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How to Banish Negative Beings and Reclaim Your Energy image

How to Banish Negative Beings and Reclaim Your Energy

S1 E39 · The Bell Witch Podcast
411 Plays5 months ago

Episode 39 

The Bell Witch Podcast. Witching in the 21st Century 


Welcome to another fabulous Moot Loot. In this episode of the Bell Witch Podcast, the host Swailes the Friendly Green Witch welcomes her first international guest -Annamarie Green, a licensed clinical therapist and professional intuitive. Anna discusses her unique approach to therapy, blending psychology, psychotherapy, and intuitive energy work. She shares her personal journey, including the grief of losing her partner to suicide in 2019 and her career shift four years ago when the world closed down. The conversation delves into the impact of negative energies on mental health, Anna's remote healing practices, and her commitment to integrating intuitive methods into traditional therapy. The episode concludes with an invitation for listeners to connect and explore intuitive mental health solutions. Topics include ADHD, Autism, Anxiety. 

"Annamarie Green is an Intuitive Therapist and Licensed Clinical Social Worker who is revolutionizing mental health care by combining energy healing and intuitive work with traditional psychology and psychotherapy. As the creator of the Intuitive Therapy Method and Anxiety Languages, she helps clients achieve deep healing, clarity, and personal transformation. Annamarie's passion for this work stems from her own journey of loss and healing, particularly after the passing of her partner. Outside of her practice, she’s a proud mother to her daughter, who inspires her daily with her own intuitive gifts."

Big Thank you to Annamarie. Connect via Instagram Annamarie Green Co (@annamariefgreen) • Instagram photos and videos

Also mentioned in this episode- Festival of the Unexplained Home - Festival Of The Unexplained - Tickets

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Produced with love and magic by Swailes the Friendly Green Witch friendlygreenwitch | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

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Official Photos by Beverley Thornton Beverley Thornton (@beverleythornton) • Instagram photos and videos



Introduction to Whimsy Gough Market and Bell Witch Podcast

Have you heard about the Whimsy Gough Market in London? A brand spanking new market for the weird and magical. Held at Cecile Sharp House in Camden. A space created where individuality is celebrated and small businesses are supported. Where all subcultures can come together, feel safe, welcome and included.
For more information on this magical event, visit
Ey up, witches and beautiful souls. Welcome to the Bell Witch podcast with me, Swales, at the Frenegreen Witch, witching in the 21st century. This is episode 39, which is quite funny because it matches my age now.
At last spooky season is upon us. As you remember, I was talking about it being my birthday when the bonus episode came out. And on that day, I also traveled down to the bottom of Lancashire. Or is it Lester? Lestershire. Lancashire. Near Birmingham. Oh my God. My geography is horrendous.

Festival of the Unexplained Highlights

It was near Birmingham anyway and it were in this Bosworth Hotel which is a big gorgeous haunted Britannia Hotel to attend the festival of the unexplained. I had massively high hopes for this festival.
Huge big-ass expectations because every so often I've been googling ghost conferences or ghost festivals and I kept coming up with some Japanese band I never heard of. Festival of the Ghost or something. So I was proper pining for an amazing event where I could just talk to spooky people about spooky stuff and not get weird looks or people moving to the next table or whatnot.
I found it last year and I really wanted to go but I already had plans which involved me getting drunk in butlins with a load of lasses. Hey up Keely, how you doing? But while I was there I was majorly, majorly sad with FOMO that I wasn't at this ghost conference as I like to refer to it.
Anyway, so I made mental notes to buy myself a ticket. The big weekend tickets had all sold out and so I had to buy separate event tickets. I think it was still good value for money.
And the people there were absolutely lovely. So my kind of people. The organizers were on it. It was really well planned and executed. Yes, I was very impressed. Big thank you to Karen. She was a lovely. And I think the OG of the organizers, Karen and her team, they were dead busy. Bless him. They were just here, there and everywhere like blue ass flies. One of them was from Yorkshire which made my little witchy heart very happy. I know what Yorkshire folk are like. If they're from Yorkshire they'll tell you and if they're not they'll be insulted if you ask. Rachel was a Yorkshire lass who is also a professional ghost hunter might I add. This festival of the unexplained has been running for three years in real life at Bosworth Hall
and two online years because like a lot of things this festival started as a result of us all being locked in as houses. We started coming up with brand new ideas and amazing businesses were born. This being one of them. I learnt about loads of stuff. I learnt about professional ghost hunting, new tech, UFOs, how Victorians mourn their dead and I met a lot of famous ghost hunters which I didn't realise was a thing. I must have been living under a rock. I guess I just like audio more than YouTube but I'm gonna have to get my YouTube pants on and start to look at these ghost hunters online. You'll probably know them if I tell you. ah The ghost trip investigators. Yeah pretty huge.
Adam Oakley and Dan Spragg, they are proper famous and really lovely and did amazing talks on how they started out, live streaming ghost hunts on TikTok and YouTube and now they're massively successful having loads of followers and they go to America once a month and they were talking about, you know, the most scariest moments and what they've learned and I've asked them to come on the podcast.
oh can you imagine oh calm down but yeah it's really good and i got some pictures and i spent lots of money with lovely traders it is now definitely a staple in my yearly calendar and if you're fancying it you should totally go because it was one of the best that i've been to The link will be in the show notes below.

Interview with Anne-Marie Green: Witchcraft and Therapy

This podcast episode is a Mootloo with Anne-Marie, who's a really awesome professional therapist and witch. It was such a fantastic, enlightening conversation about beings that attach themselves to us and our aura and our souls. Her job is absolutely fascinating and she removes the beings and sends them back.
So it is a bit of a headband because I've never even heard of this before and I did record this so long ago I think it was May time so it is dated a little bit in terms of the sound quality so do forgive me for that but it is a fantastic interview and I think you'll absolutely love it. Oh my god I love this gig! So without any further ado I will hit the chimes and enjoy which is...
Hello, Anne-Marie, and welcome to the Belle Witch podcast. You are my first ever international guest. Oh, yay. That's so exciting. I'm just really chuffing myself. I'm like, oh, I've got an international guest. I love that. Would you like to tell us a little bit about yourself?
Yes. Okay, so my name is Anna Marie Green. I am a licensed clinical therapist and a professional intuitive. I've reached together psychology and psychotherapy with intuitive energy work with, you know, all the fun witchy stuff, which is like my favorite to help people to simplify mental health solutions and make happiness less hard because I feel like that is such a thing these days where happiness seems like this chore thing.
um or a long list of to-dos. And so, and bridging magic and intuitive strategies and stuff with therapy and and psychology, it makes it so much easier. And then I've been doing this since 2020.
dad in lockdown Yes, that's when everything kind of came together and I started doing therapy, I started becoming a therapist and I started my dive into intuition and kind of like my own magic um was during that time because I was recovering from my partner passed to suicide in 2019. So I was trying kind of on my own healing journey. And the traditional just traditional talk therapy was not working for me the way that I was hoping that it would. um so and i need And I was like, I need to be okay, because I have this two-year-old, so. Bless you. Sending you love. It was such a funny year, wasn't it? Because lots of people got so severely pivoted from what they were going to do.
Oh my gosh. Yeah. 2020 really brought, I think that it brought more of like our souls up to the surface because so many people did pivot. And I know for myself, like before I changed, like changed and went into therapy, I was going to do like corporate health type of stuff and wanting to do like corporate health stuff. So then it was like a total shift.
And then I ended up like loving it and it felt so natural. And so that was my big thing where I was like, oh my gosh, like I'm actually able to like help people. This feels really good. um And then once I started tapping into my intuitive gifts, that was like a total game changer. And it was very scary to go down that path because I definitely had people who were like, What are you doing? Yeah, it was 2020. Definitely. and And if you think about it with COVID and all of us being locked indoors, it prevented us from using our coping mechanisms the same way that normally we have like work or we're going out and we have all these things that we're filling in our lives to ignore, you know, our, our inner magic or where our intuition is trying to lead us. But when you just do, you're kind of faced with all those inner turmoil and all the things that you're kind of ignoring. Yeah, there were not so many distractions on a member. yeah And also the earth benefited massively in the adenocal effect on us. Yes, absolutely. It was a crazy time. It's so funny because I always feel like 2020 was like still last year. Like it's weird that it's like that was four years ago. this is Yeah, nearly half a decade.
Yes. Oh my god, stop. I know, I know. I just remember walking into the middle of a busy road that wasn't busy, obviously, because nobody were there. And they were just animals, you know, like walking around. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh, that's so cool. though Yeah. And I think a lot of foxes turned up that year in my garden, which is just amazing. Oh, that's so cool.
You're a therapist witch then, do you combine witchcraft with your therapy? Please tell us all about that because I'm so excited about it. Yeah so so the way that I do that is essentially and what you what you know so but there's a really big way that I think it first started to reveal itself to me is that I am I don't know if like, yes, a light worker, which but I'm also able to identify like darker things, darker energies, darker beings. And so one of the big things that I do is identifying those on other people and removing them um through like, I do it through intuitive healing. So I call somebody's energy forward. And um I'm able to see like, okay, what's they might say, like, I'm depressed.
um That's usually the big one I see with beans. And so then I'm removing the beans from the person and integrating new light, all that kind of stuff. But, you know, affirmations are kind of one of the big ways that I'll also help other people. It's not like the traditional, like, okay, I just want you to say this. There has to be a lot of feeling and a lot of prep work and sometimes like ritual for the affirmation to actually what I would say, like settle. So if you are trying to say affirmations,
Or you're like, I'm going to do affirmations because I need to change my mindset or I want to feel better. If you have a bunch of beans and cords and just like your energy is at this, we'll say like lower vibration, the affirmations aren't going to actually do anything. They're not going to stick. And that's same with like spell work. So if you are trying to do like specific spells to help yourself to feel better,
um or rituals to help you to feel better, but you have a bunch of beans, you have um just what I would say like energetic like gunk blocking the way. It's not going to make a difference or it's only going to produce results on that lower vibrancy. So I was just talking to a client the other day who she was like, you know, I've tried affirmations before, but now like when we had been doing work, like she had received like three or four healings and she was like, now I actually feel like they're working. And that's because we've cleared out all this energetic stuff. So now the affirmations can so actually sit in the body and sit in her energy and take effect the way that it it's meant to, the way that we were taught that it's it's supposed to. But before that, she would have had to had to say the affirmations or the spells
every single day very consistently like multiple times a day for it to have any type of impact. So that's like one of the big ways that I do it is by removing the beans with it so that you know spellwork and rituals and affirmations can have much more of an effect.
And also there's, as with everything, to me, I always see things as like there's three levels. And in mental health, I see it as like three, there's the three levels, there's the energetic, the physical and the cognitive. And so you want to think of like your ritual and your spellwork as somewhat between like the physical and the cognitive. So cognitive is like the mind, um how we process things.
And the physical is like action, nervous system, how like how we physically feel everything that has to do with our body. And energy is like that base level. So energy is the stuff that a lot of times we can't see. It's it's what it's the foundational level because everything's made of energy. All my witches listening, like you guys already know the basis of working with energy work. So you already have those basic skills to be able to help yourself.
um when it comes to mental health. But yeah, so I help people with, the especially with those energetic and the physical, because a lot of times for mental health, we're already we're already at the cognitive level and we're trying to change things just through thinking or just through ritual, but we're forgetting those foundational levels and what we have to clear there. So hopefully, I know that was like a little tangent. It's great. I love it. Do you have questions on on that at all? I hope I like was explaining it. Can you actually remove negative energies that are attached to your client then? Oh yes. Oh yes. All the time. Wow. That's so cool. I've had, oh my gosh, I've done so many really, really big ones. Like I found that people who struggle with depression is where you see the pretty like depression and
self-harm type stuff is where I see the heaviest and the like nastiest beans um to where like I tell I was telling some of my my witch friends I was like yeah those beans there I always call them really heavy but like those are the ones were like borderline we could maybe call like demonic like Like, and it's not that it's saying like, I i don't like saying demonic because a lot of people get scared outside of the like, witch world, but they're really happy beings. They are, they they feed off of you. So they're more they're more parasitic. Then you can have like kind of what I would say, like are more compassionate beings. Like they're kind of, they just kind of like sit on your energy because your energy is open. Maybe you specifically needed something or you were just scared and they thought that they were going to help. because you do have those. That's a lot of people have those kinds of beans on them. You can still get them removed and it will feel better, but they're not really like feeding off of you. They're just kind of maybe blocking you, causing some misalignment. So still some stuck patterns and and or the feeling not the best emotionally or sometimes physically, but but the heavy ones, they will feed off of different things. So some will feed off of things like misery,
So they need to keep you in these cycles where you're miserable. They need to keep you in these cycles where you're just very low, um, some feed off of, off of happiness. So with that, it's like every time you try, like you might do things that give you that burst of like happiness or that boost, that burst of dopamine, but it's kind of sucked right off of you because you have these really, and it feels really heavy. So it's really hard for your physical body to function. because you have these really intense beings. I had a client, oh gosh, what was it? Like two weeks ago. And it was his first time like coming to me. He was like, he had no idea what to expect. um He was referred. And I was like, okay, like, and I went into, here's what I did in the and the reading and healing. Here's what I found. This is how it was impacting you.
And he said, he's like, I haven't gotten good sleep for years. He just hasn't been able to. And after receiving the healing, he was like, I slept so great. Like he was like into the next morning. Like it was so so they it really does have these emotional and physical effects. And it also keeps us in those cycles. So depending on what it feeds off of is going to keep you in different cycles. It influences your dreams. um That is a lot of times where I see self harm. And that is for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it's because like the being is just kind of influencing you in that way or to see the world through a certain way because it depends on where it's sitting if especially if it's sitting like upper chakras it's influencing how you're thinking um how you're seeing the world and so with that like you might see yourself very differently than if it was removed and I use a variety of methods to to remove it but it's very yeah it can be very very it's very very intense and even when I'm interacting with them I'll be like oh
Okay, got to layer up another another layer as we' we're about to remove this. so I imagine it's quite personal as well, that every bin would be different. Is it quite usual for us to have these or unusual?

Understanding Energies and Their Impact on Mental Health

Ideally, we don't want them, do we? yeah you know we we so I say it's usual to have the more compassionate ones. The compassionate ones are not the ones that are feeding off of you. Everyone pretty much has those, especially like before you start the intuitive work.
When I first entered my, when I was doing my intuitive certification program, and so everyone was practicing on each other. There were like 50 women in this four month program and we were practicing the healings and the readings on each other. yeah Our teacher also told us, she's like, it's okay that you, cause there's a specific healing she taught us called the compassionate being release. And she was like, it's okay. Everyone pretty much has been. Like just be from, from living life, just from like, and when we're kids, our energy is like wide open. So like everyone usually has something and it feels really good to have it removed. it It helps with clarity. It helps with you being able to be yourself, all that kind of stuff. But that stuff isn't the stuff that usually like concerns me because you can remove those. Like that, like those are easier to remove. A lot of times they just actually take some like convincing where you're just like, okay, they no longer need you. Thank you so much.
it's time to go. And like you just release them, they'll turn into the light. It's not a big deal. But the heavier ones, a lot of times where we're seeing those is like when we've had really traumatic experiences. And the big reason for that is a lot of times when we experience trauma, it opens up our energy in a way that we Sometimes it can open like portals to like darker realms and that's where we can have it or we are living with somebody who has really intense dark beings on them. So one of the big demographics I'll see this with is individuals who grew up with a parent or a caregiver who has substance abuse issues.
because substances can poke holes in our aura. And a lot of times the places that people are going to use substances are also very low vibration, have a lot of these darker beans like chilling, so it's easy for them to attach. And then they come back into the home. And the thing about these beans is like, yes, they can sit on you, but they can also like, Jen, then just sit in your home and wreak havoc on other people, all that kind of stuff. So it's, we don't want those, especially those ones we don't want, but the the compassionate ones,
Yeah, everyone pretty much has them. And once you start to get into in the intuitive work and getting healings, that's usually the like the first thing that at least that's the first thing I always do with people. I'm like, let me check for beans. Let me whatever. Just because that's the thing that a lot of times also makes us feel the most relief right away. Like that's an immediate relief type of thing.
This is fascinating. Absolutely. I'm just trying to get my head around what exactly is. We're not talking about guardian angels, are we? Is that something else? No, that's something else. So guardian angels are, are what I would call ascended masters. So they, they are able to help heal, like you you can call on them for help at any time. And they're like, even angels in general, like I work with the arch angels for a lot of my healings when I set container before I do a healing reading.
And um they're all ascended masters that you can call on for help. They're very, they're light beings. So you'll feel them like when they're helping you, but they're not attaching to you. They're kind of like hanging around you. Sometimes they can connect with you. Like I would say like sometimes I'll have my ascended masters or people on my team, like, you know, kind of just like pat me on the back or like, just let let me know. Like we got you. Like it's cool.
these beans it's it's hard to explain them especially because like I wish that there was a bunch of research out there where I could like help people give me words for it. So the best way to describe especially the heavier beans is I don't know if anyone listening or or yourself has ever read Sarah J. Mass's Throne of Glass um series In this book, there are these creatures that feed off of the darkness. They're from this dark realm. And they essentially suck the life out of you. They are very parasitic. Like they can take home in a host, like a a human host, and they essentially suck the joy, the life out of this person. And I would say that that's how it feels to me. Like how I envision those those creatures in that book is how those feel to me. They're very like, some of them are very cocky.
They're just like, no, this is I'm not going. they're very like They're very sticky. They want to they want to stay. um And to the point where I'm like, OK, you're not going up to turn. They don't want to turn to light. So instead of turning to light, I actually like send them up to like, I call it like heaven jail.
like it's It's upright and probably like sores, but there's like a jail and you can just lock them in there. And when they decide they can turn to light, they can turn to light and I banish them from this realm. So there's like a whole process there for getting rid of them. How I see them, like, cause I'm a seer. So I see a lot of stuff, but I also am a feeler. So like, think like I'll feel them. And so I see them as like kind of black blobs and like black tornadoes and things like that. But you'll know because they'll feel really like nasty.
Um, and, and they are not that the compassionate beings are not smart, but there's a certain level of intellect to those ones where I had, I did a healing this past year and I actually worked with two of my other witch friends. Both of those are also very, very powerful healers. Like we, the three of us are, yes, we're readers. We're very intuitive.
and stuff, but we are we are healers. We were able to do this this work and deal with really, really heavy beings. And so there was this individual who had so many and she had been living with them essentially on her body since she was young because of home environment. And it was starting to, so what happens when you have these really intense, bes these heavy beings for so long is it starts to erode your soul, which is your soul, like your essence. And what happens then is like you're losing parts of yourself. The being is becoming more and more intertwined with who you are, which is where what I have seen is that that is where we have more like aggressive behavior, we have more of a sociopathic symptoms into so into psychopathic symptoms. Like there's just like there's not a lot, there's not not emotion, there's no empathy, there's a difficulty connecting to others. It's very like when we did that healing, and when we were just talking about it, we shoot my friend came to me and she was like,
I want to do this healing for this person. like We were talking about what was going on because a lot of times when people are telling me even about like symptoms, I'm getting downloads about the situation. I always have to have permission, but like if there's permission there for me to understand what's happening.
I am receiving what's actually going on. So she was telling me about these symptoms, these behaviors, this person was like is exhibiting. And I was like, there are some really nasty beings. Like, I was like, like scary beings. I was like, that was that healing itself was probably the most intense extraction that I've done. And they were gross. Like, that's the best way that I can describe it. It's just like they were gross. But I could feel them even before I went into her energy, like they were kind of like aware that I clocked them from a distance to where I was like, okay, I got to lay her up. I got to reinforce my protections at home and like everything and where, because I was like, okay,
Yeah, those, those are, yeah, they're, they're very like complex. And I would say like, if you are worried about that level of, of being, being attached to you work with a healer, because that is not something that when I first started this work that I was equipped to handle. In fact, when I first started learning intuitive stuff, I was like, Oh, I'm going to be more of a reader than a healer. Like I was still very much in denial that I was like this really strong healer, but I didn't have the.
the skill set initially to deal with that level, that density. um It was over time and I did that certification and then I did two other medical intuitive certifications where I really learned how to do the like demon extraction essentially. I'm so into it and I feel like I probably had one most of my early life. I'd always be battling, you know, I'd get a little bit happy and I'd just go, whoa, and it'd be yeah constant. And I remember going to a tarot reader and she was saying, you're very up and down and, you know, you think you've fixed yourself and then it'll go.
and she said to me how many times is this going to happen you know like you've got to heal and you've got to make a decision to fix it and and she' good I can't really put into words but there's something that just keeps doing this to you loads of bad stuff happened to me I had a really turbulent young life okay in the early 20s and then I had children in the 30s and then the witchcraft came. yeah then you know And then I trained as a Reiki healer in 2020. Reiki has just affixed me, it really has, like doing Reiki this past year as you know professionally. I can pinpoint how I got rid of them.
yes Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, it's it's super crazy. Like, like I said, I see the most with people who struggle with depression, because depression, even of it itself, like has its own energetic meeting than what we think. But like, it will, it will pull you back into cycles. Like even for myself, um this past year,
i was so like I had a site somebody psychically attack me and they were beings trying to attach to me. They couldn't touch me, but they were kind of like chilling around me. And um I had my my friends, the same ones that I did the healing on the other person with, just like cleanse, clear, you know help me. Because even healers need healers. like I always tell people healers need healers too. And it was really, really intense. like I've never been one who has felt depressed. And even when I do,
kind of step into depression. I experienced the hyper symptoms. So like, well, what what we would consider more manic? I'm like, Oh, I don't need sleep. I can just go, go, go. Like I'm jam packing my schedule. I don't let myself rest that time around. I was like, I don't want to get out of bed. I was feeling very like self-loathing, very like what's the point? What am I whatever? And I was like, this is very abnormal for me. And I was and then my daughter who is very naturally intuitive. And I mean, I also encourage it. So so her gifts aren't like going away. They're just kind of building. She told me, she was like, Hey mom, she came over to my bed and she laid next to me like one morning and she was like, Hey mom, so like, how do you see different spirits? And I was like,
oh um well it depends sometimes they come to you in like different forms everyone's intuition is different you know i'm just like talking about it and she said okay well i have been seeing these different spirits trying to get into our house and i was like oh are they good she's like I don't think they're nice." And I was like, okay, well, tell me about them. And she told me she is like, one is the spirit of of fire and it burns you. And the other is the spirit of, what did she say? Earth or like rock and it crushes you. And then there was a third one.
and And I was like, oh, okay. And I was like, didn't want to raise alarm to her. I didn't want her to be afraid. I was like, did they get in the house? And she's like, no, they've been trying. but they're And now they're trying through the windows cause they couldn't get in through the door. So I was like, okay, thank you so much for telling me. If anything like that comes up again, please just tell mommy. Cause like mommy has protections up. Like mommy, like I do a very like keep our house really clear um because this is also where I do my work. And she's like, okay.
And she went along and I like texted my friend. I was like, I need backup. And they had been trying to actually come into the house through other people. um So like people that come in, but thankfully I have like a system in place for like anyone who comes into our home kind of passes through like an energetic waterfall that washes like all the shit off of them.
so they're not bringing it into our home, but that was like the the most recent experience. That was like this January january that that happened. Thankfully, like everything was cleared and and everything like that, but it was really intense and it it really taught me even a lot about, you know, I'm doing this work, I'm doing these healings, I'm seeing how it impacts other people, but to experience it gives me a whole different perspective. Yeah, it's very intense. i do honestly think i had one and i think because i've got a lot of help in spirit like my nan died she brought me up and she died when i was young and my mum was a spiritualist as well so we did have a lot of connections with like higher realms and stuff yeah but i think i never went too far in terms of depression and self-harm and suicidal thoughts and stuff like that because I think there was somebody there, you know, trying to bar these blooming beans off. Yes. Yeah, absolutely. and the And the thing I always tell people, because I know a lot of people will hear this and maybe be like afraid and like be super concerned, but this isn't something where like you have no control. um And that was, that's the biggest thing I think you learn to really protect yourself and this not to be a problem anymore when you are like grounded in like unavailable for this.
Um, so one of the things I started to do after that, I was like, I am not available. I am not a match to get hexed, to get, to get psychically attacked on any of these beings. And I connect with source every single day. I, I become an active channel every single day. I cleanse my energy every single day. And I just trust like, and I feel that I am not available for it so that it's not a thing that I i deal with. Um, and that's what also helps me to do this work. Like it's important to have that connection to source, to you know whatever you're calling it, but light beans that are gonna help you to cleanse that. There is a way, like I have have people who are around like lower vibrance or lower frequency people all the time because of work, because of different situations. You don't have to take that on. Like you can either have rituals, if rituals make you feel really good about it, or um you just really set that internal
belief system to like, I'm just not available for it. And that will that makes a huge difference. But I would say that it probably want to start with like rituals and things like that, because action helps us our bodies and our minds to believe the things that we're trying to say um that that we want. So but yeah, absolutely. Like you probably did have like a guardian angel um or like an ancestor, somebody who was watching your back and helping you with that. I know for myself, I was like, I know that my guides were working overtime during my like, yeah, college years. like like I absolutely ah keep us going didn't yes yeah drowned by these pluming ah think there's going to be a lot of listeners that hear this for the first time, me included and it just makes complete sense to me actually. They might be scared so have you got some basic things you can suggest we do to
Yeah, absolutely. So one of the the biggest things that you can do is that you want to become a light channel so to start off. So um to do that, it's it's quite simple. It only can ah takes a couple minutes because I am the queen of light.
it should only you only need a couple minutes to clear your energy to feel better um and so you what you're gonna do is you're gonna sit where you can stand whatever works i do both and you are going to using your breath to lead you when you breathe in you're gonna imagine like source light energy god universe above your head above your crown coming like almost like a light portal coming down into your crown chakra so through your head and then through the rest of your body at like all the way down to the toes going through your feet into the center of the earth into mother gaia and as you exhale you're going to pull mother gaia's light up through your body and connect it directly to source you're becoming an active bridge of love between source and mother gaia and it's going to clear your energy and your field as you're doing that and you just use your breath to lead you so that's a really simple one that you can do also
you want to cleanse your energy and just watch, you know, how if you are like, if you're doing rituals, if you're doing spellwork, what is the energy that you're coming from? or is Is there fear? Is there anger? Is there like resentfulness? or Is there even like a sense of like, panic of like, I need to do this because otherwise this is going to happen. That's going to change.
the entire energy and the effect of your spells, of your rituals. And you really want to set intention that you are doing this from love and light, that you're connected to source. Because sometimes when we do some of this magic work, and we're not careful, and we're doing it from ah a different place, and we have a lot of unprocessed emotional or unprocessed traumas and emotions, it can just open it can open certain portals that where beings can get in and then do a cleansing of your house.
um not just saging, but literally envision your house and you want to energetically grid it. So I vision, granted I'm a seer so I can see, but I will picture my house and then I energetically, like I'll call on my, ascendant I'll call on a lot of times Archangel Michael for the protection stuff.
you know, creating like different shapes. So like squares or um a bunch of triangles. And it's literally across every single like wall and sort like floor of my home and setting an intention with this. Intentions from the heart and using emotion is very important. But the emotion has to kind of be like trust and love, which is why we want to connect to source first, because it's easier to pull to allow ourselves to feel that when we connect there first, as opposed to trying to like find it, especially if we're not used to trusting.
Yeah, you guys can do that. And then when you're doing the gritting of the home, it's protecting anything from coming into your home, regardless of like, so we're like, we live in an apartment. So we have people above us and to the side of us, like, so it's important that we that I have it gritted because like, other people can sometimes bring shit into your like, even the building, but they're not going to be able to get into our home. And if you guys want, you can always set the intention that like your doorways are literally like waterfalls. And so when people come in, it just washes off any of the shit. So they're not bringing it into your home. But if you don't want to do that, or you feel like that's kind of maybe a little bit like above the skill level that or where you feel comfortable, you can always just do a cleansing afterwards. Like you can always just energetically kind of just like pull it out and send it up to source. And that's what you want to do. If you do find beans on yourself, you want to send them up to source.
or down to Mother Gaia like you want so that they can be turned into light. It is not your responsibility to figure out what to do with them. You don't have to hold them. You don't have to do anything like that. You want to just send them up and you can, again, use Ascended Masters as well to help you with that.
You see, i I do a lot of this yeah intuitively. When I do my reiki, I always, I mean, you brush off the dirt, don't you? And then yeah I intuitively just draw a line through the body, through all the chakras, you know, to like make them all level. yes And I pull it open and I put it into the the floor, like literally, I kind of like pull it through them and Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's awesome. yes Yeah. Yeah. That is so cool. Yeah. So you're already doing like a lot of this stuff and and that's going to be really helpful. The thing to remember is like with beans, initially there has to be some type of energetic match. So like if your
you know, doing that where you're staying aligned, you're calling on source light energy, it's not going to be a match. Like your body, your your energy, your mind is not going to be a match for them and they're not going to be able to attach. you They might be around you, but they're not going to actually be able to attach to your energy, which is, we would prefer that. We want that as opposed to them attaching, even if it they're around and like say they're in your home or whatever, that's still going to be a big difference than them attaching to you.
I like the waterfall idea. I'm gonna pinch that. Oh yeah, absolutely. I've got selenite above all my dolls. Oh my gosh, okay, okay. Zaka totally includes in that, like pouring. I love it. Yes, I love it. Where do they come from, these beans? Are they from like different planes or? Yeah, I would say I call them realms, like different realms. They're not from like, yeah. So like, and now granted, I haven't gone and explored like a ton of the realms. So realms to me are different. I guess you could think of those different, like, yes, different planes of existence, but maybe even like different universes type of thing. So these beings are from the dark realm, as I call it, and I haven't explored the dark realm.
This is just like information that has been given to me to like understand it. And so the dark realm is very different than ours. So the reason that they kind of come and attach themselves is because like they can feed off of us and and they and they like it and it's like fun and whatever for them. It's not that they're parasitic in their own realm, but they're parasitic in this realm and in ours and so on on the earth plane and stuff like that and just like with ah our our world and our universe exists with polarity so with if there is light there is also dark um so that's part of it it's just like they can come from that um sometimes some of the beings are like
I don't even know how to describe it, but like almost like shadow selves of of people who were not very kind. So you we're just dark in general. So like part of it is, yes, they're from a dark realm. The other part of it is that we have this polarity. So we will have really light beings on this earth, like human beings that are just like, you feel you like you connect with them and you're just like, wow, like they are light. They're so connected to light. And you will have human beings on this earth that are No, it's like, please, like, you know, so you will have those. And I would say that sometimes for that, it's just this level of like, some souls are more kind of are contracted to connect with and work in the dark and and just be more dark beans. Soul contracts are a whole nother like, whole nother thing.
ah Yeah. yeah but yeah so Sometimes it's it's that they're contracted and because their soul felt like it needed to explore explore that or experience that and learn from it in this lifetime. um we We don't love it as the other humans that have to like work or interact, but it it can that can happen. and I haven't seen like a ton of people client-wise who have that contracted. I just know it from like when I'm sitting and like learning from my guides and stuff.
um But there are people who have a lot of contracted like mental illnesses, if that makes sense. um There are certain mental illnesses that are contracted in your soul contract. So healing them, it looks a lot different than just like, okay, you're coming to get a reading or healing and we're also going to do like an intuitive anintuitive therapy session. It's a lot more work on my end, not on their end. So like schizophrenia is a condition that is usually very contracted as an

The Energetic Perspective on ADHD and Intuition in Therapy

I think capitalism as well, Western society, capitalism will make it really easy for them because we focus on the wrong things, don't we? Absolutely. Well, I you know i i tell people all the time, like there's there's always this stigma around mental mental health and mental illness and where people feel stuck and they feel unfixable or like, this is just going to be their life. And I'm like, no, we just we haven't been taught how to look at it differently. So like depression, yes, there can be a lot of beans and stuff, but it's also Depression comes up when our ego, our human ego self, our mind sees a part of our energy or a part of our soul essence as a threat to our physical survival. And so there's this internal battle. The reason that a lot of, usually we see a lot of beings is like your mind is registering that there is something within your energy that is not yours, that is a threat to your physical survival. And so it's like battling all the time. or it's the the side effects of just like what the beings are doing. Anxiety is just a protective mechanism to protect different parts of your soul. So like it's not you know what we think it is. And then ADHD, I talk about this all the time, most ADHD symptoms and like and things like that are actually anxiety just disguised, but ADHD on an energetic level, if you actually have it, it's actually just a malfunctioning superpower. So essentially these individuals are born or have like in their history
or their lineage, either celestial or um like bloodline. where there long ago when earth or whatever was different and the superpower was able to be a physical thing, essentially it was that they can bring in manifestations very quickly. So like almost like they can think it and it can almost like materialize or it can be created very quickly. So their energy is used to moving very, very fast. And so like thinking something, okay, done, like, okay, done. But because earth is no longer at that vibration, it's now malfunctioning. So
their energy is still going fast. It's still shooting and firing really, really fast, trying like trying to use that that gift, but their physical body cannot, and the earth cannot keep up or hold it. And so then what it looks like is like, oh, I just can't focus. Oh, I just can't like sit still. Oh, I can't like do X, Y, and Z. um But it's actually, it's a gift. And so it just means that there are specific ways that you can work and navigate the world and start to develop the gift in a way that it's no longer gonna inhibit your day to day life. But yeah, so and then schizophrenia, most of the cases that I've seen is also another malfunctioning superpower, um for the most part, at where essentially, like these individuals, this gift or not even these individuals, but the gift in it of itself used to be where people can are portal jumpers, they can go to different realms, they can jump from
but Earth to somewhere else, Earth to a higher realm, physically and and energetically. and But because Earth cannot hold, it doesn't have the vibration to hold that kind of those kinds of gifts anymore, what ends up happening is their energy jumps, but they're still here.
And so and they're so so then they're kind of like stuck like their energies up here, but their bodies down here. And so like we're seeing them essentially experience like a different realm or be very confused and be like stuck between two worlds. And it's very, it's very, very intense. It's very, very um scary and exhausting. So that's just like a short little synopsis of some of the things like we're not seeing. We don't see it that way, but though that's actually what is going on energetically.
Yeah, most of my friends have ADHD. I'm all around these parts, around my life, i've just and I love it, you know what I mean? I'm obviously drawn to people like that. That's super cool. No, I love it. ADHD is one of those, I know people like are like really frustrated about it, and they're like, oh But I'm like, no, that's super cool, because either it's actually anxiety, which is like, usually anxiety is one of the easier conditions to work like I've worked with it a lot, like um a lot. That's where I started. And so with ah integrated intuitive work, so like, to me, it feels very easy to clear people of anxiety. um So ADHD is either
just misdiagnosed anxiety. Or if you have the superpower, like once you know, and once we like find it out, which i'll I will be able to get like in a reading, like I'll be able to see there's certain, I guess, like energetic codings, that i how I see it. Then I'm like, okay, so then this is the protocol that we're going to be working with. And it's like like a muscle. So like when you go to the chiropractor or to a physical therapist after an injury or you realize that like, oh, as a baby, you had like a pigeon toe or like you walked funny. You'll go to the doctor and they'll give you exercises and things to help you train the muscle in a certain way to help correct it. And that's kind of like what we're doing energetically with that. My mind is just
fiddling and going, oh, I like this. And when you email me and you say what you want to talk about, I was just blown away like, oh my God, yes. it's hundred I do have that thing you mentioned, you know, where you're drawn to people. yeah Sometimes I see only women I get it with, but they'll be like, shiny. I always say, oh, she's shiny. Like I want to know her.
That could also be your own intuition kind of like showing you like, okay, these, these people are aligned or these, this, this is kind of, but it also, it could be that you see people that are truly like just more of light, if that makes sense. So like there are some people where I'm like, Oh, like like you feel great. Love, love this. Like, and so yeah, it's, it's always my, my best friend is like, that was like that when we first met where I was just like, actually both of my best friends from college or where I was just like, they feel like home. They feel safe. When I was younger, that wasn't a feeling I i frequently saw with people. So.
And also the opposite way as well, I know who to avoid. Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. I will sometimes be talking to set people and now because my intuition is actually developed and I've trained and I do this all the time, I can tell immediately if people have beans on them, what kind of beans they are. So like my my one of my best friends, she was on the dating she's on like the dating apps and like we always like send different things back and forth like laughing and joking and whatever.
not And she's sending these pictures of like these guys, these potential whatever. And I was like, no, they're dead behind the eyes. And she's like, what do you mean? And I was like, they have a bunch of beans on them. You can't even casually hook up with them. No, I was like, so we can handle lighter beans. But I was like, if they have those dense ones, I was like, absolutely not. I'd done a healing on her literally like month or whatever ago and one of the things that she like she was she like she couldn't sleep she was having all these like issues she's feeling very up and down and i was like well you have a bunch of beans on you from the last person that you had sex with they had a lot of beans on them and these beans feed off of x y and z they caused the you know abc and she was like it's like energetic stds and i was like yeah kind of
ah I was like, yeah, a little bit. So she'll send me a picture. She's like, is this guy dead behind the eyes? And not like it I'll say like yes or no. But like I'm able to see that even from a picture. you know One of the things that had come up for me, my my partner passed a suicide in 2019. twenty nineteen and i like sometimes I think back, I was like, I wonder if I had known what I know now, if I would have been able to like help in any way.
So like, I'm always like, now I can see it. Like I'm like, I can tell just by like seeing someone looking at them, and that doesn't mean that I can't know you or that you can't be in someone's life. But I'm just like, I wish that I could just tell you to like work with me, like, come get a healing because then you will feel so much better and then interacting won't be so.
What's quite scary to me is that people can go through the whole life with them on on them, never kind of figure it out. Yeah, yeah absolutely. yeah i I'd like to believe that um different things in life naturally help us to clear them. There are natural ways. like I know um one of my friends recently was like, well, what do we do? like you know like She was talking about this particular partner that she had been um intimate with and she felt, do I tell him all this stuff? And I was like, if people aren't not in this world, but if they're not open to hearing it, it's not going to make a difference. They're not, that's not going to make them change how they show up or anything like that. And I was like, but I do believe that there are things naturally in life that are true like your universe. God source is always trying to get you on the most aligned path and the happiest and healthiest life. And if you want that for yourself, there are other ways to go about that it can be cleared. So like maybe even you know for those that are not in this world, going to therapy is one of the ways to clear it because maybe it's a matter of talking about those feelings so they don't live in the darkness to be fed off of. Or maybe it's a matter of like for some people it is like taking medication. So medication, I know a lot of people, there's a big
portion of the spiritual community is like, no medication. I am a therapist, I am a social worker first, and like as well as an intuitive, and so I can see both. And I very much see myself as a bridge between worlds all the time and in many areas of my life. What medication does is medication raises your frequency, raises your vibration, so that you can receive the like the benefits of therapy. So it raises it to a point where like your symptoms aren't so low. they're not so um They're not so heavy. And so when that happens, when your frequency is raised, a lot of times that makes your body, your energy, an uncomfortable place for the beings to exist. And so if then if you're also doing work to maintain your frequency being raised, you're doing all these things to take care of yourself, the body, you can starve out as a parasite.
like even like a like a physical one you can they'll talk about like you can starve you can starve it out there's certain things you can eat or whatever to help clear it from your body it's the same way energetically um from what i've seen but it it can be hard to do that on your own so that yeah i do believe that there are ways that they can naturally kind of be like flushed out it just takes a lot longer even with traditional talk therapy i don't hate on it at all it works for for some people but For a lot of people, because it's only on that cognitive level of of mental health healing, it just takes a really long time. So that's where you'll have people who are like, yeah, I was in youth therapy for five years before I actually felt better about X, Y, and Z. Or I was in therapy for two years before like my symptoms really started to subside and I noticed an improvement. It just means that it's going to be a lot slower progress than if you went at it from an energetic perspective.
Really a refreshing to hear that take from someone spiritual about medication. I am the same. I absolutely believe the two can exist together and work together and consummate each other.
Yes. I tell people, I was like, you need both. Science is just another form of magic. It's just a very socially accepted form of magic, if you will. Like I was like, you can't convince me otherwise. And so they naturally go together. um And I do believe that that is where the world is heading of like, we need to be creating more bridges because they're already there. We just need to actually like let them be. So like for myself, I'm like, I know that the mental health industry is heading to integrate more intuition And because it should, it naturally goes together like the way that I have been given like this information and how I'm understanding

Integrating Energy Healing with Traditional Therapy

it. I was like, everyone needs to know this. Everyone deserves this information and more therapists should be intuitively trained. Therapists in general, most of the time are intuitive.
But like they should be intuitively trained because it makes that much more of a difference for their clients. Like being able to do energy healings or being able to tap into your client's energy to understand what's actually going on instead of letting their ego lead the session. And then you're not making a lot of progress. Uh, that is one of the most helpful things for me is like, I'll tap into my client's energy a couple minutes before the session. And I'm like, Oh, this is the emotion that's really coming up under the surface. Cause a lot of times people will be like, I don't know what to talk about. I'm like, okay, well, well grief was coming up in your,
your sacral chakra today, which is, you know, their sacral chakra is this, this, this. So tell me what immediately comes to mind when I tell you. And then, and then it's like, Oh, well, and then there's going off into something and we're verbally processing that. And then we end with a healing to clear the energy.
and then talk about integration steps for the next week. Because every single healing, and I will say this is another important thing to remember, is like every single energetic healing needs a physical integration step to help the body to solidify it and to help the mind process it. Otherwise, what can happen is like that's where we feel ascension symptoms. That's where it can kind of be like our energies up here, but our body and our mind are like slowly like trying to like climb to reach the same thing. So we have to have those physical integration steps as well.
I can't help but think about it from a personal aspect because kind of that's all I've got really. I've never thought of it in this way before. yeah that's okay yeah And it's you know when people keep stuffing and bottle stuff up and reel in it and ruminate and I feel like that would be feeding the being. You're helping them by saying it out and speaking it.
Yes, absolutely. Yeah, it takes it it takes it out of the dark, you know, and there's lots of root issues of what it could be like there, it could be, you know, people, we talked about cords for a little bit in the beginning, but everyone thinks cords are just to other people, cords can be to past events can to be to places, you could even be courted to a trauma that your mom experienced the cord, the cord that you have to your mom is also connected to those things. So there's just lots of things that can be happening.
even as far back as the witch wound, I think. Yeah. Oh, absolutely. Oh my gosh. Yeah. That was one of my biggest healings that I received. It was a past life where I, I mean, I'd had a couple of past lives where I was burned it burned for being a witch um or I was killed for being a witch.
that was a really significant one for me where especially with like showing up and and doing this work and even sometimes now like the remnants of it like it's cleared energetically but my my body still remembers and like I come from a line of women who all had witch wounds, who all had past lives, and where even like my bloodline lineage kind of roots back to witchiness. And so there's that internal fear in my physical cells that I work through with like breath work and things like that. But um where it still comes up where I'm like, Oh man, are people going to think I'm like crazy? Are people like i well like
I said, okay, that I'm like a witch, like my like my dad, who I grew up Catholic, my dad is still, well, I don't um i don't think he's Catholic anymore, I think he switched nominations, but like, he's very like a traditional black man, very like he's conservative, he's like, this is what you do when you follow the teachings of the Bible. If anything, I consider myself like a Christian witch, because I believe in like God, and I believe in Jesus is one of the ascended masters that helps me the most, but he definitely, he's like,
He thinks I'm a witch, but not in a good way. We're like, I'm like, I like being a witch. Actually it thrills me. Like I love it. But my dad is definitely like, he's starting to get on board or at least he's just like, you know what? Annamarie is going to do what she's going to do. And I'm just going to, you know, whatever. um But yeah, it's definitely something that still sometimes comes up, especially when I'm talking about the beings because I think, you know, although there's been this really big uptick in people getting into spirituality and intuition, it's an emphasis on the light work and nobody's talking about the dark stuff. I mean, I was the same way where I was like, I don't even want to touch the dark stuff because of what I was taught within Christianity. And it's such a disservice to everyone because we all have levels of darkness or we're like, we can be around darkness and things like that. And if we don't
acknowledge it, then it just gives it more power and it gives and and it and to continue existing. So then talking about some of this stuff, I'm like, oh my gosh, people are going to be so uncomfortable because nobody wants to acknowledge it. But it's ah it's a real thing. And so I'm starting to talk about it more and more, but I know definitely sometimes it's almost like i have to like people people have to like dip their toes in.
um So even when I'm like doing a healing on somebody, I like always ask their guides and their healing team, like look into their energy. Do they have the cognitive ability to process what I'm about to tell them in regards to like a being? I cleared this really big being from um a woman who, in her sacral, it basically had eroded the energetic coding.
of her like womb space, which had caused like some fertility stuff, but it also caused a lot of issues with like her ability to create, her ability to like experience pleasure, and which you know that does impact your happiness. so that But there was a huge being that just fed off of it, and so um that was one of the things where I was like, I don't know how she's gonna feel about it, but then I just started telling her, and she was like, oh my gosh, that makes so much sense because of X, Y, and Z. Not to go on a whole second side tangent,
I just love talking to passionate people about their chosen topic. But like you said earlier on, some people will choose to not want to know or not get it all think it's a load of mumbo-jumbo. And I think it's not my job to convince them. if yeah If it's for them, it'll be easy. You come into my inbox, must have been a really big w risk, but I would just like, mate, sign me up. That is totally what I'm here for. And there and there will be people, and you can't rescue everybody, can you? You just can't. Nobody can rescue everybody. So you have to, again, the word trust, you have to trust yeah the people who need it are are going to be the people that are open to it.
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. and they'll And they'll find you. You know, I, to me, I view it as like, I'm going to put my information out there. I'm going to talk about what I know from a heart space of truly like, I truly do love what I do. I was telling my best friend yesterday, I was like, I would do what I do for free if I had, if I was like financially taken care of, I was like, I would do this for free. And like, I truly do love it. And I've seen the impact that it has. And I love being of service. Like that is just something I've been like that my whole life.
Yeah, so I just I trust people are going to find me. And even if it's like indirectly, like I'll have some people who will come and be like, you know, my my husband and I don't believe in going to other into other people's energies without their permission. But there are some like, if you have a partner and you're like, hey, can I want a healing for like our family or whatever, that's kind of a little bit of more of the exception of the of the to the rule. But yeah, so like, i I love what I do. And and I know not everyone will will see it and or or want to experience it but I'm always if I could just like some people on the street I'm just like please let me let me clear you it's like it's it can be so I and I also have to layer up a lot because I can get like people when people start to talk to me about like their feelings or not even their feelings, but just like I'm experiencing X, Y, and Z. Immediately I'm like, oh, it's this, this, and this. And this is what you have to do. It's immediate to the point where I'm like, they did not ask me for this. So we're not going to share this. Like we're going to chill. Like don't worry about it. Um, with my friends, it's a little different kind of have that open dialogue. But so my one friend was just like,
last week she was like I'm feeling you know this way I've been like crying for like two days and da da da and I was like okay I feel really called like we're gonna do a healing and so I let her into healing and like she's like dude I would have been so depressed if yeah and we'll just talk back and forth so it's nice to have that I have that um that group too though Yeah, it's so intense. like Just the different things. like For me, like I can see different memories that people store. So if somebody's coming to me and they're like, I struggle with depression, help. I always start with, um before like we start working together and with in like with intuitive therapy sessions, I always start with ah like a clarity session. um So I'll separate the energy of the problem from the person. But with that,
Essentially, I'm shown like different memories and different like experiences that actually are at the root issue. And like sometimes some of it is is really intense. And that's also what helps me to see a visual of like what's going on. like Where are the beans if there are beans? Or where are the cords if there are cords? And like all that kind of stuff.
I mean, this topic is just so like, there's just so much there's so much. Yeah, like, i you know, like, I'm even like, Oh, I could go into like, this, I could talk about, you know, the just these different root issues that sometimes I find, like, you know, yes, it's it's beans, but it's, ah it can also be course or it can be, um there are some of us who have ancestors who have did not do what they not what they needed to do, but they didn't learn the lessons or experience life the way that they intended to, their souls intended to before they passed. And so but sometimes they'll choose somebody in the lineage to work through it for them. And like almost like they're living, like think of like what people say of like, you live vicariously through your children. Sometimes there are ancestors
who do that because they're still kind of like stuck on like, Oh, I didn't learn this lesson or Oh, this, this, this. And so like, there's a specific healing that you do to release that so that that's not a thing. So you're not dealing with actually their shit. You're you only have your own stuff. um But yeah, there's just so much under the surface that like,
it makes a huge difference. You know, I would see things, like we were taught a very specific way of doing stuff and I was like, okay, but why? they would I would get information and be like, but why? Tell me like why? go And I would go deeper and deeper and deeper um until I really felt like I hit like a bottom like get to the information, so to speak. And that's how I learned all of the information and like even how my intuition's intuitive skills developed even further.
And do you get them moments where you you go, I can't believe I can do this. Oh my gosh. let's All All the time. All the time. I was doing a healing on somebody last year and I saw this memory of like like a young woman Being like taken and and trapped in this like room this apartment and she was screaming on the door to be let out and I was like Maybe this is just an analogy and I brought it up I was like because I one of the things I have an agreement with my guides and with like source that like if I'm shown something I will speak on it unless you specifically tell me otherwise I do always check in is this something they need to know or can I just heal this and move forward? and like give them kind of like a very, very vague synopsis because sometimes some of the information as as an ethical intuitive, there are some things that the human mind doesn't need to know. Sometimes you'll you're gonna come across traumas and they don't need to know it. You can heal it and you can help them work through it without them needing to relive it or know any of the details.
I think part of it is because I'm a therapist. So I have that background to inform trauma care and stuff. But I felt called to like tell her about the memory or about the the thing that I saw. And she was like, no, that that actually happened. She was like, that's the thing that happened. And I was like, oh, OK. And she was like, I just didn't think it had an impact on me because like she's like, I escaped through the window, which I saw. like ah And she was like, I escaped. I wasn't harmed. So like I thought it was fine. I was like, OK, well, that is actually what's coming up. And that's what's keeping you from being unable to like enjoy this time with your family or enjoy this whatever and feel very anxious. And she's like, Oh my gosh. Like when I found that I was like, Oh my God, I can't believe that that this is really like a thing that I'm doing. And like every single time a client gives me feedback and it's like, Oh my God, this was amazing. I'm blown away. What a gift. Like every, every therapist should be trained in this. I'm like, wow. I'm like, I have to like sit and like let myself receive it. Cause I feel so easy for me that I'm like, oh well kind of like gaslight myself a little bit of like, I do that. Yeah.
Am I just making this shit up? Am I just thinking? yeah Honestly, like all the time. But so I had to really ground myself and and be like, you know what, I receive, I'm so thankful for my gifts because I truly love serving the world in this way. So yeah, I really ground myself whenever that comes up because sometimes I'm like, whoa, that's intense. And we should really just just accept it and trust again. but like if This work matters. Yeah, absolutely. Can you do this online?
Oh, I do everything remote. I don't think I've actually ever done one in person, to be honest, because I learned during COVID. So everything I do is remote. So kind of how it goes is like a client will come to me, they'll fill out a little form, they'll say, this is what I'm struggling with.

Remote Healing and Audience Engagement

um I meditate about 30 to 40 minutes before, or like if it's just a healing, then I'm doing like the healing. And then like I either send them a voice note of what I found and what I did and integration steps, or a meeting with them on a call, like a video call.
And I'm, I'm sharing the information and then like the steps so like here's the action plan here's the treatment plan we're going to follow that is going to actually treat the soul and help the soul and not just focus on the symptoms. So yeah I do everything remote I do everything from my home and um I have clients from like all over the world I've got some like client in France, I have a client in Canada, Australia, also in the United States, but like all over. I also have some in the UK as well. I've got to say, do you have some in the UK? Yes, I do have some in the UK. Listen to your question, what about some of those? So do you want to give yourself a plug then, how can we get in touch with you?
yeah Yeah, you can find me on Instagram. My Instagram handle is at AnnamarieFGreen. And you can DM me if you have questions on how to work with me, but you can also follow the links. um There's a a link to schedule an appointment, a mental health clarity session is what I always recommend starting with, um because I'm doing a reading and a healing at the same time. So you will end up feeling so much lighter, so much better. And then it also gives us an idea if you wanted to move into and work with me in intuitive therapy. You know, it gives us a treatment plan to follow that's actually going to work. We're not just like guessing as to what's going to work for you, or it can just give you the information you need to integrate and to move ahead easier. You know what I mean? It's not going to take years for you to process a trauma or anything like that. So um you could do that. Or if you are a healer or a therapist or coach, I am actually in June going to be launching
um in the next cohort for the intuitive mental health, which is where I teach you how to do what I do um as a healer, as a therapist, as an intuitive. um So you can those are the three ways you can work with me. And if you ever if you guys ever have any questions or you're like, I'm struggling with this, do you have any recommendations? You can always DM me. i I love doing that. I want to be of service first. I just want to ask, you can't see anything on me, can you?
No, there's nothing on it. Don't worry. Don't worry. Just to tell like, oh, we're like a little little devil on my shoulder or something. Yeah, no, no, no. You're fine. You're fine. Nothing, nothing, nothing. I'm not concerned at all. That was absolutely amazing. God, I'm so glad. Oh, my gosh. Thank you so much for having me and, and you know, just making space for me to talk about this.
You have been listening to the Bellwetch podcast. Created with Love and Magic by me, Swales, the friendly green witch. I love to hear from you and I absolutely love, love, love, love to celebrate you. If you have a podcast or a business, a witchy business, a pagan related topic you love to talk about, you can reach me on the bell witch podcast at Yahoo!
dot com Send me a trailer and I will absolutely play it, because there is magic in sharing audiences amongst podcasts. Music by Jeff Harvey of Pixabay. The official Bell Witch photographer is the lovely Beverly Thornton. Thank you so much for choosing the Bell Witch podcast to fill your ears. Stay magical witches!
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