Episode 141 - Random Summer Swill image

Episode 141 - Random Summer Swill

The Malting Hour
63 Plays2 months ago

This week we continue our non-beer beverage samplings. 

Beverages on this episode:
Jarritos - Cantaritos Mandarín
Dre & Snoop - Gin and Juice Passionfruit
Beatbox - Blue Razzberry
Great Central Brewing Co. - Real American Beer

Theme music provided by Myke Kelli (@mykekelli)
Outro and music provided by @FluidMinds
Check out all our episodes at www.themaltinghour.com

We're not going to sip on any scissor though, because that's drugs and Sprite. you Don't um't do that. Don't do scissor kids. This week we're sampling Random Summer Swill. This is episode 141 of The Malting Hour. What's the haps on the house? Got yeast and speed This the molten hour where we talk about our drink And tell you what we think every other week And if we get drunk, well we might slur our speech Gotta give up, have the friends who wish you had Join us for a drink, join us for a laugh Time is never wasted, way you're getting wasted The molten hour here, people, people taking places People, people taking places People, people taking places
Welcome to the Molotini Hour. I am one of your hosts, Tony Bullock, joined Always With. Brandon Wininger. Brandon, happy Sunday, baby. Happy Sunday, indeed. We survived the 4th of July weekend. We did. It's a nice long weekend. Yeah. I haven't had a long weekend like this in a long time. Yeah, it was it was a busy weekend for us just running around birthday party in Kansas City and all that good stuff. um But got back yesterday. Thankfully, no flight delays got in a little early. And yeah, I mean, yeah, yeah, I'm trying to think what did I do? I didn't do anything yesterday.
i kind I came home and I was like, I'm going to go take a nap. And I took a nap. It's my favorite weekend past time, man, i'm taking naps. And I came down here and I was hanging with the cats for a little bit. And then I was like, I'm going to watch Back to the Future. Because it was I was scrolling through Netflix and it was on there. I was like, all right, I'm going to watch it. that's great so i watched part of that and then i was like i need to do something so i went to jewel and i picked up i needed to get some blueberries because i was doing this that blueberry ghost pepper jerky jerky that i was telling you about and i and you had to like um
which I'm gonna call it, like cook the the marinade first. So like basically I, you know, simmered it for almost two hours and kind of like mashing it down and like, and then I was like, I put in ghost pepper powder, like the last of the powder that I had. okay so And then I was like, I don't know if that's gonna be hot enough. So I threw in a dry Trinidad scorpion too, just to kind of even it out a little bit. um And then it's been marinating since last night, so I think tomorrow morning I'm gonna throw it on the dehydrator. I'm very much looking forward to that. Hopefully tomorrow evening we'll have some delicious jerky. Well, I plan on seeing you a couple more times this week, so I'm sure I'll get some.
That reminded me of, uh, I do a blueberry barbecue sauce that I really love, but I buy like this specific blueberry jam that has like little tiny blueberries in it. Um, and I use that, um, as like the base. And then I add like, uh, tomato vinegar. I don't think I do liquid smoke sometimes. I think I have before like, I just looked to get a little smokiness, but now I have this. Um, Chipotle powder. Um, it's really good. It's good. It adds like a kick to it, but it also has like a really nice, like strong smoky flavor to it. I put that in my chili sometimes too, but nice. I need to make that barbecue sauce again. That just inspired me.
Well, you know what barbecue reminds me of, Brandon? The summer. You know what else reminds me of the summer? All the drinks we're drinking. This is a weird one. Very weird. We're still on the let's try other things other than beer, although we do have one beer on this episode at the end. We do. ah but we are trying. Now, I don't know what it's like in other cities, but here in Chicago, Haritos j a r r i t o s is very popular
ah soda, mainly found at Mexican restaurants and at stores, but it's very good. Well, they also have a hard but hard soda. Because everybody does now. Of course. I'm waiting for hard coke and hard Pepsi. I'm surprised. yeah but Wouldn't that be like the coke and Jack Daniels? Yeah, they already had that. Yeah, which I've had that before. It's not terrible, but I'd rather just. I have whiskey. Yeah. This is Cantaritos by Haritos, and this is their Mandarin ah hard soda. Also, if I'm pronouncing anything wrong, my bad. They had a pineapple one. I don't like the pineapple. I like i prefer this flavor. Of Haritos? Yeah, the grapefruit flavor and their fruit punch flavor. I haven't had a Haritos in God knows how long.
I had one recently, I got the grapefruit one. It's very good. um But speaking of like orange drinks, when we were at the party on Friday, um Benjamin, I forget when, he discovered that he liked Orange Crush. Oh boy. um And they had, we had like the small cans of like Sunkist. Well, maybe they weren't small cans. I don't know. But he came up to me and he was like, I'm thirsty. And you just had a Shirley Temple not that long ago. but Actually, I found him like trying to look through the cooler. He's like, is there anything in there I would like? And I was like, here, have this orange soda. And I gave him that. And then like literally after he had that, he was bouncing off the wall. So I was like, oh my god, what did I do? Here's liquid sugar, kid. um Yeah. But even before that, he was he took
my sister-in-law's phone and made her play the Ghostbusters song on it. And then he found this table of like, you know, old family friends and it was like making them like, you know, like he was showing him his his moves first. Then he played it again. And then he was making them like he's like, you're the guitar, you're the drums. I'm the microphone. And he was like going around like acting like he was, you know, they were the band. And if they would stop playing and start talking to each other and you'd be like, hey, Guitar! You gotta play! That's pretty funny. That is funny. Now that I could get down with. I can i could pretend I'm in a band with that kid. um what did ah what do you What do you think of this? so and when i I have feelings. Yeah. When I first tasted it, I'm like, oh, it tastes like orange soda. There's a slight aftertaste.
That's exactly what I was going to say. That I don't know if I hate, I don't think I hate it. I don't necessarily like it though. Right. um That's exactly how I feel. yeah It tastes like, you know, the Mandarin Haritos. Yeah. but also which also tastes like Crush and Sunkist, you know? Yeah, they're all similar. Do I, so I don't drink a lot of, is some people will say pop, I say soda. I don't drink a lot of soda these days. Yeah. Maybe a Coke Zero every now and then. I do love a good diet Dr. Pepper. um Sometimes I'm i'm feeling frisky if I go to the movies, I'll do the Mr. Pibb from the Coca-Cola machine. you
I love Mr. Pibb still. But it's just it's just become very sweet to me. So this to me is I mean, I knew it kind of knew what to expect. It's very sweet. Oh, yeah. It's it's very sweet. I don't know. I don't know when I would drink this. You know, would I would ah if I had like if I only got tacos, would I buy this, you know, and drink it? Probably not. I probably just would want the grapefruit regular fritos or horchata. Yeah. Ooh, horchata. Why is there a hard horchata yet? I'm sure. somebody has made one. I feel like you you just put rum in it. be Yeah. But and then I mean, that was my thought too. Like when would I ever like be like, oh, this is something I need to buy. And my only thought was like possibly at a Mexican restaurant. Yeah. Like if they didn't have. If this was available to Mexican restaurant in like smaller format, like a 12 ounce bottle or 12 ounce can. Yeah, I'd buy it. Like if they could serve alcohol, I would buy it then. I think that'd be the most fitting. I feel like in a situation like this,
It's fine, like sharing. It's a big-ass can. That is a big- when you pulled that out, I was like, what is that thing? Yeah, it's 25 ounces. Now, the other part is, it's 5% alcohol, so it's not terrible. No. But, man, if I drank one of these, I feel like I'm gonna be done for the day, you know what I mean? like Yeah, because... it's It's, it's heavy for me. Yeah. like It's cause it's, it's like sweet and syrupy. You know, like I did drink a dapper ride yesterday or this weekend, which I also felt like, you know, it's been, it's been decent here in Chicago, this place for this fourth July. Like it's been.
It's been hot days, but it's been cool nights, which is kind of nice. It didn't rain today. um Even having that, I didn't finish mine last night. I ended up was like, I'm going to sleep. ah It just wasn't bad. ah But like that to me, which is heavy and sweet, but also there's that bitter and rosiness to it. So it's like you got the bourbon. So it's like it's not as hard to drink something like this, man. Hot day on the backyard. o yeah I could not do this. ah More so, I would i would would share it with people, you know, if I wanted to like, oh, you like you like soda? Here, try this, you know, have have some of this type of deal. Yeah, I agree. um I also had a dapper ride this weekend. and ah Friday night, probably actually it was Saturday morning. ah So the party we were at ended at like 11. So we spent a lot of time cleaning up.
And then we had to go to my sister-in-law's friend's house where we were storing our luggage, picked that up, and then we went back to my in-law's house. And we had my father-in-law open the gift that we had got him specifically because I wasn't gonna be there to see him open it, which we had, we got him a new iPad. Like we all clapped and we went in. His looked like it fell out of an airplane. Like it was so- And for him, that makes sense. It might've fallen out of an airplane. So we had that. I also gave him some of that that beef jerky, that last batch of beef jerky that I had made. I gave him the rest of that. By the way, everybody at work loved that one. Good. Loved it. like ah Mike really liked it. Nice. And then I gave him two bottles of Dapper Eye. Oh, nice. And then he was like, you want to open one right now, Mike?
You won't have to twist my arm. I said, it's your beer. He's like, yeah, let's have it. So we sat around and had some dapper rides. Nice. Kind of close out the night. That's a good gift. That's a good sharing beer. Yeah. I was at the new Goose Island salt shed location last night. And they had four packs of that and some of the other ones that you have. Oh, nice. Some bottles of that. It was a very nice location. I like it. It'll be interesting in the winter because it feels very small on the inside. Excuse me. and excuse me
um But the outside looked really nice, the patio area. You could kind of hear the music, which is kind of cool, who's playing. On the inside they've got their own music playing, yeah which is funny because it felt very similar to, I went and saw Bad Bad Not Good and Thundercat, um and it had that same vibe of what they're playing on the inside anyway. so But, uh, I think so. The food looked good. Uh, the beers I had were awesome too. The, where'd I have a logger from them? Ah, I could check mine and tap. It was very good though. Very delicious. Dan, Dan was drinking that. And then, uh, I ended up having a West coast IPA that the seer, and I really wish that that was something that they had in cans available all the time.
like that's like It reminded me of like old school West Coast IPA. Yeah, I think it was this morning I was looking at their menu. I was like, I'm just curious what they have, like what they have on tap. It said they had Bourbon County on tap. They do. um It was under their Always section, so like something that they're always going to have on is Bourbon County. Yeah, whatever Bourbon County they got around, they're going to have it on tap all the time, which I think is kind of cool. Yeah. They also had Bananas Foster bottle pours, like six ounces, and that was $10. And then the Eagle Rare Battle Corps for.
14 bucks, I think. So what I but what I found interesting is that their food menu looked really small, like compared to the kitchen looks small to the previous place. Yeah. But it's um that's why I think it'll be interesting in the winter because once that patio is closed, it's not going to be a very large space. Yeah. A bunch of people to be in there. Yeah. but And which is crazy because there's still going to be shows going on indoors. like Yeah. Like you'd want to go in and grab something like that. That was nice because on the fourth, we didn't go there first. We Met up with some of Dan's friends and walked to the salt shed and just got right to it. And um last night we decided, well, let's go and stop in at Goose Island first before the first band goes on. It was funny because I was like, no, we don't have to go and do it. um So I was like, I don't want to like rush there to get there to just like hang out at the brewery. But yeah, we had got there enough time. where It's like, well, we can stop and we had two beers while we were there. Yeah. Yeah. the I saw the pretzel. I saw a burger. Burger looks good. Pretzels look good.
um But yeah, it's it's a nice spot. You'll like it, we'll have to go. Excuse me. Sweet. Speaking of sweet, Harito's Mandarin hard soda. ah How many mandarins are you gonna give this, Brandon? And now everybody, this is based on our own preference. doesn't We're not you know we're not ah the professional ah tasters here. It doesn't mean it's gonna suck, we don't like it. I'm gonna go maybe three. Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's exactly right I'm trying to Power through the rest of this. I mean there was enough i there's some left there's a little There's a little bit left there was enough for you and I to pour there's probably an ounce left We poured full glass of this. I'm glad I only got this one and not the pineapple
I didn't, it should have been expected, you know, that it was going to be a hard soda. If you like soda, you like sweet flavors. I mean, this is for you. It's just not something that I, I don't know if I'll buy another one. No. Maybe if I'm out with somebody and they're like, that sounds good. I'm like, I've tried it. It's sweet. It tastes like burritos. If you want to try it, I'll have it with you. Yeah. That type of deal. Now, if they do the grapefruit one, I would buy that. That's the next one. Grapefruit or fruit punch. I would try those just because I like those a little bit more. I guess maybe it's, I don't really care for like crushing sun kiss, you know what I mean? You know, they're good, but I don't go out of my way to like drink orange pop. Yeah. I'm a colo guy, you know? My favorite soda, Dr. Pepper. Followed up with Canada Dry Gingerado.
Those are my two favorite sodas, everybody. Look at that. In case you wanted to know. Cherry Coke and cherry Pepsi follow close right there, right behind. You googling other flavors. Yeah, I'm also trying to figure out what the fuck my computer keeps. The plug wasn't all the way in. So it looks like they do have the fruit punch, mandarin, pineapple, and what's this other one?
Tamarind that's the other one. I want to try yes. Thank you for reminding me of that one So they do sell it you can buy variety packs in 12 ounce bottles Okay, now that I might do that I might do to try the other flavors I already know what this tastes like like a 12 ounce like I don't know. This was cold. Maybe if it was like ice cold or something, you may wear some ice. This would have maybe if this was over ice, it might've been a little better. I would say that would only kind of bring it maybe to like a 3.25 for me for this very particular one. Although if I put it in a cup with a straw and I'm just sucking it down like
soda might make it a little more fun. Well, and we figured out that um when we did the hearties, some of them were better over ice, too. So. Absolutely. Yeah. I just finished that. That is sweet. It's so sweet. Very much so. But it feels very summery. It's very summery vibe to this, having some sodas out in the yard with your friends when you were a kid. see But that's the other thing, too, is it like the Like if you had that in your fridge and like you had kids, like that's something that like could easily just be mistaken as like, Oh look. It's true. Yeah. Yeah. You gotta be careful. Especially if you were somebody that like has the peritos in the house. like Yeah, absolutely. Well, that's when good parenting has to come in, man. Nope. Got to pay attention. Make sure they have two. Yeah. They can go to sleep. Um, you want to do another one? So definitely have four drinks this. Sure. So let's do another one. I think, I think, uh,
Get the little guy, the little can. That little, little white can. It's ah the second time I'm trying these. Let's see. It is Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg's gin and juice cocktail cans. i Yeah. The only one I've ever tried Prior to this one was the citrus one. The citrus one, very tasty. I liked it a lot. I'm trying to find like an actual website, but all I'm getting is like ads and USA Today. Fucking just give me their website. You know, it probably would have been better if I did this research before we started recording, but that's just asking a lot. You know what I mean? Like, am I really going to do that? No.
ah This one I decided to get was... Man, I even tried searching in a different way and it's still just where I can buy it. That's great. There we go. well We'll check this out. Passion fruit! We got passion fruit. We got the passion fruit. And these come in, I think, at 5.9%. Correct. Ooh, man. Smells like passion fruit. A little hint of gin.
Okay. Interesting. Okay. There. All right. So the first one, ah let me, why don't you tell me what your experience is. Now I'm getting the gininess. As I said, the citrus one, I got, I didn't get much, much gin at all. I got like straight up citrus slayer, which I really liked. And I was like, it's kind of weird though. It's a ginger. This though, like passion fruit. And all of a sudden it's like, Oh shit. And there's gin. Yep. Yeah. Same thing. That's the closest. That's the closest I've gotten to the gin tasting out of these drinks.
And now that I've tasted it, I can kind of smell it a little bit. Mm hmm. Absolutely. I think that's what I was getting. Like it's not like passion for like there's something else there, even like little burps, burps are like gin, like I'm drinking gin. So burns a little more going down for me. I'm not a huge gin drinker. Neither am I. Yeah, I it's OK. Laura makes those really good aviators. Yeah, aviation's, which is the same name as. Ryan Reynolds. Gin. Gin. Thanks for completing my sentences. My brain is slow from this weekend.
ah And it's delicious. I mean, there's like the, like there's a bunch of shit and it looks purple and you'd put a Luxardo cherry in it and some lemon and it's delicious. Yeah. It was funny because so this party that we had was at a new distillery in St. Joseph, Missouri. And the woman came around while we were like setting up, well, we went early in the day to set up, but then we were there like right before the party started putting out snacks and stuff. and then The woman was like, oh, do you guys want anything? And Becca was like, do you have a, can you make an aviation? She's like, what's that? She's like, nevermind. Give me a menu. Do you have creme de violet and a maraschino cherry? Yeah. We ended up looking up the recipe and then they think both like her and her sister were like, I don't, I doubt they have that creme de violet. They had the maraschino cherries. Yeah. Because that's just like, that's a liqueur. There's a maraschino cherry liqueur that you use for it, but I can see you substituting some of that juice into the drink. You know what I mean? Instead of the liqueur. But the creme dea violet is what makes it, gives it that like purple hue to it. But then they were like, oh, we should have just bought some and brought it and had them make the drinks for us. Not a bad idea. Yeah. Go back in time and do it.
We brought this bottle. Can you make this drink? How are you feeling about this? I feel like this is a summer cocktail. Oh, indeed. And I kind of I enjoy it. Yeah. um I it's funny when I poured it, it seemed and like I got a lot of head when I was pouring it and I was like, oh, this is going to be like heavily carbonated. Right. But it does not drink very carbon. No, it's it's it's little bubbles. yeah It's slightly carbonated. It's it's good. Like it's like a gin soda drink. Yeah, so like again, different than what I was expecting, but it it goes down super smooth and you can definitely taste the passion fruit. You can taste the gin. and I haven't tasted like i said any of the other ones and I know you have. um So I'd be curious to see if I can pick out gin in any of the other ones. But yeah, citrus, I didn't really. Excuse me, didn't really get that. um It was.
kind of interesting excuse me Kind of interesting because I really thought that I was going to get it. The other two flavors are melon and apricot. Okay. So I chose this one specifically because I was like passion fruit was the other one I really wanted to try right away. um Apricot I think could be pretty darn good too. I don't know about melon. I'm not a big melon person. Yeah and I don't even know like when I think of something that's melon like what's it going to taste like? i So for that, it's got like an, it looks like a reddish, orangish melon. Like for the the, like the passion fruit, they had purple, apricot, yellow, citrus, green. Okay. So is melon leaning more towards like watermelon or is it leaning more towards like fucking cantaloupe?
You know what I mean? that's what i That's what I always think of when I think of something melon. I'm like, I don't. I haven't liked cantaloupe and like honeydew since I was a kid. I mean, which is weird because it's like as a kid and you're eating a fruit and it's sweet, like right away, you think like, oh, it's sweet. So kids are going to love it. But yeah, I've just never been a fan. Watermelon I can get down with. I do like watermelon. Yeah. Yeah. And watermelon. and Oh.
So this says gin and juice by Dre melon. It has watermelon in it. Okay. It says watermelon, hibiscus, and other natural flavors. Interesting. All right. Well, that sounds more appealing. I got to be honest. Yeah. Especially hibiscus. Hibiscus is nice. um There's some hibiscus beers out there that are really tasty. Yeah. So I'm wondering if that's what they mean by melon. It's just watermelon. But then I think so. The picture of like the color, the color deceiving. Yeah, it looks very I'm looking at. Well, I guess that is like a pinkish red. I guess that is more watermelon. Yeah. looking But I don't know. It to me, I was like, this is. I don't want to felt like honeydew or honeydew is green, but can't help. But yeah, watermelon. All right. I'd give that a try. Yeah.
Overall though, I do like this. It's the second one that I've tried from them. It's pretty good. The four pack, I think it's like 11 bucks. Yeah, not bad. Again, it's like 6%. A little bit higher than your average like seltzer or mixed cocktail in a can. Although there are some cocktails in a can that are like 12%. Well, yeah. And I think those teas we had were 7%. Yes, those teas were 7%. The hard teas. Those are still pretty good. yeah I did like those. Not mad at those at all. Yeah, like I didn't like him. Was it the like the weird flavor in the place? She was like, I can it tastes strong. So like twice she's tried. I'm just like, it just tastes so strong. like okay I mean, I think my favorite was still like the lemon. Yeah. Lemon was just that just rain supreme. It smelled like the old Lipton to tea and lemon. All right. How many?
What's the, I'm trying to think of what's an easy Dr. Dre and Snoop reference I can make here. How many joints? How many joints are you giving this one, Brandon? How many blunts are you giving this one, Brandon? I'm like three eight. Yeah. Okay. i Uh, by three six around there. Um, it's the citrus one I'd put up there by three eight. Okay. Three seven, three eight, like three six, three six, three five ish. Um, I, I like it. I think it's tasty. I think it's a good drink. I think a lot of people would like it. I think as us, you and I not real really being kind of sewers. Yeah. The kind of sewers of gin or even people who drink it at all. It's still tasty.
yep I agree.
This makes me want to try the other ones. I wanted to try them anyways, but now I'm like, okay, this one is pretty good. It's a good jump off one. I think you'd really like the citrus one a lot, only because it seems like you and I are the same when it comes to gin. I think it'd be that way. Good to know. You know what that means, Brandon? I don't know why I said it like that, but I think it's a good time to take a break. I'm gonna look at these other delicious drinks we have. The next one we have, we're gonna get some ice on it, and I think it comes about 11%. That's what it said. Oh, I'm scared. Yay! We'll be right back.
And we're back. Welcome back, everybody. We are sipping on some summer drinks. Just sipped on some gin and juice. Yeah. We're not going to sip on any scissor, though, because that's drugs and Sprite. you don't Don't do that. Don't do scissor, kids. All right. This one I found out about. um I don't know. I think it was like I'm one of those random TikTok cocktails and they were like, yeah, you use this. And I'm like, uh, I don't even know what the fuck that is. This beatbox beverages. And I've tried a couple of them that this one, have you tried this one? I have. This is why I got this one. Uh, we got the blue raspberry party punch. It's 11.1%.
be blocks ble Beatbox blue raspberry is an electrifying fusion of tangy raspberry mixed with sweet lemonade. It's 11% ABV punch guarantees a wild ride with every drop bursting with more flavor. Get ready to punch boredom in the face with our delicious blue raspberry. I'm not bored anymore. Low sugar, non-carbonated, resealable, resealable. I think it's like six carbs in this, so. It's a nice blue. and you Have you even tried it? I have. It smells, the first, when I took with it the first time, I'm like, this is a melted icy pop. A blue raspberry ice pop.
Yeah, that, oh man, that's in the wheelhouse. That's what I'm getting. um And it's blue ranch. I don't taste booze much. I don't taste any booze. And it's, that's dangerous, man. And the fact that it's like low sugar too, it's like, oh, so it's something you can't drink and you won't necessarily feel like shit after drinking. I mean, you you might feel like shit, but yeah sugar wise. Yeah, Mike and I have had this a couple of times. I was with him at his girlfriend's house and we stopped on the way to grab some, I think Coors Light, like something just easy drinking and saw this and I was like, man, I keep seeing these. I want to try it. He's like, well let's try one. they have a They have a pink lemonade one that I can't find and that's the one I want to try the most. There's also hard tea ones as well. Interesting.
Pink lemonade one I'm probably glad I haven't found yet because I feel like it's kind of a scary situation for me because I might like it so much that I would drink an entire one of these on my own. This is a great drink to share with somebody. It's only 16.9 ounces, I think it said. But I also feel like with how much? It was 11%. Yeah, like you want to drink a beer. I mean, literally, it's a resealable container. So I mean, like you can make I mean, I can see making cocktails with some of these things you want to put it over like some soda water or something. When you first pulled it out, I thought it was a thing of wine.
I was like, all right, we really are, you know, we're really venturing out. Yeah. No, we haven't. I don't know if we'll ever do a wine episode. I'm not saying never, but ah probably probably not. Yeah. um So this type of, you know, we've talked. I mean, this is a primarily a beer podcast. And the thing is, is that, you know, it's drinks like these that are hurting beer. because there's a lot of people who are not drinking beer and they'll just drink things like this and the gin and juice and the hard soda, which, you know, it's it's unfortunate, but that's how these things tend to go, is that something is one way and then it'll change. And so how do breweries keep up? And that's why breweries do in their own hard seltzers. I think it's a good idea. I don't know if breweries need to go into something like this, making beat boxes. No. And like, I'm curious, like, is it
Is this considered a malt beverage? Is it blended with like vodka? It didn't mention anything. about where the alcohol comes from. It just says it's 11.1% ABV.
Well here, they got the frequently asked questions. Beatbox is ready to drink. Cocktail that was available with fruit forward, party punch, flavors and delicious, hard tea, flavors, both beatbox, party punch, beatbox, hard tea, are reduced as a wine-based version of malt-based, oh. are produced as a wine-based version and a malt-based version at 11.1, 8%, and 6%. Interesting. I've only seen the 11%. There's only 100 calories in this entire thing. That's insane to me. I gotta be honest. Okay, so this one, our 11% wine-based and malt-line contains 6 grams of sugar per 5 fluid ounces.
So, per serving in those, there's what, 13 grams of sugar, maybe? The most in there? Yeah. No, a little bit more, sorry. If you look at it at like 15 grams of sugar, that's way less than a fucking can of Coke. Oh. That means splitting it, like there's still way less sugar in there. And this is made in Mexico. Oh. It doesn't say where. Just it says product of Mexico imported and distributed by beatbox beverages, Austin, Texas. Yeah, I could see this coming out of Austin, Texas. Yeah, overall, though, um I think there's another one I tried that was you have. So this is obviously blue raspberry. What are the other ones that you have tried? There's one other one that I've tried. Oh, cherry limeade.
Oh, that sounds interesting. That was really good. That poured white. It was clear. That was very tasty. that Yeah, that is. Well, that's also like this. That is the cherry limeade stuff. Always white. Just. Yes. Yeah. Which is weird. That's also 11 percent. i'm I'm assuming that the teas might be. The lower ABB's. I can see that but the in the the only reason I say that that makes sense is because Tea itself is such a subtle flavor. Yeah, um I mean there's strong teas out there, too Don't get me wrong, but like the stuff you buy at the store. It's either just Overly sweet or just you know sweet in general and I feel like the booze would come through more so making them um having them lower ABV is probably smart because then you'll get
More of that. Yeah. Yeah. They have a whole thing of create your own remixes. Fruit Punch and Sprite. The Galentine's Day cocktail, which has the Pink Lemonade in it. The Valentine's Day cocktail, which also has the Pink Lemonade. Is this like to blend these? Yeah. The beatbox margarita. Add tequila to it. Yeah. Avril Palmer. Caramel and green apple. Interesting. And then beatbox mimosas. Oh, and then green squirt. You had green apple, I think. What was that? That to me sounds interesting because I do like, yeah, green apple and squirt. So blend those together, mix those together. i could I can see like making this with cocktails, like making these in the cocktails. That does sound pretty fun and pretty good. Yeah, I'd be done with that.
How many, I'm sorry, I was gonna say like, what thing you just make it, well, if you're mixing it with more alcohol, I'm like, that just sounds like a bad idea. I would try it, but it sounds like a bad idea. I feel like though, if you treated it like a spirit, you know, where you did like 1.5 ounces of this, mix it with something else, and then add your other thing to it, stir it up. Put it over ice. Yeah, you've got a cocktail. What was the, was it the peach tea that we added a shot of bourbon to? Yes. That was really good. It was good. That was not a bad idea. And I hope other people will try that. and We have bad ideas. That was not one of them. That was definitely not on the list of bad ideas that we have. um Overall, I enjoy this. I think it's good. I'm glad I got to share it with you. So you get to try it. what How many melted blue popsicles are you going to give this?
I'm going to go four on this for what it is. like It's good. um I'm with you. it it meets the criteria too like It hits that blue raspberry note like perfectly. Way better than some of the other raspberry things we've had recently. and it's Like you know, we said it's it's not carbonated It's super easy drinking and the fact that I mean, I'm not always like what I'm drinking I'm not always looking at calories But like for a 16 ounce thing like this being like a hundred calories Like if I wanted to go out or if I was at a party and I said I'm gonna have one drink
It's not a bad idea, you know and it because it's it's something that you could I could fill up a glass with ice pour half of it in their cap it Yeah, exactly. And if I'm at a party for three or four hours have one a little bit later and like I would I would drink this over some just straight up soda water tonic, you know, not maybe not tonic, but soda water in ah for this with some sort like a shot or two and then pour some soda water over it and then just have this as like a a carbonated cocktail. Yeah. I like it. Yeah. I'm getting a four melted blue ice pops as well. um Definitely this one. And it sounds like all the other flavors. Those are summertime drinks, man. Yeah. I could I could sit in the air with this easier than the
Cantaritos. Oh, yeah, most definitely. I mean, I don't know. This one is it's it's very sweet. But the hurry toes, the cantarito was sweet. Yeah. And it was very syrupy. And again, there's there's obviously a market for it. You know, they're still out there. They're just sitting there on the shelves, man. Maybe the reason I mark it for... No, I mean, I don't... Sorry, I shouldn't have said it like that. Yeah, they're just sitting out there. I'm not keeping the inventory of all these liquor stores that have it. It's like, hmm, been here three weeks, still the same can, because I put a marker on it. Interesting. I'm going to start marking the boxes when I see them. Like, how long has this been sitting here? Checking the dates. Cherry Limeade was very tasty. I think you'd like that one as well.
Yeah, I mean, I think it's an interesting, it's a cool approach to a alcoholic beverage. And I think making cocktails with these would be really good. like all the different flavors that they have and everything. I think it'd just be good. Yeah. I know. Oh, wait. No, nevermind. This thing's 300 calories. serving size Servings per container is 3.38. Oh. We made it into two. gri It's 18 carbs. For the entire thing. Zero protein, 338 calories. There's zero protein? This drink sucks. Fuck that. I can't. How many did you get my gains?
I'm taking back what I said. Yeah, so we're dumb. Well, no. I literally skipped the first line that says servings per container. Well, it's 156 calories is what we're having. You and I, we split this down the middle. 156 calories. Still that bad. There are beers that we, IPAs clock in and like almost 300 calories. Yeah. So, you know, that's half of an IPA, not bad. And I feel pretty good. I gotta to be honest. I feel pretty, pretty good. Brandon, we only have one more drink for this episode. That we do. I'm pretty excited about it, cause you know why? It's a beer. And that's how you wrap up a summer sippin' episode. I think I'm really starting to feel this beatbox, I gotta to be honest. watch who This beer, we, I think you and I discovered from the same article in the same day, and you reached out to me and you sent it to me, and I, to be honest, I completely,
forgot this even existed until you texted me saying oh hey I found it and even at that I thought I knew what you meant yeah I confirmed it with you today we're drinking real American beer from the one the only the slightly disgraced and Isn't he kind of slightly racist these days? ah Hulk Hogan. It's a light beer made and brewed in the USA. Wow. Real American beer. It's got the old school Hulk Hogan image on there. I gotta take a picture of this real quick because I got to send it to somebody.
America at its best when united and if there's one thing we can all agree on, it's the simple pleasure of sharing a beer. That's why we started Real American Beer to bring people together one beer at a time. Wow. I mean, if you want to nail a description of this this particular beer, I would say that that's it. All right, let's get into this. First beer of the night. Here we go.
Alright, let me go back in. So I have had this. I did have it when I got it. I mean, that's a light logger. Yep. And that is exactly what it says it is. It's not bad. No, no, no, not at all. Not at all. I mean, in the whole, I mean, we haven't had the stone cold Steve Austin beers on this podcast. No, that would have been a good side by side episode. wre Wrestling beers. Wrestling beers. That's a good like, uh, malted mini. This is the can design is very old school. Like it looks like an old beer. Yeah. You know, it's got an old man on it. It's very patriotic. Yeah, it's it's it's. So it's a light beer, you know, it's a light lager. It was so when I picked it up. Well, funny enough, can I pour this in this cup? Yeah, I want to see what it looks like.
So when I saw, I read the article about this beer coming out and I kind of went in and I was looking to see where it was gonna be distributed. And it said Minnesota and Missouri were like, excuse me, the first two states that were gonna have it. And I saw him doing press stuff in Minnesota. He was at you know liquor stores or whatever, and they were dropping it. And then I was like, oh, I don't know if it made it to Missouri yet, because I hadn't seen him post anything. So out of curiosity, there is a liquor store that I tend to hit when I go to St. Joe and it's called Smooth Endings. It's like a cigar bar slash liquor store slash you can get pours in there and stuff too.
um Anyway, so I saw that they posted that they had it. So I was like, oh, okay. And then I found out that a total wine opened up next to my, like near my sister-in-law's house. And when we went out to lunch, it was like right across the street. So I looked it up on my phone and it said they had it. So we went in there, we were looking all over for it. I couldn't find it. So I asked the guy that works there. I was like, Hey, do you have the whole Coke and beer? He's like, what's that? I said, he said, what's it called? I said, real American beer. And he like typed it in and he came up and he was like, oh no, we're sold out. And I was like, damn it. And I went back to my phone and I'm like, it's literally showing me that this place has it in stock. So I was walking around, walking around and then there was like a counter, like so total wines have like ah like tasting bars in there where they do tastings on occasion.
And I literally like looked down and there was a huge stack of them like just sitting right there. So I grabbed it and the guy was like walking by me. I was like, hey, just so you know, you guys have this in stock. And he's like, what? I don't know why my computer lied to me. like i so I'm so sorry. And I'm like, it felt bad because the guy looked like he was burnt out. But I was like, bro, I'm so sorry, dude. It was kind of like that. um Anyway, so I got it and I brought it in the car. And Benjamin's like, what's that? And I was like, this is a real American beer made by our you know you know made with a... you know not He did not make this beer. He sponsors this beer, I'm assuming, a wrestler named Holt Hogan. And then we were in the car and I said, Benjamin, if you drink this, you're going to start talking like this, brother. He's like, no, you're not. he's like who's like He was like, no, no, you're not. So then like later in the day, he was asking me, like i was I was having one, we were out,
lightened sparklers and like stuff in the in the driveway of my sister-in-law's house. And I was drinking it and I was like, Benjamin, I told you I was gonna start drinking like this. I was talking like this brother. And then he's like, well, who's Hulk Hogan? He's a restroom like he's got big muscles. And I was like, let me see if I can find some videos of him. So I was like, looking on YouTube. And you fell upon you came across his sex tape. No, but like, um he saw he goes, he doesn't got big muscles in there. right It
i mean I know at some point he was like, you know ah yeah. I know at some point he was probably jacked like that. Cause he was like, he was looking at pictures, what are all those lines in his arms? I'm like, those are his muscles. what That's right, brother. You Hulk a maniac. yeah This is good. It's good. I mean, it's you know A light American beer if it was available I mean if I'm buying it I'm buying it to bring somewhere to be like look it's the Hulk Hogan beer. Yeah, you know um i think that's why most people Yeah, i I don't know if this is gonna become unless you're like a huge Hulkamaniac I don't know if this would become anybody's
ah gear to beer I guarantee there's wrestling fans that will buy it and hold on to it because it's not very good this feels like something that probably won't be around for a long time. I don't think so. um Because I don't even know like I was in Binnies the other day and I kind of walked through there and I was looking for the stone cold beer and I didn't see it. I still see it every now and then. I mean, I was pretty sure it was still out there, but yeah, like unless they come out with something else. Yeah. You know, like if it, if it's just this, like it's, Hey, we make a light beer and that's all we make. Like, um, I'd be curious. I should have done the research to find out who there's somebody who's got to be contract brewing this. Um, 100%. But like, when you compare this to like a Miller Lite or a Coors Lite price point wise, you know, the average beer drinker is probably going to go towards Miller Lite or Coors Lite. Absolutely. Cause like in Missouri, this was $16.99 for a 12 pack.
Which is not insane. But you can also get a 12 pack like Coors Life for like 13 bucks. Shit, sometimes when they're on sale, they're like eight bucks yeah and stuff like that. Oh, absolutely. When there's there's sales at like Tony's and Jewel, you can get like, you can get a 12 pack for almost like, but when you buy two, get them for like $8 a piece. You know what I mean? So that's 16 bucks for 24 beers. People are going to go lean that around for sure. Now, if there was another wrestler that I drink a beer from, it would be the Undertaker. Oh, the Undertaker Stout or something. You know, you know, Rogue would be a perfect brewery to do a beer with Undertaker because they have dead guy. Oh, man, that would be really good.
Like if they had like the Undertaker version of Dead Guy, like, oh man that would be good. Oh, man. Hey, Rogue. We got an idea for you. We got an idea for you. Wrestler beer. I'm trying to think of like- Just give us some, ah you know, some commission or something. If there was an Ultimate Warrior beer, I think I would have, I want it to be like a ah double IPA. There's so much energy. Yeah. Gotta go big on that. Think of the other wrestlers when I was growing up. I don't know anything, any wrestlers now. Like Bret Michaels. Brett Michaels, that's not, no. I know.
It's funny because- Brett Michaels would have been cocaine and whiskey. I was i was literally saying, I was saying it, I was trying to think of the wrestler and literally Brett Michaels popped into my head and I was like, oh. Brett the Hitman Heart could do a fruited sour. I just think of the pink that he's wearing, you know what I mean? Like a nice fruited, maybe maybe an imperial fruited sour. I don't know what that would be.
um Yeah. ah who Razor Ramon. Um, Mick Foley. Oh yeah. I'd say it's a brown ale. Yeah. Some sort of brown ale. It's because of the brown pants and the shirt. Mankind. The mankind beer. You always shit themselves. I want the mankind beer. Oh yeah. That would be good. Oh man, you could do an Undertaker beer and what's the, uh, who's the other guy? The other tall motherfucker and all. Kane. Oh yeah. Make it like an imperial red IPA.
You know, what would be kind of cool is, you know, in wrestling, they were brothers. If you made two different beers that were made to be blended together. Oh man, like a demolition. ah Those guys. Fuck, what are their names? Oh man, I'm failing here right now. Legion of Doom, Legion of Doom, Legion of Doom. That's something, not demolition. Who are their names? ah Legion of Doom. No, not that. It's Legion of Doom Wrestling. The Road Warriors, that's why, okay. The Road Warriors.
Also known as Legion of Doom, professional wrestling tag team of Road Warrior and Hawk. Oh, um composed of Road Warrior Hawk and roadderoyer Road Warrior, Road Warrior Animal. Build from Chicago, Illinois. o There needs to be a Chicago brewery that does the Road Warriors, AKA Legion of Doom beers. Why is that not a thing yet? Hey, maybe we'll make Chuck do that. Chuck, we got an idea and it's totally nerdy. It's not video game related, but we could use the sprites from the old wrestling WrestleMania arcade game. They were in that. There you go.
when a when I was talking to Chuck yesterday. Oh fuck, sorry, real quick. Yeah. Roddy, Roddy, paper beer. Oh yeah. Scotch ale. Yes. Sorry, you're talking to Chuck. Well, one of the, I don't know why this just popped in my head, but one of the questions that he asked me was like, you know, if we're going to serve food, like primarily barbecue, like what's a must have barbecue item? The only thing I told him, I was like smoked cream cheese. That's actually pretty good. And he was like, what is that? And then I kind of explained it to him. And then like, while we're it's not a bad. Hey, that's not a bad idea. No, I was like, it's like an appetizer. yeah So but then as I was talking to him, I was like, you know, maybe if you made it like a dip and then I had this idea, I was like, next time I smoke something, I'm going to take that cream cheese in and whip it.
with it real good. And then. Sorry. Serve it like that. Yeah, that sounds fantastic. Dude, ah can you imagine having smoked cream cheese on a bagel in the morning with some like everything bagel seasoning on top of that? That sounds fantastic. Sounds like you got something you can do this week. yeah Hey, one of these nights that we're hanging out, we gotta grill something, okay? I don't care what it is, we'll do something, grab some steak, I don't care. I did buy, I've got like nine pounds of chicken wings too. Done. I did buy a bunch of big ass jalapenos, because I was like, I'm gonna try and make jalapeno poppers. Nice, hey, I'm happy to have those with you as well, my friend. Yeah, come on by. We got a recording day, and then maybe just like my hangout day. That recording will probably still happen during.
This is good after the final four of two. Or, you know, we finally do the grilling episode. Yeah, we can never know. Grill the food and who knows. Brandon, how many... How many Hulkamaniacs? How many American flags are you giving us for this real American beer as we wrap up the 4th of July weekend? I'm going to go three and a half. Yeah, i'm I'm gonna do like three. And I'm not knocking the beer. It's just like, it's nothing. It's nothing. It's a good beer. But it's nothing, nothing different than what we are. No, it's you're buying it for Hulk Hogan. But it's exactly what I expected it to be. I said it was a light beer. And it's exactly that. So again, like, you know,
For my personal preferences, I'd probably be lower down, but because it nailed exactly, it didn't make any claims to be anything else. That's true. you know Unless it's made with Hulk sweat or something. Oh, then I'm going to pass on that. No, thanks, Terry. Brewed and bottled by the... me Oh, it's made in La Crosse, Wisconsin. The fuck? Why is it not available? Brewed and bottled by the real American, Lacrosse, Wisconsin, and under special agreement, Chicago, Illinois. What? the Why is it not available here then? Yeah. Come on, guys. Testing the market for light beer drinkers first, I guess. Go to Missouri and where else? Minnesota. Minnesota? What the fuck? They drink light beer in Chicago? We're a fucking Miller Lite town. In old style. Yeah.
Oh, another one. Less than one gram of protein. Fuck! I'm never gonna look like Hulk Hogan. hit my ah thanks so much I'm not gonna hit my macros today. Yeah. When somebody sue them like, I i bought this and drank cases of it every day. The guy was gonna get jacked like Hulk. I still don't look like Terry. My hair did fall out. And my wife divorced me. And I made a sex tape. And I've got a yellow mustache. That's all that happened. Fucking Hulk, man.
Way to go, Lacrosse. Way to go. Not bad, you know, is what it is. Good way to end after everything we drank. I think if I had to go in order, okay, of how I'm rating everything tonight, you know, we do this time and time again, I think I'm gonna go beatbox, gin and juice, all American beer, Haritos. Um, the same wheelhouse. Yeah. I feel like the beat box and gin and juice are like side by side, you know, like yeah I'm going to drink those for sure. If this becomes available in Chicago, I will definitely pick it up once, you know, just to have it. Horitos. Um, you know, now that I know that they got the mixed pack, I'll probably try that.
That's like, that's a big sell though for me. I don't know if I'll do it, but I'd like to cause I really want to try the grapefruit and fruit punch. Yeah, no, like if those come out, like so if you find those separately. yeah if if but it But like a big can like that that, the like for the. like sure Yeah, for the great. I bring it to you. We're drinking the grapefruit one together, man, because I mean, those sodas are sweet. But yeah, so I think that's where I sit. I think these ah overall, though, these are all ah good representation of some random things you can drink this summer if you're interested. And if you do drink them, let us know. We'd like to know what you think.
um I would say beatbox and gin and juice are definitely two that you can you can have some fun with and enjoy. Especially, I think ah beatbox might make its way back on here. Maybe we'll do some fun cocktails sometime. Ooh. That'll be good. Other than that, man, I got nothing else. Anybody else you want to say? Nope. All right. Brandon? I love you, buddy. Love you, too, man. We'll see everybody next week. a
This has been The Malting Hour. Be sure to follow us on all social media by searching The Malting Hour and at themaltinghour.com. You can also follow us individually on social media. Brandon can be found on Instagram as bmdub81, on Twitter, bdub81, and on Untapped as bdubdrinksbeer. Tony can be found on Instagram and Untapped under Ace of Hope Chicago. On Twitter, The Ace of Hope Chicago. Clark can be found as Clarkowski on all three. Dan can be found on Instagram as hip underscore underscore hops and to hip hops on YouTube. Be sure to subscribe, like, and rate the show on your preferred podcast listening platform. Until next time, cheers from all of us at The Malting Hour.