Introduction to the D&D Adventure
Just to clarify, um, no bagpipes?
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop where I live play 5v D&D Podcast set in the magical homebrewed world of Aerith. My name is Mark and I am the Dungeon Master and also with us for today's episode we have... Casey, who plays the human champion, Hell in a Sleepguard. Yo.
We've got Will, who plays the human-barred Karstam. Hello! We've got Callan, who plays the gnome-saucer of Folly Fizzlebanger Nights. Greetings! Danny, who plays the human cleric Claude. Bonjour! Ian, who plays the dragonborn barbarian Drago. Hola. And Darren, who plays the human fighter rogue Robin.
Holy downloadable expansion path, bad man. We've got some new characters. Brilliant. Brilliant. This is why I left you till last. I was like, I wonder what you thought. He's broken. D-L-C. D-L-C. D-L-C. D-L-C. Halfway through it, though, I was like, what if he just says, hello? And that's it? It'd be really disappointing. I nearly went with for the last one. Never trust an elf. But I should have done. But yeah, yeah, yeah. You've got an ongoing thing now of holy, holy. I started it now. I've got to keep going. Grace the full room. Do you write them down? No, I come up with them on the spot.
Darren, you're so impressive. Thanks, Nate. Have inspiration. Just to ruin my idiot's face. Thanks! You do have inspiration. Not misogyny. What the fuck? I've been doing double time with Joago the last two episodes here.
Journey to Blackmouth Begins
Last week on The Fellowship of the Tabletop, we walked. So this week on The Fellowship of the Tabletop.
We finally left Evershire, the party, the OG party left Evershire and made their way south towards the area of Blackmouth. Upon the way, it was a rather quick journey, we didn't spend a lot of time, not much really happened really on it, but a day and a half passed. We got to the southern road which splits left and right, left towards the metropolitan city of Goldview.
We passed off to the right with a broken sign towards Blackmouth. Along the path we met two travelers along the way and we managed to welcome Casey and Will back into the party. Well, back into the group. Well, I'd say re-welcome Will and welcome Casey in for the group. But we're not good if you hadn't.
What's walked off? You dropped the pipe bomb. That would have been hilarious. That would have been hilarious if that just walked off and... Oh, okay. Well, it's in there, guys. Thanks for coming. It's taking everything of me not to just kill my character on site. Just because you created it. So, I've got spares. We came across two new characters, which obviously you and us have had a couple of episodes with, but the rest of
had not met before we met Helena Sleepguard, played by Casey, the human princess from Sleepguard, from the Sleepguard Royal Family, and we also met Karstan Valhorn Finbin. No, Karstan Finbin Valhorn. Alright, whatever, they're super names. I thought it was Karstan, so I just tried to remember them, Jesus will, but Karstan Finbin Valhorn.
No, no, no, no, no, no. First of his name. First of his name. It was first of his name. Karsten Valhorn Finbin, the eccentric bard who is so far a delight to some of the party and really not a delight to some of the other party. They had a long discussion about whether or not they should trust each other and lots of
information was withheld, but they all came to the conclusion that as we were all heading the same way to Blackmouth, that they would accompany each other. Claude was very adamant on staying close to Helen, the sleep guard, and keeping her safe as he has history of working with the family. And this is where we find ourselves on the road, heading west towards Blackmouth.
Marching Order and Humorous Exchanges
The Skellroad Mountains becoming closer and closer in the distance. We find the party, the intrepid party, all six, seven of you, traveling down the path.
What would we like to do? Any conversations want to take place? Before we set off, now we're at quite a sizeable party. I would suggest we form some form of marching order to keep an eye on our front and our rear. I have a terrible sense of rhythm. Don't worry, I can help with that.
I've never been no good marcher. I'll play some music that will help. It's a non-literal march chord. It's more just so we move in a formation that's not going to allow us to be caught off guard. It sounds complicated. At this point, Carstone has now got out a set of bagpipes. Oh god. Oh no. And he's already started to sort of... That definitely won't help.
Oh, I thought you wanted marching music. No, no, no. It's not a literal march. How do you keep the rhythm if you don't have music? We don't have to march. We just need someone to keep an eye on the rhythm. So we don't march in the march? Correct. I know it's complicated, but it just basically means... It's a formation of... Shall we just start walking? Oh, I understand. Thank you, Your Highness. I understand perfectly now. So, just to clarify, um... No bagpipes? No bagpipes. Oh, okay.
casting or sort of mocking a sort of fake sort of sniff as if he's deeply wounded and put his back that's why. Made the baboon cry. I'll take the front because I can send your head and then the rest of you do what you want. Tyler you get the book ready in case we need it. Tyler you're gonna have to tell me more about this but why is the book important? It's Robin's house.
Oh, amazing, amazing. Which way are we heading? Well south. Well along the path to the west, I'd say. Fantastic. And Drago just starts walking off. Charlie, you're doing a great job as the lead at this party. Thanks. I thought the cartographer would probably want to be looking at the map and deciding, but I guess not.
But I had a good look at it when we were resting just now, and so I've got- I don't have a map, I don't know what you're talking about! I had half of an hour in your lap, you were holding out watching some of the rabbit we got last night, and you held the map! And I was looking at it, and you were going- I'm doing them in the map that I have! No, no, the map I've got! And I laid it out, and you were going-
Yeah, I see ya, and all over the coin and all that. Drago's stopped now and he's looking back. Can we just get on, please? I believe it was more like... Fuck! Yeah, there we are. And at this point, um, Carson will do a perfect impression of Drago's voice. I wanna hear it. How does that sound, Will? Yes. We must all... Yes, I'm meeting Dragonborn, I'm eating chicken, or rabbit, or I've got this, oh dear. Map, go away. Wow. That was literally...
The same? The cast then literally did impersonate Dravid's voice perfectly. Ah, strange eyes. This is gonna be fun. Can you do Robin? No. And then, because we've been waiting for more than a minute. So yes, he then does it. Well, what can I say? I'm suave and high and rabbits. The whole thing about being suave is not to make a thing. Can we go, please? We have pressing matters to adhere to. Can we just get on?
Yeah, I think we could walk and talk. I will send, as I did yesterday, I will say something in Elvish and send Nura to fly ahead into the party to just act as our... WOW! She will scout for isn't, she will return to me if there's anything alarming.
Purpose of the Journey and Helena's Mission
Okay. I will also take the front. And Majesty. Your Majesty, can I ask, what are you doing in Blackmouth?
Because from the looks of things, it looks like Goldview... Goldview, I think that's right, is the big city. Surely you'd want to go back there? No, that's where we've come from. Oh, I see. We are going to Blackmouth. I've got a business there. Anyone in particular? We might be able to help Luke for them. Totally. Not supposed to ask. We will hire a business at Scrooge.
They could reveal to you any details, but we are not to us them. It's considered rude. Oh, sorry. My, my, my highness, I haven't been very much in terms of royalty, so I'm sorry, I don't really know the, uh, the etiquette of it, so... Yeah, from a far away kingdom, your highness, they're not, unfortunately, card apologies and all that. That's okay. So, Karthik comes and stands, how's that? So, so Talia, tell me about this amazing book. I'd love to, but I don't want to. And she walks off.
All right. Moody teenager. I will just cast my face back too. Excuse me, that's our moody teenager. Sorry. And the driver kind of just... Can you see this dragon face come over to you?
bumps it knowing that that is now the sort of coast he instead. I'll just cast a message back to Drago as I walk off in front and just say, Drago, make sure someone is watching the back of the party who we trust. I'm still not used to this, Robin. And I'm shouting this out loud. I'm still not used to this. What? Who? Oh, what? Yeah. Just make sure someone's at the back of the party, someone we trust. Fine, fair enough, Robin. Robin? You mean, Robin over there? No, I'm Tally.
Oh god. Castan! Oh, this is not fun. And Dragon just drops back to the edge of the group. What have we done? Are there any, dare I say, conversations that will take place? Castan's going to try and talk to every member of the group. So if someone wants to talk back, they are welcome to. No. So, how did it go when Castan comes over? Wow! That's a nice backpack!
So, when did you join this intrepid party? Not that long ago. Ah, you'll have to. So, you're quite new as well? Yes. How do you make them like you? That you still don't. Oh, not true. Well, that one likes you. I like you as well, Folly. And Robin likes you as well. I tolerate you. There you go. See, they do like you. So, yeah, how do you make people like you?
I'm majoritivly quite quiet you see. I can't do that. But if you want to get them to like you I'd recommend trying. Nah it's not going to work. Plus if you can kill like a hundred undead fiends with a wall of fire that seems to win over them. I can't do that I can blow them up. And you can also banish them. I can banish them yeah, step them away for a bit. Like tell them to go over there or something. Yeah but like it went elsewhere.
But that's what I did. Do you want another play? Literally, like,
Past Battles and Strategies Against the Undead
I just create a pod. I've done something like that before. It was really cool, wasn't it? I feel like I've experienced something like that before. Yeah? What was it like to get out his book? I don't know, it didn't make much sense. I remember being quite upset about something. Okay, okay, okay. It wasn't too much and... Okay, I mean, feel free to add some adjectives, it's fine. Something happened and I seemed to remember being somewhere unfamiliar and then I was back. Okay, I'll add the imagery, don't worry, that's my job.
Have you guys come across the undead then? Yeah, we did. Talking to the princess? Yes. Unfortunately, just a few days ago, we had to fight. Where? Around here. In a graveyard? Yes, in a graveyard. Is it this side of the blind? Also, why were you in a graveyard?
because someone asked her to go check it out because the woman that was looking after it got a bit scared. So, just in context then. Thank you. We saw some black smoke coming from a, well, from a fire. We were heading south, as I say, and there was an ambush and a body was found lying lifeless on the floor and we realized who it was and she'd said that it was her cart that had been tipped over and sat on fire
She had a hurty head. She had more than that, actually. That was his medicinal view. She's OK now. We've sent her on her way. But she was the priestess of Tiriani, I don't really feel. I've heard of Tiriani. Who hasn't? What attacked her came out of the mausoleum that was just next door. What attacked her, my lady? All the undead. Skellingtons.
Skellington, Folly, can you do that thing where you show what we've seen before and see if we've seen the same thing that they've seen? And then there was another thing that came out of, I knocked over the obelisk in the middle and then something else came out of it as well. What did that look like? It was terrifying. Pretty scary. I read myself a little bit.
Can you show them an image of the things we thought are bleak more? Not right now. Remind me later tonight, I can create from fire, but not just from thin air. It's a bit more difficult than that. OK. Because if you thought what we thought this side of the flight, it means that they've gone through into sleep guard proper. Well, I can't imagine that the...
That will be it. I'd say there was quite some more of it. Could you destroy everything in the graveyard? Yes. I can try and show you. I'm going to try and cast... use prestigitation and create a small, illusionary image in my hand of the big bad, which is only small, of the big bad guy in my hand. OK, do you want to give me an arcana? Of course. Yeah. First roll, new character. Yeah, boy. Beautiful roll.
23? Yes, very effective that you use a processor digitation. You whip up some of the... It's like a miniature. Yeah, so what would you use, do you think? So it's all done, because as part of this you can make a non-magical lip trinket or an illusionary image that fits in the palm of your hand, so it's literally like a little hologram of the big bag that came out of the obelisk. Yep, so as you do that you rip your hand out and this...
figure starts to appear and what you see is this horrifying image of a humanoid kind of looking up staring up them jaw open wide arms down by its side covered in kind of blood stained robes and instead of eyes two stakes stuck into the eyes
and out of the hands, the palms of the hands are two mouths. They are kind of open. The figure looks like they're screaming from all three hands and stands there. We've cast on holding it out. He's actually covering his own eyes as he's holding it out. Robin, Joago, have you seen anything like this before? I don't think we have. No. I've never seen anything like that. You thought that. Yeah, we did. Well, luckily, cast on managed it further.
Only a moment. So you didn't kill that? No, we did when it came back. Me and my bodyguards, uh, fells dropped. We defeated it. Where's fails dropped? Now. He went to... He went to... Bleakmore. So he's still alive? He got called up to Bleakmore. Yes, he's still alive. Yeah, okay. We were at Bleakmore. He just had other business to attend.
Can I stop showing it now? Yes, you can put it away, Carstan. Carstan. Carstan. Carstan. Carstan? No, Carstan. Carstan is the other one, the glowy one. Carstan. No, Carstan. Carstan. It'll do. Thank you for protecting Her Highness. You've been welcome. I was a bit scared, but it was also a bit fun. This shouldn't be fun. You should take it seriously. I did. I did take it like...
Like, half seriously? And then half fun? Well, thank you. You're welcome. I know Claude's, like, got quite a serious look on his face, as he's saying that. Tree says, how far are you with this blight? Are you trying to put an end to it? Have you got, like, an eye plan? No, it's not really about the blight for me. My
Blight Investigation and Party Goals
business is elsewhere. I'm... I'm looking into my mother. Okay.
I assume that would be the Queen. Yes. Fair enough. What happened? I need to find out what's happened with her, so that's enough of the master at the moment. Fair enough, really to ask the Highness. Reach to their own, but whatever brings you here is taking you through Blackmouth. Yes, I've been told that I need to go there, so that's where I'm going. Fair enough. When you get there, what's your plans? I don't know yet.
Very rude. Very rude. What's your business when you get to Blackmouth? Wow. Are you looking into the blight? We are looking into the blight. And it has led us to Blackmouth. There's some information we need to glean from that place. We've never, well, I've never been before. Claude, have you been? I've been. So we'll probably start there. Chill. Sorry, Your Highness. Is it another place you want me to burn down? No. Oh, OK.
Wait, you've burned somewhere down? You want to burn this down? What's the law? No, I sometimes get asked to just burn things and have control of fire. Why Claude? Yeah, why Claude? We're just going to Blackmouth and getting some information from there, that's all. Yeah. Claude, you can be honest with her. Okay, you can be honest with her.
Now's not the time and place. Robin, have you seen any? I think a mutual understanding of we won't press too much on our motives would go a long way at the minute. We won't press you, and you won't press us.
that by the way I don't think she's happy with that either just just I mean I've known her for a little bit but yeah how long have you travelled with her a couple of days we met on the road I mean so so so why are you here so I was owner of Sydney and I was making quite a name for myself if I do say so
I'll write a song about you. So I was in obsidian and some things happened and I needed to not be there anymore. What things happened? Stuff and things. Anything in particular? Yeah, I wrote a song because I wasn't a big fan. It was fine. Some people just can't take a good song. So anyway, I travelled here and
I sort out my muse, and at the moment my muse is walking that way. And cast a point at the princess. Have all your highnesses your muse. My muse, yes, I'm hoping to write an epic tale about the fight against the blight. Well then what's a muse? I believe it's a form of verse that rhymes, which your thing just did, just then, so you're not doing good stuff.
Inspiration. Yeah. Inspiration to write something that rhymes. Yeah. I'm a poet. I don't even know it. Her Royal Highness is an inspiration to all sleepguards. She is, and hopefully she'll be the hopefully sleepguard's embattled brave plight will be an inspiration to all of Aerith. Folly, I noticed that you didn't jump down on your knees in front of royalty. Is she not your princess too?
Royalty or not, I just see people as people. I see nobody who I should feel the need to bow to. But she's a princess, you have to. There's that rule, it's written down somewhere. I read it in a book. Well, I haven't, so... Well, if I write it and then you read it, then you have. Well, if I read it, then yes, but doesn't mean I have to do it. Good point. Touché! How could are you in battle? I can hold my own.
He said that he banished the bad man. Yeah, banish the bad man. Banishment is one thing. He also said he weed himself. Sss! Sss! You know how they're detailed, Talia. What about weapons? What do you do? What do you wield? So, at this point, well, I've got my crossbow. I've also got my sharp wit.
You just get a day pan expression back at you. Will just did the best kind of multi-finger flare whip to point at his own face, which was his quality. I know, I also have my rapier, so he takes out this, and if they pull that as rapier, and it looks brand new, never been used. Brand new, never been used, looks really like, looks quite like, he spent some money on this, but it's never been used, and then he puts it away.
a second time, he misses the first time and puts the weight into it. So yeah, I can hold my own. Yeah, well, hardened in battle I see. Yeah, he's got no muscle mass at all. How tall is he?
Er, he is about, he's shorter than you. Five six, isn't he? Yeah, about five six. Oh wow, okay. He's like, oh wow, that's almost my height. Yeah, I know that, but as Drago, I am looking down, down on him. Oh, his legs are out of proportion to the rest of his legs. No, no, but he does have, like, he's got his goatee and he looks incredibly youthful, like he looks really quite young. Okay, young Lawrence Burrell and Owen, or whatever, isn't he? Lawrence Burrell and Owen, yeah.
You're going to do change of rooms or something? Fair enough. Okay, fine. Thanks. Good. Does this mean he likes me? No. We're still breathing. How's the mark in the right direction? Okay, you seem like reliable and so do you, Tally. When have you first met?
And when we first met Claude, Drento tried to kill him. So does he need to try and kill me? Or have I overstepped that bit? No, I think he'll still try and kill you. Oh okay. Probably. Do you try and kill me? No, I don't think so. Look. No. Didn't actually. Oh. Hmm. Oh well. Feel a bit left out. Well don't worry, we can be left out together. You don't try and kill me either time. Maybe all three of us could try and get killed together by him. Well, I'm allergic to being dead. Are you? I'm not. Yeah. Really?
Ma, this is my second time. Your Majesty, you didn't tell me you had people in sleep guard that had died twice. I'm ahead, I'm not even part of this conversation. Your Majesty, your Majesty, he's died twice. I know, I grab Carl's stand by the throat. Pull him in.
It's not something I wish you to repeat to the Royal Highness. Okay, don't repeat this bit or the other bit. I don't mind you telling me that I'm choking you to death right now. Okay! But I'd like you to keep the thing that I was dead once to yourself. Okay, so you've already died, so you've not died at all, ever? No, I've died once, but you've got to not tell anyone. Okay, don't tell anyone that you've not
You're damaging my abilities. I might be improving them. No. People like the gruff voice these days. Yeah. That's the one. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, watching like this. Yeah. All right. And I'll let him go. Thanks. I was going to walk by this and catch up with the princess. As everyone walks off, I will stop by this callous
And I will go to him. Why the frosty reception? What do you mean? Your joke. A dragonborn walks into a bar. Why a frosty reception? He can breathe ice. He can breathe ice? Well, dragonborns can breathe many things, depending on their colour. What colour is he? He looks a bit like... sort of like... roughish and rugged. I lean in there saying, I'm sure if you wind him up, you'll find out. That's not an invitation to do that. Okay. He can breathe ice.
Really? Again. Don't wind him up or you may find out. Okay. Why the frosty reception? That's the end of your joke. You can keep that one. Yeah. It seems appropriate right now. Yeah, yeah.
with him. It's got up to you now. And this is Drago and Helena walking ahead of everyone else, separate, with cast and holding court, with everyone else behind, darting from person to person, jumping in, writing things down. Everyone else is walking straight, he's darting and jumping around, half singing odes, half singing songs, and then jumping into a couple of lines of poetry and then stealing ideas from people as he goes. Kind of like, I feel very anime, kind of single frame jumps from place to place and everyone else walks slowly down.
And we have in front the adults of the group. No, do you know the adults of the group? Drago and Ellenice in front. Can I tell you the truth? Please. I pity him. He's a young boy. I know I suppose I'm only about 10 years old now. I'm not much older at all, but... Me and Felstrop, we were... We were heading together to where we need to be in Blackmouth and...
He was running behind. He was out of breath. He doesn't have any friends. He really wants to write a story. And I just thought, oh, we may as well give him an opportunity. And actually, when First Drop left me, I had nobody else. And yes, I can fight. That is what I do best. But I can't hunt. So...
Well, not that he's any better to be honest, but a little bit better than I am, and he was able to get a couple of things for us to eat, and I thought I'd use him to my advantage, so if you don't mind, I'd prefer him to just stay with us for a little while. No, that wasn't me trying to push him out. That was just trying to understand why. Well, just until he can find a way or somewhere to leave him, somewhere that I feel he'll be most comfortable. Fair enough. That flail you hold. Yes.
I think I'd be telling the truth if I said yes, absolutely. I've been fighting for a number of years and I haven't changed my weaponry in a number of years. Always to flail. Yes, I have too, naturally. It takes a lot of talent and skill to wield such a weapon. I was taught by the best. Who taught you? Garmir. Garmir. Of the obsidianis. I've met him. Tiefling. Yeah, a hardy sword. Seemed terrible.
reason is past. Yes. He taught you. Yes. Respect. So you're not just a in-house princess. No. And actually at that point I'll take off my helmet because it's a hot day and whatever and I'll just hold it as I'm walking. Can I do? Because well we haven't seen anybody else on the road. What sort of time is it?
probably around midday at this point. Oh right, okay. I was just going to sort of do a bit of an investigation check to see whether or not anyone's in the bushes or not. I'm a little bit wary because I don't know what's around me. Yeah, how about survival? Sure, okay. Survival? This is a rat in the wild. Three.
You look around and are almost certain that you're alone, apart from those that are currently on the road. I would just shout as I see her looking quite anxiously. Nura is up ahead, your majesty. She will return to us if any danger awaits on the horizon. That's his bird.
Yeah, sorry, I was just going to pause because I didn't know whether or not I couldn't remember if we were a part of it when he was talking about his bird. I don't know if you did notice that sitting on the tree behind you. Well, you did make her appear and fly off. I did, yes. Yeah, yeah. Robin's very good at looking out for change here. So if anything's coming our way, we'll know before they know about us. Yes, I was just getting a little bit suspicious. It was quite quiet, I thought. No, fair enough. So the blight
How badly has that affected you? Well, I feel that it might have affected my mother. This is why I'm going to investigate. That sounds very serious. What do you know of it? The blight. Only that... Things that Claude has told me. And how it's laying waste to this land. Me and my...
Friends. The group's getting shorter actually, smaller. Me, Robin and Tally are not from here. We're from a... I guess a different plane of existence from what I've been... The same plane of existence actually. Oh okay, the same plane of existence. Lord popping up. We're from a place called the Sword Coast. And we've been here now a few weeks. Where is the Sword Coast? That's a very good question.
It's hard to go through all the history and the place of an island or area where you don't even know yourself. We were just transported here through some ungodly means. Me, Tali and Robin. So you don't know your way back? No.
We didn't know this place. Where were you? Any gestures around? We don't know a lot about this place. And upon trying to find a way back home, we came across the blight and have learnt of its destructive nature. And we've been caught up in it. And now we want to help rid this place of the blight. Have you figured out how to? We have some leads and some ideas. It seems to be centred around closing
the other world where the dead rise and come through and we're trying to find a way of closing the rift. And this question trying to end the blight has taken us to Blackmouth where hopefully we'll find some more information key into closing these rifts. Well it sort of made me think that the skeletons that we defeated a couple of days ago
Would there have been a portal that we should have closed? I don't know. That's why I was asking you about it. How far away was it from here? Two days the other direction. From what I understand about these portals is that you wouldn't be able to miss if there was one around you. Vast amounts of
a handful, I would make the assumption that they just escaped from the Battle of Bleakmore, which thousands upon thousands on dead tried to raid this place. That might just be a cohort, an offshoot of that. I wouldn't worry too much unless you saw this massive rift. Yes, which I didn't. And I wasn't told about your rift, so we defeated what we could, what was in front of us.
You're very battle-hardy then, to be able to take on the undead. Even your friend over there must be well-trained. Well, when you're faced with such danger, you have no option. I see why you keep him around. You said this blight has affected your mother. How? Well, we haven't seen her in a number of years. And she wasn't well, the last I knew. My father spoke to me about her illnesses and
I know that I need to help her. That's why I went away. I had to learn to fight. Well, I respect that. For someone who lost his own parents a long time ago, I can understand why you're on your journey. No doubt Claude's going to help you as much as possible. I dare say then we will help you too. Thank you. But even if I don't save her, at least
I need to know that I've tried and I need to know why she's in the way that she is. Well, who knows? We're on our way to try and find more information about closing these rifts and try and end the blight. Maybe we can help each other. Thank you. Do they all come in the same form? The creatures that come through the rift? No.
We faced one particular... Oh, was it an undead that killed Shader? Yeah. Well, it was a demon. It was a mind flow, wasn't it? We came across one creature who was particularly powerful. And unfortunately, we lost one of our friends.
That particular beast. This demon that came out of the rift. Sorry that you lost a friend. It's the price of war and he died honourably. I know how you feel. I've been in many battles. Then you know there's glory to be had in death. And sadness.
But now we have a personal battle with this Blight. So in ending the Blight, maybe we can bring justice to one of our own. How long have you been fighting the Blight? Approximately three weeks. Approximately. Has it been three weeks? I think, yeah, you rolled it altogether. Probably. I think ever since we arrived, I don't think...
With all the blight happening, it's not chance that we're here. We were brought here to fight the blight, as I've been told by other members of my party. Off no distance from where you two are currently stood, you do see a small settlement etched into the sides of the cliffs.
Approach to Blackmouth and Its Strategic Importance
flanked by a log wall, a thin trickle of black smoke floating above its centre, you see what you can assume is the settlement of Blackmouth. Seems more like a rudimentary militia barracks more than a civilian encampment.
The path is well worn. You notice as you get closer, more and more ruins start to appear of buildings no more than 20 years of age. You can tell this given the amount of growth that's taken place over the top of it. Of large, grand buildings, pillars of stone, pillars of large arenas and spaces.
You will also pass what you can assume are the destroyed outskirts of a wall. A large thick wall which has been ultimately completely razed to the ground. This encampment seems to have been built within the ruins of another city. You're still probably about two hours from Blackmouth before you hear a voice call out.
There's voices to the north, so you're right. And off to the right, you see another thin trickle of smoke and a number of humans just off, probably about 200 metres, 200 feet away from you, dressed in hailstorm surge clothing, looking rather confused and quizzically at the group. Who was that? I'll step forward. I asked you first, I went, oi, who goes there? Hello! This is, hello, Academy business. Yeah?
No, this is an Academy business. No, this is Academy business, and he points to himself. No, no, we're Academy business. I think you're mishearing me. I'm saying we are Academy business, and you're not. We are. You aren't. He is. I'm under orders from Gilder Art Court. Oh.
Hello! And he steps out and a few of the others step out as well and these are soldiers dressed in a hailstorm surge attire. Their armour seems to not really fit right. You can all see this. As I step a bit forward I'm just going to turn to Helena and say helmet on my lady. Yeah, no I have.
But at looking at them, how, like, compared to Claude and how well he looks after his tabard, how do these guys look? Their tabards look well worn. It's the armour that doesn't seem to fit properly. Okay. You notice that some of them are missing slight bits. Some of them haven't got their kind of, the kind of armoured glove portions on. They're set by a fire. All still wear in the armour. Some of them seem to wear it better than others. Okay. Overall, it gives an appearance of ill-fittingness. A bit ramshackle.
more yeah more down to their lack of size and stature than to your experience of the obsidianus and of the hellstorm surge and the hellstorm academy members they're all relatively usually apart from clawed athletic in some regard and these don't particularly
Robin, again, with his past sensing something not being right, roadside ambushes, is going to quickly just go to either Folly or Drago, who was closest and go, probably Folly. Keep your eye on me.
I just need to check something and I'll go into Neuror and I'm just going to scan to see if there's any sign of an ambush. Okay, as you do that, Tally reaches down for her book again, but thinks better of it, removes her hand. You look around and as you go into Neuroriel. Neuror, sorry.
As you go into Neuror's eyes and scouts around, you can see quite clearly this is a well-established small camp on the outside of the town. There's no one else around. There seems to be a well-defended-ish small camp. You count 11 soldiers or members who are currently there. I'll snap back and just say, neither to be sure. So, who are you? We are on orders from Gilderark Ward. We must get to Blackfowls.
Well, uh... Why are you stationed here? Well, that's none of your business, actually. Why are you hiding in the trees? Well, it's a bit of a long story, actually, madam. Um, no, boys, it's all right. No, come on. Just, it's fine. Get on with it. Another figure pops up next to her, next to the first chap. Just sit down, sit down, Zendra. I'll speak to them. I'll speak to them. Good afternoon.
Hello. How may I help you? What is your business here in Blackmouth? We are on academy business. We are going into Blackmouth under the orders of Gilderat Accord. And that is all. Well, I should probably tell you that's a very bad idea and that you should turn around and go back to where you came from. Why? Why do you think that? Because you are not allowed in.
We are under orders from the head of the academy. Yes. We will be entering Blackmouth. Well, I'm under orders of King Leopold's League God II to withhold the rebellion that's taking place in Blackmouth and members of the hailstorm surge should not enter into it as we are currently in negotiations with the Blackmouth rebels at the moment. Why is Wood the... And I'm looking at Karthstan at this point. Why would...
Members of the Hailstorm Academy been negotiating business on behalf of the king when we don't serve a crown. He points to the other guy I was talking, is Academy or was Academy. I am not, I am Serge. And we have been tasked with speaking with the Blackmouth rebels and bringing it back into the fold. They have been withholding taxation and supplies, you see.
Yeah, there's not many of us. I know, but the king for some reason thinks this should be enough given, you know, the history of Blackmouth. Have you let anyone in here recently? A couple of traders. What about a single person? Yeah, a couple of nomads coming in looking for people and stuff. Any elves? Elves? Well, none that I really think about, really. Uh, insight check on him, please. Yep, go on, Rob. Okay. Uh, I think we're past it, 21.
Everything he's saying seems to check out you believe in. Okay, cool. Well, I mean, maybe the king did do it. Maybe the king has, I mean, if there are rebels, then maybe there are people negotiating. We need to move quickly, and we are about the business of expediating this. Anyway, we can. Can we go in there and assist with negotiations, or maybe assist with more aggressive negotiations if needed? I'm a good talker!
You're a loud talker as well. Thanks. Not great. Listen. He takes his advisor off and puts his sword down on the side. Could have kind of throws it on the floor really. Listen.
He looks round over, this is all Lucian and Arc Ward could spare, really. They don't understand what Blackmouth represents. This is a stronghold of resentment to the kingdom. If we could calm down hard grieve, we went back Blackmouth, and then with it, the Blackmouth Rangers, Kennard, and all the resources that Blackmouth can bring in. They don't understand, they just think of it as this, and he gestures out to the kind of broken buildings and ruins, and just think of it from the rebellion of the past, that it's different now.
They've got power. They've got things to help. All they care about is us and sleep guard. We need them for the blight, but they just want the rebellion to end. But they haven't killed anyone yet, so I don't understand why they sent us. There's fucking 12 of us. 11 of us. Who's Hargreave? Hargreave. He's Jamus Hargreave. He's currently the so-called leader of the Blackmouth rebels.
Jamis hard grieve. Has the entire city been taken over by the rebels? Not taken over. They're all, they all go with Jamis. They all agree with him. They all agree that, you know, what's happening isn't right. Well, you wouldn't get this kind of rebellion in the Sanglin lands, let me tell you. We would have put this right down. We're not in the Sanglin lands. No, all right, we're not yet. Don't all dance around on petals. I've already danced around on petals once.
Thank you. To return to the point, we need to get in there. What have we got to do to get in there? Now listen, look, you, and he mentions the cards, you'll probably hide the tabard. They're not going to like the fact that you're... I will not. Well, then they're going to kill you on sight, probably. They can try. They can try. Thank you. Of course. That's lovely. I'll just put it out there that they have the Blackmouth Rangers.
you know, Canard Paddell, one of the best marksmen in the whole of Sleepguard. He, how do I put this, fired a warning shot. He said he was gonna fire a warning shot at me and, well, and he just holds up his
Entering Blackmouth and Local Interactions
hand and he's got a hole in the very centre of his hand. That's from when I held my hand up to say hello. He shot through the centre of my hand. So, um... Not a very nice warning shot. You meant to miss with those. He didn't mean to miss. He did.
Bob, thank you very much. That feels much better. I mean, I mean, I don't know about this, Jamus, or Seamus, or whatever his name is, but, Jamus, but these are mighty heroes. I'm sure they can deal with this, can't you? And he looks, Carson looks at the party. Robin, for effect at this point, has started to just munch on an apple or something, and he just gets bored, pulls it into the air, and he's gonna try and shoot the apple. Okay, take a shot.
Oh, this is intimate. And heal it.
Okay, it's good, it's a 30. 13 plus 11. I said the 18 and the head is 18, that's only quite high as well, 30. So you definitely want to see.
You manage to whip the apple kind of up and up, behind your back, up and over your shoulder, much like a phlegm mixologist with a drink. Throws it up and as it's up, pull off an arrow with the opposite hand, blow the bow and almost half looking, half not really, nonchalant mucking, shoot the apple. The apple then and the arrow also forge perfectly into the hand of a tree doll who's the man you're speaking to and he stands there. Huh. You said the marksman was good. Wait till he gets a load of me.
Oh, that was quite a rounding if I'm honest myself. I'm not gonna lie, I don't know whether to be scared of you or to buy you a drink in a sexual manner.
Listen, you, hunchback, if you want to win them round, I recommend hiding the tab up there, not removing it, just hiding it. And you, m'lady, the armour looks a bit expensive, so maybe you wrap that up as well. You don't want to bring any undue attention to yourself. Now, I shouldn't really do this, but all right.
You've made your points, and I've made mine, apparently. Anyway, so... I can see! Yeah, I'm wearing armour, so you can't thank you, Barb. But, nonetheless...
Nonetheless, he looks around. Sorry, he said that in accident for some reason. He looks around in third person. He looks around and you see near the back a man sat down with shackles on his arms tied to his legs and he's sat by the fire looking up at you but is obviously in regular civilian clothing.
There's a bloke over there. He's kind of wanted for murder in there. We kept him out to stop him from killing him, but you could use him as a peace offering maybe and take him into the city. His brother owns the bar, the pub in there. But that might be your way in if you take him in as a goodwill gesture perhaps. I don't think it's wise to sacrifice someone's life. Oh no, he's wanted for murder. They won't murder him, not without cause.
Maybe they'll murder him. I don't really know how the rebels' justice system works. We'll kill all the nasty rebels, I think. They're worse than the Drelax. I'm not sure about that, my man. Because we could do with the Blackmouth Rangers. There's over 200 of them. Sounds like the manpower would be good to take on the Blight, Claude. I'm just thinking. Probably right. Two to three hundred of the best archers in the entire realm would be rather handy.
Yes, I agree. If you go against the king, you deserve to die, but they have a history. You know, everything with Geryontra and everything that's happened with the past here, I think it best that we don't have a repeat of that and, you know, you don't know. How about this? We go in there, we try to resolve this peacefully. If not, we kill the ringleaders and you instal Newt. Robin, this is not your land and I will look at Helena.
What do you think, fellow traveller? Well, I'll say really quietly, cos I don't know who's... Oh, I don't want these guys to hear me. Um, he mentioned Lucian. Where might he be? I don't think he's gonna be in... Blackmouth. Well, maybe he could help us out. He's my brother. But he's not... Isn't he in Spiritmon Reed now? Isn't he half a country away?
He mentioned him that he... Well, everyone from the search knows him. Yes, but they must be in contact with him to know what to do, so I just wondered if... We're all in contact with him. He's our general. Can't we talk to him? No, I was your brother. Well, I haven't spoken to him in years. What I mean is, what do we want to do about right now? Do we want to take this man, what's wanted for murder?
You're my lady. I follow your orders. Well, yes, we've got to get in there. We need something. As you wish, my lady. We will take the man who's wanted for murder. Brilliant. Well, Oi, Antro, get up. Hempler. Is this all right if I can get him? Drago walks over to the man. Is it this one?
and I pick him up by his shackles, just push him onto my shoulder. So once he's done driving his back, cast, then I'll sort of be behind him going... Tough luck in it. Oh, you're a bard, aren't you? I've been like this before. What's your safe word? What? What? I've been in a similar situation. I just wondered whether you had a safe word. A safe word? What do you mean? Oh, it's not. I just wondered if you had one. If you don't,
Um, I mean, if you've not got one, it sucks to be you. I'm in the castle, I walk up. It's folly. You did a thing once, where you made it look like you were wearing a tabard, but you weren't. Did you get it? You were temporarily older than what I'm wearing. Well, what is it that you like? Well, the man there said don't go in wearing hailstorm colours, and the princess wants us to go in.
Tap his quarterstaff twice, and cast... I'm sure I pressed the digitization there as you need. I'm basically going to make the symbol disappear and blend in with the rest of the colours, which has actually gone on, so if it's all black, now the symbol is just black as well. Yes, the white X that is currently on the plus sign almost, that is on the tabard, just slowly melts away into just a black tabard that no longer has that signal up on it. Yeah.
Cool, I'm heading in towards the place. Okay, so, as we start to make our way closer, you notice the mountains above the scale of the mountains start to lift higher and higher and you realise this is right at the very base of the mountains. The man is over the shoulder, seems to physically, you can feel him kind of quivering and shaking on your back, like physically shaking, not like anything else, like physically shaking on your back. As you start to
You leave the camp, the camp of the hailstorm surge and head back to the road, you notice, not far from the distance now, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 men start to just appear with bows, not aimed at you yet, but just waiting, watching as you start to approach on the outskirts of the town of Blackmouth within the ruins of this larger city. What would you like to do? I would just go
I didn't murder anyone. I don't know why they think it's me. Listen, I'm being set up for this in some way as a soldier. There was a 12th member of their group and he was out to the mines and then he got stabbed in the neck and now he's dead and it wasn't me and they think it's me. Look, just speak to my brother. Fadron, okay? He runs the tavern. Just go speak to him. He's just in town. He should be able
but you need to speak to them. What's your name? Well, my name is Henler. H-E-N-T, apostrophe, L-A, if you're writing it down. So, Henler, are you telling me to give you over but come back for you? My town is Blackmouth. That's where I live, that's where I grew up. Even during the earlier rebellion, that's where I lived. I survived that and I think I will survive this, but I did not kill that soldier. I did not do it.
return okay have you ever heard and I'm saying this low to him he's close to me so no one else should be able to hear this even with my voice you ever heard of Dionix Reaver he stopped shaking yes I heard of that
Stop them killing me and clear up my name. I will tell you all I know about the Onyx Reaver. Okay. Which isn't a lot, but I can point you in the direction of who you need to speak to. That's fine. So the plan is for you to be captured right now. I'll come and get back for you. You don't want me to rip through all these men and just get you out of here now. No, some of these... some of these people are my family. So just clear your name. Talk to your brother. Please.
And I will try to not let them kill you. I appreciate that, thank you. Name's Drago. What have you already known that I already told you it? Thank you. Being that guy, it has, to Carson's obviously been looking at the man as well. Is he telling the truth in his story?
Oh, yeah, you'd know either way, wouldn't you? As far as you were aware, yes, he was telling the truth. And because I can read lips, no matter how far away he is. You heard everything. Well, saw the words. And I could know what to say. Thanks. Yep. You're totally aware of that. As you start to approach closer, is there anything else that wants to be settled on as we approach? I'll just, uh, yeah, say to Helena, a lady, whatever you need, you will decide and you will come out. What do you mean?
Well, this is a bit of a tricky situation. I think that you should decide what we do. Well, we know what we're going to do. We're going to take this man in. OK. Let's hope that's all we have to worry about. Listen, we're all together. We'll protect each other. We all have business here in Blackwell. We need to get in. Yeah. It's quite simple. All right. And makes me feel better.
Okay, as you start to approach, you hear quite a clear, HOLD! And three or four bowmen pull back bows in your direction. What business do you have here? I am dropping off this, um, murderer wanted for crimes. You're a guy. You need this guy. Go, leave him at the door, then walk away. No, we're not walking away. We're buying passage through to Blackmouth. This is the bargaining tool. And as a pause, this conversation takes place between a few of them.
gates just open and the bows are lowered and you're allowed into the time. And you notice as you walk past these bowmen do not look like they're city guard in any way shape or form, they wear green hoods, they wear minimal armour, long deep black bows which seem to be made of some special wood. Their quivers of bows are filled for the gain of these
deep brown almost oaken coloured wood for the shaft of their arrows and the feathers used seem to be of a multi plethora of colours. So some of these feathers seem incredible in terms of their colour and plumage as well. They don't seem like they're just for show though. These arrows are in D4 for firing and these soldiers are very very good at what they do.
As you enter into the city of Black... the town of Blackmouth, a member of the... what you can assume are the Rangers steps down and says, we're all taken from you. Thank you for bringing him in. Where did you find him? Outside. Chained up. Oh. He's with the Hailstorm lot. I don't know if he's with the Hailstorm lot or captured by them. Maybe you both wanted him. Either way, you've got him. Appreciated. What's your business here in Blackmouth?
We're traveling through. We're just looking for a place to stay, really. A pub, maybe? A drink? He chose Blackmouth, of all places. Well, he was on the way. To what? The Blight. Blight's in the opposite direction, Dragonborn. He's a bit bad at directions. Okay. It just seems odd. You're coming this way. There's nothing else through here except the mines. Our business is our own, do you accept the terms? You get this guy, we go through. Very well.
just in case you're wondering carry on down the road here you'll hit the storm market which is the outside area inside from that we've got Copper Rock and then the upper ward the upper wards for the entrances to the mines the mines are right of business and out of action for all do not try and enter the mines room is a band of an undead force in there but we're shutting it down we've got a local stocky here and he's gonna blow the fuck out of there see all the entrance okay apart from that two pubs in the Copper Rock you could probably go and visit
Riverstone Pub: Local Politics and Mission Strategy
That's good to know. I will heed your advice. Thank you. You're welcome. And as I hand over my friend, I will say loud and pointed, I hope you are blessed in your future endeavors.
And I'll cast Bless as he walks past me on the fugitive. On the fugitive? Oh, I like the little teamwork you guys have got there, nice. So you've managed to cast Bless on him and he feels, again, as you've seen many times before, his shoulders straighten up a bit and he blinked his eyes a few times almost as his vision seems to have cleared up slightly as well. You make your way into town on the outside of the city, sorry I keep saying city, of the town,
A lot of the buildings are very ramshackle, made of wood, made of tents, but as you get further and further in, you start to notice the same kind of architecture than that of Evershire, than that of Bleakmore, of other places, that kind of white, panelled, Tudor-esque feel to the buildings. The closer in you get, you realise they're the older buildings that maybe have survived whatever had happened here many, many years ago. As you get closer, a small boy runs up and looks directly at Helena. Hello!
Hello? I like your armour. Thanks, I like your hair. Thanks, my dad cut it. Well done. Thank you. Where do you live, boy? I don't think I should tell strangers that, really, but I live in Copper Rock, just up the road from here. Where are you from? I'm from outside. Oh, that's big out there. Yes, don't leave here. No, I won't, he picks his nose. Where are you going? To the pub. Do you want to come?
I'm a bit young for that, it's a bit early for me. Not judging you though. Well, which one? There's two. I can lead you there for money. What? Do you know which one's run by a person called Thadron? Riverstone. Can we go there? Yes. For... 200 gold. How about I give you... Deal.
and he starts walking off. So he starts kind of explaining things as he goes and he's almost just there, really just enjoying the company really. So have you been to Blackmouth before then? Intrepid travellers of the world? No. Blackmouth has been run
For a number of years, by James Hargreave, it wasn't always run by him. Before him, it was run by Jerry Ontra, the hero of Blackmouth. That was before the whole city was destroyed, and we were allowed to leave, and then we came back here a couple of years later. You've learned a lot at school, boy. I'm a schoolboy, yes. I read a lot of books.
Jerry never confessed to being a traitor though, that's why the rebellion started and eventually he left and went to Drolak because that's the punishment when you're a traitor you go to Drolak and then there was a siege and then the king said
no more siege and then they bombed everything and that's why there's no city left and that's why we're here in the middle and that's why we like Jamis because he wants to get us back up to the strength we were oh look here's the pub and he turns to his right Helena will also turn to her left where
Carsten is walking jolly alongside her and she'll say, do you know this boy, Carsten? No, I just asked him to take us to the pub. It's only because he talks a lot, just like you. Young boy, you have a talent and you should foster that. Don't let anyone put you down.
He, like, doesn't even respond to that. He's kind of blank stares back.
She'll take her silver out of her pocket, and she'll just give him a little silver coin. Oh, thank you very much for this. And then she'll walk into the... Thank you very much for the single silver piece. And then she holds that, and then waits for the next person to walk past, still the handout, now expecting that that was the payment. Just while that was happening, that whole joke was happening to the pub, and Helena and, er, Karsten was talking and making conversation, I would have just communicated to Tylee Foley,
the future to have so that everyone's in the loop of there's information for the honest revert who we need to go to how we're going to break them out i'll tell you later don't worry i'm glad i'm still not letting him die if he's innocent i also have a bit concerned that there are undead in the mines and they've sent a stocky to deal with it oh we can talk about that in the pub but the last time a stocky tried to deal with it it blew up probably
Yeah, just as we got there, that's what was happening in the background while Karsten was being Karsten and Helen was being genuinely delightful. And Helen walks in after handing the silver piece to the small boy, and the small boy turns to Karsten and kind of expects a thing. Karsten will give her the silver piece. Very kind of you, sir. Welcome to Blackmouth. And then turns to Follyn. Follyn, like I'm staring at him.
The new town of Blackmouth was born from the remains of the city, and talk of rebellion returns to the lips of their new inhabitants. Finally they're gonna bonk him on the head with his quarter stuff. You mother fucker! He's probably as high as you. Carry on walking.
He looks a bit dang hard. And that's how, all of a sudden it turns out, that's like Jameson's son. And he puts the two silver pieces in his pocket and he says, I will always remember that. Now I'm going to be really racist towards all your people. He takes the two pieces of silver and just kind of puts it in his pocket and just...
Can't look down at anybody. Nobody likes that. And lets him pass without saying anything and then doesn't look up at the others as they walk past and just push the door. I can't. I can't. I can't believe I'm doing this. Joago reaches into his statue and brings out a gold coin. There you go. For the dickhead move earlier. Um, yeah. Thank you. Leopold was furious and said the battalion of soldiers were seated until they surrendered. I walked off. The only one was, I don't know what to say. I'll take one out of my way. He passes out.
And the gold and the two silver pieces are just on the mud, just in front of him. He's spaced out, isn't he? He's spaced out. No, he's not in the mud, but he's just on the old ground. And it's handed to him. The gold piece and the two silver pieces is there, as he's lying there. Have we seen this happen for a good time? You got something walked in yet? No, he was kind of... Everyone was lying out and he was waiting in order. And you two... Oh, no, sorry, of course you'd already gone in. No, you wouldn't have seen this. But I thought I was not there. I was going to say, Folly, but I was going to go... I'm going to say, if I was still there, Mage Hunt coming out again. Well done, Folly. You killed a child.
It's alright, it's alright, Claude's not gonna do it. Thanks Claude. It'll be fine. I'm just gonna, yeah, reach down and heal it and touch him on the back and then walk into the pub. Oh my God, all my silvers.
I hold that one more and go, this is for you if you need it right now. What is it? It's one gold. Look at his feet. His eyes start to roll back in his head and his legs. His kids have never seen so much money in his life. I take the gold away and I put it into the mage hand and it just starts to drift away and I wave at him and go, follow the gold. And he starts running after him. Someone, I joined the cause of the city of Melbourne. And he catches it up and I drop the mage hand so he can grab the gold from the side.
picks it up, looks around. That's like them waves and then runs off. He's made 22 silver pieces of us. He's not working again in his life, ever. Exactly, now. And off he goes. As you walk through the outskirts of the storm market, you've entered into the Copper Rock, the interior area, but you do see a pub, which looks very nondescript compared to the other buildings, called Riverstone. Ironically, there's no river around.
The building looks very nondescript and as you open the doors you see one other person aside from your original party in there and that was a man behind the counter. He is rather dirty, his hands look grubby with mud under his nails and a sweaty brow as he seems to just be sat down behind the bar looking up as firstly he sees Helena walk in, he stands up looking more and more confused as more and more people start to walk in.
Erm... Hello? Erm... Travellers? What can I get you? It's more like what we can get you. What? That sounds a bit worrying. And a what closer to him? Am I right in thinking this is the brother? Yes. Yeah, it is. And I'm going to shut the door behind us once we're all in. Oh, I just want to make sure that my memory was... This feels like a shakedown. Oh, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
It's okay. It's okay. Um, we're not all as mean as he looks. Fuck. Alright. I don't know what to do with that. No, it seems like a backhanded incontinence. Maybe let's get some ales in. I was just going to say exactly the same thing. Ales, and as he says ALC, she's just a slightly weird kind of look towards Helena as she spoke. Ales all round. Milk, please. We don't have any milk. By that I mean I can't be bothered to go and get any. Water is fine.
I want to see you drink at least once, Claude. No. Do you not drink, Claude? No. Why? Don't drink.
That's a fair assumption, you don't get many people who don't drink coming into pubs. I think ale, apart from water, the ale's probably cleaner than the water. True, I would agree that's what I wasn't going to go take from the horses trough but that's what he's getting and he quickly pulls out one, two, three, four, five, six ales for everyone including Charlie except for Claude as he pulls out, he reaches down and pulls out a questionably coloured glass of water. He'll cast Purify Food and Drink and instantly
I've not been called young in some decade. Well you've just performed magic that didn't seem to involve stop magic so could you do that on this cart because behind you and clean the whole barrel as a favour for a round of free drinks? Of free drinks, Claude. Yeah, free drinks. Why don't Claude take one for the team? He'll sip his water. That is exquisite water.
I would be delighted. Very kindly. He opens up the bar around and gestures you round. It's rather clean, but... Would you mind locking the door? Of... To the pub. Yes, of course. He goes to the door and turns the lock... turns the key and puts it in his pocket looking at the party. You can hear the whistling wind kind of ripping around the building as the wind seems to have been narrowed down through this...
through the mountains towards this small encampment. He's all yours, Drago. I'm gonna walk to the bar and do that thing he asked. You have a brother who is captured and is currently wanted for murder. Now, if you're gonna come and ask me where he is and how I can find him... Steady on.
Clearing the Name of an Accused Brother
I know where he is. You don't. It's more about how we can help you clear his name. You want to help clear his name? We're friends to your brother. You know, Helper.
Oh, you know he didn't commit what they said he's doing. So he says... I believe him. He believes him. We need more information. Well, what is it you'd like to know? What happened? It was four or five days ago now. There was a soldier standing by outside the mine's entrance.
He was stabbed in the neck. Soldier of who? Of the sleep guard, Serge. He was one of the 12 that were sent here to quell the rebellion. 12 soldiers, though. They were never going to make much of an impact. There were hundreds of the Buckmouth Rangers. And he was standing watch. And then they had the night shift. And the next morning they found him dead with a strange dagger sticking out of his neck. Why was your brother accused of the murder?
He was around there when they caught, when they found out the body was there. Another member of the Hellstorm Surge walked round, saw Hentladd looking over the body. He had the dagger in his hand, albeit it doesn't look good, but he wouldn't be able to hurt a fly. You've seen him, he's all skin and bones. He couldn't kill a soldier of the Sleekard Surge. Robin, did Elsio ever have daggers? He did. Where's the dagger?
Er... I don't know. As far as I'm aware, either the Blackmouth Rangers have it, or it's still there. I don't know. It does look bad. He was stood over the body with the murder weapon in his hand. It does, but I wouldn't defend him if he was a murderer. Granted, and we... I think all of us believe that he's not a murderer. And our aim here is pure. We just want to get him out.
And he sent us to you, saying that you'd be able to help clear his name. He did? Well, that's uh... Well, he's got some sense after all. Monday, that's right. Um...
Yes, yes, of course. When I went back there, and I looked, which I think you should go to the site of the murder and have a look yourself, there were, when I looked, I think, two tracks, two sets of prints. Now, Heather that was, was convicted alone. There was another person there that he wasn't, it wasn't one person, it was two people that did it. That's why I don't think it was my brother. So that might be a good place to start. I agree.
Um, I take out the map. Can you mark on here?
where you need us to go. Absolutely. And he looks at the map. Oh, it's a bit vague. I'll draw you on this a bit clearer. Thank you. And he draws out a map of Blackmouth for you, which I'll just show you now. Oh, look at this. I'll just show you that map now. I've done one for each of these, so if anyone will look at the previous cities we've been in. Are you serious? There is one for each of these. So that's Blackmouth. Do you just want to have it? Yeah. There is also, and he marks, sorry, he marks
All this area here is like the mountains, all that... His area here is like the mountains. There's actually farmland on the upper. This is all the mountains. So at the very, very back here, within these kind of broken walls, he marked an X. He marked an X there, which is kind of the entrance. That's the entrance to the mines. That's where he was murdered. Is that the mine they're trying to seal?
That is the one, yes, we've managed to get, I've forgotten his name, the stock he's in, he's gonna try and close it up. There's Highhaven, you haven't been there yet? Oh, it's just the two, there's more. Is it fair to say that...
this town which they're trying to regenerate would do well to clear the mine rather than destroy it possibly that's just an example picture of what the area kind of looks like the mountains right in the background just behind really high mountains who would have reason to to kill a member of the search would it be the rebels no they just want a good they want a good working relationship with the rest of sleep guard there's a big history behind
black mouth and it's a proud history, it might not be a big town, might not be a big city anymore but there's a proud history behind it and we command the respect of many people in Sleek God and the people who might want to do that and cause dissent between the ranks might be someone wanting to break up the empire, wanting to break up the kingdom and make us turn on ourselves and there are many people that want that to happen in Sleek God. And you said it was a strange knife, why was it strange?
The wood of the handle wasn't from anywhere around here. I didn't recognise it. Are there any end buttons on the other side? No, it was a deep, dark coloured wood. It was wood though, like a dark brown colour. I saw it briefly. I don't know what happened to it. It might still be there. I'm not sure what it did with the dagger.
But they just accused him and that was it, game over. He was arrested and it was only until the sleep guard, Serge, were kind of removed from the city that there was only hope really to keep him alive. How long do you think your brother has? He's currently captive by these rebels. I handed him over.
as price to get us into this place. Yes, I understand. A few days, perhaps, could have already made their mind up that he was the one that was guilty and despite a member of the Hailstorm Surge being killed, the Blackmouth Rebels don't like murderers.
Blackmouth Rebels and Mine Investigation Plans
There is a code. So, who is it we need to actually convince? Is it James? Do we need to convince James that your brother's innocent or...? Yes. James Hargreeve or Kennard. One of the two. Kennard's the head of the Blackmouth Rangers. He's... He's an incredible woman. They work together. They're very, very close friends. Grew up together, you see.
I know them. Quite well. The problem is, Cannard's not a fan of the royal family. He has some history with his own family and his family were killed in the last siege of Blackmouth and he blames Leopold for all of it. Well, I can't see that being a problem in our crew. No? No.
We'll heed your advice and we'll go over to the mouth of the mine and do some investigation. When, not if, but when we get your brother out, can we reconvene here and have a conversation with him? Of course. And you? You can use this as your staging post, if you will. There's not many customers who come in here much at the moment, given... Do you have beds? Of course. Enough for all. We don't have much money. Don't need any. If you're saving my brother, that's money enough.
I hate to be insensitive, but do we have time to investigate such an issue? Well, we need to make good on what we need to do here, and I think we're not going to be able to do that in the current climate. Clearing this man's name and alleviating the tension could help us. And we could find out key information among the locals that we wouldn't otherwise have access to. It's just going to take days. We need to go back to the murder scene.
It's not far, it's only probably a half an ounce walk from here into the town. Right. I'm also worried that the mines will explode at any time because of the stocky. I agree with Claude. Yeah, stockies are, yeah. I'm Claude. That's why I like to live where I'm living and not where he is. Perhaps we should check out this mine if the cause leads us into the mine.
We could clear it, which would result in the leave of the deal. There are undead here, and it's my... Hmm... I think it's... And Claude is conflicted about it not to reveal anything. It's very important that there is no longer undead in the mines. I agree with Claude. So do I, actually. We're gonna go and defeat the undead in the mine? Yeah, you're already good at defeating undead. Perhaps you could help us. Well, I think we could think as a team, and he puts his hand in the middle.
of everybody. We could go do it! I think we should go and talk to this, erm... Forgive me.
Communication Strategies and Preparations for the Mines
Kenn... Kennard? Kennard, the leader of the blackmailed rangers. Or Hargreeve, the leader of the rebels. There in Alliance. Which one sees you to access, Kennard or Hargreeve? Hargreeve is more public. Kennard normally stays back and is up in the mountains. Think of going and talk to Hargreeve. Tell him our plan.
Because if we get lost in the mines, we might lose precious time to save his brother. You hang around long enough for the murder scene, he'll appear. He's got close eyes and not anyone is spending any time around there. If we talk to him, tell him our plan. He's going to be along with the ride if we're going to clear out the undead. And it might just give us enough time to clear. So the murder scene's the mouth of the mines? Correct. That's where we go then? Yes. OK. But I do want to find this Ken out before we...
progress deep into the mines yes we all know what can happen when you take on the undead agreed must be careful i've heard stories of the undead from from the uh from the east and do you have any way to get word to kennard that a group of travellers will be heading towards the mine might be worth checking them out it'd be nice not to get trapped in when the stocky blows it out true um what i can do they won't speak to me but i can
I could speak to Grundra, she's here on a mission to kind of placate the two sides anyway. She came in a couple of nights ago asking about some information for some money actually, so she was good for that. I can try to speak to her again and see if she will listen and send a message on. Maybe you can do it on behalf of the rebellion and say you've seen some strange folk, they seem to be heading towards the mine. Oh, interesting. Yes, and kind of make it out like I'm helping.
I don't care the cause, I just need to talk to Canard. I think that's vital. I agree. Canard, Hen-dah. Hard. Just Canard. Canard. No, I got one for the other one, didn't I? You mean Jamie's hard-grief? Yeah, hard-grief. Who's the easy one to access? Yeah. Hard-grief. Yes, I will try and send word via... My laptop's gone off. I'll try and send word via Grandra that you were here and that they might want to keep an eye on you. Hard-grief might need to go speak to you. I think that's for the best. Shall we head to the mines?
Conclusion and Listener Acknowledgements
hand is still in the middle, looking expectantly at the whole group. Dragos the first to turn away and walk out. And Thadron turns to the door, unlocks it, and that pink is hanging. And Castan's hand looks lit. Pits his hand back. You like the idea of everyone failing, fighting out, and you're just left behind still. Everybody walking past the hand.
Helena will make sure she downs her ale first before she leaves. Nice. And as Daedron unlocks the door and opens it up, the lights, the sunlight kind of blinding through as each of the party pass through the doorway. Daedron thanking each and thank you, thank you so much, thank you, thank you as you pass out. The last one casts down with his hand still there, removes his hand, puts his pocket, sighs, turns to leave, and just as the door shuts,
That's where we'll end the episode for this week. The fellowship with the tabletop still in combat, but a real interesting little bit of time as we get into now. So much plot. So much plot. So much plot. Thank you all for tuning in and listening, making us a part of your everyday week. We love you for it if you could.
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I'm Darren. Darren Page 06. Did I call you Robin? Did I call everyone else or have they not? I can't. I think you need to change your name to Robin. It shows how good your character work is. Thank you. You can follow Casey at Unicorn Crit. And you can follow our incredible DM at Hastily Roll DM. Until next time guys.