertical embroidered rugs and cloths of of gold embossed and and this amber theme that really exists throughout the city.
No one really has that moment where they mark you when you walk in and it falls silent. It is not like that. It is that you are you are so inconspicuous here because you are so this the regular site of what walks in through these doors. There are these long wooden tables that almost sit like Viking long tables that move in the center of the room.
There is this wooden bar at the back of the pub itself to the right of you. And as you walk in, there is this this cloud of steam that sort of sits, ah that prevents you really from seeing the ceiling. To the right of you are a series of hot pools and hot tubs and hot baths.
and naturally formed within the the floor itself. It's not like there's a wooden borant bordered floor. There's an earthen floor beneath you, but it's warm. And these are like geothermal pools that mock up this very natural spring of of hot water that creates this cloud of steam. To your left are a series of sort of communal shisha-like pipe multi-flute smoking areas that a lot of people are enjoying.
There's a stage to the left behind you just as you walk in that no one is currently performing from but you can tell by those boards that they have been walked an awful lot and a lot has been put performed upon them. There is about six, seven dozen different parties sort of drinking and enjoying.
uh quite notably you see two ship captains and nicks not like people walk around with a sign saying i am a captain of a ship but you'd know in a tavern the way people sit around a certain individual the cluster the smell the look of their clothes you'd recognize that's a ship captain and that's a ship captain and that is their crew two of those take up quite a big entourage around them one one uh clearly uh
has that air of piracy about them. Again, from this distance you don't necessari necessarily know them, but you imagine their names you might have heard of. But again, if you're beelining for a certain point, the bar at the far end is manned by this incredibly hairy dwarf. This dwarf take is is as short as a regular dwarf, but is ah as wide as two, and has Forearm hair that matches the hair on Imran's head. that that that the the The fact that this is um almost like a dwarf meets Bigfoot. This guy is hairy as hell. Ginger from head to toe and is working this bar like he has a well-oiled machine.
Glasses are flying down these long tables and landing the exact spot that people need to purchase. Mage hands are being cast from this guy and he's going and collecting coins as recompense. He marks you as you walk in and another mage hand appears in front of you and just does the gestures come hither. and What do you guys want to do as you step into this place? Seth would have a quick look around and then beeline it directly for this large ginger man.
um I imagine maybe there might be a child following at his his feet as well as he kind of looks down awkwardly like, why is there a kid in this bar? But he'd continue to walk straight up towards um this large gentleman and he'd start sweating profusely.
Do you will follow follow him? Yeah, res follow yeah we've we've we've followed. Big old group activity. Ooh, hot tubs. Nice, but definitely following. Nix is ah going to give out a couple of yah as he spies different groups and he's going to hold his um bottomless mug out and a z as he As he feels like he knows the crack of the crowd, especially certain individuals, um just raises his bottomless grog. Yeah. BYOB. Make a history check with an advantage as ah one group turn, both groups turn to you, but the ones that are clearly pirates turn to you and try and study history with advantage.
I really wish that some dice rolls would work out at specific times, but eight. Eight. ah Yeah. You think. Yeah.
That might be the crew of the Tide song. Oh. You recognize one or two, the captain looks a bit familiar. You don't remember the captain's name. You don't mark who any particular jewels or feats she may have accomplished. But you think that's the crew of the Tide song. Just from other portly encounters in your past. Nix is just feeling more like himself than he has done for what feels like weeks and weeks and that energy. He's just kind of got that bounce in his stride um and this just this lightness about him. However,
He remembers why we're here and he'll just kind of quickly, quick step up to Seth and um just tap him on his shoulder. And as he does so, this purple beam of energy just curses from Nix's fingers through to Seth as I cast guidance on him. Okay. Champion.
as as everyone's behind sort of the group, you're like, yeah, Osiris, wasn't there a a speciality you were telling us about from here? Yeah, there was one ah friend,
and it was the ah chart cockatoo, I think is what we were going to order. Barkeep, good day, good evening, good morning. Could we order five beers and one charred cockatoo we heard it's a specialty we'd like to try just as you call this dwarf over he just looks he says grub bar busy grub bar very busy speak quickly grub bar busy and then just as you sort of list off that order he immediately stops his haste grub bar can make that order grub bar can make that order for the cockatoo
need to head to the downstairs room and he just gestures to a spiral staircase behind the bar. It's not a fireplace. Grumba gets your biz, gets your cockatoo coming right up. For the cockatoo do we go down the stairs now? Down the stairs. It's not a fireplace. Not a fireplace. And then he goes to serve a different customer. As you see with his left hand, he's already starting to pour pints.
What does he mean by not a fireplace? Well, I feel like that might be something you need to know. No, I imagine we'll find out when we go down and see it. Illusions? Maybe. Okay. Shit, am I in front of you?
You got this. I got it. Yep. And Southwood found the staircase and descend slowly and very sweatily. This sort of back chamber. And you can sort of see before, if you carried on beyond the spiral staircase, it's essentially where the latrines are, the holes in the ground, that smell of just fecal matter is just hitting your nostrils. But then you spiral this spiral staircase. And as you descend, you descend six, seven flights continuously.
And you emerge in this very small room of molded earth. And in there is just for one long table and three half orcs playing a very dangerous game of five-finger filet. And they stop. They stop mid-splice and just mark you as you come in. Apart from this long table, they've all got flagons of grog. Behind them is this nine 10 foot archway made of stone that is a fireplace with this warm brazier hearth that sort of spills out what would you like to say is that the fireplace not a fireplace rain is going to immediately go over and just observe this fireplace just ah a dumb waiter was it what what is the deal with this fireplace you should have put your hand towards it there's no heat coming off it at all
No, fireplace. I place ah think it's an illusion. I think let's keep going. All right, let's just ah walk through the fireplace. Don't mind us, lads. We're just walking through a fireplace. There's these six hawkish eyes just follow you, daggers above their blade-stripping blood. I got gold on the big man. One nods at you and smiles.
Let's keep going. And everyone's always trying to usher at the back. Nyx will flick out gold towards the big one. I'll come to collect. They nod again.

Discoveries in the Second Chamber

And whoever pushes through or touches this fireplace, it is a fake wall. It is ah it it is an illusion. And it just, you move into this second chamber with this black lead door.
I love this place. What would you like to do?
I'm not taking point. I'm just saying, I think we've landed our feet here. yeah I think we should open the door. Everyone search from the back. Clip, clop, knock, knock. Everyone, you place your hand on this door and it is unlocked and you're able to pull it open. Yeah. everyone Everyone's going to take this. Everyone's dawdling it. Everyone's like, it's cool.
And you step through and you emerge in this hall, this dwelling. It is richly decorated. It is it is hewn stone, black or gray stone with these nice wooden beams above you that creates this mezzanine level. At the very back of this room, there's a staircase up. In the middle of this room, however, there are three sort of six-person tables.
this large central fire pit that's cooking a sort of rotisserie pig. There are cupboards to the right and left. There are there are i lots of sort of furnishings of a comfortable space. There are there are wardrobes. There are shelves to hang your coats. There are places to wash. There is a private toilet. There are bookcases. This is, for all intents and purposes, a sort of penthouse almost.

Sparrowhawk's Revelation and Identity

And there is one single hooded figure sat at the table by the fire at the far end of the room. You've got an appetite.
Rains won't say anything. It's just going to go sit next to this figure, if that's other chairs. Yeah, there there's about 14 chairs around this long table. I assume this isn't all for you. Have you all entered?
Yeah. Oh yeah. You'll hear a door close behind you. Ah, onomous. Very onomous. The figure stands incredibly gingerly. As they get out of their chair, they have to sort of put two hands on the table to help them up. They hold their side in pain for a second. And then it's a very familiar voice and a very familiar attire. Still hood up.
Well done, Seth. You got him here. You all got here. Please take a seat. It is Sparrowhawk. Fuck! Does he seem more weaker than when we met him in?
Yeah. Yeah. He's struggling with his breath. He's not moving particularly well. And he just sort of gingerly lets himself back into that chair and faces you. Are you okay? You seem injured. I am injured. I'll tell you more, but here, eat, drink. You must be exhausted. And on the table is, yeah, flagons of ale and just a sort of mild buffet of of cooked meat and fruit.
but It was part of the journey, to be honest. yeahs not dr But now I'd say it's a good journey. This this this this doesn't look like dry rations, so I'm gonna... Don't mind if I do. Take your time, you must be weary.
Or will be partaking? Yeah, bars gobbling. Nosh nosh. Clock clock. Seth's going to um look really concerned at all this, at the state of Sparrowhawk, etc., and is going to...
be really quite quiet and just kind of nod when he needs to nod and take his cue from the group here and he's subservient to what the Sparrow will tell him but is not happy about seeing what should be a figure of strength and power and authority in the Wind Watch seems so fragile. And that's going to really be obvious in his furrowed row. But he's, for the majority of the conversation, going to be quite quiet and just taking in everything around him and everything that's told to him. Instructions, rules, what he needs to do next, the whole shebang. He's just going to be quietly nodding and maybe making notes as he picks to add some of the food.
While you're sort of all tucking in in silence, some of you who sit closer to him can just hear his pained breath. Alpha, what are you doing? I will take a seat, but I will not be just partaking in the food and drink that is presented. um I am taking a bit of a back seat, kind of near a set at the moment, because this is all very unusual.
sneak, secret, society kind of stuff for me and that I, Alpha wouldn't process it right.
Rains will offer Sparrowhawk. I can do some healing if it's, that if it's whatever ails you. That's kind. I may take some. This does not get better. You want now or?
Please, I have enough to keep alert. I wish for you all to just refresh yourselves. Tell me about the road. You step through a lead wall that looks for a second at Seth, looks for a second at Paul. No one is listening. It's just us.
and While those initial conversations about what's your road journey was like before you have them, or simultaneously while you have them, everyone is youre about to start. I'll come to you in a moment. Nix, you just hear telepathically in your mind. In Sparrowhawk's voice, if my information is correct, you can talk this way too. If that's the case,
Go pour some wine from the cabinet behind you.
No longer the bouncy, light-footed one he was before he walked into this. He had a few moments. ah Next we'll just, with a sigh, put his shoulders a little bit more heavier, go and pour himself some wine. and You hear the following.
Good. I need to tell you something that I need you to relate to Seth at another time, for I fear he or the party may want to act sooner than they should.
My inner circle has been compromised. I'll get into it in a bit. You'll connect the dots.
But my entourage, my personal guard, I can't trust one of them. I'm not sure who, and I am vulnerable. And I need to keep Seth at a distance for a little while. When we're not in this room. Does that make sense? Aye.
Please just tell him this when the dust has settled.
do I do not intend to act rashly.
Aye. Thank you, Nyx. Thank you for the drink. And Nyx will just raise a glass, but his back is towards everyone. So he's just kind of as if he was doing it to the wall, you know. And none of you can see Sparrowhawk because his hood is still up. He's just, we don't know, Nyx, if you have eye contact or not.
And so, Emron, at simultaneously, you were about to begin by talking about what you encountered on the road, perhaps? So there was this afterling, and he he wanted to punch the prisoner, um which was a bit confusing for us all. And yeah and then we came across some sleet guard soldiers who'd just killed some of Criscra. They were after the cart. That were interesting.
um Then there was some yuan-ti, they were after the cat. And then a demon showed up and they were actually after our friend there and everyone would gesture towards um towards Alpha. So um it was an interesting encounter. Oh and oh yeah, and then and then, oh no, the sleep guard were after Alpha as well, rather than the prisoner. It was very strange. Sorry? What did you just say?
There were some sleep guardian soldiers who were after um Alpha, and everyone again gestures towards Alpha, um and there were some UNT who I think were after the prisoner.
Sorry. So it's not just the chriscra, and then there was, why are people after your friend? We don't know. um There was someone from our homeland big assassin, quite shady but book sent by um you know the the the the rulers, some of the rulers um who were after, we think, Alpha. And then I say these Sleet Guard soldiers, Reans, what armor were they wearing? They were wearing... Whose was it? um and They were wearing the personal sigil of the guard of Leopold Sleet Guard.
I see. and then and then And then a big demon showed up de who was wielding the halberd. Is that in the Bag of Ordinrians? Oh, yeah. It's cooled down a bit now. yeah It was wielding this and everyone helped get it out. It was wielding this. May I take that? ah You can have all of it. I and everyone pass it over. May I take it off your hands for us to look at?
You can have it back in a few days. Yeah, i've I've checked it off with my own magic and it looks to be a halberd Gordon is enchanted in some way, but yeah. So just so I can get this straight. On the road, an individual and a group of you on T were the only ones interested in the prisoner. You yeah you were attacked by sleep guardians, by a demon.
Yep. All for your friend. Yep. That's about right. Everyone looks to the group. Good measure, Robert. Why is your friend questions for another time?
Yeah, we but it's a question we don't know the answer to either. So um yeah, you might say why. We don't know. We have theories sort of, but yeah, there's nothing. I can't say this is why you we're after him. Do you know? Do you speak to the prisoner at all? He temporarily possessed Alpha. He might. When things got a bit hairy.
I'm glad he did, to be honest, we yeah oh we t did it. And then he did speak a lot when he was freed.
I'll level with you. That prisoner is one of the most gifted manipulators of magic I've ever known. He
He would have protected you, should anything have gone wrong. He did. I'm glad. I have to reveal the truth to you now, and I'm sorry for the deception. And he just rolls his head in a non-dramatic fashion, just towards Nyx. I do have to apologize for the deception.
I told you all that I couldn't travel with you because I was going to search for the lost verse of the process prophecy of the 13th kingdom. If you recall. I. In truth, that was a distraction. Dribbo. You.
Let's call him Dribbo for now. He is the 13th verse, is the lost verse. He is or is or knows the verse. He knows it. Makes sense. You were transporting the most important thing to our cause. I needed to be the diversion. And that's why you sustained these injuries. I was about to say. You've done a great service.
And I thank you for this. And he stands- Wait, wait, wait. The protein virus said was about a dragon. You're telling me that dragonborn was- is a dragon? No. No, the dragonborn is that the- it's an illusion. He's not a dragonborn. The methods-
He's had to do some quite unpleasant things in order to learn the lost verse of the 13th kingdom. We're about to find out what that is thanks to what you've done. You'll be shared this information. You're all invited to a meeting, a very important meeting of our order. I made this clear in in Snake Run. That meeting is to happen in exactly one month's time here in the city.
Whatever you choose to do in that month is entirely up to you. Be as inconspicuous or as loud as you wish. I do not care. All I ask is that you're at that meeting in a month's time. Is that going to be all there? Not in this room, but somewhere more safe, somewhere more secure. I will, however, meet you here in three evenings time with the leader of our order. It goes by the name of Ghostwing.
I ask that you will make every effort to attend as he has a request for you. And you have questions, no doubt.
This place is yours indefinitely. The winged watch will protect you while you're in the city. And you, Alpha, will work every gate, will monitor every ship.
Those who would mean you ill, we will prevent from getting near you. You are under my personal protection for the next month. I assure you of this. I thank you very much. You should be on the lookout of people from Shadow Men because one of the people looking for him was a deadly assassin from Shadow Men. We know. Kidak got through our net and I apologize that He found you.
Slippery bastard. Can't be more, he ain't. He chuckles at that. I'm glad. He was a blight. He was. Back to the finer points. You're saying that but that the food here and the rooms here, there this area is ours.
I paid you up for the month. You will be under our protection. This will be your lodging should you wish to use it. It's safe. It's secure. It works for me. A member of my, well, the organization will be outside that door every day and every evening. Is that the only way in and out? Yes. Okay.
I need to thank you. And he begins to to let himself up and stands quite gingerly. And he opens this chest that sits on the table in front of him. In a month's time, you will learn the volume of the service you have delivered over the last couple of days.
but I know you're an ambitious group. I know that some of you want to compete. I imagine you want to take extra work while you're here. I would like you to stay alive in that time. So the Wind Watch is resourcing you to the best of our abilities. Oh, thank you. Keep the gold the Epriscite gave you. We won't ask for that. And take these.
And he's going to just very slowly take six items out of this chest. He's going to grab one and throw it straight in your direction, Nyx, and telepathically you'll just hear catch. This one's not from us. A friend wished for you to have this. This is the ring of foresight.
It allows you to cast Augury once per day without using a spell slot. And doing so causes the next three attacks against you to be at disadvantage.
co Cool. He catches it in his hand and looks at it, nods, and in ah his mind he'll heal. Thanks.
ah You're not going to tell me who gave this to you, are you? You said he doesn't need an introduction. I can assume who it is. Old man. Big toes. Big toes. To you, and everyone, this wasn't made for you. This was made for a friend of mine, but he didn't survive the blight.
It seems fitting, given your cause, that you have this. And it passes to you what looks like a knuckle duster for all intents and purposes, but it doesn't have the sort of raised brass edge, but it is a brass make. And for a moment where you hold it You just feel a secondary divine spirit for a moment, just in your um spiritual realm of comfort. And you make out the figure and iconography of Akiva for a split second. And then that void is quickly filled by the warm embrace of Alido. As you are given,
the holy handle. Your spiritual weapon's movement speed is increased by 10 feet. In addition, you can use ah trigger your reaction to make an opportunity attack from either yourself or your spiritual weapon. And your spiritual weapon can use the shove action using your strength modifier.
That's awesome. Nice. Sick. For the rest of you, take your pick from these. And in front of you are four objects. There is the band of sand. It allows you to cast the cantrip mold earth at will. And in addition, once per day, you can use your reaction and spend a hit die to cast a sandy veil over yourself or an ally within five feet. Any creature attacking you or that ally will suffer disadvantage on that hit. And you can summon this veil after you know the outcome of the roll.
band of sand. There is the Life Stealing Sword. This item has three charges. Once per turn, when you hit a damage at it and damage a creature with the sword, you can expend one charge to deal an additional 2d4 necrotic damage and regain hit points equal to that amount. I'll paste these all in the chat for you all later. There is the Shield of Elemental Splitting.
You can spend a hit die and a reaction to cast an improved version of a Absorb Elements, which allows you to apply that spell to ranged attacks. It has 5 charges, regains 1d2 charges per day and breaks if it hits hero charges.
And finally, there's this neckerchief, this crevat called the crevat of caring. Whenever you or a creature control you control, ah casts a healing spell, both the target and yourself regain the rolled hit points. You can spend a short rest hit die to extend this to another target within 60 feet. They're out on the table for you. I'll paste those in a moment.
These are a gesture of gratitude, but as I say, keeping you alive now is in our best interest. Well, thank you for for this. we yeah We weren't expecting it. As I say, we we we we did a job because you asked Seth to do something dinner and we're we're traveling with Seth and it's we're working together. um Seth has been incredibly loyal.
And I've infringed on his discretion for too long. He turns for a moment and faces the fire and pulls down the shroud upon his head. Turns back to you. My name is Sebastian Sleekgard. Oh, fuck. Heir of the Sleekgard Kingdom after my sister. Oh, come on. I am Sparrowhawk.
seth Seth is a diligent servant. And knowing that no one can hear this other than you six, I no longer ask him to keep this from you.
As I understand it it is the only secret he is capable of keeping Seth.
Oh, um
oh oh um ah ah but you know, everyone else was stood silent, so someone had to say something. What do you think, Kalfa?
Don't try and fob that onto me, you little shit. I don't know. After that, after that, laugh. That's the one I'm going to loop, just like I did a previous laugh. That's a message tone now.
I don't imagine too many of you who aren't from this part of Aerith care much for that, but I know Seth would have been keeping that secret daily and I expect he's not comfortable really keeping that secret much further. I care very much, FYI. And I assume it's apparent to you who I am. I've known all along. You didn't really do a great job of being discreet, if that was your intention. no Not his strongest point, no. No, but it's good to meet you Sebastian.
from duable prince had it And you, Alpha. we We could do with finding out more about what else is going on. I think there were a whole host of things that once we were in the city and we had ourselves settled, that we were going to try and find some answers to.
I mean, this

Plans for the City and Order Meeting

city's a good place. They need to go searching through. I'm sure there's information. You know, we can ask about the demons and all demons, one thing, but also. We were attacked and Alpha was wanted by people wearing the heraldry of your father's personal God. I did tell him that in our summary, but yeah.
i Yeah, but at that point I didn't realize it was Sebastian. ah I don't know. It becomes a much more pertinent question now, don't you, Emeril? Bigger politics than me. I don't know what that means. I haven't seen any of my father's men in years, and I must ask bluntly if there's any evidence exactly of what you saw. Raines will summon the armour.
And it's clearly decorated in the ah the insignia of Leopold Sleepguard. So hold back a tear at that point. I see. You need to destroy that. Don't let people around here see you with that.
It's noted. I understand you have that and that information I will validate, but don't be caught with that.
to understand.
um dismissed you um fair enough Thank you for bringing that to my attention, why they were insistent on capturing you, Alfred. I'm afraid I don't know, but I imagine there's something to do with whatever's going on inside you and this demon also. Yep.
There are many unanswered questions at this moment. You'll find your answers in Scorch Elm. We were hoping that there'd be other news to look at. This city has a little bit of everything, Erith has. I'm sure you'll find a lead, if nothing else.
The memory moon, memory rune magic is not commonplace here, but there are travellers from the East.
Even your clan mates from the Shadow Shield, they take up a small forge here in the city. Perhaps not there. I'm unsure. There are wider powers.
Look, this isn't a lot for you to take in, and you've had a long journey. I appreciate that. All I ask is you keep yourself alive. We meet back here in three nights time, so you can meet the leader of our order. You join us for the meeting of our entire assembly at the end of this month.
Is that not risky? No. We're no longer staying in hiding. Whatever big things are happening, it's time we now show face. Okay. We can't operate in the shadows any longer while we don't know who our enemy is or who we're hiding from. Good point.
I ask. Is there anything else you need at this stage?

Closing Remarks and Social Media Presence

no Not from our port, if you don't want to take it off hands and run a lock to the others. No, you need to get some rest, Sebastian. I shall. Enjoy, Scorch Hell. It is one of the most exciting places I have ever visited.
I will have some fleeting presence at the games, I imagine. That was potentially our plan. Stay alive. Don't... Don't subscribe to this... bloodied... bloodied... concept. If you compete, compete safe.
Aerith depends on it, I think.
Thank you. Then he stands, the head's back towards the door. As he slams that lead door shut, it is just the six of you in this safe,
comfortable surrounding. Is there anything anyone wants to say to each other?
Well, I'm Jacqueline. That is where we'll end this week's episode of The Fellowship at the Tabletop. You utter idiot. I really hope. um And that's how the parties is all started bleeding.
ah I'm actually saying that, but it does bring us to a very happy close to this bumper episode. And thank you very much for tuning in and listening, making us a party every day week. We love you. If you wanted to find out more about the podcast, because we actually did drop an X Twitter we dropped a tweet for this episode like I said about halfway through when Danny gave us the map on our private messenger I will take that map and I will put it on Twitter on the release date of this so
There you go. We'll do that more and more as as we get artworks and stuff. So that will actually bring us a good use to the X page, which means you should follow it. And then if you so should do so, want to, want to do so, you can do and follow us individually. I'm at iRoller1. PoohBear is at.
Natural20will. Darren's at... DarrenPager6. Callum's at... TheD20Gamer. Will is at... Fellowship NPCPC. Mark is at... Hisliwo DM. And our glorious, wonderful, epic DM can be found at... Total Party Thrills. Until next time, guys, farewell.