Humorous Banter and Podcast Introduction
Good name, right? No, shit. You sound like an off-brand magnet. That's the best you've got.
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. We are a live play 5e D&D podcast set in the magical home-brewed world of Erith, in the Kingdom of Sleepguard. My name is Mark, and I am the Dungeon Master. And also with us for this week's episode, we have...
Character Introductions: Darren and Will
Darren, who plays the High Elf Artifice of Rainshadow. I am Darren. We have Will, who plays the human cleric Emron.
He's back, Billy! You might have thought he was there anyway. And thanks. Good to have everyone back, finally. Good to see you all. Good to
Reunion and Character Confusion
see you all. Good to see you. And we've got the full party. And he's back together. New full party back together. Right. I think we need to get straight into it because based off last week's episode, we're right on the cusp of big, big, big party fighting times. First combat in a while. Well, no, actually, no, it's not. First combat. But I do want to draw just to
Ay up lads and lasses.
Callum's, this is the first time Callum's heard who my new character is and he's hand to the head. He's confused. I am so fucking confused right now. I'm like, what? What you didn't know is in the last episode, we actually built another one of you, a better version of you. Oh, oh, oh, I'm going full hissy fit. I'm going full hissy fit if that's the case. You're just the head down. We've taken all the parts below there. I've actually, I am a hell in a jar.
But you'll find out in a second, actually.
Recap and Guard Drake Encounter
And to tell you a bit more about what happened on last week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, let's pass over to our chronicler, Danny, for a quick update. In the last few pages of our adventure are not yet heroes, Emron, Rains, and Alpha. Alongside their newfound companion, Orla, dispatched with some amphibian creatures. In doing so, they were hoping to lure out a much greater foe, a guard drake.
from the dlurks beneath the river itself. Unbeknownst to them, two travelers were also in the vicinity. A lizard, folk by the name of Yanda the Explorer, and his synthetic companion, Magnus, came with tidings, tidings that Prince Rain's Hadao of Shadowmend did not expect.
With the end of our previous episode, we'd heard the hiss from the nearby shuttered entrance to the basement, what imagines below, of the human remains that these grunks had taken residence over. The large rock which had been felled by Yander and by
His companion Magnus started to shift and crack in the ground beneath where these piled up grongs had set, started to move and shift and out came the target of this monster hunting mission.
Battle Preparation and Strategy
The guard drake, large, muscular and blue. It had devoured one of the grongs in a show of force and strength and it turned directly to the party. It stood there.
staring, lip quivering in rage, its muscles flexing as the slow, low, glottal growl emanated out across the swamplands. Alpha still stands motionless since Magnus had come into range, somehow affected by this new being's vicinity.
And as Yanda, Emron, Rains, Orla, Alpha, and Magnus stand around a newly formed campfire and look back towards this creature as a moment of calm, a moment of almost serenity, of warriors almost ready in agreement with each other before combat.
then the guard drake slowly steps forward this large creature is probably from tail to snout 25 feet in length it's large head 10 feet wide it's large teeth longer than the dagger the orla has at her hip there's still no movement the creature seems to be waiting
But if there's something to happen, is there anything you want to do or say? Yanda will just enter a defensive stance and position himself in between Reigns and the Beast.
you're all about, thank you for that Yanda, you're all about 25 to 30 feet away from the creature at this moment as it stands with its back almost to a large mossy rock and also the corpses of the grungs sit at its rear now. There's a series of three tenths to its right about 10 feet away and the large wooden structure built by the grungs stand off to your right, its left, so north kind of between you is like a triangle range.
Reigns is going to glance around and having seen this lizard folk come and stand in front of him is going to... Will, correct me if I'm wrong, am I right in thinking you're already looking at the map stood in front of Alpha? Emron's already positioned himself in front of Alpha. I'm the one with the red cloak, just to the left of you.
Okay, well no one's, if no one stood in front of Alpha, Reigns will follow... Magnus is at the moment. Magnus is stood in front, he was surveying the still... We'd all pose at the end of the last episode, because all the shot crossbow at this thing, and it just bounced straight off, so...
rainfall see that and he will um he will just nervously just glance towards alpha who's still down but will not interfere with this other naka vole for the time being and we'll just stay where he is behind yanda um
everyone will realize that we've got an immobile person in our party and we'll lift up his hammer, pick up his shield from the floor and be like, hurry, let's get on with this and start running towards the Drake. All right. I think that sounds like the start of combat. So can we please roll initiative? I've got a healthy minus one to mine. Me too. Oh yeah.
There are some very big roles taking place. We have rolled really well. That is really well. So first things first, did anyone get 20 plus on their mission role? 22 for Yanda. Okay.
Did anyone get... Sorry, that's a 20 for Reins. It took forever to come through there, but it's a 20 for Reins. Not a problem at all. I got you down there. Then we're looking at 15 to 20. 10 to 15. Oh, guys, come on. 5 to 10.
Keep going. Keep going. This might be quicker. Alpha, what did you get? Three. Oh, good lord. Did anyone get higher than three? Fabulous. Shit. Is it bad? Did anyone get two? Yeah, Magnus got two. Man, this is not the world's worst auction. Magnus. Magnus. Good name, right? Magnus got two. No, shit. It says Alpha. You found like an off-brand magnet.
That's the best you've got. The only thing I can come up with, dammit. I got a one, Mark. Oh. With minus one to my initiative, I was on a one. Jesus. That is unlucky. So just to check the order, we've got Yanda, Rains, Alpha, Magnus, Emron. I haven't rolled for Orla. Oh god, she didn't do well either. I mean, Orla was pretty messed up from the last episode, so I'm surprised she's good.
I mean, you'll have an initiative role at the moment, but that's at the moment. Alpha, we're not going to have you rolling just yet whilst we can get things kind of set up. It's okay. You are in mobile anyway. You are basically, for all intents and purposes, in D&D world, you are paralyzed and you have no kind of sight, no recollection of everything that's taken place. Well, it's incapacitated not be the best one for that one. Sorry, not to... That's the one. I mean, yep, no, absolutely. We have you here, Will. We have you as the rules consultant.
Oh, and you've updated yourself from role 20. Thank you very much. That's being incapacitated. Cool. All right. So that's our role. And Yanda, you are top of the initiative order. What would you like to do? You've seen Emron start to, we can imagine, just take the first couple of steps with intent towards running towards the large blue guard drake, which sits to your northwest.
Combat Engagement: Yanda's Charge
Janda will just announce valking and country and will charge at the beastie both hand axes raised in a sort of overhead fashion beginning to do an almighty sort of flail down as I reach it and I'm going to just square up nose to nose with this fellow reptilian anatomy
being and yeah two dual wielded slashes on its snout please mark all right then awesome thank you that description would you please roll to hit that will be an 18 to hit on the first one and on the second one that will be a 22 both hit please roll your domarge nice that is 13 points of combined slashing damage
Lovely, thank you very much. Brandon, bring in the pain. These first two heads, I guess you aim me for the face while you're at this point. Now, straight onto the nose, booping it on the snoot. At the last minute, it turns to the side and you catch it across the jowl, the right jowl as you approach it.
These two hits come in and you see sparks and you see energy fly off from the scales that you've attacked. You do notice you manage to kind of get some kind of pierced, kind of get through a little bit, but it almost doesn't react to those first two hits. Is there anything else you want to do? That's my turn.
Lovely, thank you very much. It's the Godreks Turner World 22 for that, so it's the same, but you've got a higher DEX modifier than me. Danny, not you, Danny, obviously. I meant you, Yander. This is me ad-libbing as I find my Chrome screen, which seems to have shut. Unfortunately, it's not coming back, so I'm going to skip over.
to here, because I've got it on two screens, because I'm super organised. And here we go. Right. The guardraker's going to attack you back. Yanda, that's the first thing. You're the first person there. You attacked it. He's going to attack you. And the first one is going to reach up with his right claw and just kind of swipe you across the chest. Oh gosh, sorry. That is a 23 to roll the 19. 23 to hit. Shit.
and you take max damage as well for that. Oh no, wrong one, sorry, that's a d4, I need apologies. Five points of slashing damage, should you get caught across the chest with that. It's second attack is a bite, it goes to bite kind of at your head, why not? Snout for snout, but it only rolled a nine for that. Misses. Okay, not a problem. You've taken that damage.
This creature also has round specific moves. I've got things round by round it can do once per round. And the first one is a sprint. And it's going to use it. I know it's going to get an attack of opportunity being used against it.
but it's going to do it anyway, and it's going to basically almost jump over you, these massive legs and kind of, it's probably going to lift itself up and over. So you'll see this huge belly pass over your head as it kind of hops almost over you, and will move directly towards Emron and Rains, kind of placing itself, kind of trying to nuzzle itself into the middle of this group, as kind of surround itself with enemies. Actually, you're still in range younger, so unfortunately, you're not going to get that attack opportunity.
It's going to move up so it's in combat range with both Emron and with Rains. That's all the sprint action gives it the ability to do is to move within combat range of additional enemies if it wants. That is the end of the guard drake's turn. Rains, it's your turn. This guard drake is literally just kind of like hopped over your new lizardfolk companion and it's now staring you and Emron in the face. What would you like to do?
Okay, Reigns is going to see this creature come towards him. And I'm really sorry. Sorry, just a quick thing for me. I rolled the term before thinking I was next, thinking that was what we were doing. So my bad that I did that, that was my fault. Instead, what Reigns is going to do, because he's now engaged with this creature, is he's immediately going
Raines is going to disengage. Raines is going to have this drape come towards him and he's going to disengage from it with his turn. The suit is going to all of a sudden just emit this kind of like seismic magnetic pulse which is just going to allow him to step away from the drape before it can do anything. And what Raines is going to do is he's going to back down the riverbank
and he's just going to mutter to himself as he's going I suppose it's a day for new discoveries I hope this works okay so let's uh well why not let's go the phase two and what happens is the Rubik's Cube is just going to start turning and and moving as the thunder gauntlet turns towards a lightning launcher at the same time NC is going to land on Reins's shoulder and with a
lockpick in his mouth is just going to use a bit of arcane tinkering to just put onto the gauntlet, onto the Rubik's Cube, the following writing is going to appear. And it's just going to say, hello, Rains. And that's all I've got. That's the end of my turn. Okay, awesome. Thank you very much, Rains.
I've written down Alpha. Did I give you a comment? Did you roll initiative,
Magnus and Alpha's Unique Connection
Alpha? I did roll initiative, yes, but I'm currently in capacitation.
Nope, you're crossed out, you're rolling initiative again. Why are you bitch rolling initiative? You're fucking rebooting Windows 10, you get the bin. Right, sorry, let's get to the actual players who are actually here and actually involved. Sorry, Callum, I love you, really. Not really. Magnus, it's your turn. Magnus, it's your turn. You've got Alpha in front of you and you've been intently staring down this similar being. And as you turn around, you notice this creature approaching and also Emron is kind of just stood off from your shoulder as well between you and this guard drake. What would you like to do?
Wonderful so yes i spent the majority of last episode just stood in front and this is for you can as well in front of alpha and just looking through and doing some cybernetic analyst of your entire being then the drake comes along.
So Magnus turns with his head first to look at the Drake and then once it realizes that it's going to pose a threat and attack, his body then turns secondary to meet where the direction of his face was. And then after that he's going to just pistons firing, walk forwards as he's walking.
his shield on his left forearm is going to start whirling away with that iconic energy just to protect himself and then on his right arm he's going to detach his flail from his right hip and then his entire forearm starts just rotating in a 360 spinning on an axis as the flail goes and Magnus is going to walk forwards and hit down
I love it. It kind of reminds me of like a modem versus broadband. And he's going to hit for the first time in this campaign with a natural 20 baby. Amazing right. I mean, yeah, that hits. Give us your damage. What'd you get? Do we just double the damage roll?
If you do it in D&D Beyond, I think it does it for you when you hit it. It's only rolled once, it's only rolled five, which clearly isn't doubled. Did it not? Yeah, did it not do the crit for you? Do I just roll? I'd say you just double it. But you double the D8, not the modifier, so you double the three it rolled. Yes. It rolled you a three. Eight points of bludgeoning damage.
Okie dokie, thank you very much. As the flail comes smashing down upon this creature, again catching it on the left flank of its face. For my second action, I'm going to use... So Alpha... shit! There's an identity crisis. Magnificent. Just attacked the Drake.
And after scoring a hit, the body is going to stay frontal on the creature, but Magnus' head is going to spin 180 to look at Alpha. I'm going to use the commander strike maneuver. Alpha, you can wake up and take a shot. Because I've analyzed you the last episode, I know that you've got a gun.
We've taken action, you can go. Use a bonus action to direct an ally that can see or hear you to strike using its reaction. Add in the superiority to die to the damage roll. Can Callum see or hear you? I'm going to offer a non-verbal communication. I'm thinking something like scrying or message like sending, sending like sending, but a digital. I'm using what happened at the start of last episode where us coming in close proximity
cause the electronic malfunction in Alpha and Magnus and using that as a means of communication to wake him up from his sleep mode and straight into attack. Callum, Alpha. Ding, ding, ding, ding.
Is that the right one? Basically you have come off standby mode, you have buffered, you're back online and you come to and the first, like as your kind of consciousness comes to realize what's happened, a shot is already being fired from your pistol towards a guard Drake.
So would you please mind rolling the roll to hit that? And then also I'll bump you into the initiative order as you are awoken. As your shot fires from your pistol alpha, Magnus's head is going to follow almost the bullet back to the Drake. So good. Emotionless, no words, no communication. Just the only hint was the tone of the head.
Thank you for that. That's awesome. And what'd you get, Callum, for the roll? 16 to hit. Add two. 18 to hit. Hits. Lovely. Three points of magical piercing damage. Okay.
Thank you very much. The bullet was ricocheted off, but it kind of does react to the sound ever so slightly. This round echoes through the boggy marshlands of Southern Sleepguard. Thank you very much for that. That's the end of my go, but because of my fighting style being protection and I believe
M-ron is five feet within me. Within you, woof. It's my kind of D&D, baby. Yes, he's five feet within your five feet radius. It means nothing right now because I've burned every action. Absolutely. Cool. Good to know.
I'm still confused, I don't know what's going on. You get the sense Callum that an older
being sent to yourself of Nakavolo has just started you as if you'd just been plugged in again.
It's your turn. Magnus has just stepped in front of you and twatted it and then you've hit a gunshot of Alpha. Suddenly your companion, your son, who has been unresponsive for the last couple of moments comes to you again and you're there face to face with this guy.
So everyone's going to raise his hammer in the air and shout, the fires of a leader will take you and I'm going to summon my spiritual weapon of a hammer using my bonus action. And this is the lovely pink square that will then appear to the guard drakes right or our left as we are looking at his head and the spiritual weapon will make an attack roll against it, which is a 10 to hit.
Ah, missus, unfortunately. Emron will then slide to the left, just to the guard drake's head, and then I will bring the hammer down upon its head. Right, what a hit. No, I will not. That was a six to hit.
Now that also misses as well as the hammer comes down. It does make contact, but you just catch it on a glancing blow. And these, these scales are thick and hard to break. And unfortunately does not affect the guard Drake at all. Anything else you want to do with their turn? No, that will be the end of my game. Fabulous. Thank you very much. All that is just going to stand up, move to the side of alpha, look at him and go. Well, good.
And she's going to reach down and reload her crossbow and then start moving to the north around to try and get, she's going to try and basically climb up the wooden structure and get a better shot on this guardre, but she can't quite get to the rope rungs of the ladder, which sit to the northeast of this small tower. So she's just going to make her way as close as she can there. She's got bonus action actually, because she hasn't done anything. She'll climb up to the tower 30 feet in the air where the grung from the last episode was stood.
and look down upon the battlefield from that location. That is the end of our turn. Yanda, top of the round, your turn. What would you like to do? I will call out to my companion, Magnus, keep up the good work and I'm going to try and hack off this dude's tail. Oh, shit. Nice. Okay, go for it. I just realized we have advantage because we're flanking it. Hey, take that when I attack.
Okay, so the first attack is a crit. I'll take that. New boys are bringing the heat. Jesus. Double Kring. And the damage on that crit is... Solid 7. You've not doubled your dice roll. I have not doubled my dice roll.
I've not doubled your dice roll. Danny, have you doubled your dice roll? You don't think you've doubled your dice roll? 10. Solid 10 on that first hit. Hot diggity damn. Nice as you come in. It manages to ping off one of the scales of this Godric's tail and you can see it twitch and react to it ever so slightly. Next hit. The second hit will be a 24 to hit.
Yeah, that hits. And the damage is a solid seven. I did almost as much with a regular attack because I did a crit. Very nice. Christ, you guys have done quite a bit of damage to this thing already. Nice. As you managed to get through, you hear a little bit as you managed to get to flesh, as you've hacked at the same moment twice on this tail. You can hear kind of react to that in a slightly more visceral and glottal manner. Thank you. Anything else you want to yander with your turn?
I got a decent weight about me. So I'm just going to like take a step and just stand on a bit of the tail if possible. Oh, it's not going to like that. Okay. Nice. Well, is that like an actual thing or is that just a bit of flavour? Just like squeeze, like, you know, someone squishes your toe, just something like that. An inconvenient pain. Right on the heel. Yeah, I get it. Yeah, I get it. Nice. Okay. Thank you very much for that. The guard drakes turn.
Oh, you've pissed it off. So, Magnus being eye to eye with this thing, it's going to not be particularly happy with the state of affairs and it's going to use its round specific action called the claw smash to hit you with a claw really fucking hard. Could you please make a strength saving throw?
yes eight thank you very much bear with bear with i've lost an arm piston's gone expressionless face no pain clap clap
So, this, it takes its right claw back and then brings it forward, but not like as a slash, like it's trying to attack you with its claws. This is more of like a shove. It's pushing with like the center of its large palm and it hits you directly like in where your solar plexus would be if you had a solar plexus, right in the very center of your kind of center of mass. And it pushes you back 15 feet. Shit. Firstly, so I'll move you back 15 feet.
That's the guard, right? Let's not move that. I can't grab you because the guard drake thing is so big. So Magnus, if you might be so kind of moving yourself back exactly to where it's located at the moment, I'll ping on the screen. Thank you kindly. You also take 11 points of bludgeoning damage as the hit comes in, knocking joints and rusty bolts, a bit of maybe paint in the process falls out. You're also prone.
You have to use half your movement to stand yourself back up again. But that's it. That's the only time it can use that move. It's now crossed out. Though it now gets its actual turn and it's going to, with that turnaround and it's almost, its body's going to twist, its tail's going to stay still, and it's going to, with its mouth, bite for you yander, given that you've just fucked its tail up big time. You're just my guard, Drake. What are you doing, man? So the first is going to be its bite.
19 against your AC hits okay 66 3 plus 2 5 points of piercing damage and it's gonna follow up with like his backhand claw kind of across your chest trying to again not trying to push you back but trying to Swipe away. It doesn't like being surrounded like this despite being put in the same position didn't consider you much of a threat 20 20 what 19 plus 4
fuck off what's like 23 23 against yeah sorry that's another oh there's damage oh my god no no no no 24 to hit yeah it's it's bad that's gonna be uh it's mighty four
five. Another five points of slashing damage as the claw hits you across the chest area. You've got leather armour on. Is that right? Across your midsection? I am unarmoured. Natural armour. Of course, lizardfolk. You take this hit directly across the lower part of your chest, across your abdomen as well as this large claw comes in. It then
is going to turn back to the party. It still considers you a threat, but it realizes it's still got these guys in front of it, and it's just going to growl, growl louder and louder until it builds to this large kind of roar. It kind of echoes out again, even louder, more like anger as its whole body shakes and shudders, and that's the end of its turn. Rains, you've backed off. You've gone full ACDC, Thunderstruck. What do you want to do?
Reins' Lightning Attack and Tactical Moves
Yeah, Rains has just seen this. Hello, Rains. He's seen a host of things appear in front of him as well. And he's just going to go to himself and see how the hell are you doing that? And the Rubik's Cube will just say again, almost like clippies appeared at the bottom of the Rubik's Cube. And we'll just say, I have come into contact with superior Nakavodo technology.
might I suggest you focus on the Drake and what Reigns is going to do is, all right, he's going to lift up the gauntlet and the Rubik's Cube is just going to start to turn almost like it's completing itself into a puzzle. And then what's going to happen is that this pulse is going to kick off in the Rubik's Cube before this blue burst of energy just flies towards this Drake. I am going to launch the lightning launcher at this Drake. All right. Thank you very much for all to hit.
It's a knight for crits, that's a natural 20, that's a crit. Jesus. Okay, I'm going to do a few things with this crit. I'm going to firstly roll the damage. Could you make sure you break up what's lighting damage and what's any other form of damage? It's all lightning. Cool, thank you. I can't get it to work in roll 20, so I'm going to use D&D Beyond. Just times it by 20 or whatever, whatever Callum normally does.
Okay, that is four plus three, seven points of lightning damage. And because I can, once per turn, I can add an additional D six of lightning damage to this. Very nice. I will add five points of lightning damage to that as well, please. So what was that in total? I totally lost count was seven plus five. Seven plus five.
Thank you very much. And then what Reigns will do is he'll go, oh my God, that was awesome. Wait a minute. What the hell do you mean, superior Nakavodo technology? And that's the end of my turn.
Lovely, thank you very much. This arc of energy emits out towards the drake as it strikes it on its right flank, just off to Emmeron's left shoulder, and seems to cascade down and across the body, almost like it's running along the scales down towards the tail where it fires off, almost like it's grounding itself into the ground, leaving Yanda near your side, a large black scorch mark on the ground, just to your left. Thank you very much for that. Reigns, Alpha.
It's over to you. You are now switched on. You've got 20 feet away from you, clear line of sight with the Nakavolo. Well, he's off to your right now, been knocked back. But you have got clear line of sight on the Drake as well. But this creature that you seem to have an affinity, a connection with somehow, it's just been absolutely twatted back 15 feet and it's off to your north by about seven or eight feet. What do you like to do?
Alpha's probably seen the other nakavolo just kind of get sideswiped and just slid all the way across the ground before it's fallen over. You will see Alpha's eyes just following that action kind of happen. He's going to quickly turn in slow motion as Magnus was hit. Magnus's head turns towards you. You're following him. You're stopping you.
Expressionless. No pain. Just hit the ground. Yeah, that's... I like that. Alpha's going to quickly turn, fire off a shot against the guard drake. 22 to hit. Yep, that hits. And eight points of magical piercing damage on that one. Lovely. Thank you very much. Here's the shot. Burrowed somewhere in its midsection. You don't see exactly where the bullet goes. Does it break through? Who knows?
Just as a brief moment, as he blow his arm, his head turns back to Magnus, and I'm going to just use whatever movement I've got just to walk up towards Magnus, and I'm just going to kind of stand over him at this point, looking down. If anybody could see, if he could express it, there would be confusion on Alfa's face, but at the moment he's just literally looking down at Magnus, still prone on the floor. Okay, anything else you want to do with your turn?
No, that's it. Fabulous. Thank you very much for that. Alpha Magnus. It's staring at you. You're staring at him. I imagine you, you're a toaster. I don't know why I've really got like a toaster head in my brain. It's really like, it's as, as expressionless as a toaster and just as mechanical. Do you think when he gets angry, he glows red like a toaster? Anyway, sorry. It's your turn. You're playing through his heart.
It's half movement to stand up if you want, but you've got Alpha standing over you. What would you like to be? As Alpha's looking down at Magnus and Magnus is looking up, you're going to hear that weird connection surging as you can fire again, my friend, as I burn one of my attacks.
Commanders strike, commanders strike, and your arm, if you fancy it, lifts up to your pistol and your pistol can shoot out. Yes, you do have the choice of doing it, whether you want to or not, isn't it, though? There is a willing, it's a willing ally, isn't it? Yeah.
A willy ally. Are you a willy ally? No, it doesn't say willing. In all fairness, you can forgo one of your attacks, use a bonus action to direct an ally that can see or hear you to use its strike action. That's why I'm kind of picking up on this. It's almost Alfred's level of instinct, but obviously it's a directed kind of instinct that's going for Alfred. So I will take the, obviously I have to take the attack anyway, but I don't think my eyes would actually leave
Magnus's body on the ground. It's literally just hand up, fire off. And it's not meant to be like any confusion about it. Like you said, it is a reaction. Alpha's confusion could probably hit that. That's up to you. But it is. I think Alpha generally does not know that his arm is literally lifted up and fired. I think his head's where you are on the ground and his arms acted almost instinctive of its own chord.
What did you roll, man? And I rolled a crit. Oh, come on. 24. Them dice loaded. Them dice loaded. And I rolled max damage. So on one of the dice, 13 points of magical piercing damage. I had 8 points onto that.
Okay, is this shit when 21 points of magical piercing damage? Go team cyborg After that command is kind of left Magnus's kind of radio waves you hear the As Magnus takes half his movement and all the pistols start firing and he just gets up and
and he looks at Alpha, but Alpha is looking through you. There's no recognition. There's no sense. It's looking at you, but it's also looking through you as if a computer was just analyzing you. I see all of you. I see you. It's like their avatar. Come with me. You don't have a choice.
But you're in my way, so I'm just not moving, just looking, expressionless through you. Okay, send him my go. Lovely, thank you very much for that Magnus. Emron, your turn. You've already just felt this heat and energy of some kind of electrical pulse come over your left shoulder and hit and cascade over this creature. Aside from that,
You've also, sorry, you have also just seen it smack Magnus back in turn and do something towards the lizard folk, a companion that you just gained from a minute earlier and then turn back towards you. What would you want to do? Spiritual weapon to your left, you're in front. Excellent. So seeing this happen, Enron will use his bonus action to help the spiritual weapon attack the Drake first.
If you say great, I swear to God. No, it's 14 to hit. Ah, good. That misses. Spirituality comes clanging down, but just again, glances down off its right flank. And then everyone will then grasp his war hammer single-handedly and attack with advantage, thanks to daddy's counters. Yes. That's a 19 to hit. That does hit.
You got the first one. The first one was your first roll and you got nine points of bludgeoning damage. Yeah. We'll take that one because it's worth more and you know. It's a good hit. Yeah. And you smash down over the creature's head and again, it kind of takes the hits down and you can see flex of its scales kind of and flick off into the air and fall around you almost like small rocks and pebbles hitting the ground as you start to damage some of the scales around its face. Anything else you want to do, Emron?
And that would be eight points of bludgeoning damage.
No, that would be the end of my turn. All is going to take a shot down from the top. Ah, seven, eight, ten. Misses, fires that above and just continues to fuck, fuck, fuck and reload the crossbow and aim up for another shot. That's all she can do. Top of the round, Yanda, you've just, this creature is not happy about you, though obviously you pissed it off, so you're doing something right at the tail end behind Emron. What would you like to do? You also have advantage, obviously.
Yanda is going to place both axes back in his tool belt and shout over to Emron. I'm going to hold it tight. Don't let it any closer to the points. And I'm going to attempt to grapple it and just wrap myself around its tail.
Okay, yep. What do you need me to roll for that? It will be a contested grapple. So you can roll athletics or acrobatics. Mm-hmm. Crocodile Dundee. Mm-hmm. Nice. Stick up your heart and really piss it off. I got a 16. I got a 14, so that did not work.
Throw a guard break on the barbie. Rest in peace. I have stupidly put my... Okay, that's okay. I have put my weapons away, so I will bonus attack, bite with my jaws, and I will use my racial feature to make a jaws attack, which is a d6 rather than a d4.
Okay, nice. Roll to... Do you have to hit? Yeah, you have to roll to hit with that bit. Yeah. It'll be advantage this one. For 22 to hit. That does hit. And we'll deal six points of slashing damage despite it being teeth. You'd think it'd be piercing. You'd think. Maybe it's a bite and tear. I don't know. Whatever it is. Yeah. That's my turn. It's the guard drake's turn. It does not like being bit on the tail. I bet it's butt.
You bid, but everyone's done nothing. So it's going to do a little skedaddle and turn around, uh, one 80 to look at you now tail away from you, not moving out of anyone's range of, and it's going to use what I've got for round three. Sorry against you this time. Cause you're there and you're being a little bitch for ragged rage. So could you make a dexterity saving throw, please? Yanda 22.
Okay. You're just going to take the damage. You're not going to have the other bit attached to it. Okay. That's the other bit. Oh, okay. That's still not bad. Okay. So you take eight points of piercing damage as it bites into you. Um, however, you don't get the main part of it, which is that it was going to throw you 20 feet and you'd be prone as you're going to bite to them would throw your kind of.
cartwheeling bodies somewhere off into the ether or 20 feet away. It doesn't do that, unfortunately, but it does take a tasty old bite out of you. Is then going to turn to the spiritual weapon, which I imagine will correct me if I'm wrong. Is it glowing? I feel like it's... So the hammer is glowing, but it's not a valid target for an attack. Cool. Thank you. Just in case you were about to attack the hammer. I was going to. And in case not. Also worth mentioning that Yanda's down.
Come on, no, no, no, no, no. You've hammered him. If someone's, if someone was coming up and beating the shit out of your act, no, it sounds wrong. If someone's beating, someone's hacking your leg off, you'd be a bit annoyed, but nothing's happening. He's fucked up everything else. And okay.
Oh well that works then, because he was going to turn around anyway, I say he. We can't assume. And the guard won't turn around and have a swipe at Emron because he did actually bonk him on the snoot a little bit earlier as well. So he's going to hit him. He's going to hit him with a claw to begin with. That is a 17 against your armor class. Miss. And then he's going to go for a crack across the face with a claw. Oh god, that is a 6 against your armor class.
That actually hits. No, no, no, that misses. Cool, no problem. Thank you for that. That's the end of the guard drake's turn. Ooh. Ooh, donkey. No, it's not. It's going to push through. It's going to move up and it's going to slither between you and the spiritual weapon, Emron, towards Rains. I was not too happy about being electrically maguted a little bit. So it's going to just move between you. So now you're at its kind of tail end, Emron, spiritual weapon.
other leg and Reigns, you're directly in front of it. Alpha and Magnus, you're now about 20 feet away from it. Yanda, you're left down by the tents to the north west. That is the end of the guard drake's turn. Moving on, Reigns, you're face to face yet again with this guard drake. What would you like to do? Reigns is once again not fully knowing what the suit is currently doing as it's doing something new for the first time. Reigns is going to
Allow the discharge of thunder again just to allow the suit to shimmer and he's going to disengage Once more and he's going to move away from the drake Fuck are you running for? When it rains become a little bitch I can one-shot him that's why And you probably could and is what he's going to do is he's going to as he gets past the tree He's going to just see
that Yander is down. And what Rains is going to do is he's going to then command to NC, NC I need that lizard alive, get over there. And NC is going to go, okay. And the little writing on the Rubik's Cube is going to disappear as Clippy disappears. And NC is going to take off towards Yander using all 30 feet of its movement to get as close to it as it can. Attack of opportunity.
against me. No, against NC. No, it enters the combat. No, it leaves. The 30 feet makes it enter, it goes by its tail. Never ends its reach. Okay, fine, fair enough. Sorry. It's all right, I wanted to hit it. But Darren, don't forget you can, you need to put a map down for it. It's now a valid target.
How do I draw a shape that I can move? It's that the shape of a cube below your mouse, select draw shape, drag the shape, and they can now move it. That's what I would do. Clippy's now flowing away from me.
flew from us in the year 2000.
Yeah, I'm done. That's me done. Cool. All right. Thanks very much for that, Rains. Alpha, it's your turn. You've just seen NCE zip across your field of vision as the guard rate moved towards Rains. What do you want to do? There's not going to be any change with Alpha. He's kind of going to, now Magnus has stood up, he's going to walk around and just like Magnus has, apparently, already analysed Alpha. Alpha's kind of doing the same, but in much more
natural way instead of a blank stair or anything like that there is genuine looking up and down he's looking all these gears and gaps and rust that's actually present and he's just gonna navigate to the right hand side of Magnus as he does this kind of inspection in the midst of doing that as he kind of takes a brief moment uh as the right hand side he's gonna again
race of his pistol. Again, this is almost like instinctively not even looking pistol up, quick glance and fire. Again, obviously at our little guard, Drake. You do look better than me in every way. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
like it's not great like I'm last I'm the iPhone and you're like the iPhone a hundred whatever it is well we'll cross that bridge you know because you were doing the visual and you're taking it in I'm taking it all in every crack every blemish every patch of rust that you can find on your decrepit old income come on your ass come on
Yeah, Alpha's pistol, 15 to hit. Misses. No! A shot. Ricochet's off one of its top scales over the top of Emeron's head. There will probably be a second quick glance from Alpha just to see where that energy kind of went to, but then he starts straight back to Magnus. Up. Somewhere. Why is that the bullet Ricochet to?
Yeah, just making sure he didn't actually hit Reigns or Emron. The quick pass as it ricocheted off of the guard drag. I'm just making sure that they didn't get hit with it. Sorry, I thought you were trying to trace the bullet or something like that. No problem. Lovely, lovely, lovely. Magnus, you are having this little kind of tin pot bromance with Alpha. I knew this was going to happen. What would you like to do?
Embrace me. Magnus watches the shot go expressionless, then turns back to look at alpha expressionless after you just missed your shot. Turns back to the guard drake turns to yonder and pistons engage and starts walking its way to yonder. Okay.
You also have your action as well. I can't make it to Yanda. Oh, OK. But as as I'm going to do it again, as Magnus is kind of just kind of walking forwards.
in his stoic way. He's just expressing his body, his eyes just on Yanda. You're going to feel that signal again, like a radio wave. Can you can you smash your attack buddy? Can you burn your reaction? Alpha.
I don't want to. Oh, hold on. Our wills are will consultant. I mean, you can delete this thing. The rules for it does say as when you take an attack action, and you're not taking an attack action. So you can't do it. Okay, I will attack the thin air. And you can actually do if you allow it.
I will because of the connections. We've already kind of done it twice so far. Because Ian doesn't read the rules for his character. Nah, do it. Go on. Fuck you Will. Do it. Thank you. Well, I love you. Isn't it so good just in this story?
Just let it happen. Just let it happen. Let him insert that floppy disk. Come on. My character's hammer's now magical because it works. Just because. Right, again, instinctually... By the way, it's delicious at feeding.
Send a chaos bullet, please, Alpha, towards the Drake. Chaos bullet. Mark, give him a magic horse. Mark, give him a magic horse. I still locked with Magnus as he walks over to the other side and again, arm comes up, fires. It is a 17 to hit. That does hit. I naturally do 10 points of magical piercing damage. Add six.
making 16 points of magical beings in damage. Come on. Nakavola. I'm loving this shit right now. All right. Yep, I've taken that. You shoot it in the face, and you start to notice some kind of blue ichor start leaking down from its face. This might be it bleeding. Anything else you want to do with your turn, Magnus? Because technically it's still you. No, I can't do anything else.
Y'all good, y'all good. Thank you very much. I burnt my reactions. No, no reaction. My bonus action. Yeah, I'm done. Gotcha.
Healing and Relentless Battle
Emron, your turn. Your act's left, back, flank. What would you like to do? So, Emron will have seen Yanda go down. He will look over his shoulder and he will sort of shout
Alito's fires will not have you yet. Come back and fight and I will cast Healing Word from distant because you can do that shit. And you will get back. I feel like that was slight. The newest Timbup man. That was six points of healing for you, please. Thank you. I'll take it and I'll rise singing. I come back from a land down yonder.
With my bonus action used, Emron is going to bring his hammer down on the damaged bit of the tail that Jan was already attacking. Alright, roll to hit. Do it with some harm. What have you got, Emron? Thirteen to hit.
Ah, no, you hit the wrong part of the tail and it twangs off. Twang, it says. And then I'm going to move, use my movement to bring myself round to its head in order to block as Yanda asks to block it, the guard rake from going towards Rains. Okay, very nice, very nice. It's Orla's turn, she's going to take another shot. Oh, fucking hell, Orla.
has a 9, ricochets off and is unable to hit any damage. Yanda, top of the round, you are now up. What would you like to do? Yanda will acknowledge. Yeah. Yeah. We'll just spend half my movement stand up. I will gracefully bow in the direction of Sir Emron.
and I better fucking second wind. So I'm gonna second wind for, do this in D. Sorry, I can't click this one automatically for some reason. Five hit points, I get back. And I will, stupidly, this is stupid.
Are you going to do something you regret? I've got loads of 12 slots left, mate. I can still heal you. Okay. Then I will just take... I can't quite get there. Can I get there?
Five, 10. Yes, I can. Okay, so I'm going to move the other side of Magnus and sort of try and protect Magnus a little bit. And I'm going to use one weapon attack on that same bit of the tail that I've been hacking and whacking and slashing. Okay, roll to hit. For a...
15 to hit. That misses, unfortunately. At the last second, the tail gets whipped away. It ain't wanting to lose that. And that's my turn. Thank you for reviving me. Is the flank gone? Oh, no, you still got that. You can roll again. Boy, here we go. Okay, it's good. It's 19 to hit. Okay, it does hit. Six points of slashing damage. Again, aiming at that section of the tail that I'm trying to carve off.
Very, very nice. Catching another bit. I think it reacts in a violent visceral manner again as its left, its right back leg falls into the river. It's on the bank of the river at this point, remember, as well. With M1 in front of it, Yanda and Mag was behind. Man, you're pissed it off again. You got to go for the tail, didn't you, dude? You couldn't just, you couldn't, you couldn't, you couldn't. Okay, okay, okay. So firstly, it's going to turn around, Yanda. You're the one that keeps hearing it.
I don't know. I don't want to do that. It's going to get my veganism so bad. Don't hit the squirrel. Don't hit the squirrel.
Shocking Twist: Magnus' Death
Exactly. It's going to move back a little bit. So it's still the range of the spiritual weapon Yanda, but also Magnus as well, because it seems to notice why it's already smacked you once or twice because the damages it was faced earlier as well. So it's putting himself in a position between you all there. Um, and firstly, he's going to swing at Magnus is going to swing with its claw to begin with.
Motherfucker, that's a natural 20. My first one, I haven't rolled a natural 20 in fucking ages. Why don't you take my commander away from me? Put that thing back where it came from. Did I say bite or claw? Claw. Yeah, claw. That sounds less intrusive. Oh, that's deep. Stu four, four, six, eight points of slashing damage across your toaster modem. I don't know. Something in the middle there.
Yeah, as I get hit, I make a sound like a modem from the 1990s. There's gonna go for us by action against... Fuck you as well, Magnus. Oh shit, what?
So that's a 22 or an 18. 22 for that? Yeah. So I'm asking, of course, it hits. Yeah, my AC is criminal. Five points of piercing damage as it tries to bite into your kind of like your midriff, your hip area. Yowch. He would say, or it would say, if it had such emotions, but it just expressionously takes this. Okay.
Okay, we're round four now, aren't we? It's going to use its round action. And this one's called while the iron is hot. Can I take my reaction to give it to my attack of opportunity before it does this? Because it left my range. Oh, it did. Sorry, you should have taken out the beginning. Yeah, of course. Yeah. Sorry. No, no, absolutely. You're right. You were mid flow. I didn't want to stop you. Thank you very much. You know how much I love to flow. I do. You do.
That's a 17 to hit. That hits. And that would be eight points of blooming damage. Jesus Christ. Dead? Is it dead yet? Do I get my HP back? No. Now, I have a weird question. Bolts on the ground. Who has, this is a really, sounds like an odd question, but the wording of this that I wrote before home.
I need to figure it out. The guard Drake senses weakness and aims his attack to the most damaged member of the party. Okay. Yeah. Who has less health in its vicinity? Is it the spiritual weapon, which I can't hit? Is it Magnus or is it, um, yonder or is it on Emma's not the range anymore? So it's Magnus yonder, spiritual weapon can't be hit. Can it Magnus and yonder or the tent? Um, I have 11. Yeah. No, it's coming at me. Okay. What are you at?
I don't know what I'm gonna say. Okay. It's a fucking DM you have to, mate. Do I? Oh, do I? I'm sorry. No, no, no, it's fine. You told him the essential information. It's less than... Yeah, he knows it's less than... Okay, I'm gonna read this to you first. Do you know what's kind of happening before we get into it? Okay.
The guard rake senses weakness and pounces on the weakest of its enemies they can see around it. And so it's going to pounce off directly onto Magnus. Expressionless Magnus. Yep, expressionless. Oh no. So I'll read what it is and then I want you to make the rolls according to it and then we'll decide whether or not what happens happens, okay? So you need to make a strength saving throw in a moment.
and there's an amount of damage attached to that by roll and dice. If that amount of damage removes your remaining health, the guard drake consumes the character, there are no death saves. You are just
What? What? No, don't take this away from me. Now, this is not something I've just I'm going to take a screenshot, take a picture and put it on the group so you can see. This is not something I've just gone, fuck you, I'm going to kill one of you off. It's something I've got. Dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead
It's like it's like a literal mind flow when they eat your brain. Instant death. It's like, yeah, you know, shade on. It's very, it's very, it's very specific. Oh shit. You've just seen the other ones as well. Pretend you haven't seen that. I've said that you can see the other round. Which one am I allowed to read? Fuck it. Round four. Then it's right. You can see round five and six, but fuck it. You can have a look at that if you want to delete those. I think you can delete it.
That's okay. Don't mind. I've sent, I can't be asked. Um, so that's, that's what's happening. There are no death saves. That's what we're in there. So, um, Magnus, can I ask that you make a strength saving throw, please. First off the bat, if you pass that it's half damage, but if either way, if it removes you below your total health points, then you're going to be eaten. Okay.
I don't want to kill a modem. I feel like I'm killing a part of my childhood. Oh, that's a good save. Yes. 21. OK, that passes, which means you only take half damage. So what you've got to know is now that my 2d6 plus 2 is less than your score. 2d6 plus 2. And then half. That's what I'm rolling. No, no. Yeah, the halved. And if that half is less than your total score,
What? Okay, right. I rolled 12 points of damage. How many hit points do you have left? Before the 12. Pardon? Two. For sake. Okay. What does this mean? What does it mean?
it means it means you are eaten by this guard drake this sorry right no okay let me let me let me all right um it pounces on you it pounces on your Magnus and
It firstly takes a big rip out of your midsection. And then as it kind of grabs you from the head, your grilled mouth, et cetera, it kind of just chomps down, almost like anaconda-like as it just consumes you, crushing down through bolts and pistons that you so eloquently described, literally one fucking episode ago, as it consumes you, it swallows and then turns to the rest of the group.
Ian, I'm really, really sorry. Magnus is dead. I told you, you can't be serious. And on that, we're going to leave it for this week's episode of the Captain Chief of the Tabletop. I can't. No, no. Sorry. It was, it was, it was been, anyway, we'll talk about this later. Anyway.
Do you want me to do the sign off if you can see more of it, Sean? I've got to go back and listen to this, because I'm still confused how this has happened. We can explain it to you if you want to. Thank you. But I'll tell you what, listeners, if you want to keep up to date with the podcast, you can do so on our Twitter page, which is still alive and well.
If you wanted to go one step further and follow us individually, you can do so too. I don't know if I should use mine anymore, because I'm not here. But I am at iRoller1, which, you know, there you go. Be what that be. Darren is at... Darren Page06.
Callum's at. The D20 Gamer. Danny's at. Total Party Thrills. Big Willy Will is at. Natural20will. And normally I sign off on positives for you, but me and you need to talk after this. You can find Mark, our DM, at...
Hell, apparently, no. Hasten your old DM. You've treated me like fucking... The Dreamcast. Man. Your character was as successful as the Gamekeep. Yep. Oh, man. Astadia. Don't engage. No. Virtual boy. Until next time, guys. Hello.