AI and the curated buying experience, with Alan Gormley of Shopbox image
S1 E6 · Untitled SEO Podcast
AI and the curated buying experience, with Alan Gormley of Shopbox
AI and the curated buying experience, with Alan Gormley of Shopbox

Successful e-commerce stores stay relevant to their customers by providing an experience, not just a transaction. UX (user experience) is established as a way of removing friction points during the buying process, but can AI provide a much deeper and meaningful experience for your customers?

In this episode of the untitled SEO podcast we are joined by Alan Gormley, founder of Shopbox. Shopbox claim to be re-defining the online shopping experience, and during this episode Alan explains the technology (and evidence) that backs up that claim. 

Alan has developed AI in the context of retailer data intelligence for over twenty years and shares insight into how companies like Netflix have radicalised customer experiences without most of us even noticing. He also explains the technologies that can help drastically reduce CPA and customer retention costs.

We also discuss the maturation of AI and what is holding back the development of similar emerging technologies.

Find out more about Shopbox at

Find Alan on LinkedIn -

37 Plays
1 year ago

Successful e-commerce stores stay relevant to their customers by providing an experience, not just a transaction. UX (user experience) is established as a way of removing friction points during the buying process, but can AI provide a much deeper and meaningful experience for your customers?

In this episode of the untitled SEO podcast we are joined by Alan Gormley, founder of Shopbox. Shopbox claim to be re-defining the online shopping experience, and during this episode Alan explains the technology (and evidence) that backs up that claim. 

Alan has developed AI in the context of retailer data intelligence for over twenty years and shares insight into how companies like Netflix have radicalised customer experiences without most of us even noticing. He also explains the technologies that can help drastically reduce CPA and customer retention costs.

We also discuss the maturation of AI and what is holding back the development of similar emerging technologies.

Find out more about Shopbox at

Find Alan on LinkedIn -
