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Ep. 96 The Folly of Kelsan - De Profundis image

Ep. 96 The Folly of Kelsan - De Profundis

S1 E96 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
99 Plays3 years ago

Kelsan reveals to Folly the role he has played thus far, a stark warning is given to him and the group regarding the journey ahead. 


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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade -

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Helen is just going to respond. You might want to come in a little bit earlier next time.

Introduction to The Fellowship of the Tabletop

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are a live play 5e D&D podcast set in the magical home-brewed world of Aerith. My name is Mark and I am the Dungeon master and also with us for today's episode we have Will who plays the human bard Karstan. Hello, I am the Karstan character. We have Ian who plays the dragonborn barbarian paladin Drago.
Hello, I am a dragon, jago character. We've got what? Callum, who plays the gnome-saucer of Folly Fizzlebang the 9th? Hello, I am a Folly character. Darren, who plays the human fighter rogue Robin? Hello! I am a Mrs... No, no, I'm a Robin character. I am a James. We've got Danny, who plays the human cleric Claude? Claude, you're welcome.

Character Introductions and Chaos

We have, and we have, sorry, and we have Casey, who plays the human champion Helena Sleetguard.
All right, baby, I'm ahead of the character. This went all over the place. That was good. I like that. I'll go with that. I like that. I've got to give kudos to Robin's missed out fight impression there. I thought it was a good homage. It was okay.

Battle Reflections and Spells

I don't know if kudos is needed. Frank, I'm hoping that we get better.
He's called Wilkermann. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband. Claudia Wilkermann's husband.
Fringe, thank you. I was going to say frown. Anyway, what happened last week? Now I'm just thinking about Strictly Come Dancing. Maybe we should change this to the fellowship of the tango. Are we going to roll for good performance on our dance? Is that how we do it? Roll a D6 for the tango. If we're doing Strictly I'm out. He's Drago performing Night Fever. Yes. I thought that was...
I'm quite good with acrobatics and athletics, I'm not very good at performance. There is a spin-off here where our characters are involved in Strixley Come Dancing. Could we do the thing about Strixhaven as well, so it's Strixley Come Dancing?
And it's you do it at the college. You do it at the college. That's too far, Mark. It's too far. That was terrific. Come on. You lost us about 25 listeners. Oh, come back, everyone. Well, let's press on it. Pretend I didn't speak. Let's talk about last week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. That's the motto for this campaign, isn't it? Pretty much, yeah. Just pretend I didn't speak and do what the fuck you like. On last week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop, we continued our fight and ended our fight with the kind of
forces that have been beckoned in by this dying morkov at the end of the previous fight. We've kind of had two back-to-back fights here where our party have been quite badly, mortally wounded, some might say, by the events that have taken place, sometimes from other creatures and sometimes from each other. Asshole. We continue this fight, and a couple of the big heavy-hitting notes to remember, really, namely, is that Dragha went down, Vance went down, Vance Skullblade,
And most of the damage that Drago took was not from the creatures, but from Folly himself. On top of this, on top of this all, the main reason they were defending this area was because Claude had decided to cast Forbidance, which for those of you who didn't know, myself included, now means that there is a four mile protective ring basically around the area, up and down, left and right.

Claude's Protective Spell and Consequences

What's up?
7.5 miles, actually. I'm sorry, what did I say, four miles? Yeah, four miles. Oh, I'm very sorry. 7.5 miles around their current location. And at the party, we're defending Claude whilst he cast this 10-minute spell. Got to the ninth minute before the creature's approach, giving them 10 rounds to fight them off, which he managed to do. And now this protective barrier of energy. Now, straight from the Kiva, straight from the hood, yo.
Well, he's now defending the area, keeping out any of the undead forces. And if you remember the end of the episode, you saw these little puffs of smoke, these quite explosions off in the distance as
any number of assorted undead gribblies that I might have had planned were burnt up in I think it's 12d6 to 12d10 of damage per round something big anyway and and yeah just kind of decimated so we find ourselves
in the space that we have been now for quite a couple of rounds, but only realistically been a couple of minutes.

Post-Battle Recovery and Humor

Kastan's just sat up, still laying in the dirt of the ground, but kind of sat up and said something on the lines of, oh, what did I miss? And around you, Kastan, you see the rest of your party bruised, battered, Vance slowly sitting up with Lucian kind of holding him up, checking on him, rubbing
herbs and the like into his wounds covered in these cuts and deep gashes and wounds all over his body drago is doing something similar and.
Folly, you know, it's a Christmas tree, and Folly is hiding behind it. Robin is stood very close to you, and Claude is slowly standing to his feet, looking, I think, maybe a little bit shaken, given the energy and necessary power needed to put into the spell. But he seems indecent, Nick. So from Carson, from your perspective, this has just happened around you. What else you notice, really, Carson, is that there is less fog.
There's less fog around you, and there is a calmness in the atmosphere, strangely. And there doesn't seem to be that ominous feeling of danger hanging over you that you previously had. Well, it looks like the weather's changed, everyone. That's good. Oh, are you back? Yes, I'm back. Kirsten, how many friends do you have? Count them quickly.
um well i mean there's there's you guys and a few friends seems a little bit confused slap them again oh no i can't no i trust me i would normally but um helena will step up to the mark um and just twat him around the head okay roll to hit wow oh not not great um it will be oh oh so you have advantage i'm still prone with advantage and a nine
With advantage, roll again Kasey. He's still prone. I'm still sat on the floor. That's better. 20 non-natural. Yeah, that hits. Okay, roll an unarmed strike against Karstan. So then it's just four... Okay, I take the four damage. Ow! That really hurt.
Well, thank you for joining us. We've just tried to fight these fuckers and now you're seeming like you've got... What's going on here? Where have you been? What's going on? I've been here all this time. You haven't really been here though, have you? Haven't I? Where have I been?
Was I with the chicken again? Oh, for fuck's sake, Karsten. And Helen is just going to storm off in the direction of Lucian. Before you go, I'm just going to start to cast Masculine Wounds on everybody. All health for everyone. Yay, you can help. I will take that. You can help. Yeah, I need that. Everyone gets... I think it's rolling in the other app.
Someone tell me what it came out as? 15. 15 points of healing for everybody. Even the two NPCs, Mark. Mark, how does everyone look after that casting? Better. Drago and Folly, worse for wear. Most of the characters seem okay.
Uh, Vance does not, Claude actually does not either. Uh, Lucian's in good neck. So basically it's Drago, Folly and Claude who are looking not particularly great. Claude, Claude, do you want me to do that as well? I can help people as well. I mean, yeah, cause I literally spent everything I fucking had protecting the entire world just then. So if you could do one little thing, Castan, that would be fucking marvellous. That's not going to Cass. Punch him Claude, punch him well.
um uh so uh six creatures that's folly drago claud uh folly drago claud one two three four five six everyone apart from lucian because lucian looks all right yep cool
So you get an 18 points of healing. Lovely. Are you the secret best healer, Castan? And you've been keeping it quiet. Yeah, so everyone gets 18 points of healing. Thank you. Let's have a wave of healing from him. Well, there we go. Looks like I can do something useful. And he's going to be looking at Helen as he says that. Helen is just going to respond. You might want to come in a little bit earlier next time.
Oh, Helena. We can't do it. That's not the first time I've heard that. Filth in your endo. Yeah, normally I say the other way round, actually. Oh no. Lucian looks up and just, ugh. Sorry, fella. Time in a place, sis. Fucking hell. You're cut to the right. By what?
Are your cuts all right? My wounds, yeah, fine. Thank you to your friends for healing, I think we'll both be better. I just noticed you had a lot of... gosh, yes! Oh my god, what is happening? Faith has broken herself. Blightlands, they have this effect on people. Obviously my sister has fallen to the disease of the innuendo plague. It enters us all eventually.

Folly's Flashback and Kelsan's Warning

No, I don't know what part of that was real, but yeah, he nods and says yes to something and then continues to tend to Vance, who is looking better now, thanks to the 23 points of healing from the party. So, what's the plan? Well, I've just bought us an innumerable amount of time. We could maybe perhaps rest
Yes, rest would be really good right now. As Drago's starting to click the bones in his body back in place and rub his muscles, and as his vision comes to, he sees Folly within reach. However, first, and Drago's just going to punch Folly, squaring that jaw. Everyone's punching everyone. Yeah, roll to hip. Dalit. 26.
I was hoping I might be able to Ben look or something. I can't do shit against that. 26 hits for all the... What's the damage? Six points of bludgeoning damage to that little douchebag. A slapping fist pummels into the side of your bearded face falling, taking six points of bludgeoning damage.
Folly is going to take it as much as he can do, literally on the chin. Well played. After seeing that, Drago gives Folly a levelled look and... We're good here.
Can I ask why we're hitting each other? Yeah, Robin, do you want to go with my pearly lips? I know you've always wanted to. I know you've always hit folly. I mean, is this a thing we do now? Castan, I don't think I know all of this, but you know that really interesting spell you thought about casting right at the beginning of the day? Who, me? Yeah.
Sort of backfired a bit mate, you confused the fuck out of everyone. Since then, Helena's been wanting to punch your larks out, fully punt through a load of teeth for Drago and turn into a tree. You see, I was confused. That's what happened. Yeah, I know. It wasn't intentionally if I did that, Drago. Blame Castan. Are you saying I should punch Castan? He confused me. It's his fault entirely.
It wouldn't hurt him to be fair. No punching on the face, no punching on the face. I would like to suggest a timeout for everybody and the little nappy kings. I think we've all a bit overstayed our endurance. Folly could you make a constitution saving throw please? Really? I didn't hit him that hard. E 12
The punch might not lower your HP down to a final level which causes you considerable damage but despite the healing and the down and the up and down you haven't withstood this kind of violence, that constant closeness to death that you have over the last couple of years.
weeks, days, however long you want to see it is. And it's exhausted you. It's exhausted you so much that the punch, you managed to say a few things and you, eh, just blame Carstan, but you're getting like the white haze come down as you feel like you start to become numb a little bit.
and suddenly you're not really aware of what's being said or what you're saying and all you really see is the ground rushing up to you as you just collapse face first into the mud and into the ground.
Um, yeah, if you're going to get crushed by your right side, yeah. I will fall backwards and literally there's going to be this huge thud as the rucksack hits the ground and you just kind of got. Oh, follow you on there. Almost like a tortoise on its shell stuck kind of thing. It limbs wave around for a bit just before collapsing. I think it's funny for you to be crushed by a backpack. Yeah, that'd be good. That'd be good. And I think it'd be funny if you actually helped in that fight. Oh, damn. So, uh, what's getting heated here? Cat.
As you lean back on your backpack and you look up at the now dark, darkening, misted sky, as your eyelids begin to close, you seem to flash back to what happened to you not that long ago with a conversation you had, an unexpected conversation with a hooded figure that grabbed you and drew you out of the battlefield for a round or two, and that figure was Kelsan. You remember being stood facing your comrades ready to fight these moorcoths as they approached you.
Can everyone remove your headphones apart from Callum please? No, I refuse.
And then all you remember is a warm hand covering your mouth and nose, another hand gripping you around the waist, and then suddenly you weren't where you were anymore, you were somewhere else. And suddenly in front of you was indeed this figure, this dark-skinned figure of Kelsan, though this is a shell of the man he used to be.
He wears a black hooded cape and below him are still the white shirt he was akin to wearing and the brown trousers. And as you look down to his feet, his shoes are worn through. His toes are literally poking out of the end of his shoes. He's been walking on these shoes for, well, not a traveler would get through them in years. The last time you saw him, his shoes were fine. And that was only maybe a couple of weeks ago.
He looks at you, gaunt cheekbones protruding from his face, his teeth yellowed and blackened at the poke moments. And he looks at you. Follow the broken trees through the tunnel to the clearing. There you will see the armies of the blight. Know then that your mission will fail.
The abominations are not just the unliving but beings from other realms. Sensing mortal weakness. You must abandon all hope of a victory and flee. Flee while you have the will, the soul and the freedom to do so. Leave to anywhere. I hear the Esmeralda will soon be in port at Goldview. They'll tell them I've sent you. Leave here. Please, folly.
Grazia has my will, and my will has failed, and I must bow to his will. Leave and live. If you stay, there will be no happy ending here. This is not one of Karstand's stories. Do you understand me? There is a couple of seconds if you did want to respond.
Just as I look at him, are you saying he's got darkened skin and robes? Is that very similar to how Althea looked when we saw him last? Is it the same kind of... His skin is naturally of a darker complexion anyway and
Though with Elthir his skin paled and became more pallor. But what you do notice in Kelsan's eyes is that you can still see his eyes as they are, but they have begun to almost bloodshot, permeate and blacken as well. Almost like whatever happened to Elthir has started to happen.
to Kelsan. There seems to be a moment of lucidity as you also see the kind of the blackened veins coming out from around the eyes. You can still tell there is the human in him and there are still glimmers of Kelsan.
that there is something else pervasive within his character now that isn't, isn't him. Okay. Um, Folly would look at him and in a little bit of shock and, or how much the person has changed. Um, Kevin, we, we can't, we've come this far. We can't turn back now. Then we've all failed.
Why? What did you know? He's been controlling me ever since I've reached gold view. He's been in my head. The black one draws it.
He told me to come here. He told me to bring the book. He told me to go to the rift. And in a moment of lucidity, I saw you and thought, this must be a trick. But I thought I should warn you. If you still continue to go ahead, then we will all die at the rift. If we will die, how do we stop the blight? There must be a way.
Nothing can defeat him. His power is too immense. I don't, I don't see how it's possible. I don't. And then there's a sudden, almost like a tingling down his back, almost like he realizes something and he stiffens and his eyes lock on with yours. He's returning. I have to get you back now. The next time you see me, I might not be myself, but if I am, kill me.
Please kill me. And then he just grabs you again, and he just disappears. And you're back in exactly the same position. And as you wheel around, you can see your comrades in front of you. As you wheel around to look at where Kelso, and as you just see him kind of shake his head one final time, a look of sorrow on his face, a tear rolls down his cheek, and then he disappears out of view again, a small whiff of black smoke, and he's gone. And as you spin back round to your party, that's where the combat would have started. That's what would have happened before.
Okie dokie. So we'll join back with the rest of the party now and all you've seen really is this punch, a bit more conversation and then Folly's face starts to drop as he starts to look down, looks a bit woozy almost on his feet for a second before, like a turtle, back on his backpack and his arms flail for a few times and then just he goes limp on the back of the backpack. What would you like to do? Well it looks like Folly wants to sleep here.
I have that effect. I can't say I'm too sorry. But Drago will kind of shift over to him just to check that he's breathing. Did you kill him? I'm just checking. Make a medicine check? I really hope I passed this. All I'm doing is checking breath.
Natural one, Drago believes he's killed Folly. Eleven! Eleven's not too bad. That's fine, that's fine. Yeah, you can find a pulse. You can find a... You can see his chest raising and... Yeah, I wouldn't... Drago's not necessarily good enough to find a pulse, but he knows, like, oh, it's the chest raising. Yeah, yeah. So that's all he's looking for. Yeah. Well, he's alive. He's sleeping, by all accounts. Well, he's probably just tired, you know, we all are. And he's a tiny man.
He is. He probably gets tired quicker than the rest of us. Yeah, good thinking. It's very true. Yeah, it's his short stature. Robin, you look tired too. Robin is just very confusedly, for one of the better way of putting it, just acknowledging the bizarre amount of footprints, particularly those from Kelsan, that appear to be irrational and illogical and is just going to say, where is Kelsan?
Where has he gone? He's going to look at Lucian and Vance for answers with that. Oh, did I miss Kelsan? Oh, man. You missed a lot, mate. Vance is going to have sat up by now and he's kind of stretching out as Lucian helps him to his feet. This is unlike him. This is... I don't know who this person is anymore. I don't know where he is.
do we stop here or do we I have no idea how we try and pursue this and he'll just point to the footprints on the floor I could find exactly where he is but for the love of god can we please rest first yeah I'd say we're good resting here and um anyone got any idea should we just leave folly to wake up naturally or yeah I'll give him a little healing spank mark just to make sure he's got health
That much healing, whatever it is, you've got to go think. Six healthy points, six healthy points for you. Six healthy points. That negates Drago's punch. I can check his mind for you if you want me to check his mind.
no no no he'd hate that like no castan stay out of his mind why don't we just try something a bit more straightforward uh folks and lucian's gonna stood up pulls out his um flask of water uncogs it and

Mission Debate: Heed Kelsan's Warning?

she goes and tips it over his face um to which folly yes you do you do wake up instantly coughing and spluttering as he pours water
A little bit more than he needs to pour, actually. But he kind of gives a little look and a wink to Drago as he keeps pouring a little bit more than he should over your face. Drago is nodding. More, more. Kill the fucker. Waterborne him. Folly, you're coughing and spluttering, but you are now conscious and awake.
Yeah, Folly's going to kind of come back too and he's just going to stop wailing his limbs around a little bit and just water pouring down on him. His eyes are still kind of shut, so he's almost in two spaces. He's that magical place between unconscious and subconscious. And you just hear him go, hey, hey, hey, hey, no cancer. No. You lie. No, we can do it. No, no, no, no. What's going on? Where am I? Why am I wet?
Oh my goodness. Vance is going to roll you onto your front like a turtle, going to flip you back over so you can awkwardly get to your feet if you want, or at least be sat upright. Yeah, he's basically going to kind of sit upright at this stage. He is still tired and he is exhausted. Thank you very much, Droga. And he's just going to look at the party for a brief moment. Very welcome.
I remember. I remember something. Kelsan. Kelsan was here, wasn't he? Yes. He took me. He took me. He took me away. Yes. I remember feeling some cold, clammy hands round my mouth and they did a bit round my waist as well. Quite unexpected. Not unpleasant, but still quite unexpected. Are you okay? Where did he take you?
Exactly where, I'm not too sure. It was dark and bland, but he spoke. And well, he gave me a warning. Us a warning? I suppose. He says we can't win.
You're going to have to provide a bit more context. Let me just think, let me just think. Okay. Um, we were in darkness and he said, follow the broken trees through the tunnel to the clearing.
and your mission will fail. These creatures, the Blytes, they're from all realms, they're abominations, they sense weakness here, and they're determined to win. Like Elthea, he's being manipulated, I believe. He has the same kind of aura, but the warnings that he's given
he's you're saying that he's being manipulated like Elthea is and yet he's telling you that what to do next that doesn't add up falling Draghi think back to when you held Elthea in that fire those weeks ago that you you say you saw a glimpse of the Elthea that you knew when I looked at Kelsen I saw the Kelsen that I knew not this deranged madman but one who looked
how we met him so long ago and we saw him okay i understand he he seemed to be telling us that we can't win and we can't succeed i tried to fight it but he seemed quite adamant you didn't actually leave anywhere so maybe there was like a part of of of his mind that was reaching out to you well i i suppose it's possible but either which way it's um it's very real all the more reason to rest because
Like I said to Drago, I have a way of combating that sort of possession. Is that what we're going to call it? It's what it sounds like. Yeah, I can I can deal with it, but I've just spent literally everything protecting us. So. Well, he gave a name and it wasn't one that I realized, at least I think it was a name. Um, Grazit. Oh, that fucker. Hang on. Wait.
OK, explain again slowly exactly what happened. He took me away. He gave me the warnings. He said for us to leave, flee, go away, we can't win. Cricket to grass it. Cricket to grass it. He basically said that, well, the person controlling him, manipulating him is this grass it character. I believe he may be the one who could be leading and controlling the blight as well. Where did he say?
And Drago's given you, like, a fierce look, piercing into your eyes, to the very soul of your body. Where did he say Grazette was? I'm afraid he didn't, Drago. But if he really wanted to find him, he gave us those directions. Follow the broken trees through the tunnel to the clearing. And that was to Grazette? Well, that was to the blight, I believe. But if Grazette's leading the blight, I don't think he'd want to...
he didn't let them do it by themselves. But he also said that the mission would fail if we did so. Yes, he said we can't win. We can't win against him. But that's where Grazer is.
I can't promise Draugr, but it's very highly likely in my opinion. Who is it? That's the best information I've had on Grasir. We saw him. He was... You already mentioned when I last saw Elthea and held him in the flames. Grasir was the demon god that was overseeing the entire battle. Yeah, who was that in? I went one-on-one with him. Yeah... You failed! I remember, you couldn't hit him! In my head, he was in... I could hit you though.
And Grazette was the one in your vision. Yeah, in my dream. I would like to cast Locate Creature on Grazette, please, Spiritual Dungeon Master. I like that title. Spiritual Dungeon Master. As you start casting this, Drago, he's going to give you a confused look as if, why now? This could have been done months ago. I have to be within a thousand feet of it.
And as you silently communicate to the meat of that, I will nod my head in agreement. I get you, brother. Brother of Akiva, I understand. Yeah. Telepathy. How far? A thousand feet. I sense the direction and location if it's within a thousand feet of me. And it's creature. It's anything. Yeah, locate creature.
And it has to be on this plane of existence, I assume. The plane that you currently reside. Yes, I'll give you the full description. If it's moving, I know the direction of movement. This bell can locate a specific creature known to you, or the nearest creature of a specific kind, so long as you've seen the creature up close. Well, we have. If the creature you described or named is in a different form, such as being under the effects of polymorph, it doesn't locate the creature.
The spell can't look at a creature if running water at least 10 feet wide blocks a direct path between you and the creature. Okay, thank you. You get no response from your spell. There's no ping, there's no directuality, there's no drive towards a location in particular, Claude. He isn't even close. He is not close. Would it work on Kelsan? Yeah, tomorrow now.
I mean, so, so, so Kelso said that we have to follow the broken trees through a tunnel to the clearing and then we fail. So let's not go that way. He was because I think he knows the power of this creature.
Either that was like a massive trap there and it's like you fall in it and takes you to the centre of Aerith and you die and genuinely fail. We won't fail. I like this. We won't fail. I can't fail. No. Combined the power alone of us, we can't be stopped and we have no better place or heading to go to other than

The Onyx Reaver's Role in the Mission

this. This is where we have to go unless Vance
You have a better idea, Lucian. Feel free to speak up. You know these areas better than us. But I would say that we'd say piss it to anyone who says that we're going to fail. Piss it! Piss it! Yeah. What about the tower, Helena? Claude, do you know where the tower is that we were meant to go to, to stab the book?
We haven't found it yet. We've been here and it's been dark. It's only been a few hours since we've been here. In your dream you were there, did you get a sense of where in the blight that was? Well we could just see all blighted lands around us. Yes we didn't really have an idea of location. I suppose if I saw it I'd be able to.
We were under the general impression that if we just continued heading Westwood, that we'd eventually find the center of the Blight and maybe there's a tower there. You know, Kelsen has the book. Did you manage to get off him? Folly.
Well, Follie's just going to quickly pat himself down and just kind of have a think back and just try and mage hand his way around his rucksack just to see if anything got slipped in. I can pop a hand down in your rucksack if that helps. You keep your hand away from my rucksack, thank you very much. Lads, lads, lads, lads, come on. You can play around later.
No, there's no... as much as you fondle yourself, there is no book being slipped in anywhere, Folly. So we still have to find the ghost, then? We still have to find him? Do you still have the Onyx Reaver? I'm assuming Folly will be able to find that quite easily. Yep, so Folly is going to just feel back in my hand, it's like, yeah, I still have the Onyx Reaver, so he's not gotten that, not been took from me. Is Folly really the best person to be wielding such a thing?
Robin, shouldn't you have this? Helena, anyone, basically, that's not Folly. I'll take it. I take offense to that. I think you should. I think the place for it right now is still Folly's rucksack, seeing as... If you can go in my rucksack and find it, then by all means, give it to somebody else. But what if we need it in a hurry? I have magic. That is a good point, isn't it? What if you're unconscious? It's meant to be used to stab something. Yeah. By the very nature of it, it needs to be on a person.
Yeah, I can equip it, but... I'll take it. My hands are free when we are in combat. I'm happy for Claude to have it. Agreed. If everybody wishes Claude to have it, I shan't argue. I still maintain that the dagger would be safer in my rucksack, but if it's the party's wishes, that Claude have it.
then very well. I think because we're coming to the whole crux of this blight, it's better on a person. Yes, it was safe in your rucksack up until now, but as Castan has correctly said, if we needed this in a pinch, we can't be taking time rummaging around a rucksack to find this potentially blight ending dagger. It needs to be on a person. They believe I'm out-footed.
And Folly is just going to use his mage hand, reach into the rucksack. You're going to hear some rummaging, some crackling around, and then he's going to bring out the Onyx Reaver, still wrapped in the same kind of cloth material that it was before, and just pass it on over to Claude. I'm going to mimic dropping it, and then be like, eh. Gotcha.
Just get a stern face. I don't know about anyone else. A stern face from Drago looking at you. Drago's going to get a stern face from Folly. He's just like, really? This is who you trust the dagger with. Lucien's going to rest an arm, a hand on Claude's back as he walks past and goes, read the fucking room. Do we keep walking?
Well, I don't know about you, Karstan, but warnings or not, we've come here for a purpose. And I'm still willing to see it through to the very end.
The blight is exactly that. I mean right now, do we just pick a direction and start wondering? Right now we go sleep and then maybe in a bit I could try and find Kelsan or we can just head westward a little bit. Let's take a bit of time and just recoup and regenerate and then we'll move on afterwards. Folly's also going to have a quick look around at this point just to see if you can actually see a trail of broken trees anywhere.
I'm assuming it would stand out quite well. Give me an investigation check please. 22.

Strategizing: Observations and Threats

You look westward, you look north and southward as well. The corrections you have yet to go and yet you cannot see through from your current location any noticeable
anything that could be called the broken trees, capital T. You notice broken trees, one or two, dotted around, but nothing that discerns a path. They seem random, knocked by creatures, by combat, or just by the death and the rotting nature of the blight. If you were in the air, could you get a better look?
But naturally, yes. I mean, if you want to levitate me up, I can look for you. No, no, that's fine. You have better vision than me. Can I just rather? I'm going to send Nira upwards. I'm going to snap Nira out of the pocket plane and send her upwards. Just for fun of it. I'm going to levitate Karsten as well. Good. I bet you might accept it's better.
I'm just going to let you drop. That's not how this spell levitate works. Drago's going to choose to... It is if I make my concentration. Drago's just coming down next to Robin and just mutter. You know you could just shoot him.
So Kastan's going to sort of be mock swimming as he goes up. And as you're mock swimming, Drago gives Robin another look. You know, like Clay Pigeon. I can't hear you. I'm inside near her. I can't hear you. Well, why are you talking to me? You know, Drago, you still do have that axe.
could come out of nowhere.
and uh and say what did you just cast what was that it's a very powerful piece of magic um basically we're entirely safe from the undead for a good seven and a half mile radius so you're telling me that anywhere within seven and a half miles of this location there would be
no undead now and no one can teleport in unless i allow them i was going to talk to you commanders and suggest that maybe you could bring an advanced army into this this whole radius is pretty safe from undead right now that is a good plan
Okay, bear with me. Bear with me. If you have a name of a contact, I can send a message on your behalf to them instantaneously and start an army moving now. You see Cogs turning in his head because that would allow you time to do what you need to do.
Well, if nothing else, just secure a more advanced position than Spiritmon readout, because I imagine you haven't got this protective ward over there. We haven't, but we have very large walls and food. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But your point stands. And you can see I'm really thinking now properly.
Okay. And he just kind of pushes his battle-worn sword into your arm and say, don't fucking lose that sword. And he's just going to run west into the thicket, into the woods. Oh, I'm going to give a quick bless to him. And he jumps a little higher on his steps and he can see a ha ha ha as he kind of... No, he didn't see that. As he walks up, he runs off, sprints off into the forest. Stay alive. Stay alive.
to the west, deeper into the Blacklands, deeper into the forest, Shadowview Forest, almost like a man possessed with an idea with a plan and starts running off. He runs quite far, then comes back to you, while you're still kind of these guys are still floating up and just goes, I think I know, I think, I think I know what, what Kelsan meant, what my brother meant. And then he turns and runs off again. And he'll come back in a bit.
and understanding there was the onyx reaver and his masted sword like okay and lucian standing next to you looking just as confused as well like what the fuck just happened there i like him sir yeah so do i so do i
Leave it a hold of weaponry, sir. To be honest, it's very much attached to my arm. A very young chap from a while ago secured it on so well, I can't get the bastard off. It makes it difficult to clean sometimes. But if I meet him one day, maybe I'll give him that note. But no, it doesn't come off, unfortunately. So long story short, no thank you.
And he's just looking up towards where Kastan is still mocking now, probably doing breaststroke, swimming upwards. What spell have you cast on Kastan? Levitate. Levitate. Levitate. He can't go any higher than 20 feet. Rubik came out for that, we just saw Rubik there.
Yeah. Just Google it like I do. I mean, Colin, you may play Folly for, you know. I mean, I mean, I'm just saying, oh, wow. Actually, Darren, every six seconds, Folly can spend an action to raise me another 20 feet. Just just so you know. Yeah, I've got to say, good man.
I was double checking before I actually mentioned anything, but I'm sure it's 20 feet. And if you see a bird up there cast and just bop it down. Are we having a D&D dick off right now? I think there's a D&D dick off out in between Nura and Oli and Sky Heart. I've got 12 stiff inches of D&D knowledge. Yeah. Well, I've got 13 stiff inches of D&D knowledge. And I've got 20 feet worth of stiff knowledge. Oh my God.
It was the way you closed a book with authority after you said you were only 20 feet. Snap. I just realised, Callum, you don't need to control my altitude because I can move up and down as part of my movement because I'm the target.
I can change your target, but you can also do it yourself, I think. Yeah. Everyone hates each other at the moment. What's going on here? Right. So once I'm agreeing with Will, which never happened. You're in the air. Shut up. You're in the air. I'm going to say you could both make individual perception checks because I feel like this dick off won't stop here. So come on, Will. Come on, Will. I got to say, screw you, Noah.
So what was it, Darren? I do energy here. Eight. Eight, and Castan? I rolled a natural 20 and adding my 13, that would be 33. Team magic! Right, okay, what do you see? Everything.
You can see through time, space and time. Nira can make out and see the plumes of smoke rising. You can see a number of what's small, look in the distance, small figures running on fire as before they thud and fall to the ground. You can make out a number of small encampments that are also burning. And this is from the black plumes of smoke you can see rising. Most of these are to the west. Karstan.
there's a couple more things you can make out deep in the distance you can see the glimmer of the golden dome that protects this forbidden spell and keeps the area clear beyond that because you rolled 33 you can make out very very far in the distance a small jutting black item sticking out of the ground it sits in a large
kind of almost barren area. You can't see much else apart from this. It looks like there is some kind of sea, black sea around it. You can't really make out much apart from that, from your current location.
Is that, in which direction is that, sorry? To the west, to the west, to the west, but far off to the west. Probably 7.6 miles to the west, no, about 10 miles, 10 miles to the west. You also can make out in that direction as well, and this is quite almost like a stock, sharp, so neither of those were words, quite stark and shocking to you. You see, feels closer than it is, it's not that close at all.
you see the hulking large figure of a dragon flying in the sky above you it is one of its wings is battered and both the wings look like those bone skeleton creatures you fought on the mine carts there seems to be some kind of lich undead
undead dragon of some description but it's still kind of half caught in the spell and you can see a kind of half on fire as it kind of bats its wings and lets out very very distant kind of cries as it tries to kind of spin and barrel roll to put flames out. It does eventually manage to do this and kind of flies further away at full speed away from your location towards the tower but you can see it kind of trailing this black smoke as it fought its way out of
out of Claude's immense spell. Aside from that, you also see the plumes of smoke, you see everything else. You also do see a large gash within the tree line, about 500, 600 feet from your location. It's to the west of you again,
And it is almost a kind of northwesterly cut of trees that have all fallen. They are beyond blackened. They are dried, dried out trees, husks of trees. And they're a straight line, almost like something has burnt them or frozen them or something to them in one straight line, like a spell, something folly might have cast or yourself might have cast at one time.
this could be the broken trees. And as you look down and see that, you also see a small figure stand around it and then start running back towards the camp, which you would have noticed with your incredibly high passive perception that you saw Vance wander off in that direction. And you also see all of time, all... To the fabric of space itself. Last time we'll sort of look down and start swimming down now.
Does he do the dance with you? Hold your nose or wiggle your finger next to you? Is there an air of like austerity about you as you're coming down? I should have an umbrella. I could do a Mary Poppins. All these references. Is she cool? Yeah, she's cool. So Karsten will come down to the ground.
and be like so um there's a tower in that direction um in a clearing you found a tower yeah
Kostan! Legend! What's about the tower? Why is that important? Well, the tower's where you end the blight, mate, if you haven't been paying attention. The tower's where we visited in my vision. You read the book on the Onyx River. Stabbed the book with the Onyx River, won the tower at the top of the tower, blight over. How far away is that, Kostan? I would say about 7.6 miles. Oh, what would be the fucking chances of that?
Remind me, Karsten, if you die, I need to take your eyes out of you. I think I could do a lot with them. That's really gross, Folly. That's so dark, Folly. Yes, I don't know why your mind went there when we're just thinking about the blight. Also, I saw a big gash in the tree line and I think I saw Vance going to check it out. He was sort of potting around the edge of the gash. Well, he's safe as long as he's within the seven and a half miles.
You can never be too careful around a gash. God, get me. Hey, Robin, what did neurosee? Fuck all. Some smoke. Fuck all. There's some trees. There was all the things that Castan has just said, only with much less color. Also, I saw a dragon. Oh, no.
There was a, well, I can only tell you about his dead dragon, sort of a little bit on fire and it was flying away from Claude's little spell thing. Oh, I caught him. I caught the bastard. But he seemed to be out, he seemed to put himself out after he left it. That's scary. Lucien steps forward. Yes, we've seen him too. That was Galgrath. That's what we call him anyway. Why have you named him Brother?
Makes Ethan sing Big on Dead Dragon. It's less syllables and gives him the omen and ominousness he deserves. We've lost thousands of troops to Galgrath. How's he being controlled? We do not know. All we know is that he fights for the blight. We know he sees the eyes of the blight and he
He doesn't seem to control them, but he indeed gives them the information from the skies. All our experiences are that they have nothing in the air save that dragon, Galgrath. Are there any other dragons that you're aware of? None. None apart from that one. I mean, yeah, it's a good job that Folly cast his spell though, because clearly that would have been really, really nasty for us all.
That might have been. But it's good, Claude, that you managed to damage it in some way. This might mean that when eventually we face Galgrith, we have some advantage over them. Yeah, and you know, we've got now a place that's safe.
So we've got a safe place to retreat to. To that, I still need to rest. I'm going to pull out his loot and I'm going to play. No, I don't need to rest like that. This is good. This is good. This is good. This is good. I've seen him do this before. I'm going to play a song of rest so everyone gets an extra D8 of hit points in their short rest.

Political Implications Post-Mission

Thank you. Damn.
Don't get a chance to use that very much, do you? Because the mini-cut stand goes, I'm going to put up my loot. Everyone goes, fuck off. Yeah. If you spend one or more hit dice, eat those creatures gains an extra 1d8 of health. Casey, it's worth you spending second wind as well before you start spending hit dice, because we get that back on a short rest. Thank you. OK, thanks.
So a long resting, I assume then that's short rest, short rest, short rest, short rest, short rest, roll those die, roll them up, get some HP back. Robin will walk over to Lucian at some point during the short rest and we'll just sit down next to him and say, in all of your time here, have you encountered an elf?
quite distinctive one, very fast, good martial arts, dangerous. Not on this side of the Blight, no. Why? Just wondering. Is this someone you seek? It's someone who I think is going to put himself in our way between now and this being over.
And what should be his fate? Depends who you ask. I don't know what's going to happen to him, is the honest answer. I'm not fully sure. I know what I want to happen to him, but I gave my friends my word that I wouldn't kill him. What's the crime for murder, arson, heresy? What's all the crime would that carry in this or any other kingdom?
Any other kingdom, it would be death. In Slitgard, I don't know anymore. But I feel that we're beyond the governments of these realms now. We follow our own code until the end. Whether that's the right choice or the wrong, it is only us who will know and only us who will suffer those consequences.
We just have to know that we do right by us and hope that it's the right decision. I think that's all we can ever do in situations such as this. You know, Lucia, and everyone I've met speaks incredibly highly of you. I have to ask, what's happened to your army and what will happen to it once this is over?
There's only two outcomes of this, Robin. The first outcome is the army fails. We succumb to the Blight. Clear guard and spirit-wound redoubt falls. A kingdom of sleep guard falls. Drolak falls. The sea turns black. The Sanguine Lands fall. The Hural Empire falls. And west and east and north and south, the Blight spreads. The other outcome is that
your plan, if you can call it that, succeeds. And with that, a large portion of these armies will disband. The forces we have at the Spirit Moon Redoubt aren't just Sleek Guard, they aren't just the Surge. They are three of the five battalions of the Sanguine Lands. The fourth is on the Eastern Front.
There are forces from Moonrise. There are forces from the Heral Empire, where many of us trained, including myself and my sister, they will return home. They understood the danger that faces us and sent forces to protect the entire realm. Other kingdoms have not. And if we do succeed, we will remember those that stood by us and we will resent those that did not.
But my soldiers, multitudinous as they are, are willing to give their lives if I was to give them the order. For many. And I feel that some that even aren't from the native shores of Sleetgard would now call it home, given how much they have given and how welcome they would be to make Sleetgard their home if they chose to.
There's something wrong, something dangerously wrong in gold view. I've seen it before. I come from a different place, very, very far from here, but I once called a city called Neverwinter home and I left it for too long. And when I came back, it was turned into something evil.
for want of a better way of putting it and when this is over there will be very little time for respite before Goldview faces a similar fate from what I've seen in that city.
I don't claim to know what religious servitude means in these lands. I don't claim to know what it's done to your position within your family. But I think I have an understanding of what it would mean for someone in Helena's position. And she's going to need help to do the right thing. I have every faith that she wants to reclaim your city.
And I suppose what I'm saying is, Lucian, is that when this is over, I don't think the fighting is necessarily done. And we'll need your army if it survives. Lucian, it takes another long and measured look at you.
There's a very good reason why I renounced my name. Why I removed myself from the family line. God of you is corrupt. Through and through. Helen has her work outside for her. I cannot ask my armies to be involved in the machinations of political enterprise. That's not why we formed. That's not why we're here. We came to... It's not about politics.
How many people live in Goldview compared to the West of Sleepguard? I don't know. Tens of thousands. Every single one of them is in danger if the evil that dwells at the heart of that city now is not removed. Believe me when I say this, that my commitment to the Blight, to ending that, to doing what I believe now I was brought here for, is steadfast. But when that is done, I am a free man to pick and choose
as I see fit and I choose to protect Goldview in a way that I couldn't protect Neverwinter. And I think in that I share, well, it's not for me to speak for someone of Helena's birth, but I'd like to think we share the same aim and I will do all I can to help her. And I would ask any man who claims to love this kingdom as their home to do the same.
And you are well within your right to ask of that. But I cannot ask my men as their commander. I can ask them as a fellow member of Sleetguard. I cannot command them. But yes, when the time comes, we can have that conversation. But he leans slightly closer to you and, Robin. I have a distinct feeling, though, Robin. I won't be leaving this forest. And that's just the truth of it.
So he'll be up to you. I'm glad you'll be sticking close to Helena. She needs all the help she can get. Right. Oh, the one final thing. That arm is incredible. What type of magic is in it? And how does it work?
He looks down towards his right arm with the device attached with the mace and to be honest, I don't know much of it myself.
It's a few years ago, quite a few years ago now where I'd lost my arm and there was a horse accident. It was stupid of me and me and Sebastian were acting like fools. I got trapped under a cart and the arm was useless. And I got used to it for some time afterwards without the arm. And me and my family went on a trip, a trip abroad, far away from here to a land far, far to the east.
to a rather strange city and met a man there, a boy really, who promised that he could make me fighting fit again. Jokingly, I took him up on the offer. He was a friend of the royal family, I believe, or somehow related, I think. And lo and behold, six, seven days later, he comes with this device ready made fitted and fuses it to my arm and
To be honest, I never look back. It's quite incredible. Though it is starting to rust, I think the metal wasn't ideal, which might limit my fighting days, but I'm hoping after this, my fighting days will be over one way or another. Well, Lucian, if it's any consolation, you can't see the mechanisms of my arm, but the way I feel, I'm quietly confident that's starting to rust as well. Combat has that effect on you.
And Robin will just sit back and take out his hip flask and take in the vistas of despair that lie ahead. Lovely. Lucian will join you in the vistas of despair and get out his pipe and start smoking away on that, looking out and letting the small wisps of white smoke rise slowly above him in the wistless, windless air.

Tense Moments and Future Plans

Folly, was there something you wanted to do during the rest?
Folly's thing kind of seems a little bit, you know, I don't know. The only thing I wanted to make sure I do is pick up my dragon's teeth. That's all I wanted to make sure I did. It's ruining the lovely moment. No, no, no. I like to think that during that moment, as Robin sits back and the smoke starts to above Lucian's pipe, Folly just knocks into him, knocks the pipe out of his hand as if you're sitting on a tooth and grabs the teeth out.
from random. That's fine, it's good you needed to do that because I definitely would have not let you use it again if you hadn't picked them up. Yeah, no, I'm straight. As a customer is going to go to Claude and be like, Claude, is it safe for me to use my bagpipes now? Do whatever the fuck you want mate, the entire flight knows we're here.
and Carstan will get out of his bagpipes. It's very fair, and you might encourage a few zombies to walk in, just burn themselves. Though, may this be the first time I ever say this, but not the last, play, little boy, play like your life depends on it. And what does Carstan do? Carstan gets out of his bagpipes and plays the bagpipes. What does it say?
How does it sound? It sounds like, you know when you strangle a... It sounds like bagpipes. I don't have any bagpipe music. I can't make bagpipe music with my mouth. Why not? Try. Because I'm not a bagpipe.
And as you get far, get the... You know our intro music? It's that, but in bagpipes. Brilliant. Well played. Well played, sir. I'll give you that. In fact, I might try and find that in the bagpipe.
yeah that's yeah maybe that could be the um but as you just begin just as you take a breath in ready to squeeze down on the the the bladder i think it's called a bladder to hit your first couple of notes you just say stop the bagpipes and batman up it no it's not firstly batman it was supposed to be Vance Vance appears panting
And he looks around to you all. This is at the end of the long rest, by the way, so you will get your long rest. I saw your short rest. He looks around to you all panting, sweat dripping down his face. A smile breaks out in his face and like a, we've got something. He looks at you all and goes, Claude. That might just work. Troops, we've got a plan. He takes a deep breath in, one finger up, as you're about to say it.
And to find out the plan, you're gonna have to wait till next week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. What? Good idea, Danny. Yeah. I love it. Smart chap, that, Danny. Smart chap. And this will be the fifth iteration of the ending. Click. Let's change it again. Constantly. The minute you said it, I was like, fuck, I can see this totally working. I can see it. Yep, yep, yep. Cool.
We're just following the tune that he's reading. Every episode, I just want Danny to change something about the ending. It's okay. Yeah, next episode, Claude's going to do something else now, so warp the ending for the sixth iteration. You're going to have to listen in next week to find that out. Thank you for tuning in, listening to us and making us a party every day.
I love you for it. We really do. If you wanted to follow us on our social clubs, we have one and it's Twitter and we have a combined one. It's at fellowship table. Please follow us. And then if you wanted to go one step further and follow us individually.
You can do so too. I'm at Ivar 1. Casey's at. Unicorn Crit. Danny's at. Total Party Thrills. Callum's at. TheD20Gamer. Darren's at. Darren, page 06. Will is at. Natural20Will. And our awesome DM is at. Hastily rolled DM. Until next time, guys.