Ep. 106 Burning Desire - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 106 Burning Desire - Bellum Draconis

S2 E106 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
13 Plays5 hours ago

With the tournament around the corner, our group decide how best to proceed. Nyx and Baal come to an understanding. 

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios

Why? It's me, Nazca, from Season 1. You don't know me? i I'm kind of a big deal, guys. Anyway, I was the product of a long-ass week, some shorty planning, and next to no character prep for an NPC, and here I am four years later, still stuck in this damn podcast. Still referenced, even though they don't know me.
That's why I needed a therapist, you see. So lonely, stuck back here in Season 1. No distinct accent. No real development. No one to talk to. Blight everywhere. All my goblin folk are murdered. Fucking hell. If only I had a way to talk to others and share my story. That's what I was saying before I learned about Zencaster. You get to expand upon my super detailed and yeah My intricate backstory, which why I wasn't able to join the fellowship of the tabletop. More like fellow shit. Yeah. Obviously I'm a goblin, right? I know goblins like a simple browser-led software for their recording needs with an accent that stays the same. It's so easy. and It's super easy to record a podcast with Zencaster. Log on using your browser and start using high-quality podcasts right away.
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What? Thumbs up. How much was that? 50,000 gold. Oh, come on. Be a nice guy. Let me have it for free. Did we just all agreed to become pirates? Because I'm down for that. Well, hang on a minute. No. No? Okay. That's just what I thought I heard. Captain Conscience.
Hello everyone, and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop Bellum Draconis. We are a live play 5e, D&D podcast set in the magical home-brewed world of Aerith in the Kingdom of Dralak. Joining you for this week's episode, we have Will who plays the Dragonborn Druid Baal Valkon. We've got Ian who plays the Tiefling Wastra and Nyx Karel. Hi. We've got the edgelord Callum who plays the Warforged Artifice at Alpha. Attention in class.
Darrin, he plays the High Elf Artifice of Rains Haddow. I love a good roleplay episode. We didn't roll a single dice in that last one. Go back and listen. Poohbert, he plays the human cleric, Emron. I rolled a dice, actually. You don't know that. That was a lovely therapy session. Thank you. My name is Mark and I am playing the human blade singer, Seth Farorena. And by last but my no means least is Halmeister of Magic, a commander of combat, the DMD of D and&D OG Dandrum master, Danny. I like how Poohbert raised his hand so he wasn't forgotten from the intro.
you know You should know by now, I don't look at any of you because I have a ah screen I read from because even though we've done Nylon plus 100 episodes, I don't know it. I don't know your names. Some of you I've known for 14, 15, 16 years and don't know your names.
The snow, not snow, the snow of the mountains, let's say. and We see a small Arctic snow fox up on the mountain, up on the spine of the world, far, far, far to the south below Dralak. We fly over the hills and archipelagos that sit out into the coast and we zoom into the beach, into the docks of Goldport, of Goldview, shit and fucking sound. And there, just sat on the edge.
Just get to the toes. Just get to the toes, man. Total waiting for the toes. There sat on the dock like a little boy would, wistfully staring out to see a small piece of mackerel in his hand, his legs swinging side by side, his long toes screaming towards him.
ah ponders and pontificates and holds mackerel in one hand, orb in the other, and with a wry smile on his face, he winks at us, as he says. I'm gonna eat you later, boy. Oooh, hash it Elido Temple is the cleanest and favoritest in all of Scorchhelm, it seems. It's all like Lydon, wonderful and nice. Emron considers his inner anti-demon, see what I did there? Marauder's fighting style is mirrored by those taught.
within the temple. It's pretty damn cool. Everyone finds the high priest. Destiny's all questioning like, why do I do run ins from hell spawns? And Hedon gets told something about Elidos Fall, the place where Elidodun did fall, strangely enough. And it's a place of no return. That sounds kind of tempting, like some sort of super cool quest thing.
Alpha, meanwhile, goes to the Mystic Quarter and starts walking into some sort of TARDIS tree, motherfucker, and finds some sort of Star Wars Senate semicircle, motherfucker. Dame Edna is in the middle of this massive seminar thingy debate.
All sorts of fucking creatures there, there's jelly, there's eyeballs, there's copyright infringements galore, there's lots of theories being banded about, there's a thing in the sky, is some sort of gate to the 13th kingdom, it's some sort of celestial harbinger of doom, maybe we's actually in the hells and it's a portal to the material plane, or it could be some other crazy shit.
And the party finally reunite in the pissed Newt. And Kareem's all like, oh, boys, don't forget our deal, boys. And they're like, oh, what that deal is, boys? And they're all like, oh, it's just put these shirts on. They're like, maybe I will, maybe I won't. You'll fucking find out, boy. Anywho, the group are like, we needs to talk. So it's best we head downstairs and hash this shit out. Turns out there's a lot of big fucking issues about being bloodied and being selfish and all the cards go on the table and it turns out turns out there's probably some sort of fuck up going on about many people in the group oh well and they start trying to work out how we gonna keep go pop keep and mixes all like i just got dollar bills bitch and throws it on the table And they're like, how are we going to keep Nyx from dying? And they're like, oh, I got spells like feign death. And then they're like, oh, it's like a devil running. We can't trick the devil, can we? And then Baal drops some information about Prago, namely that Moroda is Moroda. And also, there could be some kooky craziness in the arena this time around. And finally, someone makes an appearance at the entrance to the room. But who is it? We'll find out. So following three aggressive knocks at the door,
about 30 feet behind you. The chamber opens and there is that pool of air as every candle, every fire in the room just sort of turns horizontal for a second and flickers. And what steps through is this shrouded figure, much broader than Sparrowhawk, much taller than Sparrowhawk. But winged watch, armour, nonetheless,
and there is the single green snout that protrudes from the hood this figure wears.
The bigger steps into the room, takes off a bag and places it on a nearby coat stand, unpicks the clasps on its shoulders where a cape is and drapes that on a coat stand.
walks over to the table that you are all set at takes a seat unless it's challenged and just announces are we playing past the bottle of speak? and then opens a hand on the table towards whoever is holding it. Do we recognize this person? Make a perception check.
In fact, everyone can make one. Oh lordy. Oh baby. Perception, yeah. I've got that as a possibility. Good for you. I see nothing.
And he'll roll above 15. I got 23. 23. And Ron, what'd you get? I got... Why isn't it showing it? While he's failing to get a number, I find 21. I got 17. 17. Rain's got 20. 20 for zero. Non-natural. Alpha, Baal, what'd you get? Nine. Baal's been hitting the whiskey a little too hard. Okay.
You will recognize a lizard kin. This is definitely not a snout of a dragonborn, the protrudes but a lizard.
As the figure stays there for a while, it just takes off his hood. Mine is a green scaled lizard kin that none of you have seen before. But I will need everyone apart from Al to make constitution saving throws. I'll need Nyx. I'll need Seth. I'll need Baal to make them a disadvantage. As the first bottle of whiskey sort of is now set in your system and integrating into your bloodstream.
Al, I think you had one drink. I don't even think you lifted it to your lips. i kind of fill the glass that was in. If anyone has protection against poison, innately, this will come into play here.
Okay, Seth, what'd you get? I got an eight. Poisoned. Yeah, everyone, what'd you get? I got a seven. Poisoned. What'd you get?
I have a frozen D&T beyond. Yeah, I had to do that. I had to roll 20 and add it. D&D Disadvantage. I'm on a four. Poisoned. Rains, what'd you get? I also had to roll manually. I rolled a 17, which plus my modifier is 22. Not poisoned. Nyx. Because I had to roll Disadvantage, 11. Poisoned. You're all poison. You're all on the leaf ex-poisoning pattern, Rains and Alpha.
This figure, green of scale. Did he receive the bottle when he put his hand out, sorry? Who has the bottle currently? I think it's Baal. I thought it was Nyx. No, Nyx grabbed it and said it confirmed it's Marota. Baal grabbed it back and said, I'm sorry. Yes. So Baal will go to kind of push it across the top, probably a little bit inaccurately, but try and get it back to the lizardkin, or to the lizardkin.
in King. The lizard's kin receives it, and rather than a shot glass, has a ah long glass, so about 300 mil, and gives himself a good third of that bottle. And when he shoots his, he shoots about half of it in one gulp, puts it down to the table, and says, it's about time we met.
Can I ask who you are? My name is Ghostwing. I am the leader of the winged watch. Oh, shit. Oh, sorry about that. I did ah didn't realize it was you. You're off duty, Seth.
I wanted to meet you. And certain moments today...
meant that this was the apt time to do so. Sparrowhawk seems to trust you implicitly so much so that he revealed his true identity. I trust that this will remain secret and gives a very stern glance at Emron, at Rains, and at Nyx, as he says that.
Yeah, of course. why Why wouldn't we keep it a secret? Yeah, I felt some daggers there. well you What are you accusing us of? We hired a member of the royal line within our midst. And though I did not wish him to reveal his identity, he did.
I just want to make certain that identity remains confidential. Yeah, but why look at the three of us though? Yeah, who do you think we're going to be telling?
Seemed a bit accusatory. Forgive me. You three just seemed the most likely to talk.
I trust Sith implicitly because Sparrowhoek does. Baal is of Sleet card, as I understand. I think Alpha is more of a westerner than perhaps an easterner.
Emeril and Rains, you are Eastern folk. I've only traveled to your lands once or twice. And Corel, well, need I explain?
um very drunk I can't really understand what you're saying anyway. What did you say? ah What I think he said was, you might talk because you're you and me and Emra might talk because of casual racism. I don't know. i Just checking what I've done. That that that a about explains what how I was going for it as well.
I have to ask, why isn't the half-orc with you? Where is she? Why is she ah abandoned? She wasn't abandoned. Oh, this is gonna get complicated. So when we left the Oasis, she left before us and then she's gotten entangled apparently with Prago and it's complicated. But you exclude her still? No, we don't.
We've had eyes on you for a long time and she was... Embedded.
Do we no longer trust her? It seems to me, if you think that you've had eyes on us for a long time, you know exactly why she's not here. I need answers. It's going to cost less a restoration on those who appear most drunk, which is Nyx, which is Baal, and which is Seth. Like I said before, if you want answers, you've checked us apparently for the whole time. And then, Nyx, you are immediately sober.
Nix was pretending the whole time. I'm conception check. Does he not realise the spell effect? That's awesome. That's it.
15. Why has the rum effect gone? I guess we just looked at his hands for a second and you you see his brow just sort of furry as though he's confused why it didn't work with you, Nix.
No, no, it ah it did work. And Seth will look towards him with a nod, but also look confused at next.
Anyway, we are treating her as hostile. We are treating her as not. We don't know. We've not exactly had a chance to have art to art with her. When Nick spoke with her... Nick, you do seem to sit next to her and speak to her while we're in The Proving. What did you get from her?
Nothing. I think most people in those situations are just contemplating their life. Right. Baal, you followed Prego. Marota was following him. Did he say anything to her?
She seemed to protect him. Quite vehemently. Almost tried to fuck me up, actually. But she had a collar on. Didn't she? She left.
What we're doing with them is she willingly entered his servitude. We don't know why she left the Oasis to start with. What Oasis is this? This is the Shondralakar. Yeah.
This we know very little about while shooting him on a very stern book.
Look, there's a lot we've not known about Marauder for some time. I assume since you know about the Oasis that you also know about the fact that Marauder was attacked when we were originally in Goldview by people who must have stuck her for this Valkyrie and then she's going by this name Valkyrie. So we now have to assume that might have been her all along. Marauder's an enigma.
but If you want to ask about Marola's intentions, you're gonna have to go talk to her. She'll probably tell you to fuck off, which is exactly what she would tell any of us to do, if it's any consolation. So we are agreed to keep her out of the loop going forward. At the moment, yeah.
I don't see a way of bringing her into the loop. She, as I said, has actively distanced herself from us. Yeah, but if she's a slave range, we don't know whether she's being controlled.
What's concerning also is some deals that have been struck. As I understand it, Seth,
You have a long-standing contract with Prego yourself. As to you, Val. That's true. You seem to know an awful lot about us. We are informants.
Information is our most important asset at the moment. And who might you be informing on us to? Sparrowhawk? Well, We were a very small circle in the winged watch. But you're safe and protected within our watch. And I... I must apologize, Prince Haddow. Kidak got through our nest. Our nets.
Kidak's dead.
Even so, we feel embarrassed that one slipped through. Why is there any conservation kedox specialist that's slipping through nets or has been a slimy little fucker? Shame you never learned that you can't swim in the ocean. No, sorry. I'm not drunk. You can swim in the ocean. You can't swim in the desert. That line would have had much more effect had I got it right first time. Where's that whiskey? I will actually pretend I heard the second line. I assure you.
So Broken Dusk is not part of this group. Do you have a name or are you willing to associate now as part of the winged watch? Looking to Seth specifically for this one.
ah Seth will take the look, then look down, then kind of look across towards the group. It's kind of deflecting with his eyes. I think we were, when we spoke to Sparrow Walk yesterday,
He implied that there would be a meeting at the end of the month and that more information would be revealed and that the winged watch were working towards greater things than just personal goals. Certainly for some of us, that sounds like ah an ordeal that we can stick with. Yes, and then two of you decided the fate of the jewel tomorrow or the day after.
will be a bit more perilous than I thought now is the best time to meet. Yeah, just on my leash, just a question about like, do you know, if you go in bloodied, have you got to die? Or could you, do you know, can you walk out? If you're bloodied? You can, you can walk out.
But if you are killed in there, you will not survive. So you can choose to walk out? Correct. One final, i'll just follow up question. Sorry, in my my Lord and Savior before we move on. and What if you are pushed out? Does that count?
Yes. Okay. Can't re-enter. There's like a line, yeah, in the in the sand or in the whatever it is. As we understand it, we have a few of ours already embedded within. There'll be some people you'll be competing against that you'll notice will not lay a single finger upon you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Good, good, good, good, good. Okay, okay. This, he looks towards next to this. This opens up more options, yeah? This does make better plans for us, yeah.
I yeah just... I'll walk out when the time comes. You just did give me the signal and I'll stroll on out.
Yeah, I don't believe you, but we'll talk about that later. um but um my my My Majesty, what a reason if you... Would you prefer that I just didn't turn up, Seth?
No, because we still might need your skills next in the arena. yeah you're important yeah Whatever you need me to do, you just have to tell me if there's a sign, if you want to push me out, whatever.
yeah Sorry, sorry about him. sir ah but ah Again, what can we do for you? What did you choose to come and see us now? I know you said about the bit to being bloodied, but was that information to tell? Is there something to do? Are we in danger? I'm here to answer questions, but I'm also here with a request. This is for you, Seth. In the hands you a pouch containing 250 gold pieces. Flippin hell. Use this preparation for the games, but also for what I'm about to ask.
I have a request of this group during their duel. There is a register, let's call it, that's kept on a particular target that we need eyes on desperately. In order for the events of the meeting at the end of the month to make sense, there is critical information we must learn.
a list of names on this register that hopefully collects a lot of the dots together that I have been working on.
This target will be a person of importance and will be attending the games in such a fashion. It will be hard to get to him. But trying to get to him outside of the games will be even more difficult.
It is the leader of the Epichristra, Delmon Trace. Who's he fighting in the arena? No, but he'll be watching. He'll be watching in a Coliseum of Spectators, where he will be guarded far less than any other point he has ever been.
Trace is returning to gold for you in a matter of days, and he is most vulnerable whilst watching these games.
So during the competition we need to somehow get out and get the list from him? He'll know if it's gone, you just need to see it. There are names on it we need to learn.
But surely if we see that list of he will know if it's on his person. Yes. He'll know we've seen it. He'll know if it's left his pocket, when he checks it at the end of a day. But if someone could read it, learn those names without him knowing, that is what we're after.
Alpha has a good memory for things. Good starts. Yes, but I'm not the most exterious. Textress. That word too. Charismatic? So, so let me just get this straight. Before the game starts, or during the actual fighting, or after the fighting, before we leave the Coliseum, we need to get our hands on Dalmont Trace,
in such a manner that he doesn't know it was us that have got to him. Get a list of names, look at it, remember it, put it back, and then get out. That's what I'm suggesting, unless you can think of another way of doing things. But on that list are names we need to know.
Now, you'll be invited tomorrow to the toast, which I was about to say, on the eve. of the games where you'll learn more about what the games involve and perhaps there is a window perhaps there is an early elimination one or two of you might take and perhaps the audience and the competitors will be so close that this could happen I don't know so what this tool should could
create some sort of distraction. and Either at the toast, during the games, after the games, or hours the morning after. Your window is wide, it's not one single point, but he is due to return to Goldview shortly after the games conclude.
And in that time, it's imperative that you do this. You do this because a lot of the faces of the winged watch are known to him, except yours. Makes sense to at least make an attempt at the earliest opportunity. He looks at the group.
We just need enough people in there to push us to victory. No, no, I mean, maybe this getting ah getting this list of names. Yes. And what I mean is we only need a few in us in there in the actual fights to push us to victory. No, I mean, we do it before that at the tours tomorrow. I'm so sorry. If we try before the actual tournament starts, my point is that at this tour, there might be opportunity to do it then, when there's lots of people and lots of stuff happening.
Rather than relying on some of us getting out of the fight, leaving others in there. Well, that's a good backup if it doesn't work. Yeah. Did Delmont Trace not have somebody who was accompanying him when we were signing up for the games? Somebody who was whispering in his ear. Has an entourage always. But that entourage is thinner when he's not on a criss-cross grounds.
Potentially we could take on the guise of one of his entourage in order to gain a closer advantage. But we'd have to be able to impersonate one of his entourage, Alpha. I don't think we have enough time to actually get to know someone that in a well, do I? That's an option.
And we could cause a distraction if there's anyone, uh, and ball shoots a quick glance at Nick's who might be good at picking a pocket. We could cause a distraction, super quick pick pocket, get alpha to see the list somehow. I don't know. Another option. Well, at the moment I'm seeing as a bit of an underdog. I mean, I could always turn into an angel in the middle of the fucking reception. ah optimizize There are small creatures that I can actually turn into myself to go unnoticed.
It seems like you have the tools to make this happen. When you make it happen, it's entirely up to you. There are a couple of things I will implore though, and that is that none of you risk your life to do this, and that none of you get caught.
We need that list of names, but I also need people loyal to Sparrowhawk and I.
I merely ask you because you are unknown to him. At the moment. He knows you are competitors. He does not know you are affiliated to us. I reckon we can do it. If that'll help prove our worth to you. I've given you this gold. If you can give me a reason to give you more, I'll find it.
Just an instruction with Victoria. It'll get to me.
OK, so. We've got a look at this list. Remember the names. There are chances for us to do it before, during or after the tournament at the moment. And he looks around the group afterwards i to do it at the toast or reception of champions.
Tomorrow night, when Prager will probably reveal what dastardly new things he's got in his tournament to make it fun. Would it surprise you if I told you there are 13 names on that list? No. I assume they're tied to the... I don't know. We're still learning.
And this list is a book or it's a scroll. It's a register. It's kept within a red folder. It keeps about his person. We've watched him for months and that does not leave his side. We have bribed his officers. We have put surveillance in his offices. He does not part with that.
He is not to be harmed. No, I figured that. And you say if we try and take it off him, he'll be aware it's good he'll he'll be a aware it's gone. I expect if you try and take it off him, he will cut your throat. And he controls one third of Tralak. He will cut your throat and he will be celebrated for it.
He controls nearly every kingdom in Eryth.
Powerful man right now. Yes, we need to understand exactly what he is preparing for so it can help us with what we are preparing for. but why Why are you going after him? What's so special about him over then?
him being a fancy sort.
What are the chriscra? Why are they in every kingdom? What is their relationship with dragons? What is their relationship with illegal religions? Why are they completely unfazed with this artifact in the sky? These are the answers I need
That is why I pursue him.
And you, Alpha, what is the increasing interest in you? We are wondering. I have been curious of the same thing. I'm afraid I have no answers at the moment for you.
I know very little of this type of magic. I've never been to Shadow Mend properly. But my colleagues have. They've told me of memory runes. And there's something about yours. That much I know. Something about yours that is going to play a part in this puzzle.
I cannot even entertain a guess. My memory room is mine alone, and while I believe it does possess something inward, I have yet to learn what it is. Although in listening to a recent seminar, Keltrad may offer a key to help unlocking the potentiality of my memory room.
Mayosa suggests you'd pay a visit to an old friend of mine here in the city who runs a workshop. It's notoriously named the Workshop of the Changeling. I have been advised to go there, yes. It's proprietor. Benz is a shape shifter. Though his true name is Olgremoth.
Old Grimoth.
He may help you. I will make a point to speak to him tomorrow. If you have time, you may wish to get prepared for what you're about to face.
I wish to take my leave and not take any more of your time. Do you understand what I'm asking of you? Please do not put yourself in any additional danger. But we must learn those names. Consider it done. we've've We've got some plans together here, my liege. We will figure it out. We'll cut that list. We'll cut the names to you and, you know, move on with our plans. Leave it with us. Thank you, Seth.
Thank you. You're welcome. I mean, thank you. I appreciate the hours you had to put it in the sands.
We do not know what the Episcopora are. We do don' not know if they're a force for good. We do not know if they are the true evil. It's so unknown, but we're getting closer. I wonder, Bal, if I may have a word in private.
Very well. Shall we step into your scorched arena over there? Yes, I changed the decor somewhat. I see. He'll quickly glance back over his shoulder at Nyx as he leaves.
Nyx will just tip there of his hat towards you in your direction. Any questions before I depart? I'll say to the rest of the group.
Nan, all makes perfect sense to me. It's a foolproof plan, we'll come up with it, don't worry. Leave it with us. Last offering, Khan. Thank you for your time. Thank you for what you're doing. I promise by the end of the month you'll understand as much as I.
Sparrowhawk was relatively quick to reveal his identity. Please take no insult if I continue to call myself Ghostwing.
I give you not my name. Makes sense. You are the leader of a large secret organization. Yeah. We wish to be secret. Yeah, we're silly if we knew who you were straight away. I you know happy hope our secrecy will end this month.
Wait, I have to ask, because you're only the second wizard folk I met. Don't suppose the name Yanda means anything to you?
The individual who looked like this points to himself that accompanied one that looks like that points to Alpha. That'd be him.
We had eyes on them temporarily when we thought they were you.
You thought they were me and Alpha. We learned quite quickly they were not. What gave you the impression they were in the first place? There aren't many Nakavolo running around Aerith. Fair enough.
When I had reports, one was in the wilds and then one was in scorch helm. I was confused. Then I learned they were two separate ones.
My colleagues are more experts at the eastern ereth than I. You are the first two I've ever seen.
If there's nothing else, Baal. Step into my office. As, uh, Baal, you just leave. You do hear my, uh, my, you hear Nyx's voice, uh, in your mind. I mean it. We'll fight for your eggs.
Do I get to reply or not? I don't know how it works. Is it message? It's not message yeah awakened mind. It's one way I believe last time you explained it. You see bulk just quickly falter within the step, literally just kind of perceptibly, but but but minimally faltering step for a split second and then carry on.
Ghostwing leads himself into the space and begins to pick up a lot of the sort of damage that that you caused. And you watch as sort of amending cantrips are being cast to sort of rehang mannequins on chains and and repair various fixings. I built this room. Oh, fuck. ah Sorry.
Do not apologize. Sorry. Bile's going to kind of squat down as well and start picking shit up and think it over to maybe kind of sweeping the occasional splinter or ember like ash covered thing to the side. Please do not apologize. I have a friend, a particularly angry friend who's left this room in much worse states.
Well, it was pristine when we got it. so You've got a good cleanup guy. I am. Fuck. Sorry. I do apologize. He's taken a more holy path now, my friend.
I need to speak with you because I don't believe Sparrowhawk presented the best account of who we are and our intentions.
I need you to know why we're calling ourselves the winged watch.
It is quite simply, we know something is coming. Something is coming that is going to decide the fate of Erith. And while we may guess and gesture of what this thing in the sky is,
whether or not the 13th Kingdom prophecy is going to even happen, whether it is hearsay. The one thing we can't deny is that dragons are rising and waking and flying and soaring again.
Creatures I have been told have been dormant in Aerith IV thousands of years are now actively meeting travelers in the desert.
We are the winged watch because we are the only people who believe that they are going to save us from what is coming. Inside check.
Go for it. Sorry, I need this. Yeah, boy. If only you had to tech thoughts, eh? If only, if only, uh, 18, uh, sorry, 17. Believe him. Believe him sincerely, wholeheartedly, without reservation.
And I understand you have very sensitive information.
I won't ask you to share this now. But I need you to understand our intentions. Are that we are preparing for when Erith is thrust into war.
that we know what the dragons are going to do, and we know if they're going to help us or hinder us.
You know the abcriskra are taking dragon eggs? Yes. And you allow it to happen? Yes.
Do you know of one of the prizes in the tournament? We're trying to get it out. How? We have our means. Out of mine. I think winning the tournament is the best way of securing them without anyone getting killed. So help me win.
Why do you think so many of the people you're competing against are ours?
Well, it kind of looks back to the team behind him. There is no way in hell I can do this by myself. I trust those behind me. Anything you can do to boost their strength.
I suppose puts us all towards the same goal. I'll resource them as best I can. But in that tournament,
know that there are heroes of the blight. There are devout followers of the winged watch. There are some unknowns, there are some mercenaries.
I believe you've met one on the road. His name was Flood. He will not touch you in there. He's one of ours. Just be sure he leaves before the end. Because if he doesn't, the cleanup crew will be sweeping him from the floor.
so much, so much we cannot plan for, all we can do is give the best possible chance.
The reason we don't doubt that the chrysacra have nefarious intentions is because we have to believe
someone else has eyes on the future.
If it turns out the YpKriscra are really the enemy, then we will destroy them somehow. But I would sooner be able to follow the YpKriscra in the shadows and know where every single one of their eggs is and challenge them openly at this stage.
You, with the winged watch, have means of transportation, don't you? Subtlety. Yes. Across the borders. Sometimes.
I win that egg. You help me in returning it to sleep guard.
to its rightful place.
There are some of my kin who yet remain. They can take it from there. You do that and you've got a deal. Is it easy? I think this is never easy. Yes, I will.
There is going to be a spanner in the works. Oh, joy. There are a number of advertised prizes that are no longer possible. Boss face drops somewhat. What do you mean? Not the egg. But there was a slave advertised that is no longer a slave. in And a number of benefactors who donated particular items that are no longer willing.
Right. In the nicest way possible. Those prizes will be per replaced is all I'm saying. I see. And the temptations of your friends in there may change. Of course. Do you know, I'm beginning to trust my friends and with all due respect,
if some of those prizes have gone, I don't give a fuck.
so long as the one prize that matters remains.
Get the egg to us. We'll get it to sleep, God. It'll be protected. You have my absolute assurance on that. Inside check.
Go for it. Fuck. It's a 12. You believe him?
I believe him. At the meeting at the end of the month, a lot of us will share what we know about dragons in various kingdoms.
And I hope if we haven't already, your trust will be earned, that you'll share more about Shondra Lekar and what we could do to learn what she would do when Erith goes to war.
Bar will raise a hand to shake.
Thank you for your time. And he reciprocates. And I'll just kind of linger there that a little bit longer as well if if he's the first to move.
Fire's a new one in here. My friend, he wasn't about the fire. What was he about? You should see him.
May I? It's cold. Very cold. And he walks back to the chamber. Goosebumps. Seth. Sparrowkook is unwell. You will not see him for some time.
Okay. Do not attempt to find him.
What? I mean, is he okay? He's fine, Nix. You hear in your mind. Thank you for not telling him.
um Back in his mind, he'll hear. You're welcome. He'll be fine. He was weary from the road from snake run.
Good evening. I'll be watching from a distance during the games. Good good evening, Majesty, person.
And he exits the room. Freaks. I didn't think we'd meet him. He seems quite important. Yeah, totally. I mean, he did introduce himself as the leader of the wing watch. Mayor Heavy.
Basically like my boss, you know. Isn't he your boss's boss? Yeah, he's basically my boss's boss, you know. So he's like more important than Sparrowhawk. Anyway, that was pretty enlightening, I thought. So, plan for tomorrow then. We've got a day to get ready for this tournament in which we need to make sure that Baal wins.
Nix has a chance to walk out with his skin intact.
Leave that one with me. That will be fine. um You need to make sure that you have enough time to buy a gold port keep as well. So if we go tomorrow, tomorrow morning, I've got to go back to Clan Shadow Shield to make a delivery for him and deliver a package to the Mystic Quarter. In exchange, there's a chance that they might give us a discount on anything we want to buy from him.
So it could be that if we want to equip ourselves by doing this job and getting a discount, we might be able to spend tomorrow getting ourselves equipped, ready for tournament. That sounds good. And what about taking the list from Delmon Trice? We got a few ideas together, didn't we? but like so Tomorrow evening, they said there was this tour, this reception for champions, which we could attend.
During that, we could make a scene or do something that means everyone's attention's on us or on something, giving some of our more light-fingered um members of the party, he looks up next, a chance to get the list, look at it, memorize it, or at least get someone to memorize it, and then put the list back.
Emeron, didn't you say that Alpha can do the thing where he never forgets anything in the entire world? Alpha has perfect recall, yeah. So how about then, Nix, you just go invisible, you go steal it from him, you read the list and you do the yeah the the as sending thing, do Alpha, Alpha remembers all the names, you put the list back, you walk go away.
And the rest of us, we can cause a big fucking fight right in the middle. Like we've all fallen out and we're not going to group. I wasn't suggesting a fight, because that might get us kicked out. That's true. But you, Emron, you can do your fancy lighting at the moment. I'm not considered anything special within the tournament. Perfect. Why give that away now? We could keep that. I did want to save that for the tournament as well. I was just an idea. But the point is, we could do...
Sorry, I was just going to say, they gave us some money. We got 250 gold. Why don't we just hire a bunch of folk to beat the shit out of each other, pay them, and we can just all watch from the sidelines and if it goes south, you can cover Nicks. I feel like this to this reception might be an exclusive group of... right Ah, right. So I don't think 250 gold will buy as much in that company.
ah rains didn't you go all by the way i'm the prince of shadow mend in front of everyone again in front of the entire arena might well done i i do that so often i lose track but the point remains that i uh in certain circles my name does carry weight i could be a distraction on itself potentially one idea ah my way using rains's up standing position in Society, if Raines gained favour with Delmon Trace and was able to initiate some conversation around the list or important delegates that one would write a list of names for, I could be around and ah peer into his mind.
Delmon Traces, as Rains, even if he didn't verbally get a list, I could dig a bit deeper into his mind and maybe one would materialise there, as one's been talked about. Such things is usually what brings such things to the forefront of the mind.
How do we know though? It's a list of delegates on there. It could be like one person from each kingdom. I see your thinking though, Nix. That's a good point, right? about the listor So if we go up to him and say, hey Delmon, let's talk about this list. I assure you that Reigns is not that dumb. Yeah, I got a bit more technical. This is the man that complimented a small child in Goldview many months ago. What what does he do?
What did he say? A lot of people here didn't know about that. Thanks, Emeril. Anyway, point remains that all I have to do is go, you keeping names or something? If he keeps that register on him, all I have to do is to get him to think about it and then next start him. Why are you walking up to Delmon Tres, the leader of the Chris, going, hey, do you like to connect names? Well, obviously, Emeril, I'm going to use a bit more attack than that. He's going to swing his golden dick.
he's got eyes but there may ah there be a lot of names in demontreeses ah del trace is responsible for bigger political movements across goldview in the world the crown for the showerman turning up hundreds of miles from where he should be against his father's wishes. It's probably something that Dunwall Trace is at least going to want to contain the discussion then. It's worth a good distraction. How about this? ya Yeah, we blend both plans. Range, you are the distraction. And because it's low key, there's no fighting. i'm not all you know I don't agree with not fighting, but okay, I'll go with it. We don't fight. Range, you get to swing, as Baal said, your golden dick around.
A demo on Tracer is like, wow, Crown Prince of Shadow, man, do amazing stuff. ah yeah Talk, talk, talk. And that's um that's when Nyx hits the invisible button and goes and steals the list as a read. Trent's fucking passes it through his mind to El, Fa, and then we know. And what I'll do is I'll just smile from the side and drink some wine.
You can surely put some sort of... Can you make people invisible as well? You've got your fancy for them. No, no. More things are all about hurting people, really. I mean, the point is that by doing this plan, we've still got three of us that aren't doing anything, which means we've got contingencies. Yeah. I can do the old bum tap, make you good at things. ah Exactly. What does that mean? ah You might find out one day. Okay.
I have one more ah topic that I'd like to tentatively bring up in regards to the tournament. All for the egg. Absolutely. Ball you've got win. All in. Gold port keep. We've saved that.
Hopefully. Yeah, buying that back tomorrow. I like to think I've done maybe a small part in both. ah oh I'll certainly do my most up willing to do my part in both.
it's but coming
Don't kill Marota. We should try and save her. Yeah. I'd say you could push her out of the arena or someone could be pushed out of the arena. Okay, cool.
Those were the words, right? Do we hear that? Once you leave, you can't get in? Yep. We don't know what the barrier is, though. If you said a ball of art is being elevated, what if it's literally like you fall off the edge? Of course, you can't go back in. Well, I think you can choose to willingly leave. So imagine there might be like a magical barrier or out. Maybe, maybe not. So in some way, we might be able to force someone who doesn't want to leave to leave in order to not kill them, all right? So we can do that with Morata. Or we can knock her out.
I could punch her in the head really hard a few times and then drag her out, we could do that. ah be this's be you You punch her, she'll punch you twice as hard back and it will hurt twice as much. The point is, Nyx is right, we need to keep her alive because she's with Prego and we don't know if it's her own volition. i will I will keep an eye on her with NC and should she go down, since the healers there won't heal her, it doesn't say anything about other combatants. I'll do my best to keep her a alive.
Thank you. That actually went with far better ideas than I had. This is why it's good to talk, bro. You can't keep it all up in your skull up there, yeah? Yeah. What else have you got on you apart from 4,000 gold and change? What other problems have you got?
i've just ah Just savvy with money, Emron. i I was taught early days you got to save, save, save. And so i've i I'm sorry that I didn't ah come forward earlier with said gold. I just didn't know if I would be needing it elsewhere. And turns out,
I don't. So, hey, I can't think of a better cause. And you guys have already done so much. And I've put you through so much already. But just returning to the Marota thing, I am savvy with all of those plans. If, because as plans often do, if it all goes wayward and you are forced, just don't kill her.
You have my word, Nix. I won't kill her.
We'll try and save her. We do owe it to her. Then I'm yours. Use me as you will. So, we've got a day tomorrow to get ourselves ready. Go put keeps off the table before we do anything else. Well, that's right. Well, I've got to head down towards the um the clan shadow shield and the place where vaughan dad said he would be uh the dragon horde in tavern is in that direction of the city so i can go and deliver the gold go pick up the packages you need to deliver deliver them back hopefully i'll come with you to run down at least my point is that so we could all
The Mystic Quarter seems a place to go for equipment and magical stuff, you know, potions, that kind of stuff. We're not looking for spending big books on items we can keep, but things like potions of strength, of of dexterity, that kind of stuff that lasts for a short amount of time is the kind of thing that would help us in that tournament.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, give us that edge to beat everyone. And it's the kind of thing that you could get for a few hundred gold, rather than trying to buy something worth thousands. So if we deliver the, deliver the gold to Vorn dad, we want to make sure some of the gladiator games in shadow man put that they had screenings and ways of Preventing performance enhancing potions from taking effect in the games. We just want to make sure the same thing don't happen here True, but I imagine this kind of thing might be You know, they want a spectacle They'll get also find out more details tonight. Yeah tomorrow night. I also think you know it might be worth ah might be a bit presumptuous and
But probably worth coming up with some kind of plan. You know, I go all in for that heist idea, but a plan for like, if we do win and let's say by some triumvirate will, we actually pull off all these fucking thousand plans we've got all lined up.
When we do that, excuse me, every fucker in Skorchum is going to know we've got a praceless dragon egg on or about our person. We are going to be flipping haunted brothers. So we need to come. We bring it here, whether we watch out. I already have that sorted perhaps with Ghostwing.
Ghostwing struck a deal to say that they would be willing to use their resources to help with the transportation of Gail Pfizer. okay But like it's still going to, until that time, we're going to have to be, we'll be broken. We'll be injured. One of us might be grieving. Who knows what will happen. We've still got to be at our top game because that's when we're going to get hit leaving the competition before we get to the winged watch out in public. So we got to keep our, keep our heads on a swivel. Yeah.
Just thinking ahead, you know, positive thinking. Everything goes well, and then we get fucking killed. the Positive thinking, huh? Okay. I like this. Look at this serious planning from us all, huh? So, are we all meeting at the Mystic Quarter tomorrow, or do some of us want to do something else while others try and get stuff for the tournament? You know what, Emron? You've talked a lot of sense today, so I'm with you tomorrow. I'll follow.
do house at the mixing quarter as well
apologies al for for talking over you there um i do ah one final question um
nexted i couldn't help but notice i that the as noroda was on that list and you' just given that up
I do have some people's causes are greater than mine.
Not giving it up. Uh, substituting it for now. Who knows what the future may hold. Gold can fix a lot of things. Best foot forwards.
You'll be, you'll be savvy. It's not for me right now.
I'm sorry, I said I could get you a ship, Reince, and I know why you bring it up. You ah you wanted a ship. um It's going to have to be something else other than the Esmeralda. i've I tried. Well,
something was lost by an act of piracy. It was stolen, perhaps. It's only right in turn that that which was stolen is regained by piracy. But we can think about that at a later date.
Did we just all agree to become pirates? Because I'm down for that. well Hang on a minute, no. No? Okay. As far as I'm concerned, belongs to Nix. We'd just be taking it back. That's all I'm saying, but we can read about that. Nix service said he was the captain of the Blue Road. No, doubt ah ah it's not mine. ah
Good. Don't know. ah But eggs, the egg, gold pork keep. We have the wind in our sails and a direction to follow. Nothing greater than that. A true purpose. Cheers to you all. I don't want to take a drink. Cheers. Here's to honesty and truth among friends. yeah
Honesty and truth. Cheers. Seth's going to knock back ah another whisky.
Val's going to join you. Everyone drinks. Alfel's going to pretend. And on that image of all of you toasting to each other and having this moment of unity for the first time in quite a long time.
We move into the evening, and at this point, I'll invite you all to talk to me about how you are working towards that larger goal of the month, which is for Nyx, learning the actor feat. For Baal, getting expertise in perception. For Alpha, that is gaining renown with the Fizzlebang faction. With Emron, it's raising that standing with Clan Shadow Shield.
with ah with Seth that is gaining the observant feet and with Reigns that is gaining proficiency in in water vehicles. So and if you could all think of an appropriate action or an appropriate role that meets that action, um please let me know. Is anyone wanting to start? I can start.
Uh, but it involves characters that I will with a couple of episodes ago. So do you choose? Can I still, am I free to talk? Um, are you reading the books you were gifted?
Basically, yes. Nix, when the time arrives for us all to disperse and go our separate ways, Nix will go into his dorm room and let out a massive fucking sigh as if this is the first time he's been alone.
for a while, and a lot of stuff has happened. ah So he kind of, it's that kind of big exhale of breath that puts your hands on your knees, kind of like. the And then for a long time, he just kind of sits on the edge of his bed, kind of just alone with his thoughts, to which he can't grab a single one. It's a multitude and a multicolored layer of whirlpool chaos inside of his head. And he's ah just rocking back and forth.
then eventually when he comes to hill look over and and go through his bag holding to which is definitely four thousand gold lighter now until take out one by one the books and hills.
With nothing better to do and trying to get his mind off everything else will start perusing through them obviously looking for while taking on ah all the plays that were given.
keeping a key eye out for anything to do with patrons or greater beings, power, bargains, anything like that as he's trying to dive deeper now into that world. okay And that's how I'm going to do it. I'm hoping that as a bystander, because of the actual nature of the texts,
He'll learn the craft of acting through the various different characters and how they interpret similar situations and how they kind of move their way through it. Cool. Do you want to make a performance check then as you're as you're reading these roles and and vocalizing some lines and and memorizing some lines?
ah That's a solid 10. Nice. Great. So a good contribution towards a month of study here. Alfa, would you like to go next? You've written a letter. I have. So maybe perhaps the best thing will be a persuasion check to ascertain how effective that letter is. Yeah, yep absolutely. That's what I was thinking. um Perfectly fine for me. I have no modifiers for persuasion.
I rolled a five. Thank you very much. I do not go well. Thank you very much. Seth, on your efforts to take on the observant feat, what would you do this evening? So Seth's going to take a little wander around the block and he's going to set up a challenge.
What he's going to do is he's going to walk down the street and every person he passes, he's not going to make any eye contact with them, but he's just going to focus on using his peripheral vision to get like a ah description of them, hair color, general clothing, demeanor, voice, et cetera, and then walk on and try to memorize it. And then move on and do like a quick, maybe five minute walk on the block until he's ah being At least he's taken in the information about five or six people, he'll go in, open up the back of the spell book, and then scribble down as much as he can remember, look at it, and kind of tally up the number of kind of points that he can accurately remember, and then he's going to go out and try that a few more times, trying to get better his score each time, working on his short-term memory, memory kind of palace ideas, and the concepts of kind of remembering lots of information, and also the practice in looking, but not using his peripheral vision. so
exercise and exercise in being observant in a more active manner this time. I think in which case can you roll a perception and a history check and then the combined total I'll half.
Yes, I can. So, Lordy, so the 15 for the history check and a five for the perception check, which makes 20. So take it to 10. Perfect. Thank you very much. And yeah, you spend a couple hours just doing that circuit, writing down what you think you saw, repeating your steps to see if you got it right, occasionally being frustrated that you didn't, occasionally doing a little skip in the air because you got it right. But how are you working towards Is it possible to delay my turn till after Emeron and Reigns? Yeah, absolutely. Reigns, how are you working towards ship proficiency? Reigns is always thinking slightly outside the box. He's going to head out to the docks and he's going to stare out across at the shipyards and he's going to see all the boats that are lined up and of course note that just out in the bay is the Esmeralda and Reigns will turn to NC and go
One of those assignments that I've been giving you to process for me. How far can I get? And then C will just come up and hand drain the Rubik's Cube that says, if I detect, as it stands, you would have an hour. Fair enough. Summon the suit. Rains will summon the suit. He will find a quiet part of the deck. He's going to cast Alter Self on himself.
and he's going to go under the water. He's going to give himself the ability to breathe under the water and he's going to swim towards the other other. When he gets there, Reigns is going to just swim around the boat. He's going to stay using his beneath water advantages now. He's going to navigate the boat and he's just looking for Things that match up with his own readings, his history checks. He's also looking to see just how many people are on it, how well guarded the boat is. He's just coming out to inspect the boat to see what he can find out about the Esmerelda. He's heard from Nick, it's a terrific ship. Rains himself is incredibly well-learned and a host of things. So he's looking for strength of sail. He's basically just matching up his own intrigue for now and his own knowledge with the Esmerelda.
as he kind of in his submarine suit just swims around it he's got a little timer from nc that's like on the the kind of like a iron man style inside of a hood that's just telling him how long he's got um before he has to think about turning back but he's he's basically i'm gonna say i'm gonna say it's history i think because he's he's because of the fact that he comes from this from quite a learned position, I'll happily also take survival, whatever. Sounds more like investigation because you're trying to study a ship. Yeah, that's fine. investigation is actually really good. So but yeah, before you get to the ship, Darren, when you're underwater, and you're going out to the sort of 150 to 200
feet into the depths of one of the most dangerous seas in Aerith. So Alticell also gives me a swimming proficiency as well. What do you do about the sharks? What do I do about the sharks? That's a good question. You get to about 60, 70 feet out into the water and and there is predator mammals, predator fish here.
Interesting. Rain turned four about the sharks, so he'll get there. He will notice them.
And he'll go, then see on the scale of one the stupid how stupid it is to proceed. And he assumes the reply from then see will be stupid. Rain will go, okay,
We'll work on this one, and instead he'll turn his attention instead to a ship that's closer to the dock, but he is aware of the fact now that he has the means to make a beeline to the Esmeralda. Just didn't think about the sharks. So instead he's going to turn his attention to the to the to a ship in the dock. and In the more shallow waters. Yeah. Yeah. And then, yeah, maybe an investigation is appropriate just to study a ship.
Yeah. Never been underneath a ship before. You can see what that looks like, you know? Yeah. Yeah, he's going to do that. He'll also find... One of the things he'll do is he'll find ah bits of rope that's mooring one of them. He'll just let us sit in it.
Or he'll do something which is really nice, just to try and put a slit in it and then quickly cast mending on it. He's just going, and then to, because obviously mending can repair things like slits and ropes, and he's just going round to figure out where artificery can figure into ship work. Cool. and Give me an investigation check, please.
19. Very nice. Thank you very much.
Emeron, how do you spend the evening shoring up those, the allegiance to Clan Shadow Shield?
Well, I don't think I can. I think I have to wait until tomorrow to do so. Yeah, could we could make an effectiveness role now for your behavior tomorrow. So you're intending on taking on their courier job to move the finished equipment over and then to use their forge.
Yeah, and then he's going to code the stuff over, try and get the group of discount on stuff for the tournament, and then spend the rest of the day forging with them as he agreed. So maybe it's a good combination there of persuasion for the salesmanship element and then a D20 roll plus your proficiency modifier for using Smith tools for for the craft. Let's roll both of those and I'll half the total. Let's do the persuasion.
So that's 13 on persuasion. Thank you.
And then that's a 14 in total for 27. Oh, sorry, 14 total for the second row. Yeah. Okay, 27 halved to 13. Thank you very much. And then, so everyone will use that as your sort of guide for the day tomorrow. Baal, back to you. I mean, I was going to do stuff in the evening, but it's fine. I'm going to go to Baal first. Okay, nice one.
ah Yeah, Baal's going to kind of be sitting at of the table as everyone's gone off on their various different things um and he's just going to be taking in kind of the the areas that everyone was sat just trying to kind of ah ah recall that situation the whole evening how everything that he thought initially was going to be a complete and utter at each other's throats but it actually turned out to be not that at all and people had each other's backs and he'd fucked up and Nyx was doing things for him and he cast his eyes over to the area that he went and had a chat with Ghostwing
And he's looking at the the kind of the the remains of anything that's kind of left that Ghostwing didn't pick up. And his mind gets cast back to Nyx, who basically gave him another heads up. And he's trying and trying and trying to be working on this skill, but he can't he can't focus.
on his mind is Nix and he gets up and he makes his way over to the door that Nix has gone into, probably a good half hour, 40 minutes, whatever it's been, um not to kind of supersede anything that k Nix has done. He's just going to knock at the door. Nix here and knock at the door.
ah Yep. Give me a minute. And Nix will hastily collect all the books and shove them back into the bag of Holden and then put the bag of Holden back into his big old leather coat and stand up and open the door. Probably expecting to see Emron for a lecture of some sort.
And you see Baal. May I come in? Yes, yeah, I should have expected you. Of course, having a chance to tidy up, so apologies. And Nix will open the door and um shake his head and let you in.
I will kind of come in and and and take in the room and see how Nixon lives. He keeps his place. The bed's barely touched because he doesn't sleep. but If you look over to the desk, it's full of ah what we you'll see on there is the glass orb from old girl is on there. His spell book.
from his Patreon is on there. What used to be there, if you're paying attention to what Nix used to do in the evenings, was the chronolocket, and that's no longer there. ah And then, yeah, other than the desk looking a bit chaotic, the room looks like it hasn't been touched. Other than if you saw, if your perception check, I guess, Nix is perfectly fine butt print on the side of the bed where he's just been sat for the past 40 minutes.
ah barr will Remember that ah now he'll go and ah just kind of semi awkwardly but then just kind of sit down on the side of the bed and just look over to you and say I Next I owe you I'm not just an apology stuff You come to apologize I've come to say a few things, starting with an apology. Right. Not going to end with me like burning from the inside through some infernal fire, right? You know, that's how I thought this afternoon was going to go from earlier on, but no. No, Nix, I feel like I've been an absolute bellend.
I don't have much eloquence to say it in any other terms than and that. yeah I wish I had known what was going through your mind that it was just, of course, it was chaos and craziness and on a whim, of course it was. I thought that you were out there to just gain as much wealth as you possibly could.
and I thought that you didn't necessarily see the bigger picture and I thought that you put yourself forwards and I, I'm sorry, I've put us into a really stupid situation and it's my fault not yours.
I think you're being really, really hard on yourself, Balan. And I think a lot of people are in this group being really hard on particular people and also on themselves as well. When truly, when you take a step back and and look at what you're apologizing for, you're apologizing for making a tournament that's created to entertain, entertaining.
but Regardless of if we went in bloodied or if we went in unbloodied and the way we performed in the mini trials, the whole thing is there to entertain the masses. And you have done your job wonderfully well. And I'd like to think that I've also done my job masterfully well in that in that regard. We sorted everything out.
There was circumstances beyond our control with the prizes, and I think that caught more than a few of us off guard. And that was interesting in itself because we got to see how where people's hearts truly are and when when presented with ah things that were, I would say, orchestrated to do that to us as individuals. Stop apologizing.
All you've done is just explain how everyone's altruism seems to be shining through yours included and how fucking selfish I've been. And, uh, that's, that's what I'm apologizing for. So I am sorry. Um, and I put you in danger. I've put myself in danger. I didn't need to. Well, unless you plan on killing me, I don't see the danger and.
The whole selfish thing. I don't know if you're just talking through everyone's words. Everyone has a reason to be here.
yeah What makes another person's reasons higher or lower than the other person? in their group. The greater good. This is a competition.
I'm not talking about world ending, mysterious mysterious objects in the sky, talking about a competition. And that's where I feel like sometimes we just need to take a step back.
And yes, look at the bigger picture as a whole, but also understand the presence of where we're in at the given time. I don't think you're being selfish. I think you were looking after your family and you were doing what you feel like is your true north, which you can only follow that direction. When the wind fills your sails, you have no choice but to see it through.
Don't apologize for following what you feel is right, because I'd be apologizing nonstop.
I can't read you, Nix. I cannot read you. I pride myself on the ability to see people's intentions. I i can't read you. Oh, fuck.
I feel like that's more of a frustrating thing for you than it is for me. It is. Do you know, do you remember what I asked you the second day that I met you?
I probably had a lot going on. Uh, new powers, inability to sleep. Words from a specific person. Really hard to recall. I remember you kissed me. thats ah that That is what I remember. I asked you, Nix, if you could handle the heat. Well, see, I ive i remember the action rather than the words, I guess. Baal's going to kind of square up towards you.
It's not rhetorical, Nix.
I can absolutely handle the heat, Baal. Baal's going full f flame on! No, he's not.
but there's gonna be a flicker of fire behind Baal's eye as he is just going to grab you, pull you in and just, yeah, go to town on your face with a kiss. um Yeah, that's, his intentions are very much made clear from this point.
Nick is very submissive ah during this and will absolutely give in to the whirlwind of colors and passion that is being presented to him if nothing else to take him out of the situation that he's in.
As you two embrace. No way. I want more information than that. In this moment. I thought Callum was the edgelord, not you guys. for yeah know as Tell us about his quivering member.
Nick says how to work a tail. Let's just say that. You want to see a golden dick swing? Does Baal have a tail? I... See, I would have liked a tail, but I don't know if it's within the... Never mentioned one. Erythian dragon. Some do, some don't. Yeah, Drago had one. Danny, can Baal have a tail? Roll any dice you want? I'll even see a tail. This is the biggest roll of my life.
Listeners, I'm going for a D20. I'm going to make it. Come on, give me a tail. It's an 18. Evens, he has a tail. Tail's toiled. As you share this intimate moment, lips entwined, tails entwined. Yeah.
That is what we're going to end this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. um bellums ah then recorded and we just this season there because that's like i feel like that's the happiest ending i can hope for deep that's not every scene you get in mass effect just before you do the final fight. It's the mass it's the sex scene in mass effect before you do the final mission. That's what you got right there. ah I'm really happy that you opted to go last with as well. We didn't have to try and follow that. So yeah, anyway, I'm gonna walk on a block.
Everyone's like, next, what are you doing in there? Yeah, I've got you. I'm just sat there going, you're growling. You're right. The door was good. ah Depending on how well I perform in the sex act, can I get a little bit more to the acting ability? Maybe maybe say that for future nights. but You came how many times? Is that a Tiefling thing?
oh I rolled 69. Right.
Listeners, thank you for joining us, making us a party every day week. You laughed still, and so did you all out there. I know you all did. ah Thank you for joining us, making us a party every week. We love you for it. Please review us or tell a friend about us. It's great to get the podcast names out there. We'll get more and more of you every month, so let's just keep the good vibes are growing, and we could do all your help with that one.
If you wanted to DM us, or X us, or Tweet us, or whatever it is now, we have a combined page which is at Fellowship Tabletop there, and if you wanted to go one step further and follow us individually, you can do so too. I'm at Ivar1, my fuck buddy is at Fellowship NPC PC Smut!
Darrin's out. Darrin Page06. Edge Lord Callum is out. TheD20Gamer. Mark is out. HastilyRollDM. Poppy Bear is out. It's getting in hard in here. Poppy Bear. Natural20well. RVIP of DND. Dungeon Master Danny is out. Total Party Thrills. Until next time, guys.