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The Power of Reiki and Crystals: An Holistic Approach to Grief and Healing image

The Power of Reiki and Crystals: An Holistic Approach to Grief and Healing

S1 E40 · The Bell Witch Podcast
379 Plays5 months ago

 This Episode is dedicated to Emma Nicholson-Cable, a beautiful soul we lost in Feb 2024.

Welcome to The Bell Witch Podcast. Witching in the 21st Century.


This Moot Loot episode is a wholesome interview tackling the subject of grief, loss, adaptation and transformation. Host Swailes aka Friendly Green Witch, welcomes Angela Booth, owner and therapist of The Crystal Booth in Horsforth, Leeds. Angela shares her profound journey of healing after her mother's death in 2010, which led her to explore Reiki and hypnotherapy, alternative medications and crystal healing. She discusses the transformative power of these practices and emphasizes the importance of community and alternative healing methods. The episode highlights Angela's resilience, the significance of embracing grief, and the healing potential of holistic practices.

Big thank you to my guest Angela, who you can connect with via - The Crystal Booth (@thecrystalbooth_22) • Instagram photos and videos

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Produced with love and magic by Swailes the Friendly Green Witch friendlygreenwitch | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

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Official Photos by Beverley Thornton Beverley Thornton (@beverleythornton) • Instagram photos and videos

#WITCHCRAFT #WELLBEING #MAGIC #PAGANISM #MOOTLOOT #WICCA #INTERVIEW #psychotherapy #holistic #healing #wellness #reiki #crystalhealing


Tribute and Introduction

This episode is dedicated to Emma Nicholson Cable, who we sadly said goodbye to at the beginning of the year 2024.
Hello hello witches and beautiful souls. Welcome to the Bell Witch podcast with me your host, Wails the Friendly Green Witch. This is episode 40 and I'm on a roll because it's spooky season, October has begun, I'm gonna do one a week in October.

Friendship and Shared Loss

Just to lighten it up a little bit and get through my backlog of Mootloots, which I am currently snowed under because I batch record. Some of these have been waiting in the wings since May time, which is probably just a little bit too long. But never mind, it's all good fun and games. This episode is a truly wholesome episode. and An absolute joy to work on because I'd done it so long ago, I'd forgotten what we'd talked about.
My good friend Angela Booth of the Crystal Booth which is a crystal shop I help out at every Tuesday offering Reiki services and selling a few of my authentic tarot and oracle decks and witchy supplies and a little bit of custom magic as well because you know I'm mad for it. I met Angela in June 2023 And I remember it being a bit of a rubbish month. June's always a bit dodgy for me because of my mum. It was a birthday and I lost her in the same month. And so I was feeling quite sad. And the new crystal shop had opened and up the road perhaps a year prior to this.

Angela's Healing Journey

And I just hadn't got round to getting there. And so I made an effort to go into the crystal shop because they were doing a little hour meditation just for the fiver just you know to get people there. And when I walked in it were just a few people sat on the floor with candles.
Angela being one of them and her good friend Emma was there too so I did meet her just the once and I was just blown away by how open and loving Angela was, how authentic she was, how unguarded and natural and like I could really feel that she cared about my suffering and because we both have a very similar story regarding our mothers and how they died and how the NHS let them down we bonded really quickly over a few times me just popping in the shop and sitting with her because it was near where I live I used to just walk up there and help her out and then everything else has just kind of grown around it because she sells my decks
I help her out with admin and opportunities come to us both because we help each other out and I'm just so thankful for her and I think her story is one that is quite heartbreaking but also prime example of how things can get really bad and as human beings we suffer but our suffering isn't in vain we suffer and we ultimately Survive it if we are strong enough and sometimes you do question whether you're strong enough but then you learn and you transform and you adapt and you evolve. It is hard to believe it at the time but you do actually. improve and benefit because of the suffering. We grow if we're open to it. It does suck. It's good not to look back on your life and disapprove or regret anything because who you are now. I know it's a cliche but who you are now and what you're achieving is partly because of your experiences and your history. It's taken me a long time to get to a place where I don't look back and be annoyed at my life and what's happened to me but this episode truly is a powerful episode of how how sad Angela was when she lost her dear mum but how it's created this process of turmoil that turned into transformation and ultimately got her on where she is now back in May
Our china probed her a little bit for news of the crystal booth moving but she were reluctant to tell me on the actual Mootloo interview. But I can openly say now the move did happen and the shop has got new premises at Halo Healing House in Horsforth.
and what's really beautiful about that is it's Emma's beauty academy that she left to her family and they now rent it to Angela. So there's a gorgeous full circle of healing and people coming together and it is

Challenges in Establishing Crystal Booth

a beautiful space. I highly recommend you go up there and see if you're in Leeds. It's also where I hold my friendly coven every month and an amazing selection of events that are coming up that Angela has been dreaming up over the summer. So do follow her on Instagram, Facebook and all that jazz and you can keep up with all the events and stuff. It's so lovely to see the crystal booth thriving. Honestly, she's such a good soul and she's a crier. We knew that Angela would cry because she's such an open book. I love her for it. So enjoy the episode and I will see you next week.
All right, we are recording. Now, this is the second attempt at recording with Angela from the Crystal Booth. The first one being good, but then she kept going, oh, I forgot this. Oh, I forgot that. We were like, yeah, we'll do it again. So here we are. So how are you, Angela? I am feeling good today. and The blue sky was beautiful when I first woke up this morning. I mean, obviously the rain's come again.
I was jogging this morning in the hailstone. Oh my God. I got like hail in my face. so But I did me five so I'm okay. Amazing. Well done. So what are you going to talk to us about today? I just want to come on really and talk about my healing journey for the last 13 years to explain like where I've come from, where I am now and what I am extremely excited for in the near future and how you know my yeah my dream of opening a ah crystal shop came much sooner than I thought and I'm just going with it and I'm just loving it every single day.
Never thought I'd see myself in this position. Manifested it. It is, yeah. And it's, even though, like, so many people told me about, like, your first year of business, so it's such a struggling work of any money. And I thought, yeah, I'll be fine. And it really is that. But my pure determination to keep going, even when I'm just thinking, how the hell am I even going to get through each week? Going to the shop and doing what I love. All I keep thinking is, you know, it's, I'm doing what I love.
it's going to happen and it's going to come so there's so much more. I'm so excited! excited yeah so and I think when we recorded this last time I think my head was in a bit of a different space, wasn't it? I had quite a lot going on at the beginning of the year so taking that time and I've taken that time out in these last few months and so it's really glad to be talking about it again today.
Yeah, your whole vibe's different. Your whole aura is brighter and yeah, I know it's fabulous. All right, so start the beginning and let's go. Yeah, cool. So thanks again for having me on the here Emma. So I just thought that my story might be able to not encourage other people but We're all going to go through loss at some times in our life. So for me to do it all them years ago when I lost my mum, you know, that wasn't in my plan. I thought she'd be with me till till they get old kind of thing, because that's what you do, don't you? You never expect to lose them so quickly. So.
I believe my spiritual healing journey, sort of changing direction and path really started when I did lose my mum. It was a massive, obviously shock to us all. Denise, God bless her. She was only 52 when she died. So that is only seven years away from me. And I am determined that I'm not going to, I've i've got a good few, you know, ah long, long years ahead of me yet. But unfortunately for my mum, it wasn't meant to be. When did she die? 2010.
It was a shock, cancer, cancer battle, sorry. For those that follow my Facebook, you probably know my story of and how she was, the diagnosis didn't come in time. and She got fobbed off for a couple of years. So it was very frustrating that when it was finally time to for it for her to die, she only had like six months really. And she went well enough to like enjoy her life or It was just sad. It was just extremely sad. And the biggest thing that's ever happened to me, I would say. So taking that on board, you just kind of do what you do to numb the pain, to block it out, to get through each day. You know, everybody deals with grief in different ways. And I do always explain this to my customers when they come in about depression and grief. There's like a fine line between it. So when you are grieving, that's not depression, that's an emotion. It's a separate emotion.
So you're not depressed, you're just grieving, even though that's what it feels like. So a lot of people turn to, you know, medication to get them through and then they end up on it for years.

Healing Practices and Lifestyle Changes

Not everybody, but, you know, I, my self-medication was drink and, you know, the rest of it, myself medicated just to block it, just to block it out. It was my way of coping with it.
I think some people throw themselves into work, some people do whatever, you know, whatever it is they need to do to get through the grief. Yeah, that was, that was my way for a couple of years until I was introduced to Rekha healing. I'd never heard of Rekha, didn't have a clue what it was. thought It sounds shit. Like, what is it? Not even, like, what even is it? Because I was just not even looking of different ways of dealing with it. I was just doing it my way sort of thing. Anyway, when I went for this session, and my auntie paid for my session and it was just the most... Anybody who's had Reiki will understand. You can't really explain it. You know what I mean, don't you, Emma? I do, I do. It's one of those... It's like, you're just like...
what like wow what just happened you know and it's because it's not a physical thing and it's more of a feeling or a i don't know it just kind of i would just like wow what with that i need to know more i need to know more and i just got really focused on reading about it finding out what it was reading about energies reading about chakras i would just it would consume in me but it was making me feel good because i was learning of better ways to deal with it and i felt When I'd had that reiki session, not like my whole life changed, but I do believe that from that moment on, it was a different direction that I was taking. Obviously it's taken a long time to get where I am now from that moment, but I do believe it's helped me deal with loads of stuff really, and obviously put me on a path of wanting to be become a healer. And I wanted to make people feel like I felt that day after being in such a really dark place.
Yeah, it was pivotal. It was a pivotal moment in your life. Definitely. I just knew that. Sorry. It's all It's all right. Don't worry. Mum didn't find out this way. It kind of opened up. You knew we'd get some tears, obviously, for me. I'm glad. That's who you are, my lovely Angela. You're just so full of water. Right. Yeah, so it was kind of like, for me,
I needed people to know about this. I was like, oh my God, I need to tell everybody about this. I feel amazing. I felt, I felt closer to my mum. I started like feeling, like feeling her, smelling her, all these signs that you get that you don't really trust. It was more like a knowing that she was around me. So I started reading books and I started just just exploring and digging deep. And then I knew that I wanted to know more about it. So I'd gone to meditation, like fell asleep on every session, like woke up like i snoring. Sorry, we're a snoring kind of thing, you know. and And I didn't know if I were doing it right, but I just knew that I wanted to try this sort of
stuff it wasn't right popular with the rest of my friends so I was just doing it alone and along the way you meet loads of nice people don't you so I was still dipping in and out of like partying and living my life and you know single mum whatever else I were doing at that time and then I decided that I wanted to do my Reiki training and I thought one day I want to be a Reiki master and it took me so probably seven years a period of seven years to get from my level one to my level three masters you know while working full time and doing the whatever else you just work around your life don't you but you quite full on but it was a new way of life for me as well so I think like old people in my life and old activities and places and stuff like that they were just like
dwindling away. So yeah, one day, you know, I thought about doing the raking all along the way, being sort of wanting to do it on all my friends and like, you need to try this. And I decided to do a hypnosis course. This was a nine month intensive course to become a qualified hypnotherapist. I remember seeing someone come on Facebook and like, Oh my God, it's a sign. and That's what I need to do. You know, like I love learning new things. And I would just like, that sounds like That's where I'm going to go. And it was really intense. And again, I met some amazing people on that. I felt like at that time when I did the hypnosis course, it was like a therapy for me. So I learned some really interesting things, became a qualified hypnotherapist, and also felt like I were getting therapy through the intensive training that we were doing. but
came out of that and thought, nah, it's not for me that. So I did all that just to not feel as if, I don't know, it just, I think I must have seen another pop-up come up going, oh, massage! I'm like, oh yeah, that's we'll go with that one instead. So I just parked the hypnosis, but I do feel like it's sort of coming back.
round again now, you know, with like the meditation and it's a really nice thing to introduce in group work and stuff like that. So it's quite possible that i'll I'll come back to it. I know you will. Look into my eyes. I know you will. I know. Because life is like that. You pick up stuff and your soul shelves it until it needs to come out and be used. Yeah. And I do think that that's definitely what's happened here.
Because like I say, I totally believe in and hypnotherapy. I believe that our minds, you know, we only use a very small portion of our mind, our subconscious, that we've we're just more than just a body outweigh, let's face it, you know. And the the hypnosis was definitely another way for me to ah getting to more alternative healing methods and make me think, oh my God, this is definitely the way forward would for me, you know, like just discovering more and more alternative holistic. usually You know? So yeah, the massage was, it came really natural and I loved incorporating the massage with the Reiki. It's such a beautiful combination of treatments. And I just thought like 10 years ago,
Not a lot of people knew what Reiki was, but everyone knows what massage is. So it was a way to get them in for massage and then tell them about Reiki and explain about the other, because it's a bit more easy to understand when you can see something in tape. When you explain Reiki, it's a bit like, hmm, I can't really explain what it's like. You just need to try eating it, ain't it? I just say like, I'm a vessel where the universal energies passes through me.
imagine magic And they go, what? And I'm like, not from me. I'm just helping it flow. It's not depleting anything from my psyche. It's just I've had a door that's opened and that allows me to transfer it. But even then, it's like, what am I saying? And then sometimes I get messages as well from spirit, I think, well, I've got my hands on you. And and they're like, and I love that. I absolutely love it.
So, you know, going down the Rakey Avenue also opens you up and your connection to spirit. And obviously you do end up, you know, meeting like-minded people, which is amazing on your journey and what have you. So you also start looking at things really differently as well because you're becoming more attuned with the energies, aren't you? So it's not more of a physical world that you're living in. You're kind of picking up on emotions, you're feeling. I always say that, like, when you get your energy flowed,
and you know, flowing positively. Great English um and know what I mean? It's like your body communicates to you, clear it in a voice in it basically, I suppose. So it's more like you you can feel your gut intuition more or you're just a little bit more aware basically, aren't you?
So I started seeing the whole world differently, more into energies, what's real, what's not, stopped reading newspapers, stopped reading, watching TV, like went down these bloody rabbit holes, you know, about what's all going on in the world and stuff like that. And it was just like, wow, I need to just really focus on me and not get too involved with all that.
but be aware and also stand your ground of how you feel about it all, do you know what I mean? Back to that, my dream was always to have a workplace of my own, lugging my bloody massage table and you know doing mobile and working all hours and evenings and weekends, but Reiki doesn't really feel like work to me, it's something that I absolutely love doing.
you know, it's not like I'm going to sit at a desk and just to do a job that you do just for sake of doing, you know, i I have full meaning and purpose of doing the job that I'm doing. So it was working at the army base where I was i was on the inn. I feel like I'm jumping about here, but it kind of all flows a little bit. When I was working at the sorry, of the military base, I wanted to really introduce my treatments to the staff.
because obviously anybody more than somebody who's in the army have got PTSD trauma away from the family, not everybody obviously, but there is a lot of it, but their view on the world is very black and white. So when I come in all bloody crystals and incense and healing, you know, it's, they were just a bit like, but I was really lucky that one of the staff members, he was into it and he let me have a room on site and I was able to,
do treatments for the staff and all that kind of stuff. And it would just give me more of a more of a taste of like, this is what I need to be doing. um I don't want to be sat at a desk. I don't want to be, I've done this for 20 years. My whole life would just like changing. Do you know what I mean? Like I can't no longer, no longer can do what I'm doing when I've got this.
It's purpose, I suppose now. So yeah, I came home one night from there and I was like, oh, I can't work there anymore, it's late. And then a friend of mine, I was going for a session with, she mentioned about a crystal wholesaler wanting staff and I were like, what? 10 minutes from my house, what the hell? Why do I not know about this? My ah interesting crystals came round about the same time, really.
they kind of go part and parcel with my whole life now, daily activity, work, joy, you know what I mean? They're just, they're a big massive part of it as well. Because I believe in what they do and what they've done for me over the last 10 years, I now kind of go, well, you know, you know, you've heard me, I've got a crystal for that. I literally do have a crystal for that. When I got this job at the bloody wholesalers, I was like, I can't make it up.
I've left working from offices for 20 years to go to work in a warehouse surrounded by crystals all day. It would just dream come true. The more and more I was there, the more and more I'm learning about crystals and being around them. And will I was like, this is what I want. I want a crystal shop. That is what I want. I was there a couple of years and decided to start up the crystal booth with a friend and it was online for a year before we got the shop. She's a shop in Eden, but I think over the last
two or three years or probably after the whole COVID debacle when my life took a massive change. Like I'd already been doing it kind of gradually over the last 10 years but that whole lockdown and just everything it were like,

Business Growth and Personal Loss

we're the birds.
My sort of priorities changed. The people I, obviously a lot of us didn't see many people did way. I moved in with my my friend and neighbour during lockdown because we were just like, we didn't want to be on our own. We were both on our own, literally neighbours. So we just ended up moving in together. And we had a great two years, you know, living together. But it was during that period of time when I moved in with her that my whole ideas of fun times, let's say,
or enjoying myself and socialising completely changed. I went to a cacao ceremony, I was introduced to plant medicine, doing and ceremonies with other like-minded people and I was also introduced to microdosing. This is where during that period of time, my whole Focus, and just everything changed. like I was drinking for the sake of drinking, I think. I don't know if anybody else experienced this through a lockdown. You couldn't do a lot, could you? And we drunk a lot. And it was just like, there were no answers to do. So I think after getting out of that and then discovering this beautiful cacao ceremony that I went to in Manchester on a Friday night with a bath, sound bath,
the cacao and just the people and I was like oh my god this is what I want to do it was like a ah light bulb moment like I would normally be a bottle of wine Friday night you know what I mean weekend can but I just didn't I wasn't having a taste threat anymore i want I didn't want to hang over I didn't want to like poison my body it was like I was like getting rid of anything that weren't good for me and I believe like the healing mushrooms helped with that And then obviously clearer ideas, the the idea of the shop, we had a vision of what we wanted to do, and um it kind of fast forwarded it then, following these the ceremonies and the cacao and just like changing my habits and not drinking and wanting to eat better. And because during this time as well, I did actually have a bit of a scare where I ended up in hospital.
And I also think this was a massive, massive wake up call for me. So before my mum died, she had her colon ruptured and she had something called diverticulitis. Now I really like to raise awareness of this because this is something going on in your bowel that you might not know about until it's too late because it's little polyps that grow off your bowel and then they get infected with certain foods that have maybe seeds in it or rich foods and things like that. And they can inflame and then get infected sort of thing. So I ended up with a stomachache, went down to A&E, was in hospital for five days. And that's when I did some research about quantum healing. So again, it was just like, get me away from the medication. I know there's other things that I can help for this. And I would just, start I was in hospital making this appointment to go because to be honest, a it scared the hell out of me because I thought, well,
My mum ended up with half a bloody colon missing like but you know when she got poorly. And you can't see the insides of your bowels, can you? So you don't know how bad it is until it's possibly too late. So i got this I had this machine healing thing, this quantum healing machine, and it was a amazing.
And then that helps me stop drinking beer, come off red wine, ah change my, if I was going to drink alcohol, change to just a certain type of spirit, different foods, supplements to take. And I became a little bit obsessed, but I felt amazing. And I suppose when you're not drinking and you're not hungover, you're more creative to manifest plans like your career, I suppose, and dream dream shops that you want, you know what I mean?
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going to have to tell us what quantum healing is. Oh, quantum healing, right. So it's basically a machine that it's called an Elibra machine, but it's got two. So one's a physical machine, and one's a psychological machine. He'd be a really good person to chat about actually, because they're fabulous, these machines. I don't know if they're similar to like the bio resonance, have you heard of those? Nope.
No, okay. So the basically machines and the rife machine as well. You've heard me talking about the rife machine, aren't you? The one that Emma used for the cancer. So they all these kind of machines work on frequencies of our body. So, you know, like sound healing, which I'm very excited about.
for the gong bath at the end of this month. I am super excited for that. But sound healing, all frequencies, our body, illnesses, organs are all buzzing on a frequency. So you get hooked up to these machines, the scan your whole body and all your organs. So your brain, your, you know, lungs, whatever goes from head to toe. It's quite a lengthy appointment. It shows you where it's got emotional or physical trauma.
in certain parts of your organs and then it boosts you with frequencies to reset them. You can see it on the screen, I did the physical one because obviously I was concerned about my bowel at the time, but there is also a psychological one as well where it can do your energy and your chakras and all that sort of stuff.
The fascinating, I will get you the information because I was actually thinking about it the other day and I thought, oh, I'd like to have another go on it. and But it's just another another alternative way of healing. So anyway, yeah, I did that, made massive, massive habits, eating habits, drinking habits, general habits, just just changing, changing quite a lot, quite quickly. And then with regards to when we got the shop, that was just like a an absolute
Shops come up. Yeah, shall we do it? What universe is gonna help us? Yeah, you what you say in universe. So, it will literally like, a we had no plan, we had no execution. It was just like, oh, shops coming up next door.
Why didn't you go for it? Oh, well done about that. I've never done that before. Well, yeah, like, well, you know, it was just like, sod it, let's do it kind of thing. And it was really exciting. I did feel a little bit out of my depth at first. I thought, oh my God, I'm finally doing leaving my job, doing this. And yeah, that was obviously just coming up to two years ago. No, two years in August, July, August time for the shop. So unfortunately, because the initial partnership didn't work out,
ah due to logistics and obviously future visions visions and plans and stuff, we ended up going our separate ways but I couldn't have done it without her and I'm really grateful for the journey that we had together at that time but I'm also really excited now about where it's going to be going from here as well. I wanted to be like I wanted it to be somewhere, a room to call my own. Obviously, it's nice to have your own space to work from. And it's a gorgeous cozy little room, which I'll just get lost in there for days. I come out and I'm like, oh God, you know, weather's changing and day to night and all that sort of stuff. But I mean, as you know, you, you know, you part of the tribe as well, aren't you, Emma? So I love my little room. I love the little shop. I love the space that we've got. Wanting to bring lots of different healing healers, sorry, together.
and offer different types of therapies because there's so much that people don't know about and when you lose somebody because of a doctor's incompetence or lack of care or you know if for referring that person for a little test that could have maybe given them a few more years of life or save the life, I have a reason to make people more aware of this because I don't want other people to go through what I've had to go through. Do you know what I mean?
losing your mum when it could have maybe been helped or, you know, she could have had a few more years with us if it hadn't have been that way. So the shop for me is where, you know, somebody who don't know what Reiki is, they might have suffered loss, bereavement or just feel fed up with life or feel just like very isolated from their friends, whatever whatever situation you're in.
I wanted the crystal booth to be somewhere where people can come, you know, feel comfortable in the space to be emotional and enjoy the treatments and learn about crystals and, you know, mushrooms and, you know, our natural products and everything that we do in the shop, it's all tried and tested.
It's um something that I couldn't do for my mum, but it's like I can kind of put out and help other people with and have a great time while I'm doing it as well. So yeah, that's the shop. I've got this amazing space surrounded by all my crystals. Treatment room to call my own. Again, some amazing healers. Emma, you are part of that. Absolutely phenomenal. Me and Emma do couples doubles treatments at the shop.
And it's a ah full hour treatment and it's a half raky and half massage. Emma does the raky side of it and I do the massage and we've had some amazing feedback, haven't we? We have. Yeah, it's good to do. I love doing it. Lots of people coming back and really proud of us for doing that and putting that out to people. Because again,
It's a different alternative date night or you know, you've never, partners probably never even heard of Rakey. Generally I don't have that when they get booked in, they're like, well, they don't know what it is, but yeah, we'll go along with it, it's fine. So yeah, so meditation evenings, healing, crystals, just loads of exciting stuff that we're going to be doing at the shop. And along the way in all this time, I've been developing and strengthening my psychche psychic and healing myself and others on my journey, you know, so it's all good. And I realise now that after doing what I've done for all those years, thinking, oh, I'm just an abdomen girl or just a receptionist or whatever, this is absolutely, definitely what I was born to do. It's my dream, my dream job. You know, when you say do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life, that's truly where I feel I am, even though I'm working my ass off.
When you learn and discover your passion and your life and I do believe it's my sole purpose and I do think that I wouldn't have maybe found this path or I might have done but might not have done if my mum would have been still alive. I always get emotional as you know but I do I do it and it makes me feel like I'm making a difference and that gives me great joy. And there's loads coming up in the future for you. I mean, you've got big plans, aren't you? Big plans. Are you going to share them? Are you going to share them? Oh, nothing's really confirmed as yet. Oh, boom. Her roommate. So

Advice on Grief and Healing

there's actually loads of stuff that I could kind of talk off the back of this of, you know, separate times or
in like, did you know, go into more reiki or go into more this or into more that, but that's generally, when people start their spiritual journey, let's say awakening, whatever you want to call it, sole purpose, I think something traumatic cause or loss is usually the catalyst for it, isn't it? Because I know that but before I lost my mum, I never thought about dying. Like you just, you don't really, well, I just didn't.
And it was more of a, I was trying to find ways of to understand why this had happened to me. Crystals was a massive, probably one of the first things that I really connected with immediately. Like, oh my God, this crystal makes me feel better. Or, you know, I'd go to my Judy Hall crystal Bible, which I still use to this day. And I'd be like, right, what do we need for groin ache? And I'd pick a crystal, carry that crystal with me for a week.
And that'd be like, it's worked. It's gone. I've not had any painkillers or anything. We're just little subtle things like that. And everyone thought I was mental or what this rock is gonna make you feel better, is it? And and I'm like yeah made like, yeah. I used to have a cupboard full of cocoamol, paracetamol, ibuprofen, cold and flu capsules, all the hay fever, duh, duh, duh, antihistamine. I used to have them all and now I don't have anything.
don't have anything. I might have one boxing just in case somebody needs it or I've got a severe winehead then they might come into you know fruition then. There is other ways apart from medicine and it should be the last alternative shouldn't it? Like the very last thing we reach for. I mean today I went jogging and I got in and I had a really bad back because I hadn't jogged for just over a week because of holidays So it's like, in the past I would have gone and popped ibuprofen because it's got anti-inflammatory. Get me wrong, there is a place for ibuprofen. But instead like instead, I had a shower, I laid on my shaktimat for half an hour and it was amazing and it's gone. op And in the shaktimat is really good for brief backache, you know, like yeah thy bad posture or
doing some DIY and you've held your hands up too long, you know, stuff like that. Right, yeah, yeah. Well, do you know, on the thing, a subject of ibuprofen, so ibuprofen used to be mycota, just because for the anti-inflammatory, no, just for headache or whatever.
And I've been taking that for years, getting sometimes prescribed from the doctor and I'm as asthmatic. You're not meant to take anti-inflammatory ibuprofen if you're an asthmatic because it's not good for your chest. And I'm all like, hang on a minute, you've been prescribing me this and you've never noticed like, um um I was asthmatic. I was asthmatic. I don't actually need my hate inhaler anymore either. So this is another thing that I stopped medical wise. My inhaler, been asthmatic since the age of 14.
Always needed an inhaler in my bag. Stopped eating meat and dairy a good four or five years ago now. I do dip in and out of it now. Don't eat red meat. I don't eat anything from a cow. And my asthma's gone. I don't need an inhaler at all. It was only the other week when I was ill that I thought, oh, bloody hell, I need it. I felt like I needed an inhaler, but I didn't. So there's loads of changes that you can make to your diet.
all these processed foods. It's unbelievable that when you actually take responsibility and instead of doing the drinking to block or bad day, have a glass of wine, it's like yeah your body becomes clearer and you don't need those things that you needed because your body's in a better way or something. I don't know. Crystals definitely help.
Energy healing helps. Obviously I'm surrounded by them all day, yeah so I'll be like that. So I think it's a culmination of things. And I'm also aware as well, like, you know, as you've also heard Miss Emma before, there is a place for medication, but there's also a place not for it as well. A lot of people are discovering side effects from taking long term pill, you know, contraception pill.
There's loads of not great things coming out about that, in the so and also long-term painkillers, opioids, all these sort of stuff. You know, you need to get your body. ah and trail As much as you can. I mean, it's not easy in this day and age, but did you see that meme that was going around and it's, it's more fierce from the matrix of his glasses. Right. yeah And it says, what if I told you Reiki is the switch that helps you recover from light life?
ae Ah, something. I mean, it's probably not worded like that. And I was a bit like, I would say I believe you because so much has happened since.

Personal Healing Journeys

I started doing Reiki, but then because you know, I i were trained to Reiki level two about four years ago now, a long time, it was in COVID times. yeah And I honestly think because COVID changed a lot, didn't it? I think COVID was like a giant, the claw, and it grabbed people and literally just threw them on on and another lifeline. I honestly do believe that.
That's what happened to me because I was going to go down the road of breastfeeding peer support with NCT. And now we're running mum groups and intergenerational play groups and dropping in the doctors and stuff. And I loved it. Yeah. Yeah. But as soon as lockdown came in, it was like, all that just died because you couldn't see each other. And then that's when I started looking for other things. So that's where my witch business kind of birthed. I mean, I want a witch, but I didn't.
think I could make money out of it. And it was basically buying tarot and selling it on Depop. That was how it began. Then I did the Reiki and I was just doing it for me myself and my kids and my animals and my plants. And then mid last year, probably coming up to about a year ago, now I made the discovery that I could do Reiki for other people, you know, and it could be like a business adventure. I didn't sort of put two and two together, which is my life in a nutshell. It takes me ages to figure stuff out.
Ah, I should've done that ages ago. Yeah, it's just so typical swells it is. Again, like you say, trust in the process and you learn stuff and then it gets shelved and then when you need it, it comes out, doesn't it?
Yeah, definitely. And I think now, cost of like, I won't say clean, clean living, I still like a glass of red wine, or I'm not teetotal, I'm not any of that sort of what image of what people might think a healer is. We've all got lives to lead and stuff like that, but I know now, I forgot what I was going to say. You're not teetotal. Is it about choices, making good choices? Making good choices.
I might just mention if that's okay about revibing Zen. Yeah. Is that all right? Yeah. I can't tell you everything right at this moment in time, but the crystal booth is looking up.
and add some amazing changes over the next six months or being well. One thing that we'll be getting back on track is the Revive Your Zen retreats. As some of y'all may not know, ah my business partner Emma sadly passed away this year. She was my Ride or Die chick and Revive Your Zen. She was the amazing support and partner that I had doing that.

Crystal Booth Offerings and Events

So I want to continue doing what work me and Emma set out to do with the amazing team of people that were with us before. um I've just been waiting to get access to the website so I can start getting plans going and doing that. And we're really looking forward to be introducing that. Obviously more information will be released at a later date, but I just wanted to mention that if you have ever thought about stepping out of your comfort zone,
wanting an absolute reset with like-minded people. Revive Your Zen is going to be a day healing retreat, offering sort of yoga, meditation, sound healing, ah nutritious food, having guests in to offer different types of healing and stuff like that. ah So that's definitely going to be one thing that we'll be looking at starting as well. So I just wanted to mention that. And that's is that the seaside?
Well, it'll be the day retreats, first of all, and then, yes, we'll be looking for another suitable location, ah hopefully near some water again. Oh, exciting. Yeah. If you could give somebody advice, if people are in a bad place right now and they're struggling with bad stuff that's going on, like, what would you say to them? So, I would probably say, you're not alone.
There's other people that are going through, I mean, I know that doesn't help when you're going through your stuff, you know, you're like, you're not alone, I'm going through shit as well. No, I would probably say to reach out. Say, for example, you've gone through a loss, okay, like me. Okay, there's a lot of that going on at the moment. A lot of people are dying. But this is truly where my journey started. And if you have lost nearest and dearest family member partner,
whoever that may be, know that grief is a feeling, it is an emotion and it will subside eventually, but reach out and look for crystals. They they were my first go to just that little bit of comfort to hold in my hand, to make my heart not feel so broken. and Look for local meditation groups. Meditation is a great way to quiet your mind.
to have the space that if you've got a lot going on or a lot of darkness around you at the minute, you might just be in your own head a lot. We have an amazing group at the Crystal Booth, which we've got maybe about over 30 people in there in the group aren'tway that sort have come and gone over ah over the years. But um that these people are people that are maybe one of the one of the ones in the friends group who are changing. and They don't really want to go to a pub anymore and they wanna try something different but they don't know where to start. So meditation's a great place to start. Get some quietness, feel your emotions, get some Reiki healing. Reiki healing for me was the best thing I ever did that helped me understand, not be so angry, accept that losing my mum at 52 was okay. And in okay in anybody's world, it's it's not okay losing
your parent before the time in such shitty circumstances because you feel like you've been let down so there's a lot of anger there. So Reiki, not only will it relax you, it'll help you sleep better which a lot of people don't do when they're going through grief. and It lets you release emotion so you can cry, you can let those tears out in a safe place and not feel stupid or you can just lay and just rest and Reiki will give you what you need. So really,
Reiki, Reiki for me was the definite be all and end all. And like I say, want an overnight thing. I'm going to mention one customer because she calls me a angel. When she came to me for the massage, her mum was really poorly. And I obviously got chatting to this lady because she were really nice. She was quite mum-like really. And obviously I opened up about my mum. So ever since she'd not tried Reiki, she were a bit like, oh, I'm not sure.
But obviously after me talking about it, she now comes for me for Reiki, and every single time her mum comes to her, she sees her mum every single time. She's so strong as a mum on the other side, and she truly knows now. If she's left it like three weeks, she rings me up and she's like, I feel like I need the Reiki again, Angela. It's like calmness over her heart. Don't go away, the pain don't go away, Emma, as you know.
but it's like, it soothes it, it's not as painful, it's not as raw. Anybody, if you are having any doubts, how it sounds, Reiki. What? Sounds weird. Yeah, it is, but it's wonderful. I did do a year's grief counselling, which obviously helped along the way, but I know for a fact that it was the Reiki session that I had that made me go, okay, mum's dead, but she's not gone.
She's just around. It made me kinda go, you know. Yeah, I can't physically hug her, I can't physically see her, but I kind of understood it a little bit better. Sorry, that took me about half an hour, didn't it? One word, Angela, one word. Yeah, yeah. It's a good job, isn't it? But yeah, I personally think that no antidepressants are gonna get rid of your grief and you don't want to get rid of it, you want to feel it, you need to ride it, you've got to feel it to heal it. So, if somebody says you better go to doctors,
they're just going to put you on antidepressants because you sound depressed because grief, it sounds like depression. But first, first of all, before you do that, instead of going like, Oh, I'll go to doctors first, why don't you try and do energy healing first, try the Reiki first, because you might not need that doctor's appointment. And that's so much better than going the other way around, trying the tablets, not getting it right, doing it for months, up in the tablets, decreasing it, increasing it, whatever they do,
to get the mix right for your body because it's not depression, it's grief. You know, there is a place for them, I do get that, but truly hugging a tree, getting your feet in the grass and raking healing and crystals.
connecting yeah connects to the earth and the world around us. and Absolutely. Best medicine in the referees, Emma. The bigger picture, yeah. We have a very lot in common, I think, in terms of as mums, because my mum also died really quick after she got diagnosed, which probably could have been preventable. But anyways, a long windy road. But for about 10 years, I were pissed off and I was so unspiritual.
And people know I used to go to Vegas with my husband who's amazing, but he used to take me to Vegas like two or three times a year. I don't know how we did it. I don't know how I survived it. I gamble and drink and be just like a mess. But it was fun. did I had tons of fun. I don't regret it. But I just want ready for the spiritual healing. So it kind of had to weigh in the wings for me until yeah I had my first baby, Florence, and then the whole universe of my, all my spiritual guides and, you know, like, ancestors were just like, right, that's enough putting around. Okay. She's had this baby when you're getting there. Sort of out. It's mad. And you are a amazing as well. You are a amazing at what you do. I've had a treatment with you. It's lovely.
I just love the fact that we get the chance to, you know, exchange treatments and give treatments out to people and listen to the feedback that we get. It's so fulfilling. Well, it just makes it all worthwhile, doesn't it? To wrap up, would you want to plug yourself? Tell tell us about the booth.
Yeah, sure. So the crystal booth, we sell crystals and all other holistic methods of healing. We've got treatment rooms offering reiki and massage. We've got meditation groups Thursday evenings. We've got the ah gong bath, which is starting.
Next Thursday, myself and Marisa are doing it all about the zen gong bath, which is, I am super excited for, I can't wait. Starts at seven at Halo Healing House. And then with the view to doing that as well, once we've got all that in place, I'm really wanting to do the crystal workshops, which I keep talking about, but I am definitely going to find time for them. So yeah, lots of exciting things going on there. And you're on Instagram and Crystalbooth22. yes underscore 22 on instagram yeah

Closing and Listener Invitation

and your website is
w the read, the that, the Amazing. And I work there every Tuesday between school runs, just being my witchy self and hanging around and playing with Tarot and Oracle cards. Amazing. And doing Reiki. So if you fancy some Reiki from a witch or lovely Angela, do you come along? Yeah. Thank you for joining me on the Bell Witch podcast. No, thank you for having me.
You'll have to come back on and do a bit of a crystal deep dive. Yeah. Tell us what crystals you like the best. and what as you yeah I could talk about crystals all day long, love. So, you know, mate, yes, I'm up for that.
you have been listening the bell which Created with Love and Magic by me, Swales, the friendly green witch. I love to hear from you and I absolutely love, love, love, love to celebrate you. If you have a podcast or a business, a witchy business, a pagan related topic you love to talk about, you can reach me on the bell witch podcast at Yahoo!
dot com Send me a trailer and I will absolutely play it, because there is magic in sharing audiences amongst podcasts. music by jeff harvit of pixabay the official bell wait photographer is the lovely beverly thornton thank you so much for choosing the bellw podcast to fill your ill they magical witches